Can an angel be there all the time. Guardian angel by date of birth

For those who believe in the existence of guardian angels, it is quite difficult to immediately understand whether he is near now or not. For many years now, people have shared their observations on this topic.

As a result, it was possible to identify The 11 most common signs that your guardian angel is visiting you.

1. Visited by an angel in a dream

Dreams are often seen as a window to the soul, but a dream can also show that your guardian angel is somewhere nearby.

An angel may visit you in a dream to let you know that he is near and that he is watching over you. Sometimes they can convey some kind of message in this way, and sometimes they just show their presence.

2. Strange colored circles before the eyes

If, for unknown reasons, you suddenly see a bright light or strange colored circles, then it may seem that this is an optical illusion. In fact, some people believe that this is how we see the movement of angels.

You may notice strange glowing orbs in Everyday life or somewhere in the photos near you. Many believe that these unique lights are a sign that your guardian angel is nearby.

3. Sudden sweet smell

If you suddenly feel a pleasant sweet smell, but do not know its origin, this may be one of the signs of the presence of an angel nearby.

Many of those who believe in angels say that these sweet smells are a sign that your guardian angel is trying to reach out to you and show that he is there. It can sometimes be like the smell of a delicious dish, flowers or pleasant perfumes used by your deceased relatives.

4. Find a white feather

In one of the books about guardian angels, author Jackie Newcomb says that a white feather is a safe and gentle way for an angel to hint to a person about his presence. According to the author, this is one of the most common signs from angels. You can find a white feather quite by accident and in an unexpected place.

5. Your child sees something that you cannot see.

Many people believe that children and pets have the ability to see guardian angels even when adults cannot see them. They say angels comfort children when they are naughty.

You may notice that your baby is staring at some point or smiling into the void, as if someone is there. This may be a sign of the presence of an angel next to him.

6. You see angels in the clouds

As children, many of us spent time looking at the bizarre shapes of clouds. Someone saw animals, someone other objects. If you often think that the clouds look like an angel, this may be a sign of his presence nearby. Sometimes the same sign can be clouds resembling hearts or other objects that are pleasant or important to you.

7. You notice angel numbers in simple things.

According to the authors who deal with this topic, angels often try to attract the attention of people with the help of angel numbers that accidentally caught their eye. These may be some numbers or dates that are important to you, or repeated unusual numbers - 333, 11:11, etc. If they often catch your eye, know that your guardian angel is somewhere nearby.

8. Sudden temperature changes

Many people talk about such a phenomenon as a sudden change in temperature. It may be a sudden sensation of cold or warmth all over the body. All this is perceived by many as a sign of the presence of an angel.

9. You hear muffled sounds

Of course, we can't communicate with angels, but that doesn't stop them from trying to tell us something. Many believe that strange muffled sounds that appear in silence for an unknown reason may be a sign that your guardian angel is trying to tell you something.

10. Feeling of presence

Surely many have had the feeling that there is someone nearby, even when the room is completely empty. Many believe that this is also one of the signs that your angel is nearby.

11. Sudden warmth at the top of your head

It is believed that a sudden sensation of warmth at the top of the head may indicate the presence of an angel. Many people think that this area is connected with the halo of an angel and through it he can turn to a person.

Manifested in the form of a disembodied youth. They always try to serve sincere people with good thoughts, instruct sinners on the true path.

Even if you do not see your Guardian Angel, this does not mean at all that he is not around, and he does not help. St. John of Kronstadt said that if we ourselves do not drive away the Angel with our neglect, unbelief, carnality and pride, he will always help in life path. All good thoughts and deeds are constantly accompanied by the Guardian Angel.

Who is he and why is a person necessary?

The Lord God Himself is so omnipotent that He personally cannot descend to each person, it is for this purpose that He created the Angels. Unlike man, an angel has no flaws and therefore is able to act from God, representing Him.

An angel is a soul sent to earth, appointed by the Lord God himself to protect people. If a person believes in God throughout his life, loves and honors Him, the Guardian Angel will follow with him from birth to death, instructing him on the path of light.

