People born on February 29 Four years later - but really


Born February 29: the meaning of the birthday

This is a truly unique day, because, as everyone knows, it happens only once every four years. Therefore, the persons who were born in that period are also unique already from birth.

Without exception, all individuals born on February 29 are distinguished by their original worldview, creativity, artistic gift, the art of persuasion, incredible leadership skills. They know how to interest and captivate with their unusual ideas, find an approach to everyone.

Often you will be accused of eccentricity if you were born on February 29, your zodiac sign is Pisces, which in itself makes you romantic and spontaneous in nature, and the vibrations of this extraordinary day further enhance these qualities.

You tend to do things that are rash and completely inexplicable from the standpoint of formal logic, but this does not mean that you are wrong, it’s just that you will always and in everything be different from others.

It is difficult to explain, but Pisces, who were born on February 29, do not show signs of aging for a long time, perhaps the reason is that their name days are much less than once a year. They are energetic, lively, for a very long time they retain their activity and genuine interest in everything that happens around them.

Diligence, willpower and purposefulness coexist harmoniously among those born on February 29: the zodiac sign helps them successfully overcome all obstacles and, as a result, gain the desired financial stability, high social status and personal well-being.

Do you think the influence of the zodiac sign is noticeable in the behavior of people born on this day?

February 29th: Pisces Influence

Own name days, however, like all phenomena in life, are perceived by such persons in a special way. They are well aware of their own uniqueness, but they will never focus on this, they behave on an equal footing with everyone, thanks to which they easily win the sympathy and respect of others.

Oddly enough, but zodiac sign of people born on February 29, provokes them to choose completely mundane professions, they occupy the most ordinary positions, with the help of which you can bring real practical benefit to others.

As a rule, in public they try to be exactly the same as everyone else, and only at home give vent to their indefatigable imagination.

Endowed with ambition and a desire to reach certain heights in life, such persons are ready to zealously fight their shortcomings and oddities. But here you need to avoid extremes: on the one hand, do not put yourself above the rest, and on the other hand, do not lose your own "I".

In order to fully relax your body and soul, gain new experiences and positive emotions, it is very important for such Pisces to travel, to change the situation.

On February 29, 1968, a successful model was born, a bright film actress, mother of four children and just beautiful woman Dana Carlsen. Despite a more than successful modeling career, several notable roles in full-length and serial films, they speak of her primarily as the wife of the world-famous film actor Til Schweiger, with whom Dana is currently divorced. Together they played in the iconic films Knockin' on Heaven's Door and Barefoot on the Pavement.

The personalities who were born on this unique day, February 29, are unusual in themselves.
February 29 is a day artificially created in order to compensate the world for the fact that the year is several hours longer than 365 days. WITH light hand Julius Caesar, a new day appeared - February 29 - which began to be celebrated on the calendar once every 4 years.
It is hard to disagree with the fact that people who celebrate their birthday only once every 4 years (if you count your age when counting birthdays) are much younger than their peers. Oddly enough, but outwardly, people born on this day really look very young.
Their unusualness begins at birth and continues throughout life. They sometimes have strange habits or inclinations that are incomprehensible to others. However, these natures rarely put them on display, but rather are ashamed of their uniqueness and consider it signs of "abnormality". For this reason, they try to choose earthly professions that allow them to solve the pressing problems of society. Their fantasies find an outlet only at home, while in society these people try to look “ordinary”.
It seems that not only cats have 9 lives, but also people born on February 29th. Often, any of their actions are viewed by others through the prism of their unusual birthday. Indeed, they sometimes do strange, incomprehensible acts to society, but "get out of the water dry." They tend to find something unusual or even secret in completely ordinary things. Often these people give the impression of children who value a simple toy. At worst, they look like frivolous individuals with exorbitant demands and needs.
Those born on February 29 should not give up on their own individuality. Suppressing it and getting rid of real and imagined shortcomings can lead to a nervous breakdown. However, there is no need to take care of yourself like a porcelain figurine. Let your individuality manifest itself in society, but you should not shock others.

