General medical pedagogy. Therapeutic pedagogy - the essence and principles.

Psychocorrection of children. Principles of therapeutic pedagogy: 1. Individualization of teaching methods in accordance with the cognitive style of the child In the process of examination and trial correctional training, it is necessary to find out: the analytical or synthetic type of perception and assimilation of information dominates in the child (Denisova 3. V., 1974). In the first case, the material is easier to assimilate element by element with subsequent synthesis. For such children, the analytical-synthetic method of teaching literacy is adequate. Other children learn new things more easily at first globally, as a holistic image, and then gradually isolate individual elements and details. In this case, for example, letters are easier to remember by their general shape, and not as a sum of graphic elements. Reading at the initial stage is easier for them to learn globally or semi-globally. It is important to know which of the child's analyzers is functionally "stronger". J. Kaluger and S. Kolson (1978) suggest using the Kolson Quik Modalities Test (KQM) in such cases. This is a short test to determine the leading modality, the deficient modality and the state of intermodal integration. Necessary condition for the possibility of using the technique is the child's ability to count up to 30. The test includes the following tasks:

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a) the child is offered: "Count how many circles are on this card." At the same time, he should not count them with his finger (only visually). The mistake made indicates, according to the authors, the lack of integration of the visual analyzer;

b) The child is asked to close his eyes. Instruction: “I will knock on the board. Say: how many times did I hit? The examiner makes 13 strokes at unequal intervals. The presence of an error in the child's answer, according to the authors, indicates the insufficiency of the auditory analyzer;

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Eurozone Invoice: Booking confirmation and invoice will be sent to you once your booking has been processed. Please note that we only send invoices only 14 days before the start of the event. Other countries: Once your booking has been processed, you will receive a confirmation by post or email. The amount due will either be charged to your credit card or you can pay upon arrival. Bank transfers are not possible. Please note that the conference fee must be paid before the conference starts.

c) the examiner gives the child a pencil with an elastic band on the blunt end. He is invited to close his eyes and tap the examiner's hand with a rubber band 15 times. If there are errors, a conclusion is made about the weakness of the kinesthetic analyzer;

d) instruction: “I will knock you on the back. Say: how many times have I knocked? The examiner makes 17 strokes at unequal intervals. A counting error indicates a lack of tactile sensations of the child;

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e) instruction: “List the directions indicated by these arrows. If the arrow points to the right, say "right", if to the left - "left", down - "down", up - "up". Explaining, you should show this on other arrows (not test ones). If the child does not know the concepts of "right - left" - then you can replace them with the word "sideways". The test evaluates visual-motor, speech and spatial abilities. If the task is completed, then move on to the next one. If not, then go straight to the last one;

The Goetheanum is located south of Basel in the Swiss Jura. As a cultural venue that includes a theater and a teaching, research and conference center, it offers around 700 events every year. The said building is regarded as an impressive example of organic architecture.

By car Leave the Basel-Delemont motorway at the Reinatsch-Süd junction and follow the signs for Dornach, from there follow the signs for the Goetheanum. On foot Walk uphill from Dornach-Arleschheim station, following the signs. Norms of normality and deviation. Excursion: normative pedagogy.

f) instruction: “I want you to indicate the direction of these arrows again, but now do it silently. Show with your hand the direction the arrow is pointing." Show your child an example before doing it. The test assesses spatial orientation and spatial praxis;

Principles of medical pedagogy. Test material for tasks d - g methods

Biological theory Sociological theories Rational choice theory Radical constructivism Labeling approach theory. Historical management of pedagogy with deviations. Scientific definition of pedagogy. History of Pedagogy before. Today we are talking about pedagogy with a discrepancy between help and punishment. Aims and purposes of punishment Current trends in punishment. If we consider a general question, which is the subject area of ​​pedagogy, it is quickly realized that the answer is fraught with some difficulties.

One possible answer would be that pedagogy is concerned with forms of deviance and tries to provide these opportunities for intervention. One can even guess that pedagogical science would not have turned into what it is today without Devyants. Even if it is spelled out, the core underlying this thesis is clear: deviation is the decisive moment for the need for educational work. This aspect piqued my interest.

g) instruction: "Perform the same task again, but now do it in time with my tapping." The examiner taps the rhythm 1 beat per second. The test assesses the ability to integrate auditory and motor analyzers.

All of these tests basically determine the weak modality (analyzer) of the child. The test below of two modalities (visual and kinesthetic) reveals the leader;

It is often seen in the news that the focus of reporting is to show deviant behavior. As can be seen, for example, through numerous reports on the Rütli school in Berlin-Neukölln, the means mass media get a significant portion of their viewership by posting dramatic events that are not discussed in more detail. At present, this is well illustrated by the example of school social work. Funding is provided for additional staff to improve student care.

