How to work with the mental body. Mentality - mental body - human bodies - self-knowledge - catalog of articles - unconditional love

Physical Body - bodily nature.
"Hugs and touches erogenous zones naked, a sexual act in the ordinary sense."
The Etheric Body is a bioenergetic nature.
"Dinner together, dancing, gentle hugs in clothes, sitting on your knees."
How is your health?
The Astral Body is an emotional nature.
"Joint emotional experience of some situation affecting both."
How are you?
The Mental Body is the intellectual nature, the Individual Will.
"Agreeing points of view on an extraneous topic."
What are you concerned about?
Causal Body - moral, moral nature, Intention, INDIVIDUAL LOVE.
"Joint, but no further obligation to go to the theater, help with the repair of the iron (car)."
How are you?
The Buddhic body is the Spiritual Will.
"A conversation about life "heart to heart"".
How are you doing?

Thin Shelt– Atmanic Body, Buddhic Body, Causal Body.
mental- Mental Body.
Tight shelt– Astral Body, Etheric Body, Physical Body.
The totality of the Astral, Mental and Causal Bodies is called the Social Body.


The Higher EGO (Higher Manas) emits a Beam - LOWER EGO.
The lower Manas descends into the animal Soul (Kama), full of egoistic and sensual desires, and becomes Kama - Manas.
The Lower Manas is clothed in the essence of the Astral Light (the Plan of Imagination), this shell separates the Lower Manas from the Higher Manas.

Mental Body - Analytical Body, it has several directions at the same time (several ways of thinking, comprehension is possible simultaneously in several symbolic systems).

Mental Body Symbols:
1. Mind, Mind.
2. Thoughts, Comprehension, Thinking.
3. Mental Images.
4. Consideration.
5. Mathematics, Natural numbers.

4.1. Mental - Physical Body
"What you want works for you, it is stored in the consciousness, subconsciousness, superconsciousness. Any dissatisfaction is reflected in your physical form, since our thoughts turn into chemicals, reactions. And when you are happy, live with a good feeling, then your cells are healthy and happy."
The mental-physical body reflects a person’s ideas about his own physical body, and most often it looks more than bizarre, since a person’s knowledge of his body is usually concentrated around its large organs, or its most expressive parts from the point of view of the owner.

4.2. Mental - Etheric Body
The mental-etheric body reflects the totality of a person's ideas about his own energy and the initial matrix on which his physical body is built. With the current level of development of bioenergetic ideas, the main focus of most people here is culinary.

4.3. Mental - Astral Body
It only indirectly affects emotions. The human mind creates a ban on the expression of emotions, which leads not to the elimination of emotions, but to their displacement into the subconscious.
The mental-astral body plays in life modern man a huge role: it is his way of understanding his own emotions. Strong abuses and self-deception are widespread here, when a person takes mental representations of his emotions for emotions themselves, that is, he confuses the mental-astral body with the astral. Work on oneself in terms of conscious regulation of one's emotional life is also often understood as learning the art of controlling the mental body by the mental-astral one, which is achieved much easier than the true regulation of one's emotions, that is, the subordination of the astral body to the mental one: it is much easier to tame with your mind the emotion evoked in imagination, that is, mentally modeled, rather than true, that is, accompanied by strong vibrations of the astral (not mental-astral) body.

The Mental Body is built from the spirit - matter of the Mental World and has developed organs of perception of this World - depending on the cultural and spiritual development of a person. It creates specific Thoughts and is able to respond with vibrations to every change in human thought.
The mental body of developed people is constantly in motion and has clearly defined boundaries. In a primitive man, the Mental Body looks like a cloud with unclear, blurry edges. A person with a good Mental Body is capable of high emotions and has clear, precise thinking. Each Thought has its own energy - either positive or negative.
The mental body is presented to the eye of the observer in the form of bright rays. yellow color emanating from the head and shoulders and spreading around everything physical body. If the owner of this body is concentrated or thinking hard, then the third layer expands and becomes brighter. The thickness of the layer (i.e. its spread over the surface of the skin) is between 8 and 20 cm.

The mental body also plays the role of a semi-permeable partition that passes all energies from top to bottom, and from below, from the physical body, only light energies. And it can accumulate dark energies, can turn black from the negativity that it is forced to take on. Then it becomes ill, just as the physical body also becomes ill from negative emotions and other factors of the psychic plane. The disease of the Mental Body shortens the life of the physical body as well, since it is in the mental body that the holograms of all organs and systems of the physical body are located.
The Mental Body generally affects the development of the Soul, and therefore it is necessary to improve it.
The Mental Body has many varieties, depending on the awareness of the person and on who accompanies him, and this again depends on the person himself.
Each male Mental Body contains two-thirds male energies and one-third of the female, and in each female, respectively, two-thirds of the female and one-third of the male. Such proportions are laid down so that there is no initial self-sufficiency, but there is a desire for the opposite sex to supplement the missing energies. There is even greater depth in this distribution of male and female energies. As long as there is a disharmony of energies inside a person, he will strive for search or self-development. And even having found his missing part, it is difficult for him to calm down and stop in further development, there will always be an opportunity to bring a person out of an unstable balance.
Each mental body picks up a physical body, again of the opposite sex, in which the ratio of male and female energies is also initially set to one to three. Again, this is given to us so that we develop the harmony we lack in ourselves. Thus, here, on Earth, we can create that harmony of male and female energies, which is present in the Soul and in God. This is what it means to become God.
© Anatoly Nekrasov The search for soul mates - myth and reality