The very word Angel comes from ancient greece and it sounds like “Angelos”, that is, a messenger or messenger, and in Hebrew, with the same meaning, there is the word Malak, it was he who was taken by the prophet Malachi as his name. church rules recommend contacting your Guardian Angel at home, in personal prayer requests. Adopted in the 17th century universal church October 2 is the day of the Angel.

Who is my Angel, how to find out about him by date of birth?

Although common man The angel is not visible, its data can be calculated. Age, character and gender will also be available. First, you need to get your personal number, this is done by adding all the digits of the date of birth, and the resulting number is again added by numbers.

For example: date of birth January 16, 1976. It turns out the following value: 1 + 6 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 6 \u003d 31, now we add 3 + 1 and get - 4. This is our number. If it is even, it means that your Angel is a representative of the masculine, if it is odd, it is feminine.

Age of personal Guardian Angel is recognized by adding to your date of birth, the sacred number "4", 16 + 4 \u003d 20, which means your Angel is 20 years old. And that age never changes.

But in order to find out the character of your Angel, you need to take the second digit of your birthday. If it's a single digit, it stays that way. In our case, this is the number 6.

  • The number "1" means Holiness. Those people who have an Angel under this figure are certainly lucky, because this is the most reliable patron. Who will not stand aside, looking at the suffering of man. Such Angels are given to those people who have a weak energy field.
  • The number "2" means Light. It is Angels with the number "2" that can be found in the drawings of ancient masters, depicted with white and large wings. Often, after birth, such Angels kiss their wards, which causes moles or freckles to appear on the face. It is worth listening to such an Angel through dreams and trusting mirror reflections if something in him seemed unusual.
  • The number "3" means Air. It is impossible to see these Angels in reality or in a dream. But you can hear, most often they can give signals with a rustle or other unusual sound. This Angel may move away from a person for some time, but with a great desire, he will be able to fulfill the request.
  • The number "4" means Wisdom. These people are helped by wise patrons who promote achievements in the field of science. People with such Angels have a higher intelligence, are easily trained and rapidly move up the career ladder.
  • The number "5" means Metal. This is a strong Angel for strong-willed people, Angel number 5 helps to take bold, decisive actions.
  • The number "6" means rainbow. The angels of such people help a lot with despondency and decline in creativity. People who met the Angel with the number 6 are very creative, but they can often become depressed, the Angel helps to get out of a dull state and direct a person in the right direction.
  • The number "7" means Energy. Such Angels must certainly be respected and often thanked, because they give their person a source of energy. Thanking the Angel for the past day, you can be sure of a new reserve of strength.
  • Number "8". Angels under this figure are the souls of dead people who very carefully guard their person. Great mercy and constant help are the main features inherent in this type of Angels.
  • The number "9" means Warmth. Angels with the number 9 are optimistic and "good-natured". Their guardian is usually peaceful, calm and lives as if in harmony with the whole world.
  • "0" means fire. This is very strong angels, ready to help in any situation, be it a trifle or a serious problem.

How to see, hear and talk to him?

Meditation is one of the most effective ways to free your mind in order to invoke the Guardian Angel. Find a place and time where no one and nothing will distract you. First, choose the most comfortable position, relax and begin to breathe evenly, getting rid of bad thoughts and enjoy the emptiness.

When absolute peace is achieved, you can try to call on the Angel, ask him to appear. It is important to imagine a place for a meeting, it can be a cave, a forest or a beach. Be ready for the meeting, believe in it. Be specific about what you want to know or ask. Be prepared for the fact that the Angel may appear not only in human form.

When you see or feel your Angel, ask his name and after that, you can ask if he has any news from above. After that, ask about your desires, ask questions.

After that, be sure to thank the Angel for the help provided. Start breathing deeply and gradually open your eyes. Let the pupils get used to the familiar surroundings.

Please note that the Angel may not show up for the first meeting. but you can't stop trying. After meditation, the Angel can intuitively suggest a route.

You can also see the Angel with the help of two mirrors. To do this, put two, opposite each other, so that a mirror corridor appears. From the side of one, light church candles and say: "Guardian angel, appear." But it's already magical ritual and before holding it, think about whether that Angel will come to you?

