Anti-Sovietism and religious obscurantism in modern Russia. You are on a white horse and I am on a white horse

After the collapse of the Soviet Union and the collapse of socialist society, the Church entered into new phase of its development - it not only restored its position in the country, but significantly exceeded it. In fact, along with secular power, the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) today has become the second power in Russia. Despite the fact that, according to the Constitution, the Church is separated from the state, she, as in the tsarist period, receives full support for her interests at all levels. state power- from the smallest official to the president of the country. Moreover, the current position of the ROC compares favorably with its status before 1917, when it did not have independence and was subordinate to the highest secular leader of the state - the tsar. Gaining strength in a short time, she became so bold that for the first time in the history of the Russian state she declared at her council about the possibility of her disobedience to state power (“Fundamentals of the Social Concept of the Russian Orthodox Church”).

Today the Russian Orthodox Church presents itself as the main spiritual force of our state. For their part, officials and deputies who support the Church in her desire to play a leading role in the spiritual life of society are confident that she can raise its morality and, above all, the morality of the younger generation. Due to the fact that officials and deputies do not know the history of the Russian Orthodox Church well, they should know that the moral character of the Russian Orthodox Church itself is very far from perfect, and therefore it would be a big mistake to trust it with the care of our citizens and especially the education of our children.

Considering itself the most perfect religious organization not only among all the Churches of the world, but also among the heterodox Churches, the ROC found neither time nor reason to admit that in its history there were not only mistakes, but also crimes that it should regard as sins. and serious sins. And sins, as follows from the Christian doctrine, should be recognized, repented of and prayed for. And ask for forgiveness. And not so much with God (better not only with Christ, but with the whole Holy Trinity), but with the peoples of Russia. Unfortunately, the leadership of the Russian Orthodox Church, and, above all, its Patriarch Alexy II, in their pride does not see any sins behind them and does not want to repent for them. And in vain...

Pope John Paul II

Meanwhile, at one time, the head of the first largest Christian Church, the Catholic, uniting more than one billion believers, the “vicar of God on earth,” Pope John Paul II, was able to critically approach the deeds of the Christian Church and recognize the Church as sinful, recognize the mistakes of its leadership (including including the mistakes of the popes) and ask for forgiveness for them. Among past sins, the Pope named the acts of the Inquisition, the waging of religious wars, discrimination against women in the Church, and the passivity of Catholic priests in relation to protection from persecution of Jews, especially during the Nazi era. The pope also condemned the Church's tolerance of slavery in past times and for the fact that monasteries and local churches enriched by the exploitation of slaves. In the Pope's Apostolic Letter on the occasion of the 2000th anniversary “Tertio millenio adveniente”, for the first time in history, the responsibility of Christians and the evil that is happening in our day was spoken of.

In May 2001, during a visit to Greece, in a conversation with the Archbishop of Athens and All Hellas Christodoulos, the Pope asked for forgiveness not only from Orthodox Greeks, but also from Orthodox believers all over the world. Following the Catholic Church, some Protestant organizations have also made public statements that they repent for the misfortunes that Christians (Protestant Christians) have caused to Jews and Judaism.

ROC and sins

And what about the Orthodox Churches, how do they feel about the laudable initiative of the Catholic Church? Very restrained, even disapproving and almost without comment. Since the ROC pretends that the sins of the Catholic part of the Church do not concern her, her hierarchs should be reminded that the past of their Church was not at all clean and cloudless. And she has something to repent of both before the heterodox Churches, and before the believers of other monotheistic Churches, the so-called. pagans and unbelievers. The chronicles testify to how Christianity was planted in Rus', which cannot be suspected of wanting to denigrate the ROC, because. they were written by Christians.

Ancient Rus'

The inhabitants of ancient Kyiv were simply driven into the Dnieper and they had to be baptized for fear of reprisals. Knowing that the Novgorodians were against the adoption of Christianity, for their baptism, along with Bishop Joachim Korsunian, troops were sent - the Kyiv squad, headed by the thousands of Prince Vladimir - Putyata. The city was taken by storm, and the princely squad committed an act of blasphemy against the faith of the Novgorodians - images of their gods - the statues were thrown down (burnt, broken or drowned). Since those who want to give up their original faith, the faith of fathers and grandfathers and there was little to accept someone else's faith, the princely squad forced her to accept under pain of death. Those who did not want to accept Christianity suffered reprisals. All this procedure gave the Novgorodians a reason to declare that "Putyata was baptized with a sword, and Dobrynya (Novgorod governor) - with fire." The planting of Christianity in Rus' was not a one-time act, it continued for many centuries - almost until the twentieth century. And often with fire and sword.

The leadership of the Russian Orthodox Church did not stop at the destruction of entire peoples who did not want to accept Christianity. The letter of 1452 from Metropolitan Jonah to the Vyatka clergy eloquently testifies to how Christianity was planted among non-Russian peoples. The priests tortured many people, killed them, threw them into the water, burned men, elders and small children in huts, burned out their eyes, impaled babies and killed them. At the same time, the metropolitan did not condemn the clergy for the brutal massacre, but only warned that such a bloody terror could cause hatred for the clergy and damage the Church. According to the charter Bishop of Novgorod Macarius to Vodskaya Pyatina, dated 1534 Macarius sent Orthodox icons and the consecrated cross to the Vodsky lands, ordering the assistant to "destroy the nasty prayer places, and punish Christians and teach them the true Orthodox faith." So the leaders of the adoption of Christianity.

Rus' in the Middle Ages

In the XVII century there was a forced baptism of the peoples of the Volga region and Siberia. In Siberia, the Siberian Metropolitan Philotheus Leshchinsky acted with fire and sword. He destroyed non-Christian cemeteries, chopped down and burned temples, erecting chapels instead. Forced baptism of non-Russian peoples continued even into the 19th century. The black page in the history of the Russian Orthodox Church is the establishment of the patriarchate in Rus'. Arriving for money in June 1588 Patriarch of Constantinople Jeremiah II was not at all concerned about the establishment of the patriarchate in Rus'. Moreover, he actively did not want it. Metropolitan Hierotheos of Monemvasia, who was with Jeremiah, was forced to sign the document on the establishment of the patriarchate in Rus' only under the threat of drowning in the river! The illegality of the creation of the Moscow Patriarchate also consisted in the fact that only the Ecumenical Synod had the power to make this decision, as was the case with all existing patriarchates.

The State Orthodox Church dealt not only with pagans, but also with heretics (i.e. dissidents). According to the Council Code of 1649, criticism of the Church and its dogmas was punishable by burning at the stake. The conversion to another faith was also punished. Dissenters and those who converted to another faith (more often, those who returned to their former faith) were considered enemies of the Church. These enemies of the Church were impaled, carried outside the city gates and burned, and the ashes were covered with earth.

Old Believers

After Nikon's reforms, terrible persecution of the Old Believers began. It was the Russian Orthodox Church that initiated the publication during the reign of Princess Sophia “12 articles on schismatics” (1685), in which it was said that even if some “especially dangerous” Old Believers join the ruling Church, they confess and take communion from the official priest, then all the same they must be "executed by death without any mercy." And to be executed by burning. The author of this document was Patriarch Joachim. At the insistence of the spiritual authorities, villages and villages where schismatics lived, their sketes and monasteries were destroyed. According to foreigners, just before Easter 1685, Patriarch Joachim burned about 90 “church opponents” in log cabins. One of the consequences of the bloody terror in relation to the schismatics was their self-immolation, which took on large proportions in the XVII - XVIII centuries. The most massive self-immolation took place in the Olonets region in 1687. - schismatic peasants who rebelled against the oppressors-priests after desperate resistance to the military detachment decided to burn themselves. 2,700 people died in the fire! As a result of the cruel reprisals of the spiritual department against schismatics during the 18th century, 1,733 people were burned, and 10,567 people subjected themselves to self-immolation!