Spoken words give birth to THOUGHT FORMS. A thought-form is an energy-information formation that has arisen in Space as a result of human mental activity, a mental representation of a specific object or phenomenon.
Mental Images are objective perceptions of Thought Forms - individual objects that exist in the Subtle World.
Mental images look like cloud-like clusters of different brightness and shape. These images have additional colors superimposed on them by the influence of the emotional body. The color of a particular clot depends on the emotional coloring of this mental image. The clearer the idea is formulated, the brighter and clearer the clot of energy corresponding to it in the mental body.
Thoughts and emotions emitted by a person are torsion bars. The equations describing thought are non-linear. Thought can influence itself, i.e. is a self-organizing structure capable of living its own life… The torsion field of a person, carrying all the information about him, under certain conditions leaves his copy - a phantom (radio waves) in the Mentally reflecting Ether. One phantom differs from another by the parameters of the torsion field (frequency, amplitude, information complexity).
Having been born in the human energy field, Thoughts then exist on their own. They are sent to the specified address, carrying a charge (greater or lesser) of Good or Evil. Having reached the right place and having performed its action there, this energy clot returns back to the person who created it. Our Thoughts have enormous energy and are capable of influencing the world. Every moment a person either creates or destroys with his thoughts.

Spoken words give birth to Phantoms - this is an invisible Image, an energy substance that a spoken word gives birth to. A lot of Phantoms hovers over the head of each person - energy reflections of the words that we have spoken or heard.
The thought-forms generated by the Human Consciousness exist further on the Astral Plane. It can contain the full amount of known information (shape, taste, color, content). The energy put into it determines its viability in time. After some time, this Thought Form dissolves, returning to its amorphous state.

Negative Thoughts distort the shape of the Mental Body.
Many illnesses are laid down by thoughts of destruction. Thought is energy and it does not decompose, therefore, each person must be responsible for each of his Thoughts.
The potential of Thought is great, for Thought there is neither Space nor Time. Each Thought can either darken or clear the Space. Insignificant Thoughts litter the Space and prevent the transmission of good thoughts over long distances, they cross the path of good thoughts, they condense the Space and disrupt the vital currents.
Even a little care about Thoughts already gives useful consequences. So let us be ashamed to send vile Thoughts to the Beautiful World.
Drive black Thoughts away from you, settle Love in your Soul, try to think more about the good, sometimes even about the unrealizable.
The most terrible disasters in the history of mankind came from the inability to think. Empty daydreaming must be transformed into disciplined thinking. You need to think about what is necessary - about what can bring the greatest Good to the world, you need to take care every day, send the Thought several times not about yourself, but about the world, so thinking will get used to unselfish aspirations. Each pure Thought creates a light streak in Space, various cosmic Rays are attracted to this streak, dispelling the darkness.
Each change of Consciousness can cause a vibration in the Mental Body, which is transmitted to the Astral Body and experienced as an emotion, the emotion gives energy to the Etheric Body, which transmits an impulse to the physical brain, which gives a command to the Physical Body - arms, legs.


Some Thought Forms are quite autonomous formations. They are called ESSENTIALS. They can independently feed on energy, which gives them a chance for a long independent existence. They are fed from the Astral Bodies of people. In order to connect, it vibrates at its own frequency, invested in it at creation. If a person "responds" to this frequency, then the Essence energetically connects to him and feeds on his energy. Often the contact of a person and the Essence leads to the appearance of obsessions and manias. A person who does not have protection from the perception of Astral objects can fall under the power of someone else's obsession.
A person can feel them as autonomous (independent) from his Voice Consciousness. Essences appearance resemble large insects.

Their obsessive impulses can gradually turn into corresponding auditory hallucinations, or undoubted hysterias, which turned out to be only a superficial layer of various forms of schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is characterized by the breakdown of ideas (absurd, random and fragmented).
Neurosis forms complexes or affects that cause symptoms: difficulty in judgment, weakness of will and characteristic reactions (stuttering, stereotyping, assonances in speech). The affect does not always manifest itself outwardly, dramatically, but develops, invisible to the external observer, as if inside, where it causes intense unconscious compensations. They manifest themselves especially in delusional speeches and in dreams, which take possession of consciousness with irresistible force.

COMPLEXES- repressed experiences, forgotten mental trauma, forbidden desires. A complex is an independent, autonomous Essence in a personal Psyche, a breakaway psychic formation loaded with emotions. One of the reasons for the splitting off of the Psyche is the moral conflict that arises from the impossibility of complete self-affirmation. The Complex is subject to limited control of Human Consciousness and behaves like an alien body in the sphere of Consciousness. It can be suppressed by the effort of the Will, but at the first opportunity it manifests itself with the same force. The complexes are muted during the daytime, and at night (or after death in the Second State) fill our dreams (or post-mortem karmic Visions) with nightmares. Complexes manifest themselves in dreams, unexpected, spontaneous and unpredictable actions and deeds that are far from the usual, balanced and conscious behavior. The abundance of complexes splits the psyche, and identification with any of them leads to a manic obsession with an Image, an idea, a thing.


- The principle of sanctioning: for any action you should have a special karmic permission.
- The principle of memory: Each action keeps a memory of all operations.
- backlash principle: the result of an action is never unambiguously determined and may change depending on the circumstances.
- side effect principle: every action always has an unexpected consequence.
- Sequential sweep principle: the part always contains information about the whole, but it can be extracted only in a few steps.


The Mental Image is coarser than the event (Causal Body), but there can be many of them and comprehension is possible simultaneously in several symbolic systems. The strongest symbolic system is natural language. The tongue serves all the Subtle Bodies simultaneously.
AT Astral Body symbols take on an astral flavor - an emotional sound.
AT mental body language is the basic mental construct by which Truth can be expressed.
AT Causal Body symbols take on "meaning".
AT buddhial body symbols (values) acquire "true, inner meaning".
AT Atmanic Body symbols (ideals, creeds, objects of worship) take on a "sacred meaning".
If a person under the age of six is ​​not present in the speech space, then he remains "Mowgli".