Meeting in a dream

For an Angel to come to you in a dream, you can read a simple prayer:

“Angel of God, my holy guardian, given to me by God from heaven! I diligently pray to you: enlighten me here and save me from all evil, guide me to a good deed and direct me to the path of salvation. Amen."

Now. After the prayer, close your eyes and mentally ask him to come to you in your dreams.

Here are a few tips at once, all of them useful for achieving the goal: calling an Angel in a dream.

  • Situation. Fresh air, silence, pleasant melodies, flowers and candles. Such an environment is favorable for the Angel.
  • Emotions. Toward evening, and even better - all day, be on a positive wave, try to discard all fears, anger and unpleasant thoughts. The angel will not be able to approach if the soul is negative.
  • Prayers. As often as possible, resort to reading prayers, they calm, purify the soul.
  • Aura. At least once a day you need to bring your breath to a calm state. Breathe deeply, imagine that a golden glow emanates from you.
  • Feel. While meditating, try to feel your Guardian Angel. You should feel a slight breeze as the Angel waved its wing. And if you feel a light touch, it means that the Angel will appear in a dream.

What can and cannot be asked of an angel?

Everyone has a limit, even the Angels, and therefore you can not ask them for everything, they are still not genies fulfilling any whim. Here are a few things you can't ask for:

  1. Can't ask for what can hurt others people or animals.
  2. Don't ask for anything what has to do with feelings, for example: for someone to love you.
  3. Don't wish the good of your neighbor you can't ask someone to take something away and take it into your own hands.
  4. Naturally, you can't ask for the impossible, about what is contrary to the laws of the universe.
  5. Don't ask for what you can't do for yourself. Put in the effort to do it.

What you can ask your Guardian Angel:

  1. At getting into trouble life situation you can ask for advice or help.
  2. You can ask the health of a loved one or even a stranger.
  3. If the financial situation is difficult, you can ask for some money.
  4. You can ask for employment if you can't find a job for a long time. But, the work should not be connected with the war, the army and other things that can harm nature and man.
  5. Can ask to forgive you for something.
  6. Ask about creating well-being for yourself and family.
  7. You can ask guide to finding love.
  8. You can also ask about travel protection or hike.
  9. And you can ask about finding a missing item.

And so, following your heart and taking into account all of the above, you can make desires that do not contradict everything holy, and then the Angel will hear you and do everything to help. Pray more often, call, communicate with the Angels, lead a healthy lifestyle and everything will be fine with you.

After the rite of Baptism, each person is given his own Guardian Angel, who is called upon to help and protect a person throughout his life. But sometimes it seems that the Angel does not hear us, does not help, does not protect.

Both in happy times, and in moments of sadness and despair, we want to feel the presence next to us of some kind of higher power or our Angel. If something bad happens in your life, this does not mean that the Angel has left you. Most likely, just at this time he is solving your problems and wants to get through to you.

But people are too often fixated on their failures, negative thoughts and problems that they do not notice the signs of the presence of their Guardian Angel nearby and his desire to help.

Here are 5 signs that a Guardian Angel is in your life and signs that he wants to help you:

information flows

Something bad happens in your life. The situation worries and excites you very much, all thoughts are occupied only with the solution of this problem. Suddenly, on TV, in newspapers, in movies, in the conversations of passers-by, you begin to hear almost every day about your problem. For example, a woman who has been diagnosed with infertility begins to notice signs everywhere: in her favorite series, the heroine cannot get pregnant, she accidentally sees advertisements for fertility drugs, everywhere - from TV, radio and newspapers, a stream of information related to her problem. This means that the Guardian Angel is nearby and says that your problem is solvable, you just need to try a little to solve it!

Cyclic problems

In your life, some events occur in cycles. The Guardian Angel is very far-sighted and knows in advance what can happen to you. He can send you problems, by solving which you can gain strength and change your life for the better. If some problem in your life often repeats, and you step on the same rake, then this is the sign of the Angel, telling you that you need to fight this problem. If you do not do this, that the Angel will send it to you constantly until you can handle it.

beautiful dreams

If you dreamed good dream, after which you feel joy and harmony in your soul, it means that your Guardian Angel guards your sleep and wants to calm you down, instill in you a sense of security and safety.