As a child, I really felt sorry for my cousin, who was born exactly on February 29th. It seemed to me terribly unfair that a person can celebrate his birthday only once every four years. But my mother explained to me how people around the world who were born on this unusual day act ... They celebrate their birthday on a different day of the calendar!

German professor Heinrich Hemme has developed a special schedule for 4 million people born on February 29. It all depends on the hour of birth. If a person was born from 0.00 to 6.00, in non-leap years, he celebrates his birthday on February 28th. Those born from 6.00 to 12.00 two years after the leap year celebrate their holiday on February 28, and in the third year - on March 1. From 12.00 to 18.00 - in the first year after a leap year, they celebrate on February 28, the second and third - on March 1. Those born after 18.00 celebrate their birthday on March 1st.

The leap year was introduced along with Julian calendar in 46 BC For a long time, people could not adjust the calendar to the revolution of our planet around the Sun, which it does not take an integer number of days. The best option was to add one day every four years. Later, this calendar was refined by eliminating from the number of leap years those years that are divisible by 100 (except those that are divisible by 400). Since the Gregorian calendar was introduced in Russia in 1918 (336 years later than in Europe and America), we had 3 more leap years. The 1600th was a leap year for everyone, and already the 1700th, 1800th and 1900th - only for our country.

characteristic feature leap year - 29 February. In Russia, this date is Kasyanov's Day. There is an instructive legend that tells how one day Saint Kasyan and Nikolai Ugodnik were walking along the road and saw a peasant trying to pull a cart out of the mud. The peasant turned to them for help, but Kasyan refused, fearing to stain his riza. Nicholas the Pleasant, rolling up his sleeves, silently picked up the cart and put it in a dry place. And so Nikolai Ugodnik and Kasyan came to paradise - one in a soiled robe, the other in a clean one. Having learned the reason, God deprived Kasyan of his annual name-days for his unkindness towards poor people.

But that is in Russia. In Scotland, for example, they did not go into such deep philosophizing, considering calendar changes from a purely worldly position: in a leap year, women had the right to marry men. And the man who refused had to pay a fine according to the law. Many signs are associated with February 29 and the leap year as a whole. There are both bad and good ones. I suggest not to follow them. Although it is believed that a leap year brings disasters, crop failures, wars, statistics do not confirm such superstitions.

February 29 was born writer Fyodor Abramov (1920), actresses Alina Pokrovskaya (1940) and Irina Kupchenko (1948), Olympic champion in cross-country skiing Raisa Smetanina (1952), boxer Vadim Tokarev (1972) , TV presenter Garik "Bulldog" Kharlamov (1980).

Being born on February 29 is a rarity. The probability of such an event is 1:1461. And if you were born on this day, it depends only on you what you will consider your peculiarity - bad luck or a happy sign. ]

A leap year is characterized by an additional, mystical day. We are talking about February 29, which is covered with legends among almost all the peoples of Europe, and about people who celebrate their birthday on February 29. In Rus', this day is considered Kasyanov. By folk omens, St. Kasyan is a negative hero, carrying people misfortune with one glance. Everything he looks at deteriorates, dies, fails. It was believed that there is nothing worse than a birthday on February 29th.

Babies born on February 29 were vulnerable to dark forces; in order to somehow secure the children, they had to be baptized as quickly as possible; blood relatives were taken as godparents.

Traditions have changed over time. At the end of the 20th and beginning of the 19th centuries, few people remember the beliefs of Ancient Rus'. But mysticism haunts this date through the ages. Even now, some women who are expecting a baby in a leap year are afraid to cut their hair, so as not to invite the birth of a mentally retarded baby. And people born on February 29 are still afraid of early death and catastrophic bad luck, as the popular rumor says.

What if the birthday of February 29 is not on the calendar?

