What are the twins' favorite numbers. Gemini lucky number

Gemini astrological symbol: brothers holding hands.
Planet ruling Gemini: Mercury (protects travel, communication and exacerbates irritability towards other people).
Element Gemini: air.
Auspicious Colors for Gemini: all shades from light yellow to orange, blue.
Stones that suit Gemini as talismans: agate (protects against falsehood and promotes eloquence), emerald, jasper, garnet, sapphire, tiger's eye.
Gemini Plants: narcissus, jasmine, poppy.
Auspicious Gemini Metals: silver and gold.
Sign Talisman: snake.
Auspicious days of the week for Gemini: Sunday and Wednesday.
bad day: Thursday.
Gemini lucky numbers: 3, 5, 12.

Gemini (according to astrologers) is the most curious and unpredictable sign of the zodiac. They easily get along with different people. They differ in a large number of superficial acquaintances. New knowledge is given to them without much difficulty, they can acquire it until old age.

They find their place in the field of trade. They have a broad outlook, extensive connections, constantly find practical application for many achievements of science. They treat everything very easily, all their decisions are spontaneous. Decision making is strongly influenced by the atmosphere and their surroundings. Often they can spontaneously change their point of view. But overall it's very, which of any life situation may benefit.

This sign of the zodiac has its own peculiarity: no matter what they undertake, and no matter what they do, they will always be right, well, at least in words, for sure. Juggling with words often prevents Gemini from building a serious relationship. After all, few people want to feel circled around their fingers in a homely atmosphere.

Close relationships are much more difficult for Gemini to build than. Behind the fast flow of words, they often forget to say the most important thing. If there is no depth and mutual understanding in their relationship, Gemini will compensate for this with new acquaintances. These people do not like obligations, they need to feel freedom.

Love Compatibility Horoscope for Gemini

With Aries, Gemini can build a successful and lasting alliance. They can be not only useful and interesting interlocutors, but also true friends. Gemini inspire Aries to new feats.

With Taurus, there can be a complex and controversial alliance. The inconstancy and changeability of Gemini is very annoying, and Gemini is scared off by the excessive conservatism of Taurus and his stubbornness.

Communication with Gemini brings a lot of interesting and useful things. These people live in the same dimension and understand each other at a glance. Such an alliance is possible only if they have a new influx of information and common entertainment. The main thing in such an alliance is to give free rein to the partner and not to teach him about life.

For Cancer, Gemini always remains an unsolved mystery. They are united by inconsistency and dispersion in life. Marriage will be strong if Cancer does not limit the freedom of Gemini.

With Leo, Gemini has a very successful and stable union, in it, and life's joys. The only problem is satiety with each other, but if you forgive each other, then they will live happily and joyfully.

With Virgo, the union is not very useful from the emotional side, everyone will look for a soul mate on the side. To maintain a marriage, it must have more intellectual novelties and joint travel. Destructive for such a couple is life.

For Gemini, Libra is a lucky find. Libra will equip the house in such a way that Gemini will constantly reach for it. The reason for the quarrels may be the excessive importunity of Gemini and the loss of a sense of proportion. Libra can support and channel the romantic impulses of Gemini.

Marriage with Scorpio is a whirlpool of experiences, passions and disappointments. Gemini will constantly lack freedom, and Scorpio will not be able to find reliable support in his partner.

Relations with Sagittarius can be either mutually beneficial or very strained. People of these signs are drawn to each other. They are united by a thirst for knowledge, erotic fantasies and imagination.

With Capricorn, Gemini wants to know all the joys family life, and Capricorn seeks to direct the frivolous Gemini on the right path. This is a very complex union and rarely exists for a long time.

The twins like it, they are drawn to him and see him as a brilliant intellectual. They always have something to talk about, but this marriage is based on platonic feelings rather than physical ones.

Pisces loves being around Gemini. This marriage is like a game of hide and seek. In order to improve mutual understanding with Pisces, you need to give the opportunity to show maternal feelings.

