Cool Arabic names. Arabic male names

Below are Arabic male names list:

Arabic male names starting with the letter A:

Aban - brighter, more prominent.

Abbas - gloomy, strict, severe.

Abd is a slave.

Abduzzahir, Abduzzagir is the servant of the Visible.

Abdul-awwal is the slave of the First.

Abdulaziz is a slave of the Mighty.

Abdulazim is a slave of the Great.

Abdulali is a slave of the High.

Abdulalim is the slave of the All-Knowing.

Abdulafuww is the servant of the Forgiving One.

Abdulahad is a slave of the One.

Abdulahir is a slave of the Last.

Abdulbadi is a slave of the Inventor.

Abdulbais is a slave of the Resurrector.

Abdulbaki is a slave of the Eternal.

Abdulbari is the Creator's slave.

Abdulbarr is a servant of the Pious.

Abdulbasyr is the servant of the Seer.

Abdulbasit is the servant of the Spreader.

Abdulbatyn is a slave of the Hidden.

Abdulwadud is the slave of the Lover.

Abdulvakil is the servant of the Guardian.

Abdulvali is a slave of the Friend.

Abdulwali is the servant of the Ruler.

Abdulvaris is a slave of the Inheritor.

Abdulvase is a slave of the Omnipresent (Wide).

Abdulvakhed, Abdulvahid is the slave of the One.

Abdulvahhab, Abdulvaggab is the servant of the Giver.

Abdulgani is the slave of the Rich One.

Abdulgafur is the servant of the Forgiving.

Abdulgaffar is the servant of the Forgiving.

Abduljabbar is a slave of the Mighty.

Abduljalil is a slave of the Great.

Abdulkabir is a slave of the Great.

Abdulkavi is a slave of the Strong.

Abdulkadir, Abdulkadir, Abdulkadir is the slave of the Almighty.

Abdulkayum is the servant of the Existing.

Abdulkarim is a servant of the Generous.

Abdulkahir, Abdulkagir is a slave of the Strong, Irresistible.

Abdulkahhar, Abdulkaggar is the servant of the Lord.

Abdulkuddus is a servant of the Holy One.

Abdullah, Abdullah is the servant of Allah. The name of one of the sons of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him.

Abdullatif, Abdullatif - the servant of the Good.

Abdulilah is a servant of the Divine.

Abdulmajid is a slave of the Glorious.

Abdulmalik is a servant of the King.

Abdulmannan is a servant of the All-Merciful.

Abdulmatin is a slave of the Durable.

Abdulmaulya is a servant of the Lord.

Abdulmujib is the servant of the Responsible.

Abdulmuktadir is a slave of the Strong, the Mighty.

Abdulmusavvir is a slave of the Shaper (view).

Abdulmutaali is the servant of the Supreme.

Abdulmutakabbir is the servant of the Superior.

Abdulmukhaymin, Abdulmukhaymin - the guardian's slave.

Abdulmu'min is a servant of the Faithful.

Abdulfattah is the slave of the Conqueror, the Opener.

Abdulhabir is the servant of the Knower.

Abdulhadi, Abdulgadi is the servant of the Leader of the straight path.

Abdulhayy is a servant of the Living.

Abdulhakam is the servant of the Judge.

Abdulhakim is the servant of the Wise.

Abdulhakk is a slave of Truth.

Abdulkhalik is a slave of the Creator.

Abdulkhalim is a servant of the Meek.

Abdulhamid is a slave of the Glorious.

Abdulhasib is the servant of the Counter.

Abdulhafiz is a servant of the Keeper.

Abdunnasyr is the servant of the Helper.

Abdurrabb is the servant of the Lord.

Abdurrazzak is a slave of the Bestower of blessings.

Abdurakib is the slave of the Follower.

Abdurashid is a servant of the Lord, Leading on the right path.

Abdurrauf is a servant of the Gentle, Merciful.

Abdurrafi is a slave of the Exalter.

Abdurrahim is the servant of the Merciful.

Abdurrahman is the servant of the Merciful.

Abdussabur is a slave of the Patient.

Abdussalam is a servant of the Peaceful.

Abdussamad is the servant of the Eternal.

Abdussami is the servant of the Hearer.

Abduttavvab is the servant of the One who accepts repentance.

Abdushshakur is the servant of the Grateful.

Abdushshahid, Abdushshagid is the servant of the Witness.

Abid - worshiper, doing ibadat.

Adam is dark-skinned, swarthy. The name of the prophet.

Ajwad - the most generous, magnanimous.

Ajmal is the most beautiful.

Adil - fair, just.

Adib, Adip - educated, enlightened; writer.

Azamat - knight, hero, hero.

Azat (Persian name) - free.

Azzam - firmly determined, resolute.

Aziz - strong, powerful; rare, valuable, dear, dear.

Hades - returning, visitor, guest; benefit.

Aiz - calling (Allah), resorting to His help.

Ayman - right, right-handed; correct, blessed.

Airat - from the Arabic name Khairat, which means amazing.

Akil - intelligent

Akif - one who worships in seclusion.

Azhar, Azgar - brilliant, bright, light.

Akram is the most generous; respectful, honorable, virtuous.

Alascar, Aliascar is a great warrior. (Ali - great, courageous + Askyar - warrior, soldier).

Ali - high, exalted.

Alim - knowledgeable, knowledgeable, knowledgeable.

Alif - friendly, affable; friend.

Alfinur - "thousand-fold light."

Aman is healthy, strong.

Amanullah - by the grace of the Almighty, the owner of good health.

Amjad - the most noble, glorious.

Amir - excellent, excellent; prosperous.

Amir - emir, prince, prince, chief; giving directions.

Amirkhan, Emirkhan (Turkic-Arabic) - the main leader.

Amin - faithful, reliable, honest, prosperous, trusted; protective. One of the names of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him.

Ammar - prosperous; with a strong iman, God-fearing; doing a lot of death (small hajj).

Anas is joyful, good-natured, pleasant, sociable.

Anwar, Anuar - luminous, shining; the lightest, the brightest.

Anzor - the most appropriate; the most far-sighted; the most caring.

Anik - graceful, elegant, refined.

Anis - friendly, friendly, affectionate, affable.

Ansar - helpers, supporters, fellow travelers.

Antar, Antara - a hero, fearless; fearlessness.

Arib - capable, smart, dexterous, skillful.

Arif - knowing.

Arshad is the most prudent.

Asaf - having good qualities; dreamy, thoughtful.

Asil, Asyl - noble, noble origin, purebred, genuine, real.

Asir - chosen, preferred.

Aslam, Aslam - well-being, security, health.

Asaad is the happiest.

Atef, Atif, Atif - merciful, supportive, connecting.

Atiya, Atiya, Atiya - a gift, a gift.

Atuf - loving, loving, tender.

Afzal - the best, venerable, highly respected, worthy.

Afif - virtuous, chaste, pure, modest.

Akhdar, Akhzar - green, blooming.

Ahmad, Ahmed - laudable, praised. One of the names of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him.

Ashraf is the noblest.

Ayub, Ayub is the name of one of the prophets.

Arabic male names starting with the letter B:

Bagautdin - the radiance of faith.

Bagdat (Iran.) - a gift from the Almighty, a gift.

Bagir, Bahir - brilliant, excellent, beautiful.

Badr - full moon.

Badretdin is the "full moon" of religion. By giving such a name, the parents wanted the child to “radiate” the light of faith, just as the full moon illuminates the earth.

Bakir - early, fast growing.

Barakat - blessing, grace.

Bari - capable, skillful, knowledgeable; excellent, brilliant.

Barrak - blessed.

Barrak - brilliant, shining, sparkling.

Basel, Basil - brave, courageous, courageous, valiant.

Basem, Basim - smiling, laughing.

Basir, Basyr - with good eyesight; sighted; discriminating, discerning, intelligent.

Bassam - smiling, laughing, joyful, cheerful.

Battal - separating, cutting off (one of the names of the sword).

Bagij, Bahij - jubilant, joyful, brilliant, bright, magnificent.

Bakht - happiness, luck.

Bakhit, Bakhyt - happy, lucky.

Bakhtiyar is happy.

Bashar is a man.

Bashir - bringing good news; a messenger of joy.

Bashshar is very joyful, smiling, friendly.

Bishr - gaiety, joy.

Budeir - diminutive form named after Badr.

Bulat, Bolat, Polat - very strong; (Turkic) steel. Bulat was the name of the best sword made in Damascus.

Burkhan, Borkhan, Burgan - proof, argument, argument.

Arabic male names starting with the letter B:

Wajih - noble, eminent, serious, thorough.

Wadid - loving, affable.

Wazir - minister, vizier.

Vaiz - explaining, speaking; speaker.

Vakar - importance, seriousness, solidity.

Vakil - ambassador; fiduciary; deputy; patron, protector.

Vali, Veli - close, dear; St; guardian, patron; owner.

Walid - child, child, boy.

Vasik is confident.

Vasil, Vasel, Vasyl - arriving, coming.

Wasim - handsome, attractive, pretty.

Vafa - honest, keeping promises.

Wafai is faithful.

Wafi - faithful, complete.

Wafi is faithful.

Vafik - successful, lucky, happy.

Wahb, Wagb - donation, gift.

Wahid is the only one.

Wahhaj, Waggaj - burning, bright, dazzling.

Vuheib, Vuheib is a diminutive form of the name Wahb.

Arabic male names starting with the letter G:

Gazir - plentiful, rich, plentiful; extensive.

Gaias - helping, saving.

Gali - dear, precious, beloved.

Ghalib, Galeb - victorious, prevailing, winner.

Ghani is rich, the owner of untold wealth.

Ghanim, Ghanem - successful.

Gassan - the name of the well and the Arab tribe; pronunciation of the name Hassan.

Gatafan - joyful; good life.

Gafur (Gaffar) - forgiving, merciful.

Gayaz, Gayas - an assistant, helping.

Gayar - courageous, brave, courageous, resolute.

Gufran - forgiving.

Arabic male names starting with the letter D:

Dalil - guide; proof; accurate, correct, truthful; conductor (showing the way).

Damir - conscience, mind; persistent.

Dani is close.

Danis (Persian name) - knowledge, science.

Daniyal, Daniyal, Danil - (ancient Hebrew - Arabic) - a gift of God, a person close to God; the name of one of the prophets.

Daniyar is smart, prudent, sensible.

Dari - knowledgeable, knowledgeable.

Daud, Davud, Daut - beloved, endearing; the name of the prophet.

Daulat, Davlet - wealth, country; happiness.

Dahi, Zahi - facing the sun; possessor of great knowledge, foresight, a great writer.

Jabbar - powerful, mighty.

Jabir, Jaber - setting the bone, chiropractor; improving.

Jabr - bone reduction, improvement.

Javad - generous; thoroughbred horse.

Javdat - superiority, high quality, dignity.

Jad - generosity; rain.

Jadir - worthy, deserving.

Jazzy - recompensing, rewarding.

Jazim - decisive, decisive, confident.

Jalal, Jalal - greatness, brilliance, magnificence.

Jalil, Jalil - huge, majestic, magnificent, noble, venerable.

Jamal, Jamal - beauty.

Dzhambulat is strong in spirit. Bulat (arab.) - very strong;

Jan (Turk.) - soul.

Jamil is handsome.

Jandal - strength, will.

Jari - brave, courageous, fearless.

Jassim, Jasem - big, huge.

Jasir, Jaser - brave, courageous.

Johar, Jauhar, Daavgar - being, essence, substance, matter; gems, jewels.

Jubeir is a diminutive form of the name Jabr.

Judan, Judaan - bold, energetic.

Juma - Friday.

Junayd, Junayd - military unit, army.

Diliyar (Persian name) - sincere, cordial; comforter.

Dindar (Persian-Arabic) - very God-fearing.

Arabic male names starting with the letter Z:

Zhaudat - superior, impeccable; generous, generous.

Arabic male names starting with the letter Z:

Zabir - strong, strong, hardy.

Zagi, Zahi - blooming, bright.

Zagid, Zahid - ascetic; temperate, pious.

Zahir, Zahir - brilliant, bright, blooming, beautiful.

Zayed, Zayed - adding, growing.

Zakaria, Zakariya - (ancient Hebrew - Arabic) - the name of one of the prophets; remembering the Almighty; a real man.

Zaki - pure, innocent; smart, capable.

Zakir - remembering, remembering; praising God.

Gulf - shady, cool.

Zamil, Zamel - friend, comrade, colleague; seated behind him (on a beast of burden).

Zamin (Persian name) - founder, ancestor.

Zarif - beautiful, graceful, affectionate; beautifully speaking; resourceful.

Zafar - victory, triumph, success.

Zafir is a winner who achieves the goal.

Zahab, Zaghab - gold.

Zahid - pious, modest, Sufi, ascetic.

Zahran, Zagran - bright, beautiful.

Zeid - growth, increase, wealth.

Zeidan is the dual of Zeid (see Zeid).

Zane, Zain - decoration, decoration, beauty.

Zinnur - bright, radiant, illuminating.

Zia is the light, the light of knowledge.

Ziyad - growing, increasing, maturing.

Ziyadi - increasing, increasing.

Zubair, Zubair - strong, smart, stubborn.

Zulfat - curly; loving.

Zulfir - superior; man with curly hair.

Arabic male names starting with the letter I:

Ibrahim (Ibrahim, Abraham) - the father of nations; the name of one of the prophets. Ibrahim is used in the Muslim environment, and Abraham - in the Jewish and Christian. The name of one of the sons of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him.

Eid is a holiday.

Idris - diligent, student, diligent. The name of one of the prophets.

Izzuddin - strength, power, greatness of religion.

Iqbal - success, happiness, prosperity, reception; meeting, approval.

Ikram - honor, reverence, respect.

Ilham, Ilgam - inspired, inspired.

Ilyas - Divine power, miracle. The name of one of the prophets.

Imran is the name of the grandfather of the prophet Isa, peace be upon him.

Insaf - educated, modest, conscientious.

Irfan - enlightened, educated, educated.

Irshad - guiding, pointing.

Isa is the name of a prophet (prophet Jesus, peace be upon him).

Iskander, Iskandar - conquering the courageous - the Arabic form of the name Alexander.

Islam is obedience, surrender to Allah.

Ismail is the name of one of the prophets ( literal translation- may Allah hear). Ismatullah - under the protection of God.

Ishaq is the name of one of the prophets.

Ishak (ancient Hebrew-Arabic) - joyful, cheerful. The name of one of the prophets.

Ihab, Igab - a gift, a gift. Ikhlas - sincere, sincere, devoted.

Ihsan - kind, showing mercy, helping, sincere.

Ihtiram - reverent, respectful.

Iyad - brave, strong.

Arabic male names starting with the letter K:

The caboose is beautiful.

Kavim - direct, correct, true; lasting.

Kazim, Kazym - balanced.

Kamal, Kamal, Kamil - mature; brought to perfection.

Kamran (Persian name) - mighty, powerful, powerful, happy.

Kani - acquiring; owner, master; bright.

Kani - content with little, unpretentious; pleased.

Kanit - pious.

Karam - generosity, generosity.

Kari - a reader who knows the Koran, hafiz.

Carib is a close friend.

Karim - generous, magnanimous, noble, revered, sacred.

Qasid - impeccable; needed, wanted.

Kasim, Kasym, Kasym - dividing, distributing, fair. The name of one of the sons of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him.

Kausar, Kyavsar - the name of the stream flowing in Paradise; living in abundance.

Kaharman (Persian name) - hero, hero.

Kahir is the winner. Kashshaf - revealing, revealing (all that is good).

Kiram - generous, noble, sincere, sincere.

Kudrat is strength.

Kurban - sacrificing, not sparing himself for the sake of the Almighty.

Kusam - generous, generous.

Qiyam - risen, resurrected.

Kamal - reached, matured.

Arabic male names starting with the letter L:

Labib, Lyabib - smart, insightful, reasonable, educated.

Latif, Latif - friendly, amiable, kind, merciful, interesting, beautiful, witty.

Lukman, Lokman - looking, caring; the name of a sage mentioned in the Qur'an.

Lutfi, Lutfi - soft, kind, delicate. Lutfulla is the grace of God, His gift.

Arabic male names starting with the letter M:

Maaruf, Maruf - famous, approved; beneficence, kindness, favor, courtesy.

Maasum, Masum - stored, inviolable; sinless, innocent.

Mabrouk - blessed.

Mabrur - blessed, pious.

Mavhub, Maugub is talented.

Magir, Mahir, Maher - skillful, dexterous, knowledgeable, skilled.

Majd - glory, greatness, nobility.

Majdi - glorious, majestic, noble.

Majed, Majid - glorious, noble, noble.

Majid - glorious, noble.

Maymun, Maymun - happy, auspicious, blissful, blessed.

Makin - strong, durable, steadfast, unshakable.

Makram - dignity, merit.

Maqsood - desired, desired, intentional.

Malik - owning, ruling; owner, ruler.

Malih - beautiful, beautiful.

Mamduh - praised.

Mansur - victorious; winner; triumphant victory.

Marzuk - not in need of anything; happy.

Marsad is noble.

Marchud - conscious, prudent.

Musgud is happy.

Masrur - joyful, cheerful.

Masun - protected, stored.

Mahdi, Magdi, Mehdi - going the right way; donated.

Mahzuz - happy, joyful, favorite.

Mahmud - praised, revered.

Mahran, Magran - skillful, skillful.

Mahrus - protected, stored.

Mahfuz - stored, remembered.

Mahshud - collected, concentrated.

Mashgur, Mashkhur - famous.

Mashkur - worthy of gratitude, commendable.

Maysara, Maysara - wealth and prosperity.

Mysore, Mysore - easy, feasible; ease, prosperity, prosperity.

Midhat - praise, praise.

Mikdad - beautiful; strong.

Mikdam - brave, courageous.

Minniyar (Arabic-Persian) - helper, friend, comrade, doing good.

Minhaj, Mingaj - the way, plan, program.

Mirza (Arabic-Persian) - master, nobleman.

Mishari is active.

Muawiyah is strong.

Muazzaz - revered, appreciated.

Muammal is an object of hope.

Muammar - long-lived, long-term.

Muafa - healthy, liberated.

Mubin - clear, obvious, able to distinguish between truth and lies.

Muzaffar is a victorious warrior.

Muin is an assistant.

Muqaddas - holy, pure.

Mukim - corrective; building; establishing; performing; living.

Mumin is a believer.

Muniz - friendly; friend.

Mutazz - powerful, proud.

Mutasim, Mutasim - holding fast, guided.