Ancient magicians, like modern ones, are convinced that people born on February 29 are messengers Higher Forces, capable of resisting Evil, defeating it. Previously, they had a special relationship. Children whose birthday is February 29th were prepared for a special mission. There are not many people of the "elusive" day, just over 0.05% of the total population of the Earth. But no matter how unusual they may be, they are still upset that the birthday of February 29 happens once every 4 years.

Often they arrange a holiday for themselves on March 1, less often on February 28. Heinrich Hemme, a professor at the German Higher School in Aachen, has developed the following system, which proposes to "officially" celebrate a birthday on February 29, depending on the time of birth:

February 28, 2 years after a leap year and March 1 - in the 3rd year, if a person was born between 06.00 and 12.00

February 28 in the year following a leap year, and March 1 in the next 2 years if a person was born between 06.00 and 12.00

Born 29 february know ways to enhance their magical powers

Astrologers say that February 29 can be "caught" from 00.00 to 00.01 every year when February 28 turns into March 1. People born on February 29 can perform such a ritual every year. Shortly before midnight from February 28 to March 1, having previously cleansed with a contrast shower and retired near a large mirror, concentrate, contemplating the mirror through the flame. Exactly at 00.00 make a secret wish by investing all your magical power. Then - calmly go to sleep and watch prophetic dreams. The next morning, continuing the ritual, put the clock in front of the mirror so that the dial is reflected: now time will go back for you.

Born February 29 zodiac sign - Pisces. They are young in soul and body, perceive the world with childlike innocence. By nature, they are emotional, sensitive. If we discard laziness, they can be realized in the field of art, medicine, psychology, and pedagogy. If they failed to open up, they feel lonely and are hard pressed by lack of demand.

Sooner or later, a special envoy appears in the life of ordinary people, whose birthday is February 29th. Be attentive and ready to receive knowledge, to receive an important lesson. If he has already met you, remember what he said, what events happened then, maybe you missed something, because there are no trifles in such meetings.

Natalya Bobrovskaya specially for the site

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Pisces, born on February 29, are charming, pleasant and diplomatic. Thanks to your attractiveness, you do not lack friends. Excellent social skills and even manners allow you to get along with the most different people. You have an elusive quality that makes you seem less cheerful than you really are, and as a result you are often misunderstood. While some may see you as a flippant person, you are actually surprisingly ambitious and not afraid to use your subtle powers of persuasion to gain the acceptance of others.

By nature, those born on February 29 are endowed with good health. And yet sometimes they are too attentive to the state of their body. They should avoid blindly applying newfangled diets and treatments, and depend only on proven practices. The development of culinary abilities will be very useful for them, since in the kitchen you can most quickly see the concrete results of your work; at the same time, those born on this day should somewhat moderate their appetite. To regulate the nervous system, proper rest will come in handy, but daytime sleep can hardly be considered favorable, since it causes nocturnal insomnia. In terms of physical exercise, those born on February 29 should prove themselves in competitive or team sports. Women will enjoy dancing and aerobics.

It's hard to disagree that those born on February 29 are much younger than those born on any other day of the year. Indeed, if we determine our age by counting our birthdays, then it turns out that people on this day are exactly four times younger than their peers - after all, February 29 does not happen every year. Therefore, we can say that those born on this day are forever young. As you know, February 29th is a one-of-a-kind day that was artificially introduced to try to make up for the fact that the year is actually a few hours longer than 365 days. This 366th day was invented by the Roman emperor Julius Caesar, who decided that February 29 would appear in the calendar only once every 4 years. However, in the time of Pope Gregory XIII, it was discovered that February 29 is repeated not only once every 4 years, but also in one of the four years that are considered the end of the age.

Zodiac sign February 29 -

Sign Element: . Your zodiac sign is listed among the water signs, which are distinguished by the following qualities: breadth of views, peacefulness, delicacy, dreaminess, giftedness, desire for comfort and beauty, sympathy.

Planet Ruler: . Predetermines the gift of providence, faith. Neptune is favorable for doctors. The planet in exile is Mercury. Her Pisces can thank for the lack of rationality, as well as the lack of healthy pragmatism.

