Sergei as you can call. What does the name Sergey mean: origin and meaning

A kid named Sergei is a cheerful child, open to the outside world. One of his best childhood features is a cheerful mood, regardless of the weather outside the window, relationships with family or friends. But despite the cheerful disposition, at an early age Serezha often experiences fluctuations in activity.

He can run around the house or playground for hours, and then abruptly start acting up for no reason. Parents need to calmly perceive such situations and not scold the baby. This kind of behavior is normal for him. necessary condition to restore energy reserves. A boy with this name is a sensitive and peaceful nature. Studying at school is easy for him, Sergey does not need to be reminded of the assigned duties twice.

He enjoys participating in amateur art activities, listens to music, likes to watch movies. Sergei is gifted in many ways, and it is not for nothing that there are so many musicians, painters, artists, and writers among the bearers of this name. Sergei shuns leadership, tries to do without outside help, but he himself is reluctant to help even the closest people.

In adolescence, Sergei's attitude to duties does not change - he remains a responsible person, always keeping his promise. Many friends prefer to use his subtle mental organization for their own purposes. Serega is the person who will listen, understand, sympathize and give useful advice.

He always tries to be calm and fair, and if he is offended by the behavior of his comrades, then he prefers to keep all the negativity in himself. A guy with this name does not tend to complain to others about fate. Sergey has a well-developed intuition, he feels deceit and flattery. It is difficult to call him an intellectual, but he does not hold restraint and prudence.

As a rule, Sergei does not know unrequited love. There are many women in love with him, and he unshakably believes that he deserves it and that he is entitled to it in life. moral standards seem too strict to him. Such bright personalities as the name Sergey live in another dimension and do not fit into the usual framework.

Adult Sergey is a creative person, gushing with various ideas, which he certainly strives to bring to life. Assistants for the implementation of all their plans selects very carefully. With age, youthful vulnerability is replaced by unshakable firmness of character. If serious problems happen in the life of this man, he is able to easily cope with them.

Overcome difficulties on life path allow his extraordinary mental abilities, based on the manifestation of increased attention not only to the whole, but also to particulars. One glance is enough for Sergey to give a correct assessment of a person and decide whether to continue friendly, business or love relationship. The behavior of a man with this name often does not meet the generally accepted requirements of morality and morality.

With all his heart he is attached to feminine and modest partners. Willingly participates in household chores. Not picky about food. the name of Sergey is a jack of all trades. Leadership in the family is willingly inferior to his wife, but he reserves the final word in important matters. Not prone to alcoholism. Sergey is gentle and kind with children. He reaches heights in the career of a politician, in art, in big-time sports, and is inclined towards engineering work. Likes to tinker with technology.

The meaning of the name Sergey: the name for a boy means "clear" or "highly revered". This affects the character and fate of Sergei.

Origin of the name Sergei: latin.

Diminutive form of the name: Serega, Serezha, Serenka, Gray, Sergeyka, Sergulya, Sergunya, Sergunka.

What does the name Sergei mean? The name Sergei comes from the Roman generic Sergius. It translates as "clear". Another meaning of the name Sergey is “highly esteemed”, “venerable”. Among its owners are many talented individuals - singers, poets, writers or actors. The fact is that the guy named Sergey is gifted not only intellectually, but also creatively. Sergey is responsible and reliable. You can always rely on him.

Middle name of the name Sergey: Sergeevich, Sergeevna; unfold Sergeyich.

Angel Day and patron saints of the name: Sergey celebrates name days twice a year:

  • July 11 (June 28) - Reverend Sergius Valaam miracle worker, founder of the Valaam monastery on Lake Ladoga, distributed Orthodox faith in Karelia.
  • October 8 (September 25) - St. Sergius of Radonezh.

Signs: On Sergius, in October, begins, and winter sets in from the winter Matryona. If dry snow falls on Sergius of Radonezh, this promises a good summer. Sergius of Radonezh pray for chicken stock. Cabbage is chopped on Sergius Day.

The meaning of the name for a boy

What character traits determine the meaning of the name Sergei?

Early childhood: Sergey is a very respectful, quiet and kind boy. He is restrained from misconduct by the fear of offending his parents, especially his mother. However, he still gives them enough reason to worry, because he is in poor health and often picks up all sorts of infectious diseases. Little boy Sergei is optimistic and joyful about the world. Sometimes he has fluctuations in activity: sometimes he rushes about like a madman, then he starts to act up. Sergey's parents will have to come to terms with this, this is how the child's energy supply is restored.

