Polina dmitrievna name meaning. Fields, Polechka, Polina: the meaning of the name, talismans, fate and character

Full name:

Similar names: Peacock, Pauline, Pauline, Paylan

Church name: -

Meaning: sunny, modest, small

The meaning of the name Polina - interpretation

The meaning of the name is what will accompany a person through life. Polina, like many female names, is shrouded in a veil of tenderness and sublimity, associations associated with something light and weightless. But when making a choice, the girl's parents want to know exactly what is hidden behind the euphony of the syllable.

The name Pauline has two theories of origin:

  1. Greek. The Greeks were and remain fans of beautiful and speaking names. According to this version, the name Polina is an abbreviated form of the male name Apollinaris, which means "sunny". Based on this, one of the common meanings can be judged - “sunny”.
  2. French. This option brings us back to the origins - Latin, which endowed the name Paul with the meaning "small". From him, according to some linguists, the name Polina was formed, which can be interpreted as "baby", "small".

Despite the difference of opinions on this matter, linguists came to a simple conclusion - the name has two different meanings among different peoples, and the choice of a possible decoding depends only on the parents of the child.

Polina's name in other languages

Astrology named after Polina

Favorable day: Saturday

Years later

As a child, Polina is a wonderful child. She is calm and obedient, easily makes contact and loves communication. The girl prefers all types of recreation - she can easily spend the day reading an interesting book or engage in active games with her peers.

Thanks to her innate modesty and charm, Polya from childhood will become the soul of the company, she will gather children around her, with whom she will feel free. It is worth noting that only a respectable and open person can like her.

Polina does not like mean and deceitful people, which is the reason for her selectivity in communication. She is characterized by sociability and kindness, charm and laughter.

In adolescence, Polina is distinguished by her love of learning and a penchant for the humanities. Knowledge is easily assimilated by her, there is a desire for them, and not for good grades. Innate sociability allows her to make friends and learn new things from communicating with them.

Polya excels academically. Thanks to this, she has no problems at school. The choice of a future profession will depend mainly on the environment, and not on the girl’s personal preferences, since Polina is able to become an equally good doctor and artist.

Polina is extremely calm emotionally. Quarrels and squabbles are unfamiliar to her, deceitful and unscrupulous people are unpleasant, which is why the circle of close friends is selected by her very carefully. The young lady is endowed good feeling humor and loves to laugh.

Kindness makes Polina an excellent mother and caring wife. Polinka is attentive to her loved ones and never forgets about their comfort. Due to her early emotional maturity, she easily resolves conflicts and does not allow quarrels over trifles, being the guardian of the family hearth.

In adulthood, Fields will become a completely self-sufficient woman, prone to self-criticism a little more than required, but confident and calm. This is reflected in her communication with loved ones, her ability to support in difficult times and take care of the family hearth, not forgetting her needs.

Thanks to her qualities, Polina is an excellent listener, she knows how to support with advice and sincerely rejoice at other people's achievements. There is no envy and malice in her, which makes her truly kind and sympathetic, which some people can use for selfish purposes.

Polina's character

Polinka is not prone to violent showdowns, but you shouldn’t annoy her - this is the main secret of the name, because this woman can behave contradictoryly. The lady is sociable, she has an excellent sense of humor, which everyone around notices.

In adulthood, Fields will become a person who does not like the pressure of authority. Therefore, she relies more on her own experience than on outside advice. Thus, we can talk about the integrity and independence of nature.

Polina is prone to excessive self-criticism, which at times leads to real self-flagellation, which hinders her development as a person. She also has an excessive desire to patronize, which becomes an obsession.

We are talking about an ambiguous woman who can be cold, thoughtful. Fields, unfortunately, are subject to frequent melancholy and unreasonable fears. The person who pissed her off will face a real hurricane of anger and negative emotions.

Polina's fate

The name has a significant impact on a person's life. A lot depends on it, but not everything. You can predict what awaits the girl Polina by referring to her character. Polina's defining feature is independence, so she will leave her home early enough, but will not cut off relations with her parents, but will maintain them throughout her life. Polina is not stingy to help her father and mother financially, even being financially limited to one degree or another.

She will marry early and give birth to her first child, but such a marriage, alas, will most likely be unsuccessful. The second spouse will adore her for her ability to avoid conflicts and responsible attitude to domestic issues. Polina spends a lot of time with her children and tends to be overprotective of them.

It is inherent in nepotism, so we can say that in old age, Fields will arrange all kinds of family meetings, trying to rally relatives and friends and becoming for them the center of communication and love.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Polina is not a careerist. For this, she has no vanity, no desire to assert herself at the expense of professional sphere. Work will become for her only a means to achieve a comfortable life, but if the spouse copes with this on her own, she will prefer life and children.

In this regard, Polya will most likely choose a creative profession that will be similar to her hobby. Despite her penchant for both the exact sciences and the humanities, she feels more comfortable in the role of a journalist, designer, artist, artist, stylist, etc.

But thanks to her natural craving for knowledge and love for children, Polina will become an excellent physician. She does not like intrigues, she does not make enemies in the work area, for which she is highly appreciated by colleagues and acquaintances. Polinka is an excellent specialist, as she gives herself entirely to the profession, not chasing a career and a position.

Developed intuition helps Polina in promotion and making the right decisions. But the very first difficulties that interfere with the quiet and calm family life, will force her to leave her place of work in order to devote herself to children and her husband.

Marriage and family

Because of her character, Polina is unlikely to be happy in her first marriage, but the second will bring her a lot of warm emotions and pleasant moments. Since there is devotion to her husband in her, she is scrupulous and without haste when it comes to finding a man of the heart. Polya is a wonderful mother and grandmother.

She appreciates family unity and contributes to it in every possible way. She likes to spend a lot of time with children, to patronize them, sometimes excessively, and to watch family life which, however, is not easy for her. She conscientiously fulfills her maternal duties, not sparing herself.

Sex and love

Polina is capable of both passion and indifference. A woman is not indifferent to sex, but emotionally and physically faithful to her partner, in whom she does not have a soul. Polina will be capricious and demanding, reciprocating reciprocity. It is not easy to win and satisfy her, because she is very selective, she likes to test the patience of the partner she chooses. But at the same time, she is characterized by gratitude and the ability to meet the needs of the person whom she admits to her heart.

In love, the Field is revealed gradually. Emotional openness for her equals trust, so it will take some time to get closer. This woman appreciates loyalty, respect and honesty in relationships, but there is also a tendency to idealize her lover, which can later bring her a lot of grief.

Polina is ready to wait for the prince on a white horse, which manifests her selectivity. Can think for a long time, choose, discard options and look for new ones. This trait may seem arrogant to some, but Polya just wants to find a person who would fit her ideal idea of ​​​​a sincere, honest, kind and sympathetic partner.


