Rejuvenation binaural beats. Binaural beats - rebirthing - self-discovery - spontaneous yoga

Today we will put on headphones, relax in a comfortable position and listen to binaural beats, which are also called electronic medicine. These sounds are said to massage your brain, give various effects of psychedelic experiences and behavior modification. Let's take a critical look at these claims and understand the scientific basis for binaural beats.

Binaural beats are generated by playing a different tone for each ear and the slightly offset frequencies create the illusion of beats. These recordings are intended to be listened to with headphones and must not overlap. If you try to play with the sound balance, you can understand that there are no rhythms and this is just an acoustic illusion.

If you search the Internet, you can immediately understand that an entire industry revolves around the idea of ​​​​binaural beats, which convinces potential buyers of various effects on the human brain. Binaural beats can improve your mood, help you stick to your diet, or help you quit smoking. Improve athletic performance, give calmness, improve sleep and memory, act as an aphrodisiac, relieve headaches and even balance your chakras. is offering a $30 audio CD that is being called the first "electronic medicine". They say it can intoxicate without side effect. offers a range of audio recordings that claim to replace the real drugs Demerol, Oxycontin, and Vicodin. Suffice it to say, no matter what kind of magic power you need today, what is being sold on the Internet is exactly what should solve the problem.

But you don't have to spend money on binaural beats. They are very easy to get with the help of available and free programs. The author, for example, used a program called . It is quite easy to use and after a little trial, you can get some really good binaural beats. Binaural beats consist of two tones, but some people add background sound. Nothing unusual.

The question remains: Do binaural beats affect the brain in a special way? Many people think so. It is based on the assertion that binaural beats give the effect of "resonant involvement" (resonant entrainment). Engagement, in physics, is when two systems that have independent oscillation frequencies synchronize with each other to some common frequency. An example is the chirping of crickets or the croaking of frogs. Even a dancing couple is an example of engagement.

So, the main claim is that binaural beats involve electromagnetic brain waves, tuning them to the desired frequency.

Most sites give a short explanation of engagement. The most common example is with the participation of the Danish polymath Christian Heygen (Christiaan Huygens), who in 1665 placed two clocks with a pendulum side by side on the same wall. He noticed that after a while the oscillations of the pendulums became synchronous, but always in antiphase, as if negating each other. Hagen repeatedly destroyed this synchronicity, but the result, after a while, was the same. An example with pendulums is given by supporters of binaural rhythms, as confirmation of the existence of a spiritual connection between systems, through an "energy field". Unfortunately, they did not understand the essence of the phenomenon, not having read the story to the end. When Hagen removed one clock from the wall, the effect disappeared, as the physical connection of the clock through the wall disappeared. It was not the "spiritual closeness" of the watch, but their mechanical connection. Swinging, the pendulums transmitted an infinitesimal energy to the wall. According to one of the laws of thermodynamics, the system tends to a minimum amount of energy. Thus, the pendulums tend to balance each other and minimize the total energy of the system.

With regard to binaural beats, proponents say that the entrainment effect drives the brain's EEG to a certain frequency. If this is so, then the effect of involvement is completely irrelevant. Observations have shown that the EEG of the brain changes depending on the type of human activity. For example, in the state of sleep, the sinusoid of the encephalogram wave has a frequency of 4-8 Hz, which is called the Theta rhythm. A relaxed state with closed eyes without sleep corresponds to a frequency of 8-12 Hz and is called the Alpha rhythm. Only a few such states have been described, and they are far from being detailed. At the same time, the statements of sellers of binaural beats are quite specific. For example, a binaural beat at a frequency of X drives your brain to a certain effect, similar to the drug Vicodin. This is not true and is unacceptable. The brain does not work in this way, and we do not know the exact frequency of our state. It is absolutely unacceptable to say that the brain will come into state X if we listen to the frequency of X Hz.

But that's not all. Sellers of binaural beats say that brain waves work in reverse. Certain brain states produce certain waves, but waves do not produce a brain state. You can't run 6.5Hz and get instant happiness.

Lack of scientific justification does not mean that the effect is not real or simply has not been explained. Perhaps you get a certain result from listening to binaural beats that is not yet understood. Let's turn to the research and try to answer the question: Are there any results at all?

In a 2008 study at Hofstra University, patients with high blood pressure were played two different binaural beats and a babbling stream. No difference was found between the groups. Another small study from 2006 in Japan was published in the Journal of Neurophysiology. The Japanese played different binaural rhythms to patients and took electroencephalograms. All results were different. It has been suggested that binaural beats cause activity in the cerebral cortex, but this is more of a conscious reaction of the patient to the sound and is not related to its frequency. There is, however, another publication in 2005, which refers to the obtained correspondence of the EEG with the frequency of the binaural rhythm, but this was once in non-anonymous testing.

No research is required to understand that different music influences differently. Many people who work outside the home listen to music through headphones, which energizes and makes work easier. Some play music to help you sleep. The Muzak company is recording a special. Music affects our senses, so we assume that binaural beats have an effect too. Some people find them relaxing, while others find them energizing. But, so far no confirmation has been found that the influence of binaural beats is somehow different from the influence of other sounds. One thing can be said with certainty: The assurances of binaural beat sellers are not based on anything.

Except for the power of persuasion. If I offer you an audio track for a headache, you will not say that it did not help with a headache, but it improved your memory. It would be interesting to let five friends listen to the recording for the effect of intoxication, without giving out details. And then ask about the sensations with a choice from the list of answers. Most likely the answers will be different. If you have a friend who believes in binaural beats, do your experiment.

The author suggests a conclusion: Binaural beats do not work as advertised. They work no worse and no better than other audio recordings. If they put you to sleep, as the author, use instead of sleeping pills. If they relax you, nothing prevents you from relaxing. But don't expect more impact than regular music.

Translation Vladimir Maksimenko 2014

This article is a cry from the heart in a certain way. From time to time, I come across such “masterpieces” of creative thought regarding binaural beats on the net that it is impossible to remain silent.

Around binaural beats in Lately a lot of speculations, myths, legends, just outright nonsense have been formed, caused by the fact that the vast majority of people imagine the process of formation of this brain artifact very superficially. And I devoted a lot of time to this and still understand how and what happens.

So, what are we talking about when we say "pure binaural beats"? And we are talking about such a phenomenon as acoustic beats, more precisely, about its particular case. To explain the phenomenon of beats, an example is often given with two tuning forks slightly different in frequency, but beats will occur not only for tuning forks, but also for two singers, one of which is slightly out of tune, or in an out of tune piano when you press one key, which corresponds to two strings. That is, the main thing here is not the sound source, but the very difference in frequencies in a certain range. This fact seems to be widely known. But here’s what often escapes from vision - despite the fact that two sound sources are needed for this experience (and bini is two in Latin), we will call these beats monoural, because they are heard by both ears at the same time, I emphasize - each ear hears beat effect, i.e. even a deaf person in one ear can hear these beats. These beats occur in the medium of sound propagation, they are actually one of the cases of wave interference.

It is this effect that has been used since ancient times to change the states of consciousness of a person and groups of people. Those. discovered it was purely empirically discovered by shamans and other clergymen, and is now often used by various mystics in sauce " secret knowledge ancient."

However, what distinguishes a person, let's consider that it is beneficial, from an animal is the ability to reflect, and, of course, there were researchers striving to understand such practices. G.V. distinguished himself in this matter. Dove, however, despite the fact that he actually discovered the effect of binaural phenomena, many claims were made to his experiments due to the impossibility in the 19th century to draw a sufficiently isolated sound source to each ear. This technological difficulty was successfully overcome already in the 20th century with the help of stereo headphones. So, speaking of binaural beats, or “pure binaural rhythms”, we mean the effect of beats that occurs after the processing of sound signals directly in the human brain, i.e. in the external environment, these sounds are absent. Because Under natural conditions, it is impossible to achieve exactly this effect, they call it an artifact of the brain. I really hope that you will not confuse the concepts of monoural and binaural phenomena, because. their impact on a person is different as well as the mechanism of occurrence.

Now we will try to delve a little into the physiology of the process of occurrence of binaural beats. Here we are dealing with the miracle of symmetry and asymmetry of the human body. Ears are a paired organ, by which we mean that one ear is identical to the second. At the same time, we may not even worry that the ear has not yet been thoroughly studied .... We will omit the hammers, anvils, stirrup, as studied by everyone in high school and move on to the inner ear, about which the average student can recall that there is a snail, and may not remember. There is one interesting story with the snail - it consists of 3 different cavities filled with liquid. And at sufficiently high levels of the sound signal, vortices form in it. For an analogy, one can imagine a certain lake in windy weather - the water hits the shore or a ledge - and we observe a vortex pattern. In this vortex, the initial impulse undergoes shape changes, and the analysis of the impulse components occurs not before the formation of these vortices, but after with the help of the basilar membrane, which is already “sure” that the initial signal contained those components, i.e. the harmonics she discovered and isolated. What is curious is that musicians experienced this effect of the appearance of a “phantom tone” back in the 18th century. However, it was not without misunderstandings and disputes, due to the fact that the phenomenon is individual in nature and the audibility of "phantom" tones differs from person to person. Accordingly, some individuals do not feel these tones, especially in adulthood, when sensitivity to high-frequency components decreases. I also recommend noting this fact, because the question often arises “why do I not hear anything special?”. We will assume that to some extent we have dealt with the formation of subjective harmonics.

Further, today neurophysiologists proceed from the position that each ear is tied to its own hemisphere of the brain, the right ear to the right hemisphere, and the left ear, respectively, to the left. In parallel, I will note that now only the lazy does not know - the hemispheres are very different in terms of functions and ongoing processes, i.e. are functionally asymmetrical! However, anatomical symmetry is present and each ear has its own center of auditory analysis - the medial geniculate body in each hemisphere of the brain. When perceiving a binaural rhythm, respectively, each medial body calculates the emerging difference harmonic and a wave arises in one hemisphere that is equal to that which has arisen in the other in all respects. Thus, we get the key valuable effect of the binaural beat - the synchronization of the hemispheres. The next important point is that the hemispheres can synchronize at different frequencies in a certain range, while simulating different states of consciousness. Now we will simply list those that have already been sufficiently studied: delta waves, frequencies less than four Hertz are characteristic of very deep dreamless sleep, theta waves(four - seven Hertz) state of sleep with dreams, with alpha waves, with a frequency of seven dashes thirteen Hertz, high-quality relaxation is possible, increased attention And concentration starts at beta waves with a frequency of thirteen to forty Hertz). For lovers of clarity, the table:

Name frequency Hz Amplitude, µV peculiarities
delta rhythm 0.3-4 50-500 Rhythm of a sleeping person, sinusoidal
Theta rhythm 4-8 10-30 The rhythm of a completely relaxed state and transition to a state of sleep, anesthesia; sinusoidal
alpha rhythm 9-13 30-60 Sinusoidal; the rhythm of an awake person dominating in the occipital regions of the brain; associated with the ability to think abstractly
Beta 1 rhythm

Beta 2 rhythm

13-25 3-10 Aperiodic; dominates in the frontal regions; wakefulness rhythm
Gamma rhythm 35-100 5-15 Sporadic fluctuations in the state of wakefulness

As you can see most of the range brain waves is beyond the capabilities of human hearing (the issue of the low-frequency perception threshold of 20 Hz is quite controversial, because there are a number of conditions under which these frequencies are not audible to a person). Therefore, the use of binaural beats is indispensable for initiating the states of consciousness necessary for the individual and for the non-pharmacological treatment of sleep disorders, depressive states, and anxiety disorders. The treatment method based on the modulation of music or noise by individual EEG rhythms has unique possibilities, but this is a reason for a separate big discussion. We are doing this at our institute, and on the basis of the results we come to certain generalizations, but how representatives of various Internet treatment methods did it is a mystery to me. the table obviously presents a range of frequencies, and not one strictly fixed frequency.

Another feature of binaural beats is their perceptibility even with a large amplitude difference between the signals, which should not be expected in the case of monoural beats. Because binaural beats are a product of the brain, interacting signals may lie outside the hearing resolution, I will immediately note the fact that binaural beats are better heard when trying to mask them with noise - this is how probabilistic amplification works, increasing the resulting amplitude in case of coincidence of signal amplitudes and decreasing in the opposite. Therefore, our methodology is largely based on this fact in order to obtain a more stable result of listening to programs. Summing up, binaural beats affect health, but somewhat indirectly - through the state of consciousness, through the normalization of sleep, avoiding depression, but first of all, I would characterize binaural programs as a product for increasing the adaptive abilities of a healthy person. Here, in general, everything is clear - any tasks are more effectively solved with decent concentration, rest becomes more complete and requires less time with good relaxation, which, by the way, according to doctors, many of our compatriots have big problems - we don’t know how to rest. Personally, I use these programs, but I don’t undertake to agitate, I always suggest that you make a choice yourself, after all, binaural beats are an artifact, you can’t deny the artificiality of their appearance, but how many artificial things are these days? Tablets, for example ... Without them, of course, it is better, but how many manage? The non-pharmacological effect is still much milder, there is no accumulation of side effects. You are pathologically afraid of the artificial - take a monoural program, where in general all the impact is extremely natural, moreover, it has been empirically verified for centuries.