Teenager: Seryozha is peaceful and sensitive, capable of empathy. At school, Sergei shows great promise, teachers love him and predict a great future. Classmates treat the owner of this name with respect, however, he does not get close to everyone who wishes to be friends with him. The guy Sergey loves music, cinema, he always takes part in amateur performances.

Having matured, Seryoga does not change in the main: he is still obligatory, he can also listen, understand, sympathize with a person. Serezha is fair and calm. He is often offended, but he keeps all insults to himself, does not burden anyone with his problems.

Adult: Sergey is attracted to creative professions, he dreams of connecting his life with theater, music or painting. However, more often he opts for more mundane professions. In his work, Sergey is conscientious, obligatory, fulfills the instructions given to him on time.

Sergei knows how to get along with people, he is always ready to listen to someone else's point of view, while he will not impose his own. He is tolerant of the shortcomings of others, friendly and tactful. He is extraordinarily rich emotionally. He is very sensitive, able to assess a person at first sight. He has wonderful intuition. With such an imagination, Serezha can be an actor, composer, writer, journalist, announcer, inventor.

The nature of the name Sergey

Positive features: The meaning of the name Sergey from the point of view of psychology. Cheerfulness, outstanding creativity, kindness, responsiveness, the ability to empathize. Serezha has a refined nature, any rudeness or vulgarity hurts his feelings. Sergey man can easily adapt to new people and conditions, get along with everyone except rude people. With age, courageous traits are more and more manifested in the character: courage, perseverance, high goals.

Negative Traits: The name Sergei brings a lack of firmness, will, irritation. To bring his ideas to life, he needs the help of others. He can quit midway, he does not have enough perseverance and willpower to bring it to the end. Sergei loves to build unrealistic plans, dream, fantasize, amaze others with extravagance, recklessness. He can perform heroic deeds, one-time actions, but the solution of everyday complex problems is not for him. Life failures easily "knock him out of the saddle." In childhood, a child named Sergey should not be spoiled. Excessive caress, guardianship is harmful to him. The disagreement of parents in the system of education will bring great harm to him. In this case, the guy Sergei will begin to be hypocritical, lie, and adapt early. He must grow up confident in his abilities and able to take responsibility for himself and others.

Name Sergey in love and marriage

Does the meaning of the name Sergey promise happiness in love? A man named Sergey is restrained in expressing feelings. Sergey is attracted to calm, affectionate, gentle women. He does not tolerate vulgar and narcissistic persons. Sergey's male potential is quite high, but he does not accept sexual excesses. In matters of sexual behavior is a prisoner of prejudice.

Sex for Sergei is of particular importance. intimate relationship are an obsession for him. Sergeev's potentialities are great. After meeting with him, a woman does not leave a feeling of happiness and peace for a long time.

As a rule, Serega does not know unrequited love. There are many women in love with him, and he unshakably believes that he deserves it and that he is entitled to it in life. Moral standards seem too strict to him. Such bright personalities as Sergey live in another dimension and do not fit into the usual framework.

Serega gets bogged down in love adventures, easily succumbs to the spell of love, but his affection is rarely long-lasting, there comes a break and then a new hobby. Seryozha can be married several times. Beautiful refined wives eventually give way to a calm domestic woman, whom he himself helps in household affairs.

At the same time, Serezha is ready to give up leadership to his wife, but on important issues he defends his point of view. He is a good family man, however, often leaves his wife for fishing or a company of friends. It is on this basis that spouses can have conflicts. Seryoga is a jack of all trades. In food, he is not picky, he eats what they give. It happens that Seryozhka is addicted to alcohol, but he gets drunk slowly. Likes to lavishly receive guests. He dresses very elegantly.

Sergey's children mean a lot in his life. He is gentle and kind to them. Even family relationships do not add up, he finds an opportunity to see the children, helps them financially until they get on their own feet.

Compatibility with female names

Perfect Name Compatibility:

  • Sergei and Valentina
  • Sergey and Victoria
  • Sergey and Galina
  • Sergey and Daria
  • Sergei and Elizabeth
  • Sergey and Irina
  • Sergey and Nina
  • Sergey and Rimma
  • Sergey and Tatiana

Unfortunate name compatibility:

  • Sergey and Alla
  • Sergey and Vera
  • Sergey and Larisa
  • Sergei and Eleanor

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Sergei has many interests, tries his hand at everything and for a long time cannot choose his future profession. A man named Sergei attaches great importance to creative work. There are many outstanding composers, poets, and artists among the men of Seryoga. The most assiduous guy can find application for his extraordinary ideas in science and production. He also reaches heights in the career of a politician, in art, in big sports, and is inclined towards engineering work. Sergeys love to mess with technology.