Fields is a sickly child, getting sick more often than other children. Her respiratory system is the most vulnerable. Therefore, colds are not uncommon, which are quite difficult for a girl to tolerate.

In adulthood, Polina will need more rest, so she should pay attention to outdoor activities, team sports and not abandon them. Problems with the nervous system are not uncommon, so Field needs to switch to something, she should not give up a peaceful rest alone with herself and those close ones who have a positive effect on her emotional state.

Interests and hobbies

Polina is characterized by the fact that she does not see a gender difference in hobbies - she will be equally willing to go shopping and actively cheer for her favorite football team. Perseverance is not inherent in her, but collecting stamps will become a real find for our heroine and will take her attention for a long time.

She has a need for an active lifestyle. That is why a sports team game will be chosen that will appeal to all relatives and friends.

Polina's patron planet: Saturn. People of Saturn achieve everything themselves. They are pragmatists, distinguished by prudence, diligence and perseverance.

The color is favorable for the owner of the name Polina: sky blue, symbolizing the mind.

Polina's favorite colors: White black.

Stone - Polina's talisman: ruby.

History of the name Polina

The name Polina came to us from the French language and is a colloquial form of the name Apollinaria (“belonging to Apollo” - gren, or “small” - lat.).

The Monk Apollinaria the Virgin, who lived in the Egyptian desert in the 5th century, performed miracles through her prayers. Her memory is celebrated on January 18. Apollinary day coincides with the eve of Epiphany, the main day Christmas divination. On this day, old women remove snow from stacks, believing that only he can whiten the canvas; he is thrown into the well to help in the summer drought; the same snow heals various infirmities.

The meaning of the name Polina

Polina is a wonderful name. A girl named like this will be affectionately called: Fields, Polyushka, Polinka, Lina. How many charming women had this melodious name.

Charming Polina has a rare charm, she easily finds contact with people and is successful in any society. However, it is quite easy to piss her off, and Polina often cannot defend her opinion - emotions are overwhelming. Lucky for those whom she loves: she has no equal in selflessness and sacrifice. Polina is a true friend who can be trusted with the most intimate, she will always support and help in difficult times. Polina always puts the interests of the family above her own, she will easily part with her career for the sake of the family. She is accommodating and neat, economical in the household, loves needlework. But work in the kitchen and cleaning do not give her pleasure - you have to make an effort on yourself. Polina is a good mother, she loves to bring up her children.

First of all, Polina's poise is felt, she has an even character. Despite the fact that her name is not common today, it does not seem unusual. Polina should suppress cunning and greed in herself. Often Polina is too direct in communication, she says what she thinks, she should sometimes soften her words.

Polina's character is favorable for creating a personal life and achieving career success. The karma of her name is not bad. She is an honest worker, she can be a seamstress, she can also work in production.

In the world of nature, the personification of the name Polina became a poplar, patronizing altruism, and a lotus flower - a symbol of purity, bestowing independence of thought. The beautiful swan bird also patronizes the name. Polina is noble and regal, in whatever environment she may be.

According to numerology, The name Polina corresponds to the number 9, symbolizing justice, exactingness to oneself, ambition, the ability to set high, significant goals and not to waste on trifles.

Name day at Polina's: January 18 (5) - Venerable Apollinaria, who labored in male image.

Known in the history of the owner of the name Polina

In 1800, Pauline Goble was born into an old family of French nobles, who was destined for an unusual fate. The girl was brought up in a conservative spirit. Her father, a Napoleonic officer, died in 1809. In 1823, a pretty Frenchwoman goes to Russia in the hope of making her own fortune. She goes to work in the Dyumansi store and soon meets the brilliant cavalry guard Ivan Annenkov. Polina becomes his common-law wife. After participating in the Decembrist uprising, Annenkov was sentenced to 15 years of hard labor and eternal settlement in Siberia. Energetic and enterprising Polina (such are almost all the owners of this name) personally obtained permission from Nicholas I to follow Annenkov into exile, having received 3 thousand rubles for the journey. Polina went to Siberia and there in April 1828 she married her beloved. She accepted Orthodox faith and received Russian name Praskovya Yegorovna. The romantic story of the relationship between Polina and Ivan formed the basis of the novel by Alexandre Dumas père The Fencing Teacher.

Since 1835, after being released from hard labor, Annenkov and his wife lived in a settlement in Siberia, and in 1857 they moved to Nizhny Novgorod. There, the former convict becomes a well-known zemstvo figure, and then the leader of the nobility. They had six children. In 1861, Praskovya Annenkova dictated in French her daughter's memoirs about life in Siberia, who wrote them down in Russian. The first time "Stories of Praskovya His Rovna Annenkova" was published in 1888. Annenkova's memoirs in a relaxed way recreate expressive portraits of the Decembrists, their wives, and the living conditions of Siberian peasants. Unlike a number of other Decembrist memoirs, they are free from romanticism and picturesqueness. Contemporaries note integrity, spiritual strength and responsiveness as the main features of Annenkova's personality, these features are also inherent in modern bearers of the name Polina.

Most of the bearers of the name Polina possess beauty and sophistication. Polina was the younger sister of Napoleon Bonaparte. Her extraordinary beauty and the high position of her brother ensured her success in Parisian society. She did not differ in puritanical behavior, married twice, had many lovers. There was even a rumor spread about a love affair between her and Napoleon, since her brother always felt a special tenderness for her. Polina lived either in France or in Italy. In Rome, the sculptor Canova used her as a model for the statue of Venus the Conqueror. After the fall of Napoleon, Polina came to her brother on the island of Elba and was the main mediator in his reconciliation with Marshal Murat.

