Fundamentals of didactics of special pedagogy. Nazarova N., Special Pedagogy. Special Pedagogy edited by N. M. Nazarova

There are currently three approaches to teaching children with special educational needs in Russia:

- differentiated learning children with physical and mental development in special (correctional) institutions of types I-VIII;

- integrated learning children in special classes (groups) in educational institutions;

- inclusive education when children with special educational needs are taught in the classroom with ordinary children.

For children with handicapped health include: disabled children; children with a diagnosis mental retardation; children with impaired hearing, vision, underdevelopment of speech; children with autism; children with combined developmental disorders.



Children with special educational needs. Education

The introduction of children with disabilities into the human community is the main task of the entire system of correctional assistance, the ultimate goal of which is social integration aimed at including the child in society. Educational integration, being a part of social integration, is considered as a process of raising and educating children with disabilities together with ordinary ones.

There are currently three approaches to teaching children with special educational needs in Russia:

- differentiated learningchildren with disabilities of physical and mental development in special (correctional) institutions of types I-VIII;

- integrated learningchildren in special classes (groups) in educational institutions;

- inclusive educationwhen children with special educational needs are taught in the classroom with ordinary children.

Children with disabilities include: disabled children; children diagnosed with mental retardation; children with impaired hearing, vision, underdevelopment of speech; children with autism; children with combined developmental disorders.

Integration is not new to Russian Federation problem. There are many children with developmental disabilities in kindergartens and schools in Russia. This category of children is extremely heterogeneous and "integrated" into the environment of normally developing peers for various reasons. It can be conditionally divided into four groups:

1. Children whose "integration" is due to the fact that a developmental deviation has not been identified.

2. Children whose parents, knowing about the special problems of the child, for various reasons want to teach him in a mass kindergarten or school.

3. Children who, as a result of long-term corrective work carried out by parents and specialists, are prepared for learning in an environment of normally developing peers, as a result of which experts recommend integrated education for them. In the future, such children, as a rule, receive only episodic correctional assistance, while the connection between the defectologist teacher, psychologist and teachers kindergarten or school is carried out mainly through the parents.

4. Children studying in special preschool groups and classes in mass kindergartens and schools, whose education and upbringing is carried out taking into account deviations in their development, but special groups and classes often turn out to be isolated, isolated.

In the course of integrated education, children with disabilities may be provided with special conditions for education and upbringing in accordance with the needs of the child and the conclusions of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission. Taking into account the psychophysiological characteristics of students with disabilities, individual curricula are developed, including a training schedule for a given person, workload, terms for mastering educational programs, and his certification.

Inclusive (French inclusif - including, from Latin include - I conclude, include) or included education is a term that is used to describe the process of teaching children with special needs in general education (mass) schools.

Inclusive education is a process of education and upbringing in which all children, regardless of their physical, mental, intellectual and other characteristics, are included in common system education. They attend general education schools in their area of ​​residence with their non-disabled peers, taking into account their special educational needs. In addition, they receive special support. Inclusive education is based on an ideology that excludes any discrimination of children - equal treatment of all people is ensured, but special conditions are created for children with special educational needs.

The model of inclusive education is built on the basis of the following social approach - it is necessary to change not people with disabilities, but society and its attitude towards people with disabilities. Inclusion is recognized as a more developed, humane and effective system not only for children with disabilities, but also for healthy students. It gives the right to education to everyone, regardless of the degree to which they meet the criteria of the school system. Through respect and acceptance of the individuality of each of them, the formation of personality occurs. At the same time, children are in a team, learn to interact with each other, build relationships, and creatively solve educational problems together with the teacher.

Principles of inclusive education

Inclusive education involves accepting students with disabilities like any other children in the class, including them in the same activities, engaging in collective forms of education and group problem solving, using a strategy of collective participation - games, joint projects, laboratory, field research, etc. d.

Inclusive education expands the personal opportunities of all children, helps to develop humanity, tolerance, willingness to help their peers.

What difficulties in the implementation of inclusive education may participants in the educational process face?

In our society, unfortunately, people with disabilities are perceived as something foreign. This attitude has developed over the years, so it is almost impossible to change it in a short time.

Children with special educational needs are often considered unteachable.

Most teachers and directors of mainstream schools do not know enough about the problems of disability and are not ready to include children with disabilities in the learning process in the classroom.

Parents of children with disabilities do not know how to defend their children's rights to education and are afraid of the education and social support system.

Architectural inaccessibility of educational institutions.

You need to understand that inclusion is not only the physical presence of a child with disabilities in a general education school. This is a change in the school itself, school culture and the system of relations between participants in the educational process, close cooperation between teachers and specialists, and the involvement of parents in working with a child.

Today, among mass school teachers, there is a rather acute problem of the lack of the necessary training to work with children with special educational needs. There is a lack of professional competencies of teachers in working in an inclusive environment, the presence of psychological barriers and professional stereotypes.

Relations between teachers and parents play a special role in the process of teaching children with disabilities. Parents know their child better, so the teacher can get valuable advice from them in solving a number of problems. The cooperation of teachers and parents will help to look at the situation from different angles, and, therefore, will allow adults to understand the individual characteristics of the child, identify his abilities and form the correct life guidelines.

Application No. 1

Exercises for the development of fine motor skills of hands

1. Children act with the pads of four fingers, which are placed at the bases of the fingers of the back side of the massaged hand, and with dotted movements back and forth, shifting the skin by about 1 cm, gradually move them towards the wrist joint (dotted movement).

Iron out the wrinkles
We'll be all right.
Let's iron all the pants
Hare, hedgehog and bear.

2. With the edge of the palm, children imitate sawing in all directions of the back of the hand (rectilinear movement). The hands and forearm are on the table, the children are sitting.

Drink, drink, drink, drink!
Winter is cold.
They drank firewood for us rather
Let's heat the stove, we'll warm everyone!
3. The base of the brush makes rotational movements towards the little finger.
Knead the dough, knead the dough
We will bake pies
And with cabbage and mushrooms.
- Treat you with pies?
4. Move the knuckles of the fingers clenched into a fist up and down and from right to left along the palm of the massaged hand (rectilinear movement).
We help mom together
We grate the beets with a grater,
Together with mom we cook cabbage soup,
- You look better!
The phalanxes of fingers clenched into a fist are moved according to the principle of a gimlet in the palm of the massaged hand.
Dad takes a drill in his hands,
And she buzzes, sings,
Like a fidget mouse
Gnawing a hole in the wall.