It is widely known that all organs, their functional parts, tissues and cells with ongoing biochemical reactions have their own frequency. They also like to call this frequency resonant, and they say so “resonant frequencies of organs”, but meanwhile they are resonant only when there is something to resonate with, and it’s just natural frequencies. This notorious resonance still needs to be achieved competently, given the fact that nearby organs and even systems have their own frequencies, moreover, they are far from always in phase. Theoretically, in order to achieve resonance, a signal of at least a certain amplitude is needed, exposure to a smaller force will not hurt, but their effect will not be obvious. This has long been noticed, using the sound of the bell for medicinal purposes, namely the bell with its signal power and the richness of the spectral components, and not the bell. To date, it is not at all necessary to ring the bells, because with their immoderate consumption, one can return some organs to a working state, while others can be damaged, this primarily concerns the ear. You can fully use the beat effect - since its appearance is associated with the need to localize sound in space, our brain is extremely sensitive to it (you yourself can conduct a simple experiment - listen to a monotonous sound at the same volume for a certain time and notice that the longer listening takes , the less you pay attention to this sound, but if in the same experiment the volume changes, the sound remains in the area of ​​attention constantly). This is how the ear is arranged - first of all, it reacts to changes in sound pressure, and in the case of therapeutic effects with sound, the ear is certainly an intermediary, leading to the same denominator directly the organ to which the resonant frequency is addressed and the brain that controls this organ or system. Tables indicating the frequencies of organs are widely distributed on the Internet, we give a similar one:

frequency Hz Organ
1.8 Skeletal system
2.6 Rough connective tissue, joints, heart valves,
2.6-3.4 Loose connective tissue, striated muscle, heart
3.4 smooth muscle
4.2 Single layered squamous epithelium of the digestive tract
4.9 Stratified squamous and prismatic epithelium, liver parenchymal tissue and biliary tract tissue
4.9-5.8 Epithelium, kidney tissues, reproductive organs
5.8 Lymphatic ring, pharynx, upper respiratory tract, lymphatic system, spleen, ovaries, prostate
6.6 Peripheral nervous system, bronchial epithelium, adrenal glands, thyroid gland
7.4 Central parts of sensory analyzers except visual, subcortical brain structures, pons, cerebellum, limbic system and lung parenchyma
8.2 Retina, optic nerve, cerebral cortex

As you can see, these frequencies lie in the region of infrasound and intersect with the rhythms of the brain. This is fraught with significant danger, because. Unlike binaural rhythms that exist inside the skull, monoural rhythmic beats exist in physical reality and the beat envelope may well lie in the infrasonic range, therefore various programs promising resonance with the diseased organ and its subsequent recovery look very strange, to put it mildly. Either this is an outright fraud, or thoughtless harm to health, which, fortunately, is impossible in most cases, because. sound engineering is not designed to reproduce such incidents. But this phenomenon did not arise from scratch - resonances are quite successfully used in relation to molecular-cellular structures. Their small size is quite comparable with the wavelength of higher frequencies, and since. processes, including oscillatory ones, in a living organism are strictly coordinated, that is, it is possible to influence the state of the organism as a whole.



Recently, the topic of binaural beats has become quite famous among people who are passionate about self-knowledge and self-development. On the Internet you can find a lot of different, sometimes conflicting information. about binaural beats. There are opinions both "for" and "against". Moreover, both of them are based on someone's living experience. I also use this technology in my practice, I have already fully studied, mastered and put into practice a lot of it. And so the picture of the phenomenon is more or less defined.

The term "binaural" comes from Latin: "bini" - "two" and "auris" - "ear"

And professional musicians-organists - finally you get complete zombies :)
Come on, you poor bastards: every single day their brains are subjected to binaural (what a nightmare) beats! Every day something incomprehensible-binaural hits their brains...
Well, cho, look at the portrait of Johann Sebastian Bach - well, the man obviously has an unhealthy look :) pure zombie :)))
Yes, and Handel in the portraits is not Apollo at all :)

In the East, this binaural effect is especially pronounced in the famous Tibetan "singing bowls".
Also, on any recording, you begin to distinguish these binaural beats when you know what they are ...

That is, in fact, it turns out that this effect has always been wonderful music therapy element used by people in both religion and secular culture.

By the way (holy-holy-holy :)) here you can drag in "historical mysticism": it has long been known in religion that, they say, "demons do not like bells." Like, they say, they all scatter, demons, from the ringing of bells ...
And they say the same about the body.

Perhaps the indicated sound effect would have remained in the sphere of interest only of musicians, if not for the American researcher Robert Monroe.
Back in the early 50s. 20th century he seriously undertook a comprehensive study of the mechanism of the impact of binaural rhythms on a person.
He saw that despite being widely known in scientific world effect of these rhythms (for the first time the existence of binaural rhythms was discovered by the German scientist G.W. Dove back in 1939), no one has studied their purposeful effect on the human condition - especially when listening through speakers with a stereo effect and through stereo headphones.

It was Robert Monroe who discovered that when listening to sounds of a similar frequency on different channels (right and left), a person just feels these same binaural rhythms (beats).

Monroe proved that when listening to stereo music through stereo headphones, a person subconsciously feels the difference in the frequencies of the left and right sound channels, and this frequency difference generates binaural rhythms in the listener's brain, absolutely similar to all those that have been known in music for so many centuries.

The cognitive dissonance:)

As well written as binaural beats are, be it in terms of history, physics, psychology, etc. - it will not give an adequate picture of them.

Words - or rather, even just these letters written by me and read by you - are completely irrelevant to live sound.

No matter how detailed the sound is described in words, this will not give us a complete picture. The old saying "no matter how you say halva - it does not get sweeter in the mouth" is quite applicable here.
And therefore, all the same, for a sober-skeptical mind, it still sounds abstract and therefore unconvincing.

In addition, some Western “brain institute” “promotes” this topic, and the degree of development of advertising and PR technologies in the West is such that they can present anything as necessary and useful, “promote” and “sell” anything.
Therefore, all official information coming from the Monroe Institute is immediately dismissed by a cautious skeptical mind.
Such a mind is looking for alternative sources, unbiased, materially unmotivated.

Such material is presented here.

I have absolutely no connection with any institutions whatsoever.
Moreover, it cannot be, which will be seen from the section on specifics and practice.
My "torrented" approach to the products of a respected institute is so peculiar that it practically excludes some commercial component, and in some ways is even unprofitable for the institute.

But it is a real live experience.

So, first of all, everything depends on the understanding of the phenomenon ITSELF.

Is it possible to describe this in a simple way - so that it is understandable to any person, non-physicist, and even a skeptic?

Let's try :)

But only here we need sound, because without real sound, visualization in this matter will not work in any way.

It is advisable to connect speakers if they are not connected, and even better put on headphones - then it will be really interesting :))

I will immediately calm the skeptical mind: all sound samples here will be so short, mostly 30-40 seconds each, that they will definitely not have any effect - neither positive nor negative :)
But in terms of clarity, in this case, you will get very informative and quite exhaustive material, understandable even to a schoolboy.

The next technical moment. It is necessary that your browser supports displaying the buttons of the built-in player. Look here please, line below, do you see the button that says "gong"?

If you see it, click on it and you should hear the sound of a gong.

At the same time, by the way, adjust the volume of your speakers so that this sound is comfortable for you - all other sound inserts will not be much louder or much quieter than this sound.

If you do not see the player button, then please look at the line below. Do you see the text hyperlink - the word "gong"?

If you see it, click. The file should download. Click on it, a gong should sound. Adjust the volume.

If neither one nor the other option worked and there is no sound, then either you have very cool security settings in your browser, or very outdated applications - it's time to update :)
In this case, alas, visibility will not work, and then for you there will be only text and pictures :)

If everything worked out, and in addition to the information one, we also established an audio "communication channel", then kaman, letsgow, injoy, as they say in our village :)))

Visually about binaural :)

Technically, binaural beats are two tones of slightly different amplitude (frequency) delivered separately to each ear.

Here is the monotonous sound that sounds in the left channel (by the way, at the same time check your speakers and then somehow swap them if the channels are mixed up)

In the sound editor it looks like this:

The sound is completely monotonous and monotonous. It is also monochrome or monaural.

Now let's give the right channel a sound almost the same, but a little higher in tone - literally a few hertz.

Also completely monotonous and monotonous.

But st O If we listen to them simultaneously, synchronously, then we suddenly find an interesting effect:

There is a kind of "beat", "pulsation". This is binaural sound, or binaural pulse, or binaural beat...

This is the key point for the skeptical mind: here are two monotonous sounds. By definition, there is no pulsation in them.
When mixed together in synchronous sound, they REMAIN EXACTLY THE SAME.
Even graphically, they have not changed in any way: just as they were smooth green stripes in the sound editor window, they have remained so. And we nevertheless clearly hear the pulsation.
So this is what it is - a binaural EFFECT. I emphasize: not a sound, but an EFFECT.

I the skeptic in itself is still the same, and therefore, when I discovered this effect, as soon as I did not mutually arrange these two tracks in the editor window ...
Displaced them relative to each other so, so.
And still, at the moment of their "meeting" there was a pulsation ...
So I had to admit the objectivity and naturalness of this acoustic phenomenon ...

If you combine all this together, you get such an interesting picture (if you haven’t put on your headphones yet, put them on, it will definitely be interesting :))

cool, huh :) so voluminous ... spatial ... and very natural ... fits well with the ear ...

Graphically it looks like this:

The impact of binaural sound is especially pronounced if you listen to it with headphones, or by placing speakers clearly on both sides.

Binaural beats are processed differently in recordings than monaural beats. For this reason, binaural beats have a real physical impact unlike regular music, even if it is in stereo.

Normal sound is played as follows:

Moreover, I note: monaural sound is not mono-sound in our usual everyday sense. Monaural sound is a normal high-quality stereo sound, even hi-end class! But him physical nature while being monaural. And binaural sound has a different scheme:

That is, it is physics that works here - natural sound, sound frequency.

When listening with headphones, or with speakers placed on either side, these rhythms are perceived as if they originated right in your head.

Yes, in fact, this is how it is - because it is in the space of the head that they are superimposed in a natural way:

This effect of overlapping sounds and their subsequent pulsation is produced in the brain, and not in the ears, as is the case with monaural rhythms.
This is a mixed result of the activity of neurons located in the ear and brain.

Of course, the binaural pulsation will be perceived in any arrangement of the speakers - it is not necessary to sit strictly between them. This is a sound wave and it, as it should be, spreads in all directions from each speaker, and thus their overlap occurs at any point in space next to the speakers.
Just when it is strictly between the columns, the effect is slightly stronger.

From the point of view of the physics of sound, we have the following axiom: the frequency of beats that occur when two sound vibrations with close frequencies (tones) are superimposed is equal to the difference between these frequencies.
For example, when one ear hears a pure tone (monotone sound) with a frequency of 170 Hz, and the other - 178 Hz, then the hemispheres of the human brain begin to work synchronously, and as a result, the listener feels a special sound beat with a "difference" frequency equal to 8 Hz ( 178 - 170 = 8 Hz).
But this is not a real external sound, but derivative of the brain.
Tobish, this is not even a "sound" in our usual sense, it is precisely a vibration, a wave that is born in the brain when electromagnetic waves coming from two synchronously working hemispheres of the brain are added.

When sound signals of two different frequencies are present in the right and left ears, the brain superimposes these two signals, calculates the phase difference between these signals, which results in a third - "difference" - frequency, heard and perceived as a binaural beat.
It is these rhythms that a person feels as beats at a frequency equal to the difference between two sound frequencies “entering” the right and left ears.

Interestingly, to obtain a binaural effect, the frequency difference should not exceed 25 Hz.
With a frequency difference above 25 Hz, this effect completely disappears (in this case, at first two tones with a large "roughness" begin to be heard - as if two untuned musical instruments sounded at the same time, then two pure monochrome tones are clearly audible - without any binaural beats).

The lower of the two tones is called the carrier, and the higher tone is called the receiver.

To hear monaural rhythms, both tones must have the same amplitude. But binaural beats can only be heard when the tones have different amplitudes.

They can be heard even if one of the tones is below the hearing threshold.

Noise reduces the volume of monaural beats, while the same noise raises the volume of binaural beats.

One of the differences between the perception of monaural and binaural beats is that monaural beats can be heard at any frequency, while binaural beats are best perceived at a lower frequency and are best observed at a frequency of 440 Hz. Binaural beats with a carrier frequency greater than 900 Hz are usually not observed.

Binaural beats and brain physiology

The ability of humans to hear binaural beats is an evolutionary adaptation. Many species of animals are able to do the same due to the peculiarities of the structure of their brain.
The frequency band in which an animal can hear binaural beats depends on the size of his skull. In the case of a human, this should be a carrier frequency below 1000 Hz (Oster, 1973).
The wavelength of such an acoustic signal does not exceed the size of the human skull, so it goes around the head according to the principle of diffraction.

A similar effect is observed during the propagation of radio waves: low-frequency radio signals (long and medium waves) reach anywhere on the planet, regardless of obstacles in their path in the form of mountains, buildings, etc.

High-frequency (short) radio waves, such as VHF and FM radio, television and microwave, propagate in a straight line and cannot go around the Earth. Mountains and tall buildings block their spread.

Since acoustic signals with a frequency of less than 1000 Hz go around the head, they are heard by both ears. But since there is a certain distance between the ears, the brain "hears" the signals coming from them with different phases, i.e. each ear hears a different part of the wave as it circles around the head.
It is this phase difference that allows brain accurately determine the location of the sound source at a frequency of less than 1000 Hz. I note: the brain, not the ear- the ear still does not hear here, the eardrum does not vibrate yet!

The outer ear begins to participate in the process of sound source localization at a sound frequency as much as more than 8000 Hz.

Almost all sounds made by animals have a frequency below 1000 Hz. It is easy to understand why they needed the ability to accurately calculate each other's location - they can eat :). When applied to a person, this ability just makes it possible to hear binaural beats.

When signals of two different frequencies are present in the right and left ear, the brain calculates the phase difference between these signals (namely, the brain itself, without the participation of the mind). Under natural conditions, this would give information about the direction of the sound and a person, say, walking through a wild forest, suddenly suddenly stops for himself, freezes, and his hand reaches for the weapon ...
Those. the brain, having perceived this infra-sound, immediately gives signals to its corresponding zones and a protective reaction occurs.
And then the man froze, the weapon in his hand, and he listened to the surrounding space - that is, is already trying to determine the nature of the situation by hearing: is there a danger or not?
Maybe there is a beast of prey that wants to eat him, a man, or there is a beast of prey there, who froze out of fear of being eaten by this man.
This is what is known as "hunter's flair", or simply "flair".
Those. outwardly, this instinct looks as if a person freezes “for no reason at all”, but it turns out that everything here is completely “for no reason” - it all just happens at the level of brain structures, and not at the level of sensory organs.
By the way, here at the same time we can recall the information already known to everyone that we, as conscious beings, as "units of consciousness", use only some 5-7% of the brain. Well, in this example, we can see a huge range of information that the brain processes every second without our conscious participation.