Pisces - the zodiac sign of those born on February 29 endows their wards with pleasant charisma, charm, tact, politeness and diplomacy. Charm attracts a large number of people to them, many of whom become friends of those born on February 29th. They get along well with a variety of people, they know how to find an approach to everyone, which is largely facilitated by polite manners. However, those born on February 29 themselves are often considered less optimistic than they really are, and they are not always understood correctly. It happens that they are also considered unnecessarily careless, but this is a delusion. Those born on February 29 have serious ambitions, are not afraid to manipulate people around them, know how to convince them that they are right and willingly use their gift to influence the crowd.

So, those born on February 29 always have a youthful appearance. It seems that they, like cats, have 9 lives and they have the ability to constantly avoid dangerous situations. Their actions can be seen as confirmation of their unusual date of birth. In fact, those born on February 29 (and they themselves know about it) can do more than strange things, in the opinion of others, but they, as a rule, get away with everything. Pretty early, those born on this day begin to understand what unusual people are, but their perception of reality seems rather strange, but by no means stupid. Since their birthday is a rare and therefore special event, they tend to see something outstanding in those aspects of life that others would take for granted. At best, these people are like children cherishing simple toys; at worst, they are frivolous individuals, always in need of something.

Born February 29, as a rule, rarely show their uniqueness to others, trying to "get closer" to ordinary people. For this reason, they gravitate more towards work related to normal human interests, allowing them to solve problems. Everyday life. Their wild imagination and fantasy are expressed at home, not in society. And yet, those born on this day should not give up their individuality in order to become "ordinary." At the same time, it would be quite good for them to give up those habits that sometimes cause bewilderment among others. But if getting rid of their “shortcomings” becomes an end in itself for them, then the words “improvement”, “regulation” will be synonymous with the word “suppression”.

Most people born on February 29 try to make up for their real and imagined shortcomings. Those who do this through ambitious aspirations for success run the risk of succumbing to the temptation to magnify themselves beyond measure. On the other hand, deliberately avoiding life problems eventually they can become romantic idealists who "keep themselves safe" and live in their own fantasy world. Those born on this day should try to avoid such extremes and find a "golden mean" in their lives.

Pisces Man - born on February 29

Men who celebrate their birthday on February 29 can be proud of the following features: such a gentleman is generous, with intuition, sacrificial, romantic. Pisces men are idealists and dreamers, they are easy and comfortable people in communication. Politeness and tact do not allow men of this sign to show open aggression, which is often their problem. Pisces men fall in love easily and it is difficult to build strong harmonious relationships. The main problems in love are connected with the pursuit of an unattainable ideal and building relationships with those who have a much brighter temperament.

Pisces Woman - born February 29

Women born on February 29 are endowed with such traits: such a lady is intelligent, attentive, compassionate. Pisces women are charming, subtle and mysterious young ladies who attract men with their vulnerability and defenselessness. Their femininity and weakness are their main trump card, creating an atmosphere of mystery around them. Her location is not easy to achieve, and it is the mind that sometimes makes her not go on about emotions. The strongest features of Pisces women are femininity and the ability to properly manage their signature features - fragility and softness.

Birthday February 29

People born on February 29 zodiac sign Pisces look much younger than their real age. And this is quite justified from a logical point of view. After all, if our age corresponds to the number of birthdays, then those born on this day will have four times fewer such dates than other people, since their birthday comes only every four years. Thus, it turns out that formally the age of such people is reduced by four times. This is mystically reflected in their appearance.

Everyone knows that February 29 was introduced specifically to correct calendar years, since in reality the period of revolution of the Earth around the Sun is slightly longer than the calendar year. The difference between them is several hours, and in four years already a day has been accumulating, which resulted in this extra day. Thus, people who were born on February 29, the zodiac sign Pisces, always look young. Their passport age is difficult to determine by eye. This unusual state of affairs affects the actions of these people. Sometimes their actions are difficult to follow logic, their behavior can be completely irrational. However, others are tolerant of this, writing off these oddities on their birthday.