Annex 2

Formation of social competence



Specific tasks for the period


Forms of activity

Achievement indicators

Achievement assessment forms

Helping your child learn and follow school rules

Learn the rules of conduct at school. Development of voluntary self-regulation



Can raise his hand

Learning material given by the teacher

Formation of adequate behavior in a learning situation (in the classroom, after school hours)

Be able to communicate with the teacher, peers, be able to wait and listen when another student answers

Teacher, psychologist

Educational, extracurricular

Ability to communicate with teacher and peers

Positive feedback about the child of specialists, observation of the child

Formation of socially acceptable behavior in a peer group

The ability to start and end a conversation, listen, wait, conduct a dialogue, play collective games. Ability to control one's emotions and recognize the emotions of others

Teacher, psychologist

Educational, game

Peers directly address the child and include him in their circle. Adapted in a peer group, behaves appropriately

Survey and conversation with mother, child. Baby monitoring

Formation of independence

The ability to take instructions and follow the established rules independently when performing simple tasks; reduction of adult assistance in performing more complex tasks. The ability to plan, control, evaluate the results of educational activities

Teacher, psychologist

Educational, game

Fewer errors in the performance of educational tasks. The ability to understand the instructions for the task, to draw up a program of action. Evaluate the result obtained when solving word problems with the help of an adult. Independently establish friendly contact with peers

Evaluation of educational, test tasks. The method of constructive observation of the child during educational, play activities

Formation of the ability to plan and control their activities

Formation of a mental plan of activity. The ability to understand instructions, identify and hold to the end the goal of the activity, draw up an action program (using visual algorithms of activities, plans, the ability to check the result obtained (with the support of an adult and independently)

Teacher, psychologist


There is a finished product of activity

Positive ratings, test tasks, monitoring the activities of the student

Section II


Chapter 1


1.1. Special educationalneeds and content special education
“... The process of development of a handicapped child,” wrote L. S. Vygotsky in 1929, “is socially conditioned in two ways: the social realization of a defect (feeling of low value) is one side of the social conditioning of development, socialdirection of compensation(our italics. - N. N.) on adaptation to those environmental conditions that are created and developed based on the normal human type, constitutes its second side. The profound originality of the path and method of development, with the commonality of ultimate goals and forms in a defective and normal child - this is the most schematic form of the social conditioning of this process" [3, p. 15]. Like all other people, a person with disabilities in his development is aimed at mastering social experience, socialization, and inclusion in society. However, the path that he must go through for this differs significantly from the generally accepted in pedagogy: physical and mental disabilities change, burden the development process, and each violation in its own way changes the development of a growing person.
Therefore, the most important tasks are to prevent the occurrence of secondary deviations in development, their correction and compensation by means of education. This means the fullest satisfaction of the specific educational needs that have arisen in connection with the violation and, consequently, with the restriction. For example, in order to prevent the negative consequences of development in a child who has lost his hearing, it is necessary to satisfy a number of new educational needs that have arisen in him, which were absent before: the development of residual hearing and training in the use of this residual hearing in educational, cognitive and communicative situations; training in the perception of speech addressed to him talking person by reading his lips; correctional and pedagogical support and prevention of the decay of the child's speech; teaching orientation and behavior in silent space and much more.
It should be remembered that the limitation of opportunities is not a purely quantitative factor (i.e., a person simply hears or sees worse, is limited in movement, etc.). This is an integral, systemic change in the personality as a whole, this is a “different” child, a “different” person, not like everyone else, who needs completely different conditions of education than usual in order to overcome the limitation and solve the educational problem that is worth before any person. To do this, he needs not only to master educational (general education) programs in a special way, but also to form and develop skills of his own life competence (social adaptation): skills of orientation in space and time, self-service and social orientation, various forms of communication, skills conscious regulation of one's own behavior in society, physical and social mobility; to fill the lack of knowledge about the world around, associated with limited opportunities; develop the need-motivational, emotional-volitional spheres; form and develop the ability to live as independently as possible in society, including through professional self-determination, social and labor adaptation, active and optimistic life position. Education and upbringing are organically interrelated and complementary in the special educational process that takes place in special educational conditions, which include:
availability of modern special educational programs (general education and correctional development);
taking into account the developmental features of each child, an individual pedagogical approach, manifested in a special organization of the correctional and pedagogical process, the use of special methods and means (including technical ones) of education, compensation and correction;
adequate living environment;
carrying out the correctional and pedagogical process by special teachers (typhlopedagogues, deaf teachers, oligophrenopedagogues, speech therapists) and psychological support of the educational process by special psychologists;
provision of medical, psychological and social services.

Depending on the degree of limitation of opportunities and, first of all, on the preservation of intellectual capabilities, as well as on the quality and timeliness of the creation of special educational conditions persons with special educational needs can learn different levels of education. Thus, some of the deaf, hard of hearing, late deaf, blind, visually impaired, persons with impaired functions of the musculoskeletal system, persons with disorders of the emotional-volitional sphere and behavior, persons with severe speech disorders are capable not only of mastering a general secondary education, but also of receiving secondary and higher professional education.
Persons with intellectual disabilities are capable of elementary general education and mastering professions that are not associated with intensive intellectual activity or complex communication processes, allowing them to lead an independent working life and successfully adapt in society.
Profoundly mentally retarded individuals, learning by individual educational programs, master programs of environmental and social adaptation (hygienic and elementary household skills, simple labor skills) that are more appropriate to the characteristics of their development.
The content of special education, its educational and training components depends not only on the characteristics of developmental disabilities, but also on the age period in which a growing person with disabilities is.
Special education of a person with disabilities is a deeply individual and specific process, the volume, quality and final results of which are determined by the nature of the deviation (or deviations) in development, the safety of the analyzers, functions and systems of the body; the time of occurrence and severity of the violation; socio-cultural and ethno-cultural conditions of the life of the child and his family; the desire and ability of the family to participate in the special education process; opportunities and readiness of the surrounding society, the education system to meet all requirements and create all conditions for special education; the level of professional competence of teachers and psychologists working with the child and his family.
Any citizen of the Russian Federation has a guaranteed right and equal opportunities for education (Article 43 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation), including special education. The conditions for their implementation are determined educational standard.

There are educational standards determined taking into account the physical and mental characteristics and developmental limitations of students, which are called the state standard general education children with disabilities, or a special educational standard . As a state norm of education, the standard presents a system of basic parameters. It reflects, on the one hand, the views modern society on the required level of education of this category of persons, and on the other hand, it takes into account the possibilities of a real person in achieving this level.
The standard of special education in relation to each category of persons with special educational needs reflects the requirements for general education, correctional and developmental work, preventive and health-improving work, as well as for labor and initial vocational training.
When developing the requirements of the standard, developmental deficiencies common to all categories of persons with special educational needs, as well as features characteristic only of a particular category, are taken into account.
Development deficiencies common to all categories of persons with special educational needs include:
slow and limited perception; deficiencies in the development of motor skills;
deficiencies in speech development;
shortcomings in the development of mental activity;
insufficient cognitive activity compared to ordinary children;
gaps in knowledge and understanding of the world, interpersonal relationships;
deficiencies in personality development (self-doubt and unjustified dependence on others, low sociability, selfishness, pessimism and low or high self-esteem, inability to control one's own behavior).
To overcome these shortcomings, changes in the content of general education subjects, theiradjustment. For example, propaedeutic sections are being introduced to make up for the lack of knowledge and ideas about the world around children with special educational needs. For certain categories of children with special developmental specifics, the original content of general education subjects is provided, for example, for students with intellectual disabilities.