Inquisition in Rus'

Like the Catholic Church, the leadership of the Russian Orthodox Church persecuted dissidents ("heretics") with the help of its "holy inquisition". The ROC carried out its inquisitorial activity through the judicial bodies at the disposal of the diocesan bishops, through the patriarchal court and church councils. It also had special bodies created to investigate cases against religion and the Church - the Order of Spiritual Affairs, the Order of Inquisitorial Affairs, the Schismatic and New Baptism offices, etc. Already in the 11th century, the ROC severely cracked down on its opponents and demanded the same from the secular authorities. The Laurentian Chronicle of 1069 tells about the atrocities of the Rostov Bishop Fedor: “Many people suffered a lot from him ... cutting their heads ... burning their eyes and cutting their tongues.” The Novgorod hierarch Luka Zhidyata, who lived in the 11th century, is called by the Christian chronicler "beast-eater". “This tormentor,” says the chronicler, “cut the heads and beards, burned out the eyes, cut off the tongue, crucified and tortured others.” Church opponents were burned at the stake and boiled in "their own juice" in red-hot iron cauldrons.

Foma Ivanov, who spoke out against religious dogmatism, was brought in chains to the church and anathematized. After that, he was tortured and imprisoned in the Chudov Monastery, and on December 30, 1714, a log house was built on Red Square in Moscow, where Ivanov was placed, after which the log house was burned. The burning of heretics took place in Rus' from 1504 to 1743, and quite regularly. Heretics were also punished in other ways, for example, by drowning.

Already in the 11th century, witchcraft processes took place in Rus'. Chronicles note that in 1024, wise men and "dashing women" were captured in the Suzdal land. Both were put to death by burning. They were accused of being responsible for the crop failure that befell the Suzdal land. In 1411 (almost a hundred years before the start of the witch-hunt in Europe), twelve "little chicks" sent a plague to Pskov, for which they paid with their lives at the stake. The last time a Russian witch was sent to the stake was in 1682. It was Marfushka Yakovleva, convicted of inflicting damage on Tsar Fedor Alekseevich himself. Following the example of their Catholic associates, the Orthodox Inquisition developed in the 13th century methods of recognizing witches and sorcerers by fire, cold water, hanging, etc. Supporting belief in the devil and his power, the Russian Orthodox Church declared heresy any doubt about the reality of the devil. The victims of the Orthodox inquisitors were mostly women. According to church ideas, women most easily entered into intercourse with the devil. Women were accused of spoiling the crops, the weather, that they were guilty of crop failures and famine.

ROC and Russian people

Separately, it should be said about the attitude of the ROC to the Russian people and the state. Contrary to the notion that the Russian Orthodox Church has a special love for the Russian people, which is being widely spread today, its leadership has not always stood on its side. Thus, when from the second third of the 12th century centrifugal tendencies began to grow in Kievan Rus, when the interests of numerous specific princes prevailed over considerations of national unity, the Church not only did not oppose them, but often even supported them. There were also periods in the history of the ROC when it acted on the side of the enemy. So, in the middle of the XIII century, the clergy called for reconciliation with the Tatar yoke, to treat it as a well-deserved punishment from God.

During the period of the liberation struggle of Rus' against the Golden Horde yoke (XIV - XV centuries), although some hierarchs stood up to fight the enemy, for example, hegumen of the Trinity Monastery Sergius of Radonezh, most of the clergy, based on their own interests, collaborated with the invaders, called on parishioners to humility and obedience. And Bishop Tarasy of Rostov, together with the prince, led the predatory hordes of Duden to Rus', who plundered and destroyed Vladimir, Suzdal, Moscow and a number of other Russian cities. Numerous sources testify that during this period the clergy were in an incomparably better position than the people. The priests of the Russian Orthodox Church, under the rule of the Horde, quickly adapted - many themselves hurried to go to the service of the Tatars and called on the people to submit. The head of the Church, Metropolitan Joseph, fled, leaving the pulpit. The bishops of Ryazan and Rostov, Galicia and Przemysl also fled. The Mongols not only did not oppress, but also provided the Orthodox clergy with all sorts of benefits and indulgences. Thanks to these benefits, the Orthodox clergy did not experience even a hundredth of the hardships that fell on the Russian people. In particular, monasteries and clergy were completely exempted from paying tribute. For faithful service to the conquerors, the Orthodox clergy were given special labels (commended letters) from the khans.

When in 1601 - 1603. the country was struck by famine, during which “a third of the kingdom of Moscow” died out, the bishops and monasteries (despite the decree of Boris Godunov) did not share bread with the people. “The patriarch himself,” wrote a witness to the events, “having a large supply of bread, announced that he did not want to sell grain, for which they would have to give even more money.”

ROC and Soviet power

The leadership of the Russian Orthodox Church should not forget that even 140 years ago serfdom in Russia was recognized as charitable and the sale of one person to another on the rights of “baptized property” was recognized as the same. The liberation from serfdom in Russia took place a hundred years later than in the West, largely due to the resistance of the clergy. The Russian Orthodox Church actively defended the unlimited power of the tsar: “Any idea of ​​some kind of constitution,” Bishop Nikon declared, “about some kind of agreement between the tsar and the people is blasphemy, an unforgivable insult not only to the tsar, but also to God” (Voice of the Church, 1912 , No. 10, p. 47).

Yes, and in unleashing the civil war of 1917-1921. much of the blame lies with the ROC. After all, the leadership of the Russian Orthodox Church was the initiator of the clash with the Bolsheviks. When the Bolsheviks issued their manifesto on the land (the second after the decree on peace), the servants of the Church fiercely opposed them. Still - after all, their land was taken away, which brought them huge incomes! After the tsar, the Russian Orthodox Church was the largest landowner. They immediately forgot the words of Christ that the one who takes your shirt “...give also your outer garment” (Matt. 5:40) and his call “Love your enemies”. Patriarch Tikhon (Belavin) declared an anathema (that is, a church curse) on Soviet power and began to call on the people to rise up in a civil war.
To protect your property and your well-fed life!

When the champions of Christianity in our country say that the Russian Orthodox Church is the guardian of ancient Russian culture, they are knowingly telling lies. After all, all really ancient Russian, Slavic culture of the pre-Christian period (VI-X centuries) was destroyed. And it was destroyed by the Christians. Destroyed to the ground! All the early works of ancient Russian architecture perished - ancient Russian temples, sanctuaries and temples, sacred groves, all sculpture, all ancient church utensils, all works of applied art. All ancient Russian fairy tales, legends, epics have been destroyed. Through the fault of Christians, Russian people call their children not Russian, but Jewish and Greek names. In this regard, the paradox of the Russian peasant arose: the symbol of the Russian peasant is a Russian man with a purely Jewish name Iyokhanaan (“gift of the gods”), remade into Ivan. Another paradox is that the culture, which the supporters of Christianity call Old Russian, is fundamentally alien to the Russian people, borrowed from the Greeks and Jews. Only gradually, over the centuries, did a partial Russification of this alien Christian (more precisely, Judeo-Christian) culture take place. Through the efforts of Christian "enlighteners" the ancient writing of the Russian people was also destroyed. There is nothing left of her today. From the annals it is only known that there was such a written language and that agreements with Byzantium were drawn up on it.

ROC and science

Another grave sin of the Russian Orthodox Church consists in her centuries-old struggle against science and enlightenment, in which she was not much inferior to her more powerful sister - the Catholic Church. The attacks of the Russian Orthodox Church on science forced the great Russian scientist M.V. Lomonosov to write in the “Regulations” of the academic university (1748): “The clergy to the teachings, showing the physical truth for benefit and enlightenment, do not become attached, and especially do not scold the sciences in sermons.” Mikhail Vasilievich demanded “not to become attached” not by chance, because the clergy, still unofficially, expressed dissatisfaction with secular education. Like the Catholic Church, the Russian Orthodox Church actively fought against the teachings of Copernicus and Giordano Bruno and hindered the development of astronomy. Her clergy considered "nasty Orthodox faith» heliocentric system. M.V. Lomonosov had to include in his famous “Letter on the benefits of glass ... written in 1752” a sharp rebuke to the “ferocious ignoramuses”, who for centuries have been striving to destroy scientific astronomy. And on December 21, 1756, the spiritual department submitted to Empress Catherine II a detailed report on the harmfulness of heliocentric views to Orthodoxy. The Synod asked for a nominal decree, according to which it was necessary to “select everywhere and send to the Synod” the edition of the book of the French writer and scientist Bernard Fontenelle, who propagated the teachings of Copernicus (1740), and the numbers of the academic “Monthly Works” of 1755 and 1756, and also strictly forbid “so that no one would write and print anything at all, both about the multitude of worlds and about everything else, who does not agree with the holy faith and honest morals, under the most severe punishment for a crime.”