Mubarak is blessed.

Mubin - clear, obvious.

Muwaffak - successful, successful, happy.

Mugis - helping; saving.

Mujir - patronizing, protecting; patron, protector.

Mujtaba - chosen, chosen.

Muzaffar - victorious.

Muksit - fair.

Mulham, Mulgam - inspired.

Munavvar - illuminated, radiant.

Munjid - helping; assistant.

Munib - returning (to Allah).

Munir - luminous, light, bright, brilliant, illuminating, spreading light.

Munif is tall.

Munkiz is a savior.

Munsif, Moncef - fair.

Muntazar is expected.

Muntasir, Muntasyr - winner, victorious.

Murad is desirable.

Murdy, Murzi, Murdy - auspicious.

Mursi - strengthening; anchoring.

Murtaza - satisfied, satisfied; chosen, distinguished, beloved.

Murtaja - hope to get something, desire.

Murtaki - tall, developed; cultural.

Murshid - leader, mentor, guide.

Musa - (ancient Egyptian) - son, child; the name of the prophet (prophet Moses, peace be upon him).

Musaddid is the guide to the right path.

Musaddak - worthy of trust.

Musad is happy.

Musaid is an assistant.

Musib - returning, rewarding.

Musir - rich, wealthy.

Muslim - one who submits, a Muslim, obedient to the Creator.

Mustafa - chosen, even, superior, best.

Musfir - brilliant, light.

Mutawakkil - trusting (in Allah).

Mutavi - submissive, submissive.

Mutlik is free.

Mufaddal - beloved, beloved.

Mufid is useful.

Muflih - having success, prosperous, successful.

Mufrih - rejoicing.

Muhab, Mugab - respected.

Muhammad - glorified, praised. The name of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him.

Muhanna, Muhanna - happy, well-lived.

Muharram - forbidden; the name of the first month of the lunar calendar.

Mukhlis is sincere.

Muhsin - beneficent, helping. The name of one of the grandsons of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him.

Mukhtadi, Mugtadi - walking the right path.

Mukhtar - chosen, selected; chosen one; having freedom of choice.

Musharraf - venerable, respected, honorable.

Mushir - pointing; adviser.

Mushrif - leader, manager, leader.

Mushfiq - compassionate, merciful.

Muyassar - successful, successful; rich.

Arabic male names starting with the letter N:

Nabiga - outstanding, talented.

Nabil - noble.

Nabikh is intelligent, educated.

Nabhan, Nabgan - intelligent.

Navvaf - high; height.

Najah - success, luck.

Naji - saved, saved.

Najib - noble, capable, smart.

Najih - successful, successful.

Nadir, Nader - rare, rare.

Nadir, Nadir - fresh, blooming, beautiful; gold.

Nadr, Nazr - fresh, blooming, beautiful.

Nazar - far-sighted; looking at things from the good side; vow; dedicated to the Lord.

Nazem, Nazim, Nazim - organizer, organizer; poet; putting in order.

Nazif, Nazif - pure, direct, healthy.

Nazih - honest, virtuous, incorruptible.

Nail - reaching, achieving, receiving; gift, gift; benefit, benefit.

Naim - happy life, well-being, enjoyment.

Nayif, Nayef - high, sublime.

Nami - growing, increasing, developing.

Namir - clean, useful.

Nariman (other Persian) - strong, hardy, strong.

Nasser, Nasir, Nasyr - helping, assistant, supporter, champion, supporter.

Nasib - close, suitable.

Nasir, Nasyr - protector, champion, assistant.

Nassar is a great help.

Naufal, Navfal is a generous, giving person who protects his people.

Nafiz - acting; influential.

Naheed, Nahed, Naged, Nahiz - rising, reborn, active, energetic.

Nashmi is brave.

Nugman - merciful, beneficent, gracious.

Nur - light, bright, shining. Name component.

Nuriman is the light of faith.

Nuseir is a diminutive form of the name Nasir.

Nufeil - a gift, a gift.

Nuh - the name of the prophet (prophet Noah, peace be upon him).

Arabic male names starting with R:

Raghib, Ragheb - willing.

Raja - hope, expectation, request.

Rajab is the name of the seventh month of the lunar calendar.

Rajai - hopeful.

Raji - hopeful, full of hope.

Rada, Radi, Razi - satisfied, contented, pleasant, beloved.

Razin is calm, balanced, imperturbable, sedate, important.

Raid is a researcher, initiator, seeker, scout, leader, guide.

Rais is the president, head, chief, manager.

Raif - compassionate, merciful.

Rakan - solidity, seriousness, importance,

Crayfish - rising, sublime; reading rukyu (spell).

Ramadan, Ramadan is the name of the ninth month of the lunar calendar (the month of Holy Lent).

Ramil - magical, magical.

Ramiz, Ramez - signifying, symbolizing the good.

Rani - staring.

Rasul, Rasul is a messenger.

Rasyn, Racine - calm, self-possessed, balanced, sedate.

Rauf - merciful, merciful, compassionate.

Rauh, Ravh - mercy.

Rauhan, Ravkhan - mercy.

Rafik - kind, soft, companion, comrade, companion, friend.

Rahim is merciful.

Rashad - consciousness, diligence, soundness, prudence, correctness.

Rashed, Rashid - conscious, prudent, adult, walking the right path.

Rashid - correct, sensible, prudent.

Rida, Reza, Reda - contentment, pleasure; agreement; benevolence, benevolence.

Ridvan, Rezvan, Rizvan - contentment, pleasure.

Rifat - exaltation, high position, nobility.

Rifkat - blessed.

Ruzil (Persian name) - happy.

Rustam is a very big man, with a powerful body. In ancient Iranian folklore - a hero, a man of legend.

Rushan, Raushan (Persian name) - bright, radiating light.

Rushdie - conscious, prudent.

Rushdan is very conscientious and prudent.

Arabic male names starting with the letter C:

Saad - happiness, success, good luck.

Saadan, Saadun - happiness.

Saadi is happy.

Sabir is patient.

Sabit, Sabet - bold, persistent; honest, keeping a promise.

Sabri is patient.

Sabur is very patient, hardy, persistent.

Savab, Sauab - reward, reward.

Sajjad - doing a lot of sujuds (bows to the ground).

Sadik, Sadek - truthful.

Sadiq, Sadiq - friend; honest, sincere.

Sajid, Sajd - prostrating (sajda).

Said - ascending, ascending; gentleman, gentleman.

Said is happy. Salavat - praising; blessing.

Salam, Salam - peace, security, prosperity.

Salama, Salama - safety, integrity, well-being, salvation, health.

Salah, Salah - useful, necessary; pious, righteous.

Salih, Saleh - good, kind, correct, pious; the name of one of the prophets.

Salem, Salem - whole, healthy, safe, prosperous.

Salim is healthy, unharmed, real.

Salman, Salman - peaceful, safe, prosperous, healthy.

Samin, Tamin - valuable, dear.

Samekh, Samih - generous, magnanimous.

Samih - generous, generous.

Sarvan, Saruan - rich.

Sarvat is wealth.

Sardar (Persian name) - commander in chief, leader.

Sari - noble, noble.

Sari, Tari - rich.

Sattar - forgiving, protecting.

Sauban, Savban - repentant, obedient.

Saud, Suud - happiness.

Safa - pure, sincere.

Safar is the name of the second month of the lunar calendar.

Safi - pure, clear, transparent; chosen one, true friend.

Sakhir, Saghir, Saher - awake, vigilant.

Siddik, Siddiq - the most truthful.

Siraj - illuminating, lamp.

Suleiman - living in health and prosperity; the name of one of the prophets (Prophet Solomon, peace be upon him).

Sultan - dominion; sultan, sovereign, supreme ruler.

Sufyan - fast, impetuous.

Suidan is happiness.

Arabic male names starting with the letter T:

Tabris - heritage, wealth; pride, greatness.

Tagir, Tahir - pure, immaculate.

Tayib - good, pleasant.

Taki - pious, pious.

Talgat (Talat) - appearance; attractiveness, elegance.

Talib, Taleb - seeking, asking, demanding; student.

Tamim - complete, perfect.

Tamir, Tamer - the owner of a large number of dates; a person who has a blessing.

Tariq - morning Star; coming unexpectedly.

Taufik, Tavfik, Tofik - coordination, help, success, luck, happiness.

Arabic male names beginning with U:

Udey is the first of the combatants who rushes at the enemies.

Umar - life, living; the name of the second righteous caliph, may Allah be pleased with him. Umeir is a diminutive form of the names Umar and Amr.

Umit, Umid - expected, desired; dream.

Arabic male names starting with the letter F:

Favvaz is the winner.

Favzan, Fauzan - victory, triumph, success.

Fawzi, Fauzi - victorious, triumphant, successful.

Fadi is a savior; sacrificing himself.

Fadl, Fazl - dignity, honor, merit.

Fazil, Fadel, Fadil - worthy, excellent; worthy person; talented, educated.

Faid is helpful.

Faiz is the winner.

Faik - excellent, excessive, excellent, amazing.

Fail - giving good sign which is a good omen.

Falah, Falah - success, prosperity, salvation.

Falih, Faleh - successful, prosperous.

Farage - relief, consolation, joy, pleasure.

Farah - joy, jubilation, fun.

Farid - rare, unusual, unsurpassed, unique.

Faris, Fares - rider, rider; hero, knight.

Faruk - distinguishing between good and evil; wise.

Farhan - joyful, cheerful.

Fasih, Fasykh - eloquent.

Fattah (Fattahetdin) - opening the doors of happiness, the winner; opening the doors of faith.

Fatin, Fatyn - smart, quick-witted, quick-witted.

Fatih, Fateh - opener, conqueror, bright.

Fathi - victorious.

Fahim, Fahim - understanding, insightful.

Fahmi, Fagmi - understanding.

Fahkham, Faggum - insightful.

Fayaz - rich, generous.

Faisal - judge; sword.

Fudale - worthy, excellent.

Arabic male names starting with X:

Khabib - beloved, beloved, friend.

Hadi, Gadi - leader; leader.

Khazik, Khazek - highly skilled, dexterous, skillful.

Khazim, Khazem - firmly deciding to do something; wise; prudent, prudent.

Khairetdin is the best in worshiping the Almighty.

Khairi - good, good.

Haiyan is alive.

Hakim is wise.

Hakki is true.

Khalil, Khalil - beloved; friend, friend; righteous.

Halim - meek, gentle, patient.

Khalis - pure, genuine, real, free.

Haluk - well-behaved.

Hamad - praise, glorification.

Hamada - glorifying.

Hamas - inspiration, enthusiasm, delight.

Hamdan - praise, glorification, gratitude.

Hamdi - commendable, grateful.

Hamed, Hamid - praising, grateful; praiseworthy.

Hamza - agile; burning.

Hammad - glorifying a lot.

Hammam, Gammam - energetic, tireless, tireless.

Khaid - laudable, worthy of praise.

Hamim is a bosom friend; buddy.

Hamud - commendable, grateful.

Hanai, Ganai - happiness, prosperity.

Hani, Gani - happy, contented, prosperous.

Hanif - a true believer in Allah; truthful, honest.

Hanun - compassionate, compassionate, plaintive, gentle.

Harun, Harun - the name of one of the prophets; headstrong.

Hassan is good, handsome. The name of one of the grandsons of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him.

Khasib - noble, belonging to a noble family.

Khasib, Khasyb - fertile, fruitful.

Hasim, Hasem - decisive, decisive.

Hasif, Hasif - reasonable.

Hassan is very good, very handsome.

Khasur - temperate, modest.

Hatem, Hatim - ruler, judge.

Hafez, Hafiz - protecting, preserving, remembering the Koran by heart.

Hafiz - guarding, keeping, guardian.

Hafs is one of the names of a lion.

Hashim, Hashim, Hashem - crushing, breaking, breaking.

Khidr, Khidr, Khadyr is the name of one of the prophets.

Hikmat is wisdom.

Hilal, Gilal - crescent moon, young month.

Hisham, Gisham - generosity, generosity.

Humam, Gumam - worthy, valiant, generous; hero.

Hurr is free.

Husain - handsome, good.

Hussein is a diminutive form of the name Hassan. The name of one of the grandsons of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him.

Husni - beautiful, good.

Arabic male names starting with the letter Sh:

Shaaban is the name of the eighth month of the lunar calendar.

Shabib is young.

Shavkat, Shaukat - strength, power, might.

Shaddad - strong, powerful, strict.

Shadid - strong, strong, powerful, strict, severe.

Shakib is a gift, a reward.

Shakir is grateful.

Shakur is grateful.

Shamil is all-encompassing.

Shamikh, Shameh - tall, proud.

Sharaf - honor, honor.

Sharik is a companion, partner.

Sharif - noble, noble, generous.

Shauki - passion, strong desire.

Shaukat - strength, power, dexterity, greatness.

Shafi - healing, healing, healing; convincing.

Shafi, Shafii - intercessor, mediator.

Shafiq is compassionate.

Shahama, Shagama - nobility, fearlessness, insight.

Shahbulat - a particle of shah - from the Farsi language, is translated as khan, lord, master. Joining the names, gives the meaning of very good, the very first, the largest. Bulat is an Arabic name meaning strong.

Shahid, Shahid - shahid, witness.

Shakhir, Shagir, Shager - drawing a sword; famous.

Shakhir, Shagir - famous.

Chess, Shamm - persistent, energetic; fearless, valiant, shrewd.

Shuaib, Shuaib is the name of one of the prophets.

Shuja - brave, courageous.

Shukran - gratitude.

Shukri - grateful.

Arabic male names starting with the letter E:

Emir - leader, chief.

Arabic male names starting with Y:

Yumn - happiness, prosperity.

Yunus, Younes, Yunis - dove; the name of one of the prophets.

Yusri - blessed; simple, easy.

Yusuf, Yusef - the owner of beauty; the name of one of the righteous.

Arabic male names starting with the letter I:

Yavar (Persian name) - assistant.

Yakzan - awake, vigilant, attentive, vigilant.

Yakub - the name of one of the prophets; follower.

Yamin - happy, blessed; testifying to the truth, right.

Yaran (Persian name) - friend, close person, assistant.

Yasar - lightweight, successful, successful, wealthy, rich.

Yasser, Yasser - light; wealth.

Yasmin (Persian name) - jasmine flower.

Yafes, Yafis - the name of one of the sons of the prophet Nuh, peace be upon him.

Yahya is the name of one of the prophets; inspiring.

Yashkur - thanks.

A correctly chosen name has a strong positive impact on the character and fate of a person. Actively helps to develop, forms positive qualities of character and state, strengthens health, removes various negative programs unconscious. But how do you pick the perfect name?

Despite the fact that there are interpretations in culture of what male names mean, in reality, the influence of the name on each boy is individual.

Sometimes parents try to choose a name before birth, making it difficult for the baby to form. Astrology and numerology of choosing a name have squandered all serious knowledge about the influence of a name on fate through the ages.

Calendars of Christmas time, holy people, without consulting a seeing, perspicacious specialist, do not provide any real help in assessing the influence of names on the fate of a child.

And the lists of ... popular, happy, beautiful, melodious male names completely turn a blind eye to the individuality, energy, soul of the child and turn the selection procedure into an irresponsible game of parents in fashion, selfishness and ignorance.

Various characteristics according to statistics - positive features name, negative traits of a name, choosing a profession by name, the impact of a name on business, the impact of a name on health, the psychology of a name can only be considered in the context of a deep analysis of subtle plans (karma), energy structure, tasks for life and the kind of a particular child.

The theme of the compatibility of names (and not the characters of people) is an absurdity that turns inside out on the interactions of different people the internal mechanisms of the influence of a name on the state of its carrier. And it cancels the entire psyche, the unconscious, energy and behavior of people. It reduces the entire multidimensionality of human interaction to one false characteristic.

The meaning of the name has no literal effect. For example, Kadir (powerful), this does not mean that the young man will be strong, and the bearers of other names will be weak. The name can block his heart center and he will not be able to give and receive love. On the contrary, it will help another boy to solve problems for love or power, it will greatly facilitate life and achieve goals. The third boy may not bring any effect at all, whether there is a name or not. Etc. Moreover, all these children can be born on the same day. And have the same astrological, numerological and other characteristics.

The most popular Arabic names for boys in 2015 are also misleading. Despite the fact that 95% of boys are called names that do not make life easier. You can focus only on a specific child, deep vision and wisdom of a specialist.

The secret of a male name, as a program of the unconscious, a sound wave, vibration, is revealed by a special bouquet, primarily in a person, and not in the semantic meaning and characteristics of the name. And if this name destroys the child, then there would be no beautiful, melodious with a patronymic, astrological, blissful, it would still be harm, destruction of character, complication of life and aggravation of fate.

Below are over 200 male Arabic names. Try to choose a few, the most suitable in your opinion for the child. Then, if you are interested in the effectiveness of the impact of the name on fate, .

List of male Arabic names in alphabetical order:


Aban - Persian, "November", loving water
Abbas - a gloomy, stern, gloomy lion
Abdeljaffar - servant of the All-Forgiving
Abdelkarim, Abdelkerim - servant of the Magnanimous
Abdullah - servant of God, servant of God
Abdulaziz, Abdelaziz - slave of the Precious
Abdulazim - slave of the Great
Abdul'Alim - Slave of the All-Knowing
Abdulbari - the Creator's slave
Abdulvahid - slave of the One
Abudgafar - the servant of the All-Forgiving
Abduljalil - slave of the Majestic
Abdulkadir, Abdelkader - Slave of the Almighty
Abdulkarim - Slave of the Generous
Abdulkahar - servant of the Lord
Abdulmajid - Slave of the Glorious
Abdulmalik - slave of the Lord (of the worlds)
Abdulmutal - servant of the Supreme
Abdulmatin - slave of the Strong
Abdulfarid - Slave of the Incomparable
Abdulfatah - the servant of the Revealer
Abdulhak is a slave of the True, Establishing
Abdulhadi is the servant of the Guide on the right path
Abdulhakim - slave of the Wise
Abdulkhalik - the servant of the Creator
Abdulhamid - slave of the Worthy of all praise
Abdunaser - the servant of the Giver of help, victory
Abdurazzak - servant of the Giver
Abdurrahim - servant of the All-Merciful
Abdurrashid - slave of the Guide to the right path
Abdurrahman - servant of the All-Merciful
Abdusalam - the servant of the Peacemaker
Abdusamad - servant of the Eternal
Abdutavvab - the servant of the Receiving repentance
Adil - fair
Aziz - dear, (Jewish) strong, (Turkish) saint.
Akbar is the greatest
Aladdin - the height of (Divine) faith
Ali - tall (also in honor of the righteous caliph Ali)
Alim - omniscient, scientist
Alisher the tiger Ali
Alabas, Abbas - severe
Amin - faithful
Amir - commanding (also: prince, emir)
Arif is the boss.
Assad is a lion
Afdal - blessed, worthy
Ahmad, Ahmed, Ahmet - the most glorious, worthy of praise
Ashraf - the noblest
Ayub Job, literally: persecuted


Battal is a hero


Vali - patron, saint
Wahid - one, one. (one of the names of Allah)


Gamal - beautiful
Ganiy - rich
Gasan (form from Hasan) - beautiful
Gafur - forgiving
Ghaffar - all-forgiving
Hussein (form from Hussein) - handsome, kind, good.