But let's return to infra-sound, which the ear does not yet hear, but the brain already perceives.
When such sound comes from headphones or stereo speakers, the brain produces an overlay of these two signals, resulting in a third, "difference" frequency, heard as a binaural beat.

He is perceived as pulsation at a frequency equal to the difference between the frequencies heard by the right and left ears.

Studies have shown that spatially these beats occur in the superior olive located in the brainstem, the first point of contralateral integration of the auditory organs (Oster, 1973).
The bodies of neurons in this nucleus are arranged in the form of a Latin letter V. Signals from the auditory receptors of the inner ear are transmitted to the neurons of the nucleus of the superior olive in accordance with their distribution on the coils of the cochlea: the configuration of the olive ensures the implementation of sound-topic projection. Since the receptor cells located in the upper coils of the cochlea perceive low-frequency sound vibrations, and the receptors at the base of the cochlea, on the contrary, perceive higher sounds, the corresponding sound frequency is transmitted to certain neurons of the nucleus of the superior olive

Here is the place. Marked with number 1.

Studies also show that the resonant response also comes from the zone next to the olive - the inferior colliculus (Smith, Marsh, & Brown, 1975) - (Owens & Atwater, 1995).

Number 2:

These are very interesting places, but I won’t go into details here yet, because this is more related to the rebirthing practice section, and.

The activity of neurons in these parts of the trunk is transmitted to the cerebral cortex, where it is actually recorded using an electro-encephalogram (EEG).

Therefore, the mechanism of action of binaural sound is response in the electrical activity of the brain at a frequency identical to that of the binaural beat.

This presence of a resonant response in the parietal lobes of the brain in response to acoustic stimulation has been documented in many EEG studies (Smith, Marsh, & Brown, 1975).

Binaural beats are well audible at low frequencies (less than 30 Hz), which corresponds to the EEG spectrum (Oster, 1973).

This phenomenon, as well as the frequency response in the brain to binaural phonograms, helps to understand under what conditions this kind of influence is most effective in terms of working in altered states of consciousness.

"The subjective experience of listening to binaural beats can be either stimulating or calming, depending on the frequency of the beat," the researchers write. (Owens & Atwater, 1995).

At the moment, it is customary to distinguish five main frequency ranges of the brain:

Delta band (0.5Hz - 4Hz) - deep sleep phase;
theta range (4Hz - 8Hz) - phase of REM sleep, semi-sleep;
alpha range (8Hz - 13Hz) - relaxation;
beta range (13Hz - 45Hz) - active wakefulness;
gamma range (45Hz - 60Hz) - an altered state of consciousness (difficult to achieve, and therefore little studied).

delta waves- the slowest vibrations in the brain.

They usually predominate when we are either sleepy or unconscious, but some can be in the delta range and in a conscious state - for example, babies :)
As well as monks during deep prayer or meditation (this, by the way, is about the unity of all religions in practical terms: even a Christian ascetic in deep prayer, even a Buddhist ascetic in deep meditation - both have brain activity at the level of the delta range)

Brain stimulation in this range helps to get rid of insomnia and provides a deeper rest of the brain during sleep.

Theta waves- usually prevail when a person is in a state between sleep and wakefulness, i.e. in pre-sleep state. It is also called REM sleep.
It is often accompanied by visions of unexpected, dream-like images and opens access to the unconscious part of the mind.
Brain training in the theta range increases the creative abilities of a person, his ability to learn. Also, by the way, thanks to these waves, a decrease in the need for alcohol and drugs was recorded.

alpha waves- characteristic of a state of shallow relaxation. Stimulation in the alpha range helps in understanding and understanding stressful conditions.

beta waves- prevail in the usual waking state, when we observe the world around us with open eyes, or are focused on solving some current problems. Beta waves are usually associated with wakefulness, wakefulness, concentration, cognition, and, when they are in excess, with anxiety, fear, and panic.
The lack of activity in the beta range is associated with depression, poor selective attention and problems with remembering information. Brain stimulation in the beta range allows you to get rid of depressive states, increase the level of awareness, attention and short-term memory.

The controversy over the connection between the brain, mind, consciousness and body has been going on since the time of the early Greek philosophers.

Western neurophysiology actually locked consciousness in the brain and still officially considers it the result of the electrochemical activity of neurons.

There is, however, evidence to the contrary, and the evidence is increasing.
More precisely, the number of SCIENTIFICLY FIXED evidence is increasing. And so the evidence itself at all times was unmeasured.

In reality, no neurophysiological studies throughout the existence of science have convincingly shown that the highest forms of consciousness (intuition, insight, creativity, imagination, thinking, understanding, judgment, inference, intention, decision, knowledge, will, spirit and soul) are located in the tissues of the brain (Hunt, 1995).
Those. official science in this regard does exactly the same thing as religion: just there is a dogma and it is repeated everywhere, starting from the very first school textbook on biology. Well, since we get our first knowledge from this textbook, we take it on faith, we live with the feeling that it is so.

Resolving the tensions associated with higher forms of consciousness and self-awareness, as well as mind-body interaction in general, may require an epistemological shift to include extra-rational ways of knowing (de Quincey, 1994), in relation to what cannot be understood based only on neurochemical studies of the brain.

We are now experiencing a revolutionary period in the study of consciousness (Owens, 1995).

Penfield, an eminent modern neurophysiologist, discovered and experimentally proved that the human mind continues to work even under anesthesia, despite the completely suppressed activity of the brain.

The electrical waves in the brain are practically not fixed, although the mind remains almost as active as in the waking state. The only difference is in the contents of the mind.

Following Penfield, other researchers (Hunt, 1995) confirmed the presence of consciousness in a coma, and more and more data are emerging about the possible activity of consciousness in conditions of reduced cortical activity - reduced activity of the cerebral cortex (Fischer, 1971; West 1980; Delmonte, 1984; Goleman 1988; Jevning, Wallace, & Beidenbach, 1992; Wallace, 1986; Mavromatis, 1991).

These states are described as trance, meditative, altered, hypnotic, hypnagogic, and twilight (Budzynski, 1986). And the general term most often applied to them is simply "altered state of consciousness" - ASC.

Now science is already reliably aware that the most various forms of ASC are based on maintaining the activity of consciousness while reducing physiological activity, marked by a parasympathetic dominant (Mavromatis, 1991).

Recent studies of the physiology of highly hypnotizable subjects and meditation masters have shown that people can indeed maintain the activity of consciousness with suppressed cortical activity (activity of the cerebral cortex, where we actually live as "units of consciousness", as individuals with their own name, personal history)
This maintenance of consciousness with reduced or almost non-existent cortical activity has been documented as either a natural ability or even a learned skill (Sabourin, Cutcomb, Crawford, & Pribram, 1993).

A growing number of scientists are questioning the neurophysiological model of body-mind interaction because it cannot answer too many questions. big number questions even about our ordinary experiences, not to mention mystical or spiritual ones.

Moreover, these are not only psychologists, biologists and neurophysiologists, but also physicists. Suffice it to recall the famous Penrose, who calls consciousness a "quantum anomaly" - implying that in the entire physical universe there are NO objective reasons for the emergence of consciousness.
No combination of physical elements, even the most complex and unexpected, can lead to the emergence of a phenomenon of consciousness!

But if the mind and consciousness are not the same as the brain, why does science associate them with brain waves?

This issue primarily rests on the measurement technique - there are no objective instrumental ways to measure the mind or consciousness.
Scientists are increasingly coming to the conclusion that the mind and consciousness are phenomena that have the properties of a field that interacts with the body through the neural structures of the brain (Hunt, 1995). Modern equipment does not allow measuring this field directly. Moreover, it is not a fact that these phenomena are generally in the sphere measured by some physical instruments.

Well, really, that's how to measure the truth?
How to measure sincerity? Confidence? Peace?

Even the very assumption of the possibility of some kind of "units of sincerity" or "units of trust" seems something unnatural.

On the other hand, the electrical potentials of waves in the brain are easy to quantify. The problem here is oversimplification of the observation, i.e. we are witnessing desperate attempts by traditionally thinking researchers to maintain the existing framework, the existing paradigm.
If we look at the modern EEG literature, we will see that any picture that appears on the EEG is associated with a certain "state of consciousness".
This is the inertia of scientific knowledge.

The EEG patterns measured in the brain are the result of the electrical activity of brain neurons - that's a fact.
But this activity is not consciousness and mind.

Those. EEG is just an indirect way to access the mind-consciousness interaction with the neural structures of the brain.

For all its crudeness, EEG is undoubtedly a big step in the study of human nature. But the data now accumulated no longer allow us to say that with the help of the EEG we study consciousness!
We're only exploring the brain here!
And the brain is still an INSTRUMENT of consciousness, and not consciousness itself!

It's just like a human and a computer.
A computer is such an "electronic brain", a kind of iron analogue of that semi-liquid tortuous formation that is in our skull.

For this "electronic brain" to work effectively, it must have an operating system (Windows, Linux) and a set of applications (Word, Excel, Internet Explorer, Photoshop, etc.)

The set of applications transferred to a person is what we call the word MIND.

Those. our mind is not consciousness, namely a set of applications that we installed in the process of our upbringing, education and self-education.

And consciousness in relation to the mind is the same as a person in relation to the software package on his computer.

Those. consciousness is a category of a GENERALLY DIFFERENT ORDER than the mind and the brain (this is discussed in more detail and more practically in the conversation about the nature of the mind in the self-knowledge correspondence)

In other words, certain EEG patterns are simply historically linked with consciousness. Habit... Inertia...

But on the other hand, we have already mentioned the fact that by applying various forms of influence on the brain (chemical influence, magnetic wave and resonance), it is possible to change the state of consciousness - up to the appearance of those very ASCs (altered states of consciousness).
How to tie it all together?

Yes, very simply: here we again have the usual use of the concept of "consciousness".
In fact, here's what's going on.

Consciousness is as if "packed" in the "mind-brain" system.

In the East, this has been spoken of for many thousands of years as "shells" of consciousness - sthula-sharira, linga-sharira, prana-sharira, etc.
In the later esoteric tradition, these shells began to be called "bodies" - the physical body, the etheric body, the astral, the mental, the causal.
In another terminology (theosophy, agni yoga) these bodies are called "conductors"...

And all these external forms of influence do not affect consciousness, but on one of the shells consciousness.

This influence can be both positive (constructive) and negative (destructive).
Positive influence makes this shell MORE TRANSPARENT and consciousness can use this tool more fully. And the negative influence makes this shell LESS TRANSPARENT and consciousness can no longer use this tool - just like we cannot "use" our physical body if we "overtake" alcohol too much.

And binaural beats, by their influence on the brain, make it more structured, and therefore more "transparent" for consciousness.
And since consciousness is a much more multidimensional phenomenon than what we are accustomed to understand by the word "consciousness", we still have to call the emerging state "altered state of consciousness" or "expanded state of consciousness" ...

Those. from an esoteric point of view, our current state of consciousness should be called "obscured", "narrowed", "chaotic", "fragmented", etc.
And what we now call "an altered state of consciousness" is precisely the normal human state of consciousness, which is actually "prescribed" by nature and God for us.

According to Eastern ideas about the nature of consciousness, a person with "uncleaned shells" cannot perceive the world adequately, and will definitely build such an inharmonious, "abnormal world" around himself. Modern researchers already quite officially say that perceived reality depends on the state of consciousness of the perceiver(Tart, 1975). Those. they say the same thing as esotericism, only for the time being they call the "state of consciousness" what in esotericism is called the "state of shells", the state of "subtle bodies".

For example, when a person looks at the world through dirty, cracked, and at the same time corrugated glass, he will perceive the world behind this glass as cloudy and distorted.
Well, it's not because of the state of his mind, but because of the state of the glass.

From an esoteric point of view, consciousness as such cannot be distorted, for it is beyond any "distortion factors" whatsoever, it is wider than any potentially distorting factors - just as, for example, the Sun is beyond any possibilities of distortion from the Earth. or the moon. Even if the Earth or the Moon or any planet solar system explode - it will not affect the Sun in any way. Too different scale...

In Agni Yoga, for example, it is said about this: " the heart of an Arhat is wider than the universe ". Consciousness and heart, according to Eastern ideas, are one. An Arhat is a person who has completely cleansed his "shells." His perception of reality has become completely adequate. And then his consciousness-heart becomes "wider than the universe" - that is, wider than all possible " distorting influences.

So, in terms of the nature of consciousness, binaural beats help us become a little more "normal" :)
And now let's take a closer look at how binaural beats work in terms of their effect on the brain.

The brain and binaural beats

What do binaural beats give us in relation to the brain?
First of all - the synchronization of the hemispheres.
Actually, the official technology for using binaural beats is called Hemi-Sync(short for hemispheric synchronization - hemispheric synchronization)

The fact is that usually the rhythms of our brain are in complete chaos, and the electrical potential of the hemispheres is very different.

The fact that in our Western civilization we are basically all “left-brained” is already known to almost every schoolchild. The left hemisphere is what is "rational", and the right hemisphere, associated with feeling, intuitiveness, imagery, is basically suppressed, "clogged" with us.

Moreover, in connection with the practice of rebirthing, yoga and bodily practice in general, it is very important for us to note here that the right hemisphere is also associated with physicality!

Suppression, blocking of the right hemisphere occurs precisely through the suppression of the body!

The more the body is enslaved - the more the right hemisphere is suppressed - this is a direct correlation!

Accordingly, it is important to understand that restoration, revitalization, resuscitation of the right hemisphere without bodily practice - IMPOSSIBLE!!!