The Orthodox clergy placed many obstacles in the development of medicine. On the Orthodox church cathedrals XIV - XVII centuries, indexes of forbidden books were considered and approved. In 1743, the synodal authorities demanded that the astronomical calendar published by the Academy of Sciences be withdrawn from sale (which was done): they found in it information “inclined to the temptation of the people” “regarding the Moon and other planets.” It also objected to the publication of Russian chronicles undertaken by the Academy of Sciences (!).

In the 60s of the XIX century, the Russian Orthodox Church banned the publication of J. Verne's novel “Journey to the Center of the Earth”, because spiritual censors found that this novel could develop anti-religious ideas and destroy the credibility of holy scripture and the clergy. The church authorities of Russia banned the publication of many works by outstanding French writers - Flaubert, Anatole France, Emile Zola, and others.

At the insistence of the Synod, a dissertation book by the prominent philosopher and mathematician D.S. Anichkov “Discourses from natural theology on the beginning and origin of natural worship among different, especially ignorant peoples”, published in 1769, was publicly burned at the place of execution in Moscow. This book was devoted to the origin of religion. In the 19th century, works on geology, biology, botany, physiology, history, philosophy, the works of Diderot, Holbach, Hobbes, Feuerbach were subjected to censorship and other persecution of the clergy. Reading the works of Charles Darwin was forbidden, and his books were destroyed.

Only after the abolition of serfdom in 1861, the Church began to gradually abandon open and rude attacks on science. However, after the collapse of the socialist system in Russia, the ROC again began to openly kick science. In particular, today it again attacks the evolutionary doctrine, declaring it to be a lie (V. Trostnikov Darwinism: the collapse of the world. Pravoslavnaya conversation, 1991, No. 2: 41-43). Instead, she persistently and aggressively offers the younger generation (children preschool age, schoolchildren and students) to believe in an antediluvian fairy tale called "creationism" - about the creation by God of the Universe, consisting only of the planet Earth, two luminaries and the firmament of heaven with stars nailed to this firmament.

"The Saints"

There is something to repent of the leadership and clergy of the Russian Orthodox Church in connection with the canonization of the saints. The Russian Orthodox Church took upon itself a great sin by declaring saints not just anyone, but the murderer - Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich, who participated in the fratricidal war, killed the Polotsk prince Rogvolod and forcibly took his daughter Rogneda as his wife. All his “holiness” lies in the fact that he imposed on the Russian people the Judeo-Christian religion, alien to him, but so desired by the priests. The heads of the Russian Orthodox Church (starting with Peter I, the tsar (queen) was the nominal head of the Russian Orthodox Church until 1917) not only often behaved inappropriately, but some of them were simply perjurers. So, when Empress Elizaveta Petrovna was still a crown prince, she plotted against the ruler Anna Leopoldovna and her son, the infant emperor John Antonovich. When the conspiracy became known to Anna Leopoldovna and she demanded an explanation, Elizabeth burst into tears and threw herself into the arms of the ruler and swearing to her that she was not plotting anything, convinced her that she was innocent. And she believed her! And on the night of November 24-25, 1741, Elizabeth, having led the conspiracy, overthrew Anna and her son and became empress.

The Emperor Nicholas II, revered today by the Russian Orthodox Church, was also a perjurer, nicknamed by the people "bloody" in connection with the execution in January 1905 of a peaceful demonstration on Palace Square in St. Petersburg. Since Alexander III considered Nicholas II incapable of ruling the country, he wanted to pass the throne to his youngest son Michael. But when Alexander III was dying, Michael had not yet reached the age of majority and could not accept the crown. Before his death, Alexander III took an oath from Nicholas II that he would renounce the throne as soon as Mikhail turned 21 years old. “You yourself know that you will not save Russia,” the dying man said prophetically. “Keep it until Michael comes of age.” When the revolution broke out and Nicholas II finally abdicated in favor of Mikhail, it was already too late.

Russian Orthodox Church and the Third Reich

The sinfulness of the ROC in matters of morality is simply enormous! The moral inferiority of Orthodox morality can be judged, for example, by the attitude of the Russian Orthodox Church towards wars and, in particular, by explaining why the Christian God killed (or allowed the killing) of civilians during the Great Patriotic War. During this war, the Church did not dare to say that God punished people for their sins with war and destruction. This would be blasphemous, for there is not and cannot be any guilt before God among the whole people. Moreover, women, the elderly and children do not have it.

During the war, it was impossible to use the second explanation common in the Church: God condones the suffering of people in order to mark them with his attention. The hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church understood then that such an explanation would not be understood by the people, because. it is not only blasphemous, but also sounds mocking. Thus, both of these common explanations in this case would not only be immoral, but also shameful for the ROC.

However, more than half a century after the end of this terrible war and after the rights of the Church were fully restored and she again, as under the tsarist autocracy, felt her strength, the hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church returned to medieval norms of morality. Today they not only do not condemn the war, but also blasphemously express the point of view, traditional for the Russian Orthodox Church, that war is .... good for people. Archpriest Vasily Preobrazhensky teaches: “We certainly believe that the outcome of all events, both small and great, is predetermined by God...”. Think, reader, of the following mocking words of this servant of God: “... war is one of the ways by which Providence leads the human race to peace and salvation ... War is established by God (allowed by him) primarily for the sake of public and universal admonition. ..”. This means that a person must believe that they beat him, mock him and his relatives, kill him for ... his own good!!!

The leadership of the ROC can also repent in its attitude towards the Jews. AT Catholic Church The prayer for the “perfidious Jews” was withdrawn from the Great Friday service. In some Orthodox countries, a similar reform is also beginning to take place, but not in the ROC.

Here, of course, not all the mistakes and crimes of the leadership of the Russian Orthodox Church are given. But even those mentioned are quite enough to humbly bow their heads and follow the Pope and the heads of some Protestant Churches(unfortunately, not all of them banished pride from themselves) to bring words of repentance to their people. Maybe our long-suffering people will listen to them and forgive them. If you believe in the sincerity of repentance...

Given to priests? Why be surprised? The fact that Mr. Nobody by the name of Poltavchenko, appointed to the position of the Mayor of St. Petersburg single-handedly made a decision give Popam St. Isaac's Cathedral never was not the property of the Russian Orthodox Church!) - a quite expected milestone of aggressive planting [at the suggestion of the state] in the towers of our fellow citizens of religious obscurantism ...

No, of course I understand the state's concern for filling the gaping void (remaining from the evaporated ideals of socialism and other moral code of the builders of communism) in the souls of people, but I cannot simply approve the state course for Russia's rapid plunge into the swamp of black religious obscurantism - I strongly against this!

An interesting, nevertheless, was a historical experiment: after centuries of unbearable pressure of religious obscurantism, in 1917 the people of Russia (considered pious and even "God-bearing"), for some reason, with pleasure began to burn and rob churches and hang fat priests! Well, yes - the people were wild, dark and uneducated, but, it seems to me - the priests were also not sugar, but slightly chilled, since the god-bearing people purposefully trampled them without a command and chopped icons with axes ...

But! The leaders of the USSR were not idiots - they understood that the emptiness in the souls of the papilation (formed on the site of the disavowed cult of the ROC!) needed to be filled with something, for which they came up with a creative state quasi-religion - communist, which quite organically replaced the destructive religion implanted by the ROC slavish! Relying on the creative quasi-religion of communism, the USSR in a historically short time turned into a Great Power, won the most destructive and bloody war in the history of mankind, conquered space, and built the first welfare state in history, and this became one of the most significant achievements of human civilization !

And when the people of the USSR, having gone crazy, blew a great power to hell and the communist quasi-religion died, then a void formed again in the souls of the people, what is it? That's right - the state decided to fill this void again!