The guy shuns leadership, tries to do without outside help, but he himself is reluctant to help even the closest people. A man named Sergei is an unconditional statesman, he puts the interests of the state above personal ones, but prefers to act alone, because in the team he is disliked for his edification and directness.

Business and career: Sergei can achieve financial well-being through his own efforts or a successful marriage, but luck does not last long. He loves and knows how to dress with taste, he likes luxury. Sergey can avoid trouble in money matters, if he learns to spend money rationally, let it grow, rebuff people who want to cash in on him.

You cannot call him a great intellectual, but Sergei is a reasonable, reserved person, he has enough firmness and skill to solve complex and intricate problems. Sergey can have a brilliant military career, and since he is able to put forward an interesting idea, and, what is especially valuable, bring it to life, then a career as a leader at all levels. In any case, Sergey, who has the name, knows his business perfectly.

Name health and energy

Name health and talents: The meaning of the name Sergey from the point of view of medicine. Serezha's health is weak only in childhood, with age he becomes more resilient. Due to a sedentary lifestyle, he is prone to corpulence, as well as to cardiovascular diseases.

Horoscope named after Sergey

Sergei-Aries: changeable nature, conceited, unbalanced. It is difficult for him to determine his own desires, to develop any solid views, to find a line of conduct with others. Sergey-Aries is not satisfied with his own character, as a result of which he constantly seems different. Its elusive variety attracts women, however, not for long.

Sergey-Taurus: exalted, overly impressionable person. This is a subtle womanizer who knows how to please women, unusually eloquent and charming. A sense of security and reliability does not leave Sergey next to him, you can trust him without fear of misunderstanding and betrayal.

Sergey-Gemini: unusually harmonious, pampered personality, endowed with artistic abilities and impeccable manners. Sergey is pleasant in communication, knows how to control himself, while deftly evading obligations and attempts to get into his soul. Sergei-Gemini seeks to build a serene, calm relationship with a partner. Scandals quickly tire him, and he retires.

Sergei-Cancer: a person gullible, sentimental, aloof. He does not like to make plans, does not try to look into the future, but tends to dream and be sad about the past. He performs any work reluctantly, mechanically, unless, of course, it is connected with human feelings. The sphere of feelings attracts Sergey-Cancer, he is always interested in getting to know his chosen one and revealing his soul to her. He is a gentle and honest partner.

Sergey-Lev: direct and loving man. This Don Juan will find an approach to any lady, he has no equal in the art of intrigue and seduction. Sergei-Lev does not boast of his love victories, he never discusses them with anyone. If he truly loves, then he will focus all his attention on one woman.

Sergey-Virgo: tactful, prudent, extremely pretentious personality. He is not too confident in himself, so he acts carefully, step by step approaching his goal. His feelings are hidden deep and securely, so his beloved will need a lot of strength and patience to pull them to the surface.

Sergey-Libra: unflappable, peaceful, amiable person. His life views are disgusted by any rudeness and violence. Being well-educated, he impeccably keeps himself in society, not allowing himself anything superfluous. To match himself, Sergei-Libra chooses a lady: well-behaved, delicate, full of calmness and wisdom.

Sergei-Scorpio: the person is somewhat high-flown, feverish, narcissistic. He longs for universal admiration for his person, which is why he behaves unnaturally and coyly. In women's society, Sergei-Scorpio does not stop talking at all for a minute, pours compliments and gradually watches the reaction.

Sergei-Sagittarius: a graceful, imposing man, with lofty views of the world. He dreams of a wonderful, cloudless relationship, of an easy life filled with warmth and mutual understanding. When his dreams are shattered by harsh reality, Sergei-Sagittarius tends to become depressed and apathetic. However, his own mistakes do not teach him anything and, having suffered for some time, he returns to the world of his illusions.

Sergei-Capricorn: his nature is subtle, elusive, mysterious. He gives the impression of a man who is on his own mind, and you will never guess his reaction to this or that word. The surrounding people do not understand him, and therefore shun him. Sergei-Capricorn is a reliable partner, balanced and attentive, but it is better for his beloved to give up trying to penetrate his inner world once and for all.

Sergei Aquarius: a thoughtful and unflappable person. In his tone, when communicating with others, a slight irony comes through. With his demeanor, he emphasizes that he is not going to prove anything or defend his views. Thus, Sergei-Aquarius involuntarily erects an invisible barrier between himself and other people. Winning his heart is not easy.