To overcome the consequences of primary developmental disorders (in the absence and inferiority of visual or auditory perception, systemic underdevelopment of speech, damage to the speech zones of the cerebral cortex, etc.), the content of special education includes specific subjects, which are not included in the content of regular school education. Thus, the content of the education of blind children includes classes on teaching orientation in space and the development of mobility; for children with impaired hearing, classes are provided for the development of residual hearing and the formation of oral speech, lessons of subject-practical activities are included, aimed at developing verbal speech in its communicative function in the process of activity, etc.
The standard of special education also takes into account the degree of severity of the impairment and, accordingly, the limitation of opportunities (for example, the standard of education for the blind, and separately - the standard for the visually impaired, the standard for the deaf, and separately - the standard for the hearing impaired), as well as the possibility of combination with another developmental disorder (for example, combination of visual impairment with intellectual impairment or hearing impairment with visual impairment, etc.).
The standard takes into account not only the individual characteristics of the development of a particular category of persons with special educational needs, but also the specifics of the socio-cultural and ethno-cultural conditions of their residence. Therefore, the standard has two parts: federal, i.e. common for the whole country, and national-regional, developed in relation to the specific conditions and characteristics of the education of persons with disabilities in a particular territory of Russia.
The standards of special education are focused on a growing person with disabilities throughout the entire period of his formation and socialization, i.e. from the first months of life to adulthood. The problem of standardization of special education in our country is new, and in accordance with the traditions that have developed in Soviet defectology, the most developed to date is that part of it that relates to the school period of special education, presented above as an example.

1. Explain the meaning of the expression “social compensation for defects. How do you understand the social rehabilitation of a person with disabilities through education?
2. What are the typical developmental disabilities for all children with special educational needs?

3. What is a "special education standard"? What are its most important components?
4. How does the content of education differ in relation to different categories of children with special educational needs?

Literature for independent work
1. Egazhnokova I.M. Educational standards and the system of measuring knowledge in a school for children with intellectual disabilities // Defectology. - 1996. - No. 3.
2. VoronkovaV.V. On the structure and curriculum of a boarding school (school VIII type) for children with mental retardation // Defectology. - 1996. - No. 3.
3. Vygotsky L.S. Sobr. cit.: In 6 volumes - M., 1983.-T. 5.
State standard for general education of persons with disabilities (in certain areas). - M., 1999. (Project)
5. The concept of the state standard for general education of people with disabilities. - M., 1997. (Project)
1.2. Principles of special education
Principles are a system of the most general, essential and stable requirements that determine the nature and characteristics of the organization of the correctional educational process and the management of the cognitive activity of persons with special educational needs.
Special pedagogy is based on the relevant general pedagogical principles of organizing education and managing cognitive activity, however, their implementation in the system of special education has a natural originality. Own principles of special pedagogy reflect the most important, conceptual provisions of special education for people with special educational needs. These principles are specific to special pedagogy.
The principle of pedagogical optimism
The principle of pedagogical optimism is conditioned, on the one hand, by the level of modern scientific and practical knowledge about the potential capabilities of persons with special educational needs and, on the other hand, by ideas about modern pedagogical opportunities for habilitation and rehabilitation of children and adults with developmental disabilities. This principle is based on the modern humanistic worldview, which recognizes the right of every person, regardless of his characteristics and limited opportunities for life, to be included in the educational process. Special pedagogy comes from the fact that all children can learn. At the same time, the ability to learn is understood not only and not so much as the acquisition of knowledge in general subjects, traditionally understood in pedagogy, as the ability to master any socially and personally significant skills of life competence that are available to the child, ensuring its adaptation in the environment and contributing to independent and independent vital activity. Persons with special educational needs tend to learn more slowly, but they can learn and achieve high results.
The principle of pedagogical optimism is based on the idea of ​​L.S. Vygotsky about the "zone of proximal development" of the child, which testifies to the leading role of education in its development and makes it possible to predict the beginning, course and results of an individual correctional and developmental program. A special teacher builds correctional and pedagogical work with the child, relying not only on the existing current level of development, but also knowing and taking into account the potential of the child, having a setting for a positive learning outcome.
The principle of pedagogical optimism does not accept the "ceiling" theory, according to which the development of a person with disabilities freezes, as it were, at an achieved level, above which he is not able to rise. According to this theory, not all categories of children with developmental disabilities are capable of learning. The consequence of this theory is the existence in our country and today of the category of so-called "unteachable children"
Modern special pedagogy claims that there are no unteachable children. Pedagogical art and modern correctional and educational technologies, love for the child, patience and perseverance can work wonders. This is evidenced by the modern positive experience of teaching the so-called "unteachable" children with severe and multiple developmental disabilities.
The principle of pedagogical optimism suggests a different view of a person with special educational needs. This is a harmless, socially invaluable individual. This is a successfully developing and socially valuable person, if society wants it, if it can provide the necessary conditions for this.

The principle of early pedagogical assistance

Modern special pedagogy considers one of the key conditions for successful correctional and pedagogical assistance securityearly detection and early diagnosis deviations in the development of the child to determine his special educational needs. Modern special education provides maximum contractiongap between the moment of detectionprimary violationVdevelopmentchild andbeginning of celenPleveled correctional and pedagogical assistance, expanding the time limits for the provision of special educational services from the first months and throughout a person's life.
Until the beginning of the 60s. of the twentieth century, the need to provide correctional and pedagogical assistance to a child was discovered only when he came to school and could not cope with the school curriculum. To a large extent, this was due to the disunity and lack of unity of action of medical and pedagogical structures, the non-mandatory nature of preschool education (as opposed to general school education), and insufficient awareness of parents about the pedagogical possibilities of helping their child.
From psychology it is known that in the development of the child there are so-called sensitive periods, those. periods of the most favorable, easy and rapid development of certain mental processes. These periods are short-lived, and if for some reason the intended structure was not formed during this period (there was no adequate environment or the characteristics of the child’s individual development did not contribute to this), then after it ends, a lot of special efforts will be required in the future in order to form it. Many sensitive periods that play a decisive role infollowgeneral development of the child, fall onearlyand preschoolage.
If, for example, a child has no or impaired hearing since birth and special pedagogical measures have not been taken in a timely manner to create conditions for speech development in the first months and years of life, then the sensitive period of speech development is wasted, and the correctional pedagogical work will no longer be as effective. In addition, a violation of the process of formation and development of speech will slow down the development of cognitive processes, cause a peculiar development of all mental activity, negatively affect the process of communication and interaction with others, and affect the development of the child's personality as a whole.
Modern science has the necessary diagnostic and correctional-pedagogical technologies to prevent negative trends in the development of young children with various disorders - sensory, intellectual, emotional, motor, speech.