Horoscope for Gemini for 2015 of the Blue Wooden Sheep

For Gemini, this year will be twofold: the first half is rich and energetic, the second is homely and calm. There will be an opportunity to show their best qualities (energy, sociability and mobility). Motorists will be able to purchase a good "iron horse" that will help in the work. In the second half of the year, a stork may come to visit. New people will appear in the environment that will change fate.

It will be easier for the twins if they begin to consult with others more often on lotteries. In 2019, players born under this sign can often have an internal conflict between prudence and recklessness. Therefore, the voice of a third party does not interfere at all. In general, the lottery fortune is now favorable to Gemini. Preferred systems: draw tickets with two options and online lotto. So, lottery horoscope Gemini 2019: briefly about the main thing.

But what can prevent you from winning is skepticism. If in doubt about success, it is better to skip the draw - in this case there will be no profit anyway. However, most Geminis are helped to tune in to a positive mood by meditation and prayer.. So, just in case - secret knowledge will help.

Lottery horoscope Gemini 2019: lucky numbers

Every month, fate prepares gifts for Gemini on the 3rd, 11th and 28th. In addition, an increased degree of luck will be observed on Wednesdays for numerical lotteries, and on Fridays for instant ones. Combination numbers: 5, 14, 23, 32 and 41.

Lunar calendar for all zodiac signs for 2019

How to use the calendar:

Dates marked lilac color- good days for buying a lottery ticket;

Dates marked yellow - it is not recommended to play;

Dates marked semi-yellow– the days are neutral, you should not expect big wins.

Compatibility horoscope: the lucky number of the zodiac sign Gemini is the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

It is believed that lucky numbers for Gemini are three and four. They have very strong astrological fluctuations for representatives of this sign and often bring success and good luck. There is also a very favorable influence on the future plans of this sign, as well as on their daily lives.

Gemini lucky numbers

3 and 4 - these numbers can make her more positive and happy. But this is only if a person knows about it and constantly tries to use the magic of numbers.

Although, it should be noted that the Gemini very rarely rely on it. They achieve success in their lives only with the help of perseverance in work, as well as their perseverance. Often there are obstacles and problems on their way.

Although Gemini tries to choose the easiest ways to solve them. Often, many admire the representatives of this zodiac sign. So many people know that lucky numbers for Gemini exist and can be used to make life a little easier.

Many experts believe that Wednesday is the lucky day for Gemini. It is at this time, according to astrologers, that you should start those things that you consider the most important. On this truly happy day, you will be on top.

All your plans will be obtained without much effort. Many Gemini on this day begin building a house or major repairs in an apartment. After all, if you initially know that on this day luck comes to Gemini, then this can be deposited on a subconscious level. In this case, your actions will be more confident and coordinated.

Silver and gray colors can also bring good luck to Gemini. This should be taken into account by representatives of this sign if they want to decorate their interior or buy new things for their wardrobe.

Often only this color can bring good luck to those people who were born under the Gemini zodiac sign. However, in no case do not overdo it with this color scheme. After all, everything should be in moderation. Otherwise, this color scheme will begin to irritate you over time and stop bringing good luck.

In this case, she simply begins to be repelled by a person at a subconscious level. This is unacceptable, because after a while it will be very difficult to convince yourself that the silver and gray colors will bring you good luck.

How to find out your lucky number

Not only the name and surname of a person, the date of his birth, the sign of the zodiac, but also the number determine his future fate. In fact, each person has his own number, which primarily reveals his character. At the same time, it will be considered happy for him.

There are different versions of how to find your lucky number from the set. No, this is not just a birthday number or a year, now we will look at the most popular technique for determining "one's" number.

So, for this you need to add up the numbers corresponding to the letters (they will be given later) of your full name and surname until you get a single digit. Here is a comparison of letters and numbers: A-2, B-2, C-6, D-3, E-5, F-2, Z-7, I-1, Y-1, K-2, L-2, M-2, N-5, O-7, P-8, R-2, S-3, T-4, U-6, F-8, X-5, C-3, Ch-7, Sh- 2, W-9, Y-1, L-1, E-6, Yu-7, Z-2.