Sergey-Pisces: a helpful, well-mannered man. He is endowed with a subtle mind, he talks about everything sensibly and competently, but with some tinge of self-abasement. Sergey-Pisces quite often starts romances with women, as a rule, they are short and light. It is difficult for him to interrupt such connections later, he avoids conversations and simply tries to disappear from the field of view of his partner.

Numerological horoscope named after Sergey

The number 8 is important for Sergey.

The figure eight, even with its shape, reminds of balance. So, despite all the absurd or reckless actions of Sergei, in life he will strive for prudence and harmony. He usually thinks things through carefully and discusses them with someone, which sometimes takes a lot of time. However, having definitely made a decision, Sergey will stop at nothing.

The figure eight also affects Sergey's inner world, making him extremely sensitive to the environment. He often falls into melancholy, withdraws into himself, is prone to nervous breakdowns. With all this, Sergei is not inclined to show his feelings, especially in relation to his beloved woman.

Sergey's talismans

  • Zodiac - Libra
  • Planet - Venus
  • Sergey's color is pearl gray
  • Auspicious tree - birch
  • Cherished plant Sergeev - heather
  • Patron - hare-hare
  • Sergey's talisman stone - pearl

The fate of the name Sergei

  1. The Monk Sergei of Radonezh (from the city of Radonezh), even in childhood, amazed everyone with his piety and strict abstinence; avoided games. His holy relics rest in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra.
  2. Sergey Bukhvostov (1659-1728) - began serving as a stableman, and in 1683, when the young tsar summoned hunters, he was the first to enroll in amusing ones. Subsequently, the tsar called him the first Russian soldier.
  3. Sergei Witte (1849-1915) - Russian statesman. Minister of Railways and Finance (1892-1903). Member of the State Council (since 1903). Count (since 1905).
  4. Sergei Aksakov - (1791 - 1859) Russian writer, government official and public figure, literary and theater critic, memoirist, author of books on fishing and hunting, lepidopterologist.
  5. Sergei Vernov - (1910 - 1982) Russian and Soviet physicist, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1968), specialist in the field of cosmic ray physics. One of the participants in the discovery of the outer radiation belt of the Earth.
  6. Sergei Obraztsov - (1901 - 1992) Soviet Russian actor and director of the puppet theater, theatrical figure. People's Artist of the USSR (1954), Hero of Socialist Labor (1971).
  7. Sergei Bondarchuk - (1920 - 1994) Soviet actor, film director, screenwriter. People's Artist of the USSR (1952). Hero of Socialist Labor (1980), winner of Oscar and Golden Globe film awards.
  8. Sergei Botkin - (1832 - 1889) Russian general practitioner and public figure, created the doctrine of the body as a single whole, subject to the will. Professor of the Medico-Surgical Academy (since 1861).
  9. Sergei Filippov - (1912 - 1990) Soviet comedian, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1974).
  10. Sergei Solovyov - (born 1944) Soviet and Russian film director, screenwriter, producer, People's Artist of Russia (1993).
  11. Sergei Bubka - (born 1963) Soviet and Ukrainian pole vault athlete, the first person in the world to jump above six meters. Champion Olympic Games 1988, world (6 times).

Name translation

Translation of the name into different languages has a slightly different meaning. The meaning of the name Sergey sounds a little different. In English it is translated as Sergius (Sergius), in Spanish: Sergio (Sergio), in German: Sergius (Sergius), in Polish: Sergiusz (Sergius), in Ukrainian: Sergiy.

How the name is inclined by cases

  • Nominative case: Sergey
  • Genitive case: Sergey
  • Dative case: to Sergei
  • Accusative case: Sergei
  • Instrumental case: Sergey
  • Prepositional case: Sergey

Sergey is a very popular male name. If you are choosing a name for a child or want to know the meaning of a name, simply loved one, then this become, what you need.

According to historians, the name Sergei (Sergius) is a Roman generic name that belongs to the patrician family of Sergeev. A deeper etymology of the name is difficult, since the Sergeev family itself refers to the Etruscans, and even to the Trojans. Some experts claim that the meaning of the name Sergey is "high" or "noble", but this is a rather controversial version.

It is worth noting that the transformation from a generic to a personal name is a fairly common story. So the name Maximus came from the generic name Maximus, and the name Camille originates from the generic name Camillus.

But there is another version of the origin of the name Sergey, although it is also Latin. It is known that the name Sergei, even in Russian, first had the form Sergius, but the name Sergius, in turn, comes from the Latin "servi dei". If so, then the meaning of the name Sergei - "Servant of God", because that is how "servi dei" is translated from Latin.