Since childhood, people born on February 29, the zodiac sign Pisces, are accustomed to feeling like unusual, special people, different from others. However, they perceive the surrounding reality quite adequately, only from a slightly different angle of view. Since their birthday falls only once every four years, while their peers celebrate it every year, they tend to emphasize those things that other people do not represent anything outstanding. Ordinary minor incidents can cause them to have an exaggerated reaction. This may lead in the future to their failure as an adult, independent person.

The difference from others burdens people with a date of birth on February 29, the zodiac sign Pisces, they try not to stand out from the general circle and join the team. Therefore, they usually do social activities doing mundane, mundane tasks. They give free rein to their rich imagination at home, alone with themselves. However, they should not suppress the desire to express their own personality and try to become like others. This will stop their spiritual development and nip in the bud their existing talents. However, they would do well to get rid of their strange habits, which could give the wrong impression of them to others.

Those who were born on February 29, the zodiac sign of Pisces, try to destroy the slightest hint of flaws in themselves, trying to meet generally accepted standards. Some of them go to the other extreme, categorically denying any changes, turning into complete romantics.

Love and Compatibility

In intimate relationships, you are a devoted, loving, and generous partner. You are romantic, idealistic, and therefore you are looking for a lover as caring and gentle as you are.

Good prospects for creating a respectful family for Pisces with Cancer, Scorpio and Taurus. It is with them that these people are most compatible, they have the same views on family life similar life priorities. A marriage can be successful in alliance with Virgo, Libra and Capricorn, the chances are, say, 50/50. They must immediately distribute responsibilities and duties, agree that they will perceive the freedom of each other and give in. Marriage with poor prospects is seen with signs such as Aries, Gemini and Leo. Let's say that in these combinations of pairs there are very few prospects for happy marriage They are unlikely to understand each other.

Work and Career

Those born on February 29 do not like to stand out from the crowd, so they hide their dissimilarity to others, pretending to be ordinary people. Date of birth February 29, the zodiac sign Pisces gives them stupid imagination and fantasy, but they show it only to relatives and friends, at work they try to behave like ordinary pragmatic people, alien to mysticism and otherworldly hobbies. However, these people must remember that they should not reject themselves and their own nature too much, otherwise fortune will turn away from them.

You can also adjust your behavior in the direction of social expectations and decent behavior in society. Shocking is not always your friend. The main thing is to observe a sense of proportion in everything and not try at all costs to drive yourself into the framework of normality. Otherwise, instead of what is important for Pisces (namely, Pisces is the answer to the question of the date February 29 - what sign of the zodiac) spiritual development and self-improvement, you will suppress and break your nature, as a result of which you will become an unhappy person and will not be able to realize yourself.

Health and Disease

These people are naturally endowed with good health. They risk spoiling it with their addiction to fashionable dubious diets and experiments. They should be more restrained in matters of health and either consult a good doctor or use only old and proven remedies. It is useful for them to engage in cooking, in which they can quickly realize their ambitions, but they themselves should control their diet and not overeat. So that the nervous system does not let you down, do not forget about regular rest. Try not to sleep too long during the day, so as not to get insomnia at night. Participation in sports is the best fit for these people. They are also encouraged to exercise and dance.

The "extra" day, February 29, which in a leap year is added to the usual 365 days, was called Kasyanov's day in Rus'. They said about this saint that he had an unkind character, he was unfriendly, mercenary, stingy, vindictive and brings people nothing but misfortune. He also appeared as Kasyan the Unmerciful, Kasyan the Envious, Crooked Kasyan.

Our ancestors believed that Saint Kasyan spread his malignancy throughout the year: “Kasyan came, went to limp and break everything in his own way.”

We decided to find out if the day of February 29 and the leap year in general are so terrible, as they are painted? Should we believe in superstitions? We also found those who were born on this day, and found out how those who are considered "chosen ones" live.