If you depict this state of brain rhythms graphically, it will look something like this:

And binaural beats allow you to structure the rhythms of the brain as follows:

According to neurophysiology, each ear is "tied" to its own cerebral hemisphere (Rosenzweig, 1961). Each ear has its own medial geniculate body (sound processing center), which receives signals from the tympanic membrane of each ear.

When such a physiological structure perceives a binaural beat, then in each hemisphere there is a standing wave of the same frequency and amplitude.

That is, the binaural rhythm contributes to the synchronization of the hemispheres, usually observed in meditative and hypnotic states of consciousness. These rhythms can also improve brain function, as they help the listener to consciously establish interhemispheric neural connections at the right frequency.

The two hemispheres of the brain can be thought of as two separate information processing modules. Both are complex cognitive systems; both process information both in parallel and independently, and their interaction is neither continuous nor arbitrary (Zaidel, 1985).
Due to this, states of consciousness (the result of the interaction of consciousness with the mind and brain) can be defined not only in terms of the percentage of brain waves of certain frequencies, but also as the isolation and / or interaction of the hemispheres.

It is important that for each specific state of consciousness, several areas of the brain are activated at once, and each of the areas resonates at a specific frequency characteristic only of this state (Luria, 1970).

The Monroe Institute has been studying altered states of consciousness and Hemi-Sync technology for over 30 years. The study of effective stimuli for entering these states initially relied on the use of biofeedback simultaneously with listening to binaural beats, and later on using EEG.

In the beginning, Robert Monroe tested a large number of people in the laboratory to study their response to stimulation with binaural beats. Records were kept of the effectiveness of the impact of each rhythm on each person. Then the binaural beats were mixed, and again the reaction of the subjects to them was observed. After months (and in some cases, years) of experimentation, general patterns of the subjects' reactions to certain combinations of rhythms began to emerge. Some of these combinations have proven to be more effective than rhythms of one particular frequency.

When, at the same time as maintaining awareness, the brain is captured by low frequencies, a unique "mind awake/body asleep" state occurs. Having slightly higher frequencies in the brain can lead to states of over-suggestibility. States with even higher EEG frequencies are associated with wakefulness and focused mental activity necessary for the optimal performance of many tasks.

Given the complexity of the brain and the data that the waves in it arise as a result of the simultaneous operation of many generators of oscillations located in different areas of the brain, a theory was developed according to which, in order to enter a certain state of consciousness, it is necessary to identify these complex oscillation modes and imitate them. using a series of compressed carrier frequencies that generate binaural beats when interacting.

Binaural beats in these unique combinations allow different frequencies to interact with different areas of the brain, allowing completely different people to enter states of consciousness with similar characteristics.

Although of course, individual features exist here. Let's say, for someone, delta rhythms will be really hypnogenic and the person will quickly fall asleep - for many years now, when working with insomnia, I have been giving clients assemblies with delta rhythms, and this is very helpful in restoring sleep. But when healthy people listen to these assemblies, the hypnogenic effect is far from being so pronounced.

I myself, sometimes, put this assembly on when I’m in the mood to work at night: I write beautifully under it (even right now, by the way, I write under it, in the silence of the village, at night, under the most gentle delta rhythms, and it seems nothing like that it turns out:))

The moment associated with the individual characteristics of perception is easy to understand using the example of the same caffeine: coffee really invigorates someone, and someone can drain a cup in the evening, and soon they will go to bed - and they will fall asleep! :)

The same goes for alcohol: in a situation of stress, affect, a person can "eat" a full "bubble" - and not in one eye (or it can be a professional intelligence agent, an agent who is specially trained). And when a person is not a special agent, and at the same time relaxed and carefree, he will get drunk from two piles.

Binaural pulsations according to the strength of the impact an order of magnitude milder than psychotropic substances, and therefore these rhythms are not at all more dangerous than caffeine, alcohol, and all sorts of "Novopassites" and "Phenibuts" ...
In order for these rhythms to have a real effect on consciousness, a person must consciously engage in them, tune in, enter into resonance, i.e. ALLOW these rhythms to work on you.

But let's return to them themselves - binaural pulsations.

As a result of all these many years of research, the R. Monroe Institute created a finished product, so to speak: a set of these binaural sounds corresponding to all these brain rhythms, they patented it under the Hemi-Sync brand (well, the West is like this: patent everything and then sell it - without it the western mind cannot :)))

And now basically all the music with binaural rhythms produced by the Monroe Institute goes under this brand (or else they have the Metamusic brand - this is the same music)

Those. on the album, in addition to the artist's name, this icon "Hemi-Sync" or "Metamusic" also appears.

Like like this:

At the very top we see the Hemi-Sync icon. The author of the music is the performer Aeoliah. And the name of the album is Radiance.
By the way, this particular performer - Aeoliah - is a good old new age musician who wrote music back in the 80s, when there were no binaural rhythms and hearing. And then, apparently, he decided to expand his creative range, bought this technology and now releases another album under the Hemi-Sync brand.
For interest, you can listen to a fragment of music from this album and now with a trained ear you can catch the familiar "binaural chips" in this music:

Cute, huh? :)
If you don't know, you can't even single them out from the general audio stream...

In short, now any musician can write to Uncle Monroe, pay some money and get from him ready-made tracks with binaural sound like what we showed in our impromptu experiment on generating binaural beats. Only we took an arbitrary sound, and Monroe will give you a sound that specifically resonates with the delta rhythms of the brain, with theta, alpha, beta rhythms - whatever you want, for which you pay :)

You get these backing tracks and overlay them on your music.

All this can be easily seen on a real example. This is important for us in order to understand in detail the issue of danger / safety of binaural beats: what can be dangerous in them and what is not.

For example, let's take the same binaural beat that we visually generated above. Only now we put it in another program - a program for mixing different tracks.

but the sound is the same

Now we take some sound sample, say, with percussion.

(in the beginning, as in the picture, there will be just percussion, and then binaural pulsation will enter, and you will immediately notice how the space of music has changed.
Binaural beat against the background of percussion is heard very well here. And now let's do it a little differently: let's take a purely musical track. For example, from Terry Oldfield "a (also a "classic" of instrumental music in the new age style)

Interesting music, no doubt, but you probably felt how it emotionally "loads", slightly "presses", "presses down"...
I deliberately cited a very short fragment, because if you listen to this music in its normal state completely, then your emotional plan will go "down" very decently.

If you look at its spectrogram, we will see a very interesting picture:

See how unique she is?
Some one specific emotional pattern is repeated cyclically throughout the track, all half an hour!
Structurally, this is PURE PSYCHODELIC MUSIC.
Those. it is purely working music for psychotherapy, like a pill, a medicine.

And the medicine is good for the sick and really bad for the healthy! A pill for a healthy person is just poison!

It is very good to use this kind of music in a situation when the psyche is overloaded with problems, when everything in life "came together like a wedge" and it's just such "cats scratching" in the soul, as in this music.

You put it on, start listening, it happens synchronization of your mental heaviness and the heaviness that is in music and it turns out that your spiritual heaviness is, as it were, " attached"to the music.
It's like catching a fish: here the fish is "synchronized" with you, the fisherman took the bait. And now what? What is the meaning of this bait?
Of course, it is to pull out a fish, and not for the love of the art of injuring innocent creatures ...

If we imagine that the fish took and pulled the fisherman into the water, then the meaning of this whole process is generally turned upside down, that is, a person can seriously injure himself from such a "synchronization" pancake.

In the case of cathartic music, which is our analogue of "bait", successful pulling out of the "fish" is the INCLUSION OF THE PSYCHE IN THE UPGRADING PSYCHOENERGY STREAM.

Moreover, the inclusion is mandatory IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE CATHARSIC FLOW.

Those. after this wonderful "weight" that we have in this disc "Resonant tuning", something like this should sound IMMEDIATELY:

And at least something like this:

The spectrogram of such music is quite normal: one can see a variety in the structure of music, in density, in levels, one can see the presence of several parts, one can see an abundance of high frequencies.

And then yeaaah - this whole binaural theme will work very well for the benefit of our mental health.

But the same is not written on the disc "Resonant Tuning"!
It's just that kind of music...

And now the person who bought the disc, being in a normal state, listened to this music with headphones for half an hour with confidence, they say, nishtyak, recharged with a binaural, and then, already returning to everyday life, suddenly get angry for some completely petty reason: someone's call, some news, a child fell under the arm, but just stumbled on the threshold of a toilet or bathroom ...

Irritation can come up in a way that this person usually does not have.
And that's all - a day down the drain, there is no mood to do something positive. Cultural outings are postponed, loved ones are sent away, sofa, TV, popcorn...
In short, he himself suffers, and those close to him ...

And if such a "setting" is made for the night, for the coming dream, then the dream will still be the same ...
Such a dream will not give a full recovery of the psyche and nervous system.

But what if he is also by nature a rather thin, receptive person, and even if he is hypnotizable?
Then we multiply the whole thing by some more there ...

And what to do?
How to deal with this music, if everything is very nice on the cover, but when you listen to it, it won't?
How to make such music with such cool technology really bring benefits, and not harm?

binaural music library

At the moment, I see only one optimal solution here: you need to create your own binaural music library yourself.
It’s troublesome, of course, but once you got it right, you did it - and then you listen all your life. Plus, learning a number of new skills is always good :)

So, having bought a disc, you first listen to it WITHOUT ENTRY INTO SPACE.
Remember what we said about coffee and alcohol? Well, let's say, imagine that you are a scout, Stirlitz, who needs to drink, but you can’t get drunk :)
Well, listen inwardly without opening music, but vice versa - with focused attention.
Those. you listen purely aesthetically - just like any other music.

If you liked everything musically, then okay, thank God, put the disc on the shelf - it will work when it needs to.
If it is a cathartic disc - like the same "Resonant tuning", then load it into a sound editor and insert some ascending track right after it.
Insert and save this single track. And then you always listen to it together.

Of course, you can immediately make different options: say, put a track from the same Aeoliah after catharsis, and then something from Jeffry Thomson "a, etc. - for different moods. And now you have not one disc, but two at once or three.

Of course, you can do it even easier - insert it into the playlist in your player after this cathartic track, there is always some kind of ascending track. but in my opinion, it's better to play it safe: in case of a very stressful situation, when there will be no time to pick up tracks: one click and the ready-made self-healing program has started.

In addition, the option with a playlist also always remains - you also have a separate cathartic track.

I would like to emphasize: new tracks with binaural beats, in my opinion, are better to be saved and listened to in uncompressed form, i.е. only in high quality audio format.

In terms of working with binaural music, I prefer not to use the highly compressed mp3 format.
Minimum - FLAC and ARE formats! If mp3, then at the very least with a bit rate of 320kb/s

Now the question is this: what to do if half the disk fits perfectly on the soul, and the other half of the disk is loaded.
Or - "none" (because "none" also belong to the downstream spectrum - this should not be forgotten either!)
And so you determined that here I want to open up and let in this emotional wave, but here I don’t want to.
In my opinion, there is no need to treat this music as a sacred cow, and it is quite possible to work with it just like with any other.
If we clearly saw that there is no unnaturalness in binaural beats, that this is a natural phenomenon, then e why bother with respecting the entire sequence of tracks that are on the disc. Except, of course, those things that are clearly stated in the annotation to the disc.
Well, now, load the track from the disk into the audio editor, select the part that does not "fall on the soul" ...

You safely remove it, and in this place it makes a smooth transition through the fading.

You can leave it like this, saving this track, or you can make two separate tracks:

And that's it. Now you will open yourself through binaural beats only to those emotional waves that you yourself want to open.

You need to understand this simple thing Those who write music are people too. The most common. They, too, are out of sorts, they have such a period (and no one has canceled the contract, it’s necessary to write!). Or they are obsessed with some idea and write music from this idea, and not from pure inspiration...

But since any music will find its listener (competent PR and a promoted name will sell anything), these compositions are recorded, sold ...
And if it's about ordinary music, then it's okay - you can just not listen to this place that you don't like, get distracted by something. But in listening to music with binaural beats, it is important to understand and get used to the process! It's just undesirable to be distracted here ...

Personally, for a long time I have already "scrambled" all the music with binaural rhythms and now I have all the assemblies with this music verified as to me necessary, and not some musician from distant countries, and even more so - not his producer.
If anyone does not know, a musician without a producer practically does not exist in the modern world, the producer is now in fact more important than any musician and can do almost whatever he wants with his music. If the producer thinks that this track should be at the beginning of the album, because this way the album will sell better, then the track will be at the beginning of the album, even if the musician intended it to be the final one, or the climax in the middle...

These are the realities modern world and not to take them into account is naive.

None negative impact I didn’t notice from this approach, although I use it not only for myself personally, but also in working with clients.

Many of my clients use these assemblies in their personal rebirthing or spontaneous yoga practice and are also completely satisfied.

I do not recommend using any artificial frequency stimulation for restorative practice.
There are quite a few discs where just noises are recorded, just pulsations, beats.
In many countries of the world, there has long been a wide range of devices on sale that are specifically designed to target the user's brain - the so-called. "mind-machines".

Most of them use “pure” binaural beats in one form or another. Mind-machines are sold as computer consoles, complete with stereo headphones and special glasses. When the device is started, sound tones of a certain frequency are sent to the stereo headphones, and light flashes are sent to the glasses, pulsing also with a given frequency and intensity.

Some time after the appearance of these devices, enterprising business scientists and simply "craftsmen" from different countries realized that all these expensive but popular devices could be replaced by a universal computer program that generates the necessary binaural beats in stereo headphones and visual special effects on the screen monitor. And these programs began to "breed" with incredible speed. The Internet is literally littered with them.

In some of the programs listed above, the frequency of the binaural beat is fixed, in others it varies dynamically.

The music market of the Russian-speaking Internet is literally littered with all sorts of expensive CDs with “binaural beats”, “healing noises”, “elemental music”, etc.