But! Unlike the USSR, the state of the times of the nit-Yeltsin was weak and schmucky, so the project of a new quasi-religion, this thieves' state, of course, did not master it, and the new "ideology of profit" did not pull on religion in any way. Therefore, they filled the souls of "dear Russians" with what was within walking distance and literally lay under their feet - that miserable scum that ate up in the trash for 70 years in shit and piss, but did not completely die - the ROC! They lifted it, shook it off, washed it, fed it, rewarded it, apologized for the past, and even declared the Russian Orthodox Church a "spiritual bond" and a "support-pillar of the state"...

Unfortunately, in Russia there are no balanced, elaborated decisions - only maximum hardcore!

And the shit rushed through the pipes: duty-free trade in tobacco products and alcohol, massive seizures of real estate for the "return" of its ROC, golden rain pouring on the priests from the bins of the state, etc. Further - "Gundyaevskaya apartment nanodust", impudent "withdrawals" of the ROC of the park areas of large cities for the construction of their places of worship, etc., etc.

Even 15 years ago, the propaganda of religion and the Russian Orthodox Church caused bewilderment and laughter, and now those who are especially actively "bewildered-laughs" can be imprisoned for this very "bewilderment" in the zone new article Russian Federation for "insulting the feelings of believers", and the President church services taken for granted! Criticism of the ROC is almost completely prohibited, and we hear terrible, disgusting PR and shameless propaganda of the significance of the ROC from every flat iron!

What is especially vile and dangerous is that the ROC methodically, stubbornly and consistently sticks its black dunk into schools, which is very cunning and prudent - you need to prepare a herd for "hilling up" from an early age. If possible. And, this possibility is becoming more and more realistic!

Well, what about the citizens... And what about the citizens? Citizens of Russia - thirsty Miracle!

Well, and here: Citizens believed in Miracle : "Only the Russian Orthodox Church will save Russia and make it prosperous!" The other side of the MIRACLE, which revealed folk, pancake, chakras, is also not bad: "Who is not a fan of the Russian Orthodox Church - the enemy of Russia!"

And set off Miracle, t.s., to masses:

Millions of communists, who just yesterday denounced, branded with shame, voluptuously trampled on those who dared to subject their children to the rite of baptism, today suddenly massively passionately fanatically believed in Jesus and, with a devilish fire in their eyes, frantically rushed to defend even the most foul movements of their newfound "confessor" "- ROC! And now these "new crusaders", religious fanatics and "adepts of the faith", pointing fingers at those who are dissatisfied with their obscurantist nishtyaks, yell with schizoid pleasure: "LET'S CRUCIFY THEM!!!"

On the one hand, all this, of course, is ridiculous, but on the other, it is really disgusting, because obscurantism is always disgusting, and massive obscurantism is dangerous both for its bearers and for the state ...

In general, the constitutional declaration: "the church in Russia is separated from the state" at the current political moment has turned into meaningless letters on paper, since in fact Russia, having abandoned the course of enlightenment and education, is rapidly plunging into a fetid, black swamp of state religious obscurantism of the lowest sort, and this is very sad.

I return to the "gift". The fact that someone (I don’t believe that Poltavchenko made such a decision on his own, without instructions from above) presented St. Isaac’s Cathedral to priests is just another milestone, and there will be many more like this. Well, then, perhaps, the new year of 1917 will break out, which in this situation is very likely, gygygygy!

This is how our ouroboros turns out! ...


Some time has passed since then, and I realized - not everything is as bad as I thought - after all, in Russia there are many educated, intelligent people who openly opposed the obscurantism of the Russian Orthodox Church in general and the transfer of St. Isaac's Cathedral to the blacks in particular:

in St. Petersburg, thousands of rallies were held against the transfer of the Cathedral to greedy priests,

a petition against the transfer of the cathedral to the priests collected more than 200,000 signatures,

scientists and art historians opposed the transfer,

But, of course, the obscurantists are not asleep! The bastards launched an unprecedented campaign to slander all those who oppose the unreasonable preferences of the Russian Orthodox Church (the main slogan of obscurantists: "whoever is against the transfer of IP to the ROC is against Russia, and there is a liberalist working for the State Department!" ), and also began to scribble slanderous lampoons, in which they pour shit over the employees of the Museum of St. Isaac's Cathedral - they claim that the museum employees are pests, robbers, thieves and criminals. True, I do not understand how to logically link these "revelations" with the "necessity" of transferring IP to the ROC Cathedral. Well, except to remember that the priests of the Russian Orthodox Church have always been a model of disinterestedness, disinterestedness, virtue and service to the flock and the Fatherland. Just don't make a face!

Here is a typical example of such a libel, which was copied (on its own, this uneducated, tongue-tied baba-yaga cannot write two words without mistakes!) a long and irrevocably delusional parishioner, just a classic:

Why do you think religious obscurantists jumped and jumped at the command of the Russian Orthodox Church and shook like a petty demon in hatred for educated people? Everything is simple - because a campaign has begun to justify the transfer of state property to the thieving priests - the priests realized that society is not yet ready to lie down under obscurantists in cassocks! Well, everything is clear here - the priests have such a business, they cut for their loot!

But morel named "Parishioner" I want to say a separate "thank you":

Listen, old lady, "investigations and denunciations" about the theft by the employees of the St. Isaac's Museum are schizophrenic, just like everything that religious fanatics are trying to prove. Because normal people don't really care about questions huge salary (55 thousand rubles) of museum employees and whether the director of this museum steals or not!

We are concerned about this: state property is something that belongs to all citizens of the Russian Federation(including religious idiots), but when the real estate is owned by the greedy priests of the ROC, then this is only THEIR business area, and normal people are denied access there despite all the assurances of the priests that "nothing will change for ordinary people" ! Yes, of course it will not change, we all understand: Gundyaev needs a new watch - not the current one, he already brought it in for 320,000 bucks, the nanodust damaged them, gygygygy!

The most interesting paradox is that after the transfer of IP to the ROC, all cash flows will flow into the pocket of "fucking-honest" priests, and even such a stupid "investigation" will be completely impossible. What do you think, grandma, will you be able to find out and publish how much priests "working" in IS will cut the dough for their salary? It’s clear - you won’t answer, but I know the answer, gygygygy!

Summary. No, I do not have vain hopes - the decision to transfer the Cathedral was clearly not taken at the level of zero-Poltavchenko, and the victorious march of obscurantism will continue.

But there is also a positive - there are many of us, normal, educated people, and we need to resist religious obscurantism at all levels. We especially need to concentrate on keeping priests out of schools. If we miss this moment, then it will already be a complete disaster!

PS. By the way. Are you aware that the parishioner "... consults with the Confessor on the issues of maintaining her blog, including who to ban!" (C) How do you like this manual control? From my t.z. - shizuha in its purest form and the complete control of the "confessors" of the Russian Orthodox Church over such schizos, which gives, well, sooooo wide prospects ...

P.P.S. The Crimean and Simferopol diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church asked that 24 objects of the Tauric Chersonese Museum-Reserve, which are located in Sevastopol, be transferred to them for free use. The application was submitted to the Federal Property Management Agency in November last year (it became known only now), but the department rejected it "due to incomplete documents." Now representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church are going to submit another application.

That's the way it is, little ones...

More detailed and a variety of information about the events taking place in Russia, Ukraine and other countries of our beautiful planet, can be obtained on Internet conferences, constantly held on the website "Keys of Knowledge". All Conferences are open and completely free. We invite all waking up and interested ...

Religion is the opium of the people. The rightness of Lenin (as well as the author - Navalis, Marx and O. Bender) in this particular case was confirmed by the Orthodox Church. More precisely, its brightest representatives in one particular school. Although with the same success any religious schizophrenia could manifest itself.

April 12, 2012 for students of grade 1 A in the municipal educational institution "Vostryakovskaya secondary comprehensive school No. 3 "began unconventionally. To the lesson" the world"Instead of stories about the day of cosmonautics and Yuri Gagarin, children began to be told about the death of Jesus Christ on Mount Golgotha ​​and his resurrection from the dead, that the stars light up with the birth of the gods and on the day of Jesus Christ's entry into Jerusalem it is necessary to go to the church of CJSC "ROC" with willow branches. The children spent the whole lesson painting eggs, and the next day there was to be a competition for the best egg. At the lesson, posters with the image of Jesus were hung, with prayers before studying and other nonsense. About Yuri Gagarin, stubbornly, no one began to tell the children that day .Having heard the story of my daughter, the next day I went to talk with the teacher ....