The meaning of the name Sergey for a child

Little Seryozha grows up as an active and sociable child. This is an open and kind boy, though very impressionable. Often, it is childhood preschool experiences that shape that child's personality. At this age, Sergey is as impressionable as possible, which will almost come to naught with growing up. He has many friends and he easily finds a common language with his peers. He loves active games very much and is hard going through long loneliness.

Sergei usually does not like to study, but his data for study is very good. He is endowed with the ability to grasp the essence, which later on will help him out many times. Sergey is also endowed with an excellent imagination and he has good creative abilities. Often the owner of the name has a good ear and can even get a decent musical education. All these combinations usually allow Sergei to finish school with a decent certificate.

Sergey's health cannot be called particularly strong, but still it is better than that of most of his peers. The main problem of Sergeyev usually becomes the nervous system. His impressionability often loosens his nervous system, so it is advisable for him to avoid any conducive situations as much as possible.

Abbreviated name Sergei

Seryozha, Seryozhka, Seryoga, Seryonya, Gray, Serge, Serzhik.

Diminutive names of Sergei

Sergeyka, Sergeyushka, Sergeychik, Seryozhka, Serzhik, Seryozhenka, Seryozhechka.

Patronymic of Sergey's children

Sergeevich and Sergeevna. There are also folk forms of abbreviation of the patronymic - Sergeich, Sergeevna.

Name Sergey in English

In English, the name Sergei is written - Sergius. It was in this form that this name came into English culture, which is really very different from the usual transliteration of Sergey.

Name Sergey for a passport- SERGEI, according to the machine transliteration rules adopted in Russia in 2006.

Translation (spelling) of the name Sergey in other languages ​​​​of the world

in Arabic - سيرجي‎‎
in Armenian - Սարգիս
in Belarusian - Syargey
in Bulgarian - Sergey
in Hungarian - Szergiusz
in Spanish - Sergio
in Italian - Sergio
in Latin - Sergius
in German - Sergius
in Polish - Sergiusz
in Portuguese - Sergio
in Romanian - Sergiu
in Serbian - Srgan
in Ukrainian - Sergiy
in French - Serge.

The name Sergei in the church (in Orthodox tradition) remains unchanged - Sergey. This is not surprising, since Sergey is a Greek name, and it was from there that she came to us. Christian faith and most church names.

Characteristics of the name Sergey

All Serezhas are quite touchy. They can be offended by even the smallest criticism. Sergey is very unpredictable. He has good intuition, has the ability to see people through. It is impossible not to quarrel with him and it is hard to get along. In his absence, numerous funny moments associated with him are always remembered. He solves life's difficulties on his own, without relying on someone. He has many friends, and Sergey is ready to help all of them at any moment. The opposite sex and noisy companies are his priority, but many do not even realize that at the same time he can be very serious.

And Sergey is also a conscientious worker, who is appreciated by both colleagues and superiors. He will quickly and deftly establish any labor process, while not hurting the interests of others. As we already wrote, Sergey quickly understands the essence of the processes, and this is the main thing in many industries. Sergey's creative nature also manifests itself in his work. This can affect both the choice of profession and the work itself. He often finds ways to improve and speed up the process, and at no extra cost.

If speak about family life Sergey, it can be noted that he is an excellent owner of the house and a caring husband. Sometimes, of course, there are scandals in his family, but this is rather rare. All his friends know how homely he is and often ask for advice on the housework. If he talks about headship in the family, then sometimes he and his wife share it equally, but usually it is Sergey who makes key decisions. Sergey loves his children very much and can even spoil him, so he needs to be more careful in this.

The secret of the name Sergei

Sergei's secret can be called his often excessive pride. He tries not to show it once again, but he doesn’t hide it too much either. Sometimes his conceit becomes completely out of touch with reality, but he will not hear any hints of this. Only he himself can cope with this negative side of his character.

Sergey is one of the most popular Russian male names from ancient times to the present day. Therefore, it will be especially interesting to know the meaning of the name Sergey, its origin, description and interpretation.

The history of this name comes from ancient rome, in which the Sergius family was, and literally it translates as "highly venerated." There is another version, according to which the origin of the name Sergey comes from two Latin words, the literal translation of which is “servant of God”.

The history of names suggests that the name Sergius was originally used in Russia - it has been preserved to this day in Orthodox saints, and that is how the child will be called at baptism in the church. Until the beginning of the 20th century, the name Sergei (or in the church - Sergius) was used mainly among the clergy, representatives of the Orthodox Church.

The fact that the name Sergei is popular not only in Russia is confirmed by the fact that many variants in European countries also came from the Roman Sergius. These are Serge and Sergio, Sergius and Sergi, Sergius and Sergi. And in Russian, because of the special love for this male name over time, many diminutive forms formed. These are Serenya and Sergunya, Gul and Gus, Sergusha and Sergeyka, Seryoga and Sergus, and, of course, Serezha.