The principle of corrective-compensating orientation of education
This principle involves relying on the healthy forces of the student, pupil, building the educational process using intact analyzers, functions and systems of the body in accordance with the specifics of the nature of the lack of development (i.e., naturally). Corrective work aimed at correcting or weakening the shortcomings of psychophysical development (for example, correcting speech defects, voluntary movements, spatial orientation, etc.) creates additional opportunities for the process of compensating for lost or defective functions or systems of the body. The education and development of a child with disabilities is built, therefore, in accordance with his specific natural capabilities and on their basis.
From physiology it is known about the possibility of a certain compensation for the lost function (analyzer, organ or body system) due to the restructuring of other preserved ones. Therefore, the process of educating a person with special educational needs is based on preserved functions. Often this is an unusual substitution (or compensation) from the point of view of generally accepted norms, however, the compensatory capabilities of the human body are so great and diverse that in special pedagogy there is a powerful arsenal of compensatory approaches that make it possible to provide pedagogical assistance to a person in the most seemingly hopeless situations, returning him into the educational space. Blind people can learn to read using their fingertips; deaf people - to understand the speech addressed to them by the lips of the speaker and fully communicate in the language of sign speech; persons who have lost the ability to use their hands, write, sew and knit, draw using the functions of other parts of the body.
The correctional-compensating orientation of education is provided by a modern system of special technical means of training and correction, computer technologies, and a special organization of the educational process. It is reflected in the content, methods, organization and organizational forms of special education. So, this is a lower class size at school, extended training periods, a protective medical and pedagogical regime, the availability of individual lessons, special subjects (lessons) for corrective and compensatory work, special methods and techniques of educational and educational activities, and much more.

The principle of socially adaptive orientation of education Correction and compensation of developmental deficiencies are considered in the special educational process not as an end in itself, but as a means of providing a person with disabilities with the maximum possible autonomy and independence in social life.
The socially adaptive orientation of special education makes it possible to overcome or significantly reduce "social loss", to form various structures of social competence and psychological preparedness for life in the sociocultural environment surrounding a person, to help find that social niche in which the lack of development and limited opportunities would be maximally compensated, allowing to lead an independent socially and materially decent way of life.
The socially adaptive orientation of special education is ensured by the content of its standards, forms and means of the correctional and educational process, which provide for a long-term and complex system of correctional, pedagogical and psychological work to develop the pupil necessary for participation in social life of the norms of behavior and life, as well as the development of appropriate skills and habits in the most accessible way for this person least, starting from elementary hygienic, communicative, household skills and ending with complex social skills, moral, ethical, philosophical, socio-cultural and other views and beliefs.

Development principle thinking, language and communication as means of special education
A normally developing child from the first months of life, being in a language environment and actively interacting with the subject and social environment, has all the necessary conditions for the development of speech and thinking, the formation of speech behavior, and the development of communication skills.
Traditional education in mass educational institutions is addressed to children with developed verbal speech. An ordinary child comes to school already possessing a system of everyday concepts, in interaction with which scientific concepts are gradually formed, verbal-logical thinking develops. On the basis of verbal speech, communication continues to develop, to a large extent, behavior is regulated on the basis of verbal speech. Any violation of mental or physical development adversely affects the development of the child and thinking, and speech, and the ability to communicate.
All categories of children and adolescents with disabilities have their own specific problems in the development of speech, thinking, communication, therefore the most important educational need for them is the need for correctional and pedagogical assistance in the development of speech, thinking and communication. This necessary condition implementation of special education and successful social and cultural adaptation of a person with disabilities.
The principle of the activity approach in training and education
The decisive role of activity in the formation and development of personality is well known. The activity principle in special pedagogy is based on the concept of “leading activity” existing in psychology. Subject-practical activity in the system of special education is a specific means of ensuring the compensatory development of a child with any developmental deviation (a tool for correcting and compensating impaired mental functions), propaedeutics of the necessary elements of education and labor activity. What an ordinary child can be taught in words, for a child with special educational needs becomes available only in the process of his own activity, specially organized and directed by the teacher.
Children with developmental disabilities do not have or are not sufficiently developed such structures that a normally developing child has as everyday experience, relevant everyday ideas, concepts and practical skills. They do not have the necessary and sufficient conceptual baggage for the development of general educational subjects. Special pedagogy, realizing the psychological theory of the activity determination of the psyche and following the principle of the unity of education with the development of language, thinking and communication, organizes the educational process on a visual-effective basis. Numerous scientific studies have shown that object-practical activity, during which the higher mental functions of the child successfully develop: perception, speech and communication, thinking, memory, emotions, motivation, is a powerful correctional and compensatory pedagogical tool in working with children with special educational needs. needs.
In special education, collective subject-based practical activities under the guidance of a teacher (work in "pairs", "teams", etc.) are common, which will create natural conditions (environment) for motivated verbal communication, constantly reproducing the need for such communication. Communication, in turn, developing, contributes to the mastery of the language in all its functional components, mental operations, various situations of communication and social interaction. The objects that children operate on create a stable motivation for activity and are a source of knowledge that children lack about the objective world around them, about the purpose of these objects and how to act with them.
Subject-practical activity allows, relying on the healthy forces and preserved abilities of the child, to develop the sensorimotor basis of higher mental functions, primarily language and thinking, to compensate for the lack of life, practical (activity) experience, to create natural conditions for the development of situational-activity and other skills. types of communication, provide sustainable motivation for communication and activities in the learning process, master the skills of social interaction.
The principle of an activity approach to education is applicable to any category of children with special educational needs and finds its implementation not only during special remedial classes. It is carried out in the lessons of general education subjects and, of course, in the process of education.
The principle of differentiated and individual approach
An individual approach is a specification of a differentiated approach. It is aimed at creating favorable learning conditions that take into account both the individual characteristics of each child (features of higher nervous activity, temperament and, accordingly, character, the speed of thought processes, the level of knowledge and skills, working capacity, learning ability, motivation, the level of development of the emotional-volitional sphere and etc.), and his specific features characteristic of children with this category of developmental disorders.
An individual approach allows not only to conduct correctional and pedagogical work in general, but also to pay special attention to individual pronounced shortcomings in the development of each child through the selective use of the necessary this case methods and means.
The principle of an individual approach makes it possible not to exclude from the educational process children for whom the generally accepted methods of corrective action are ineffective. Thanks to an individual approach, it becomes possible to develop children with severe and multiple disabilities through a different educational content accessible to them, through its special pace and organization, the use of specific techniques and methods of correctional and pedagogical work.
A differentiated approach to children and adolescents with special educational needs in the context of a collective educational process is due to the presence of variable typological features even within the same category of disorders. So, in the same class or group, mentally retarded children with different manifestations of this disorder, with possible additional deviations in development, can study. They will differ from each other in terms of educational and cognitive opportunities, the degree of cognitive activity, and the specifics of special educational needs in general. In this regard, the teacher organizes the correctional educational process in a differentiated way, based on the presence in the class of microgroups that are homogeneous in their characteristics, through the content and organization of educational and correctional work that is different for each of them, its pace, volume, complexity, methods and techniques of work, forms and ways to control and motivate learning. The division of students into microgroups is conditional and inconsistent: as they move forward, children can move to a microgroup of a higher level.
Implementing the principle of a differentiated and individual approach, curricula and textbooks of the special education system indicate the variant opportunities for mastering the program material, provide for different levels of difficulty, taking into account different groups studying within a class or group.