The name of the French singer, vocal teacher and composer Pauline Viardot-Garcia in the history of Russian culture is strongly associated with the name of Ivan Turgenev. The daughter of the Spanish singer and teacher Manuel Garcia (senior) and the wife of Paul Viardot, with a wonderful voice (mezzo-soprano), studied singing with her father, playing the piano with Franz Liszt, and composition theory with Antonin Reicha. In 1837, Polina first performed on the opera stage in Brussels, two years later she became a soloist of the Italian opera in Paris, performed in various theaters in Europe, including St. Petersburg. Her work was distinguished by high musical culture and dramatic expression. She sang the parts of Fidesz (Meyerbeer's The Prophet), Sappho (Gounod's Sappho), Orpheus (Gluck's Orpheus and Eurydice), Cinderella, Rosina, Desdemona (Cinderella, The Barber of Seville, Rossini's Othello), Norma ("Norma" by Bellini). In 1863, Viardot left the stage and began teaching singing at the Paris Conservatory. She is the author of several romances and comic operas. Turgenev wrote the libretto for her operas Too Many Women, Biryuk, and The Last Sorcerer. The Russian writer met Pauline Viardot in 1843. Friendly relations with her and her family continued throughout his life and left a deep mark on his work. Turgenev's attachment to Viardot largely explains his frequent trips, and then a long stay abroad. Pavel Annenkov recalls: “Turgenev was an unfortunate man in his own eyes: he lacked the female love and affection that he had been looking for from an early age. Not without reason did he repeat the remark that the society of men, without the presence of kind and smart woman, resembles a heavy convoy with unoiled wheels, which tears the ears with its unbearable, monotonous creak. The call and search for the ideal woman helped him create that Olympus, which he populated with the noblest female beings, great in their simplicity and their aspirations. In life, Pauline Viardot remained the personification of his ideal women. She is sometimes accused of keeping Turgenev with her, not giving him complete happiness, that she stole him from Russia. However, it is obvious that Turgenev needed her, could not exist without her. In 1874, together with his family, Viardo Turgenev bought the Yaseni dacha in the town of Bougival, which has now become a suburb of Paris. Here his novel "Nov" and most of his poems in prose were written, here 0n died in September 1883, surrounded by the Viardot family. Forgetting that the French were in front of him, before his death he spoke to them in Russian. Women with the name Polina are so charming and seductive that talented and even brilliant people often fall in love with them, for whom Polinas become muses.

Polina Osipenko, a military pilot, lived only 32 years, but her fate was brilliant. After graduating from the Kachin Aviation School, she served in fighter aviation, first as a pilot, and then as a flight commander. Polina Osipenko set 5 women's world records, and in 1938 she made non-stop flights on the following routes: Sevastopol-Evpatoria-Ochakov-Sevastopol; Sevastopol-Arkhangelsk. Polina Osipenko died in the line of duty official duties in 1939. She remained in the memory of her generation young, courageous and strong, personifying the highest achievements of the weaker sex. A street in Moscow is named after her. If women with the name Polina choose a male profession, then they will certainly achieve great success in their careers.

Polina Zhemchuzhina - public figure, wife of the "faithful Stalinist" Vyacheslav Molotov; was repressed by Stalin.

Polina Rozhnova is a writer, a connoisseur of Russian folklore.

Polina Astakhova - gymnast, Olympic champion, coach.

Polina Osetinskaya is a pianist, laureate of international competitions.

The name Polina is a “cut” form from the name of the women of Greece - Apollinaria, which is a consequence of the male name Apollinaris. The name Polina by its name characterizes the proximity of the solar god from the mythology of ancient Greece to Apollo, which translates as “dedicated to Apollo”, “solar”. Today we will look at the meaning of the name Polina in every aspect of life.

In our country, it was the name Polina, and not Apollinaria, that became widespread, which is explained by the simplicity of pronunciation, and besides this, also by the most complete, beautiful pronunciation. True, there is another opinion on the appearance of this name, the French theory. At the border of the 18th-19th centuries, it became fashionable to pronounce domestic words similarly to French pronunciation, for this reason, woman's name France Paulina over time acquired the pronunciation of Pauline, which is much more harmonious for the native language.

Over time, the name Polina took root in Russia, acquired an independent, separate form. Today Paul's name is one of the most widely used names for girls born.

And this is not surprising, since famous women were called by this name, among which one can separately distinguish: singers Viardo Polina, Gagarina Polina, writer Dashkova Polina, woman poet Polina Barskova, film actresses Polina Lunegova, Kutepova Polina, USSR gymnast Polina Astakhova and many others . Now consider the meaning of the name Polina in more detail.

Name characteristic

A woman named Fields is quite pleasant, sociable, charming in communication. Fields in absolutely any society behaves perfectly, is able to maintain a conversation on all sorts of topics. Communicating with a woman named Polina, you immediately notice firmness, poise in her eyes, sometimes you even get the feeling that she is indifferent.

However, Polya is a completely inoffensive, but vulnerable woman, who in no situation exalts her own "I". The character of Paulie is characterized by the presence of such a feature as disinterestedness, for this reason, she is like a small child, able to enjoy a simple trinket. Attention is the most important thing for Poli. It is this meaning of the name Polina that makes her character universal.

Polina empathizes with real sincerity, sympathizes with someone else's grief. Such women almost always find an excuse for even the most impartial actions of other people. The only disadvantage of Paulie, which greatly complicates her life, is her straightforwardness. Fields is able to tell the whole truth in the eye, sometimes without softening the expression.

A woman who bears the name of the Field in communication prefers intelligent people, classifying herself among them. He looks down on illiterate, uncultured people. Women with the name Polina are simply distinguished by a fiery temperament, unable to hold grudges in themselves. Polya is an unimportant debater, because she always strives to impose her own opinion without sufficient argumentation.

Such women treat themselves with a certain criticality, only occasionally putting on a mask of indifference, even arrogance. Polya is periodically subjected to an attack of melancholy, sometimes gives in to unreasonable anxiety, fears. Pauline has no sentimentality at all, she looks at the life around her with the eyes of a realist. When choosing between love or wealth, he most often prefers financial well-being.

Describing the meaning of the name Polina, it should be noted that she is subject to a subjective outlook on life, to try everything on herself. Sometimes she is able to get carried away by digging into herself, which causes depression. Fields are characterized by poor intuition, so they do not trust her. A woman named Polina is characterized by a character capable of abruptly moving from significant seriousness to unbridled fun.

Nevertheless, these women absolutely always believe in their own abilities, while not trusting the people around them. Polina prefer coziness, comfort, and also look great. The time of communication, activity is replaced by the desire for a simple rest in solitude. Fields are capable of isolating themselves from the environment for a long time to replenish mental strength. In general, Polinas are distinguished by a problematic character, but they live a full, exciting life.

Polina child

Consider now the meaning of the name Polina for a girl in childhood. As a child, Polya is characterized by excellent complaisance, as well as charm, only occasionally quarreling with his parents. The girl prefers fun games, is active, helps her mother with great interest. During her school years, Polya is an activist of the whole class, a diligent student.

A lot of people are friends with her, and teachers like her for her readiness to always help, to take the initiative. The field is characterized by such distinctive features as responsiveness, kindness, but parents will need to make every effort so that Polina does not lose these qualities in the process of growing up.

The girl is affected to a large extent by the influence of her mother, which follows her throughout her life. All Polis are endowed with some kind of talent that needs to be noticed in time, as well as properly developed. In general, the name Polina, the meaning of the name and the fate of which is described, is crucial for the child.

Polina's health

As a child, Paul often falls ill with colds, for this reason it is advisable to send the girl to play sports in any sports section. A woman named Field gets tired, gets tired very quickly, as a result of which she needs considerable time to rest, sleep.