Daniel, Daniel - God is my judge
Daud, Davud, David - Beloved
Demir (dialectic form of the name Timur, Temir) - iron
Jalil - majestic
Jamalutdin - the beauty of (Divine) faith
Jamal - beauty, beauty
Jamil - beautiful, beautiful
Jauhar, Johar - a jewel
Juma - day of prayer; literally: Friday


Zeid - adding, increasing
Ziyauddin - the radiance of (Divine) faith
Ziyaulhakk - the radiance of Truth


Ibrahim is a prophet
Ikram - honor, respect
Ilyas - Ilya
Iman - faith (in God)
Insar is the winner
Isa Jesus - God will save
Islam - submission (to God)
Ismail, Ishmael - heard by God (considered the progenitor of the Arabs)
Ishak Isaac - laugh, laughed


Kabir - big
Kadir, Kader - mighty, omnipotent
Kazim - silent
Kamaleddin - the perfection of (divine) faith
Kamal, Kamil - perfection
Carib - relative, close person
Karim - generous, generous
Qasim - separating, distributing


Maarif - famous
Mavlyud - born
Majid, Majid - glorious
Maqsood - desired
Malik - possessing
Mansur - bestowed by victory, winner (part of the full title of caliph)
Mahkam - strong
Mahmoud - praised
Mumin - believer in one God
Murad - desired
Musa - child, son
Muslim - submitting to the will of God
Mustafa - the chosen one
Mutalib - plaintiff
Muhammad, Mohammed, Mohammed, Mohammed - praised (by God and people)
Muhitdin - reviving faith
Mukhtar - the chosen one


Nabi is a prophet
Najib - noble
Najmuddin - the star of (God's) faith
Nazar - far-sighted
Nazir - warning
Nazym - honest, incorruptible
Nazyf - pure
Nasreddin - the victory of (God's) faith
Nasyr - helping, deliverer
Nursultan - the light of the Sultan
Nuruddin, Nureddin - the light of (Divine) faith


Omar, Umar - from words meaning "life"
Osman, Usman - in honor of the righteous caliph


Rad - thunder
Raza - contentment
Rais - boss
Ramadan - by the name of the 9th month of the Muslim calendar, when there is fasting
Rasul - messenger
Rauf - merciful
Rafik - comrade, friend
Rahat - rest, comfort
Rahim, Rahim - merciful, merciful
Rahman - merciful, merciful
Rashad - sane, good leader
Rashid - prudent (fairly governed)
Rizvan - Satisfaction
Riyaz - meadows, gardens
Roshan - light


Sabir - patient
Saddam is the one who opposes
Sadik - sincere, truthful
Said - happy
Saidulla is my lord God
Sakhr - solid rock
Salavat - prayers
Salim, Selim - healthy
Salih - pious
Salman, Suleiman - peaceful, prosperous
Samir - companion in the evening conversation
Sleigh - luxurious
Safar - after the name of the 2nd month of the Muslim calendar
Safir - Ambassador
Safiulla - Divine Purity
Seid, Said - lord, prince
Seidulla, Saidulla is my Lord God
Sayyid - master
Seyfuddin sword - (Divine) faith
Seiful - the first part of compound Arabic names, meaning "sword"
Seifulla - the sword of God
Suleiman, Solomon - peaceful, prosperous
Sultan - ruler


Tagir, Tahir - pure
Talib - demanding (also: student)


Ubaidullah, Beidullah - a small slave of Allah
Umar, Omar - from words meaning "life"


Fayzullah - Valor of God
Farid - incomparable
Faisal - judge, sovereign


Khabibullah - Beloved of God
Hakim - sage
Khalil - Beloved (by God)
Halim - meek
Khalifa (male name) - caliph
Hamid - worthy of praise
Hamidullah - Worthy of God's Praise
Hanna, Johanna - God bless
Harun is the name of the high priest
Hasan - handsome
Hassan is very handsome
Hafiz, Hafez - Guardian
Hikmet - wisdom
Hussein - handsome

Any name in any language that has a positive meaning is considered Muslim.

Read about the rituals associated with the birth of a child.

Azamat(arab.) - knight, hero, hero.

Azat(pers.) - free.

Aziz(arab.) - great, very respected, dear; strong, strong. One of the names of the Almighty.

Ainur(Tatar-Arabic) - moonlight.

Airat(Arabic or Mongolian) - from the Arabic name Khairat, which means amazing; from the Mongolian Khairat, which means "dear, beloved".

Akram(arab.) - the most generous, honoring, respecting, noble, well-behaved.

Alascar, Aliascar(arab.) - a great warrior. The name consists of two independent names: Ali - great, strong, mighty, courageous and Askyar - warrior, soldier.

Ali(arab.) - high, exalted.

Alim(arab.) - scientist, knowledgeable, knowledgeable, knowledgeable.

Albert(Old German) - noble brilliance.

Alfinur(arab.) - can be translated as "thousand-fold light."

aman(arab.) - healthy, strong.

Amanullah(arab.) - by the grace of the Almighty, the owner of good health.

Amine(arab.) - faithful, reliable, direct, truthful, honest; guardian, protector. One of the names of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him).

Amir(arab.) - ruler, leader, president; ordering, giving directions.

Amirkhan(Emirkhan) (Turkic-Arabic) - the main leader.

Anas(arab.) - joyful, pleasant, good-natured.

Anwar(Anver) (arab.) - the lightest, brightest (if the stress falls on the first vowel); a person who radiates a lot of light (if the emphasis is on the second vowel - the plural of the word "nur" - light). The most correct pronunciation is Anver.

Anzor- With Arabic can be translated as the most appropriate; the most far-sighted; the most caring. It is most likely that given name did not come from Arabic.

Ansar(arab.) - assistants, supporters, fellow travelers.

Arsen(Greek) - bold, fearless; human .

Arslan(Turk.) - lion.

Arthur(Celtic) - mighty bear; a man of large build, strong.

Assad(arab.) - lion.

Asaf(arab.) - possessing good qualities. dreamy, thoughtful.

Afzal(arab.) - the best, venerable, highly respected, worthy.

Ahmad(Ahmed) (arab.) - commendable, praised. One of the names of the Prophet Muhammad.

Ayub(Ayup) (dr. Heb.) - repentant; vow (vow). The name of one of God's prophets.

Ayaz(ancient Turkic) - a cloudless, clear sunny day; sensible, smart, savvy, clever. Giving the child such a name, they wished that his life was bright, without problems and hardships.

Bagautdin(arab.) - the radiance of faith.

Bagdat(Iran.) - a gift from the Almighty, a gift.

Badretdin(Bedreddin) (Arabic) - the "full moon" of religion. By giving such a name, the parents wanted the child to “radiate” the light of faith, just as the full moon illuminates the earth.

Bakir(arab.) - early, fast growing.

Baky(arab.) - eternal. One of the 99 names of the Almighty, usually used as a component of the name, for example: Abdulbaki (slave of the eternal Lord).

Batu(Batu) (mong.) - a precious stone; strong, healthy, reliable.

Bakhtiyar(arab., pers.) - happy.

Bashar(arab.) - a person.

Bashir(arab.) - a messenger of joy.

Borkhan(Borkhanetdin) (arab.) - proof, fact, honesty, reliability.

Bulat(Bolat, Polat) - (Arabic) very strong; (Turkic) steel. Bulat was the name of the best sword made in Damascus.

Wazir(Arabic) - minister, vizier - the highest dignitary.

vaiz(arab.) - instructing, clarifying, speaking; speaker.

Vakil(arab.) - ambassador; trusted, authorized; deputy; protector, patron.

Wafa(arab.) - honest, keeping promises.

Veli(arab.) - close, dear; patron, guardian; owner, owner. St .

wildan(Arabic, religious) - sons (plural); heavenly servant.

Ghazi(arab.) - making a campaign, procession; aspiring; warrior.

Ghalib(arab.) - the winner.

Ghani(arab.) - rich, owner of untold wealth. One of the names of the Almighty.

Gafur(Ghaffar) (arab.) - forgiving, merciful. One of the names of the Almighty.

Gayaz(arab.) - assistant, helping.

Gayar(arab.) - courageous, brave, courageous, resolute.

Gaias(arab.) - savior, helper.

Gufran(arab.) - forgiving.

Dalil(arab.) - accurate, correct, truthful; conductor (showing the way).

Damir- (Arabic) conscience, mind; (Turk) derived from "timer-dimer" - iron; persistent .

Danil(Daniyal) (ancient Heb - Arabic) - a gift from God, a person close to God; God is my judge.

Danis(pers.) - knowledge, science.

Danif(arab.) - the sun tending to sunset.

Daniyaz(Arabic-Persian) - desire, need, need, necessity.

Daniyar(pers.) - smart, prudent, sensible.

Dauzhan(Turk.) - magnanimous.

Daulat(Davlet) - wealth, country; happiness.

Daut(Daoud) (arab.) - beloved, endearing.

Dahi(pers.) - the owner of great knowledge, foresight, a great writer.

Dayan(arab.) - repaying for what he has done, the great judge. One of the names of the Almighty.

Dzhambulat- Bulat (Arabic) - very strong; Jan (Turk.) - soul.

Jamil(arab.) - beautiful.

Diliyar(pers.) - sincere, cordial; comforter.

Dindar(Persian-Arabic) - very God-fearing.

Jamal(Arabic) - camel (implies the endurance and diligence inherent in this animal).

Zhaudat(arab.) - superior, impeccable, spotless, without flaws; generous, generous.

Zabir(arab.) - strong, strong, hardy.

Zaid(arab.) - growing.

Zakaria(ancient Hebrew - Arabic) - remembering the Almighty; a real man .

Zaki(arab.) - smart, wise, capable; clean, straight.

Zakir(arab.) - remembering, remembering; praising God.

Zalim- the word "zalim" (the emphasis falls on the first syllable) is translated from Arabic as "unfair, cruel." But “zalim” (the emphasis falls on the second syllable) - like an ostrich; oppressed, offended.

Zamil(arab.) - friend, comrade, colleague.

Zamin(pers.) - land, founder, ancestor.

Zarif(arab.) - affectionate, attractive, sophisticated, beautiful; beautifully speaking; resourceful, witty.

Zafar(Zufar) (arab.) - a winner who reaches the goal.

Zahid(Arabic) - pious, modest, Sufi, ascetic.

Zinnat(arab.) - decoration, magnificent, elegant, beautiful, good.

Zinnur(Arabic) - bright, radiant, illuminating.

Zia(arab.) - light, light of knowledge.

Ziyad(arab.) - growing, increasing, maturing.

Zobit(Dobit) (arab.) - officer; rule, system, order, control.

Zubair(arab.) - strong, smart.

Zulfat(arab.) - curly; loving.

Zulfir(arab.) - predominant, superior; man with curly hair.

Ibrahim(Ibrahim, Abraham) (ancient Hebrew - Arabic) - the father of peoples. The same name has different sounds: Ibrahim is used in the Muslim environment, and Abraham - in the Jewish and Christian.

Idris(arab.) - diligent, student, diligent. The name of one of the prophets of the Almighty.

Ikram(arab.) - respect, reverence.

Ilgiz(Turkic-Persian) - wanderer, traveler.

Ildan(Turkic-Tatar-Persian) - glorifying the motherland.

Ildar(Tatar-Persian) - having a homeland, leader, master of the state.

Ildus(Tatar-Pers.) - loving homeland.

Ilnar(Tatar-Persian) - the fire of the motherland, the light of the motherland.

Ilnur(Tatar-Arabic) - the light of the motherland, fatherland.

Ilsaf(Tatar-Arabic) - from a combination of "il" ("homeland") and "saf" ("pure, noble").

Ilham (Ilgam) (arab.) - inspired, inspired.

Ilyas(ancient Heb. - Arabic) - Divine power, a miracle.

iman(Arabic) - faith, conviction, worship.

Inal(other Turkic - Tatar) - prince, aristocrat; lord, ruler.

Inar(Arabic-Tatar) - make sure, believe.

Insan(arab.) - a person.

Insaf(arab.) - educated, modest, conscientious.

Irek(Tatar) - free, independent, independent.

Irken (Irkin) (Tatar) - generous, hospitable, secured.

Irfan(arab.) - enlightened, educated, educated.

Irshad(Arabic) - conductor, guiding, pointing.

Iskander (Alexander) (other Greek) - conquering the courageous.

Islam(arab.) - obedient to the Almighty, worshiping.

Ismagil (Ismail) (ancient Heb.) - derived from the phrase "God himself hears."

Ismatullah(arab.) - "under the protection of God."

Israfil(arab.) - warrior, fighter. The name of the angel who announces the coming of the Day of Judgment.

Ishaq(ancient Hebrew - Arabic) - joyful, cheerful. The name of one of the prophets.

Ikhlas(arab.) - sincere, sincere, devoted.

Ihsan(arab.) - kind, good, showing mercy, helping.

Ihtiram(arab.) - honoring, respecting.

Yoldyz (Yulduz) (Tatar) - star, radiant, bright as a star.

Yosyf (Yusuf) (ancient Hebrew - Arabic) - the owner of beauty. The name of one of the prophets.

Kawi(arab.) - strong, powerful, powerful. One of the names of the Almighty.

Kavim(arab.) - direct, honest, correct.

Kadir(arab.) - powerful. One of the names of the Almighty.

Kazim(arab.) - patient, balanced.

Kamal (Camille) (arab.) - full, mature; brought to perfection.

Kamran(pers.) - mighty, powerful, powerful, happy.

Kari(Arabic) - a reader who knows the Koran, hafiz.

Carib (Caribula) (arab.) - a close friend ("close" to Allah person).

Karim(arab.) - generous, revered, sacred.

Kasym (Kasim, Kasym) (arab.) - dividing, distributing, fair.

Kausar (Kyavsar) (arab.) - the name of the stream flowing in Paradise; living in abundance.

Kafil(arab.) - returning.

Kaharman(pers.) - hero, hero.

Cahir(arab.) - the winner.

Kahhar(arab.) - possessing power. One of the names of the Almighty.

Kashshaf(arab.) - revealing, revealing (all good things).

Cayoum(arab.) - eternal, reliable, constant. One of the names of the Almighty.

Kiram(arab.) - generous, noble, sincere, sincere.

Kudrat(arab.) - strength; a man who can handle everything.

kurban(arab.) - sacrificing, not sparing himself for the sake of the Almighty.

Kutdus(arab.) - respected, revered.

Qiyam(arab.) - risen, resurrected.

Kamal(arab.) - reached, matured.

Latif (Latyf) (arab.) - open, merciful; cheerful, witty.

Lokman (Lukman) (arab.) - looking, caring.

Lutfulla(arab.) - God's mercy, His gift.

Lyabib(arab.) - smart, educated.

Lyaziz(arab.) - sweet, tasty.

Maksoud(arab.) - desired, desired; goal; meaning, meaning.

Malik(arab.) - master, leader, king.

Mansour(Arabic) - victorious, triumphant victory.

Marat- this is a new name that appeared among the Tatars after the 30s in honor of one of the leaders of the French revolution, Jean-Paul Marat (1747–1793).

Musgood(arab.) - happy.

Mahdi(arab.) - going the right way.

Mahmoud(arab.) - praised, revered.

Minniyar(Arabic-Persian) - helper, friend, comrade, doing good.

Mirza(Arabic-Persian) - master, nobleman.

Michman(pers.) - guest.

Mubin(arab.) - able to distinguish between truth and lies, open.

Muzaffar(arab.) - victorious warrior.

Muqaddas(arab.) - holy, pure.

mukim(arab.) - corrective; building; establishing; performing; living, residing.

Munir(arab.) - illuminating, spreading light.

Murad(arab.) - desire, goal; something desired; intention.

Murtaza(arab.) - chosen, outstanding, beloved.

Musa (Moses) - (other Egyptian) son, child; (Greek) extracted from water.

Muslim(arab.) - Muslim; obedient to the Creator.

Mustafa(arab.) - equal, superior, best.

Muhammad(Arabic) - the name "Muhammad" is translated as "praised, praised." It comes from the verb "ha-mi-da", that is, "praise, praise, thank."

Muhsin(arab.) - doing good, helping.

Mukhtar(arab.) - the chosen one; having freedom of choice.

Nabis(arab.) - a prophet.

Nadir(arab.) - rare.

Nazar(arab.) - this name can be translated as "far-sighted", and also - "look"; "looking at things from the good side"; "vow (promised)"; "dedicated to the Lord."

Nazim(arab.) - building, putting in order, collecting.

Nazif(arab.) - clean, straight, healthy.

Nail(arab.) - receiving; gift, gift; benefit, benefit.

Nariman(other Persian) - strong, hardy, strong.

Nugman(arab.) - merciful, beneficent, gracious.

Nur(arab.) - light, shining.

Nuriman(arab.) - the light of faith.

Ravil(Heb.) - a teenager, a young man; spring sun; traveler .

Radik(Greek) - a ray of sunshine.

Rais(arab.) - leader, head.

Ryan(Arabic) - the name of the heavenly gates through which those who were obligatory fasting in a worldly abode will enter on the Day of Judgment.

Ramadan (Ramadan) (Arabic) - the name of the 9th month of the Muslim calendar, the month of Holy Lent. This name was usually given to children born in this month.

Ramiz(Arabic) - a sign symbolizing the good.

Ramil- magical, enchanting

Rasim(arab.) - accelerated step, move, rapid movement.

Rasul(arab.) - messenger; ambassador; envoy; apostle; precursor.

Rauf(arab.) - merciful, sympathetic, compassionate. One of the names of the Almighty.

Raphael(Heb.) - healed by the Almighty. In the Torah - the name of one of the angels (Raphael).

Rafik(arab.) - friend, comrade, fellow traveler; soft-hearted.

