Taurus constellation tattoo on arm. Taurus tattoo photo - constellation in male and female tattoo

Taurus is the second zodiac sign which refers to the earth. As a rule, people born under it are old-fashioned and conservative, but at the same time sensual, sentimental and emotional. So at a certain period of their lives, they, like many others, want to attract attention to themselves, standing out, for example, with a tattoo of their sign.

Taurus in many cultures is considered a male symbol, personifying stubbornness, speed, masculinity and fertility.

The tattoo can be applied both with a drawing of the animal itself, and in the form of a zodiac image, which is the letter "o" with a kind of horns. By the way, the latter is more preferred by the beautiful half of humanity. Men, on the other hand, most often choose a full-fledged image on the chest or shoulder.

It is believed that after applying a Taurus tattoo, a person is filled with convincing self-confidence. The roads he chooses will certainly lead to success.

You should be very careful with the color scheme of the image, because it significantly changes its semantic load. You should not overdo it with an abundance of flowers, because you can get the effect opposite to what you wanted. For men, gray-black, burgundy tones are characteristic. For women - black or red, often the image of the Taurus sign is applied in one black outline.

AT modern society, where each of us is free to show the world in any form all our qualities, traits, passions and hobbies without restrictions, it is already difficult to surprise someone with clothes, piercings or tattoos. Nevertheless, tattoo art does not lose its relevance at all. Since ancient times, a drawing on the body has served as a talisman, a talisman, a display of certain distinctive features, status or origin, and now every image on the skin of its owner gives him something that is invisible to others - inner confidence, inspiration, strength, energy, determination or simply fulfills his need to stand out from the crowd. Almost any wearer of a tattoo in one way or another puts into it his own meaning, related to the inner state, it is this aspect that makes the art of underwear painting so popular among representatives of all genders and ages.

In this article, we will return briefly to historical sources in order to find out the meaning of a tattoo with the zodiac sign Taurus, the features of applying and combining such an image with other symbols.

The historical past of the zodiac sign Taurus

The symbol of Taurus is depicted in many ancient tales, myths and legends, and it is easy to guess why. If we move away from the zodiac canons, then the bull is a powerful, strong, hardy, rather patient animal, but uncontrollable and indomitable in anger. Suffice it to recall the well-known Spanish bullfight, where picadors and banderilleros during several thirds (parts of the performance) spend a lot of time and effort to anger the fighting bull, but when the goal has already been achieved, there is no limit to bestial fury.

The ancient Greeks left us a legend about how the constellation Taurus appeared. The legend tells how supreme god Olympus, Zeus, decided to kidnap the most beautiful girl on Earth, the daughter of the Phoenician king, Europe. Her charm and charm could only be compared with the unfading beauty of the goddesses, and the heart of the ruler of Olympus could not bear the longing for her. However, how could a formidable, mighty god not frighten away a tender, fragile charmer? Then Zeus decided to take the form of a snow-white bull and quietly hide in the royal herd grazing in the meadows. Young Europe, walking with her friends, went to pick a flower she liked, when a beautiful, strong animal approached her. The bull looked at her as if he wanted to tell her about something important, fawned, and then bowed and lay down at the feet of the king's daughter, as if offering a ride.

The girl stroked him, caressed him, sat on the strong back of the bull, when suddenly he began to carry Europe to the sea with the speed of the wind, and throwing himself into the raging waves, he swam like a fish, farther and farther, dragging the girl into the distance. Opening her eyes, closed with fear, Europe saw that the waves had subsided, Nereids appeared from the depths of the sea, accompanying the snow-white bull with divine singing, and Poseidon himself swam side by side with him, clearing the way for the magical animal from the waves and winds. And then an island called Crete appeared in the distance.

Very soon, the bull reached land, landed the kidnapped girl on the ground, and, having disappeared just for a moment, returned in the true form of Zeus, appearing before Europe in all its grandeur. The young beauty fell in love with her kidnapper, became his wife and soon gave birth to three sons - Minos, Sarpedon and Rhadamanth, who more than once glorified their names. So the constellation Taurus appeared in the firmament of heaven, keeping the love story of the great god Zeus and the beautiful princess of Europe.

It is also considered that in the myth of the god Dionysus, the son of the great Zeus, the whole essence of Taurus is best reflected. A young and strong young man with a bull's head, decorated with vines, ivy, fig leaves, always holds a cup of wine in his hand, being on the verge between earthly, carnal, reckless entertainment and divine will, wisdom, strength. In the character of this deity, as in the symbolism of Taurus, there is an eternal, indestructible connection between the two worlds, which have a place in human soul. After all, it is not without reason that people born under this sign receive its most striking and contradictory qualities:

  • persistence,
  • a responsibility,
  • balance,
  • thoroughness
  • foresight,

But at the same time -

  • emotionality,
  • sensuality,
  • passion,
  • dominance and sometimes even cruelty.