For such women, a healthy, sound sleep plays the main role, otherwise Fields will not feel well. It should be noted that Fields are not distinguished by good health, for this reason it is necessary to protect it from childhood. Periodically occurring bouts of self-criticism, as well as melancholy, can cause prolonged depression.

Sexuality Poly

The woman Polina, the meaning of the name whose character is described, can slightly idealize the man who made an impression on her, which sometimes ends in disappointment. Pauly prefers a trusting, respectful attitude from a partner, which is the reason for her lack of fleeting novels.

This woman has the best qualities of the fairer sex, which contributes to the constant attention of the mass of fans. However, her feelings are smoothed out, this woman does not openly show sympathy, and sometimes seems impregnable, cold. In bed, this woman prefers the pose of submissiveness, giving all the initiative to the man.

She is, without a doubt, not an ideal partner in sex, which explains the difficulty in provoking passion. Such a trait in some way contributes to the estrangement of men from her or is a reason for infidelity. Nevertheless, her husband can be firmly convinced that Fields will not, under any circumstances, get a man on the side.

Compatibility, family, marriage

A woman with this name is a dream wife. The most important thing for her is the family, for which Fields will sacrifice a successful career. She does not have a desire to dominate her husband, but quite the opposite, she remains faithful to him, obeys in everything.

Contrary to humility, Fields is a support, a heart for all relatives, she is loved, they listen to her. He shows condescension to his spouse, forgiving his weaknesses. Polya is a housewife who cooks well and waits for guests with great joy.

Polina does not separate the concepts of marriage and children, because she cannot imagine happiness without a child. He devotes most of his personal time to his children, sometimes forgetting about his needs. When looking for a job, he will stop at a place that will be located next to the house so that he can rush to the child at any moment. Today, Polina, the meaning of the name, the character and fate of which we describe, is legible in men.

A woman named Polina can count on happy marriage with Anatoly, Gleb, Dmitry, Yegor, Rodion, Robert, Nikolai, Boris, Arkady. You need to avoid Nikita, George, Oleg, Stanislav, Fedor, Andrey, Anton, Alexander.

Career, business

All women with this name are active natures, one of them is more interested in the family, and not in career success. Pauly has no business ambition at all, but diligence, diligence. Sometimes it is subjected to ruthless exploitation, and its merits are underestimated.

A woman bearing such a name needs intensive work, monotonous, painstaking work is not hers. Polya is capable of being an excellent journalist, teacher, lawyer, salesperson, manager, or advertising agent. For such a woman, a great option is a fashion designer, stylist, artist, or actress.


Summing up this article, it should be noted that girls should be called Fields only when you want a good family life for your girl. A woman with that name is a wonderful mother, faithful wife. As a child, the girl is very mobile, as a result she likes to play outdoor games.

Having become an adult woman, Paulie can turn out to be a wonderful creative person if her parents developed her talents in childhood. Today, the name Polina, the origin and meaning of which we have described in detail, is becoming increasingly popular.

Names: origin and forms

Pauline- (from Greek) meaningful; (from Latin) small.

Derivatives: Polinka, Fields, Polyunya, Polyusya, Pusya, Polyukha, Polyusha, Polyakha, Polyasha, Pana, Panulya, Pasha, Lina.

Directory of Russian names

From Pavlik(from Greek).

Friend. A crystal clear woman in a dark cherry shawl. The wild flower is the beauty of the province. And the Russian spirit keeps in the capitals. Weakness adorns her femininity. All life - all in chores. Her care lasts for two generations. In his youth, he is a broken woman, does not lose his youthfulness over the years, and therefore, in old age, he adores youth.

The secret of the name oculus.ru

Pauline- dedicated to Apollo (ancient Greek), small (Latin).
Polina - independent, Russian shortened colloquial form Greek name Apollinaria, the feminine form of the name Apollinaris.
Apollo is the son of Zeus and Latona, one of the most revered gods of the Greek pantheon: the god of light, the sun, the fortune teller, the patron of art and the leader of the muses.
The name seems to be ordinary, old-fashioned, but at the same time relatively rare, which makes it quite noticeable.
name zodiac: Capricorn.
Planet: Saturn.
Name color: light blue.
Talisman Stone: selenite.
auspicious plant: poplar, lotus.
name patron: swan.
Happy day: Saturday.
happy season: winter.
Diminutive forms: Polinka, Fields, Polyunya, Polyusha, Polyusya, Posya, Pan, Panya, Pasha, Lina.
Main features: excitability, activity.


Apollinaria, reverend, virgin, January 18 (5). Ascetic in the form of a man, she performed miracles with her prayers.


Apollinary Day coincides with the eve of Epiphany, the main day of Christmas divination.
On this day, the old women remove the snow from the stacks, they believe that only he can whiten the entire canvas. They throw this snow into the well, convinced that it will be of help if there was not even a single drop of rain in the summer. The same snow heals various infirmities.


The child immediately attracts everyone with his liveliness of character, immediacy. Polinka is responsive, accommodating, friendly.

Already at school, she strives, if not to chase after fashion, then to look modern both in clothes and in behavior. In her youth, she will not avoid big noisy companies, although their fun does not really captivate her. Polinka is musical, sings well, writes poetry, draws.

Polina is charming, sociable, perfectly kept in any society. Outwardly, she seems proud and impregnable, although in fact she is a very insecure person. She is overly excitable, can go on a cry, defending her opinion, she does not know how to argue at all. She is often indifferent to everything that does not concern her personally. But at the same time, she is a true friend, she can be trusted with secrets, she is responsive and disinterested. Can be too direct in communication, say what he thinks, albeit calmly, but still forgetting to soften hard-hitting statements. However, she is also very critical of herself.

Polina does not feel a special need for work. If she is an actress, artist, writer - for her life is creativity. In other professions, she is calm, but conscientious. She loves children, knows how to find a common language with them, so it would be good for her to become a teacher, educator in kindergarten. But she can also be a good doctor, a nurse.

Polina does not separate sex from love. However, she is very sexy and sensitive, although she wears a mask of indifference. She does not like all men, and it is rather difficult to meet her ideal. In the family, she is very caring, but cold to household affairs. However, he knows how to create comfort and coziness in the house. She gladly receives guests, in the company she is witty, sociable, but also proud, she can demonstrate her superiority. Polina is most often a beloved wife. She lives well with Vladimir, Alexander, Vitaly, Denis, Konstantin, Yuri.


Pauline Viardot-Garcia (1821-1910) was a famous French singer. Her extraordinary personality aroused the admiring surprise of her contemporaries. Combining an outstanding vocal gift with a bright dramatic talent, she was also an excellent pianist, a talented composer and an outstanding teacher, she drew beautifully, was a person of rare education and culture.