Rahim(arab.) - merciful, kind-hearted. One of the names of the Almighty.

Rahman(arab.) - merciful, merciful, forgiving. One of the names of the Almighty.

Rashad(arab.) - when stressed on the first syllable, the name is translated as "conscious, prudent"; "adult"; “walking on the right path”, with emphasis on the second syllable - “consciousness, consciousness”; "health, prudence"; "right".

Rashid(arab.) - walking on the right path.

reed(arab.) - contentment; agreement; benevolence, benevolence.

Rinat(lat.) - updated, reborn.

Rifat(arab.) - high position, nobility.

Rifkat(arab.) - blessed.

Ruzil(pers.) - happy.

Ruslan(Other Turkic - Tatar) - derived from Arslan.

Rustam- a very large man, with a powerful body. In ancient Iranian folklore - a hero, a man of legend.

Rushan (Raushan) (pers.) - light, emitting light.

Sabir(arab.) - patient.

Sabit(arab.) - strong, honest, keeping a promise.

Aloes(arab.) - very patient. One of the names of the Almighty.

Sadik(arab.) - honest, sincere; friend.

Said(arab.) - lord, nobleman.

Salavat(arab.) - praising; blessing.

Salman(arab.) - healthy, without grief.

Salah(arab.) - useful, necessary; pious, pious.

Samat(arab.) - eternal; supervisor. One of the names of the Almighty.

Samir(arab.) - interlocutor, narrator.

Sardar(pers.) - commander-in-chief, leader.

Sattar(arab.) - forgiving, protecting. One of the names of the Almighty.

Safa(arab.) - pure, sincere.

Suleiman (Solomon) - living in health and well-being.

Sultan(arab.) - king, head of state.

Sufyan(arab.) - proper name.

Tabris(arab.) - heritage, wealth; pride, greatness.

tawfik (Taufik, Tofik(arab.) - blessing; reconciliation, appeasement; success, luck, happiness.

Tahir(arab.) - flying, soaring.

Such (Tags) - originally "Tagi" sounded like "Such", which in Arabic means "pious, pious".

Talgat (Talat) - appearance, face; beauty, attractiveness, grace.

Tahir(arab.) - pure, sinless.

Timerlan (Timur) (Turk.) - iron, resistant. In ancient times, when physically weak children were born in a family, the next child was given the name Timer, putting in this a prayer for his health and resistance to illness and life's hardships.

Umar(arab.) - life, living. This name was given in the hope that the life of the child would be long; the name of the second righteous caliph.

Umit (Umid) (arab.) - expected, desired; dream.

Fazil(arab.) - educated, talented.

Faiz(arab.) - a winner who achieves his own.

Faik(arab.) - superior; excellent, excellent, amazing; conscious.

Fail- giving a good sign, which is a good omen.

Farid(arab.) - unsurpassed, the only one.

Farouk(arab.) - able to distinguish good from bad.

fattah (Fattahetdin) (arab.) - opening the doors of happiness, winner; opening the doors of faith. One of the names of the Almighty.

Fatykh(arab.) - beginner; winner.

Fayaz(arab.) - rich, generous.

Fuad(arab.) - heart; mind.

Fyanis(pers.) - lighthouse, illuminating.

Khabib(arab.) - beloved; favorite; friend; dear, beloved.

haidar- a lion.

Khairetdin(arab.) - the best in worshiping the Almighty.

Hakim(arab.) - wise, educated, scientist.

Khaliq(arab.) - revitalizing, illuminating. One of the names of the Almighty.

Khalil(arab.) - a close friend; righteous.

Halim(arab.) - soft, patient. One of the names of the Almighty.

Khamzat (Hamza) (arab.) - nimble, burning.

Hamid(arab.) - commendable, worthy of praise.

Hammat(arab.) - praising.

Hanif(arab.) - truthful, honest, truth-seeker.

Haris(arab.) - guard, protector.

Harun(arab.) - stubborn, skittish, self-willed.

Hassan(arab.) - good, beautiful.

Hafiz(Arabic-Tatar) - knowing the Koran by heart; retentive. One of the names of the Almighty.

Khezir (Khizir, Khidr) - the Holy Quran describes in detail several historical episodes, where the main persons are the prophet Moses and his teacher Khyzyr.

Husain(arab.) - beautiful, good.

Genghis(mong.) - great, strong, powerful.

Shaizar (Shahizar) is a large piece of pure, high-quality gold.

Shakir(arab.) - grateful, satisfied with what he has.

Shamil(Arabic) - universal, all-encompassing.

Sharif(arab.) - venerable, generous, honored.

Shaukat(arab.) - strength, power, dexterity, greatness.

Shafi(arab.) - healing, healing; convincing.

shahbulat- particle "shah" - from the Farsi language, translated as "khan, lord, master." Joining the names, gives the meaning "very good", "very first", "largest". Bulat is an Arabic name meaning "strong".

Shukran(arab.) - grateful.

Shukhrat(arab.) - glory, fame; nobility; authority, prestige.

Elvir(Spanish) - defender, supporter.

Elmir(OE) - good, beautiful.

Emil(lat.) - hard-working, hard worker.

Emir(Arabic) - head, leader, boss.

Yunus- pigeon; Yunus was the name of one of the righteous, which is mentioned in the Holy Quran.

Yawar(pers.) - assistant.

Yakub (Jacob) (ancient Hebrew - Arabic) - a follower. The name of one of the prophets of the Almighty.

Yamin(arab.) - testifying to the truth, right.

Yaran(pers.) - friend, close person, assistant.

Yarulla(Persian-Arabic) - a friend of God who follows His precepts.

Yasin(Arabic) - the name of the 36th sura of the Koran.

Yasser(arab.) - small, light.

Yasmin(pers.) - jasmine flower.

Yahya(ancient Hebrew - Arabic) - inspiring. The name of one of the prophets.

Sattar-Mulille G. Tatar isemnәre ni soyli? [What do Tatar names say?]. S. 199.

See: Al-Feyruz'abadiy M. Al-qamus al-mukhit [ Dictionary Arabic]. Beirut: al-Risalya, 1987. S. 1671.

For more details about these episodes, see: Holy Quran, 18:65–82. The Koranic verses themselves do not mention that the teacher of the prophet Moses was Khyzyr (more correctly, Khydr). In tafsirs, this is stipulated with reference to reliable hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad. See, for example: Al-‘Aini B. ‘Umda al-qari sharh sahih al-bukhari. T. 2. S. 3–10.

See: Holy Quran, 21:87, 88.

Names of our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)

ASIM - defender

ABADI - eternal, never-ending

ABAN - that was the name of the associate of Imam Jafar Sadiq

ABAY, ABAKAR (Abu Bakr) - senior relative

ABDULAD - fair

ABDULAZIZ - mighty


ABDULBASIR - all-seeing

ABDULVAHID - the only, unique


ABDUDGAFUR - all-forgiving

ABDUJALIL - powerful

Abdulkadir - mighty

ABDULKARIM - generous


ABDULMAJID - glorious

ABDULMUMIN - faithful

ABDURAZZAK - giver of blessings

AVDURAHIM - merciful

ABDURAHMAN - merciful

ABDURASHID - righteous

ABDUSSALAM - peaceful




Abdulhalim - meek

ABDULHAMID - praiseworthy

Abid - worshiper

ABBAD - Worshiping God

ABASH - paternal uncle

ABBAS - severe, that was the name of the uncle of the Prophet

ABDULLAH - Slave of Allah

ABRAR - God-fearing person, innocent, sinless

ABRARETDIN - God-fearing believer

ABSATTAR - the servant of Allah who asks for forgiveness

ABU-ABUL - the name of the forming component, usually used to refer to the parent, after the birth of the first child, father, father of the child, parent

ABUAYYUB - this was the name of a companion of the Prophet MUHAMMAD (peace and blessings be upon him) who was honored to GIVE HIM hospitality when he moved to Medina

ABUBAKAR - father of Bakar, source of purity. The name of the closest associate and father-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad and the first of the four righteous caliphs, a wealthy Meccan merchant, the first of the men who converted to Islam, who provided constant financial support to the Muslim community.

ABUD-BASHAR - "Father of mankind." The epithet "Adam", who was also the first prophet.

Abulgazi - warrior for faith, winner

ABUMUSLIM - that was the name of the commander who contributed to the accession of the Abbasid dynasty in 750.

ABUSALAM - calm, unruffled

ABUZARR - a source of light, the name of one of the companions of the Prophet Muhammad Abuzarr al-Ghifari, known for his rejection of a luxurious lifestyle

ABULAES - father of a lion, a brave man; the name of one of the faqihs of theologians who founded his own school, Abulaes al-Samarkandi

ABUTALIP(B) - Talib's father; the name of the uncle of the Prophet Muhammad and the father of the fourth righteous Caliph Ali bin Abu Talib

ABUHANIFA - that was the name of the great Muslim scholar, the founder of the Hanafi madhhab.

AVAN - kind, sincere

AGIL - smart, knowledgeable

AGLIULLA - the most expensive, best person Allah

AGLYAMETDIN - the best versed in religion

AGLYAMULLAH - the one who knows the greatness of Allah best of all

AGRAPH - sublime, high; from the name of one of the suras of the Koran al-Agraf

AGFAR - forgiving

ADAM - progenitor, the name of the first person of the prophet Adam

ADIL - faithful, fair

ADEL - righteous

ADHAM - swarthy man, black horse, dense garden; the name of one of the Sufi sheikhs Ibrahim Benadham

ADHAT - happy

AZHMEGUL - a very handsome person

AZHMULLA - a very beautiful man of God

AZAM - decisive

AZIZ - great, dear

AZIM - a hero who foresees

AZHAR - white-faced, very beautiful, flowery

AYMURZA - the beautiful son of the emir

AIMUKHAMMET - Saint Muhammad

AIRAT - dear, beloved

Ayyub - the name of the prophet

AYSULTAN - lunar sultan

ALI is an outstanding, great fourth Caliph, cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad. The birth of the Shia movement in Islam is associated with the name of Ali.

ALIAKBAR - Ali the Great

ALDAN - firstborn

ALIASGAR - "Ali the Younger": that was the name of one of the sons of Imam Hussein

ALIM - "knowing, learned, aware"

ALIF - the name of the first letter of the Arabic alphabet 2 "friend, comrade"

ALLAMURAT - wishes of Allah

ALLAYAR - belonging to Allah


ALMASKHAN - immortal khan

ALMAKHAN - grateful khan

ALPAN - brave

ALKHAN - great khan

ALKHAS - special

ALYAUDDIN - nobility of religion

AMAN - security, protection

AMANAT - security, pledge

AMAL - hope, expectation

AMJAD - the most important

AMMAR - prosperous

AMIN - faithful, reliable, honest

AMIR - ruler, prince, prince

AMIRALI - Amir + Ali

AMIRKHAN - chief, leader

Amrullah - Command of Allah

ANAM - sons, people of Adam, the world of people, peoples, humanity

ANAS - joy, fun. Name of a Companion of the Prophet Muhammad

ANVAR - very light, very bright

Anwarullah - the ray of Allah

ANVARKHAN - bright, good person

ANZOR - the most caring

ANIS - close friend, comrade, anise

Ansar - Companions; helpers. The inhabitants of Medina from the tribes of Avs and Khazraj, who in 622 concluded an agreement with Muhammad, recognizing him as their supreme leader and teacher

Ansaf - fair

ANCHIZ - arbiter

ANFAS - very beautiful, expensive, precious

ARAN - seasoned; cold-blooded

ARAFAT - the name of the mountain near Mecca, the gathering place for pilgrims "The Sacred Mountain".

AREF - smart, wise

ARZUKHAN - desired boy

ARIF - scholar, wise, Sufi

ARMAN - perfect; hope

ARSEN - brave, fearless

ARSLAN - lion

ARSLANBEK - strong as a lion

ARSLANGAZI - struggling, on the true path, winner

ARSLANALI - the great lion

ARTHUR - a strong man of large build

ARUP (ARIF) - scientist, wise

ARSHAD - very correct, embarking on a straight path; smartest, greatest

ASAD - lion, strong, brave like a lion

ASADULLAH - the lion of Allah, an epithet of the uncle of the prophet Muhammad, Hamza bin Abd al-Muttalib, known for his courage

ASAF - thoughtful, caring

ASAH - correct, healthy

ASAHETDIN - who found the right faith

Asgadullah - the happiest with Allah

ASGAT - happy

ASGATZHAN-happy soul

ASLAN - lion; fearless

ASLUDDIN - the basis of faith

ASIR - the chosen one

ASIM - defender

ASIF - petition

ASCAR - army, army

ASKER - junior, small

ASRA (ISRA) - the night journey of the Prophet Muhammad

ASRAR - secret, unknown, wise mysteries

ASRARETDIN - unknown secrets of religion.

ASHAB (P) - friends, companions of Muhammad, people who closely communicated with him or took part in his campaigns, later they began to call everyone who saw the Prophet Muhammad at least once, even as a child

ASKHABETDIN - those who have faith

ASHABULLAH - friends of Allah

ATABAI - senior bai, aksakal

ATAMURAT - special desire

ATANAS - immortal

ATAKHAN - chief khan

AULIYAR, AVLIYAR - an excellent friend

AUHADI, AVHADI - the first, the only

AFZAL - the most worthy, respected, excellent

AFZALETDIN - the most worthy in religion, the dearest person

AFZALULLAH - the most worthy in religion, the dearest person

AFKAR - thoughts

AFSAH - eloquent

AFTAB - sun, sunlight, beautiful as the sun

AFTAH - opening, beginning, blessing

AFTAHETDIN - revealing the meaning of faith

AFHAM - understanding

AFSHAN - sower

Ahab - the most beloved

AHIYAR - well-wisher, virtue, benefactor; late, last friend

AHIYARETDIN - the virtue of faith

AHIYARULLAH - the best people of Allah

AHKAM - wise, clever, gifted

AKHKAMETDIN - a person who understands the foundations of faith

AKHKAMZHAN - smart soul

Ahkamullah - the wise man of Allah

AHLAF, ALYAF - friends who are together

Ahleislam - a follower of the religion of Islam

AKHLETDIN - who gained faith

AHLIULLAH - the creation of Allah

AHMAD, AHMAT - the name of the forming component - glorious, laudatory, praised; one of the epithets of the Prophet Muhammad, under this name he was mentioned in Holy Scriptures preceding the Qur'an

AHMADI - laudatory, glorious person from the Muslim community


AYUB(AB) - a touching, Qur'anic character, one of the righteous servants of Allah, a prophet corresponding to the biblical Job, whose story the Qur'an mentions as an edification to the unbelievers among the examples of the fact that Allah eventually helps those who rely on him and are devoted to him.

AYUBI - strong as a bear

AYATULLAH - Marked by Allah

BAGAUTDIN - the brilliance of faith

BAGDAT - a gift from the Almighty, a gift

BAGHDASAR - brightness, source of light

BADAVI - nomadic people, tribes

BADIG - very beautiful, eloquent, eloquent

BADIGULLA - very beautiful belonging to Allah

BADIPPA - very beautiful

BADIPPAN - dear, very respected

BADIKHAN - the first child

BADREISLAM - the birth of Islam

BADRUDDIN - living a full religious life

Badrullah is the month of Allah

Baitullah - "House of Allah", the name of the Kaaba

BAYAKHMAT - praised

BAYRAM - the name is given to a boy who was born during the holiday.

BAISAIT - rich Sait (owner)

BARA - innocent, innocent, the name of a companion of the Prophet Muhammad

BARAAT - "purification"; the name of the blessed night from 14 to 15 Shaban

BARACK - bright, shiny

BARIK - 1. "shine, radiance, lightning." 2. "bright, enlightening."

BARI is the creator

BARSKHAN - khan strong as a tiger

BAHAUTDIN - the brilliance of religion

BAHA - beautiful, beautiful.

BAHIRA is a character in Muslim legends about the life of Muhammad, a Christian monk from the Syrian city of Basra, who recognized the future Prophet in the boy Muhammad.

BACHMAN - open, bright

BAHTI - happy

BAHTIYAR - happy, friend of happiness

BASHAR (Bashaar) - reporting good news

BASHIR - pleasing, bringing joyful news

BISHR - joy

BIGI - head, leader, owner

BIKBAY - chief master

BIKBARS - leopard, leader

BIKBULAT - sharp sword

BIKZHAN - strong, healthy soul

VALIMURZA - pious Murza

VALINUR - illuminated by the light of religion

VALIRAHIM - friend of the Merciful

VALIRAHMAN - friend of the Merciful

VALIULLA - god man

VALIKHAI - patron khan

VALIKHUZHA - lord patron

VALIYAR - Vali's friend

VARIG - protecting from bad

VARIS - heir

VASI - helping orphans, executor of a spiritual testament

VASIK - believer

VASIL - reaching the goal

VASIM - very beautiful"

VASIMZHAN - noble soul

VASIMKHAN - noble khan

VASIT - medium

VASIF - characterizing, defining, praising

WASIFULLAH - praising Allah

WASSAF - praising.

VASFI - praising

WASFIULLAH - praising Allah

VAFA - direct, performing

VAFIULLA - trusting

VAFIK - prosperous

VAHIP(B) - dedicating, bestowing

VAHIT (D) - the only, first child

VAHITZHAN - the only soul;

VIZHDAN - honest, decent, conscientious

WUJUD - living, existing

GARUN - Harun

GASAN - Hasan

Ghazali - beautiful, strong,


GAZETDIN - fighting the way of religion

Ghazi - fighting for a holy cause, a hero. Person taking part in ghazawat

GAZIZ - the name of the forming component - dear, sweet, valuable, holy

GAZIZETDIN - a person respected in religion

GAZIZZHAN - Holy soul

GAZIZISLAM - a man who strengthens Islam

GAZIZRAHMAN - the famous Rahman

Ghazizullah - respected before Allah

GAZIZKHAN - respected khan

GAZIM - decisive, courageous, prudent, knowing the direction of the path

GAZIMETDIN - walking the path of religion, a believer

GAZIMZHAN - a brave soul

GAZIMULLAH - a batyr fighting in the path of Allah;

GAZIMURAT - brave Murat

GAZIMUKHAMMAT - brave Muhammad

GAZIMKHAN - brave khan

GAZINUR - bold Hyp

GAYDAR - lion

GAYDULLA - belonging

GAIN - the name of the forming component - the eye, the source, the best, the chosen one

Gainan - real, correct, accurate

GAYNEVALI - a true friend

GAINELGILM - source of knowledge

GAYNELISLAM - the source of Islam

GAYNELMUKHAMMAT - the chosen Mukhammat

GLYNELHACK - the source of justice, justice itself

GAINERAHIM - source of mercy; mercy itself

Gainerakhman - the source of mercy, mercy itself

GAYNIAKHMAT - authentic Akhmat

GAYNIBASHIR is a real person

GAYNISLAM - authentic Islam

GAYFETDIN - a healthy religious person

GAKIL - smart, sane

GAKIF - secluded

GALAVETDIN - the greatness of religion

GALALETDIN - living according to the canons of religion

GALI (ALI) - great, highly significant, dear; the name of the fourth righteous Caliph, cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad.