The principle of the need for special pedagogical
The educational and cognitive activity of a child with any deviation in development differs from the educational and cognitive activity of an ordinary child, as it has a special content, a deep originality of the flow and needs a special organization and methods for its implementation. It is aimed at the corrective and compensatory transformation of various mental functions and the satisfaction of the special educational needs of the child in accordance with his disability.
Features of the development of students make it necessary to make specific changes in the content and methods of their educational and cognitive activities. Thus, disturbances in perceptual activity necessitate recoding or special structuring educational information in accordance with the cognitive abilities of children; violations of mental activity require such an organization of learning, which ensures the formation of a specific (sensory and effective) basis of mental actions; the need for compensatory ways and mechanisms of development requires a special teacher to choose possible directions of correctional and pedagogical influence and to select adequate content and means of compensatory development.
Naturally, only a special teacher, knowing the patterns and features of development and cognitive abilities this child, on the one hand, and possible ways and means of corrective and compensatory assistance to him, on the other, can organize the process of educational and cognitive activity and manage this process. In most cases, due to the deep originality of the development of children with special educational needs, their independent educational and cognitive activity is difficult or impossible.

Children with special educational needs are children who need special psychological and pedagogical assistance and organization special conditions in their upbringing and education. Correctional pedagogy is designed to ensure the socialization of the child, i.e. contribute to the achievement of the ultimate goal of teaching and educating a child with deviant development - overcoming his social insufficiency, introducing him to society as much as possible, forming his ability to live independently.

Among the many scientific theories that one way or another influenced the formation and development of domestic special education, special place occupy the positions formulated by L.S. Vygotsky, who is rightfully considered the founder of modern defectological science. He formulated a number of theories that were further developed in the works of his followers A.N. Leontiev, V.V. Lebedinsky, T.A. Vlasova and others, which made it possible to create the concept of a modern system of education and upbringing of children with various developmental disabilities.

It is possible to single out general aspects of the special educational needs of different categories of children with psychophysical development disorders.

1. The time of the beginning of education - the need for the coincidence of the beginning of special purposeful education with the moment of determining the violation in the development of the child. (So, if a child’s hearing or vision impairment is detected at the end of the first month of his life, then special education should immediately begin. An extremely dangerous situation is when, after identifying a primary developmental disorder, all the efforts of adults are directed solely to trying to treat the child, to rehabilitation by means of medicine .)

2. The content of education - the need to introduce special sections of education that are not present in the content of education of a normally developing child. (For example, classes on the development of auditory-visual and visual perception of speech in deaf, hearing-impaired and late-deaf children, sections on social and everyday orientation for blind, deaf-blind and mentally retarded children, sections on the formation of mechanisms for conscious regulation of one's own behavior and interaction with other people and etc.).

2. Creation of special methods and teaching aids - the need to build "workarounds", use specific teaching aids, in more differentiated, "step by step" training than is usually required by teaching a normally developing child. (For example, the use of dactylology and sign language in teaching the deaf, the use of embossed Braille in teaching the blind, much earlier than normal, teaching deaf children to read and write, etc .;

3. In a special organization of learning - the need for high-quality individualization of learning, in a special spatial and temporal and semantic organization educational environment(So, for example, children with autism need a special structuring of the educational space that makes it easier for them to understand the meaning of what is happening, giving them the opportunity to predict the course of events and plan their behavior).

4. In determining the boundaries of the educational space - the need to maximize the expansion of the educational space beyond the educational institution.

5. In the duration of education - the need for the prolongation of the learning process and going beyond school age.

6. In determining the circle of people involved in education and their interaction - the need for the coordinated participation of qualified specialists of different profiles (special psychologists and teachers, social workers, doctors of various specialties, neuro- and psychophysiologists, etc.), in the inclusion of parents of a problem child in the process of its rehabilitation by means of education and their special training by specialists.

Thus, knowledge and consideration of the principles of education, based on the most important methodological approaches to the development of the psyche in health and disease, will allow the correctional teacher to determine the main directions of the correctional impact and predict the result of their socialization and adaptation.

The main provisions of the historical-genetic and socio-cultural approach of N.N. Malofeev, explaining the formation, design and development of the system of special education. Factors influencing the development of national systems of special education in all historical periods.

Malofeev's approach makes it possible to get away from the traditional comparison of foreign and domestic systems of special education on a chronological basis, to compare systems at a content level, to identify the historical, genetic and socio-cultural foundations of modern innovation processes.

The analysis of literary sources made it possible to identify in chronology historical events"critical points" - turning points in the attitude of Western European states towards persons with developmental disabilities and build a meaningful periodization of this process from the 19th century to the present day.

1. From aggression and intolerance to the realization of the need for help. The conditional boundary of the period in Western Europe is the first precedent of state care for the disabled - the opening in Bavaria of the first shelter for the blind in 1198. In Russia, the precedents for the emergence of the first monastic shelters fall on 1706-1715. and associated with the reforms of Peter.

2. From the awareness of the need to care for persons with developmental disabilities to the realization of the possibility of training at least some of them. The conditional boundary of the period in Western Europe can be considered the rethinking in France of the civil rights of persons with sensory impairments and the first precedents for the opening of special schools in Paris: for the deaf and dumb (1770) and for the blind (1784). In Russia, the precedents for opening the first special schools (in St. Petersburg: for the deaf - 1806 and for the blind - 1807) are associated with the acquaintance of Emperor Alexander I with Western experience and the invitation of the French typhlopedagogue Valentin Gayuy to work in Russia.

3. From awareness of the possibility to awareness of the expediency of teaching three categories of children: those with hearing, visual, and mentally retarded. The conditional boundary of the period in Western Europe can be considered the last quarter of the 19th century - the time of the adoption in Western European countries of the Laws on compulsory universal primary education and, on their basis, the Laws on the education of deaf, blind and mentally retarded children. This is the time to create a parallel educational system - a system of special education for three categories of children. In Russia, the formation of a parallel educational system with the same three types of special schools falls on the Soviet period - 1927-1935. and associated with the Law on General Education.

4. From awareness of the need to educate certain categories of abnormal children to a differentiated system of special education. It occurs in Western Europe for the period from the beginning of the 20th century. until the end of the 70s. and is characterized there by the development of the legislative base for special education, the structural improvement of national systems (in some Western European countries, up to 20 types of special schools were created). By the end of the 70s. special education in countries Western Europe covers from 5 to 15% of school-age children. In Russia, the development and differentiation of the system, its structural improvement, the transition from 3 to 8 types of special schools and 15 types of special education is carried out in the 50s - 90s. However, no more than 3% of school-age children were covered by special education on the territory of the USSR, and special educational institutions and defectological personnel were extremely unevenly distributed throughout the country.

For Western Europe in the 70s. can be considered a conditional lower boundary of the fourth period of evolution. In a situation of rapid economic growth, the development of democracy and liberal democratic sentiments, the old paradigm of "full majority" - "inferior minority" is being replaced by a new one - "a single community that includes people with various problems." With this understanding, the isolation of minorities becomes unacceptable, which is fixed by legislation, these are the UN Declaration "On the Rights of Mentally Retarded Persons" (1971), "On the Rights of the Disabled" (1975). In this context, special schools, boarding schools are recognized as segregation institutions, and the system of special education isolated from the masses is recognized as discriminatory. Declaring itself a democratic state, the Russian Federation in 1991 ratified the UN Conventions "On the Rights of the Child", "On the Rights of Persons with Disabilities", and "On the Rights of Mentally Retarded Persons".