Without external attractiveness, Viardot was endowed with some kind of magical charm, which, combined with gypsy passion, made her forget about her ugliness, and made the singer beautiful on stage.

According to the memoirs of the artist A.P. Bogolyubova, Viardot "was not good-looking, but she was slender and even thin, she had wonderful black hair, smart velvety eyes and a matte complexion until old age. Her mouth was large and ugly, but as soon as she began to sing - about the shortcomings of her face and speech no, she was divinely inspired, she was such a powerful beauty, such an actress that the theater trembled with applause and bravo, flowers rained down on the stage, and in this enthusiastic noise the queen of the stage was hiding behind the falling curtain ... "

The singer was born in the famous Spanish artistic family Garcia: father - the famous tenor and vocal teacher Manuel Garcia (1775-1832), older sister - the outstanding singer Maria Malibran. Polina's husband - Louis Viardot - a journalist, art critic and republican - with his political reputation for a long time "closed" her way to the Parisian stage, and distant Russia became a country where artistic fame came to the singer.

The years spent in Russia became decisive in the artistic life of Polina Viardot. It was here, thanks to the warm reception of the public and the press, that the artist made great strides, which deservedly put her among the world-famous singers. “We can boast that we have set in motion and developed the extraordinary talents of Madame Viardot, that we have endowed her with the glory that all of Europe recognizes when we return this extraordinary actress-singer to her,” Literaturnaya Gazeta declared on behalf of the Russians in 1845 .

Pauline Viardot loved "her dear Russian public" and called Russia "the second fatherland", each time emphasizing that nowhere else did she receive "from all classes of society" such "proof of commitment and respect" that aroused in her "eternal gratitude".

Viardot's repertoire was extensive: possessing a mezzo-soprano, but constantly working on her voice, the singer could perform parts for both soprano and contralto. Since the mid-1850s, P. Viardot began teaching. She is the author of "The Classical School of Singing", a collection of daily vocal exercises "The Hour of Singing". Viardot was an excellent pianist (in her youth she took lessons from F. Liszt), wrote music, A. Adam (1803-1856) noted her talent as a composer. The circle of friends of the singer is remarkable: writers George Sand (1804-1876) and A. Musset (1810-1857), composers F. Chopin (1810-1849), A.S. Dargomyzhsky (1813-1869), G. Rossini (1792-1868), K. Saint-Sanet (1835-1921), D. Meyerbeer and the closest among them I.S. Turgenev, they struck up a lifelong friendship.

A. Ostrovsky wrote: “Turgenev confessed to me that Viardot had some special influence over him, holding him at his feet with some kind of charm, as if by witchcraft, that when he sees her, he physically cannot but obey her, that it is beyond his strength and he is in her presence as if under the strongest hypnosis.

For the work of Turgenev - a man prone to lordly laziness - this submission turned out to be beneficial. Viardot did not brag when she jokingly stated how much the Russians owed her that Turgenev continued to write and work.

As E. Ardov wrote, “this was not conceited self-deception. Even a superficial acquaintance with this brilliant artist made clear the influence that she should have had on the receptive, impressionable nature of the writer, her energy, diligence and unshakable, no one and The unyielding willpower was supposed to act in an encouraging and stimulating way in the hours of weakening artistic creativity.

Published with the kind permission of the Oculus project - astropsychology.

Honest Confident Reliable

Polina Gagarina, singer

  • Meaning of the name
  • Impact on the child

Name origin: Greek

When you're lucky: Thursday, Saturday

When there are problems: Wednesday

Important years of life: 25, 45

Zodiac sign: Capricorn

Lucky Number: 9

What does the name Polina mean?

Polina is a soft, gentle and calm name that contains many contradictions. The meaning of the name Polina is presented as something fragile, harmless, unable to fend for itself. But that's not the case at all.

Brims are like a hat with a double bottom. You know for sure that something is hiding inside, but what exactly and when it will appear is completely unknown. The description “devils live in still waters” is the best fit for her, because a quiet and sweet girl can instantly become stubborn and decisive or suddenly be rude if she is hurt.

And although Pauline's name day is not celebrated in Orthodoxy, it is nevertheless unusual name attracts attention with its simplicity and uniqueness, as well as good compatibility with different middle names.

Each of them contributes to the character of Paulie. So, for example, Andreevna will hardly meet new people, Alekseevna looks more balanced. Polina Evgenievna has excellent organizational skills, and the owner of the patronymic Dmitrievna will be domineering and strong.

Would you name your child by this name?
Not really

The origin of the name Polina is Greek. It is associated with the ancient Greek male name Appolinarius, which means “belonging to Apollo” (this god of sunlight, according to ancient Greek myths, was considered the most beautiful on Olympus and was the patron of science and art). Very quickly, the initial sound “a” disappeared from the name and it was transformed among the people into Pollinaria.

The name Appolinaria or Pollinaria was quite rare until the 18th century, but at the same time it did not disappear from families. The coming fashion for the French language changed its sound and made it a shorter independent version - Polina, from the French word "Pauline". It was this form that was fixed in the future.

And although the name is still considered quite rare, having its own charm and charm, it is very loved by the people due to its diminutive forms: Fields, Polenka, Polinka, Lina.

There is another story about what the name Polina means. According to this version, it came from the French male nickname Paul, which, in turn, originates from the Latin word "Paulus". It means "small".

Forms of the name Simple: Fields Full: Polina Ancient: Appolinaria Affectionate: Polenka

This Russian name, derived from a Greek or French word, gives its owner many conflicting character traits. Polina is very friendly, sympathetic, she is not familiar with envy, and therefore she is always sincerely ready to rejoice at the successes of close and barely known people. In addition, she can easily console them in case of failure. At the same time, it is quite difficult for Polina to transfer attention to her person, sometimes it seems that she is simply burdened by society, and therefore withdraws into herself.

The characteristic of the name Pauline is often manifested in self-confidence. Moreover, it is very peculiar: the self-demanding Field considers herself omniscient and versed in all matters, and almost all other people are profane.

And another property of character that can cause negative feelings in others is straightforwardness. Polina always says what she thinks, without embellishment and mitigation. As a result, it can even make enemies for itself in the person of those who do not want to listen to the truth.

Describing what the name Polina means for its owner, one cannot fail to mention her thoroughness and reliability. From the outside, it may seem that Fields are somewhat indecisive, but this is not so. It’s just that she never relies on other people’s judgments, she tries to reach everything with her own mind and find the most the right decision. After all, in the end, this is what matters, no matter how long the process of its adoption takes.