REASON- strength of a man INTUITION- woman's vision.
REASON often absorbs the god-like nature of a person, as soon as he disconnects himself from the divine Light of Intuition. Reason is a product of the thinking faculty, meaning prudence and human intelligence.
Each hemisphere of the brain collects the same information, but processes it differently.


The personality of a person is split into several parts, and each of its fragments has its own character and its own independent memory. They exist relatively independently of each other and can be replaced at any time. The consciousness of a person is mainly oriented towards the study of the world around him, to the peculiarities of which he must adapt his mental and technical resources, while a person loses sight of his instinctive nature and replaces his instinctive essence with a concept of himself invented by him. The alienation of modern man from his instinctive nature inevitably plunges him into a conflict between Conscious and Unconscious, Spirit and Nature, knowledge and faith. It becomes a pathology due to the tendency prevailing in the Consciousness to look for the source of all troubles in the external world.

Ahamkara - false ego - an illusion that makes creature to think that it controls everything, owns everything and enjoys everything, because of which it identifies itself with the material body and everything related to it (appearance, nationality, family, religious beliefs, pleasures and sufferings ...). The principle that predetermines personal experience.

Left hemisphere of the brain- conductor of the Mental Body (male Logico - discursive thinking) - dominates, often tries to block the Right Hemisphere (Western people). The left hemisphere analyzes, calculates, keeps track of time, plans and thinks logically, performing its actions step by step. It forms thoughts and draws conclusions based on logical reasoning, and is always consistent and linear in its approach to stimuli coming from outside.
It works more slowly on a discrete, sequential principle of reflection and analysis. It builds a black and white Image as a logical circuit (skeleton).
The Mental Energy is able to combine several Thought Forms into one, disassemble complex Thought Forms into their constituent pieces and create new ones, considering the given one from different angles. Scientific thinking is logical, consistent and controlled by Reason, it relies on clear symbols of a specific sign system.

Men's logic- this is what in everyday life is called common sense, and in science literate reasoning. On the Mental Plan, there are many Logic at the same time, often incompatible and contradicting each other. Our logical thinking split into the concepts of "yes" and "no", which is the biggest obstacle to the knowledge of Being. The discretization of logic forces us to break up the whole perceived into separate facts, phenomena, concepts and categories, drawing artificial boundaries between them.
"Logic is the science of concepts. Logic is a system that studies qualitative (categorical) relationships between things. Logic is built on the same plan as mathematics (mathematics of "finite" and "constant" numbers)."
The left hemisphere of the brain is the male component, it is a mirror image of the female (right) hemisphere. In the male hemisphere, logic comes to the fore (dominates), in the female hemisphere, logic fades into the background (does not dominate). The left hemisphere does not feel Unity, all it sees is division, separation. The human mind is separated from itself, from its integrity and from the fullness of its potential.

The mind contradicts its own conclusions and conflicts with its emotions. Fighting them, he weakens. This weakness does not allow the Mind to stop its flow of thought.
The imperfection of the Mind lies in self-deception, which imagines the environment only on the basis of the testimony of the five senses, working within the three dimensions of the material world.
The Human Mind has a strong characteristic of dependence, for it clings to the surrounding things, people, habits, and everything that surrounds it on earth. This makes him a slave, unable to free himself from his chains and addictions.
Mind is initially pure in the Perfect Spheres of Consciousness. It is not polluted by erroneous conceptions of Reality. From Clarity follows its Cognitive Ability - the ability to know all the phenomena of Existence.


I propose to establish a society for the protection of thought from man.
Personal intelligence - the desire for knowledge, where considerations of the benefit or benefit from this knowledge are ahead.
The forked intellect forms two lives. In one, we are unusually strict with ourselves, we carefully analyze every idea before speaking out about it; in the other, on the contrary, we extremely easily allow all sorts of compromises, we easily do not notice what we do not want to notice. We come to terms with this division. Our activities often run counter to our spiritual pursuits. We are aware of the harm of our activity, but for which each of us does not consider himself responsible. We have no sense of personal responsibility, no courage, and no even consciousness of their necessity.
"All life is one. The Divine Spirit animates everything that shares life with us on the planet, and we are responsible for each other. You should not divide life into isolated areas."

4.5. Mental - Causal Body
This is the comprehension of specific Events, actions. The study of specific episodes of events. This is experimental and applied, as well as the whole spectrum of engineering sciences.
Mentally causal body determines the rationalization (mental representation) by a person of the flow of events, while the causal actually leads him through these events - and the difference here is often very large; many people do not live according to what they consider to be logical and "smart", but in accordance with poorly realized (and equally poorly controlled) impulses transmitted by the causal body; and even more believe that they are behaving logically, simply turning a blind eye to the sharp discrepancy between their ideas about events and the events themselves.

The last step of the mind is the recognition that there is an infinity of things that surpasses it. B. Pascal

Right hemisphere of the brain- the conductor of the Causal Body (female Associative-figurative thinking) sees objects and Images that arise only in our Consciousness, or representing what exists in reality. It sees how things are arranged in Space and how the parts, coming together, form a whole. Through the right hemisphere we gain access to the understanding of symbols and metaphors, to the vision of dreams, to the creation of new ideas and the perception of subtle life energies. We tap into intuition through our subconscious, and insight comes to us.
A Thought Form is attracted to the field of mental vision, something similar to the given one, but it is not it at all, it is also possible to create radically new Thought Forms (ideas), but this rarely happens.
When the activity of the left hemisphere decreases or it turns off completely, and the activity of the right hemisphere increases, the intuitive mechanisms of cognition are strengthened, and a person acquires a unique opportunity to remotely interact with the Information Field of the Earth. An increase in the activity of the right hemisphere increases the ability of a person to receive extrasensory information in an extrasensory way.