GALIAKBAR - the great Akbar

GALIAKRAM - the great Akram

GALIARSILLN - the great Arslan

GALIAKHMAT - the great Akhmat

GALIMZHAN - spiritual knowledge

GALIMKUL - knowing slave

GALIMNUR - the light of knowledge

GALIMULLAH - the teachings of Allah

GALIMURAT - scientist Murat

GALIMURZA - scientist Murza

GALINUR - great light

GALIRASUL - great messenger

GALIRAFIK - the great satellite

GALIRAHIM - great mercy

GALIRAKHMAN - great mercy


GALIULLA - the greatest man

GALIKHAIDAR - the great Haydar

GALIKHAN - great an

GALIKHUZHA - eminent gentleman

GALISHA - great check

GALISHAIKH - the great Shaikh

GALISHIR - mighty lion

GALLAMSHA - a shah who knows religion

GALLAM - a great scientist, omniscient, one of the epithets of Allah "knowing the hidden."

GALLYAMETDIN - a connoisseur of religion

GALLYAMKHAN - knowing khan

Hamid - rich

GARIF - knowledgeable, well-read, smart, knowledgeable, educated

GARIFBEK - an educated bek

GARIFETDIN - knowing religion

GHARIFULLAH - Knower of Allah

GAFFAR - magnanimous

GACHAY - a brave man, a warrior.

GASHKAY - happy

GASHIGULLA - favorite of Allah

GASHIK - in love

GASHIR - tenth (child), friend

GAYAZ - inspired

GAYAZETDIN - an enthusiastic supporter of religion

GAYAN - famous

GAYAR - energetic, courageous

GAYAS - saving, helping.

GAYASETDIN - helping religion

GIBAD - pilgrims

GIZAM - significant

GIZAR - traveler

GIZZAT is a name that forms a component of dignity, respect, close in spirit, strength, spiritual help, power, authority, prestige.

GIZZATBY - worthy

GIZZATZHAN - congenial

GIZZELGABIDIN - the greatness of the one who prays

GIZZETDIN - the greatness of religion

Gizzinur - bright light

GILAZHENTDIN - healing with religion

GELEMZHAN - a knowing soul

GILEMSHA - learned shah

GILMAN - boy, young men,

HILMETDIN - knowledge about religion

GILMI - scientist, knowledgeable, scientific

GILMIAKHMAT - scientist Akhmat

GILMIYAR - loving science

GILMULLA - divine knowledge

GILFAN - watchman, guard

Gilfanetdin - guardian of religion

GIMAD - support

HIMADELISLAM - pillar of Islam

GIMADETDIN - pillar of religion

GINYAYATULLAH - mercy, care of Allah

GINYATULLAH - help, care of Allah

GIRFANETDIN - the light of knowledge of religion

GISAM - support, independent

GISAMETDIN - pillar of religion

GISETDIN - defender of religion

GYSMAT - supporter, virtue, infallible

Hismatullah - the pious servant of Allah

GNYAS - help, salvation

GOMERZHAN - long-liver

GOSHGAR - majestic

GERGUD - fire, light

GUBAYDULLA - a small slave of Allah

GUZAIR - assistant; a Koranic character, a person whom the Jews declared the son of Allah, thereby committing, according to Muslim traditions, a sinful act similar to the Christian one against true monotheism.

GUZELZHAN - beautiful soul

GULUM - knowledge

GULYAM - boy

GUMA(E)R, UMAR - the name of the forming component - life, life, existence; the name of the second righteous caliph Umar bin al-Khattab, known for his courage.

DA (E) RVISH - a person who has renounced the world, an ascetic, a poor man

DABIR - assistant, teacher, guardian

DAVISH - the first child

DAGIUS - calling, preacher

DAIM - constant, calm character

Daesh - friend, child

DAMIR (ZAMIR) - conscientious, honest

DANISH - knowledge, science

DANIYAL - gift of God

Daniyar - scientist, smart

DARBESH (DARVISH) - ascetic, mendicant leaf

DARVISHGALI - ascetic Gali

DARZHEMAN - translator

DARIS - teacher, teacher

DARUN - heart, soul, congenial person

DAOUD (Davud) beloved, attracting; Koranic character, prophet and king, identical to the biblical David. The Koran mentions alone or together with his son Suleiman as a righteous man who was under the special protection of Allah, who made him his viceroy (caliph), gave him power, wisdom, knowledge; eloquence. Allah subdued to him the mountains and the birds, which together with them glorified Allah. He was the first to work with metals. Allah taught him to make chain mail.

JABIR - "restoring connections"; the name of the "founder of Arabic chemistry". Abu Moussa Jabir al-Hayyan.

JAVID - generous, generous

JAIZ - correct, proud

JALAL - greatness, supremacy, glory

JALALUDDIN - the greatness of religion

JALIL - great, majestic

JALUT - a Qur'anic character, the head of the troops hostile to Talut, the biblical Goliath.

JAMAL - beauty, perfection

Jami is the name of the Persian Sufi, scholar and poet Abd ar-Rahman Jami.

JAMIL - beautiful, pleasant

JASIM - solid, important

JA "FAR - "spring, stream, small river", the name of the cousin of the Prophet Muhammad.

JAHAN - world, universe

JIBRIL, JABRAIL - the name of the angel closest to Allah, the main mediator between him and the prophets, in particular Muhammad. In the Koran, he is mentioned as the patron of Muhammad, who protects him together with Allah from the unbelievers, specially sent to Muhammad with a revelation - the Koran. Biblical Gabriel.

JUMA - born on Friday

DYNACHMET - believer Ahmet

DINBAI - devout, religious

DINDAR - pious

DINDARKHAN - believing khan

DINISLAM - the religion of Islam

DINMUHAMMAT - the religion of Muhammad is Islam

DINULLAH - the religion of Allah

DINSHAIKH - knowing religion

DULAT - state, wealth.

DURZAMAN - antique pearl

DUSGALI - a great friend

DUSGALIM - a knowing friend

DUS - friend

DUSIL - loving country, patriot

DUSMURAT - Murat's friend

DUSMUHAMMAT - Muhammat's friend

DUSSADIK is a true friend

EDIGAR - a kind, benevolent person

EDIGIR - courageous, the best man

YELDAM - fast, agile

ELGYR - businesslike, skillful, dexterous

ENALI - wide soul

JAVAD - a generous person

ZhAVAN - a young guy, a young man

JAVAKHIR - precious stones

JAVID - eternal, eternity

JADIR - pleasant

ZHADIKHAN - born in the tenth month of the Iranian calendar

ZhAZIB - attracting, beloved

JAZIL - plentiful

ZhAIZ - correct, acceptable.

ZHAYGIR - settled down, settled down

JAMAL - beautiful face, beauty

ZHAMGITDIN - uniting believers

Jamil - beautiful

ZHAMIT - strong

ZHANSUFI - pious soul

ZHANTAIMAS - unshakable soul

ZHANTAKH(G)IR - with a pure soul

ZHANTIMER - strong soul

ZHANTIRAK - strong in spirit

JANTUGAN - strengthening kinship

ZHANTURA - sincere

ZHANURAZ - bright, happy soul

ZHANFAK - pure soul

ZHANSHAIKH - sincere person

ZHANY - sincere, dear

ZHANYSH - spiritual friend

ZHASIM - batyr, strong

ZHAUDAT - excellent, inexhaustible

JAHIT - diligent

ZHIKHAN - world, universe

ZHIKHANBAY - very rich

ZHIHANGALI - universal greatness

ZHIHANGARAI - a great desire

ZHIKHANGIZ - wandering around the world

ZHIHANGIR - conqueror, conqueror

ZHIKHANETDIN - spreading religion around the world

ZHIKHANMUHAMMAT - laudatory in the world

ZABIR - strong mighty

ZABIRULLAH - the mighty man of Allah

ZABIKH - sacrificed

ZABIKHULLAH - sacrificed, the epithet of the prophet Ismail, whom his father the prophet Ibrahim is ready to sacrifice to Allah.

ZAINULABID - the best of worshipers

Zainullah - the ornament of Allah

ZAKARIA, ZAKARIA - a person unforgettable by Allah; Koranic character, one of the righteous, the father of the prophet Yahya, the gospel Zechariah (father of John the Baptist). According to the Qur'anic story, Zakariyya was chosen as the guardian of Maryam

ZAKI - clean, smart, insightful, helper

ZAKIETDIN - a religious person

ZAKIZHAN - penetrating soul

Zakir - remembering Allah

ZAKIRETDIN - a religious person

ZAKIRZHAN - believer with all his soul in Allah

ZAKIRULLA - contemporary who remembers Allah

ZKIRKHAN - believer of Allah

ZARIFETDIN - a religious person

ZARIFZHAN - kind soul

Zarifulla - a believer

ZARIFKHAN - handsome, noble

ZARMUKHAMMAT - invaluable Mukhammat

ZARRAF - eloquent, fast

ZARRAFETDIN - religious preacher, orator

ZARTDIN - the jewel of religion

ZINNUR - source of light, possessor of light

ZIYATDIN - the light of religion

Ziyatullah - the light of Allah

ZINF - hospitality

ZIYAFETDIN - openness of religion

ZIYAKHAN - enlightened

ZUBAIR - strong, smart

ZUBAYDULLAH - close to Allah

ZULKARIM - generosity, a source of mercy

ZULKAFIL - the source of faith

ZULKIRAM - source of mercy

ZULFA(I)KAR - the name of the saber of Caliph Ali, loyalty to Allah is left there or in one of the heavens until the Day of Judgment.

ZURAB - ruby

ZUKHAIR - bright, light

Ibrahim - the name of the Prophet

IDRIS is the name of the Prophet.

IZAH - explanation, openly explain

IZAHETDIN - openly explaining religion

ISRAEL - the name of the angel of death, one of the closest to Allah.

IZKHAR - revealing, showing

ILAMBAI - good-looking, handsome boy

ILIS - loving his country

ILMAZ - daredevil

ILKIN - the first

Ilbay - lord, loving your homeland

ILMUHAMMAT - fair Muhammat

ILNAZ - graceful

ILNAZAR - the elder of the state

ILSUR - a trumpet announcing the day of judgment

ILTABAR - found refuge

ILFAK - a pious person of the state

ILFAR - showing the way

ILFRUZ - bringing peace to the state

ILHAMGALI - greatness of inspiration

ILHAMETDIN - inspired by faith in Allah

Ilhamsha - inspired

ILKHAN - son of the fatherland

ILCHEBEK - a wealthy son of the country

ILCHEMUHAMMAT - a worthy representative of the state

ILCHURA - hero

ILSHAEH - elder

ILSHAT - a boy was born to the joy of society

ILYAR - loving his country

ILYAS - a Qur'anic character, one of the prophets, the biblical Elijah. In the Qur'an he is called a righteous man (Salih), a believing messenger (Mursal).

He called on his fellow tribesmen to believe in Allah

IMAKETDIN - contributing to the strengthening of religion

IMAM - the spiritual leader coming to prayer, the head of the Muslim community. AT Everyday life, the imam is called the leader of the common prayer in the mosque.

IMAMGALI - great imam

IMAMETDIN - spiritual leader of the community

IMAMKUL is the imam devoted to the community.

IMAN - sincere faith; The concept of iman is one of the key in Islam, it is found more than forty times in the Koran.

IMANBEK - believer

IMANGALI - great believer

IMANGUL - believing slave of Allah

IMKILGAN - prosperous, desirable

IMRAN - life , prosperity

INSAF - educated, conscientious

INSAFETDIN - the conscience of religion

INTIZAR - born after a long wait

IPSHARAT - a child strong as a pine tree

IR - husband, courageous


IRBAY - a courageous person

IRBEK - a courageous person

IRBULAT - strong Bulat

IRGAZI - courageously fighting on the righteous path

IRGALI - an outstanding man

IRGUL - a courageous person

IRDAULYAT - male dignity

ISA is a Qur'anic character, a particularly revered prophet, the last before Muhammad. In the Qur'an it is mentioned as almasih (messiah), Ibn Maryam (son of Maryam), abd Allah (slave of Allah), Rasul Allah (messenger of Allah), Salih (righteous person), Kalima (word) of Allah. A revelation was sent down to him - Injil.

ISAM - protecting, protecting

Isakey - cheerful

ISBACH - dawn, dawn

Islam - one of the world's religions - obedience, obedience, submission to Allah

ISLAMALI - great Islam

Islambai - Muslim

ISLAMBEK is a Muslim.

ISLAMGAZI - warrior of Islam,

ISLAMGARAI - the hope of Islam

ISLAMGIR - warrior of Islam

ISLAMGUZHA - adherent of Islam

ISLAMGUL - Servant of Islam

ISLAMJAN - soul devoted to Islam

ISLAMNABI - Prophet of Islam

ISLAMNUR - the light of Islam

ISLAMUTDIN - the religion of Islam

ISLAMKHAZHI - Khazhi-Muslim.

ISLAMHI - an adherent of Islam

ISLAMKHAN - adherent of Islam"

ISLAMKHUZHA - an adherent of Islam

ISLAMSHA - a follower of Islam.

ISLAMSHAIH - Sheikh Islam Respected man in religion

ISLAMSHARIF - the honorable religion of Islam

ISLAH - correction, change, building relationships

ISMA "IL is a Qur'anic character, a prophet, the son of Ibrahim, the biblical Ismail. In the Qur'an, he is called among those to whom divine revelation was sent down, who taught people to pray. By order of Allah, he, along with his father Ibrahim, cleaned and rebuilt the Kaaba.

Ismatullah - under the protection of Allah

ISRAFIL - fighter, wrestler; one of the four closest angels to Allah. He reads divine decisions about the fate of people and the world from the divine tablet and passes them on to other angels for execution. His main attribute is the trumpet, with which he never partes and which he will blow on the Day of the Resurrection of the Dead, according to her voice people will die, and then everyone will start to rise from their graves.

ISHAK - a Qur'anic character, a prophet, the son of Ibrahim, the biblical Isaac. The Qur'an says that Allah gave Ibrahim, in his old age, a son (Ishaq) as a reward for his steadfast piety. He was informed about the forthcoming birth of his son by angels, disguised as simple travelers, who enjoyed his famous hospitality.

Abu Muhammad Yusuf ibn Askat (d. after 187/802) is a prominent Sufi.

KABAY - cradle

KABIL - hospitable, welcoming; character of Muslim legends, son of Adam, biblical Cain

KABIR - great, mighty

Kabul - receive, meet

KAVI - strong, powerful, omnipotent

KAVIM - direct, correct, honest

KADERBAY - respected

KADERBEK - worthy

KADERGALI - dear Gali

KADERGUL - a respected person

KADERZHAN - respected

KADERISLAM - Worthy in Islam

KADIR - strong, mighty

KADIRBEK - strong back

KADIRGALI - strong Gali

KADIRGUL - a strong man

KADIRZHAN - strong soul

KAZI, KAZI - the common name for a Muslim, a judge who administers justice on the basis of Sharia.

KAID - leader, military leader

KALIMULA - God's word; with whom Allah spoke, an epithet of the prophet Musa.

KALB - heart; in the Qur'an this word occurs 133 times; it is an organ of comprehension and comprehension of religious truths, a receptacle of faith and piety.

KALYAM is a term used in medieval Muslim literature to denote any reasoning on a religious and philosophical topic.

KAMAL - perfect

KAMALUTDIN - the perfection of religion

KAMILJAN - living in harmony

CAMILLAR is a true friend

KAMRAN - happy

KARAMATULLA - divine miracle

KARAMETDIN - nobility of faith

KARAMULLAH - the great bounty of Allah

KARAMURZA - strong, healthy Murza

KARANAY - swarthy

KARANIYAZ - rich Niyaz

KARATIMER - strong, strong

KARAHAN - rich

KARAKHMAT - strong Akhmat

KARACHAR - dark-haired

KARI - reader of the Koran; knowing the Qur'an by heart

CARIB - relative, close

KARIBETDIN - a religious person

CARIBULLA - close to Allah

KARIETDIN - knowing religion

CARIMULLA - kind person Allah

KARIMKHAN - generous khan

KARIMKHUZHA - good lord

KARIHAN - long-liver

KARUN is a Koranic character, a contemporary of Musa, an arrogant rich man, biblical Korea. In the Koran, he is named among the enemies of Musa destroyed by Allah. He was so rich that several strong people with difficulty they carried the keys to his treasuries.

KASIB - winner, breadwinner

KASID - messenger, messenger

QASIM - dividing into parts, distributing, separating; the name of one of the sons of the Prophet Muhammad.

KASIMBAY - dividing into parts, distributing, separating

KASIMBEK - dividing into parts, distributing, separating

KASIMZHAN - dividing into parts, distributing, separating

KASIMKHAN - dividing into parts, distributing, separating;

KAUSAR - the name of the source in the Garden of Eden, wealth

KUDRAT - power, strength, power

QUDRATULLAH - the power of Allah

KUL - the name that forms the component is a slave, a man of God, a friend, a comrade-in-arms, a hero of a warrior, an employee, an assistant.

KULAY - beautiful, comfortable

KULAKHMAT - famous

KULBAY - assistant

KULBARS - hero

KULBEK - assistant

KULBIRDE - Allah gave a helper

KULGALI - God's man

KULDAULAT - state employee

KIRAM - generous, famous

KIRAMETDIN - a generous believer

KIRAMULLA - the generous man of God

Kirman - strong

Kiyam - rise, recover again

KIYAMETDIN - reviving faith

KIYAMNUR - regenerating light (of faith)

KIYAS - similarity, example, comparison

KURBANAY - born in the month of Zul-Hijja, the month of the celebration of Kuryan-bayram

KASHIFULLA - believer in Allah

KASHFEL - open, explain, clarify

KASHFETDIN - revealing the essence of faith

KASHFINUR-revealing light

KASHFULLA - revealing secrets to Allah

KASHSHAFETDIN - revealing the essence of faith

KAYUM - existing, unchanging, seasoned

KESHMUHAMMAT - fast, nimble Muhammat

KIEKBAI - fast, nimble, slender, graceful

KIEKHAN - fast, nimble, slender, graceful

KILBY - a long-awaited boy, the name was given to a boy born after a long wait.