To my questions, on what basis, without the permission of the parents, the teacher is engaged in church propaganda, she stated that she did not do anything like that, but talked about traditions in Russia. When asked why she talked about the death of Jesus and his resurrection, she said that she did not tell anything like that, but my daughter said that she did. Then the teacher said that she would not make excuses in the presence of the child, and that everything she does was done according to the program. Then I demanded to provide a program that describes the lessons with my child. I was directed to the director and said that the conversation was over. I demanded to remove the icon from the classroom, the teacher answered me that if I didn’t like it, then I could transfer my child to another school. I explained to her that it would be easier for me to transfer the teacher to another school. After that, I went to the methodologist, who did not give the program and sent me to the director.

According to the director's version, based on the need to talk about "Pysanki", the teacher began to talk about the death of Jesus Christ on Mount Golgotha ​​and his resurrection. The fact that the stars are lit with the birth of the gods and on the day of the entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem, you must go to church with willow branches. After that, the children painted the eggs throughout the lesson. The primary school teacher could not substantiate her behavior with anything else, while she was very worried about how she could now tell about ancient Russian wooden buildings without mentioning the Old and New Testaments, if this directly intersects with the "red corner" of the Russian hut. And about the founders of Russian writing, it’s impossible without a church at all.

I was offered to admit that my daughter had a problematic perception of a religious topic and asked how, with such a beginning, I was going to continue to send my child to study at this school, they say I have the only problem perception of their activities in this school for so many years and everything is under me suffering Orthodox parents will not shape their children. And on April 12, the projector broke down at the teacher and she could not show a film about the day of cosmonautics, and instead of it, high school students came and told students of grade 1 A about such a wonderful national holiday, and only my daughter for some reason remembered only Golgotha ​​(no high school students on this day the first-graders didn’t have any and no one told them about Yuri Gagarin).

After listening to all this nonsense, I asked them to copy the program for me and show me places in the program about crucifixion, resurrection, Palm Sunday and other religious propaganda. As an answer, they told me that the teacher was simply answering the questions of Orthodox children. I explained to the director and teacher that they would have to write everything that they told me to write as an answer to my incoming letter with the outgoing number and answer all my questions in it. He answered that teachers discredit themselves in the eyes of students by telling anti-scientific stories with a bad retelling of the Bible, with which parents teach in astronomy, botany, geology, physics, mathematics, music, and other disciplines. And how they are going to continue to educate children with undermined authority - I do not quite understand.

That to show disrespect on April 12 to the builders and residents of the Domodedovo air town is the height of disrespect for the people around them. That, according to Soviet and Russian tradition, April 12 is celebrated as Cosmonautics Day, and according to Russian tradition, “International Day of Aviation and Cosmonautics”, which is an international holiday and this holiday has been approved by the UN. He said that any religious propaganda brings discord to the children's collective in the secular educational institution, and I categorically object to such propaganda in relation to my children. He expressed surprise that teachers do not understand simple things, that having given the most precious thing that I have to school and giving them a credit of trust, I am going to continue to monitor the quality of their work and that the quality does not suit me and the teacher did not justify the credit of trust issued, and now I will more carefully monitor its work.

Such a formulation of the question clearly did not suit them, surprised and upset (as I understood, they were going to do with the children what they were not going to devote their parents to). As a result of the conversation, the principal of the school tried to smooth over the conflict, stating that even though a minister of the nearest church wanders around their school and gives icons to all classes, she will hold a meeting with 12 primary school teachers on the subject that children do not need directly as a teacher. live to tell about God and what they will explain, what he needs to say, they say there is different people who believe in different things and there is one group of people (ROC) who believe in this and that, but their faith is not the only one, and there is everything scientific explanation. But she will not remove the icon from the class, because There are children who really need it.

Like this brief retelling meetings with a fair reduction and the transfer of the main meaning.

In general, I was dissatisfied with the meeting, although I saw these people were frightened about what they had done, apparently they thought that none of the parents would react to their trick. Therefore, I will write a letter with acknowledgment of receipt addressed to the principal of the school demanding that icons and their photographs be removed from the classroom and corridors and protect my child from the influence of their religion. I will publish the letter on my page. Based on the results of the correspondence, the general parent meeting and the reaction to my appeals, I will publish a detailed article in my journal and in the SCEPSYS magazine about how religion is being pushed into educational institutions ...

Anti-Sovietism and Religious Obscurantism in Modern Russia

I propose in this article to reflect together on what we have and what we can expect from the future in Russia. The questions that I propose to answer together will be formulated as if on behalf of a simple layman, not burdened with knowledge from political science, sociology, history, philosophy and other sciences about the state and social formations. These questions will be naive and, at first glance, stupid. But, as you know, there are no stupid questions, but only stupid answers.

Anti-Sovietism as the basis of the project

By historical standards, quite recently we observed the development of the Ukraine project, and now we see the collapse of this country and the tragedy of an entire nation as a natural completion of this pseudo-project. It all happened so quickly… Just some 25 years! But, experts say, time is shrinking and what in previous eras took centuries and millennia is now unfolding and collapsing in decades before our eyes.

This article is written not at all about Ukraine, which interests us only as a source of parallels and analogies of the modern Russia project. Yes, Russia is also a project, which in the socio-political aspect is very reminiscent of Ukraine. What unites these two projects is that both of them were conceived as anti-USSR. Naturally, this explains the caveman anti-Sovietism that we have been observing all these 25 years.

Ukrainian anti-Sovietism was originally intended to justify the emergence of a separate Ukrainian state and quickly transformed into Russophobia, which became the basis for the existence of the already national project "Ukraine". Thus, Russophobia is the basis of the foundations on which Ukraine is based. Without Russophobia, Ukraine turns into just a “piece” of Russia, illegally torn away from it as a result of a separatist act committed by the republican party elite of the Ukrainian SSR in 1991.

Anti-Sovietism, deployed as an ideological doctrine, in the newly formed Russian Federation also served as a rationale for this new project, and at the same time legitimizing the new government, which came “not quite” legally. In that shaky and politically unstable period of 1991-1993, legitimation was needed by the authorities like air. After all, the Soviet government, which came at one time as a result of the revolution, over 70 years of history has gone through all the necessary stages of legitimation. This is the victory in the Civil War, and the Great Victory of 1945, and, in fact, the construction of a perfect new socialist state with the education of a new type of person and the emergence of a new community - the Soviet people. All this turned Soviet power into an absolutely legal power, the legitimacy of which no one in the world doubted, and the Victory in the War turned the USSR into a superpower, "without whose knowledge not a single gun was fired in the world."

There was nothing of this in the newborn project of the "RF", as the new government could not accomplish anything heroic for its authority. Unless to unleash a civil war... But even in the event of a civil war, the victory of the new government did not shine at all. Therefore, it was decided to confine ourselves to the ideological whipping up of anti-Soviet hysteria. Thus, the "Russian Federation" project, like the "brotherly" project "Ukraine", is also based on anti-Sovietism. But anti-Sovietism - that's bad luck - is inevitably a form of Russophobia, which in Russia is becoming a factor tearing society apart. In Ukraine, we note that anti-Sovietism-Russophobia still cements a part of Ukrainian society.

But the years go by and Her Majesty History has turned the young Russian Federation into an internationally recognized state, and no one doubts the legitimacy of its power for a long time. So why is anti-Sovietism still in demand? Why not thrown out as an anachronism in a landfill? Why is the Russian elite so nervous and continues to exploit anti-Sovietism? What is the source of her discomfort? The problem, as we see, is the vitally important for her to consolidate the chosen course and the guaranteed irreversibility of the process of building capitalism in Russia.

Bastard Russian capitalism and its ideology.
Does Russia have a capitalist future?