The right hemisphere processes signals holistically, instantly; it builds the Image in texture, in volume and color, and in other features of the holographic image. The scheme for constructing the Image is taken by the right hemisphere from the left in the form of a meaning or concept.
Positive thinking is a form of neighborly love. Love is a great force that generates ideas. If the birth of ideas is a light coming from love, then this light comes from a great fire.

Ideas- broader concepts covering groups of heterogeneous ideas and concepts. An idea is a complex and abstract concept. An idea can act for centuries and millennia and only grow and deepen, causing more and more new series of phenomena, releasing more and more new Energy.
“The birth of ideas is the Light coming from love, this Light comes from the Universal Fire of Love. In this Fire all mankind and the whole world burn, in it all forces are developed and refined. human spirit. The fire in which humanity burns is the Fire of Life, the Fire of Eternal Renewal.”
The right hemispheric energies are associated with the shape of the pentagon. This form shows how emotions, colors and shapes are interrelated.

Practice for the development of the right hemisphere of the brain

We are all born right hemisphere. All children have right-sided thinking, and this practice helps to return to the "childish" state of thinking, i.e. into figurative-intuitive-abstract-creative. In other words, become children. Having a dominant left-sided consciousness, we will never be able to understand what God, Infinity and Eternity are. This is the same as trying to measure the brightness of a light bulb with a ruler or trying to see the Milky Way with a microscope.
It doesn't matter how you acquired left-sided thinking, who is to blame or what. It absolutely doesn't matter now. Only one thing is important - what can be done by us so that everything returns to its natural, harmonious state.
So, it is important to understand that the dominance of the left-sided state is an attempt by society to resolve all issues through a bodily understanding of life in a limited spectrum of perception, which includes only what is useful or not for the body (or what is connected with it - home, family, beliefs, beliefs, ambitions…). Next, the question is raised of getting out of this closed space, which does not lead anywhere, but only creates the illusion of some very important actions and movements. If you have such an understanding and such a question, then this practice will help you on this path.
See Right Brain Development Practice.


Curiosity, greedy, personal serving personal goals, turns into curiosity, at first also personal, but gradually turning into a thirst for knowledge for the sake of knowledge, into a pure and supra-personal intellect. Thirst for knowledge, accompanied by interest in the process of knowledge itself.
A correct understanding of morality can protect us from the perversion of thought.

4.6. Mental - Buddhic Body
This is comprehension, knowledge of ethics, Values. Modeling of the general laws of the existence of matter. Theoretical science.
The buddhial body reflects the true life positions, fundamental views and points of view (worldview) of a person, and in the buddhial body of a mental person (mental-buddhial body) there are conscious and rationalized ideas of a person about his views on these topics. At the same time, coordination and involtation go much more vertically than horizontally, that is, usually the mental-buddhial body is well coordinated with the mental-atmanic one (and receives involtation on it), and much worse directly with the buddhial one.

4.7. Mentally - Atmanic Body
This is the comprehension of Ideals, the study of divine Truths. Truth, when it wants to appear to people, descending from the Atmanic Plan, creates itself a conductor in the face of a person or a team and pre-translates the language (basic mental structures) with which it can be expressed.
The vibrations of the atmanic body are the actual religiosity and the highest aspiration of a person, giving energy to all his other manifestations, while the atmanic body of the mental person reflects what a person thinks about himself on this issue (in particular, in atheistic eras there are much more actually religious people than those who are aware and mentally acknowledge it).


The activity of the chakras of the mental body determines the predominant direction of his thoughts and mental efforts, that is, how and what, in what sense and from what positions he thinks and, in particular, comprehends his causal flow, since the events taking place around and inside him and constitute the main food of his reflections: the causal body involts the mental.

mental muladhara, being active, gives a person whose thoughts and rationalizations constantly return to the issues of survival, death and the states bordering on it. He probably likes to talk about deaths, security measures, risky business and professions, but he does not necessarily participate in them or at least passionately worry about them: he constantly strives for these topics (and they for him) in his thoughts, often himself not understanding why.
This may be a journalist specializing in criminal cases related to murder, but reading his essays can be rather unpleasant if he is limited to the vibrations of only the chakra in question, since his purely logical analysis of the motives of the crime will most often be flawed, although professional writers working in detective genre, may not agree with the author here.

Mental Swadhisthana does not necessarily give a person who talks exclusively on sexual topics (although this is possible): here the main subject that occupies the mind of a person may be various ways of prosperity and ways of prosperity, one's own or someone else's. The vibrations of this chakra are extremely popular at social events and social gatherings in general. At a lower social level, this may be the mother of the family, always preoccupied with what to feed him tomorrow and how to organize her time in order to be in time for everything - most often it is almost impossible to distract such a woman from her thoughts. In general, the mental body is the patrimony of philosophers, and on this chakra they will talk, for example, about the abundance in captivity of its ontology, epistemology, teleology and influence on the people, if the latter for some reason ends up in it.

mental manipura- the natural chakra of military teachers. Here, a person's thoughts revolve around the problem of strength, power and their role in nature and society. At this chakra, a thought is recognized as a force, and the concept of "power of thought" appears, which so far does not contain anything but the ability to win an argument with "iron" arguments. This chakra is also popular in society, and can give not only a tedious chatterbox, but also a diligent reader of the Knowledge-Power magazine, or a person who knows everything about politics or the powerful of this world, or even a mental manipulator (colloquially - an intelligent person), who knows how to deftly control other people, not resorting to physical strength, but circling them around his finger with his reasoning. This is the chakra of demagogues, lawyers, politicians and orators, economists, technical intelligentsia and bad poets.