"Kasyan looks at everything - everything fades"

The fact that the complete revolution of the Earth around the Sun is not exactly 365 days, but 365 days, 6 hours, 9 minutes and 9.76 seconds, was first noticed by the Egyptian pharaoh Ptolemy III. If humanity had not paid attention to this difference, the calendar year over many centuries could have shifted noticeably and would no longer correspond to the solar year. But then the Roman emperor Gaius Julius Caesar came out with a revolutionary order, who ordered that every fourth year - a leap year - be extended by exactly one day.

A special, “extra” day was taken into account. In a number of European countries, for example, a woman on this day could, without fear of sidelong glances and rumors, make a marriage proposal to a man. And in Scotland, if a man refused a lady at the same time, he had to pay a fine of 100 pounds by law.

Catholics celebrate Saint Oswald's Day on February 29th. It is considered a holiday dedicated to love.

In Russia, this date is Kasyanov's day. According to legend, God deprived Saint Kasyan of his annual name day for his unkindness to people. Among the Eastern Slavs, this day was considered one of the most dangerous and demonic. Our ancestors said: “Kasyan looks at the grass - the grass withers, at the cattle - the cattle dies, at the tree - the tree dries”, “Kasyan’s offspring is bad for the year of Kasyanov”, “Kasyan mows everything obliquely”.

Saint Kasyan is the patron of the leap year.

All work people tried to complete before February 29. It was believed that the sun on this day is the eye of Kasyan. Our ancestors tried not to leave the hut, so that Kasyan, having looked with his own eye, would not take away their wealth and health.

Leap year among Russians was also considered dangerous year. According to legend, this year everything is “ugly and unarguable”. Women are more likely than usual to die from childbirth, and men from hard drinking. Cows may lose milk, livestock will be left without offspring, and a marriage entered into this year will be unsuccessful.

And now most people are not happy at all with an extra day in the year, because they believe that a leap year brings only misfortunes.

The fears are not in vain. History keeps memories of large-scale tragic events that occurred in leap years. In 1204, the crusaders sacked Constantinople. In 1400 and 1448, the plague mercilessly mowed down the population medieval Europe. In 1556 and 1976, devastating earthquakes in China killed more than a million people. In 1896, the tsunami in Japan claimed more than 27,000 human lives. In 1908, the Tunguska meteorite exploded. In 1912, the Titanic sank. In 1952, the first American hydrogen bomb was detonated. In 1988, a terrible, devastating earthquake occurred in the Armenian cities of Spitak and Leninakan. In the same 1988, there was a pogrom in Sumgayit, which became the reason for the confrontation between Armenians and Azerbaijanis in Nagorno-Karabakh. In 1992, the introduction of free prices and "shock therapy" was announced; within one year, food prices rose 36 times. At the end of the year, inflation was 2600%, and the death rate increased by more than 30%. In 2000, there was a fire at the Ostankino television tower, and the Kursk nuclear submarine sank. In 2004, there was a terrorist attack in the Moscow metro and the roof of the Transvaal Park collapsed ...

And how many tragic events did not occur in a leap year? Take the same World War I, it began in 1914. The Great Patriotic War began in 1941, says historian Alexei Grebnev. - The atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki took place in 1945. The Challenger spacecraft exploded 73 seconds into its flight in 1986, killing all seven crew members. In the same year, the Chernobyl disaster happened ... All these events did not occur in leap years. Wars, natural disasters, man-made disasters occur spontaneously and "do not adjust" to an extra day on the calendar.

"Birthdays in a leap year should be celebrated a day earlier"

- Is there some kind of magic numbers? And why is a leap year considered unfavorable?- I'm interested in the astrologer Alexander Zaraev.

In a leap year, the calendar rhythm shifts for many signs of the zodiac, says Alexander Viktorovich. - In a good way, birthdays in a leap year should be celebrated a day earlier. The old calendar cycle is updated and works differently. It is because of this that many consider a leap year to be unlucky.