Feelings and feelings

Often the Guardian Angel communicates through feelings and sensations. Listen more often to what your heart wants, not your mind. The Guardian Angel speaks with your heart, so what comes from the soul goes according to the will of your Angel.

You are being chased by repeated numbers

The Guardian Angel does not know how to reach you and sends you signs in the form of repeating numbers. So if you constantly see 111, 222 and other numbers, your defender wants to tell you something.

Do not think that the Guardian Angel has left you. Listen to yourself, look for signs and you will feel his presence next to you. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

07.07.2015 09:50

When choosing a gift, it is important to consider not only appearance, benefit and preferences of the recipient, but ...

Awareness of protection from the guardian angel contributes to peace in the soul, gives confidence in life. There are 2 main theories about the origin of angels. They tend to believe that these are the souls of deceased relatives and spiritual personalities created by God. How to know that you were visited by a guardian angel: 11 signs will help with this.

When and why does the guardian angel come

According to the observations of people and the analysis of events, the guardian angel comes for consolation, support in case of doubt in various issues, warnings against danger. His presence is felt during powerlessness, despair, melancholy, disappointment.

unusual dreams

Every person, regardless of belonging to a particular religion, has dreams. These nocturnal phenomena may simply be the fruit of fantasy, expectations, or events experienced the day before. Among them there are impressive cases, because they take the soul, cause strong emotions - positive or negative. The interpretation of dreams is a special science, accessible only to the elite. Often a dream book helps to clarify the meaning of a dream. Through them, angels can warn of something or simply give a sign of their presence.

The appearance of colored spherical objects

People are able to observe manifestations of special colored balls or luminescence. A theory is known that suggests the movement of angels in time and space through spherical objects. On the made photographs, colored circles, shines are sometimes noticeable, which have nothing to do with the quality of the image. Such manifestations are a sign of the presence of otherworldly forces nearby: often bright ones that protect a person.

Unexpected pleasant fragrance

Pleasant smells that appear out of nowhere are a reminder to people sent from above. It indicates constant observation and readiness to help in difficult situations. The fragrance appears after prayer - both in church and at home. The type of smell varies depending on what exactly the angel wants to pay attention to. The fragrance includes:

  • church incense of candles, lamps, altar;
  • natural aromas of flowers, trees, plants, spices or herbs;
  • pleasant smells of perfume or ready meals associated with a particular person.

Through sweet incense, familiar by smell or not, the guardian angel attracts attention. He makes it clear that he heard a certain request, and intends to fulfill it.

Sudden detection of a white feather

Some consider such a phenomenon trifling. It is believed that the discovery of a feather of white light is a sign of protection and guardianship from the forces of light. An unexpected discovery occurs in the most unlikely places, at a time of greatest need for angelic support. This is the most common method by which invisible helpers draw attention to themselves.

White feathers are used in the manufacture of amulets, amulets that protect against magical influence, evil eye, damage. They symbolize:

  • bright deeds;
  • attracting good luck;
  • resolution of long-standing disputes, difficult issues;
  • readiness of the guardian angel to promote good deeds.

Esotericism claims that they dissipate negative energy. It is not surprising that spiritual assistants have chosen this paraphernalia to make themselves known to mere mortals. If a light feather flew into the window or on the threshold of the door - this good sign. He leaves no doubt that the spiritual protectors will support, favor. You should beware of feathers of dark colors: they are harbingers of the impact on the soul of black magic.

Observation by a child of objects inaccessible to adults

This often happens with children under 5 years of age. A child of this age is closely connected with the spiritual world. Children's psyche, thinking and aura have not yet had time to change under the influence of the outside world. Toddlers talk and point to specific places where they saw something unusual: glow, movement, bright flashes or voices. None of these phenomena is visually accessible to adults - their consciousness is clouded by worldly thoughts. Psychologists are sure that children at such moments are subject to an altered state of consciousness - an officially known term among scientists.