Polina is completely indifferent to everything that does not apply to her: she definitely will not gossip in the smoking room or discuss unverified information. You can no doubt entrust your secrets to her and be sure that they will not become public. She is the same in her work - reliable and responsible: if she has already taken up a task, she will not leave it halfway, she will do everything perfectly, no matter what happens.

The main secret of the name Polina lies in her uncompromisingness and, to some extent, rigidity.

Accumulated irritation and stress can erupt very unexpectedly, like a tornado that suddenly swoops in, demolishing everything in its path. And in this case, it is better not to fall under the hot hand of Polina.

Character traits Honest Benevolent Reliable Responsible self-confident Rigid Straightforward Closed Hot-tempered Uncompromising

Possibly, because of her "sunny" origin and belonging to something divine, Polenka tends to idealize the image of her man. Despite her independence and independence, she will not be a leader in the family, she does not need it. She is able to create the perfect family nest, although she does not really like household chores.

Good and bad couples Alexander Vitaly Denis Konstantin Yuri Anatoly Vadim Igor Maxim Nikolai

The main characteristic in Polina's family life will be dedication and humility. She is quite capable of quitting her career for the sake of her family or sacrificing some of her interests.

Fields in marriage becomes soft, pliable, appreciates her family very much. The main thing for her is family happiness and harmony.

However, trust is very important for her, and therefore, in case of betrayal, one should not hope for a positive outcome of the case, Polina can be very vindictive and vindictive.

The meaning of the name Polina for a girl

When choosing the name Polina for a baby, you should definitely take into account its contradictory meaning: on the one hand, she is a sweet, calm and very responsive girl, and on the other, sometimes she is just a time bomb.

Bright, noisy, attracting other Fields, in fact, does not like attention and often tries to retire.

Polina is a very sociable and sensible child beyond her years, sometimes withdrawn, sometimes too lively and even boyishly tough. From this girl, both a serious business woman and a notorious hooligan can grow up if she does not cope with her emotions and does not learn to sometimes hide them, and not flaunt them.

What will Polina succeed in? The owner of this name is fond of sports, often tough, masculine: football or basketball. Polina is attracted to everything technical, clear. This child loves the rules (although this applies only to studies, that is, technical subjects - in life she often sets the rules than follows them).

Polya is very capricious, she always does everything in her own way. This means that parents are tormented with her: it will take a lot of effort to break through impulsiveness and irascibility and prove her case to her, as well as force her to obey. With age, Polina "settles down" and becomes more flexible and obedient.

What games will Polina like? Polya loves noisy games, so from childhood she needs to be attracted to sports or at least given to swimming. This child simply needs to learn to restrain himself, and therefore it would be nice for parents to play with Fields in a “situation” and tell by example what the correct reaction should be.

When is the name day?

January 18 April 4 © Author: Alexey Krivenkiy. Photo: depositphotos.com

The meaning of the name Polina: character traits

Polina is a name with two versions of origin. According to one - it has French roots and comes from the male name Paul. Thus, the meaning of the name Polina in Latin is “baby”, or “little”. According to the second version, the name comes from Appolinaria and is her colloquial form. Translated from the ancient Greek, Appolinaria means "solar" and originates from the name of Apollo (the god of the Sun in Ancient Greece).

The meaning of the name Polina for a child

As a little girl, Polinka is the subject of universal adoration and admiration. She is friendly, courteous and very responsive. She will always come to the rescue, comfort, reassure. Polina is not naughty because of the little things. She will gladly help her mother around the house, babysit her own and other people's babies.

At school, Polina is honest and disinterested. In relations with classmates, she is tactful, kind and sympathetic, she is the first assistant to teachers, enjoys love and respect among them.

The meaning of the name Polina for adults

Even having matured, Fields remains disinterested and can rejoice, like a child, at any trifle. She is neat and clean, knows how to properly present herself, always monitors her appearance; manicure, makeup, hair, wardrobe. Polina does not waste money, she prefers a few things, but of good quality; usually economical.

The meaning of the name Polina in professional terms

She is diligent and responsible, strives to do her job at the highest level, which is why she has ill-wishers in the team who consider her an upstart. Very often it is trouble-free, which is used by prudent and cunning colleagues, assigning their duties to Polina. She is patient and hardworking and can achieve good professional success, but her career is not her priority.

The meaning of the name Polina in the family

In most cases in family life, she is happy. Polina devotes herself to her family, husband, children. The interests of the family are more important to her than her own. Business ambition, career are not important for her. She chooses a job where she can spend more time at home. Polina is a very good mother, she likes to go to parent-teacher meetings, takes an active part in the work of the parent committee. Polina supports the interests of children, develops in them a love for beauty. She is incapable of betrayal; lovers, extramarital affairs are not for her. Polina forgives her husband a lot, sometimes even betrayal. She will be able to create harmonious relationships with Denis, Vitaly, Sergey, Yuri, Konstantin, Efim. Relations with Vadim, Igor and Anatoly are undesirable for Polina.

Very often Polina sees everything in "pink". It is very difficult for her to come to terms with betrayal, lies and injustice. She tries not to notice the bad in people, justifies even the not quite worthy actions of others. Polina is a harmonious personality, with a manifestation of earthly love and a developed sense of beauty. Nature endowed Polina with inner nobility, tact, intelligence. It is characterized by taste and sense of proportion.


This term has other meanings, see Polina (meanings).

Pauline- woman's name.

  • Pauline- female name of French origin (Pauline), derived from the male name Paul (Paul); thus derived from the Latin paulus ("small", "baby").
  • Pauline- the colloquial form of the name Apollinaria, which means "Sunny". It comes from the name of the ancient Greek sun god Apollo.

name day

In the Russian tradition, those bearing this name are usually baptized under the names of Paul, Pelageya and Apollinaris.

  • Venerable Apollinaria - a reverend who labored in a male form (commemorated January 18 (January 5, old style))
  • Apollinaria (Tupitsyna) (1937) - New Martyr (commemorated September 30, O.S.)
  • Virgin Apollinaria - (Commemorated March 22, O.S.)
  • Pelagia Diveevskaya (1884) - Christ for the sake of the holy fool (Commemorated February 12 (January 30, O.S.))
  • Pelagia - martyr (commemorated April 5 (March 23, old style))
  • Pelagia of Tarsus (Holy Martyr Maiden Pelagia) - Martyr (commemorated May 17 (May 4 O.S.) and October 20 (October 7 O.S.)
  • Pelagia (Liquid) - New Martyr (commemorated June 26 (June 13, O.S.))
  • Pelagia (Balakireva) - New Martyr (Commemorated June 30 (June 17, O.S.))
  • Saint Pelagia, Virgin of Antioch - martyr, student of ssmch. Lucian of Antioch (Commemorated October 21 (October 8 O.S.))
  • Venerable Pelagia of Antioch, of Olives and Palestine - a reverend who labored in a male form (Comm. October 21 (October 8, old style))
  • Pelagia (Testova) - New Martyr (Commemorated November 3 (October 21, O.S.))