Leap year 2016 coincided with the year of the Monkey, when traditionally there are many changes related to politics, public relations, creativity, and business. I would like to immediately draw your attention to March 9, when solar eclipse. The period from March 9 to March 23 must be passed as “by thin ice", so that the whole leap year is not, so to speak, "torn".

To exclude "monkey labor", you need to think about how to insure against accidents. You, like a monkey, can put your hand in a jar of nuts, but you cannot get it out. There are many traps waiting for you this year.

The very day of February 29 is not so terrible, except for the evening. In the afternoon, the Moon will be in the constellation of Scorpio, and Scorpio is a sign that requires a very careful attitude towards the opposite sex. At this time, there is a very strong subconscious, uncontrolled reaction. Therefore, it is not superfluous to recall the proverbs: “The word is not a sparrow, it will fly out - you will not catch it”, “Silence is golden”. On February 29, you need to be very restrained with any people, with relatives, colleagues, and so on.

Agree with astrologer numerologist Vyacheslav Denichenko:

02/29/2016. Adding these numbers, you can understand that on this day you need to be especially careful. This is an unfavorable day for travel, moving, and all matters that relate to long-term planning. On this day, it is absolutely impossible to rush, everything must be done consistently, guided by the proverb "measure seven times, cut once." This day will be good for people who are in their places, but they will also have to apply wisdom. For Vladimir Putin, for example, February 29 will be a day of confrontation and struggle. “On horseback” this day will be diplomats, lawyers, who have an increased chance to win a case in court. For scammers, February 29 can be a black day, it is highly likely that they will be rewarded according to their deserts.

“All significant events in my life took place in a leap year”

According to statistics, there are about four million people on earth who were born on February 29th. Their fate was interpreted by our ancestors ambiguously. Some believed that a person born in a leap year would face many losses and suffering. Others, on the contrary, considered them "chosen" and believed that such people were destined for special fate. The probability of being born on February 29 is 1:1461.

So, on the last day of winter, in a leap year, the famous Italian composer, author of the opera The Barber of Seville, Gioacchino Rossini, was born. On February 29, the creator of the first submarine for the American fleet, as well as a series of submarines for almost all the fleets of the world, John Philip Holland, was born. On this day, the birth of the author of the works that laid the foundations of biogeography and anthropology, Karl Ernst Baer, ​​as well as the creator of the first electric calculating machine, one of the founders of IBM, Herman Hollerith, was celebrated. The list of talented people is endless. This is the American jazz and swing legend Glenn Miller. And the designer of rocket and space technology Boris Evseevich Chertok. And General of the Army, Chairman of the KGB of the USSR in 1988-1991 Vladimir Kryuchkov. And also pop singer, famous baritone Yuri Bogatikov, actresses Alina Pokrovskaya and Irina Kupchenko…

Raisa Smetanina does not like to celebrate her birthday.

We got through to the famous skier Raisa Petrovna Smetanina, who is also a "leaper", on February 29 this year she will be 64 years old.

And what about my birthday to write? - the titled sportswoman was surprised. “And there is nothing special about me.

The skier, who took part in five Winter Olympics in a row, is distinguished by great modesty. Raisa Petrovna is from a family of hereditary reindeer herders. She grew up with five brothers and a sister. Skiing in the family was inherited. At the first Republican competition, she had to wear her coach's huge boots. But years later, thanks to Raisa Smetanina, the whole world learned to pronounce the word Syktyvkar correctly.

You won your last award at the Albertville Games a few days before your 40th birthday. Then they said: "Sour cream does not take years, it has more energy than 20-year-olds." Maybe it's all about your unusual date of birth? You were born on February 29, a leap year.

It doesn't matter if it's a leap year or a non-leap year. He comes and goes. All!

How will you celebrate your birthday this year?

What should be celebrated? I don’t notice anything at all, I don’t like it.

We also talked to other "leap" birthday people to find out: is a rare chance - is it bad luck or is it luck?