But even with capitalism, not everything is clear. It is known that the most developed countries of the West, as a result of natural community development came to the social democratic model, which in Soviet times was called "pink socialism". This is France, and Norway, and Finland, and Canada, and other countries. About Sweden, which gave the name of its country to the mentioned model of socialism, it’s completely banal to write ... So, after all, they said: “Swedish socialism”. Why shouldn't the Russian Federation choose the course of building the "correct" socialism? This is just in case for those who claim that socialism in the USSR was supposedly wrong. Indeed, why not follow the example of China, which has subjected its “wrong” Mao Zedong socialism to a profound revision and is now building a new, correct socialism with a diversified economy at the base and the leadership of the Communist Party at the superstructure? By the way, it builds very, very successfully, while the new Russia eats up the remnants of the heritage former USSR, without creating anything new in these quarter of a century.

The questions are, of course, rhetorical. Everyone understands everything very well - liberal capitalism is being built in Russia. The task of the anti-Soviet hysteria is to completely eradicate the socialist consciousness that was formed in the process of evolution of the Russian people in specific geographical, climatic and demographic conditions and finally took shape in the Soviet period of Russian history.

It’s just that it’s not clear where the builders of capitalism in Russia came from, that they will build it and live like in the West? Who told them this? Or did you come up with it yourself? It is well known that capitalism is a world system, at the core of which is the Anglo-Saxon world. The Anglo-Saxons own the world capitalist system. The rest of the world is divided into zones. The nearest zone is the European Union and Japan. The rest is the countries of peripheral capitalism. No matter how you jump, you will not jump above your head. No one will let you into the core of the capsystem, no matter how hard you try to please the USA and Great Britain. And it makes no sense to flirt with the European Union - they are only satellites of the Anglo-American core of the system.

But if, for example, rich oil monarchies can afford a decent standard of living for the small population of their countries, then this does not shine for Russia. If the Anglo-Saxons allowed the industrious Japanese and Koreans to live decently, it was only because they needed these forges of inexpensive and high-quality goods. Neither Japan nor South Korea are competitors to the Anglo-Saxons. By the way, at any moment they can be turned off from the production chain, and then the Japanese economic miracle wept along with the Korean one.

Russia does not suit the Anglo-Saxons for inclusion in their system by any of the parameters. First, Russia is too big. Secondly, an insignificant resource-producing part of the economy is efficient. The rest, by capitalist standards, is absolutely inefficient. Thirdly, Russia cannot, due to cultural characteristics and racial energy, compete on equal terms with the frenetically hardworking Chinese. The Anglo-Saxons simply do not need Russians in this role. In a word, there is nowhere to shove Russia into the world capital system. According to capitalist laws, Russia is an absolutely inefficient asset. Therefore, its role is assigned exclusively as a raw materials appendage of the countries of the capitalist core and the nearest satellites. The population not involved in the resource sector is subject to optimization. That is, reduction. Margaret Thatcher, after all, not out of hatred for Russians stated that living in Russia is economically justified by 15 million people. This is not misanthropy, this is the purely economic capitalist approach of the Anglo-Saxons to any business. One should not be offended, but one should think about why, for example, in the USSR in the national economic complex there was a catastrophic shortage of workers and engineering and technical workers, and in capitalist Russia there was unemployment? Why did the country develop and deteriorate during the Soviet period, and now it shrinks, dries up and shrinks? Supporters of the liberal-capitalist model will object that, they say, under socialism they worked inefficiently and, therefore, a lot of labor was required. And under capitalism, they say, they manage with a smaller number of workers. Yes, there is some truth in this. But the Lie is hidden in the fact that the task of socialism was to involve the maximum number of citizens in the creative process so that they all provide for themselves with their work, and the results of their work work for the development of the country. Capitalism has no such goals. He understands only the language of profit. Capital is only interested in maximizing this profit. Russia does not meet the criteria of capitalist profit maximization. According to these criteria, Russia is ineffective in principle, and, therefore, it should not exist at all. So let's answer ourselves, is capitalism suitable for Russia?

Anti-Sovietism of the President and the "swinishness" of the new elite

As we answer some questions, new ones arise.

Why, for example, a quarter of a century after perestroika, anti-Stalinism is being escalated with increasing intensity? What about Stalin? Even the oldest citizens no longer remember him! Why does the President, with or without reason, try to kick the Soviet past? Either Lenin will be remembered “in vanity”, then Stalin, then repressions, then the Soviet system? To whom is he sending these messages? Who wants to please and please? In any case, not to Russian citizens who gave the best years of their lives to building Soviet state and, by the way, a just socialist system. Why does the President not consider the feelings of the Russians? After all, even the religious feelings of believers are protected by law, and now for the words "there is no God" you can go to jail! And this is in a civilized country in the 21st century! Why are the feelings of those who believe in mythical characters protected by law, while the feelings of real citizens who actually built a real state are not only not protected, but, in violation of the simple rules of tact, ethics and political correctness, are spat upon and ridiculed?! By the way, the President heads the legal successor of this real state - Russia, and the new bourgeois elite owns industrial assets that were selflessly created by several generations of these very real Soviet citizens. What kind of swine is this?

The question sounds rhetorical again and again, since everything is obvious: anti-Sovietism is necessary for the elite in order to justify its existence and secure the right to property stolen from the people.

And it would be fine if they stole it, but they would multiply it and use it for the good of the country and people. Yes, indeed, no! Contrary to Article 7 of the Constitution, which states that Russia is a social state, this social state is being dismantled before our eyes. As, however, contrary to Article 14 of the Constitution that Russia - secular state, religious obscurantism is being revived at the state level! Just think, in the 21st century in a secular state for supposedly disrespect for religious feelings is a criminal article! What is this, if not a return to the dark Middle Ages?

Religious obscurantism as another ideological setting

Yes, those girls who danced in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior are narrow-minded and unpleasant characters ... But, let's think for a moment, in a civilized country, for a stupid but harmless joke, criminal articles are incriminated and they are given a prison term! For what? What is their crime? The Cathedral of Christ the Savior, like any other church building, is a private area owned by a private public organization like, say, the Auchan or Metro hypermarket. The Russian Orthodox Church is a private company and citizens are not obliged to honor its internal rules of conduct and share ideas about ethics, which are not universally recognized and generally accepted by everyone. In addition to the religious aspect described above, another unpleasant aspect looms in the background. This is the mention by these girls in their song of the name of the President. As a result, the criminal prosecution of these stupid girls smacks of elements of political persecution. Obviously, this provocation was conceived as such. Conceived with a double subtext, exposing the President in an unattractive light, and Russia - in the form of a state in which such medieval savages are happening. Of course, this is a provocation to which the head of state succumbed so much. ... Or he was "set up" by the environment. But everything would be fine if the criminal prosecution of the mentioned characters was not accompanied by propaganda hysteria. The tone, shamefully, was set again by the President, who in a TV interview hinted that, for example, in a Muslim mosque, these girls would simply be torn to pieces. Let's think about what the President is indirectly calling for! And in this context it sounded like a call! I remember that in one European country, someone also justified the imprisonment of unwanted people in concentration camps by saying that otherwise an angry people would subject them to lynching. Conclusion in a concentration camp, they say, allows the wrong citizens to avoid the just people's wrath.

Yes, the association looks too extreme and, fortunately, we live in modern democratic Russia. But how to explain such presidential blunders? Why do they follow one after the other?

In this regard, the question arises, how to make sure that our Presidents, whose cultural and educational level is sometimes so low, do not speak out on such painful, divisive and already divided society topics?

The answer to the above question is simple: Russia needs a new ideology to unite and guide us all.

What ideology do we need?

In the Soviet project, despite the degeneration of the party-Soviet elite, which curtailed this project and offered nothing new to Soviet society, there was a higher goal. The Soviet project had an idea and a super-task. The successes of the USSR in the first five-year plans, the Great Victory of 1945, the primacy in space exploration and the peaceful atom are evidence of the mastery of the masses of the idea that was proposed to the people by the Soviet government and successfully carried out by the national leader Stalin. It was a truly great project that advanced Russia and the Russian people to the most advanced frontiers of historical development. But everything exhausts itself sooner or later, and new ideas and projects are required at each new frontier.