Animals react too underworld and see angels. Due to developed intuition, innate or acquired abilities - people are not given to know this. Concrete proof of the reaction of animals to the signals of the invisible world is their behavior in the following cases:

  • Natural disasters, in which they leave in advance to safe places.
  • An impending disaster for the owner of the house or a negative event for a person. Pets do not let their owner out of the house, bark, scratch, jump on the walls.
  • Paranormal activity indoors or outdoors.
  • The presence of a guardian angel nearby, in which they calm down and can focus on a specific point, as if there was a person.

Children react positively to light forces: they smile, behave calmly, stretch their hands towards spiritual beings or point with their fingers. They can even communicate with the angel and tell what he answers them. With the accumulation of negative energy in the house and the presence of demons, the child behaves in the opposite way: he cries, gets nervous, and suffers from insomnia.

Individually Significant Numbers Found in Public Places

Numerology is a separate science on which the universe as a whole is based. All living and non-living objects have their own proportions, weight, age, and parameters that vary over time. All matter is saturated with numerical regularity, starting from DNA molecules, ending with the Cheops pyramids in Egypt. There are numbers that are significant for every person. Through them, angels give signs when a person needs it. The sequence of the number series is determined by:

  • wedding anniversaries, anniversaries;
  • date of birth or death of someone;
  • car license plates;
  • repeating numbers that have a magical meaning.

Numbers can be seen in familiar situations, everyday life, public places, on a computer monitor or just on someone's T-shirt. So the guardian angel draws attention to himself or the event - already held or upcoming.

Unnatural sensations of cold or heat

  • thinking about an important situation;
  • prayer, meditation, turning to your inner self;
  • the need for support from spiritual assistants;
  • heightened sensitivity to reality transsurfing.

There is nothing wrong with feeling hot or cold in the body, and even more so, there is no harm to health. Their form and character are individual. They differ in varying degrees of intensity, are able to flare up spontaneously or increase gradually over a period of up to 5 minutes. We are not talking about entering the astral plane - a change in body temperature simply speaks of the friendly soothing embrace of a guardian angel.

Audibility of voices

Not a symptom of schizophrenia unless diagnosed by a psychiatrist. Only psychics are capable of conducting a straightforward dialogue with spiritual beings. This circle includes a limited number of people, units. The rest are charlatans or mentally ill.

Only a spiritually mature, adequate person is able to recognize the voice of a guardian angel from speeches dark forces who want to harm. Believers believe that with the condescension of God's providence, some persons are able to hear quiet voices. They broadcast vital information. They are especially clearly recognized in a calm environment alone with oneself.

The constant feeling of being near a person

The unmistakable feeling of an extraneous presence nearby is one of 11 signs that you have been visited by a guardian angel. Intuition is a subtle feeling that functions among representatives healthy lifestyle life. This category of people has not clogged their body with nicotine, alcohol, narcotic substances and harmful chemical elements found everywhere.

The activity of both hemispheres of the brain allows at least a little closer to contact with spiritual beings during life on earth. Often you can hear from such people that they are not alone, although physically there is no one nearby.

Pleasant tingling in the head

Everything that a person sees, feels, touches, processes his brain. The head is the most important part of the body, so unusual feelings in it with an angelic presence are not uncommon. They can be accompanied by goosebumps, mainly on the limbs and torso. The back of the head is subjected to a pleasant tingling sensation, reminiscent of the sensations in which soda bubbles enter the nasal cavities.

There are statements that the connection with higher powers is established through the top of the head. Tingling is transformed into heat and vice versa. Such feelings indicate the desire of the guardian angel to communicate.

The appearance of an angel in the sky

Children sometimes spend their leisure time recognizing figures and objects in the form of clouds. There is an opinion that it is possible to see a spiritual person in the sky - moving or frozen. The situation depends on the state of mind and the need for angelic help.

The meaning of heavenly symbolism

Clouds are able to take a certain shape, which shows a familiar silhouette, portrait or other significant symbolism. Such a phenomenon is a sign from higher powers about guardianship and readiness to answer prayers.