What does the name Polina mean?

Anastasia Pylypets

HISTORY AND SIGNIFICANCE OF THE NAME POLINA - Polina is an independent, Russian abbreviated colloquial form of the Greek, Latin name Apollinaria, the female form of the name Apollinaris (Polinarius - dedicated to Apollo, Apollonov). Apollo in ancient Greek mythology- the god of the sun, predictions, patron of the arts.

Apollinaria, reverend, ascetic in male form, a virgin, performed miracles with prayers, January 18 (5).
PAUL PLANET - Moon (Saturn).
POLINA COLOR - White, black, light green, light blue, golden, light blue and a little red, light marsh. The most favorable color for greater activity is red.
VIBRATION OF POLINA - 103 000 fps.
POLINA'S PLANT - Poplar, lotus, strawberry.
MAIN FEATURES OF POLINA - Excitability, activity.
POLINA'S TYPE - A crystal clear woman in a dark cherry shawl. Choleric, easily excitable, nervous. Gives the impression of a woman "with a claim." Like her totem, the swan seems proud and impregnable, although in reality it is not a brave and self-confident person.
CHARACTER OF THE NAME OF POLINA - Polina is charming, charming and very sociable. Supports a conversation on any topic, perfectly kept in any society. She needs success in her life. She seems proud and unapproachable, although she often has to overcome herself in order to take on some business or communicate with someone. He easily loses his temper, especially when he defends his opinion, more precisely, he imposes it on others. Polina is completely incapable of arguing. She is very self-confident at heart, but has a very low opinion of others. If Polina gives someone an objective good assessment, then this person is really dear to her. She likes to pretend to be indifferent, but you can’t call her sentimental. The beauty of nature and the subtleties of feelings are not for her. However, behind this set of contradictions, Polina is a true friend who is very pleased to trust secrets and who will always sympathize and help. Polina's attitude to the household is rather cold, but nevertheless, everything burns in her hands. Polina's balance ranges from some seriousness, and even severity, to cheerful cheerfulness. The same applies to the association associated with the name - the field, which can be both a battlefield and a field for the game. Polina takes nothing on faith.
POLINA'S FATE - Due to the balance of energy, Polina is a field where anything can grow. As a child, Polya can help teachers, she will never offend her friends. In her youth, she is a broken girl, does not lose her youthfulness over the years, and therefore, in old age, she adores youth. Mysterious blood flows in her veins. Polina has a rather difficult character, but she lives an interesting and eventful life.
POLINA'S PSYCHE - Unnecessarily subjective, tends to take on everything. Intelligent - and makes others feel it. Polina is a wild flower, the beauty of the province, but in the capitals she is the personification of the Russian spirit. She is prone to self-digging and self-criticism, she is very critical of herself.
POLINA'S INTUITION - Shallow, non-standard situations can knock her out of the saddle.

Helen of the old man

Origin: Colloquial form of the name Apollinaris. comes from the name ancient greek god the sun of Apollo.
Meaning: "Solar"
Character: Among her friends, Polina is especially distinguished by her benevolence, responsiveness, disinterestedness. She is always ready to caress an offended girlfriend, calm the baby, sympathize with the sick grandmother. The feeling of envy is not familiar to her - she will rejoice with everyone. In Polina, there is enough love for close people, for all animals, for all living things that are nearby. She can help teachers, never offend her friends.
Adult Polina is thorough and reliable in business, she takes on any job. Don't forget about your appearance. Able to sew for herself Nice dress. In marriage, she is very tolerant of her husband's liberties, she will even try to find an excuse for him. The interests of the family are above all for her.
She does not seek to make a career, to get a prestigious specialty. He always tries to find a job closer to home so that he can pop home at lunchtime and check out what the kids are up to. After work, he hurries rather to his household chores. Polina is a wonderful mother. She pays a lot of attention to children, is always aware of their affairs, actively attends parent-teacher meetings, consults with teachers on how best to educate her children. Extramarital affairs, lovers and betrayals are alien to her.
Phonosemantics: Polina's word gives the impression of something weak, quiet.
Talisman: Lotus
Color: Light blue
Stone: Ruby
Zodiac sign: The name suits Cancers, Virgos, Scorpios and Capricorns
Harmony with: Adam, Adrian, Alexander, Aristarchus, Benedict, Walter, Velor, Benjamin, Vitaly, Vsevolod, Daniil, Denis, Evdokim, Efim, Zakhar, Zinovy, Hilarion, Konstantin, Leo, Leonid, Lubomir, Miron, Moses, Nikita , Orestes, Pamfil, Thaddeus, Fedot, Yuri, Yakov
Incompatibility with: Anatoly, Vadim, Vitold, Egor, Igor, Nikanor
Name day: January 18


SIGNIFICANCE, ORIGIN. Polina is an independent, Russian abbreviated colloquial form of the Greek, Latin name Apollinaria, the female form of the name Apollinaris (Polinary - dedicated to Apollo, Apollonov). Apollo in ancient Greek mythology is the god of the sun, predictions, and the patron of the arts.
According to another version, this is the English form of the name Peacock (colloquial Paul) from the Latin - from the family of Paul; female form named Peacock.
The name Polina means: belonging to Apollo, dedicated to Apollo, in honor of Apollo, meaningful (Greek), small (Lat.).
Quiet, quiet and dim name. Acceptance and reconciliation, sounding in this vibration, creates a feeling of loyal fusion with the smooth flow of external influences. The name is rare - both now and half a century ago. Although completely out of use never left. Despite this, it does not seem unusual and old-fashioned. At the same time, its relative rarity makes it quite noticeable.

Apollinaria, reverend, ascetic in male form, a virgin, performed miracles with prayers, January 18 (5).

ZODIAC NAME. Capricorn.

PLANET. Moon (Saturn).

NAME COLOR. White, black, light green, light blue, gold, light blue and a little red, light marsh. The most favorable color for greater activity is red.


VIBRATION. 103,000 fps.

TALISMAN STONE. Ruby, selenite.

PLANT. Poplar, lotus, strawberry.