For example, let's take the name of a non-existent person: Anastasia Tolmash.

ANASTASIA = 1+5+1+3+4+1+3+1+2= 21

TOLMASH = 4+7+2+2+1+2 = 18

21+18 = 39 = 3+9 = 12 = 1+2 = 3

As we see, numerical value named after Anastasia Tolmash is the number 3. Next, we look for this number in the list of character types.

Lucky numbers and planets

Number 1 is the Sun. The beginning of all living things, the whole universe relies on it. If you belong to this number, then the main setting will be not to become isolated in yourself.

Number 2 - Moon. These people are especially open. They rarely take risks, as they have unsurpassed intuition, which helps to get around all adverse situations.

Number 3 - Jupiter. Jupiter people are optimists, they are positive about everything and everyone. They are sociable, maintaining close relationships with people they like. For happiness and harmony, they are like a magnet.

Number 4 - Uranus. These people are stubborn and wayward, they do not want to live by generally accepted rules and pave their own way everywhere. Often they are popular and loved, but there is no thriftiness in them at all.

Number 5 - Mercury. This planet endows a quirky, lively mind. They show initiative in everything, but quickly lose heart due to failures. Since this planet displays the zodiac sign Gemini numbers and are in special harmony. That is, if you are a Gemini and your numerical value of the name = 5, then you are incredibly lucky!

Number 6 - Venus. All people of this type, without exception, are loved. What else is needed for happiness?

Number 7 - Neptune. They are characterized by philosophical thinking, or religiosity. These are highly sensitive and subtle natures.

Number 8 - Saturn. These people often do not understand why they suffer. You can always rely on them.

Number 9 - Mars. They are real conquerors. They have strong will and courage. If they purposefully apply their efforts, they will conquer grandiose peaks.

Ruling planet: Mercury.

Symbols: Gemini, hand, star.

Colors: sunny orange, pale yellow, blue-gray, violet.

Stones: emerald, sapphire, agate, chrysoprase, jasper, garnet, rock crystal, beryl.

Flowers: daisies, poppies, buttercups, jasmine, narcissus.

Metal: gold, silver, amalgam.

Happy Days - Wednesday, Sunday.

Countries: England, Armenia, Canada, USA, Egypt, Belgium.

Sign Twins represented by mobile, living twins, the legendary sons of Jupiter and Leva, and, of course, people of this captivating, mysterious sign confuse everyone, including astrologers, with their wavering, fickle personality. What kind of joke did Mother Nature play? What is he doing Gemini similar, and the next moment completely different from each other? Perhaps only an astrological explanation of their ruling planet Mercury and its influence will help to partially explain their duality, their "virtuoso" mobility, a wide range of traits of their character.

Mercury, "the winged messenger of God", governs even our mental process. Therefore, Gemini, directly ruled by Mercury, are intellectual, often surpassing other people in this area.

Twins- people of mood, in a bad mood they often commit stupid, unreasonable acts, which they later regret.

Diversity - the main characteristic of Gemini. They are extremely versatile, but they must learn to focus on one thing and not scatter their strength. Mercury plants a model of curiosity in the Gemini brain, which forces them to analyze everything, split it, put it back together, and then move on to the next task.

Perhaps no sign attaches such importance to the impressions of youth, which have an impact on the whole future life of Gemini.

Witty and resourceful exposed to circumstances, young Twins– keepers of ethics. If correct moral concepts are laid in them from childhood, they will develop and strengthen them, turning into philosophers of productivity and satisfaction. But if in their youth there were no correct moral attitudes, Gemini will rebel against conventions, they will tear the family ties that bind them, they will deny authority and society.

Some Twins conscious of their mental powers, they become self-satisfied and prim, assume an attitude of superiority and begin to indulge their desires, which basically ends in intellectual exhaustion and fatigue.

Positive features with which Mercury endowed Gemini with versatility, lightness, courtesy, tact, diplomacy, understanding, intuition and insight. These are commendable qualities and it is the duty of Gemini to use them correctly to achieve high goals.