The most common symbolism and its meaning:

  • Swan - the imminent acquisition of a life partner, love, happiness.
  • An angel is a harbinger of a joyful event.
  • The dragon is a symbol of longevity in the East, and in the West it means evil forces. It should be determined by the nature and complexity of life situations.
  • Pegasus - success, achievement of short-term or long-term goals.
  • Rabbit - to the appearance of offspring, and for a pregnant woman - a successful birth.
  • Virgo - a complete change in life values, priorities, an early setting of new goals.
  • Flowers - the acquisition of spiritual benefits: love, life satisfaction, spiritual maturity.
  • A rider on a horse is a harbinger of wealth, profit received at work, as a result of doing business or investing.
  • Mountains - indicate obstacles in business, the resolution of which will require patience and perseverance. Passing the tests will be rewarded royally.
  • The cross means the beginning of the fulfillment of one's destiny on earth. It's time to become who you are supposed to be, and higher powers will help you.
  • The Holy Mother of God appeared before the Battle of Kursk, the October Revolution, the Civil War. Therefore, we should expect equivalent events in the future.
  • The eye warns of impending dangers, mass brawls, disasters, and other adverse factors in which you need to have a sober mind and determination.

How to know that a guardian angel visited you: 11 signs of the presence of a patron testify to God's providence. There is nothing ambiguous about recognizing angelic signs in heaven - they are the exact opposite of earthly dullness. Even Holy Scriptures they speak of heaven as the place of residence of god and angels. If higher powers gave a sign in the sky, showing wings, a cross, a silhouette of a saint or other symbols, you should understand the hint and act piously in the future.


by Notes of the Wild Mistress

Many sensitive people observe interesting phenomena that are not related to physical reality. These phenomena are associated with the presence of Guardians who protect them and watch over them.

Angels don't have physical body and vibrate at a different frequency than we - physically mortals. These spirit guardians are always trying to guide our actions and send thoughts that will be useful to us.

Do you not notice them? It all depends on whether you have enough bandwidth of the mind and soul.

Do you believe in forces that are trying to protect humanity from its own cold and destructive hands? Do you see phenomena that are out of the norm?

It remains a mystery how these guardians protect and care for us. I believe that this mystery is an integral aspect of the infinite universe. That is why we all get different answers.

Regardless of your attitude towards higher powers, the ways in which angels appear remain the same for a long time. They usually never appear in physical projection and tend to appear in more subtle ways.

Here are the most common manifestations of angels reported by people from all over the world.

1. Changes in temperature.

The room may become warmer or colder for no apparent reason. The way the angels vibrate can slow down or speed up the molecules in the air, resulting in temperature changes. Pay attention to what you are doing or thinking and feeling in order to understand their message.

2. Fantastic, inexplicable aromas.

Have you ever felt at home or where there are no random smells, amazing aromas? If you smell a very pleasant smell that does not match the environment, the angel may be a hug away from you!

Smell is a strong sense, highly associated with memory. What smell did you smell? What did he make you think?

3. Mumbling voices.

And while this is often a sign that you're crazy, in this context, hearing voices is wonderful! You are open to the attraction of the universe, while other people are closed. Listen to these voices, but also to your intuition, because voices are different ...

4. The appearance of various colored lights.

Seeing beams or flashes of light are certain signs of the presence of angels. You may notice sparks of light or become aware of shadows around you. Do not be afraid. Angels don't want to harm you. As a rule, this indicates that they are trying to contact you directly from their plane.

5. Unexpected feathers.

Feathers around you for no reason? Haven't you been looking for this? This is a sign that they are nearby and paying attention to you.

6. Communication through dreams.

You may not remember the dream, but you will feel lighter, stronger and more confident in the direction of acceptance.

7. Feeling like you are being followed.

Be sure to look around to make sure this is not your Facebook stalker again. The sensation will be accompanied by a feeling of confidence and love. If you are alone and you feel that someone is in the room with you, but you are not afraid - trust your intuition. Your angels are trying to protect and insure you.

Do you feel the presence of a guardian angel?