Mental anahata this is, for example, the chakra of great scientists, to whom Divine love is revealed in the form of mental constructions that describe the structure of one or another fragment of the world. It is to this chakra that the revelation of God, who loves through Truth, refers. This truth, however, has only a reflection of God on it, which is easy to miss, and followers most often ignore it, leaving for themselves the technical means, tools and language of the discoverer, and thereby descending from mental anahata to manipura; for them, unlike the inventor, everything is clear and understandable, since the discovery is already considered from the point of view of power, and not of the Divine light that flashed once and left a toolkit that is not essential for him, but sometimes even recognized by descendants as brilliant (differential and integral calculus Newton).
For an average person, the inclusion of this chakra gives mental insight (that is, a person suddenly understands something in the most ordinary sense of the word), which indirectly shows him that God exists, because at this moment it is obvious to a person that only He is capable in His love for the world act so clearly, harmoniously and logically, although this logic is not always available to some of His creatures.

mental vishuddha- the chakra of a medium-large thinker or scientist who dreams of dressing his concepts and constructions in perfect forms This succeeds, however, only on the condition (and to the extent) that Divine love participated in their creation, otherwise the resulting formal brilliance contains significant flaws, and often the main one is lack of content from any point of view. It happens, of course, that a concept is far ahead of its time and, being not understood by contemporaries, dies or is forgotten for a while, but this always means that its author was not perfected (perhaps he was not able to): it is much easier to blame your time for stupidity, than to partially overcome it. In an average person, the inclusion of mental vishuddha can give, for example, an extreme sharpness of a phrase (an unexpected attack of eloquence) or an instant clarity of thoughts, when all of them suddenly come into order, and Divine harmony is established in the head for a moment; unfortunately, it usually collapses soon.

mental ajna- the dream of great scientists and philosophers with a mental accent, who seek to embrace the world (or a large part of it) in its unity, building a harmonious and logical, if possible, internally consistent model based on a small number fundamental principles. To do this, however, you need to establish strong communication channels with several high egregors and let them negotiate with each other; the mental reflection of this treaty will be the desired global concept.
This chakra is not for the average person, and if he is inadvertently meditatively carried into its currents, he most likely will not be able to say anything intelligible about it; he will feel something like if he got to a meeting of the academic council considering a dissertation in theoretical physics: incomprehensible, but great! Mental ajna is the chakra of poets with a metaphorical and philosophical bias, for whom every thing, every word and phenomenon has many meanings in different worlds.

mental sahasrara- very high and insidious chakra. Creation of a mental model of God. Mankind, and the church in particular, has been working on the creation of a mental model of God for a long time, and only scientific atheism (which, therefore, can also be useful), or God himself, if he stands next to his mental model, and will say to the person: "Look, this is I, and these are your ideas about Me."
The mental sahasrara is a chakra through which a very important information flow goes: from a high egregor directly to the human mind and back. In other words, God's will and information is transmitted through the most ordinary rational thinking of a person, but, unfortunately, his occult culture is most often not enough to understand this and respond properly: the voice of God often sounds quiet and unobtrusive, moreover, a high egregor often speaks in hints which can easily be overlooked.
The constant turning on of the chakra gives a person with an extraordinary mind, who in any situation speaks not only clearly and in the language of the interlocutor, but also exactly what he needs at the moment - in fact, the thoughts of God are transmitted through him, although it may not be immediately obvious to another . This chakra is active in the prophets, who broadcast the next mental construction or language directly from those areas of the World Mind, in connection with which humanity especially needs at this period.

By mental development, we mean, first of all, mental development, as well as changes in the way of thinking, the totality of mental skills and spiritual attitudes inherent in an individual or social group 1 . Considering mental development Let us first give a general description of this concept, and then consider mental development in the context of our understanding of abilities.

5.1. General characteristics of development

Definition of concepts

Development is defined as “directed, regular change; as a result of development, a new qualitative state of the object arises” 2 . When people talk about human development, they primarily mean three areas of development: physical, cognitive and psychosocial. general characteristics areas of development are presented in table 8 (according to G. Craig 3)

Table 8

General characteristics of development areas

Development area



Includes growth and changes in the human body. This includes both external treasonchanges, such as the dynamics of growth and weight, and internal: changes in bones and muscles, glands, brain and sensory organs. This area also includes physicalphysical health and motor skills (e.g. walking, crawling,letters)


Includes mental processes related to thinking and decisionproblems. Covers changes in perception, memory,reasoning, creative imagination and speech


Includes the development of personality and interpersonal relationships. These two areasdevelopment are interconnected and cover, on the one hand, changes in the self-concepttion, emotions and feelings, and on the other hand, the formation of social skills and fashionlei behavior

We will be primarily interested in psychomotor and cognitive development, which is expressed in the development of appropriate abilities. Consideration of developmental processes, we will limit the age to 6 years. At this age period, development is most intensive. No wonder the great Russian writer L.N. Tolstoy noticed that from me to a 5-year-old - one step, from a 5-year-old to a newborn - a huge distance.

When considering questions of development, we will be primarily interested in the determination of this process.

Usually, human development is carried out systematically in all three areas, but the development process is characterized by irregularity and heterochrony.