Some researchers, however, say that the popularity of the Russian name Sergey is also so great because the ancient Slavs had their own similar name - Serezhen. This word could mean both a boy who was born in the middle of the week, and the middle son in the family. When Latin borrowing came to Russian land along with Christianity, the names “overlapped” each other very well, and the Roman name was no longer perceived as something alien.

The meaning of the name Sergey is determined not only by how it is translated from the language of the ancient Romans, but also by the effect it has on the character and life of the boy and the man who wears it. At the same time, just one word will affect all aspects of a person’s life:

  • On what the boy will be in childhood.
  • What new traits will he acquire as he grows up.
  • Whom he can love and with whom to build family relationships.
  • With whom he will be friends and in what professional field he realizes his abilities.

And, of course, it will be important to decide when you can celebrate Sergei's name day in the Christian Orthodox calendar- Sergius is mentioned in it repeatedly. And therefore it is especially important to choose your angel day correctly.

boyish secrets

The characteristic of the name Sergey for the childhood of its owner is such that the boy Seryozha, as a rule, is very sociable and active.

He equally loves outdoor games and talks about everything in the world - and he plays and talks with the same pleasure both with his family and with peers in the yard or kindergarten. Serezhas are very impressionable - many of them will be influenced by childhood impressions even in conscious life.

Therefore, parents need to carefully monitor what impressions their son receives from life at home, in kindergarten, on walks and in all other places. Serezha retains this property in the preschool years, then the emotional impact of events on the child will no longer be so strong. But to primary school the boy manifests another property - the ability to capture the essence of an event in life or the material told by the teacher in the lesson.

Often, it is this ability that saves Serezha from bad grades at school - he diligently studies only those subjects that not only interest him, but capture him to the core. Helps young Sergei to master the school course and a good imagination. At the same time, he often shows the ability to be creative and participates in the extracurricular life of the school.

Serezha can be carried away by music (often such a boy has a good ear), drawing or technical creativity. If parents notice such tendencies in their son, it will not be superfluous in parallel with general education school send the child to a music or art school, to a technical creativity studio. This will not only give an additional incentive to the development of the boy's creative abilities, but will also allow him to expand his social circle.

The secret of the name Sergey lies in the fact that people named like that do not tolerate the state of loneliness very well. They definitely need a friend, or at least a good friend. Usually Sergey's social circle is not limited to one or two friends - there are many more of them, because the owner of the name does not like to conflict and knows how to get along with people.

At the same time, a person who bears the name Sergey often has good intuition, and this allows him to quickly determine what kind of person he is dealing with. Most often, the owner of the name keeps his opinion to himself and does not share it with others, but behaves with a new acquaintance as he sees fit. He can listen, sympathize, give advice, but will not act to the detriment of his own interests.

Romance of names

A man who bears the name Sergei is usually very popular with the opposite sex. There is an opinion that the name of the partner also matters for how Sergey's relationship with such a girl will develop.

For example, the compatibility of the names Ekaterina and Sergey is considered almost perfect. The main thing in such a pair is mutual trust, where there is no place for suspicion and jealousy.

The combination of the name Sergey with such female names like Tatyana, Anastasia, Svetlana, Maria, Marina, Daria, Anna, Julia, Oksana and. There are difficulties, but, however, quite surmountable, in relations with women who bear the names of Elena, Nadezhda, Victoria, Natalya, Olga and Irina.

"Unrequited love" is a phrase not from the lexicon of such a man. Around him there are always a lot of women who have both romantic and carnal feelings for him. And Sergey is sure that this is how it should be.

At the same time, rarely can anyone call such a man a person who does not comply with moral standards. Despite hobbies, which can be quite a lot, the owner of the name takes care of his image and tries to ensure that others know only what they are supposed to know. In addition, Sergey does not like to show his true feelings to a wide circle of people around, only close people can know about them.

The family life of such a man can develop in different ways. If a beautiful and spectacular beauty, with whom the bearer of the name fell in love, and then married her, fails to arrange life and family comfort, this may serve as a reason for divorce. As a rule, Sergei enters into a remarriage with a “homely”, “cozy” woman who will make him everyday life quiet and calm.

A man will help such a wife in all matters in the household. Despite the fact that the owner of the name loves to receive guests, he will not be picky about food at an ordinary family dinner. But with regard to appearance his requirements can be quite high: he likes to dress in a way that makes him look elegant.