This is then seen as preventing the criminal behavior of young people, but not looking more closely at the causes of crime. It seemed to me interesting to approach the subject methodically within the framework of my thesis and delve into it, since this is obviously one of the fundamental topics in pedagogy. Deviant behavior and, on the other hand, normal behavior are two central concepts in the theory and practice of social pedagogy. This refers to behavior that causes irritation, discomfort, or is perceived as problematic, as will be explained in more detail below.

h) instruction: “Take a piece of paper and a pencil. When I say "begin," place a piece of paper on your forehead and write the word "CAT" on it. If the word is written backwards, then the kinesthetic analyzer dominates the visual one. If the word is written from left to right, then the visual analyzer is leading.

The obtained data are used when choosing a correction method. For example, if a child with dysgraphia suffers from phonemic perception, then it is advisable to stimulate the reliance on pronunciation in the process of writing, which makes it possible to compensate for the inferiority of auditory phonemic images due to the preservation of kinesthetic differentiation. However, if the mechanisms of dysgraphia involve a pathological reliance on pronunciation with defective kinesthesia of the articulatory organs, then the emphasis should be shifted to auditory analysis.

The question inevitably arises as to how the behavior differs. Is there a "right life" based on standards that needs to be achieved? The main focus of my work is on the discussion of pedagogy with various deviant theories. This includes a discussion of the basic understanding of educational science. Wiehern, who founded one of the first rescue homes for "deviant" children, is of great importance here. Various researchers such as Émile Durkheim, psychologist and philosopher Michel Foucault continue to tackle the problem of deviation.

2. Individualization of the pace of learning. As noted earlier, the discrepancy between the time allotted by the teacher for mastering the skill and the individual capabilities of the child not only aggravates the difficulties, but also causes frustrating experiences. The fulfillment of this condition is possible only with regular receipt of information about the assimilation of the skill.

Then, in the third chapter, we find an overview of deviant theories, which are divided into biological, sociological and psychological phenomena and partly contradict each other. In order to understand and analyze pedagogical measures, it is necessary to look at the causes of "abnormal behavior".

The fourth chapter presents the historical experience of the pedagogical interpretation of crime. In addition, central concepts such as self-activity, figuration, socialization and inculturation are discussed. The past centuries have given rise to many pedagogical directions and forms of activity that have largely influenced pedagogy.

3. Systematic control of automation skills.

It is necessary to control not only the overall success of writing or reading, but, more importantly, the degree of automation of individual operations that make them up, for example, control of automation of sound-letter connections, merging syllables of varying complexity, etc. In this regard, it is advisable to periodically test the corresponding operations using the methods described in Chap. four.

With his rough house in Hamburg, he developed one of the first concepts that Devyanz had to oppose and which is still applied today. The term "social education", which is often mentioned in the context of Wichern, was widely used at the beginning of the century, while social work or social pedagogy are used today. The fifth chapter is designed to make this situation visible. This is followed by a discussion of the concept of assistance. Finally, analysis follows deviant theories. It also seems to me important to consider the pedagogical reaction to deviations at that time.

4. Maximum use of gaming teaching methods. This is necessary due to the fact that in children with dysgraphia, and especially with dyslexia, cognitive interests are formed late and game motivation is retained for a long time. The most effective are not didactic, but role-playing games with the inclusion of actions necessary for the development of this skill. For example, playing "Mail" includes the act of reading (or writing) in the context of a meaningful, practical activity familiar to the child. At the same time, reading becomes not an end in itself, but a means to achieve a game goal. In most didactic games, the developed skill is an end in itself, despite the game design of actions (Shvaiko G.S., 1983; Maksakov A.I., Tumakova G.A., 1983, etc.).

Normality and deviation conditions can be defined and used in different ways. Society regards normality as an orientation that can almost be called a natural phenomenon. The construction of normality is understood as social regulation, which provides an orientation towards the behavioral control of individuals in highly differentiated societies.

Normality was something historical, as Werner Sohn and Herbert Mertens describe in the preface to their book. In the second half of the century, the understanding of norms developed and, in contrast, deviations. Age - a collection of empirical knowledge. New results are ordered and classified.

5. Compliance with the principle of consistency and stages in the development of the material. Corrective classes should begin with the level of knowledge and skills that the child owns quite firmly. This creates a positive emotional mood at the beginning of classes and increases the motivation for cooperation. Moving forward, it is necessary to take into account the functional and hierarchical relationship of individual skills and operations. The psychological compatibility of skills should also be taken into account while mastering them. For example, many children with dyslexia find it difficult to learn syllables and analytical writing at the same time. This is especially evident at the initial stage of training. To master syllable fusion, a child must learn to read a consonant sound as it sounds paired with a vowel, i.e., replace its isolated pronunciation with a positional one, depending on the vowel behind it, forming a syllable. When mastering analytical, letter-by-letter writing (children master synthetic writing later), the reverse operation is required: “cleansing” the consonant sound from the overtone of the vowel behind it. In this case, a transition from positional sounding to isolated sounding is required, since only in this case can the child correctly identify the phoneme and select the corresponding grapheme. Healthy children learn both skills without problems and quickly move on to syllabic writing and syllabic reading. With dyslexia, a kind of interference occurs: both skills mutually inhibit each other. Therefore, it would be justified to master them not simultaneously, but sequentially (Mattis S., 1981).