KILBARS (KILYABAY) - a long-awaited boy, a name was given to a boy born after a long wait

KIlbash - firstborn

KINZHA - the name of the forming component - the youngest child

Qurbanali - Ali offering sacrifice

QURBANBAKI - a sacrifice accepted by Allah, the reward for which will continue until the Day of Judgment.

KURBANBEK - a bek who makes a sacrifice

Kurbanvali - Vali offering sacrifice

KURBANGAZI - Gazi offering sacrifice

KURBANGUL - God's man who makes a sacrifice

KURBANKILDE - was born close to Allah

Qurbannabi - a prophet who makes a sacrifice

KURBAT - kinship, friendship, closeness


KURUCHZHAN - hardened soul

KURUCHTIMER - strong as steel

KURUCHAN - strong, hard

LABIB - smart

LAE(I)S - lion

LAEK - worthy

LAZIM - essential

LATIF - open, sweet, amiable, gentle, beautiful, cheerful sincere, kind

LATIFETDIN - a respected person in religion

LATIFJAN - open soul

ATIFULLAH - respected person of Allah

LACHIN - falcon

LUKMAN - looking, observing; Koranic character, ancient sage. In the Qur'an, sura 31 is named after him, where it is said that Allah granted Lukman wisdom, and then his instructions are quoted to his son, who was bequeathed not to betray partners to Allah, to believe in Almighty Allah, to pray, to encourage good, to keep from bad, to endure the vicissitudes of fate , not to be proud and not to show off, to be modest even in gait and in speech.

LUKMAN-KHAKIM - far-sighted sage

LUT is a Qur'anic character, a righteous man and a prophet, the biblical Lot. In the Qur'an, he is the owner of the Hukmah of wisdom and knowledge, is repeatedly mentioned among the prophets, whom their fellow tribesmen considered liars.

LUTFETDIN - respected in religion

LUTFI - open, sweet, amiable, gentle, beautiful, cheerful, sincere, kind

LUTFIAHMAT - gentle Akhmat

LUTFIRAHMAN - mercy of Allah, generosity

LUTFIHAK - God's goodness

LUTFULLAH - mercy of Allah

MAALI - nobility, superiority

MABRUK - blessed

MABRUR - pious, good

MAVLID - from Arabic, child, the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad

MAVLANA - title Muslim theologians, letters; "our lord"

MAGDANETDIN - source of faith

MAGDANNUR - source of light

MAGDUT(D) - rare, outstanding

MAGIN - source, source of pure water

MAGMUR - source of culture, civilized

MAGNAVI - significant, spiritual

MAGNADAR - significant, meaningful, spiritual
MAGRUR - proud

Magruf - famous, famous

MAGSUM - sinless

MAGSUMZHAN-sinless soul

MAGSUMKHAN - sinless

MAGFUR - requested

MAGSHUK - beloved; beloved
MADANI - educated, Medina
MAJID - glorious, great

MAJLIS - (high) assembly

MAJIDULLAH - a person who praises Allah

MAJIT (D) - famous, glorious, glorified, noble.

MAZKHAR - a prominent person

MYSUR - lucky, prosperous

MAKSUD - desired; wish, intention, intention

Makin - strong, strong

MALIK - source of wealth, lord, king, sultan

MALIKH - beloved, beautiful, sweet, interesting, pretty

MALIHULLA - prosperous God, man

MALTABAR - business man

MAMDUD - tall, tall

MAMIL - delicious, sweet

MAMLI - full, happy

MAMNUN - consonant, contented, cheerful

MAHAP - deputy, assistant

MANZIL - title, honor, degree, position

MANZUM - ordered

MANZUR - dedicated, promised

MANNAN - benefactor, generous

MANNAF - excellent, sedate, highest

MANNUR - light, pure spring

MANSAF - educated

MANSUR - victorious

Masalim - calm

MASGUT - happy

MASUD - happy

MASNUN - calm, even

MASRUR - joyful, contented

MATALIB - wishes

MAULA - lord, patron, intercessor

MAULABAI - patron

MAULABIRDE - given by Allah

MAULAVETDIN - a great connoisseur of religion

MAULAVI - scientist

MAULAKUL - servant of Allah

MAULAN - teacher, master

Maulasha - believer in Allah

MAVLID - the place, the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad, the holiday of the birth of the Prophet Muhammad; the name was given to children born in the month of the birth of the prophet Muhammad rabiul-awwal, the 3rd month after lunar calendar.

MAULETBEK - born in the month of Rabiul-avval

MAULETDIN - born in the month of Rabiul-avval

MAULETHAN - born in the month of Rabiul-avval


MAULYUD - newborn

MAUSIL - strengthening family ties

MAUSUK - endearing, trustworthy

MAUSUF - endowed with good qualities

MAFRUZ - the chosen one

MAHASIN - having good qualities

MAHASIP (B) - beloved

MAHACH - a reduced form of the name of Muhammad

Mahbub - Beloved, Beloved

MAHDI - guided by the right path, along the path of Allah.

MAHDUM - teacher, master, employer.

MIKAL is the name of one of the main angels, especially close to Allah. In the Qur'an it is mentioned once next to Jibril, in the threat of punishment to those who are hostile to Allah, his angels and messengers.

MILEBEK - respected

MINABETDIN - Elder of the Faith

MUBARIZ - warrior, fighter, wrestler

MUBARAK - happy, auspicious, prosperous, blessed

Mugtasim - holding fast to the faith in Allah.

MUDABBIR - thrifty, economical, organizer, manager

MUDARRIS - senior teacher in the madrasah

MUZHAKHIT (D) - making efforts, fighter for the faith

MUJTAKHIT(D) MUJTAKHID - a scholar - theologian, who has the right to make independent decisions on important issues of fiqh. According to tradition, all the companions of Muhammad and their closest followers, through whom subsequent generations received legal knowledge, are considered mujtahids.

MUZAKKIR - remembrance, giving instruction, admonishing

MUZAFARULLAH - Warrior of Allah

MUZAFARETDIN - victorious in religion

MUSEUM - hospitable

MUZIKH - bringing clarity


MUKARRAM - very kind

MUKATDIM - representing someone's interests

MUKTADIR - strong, powerful, wealthy

MUKTASIB - earning by his labor

MULLA is a believing person, teaching, converting, a spiritual title, lord, ruler, lord.

MULLASHAH - lord, ruler

MUNAZZAF - pure, purified

MUNAUVAR - light, bright, radiant

MUNAUVIR - illuminating, radiant

MUNZIR - warning

MURZA is a name that forms a component - a literate person, a clerk, of noble birth, a title used after the proper names of persons from the Shah dynasty, as well as the title of any literate person used before a proper name.

MURSHID - instructing on the right path, mentor

MUSA - working miracles, the name of the prophet, the Koranic character, the messenger of Allah, to whom the Scripture was sent down, the biblical Moses.

Muslihullah - reconciling, improving in the name of Allah.

MUSTAKIM - direct, honest, correct.

MUSTAFA - the chosen one

MUTASIM - Protected by Allah

MUFTIKHAN - clarifying the issues of faith.

MUKHAJIR, MUKHAJIR - renouncing the forbidden, the first companions of the Prophet Muhammad, who left their homes in Mecca and moved to Medina for the sake of preserving faith. The number of Muhajirs in the first years was 70 people. They formed the elite of the Muslim community.

MUHAMMMAT(D) MUHAMMAD, MAGOMED - praised, the name of the messenger and prophet of Allah, from the Hashim clan of the Quraysh tribal group. Through him, Allah brought Islamic truths to the people.


MUHAMMATHAFIZ - preserving

MUHAMMATHUSEIN - Muhammad + Hussein


MUHAMMATSHAKUR - very grateful


MUKHAMMATSHARIF - respected, noble

MUHAMMATSHAH - Muhammadshah

Muharram - forbidden, sacred, born in the month of Muharram - the first month of the lunar calendar

MUHETDIN - defender of religion

MUHIBEDDIN - loving religion

MUHIBULLAH - loving Allah

MUHIM - healing, necessary

MUHIP(B) - loving

MUHLIS - sincere, true friend, true friend

MUHLISULLAH - a sincere believer in Allah

MUHSIN - helping others, benefactor; doing good

MUHTADI - who has embarked on the right path

MUHTAR - chosen, free

MUHTARAM - respected

Muhtarullah - chosen by Allah

MUKHTASAR - modest, meek

MUHTASIP (B) - controlling; the one who stops the public violation of the norms of Muslim morality and guides on the right path. MUSHAVIR - consulting

MUSHARIF - famous

MUSHARRAF - Compassionate Leader

MUMIN - believer, orthodox. In the Quran, the word Mumin is used five times: as an epithet of Allah and as a special term for the name of a believer, reflecting the inner, moral aspect of faith

MUYASSAR - affordable

NABI - a prophet, a person with whom Allah speaks, one who receives a revelation from Allah. In the Koran - one of the main epithets of Muhammad along with Rasul. Especially characteristic of the medical period.

NABIAHMAT (D) - the prophet Ahmad; Ahmad is one of the epithets of the Prophet Muhammad.

NABIB - smart

NABIK is a great talent

NABIR - grandson, descendant

NABIRAHMAN - Prophet of Allah the Merciful

NABIRETDIN - the future of faith

NABIULLAH - the prophet of Allah

NABIKH - (Nabil, Nabkhan) - noble, noble, famous

NABIYAR - a friend of the prophet

NADI - caller to the meeting

NAJIBULLAH - respected person of Allah

NAZHIP (B) - noble, smart, noble, well-born, gifted

NAZHMERAKHMAN - the star of Allah

NAZHMETDIN - the star of religion

NAZIL - angel; close; friend, beloved of the country

NAZIM - builder, puts in order, organizer, poet

NAZIR - warner, harbinger

Nazifullah - the sinless man of Allah

Nazih - purified

Nazrullah - vowed to Allah

Nazhat - honest

NAIB - Acting, Deputy, Viceroy

Nauruz is a child born on the day of the Persian New Year, coinciding with the day of the spring equinox.

NAURUZBEK, NAURUZGALI - born on the day of the Persian New Year

NAFIGULLAH - useful person of Allah

NAFIK - spending money in the way of Allah

NAFIS - beautiful

NAKHRETDIN - the spring of religion

NIGMAT - happiness, wealth, prosperity, pleasure

NAGMATDIN - wealth of religion

NUR - the name of the educational component - light, beam, light, light - the concept of divine light as a manifestation of divine truth, religious knowledge existed in Judaism and Christianity and was further developed in Islam.

NURMUKHAMMAT - the light of Muhammad. The doctrine of the pre-existence of the soul of the Prophet Muhammad in the form of a dense luminous point, from which all predestined souls originated

NUH - calmness, rest; the name of the prophet, the Koranic character, the Messenger of Allah, the biblical Noah, one of the most revered prophets in Islam, the predecessors of Muhammad, whom the tribesmen did not believe, for which they were destroyed during the Flood.

PADISHAH - autocrat, king, ruler

PAIZUTDIN - refuge

PAKHLEVAN - hero, hero, winner

PIRI - from the family of Pirs, Sufi mentors

PIR - name forming component - elder, leader, sage, respected person, spiritual mentor

PIRBUDAG - branch, follower

PIRMUHAMMAT - feast + Muhammat

PIRUZ - the winner

PULAT - steel, damask steel

Rabbani - a child gifted by Allah

RABI - spring, spring time

RAJA - hope, desire

RAJAB - the seventh month of the lunar calendar, born in the month of Rajab, one of the four sacred months, the month of the small pilgrimage to Mecca.

RAJI - man, courageous

RAZZAK - feeding, giving inheritance

RAMAZAN, RAMADAN, RAMZAN - hot, hot. The name of the ninth month according to the lunar calendar, the month of uraz (fasting) On one of the days of Ramadan, the first revelation was sent down to the Prophet Muhammad

RAMZI - exemplary, symbol

RAMZULLAH - a symbol of faith in Allah

RAMI - shooter

RAMIZ - symbolizing the good

RAMIL - magical, magical

RASIM - able to draw

RASUL - messenger

RAHIM - merciful, compassionate

RAKHIMBAY - a merciful person

RAHMANBAY - a merciful person

RAHMANBI - merciful lord

RAHMANJAN - a grateful soul

RUH - spirit, soul

RUHAN - sincere

RUKHULBAYAN - an open soul

SAADI - happy, fortunate

SAADUDDIN - the success of religion

MABANALI - Ghali, born during the spring sowing

SABANCHI - plowman

SAGDETDIN - the happiest in faith

SAGDI, SAADI - happy, bringing happiness

SAGDULLAH - Allah gave happiness

SAGIDULLAH - happy, from Allah

SAGIR - small, small

SAGITZHAN - happy soul

SAGITNUR - the light that brings happiness

SAGITKHAN - happy khan

SADIK (SADIK) - honest, righteous

SAITBEK - ruler bek

SAITDIN - head of religion

SALAMAT - prayers, laudatory prayer

SALAM - health, greeting peace

SALAMAT - health, well-being, safety

SALAH - kindness, to be needed; beneficence, suitable

SULEIMAN - peaceful, protected; wise, ancient king, prophet

TAAHIR - humble

TAGIR - pure, unsullied

TAKFIR - acquainting, approving

TAIR - flying, birds, winged

TIMES - solid, standing firmly on its feet

TALMAS is a tireless child

TALIBULLAH - walking in the path of Allah

TAMAM - perfect

TAMIZ - healthy clean

Takhir - pure, bright, holy

UBAYDULLAH - servant of Allah

UBAYD - "little slave / Allah /"

UMAR - tenacious

UMET - faith, hope, desire, dream

USMAN - not hasty; the name of the third righteous caliph. A wealthy Meccan Umayya merchant, one of the first followers of Muhammad, married two of his daughters.

USTAZ - mentor

USTIRAK – support for the family will grow

FAVARIS - batyr, rider, rider

FAZLETDIN - the virtue of faith

FAZLIAHMAT - worthy Akhmat

FAZLINUR - worthy Nur

FAZLIRAHMAN - the mercy of Allah Almighty

FALIH - happy, fortunate

FAKHRELBAKI ​​- eternal pride and glory

FAHRELIMAN - pride of faith

FAKHRETDIN - pride, glory of religion

FUATBEK - sincere, warm-hearted person

FUNUN - knowing many sciences, scientist

KHABIB - the name of the forming component - beloved, friend, beloved, respected

Khabibuddin - the favorite of religion

Khabibelkah - favorite of the Almighty

Khabibelkhan is a favorite

Khabibjalal - great lover

KHADIMETDIN - Servant of the Faith

Hadimullah - believer in Allah

HAKIM - sage; HAKIM - judge, ruler, lord, lord; sage, thinker

HAKIMBAI - smart

KHALIL - eternal, immortal

Khalidullah - the eternal slave of Allah

KHALIL - a close friend, a true friend, living honestly, a man; the epithet of the prophet Ibrahim - Khalilullah - a friend of Allah

KHALILBEK - a close, true friend

KHALILZHAN - soul friend

KHALILKHAN - close friend

HAMED - eternal, permanent

HAMZAT - agile

HAMID - worthy of praise

HAMIDELHAK - praising the truth

HAMIDETDIN - praising the faith

HAMIDULLAH - praising Allah

HANISLAM - worshiping Islam

Hanif - a true believer in one Allah

HANIFETDIN - true believer, true believer

KHANIFZHAN - a true believing soul

Khizri - the name of the mysterious prophet of the mentor of Prophet Moussa

KHUSNEVALI - beautiful Vali

HUSNELISLAM - the blessing of Islam

Shamil - who absorbed all the best

SHAMSUOR - radiant, kind, bright

SHAMSUTDIN - beacon of faith

SHANGARAI - striving for the great

SHANGUL - a nice person

SHARAFUTDIN - nobility of faith

SHARGII - legal, living according to Sharia

SHARIP - great, noble

SHARIF - compassionate

SHARIFGALI – Sharif + Gali

SHARIFZHAN - noble soul

SHAFIGULLAH - protector, supporter of Allah

SHAFIK - merciful, compassionate

SHAFKAT - mercy

Shafqatullah - mercy of Allah

SHAHIRETDIN - a man known for his faith

SHIRMUHAMMAT - strong Muhammat

SHAHRISLAM - the best person in Islam

SHUKRAN - give thanks, do good

SHUKUR - give thanks, be pleased

SHUKHRAT - glory, reputation, fame

SHUKHRATULLAH - the glorious man of Allah

EMMIN - Amin

EMIR (Amir) - head, leader

Eldar - Lord

ELMAN - man of the people

ELMIR - leader of the people

ELCHIN - brave

ESHAK - Ishak

EFENDI - Afandi (teacher)

EHSAN - beneficence, mercy

EHTESHAM - modesty, dignity

YUZBASH - Turk: leader of a hundred

YUZBEK - a wish for longevity

YUZZHAN - a wish to live to ancient times

YULAI - showing the way, illuminating the way

YULBULAT - a wish for a decent life

YULGIZ - long-liver, wanderer

YULDASH - fellow traveler, comrade

YULTAI - long-liver

YULCHI - a life partner walking along the road

Yuma - trying to please

YUMAGALIM - the desire to be educated

YAKUT - yahont, desired, dear child

YANBEK - a dear person was born

YANGIR - master

YANGUL - sincere, dear, person

YANGURAZ - new happiness

JANISCH - soul friend

YANKUAT - multiplying spiritual strength

YARMUHAMMAT - satellite of Muhammat

YARULLA - a friend of Allah, walking in the path of Allah

YARHAM - let him be merciful

YARHAMETDIN - showing mercy in faith

YARKHAN - friend

Yasin - the name of the sura from the Koran

YASIR - easy, laid-back

YAFAS, YAFES - the name of one of the sons of the prophet Nuh

YAHIA is a Quranic character, a prophet and a pious person, the son of Zakaria, the gospel John the Baptist. In the Qur'an, he is called a righteous man along with Isa and Ilias. He was wise even in childhood, pious, God-fearing, temperate, meek with his parents.

ABIDA (Abidat) - the feminine form of the Arabic name Abid - "worshipper".

AGZAMA - great

AGLA (I) - the most majestic, very kind, good, beautiful.

Aziz - Arabic name, derived from the male Aziz - "great", "dear", "respected"

AZIZAT - powerful, powerful, strong, dear, beloved, sweet.