What does the name Sergey mean to his family? As a rule, he is a very good father who takes an active part in raising children. In addition, a family in which he is loved and appreciated is of great value to him, and he will protect her from all misfortunes.


Often the creative abilities of a man with that name take precedence over a seemingly logical choice in favor of a “mundane” and “useful” profession. Sergey is a very common name among representatives of the creative intelligentsia: poets, artists, fashion designers, photographers, musicians and other professions that require good intuition and a flight of fancy.

What Sergey will be like, the meaning of the name, the character and fate of such a person - largely depends on what qualities his parents instilled in him in childhood. So, if they taught their son perseverance and consistency, in his adult years he can become a brilliant scientist or inventor. He also has good inclinations in order to become a good leader at least a middle manager - in almost any industry.

As for financial situation, then the bearer of the name should not rely on luck and the constant favor of fortune. financial well-being the owner of the name will depend on the efforts that he makes to earn money.

It is extremely important for Sergey to learn to live within his means, to save money for making big purchases. Proper investment of funds will allow him to make his life more peaceful. It is also very important for him to learn to distinguish which of his friends and acquaintances really need material support, and who plays on his good feelings.

name day

As for the day of the angel Sergei, then church calendar this name occurs several dozen times a year. Angel Day may fall on one of these days:

  • 6, 15 and 27 January.
  • 17 and 21 February.
  • 5, 7, 8, 11, 13, 22 and 25 March.
  • 2, 5, 14 and 25 April.
  • 8, 10 and 26 May.
  • 1 and 6 June.
  • July 1, 11, 18 and 20.
  • 2, 13 and 25 August.
  • 10, 22 and 24 September.
  • October 1st, 7th, 8th, 11th, 20th, 23rd, 30th and 31st.
  • November 2, 13, 14, 16, 27, 29.
  • 2, 10, 11, 15, 18, 20 and 31 December.

When exactly is the day of the angel celebrated? As a rule, the day of an angel falls on the number that immediately follows the date of birth of a person. But in the question of what date to celebrate name days, there may be exceptions - however, it is better to talk about them with the priest.

One of the most popular in Russia and the CIS countries is Sergey. A few decades ago, it competed with Alexander in popularity. For more than one century, newborn boys have been called Seryozha. At the same time, not every parent knows the meaning of the name, and what fate he gives his child.

In contact with

Name Sergey - origin

There are several opinions about how the name Sergey is translated. Its origin is also not fully known.

There are the following options for the appearance of the name Sergey:

  1. From the generic Roman "Sergius", which means "highly venerated", "high", "clear" and "venerable". In the III century, it was given to boys who occupied only a high position in society.
  2. Researchers consider the origin of the name from the Latin "Servus", which means "God's servant."
  3. There is information about "Sergestus" from Greco-Roman mythology, who was the progenitor of the Sergius clan.

According to most scientists, the roots, from where, are still in ancient Roman culture. For the Russian-speaking people, there were difficulties with the pronunciation of "Sergius". Therefore, over time, it was changed so that it became simple and understandable for people.

So, after “Sergius”, “Sergius” came into use, and later the name Sergey. Start of use in Russia coincides with the advent of Christianity. Initially, only clergymen were baptized with this name. AT church speech Until now, "Sergei" is pronounced as "Sergius."

Serezha is a balanced, tactful and reasonable young man. Restrained in the manifestation of feelings, prefers actions to emotions. For friends is the soul of the company. Can come up with interesting ideas and bring them to life. Serezha is a highly intellectual person. Interesting in conversation, able to support any topic of conversation. Serezha has excellent intuition. Able to reliably characterize a person in one glance.

Sergei has unpredictable actions. This can be explained by the fact that the norms and rules existing in society revolt him, he trying to go beyond what is allowed. But he can find a way out of any even the most confusing situation.

The fate of Sergei

The fate of Seryozha can develop in different ways. Much depends on the parents, what kind of upbringing they gave the boy, and what life values ​​were instilled in childhood.


Little Serezhenka is non-confrontational, sensitive and calm. Cheerful, but mood swings may occur. It is easy for parents to raise their son.

The child does not act up and does not roll up demonstrative hysterical scenes in order to achieve what he wants. Already in childhood hides and does not flaunt his feelings and emotions.

The interpretation of this name speaks of his laconicism. It is difficult to find a common language with peers. But there are still some true friends. He is not bored when he is alone. Serezhenka can be called a dreamer-dreamer, she can entertain herself with toys.

Sergei is doing well at school. Possesses excellent memory, quickly grasps the program. He likes to read, he is able to analyze the information received from the book. Has an analytical mind solves the most complex tasks with ease. Teachers know they can rely on him. Therefore, they put forward his candidacy for participation in competitions and olympiads.