Deviant behavior is also called delinquency. This term has its origin in English and includes. Conflicting laws that break behavior, which can be more differentiated as breach of duty, abuse, misdemeanors, and crimes.

If we talk about deviations, there must be a certain normality from which one can deviate. This usually results in sanctions for the offender. Thanks to this, you can ensure the discipline of people. It is not a matter of belonging to Sabine Hark as a fundamental element of society. Now the ordered structure is no longer stable, there is no clear normality. This makes it harder for the individual to behave normally rather than limit.

6. The development of each skill must be preceded by the creation of a functional basis for him. It is necessary to develop the psychological prerequisites on which skills are built. This remains relevant even in cases where the age at which they usually develop has already been left behind. For example, some successive functions remain immature even in middle and high school and create barriers to learning to read and write.

The price of this cooperation is adaptation to the norm. However, since this is not established, the individual directs his behavior towards the behavior of the majority, hoping that this may be correct, desirable. Norms do not function as a temple for embossing. Rather, they arise and solidify by constant and dynamic repetition.

As Hark describes, the limit point is crucial to the concept of normality. Exceptional is the opposite of normal. Like fear to cross this border, society tries to make it more clear and transparent. Abnormally declared dangerous. Jan Hacking also follows Foucault's idea that normality is not a natural process. He looks at it from a different point of view. In his essay "People Do", he suggests that people divide into groups and become the only thing they are told. These divisions are not static, they change with social change every ten years.

7. Successful fulfillment of the above requirements is possible when the teacher has a number of necessary qualities:

a) has professional training in diagnostic and correction methods;

b) are sufficiently tolerant and prepared in advance for difficulties not only of an educational, but also of a behavioral nature on the part of children;

c) knows how to control himself and flexibly manage the process of communication with the child on the basis of interest, and not coercion;

As the philosopher noted, people try to adapt to their units and justify their image. He distinguishes two approaches to normality. Traditionally nominalistic, he would say that everyone only has the names they are given. Traditionally realistic, there are established species that have been classified by mankind. Hacking yourself is favored by the theory of dynamic nominalism. This is due to the simultaneous appearance of a new species and its classification.

Per short definition followed by an indication of variability. The standards describe and describe values ​​and they are expressed in terms of behavioral requirements. They regulate and guide our behavior and, as mentioned at the beginning, serve as an orientation guide for our lives. The validity and effectiveness of the standard influences human behavior. Confidence states something about the acceptance of a standard, while effectiveness describes a follow-up or non-compliance with the norm. The tolerance range of the standard decides on the application of sanctions.

d) respects the inner world and interests of the child.

Speech therapy methods for correcting dysgraphia and, to a lesser extent, dyslexia are described in detail in the relevant manuals (Levina R. E., 1968; Sadovnikova I. N., 1983; Lalaeva R. I., 1983, etc.). This gives us the opportunity not to dwell on them in detail, and to focus on new techniques and methods for correcting dyslexia and dysgraphia.

  • Kartashev N.V.



annotation scientific article on public education and pedagogy, author of scientific work - Kartashev N.V.

The article shows the formation of the domestic curative pedagogy, the assessment of the role of innovative teachers in the development of organizational and technological approaches to the protection of children's health, the formation healthy lifestyle life of the child, school hygiene and family life. The need for preparing parents to create a healthy lifestyle for a child in the family, to develop socio-pedagogical technologies for organizing health-improving leisure and healthy eating has been identified.


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The text of the scientific work on the topic "Therapeutic Pedagogy as a Direction for the Development of Modern Social Pedagogy"



N.V. Kartashev

The article shows the formation of domestic medical pedagogy, assesses the role of innovative teachers in the development of organizational and technological approaches to the protection of children's health, the formation of a healthy lifestyle for a child, and the hygiene of school and family life. The need for preparing parents to create a healthy lifestyle for a child in the family, to develop socio-pedagogical technologies for organizing health-improving leisure and healthy eating has been identified.

Keywords: curative pedagogy, historical experience of teachers-innovators; healthy lifestyle of a person, socio-pedagogical preparation of parents to create a healthy lifestyle for a child in the family.

At present, when a steady increase in the number of sick children is observed in Russia, a turn should be made to solving the problem of the health of the younger generation. The current political and socio-cultural situation in the country requires the correction of conditions that reproduce the unhealthy lifestyle of a child in the family, educational institution, and society. The educational subsystems of the school, family and society that are disunited and do not effectively interact with each other do not always strive to jointly realize common educational goals. There is a need for a radical change in the relations of the education system, family education and the social structure of children's leisure, focused on protecting the health and creating a healthy lifestyle for the child. The current situation imperatively reaches the professional level of training of specialists, parents, focused on health protection and the creation of technologies that guarantee a healthy lifestyle for a growing person, the use of medical pedagogy in the institutions of his socialization.