AIDA - visiting, returning (to good)

AYBIKA (I) - the daughter of the moon

AYGUL - like a moon and a flower

AYZIFA - beautiful, slender

AYZUKHRA - light of the moon, moon flower

AINA - Persian name, "clean, bright", "mirror"

AYSARA - lightweight, the best.

Aisha - prosperous, the name of one of the wives of the Prophet Muhammad.

AKDASA - holy

ALIMA - learned, smart

ALIFA - friend, girlfriend

Aliya - Arabic name, translated means "exalted", majestic, grateful.

ALMAGUL - Turkic name, "apple flower" - alma - "apple" and gul - "flower".

ALFIA - friendly, sympathetic.

ALFIZA - valuable silver.

AMANAT - what is entrusted, what should be protected.

AMANI - desires, expectations, hope.

AMILYA - working.

AMINA - (Aminat, Eminat) - Arabic name, means "safe, faithful, devoted, reliable, trusted, honest. That was the name of the Mother of the Prophet Muhammad.

AMIRA is a princess.

ANISA - Arabic name, derived from the male Anis - "friend" (girlfriend).

ANNURA - light, brightness.

Ansam is the breath of life.

ANFASA - very beautiful.

ARAPAT - from the name of the valley and Mount Arafat near Mecca in Arabia, which serves as a place of pilgrimage for Muslims around the world.

ARIBA is witty.

ARUB - loving her husband.

ARIFA - knowledgeable, knowledgeable.

ASADIA is a lioness.

ASIMA - protector, supporter.

ASiyat - the Arabic name Asiya, in translation means comforting, treating female doctor.

ASILYA - belonging to a noble family, precious.

ASHURA - from the name of the tenth day of the lunar month of Muharram. On this day, the son of Hazrat Ali, Imam Hussein, who was highly revered by Muslims, was killed. This is usually the name of girls born on the day of Ashura.

BAGIRA - open, holy.

BAGDAGUL - radiant flower

BADRINUR - the light of the new moon

BARIKA (I) - light

BARIRA - smart, obedient.

BARIUM - sinless

BARIYAT - derived from the Persian "pari" (peri), "fairy".

BALKIS is the name of the Queen of Sheba, who was brought to the prophet Suleiman.

BASIMA - pretty

BASIRAT - the female form of the name Basir is insightful.

BAHIZHA - cheerful, beautiful.

BAHIRA - open, dazzling

BAHIA - very beautiful

BAHRUZ - happy

BAKHTIGUL - a flower of happiness

BAKHTINUR - the light of happiness

BASHIRA - bearer of good news

BAYAZA - white-faced

BAYAN - explanatory

BUNIYAT - Persian name, "aspiring to the high"

BURLIYAT - Turkic name goes back to the name of a diamond, of French origin, meaning "brilliant".

WAJIBAT is the feminine form of the Arabic name Wajib, which means "necessary"

VAJIKHA - beautiful, pretty

VAZIPAT - duty, duty, mission, service, position

VAZIFA is the female form of the name Vazif, which means “praising”, serving

VAKIFA - knowledgeable, intelligent, knowledgeable

VALIDA - child-descendant, girl

VALIA - saint, protector

VARIGA - pious, pious

WASAMA - beauty, charm

VASIGA - sincere

Vasika - believing

WASIMA - very beautiful

VASIFAH - praising, describing

VAFIRA - a wide soul

WAHIBA - bestower

WAHIDA is the only one

VIRASAT - heritage, heritage

GABIBAT (Habibat, Ghabibat, Albiybe) - beloved, beloved, sweetheart.

GABIDA - serving the faith

GADIL - fair

GAZALIA - beautiful, charming, antelope

GAZIZA - conscientious, strong, holy, dear

GAZIL - victorious

GAZIMA - foresight, courageous; grandiloquent, best wishes

GAYNA - chosen, the best

Gainiyar - the best of friends

GAISHA (AISHA) - living; Messenger of Allah married Aisha. She was the daughter of Abu Bakr, the Truthful of the Koreish tribe. Her lineage overlaps with the lineage of the Messenger of Allah in the sixth generation. As a wife, he brought her into his house at the age of 14 or 16. She was among the first persons who converted to Islam. Having become the spiritual mother of Muslims, she very soon felt the responsibility entrusted to her. She listened to the sayings of the Prophet and memorized them. She knew the largest number of hadiths. After the death of the Prophet, they came to her on questions of the Sunnah. Among the wives, she was the leading woman. After the death of the Prophet, she lived another 47 years diligently teaching Muslims about Islam.

GAKILA - the source of the mind

GAKIFA - distributing; a pious believer observing seclusion in the last 10 days of Ramadan in the mosque

GALIMAT (Halimat, Galimat, Alimat, Alima) - "meek." That was the name of the mother - the nurse of the prophet Muhammad

GANIFAT (Khanifa, Hanipa, Gyanipat) - true.

GATIFA - loving

GAFIZAT (Hafizat, Gapizat, Hafsat, Gyapisat) - keeping, protecting

GAFILYA - not feeling tired, difficulties

GULZHANNAT - the flower of the Garden of Eden

GULZADA - the queen of beauty, like a flower

GULZAMAN - seasonal flower

GYULZAMINA - earthy flower

GULZAR - flower garden

GULLEAMIN - flower of faith

GULNAZAR - all-seeing

GULNASIRA - chubby; promised flower

GULNARA - pomegranate flower

GULSAFA - pure flower

GULSAFARA - going, born in the month of Safar (Arabic)

GULSAHIBA - girlfriend

GULSAHRA - desert flower

GULSILA - a gift that looks like a flower

DAVLAT - happiness, contentment

DAGIRAT - the female form of the name Dagir (Takhir), translated from Arabic means "pure", immaculate, innocent.

DAGIA - preacher

DAIRA - circle, social circle

DAYBAT - pure, purest, kind, noble deed.

DALILA - a witness showing the way

Dahlia - dahlia flower

DAMINA - bringing good

DAMIRA - strong

DANA - smart, well-read

Danifa - rising sun

DARIS - teacher

DARIIA - regal

DARUNA - heart, mood

DAHIA - very smart, creative

DAYA - nanny, nurse

JAVAKHIRA (Javaira) - precious stones, semi-precious stones

JAVGARAT - Persian name, gem, pearl

JAVIDA - new, fresh

Jadira - pleasant, worthy

JALILA - great, famous

JAMILA (JAMIL) - Arabic name, beautiful, kind

JANISAT - Persian-Arabic name, consists of the words jan - "soul" and nisa - "woman".

JANNAT (JENNET) - Arabic name, means "Garden of Eden".

JARIYAT (ZHARIYAT) - a slave, a slave, a maid, a servant, a girl

Jauhar - jewel, diamond


JUVAYRIYAT (Zhuwayriyat, Zhubarzhat, Zubairizhat, Zuvayrizhat, Zubeyrizhat, Zubarzhat, Zubariat) - “emerald; chrysolite". The name of one of the wives of the Prophet Muhammad.

JUMANA - silver pearl

DILYA - mood, mind, heart

DILYARA (DILARA) - Persian name, means "beauty", "beloved".

DINA - "court". The name of the elder sister of the prophet Yusuf, daughter of the prophet Yakub, believer in God, religious

DINARA is the feminine form of the name Dinar, which means "gold or silver coin, dinar".

DINIA - religious

JAVGARAT - see Javgarat

ZHAVIDA - immortal

ZHADIRA - pleasant

JAZIBA - attracting, protecting

JAZILA - rich, healthy

ZHAYRAN - antelope, a symbol of beauty

ZHALILYA - big, great

ZHAMALIYA - with a beautiful face, beautiful

ZHAMILYA - beautiful

ZHANANA - heart

ZHANISAKHIBA - friend, sincere friend

ZHANIA - sincere

ZHANNAT - Garden of Eden

ZHARIA - slave, concubine

ZHASIMA - brave

ZABIDA - chosen from the special

ZABIRA - strong, strong

ZAGIDAT - the female form of the name Zagid, which in Arabic means "ascetic", "companion", female ascetic.

ZAIDA - growing, excess.

ZAIMA - leader, first

ZAIRA (Zagirat, Zagra, Zagyirat) - the female form of the name Zagir, translated from Arabic means "bright, blooming, beautiful", "bright", "blooming, beautiful", "with a blooming face, with a shining face", "flower" .

ZAYNA - elegant, beautiful, the owner of a strong healthy physique

ZAINAB is an Arabic name. That was the name of one of the wives of the Prophet Muhammad and the eldest daughter of Muhammad and Khadija. At one time, unlike her sisters Umm Kulthum and Fatima, Zainab did not move with her father from Mecca to Medina

ZAYNEGUL - luxurious flower

ZAYNIA - elegant

ZAYSINA - having a good figure

ZAYTUNA - olive, tree, flower

ZAKIRA - remembering

ZAKIA - helping, merciful

ZAKIYABANU - merciful girl
ZALINA - from the Iranian name. Sarina, which means "golden".

ZALIFA is a prudent girl.

ZAMZAM - the name of a sacred spring in Mecca, which made its way under the foot of the prophet Ismail in infancy.

ZAMILYA - close person, friend

ZAMINA - earth

ZAMIR - the female form of the name Zamir (Samir), which in Arabic means "interlocutor", "interlocutor"

ZAMIRA (DAMIRA) - heart, conscientious; girl playing the flute

ZAREMA - sweeping, similar to sweeping

ZANUFA - a woman who brings benefits

ZARAFAT - elegant.

ZAREMA - goes back to the Persian "zar" - which means "gold". It translates as "golden, like gold."

ZARIMA - flammable

ZARIRA - gold

ZARIFA (ZARIPAT) - the female form of the name Zarif, which in Arabic means witty, thin, charming, modest, beautiful, "gentle, fragile, fragile physique."

ZARIA - gold, golden

ZARYAT - "scattering". Title 51 - Surahs of the Holy Quran. ZAFIR - victorious, successful, exultant

ZAHIDAT (Zahida) - a woman leading an ascetic lifestyle

ZAKHIRA - a rare, expensive thing, a relic; outstanding, prominent

ZAHIA - brilliant, open

ZAHRA - Arabic name, means "brilliant, sparkling", "with a shining face."

ZEYNAB BINT JAHSH is the daughter of the aunt of the Messenger of Allah in the male line. The Prophet married her in the fifth year of Hijri. Among other spiritual mothers of Muslims, Zeinab bint Jahsh enjoyed special authority.

ZEMFIRA - sapphire

ZIADA - superiority, superiority

ZIAFAT - hospitable

ZIDA - developing

ZILAYLA - night flower

ZILIA - merciful

ZILA - compassionate

ZINNAT - decoration, outfit

ZINIRA - luminous

ZIFA - pretty, beautiful, slender; name educational component ZIFABANU - beautiful girl

ZIFAGUL - a beautiful flower

ZIFANUR - beautiful light

Ziyada - growing

ZUBARZHAT - emerald

Ziyarat is the female form of the name Ziyar, which means "pilgrim" in Arabic.

ZUBAYDA - the female form of the name Zubayd, which means "gift" in Arabic.

ZUBARZHAT - Arabic name, "smaragd, the same as emerald."

ZUBBENISA - the most beautiful of the girls

ZUBEYDA - chosen one

ZUDA - agile, playful

ZULAYKHA (Zuleykha) - Arabic name, "smooth, portly."

ZULEIFA - curly

ZULEYKHA - small, younger; Koranic character, the wife of the prophet Yusuf.

ZULKADA - the eleventh month of the lunar calendar

ZULNARA - fire, fiery

ZULFA - curly

ZULFARA - temperamental

ZULFIYA - the owner of curly hair, pretty, pretty, attractive

ZULKHAYA - polite, courteous

ZULHAYAT - cheerful

ZULKHIJAT - Arabic name, goes back to the name of the twelfth Muslim month, born in the month of the Hajj

ZUMRUD - Persian name, means "emerald", "precious stone"

ZUPARA - fiery

Zurafa - elegant, beautiful

ZUHAIRA - small flower

ZUHRA - Arabic name, means "radiance", "whiteness", "brilliant, radiant", "planet Venus".

IBADAT - service to Allah; prayers

IBRIZ - pure gold

IJLAL - glorification, honors, respect

IZHADIA - creatively gifted

IZTIHAR - prosperity, fragrance

IKRAMA - revered

ICTISA - necessary

Iddaria - leader

ILNARA (Elnara) - radiant

ILSINA - graceful

ILFARIA - beacon of the motherland

ILFIZA - sacrificing herself in the name of the motherland

ILFRUZA - pleasing the world

ILHAMIA - resourceful

IMANYAT - from the word iman: "faith in God."

INAS - friendliness, sociability

INAM - kindness, charity

INSAFIA - educated, modest, conscientious

INJILA - light that sows light

IRADA - righteous prayer, strong-willed

ISLAMIA - adherent of Islam

ISMAT - purity, purity

ISMEGUL - flower

IFADA - explanation, explanation

KABIRAT (Kabira) - great, big, dear.

KAVIYA - strong

KAVSAR (KEVSER, KAVSARAT) - “abundant”, “abundance, wealth”, the name of a paradise spring, the water of which heals all diseases.

KADIMA - coming, going, adhering to traditions

Kaida - ruler, leader

KAMAL - successful

KAMILA - (Kamilya) - the female form of Camille, translated from Arabic means perfect, impeccable

KARAMA - generous saint

CARIBA - close, friend, dear

KASIMA - acting in justice

KASIRA - low, small, plentiful, generous

KAHIRA - conquering, taking over

KATIBA - writing

KUBRA is the greatest

LABIBA - smart, capable, resourceful

INCENSE - incense, incense

LASIMA - necessary

LAIMA - immortal

LAMIGA - spreading light

LAMIS - soft

LATIFA - the name forming the component is open, beautiful, cheerful

LAUZA - almond tree, almond

LAZIZA - sweet

LAFIFA - kind

Leyla - Arabic name, means "night lily" in translation.

LIKA - meeting, date

LUBAT - beauty

LUKMANIA - nurse

LUTFIA - kind-hearted, merciful, beautiful

MAASHA - life

MABRUKA - blessed, prosperous

MABRURA - beloved, good

MAVIA - water colors, blue

MAGFIRA - forgiving

MAGFIA - forgiving

MADANIA - cultural

MADINA (Madinat, Medina) - from the name of the holy city of Medina in Arafia, where the burial place of the prophet Muhammad is located

MADIHA - praiseworthy

MAJIDAT - "glorious, famous, illustrious, famous", "powerful, noble".

MAZIFAT - Arabic name, translated means "protected."

MAIDA (Mandate) - Persian name, means "small"

MAYMINAT (Maymunat) - "happy." The name of one of the wives of the Prophet Muhammad; the spiritual mother of Muslims, she was just over 35 years old. The last wife of the Prophet Muhammad. She conveyed to Muslims legends about the life and deeds of the prophet. Most of the hadith she narrated deals with issues related to women, family and home.

Maysarat - Arabic name, means "wealth, abundance

MAISA - marching, proud

MAISUN (Maisum) - beautiful in face and body

MAKKA (Mecca, Makkahan, Makkahanym) - in honor of the Muslim holy city of Mecca

MACCHIA - named after the holy city of Mecca

MAKSUDAH - aspiration, desire.

MALIK (Mayikat) - the female form of the name Malik, which in Arabic means "mistress, queen."

MALIHA - beloved, beautiful, sweet

MANZURA - outstanding, venerable

MANZURA - dedicated to Allah

MANIGA - opposing evil

MARJANAT (Marjan) - Arabic name, "corals, beads, small pearls."

MARGANAT - coral, similar to coral

MARZIA - satisfied with life

MARZIYAT (MERZIYAT MARZIYE) - "prosperous"; "pleasant, commendable."

MARIYAT - derived from Maryam

MARIFAT (Maripat) - educated, enlightened, good manners

MARIYAT (Mary) - "partridge". One of the wives of the Prophet Muhammad

MARUA, MARVA - good news; the name of the hill in Mecca, around which one of the rites of the Hajj is performed.

MARFuga - superiority

MARKHABA - welcome, benevolent

MARHAMAT - mercy

MARYAM (Mariyan, Mariam, Mairam) - beautiful, dear, sublime, glorious. The Koranic character, the righteous woman (siddika), the mother of the prophet Isa, corresponds to the Christian virgin Mary. In the Qur'an, Isa is repeatedly called the son of Maryam. One of the surahs of the Koran is named after Maryam. Muslims revere her as one of the most pious women in sacred history, the head of women in paradise.

MASNUNA - flat

MASRURA - joyful

MASTURA - chaste

MASUBA - rewarded

MATLUBA - asking, seeking, needed

MAUGAZA - preacher

MAHMUDA - commendable, honorable

Mina - the name of the valley in Mecca, where part of the Hajj ceremony takes place

MUMINAT - the female form of the name Mumin (Mu'min), means translated from Arabic: "believer".

Munisa - girlfriend

MUNIFA - tall, stately

MURSALINA - messenger

MURSHIDA - assistant

MUSAVAT - equality

MUSIFAH - decorating

MUSLIMA (MUSLIMAT) - the feminine form of the name. Muslim, translated from Arabic means “saved”, “surrendered to Allah”, Muslim, religious

MUHAJIRA - refusing the forbidden; in honor of the first companions of the Prophet Muhammad, who, in order to preserve the faith, left their homes in Mecca and moved to Medina.

MUHARRAM - inviolable

MUHASIMA - calling

MUHHIBBA - loving, close friend

MUMINA - a Muslim woman who believed

MUFIDA - tenderness

MUSHIRA - adviser, adviser

NABAGAT - gifted, talented

NABAWIYA - prophetic

NABAT (Labat) - sweet

NABIBA - dying, quick-witted, smart

NABILA - famous

NABITA - having talent

NABIKA - noble, famous

Nazila - sent down, close, guest

Nazima - a teacher who writes poetry

Nazira - promised

NAZIRAT - female form named after Nazir. Translated from Arabic, the term "Nazir" means "minister". Here: minister.

Nazifa - healthy, clean

NAZIHA - purified, pure

NAZKHAT - possessing spiritual and bodily purity

NAIBA - Viceroy

NAIDA - swaying

NAILA - female form named after Nail. Which in translation means "achieving success."

NAILA - enjoying life

HIRE - happiness, abundance

NAIRA - illuminating

NAIRD - open, light, bright

NAYRIYAT - radiant

NAKIBA - chosen lady

NAKIA - pure

NAMGIRA - who received recognition, fame

WRITE (Nafisat) - a variant of the Arabic name Nafisat, which means "graceful" in translation

NURDJAGAN - Arab-Turkic name, means "light of the universe."