Development is characterized by three processes: maturation, learning, socialization. When development is determined by the genetic code, one speaks of ripening. "The process of maturation consists of a sequence of pre-programmed (genetically) programmed changes not only in the appearance of an organism, but also in its complexity, integration, organization and function" 1 . The maturation of body organs, mental functions and abilities proceeds at different rates. "Term aging refers to the biological changes that occur after passing the point of optimal maturity” 2 .

learning define a wide range of processes of formation of individual experience. A detailed description of the various types of learning is given by us in work 3. Learning also plays a decisive role in the processes of developing abilities. This determines the process of acquiring intellectual operations and schemes for their use in various situations.

Socialization- there is “the process of assimilation by the human individual of a certain system of knowledge, norms and values ​​that allow him to function as a full member of society; socialization includes both a targeted impact on the personality (education) and spontaneous, spontaneous processes that affect its formation” 4 . Socialization is carried out in the process of interaction between the subject and his social environment. Already in infancy, not only the mother influences the infant, determining the formation of his individual experience, but the infant also influences the mother, determining her behavior. The process of socialization continues throughout a person's life, is a reaction to a change in his living conditions: admission to school, professional activity, marriage or divorce, retirement, etc. Socialization is manifested in the formation of spiritual abilities.

In the process of development, the three noted processes (maturation, learning and socialization) closely interact with each other. The maturation of functional systems contributes to learning, learning determines the development of intellectual operations and schemes for their use, socialization forms the moral foundations of the individual, which determine the formation of life goals and the development of certain types of activities, and all this in turn leads to the development of abilities necessary to perform a specific activity.

It is also necessary to dwell on two concepts: the critical period and readiness. The critical period is understood as the only period of time during which a certain environmental factor leads to certain changes in development. Readiness is also understood as a certain period when external influences lead to the best learning. But unlike the critical period, this learning can also occur outside the readiness period, but with less effectiveness.

Obviously, such periods exist for the development of abilities, but this issue has not yet been sufficiently studied.

In the following, we will focus mainly on the cognitive area, while remembering that development in this area is closely related to development in other areas.

cognitive development

prenatal development due to the genetic program and is one of the most striking examples of maturation.

Without dwelling on various aspects of this process, we note that after 24 weeks of intrauterine development, the electrical activity of the brain is recorded, which indicates that the fetal brain begins to function. In the seventh month there is a rapid development of the brain, accompanied by the localization of sensory and motor centers. The fetus responds to loud sounds, speech, and light. Mimic movements, body turns and head movements are observed. In the eighth month, the fetus opens its eyes and is believed to be able to see its hands. “Some scientists believe that from the 32nd week the fetus begins to become aware of what is happening, since many neural circuits of the brain have already formed by this time 1 . There is every reason to believe that development goes “from head to toe”.

“Over the past three months, the fetus continues to grow, its motor and sensory capabilities expand, and it begins to process information from the environment, which contributes to the maturation of its nervous system” 2 .

The newborn is viable, that is capable survive.

The cognitive abilities of the newborn are limited, but develop rapidly. Unfortunately, we have to admit that we are just beginning to learn about the amazing abilities and skills of newborns. Newborns have an amazing ability to learn. In the same period, intensive maturation of the newborn continues. Perceptual, motor, cognitive and emotional development proceeds as a single process taking place in a specific social environment.

In the period up to four months, the baby "discovers himself", discovers that he has hands and fingers. He can look at them for several minutes in a row, follow their movement, bring his hands together, clasp one hand with the other. Some four-month-olds discover their legs by performing similar operations on them.

From 5 to 8 months, visually guided reaching is formed, the ability to use one's own hands (fine motor skills) progresses, movements and actions are mastered in which the large muscles of the body participate (gross motor skills). Children can sit down, more than half can stand still, holding on to something. A small proportion of babies begin to walk by holding on to the edge of the bed. In the same period, most children begin to move in space in a different way.

From 9 to 12 months, the child's walking skills are improved. Motor development acts as part of a dynamic system of perceptual-motor development, in accordance with the conditions. The ability to move and vertical position opens up new possibilities for understanding the world around. One-year-old children have a developed ability to manipulate.

By 18 months, almost all children can walk, carry something in their hands, pull something, push something in front of them, some children can climb ladders, hit the ball with their feet, eat more skillfully themselves, can partially undress. They strive to imitate adults: “read” a magazine, “sweep”, “talk” on a toy phone.

By the age of 24 months, children can "not only walk and run, but also ride a tricycle, hop in place on both feet, balance on one foot for a while, and throw a ball with both hands quite deftly to an adult. They climb stairs, and with outside help they can go down from it. They examine objects and furniture from all sides, trying to pick up, shift, carry, push and pull everything that catches their eye. Put various items in large boxes and put them back. They pour water, sculpt from clay, stretch and bend everything that stretches and bends, transports objects in a wheelchair, on a cart or on their "trucks". They explore, test and try. All this allows them to gain vital experience in relation to the properties and possibilities of the physical world.

If a crayon or pencil falls into the hands of two-year-old children, they can draw scribbles and for some time be fascinated by these “magic signs”. They are already able to build a tower of 6-8 cubes, and build a “bridge” of three. The ease with which they build their buildings from cubes speaks of the ability to select elements that are suitable in shape and to focus on the principle of symmetry in their designs. If desired, two-year-old children are able to take off almost all their clothes, but only very few can put them back on.

Studies by scientists 2 3 4 5 6 (and others) show that already in the period of up to two years, intensive cognitive (cognitive) development of the infant takes place.