It is known that the appearance in Europe of curative pedagogy in work with children with developmental disabilities dates back to the beginning of the 19th century. Initially, the formation of this section of science and the type of practical activity proceeded in close unity of pedagogy with medicine and with the undoubted leadership of the latter, and therefore, to a large extent on its scientific platform, with the borrowing of its terminology. Medical systematics by the beginning of the nineteenth century. She proposed not only a classification of child developmental disorders “found in pedagogy”, but also the main means of overcoming these disorders: dietetics, treatment (physical, sensory, intellectual spheres), training and self-development. At the same time, violations in human development were considered within the framework of the medical thinking of that time as an individual biological category. According to these views, the cause of health disorders is localized in the person himself, and science (medicine and pedagogy) was called upon to cure deviations from the norm in the body and personality of a person using the means available to it.

In this sense, the use of the term "therapeutic pedagogy" was quite correct and fully consistent with the characteristics of the era when medicine was one of the most authoritative sciences, had a certain arsenal of means. medical care to a person. In addition, the philanthropy of the nineteenth century still had a significant reserve of optimism in the hope of the possibility of curing disorders of the sensory, motor and intellectual spheres. It was at this time in Western Europe the first clinics for cretin children appear, for children with deep mental retardation, later - medical and pedagogical institutions for children with mental, intellectual and other disabilities.

The pedagogy of children with developmental disabilities, being a new and sometimes unrecognized field of knowledge, willingly relied on the authority of medicine. This was facilitated by the social status of the doctor, which at that time was much higher than the status of a teacher. At the same time, in parallel with the “therapeutic and pedagogical” educational institutions educational institutions proper for children with developmental disabilities also developed. It is noteworthy that these were institutions of a purely pedagogical profile for those categories of children in whose “treatment” medicine silently recognized itself as powerless - these were children with hearing, vision, musculoskeletal disorders, and mental retardation. Gradually there was an accumulation of empirical pedagogical experience (special ways and means) of the upbringing and education of such children and, in accordance with the ideas of that era, their appropriate preparation for the upcoming life in society.

As you can see, the main task of medical pedagogy at the initial stage was the application

sensorimotor training, drug treatment, psychotherapy of those physical and mental functions of the child that had deviations from the norm. It was in this way that curative pedagogy asserted itself, working out special, special, atypical for general pedagogy ways and means of upbringing and education, while emphasizing the main idea that children with developmental disabilities are “sick”, and they need to be “treated” to a greater extent than they should be brought up, developed and socialized in a special way [1].

For national pedagogy Russia XIX in. It has become characteristic to draw the attention of parents, teachers, society to the factors of unhealthy children, to identify the causes of an unhealthy lifestyle of a person. So, V.G. Belinsky considered the protection of children's health, the development of their physical strength by establishing right image life, organization of games, gymnastic exercises, observance of the rules of personal and public hygiene and the assimilation of natural science knowledge about a person. N.G. Chernyshevsky saw the tasks of physical education in the all-round development of physical strength and strengthening the health of pupils. The similarity of the position of the revolutionary democrats was that they assigned a significant place to daily physical exercises, the constant hardening of the child's body, which, in turn, had a positive effect on the upbringing of the will of the child. N.A. Dobrolyubov evaluated physical education not only from the point of view of development and strengthening of physical strength and human health, but also as one of the conditions for the successful development of spiritual forces: “... only in the presence of a healthy body, healthy sensory organs, nervous system and the brain, which is the carrier of mental functions, can proceed quite normally spiritual development children .... For the correct formulation of physical education, N.A. Dobrolyubov suggested using a variety of means of physical development that correspond to the age and strength of students, alternate physical and mental exercises, work and rest, ensure normal nutrition and sleep for the child. Among the various means of physical education, the revolutionary democrats assigned a prominent place to physical labor.

Other representatives of the social and pedagogical movement in Russia also turned to the topic of child health: N.V. Shelgunov considered the habit of an orderly and moderate life to be one of the main conditions for the health of children; figures primary education N.A. Korf and

N.F. Bunakov sought to create the necessary sanitary and hygienic conditions for a full-fledged educational work for children.

Of particular importance in the educational process of the child in the XIX century. acquired the principle of natural conformity. KD Ushinsky saw the meaning of this principle in a comprehensive study of the nature of the child himself, his anatomy, physiology, psychology, pedagogy; in bringing the content and organization of the process of education and training closer to nature, counteracting the corrupting influence of urbanization; nationality of education, traditions and customs of which are rooted in the relationship of a person with his native nature and society.

End of Х1Х - early. XX centuries became a turning point in many areas of the socio-economic, political and spiritual life of Russia. At this time, new areas of science were developed: for example, the physiologist I.P. Pavlov was the creator of the doctrine of higher nervous activity, for his research in the field of physiology of digestion in 1904 he was awarded the Nobel Prize; P.F. Lesgaft, a prominent scientist and organizer of the pedagogical movement for the introduction of physical education in schools and children's institutions, in his work “A Guide to physical education children school age”offered an original system of physical education based on the law of gradualness and sequence of development and the law of harmony, etc.