MAIN FEATURES. Excitability, activity.
NAME AND CHARACTER. Polina is charming, charming and very sociable. Supports a conversation on any topic, perfectly kept in any society. She needs success in her life. She seems proud and unapproachable, although she often has to overcome herself in order to take on some business or communicate with someone. He easily loses his temper, especially when he defends his opinion, more precisely, he imposes it on others. Polina is completely incapable of arguing. She is very self-confident at heart, but has a very low opinion of others. If Polina gives someone an objective good assessment, then this person is really dear to her. She likes to pretend to be indifferent, but you can’t call her sentimental. The beauty of nature and the subtleties of feelings are not for her. However, behind this set of contradictions, Polina is a true friend who is very pleased to trust secrets and who will always sympathize and help. Polina's attitude to the household is rather cold, but nevertheless, everything burns in her hands. Polina's balance ranges from some seriousness, and even severity, to cheerful cheerfulness. The same applies
and associated with the name of the association - the field, which can be both a battlefield and a field for the game. Polina takes nothing on faith.

Polina Names: origin and forms
Polina - (from Greek) meaningful; (from Latin) small.
Derivatives: Polinka, Fields, Polyunya, Polyusya, Pusya, Polyukha, Polyusha, Polyakha, Polyasha, Pan, Panulya, Pasha, Lina.
Polina Directory of Russian names
From Pavlik (from Greek).
Friend. A crystal clear woman in a dark cherry shawl. The wild flower is the beauty of the province. And the Russian spirit keeps in the capitals. Weakness adorns her femininity. All life - all in chores. Her care lasts for two generations. In his youth, he is a broken woman, does not lose his youthfulness over the years, and therefore, in old age, he adores youth.
Polina The Mystery of the Name oculus.ru
Polina - dedicated to Apollo (ancient Greek), small (Latin).
Polina is an independent, Russian abbreviated colloquial form of the Greek name Apollinaria, the feminine form of the name Apollinaris.
Apollo is the son of Zeus and Latona, one of the most revered gods of the Greek pantheon: the god of light, the sun, the fortune teller, the patron of art and the leader of the muses.
The name seems to be ordinary, old-fashioned, but at the same time relatively rare, which makes it quite noticeable.
Zodiac name: Capricorn.
Planet: Saturn.
Name color: light blue.
Talisman stone: selenite.
Favorable plant: poplar, lotus.
Name patron: swan.
Lucky day: Saturday.
Lucky season: winter.
Diminutive forms: Polinka, Fields, Polyunya, Polyusha, Polyusya, Posya, Pana, Panya, Pasha, Lina.
Main features: excitability, activity.
Apollinaria, reverend, virgin, January 18 (5). Ascetic in the form of a man, she performed miracles with her prayers.
Apollinary Day coincides with the eve of Epiphany, the main day of Christmas divination.
On this day, the old women remove the snow from the stacks, they believe that only he can whiten the entire canvas. They throw this snow into the well, convinced that it will be of help if there was not even a single drop of rain in the summer. The same snow heals various infirmities.
The child immediately attracts everyone with his liveliness of character, immediacy. Polinka is responsive, accommodating, friendly.
Already at school, she strives, if not to chase after fashion, then to look modern both in clothes and in behavior. In her youth, she will not avoid big noisy companies, although their fun does not really captivate her. Polinka is musical, sings well, writes poetry, draws.
Polina is charming, sociable, perfectly kept in any society. Outwardly, she seems proud and impregnable, although in fact she is a very insecure person. She is overly excitable, can go on a cry, defending her opinion, she does not know how to argue at all. She is often indifferent to everything that does not concern her personally. But at the same time, she is a true friend, she can be trusted with secrets, she is responsive and disinterested. Can be too direct in communication, say what he thinks, albeit calmly, but still forgetting to soften hard-hitting statements. However, she is also very critical of herself.
Polina does not feel a special need for work. If she is an actress, artist, writer - for her life is creativity. In other professions, she is calm, but conscientious. She loves children, knows how to find a common language with them, so it would be good for her to become a teacher, a kindergarten teacher. But she can also be a good doctor, a nurse.
Polina does not separate sex from love. However, she is very sexy and sensitive, although she wears a mask of indifference. She does not like all men, and it is rather difficult to meet her ideal. In the family, she is very caring, but cold to household affairs. However, he knows how to create comfort and coziness in the house. She gladly receives guests, in the company she is witty, sociable, but also proud, she can demonstrate her superiority. Polina is most often a beloved wife. She lives well with Vladimir, Alexander, Vitaly, Denis, Konstantin, Yuri.
Pauline Viardot-Garcia (1821-1910) was a famous French singer. Her extraordinary


Origin, meaning and interpretation of the name Polina. Name and patronymic compatibility, Polina and marriage.

Colloquial form of the name Appolinaria. Comes from the word Apollo in ancient Greek mythology, the god of the sun, the patron of the arts, the god of predictions.
Polyushka, Polina today, it is rare for anyone to call their daughter that. Isn't that why there are so few people today as disinterested and sacrificial as she is? Polina among children is like an expensive bead: sympathetic, flexible, friendly. Where there is grief Polenka. She will always console, calm, sympathize. In joy, he will never envy, he will rejoice with you.
Sometimes it seems that Polina is filled with love for people, for animals, for all living things that surround us. At school, she is the first assistant to the teacher, she is tactful in relations with her classmates, she will never offend anyone. Unusually clean.
Adult Polina loves to dress beautifully, has excellent taste, but is economical, not a spender, she would rather sew an outfit for herself than spend money on a store item. In business, she is thorough, reliable, and this is sometimes used, dumping all the worries on her.
Polina is disinterested and can, like a child, rejoice at a trifling trinket. She is extremely harmless and, even seeing that her husband is flirting with her best friend, will try to find an excuse for him. But, of course, not endlessly, and exploiting the all-forgiving nature of Polina is still not worth it. Polina always puts the interests of the family above her own. Career, professional success, business ambition are almost of no interest to Polina, she seeks to find a job that would give her the opportunity to stay at home more. Extramarital affairs, lovers and betrayals are alien to her.
Polina good moms. They like to attend parent meetings, take an active part in the work of parent committees.
In marriage, especially in the first, Polina is not always lucky. Marriage with Yefim, Alexander, Yuri, Vitaly, Konstantin, Denis will be reliable. With Vadim, Anatoly or Igor, he is likely to be fragile.

Irina Khalikova

This is the image of a crystal clear woman in a dark cherry shawl. The wild flower is the beauty of the province. It retains the Russian spirit. Softness, suppleness decorate it, make it even more feminine. Her whole life is spent in trouble. Her care lasts for two generations. Does not lose its youthfulness over the years. In love, prefers young men. Sometimes it seems that she is weak and indecisive, but she is not. She is one of those about whom they say: there are devils in a still pool. She has great willpower and enviable vitality, which, as a rule, manifest themselves in extreme situations. Independent in actions and decisions. Not influenced by others. However, she lacks self-confidence at all. Acts deliberately, according to a plan, can listen to the advice of people he trusts, but chooses his own path

P - to dream