5. From isolation to integration. The integration of disabled people into society is the leading trend in this period of evolution in Western Europe, based on their full civil equality, new philosophy society, respect for the differences between people. The development of social integration of disabled people brings to life the ideas of integration in education. The period is characterized in Western European countries by restructuring in the 80s - 90s. organizational foundations of special education, a reduction in the number of special schools and a sharp increase in the number of special classes in general education schools, restructuring the relationship between mass and special education.

In the evolution of the attitude of society and the state towards persons with developmental disabilities on the scale of historical time, Russia lags far behind the countries of Western Europe. At present, it is possible to conditionally determine the place of Russia on this evolutionary scale at the transition from the fourth to the fifth period. This is due to the fact that the formation and design of the national system of assistance to children with developmental disabilities was interrupted by two revolutions that led to a radical restructuring of the state and society.

The development of national systems of special education in all historical periods is associated with:

socio-economic structure of the country,

value orientations states and societies

state policy towards children with developmental disabilities,

legislation in the field of education in general,

the level of development of defectological science as an integrative field of knowledge at the intersection of medicine, psychology and pedagogy,

world historical and pedagogical process.

“... The process of development of a handicapped child,” wrote L.S. Vygotsky in 1929, “is socially determined in two ways: the social realization of a defect (feeling of low value) is one side” of the social conditionality of development, the social orientation of compensation (italics ours - Ya. Ya.) to adapt to those environmental conditions that have been created and developed based on the normal human type, constitutes its second side. The profound originality of the path and method of development with the commonality of final goals and forms in a defective and normal child - this is the most * "schematic form of the social conditioning of this process * sa". Like all other people, a person with disabilities in his development is aimed at mastering social experience, socialization, inclusion in society. However, the path that he must go through for this is significantly different from the generally accepted in pedagogy: physical and mental disabilities change, burden the development process, and each violation in its own way changes the development of a growing person.

Therefore, the most important tasks are to prevent the occurrence of secondary deviations in development, their correction, compensation by means of education. This means the fullest satisfaction of the needs that have arisen in connection with the violation and, consequently, with the restriction of specific educational requirements. For example, in order to prevent the negative consequences of development in a child who has lost hearing, it is necessary to satisfy: learning to perceive the speech of a speaking person addressed to him by reading from his lips; correctional and pedagogical support and prevention of the decay of the child's speech; teaching orientation and behavior in silent space and much more.

It should be remembered that the limitation of opportunities is not a purely quantitative factor (i.e., a person simply hears or sees worse, is limited in movement, etc.). This is an integral, systemic change in the personality as a whole, this is a “different” child, a “different” person, not like everyone else, who needs completely different conditions of education than usual in order to overcome the limitation and solve the educational problem that is worth before any person. To do this, he needs not only to master educational (general education) programs in a special way, but also to form and develop skills of his own life competence (social adaptation): skills of orientation in space and time, self-service and social orientation, various forms of communication, skills conscious regulation of one's own behavior in society, physical and social mobility; to fill the lack of knowledge about the world around, associated with limited opportunities; to develop the need-motivational, "socional-volitional" spheres; form and develop the ability to live as independently as possible in society, including through professional self-determination, social and labor adaptation, an active and optimistic life position. Education and upbringing are organically interconnected and complementary in the special educational process taking place in special educational conditions, which include: the presence of modern special educational programs (general education and correctional development);

taking into account the developmental features of each child, an individual pedagogical approach, manifested in a special organization of the correctional and pedagogical process, the use of special methods and means (including technical ones) of education, compensation and correction;

adequate living environment;

carrying out the correctional and pedagogical process by special teachers (typhlopedagogues, deaf teachers, oligophrepopedagogues, speech therapists) and psychological support of the educational process by special psychologists;

provision of medical, psychological and social services.

Depending on the degree of limitation of opportunities and, first of all, on the preservation of intellectual capabilities, g | also on the quality and timeliness of the creation of special images | educational conditions, persons with special educational needs can master different levels of education. Thus, parts of the deaf, hard of hearing, late-deaf, blind, weak-seeing, persons with impaired functions of the musculoskeletal art* parath, persons with disorders of the emotional-volitional sphere and behavior, persons with severe speech disorders are capable of not only | the development of general secondary education, but also to receive secondary and higher professional education. J

Persons with intellectual disabilities are capable of elementary general education and mastering professions that are not associated with intensive intellectual activity OR SO LAYER?; communicative processes that allow them to lead an independent working lifestyle and successfully adapt in society. 1

Severely mentally retarded persons, studying according to individual educational programs, master to a greater extent the content of special education, its upbringing | The learning component depends not only on the characteristics of oil tendencies in development, but also on the age period in which a growing person with disabilities is.

The special education of a person with disabilities is a deeply individual and specific process. eating, the quality and end results of which are determined by the nature of the deviation (or deviations) in development, safety!* of analyzers, functions and systems of the body; the time of occurrence and the severity of the violation; sociocultural and ethnic cultures! ny conditions of life of the child and his family; the desire and ability of the family to participate in the special education process; opportunities and readiness of the environment with! cyuma, the education system to fulfill all the requirements t create all conditions for special education; the level of professional competence of teachers and psychologists working with the child and his family.

Any citizen of the Russian Federation has a guaranteed right and equal opportunities for education (art.

43 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation), including special education. The conditions for their implementation are determined by the educational standard.

There are educational standards that are determined taking into account the physical and mental characteristics and developmental limitations of students, which are called the state standard for the general education of children with disabilities, or special educational standard. As a state norm of education, the standard presents a system of basic parameters. It reflects, on the one hand, the ideas of modern society about the required level of education for this category of people, and on the other hand, it takes into account the possibilities of a real person in achieving this level.

The standard of special education in relation to each category of persons with special educational needs reflects the requirements for general education, correctional and developmental work, preventive and health-improving work, as well as for labor and initial vocational training.

When developing the requirements of the standard, developmental deficiencies common to all categories of persons with special educational needs, as well as features characteristic only of a particular category, are taken into account.

Among the developmental deficiencies that are characteristic of all categories of persons with special educational needs are: slow and limited perception; deficiencies in the development of motor skills; deficiencies in speech development; shortcomings in the development of mental activity; insufficient cognitive activity compared to ordinary children;

gaps in knowledge and ideas about the world, interpersonal relationships;

deficiencies in personality development (self-doubt and unjustified dependence on others, low sociability, selfishness, pessimism and low or high self-esteem, inability to control one's own behavior).

To overcome these shortcomings, changes are made to the content of general education subjects, and they are adjusted. For example, propaedeutic sections are introduced to make up for the lack of knowledge and ideas about the world around children with special educational needs. For certain categories of children with special developmental specifics, the original content of general education subjects is provided, for example, for students with intellectual disabilities. To overcome the consequences of primary developmental disorders (in the absence and inferiority of visual or auditory perception, systemic underdevelopment of speech, damage to the speech zones of the cerebral cortex, etc.), specific educational subjects are included in the content of special education, which are not in the content of ordinary school education. Thus, the content of the education of blind children includes classes on teaching orientation in space and the development of mobility; for children with impaired hearing, classes are provided for the development of residual hearing and the formation of oral speech, subject lessons are included; practical activities aimed at the development of verbal? speech in its communicative function in the process of activity, etc.?