In Russia, starting from the era of capitalism, there has been a process of destruction of folk culture and domestic life, which could not but affect the sphere of family education. This was noticed by outstanding domestic teachers K.D.Ushinsky, P.F.Kapterev, P.F.Lesgaft and others. To slow down this destructive process, P.F.Kapterev creates the “Family Encyclopedia”; in 1913, the first and only congress on family education was convened in Russia; teachers began to pay more and more attention to the child's environment, considering the environment an important factor human social health. It is no coincidence that at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. there was a scientifically substantiated point of view on the role of the school in organizing optimal conditions for educating a child in good spirits and shaping a healthy lifestyle. V.A. Farmakovsky in his book "School Dietetics" noted the need for an aesthetic arrangement of an educational institution to successfully influence the good morals and tastes of children.

A well-known domestic teacher-innovator of the early 20th century S.T. Shatsky as a host

The main factors of a child’s ill health singled out social factors. At the same time, he noted that urban children who do not attend educational institutions spend considerable time aimlessly on the streets, imitating the ugly phenomena of society. The teacher saw the reasons for this in the fact that parents hardly think about arranging a reasonable, developing and healing environment for their children. The teacher considered this a "gap" in the activities of urban society and predicted it as "more and more expanding." Therefore, since 1905, the pedagogical team of like-minded colleagues under the leadership of S.T. Shatsky has been practically, theoretically and organizationally engaged in solving the problem of organizing a reasonable, developing and healing leisure environment for the child. Since the creation of the Settlement society, which was subsequently reorganized into the Children's Labor and Rest society, and then into the First Experimental Station of the People's Commissariat of Education, a new, in the words of S.T. which began work with a children's club, kindergarten and colonies, meaning the organization of a socially healing environment - children's communities and their study - and later moved on to school.

S.T. and V.N. The Shatskys perfectly understood the role and place of the family in the socialization of children in the new political conditions of the country. The teachers built educational work in the schools of the First Experimental Station of the People's Commissariat of Education on the basis of socio-pedagogical diagnostics, taking into account the hygienic requirements for the family and school, the creation of such educational environment, which is able to heal the child. For example, an analysis of the labor activity of village children allowed S.T. Shatsky to identify both positive and negative elements of labor education in the countryside. Among the serious shortcomings of labor education, teachers attributed: too much workload, unbearable for the child's body and interfering with the child's schoolwork. In addition, ill-conceived selection of types of labor activity by parents, tools of agricultural labor unsuitable for children, etc.

Based on the data obtained as a result of studying labor education in the family, the schools of the First Experimental Station began to introduce an organized principle into the work of children, to oppose unbearable loads that destroy the child's body. At the same time, teachers sought to establish the correct alternation of work and rest, recommended to parents the types of work and tools of labor activity that correspond to the age characteristics and capabilities of the child. Self-service was an important part of the labor education of children: children had to clean the school, keep it clean and tidy. This prompted them to comply with sanitary and hygienic rules, taught them to look at the school as their home, for the cleanliness and order of which they were responsible. In addition, the school actively promoted sanitary and hygienic norms and rules of work and life among the population.

S.T. Shatsky was one of the first to update and get a real result of close cooperation of an educational institution with the population, public organizations. So, the teacher reasonably put forward the idea that the school as an educational institution is the center of education in social environment, studies the factors of influence of the environment on the educational process, analyzes positive influences, eliminates negative ones or makes attempts to mitigate the negative impact of the environment on children. Only under the condition of close cooperation with the population and public organizations can the school effectively solve educational problems. “The change in the factors of education,” Shatsky wrote, “is produced by the activity of the environment during the organizing work of the school. The result of such work should be modes of children's behavior in relation to all natural factors of education - heat, light, air, sleep, food, clothing, changes in physical condition. The school develops regimes, the environment leads them (of course, the environment for both children and adults), otherwise this task is impossible”[4].

The basis for the organization of physical education in the First Experimental Station of the People's Commissariat of Education was the ideas of P.F. Lesgaft, actively introduced by his student N.O. Massalitinova, who, together with S.T. and V.N. Shatskyi developed the basics of the hygienic regimen for schoolchildren in the Bodraya Zhizn colony. The study of the child's hygiene, the influence of the external environment on his health, and the protection of his health were also carried out at the First Experimental Station of the People's Commissariat of Education. The station staff also developed sanitary and hygienic requirements for students. Children had to come to school with clean hands, trimmed nails, cleaned clothes and shoes; were required to observe the rules of sanitation in the classroom, cleanliness and order in the house. This work began with the children of the first group and continued, gradually becoming more complex, until the end of school. In the first group, children received personal hygiene skills, in the second - hygiene skills in the family, in the third and fourth groups, children studied public hygiene and took direct

participation in the struggle for hygiene and sanitation of the village, city [4, p.74-75].