So, the vast majority of all the negativity associated with binaural beats comes from this area of ​​direct stimulation.

The most common occurrence in this segment is the so-called " White noise "- a sound devoid of pitch and timbre certainty, objectively characterized by a statistically constant in time, a continuous, equal-amplitude spectrum over the entire frequency range used.
In terms of auditory perception, the familiar noise of a pause when playing a sound recording from a magnetic tape (at appropriate volume levels) or the “hiss” of a working TV when the TV signal disappears is close to white noise.

So, the effect of "white noise" is widely used in psychoacoustic research as a masker (silencing component) and to create artificial sound perception thresholds.
In addition, as a special sound effect, white noise is often used as a background in special computer audio programs and phonograms that generate “pure” binaural beats.
In addition, there are some very dubious projects, such as the so-called "specially organized white noise" - SOBSH. Oh, how!
And this one, be it wrong, SOBSH, according to the creators, the effect is similar25th frame in a video or movie image. Thus, it turns out that specialists can, in principle, “hide” anything in this white noise.
This means that this technology is relevant only in special clinics, where the very people who are engaged in the generation of this SOBSH work and put information into it.
If it is sold on a free sale, then, in my opinion, there is a clear catch on the face.

A simple example.
Someone told a young man that, boy, these noises-clicks-cod-gurgles are useful for entering the astral plane. You will go out into the astral plane and be cool: you will astrally kill all your ill-wishers, you will dig up a bunch of business ideas, and just pleasures there, in the astral plane - immeasurably, I don’t want to eat ...
And the person began to listen to it all frantically - to listen purely FROM THE IDEA that this is supposedly useful ...
There is no inclusion of feeling in this process. The emotional plan is turned off, or rather, it is displaced, suppressed, and in its place is an OBSESSION with this idea of ​​entering a lucid dream or the astral plane there. Those. the human condition is Narrowed.

There is no pleasure, no "aesthetic element" whatsoever in this process.
Well, what good can such a blatantly inconsistent process lead to???
It can't lead to anything good.
And it doesn't.
It's just that the person is dumb and that's it.
In principle, if you become too skilled in this direction, then here, if you try, you can reach a certain zombie level, when the brain is already so "zabinauralized" that without the presence of these crackles-noises-clicks in the head, this young hipster will feel uncomfortable.

But in fairness, it must be said here that if he didn’t have a mind-machine, this pepper will still find something to “get stuck” on - for sure ...
So, summarizing the theme of "zombie", we can say that IF you try hard, you can damage the brain. But if you use it soberly and sanely, then there is no danger.

When the emotional plan is turned on, plus it is turned on CONSCIOUSLY - i.e. you listen to the music that you aesthetically like, which causes you to flow of feelings, aesthetic pleasure - then binaural beats can only be useful.

Personally, I have several purely noise discs that have taken root, but, firstly, they are all Hemi-Sync, i.e. and a proven source, secondly, of course, in wave format, and thirdly, I introduced them into practice very gradually, carefully and carefully.

Well, the last moment.
There are quite a few discs with binaural beats, where there are some voice pronunciations - voice guided. Those. there some text is slandered by some voice - male or female.

Personally, I like such discs right away, but if someone likes it, I advise you to be more attentive to the sensations at the beginning of working with this disc.
There is nothing fatal in principle, but attentiveness does not hurt.
The fact is that any researcher, any author of the disc is also an ordinary person with his own problems and his own "cockroaches".
How do you know what's going on in his personal life? Maybe he is conflicted and depressive all? During the recording of the disc, he gathered himself, speaks in a soft voice. And he left the studio - immediately to the bar, clap stopar whiskey ...

So here his whole life- both conscious and subconscious - is reflected in his voice. This is the law of nature, it cannot be otherwise.
And accordingly, when your brain is synchronized through binaural, the voice begins to be perceived by the deep structures of the psyche, then some resonances of your subconscious with its subconscious are quite possible.

The ideal option here is this: sit down, write down all the text spoken by this person on paper, learn it, and pronounce it yourself to similar music with the same binaural rhythms.

Let's say, if it's a sleep CD with delta rhythms, then you memorize the text, take another disk with delta rhythms, where there is no voice, and calmly work under it.

It’s even better if you say this text in your own voice - since microphones for karaoke are now available in any supermarket, and mastering a sound editor at the level of voice recording and mixing with a music track is no more difficult than mastering Word or Excel, not to mention about Photoshop.
I already have quite a few clients who have mastered this business and now they listen only to what they really like. Psychohygiene, however! :)

If fate brought you to this person and you entrusted him with work with yourself, then it is quite possible to trust fate further. So, she took into account all those "jambs" in his personal life that he has. So, if this person gives you a disc where something is said in his voice - take it. Although what I said here is still not worth forgetting ...

The second point that is present in terms of voice discs is the same "language barrier" - only in this case subconscious.

This moment is very clearly reflected in the immortal movie about Stirlitz: "the problem of the radio operator Kate."
The radio operator Kate - and in fact the Soviet intelligence officer Katya - was married to a German - an anti-fascist underground worker and was pregnant.
At some point, Stirlitz called her aside and told her, they say, keep in mind that during childbirth you yourself can start moaning in Russian without noticing it, because in that state your true personality will appear.
Kat said, they say, I will work this moment and I will moan in German.
Of course, she was already so adapted to life in Germany that she thought in German (this, as you know, is a sign of the already complete penetration of the language at the level of personality)
And no doubt, she would have worked this moment, and really would have moaned in German, if I gave birth in the mind. But it so happened that she came into childbirth directly from under the bombing - unconscious.
And everything turned out just as the wise scout had warned: she called out “mother” in pure Ryazan, as a result of which she “burned out” ...

So, if we have not grown up in a multilingual family since childhood, then English for our unconscious will be perceived as a stranger.
A Russian person has a Russian subconscious too.

Moreover, if we also remember that English itself is a language with a "left-hemispheric dominant", and Russian with a "right-hemispheric dominant", then it turns out that, by opening the subconscious of English speech, we also "narrow" some elements of our subconscious, " smashing them...

If you really grew up in a multilingual family, plus, say, in your childhood you lived in an English-speaking environment for at least some time, plus there are no psychotraumas associated with this period, or at least you know English from childhood, say, while studying at a school with advanced learning English - then this moment does not apply to you.

But it applies to me personally (especially after my enchanting visit to the "language environment" :)), so I don't use voise-guided CD.
Noise backgrounds - listening. If I like it, if I feel a good resonance, then I just remove the voice in the music editor and just listen to this noise - it works great.

Practice using binaural beats

I am not the Monroe Institute, and of course, I do not conduct any in-depth research in the field of binaural beats, but since I have been using this technology for about 10 years, I have already accumulated some experience, and it is very positive.

To begin with, I have met quite a few fellow psychologists who "do not favor" this obscure Hemi-Sync technology.
The West, they say, does not come up with anything to zombify the people ...

And my confidence in this music arose immediately for a very simple and funny reason: when I found out about binaural beats, i.e. when I heard this term and started (of course, with the same skepticism that shows through among my colleagues) to study the topic, suddenly, among the music under the Hemi-Sync brand, I discovered compositions that have been the main ones for me in my psychological work for many years, t .e. this is the same music that begins my main background selection during psychological work.

Imagine a picture: I click on a track just downloaded with some kind of suspicious Hemi-Sync technology there, my mind is set "aimingly skeptical", they say, don't fool me, bourgeois. They say that you, Slavs, cannot be caught by any of your binaural rhythms.

And suddenly I hear music that has been playing for me for 8 years several times a day, which I have liked for a long time and which each of my old clients already loves, knows and has in their home collection!
That is, my intuition "calculated" the beneficial effects of this music long before I knew the fact that it has binaural beats.

And I got this music by chance, when I copied a whole bunch of CDs from my friend, who regularly visited Gorbushka, and constantly bought CDs with various instrumental music (it was back in those days when there was good old " Gorbushka" in the open air, with pies :))

I copied discs from him en masse, without covers, and not always having time to record the artist. That's how I got a couple of discs with binaural pulsation (which I didn't even know about then).

Well, and now - in the process of constant rotation of the music that I have, my standard working selection was formed, with which any of my sessions of "telephone", "integrative", rebirthing or spontaneous yoga begins.
And it must turn out that the very first composition in this selection turned out to be music with binaural rhythms - from this album:

In short, my skepticism immediately evaporated completely, and I began to study binaural beats thoroughly and introduce them into practice more widely.

But the full flowering of this line occurred only when the highest grace descended on the world, called TORRENT TRACKERS :))))

Now it was possible to download an unlimited amount of a wide variety of music, incl. and binaural beats.

It was only through torrent trackers that I was able to get so much of this music that it made it possible to use binaural pulsation much more widely, and even make assemblies consisting entirely of binaural music.

As a result, new assemblies appeared, which I use in all my programs.

Firstly, I use this music as a backdrop for any session of body-oriented psychotherapy. I have pre-made tracks for any session development.

Let's say, if some kind of cathartic process is going on, when some kind of "boil" is opened in a person's soul, when the pain that has been accumulating there for years bursts out, I immediately, as if in passing, click on the corresponding track, and music like that Resonant Tuning creates the necessary atmosphere, helping catharsis.
But as soon as the pain is gone, and the soul is freed from the heaviness and tension that it had in this place, it is imperative to put on "wound healing" music, and I also, in passing, click on the track with binaural music of the ascending emotional spectrum - such as the above track Aeoliah .

The same applies to the session of integrative practice.
I have a certain "universal" assembly, emotionally neutral, which I put in the background at the beginning of the session, and there is a whole set of binaural music for a variety of options for the development of integrative work.
Of course, basically the music for "television" and "integrative" intersects and complements each other. It’s just that in the “integrative” there are usually fewer cathartic moments - here I mainly work on the request of self-development and self-knowledge, and not along the line of psychotrauma ...

The next practice where music with binaural beats is used is rebirthing (well, holotropic breathing if absolutely necessary).
Here we have, undoubtedly, the widest application of binaural music.
I have sessions that consist entirely of such music, but even if the session is mostly regular music (although "normal" is high quality stereo music in a professional wave format), it still includes binaural tracks.

Since rebirthing is a practice in principle related to ASC, binaural beats work here as well as possible!
Outwardly, their presence is not noticeable to an untrained ear - music is like music - but according to the result of the session, according to the effect that the rebirthing session with binaural fragments gives, there is a difference.

Further, I widely use binaural beats in the practice of spontaneous yoga, primarily in spontaneous movement.
The fundamental task of this practice is to help a person establish contact with the body and "catch" the energy of space with the body. When this happens, spontaneous movements arise that have a profound restorative and healing effect on the body and psyche.

When a person has already mastered the skill of entering the stream of spontaneous movement, he doesn’t really need any music anymore. Just let go of the body. But at the initial stages, when the right hemisphere has not yet "come to life", binaural beats are very helpful in "quenching" the activity of the left hemisphere and giving energy a "passage" into the body.

Fragments with binaural beats are in some of my musical assemblies for independent practice of spontaneous movement.

And finally, binaural beats work great with holistic massage as background music.
True, the exact selection of such music and careful sorting of music are especially important here.
In any album with binaural beats, there are different fragments.
For a massage, you only need smooth, calm, even neutral music, so it is especially important to master musical editing and make yourself such assemblies where there will be no drops and abrupt musical transitions.

I also personally refused to use music with delta rhythms during massage.
For a client, this music works great, but I myself literally “pass out” under these delta rhythms during a massage :)
When I'm not working, in peace and quiet, I really like these delta rhythms, they contribute to creativity, but when I work, they don't roll :)

Although - here are the paradoxes of individual characteristics - my favorite "working rhythms" are theta rhythms, and they, in principle, also belong to the relaxing ones.
Alpha and beta rhythms are less suitable for a massage session, because in principle they are not designed for relaxation, and it would be better to relax the client during the massage. Therefore, my "formula for success" here is assembly based on theta rhythms.

This is the scope of my research on binaural beats.

Now about what I have researched over the years of practice.

First, with regard to the strength of the impact and the degree of influence of binaural beats on the process of entering the ASC and processes within the ASC.

The general conclusion is this: the process of entry is slightly influenced, but in terms of keeping in an altered state of consciousness and in terms of maintaining various processes inside the “changers”, they influence very much.

It is much easier to maintain altered, expanded states of consciousness when properly selected binaural pulsations are present in space than without them or even with ordinary music.

In order to understand the dynamics of the interaction of various factors of entry into the ASC, we must consider the neurophysiological aspects of practice in more detail.

Altered states of consciousness from the point of view of neurophysiology

As we have already mentioned, binaural beats generate activation of neuronal activity in the olive of the brain stem (number 1) and the inferior colliculi of the quadrigemina of the medulla oblongata (2). Both of these groups of neurons are part of the hearing aid system.

But looking at the diagram of the lower parts of the brain, we see that there are still the most important neuronal nuclei, which in their value (status) significantly exceed the value of the auditory center.
First of all, of course, this is the respiratory center, indicated in the diagram by the number 3. This is the most complex of all neuronal centers in this part of the brain, it consists of three groups of neurons of the respiratory center itself (indicated in blue in the diagram) and is closely connected with the respiratory center, but considered a separate structure of the reticular formation, designated by the number 4.
Thus, the respiratory center consists of at least three groups of neurons.
Its significance, of course, is much higher than the auditory center, for a person can quite live without hearing, but he absolutely cannot live without breathing.
Moreover, without breathing, no other structure of the brain, and of the whole organism in general, can live, and therefore the respiratory center is so complicated.
So, without the involvement of this center, on one auditory center, there can be no talk of any significant change in the state of consciousness (or "shift of the assemblage point", as it is called in one of the spiritual traditions) (well, or this is the very hypnotizable "junkie ", for which "everything works" even when compressing music at 160kb/s)

We cannot influence any vital function of the organism directly, in the most ordinary state of consciousness, but we can influence breathing.

At any moment, we can speed up or slow down breathing, deepen or make it more superficial. We can even delay it sometimes for a decent time.