There is a certain coolness in the nature of the Gemini, which is often taken for high feelings by the Gemini themselves and other people. But they are far from being as emotional as one might think, since a quick change in their moods is a deceptive depth of feelings.

Geminis are good at adapting to change. They are democratic in their views, they love to travel and find satisfaction in professions that involve versatility. This is a cheerful, thirsty sign. This is also the classic type of "split" personality.

Mercury- the planet closest to the Sun. It also revolves around the Sun faster than other planets. One of its sides is constantly facing the Sun and constantly withstands high temperatures, while the other side does not see the Sun and keeps the temperature below zero. These extremes of heat and cold demonstrate the fluid and ambivalent sexual behavior of Gemini.

Among the negative types Gemini we meet the experimenters, the satire (among men), the nymphomaniac (among women), the exhibitionist, the fetishist, the homosexual, and the pervert. Among the positive types are a man who has taken a vow of celibacy, a selfless artist, an athlete, a scientist, a highly moral person. In general, the passions of Gemini are so connected with their mental processes that it is their mood, boredom or interest, that stimulates sexual relations. Here we find an eccentric who at one time denies all social conventions and joins a group of hippies and their communal life, and then denies this bohemian life. If astrologers were allowed to give some other symbol to this sign, they would call a chameleon that changes skin color for masking, protection.

Liberated Twin will try any kind of sexual intercourse, at least once. Nothing shocks a Gemini. Since Mercury rules writing, Gemini often keep a diary of their sexual victories, writing down the various strengths and weaknesses of their partners.

Twins not too aggressive and will gladly come second in all areas, including sex.

Twins most cleverly operate with non-sexual maneuvers. This is the sign that gives the world people who do big things, write scripts for Hollywood and television, agents - and all for a fee.

In fact, Twins cold sign. People of this sign always trying to analyze the thoughts, words, actions and reactions of other people. Twins are living question marks, turning their skills into profit and a means of moving forward. This sign produces more bigamists (bigamous women) than all other signs combined. Geminis are impulsive, love travel and change. When they decide to break family ties, they no longer have the patience to wait until all divorce procedures are completed. Their decision- just disappear. Gemini often develop the art of always keeping the "ideal of the moment." They rarely refuse to teach: if something is acceptable to them, then it cannot be wrong.

So how are u Gemini very sensitive nervous system, they love touching. Do I need to say here that Gemini is fickle in love. They often want to curb themselves, but cannot miss chance to experience something interesting.

People of other signs can act in an easier way, more gracefully, but no one can act more successfully than Gemini. With a sharp mind, they are able to see both sides of each object, which is a great advantage for the implementation of their aspirations.

At Gemini has an excellent memory. They make excellent writers, editors, publicists, printers and merchants. Mercury also patronizes teachers, accountants and translators. Men Those born under this sign make excellent lawyers, bankers, diplomats and public speakers. Gemini women become good housewives, try to keep abreast of all topics that can to interest their guests. They have a lot of modern appliances in the kitchen. time-saving tools to prepare delicious treats for your guests.

Gemini such feelings as disorganization, lack of focus, dissipation of energy, separation of interests, inability to complete the task must be eradicated.

Twins prone to mental exhaustion, so they must give themselves rest, although their brain craves to work around the clock. Gemini must fight against negativity. Possible Solution to Overcome Duality Gemini – develop two kinds of work at the same time, but at the same time give greater value one.

Gemini should make an effort to become more compassionate towards their friends, loved ones and family. Slowness annoys Gemini, but they must be aware that few are as quick and agile as the children of Mercury. They must develop patience. Gemini must remember moderation in everything.

Twins, as a rule, are rarely skilled in the economy of love before the age of 30. They always have enough time to devote themselves to money matters and thus be content with the joys that they can bring.

First of all, it must be said that, thanks to the high susceptibility Gemini and the influence of circumstances, they are able to get along with all twelve signs, and, of course, many manage to visit all 12 astrological bedrooms.

But in general up to 29.5 years the best partners Gemini should be sought among the signs of Libra and Aquarius. All three air signs, and until the age of 29.5 they act with ease, are quite liberal, fickle and superficial.