The pedagogy of S.T. Shatsky was based on the upbringing of healthy, honest, hardworking children who should live a more interesting and meaningful life than their fathers and mothers. Working mainly with the urban children of the working outskirts of Moscow and rural settlements Kaluga and Moscow regions, the teacher saw the obvious shortcomings of family education of children of workers and peasants. Therefore, the school organized and controlled the work to protect the health of children not only in families, but also in the environment: it developed sanitary and hygienic requirements for students; formed children's personal hygiene skills in an educational institution and family; involved schoolchildren in the movement for hygiene and sanitation among the population; carried out various campaigns in the struggle for a healthy life of a person in order to eliminate the centers of unsanitary conditions. In addition, teachers organized the work of children's and adult sanitary commissions to explain the sanitary and hygienic rules among the children and adults; used their personal example to promote hygiene habits. The activities of innovative teachers have made a significant contribution to the improvement of the social and educational environment in the country.

Issues of raising a healthy, physically developed person updated for quite understandable reasons: the low subsistence standard of living of the population in the country as a result of the war and the poor harvest of 1920-1921; the almost complete absence of medical personnel in many parts of the country, the ignorance of the elementary rules of sanitation and hygiene by the population led to a high mortality rate, primarily among children. According to the 1926 census, for every thousand inhabitants of the USSR, 89 people under the age of 14 died. This was the highest percentage of infant mortality among residents of European countries [5].

The health of schoolchildren was built on the material obtained as a result of studying the life of children both in the city and in the countryside. The situation was difficult. So, in the city department of the First Experimental Station, employees described the situation at the place of residence of the students, where the children spent their leisure time: “Yards are very polluted. Open cesspits, open latrines with dilapidated walls, often located under stairs with wobbly steps, make courtyards fetid in summer.

Sanitary and hygienic work with children and the population, carried out systematically from year to year by the schools of the First Experimental Station, contributed to the development of habits of cleanliness and tidiness, which gradually became the norm of human life. In 1925, a survey of doctors established a noticeable improvement in the health of children in the area of ​​the First Experimental Station. Undoubtedly, the purposeful activity of the staff of the station played a big role in this matter.

Along with sanitary and hygienic measures in the schools of the station, much attention was paid to the hardening of the child's body, physical exercises, and travel around the native land. The very way of life of children - feasible physical labor, a long stay in the fresh air, a reasonable organization of life - contributed to the development of a healthy body. The games that were cultivated in the First Experimental Station also helped the correct physical development of children. During the great changes that lasted one hour, and in free time children played their favorite games “All hunters”, “Carp and pike”, etc. The employees of the First Experimental Station recognized the great value of children's games for the physical development of the child and in every possible way contributed to their wide distribution [4, p.78-79].

During this period, domestic psychologists and educators substantiate medical pedagogy as an integral direction of pedagogy that accompanies the educational process of the child. So, L.S. Vygotsky noted that often a child’s defect lies in an illness. Therefore, education should be combined with treatment and constitute the area of ​​​​therapeutic pedagogy. At the same time, treatment with psychological methods, according to the scientist, approaches education even when it comes to adult patients. Psychotherapy is near psychological methods, the essence of which lies in the further education of the patient's personality. It is no coincidence that the outstanding psychologist believed that the cultivation of pedagogical appointments arising from a rich, meaningful scientific clinical study of the child would lead to the flowering of curative pedagogy, the entire system of individual pedagogical measures.

The same position was updated in the 1950s and 1960s by V.A. Sukhomlinsky, who reasonably cited data obtained by him personally, that for 85% of underachieving students, the main reason for lagging behind in studies was poor health (malaise or illness,

most often completely imperceptible and curable only by the joint efforts of parents, a doctor and a teacher). Therefore, the teacher in his educational work with children came close to an expanded understanding of medical pedagogy as an independent branch of pedagogical science.

A significant contribution to the development of domestic medical pedagogy was made in the 70s. A.A. Dubrovsky, who considered medical pedagogy as a special branch of pedagogy and medicine, combining and developing specific patterns, content, forms and methods of medical and pedagogical rehabilitation effects aimed at optimizing the processes of healing, education and upbringing of children. He made numerous recommendations to parents and teachers on the improvement of children, including handicapped in health.

However, in the 80s. there has been a trend towards fragmentation of the actions of the subjects of education (families and schools), the lack of educational efforts of doctors, teachers, parents, the media about a healthy lifestyle of a person, poor use in this direction of the possibilities of extracurricular and extracurricular work with young students, etc. This led to the fact that such factors as the subculture of peers, mass media, countercultural organizations and dissocial education, an unfavorable microsociety, etc., began to exert a stronger influence on children's and youth consciousness than the family and educational institution. Children themselves, left without pedagogical and socio-pedagogical support from parents and specialists, did not fully understand the danger and harm of drugs, alcohol, nicotine, and other intoxicating drugs for the physical state of the body and psyche, spiritual world and personal qualities of a person. It is no coincidence that in the youth environment there was an increase in such phenomena as smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction, early and promiscuous sexual relations, which turn into social diseases. Bad habits became one of the factors of ill health of the younger generation.