The pitiful attempts of the current government to pick up at least some kind of ideology, either flirting with religion, or declaring the goal of the state to support entrepreneurship, or declaring patriotism as an ideology, do not have a response among the people and do not seize the masses.

Religion, for example, cannot be an ideology. And the point is not that the times of religions have passed, but that religion does not set goals for the state and society, does not interpret the ideas of the existence of the state. Religion does not explain to us why Russia exists, why the people must endure their power and their sometimes unjust state. …Finally, religion does not indicate the path that our people will take in the future.

Moses led his people for 40 years through the wilderness in search of the promised land. He referred to the supreme authority of God, who, as the legend says, promised the Jewish people happiness in the new land. And where are the Russian people being led by their elite, the President with the State Duma and United Russia? Why all these costs that the people must endure in the process of finding a goal? Why this operation in Syria, why all these Kalibr missiles, S-400, S-500 systems and nuclear submarines, if Russia is torn apart from the inside and is about to be blown up?

Returning to the question of religion as an ideology, it should be stated that religion is focused on a relatively small percentage of the believing population. For the rest, it either does not exist, or is an element of folklore and no more. And what about Muslims or atheists, with whom Russian society is fairly diluted? In a word, religion is not suitable and does not draw on ideology. Rather, it is a dividing and sowing social institution. By the way, the new leadership of the ROC does not particularly hide their corporate interests and political views, adopting sharply anti-Soviet rhetoric in their preaching activities. There are rumors that Archimandrite Tikhon (Shevkunov), known for his vicious anti-Sovietism, is allegedly the President's confessor. What does this confessor whisper to his spiritual child during their spiritual conversations? It remains to be guessed what, in part, explains the anti-Soviet verbal blunders of our President.

However, the main disadvantage of Orthodoxy as an ideology is not only that religion has no future and attempts to revive it are an empty and harmful undertaking. Orthodoxy, like any other religion, is a medieval feudal institution, unable to respond to the modern challenges that hyperindustrialism and globalism pose to humanity. What can Orthodoxy give us under these conditions? Complex social formations require deep scientific and moral understanding. The moral component this stage no less important than at the stage of transition, for example, from feudalism to capitalism. But morality has long been desacralized and the reference to the highest authority in the face of the mythical God simply does not work. Humanism has long been divorced from religion and exists independently. Why do we need medieval Orthodoxy and the church organization of the Russian Orthodox Church? Let's leave them for weak people who find it difficult to live without it, especially since they are still not capable of intellectual understanding of the challenges that humanity faces at the current stage of development.

Russia needs an ideology that unites society, rallying it around its elite, setting higher goals for the people and the state, revealing super-tasks. And so that we don’t hear more presidential blunders and don’t watch television series with permanent anti-Soviet overtones on television, the new ideology must proclaim unity Russian history and equal value for society of all its stages, including the most outstanding and heroic period of Russian history - the Soviet one. Anti-Sovietism and Russophobia should be tabooed. Otherwise, we will disintegrate as a society and we have no future.

Does the Russian Orthodox Church have a moral right
for mentorship in public affairs?

The idea of ​​this article is not at all to stigmatize religion and Orthodoxy. But since we have touched on the topic of ideology, the Russian Orthodox Church, which strives so stubbornly at all times to occupy an ideological niche, will receive here in full. Let me remind you of the fateful role of the ROC, due to which Russia found itself on the outskirts of European civilization and stuck between the world cultures of East and West, and the Russian people never realized themselves as a European nation.

It is foolish to condemn only Prince Vladimir, who converted to Orthodoxy, in the fallacy of the civilizational choice. Everyone makes mistakes, especially statesmen who stand at the crossroads of historical development. Let us leave to the children the parable of Nestor the Chronicler in the retelling of the historian N. Karamzin, who picturesquely described the casting organized by Vladimir for representatives of the Abrahamic religions. Let's try to reproduce the political logic of the prince, who was faced with the most difficult and urgent task of uniting the Russian principalities under a single crown and at the same time maintaining sovereignty in the face of political pressure and inclinations from the already fairly established Europe. Prince Vladimir, just like Vladimir the President, needed an ideology. In those distant times, any power that claims to be on a national scale was faced with the need to justify its legitimacy. But only religion and the organization that personified it were able to provide such legitimacy. Monotheistic Christianity, in an actual way, reflected the formula "one God in Heaven, one monarch on Earth", which is so necessary for uniting Russian lands under a single authority. The choice of the prince in favor of the Byzantine Christian rite, of course, is ridiculous to justify, according to Karamzin, his naive charm with the eloquence of missionaries from Orthodox Byzantium and the delight of Vladimir's ambassadors with the splendor and luxury of Constantinople churches - let's leave this to the children. But the desire to preserve sovereignty from an overly active Europe and the Pope of Rome looks quite rational and politically wise. Thus, it is not fair to explain the tragedy of the future centuries-old backwardness of Rus' and future Russia in isolation from enlightened Europe by the political short-sightedness of the prince. Patriarch Kirill, for example, honestly and frankly comments on the attacks on the ROC by the critical public. He justifies Vladimir by the fact that in those distant times Europe was not at all enlightened and prosperous, while Byzantium was fragrant and was clearly a more attractive model for borrowing a socio-political system. It was later that Byzantium degraded and collapsed, and the Age of Enlightenment and rapid cultural development began in Europe, which, indeed, was not obvious in the era of Prince Vladimir.

And yet, in the history of Rus', there were chances to smoothly merge into European civilization and unite the Russian people of European origin with the family of other peoples of Europe. One of them was the choice of Prince Alexander Nevsky, when Rus' could unite with Europe against the Horde and thereby prevent almost 300 years of the Mongol-Tatar yoke. But Prince Alexander Nevsky, urged on by the Orthodox clergy, made an insane choice in favor of the barbarian Horde, rejecting the hand extended by Europe in the person of the Pope, hated by the Orthodox church elite. Rus' for centuries plunged into dark times and into slavish dependence on the wild and barbaric steppe "suzerain". The Russian Orthodox Church, pursuing its narrow corporate interests in the form of economic and political benefits, established cooperation with the Horde and reoriented Rus' towards its barbaric eastern neighbor. As a result of this choice, Rus' and future Russia 700 years behind its European neighbors. The first universities, founded in Europe as early as the 11th century, appeared in Russia only in the 18th century. Culture, science and industry were postponed respectively until the 19th century, having received a full-blooded development only in the Soviet period of the 20th century.

But the harm done by the Russian Orthodox Church lies not only in the fact that it tore the Russian people away from the European peoples, interrupting this natural connection and causing the country to lag behind in science and culture. The main thing, perhaps, is that the Orthodox Church itself, being a dense barbaric offshoot of Christianity, not only did not take part in the development of sciences, patronizing them like its Roman Catholic sister, but with its obscurantism oppressed even those scientific thoughts that timidly originated in Russia. Up to late XIX century, the Russian Orthodox Church continued to persecute scientists, allowing itself completely wild antics. By the way, Alexander Nevzorov talks about this in detail in his educational cycle "Lessons of Atheism" - see on the Internet.

So let's answer ourselves, can this most harmful medieval barbarian organization of the Russian Orthodox Church become our spiritual mentor and sanctify the path to new frontiers of historical development for us?

Let's not pretend from false political correctness that all this just happens and the people choose their own spiritual guide. Orthodoxy, as an ideology, is persistently introduced into the life of Russians and the activities of the state are completely artificial. Under the presidential patronage, the ROC launched its greedy tentacles into all spheres of social life: school, university, army, etc. From the state budget, that is, from the taxpayer's funds, the ROC is actively subsidized. With these funds, countless churches of the so-called walking distance are being built, museum real estate is transferred, which never belonged to the Russian Orthodox Church, since until 1917 it was state property. What are the impudent attempts of the ROC to get St. Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg, which also never belonged to the ROC and it never had anything to do with its construction. Why should the invaluable cultural heritage of the people be transferred to a private firm of the Russian Orthodox Church. I repeat, the ROC is a private commercial company, which, by the way, is exempt from taxes for unknown reasons. Giant financial resources in the form of "black cash" are turned around in this company, but there are no taxes!