After 29.5 years Twins begin to mature (albeit more slowly than other signs) to know their true character, which gradually becomes less restless. Then they often find compatibility with the signs of Taurus and Aries. Taurus offers them stability and companionship, Aries - excitement and a good model of "I".

After 41.5 years Twins should already be fully developed (slower than other signs) and acquire the highest intellectual powers and self-control. This time they may be compatible with Sagittarius, a mental sign.

In youth - "bad", the exception is people of those signs who have many planets in four permanent signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius. They stabilize Gemini's indecisiveness. AT matrimony "medium". The twins are real, chronic coquettes. In other words, Gemini is fascinated by the unattainable. They are most inclined to fidelity after 40 years, when, having gained experience and tired, they are ready to describe their adventures, they want someone to wait for them in the evening.

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lucky number of the zodiac sign Gemini

lucky days- Wednesday and Sunday.

bad days- Thursday.

Season- autumn.

good places- schools, fairs, stock exchanges, meadows, fields, copses.

Color spectrum- light yellow, purple, gray-blue, orange. Green is bad.

stones- golden topaz, garnet, rock crystal, agate, jasper, beryl.

Metal- gold, silver amalgam.

Flowers- jasmine, narcissus, daisies, poppies, buttercups.

Symbols- twins, mask, hand.

Lucky Numbers in the Lottery- 5, 10, 15 and their combinations 51015.

Lucky stones: agate, amazonite, rock crystal, moonstone, malachite, jade, obsidian, rhodonite, quartz, sapphirine, carnelian, tiger's eye.

Important years: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70.

Lucky Stones: Jet, pearl, cat's eye, onyx, opal, sardonyx, chalcedony, chrysoprase, citrine, amber.

Important years: 8, 10, 16, 20, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72.

Lucky stones: alexandrite, beryl, garnet, emerald, sapphire, topaz, tourmaline.

Important years: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60,70, 80.

Characteristics of Gemini

Gemini man

Gemini woman



Rudolf Valentino, Thomas Hardy, Paul Gauguin, John Kennedy, Walt Whitman, Arthur Conan Doyle, Marilyn Monroe, Francoise Sagan, P. I. Bagration, A. S. Pushkin, A. T. Tvardovsky.

lucky number of the zodiac sign Gemini

Not everyone knows that the Universe at birth awarded us with its personal talisman, which attracts happiness according to the sign of the Zodiac.

For each Zodiac sign there is a personal number that attracts good luck. Surrounding yourself with lucky numbers, you can succeed, attract money, health and happy love.

Many people believe in the luck that numbers bring. They link everything important events with a specific number to achieve maximum success. But not everyone knows that the Universe at birth awarded us with its personal talisman, which attracts happiness according to the sign of the Zodiac. You can increase your luck with the help of numerology, which knows the secret of how to attract money, luck and love, using an individual calculation.

Lucky numbers for each zodiac sign

When compiling a horoscope, numbers from one to nine are used - it is they who determine the future fate of a person. Each Sign of the Zodiac has its own personal numbers, which give it a positive aura and good moments in life. To know complete description a certain figure is possible with the help of numerological interpretation. By timing important events on dates that coincide with your lucky number, you can significantly increase your chances of success.

Number 1. The unit symbolizes individuality, purposefulness, leadership. The number gives a person unlimited opportunities to achieve their goals. People under her protection are characterized by independence: they are not used to relying on chance and achieve everything at the cost of their own efforts. The number 1 dominates Pisces and Aquarius, endowing the representatives of these Zodiac Signs with self-confidence, the ability to defend their point of view, positive and decisiveness.

Number 2. Two helps to reveal diplomatic abilities, talents, high spiritual qualities. Truly kind and sympathetic people are born under the auspices of the number 2 - peacemakers who are able to resolve any dispute, resolve conflict, smooth out sharp quarrels without resorting to cruelty and violence. People who were destined to be born under the influence of this number achieve their personal happiness through communication. Thanks to the innate goodwill Cancer, Libra and Taurus easy to win over people.