There is a group of neurons in the respiratory center that is directly related to the conscious regulation of breathing - i.e. nature, as it were, conceived us as beings CONSTANTLY AWARE OF THEIR BREATH.
There are no other reasons for the presence of this group of neurons.
If this were not the case, then we would have here the same thing that we have in all other neuronal centers: the medial, digestive, etc. - without direct access to them.

We can get access to all other centers only by deeply entering the ASC, and the respiratory center is available to us in any, even the most narrowed state of consciousness, even in stress - there would be an intention.

Go ahead.
The group of neurons associated with "conscious" breathing is closely intertwined with the group of neurons that regulate unconscious breathing.
Unconscious breathing is the one that is always present with us, regardless of whether we direct our attention to breathing or do not pay any attention to it. This center works even when we are asleep or in a state of fainting.

So - attention!!! - as the EEG data show, when the neurons of conscious control of breathing are activated, the neurons responsible for unconscious breathing are automatically activated, i.e. their synchronization begins.
And after some time simple observation of your breathing, the activity of these neurons in humans is completely synchronized - i.e. unconscious breathing is tuned to conscious.

This is the most important, one might say - the key - moment in any practice!

When the unconscious breath is synchronized with the conscious, for the body it is equivalent to a signal - I'm HERE.

Those. the body understands that consciousness is HERE.

Usually our consciousness (more precisely, what we call consciousness) "walks" anywhere, except for this moment, except for the here and now.
And then the organism lives purely according to natural programs absolutely similar to the animal kingdom: it survives, reproduces, defends itself, enjoys, etc.
But when the consciousness unites with the breath, then the actual human program begins- begins what we, human beings, are created for ...

But that is not all.
As we can see in the diagram, the respiratory center is closely intertwined with the heart center, indicated in the diagram in red and the number 5.
This is not just a heart center, it is a vascular-motor center that regulates the tone of all the vessels of the body - down to the capillaries!

If this center is tense, under stress, then the vessels throughout the body are in hypertonicity, which means that blood circulation is disturbed, including microcirculation at the capillary level!
If the microcirculation is disturbed, then the tissues and organs do not receive enough nutrition, and everything begins in them that then ends in a hospital bed ...

So neurophysiology has already clearly shown and proved to us everything that was described in yoga several thousand years ago, and everything that I wrote here can be attributed with one hundred percent relevance to the yogic breathing system - PRANAYAMA.

Everything you need to enable all the described processes is there. All algorithms are painted.
Of course, everything is described there in its own specific language, but all this is very easily correlated with the data of neurophysiology.
Plus, of course, pranayama exercises require adaptation to our conditions, because this system originated in India - in a different climate, in a different genotype.
Well, in short, there are some nuances here, which are covered in sufficient detail on my page on yoga (there are even audio materials on pranayama), here it is important for us to understand the dynamics of pairing all these centers with binaural rhythms.

So, awareness of the breath gives the whole system a "collection signal", all systems gather here and now.

The hypertonicity of the vessels goes away and the blood supply to the whole body improves, and the binaural rhythm includes the olive, which is associated with the respiratory center as closely as the respiratory center is associated with the heart.

Moreover, the olive itself is no less closely connected with the heart center, for they are located very close.
It's only in the picture that these centers seem to be different, but in fact, all the neurons here are so intertwined that it all works in complete unity.

So, when a person, THANKS TO UNDERSTANDING AND Awareness through breathing, enters the space of the body - which is actually the beginning of ASC - then binaural pulsation creates an additional "spatial frame", a structure that not only supports this self-adjustment, but also deepens it.
Entering the ASC, the binaural rhythm through the olive "supports" both the breath and the vascular system.

The next most important component of entering the ASC is related, no matter how strange it may seem at first glance, with muscle tone.

Let's remember the reticular formation, which is in close relationship with the respiratory center (number 4 in the diagram).
Here it is in more detail:

This is a very important education for the issue under consideration.
We will not deal in detail with the structure of this part of the brain (although it is very interesting), we will only note what is directly related to the ASC.

This formation takes the most active part in the processing of sensory information coming to the brain from the entire surface of the body.
And based on the processing of this information, the reticular formation has an activating effect on the cerebral cortex, thus controlling the activity of the spinal cord.

The mechanism of the effect of the reticular formation on muscle tone is known: the reticular formation is able to change the activity of gamma motor neurons, as a result of which their axons (gamma efferents) cause contraction of muscle spindles, and, as a result, an increase in afferent impulses from muscle receptors.

These impulses, entering the spinal cord, cause excitation of alpha motor neurons, which is the cause of muscle tone.
The reticular formation has a connection with the cerebellum. This suggests that the reticular formation is a collector of non-specific sensory flow involved in the regulation of muscle activity.

That is, through the respiratory center, we directly affect the center, which "holds" the tension in the muscles.
Conscious breathing allows you to remove muscle hypertonicity, and binaural rhythms, as we have already said, allow you to deepen this process of muscle relaxation - up to complete, when we lose body sensation in the ASC state, while remaining conscious.

It is no coincidence that the yogic asana (pose) associated with complete muscle relaxation is called "shavasana" - "corpse pose".

And any practitioner knows that shavasana is performed in close conjunction with breathing - primarily "body breathing".

This moment is especially important for the practice of lucid sleep, because it is the muscle tone, in which our body usually remains even in sleep, that prevents the inclusion of consciousness in a dream.
The remaining muscle tension draws too much energy onto itself, thus preventing it from being directed to conscious activity within sleep.

When we practice breathing exercises corresponding to this moment to music with delta rhythms before going to bed, and then, practicing "body breathing", we fall asleep to the same music - so that it will sound quietly right during sleep, the reticular formation through the respiratory center will be able to “release” the muscles much deeper, and the released energy will go to collecting consciousness inside sleep.

Thus, in order to obtain the maximumeffect from music with binaural beats, it is better to direct attention not to her, but to breathing.

The maximum entry into the breath, the maximum awareness of this process in all its subtlest nuances, and then "connecting" to the breath of the whole body, when you seem to be breathing through the skin - this is what gives the maximum effect of music with binaural rhythms.
And simple listening gives too little involvement of key neural structures of the brain - this will not be able to "block" the left hemisphere dominant, which is constantly present in our brain.

The next important point associated with ASC is the work of the cerebellum.

Everything we have looked at above has been related to static practice, and now we will see how binaural pulsation is directly related to movement.

Recall that in addition to the olive of the brainstem, binaural pulsation activates a group of neurons in the inferior colliculi of the quadrigemina.

If we look at the quadruple more broadly, we will see that it is directly related to the cerebellum:

In this diagram, the tubercles of the quadrigemina are indicated by the number 1.
We see that they practically come out of the cerebellum - the number 2.
The cerebellum itself is labeled 3.

So, the cerebellum (lat. cerebellum "small brain") is the part of the vertebrate brain responsible for coordinating movements, regulating balance and muscle tone.

Through three pairs of "legs", the cerebellum receives information from the cerebral cortex, the basal ganglia of the extrapyramidal system, the brain stem and spinal cord.

In vertebrates with cerebral cortex, the cerebellum is a functional branch of the main axis between the cerebral cortex and the spinal cord.

The cerebellum receives a copy of the afferent information transmitted from the spinal cord to the cerebral cortex, as well as efferent information - from the motor centers of the cerebral cortex to the spinal cord. The first one signals the current state of the regulated variable (muscle tone, position of the body and limbs in space), and the second one gives an idea of ​​the required final state. By comparing the first and second, the cerebellar cortex can calculate the error, which is reported to the motor centers. So the cerebellum continuously corrects both voluntary and automatic movements.

Although the cerebellum is connected to the cerebral cortex, its activity is not controlled by consciousness.

So binaural beats activate cerebellar neurons through the inferior colliculus!
But for this activation to be fully expressed, need movement!
You have to let the body move.
Otherwise, it will be an incomplete process - like a dance with one hand.

Of course, this is better than the complete absence of dance, but dancing with the whole body is definitely more beautiful and full.

And when we practice spontaneous movement to music with binaural beats, we fully engage this circuit, launching a huge number of recovery processes already in the cerebral cortex.

This is the general picture of the impact of binaural beats, which opened up in the course of my practice.

In fact, this picture is constantly expanding and supplemented - and I periodically make these additions here - on this page.

I think that this topic will continue to develop, fortunately, Uncle Monroe constantly throws new "metamusic" to us :) Yes, and old Geoffrey Thompson is quite in the ranks :)

So it's still just getting started! :)

I developed this self-regulation technique after I became familiar with music that contains binaural beats.

The technique combines such music and work with breathing.

The technique is time-tested - it works perfectly.


Fragments of correspondence on the subject of binaural beats

Good evening, Alexey

I have a question for you, can a pregnant woman listen to binaural beats? For example: "Full rest in 24 minutes", my sister listens to different programs of some author. She and I don't know what to do. If you can listen, then what?

Thank you.

By themselves, binaural beats are not harmful to anyone.
Let's say, at all times, pregnant women went to temples, where they were among the binaural rhythms arising from bells, an organ or a choir.
If these rhythms are superimposed on harmonious music, then they cannot hurt.

But as far as the option you mentioned, I have serious doubts.
The very presentation of "Full rest in 24 minutes" is a purely publicity stunt that has nothing to do with reality.
Simply put, it's a scam.
And this betrays another "dealer" from psychology, making money on the trust of ignorant people.
I would not listen to such an author and would not recommend it to my clients.

From what I have posted, you can listen to my recordings of audio pranayama - there I just speak to binaural rhythms.
You can download these entries here:

There will be questions on practice - write.

God willing, I will post more of this music ...
All hands do not reach ...


Alexey, hello.
On the page about binaural you have used a preset in .waw format. Can you tell me where you can find a selection of such presets with tones? (Actually, Theta and Delta are of interest).
There is Sbagen and Brainwave - but I don't remember the option given on the page, those in Brainwave are more "dirty", or something.

Hello Michael
I did not use any special preset in my material.
I took these presets from some presentation video that talked about binaural.
I took these ready-made sounds and presented all this in a visual form on my page.
I personally use the Brainwave generator in my work.
I don’t use his own presets, but I just developed a number of presets for myself there, and I put them on during work when I use music without binaural (and, of course, I have the vast majority of this)
Basically all my presets are in the delta range - from 1Hz to 4Hz.

Works great.


Lyosha, good evening! I have been doing (morning, afternoon and evening) for 20 days now.
And always - at least in the morning, at least in the afternoon, at least in the evening, as I get to breathing like a cocoon - it knocks me out completely.And soooo deep somewhere I'm leaving.
P why so? Maybe I'm doing it wrong?
And another question: after I come to my senses at the end of the recording, it’s as if I got drunk on diuretics, sorry for the detail, so much fluid comes out of me, is this normal?

Yes, it's all quite normal!
When cocoon breathing begins, then you simply lack the refinement of consciousness.
There are very subtle such energies pumped
This is where you go to sleep.
The fact is thatall this breathing practice goes to music with binaural beats, and this plays a significant role in the nature of the action of these recordings. And therefore, when it is about a cocoon, then your system really begins to tune in to your ethereal body.
But this level of perception has not yet been mastered for you - no one has ever taught us this anywhere.
And that's why there is such a "shutdown".

But it is important to understand here that this is not a dream, no matter how it seems to you that you are going "very deep"! This is just such a meditative state! Meditative slumber, one might say...

If you look from the side, you can clearly see that the pupils are actively moving under the eyelids, twitching in the body - i.e. it is clear that the person is in a borderline state.
He even hears if I say something to him (this often happens in rebirthing).
So, okay, don't worry about going to sleep!
Work is still going on!

As for the diuretic effect, this cleansing is happening!
The kidneys are cleansed, the body is cleansed.
After radiation therapy, you have a lot of toxins left in your body.
So they are derived, because a very deep relaxation of the nervous system occurs in this state.

Relaxation of the nervous system turns on the mechanisms of self-regeneration and the body first of all begins to cleanse itself.
Everything is quite normal here.
As soon as the body is cleansed, this effect will go away..


Alexey, hello.
Where can I get (download) the rhythms themselves - in particular, delta and theta?
On your page on binaural it says "loading" and judging by the screen, a ready-made binaural01.wav file is taken.
I made a selection of melodies, but there is nothing to mix them with. I downloaded BrainWave Generator, but the presets there are completely different.

I don't know where to get these rhythms. I think it is unlikely that the Monroe Institute will allow their free distribution.
Most likely, the authors who write music using binaural beats are either given ready-made sound tracks, or they simply sign what generations to do.
Generating binaural beats is easy. The same Brainwave generator makes it easy with a mouse move :)
It's just that the Monroe Institute can give specific data on what frequencies to use for such music (say, energizing), which frequencies for another (say, relaxing), which for thirds (say, for deep sleep).


A lot of interesting correspondence. There, the correspondence is mainly around the practice of spontaneous yoga, but of course, in addition to the practice itself, it touches on many different topics related to self-knowledge and self-development. Of course, everything discussed there is absolutely relevant to the path of Reiki.

There is also a separate page where it is collected (in the broadest sense).

There is also a separate page where it is collected (mostly - Orthodoxy).

Binaural therapy is a relatively new phenomenon in alternative medicine. Among its supporters there are people who do not count on a special effect, but there are those who are sure that a variety of diseases of the psyche and nervous system can be treated with the help of binaural therapy. MedAboutMe found out what this treatment is and does it really work?

The brain and binaural beats

Binaural beats or binaural beats are a phenomenon that is inherent in the brain of many animals, including humans. It arises due to the fact that we have two ear audio channels (right and left), through which audio information enters the brain stem. There, in the upper oval nucleus of each hemisphere, an auditory response arises - an electromagnetic impulse.