The formation of functional physiological systems that ensure the perception of the surrounding world is nearing completion. At the same time, it should be emphasized that this formation is carried out in a certain cultural environment, in interaction with objects and using them in accordance with the desires of the child. Images of objects of the surrounding world in this process intellectualized. “In the process of thinking, S.L. Rubinshtein notes, there is some trimming of its visual content to a more adequate expression of the intellectual function that it performs in the thought process” 7 . Eleanor Gibson 1 notes that almost from birth, babies evaluate almost everything they see and hear in terms of possible use. With motor development, these possibilities increase and this leads to further intellectualization of the image. In an objective action, sensorimotor development is carried out and the sensorimotor intelligence of the child is formed, which includes sensory, motor abilities and figurative knowledge. T. Bauer discovered that even for three-month-old children, the value of the shape and size of an object is available. Babies reach for small objects, and only follow the big ones with their eyes. Babies already distinguish between men and women, at the age of 7-8 months they distinguish living beings from mechanisms, at 9 months they notice similarities and differences in objects. One-year-olds have an idea of ​​a container, such as a cup.

Simultaneously with the development of sensorimotor abilities, various forms of memory develop. The baby remembers sounds and movements, remembers the place where the toy lies. Experiments have shown that already two-month-old children store visual impressions in their memory, and five-month-olds are able to recognize an ornamental image after 48 hours, and photographs of a human face after 2 months. Thus, babies have both short-term and long-term memory.

G. Craig notes, based on the analysis of various kinds of research, that “children are probably born with ready-made neural structures that allow them to perceive certain categories of objects in the same way that older children and adults perceive them” 1 .

A new impetus to the intellectual development of the child is given by language development. Without considering this process in detail, we note only that, starting with the work of Noam Chomsky, many scientists believe that a person from birth has a mental structure designed to master the language. These representations indicate innate language abilities.

A brief overview of the skills, abilities and abilities of the baby (according to G. Craig) is given in table 9.

mental body. We develop the energy of thought

In addition to emotional energy, we also have thought energy, and it is also very useful to develop. The mental (thinking) body of different people can be very different. There are quite a few people who live almost without a mental body. These are mentally retarded, alcoholics, drug addicts. I can imagine how indignant, hearing this, the representatives of the last two categories! After all, they do not want to accept that they have drunk their brains away, and they come up with various theories that drinking alcohol helps to increase mental activity. In the nineties, when newspapers tried to shock us as much as possible, articles on this topic often appeared in the press.

We will not now discuss the peculiarities of the thinking of alcoholics and drug addicts. What is there to talk about if a person does not remember what he did, what he promised yesterday? It is impossible to fully live without a mental body not only here on Earth. Forgetfulness destroys the soul and deprives it of what a person has accumulated over the long centuries of his incarnations, throws him far back. After all, only scraps remained from the whole personality. By the way, drunkenness and drug addiction destroy not only the mental body, but also the etheric and astral ones. You can see that their aura also consists of fragments.

How to develop the mental body? We must strive to constantly study areas of knowledge unknown to you, think more, it is very useful to fantasize and, of course, meditate. It is known that intense mental activity prolongs youth. Doctors have established that those people who continue to read a lot or engage in creativity even in advanced years retain clarity of mind. Senile insanity does not threaten them.

Those who can see the energies say that a person is like a doll. But, unlike her, we can see not only the upper body, in which the rest are hidden, but all at once. So we're more like a cutaway layer cake. Unfortunately, there are few people who are completely harmonious, in whom all bodies are developed evenly. But we don’t need to be clairvoyant to understand: this person has a very strong ethereal body, but the mental one is almost imperceptible, and this one has a mental one that is huge, but there is practically no emotional one ...

Callous, soulless intellectuals do not understand that all their knowledge is of no value without an open heart. Because only through the heart, through love, can a person join the high. And that's why we live on earth. There is no use in being a walking encyclopedia.

The mind must be developed not by itself, but through love and to increase love. because the highest wisdom is not erudition, but joy and love!

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THE MENTAL BODY OF A DEVELOPED HUMAN developed person, the observer will undoubtedly notice that the bodies here are not only better and thinner than those of the previously presented types of people, but also more similar to each other. Given the difference that exists between what we can call

From the author's book

Mental body (Air) The mental body, in my opinion, needs to be cleansed much more than our other bodies.

From the author's book

The mental body The mental body, the fourth in a row, is even more perfect in its structure and is formed by finer matter than the astral body, and has a spherical shape. The mental body is fully formed only in highly developed spiritually and intellectually.

From the author's book

Mental body This body is more accessible to our perception. This is our mind. Moreover, I think it will be interesting for you to know that the mind acts in accordance with the karmic tendency. You already know that our thoughts have great power. Our body and life are built on their basis. By

We all have 7 bodies. Let's briefly review (or relearn) about each.

Many of us believe that the physical body is the whole person, but this is not so. BODY PHYSICAL- this is just a space suit of a true person, which consists of subtle bodies. Our eyes are designed to see only dense material objects. But if we begin to develop spiritually, then more perfect parts of the brain and the vision of subtle objects will open. And in our world there are people who see the subtle plans of the surrounding life.

ethereal body is the matrix of the physical body, but in a subtle, spiritual-material form. If the organs of the etheric body are healthy, then they are automatically healthy in the dense body as well. And the etheric body will be healthy when the mental and astral bodies create healthy and clean organs in it through pure thoughts and good desires.

To the "seeing" the etheric body appears greyish-violet; short pale bluish rays emanate from it in all directions, the so-called AURA of health. If these rays are perpendicular to the surface of the body, the person is healthy; in the sick, they fall down and are confused, especially in that area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body that is sick. It is these short rays that are the manifestation life force repel illness from a person.