Number 3. The power of this figure was legendary in ancient times. Even in Orthodoxy, the triple plays an important role: it is not for nothing that we say almost all prayers three times. It is a symbol of holiness, faith, creation. Those born with this code undoubtedly reach heights in any area of ​​life. They are accompanied by success and luck, and any difficulties only temper character. Their achievements are the key to highly developed intuition and creative thinking. The signs of the zodiac favored by the three are - Virgo, Capricorn, Gemini. And in combination with other numbers, the number 3 helps Libra, Aquarius, Leo and Sagittarius.

Number 4. Four symbolizes the boundless mind, fidelity, observation, perseverance, independence. The owners of the number 4 can be unconditionally trusted, they will undoubtedly lend you a helping hand. These are strong and independent individuals who can handle any problems. They value people for their spiritual qualities and know how to choose a life partner for themselves, followed by both fire and water. The patronage of the four encourages people born under the constellation Cancer, Scorpio, Gemini, Aries, Taurus to self-development and helping others.

Number 5. Those born under the control of the five are endowed with energy, natural magnetism and great opportunities. The number 5 bestows Cancer and Scorpio stability, success and craving for self-knowledge. By actively using this figure in your life, you can expect success in personal and business areas. Five endows its owners with pleasant surprises, and the possibilities of people under its protection know no bounds. However, this number requires independence and determination: dancing to someone else's tune will not work, otherwise there is a chance to attract misfortune into your life.

Number 6. Six characterizes longevity, youth of the soul, charisma, charm and prestige among people. Those born under her patronage easily achieve the location of people, which plays into the hands of gaining a high position in society. Having a large number of connections and opportunities, the owner of the number 6 achieves success faster. They are also restless individuals who feel the need to travel. Five patronize Pisces, Libra and Taurus. Representatives of these Signs are able to adapt to circumstances and benefit for themselves. They were entrusted with the Universe to create comfort and coziness around them, as well as to help people in need. Happiness will knock on the life of the owners of the six when they learn to accept responsibility and show favor towards others.

Number 7. Seven bestows independence, spirituality, analytical abilities. Its owners are removed from the influence of other people, and the strength of the number helps to achieve success at the cost of their efforts, intelligence, ingenuity and high intuition. Number 7 patronizes Aries, Virgo, Capricorn and Pisces. Often there are many discoverers and scientists among them. Their ability to generate non-standard and brilliant ideas is reflected in society. The life of such personalities never stands still, they are almost always in the turmoil of days and adventures. A calm and rational attitude towards money helps them achieve a comfortable existence.

Number 8. Eight has a huge energy potential and bestows Cancer, Lviv, Sagittarius and Capricorn purposefulness, energy and philosophical thinking. People born under her patronage have a craving for vanity, fame and easy money. Oddly enough, but it is precisely such individuals who are more predisposed to gaining wealth than others. The mysterious number, which has a dual nature, rewards its owners with the opportunity to come into contact with other worlds. Such people can find their happiness through magical rituals; some of them are even endowed psychic abilities. Practicality, perseverance, leadership, initiative and a philosophical attitude to life play an important role in achieving your goals.

Number 9. Nine has almost all the qualities of numbers from 1 to 8, but its strength can be both positive and negative. The number endows its owners with intuition, sensitivity, powerful energy, fortitude. At Aries, Lviv, Scorpio, Libra there is a craving for everything unknown and unknown. And the perseverance and determination inherent in them helps to achieve any heights that they are able to wish. Lucky number endows them with a sharp mind and ability. implement the idea quickly. People who learn about their hidden abilities in a timely manner can achieve tremendous success in life.

Lucky numbers can help you find success - just learn to rely on them. By making a fateful decision on the day that is under the protection of your number, you will ensure yourself good luck in any business. You can also try to calculate your personal destiny life code, which will indicate what can make you more successful.

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Twins. Planet, stones, colors, mascots, flowers, trees, symbols, lucky numbers.