If a tone with a frequency of 200 oscillations per second is applied to the right ear, and a tone with a frequency of 205 oscillations per second is applied to the left ear, then the hemispheres will work synchronously, and each of them will generate a corresponding electromagnetic wave. The superposition of these waves will cause an artifact, a phantom - a "sound" with a frequency equal to the difference in the frequencies of the original sound waves - 5 oscillations per second. This is the binaural beat - a graceful acoustic illusion.

For the occurrence of a binaural beat, two conditions must be met: the frequency of the response pulses should not exceed 1000 Hz, and the difference between them should not be more than 1-30 Hz.

What is binaural therapy?

Any effect inherent in the human body sooner or later arouses the interest of people who think: how can this be used? It is not surprising that binaural beats formed the basis of binaural therapy.

There are five types of binaural beats corresponding to individual human states:

Gamma waves. Frequency - 30-170 Hz. They activate mental activity and general emotional perception of the world, cause a feeling of fear. Beta waves. Frequency - 14-42 Hz. They increase the level of excitement and anxiety, activate thinking, concentration. Alpha waves. Frequency - 8-13 Hz. Meditation, relaxation during wakefulness, the state immediately before falling asleep or immediately after sleep. Theta waves. Frequency 4-7 Hz. Deep meditation. REM sleep (rapid eye movement phase), which is characterized by increased brain activity and dreaming. Delta waves. Frequency - less than 4 Hz. Deep trance without dreams.

The following provisions of binaural therapy can be distinguished:

Listening to binaural beats is like meditation. Binaural therapy is designed for self-treatment and is available to anyone, no matter where they live. There are many recordings of binaural beats designed to correct various conditions of the brain and even other organs. Binaural beats must be listened to in the absence of any other influences, otherwise they will not work. Effects of binaural therapy

To listen to binaural recordings, you need stereo headphones and a quiet place without distracting sounds. The procedure takes approximately 15 minutes, but no more than half an hour.

The list of positive effects of binaural therapy includes:

reduction of stress and anxiety; increased concentration of attention; increased motivation and confidence in success; increased efficiency and mood; facilitating the achievement of a meditative state.

However, often, in addition to the above effects, we are talking about a deeper impact of audio recordings of binaural rhythms on the body. For example, there is an opinion that listening to them:

increases the level of the hormone dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), which is involved in the aging process; lowers the concentration of the stress hormone cortisol; increases the production of the hormone melatonin, which is responsible for our regimen and sound sleep; changes the concentration of insulin-like growth factor - a protein involved in many different processes in the body; reduces the concentration of the hormone and neurotransmitter dopamine.

But studies on changes in biochemical parameters under the influence of binaural beats have too little evidence base, that is, most scientists in this field consider their results doubtful.

Despite this, a considerable number of Internet resources offer the use of binaural therapy for the treatment of neurosis, insomnia, anxiety, panic attacks, depression and other mental illnesses. In children, it is proposed to treat autism, ADHD, speech disorders and disorders of psychomotor development.

Today there is a whole industry of binaural recordings, listening to which should change the activity of the brain in a certain way. Adherents of binaural methods of influencing a person are confident that with the help of the necessary recording, one can improve sleep and memory, relieve anxiety, charge a person to win competitions or pass a responsible exam, cure a headache, activate sexual desires - and generally balance the chakras.

On the foreign Internet, it is proposed to listen to binaural rhythms, combining them with taking drugs that “change consciousness” - Vicodin, OxyContin and other narcotic analgesics. In a healthier version, binaural beats are combined with white noise, nature sounds, meditative music and other similar sound effects.


Experts note that there is nothing complicated in creating audio files with a binaural rhythm. There are simple open source programs that allow you to take a couple of simple tones at the desired frequency and add white noise to them in the background.

The question arises: is there any effect from all these audio recordings?

The main myth of binaural therapy

So, we know that the brain, under certain conditions, can generate an acoustic illusion. This rhythm does not really exist, but we "hear" it. It is assumed that if the brain cells really lose the given rhythm, they will change their activity in the given mode. The idea of ​​binaural therapy is based on this.

But what does it mean to “change activity” for a living cell? This means that some biochemical reactions are activated in the cell and others slow down, the electric potential of the membrane changes, its permeability for ions, etc. Is it possible to start all these numerous processes with the help of an electromagnetic pulse? In principle, it is possible, but it is impossible to control and manage these processes. That is, certain states of the brain cells lead to the appearance of brain waves. But not vice versa: brain waves do not guarantee the achievement of a certain state of the brain. It is impossible to stun a person with a sound of a certain frequency and thereby cause an acute attack of happiness in him.

But how is it, supporters of binaural therapy object, here are studies where recording a binaural rhythm changes the encephalogram of the brain! But upon careful consideration of the conditions of the experiments, it turns out that the results obtained are extremely variable and may well depend on the conscious reaction of a person to sound. In the same studies where the rules for setting up the experiment were followed, no differences could be found between the control and experimental groups.

Another objection of fans of binaural beats: I listened - and I felt good (I relaxed, fell asleep, woke up, solved the problem, etc.). Alas, to scientific evidence this approach is irrelevant. Scientists point out that when using recordings with meditative music, white noise and other sounds, the resulting effect will most likely be caused by this particular sound accompaniment. In other cases, we are talking about a placebo - and this is especially true in the sense that people with a specific mentality are fond of binaural therapy.

So is there any effect from recording binaural beats?

Eat. Like any sound stimulation, binaural beat recording distracts a person and is an additional background stimulus.

Indian scientist Aditya Shukla believes that additional background stimulation can be used by people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. It is difficult for such people to concentrate, but if they are provided with additional background stimulation (white noise, binaural beats, nature sounds, booming radio, etc.), part of the ADHD patient's distracted attention will go to processing these background stimuli. This will allow him to better concentrate on solving the problem. But this increase in concentration will not be the result of the action of the binaural beat and will last no more than 10 minutes. With further exposure to the brain, a person begins to experience a feeling of exhaustion.

Like any music, binaural beats can cause certain emotional and mental reactions. People love one music and dislike another, fall asleep to what excites others, meditate to music or play sports. This means that you can find such music - and such binaural beats in the form of an audio file - that this particular person will feel more relaxed or, on the contrary, become more active. Some people can even be convinced that this or that tape cures a headache - and it will really alleviate their suffering, but it will not cope with the true cause of the headache, and the analgesic effect will not be replicated on other patients.


Don't count on recording binaural beats as a cure. But if they make it easier for a particular person to fall asleep or, conversely, help him concentrate, then why not use them? Another thing is that they do not cure diseases - neither physical nor mental.

As you know, the human brain operates with electrical signals. It constantly generates electrical impulses, which are called brain waves (or brain rhythms, brain waves, waves of brain activity). The frequency of these pulses is measured in hertz or cycles per second. Well, the dominant frequency of brain waves determines general state brain.

Why dominant? The thing is that the brain does not work as a whole at one frequency. This means that one area of ​​the brain can produce more beta waves while other areas of the brain emit impulses at a different frequency. In general, he may be in a calm relaxation, for example, but part of the subcortex will "itch" about stress and problems at the background level.

They write that the rhythms of electromagnetic oscillations of our brain are directly related to electromagnetic oscillations between the Earth's surface and the ionosphere, coinciding with them in terms of the main resonant frequencies. Probably, here is the key to the existence of large and small rhythms of the existence of the world, some of which are represented in man. different ways, and the part resonant to them is in the surrounding space. How a guitar string makes a sound in unison with a tuning fork, how a bridge begins to vibrate in resonance with the wind, and so on. () So we can tune in with different cycles and frequencies in the world, entering into resonance with them by simple tricks. One of them is ancient human societies. It `s music. Especially the rhythmic one.

Alpha rhythm (α-rhythm, alpha rhythm)- EEG rhythm (electroencephalogram) in the frequency band from 8 to 13 Hz, the average amplitude is 30–70 μV, however, high- and low-amplitude α-waves can be observed. Registered in 85-95% of healthy adults. It is best expressed in the occipital regions. The α-rhythm has the greatest amplitude in a state of calm wakefulness, especially with closed eyes in a darkened room. It is blocked or weakened with increased attention (especially visual) or mental activity.

Alpha rhythm characterizes the process of internal "scanning" of mental images by a person when focusing on some mental problem.

When we close our eyes, alpha rhythms intensify, and this property is successfully used when conducting meditation-relaxation or a hypnosis session. For most people, alpha waves disappear when they open their eyes and this or that real picture appears before them. Statistical and experimental data indicate that the nature of the alpha rhythm is innate and hereditary.

Most people who have a well-defined alpha rhythm, the ability to think abstractly predominates. A small group of people show a complete absence of alpha rhythms even with their eyes closed. These people are free to think visually, but have difficulty solving problems of an abstract nature.

People who have learned to analyze information when their brain works in alpha rhythm have access to much larger amounts of information, creative ideas, inspired thoughts come to them more often, intuition sharpens, which allows them to find new unexpected solutions to problems. No wonder they say: "Close your eyes, and the decision will come by itself."

When the brain works in alpha rhythm, a person's potential to control his life grows. Understanding how best to deal with various life problems, such as excess weight, insomnia, anxiety, tension, migraines, bad habits and more. There is an opportunity to learn how to tune your psyche in such a way as to achieve your goals and turn dreams into reality.

The work of the brain in the alpha rhythm allows you to quietly enter a state of shallow meditation, as with auto-training and relaxation exercises. Scientists have found that when a person engages in such practices, at the physiological level, the rhythm of the functioning of the brain decreases to the level of the alpha rhythm. Taking a warm bath or shower is directly related to the dominance of the alpha rhythm.

Why is the alpha rhythm so remarkable and why does the human body need it? Everything rests on the human mind. In a state of complete relaxation and immersion in oneself, alpha waves increase, and healing and cleansing processes begin their course in our psyche, hidden resources wake up: intuition comes to life, concentration of attention becomes ideally honed, psychic abilities. The world around begins to play with completely different colors, making a person joyful.

Beta rhythm (β rhythm)- low-amplitude oscillations of the total potential of the brain with a frequency of 15 to 35 oscillations per second, amplitude - 5-30 μV. This rhythm is inherent in the state of active wakefulness. Refers to fast waves. This rhythm is most pronounced in the frontal areas, but with various types of intense activity it sharply increases and spreads to other areas of the brain. Thus, the severity of the beta rhythm increases upon presentation of a new unexpected stimulus, in a situation of attention, with mental stress, emotional arousal. Their amplitude is 4–5 times less than the amplitude of alpha waves.

In the state of the beta rhythm, our brain plunges into the routine of being with a huge number of different problems, into an endless cycle of stressful situations, solving various problems and active concentration, a shifting focus of attention. Attention is directed outward.

The beta rhythm is by no means our enemy. It is thanks to the beta rhythm that mankind has reached unimaginable heights in technical progress: built cities, went into space, created television, computers; The development of medicine is also directly related to these waves. This is the rhythm of active creation and life.

Gamma rhythm (γ rhythm)- fluctuations in EEG potentials in the range from 30 to 120–170 to oscillations per second. The amplitude of the gamma rhythm is very low - below 10 μV and inversely proportional to the frequency. If the amplitude is above 15 μV, then the EEG is considered as pathological. The gamma rhythm is observed when solving problems that require maximum focused attention. The gamma rhythm reflects oscillations that are simultaneously triggered in neurons by an incoming signal from the activating system of the reticular formation, causing a shift in the membrane potential.

The gamma rhythm is observed when solving problems that require maximum focused attention. This is the rhythm of composure and concentration on a problem or task, the rhythm of an active collected solution and work. There are theories linking this rhythm with the work of consciousness. A number of publications report on various gamma-activity disorders in patients with schizophrenia.

Gamma rhythm is also a state of human communication with "something" that is beyond the understanding of our consciousness. The brain vibration frequency of 50 Hz is called enlightenment by some researchers of Buddhist meditators. Although this is doubtful. This is just the frequency of maximum concentration, presence here and now. That is, the gamma rhythm allows us to become something bigger and perceive the world already from the point of view of this larger one. It is, as it were, a superstructure over the human consciousness, which we can use.

delta rhythm- from 0.5 to 4 oscillations per second, amplitude - 50–500 μV. This rhythm occurs both in deep natural sleep, and in narcotic, as well as in coma. The delta rhythm is also observed when electrical signals are recorded from areas of the cortex bordering on the area of ​​a traumatic focus or tumor. Low-amplitude (20–30 μV) oscillations of this range can be recorded at rest during certain forms of stress and prolonged mental work.

Characteristic of the stage of deep sleep without dreams. And also, for a state of very deep meditation-dhyana (not relaxation, like the alpha rhythm).

Theta rhythm (θ rhythm)- EEG rhythm Frequency 4–8 Hz, high electrical potential 100–150 microvolts, high wave amplitude from 10 to 30 μV. Theta rhythm is most pronounced in children from two to five years old. This frequency range contributes to deep relaxation of the brain, good memory, deeper and faster assimilation of information, awakening individual creativity and talents.

For the most part, in children under 5 years of age, the brain in daytime functions precisely in this wavelength range, which allows children to phenomenally memorize a huge supply of various information, which is unusual for adolescents and adults. In the natural state, this rhythm in the majority of adults dominates only during the phase of REM sleep, half-drowsiness. Characteristic for deep meditation-dhyana. It is in this frequency range that there is enough energy in the brain to assimilate large amounts of information and quickly transfer it to long-term memory, learning abilities are enhanced and stress is relieved. In this range, the brain is in a state of heightened susceptibility. This state is ideal for super learning, the brain is able to maintain concentration, extroversion for a long time and is not subject to anxiety and neurotic manifestations.

This is the range of the upper connections of the brain, connecting both hemispheres and directly the layers of the cerebral cortex with its frontal zones.