Some sources put the Etheric body in the explanations after the Mental one - the fourth one - explaining this by the fact that in terms of vibrations that exist in a modern person with his expanded consciousness, it surpasses both previous ones.

astral body- the body of our emotions, feelings and desires. And only when our feelings and desires are completely controlled by our highly spiritual bodies, then the need for an astral body will disappear.

The astral body of an undeveloped man is a cloudy, ill-defined mass of astral matter of a lower type, which is capable of responding to animal desires. Its color is dull - brown, muddy red and dirty green tones. Various passions appear in them as heavy waves; so, sexual passion causes a wave of cloudy carmine color. And a rush of anger - a red lightning with a bluish tint.

The astral body of a moderately developed person is larger in size and has a luminous appearance. And the manifestation of higher emotions evokes in him a wonderful play of colors. Its outlines are clear, it takes on a resemblance to its owner. And the "wheels" of the chakras in it are already clearly visible, although they do not rotate.

The astral body of a spiritually developed person consists of the finest particles of astral matter and is beautiful sight in brilliance and color. Unprecedented shades appear in it under the influence of pure and noble thoughts. The rotation of the "wheels" indicates the activity of the higher centers; the absence of gross particles makes him unable to respond to the vibrations of low desires, and they rush past without being attracted or touching him.

Thinking or MENTAL BODY given to us in order to think about everything for living in eternity. The mental body has a higher vibration than the astral body, and when it is fully turned on, the astral body does not participate in the joint work. The mental body is an expression of the Personality, but the Synthesis of incarnation is preserved in the higher, immortal nature of man.
It develops by clearing thoughts and expanding consciousness.

In a highly developed person, it is a beautiful sight of rapidly pulsating delicate and bright shades of light.
People engaged in mental and mental activity rarely plunge into that atmosphere of feelings and desires that are so important for a person engaged in physical labor.

The immortal Triad of the human soul has the names Manas - Atma - Buddhi - (otherwise activity - will - wisdom).

CAUSAL BODY(manas) stores the memory of all our lives that we once lived in the universe. We were from different worlds, were men and women, rich and poor, kings and beggars ...
All of us had our memory erased for a while so as not to cause harm in our current existence. All people who have contact with us had it in previous lives, and the memory of former relationship can only hurt.

ATMIC BODY stores all information about our real life from the day of birth to the present day. It does not disappear with the death of the physical body, but is present with us until we learn and understand all the lessons destined for us.

BODY OF BUDDHI is the most important. It summarizes the entire experience of our soul, which has accumulated over the entire history of our existence in eternity.

Only in the sphere of the Spirit (Atma-Buddhi) there is complete Unity, which says that we are all one in origin, one in the way of our evolution and one in the common goal of our being. The only difference between us is that some started their journey earlier and others later. Some went faster, others slower.

The recognition of the universal Brotherhood and the desire to realize it in earthly life is the strongest impetus for the development of the Higher nature of man.

Material taken from esoteric literature

If you count from below, the mental body will be the fourth in a row. It corresponds to the mind and is closely connected with the anahata chakra. It is often called the psychic, mental, intellectual, thinking body.

Like any other subtle body, the metal one has its own unique functions. The nutrition of this body is provided due to the entry of mental energy into it, which is directly involved in all processes of mental activity, for example:

  • in the formation of consciousness and thoughts
  • in idea generation
  • in memorization and reproduction of information
  • looking for solutions
  • in the logical construction of phrases

What is the structure of the mental body?

The psychic body is filled with mental energy, which has a porous structure and a translucent milky color, it is pure and weightless. This body surrounds the corresponding part of the physical body, protruding about 40 cm above its surface. The shell of the intellectual body is almost transparent, it is almost impossible to identify it, it seems to merge with the environment.

What are the functions of the mental body?

The energy that fills the space of the mental body, predetermining their efficiency and speed. A person who does not work on his mental body, does not develop it regularly, is distinguished by a lethargic mind. He is not able to quickly respond to emerging situations, as well as effectively resolve problems. He is not even able to quickly find the right answer to the question.

As a result, the mental body becomes softer and weaker, and the course of thought processes becomes extremely sluggish. Over time, a person can finally lose the already undeveloped, and also work with them, deriving practical benefits.

Those who are used to constantly working with ideas, creating, creating projects, have a very strong and well-trained mental body. For example, the owners of such a body are all whose professional activities are related to the acquisition and transfer of knowledge from various fields to others. These are teachers, researchers, experts, etc.

People who have chosen meditation activities as a tool for developing and filling their intellectual body with energy automatically strengthen their own mind. When mental energy is in excess, development processes are automatically launched and memory sharpens. A person begins to delve deeper into the essence of problems, phenomena and things, understanding them better. In a word, it appears.

Anahata activation

This implies the desire to realize all the principles and functions of the fourth chakra. This will contribute to the rapid development of outstanding abilities, the removal of energy blocks,. The bonus will be, as well as filling the mental body with only positive mental energy.

Meditation in the absence of any thought

This technique is not easy to master. But, if you manage to do this, you will be able to fill your mental body with powerful energy very quickly (almost instantly). Filled with it in the process, the body begins to grow, develop, strengthen. The result is a complete restoration of its structure and functionality.

Mental activity

It is necessary to constantly train your mind by solving logical, and any other problems. They can be both mathematical and life. The more difficult the tasks, the better. You should also increase your horizons by reading various literature. It is very important that thinking “does not grow fat”, but is always in good shape.

Communicating with a Spiritual Healer

The mental body is often exposed to negative external influences. Sometimes it is so serious that it is not possible to cope with the problem on your own. Then it is advisable to turn to the help of a specialist in spiritual practices, the so-called spiritual healer. It will help neutralize the blocking effect and eliminate all negativity from the anahata and the psychic body.

P - to dream