The standard of special education also takes into account the severity of the impairment and, accordingly, the limitation of opportunities (for example, the standard of education for the blind, and separately the standard for the visually impaired, the standard for the deaf, and separately! The standard for the hearing impaired), as well as the possibility of combining with another developmental disorder (for example, a combination of visual impairment with intellectual impairment or hearing impairment with visual impairment, etc.).

The standard takes into account not only the individual characteristics of the development of a particular category of persons with special educational needs, but also the specifics of the socio-cultural and ethno-cultural conditions of their residence. Therefore, the standard has two parts: federal, i.e. common for the whole country, and national-regional, developed in relation to the specific conditions and characteristics of the education of persons with disabilities in a particular territory of Russia.

Special education standards are geared towards the growing individual with disabilities throughout; the entire period of its formation and socialization, i.e. from first me-j months of life to adulthood. The problem of standardization of special education in our country is new, and in accordance with the traditions that have developed in Soviet defectology, the most developed to date is that one; the part that refers to the school period of special education, presented above as an example.

Questions and tasks 1.

Explain the meaning of the expression "social compensation for a defect." How do you understand the social rehabilitation of a person with disabilities: opportunities for life and means of education? 2.

What are the typical developmental deviations for all children with special educational needs? 3.

What is a "special education standard"? What are its most important components? 4.

How does the content of education differ in relation to different categories of children with special educational needs?

Literature for independent work 1.

Bgazhnokoea I.M. Education standards and the system of knowledge meters in a school for children with intellectual disabilities // Defectology. - 1996. - No. 3. 2.

Voronkova V. V. On the structure and curriculum of a boarding school (school of the VIII type) for children with mental retardation // Defectology. - 1996. - No. 3. 3.

Vygotsky L. S. Sobr. cit.: In 6 volumes - M., 1983. - V. 5. 4.

State standard for general education of persons with disabilities (in separate areas). - M., 1999. (Project) 5.

The concept of the state standard for general education of people with disabilities. - M., 1997. (Project)

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Special Education for Persons with Special Educational Needs

6. The main components of the domestic system of special educational services

1. Special Educational Needs and Special Education Content

Like everyone else, a person with disabilities in his development is aimed at mastering social experience, socialization, and inclusion in society. However, the path that he must go through for this differs significantly from the generally accepted in pedagogy: physical and mental disabilities change, burden the development process, and each violation in its own way changes the development of a growing person. Therefore, the most important tasks are to prevent the occurrence of secondary deviations in development, their correction and compensation by means of education. This means the fullest satisfaction of the specific educational needs that have arisen in connection with the violation and, consequently, with the restriction.

Education and upbringing are organically interconnected and complementary in the special educational process taking place in special educational conditions, which include: the presence of modern special educational programs (general education and correctional development); taking into account the developmental features of each child, an individual pedagogical approach, manifested in a special organization of the correctional and pedagogical process, the use of special methods and means (including technical ones) of education, compensation and correction; adequate living environment; carrying out the correctional and pedagogical process by special teachers (typhlopedagogues, deaf teachers, oligophrenopedagogues, speech therapists) and psychological support of the educational process by special psychologists; provision of medical, psychological and social services.

Depending on the degree of disability and, first of all, on the preservation of intellectual abilities, as well as on the quality and timeliness of creating special educational conditions, persons with special educational needs can master different levels of education.

Part of the deaf, hard of hearing, late deaf, blind, visually impaired, persons with impaired functions of the musculoskeletal system, persons with disorders of the emotional-volitional sphere and behavior, persons with severe speech disorders are capable not only of mastering general secondary education, but also of obtaining secondary and higher professional education.

Persons with intellectual disabilities are capable of elementary general education and mastering professions that are not associated with intensive intellectual activity or complex communication processes, allowing them to lead an independent working life and successfully adapt in society. Severely mentally retarded persons, studying according to individual educational programs, master to a greater extent environmental and social adaptation programs (hygienic and elementary household skills, simple labor skills) that correspond to the characteristics of their development.

There are educational standards that are determined taking into account the physical and mental characteristics and developmental limitations of students, which are called the state standard for the general education of children with disabilities, or a special educational standard. It reflects, on the one hand, the ideas of modern society about the required level of education for this category of people, and on the other hand, it takes into account the possibilities of a real person in achieving this level. The standard for each category of persons with special educational needs reflects the requirements for general education, correctional and developmental work, preventive and health-improving work, as well as for labor and initial vocational training. The problem of standardization of special education in our country is new, the most developed to date is that part of it that relates to the school period of special education.

2. Principles of Special Education

Principles are a system of the most general, essential and stable requirements that determine the nature and characteristics of the organization of the correctional educational process and the management of the cognitive activity of persons with special educational needs.

The principle of pedagogical optimism is conditioned, on the one hand, by the level of modern scientific and practical knowledge about the potential capabilities of persons with special educational needs and, on the other hand, by ideas about modern pedagogical opportunities for habilitation and rehabilitation of children and adults with developmental disabilities. This is a different view of a person with special educational needs: not a flawed, socially low-value individual, but a successfully developing and socially valuable person, if society wants it and can provide the necessary conditions.

The principle of early pedagogical assistance. One of the key conditions for successful correctional and pedagogical assistance is the provision of early detection and early diagnosis of deviations in the development of the child in order to determine his special educational needs. Modern science has the necessary diagnostic and correctional-pedagogical technologies to prevent negative trends in the development of young children with various disorders - sensory, intellectual, emotional, motor, speech.

The principle of the corrective-compensating orientation of education: relying on the healthy forces of the student, pupil, building the educational process using intact analyzers, functions and systems of the body in accordance with the specifics of the nature of the lack of development (naturally). The correctional-compensating orientation of education is provided by a modern system of special technical means of training and correction, computer technologies, and a special organization of the educational process.

The principle of socially adaptive orientation of education Correction and compensation of developmental deficiencies are considered in the special educational process not as an end in itself, but as a means of providing a person with disabilities with the maximum possible autonomy and independence in social life. It is provided by the content of its standards, forms and means of the correctional and educational process.

The principle of development of thinking, language and communication as a means of special education. Traditional education in mass educational institutions is addressed to children with developed verbal speech. Any violation of mental or physical development adversely affects the development of the child and thinking, and speech, and the ability to communicate. Hence the need for correctional and pedagogical assistance in the development of speech, thinking and communication for the successful socio-cultural adaptation of a person with disabilities.

The principle of the activity approach in training and education is based on the concept of “leading activity” existing in psychology. Subject-practical activity in the system of special education is a specific means of ensuring the compensatory development of a child with any developmental deviation. This principle is applicable to any category of children with special educational needs, finds implementation in the conduct of special remedial classes, is carried out in the lessons of general education subjects and, of course, in the process of education.

The principle of a differentiated and individual approach An individual approach is a specification of a differentiated approach. Learning programs and textbooks of the special education system indicate variant opportunities for mastering program material, provide for different levels of difficulty, taking into account different groups studying within a class or group.