If Serezhenka is passionate about something, then this is serious and for a long time. Without a good reason, he will not miss a circle or training. Often his hobbies are sports, music or theater. You can't spoil little Seryozha. Often does not bring the work started to the end, because. has weak willpower. He will endure all his failures more easily if his parents support him.

Serezhenka is a compassionate child. He will not be able to pass by a sick, abandoned animal and will not leave a person, even if he is not his friend at all, in trouble. Serezha always keeps his word. Already from childhood in his character is manifested responsibility, secrecy, self-control, empathy.

Youth Serezha

Sergei in his youth speaks of friendliness and goodwill young man. It is popular among girls. He is distinguished by gallantry, neatness, does not use obscene language in his vocabulary, he will always come to the rescue.

It is difficult to call Seryozha a romantic. But he will surround his beloved with care, affection, reliable protection. It is important for him to return feelings from the chosen one. If he feels cold towards himself, he will leave the girl without hesitation.

After graduating from school, Serezha will easily enter a university and at the same time find a part-time job in order to become financially independent. By this time, he already knows exactly what he wants to connect his life with. He is appreciated by classmates for his responsibility, diligence, responsiveness. Often, Seryogi occupy the position of headman in a group.

He will never use physical force against the offender, considering this unacceptable in a showdown. Serezha prefers to avoid his participation in scandals and quarrels.

Attention! A negative characteristic of the name Sergey is a predisposition to drinking alcoholic beverages. But in public he tries not to show this quality, he gets drunk slowly. But dependence on alcohol is formed quickly.

The meaning of the name Sergey for a man

Unlike the origin, what the name Sergey means for a man, astrologers were able to decipher. His behavior is unpredictable. In his life, Seryozha will make many reckless actions, despite the fact that every step he carefully considers.

Differs in optimism, even in difficult situations does not lose heart. He experiences all his problems on his own and copes with them perfectly.

Serega knows life well. He prefers not to express or impose his opinion. Serezha is conscientious and obligatory, but a little cunning. Not always able to assess the ability of a person. Therefore, sometimes, having overdone it with fraud, there is nothing left.

In any profession, Earring can become successful due to his qualities. But best of all he is given creative work. He is a valuable worker, obligatory and conscientious. Respect yourself and your work, so it will not work for a penny.

Every young man is interested in what the name Sergey means for a man in business. But he won't be able to achieve much in this area. Seryozha is always responsible only for his own actions, he is not used to doing this for others, his subordinates. There will be no strict and unfair boss. Many subordinates will take advantage of this, shifting their responsibilities onto his shoulders. He can become successful in the role of a leader if he becomes firmer and does not allow himself to be manipulated.

Family and marriage

Sergey does not like extravagant and bright girls. To create a family will choose a quiet prude with a broad outlook. He watches the chosen one for a long time before proposing to her.

In the first place, a girl should have a family, not a career. She must share his interests, be developed both spiritually and intellectually.

Seryozhka enters into marriage several times. It's not easy to live with him. Jealous, succumbs to depression, can withdraw into himself, become aloof and silent. In the family, he does not try to take the place of a leader, he gives supremacy to his wife. But all serious questions should be decided taking into account his opinion.

Serezha becomes an excellent husband and dad. He loves children, he can always find a common language with them. He will accept and raise his wife's children as his own. He equips everything in the house with his own hands, he can fix the equipment and make repairs. Values ​​coziness and comfort. In nutrition, he is not picky, he will not demand overseas dishes from his wife.


The main characteristic and meaning of the name Serezha is sensuality, compassion, empathy I burn others. He tries not to participate in conflicts, does not quarrel, does not show inadequate actions. He just steps aside and breaks off all relations with an unpleasant person.

He talks about the restless, but not aggressive nature of Serezha. Just like that, he will never offend anyone, especially a woman. Able to control his emotions even in anger. But he will not tolerate disrespect and authority towards himself, in this situation his good nature disappears. The earring never forgets or forgives anything.

Variants of the name Sergey are numerous, it has many short and diminutive versions: Seryozha, Serge, Serenya, Sergunchik, Gray, Serezhenka, Sergeyka, Sergulya, Sergusya, Sergunya, Sergush, Sergunya, Serenya, Serhito, Serdzhi, Sergiush, Serenka, Earring , Sergeychik, Seryoga, Serenka.

On a note! The life and fate of Sergei is stable, but not boring. He will always find something to do. He never loses heart and does not rely on anyone. He solves all his difficulties on his own.