NURZHANNAT - the light of the Garden of Eden

NURZHIDA - sensual; like light from jewels

NURZHIKHAN - universe, earth, life

NURIIA - light-faced

PATIMAT - see Fatima, translated means "pleasant."

PERI (Pari) - "maiden of paradise"; fairy "There are also compound names": Perizade, Parizada, Gulperi.

PIRDAVUZ (Pirdaus, Pirdvus) Persian name, in translation, means "Garden of Eden".

PIRUZA - turquoise

Rabbaniya - belonging to Allah

RABIA - garden

RABiyat - Arabic name, translated means "fourth".

RAVZA (Ravzat) - garden; meadow

RAVIL - girl, spring sun

RAVIA - storyteller, filled, rich

RAGANA - beautiful, the name of the flower

RAGIBA - desire, ideal

RAGIDA - rich, sufficient, calm

RAGIMAT (Ragimat, Ragmat, Iragmat) - the feminine form of the Arabic name Rahim, which means "merciful", merciful

RADIA - satisfied

RAZHIHA - the best, advanced

RAZHIA - asking

RAZANA - calmness, self-control

RAZYAT - pleasant, satisfied,

RAZINA - meek

RUKIYAT - rising high, magical, bewitching. Daughter of the Prophet Muhammad.

RUZINA - necessary daily

RUZIA - happy

RUKIZHAT - see Rukiyat.

RUHIA - sincere

RUFINA - friend

SAADAT - happiness, bliss, prosperity

Sabah - morning, dawn

SABIDA - creator

SABIR (SABIRAT) - the feminine form of the Arabic name Sabir, means "patient"

SABIHA - morning

SABIYAT - girl; daughter

SAVILYA - direct way

SAVIA - flat, straight

SAGADAT - happiness

SAGDIYA - happy, bringing happiness

SAGDUNA - our happiness

SAGIBAT (Sagyibat, Saibat) - friend, hostess.

SAGIDABANU - happy girl

SAGIDABIKA (I) - happy mistress

SAGIRA - younger, small

SADA - simple, ordinary

SADIDA - straight, correct

SADIRA - soul, heart

SADIYA - thirsty

SADRIA - cordial, leader

SAJIDA - worshiping

SAIBA - correct

SAID - happy

SAILA - begging, pleading

SAIMA - holding an uraza

SAIMAT - Arabic name, fasting, fasting

SAYDA - the female form of the name Said, from Arabic means "happy, successful."

SAYDA (Saidat, Sagidat, Saidat) - happy, prosperous, prosperous, successful; "ma'am, ma'am."

SAKINET (Sakinet, Sekina, Sakina) - divine, calm, quiet, peaceful.

SALAMAT - Arabic name, well-being, innocence, peaceful, saving, delivering

SALAHIA is the best

Salvi - sage flower

SALIKA - walking on the right path

SALIMA - health, spiritual purity

SALIKHAT is the female form of the Arabic name Salih, “good, righteous”, holy, pious, useful.

SALIA - comforting

SALMA - peaceful

SALTANAT - Arabic name means "power, greatness."

SAMIA (Sumaya) - highly significant, significant

SANA - splendor

SANiyat is an Arabic name derived from the ordinal

SAPIYAT - Arabic name, pure, immaculate, chosen one

Sarah - the name of the wife of the prophet Ibrahim

SARAT - pure, noble

Sarvinaz - tenderness

SARVIA - slender, a symbol of beauty

SARDARIA - leader

SARIMA - agile, firm

SARIA - spring, cheerful song

SARRA - joy, happiness

SATIGA - shining

SAUDA - unquenchable passion, big love, the name of Muhammad's second wife

SAUDIA - love, desire, good luck in business

SAURA - born in April, excited

SAFA - cleanliness, calm

SAFANUR - pure color

SAFARGUL - flower of Safar month

SAFARI - walking on the road

SAFIDA - white, light

SAFURA - an angel who heals the soul

SUGAR - dawn

SAHBIA - girlfriend

SAHIBA - friend, companion

SAHINA - hot, temperamental

SAHIRA - awake, vigilant

SAHIHA - healthy, lively, honest, righteous

SAHIA - generous

SAHLIA - light

SAKHRA - born in the steppe

SIDRET (Sidrat) is an abbreviated form of the Arabic name Sadrugdin, which in semantic translation means "standing ahead of the fighters for the Muslim faith."

SIDDIKA - correct, true, fair

SIMA - exceptional

SIRAZHIA - giving light, torch

SITDIKA - correct, honest

SOGO - very happy

SULEKBIKA (I) - a slender lady

SULTANAT (Soltanat) - Arabic woman's name, formed from the male Sultan, is translated "Sultana", i.e. The king's wife.

SULTANIA - Sultan's wife, queen, princess

SUMAYA - swarthy

SUMUV - height, greatness

SUNMAS - long-liver

SUDA - happy

SURAB - mirage, ghost

SURYA - the star Sirius

SURUR - joy, delight

Sufi - avoiding bad deeds

Suffa - the poor companions of Muhammad, who did not have shelter in Medina and lived under a canopy of a mosque near the prophet's house, some of them served him.

TAVILYA - a tall girl

TAVUS - Turkic name, translated means "peacock"

TAGBIRAH - explanatory

TAGBIA - bringing the matter to the end

TAGZIA - comforting, nurse

TAGMIRA - renewing, building

TAGRIF - introductory, explaining

TADBILAH - changeable

TAJDIDA - renewing

TAJINUR - light crown

TAJIA - queen

TAZQIRAH - memory of good health, remembrance of Allah

TAZKIA - pure, protecting from damage

TAIRA - flying like a bird

TAIFA - pious; caring for the common good.

TAKQINA - creative

TAKIKIA - like a beautiful wreath of flowers, God-fearing

TAKMILA - complementary

TAXIMA - fair

Takfilya - protective

TALIBAH - walking, seeking, studying science

TALIGA - happiness, happy

WAIST - close, pleasant; good-tasting

Tamiza - in good health, pure, sinless

TANVIRA - giving light

TANGYUL - like a morning flower

TANZIA - immaculate, morally pure

TANKA - pure and bright, like silver

TANSULTAN - bright, beautiful as the dawn

Tanura - dawn

TARIFA - famous girl

TARUT - cheerful

TASVIYA - equalizing, fair

TASLIA - comforting

TASMIA - the name of the name

TASNIA - exalting

TASFIA - cleansing

TAUSIA - giving good advice

TAHIRA - sinless pure

TAHMILYA - giving wise advice

TAHSINA - improving

TAHURA - a very pure, sinless woman

TULGANAY - beautiful as the full moon

TURGAI - similar to a lark

TURAYA - star

TUTIA - a pearl that is dreamed of

UZLIPAT - (Uzlifat, Uzlupat) approached from Arabic

UMM SALAMA - the name of the spiritual mother of Muslims, by origin she was from the tribe of Quraysh. In the fourth year of the Hijra, the marriage of Ummah Salam with the Prophet Muhammad took place. Thanks to her, 378 hadiths have come down to us.

UMM RUMMAN - the name of the wife of the first caliph Abu Bakr, mother of "Aisha

UMM Sinan - gentlemen

UMMUSALAMAT (Umsalamat) - "mother of the Unharmed". The name of the wife of the Prophet Muhammad.

UMMUHABIBA (Ummughabibat, Umughaibat, Umaibat) - "mother of the pet." The name of one of the wives of the Prophet Muhammad

UMRAGIL (Umurahil, Umura-gil) - "rachel's mother". And Rachel was the wife of the prophet Yakub and the mother of the prophet Yusuf.

UMUKUSUM - "red-cheeked", literally translated: "mother of the blush." That was the name of one of the daughters of the Prophet Muhammad and his wife Khadija. She was the wife of the glorious askhab (companion of the Prophet) and Caliph Osman.

UMMUKHAIR (Umkhayyr) - mother of good luck, good

UNAYZAT (Uneyzat, Uneysat, Unaysat, Onayzat) - Arabic female name, from the diminutive common word "unayzat"; means "goat" or "goat".

UZLIPAT - Arabic female name, translated means "approaching".

UBAYDA - a little slave of Allah

FAVZIA - lucky

FAVARIA - hot, passionate

FAGILA - hardworking, diligent

FADILYA - virtue

FAZILAT - worthy, excellent, learned, wise, enlightened

FAZILAT - beneficial, highly revered

FAZLIA - kind, sincere, knowledgeable

FAIDA - the one that benefits

FAIZA (Faizat, Faida, Payzat, Fazu) - the female form of the Arabic male name Faiz, triumphant, victorious, "generous".

FAIKA - superior to others

FAIL - hardworking, diligent

FAYZIA - kind, generous

FAYSALIA - making fair decisions.

FAKIRA - quick-witted, wise, thinking.

FAQIHA - bringing good mood; a scholar who knows sharia law

FAKIA - funny, witty

FALAHIA - happiness, the owner of a happy fate


FALIHA - happy, in good health

Falia - happiness

FANAVIA - passionate about science

FANDARIA - knowing science

FANDUSA - loving science

FANZALIA - scientist

FANZILA - passionate about science

FANZIA - comprehending the light of science

FANILA - knowledgeable, scholarly

FANISA - showing the way

FANIA - passionate about science

FANNURA - comprehending the light of science

FANSUYA - striving for science

FANUNA - knowing many sciences

FANUSA - illuminating the way

FARADISA - similar to the Garden of Eden

FARAIZA - obligatory, executive

FARANGIS - a woman liked by all people

FARAHI - bringing joy

FARDIA - the only, only child

FARZANA - scholarly, well-read, smart

FARZIA - obligatory, executive.

FARID (Fariza, Parida) - Arabic female name, "pearl", "rare", diamond, incomparable, unique.

FARIZA - obligatory, executive

FARIKA - knowing good and evil; moral

FARISA - horsewoman

FARIHA - residing in a joyful mood

FARIA - amazing, beautiful

FARUZ - illuminating, pleasing

FARUHA - joyful, beautiful

FARKHADA - invincible

FARKHANA - happy girl

FARHIZA - joyful

FATALIA - true

FATANAT - understanding, quick-witted

FATIMA (Patimat) adult, understanding. That was the name of the beloved daughter of the Prophet Muhammad and his wife Khadija.

FATIN (Fatina) - captivator, charming

Fatiha - opening, beginning, blessing. The opening book is the name of the first sura of the Qur'an.

FAHIMA - sensible, reasonable

FAHIRA - excellent, good, praised, wonderful

FAKHRIA, FAKHRI - the name of the constituent components - praised, venerable, glorious, famous

FAYAZA - abundant, generous

FIDA - dedicated, selfless

FIDANIA - honoring parents

FIDAYA - selfless, generous

FIRAZA - beautiful as turquoise

FIRAZIA - tall, slender

FIRAYA is a very beautiful girl

FIRDANIA - the only, unique

FIRDAUSA - similar to the Garden of Eden

FIRUZA - a happy girl; beautiful like turquoise

FRADIA - beloved

Khabiba - Arabic name, female form of the name Habib, means "beloved", "girlfriend".

Khabira - Aware, giving good news

HAVA - giving life, love

HAVARIA - horsewoman

HAVVA, HAVAH - Arabic name, derived from the Hebrew Eve. Means "source of life", literally "life", giving life, love; the name of Adam's wife, the biblical Eve

HAVIA - independent; multi-talented

Hadida - strict, self-confident

KHADIJA, KHIDIJA (Khadizhat, Khaduzhat, Khazhu) - born prematurely, in the literal meaning of the word: “premature”, “miscarriage”. The first wife of the Prophet Muhammad. She came from a Quraish family. She was a wealthy woman doing business on her own, equipping trade caravans. Muhammad was hired by her to organize and escort these caravans. A few years later, she asked him to marry her. The marriage was consummated despite the objections of her father. She was then 40 years old, and Muhammad was 25. She gave birth to the Prophet several boys who died in infancy, and four daughters - Ruqayi, Ummukulsum, Zainab and Fatima. While she was alive, Muhammad did not take other wives.

KHADIMA - obedient, respectful

Hadith - significant, prominent

HADIA - pointing to a straight road; gift

HAZHAR - the name of the mother of the prophet Ismail, biblical Hagar

KHAZHIBA - respected; revered

HAJIRA - a haven for those going to Mecca; the best, beautiful HAZHIA - who performed the Hajj

HAZIM - solid, smart

HAYAT - life

HAYAM - in love

HAIFA - slim

HAZINA - wealth, wealth

Khairat - best, first, highest

HAIRIA - kindness, sincerity, charity

HAKIM - hostess, smart, knowledgeable, fair"

HAKKIA - pious

HALA - radiance

KHALIDA - eternal; faithful friend

Khalilya - a close friend

Khalima - patient, gentle. The name of the nurse of the prophet Muhammad

Khalisa - sincere

HALISAT - Arabic female name, translated means "pure, immaculate."

KHALIFA - heiress

HALIA - decoration, luxury

HALUM - see Khanum.

HAMDIYA - worthy of praise

HAMIDAH - laudable, worthy of praise

Khamilya - confident, skillful, diligent

KHAMIS (Khamus), Khamisat - "Thursday".

KHAMISA - fifth daughter

HANAH - happiness

HANAN - mercy

KHANBIKA (I) - the daughter of the khan

HANZIFA - beautiful ruler

HANI (A) - pretty, pleasant

HANIPA (Hanifa) - translated from Arabic means "true", "believer".

KHANISA - charming, sweetheart

HANIFA - straightforward

HANIA - satisfied, happy

HANUZA - born after a long wait

KHANUM - Turkic name, derived from "khan". It translates to "my lady". HARIDA - innocent

HARIRA - soft as silk

HARISA - observant, protective, industrious, generous

HARIFA - friend, craftswoman

HARRA - hot

X ASAN A - good, beautiful

HASBIKA (I) - pure girl

HASBIYA - from a noble family

HASIB - self-confident, respected, honorable

HASINA - peculiar

HASIA - sensitive

Khatiba - persuasive, preacher

HATIMA - the last child; perfect

HATIRA - unforgettable

Khatun - Turkic name, translated means "woman", "lady".

HATFA - soft like velvet

HAFAZA - keeper, calm, patient

HAFID - granddaughter

HAFIZA - knowing by heart the Koran, protecting

HAFSA is the spiritual mother of Muslims, the wife of the Prophet Muhammad. Born in Mecca, she was an intelligent and educated woman.

HASHIGA - polite, courteous, reverent, humble

HASHIMA - the name of the clan from the tribe of Qureish, from which came the Prophet Muhammad

HASHIRA - gathering, uniting

HASHIA - final, kind, courteous; modest

HAYAT - the name of the forming component - life

HIBA - gift, gift

HIDAYA - standing on a straight path

CHEMATE - diligent

HUBB - the name of the forming component - love, affection

KHUBEIBA - the most beloved

HUBZADA - beautiful, attractive, pretty

KHUJAYRA - similar to an ornament

KHUZURIA - sincere

HULUSA - good-natured

HULMA - soft, good-natured

HUMAIRA - the bird of happiness

HURAMIA - Good-natured

Khurbanu - a woman with a wide soul

KHURZHIKHAN - recognized beauty

KHURI (Khuria) - an inhabitant of Paradise

KHURIMA - free

HURMA - generous, voluptuous, tender, like a persimmon fruit

HURMAT - respect

HURRA - free woman

HURRIA - freedom

KHURSHIDA - bright as the sun

HUSNA is the best

Husnia - beauty

HUSHIA - beautiful, good

CHACHAK (CHACHKA) - flower, beauty, symbol of purity

CHACHKAGYUL - rose flower

CHACCHKANUR - the light of a flower

CHIBAR - beautiful

CHYABIKA (I) - a girl; beautiful as a cherry

SHADIDA - strong, strong, energetic

SHADIA - joy, love

SHAIRA - who knows how to compose poetry

SHEIKHA - a girl who is listened to; leader

SHAIKHIA - respected leader

SHAKAR - sugary, sweet, generous

Shakira - grateful, responsive

Shakura - grateful

SHAMAI - from the Turkic word "sham", which means "candle, light."

SHAMGINUR - source of light

SHAMGIA - source of light, candle

SHAMES (SHAMSE) - the name of the forming component - the sun, solar, solar

SHAMIL - absorbing all the best

SHAMSEBIKA (I) - a sun-faced woman

SHAMSENUR - sunshine

SHAMSERUY - sun-faced

SHAMSIGUL - sunny flower

SHAMSIRA - fair, slender; faithful as a saber


SHAMSIYAT (Shamsi, Shamsia) - goes back to the Arabic "shams", which means "sun", a sunny girl

SHAMSUNA - our sun

SHAMSURA - sun-faced

SHARAFAT - respected, noble

SHARGIA - well-behaved; living according to sharia law

SHARIGA - legality

SHARIPAT (Sharifat, Sharifa) - sacred, noble, holy

SHARKIA - beautiful as the sunrise; oriental beauty

SHAFA - healing

SHAFIA - healing, healing

SHAFKIA - merciful, kind

SHAHDANA - beautiful as a pearl

SHAHZADA - Shah's daughter, princess

SHAHIDA-witness; ready for self-sacrifice

SHAHINA - graceful, like a white falcon

SHAHINUR - queen of light

SHAKHIRA - very famous

SHAHIA - the best, great; sugar, honey

SHAHREZADA - pretty, beautiful


SHAHRIZHIKHAN - world beauty

SHAKHRINUR - light-faced

SHAKHRNISA - the most beautiful among women

SHAHSANAT - the beauty of the queen

SHERIFA - the feminine form of the Arabic name Sharif means "sacred, noble."

SHIRIN - sweet, honey

SHAIMA - the name of the daughter of Halima, the nurse of the Prophet Muhammad

SHUAYLA - small tongue of flame

SHUKARIA - grateful

SHUKHRAT - well-known, with an impeccable reputation


Indeed, our beloved Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) to us, so that we give our children names, and point out the best and favorite names of Allah. But to our great shame and regret, today many Muslims have no idea how our Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) acted after the birth of a child, and call their children Western names that have nothing to do with Islamic heritage, moreover, without even knowing their meaning.

There are also those who know, but often this sunnah, although its observance is a very important matter, which is connected not only with his further upbringing and behavior, but it is important for his life and akhirah success.

Show gratitude (shukr) to Allah for His mercy, and His instructions and the Sunnah of His Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him) and hold on to Islam firmly and know that this is the most beautiful outcome. May Allah Almighty accept all your good deeds and reward you in both worlds.

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Dating Psychology