In the established society critical situation the well-known domestic teacher B.T. Likhachev proposed such a direction of educational work with children as anti-poisoning education, which was understood as the process of forming in children the perceived danger of narcotic, toxic, alcohol-nicotine poisoning of the body and psyche, the development of moral and aesthetic disgust and counteracting drunkenness , smoking, drugs. The content of this area of ​​educational work should not be reduced only to “anti-”, i.e. to what not to do. It had to be based on the approval of the ideal and norms of a healthy harmonic and happy life everyone. The means of a healthy lifestyle are methods of persuasion and organization of educational, extracurricular and various leisure activities for children, as well as communication between adolescents and personal influence, an example of teachers, adults. In this regard, indicators of physical education were developed: developed motor skills and physical development in general, appropriate for age, systematic exercise, games, sports, personal hygiene, compliance with moral and medical prescriptions in sexual life, following the requirements of a healthy lifestyle [9, S.350-355]. In addition, the health, educational and educational functions of the anti-poisoning public and individual consciousness were formulated.

The health function is to form young people's belief that the use of alcoholic and narcotic drugs is detrimental to health, leads to premature aging of the body and mental insanity, loss of working capacity, joy human communication, the usefulness of spiritual and sexual relations between a woman and a man.

The educational function is to develop in children useful habits of using free time, striving for creativity and rich spiritual communication with people. This function not only forms a negative attitude towards drunkenness, drug addiction, substance abuse, but also develops the child's desire to actively fight against this social evil.

The educational function is aimed at revealing to the students the destructive essence of substances that poison the body, to promote their personal development as active promoters of a healthy lifestyle, fighters against drug addiction and drunkenness.

By the 90s of the XX century. N.F. Maslova determined the place and role of medical pedagogy in the system of social and pedagogical activity [10]. Therapeutic pedagogy is understood as a special

a social, relatively independent branch of social pedagogy at the intersection of medicine, psychology and general pedagogy, solving the problems of educating children with deviations in health and due to social or environmental problems in living conditions. Therapeutic pedagogy as one of the areas of activity of teachers, social workers and social educators, medical workers, parents in its content was aimed at finding the best ways to mentally and spiritually organize a child’s life in connection with specific manifestations of his suffering, an emotionally positive mood of the environment, creating a life-giving therapeutic and prophylactic atmosphere in the social education of the child in modern stressful conditions. At the same time, the tasks and principles of medical pedagogy were formulated:

Tasks: socio-psychological and pedagogical prevention of health promotion and protection; realization of the rights of the child to health, enshrined in the international Convention on the Rights of the Child, by means of psychotherapy of art and nature; increase in general tone and gentle adjustment of individual relationships of the individual.

Principles: professional and ethical responsibility of the educator in interaction with the individual, concern for the prevention and protection of her physical, psychological, social health; humanity, showing reassuring sympathy and individually careful attitude to suffering and sick children, taking into account personality traits and individual character traits, behavior options, attitudes towards life, education and health; the ability of the teacher to maintain their own health and teach this to children; prevention of didactogenic (school) neuroses and elimination by sociopsychological and pedagogical means of the causes that cause them, based on the creation of a life-giving therapeutic and prophylactic atmosphere, with the utmost use of the emotionally positive mood of the environment for the development and social education of children; systemic pedagogical arrangement of means of psychohygiene, psychoprophylaxis, sociopsychotherapy in educational educational activities schools based on data from diagnosing the states and attitudes of children towards themselves, school, family, and the world around them; a positive pedagogical position towards the personal growth of a person's self-esteem, a sense of self-respect and self-relationship, the purposefulness of encouraging a child's self-esteem in activities and relationships with people; taking into account the possibilities of the natural and socio-cultural environment, the specific space of life, communication and relationships between children and adults in a certain environmental situation; pairing the interested efforts of the teacher, doctor and family with the activity of the child himself in achieving positive results in the formation of the physical, mental, social health of the individual.

Specialists (B.Ts.Urlanis, S.L.Solomonov, Yu.P.Lisitsyn and others) found that the first place in terms of importance for human health was occupied by the sphere associated with the way of life, the share of which is approximately 49-53 % in human health. At the same time, the following groups of signs of an unhealthy lifestyle were formulated: smoking, tobacco use; unbalanced, unhealthy diet, alcohol consumption; harmful working conditions; stressful situations (distresses); adynamia, hypodynamia; poor material and living conditions; drug use, alcohol abuse; fragility of the family, loneliness; low educational and cultural levels; excessively high level of urbanization.

It is the family in the formation of a safe lifestyle for the child that occupies a leading and defining position. Scientists (Samorodova OA and others) proposed a typology of families according to the criterion of their social mobility. This criterion makes it possible to single out three groups of respondents: families broken by life circumstances; socially passive and socially active families. The criterion of social mobility also makes it possible to identify the degree of pedagogical readiness of parents to organize a healthy lifestyle for children in the family.

One of the topical areas of course training for parents in order to improve their psychological and pedagogical competence should be medical and pedagogical work with children. A huge role in this direction of raising a child is played by the parents' possession of a set of psychological, pedagogical, medical, legal, sociological and other knowledge, as well as their erudition, the ability to become an authoritative and reliable guide to a healthy life for the child. Among the abilities of parents that determine their success in medical and pedagogical activities in the family, it is necessary to single out: sensitivity to a growing child as an emerging personality; communicative, perceptual, diagnostic, prognostic abilities; the ability to empathize; to socio-pedagogical health-containing directing, etc.