Sigma rhythm- The spontaneous sigma rhythm has a frequency of 10 to 16 Hz, but is generally 12 to 14 cycles per second. The sigma rhythm is a spindle-shaped activity. This is explosive or flash activity, spindle-shaped flashes, recorded in a state of natural sleep. It also occurs with some neurosurgical and pharmacological effects. characteristic feature sigma-rhythm is the increase in amplitude at the beginning of the burst of the sigma-rhythm and its decrease at the end of the burst. The amplitude is different, but in adults it is mostly not less than 50 microvolts. The sigma rhythm appears in initial stage slow-wave sleep that immediately follows a nap. During sleep with delta waves, the sigma rhythm rarely occurs. During the transition to REM sleep, the sigma rhythm is observed in the EEG, but is completely blocked in the developed phase of REM sleep. In humans, this rhythm occurs from about three months of age. With age, the frequency of rhythm fluctuations, as a rule, does not change.

Instant relaxation and stress relief- Frequencies between 5 and 10 Hz are used for different levels of relaxation.

Sleep replacement- a thirty-minute session at 5 hertz replaces 2-3 hours of sleep, allowing you to wake up early in the morning more vigorous, listen for half an hour before falling asleep and getting up in the morning.

Fighting insomnia- waves between 4 and 6 hertz for the first 10 minutes, then transition to frequencies below 3.5 Hz (for 20-30 minutes), gradually descending to 2.5 Hz before ending.

Raising the tone- Theta waves (4-7 Hz) for 45 minutes a day.

You can also read about the rhythms of brain activity and.

Stimulation of brain rhythms

Consider the ways available to each person to stimulate the rhythms of the brain to improve natural abilities, including memory, creative insights.

Alpha Rhythm Stimulation

People have varying degrees of alpha wave production. For some, the level of these waves is naturally very low, for others, on the contrary, it is high. In children, alpha and theta waves are predominant. Therefore, children do not need stimulation of the alpha rhythm.

As we get older, our brains begin to produce more beta waves. Psychologists say that the alpha rhythm prevails in extroverts (sociable optimists who easily interact with society) and is significantly reduced in introverts (reserved, a little shy and withdrawn people, focused on their inner world). Stimulation of alpha waves helps introverts feel more confident in society.

Ways to increase the alpha rhythm are:

  1. Synchronization of waves with external signals. It consists in listening to certain tracks composed of stereo signals (see more below).
  2. Daily meditation-relaxation- takes practice and time. It is enough for beginners to devote 20 minutes a day to training to learn how to relax.
  3. Yoga- contributes to the complete relaxation of the body and an increase in the level of alpha waves. Proper and constant yoga classes will help to consciously control the alpha rhythm.
  4. Deep breathing- a method of saturating the cells of the brain and body with oxygen. By mastering this method and making it a habit, you will help your brain automatically tune in to the formation of the alpha rhythm.
  5. Visualization. As soon as we close our eyes and start dreaming, drawing positive images, the brain immediately begins to actively produce alpha waves.
  6. Alcohol- an effective, but the most unhealthy way to increase. People easily get used to relieve stress with alcohol. When it is taken, there is a sharp rise in the production of alpha waves, a state of relaxation and tranquility sets in. That is why, with the help of stimulating alpha waves with special equipment, you can do the opposite - treat alcoholism and drug addiction.

The negative effects that occur with excessive stimulation of the alpha rhythm include increased drowsiness, fatigue, and even depression. It is important to understand your condition. If you feel tired, drowsy, and beginning to feel depressed, then your brain needs to be stimulated not by alpha waves, but by beta waves.

An increase in the alpha rhythm will be useful in case of depression associated with fear, nervousness and tension. There is no need to increase the alpha rhythm in a calm, relaxed state with a clear mind. This can lead to feelings of frustration, boredom, and loss of interest in life. When these effects appear, you need to stop the stimulation of alpha waves and increase the beta rhythm.

Stimulation of the Beta Rhythm

What benefits does a person get from stimulating his brain with beta waves? These waves naturally begin to dominate in conversation and learning activities. Increasing the beta rhythm improves social skills, mental abilities, raises the level of energy, sharpens the senses, and concentrates attention. Researchers have found that people with an IQ above average have an increased production of beta waves in the brain. This is not surprising, because these waves speed up the brain and increase perception. educational information. Beta stimulation is helpful for those who feel tired and overwhelmed during the day.

Ways to stimulate beta waves:

  1. Wave synchronization- with the help of music containing binaural beats (see details below).
  2. Reading interesting books- increases the activity of the left hemisphere and the production of beta waves.
  3. Caffeine- enhances beta waves, but only for a short time. Harmful energy drinks and smoking give a surge of wave activity. However, soon after getting up, you will feel a sharp drop in energy and spend the rest of the day in a broken state.

Disadvantages of Beta Rhythm Elevation. If you naturally have elevated levels of beta waves, then additional stimulation will lead to feelings of fear, inexplicable anxiety and even panic. The beta rhythm increases muscle tension and blood pressure. These waves affect the processes of excitation of the nervous system and relieve drowsiness. Therefore, hypertensive patients and those suffering from insomnia should not get involved in stimulating beta waves.

Stimulation of Theta waves

Theta rhythm brings our body into a state of deep relaxation, in which we see dreams. These waves are a thin line between the conscious and the subconscious. Under their influence, self-healing mechanisms are launched in the body, there is an improvement in the physical and spiritual state. Thanks to deep relaxation during theta rhythm, our body quickly recovers from heavy loads.

Entering the state of theta rhythm contributes to the emergence of a deep connection with the subconscious and the emergence of paranormal abilities (the exit of consciousness beyond the physical body, establishing contact with other world, extrasensory perception). Staying in it brings us feelings of bliss and peace.

Psychotherapists use device and other theta wave stimulation in the treatment of patients from mental trauma. The principle of treatment is based on a person remembering a traumatic event hidden in the depths of the subconscious, and changing attitudes towards it.

Great activity of theta waves is found in children and creative people. Theta rhythm awakens and enhances our emotions and feelings, allows you to program the subconscious, get rid of negative thinking.

Ways to stimulate theta waves:

  1. Synchronization of the brain with special rhythms.
  2. Listening to pleasant music. The sounds of such music are associated with the development of emotions and sensations, and this is a direct way to increase the activity of theta waves.
  3. Meditation (light relaxation and dhyana with some immersion)- produces alpha and theta rhythm. The easiest way to learn how to produce alpha waves, and only after positive training comes the ability to control the theta rhythm.
  4. Hypnosis and self-hypnosis. Allow to strengthen the alpha and theta rhythm.
  5. Yoga- helps to consciously control the state of theta waves and get the most out of it.

Unhealthy ways to increase theta rhythm include the use of hallucinogenic drugs and alcohol. In a state of intoxication, the activity of alpha waves first increases, a feeling of peace and relaxation sets in, then a phase of violent activity begins - beta rhythms, then they are replaced by theta oscillations. Chronic alcoholics experience constant theta activity, which impairs their speech, memory, and reasoning abilities.

Reasonable meditation, yoga and hypnosis help a person to know himself, dive into the subconscious, learn to generate alpha and theta waves.

The disadvantages of increasing theta brain activity include:

  • Theta stimulation is not suitable for dreamy people who are prone to fantasizing, as it will make them even more absent-minded.
  • An increase in theta rhythm leads to a decrease in concentration and drowsiness. Therefore, you should not stimulate theta waves before work. Just like alpha, theta fluctuations in large quantities cause apathy and boredom.

Delta Wave Stimulation

The stimulation of delta waves is the most difficult process, because delta waves "shape" the subconscious and in the subconscious. Ordinary people are in a state of delta-rhythm dominance only in deep sleep, coma or unconsciousness. Only experienced healers, psychics, shamans, and experienced meditators can consciously control delta oscillations. Without studying special techniques and methods, without a competent assistant, it is not recommended to increase delta brain activity on your own.

The easiest way to achieve a steady onset of delta waves is to breathe rhythmically at a rate of about 60 breaths per minute.

This method is used by shamans in ritual dances before going to the "subtle" world for answers to their questions.

Synchronization of waves with external signals

Our brain has the ability to synchronize its dominant frequency with an external signal, this is called "frequency response". Due to this, targeted synchronization of brain waves is possible - the targeted use of sound or light to synchronize the frequency of the electrochemical activity of the brain with a frequency corresponding to the desired state of the brain.

The main types of sounds used for brain wave synchronization (BMW) are:

binaural beats are two tones of slightly different speed (or frequency) delivered separately to each ear. These rhythms are perceived as if they arise right in the head. In this case, the brain begins to work at a frequency that is obtained by combining these two frequencies. Headphones are necessary condition, because there is no other way to deliver a specific sound to each ear in isolation.

This effect is produced in the brain, not in the ears, as is the case with monaural beats. This is a mixed product of the activity of neurons located in the ear and brain. Binaural beats are different from monaural beats that occur in the environment (external to the ear), it's like hitting two guitar strings at the same time, having slightly different frequencies.

This is how a binaural beat is generated:

Binaural beats were first discovered in 1839 by a German experimenter (H. Dove). Then binaural beats were considered a kind of monaural beats. Monaural and binaural beats are rare in nature, but they often appear in man-made objects.

The binaural beats are not too noticeable as the modulation depth (the difference between loud and soft sound) is 3 db. This means that binaural beats do not produce any significant CMW, but have a hypnotic and relaxing effect.

This is partly due to the Ganzfeld effect. The Ganzfeld effect is a process when the mind calms down as a result of a monotonous effect on the senses.

A natural example of the Ganzfeld effect would be when you are sitting in a field in a village, staring up at the spacious blue sky and listening to the rustle of leaves on the trees (white noise) away from the hustle and bustle and other manifestations of city life.

Due to the Ganzfeld effect, binaural beats, as a psychological tool, rather play an assisting role in the generation of the CMW process, the purpose of which is peace of mind and soul.

monaural rhythms occur in the ears as a reaction to sounds different nature. Like binaural beats, these sounds do not occur in nature, but are common when listening to machinery that constantly makes a sound. For example, you may have heard two motors running creating a resonance effect in a building. At the same time, you can literally feel the vibrations with your whole body that occur when the sounds of these engines “collide” with each other.

With the help of monaural rhythms, musicians tune string instruments. Both monaural and binaural beats are the result of the arithmetic sum of the waveforms of two tones as they complement or “negate” each other, getting louder, then quieter, then louder again.

This is how a monoural rhythm is generated:

Isochronous tones are directly spaced tones that turn on and off very quickly. Synchronization occurs due to the rhythmic switching on and off of sounds of a certain frequency. Isochronous tones are currently considered the most effective means of auditory stimulation, and are recognized as more effective for synchronization than monaural and binaural beats. They cause a pronounced reaction and are liked by most people.

Isochronous tones, consisting of a pure tone (complex waves), with a frequency of 150-180 Hz show the best result of personal perception so often that they are recommended for general use.

Unlike binaural beats, isochronous sounds can be heard through external speakers, or listened to with the whole body. The brain perceives sound not only with the ears, it perceives signals coming from the whole body.

Isochronous sounds do not require headphones, but using headphones can achieve a clearer effect by eliminating external sound interference.

It is assumed that isochronous tones also have hypnotic properties, however, this does not mean that they inspire any ideas or additional affirmations. These are vibrations that help you relax, meditate deeper and work with your subconscious, for example, when clearing it.

A Brief Overview of the Three Types of Synchronized Sounds

  1. binaural beats: Two sounds slightly different in frequency create a frequency to synchronize. Headphones are used while listening; one sound goes to the left ear, the other to the right, exactly at the same time. The brain begins to work at a frequency that is obtained by combining these two frequencies. You hear not two sounds, but one. Headphones are a prerequisite because there is no other way to isolate a certain sound to each ear (both ears hear both sounds, and the brain starts to work at the desired frequency).

    And although some say that binaural beats are not as effective for synchronization as monaural or isochronous sounds, binaural beats are more effective for synchronization of the cerebral hemispheres. It is believed to contribute to clarity of thought and is characteristic of the thinking of geniuses, when logic and creativity are used in equal measure.

  2. monaural rhythms: monaural rhythms arise in the ears as a reaction to sounds of a different nature. Like binaural beats, these sounds do not occur in nature, but are common when listening to machinery that constantly makes a sound. For example, you may have heard two motors running creating a resonance effect in a building. At the same time, you can literally feel the vibrations with your whole body that occur when the sounds of these engines “collide” with each other.

    Or perhaps you've heard two guitar strings tuned to different frequencies sounding at the same time: you're hearing a consonant frequency, not two different frequencies. Headphones are not required for monaural rhythms.

  3. Isochronous sounds very fast pulsing, rhythmically turning on and off. The synchronization frequency is obtained very simply - by repeatedly turning on and off the sound of the desired frequency. Isochronous sounds do not require headphones, but using headphones can achieve a clearer effect by eliminating external sound interference. Experts generally agree that isochronous sounds can be more effective at timing than monaural and binaural beats.

Isochronous sounds are felt by the body, not just heard by the ears.

Unlike binaural beats, isochronous sounds can be heard through external speakers, or listened to with the whole body. The brain perceives sound not only with the ears. Have you ever felt the rhythm with your whole body - for example, at a rock concert? Even the deaf can "hear" sounds by feeling the vibrations with their body rather than their ears.

Both the brain and the body perceive (“hear”) constant external stimuli. Isochronous sounds are a relatively new technology., which replaced the binaural and monaural rhythms that have been used for about a hundred years. You can achieve a deeper synchronization effect with isochronous sounds than with binaural beats due to whole body synchronization.

Are isochronous sounds safe? Yes. Brain Sync is not brainwashing! The brain naturally tends to synchronize with any repeated sound. Sounds affect the electrochemical activity of the brain in the same natural way that listening to repeated light drumming calls for relaxation. It only affects your mood and the state of your consciousness - brain wave synchronization does not instill any thoughts or ideas in your consciousness, and also does not cause physical harm.

The note. In short, the essence: planets are not needed at all in astrology, it’s just that in the world there are cycles (rhythms) to which everything in it is attached, or with which everything in it is synchronous (resonant) - you can calculate these rhythms by finding some common cycles in a person and something more or less permanent and global (if a nightingale outside the window has a global cycle, all astrology can be perfectly tied to a nightingale).

M - to dream