One of them is Dmitry Melnikov. He was born on February 29, 1980 in Ufa, but soon the family moved to Moscow. According to the first education, Dmitry is a linguist-translator, according to the second - an actor. Worked in the theater "Quartet I". He remembers his birthday with a smile:

I was born on the night of February 29, but the doctors told my mother: “Let's write down that the boy was born on February 28, let him have a birthday not once every four years, but every year.” Mom agreed with the doctors. The date on my birth certificate is February 28, but on social networks I put my true date of birth - February 29, and when the year is not a leap year, the administration congratulates me twice, first on February 28, and then on March 1. Friends and acquaintances are also convenient: those who did not have time to congratulate on February 28 see a reminder and manage to do it on March 1.

As Dmitry admits, his most grandiose birthday celebrations fall on a leap year.

This always results in a large-scale event. Four years ago, for example, we had a fun trip to Moscow establishments. First, wearing aprons, under the guidance of an Italian chef, we prepared pizzas with various toppings. Then we went to sing karaoke. It was a gift from a friend, I must say that one of the most unusual. There was an excellent record library. In the playlist, a friend found the songs of the Eurovision participants that did not qualify for the final. Since we are all singers, it was a real surprise. Then, until morning, we wandered along the embankment of the Moscow River, launched fireballs into the sky.

This leap year I will be 36 years old. There will be an anti-crisis birthday. I told my friends: “No gifts or flowers are needed. Come, throw your envelopes with money into a special basket. Let's have fun!"

The twin brothers Anatoly and Semyon Bondarev, born on February 29, 1988, were called "solar boys" in childhood. They are still red-haired and smiling. Both live in Voskresensk. Anatoly, having graduated from the technological faculty of the Kolomna Pedagogical Institute, works in a transport company that transports alkalis and acids. Semyon, having become a lawyer, works in the city administration.

The fact that they were born on an “extra” day of the year, the brothers see a special meaning.

Day February 29 in 1988 fell on a Monday. It would seem that it is just right for us, like Mironov, to sing: “No matter what they do, things are not going well: apparently, on Monday their mother gave birth.” But this is not about us, - says Anatoly. - Many consider a leap year to be unlucky, but we are sure that it was he who neutralized the “bad luck” of Monday. We consider a leap year to be our year. We have always been lucky this year. And 2016 is no exception. This is what I have been dreaming of for a long time. I can’t tell the details yet, so as not to jinx it.

In the family of Anatoly, a son is growing up, and his brother Semyon has a daughter. They live in neighboring houses, constantly communicate. And, of course, birthdays are celebrated together.

As a child, my brother and I decided that it would be unfair to celebrate a birthday once every four years. It's always a holiday, gifts, surprises, - says Anatoly. That's why we celebrate it every year. Previously, it seems that it was not customary to celebrate a birthday, so we were congratulated on March 1. And in a leap year, we always had a holiday, tantamount to a jubilee. And this day will always be remembered. For example, on one of the "leap" birthdays, we plunged into an ice hole in Valdai.

The brothers turn 28 this year. Anatoly and Semyon wanted to celebrate their birthday at a height, go to Kolomna, jump with a parachute, but the circumstances are such that, most likely, plans will have to be changed.

And yet, when to celebrate a birthday if it falls on February 29, and the year is not a leap year?

For those of the "leaps" who want to receive a cake and gifts every year, you should pay attention to the system developed by the German professor Hemme. According to the scientist, it all depends on your hour of birth. Those who were born in the first hours after midnight can celebrate their birthday on February 28th. Anyone who was born in the morning - from 6 am to 12 noon, can celebrate his birthday for the first two years on February 28, and the third year - on March 1. For those who were born closer to midnight on March 1, it is better to celebrate their birthday on March 1. Whom the midwives received in the afternoon - from 12 noon to 6 pm, they can arrange a holiday for the first year on February 28, and the next two years - on March 1.

As we understood, despite the bad reputation of leap day on February 29, people born on this day live a rather happy, varied and prosperous life.

And we should rejoice at the opportunity to live an extra day every four years.

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