In Greek mythology, the Gemini zodiac sign is associated with the myth of Castor and Pollux, twin demigods born to Leda from Jupiter, who descended from Mount Olympus in the guise of a swan. Actually, according to legend, only one of the brothers, Pollux (or Pollux), who possessed immortality, was originally a demigod; Castor was dead.

In childhood, the brothers were brought up by Mercury (by the way, the patron planet of this sign). Castor and Pollux accomplished many feats together: together with Jason they participated in the campaign for the Golden Fleece, defeated Theseus, the winner of the Minotaur. Finally, they fell in love with two beautiful princesses and, joining forces, stole them from their suitors. The ridiculed suitors pursued and overtook the brothers. As a result of a fierce battle, Castor died. Shocked, Pollux begs Jupiter to grant immortality to his unfortunate brother, and he shares eternal life for two equally: alternately living and dying, each of the brothers spends 6 months in the underworld and 6 - on Olympus. Therefore, they never appear together in the company of the gods - just as, of the two most important stars of the constellation Gemini, one disappears behind the horizon as soon as the other rises.

Emerald is a stone of wisdom and composure.

It opens shortly after sunrise, for which it was nicknamed the "eye of the day." In Greek, daisy means pearl. The European knights regarded the bouquet of daisies sent to their beloved as consent to marriage. Louis IX ordered the flower to be depicted on the state flag and on the royal ring in honor of his wife Margarita. For many nations, the daisy is an image of kindness and restraint.

Where the Russian name of this flower came from is not known for certain. True, some beautiful varieties are really somewhat like the eye. According to others, pansies depict the face of an angry stepmother. Still others, seeing in them also a face, do not find anything evil in its expression, but only curiosity and say that it belongs to a woman who seemed to have been turned into this flower because, out of curiosity, she looked where she was forbidden. Tricolor pansies are rightfully considered a symbol of reviving nature: the snow has not yet melted, and they are already winking slyly from the flower beds. The white color of their corolla represents hope, yellow petals - surprise, purple - sadness. The Greeks considered pansies a sign of a love triangle, while the French and the British, on the contrary, presented their beloved with a simple bouquet, wanting to declare their love.

The first mention of fragrant jasmine was found in ancient Egyptian papyri. The Greeks believed that jasmine was given to people by the goddess of wisdom, Athena. In France, pipes and flutes were made from its trunks. Jasmine flowers are honey-bearing, and young leaves are a good seasoning for salads. Scientists have noticed that the jasmine smell tones and excites the functions of the brain.

The legend of the narcissist is probably known to everyone. The name of the flower comes from the Greek word "narkao" - intoxicating. A refined white-yellow daffodil has a sharp, really intoxicating smell.

Twin primes, or paired prime numbers- pairs of prime numbers that differ by 2.

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  • 1 / 5

    All pairs of simple twins, except for (3, 5), have the form 6 n ± 1 , (\displaystyle 6n\pm 1,) since numbers with other residues modulo 6 are divisible by 2 or by 3. If we also take into account the divisibility by 5, then it turns out that all pairs of twins, except for the first two, have the form 30n ± 1 (\displaystyle 30n\pm 1), 30n + 12 ± 1 (\displaystyle 30n+12\pm 1) or 30n + 18 ± 1 (\displaystyle 30n+18\pm 1). For any whole m≥ 2, pair ( m, m+ 2) is a pair of twin primes if and only if 4[( m- 1)! + 1] + m divided by m(m+ 2) (corollary of Wilson's theorem).

    First twin primes:

    (3, 5), (5, 7), (11, 13), (17, 19), (29, 31), (41, 43), (59, 61), (71, 73), (101, 103), (107, 109), (137, 139), (149, 151), (179, 181), (191, 193), (197, 199), (227, 229), (239, 241), (269, 271), (281, 283), (311, 313), (347, 349), (419, 421), (431, 433), (461, 463), (521, 523), (569, 571), (599, 601), (617, 619), (641, 643), (659, 661), (809, 811), (821, 823), (827, 829), (857, 859), (881, 883)

    The largest known twin primes are the numbers 2996863034895 ⋅ 2 1290000 ± 1 (\displaystyle 2996863034895\cdot 2^(1290000)\pm 1). They were found in September 2016 as part of the PrimeGrid distributed computing project.