These abilities imply interaction between parents and children, based on the principles of humanistic pedagogy: the maximum desire to provide medical and pedagogical support to a sick child (reach out a helping hand); following the emotions of a sick child (do not get ahead of the emotional experience of the child himself and his ability to respond); self-identity (conform in your behavior to the norms of a healthy lifestyle, your own experiences, your parental philanthropic essence); invaluable attitude towards the child (accept the child as he is); the desire to feel the same as the child feels (understand him).

In addition, parents need to master the techniques and technologies with which parents can design therapeutic and pedagogical interaction with the child: the implementation of the daily routine, the technology of organizing health-improving leisure, the norms of healthy eating, etc. However, therapeutic and pedagogical technologies in family education are often associated with overcoming children's misunderstanding, unwillingness. Therefore, in order to overcome the existing barriers of misunderstanding the values ​​of medical pedagogy, different approaches and views on the norms of life of parents and children, it is necessary to gradually bring the child to a resonance in communication, in which the words of an adult begin to evoke the necessary reactions in the child. This is helped by the method of contact interaction proposed by D.B. Filonov and which includes the following positions:

2. The interaction of parents and children can be dynamically developing and contain several stages. A premature and unreasonable attempt to move from stage to stage can be destructive to the very process of interaction.

3. The process of interaction should develop logically and consistently, and a dynamic transition from a lower level of interaction to a higher one is possible only if real positive results are obtained at the first stage.

It is advisable to single out the following stages of contact interaction:

1. Accumulation of consent. The task of the first stage is to neutralize the partner's alertness, anxiety, and reconnaissance search for common topics for conversation. At this stage, they achieve primary consonance, coincidence in judgments and conclusions. Positive results can be judged by the reduction of pauses, the expression of the interlocutor's own opinion, his some relaxation, and the decrease in self-control over statements.

2. Search for matching interests. At this stage, it is important to identify everything that indicates the similarity of positions. The adult, as it were, becomes on the same level with the child and proves to him that they can come to an understanding. It is important to show a tendency to concessions (the child must understand what an adult wants and can meet him halfway if he is convinced that he is right), show interest in the hobbies and views of the opponent.

3. Mutual acceptance to discuss personality traits and principles. By this stage, communication is already becoming emotional, and you can begin to look for a stronger and broader basis for deepening relationships. Here, the adult needs to be shown that, regardless of the actual state of affairs, he unconditionally accepts those positive qualities that the child ascribes to himself, and lead the interlocutor to the conclusion that they are connected both by common interests and similarity of views and characters.

5. Implementation of ways of individual influence and mutual adaptation. At this stage, the psychological foundation of communication is already so strong that it is possible to proceed to the original goal that the adult set himself as the initiator of communication. Now he can already openly talk about what changes he wants to see in the child.

6. Coordinated interaction. Now it is possible to conduct fundamental disputes on those problems that were outlined before the start of interaction. After all, negative attitudes are neutralized, trust is established, the child begins to listen to arguments and evidence without distrust and psychological barriers.

The second aspect of the technology of therapeutic and pedagogical interaction with the child is

mastering techniques and means of self-realization, including mastery of one's body, mimic and pantomimic expressiveness, control of emotions, mood (removal of excessive mental stress, creation of a certain emotional background of interaction), improvement of speech technique.

At the same time, a broad interpretation of the term therapeutic and pedagogical work of parents with children in the family is possible: a systematic and meaningful program, the purpose of which is to disseminate information, knowledge and skills in various therapeutic and pedagogical aspects of the activities of parents (therapeutic nutrition, game therapy, music therapy, rhythm therapy, herbal medicine). , bibliotherapy, etc.); a formal attempt to raise the level of knowledge of parents in the field of medical and pedagogical work with a child in the family; education of parents as subjects of medical and pedagogical work with a child in the family.

Thus, the current political and socio-cultural situation in the country requires adjustment. value orientations in the upbringing of children and young people in accordance with the need to create optimal conditions for a healthy lifestyle of a child in the family, educational institution and society. The family, as the leading institution of the child's socialization, has every reason to organize health-improving technologies at home as the basis for preparing children for self-preservation and the development of their health. The organization of targeted courses for parents at educational institutions on the implementation of therapeutic and pedagogical interaction with children in the family can become the main link in the andragogical process of education, upbringing, development of the psychological, pedagogical, therapeutic and pedagogical culture of parents.

The article shows the formation of the national medical pedagogy, evaluation of the role of educators and innovators in the development of organizational and technological approaches to child health, healthy lifestyle of the child, school health and family life. Identified the need to prepare parents to create a healthy lifestyle of the child in the family, to develop social and educational organization of health-improving technologies of leisure, healthy food.

The key words: medical teaching, the historical experience of educators and innovators, healthy way of life, social and pedagogical training ofparents to create a healthy way of life of the child in the family.


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about the author

Kartashev N.V. - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences. Professor of the Moscow State Regional Humanitarian Institute

Psychocorrection of deviations in children