Let us not blush ashamed of the obvious circumstance that the Orthodox religion is planted in Russia artificially and purposefully. Its role is to form an ignorant, and therefore helpless and submissive mass of slaves who can be exploited indefinitely in the obviously inefficient capitalist economy of Russia. Well, the more intensively you need to exploit!

A small digression into a delicate topic

The claims of the ROC for a role in the revival of morality and spirituality actualize the question, is this organization itself moral? For ethical reasons and political correctness, the history of the collaborationism of the Russian Orthodox Church with the Nazis during the Second World War is stubbornly hushed up. The cooperation of the Russian Orthodox Church with the German invaders in the occupied territories of the USSR is well known. But the most unpleasant discovery is the history of relations between the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia (ROCOR), with which such a solemn reunification of the ROC recently took place, and the Nazi command of Nazi Germany - read "Metropolitan Anastassy A. Hitler's Letter of Gratitude to June 12, 1938." Driven by its corporate interests, at a time when the entire civilized world, putting aside political differences, united against Nazi Germany, the Russian Orthodox Church (ROCOR) blessed this fascist regime - see materials on the Internet.

But the Russian Orthodox Church was not going to appreciate and respond in kind to the generosity and political correctness in its address on the part of the Soviet authorities. Having suffered their combat losses in the Civil War, in which the Russian Orthodox Church took a side hostile to the people's Red Army and the people's Soviet power, the Orthodox clergy harbored a sense of revenge for a long time. And now, after the treacherous defeat of the USSR in the Cold War, the leadership of the Russian Orthodox Church with pleasure rushed to tear and mix the hated Soviet power with mud. In satisfying the feeling of revenge, the Russian Orthodox Church still will not stop. Orthodox leaders still curse the Soviet system, not "complexing" before the fact that the moral image of Soviet society was not commensurately higher than the new Russian society, spiritually led by the Russian Orthodox Church. The Orthodox clergy do not care about the spirituality and moral character of society, they are only concerned about business! Business and only business on stupid and weak people dispossessed as a result of the collapse of the state. The impudent swine faces of the Orthodox priests "neigh" from the TV screens and revel in their power over the stupid flock.

So maybe Russia needs European integration?

Criticizing history is counterproductive. Modern Russia is a completed product of the historical process and the subjunctive mood in the analysis of the current situation is not appropriate. The times of religions have passed and the Christian Church has not played any significant role in the life of societies and states of European civilization for a long time. Attempts to revive Orthodoxy in Russia are an empty undertaking, only squandering the resources necessary for investing in the development of Russia. Who will need all these temples within walking distance, which grow like mushrooms, if religion has no future. As soon as the authorities curtail this project and stop forcibly promoting and financing it, all new temple buildings will be abandoned and, at best, clubs will be arranged in them, and at worst, they will be demolished as unnecessary.

Introduction to Western Christian Churches Protestant and Catholic rites, as well as the European integration of Russia, will also not change anything. Europe can no longer be healed, and Russia cannot be made more cultured. Europe and Russia are complete civilizations. And the achievements of culture and science have long ceased to be the monopoly of Europe, being the heritage of mankind, which we only need to put into practice. This requires political will, which is so incompetently and senselessly used in attempts to revive religiosity in Russia. Against this background, literature, art, theatre, the unique Russian ballet and cinema, which were so highly developed in the Soviet period, are degrading. And the problem again rests on the absence of a creative state ideology, without which the state is not able to formulate a state order for cultural products. Under these conditions, culture will not be revived. Boiling in its own juice, culture can only decompose, showing us cheap commercial "pop", ugly creations in the form of stupid television series or installations of the so-called gallery owners. But the Russian society so needs not a false religious spirituality, but a creative and developing secular spirituality!

With regard to European integration, which is advocated by liberal-minded figures, we should clearly define what we actually need in the European experience and whether it is possible to join it by integrating into European structures. Integration into the bureaucratic structures of the European Union, as the Baltic republics did or Ukraine is trying to "break through", of course, will not bring us anything. We need to build Europe under our feet. What exactly is Europe? Ukrainian society, for example, fascinated by the European standard of living and achievements, is unable to understand what the European phenomenon is. The official anti-Sovietism is to blame for this, confusing Ukrainians, who feel the natural need for modern society for a fair social structure of the state. Europe is, first of all, a social-democratic (socialist) social system. The speculations of stupid, leavened Orthodox patriots about the alleged moral decay of European post-Christian societies are already confusing Russian society. Meanwhile, European socialism represents the highest moral state of society, which implies social justice, equality and social protection of the population, limits the exploitation of man by man, implies the protection of natural rights and freedoms, respect for human life, health and dignity. Yes, sometimes, it takes on somewhat perverted forms in the form of inadequate promotion of the interests of homosexuals. But this does not indicate a disease of society. Perhaps this is a neophyte overlap that accompanies the current state of Europeans. We need to build European socialism in Russia and popularize it in our confused society!

Patriotism as an ideology

Another initiative of the President, after a not entirely successful attempt at a new planting of Orthodoxy, was the announcement of patriotism as a state ideology. Well, what can I say? Yes, there is nothing special ... Patriotism is not an ideology. It manifests itself, rather, as a result of the people's awareness of the leading and unifying idea. Patriotism embraces the masses only when an idea seizes them. Soviet patriotism at one time was not put forward as an ideology, it manifested itself as a result of the Soviet people's awareness of their participation in the construction of a new just state, when all strata of society, without exception, were involved in the process, which in the pre-revolutionary Russian Empire were superfluous people, forced to win their place every day under the sun. Everyone was called to build a new type of socialist state. Each pair of working hands, the knowledge of each engineer or doctor were valued, and the acquisition of knowledge became a cult.

Nothing else can explain the patriotic impulse of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War, as a result of which they won a blinding victory. And the call "for the Motherland, for Stalin!" was not a propaganda fiction, but really existed.

Unfortunately, in the First World War, the Russian people did not show similar patriotism, and ordinary Orthodox peasants deserted en masse from the front. The people simply did not understand why and for whom they were fighting, and this peasant did not see the point in shedding blood for incomprehensible whose interests and defending a state that does not protect the social interests of the peasant. The Orthodox ideology did not help either, which ended with the priests being thrown from the church bell towers by these same baptized and regularly taking communion Orthodox peasants. After all, it was not Trotsky and Lenin who personally threw the priests from the bell towers - they did not even call for these senseless actions, as the current supporters of the "Orthodox idyll" claim.

Sense of justice

Sometimes one has to hear demagogic rantings that justice does not exist at all, that each person has his own understanding of justice. They say that justice for ordinary hard workers is to work as little as possible and get as much as possible. For the entrepreneur, justice consists in not paying taxes, but in squeezing as much as possible out of the employee, paying as little as possible. In a word, different examples are given, but all of them are just examples of injustice, and reasoning is pure demagoguery. The sense of justice exists objectively and is not only a social phenomenon, but also inherent in human nature. And, perhaps, not only in humans, but also in more or less reasonable our smaller brothers. Try, for example, to punish a dog for not committing a violation of the order to which you have accustomed this animal. I think that at best she will be offended for a long time by an unfair owner. I know what I'm talking about - there was an example in my life when cynologists advised me to bring up a dog of the Doberman Pinscher breed in strictness. I was young, immature and I liked to demonstrate my power over the animal. The dog, indeed, got used to the order and became very disciplined. “Breaking the order”, as a rule, she came with a confession herself, bowing her head and demonstrating her remorse with her whole appearance. Once I got carried away and, without understanding, beat the dog. Not so cruelly - rather for psychological suppression ... But what was the reaction - my Dober pounced on me and bit my hands, which I had to fight back, to deep wounds. After this incident, I thought a lot and changed my attitude towards my dog ​​and animals in general. Now, of course, I advise everyone to educate animals only with affection and love, not forgetting about justice. After all, animals understand everything and they also have a sense of justice!


So, what does Russia need for progressive development and survival in the 21st century in the face of fierce competition in the geopolitical arena?


We are offered religion. But religion is yesterday's "ideology" turned to the past. religion

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