    It is assumed that there are infinitely many such pairs, but this has not been proven. According to the first Hardy-Littlewood hypothesis (English), amount π 2 (x) (\displaystyle \pi _(2)(x)) pairs of simple twins not exceeding x asymptotically approaches

    π 2 (x) ∼ 2 C 2 ∫ 2 x d t (ln ⁡ t) 2 , (\displaystyle \pi _(2)(x)\sim 2C_(2)\int \limits _(2)^(x)( \frac (dt)((\ln t)^(2))),)

    where C 2 (\displaystyle C_(2))- constant of prime-twins:

    C 2 = ∏ p ≥ 3 (1 − 1 (p − 1) 2) ≈ 0. … (\displaystyle C_(2)=\prod _(p\geq 3)\left(1-(\frac (1) ((p-1)^(2)))\right)\approx 0.66016118158468695739278121100145\ldots )


    The question of whether there are infinitely many twin primes has been one of the great open questions in number theory for many years. [ ] The conjecture of an infinite number of twin primes states: “There are infinitely many such primes p (\displaystyle p), which is p + 2 (\displaystyle p+2)- also simple. In 1849, de Polignac put forward a more general hypothesis: "For any natural k (\displaystyle k) there is an infinite number of such pairs of numbers p (\displaystyle p) and p′ (\displaystyle p"), what p − p′ = 2k (\displaystyle p-p"=2k)».

    Assuming the validity of the Elliot-Halberstam hypothesis and its generalization, the score can be reduced to 12 and 6, respectively.

    Brun's theorem

    (5, 7, 11), (7, 11, 13), (11, 13, 17), (13, 17, 19), (17, 19, 23), (37, 41, 43), (41, 43, 47), (67, 71, 73), (97, 101, 103), (101, 103, 107), (103, 107, 109), (107, 109, 113), (191, 193, 197), (193, 197, 199), (223, 227, 229), (227, 229, 233), (277, 281, 283), (307, 311, 313), (311, 313, 317), (347, 349, 353), (457, 461, 463), (461, 463, 467), (613, 617, 619), (641, 643, 647), (821, 823, 827), (823, 827, 829), (853, 857, 859), (857, 859, 863), (877, 881, 883), (881, 883, 887)

    At the moment, the largest known prime-triples are the numbers:

    (p, p+4, p+6), where p= 6521953289619 × 2 55555 − 5 (16737 digits, April 2013, Peter Kaiser, Srsieve, LLR, OpenPFGW)

    Prime quadruplets

    Quadruples of prime numbers of the form (p, p+2, p+6, p+8) or doubled twins or quadruplets:

    (5, 7, 11, 13), (11, 13, 17, 19), (101, 103, 107, 109), (191, 193, 197, 199), (821, 823, 827, 829), (1481, 1483, 1487, 1489), (1871, 1873, 1877, 1879), (2081, 2083, 2087, 2089), (3251, 3253, 3257, 3259), (3461, 3463, 3467, 3469), (5651, 5653, 5657, 5659), (9431, 9433, 9437, 9439), (13001, 13003, 13007, 13009), (15641, 15643, 15647, 15649), (15731, 15733, 15737, 15739), (16061, 16063, 16067, 16069), (18041, 18043, 18047, 18049), (18911, 18913, 18917, 18919), (19421, 19423, 19427, 19429), (21011, 21013, 21017, 21019), (22271, 22273, 22277, 22279), (25301, 25303, 25307, 25309), …

    (7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23), (97, 101, 103, 107, 109, 113), (16057, 16061, 16063, 16067, 16069, 16073), (19417, 19421, 19423, 19427, 19429, 19433), (43777, 43781, 43783, 43787, 43789, 43793) …

    Modulo, all sextuplets except the first have the form (97, 101, 103, 107, 109, 113).

    see also


    Psychology of communication