The principle of the need for special pedagogical guidance. The educational and cognitive activity of a child with any deviation in development differs from the educational and cognitive activity of an ordinary child, as it has a special content, a deep originality of the flow and needs a special organization and methods for its implementation. Due to the deep originality of the development of children with special educational needs, their independent educational and cognitive activity is difficult or impossible.

3. Forms of organization of special education

special correctional educational

Education for children and adults with special educational needs began as an individual education. In modern special pedagogy, an individual form of organization of education is used in the following cases: when a student has severe and multiple developmental disorders and in training and education, an individual approach is recommended, since a person is not capable of learning in a group and collective work. This is how the education of children with severe forms of mental retardation and concomitant disorders, deaf-blind children on initial stages their learning; code, in accordance with the specifics of the educational process, the characteristics of developmental disabilities, age characteristics (early age), the child needs individual psychological, speech therapy and other corrective assistance that will help supplement frontal classes. At later stages, as the correctional and pedagogical effect is achieved, the individual-group form of organization of education is used in work with children with combined disorders, severe forms of mental retardation.

The class-lesson system, the lesson are one of the main forms of organization of the educational process. The lesson provides opportunities for combining frontal, group and, to a lesser extent, individual work of schoolchildren. In this case, the constancy of the composition of the groups is violated: according to some signs, children work in one group, according to others, they unite in another group).

In most cases, especially at the initial stages of education, lessons in a special school are built according to a mixed or combined type. Younger students with developmental disabilities cannot learn new material large portions; the explanation of new material is preceded by preparatory and propaedeutic work aimed at updating the relevant knowledge and experience of students or the formation of such experience; each portion of the new material requires its immediate consolidation in activity, practical forms of exercises; at all stages of the lesson, step-by-step, often individual control of the assimilation of the material, identification of emerging educational difficulties are necessary.

In middle and high school lessons take on classic features. Like the main, auxiliary and additional forms of organizing the educational process in special boarding schools, they are built taking into account the special educational needs of students, their opportunities to participate in various organizational forms of educational and educational work.

4. Means of ensuring the correctional educational process in the system of special education

The means of instruction must comply with the principles of special education. The value of using this or that means is determined by the extent to which it makes learning as accessible and feasible for students as possible, takes into account their cognitive abilities at different age stages; provides the necessary level of consciousness and strength of assimilation of educational material; leads to the assimilation of knowledge in a certain system, to the formation of skills for systematic work on independent acquisition of knowledge; provides an opportunity to take into account the individual characteristics of students, a rational combination of frontal and individual work, a differentiated approach to learning; promotes the development of speech, thinking; provides an active, visual and practical basis for mastering the material; provides a corrective-compensating orientation of training; promotes the development of knowledge and skills necessary for social adaptation; leads not only to the assimilation of knowledge and the formation of methods of action, but also ensures proper education, the overall development of the individual.

The word of the teacher must be received by the children. Therefore, special requirements are imposed on the speech of a teacher working in the system of special education. Speech should sound clear, distinct, natural. In addition to the verbal speech of the teacher, dactyl and sign speech are used, which are used in teaching people with hearing impairments. The system of gestural communication includes two varieties - colloquial and tracing. The scope of colloquial sign speech is informal interpersonal communication. In signed sign speech, each gesture is equivalent to a word, the order of gestures is identical to the order of words in a normal sentence.

"Face Reading". Visual perception of oral speech in most literary sources is called lip reading. In communication between people, not only hearing is involved, but also vision. Seeing the speaker is important for the perception of his speech, so the organ of vision helps the organ of hearing. Speech can not only be heard, but also seen, perceiving it by the movements of the lips, facial muscles, and tongue.

Modern special pedagogy, in search of such forms and means, is increasingly turning to various types of art as a means of development and correction: the use of musical means of education; figurative means- not only as the richest source of knowledge about the surrounding reality, about the world of colors, images, but also a way of expressing one's feelings, the inner world. Arts and crafts develops motor skills, coordination of movements, forms labor skills. Art and speech activity helps children with developmental disabilities improve their speech skills, arouses their interest in literary reading. Theatrical and gaming activity allows you to bring up positive personal qualities, moral and ethical foundations, develop mental functions (attention, imagination, speech, memory).

The use of visualization in the system of special education is not an end in itself, but a means of a more complete and deeper understanding of the educational material, understanding the spoken word spoken by the teacher and the written word enshrined in printed materials. The means of verbal clarity should include: records made on the board; notated writing (indication of orthoepic correct pronunciation); dictionary, schemes of speech statements, placed on a type-setting canvas or flannelgraph. For the development of mental operations of students, the creation of ideas about objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality, the gradual formation of mental actions, the generalization of the studied educational material, the use of such a visual aid as modeling is of particular importance. Modeling is understood as a system of actions for the construction, transformation and use of a visually perceived system (model).

Sufficiently widespread use in the system of special education received technical teaching aids (TUT). One of the main goals of using computers in the correctional and educational process is to focus on the most complete use of those physical abilities that children have. The experience of using computer technology in special education allows us to talk about significant positive results regarding both educational activities and the correction of many psychophysical features of development.

5. The main components of the domestic system of special educational services

Medical-social-pedagogical patronage. Medical-social prevention and early comprehensive care. Preschool education of children with disabilities. School system of special education. Vocational guidance, vocational education system, vocational adaptation of persons with disabilities. Socio-pedagogical assistance to persons with disabilities



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    The concept of inclusive education as a process of teaching children with special educational needs in a general education (mass) school. The main forms of implementation, problems of organization. Description of the benefits and principles of inclusion.

    presentation, added 10/13/2015

    Theoretical and practical forms of organization of special education and upbringing. Principles, content and methods of correctional and pedagogical work. Social adaptation and integration into society of children with disabilities in physical and mental development.

    presentation, added 04/17/2016

    Selection and composition of methods of raising children: informational, practical-effective, incentive-evaluative. Means of ensuring the correctional and educational process in the system of special education. Technology of active learning of schoolchildren.

    thesis, added 01/10/2014

    The current state of special education in Russia, its problems and development prospects. Features of reforming the education system in the emerging market economy. The essence of the trend of convergence of general and special education.

    term paper, added 10/22/2012

    The history of the development of special education systems: from intolerance to the first special educational institutions for children with disabilities, to understanding the need for special education. Special preschool education USA, France, UK.

    term paper, added 02/16/2016

    The concept and areas of special pedagogy. Classification of developmental disorders. Economic foundations of special education. The content and significance of the clinical foundations of special pedagogy. Means of ensuring the correctional and educational process.

    cheat sheet, added 04/28/2009

    Attitude towards the blind and deaf in antiquity. The first attempts to educate disabled people with sensory impairments, the organization of special institutions for the education of the deaf and blind. The development of the system of special education in the XIX century. Life and work of Sokolyansky.

    presentation, added 06/09/2016

    Actual problems of modern special education in Russia. Basic characteristics, quality and general tasks of psychological and pedagogical support in the conditions of special correctional institutions. Basic principles of inclusive education.

Psychocorrection of deviations in children