As a sign of the zodiac, Taurus personifies not only determination, determination, will and desire to win, it is also a symbol of harmony, spiritual self-improvement, intellectual and physical development, therefore, to this day, both men and women put the image of Taurus or a bull on their bodies in order to emphasize your strengths or acquire those qualities that are so lacking to overcome life's obstacles. In addition, the zodiac Taurus is considered the patron of comfort, prosperity, material values, so many choose it for themselves as a talisman, applying it, according to esoteric canons, on the left shoulder.

Original ideas and stylistic solutions

The style and color scheme, of course, largely depends on the gender of the tattoo owner and on his personal preferences. Since the stereotypical association of Taurus and the bull with masculine strength and energy has not yet sunk into oblivion, it is easy to guess that this kind of sketches are chosen for the most part by representatives of the male sex.


A realistic image of a furious, aggressive, powerful animal rushing forward at full speed will speak of the irresistibility, energy, inflexibility and very cool disposition of its owner, and the horns directed forward to attack and the hot breath of the animal will tell about readiness to defend its “territory”. Dark red, burgundy and brown tones in the implementation of such an idea would be appropriate to emphasize the meaning invested in the tattoo.

Ornamental and Polynesia

Sometimes men choose monochrome drawings of a bull, made with the help of runic tie or ethnic, in particular Polynesian, ornaments, thereby demonstrating the desire for self-knowledge and paying tribute to their ancient ancestors. The plots that emphasize the connection of a person with his origins, faith in natural strength and power include the astrological image of Taurus, supposedly carved in stone. Such a tattoo is considered an amulet that gives its owner the support of the earth element.


The bull in the Oriental style will become the personification of a certain militancy, determination, firmness of character and unshakable principles, but at the same time it characterizes a multifaceted and comprehensively developed personality. In addition, tattoos in the oriental style are almost always created quite large and large-scale, because in the plot there should be a place not only for the main idea, but also for such elements of nature characteristic of this direction as oriental flora and fauna.

Watercolor and abstractions

As for the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, they often choose small, minimalistic and neat drawings that really have some resemblance to talismans and amulets. These can be zodiac images of Taurus, made in watercolor or in the form of ornamental abstraction. For such works, black is more often chosen, as well as warm or “earthly” shades, because they mainly emphasize such characteristics of Taurus as measuredness, reliability, patience, prudence, the need for care, the manifestation of feelings and emotions.


Also girls and men good feeling humor and a penchant for self-irony, they can choose for themselves a cartoon image of a bull or Taurus, which is characterized by clear bold contours and bright catchy colors. Such a picture on the body will be not just an ornament, but also an indicator of an extraordinary, emotional and slightly eccentric personality.

Compositions and plots with other symbols

In tattoo art, there are no limits and restrictions for fantasy for a long time. Through the drawing on the skin, we can tell and show absolutely everything that we consider necessary, and tattoos with the signs of the Zodiac are no exception, because they can be combined with a host of other symbols, it all depends on what exactly the owner of the tattoo wants to tell the world about himself.

Of the simplest and most common options, you can name an image astrological sign Taurus with inscriptions, for example, date of birth or the word "Taurus" (Taurus). The inscriptions are often made in a beautiful unusual font or using the scarification technique.

Girls may like the option of combining the sign of Taurus and Venus as the planet that controls it and a symbol of the feminine. Moreover, the earth element inextricably links this zodiac sign with the forces of nature, so another great option for a girlish tattoo would be a composition with intertwining floral motifs, for example, with lilac or lily of the valley, which correspond to the sign of Taurus, floral ornaments or flowering trees. A very interesting idea can be a realistic image of a peacefully calf against the background of a green meadow or a cozy flowering garden.

Men may like the design of a bull surrounded by flames or in combination with such attributes as swords, blades, battle axes and axes.

Appropriate for representatives of both sexes would be a plot with two animals, one of which will be Taurus, and the second - a symbol Chinese horoscope. Tattoos illustrating are very relevant now. So why not please yourself with a picturesque picture of the constellation Taurus in the night sky, where, of course, the center of the composition will be brightest star throughout the zodiac Aldebaran?

In conclusion about conventions and stereotypes

Many people think that getting a tattoo with a zodiac sign that does not correspond to the date of birth is a big mistake and stupidity. But is it? It is likely that stupidity is to succumb to the influence of established stereotypes and patterns.

As already mentioned, in the tattoo culture there are no prohibitions, frames or boundaries for the manifestation of one's imagination, the realization of desires and preferences, and if a person is not born under the sign of Taurus, but he has character traits and qualities that are best reflected in this particular symbol , then why shouldn't he get such a tattoo in order to feel satisfied or even happy. Girls who are strong both physically and spiritually choose plots that seem to be more suitable for men, and men sometimes want to emphasize not only primordially masculine qualities, but also, perhaps, their own sentimentality, romance and softness, choosing a bright pattern with elements of living nature. Therefore, when looking for a sketch for yourself or thinking about the idea of ​​​​a future tattoo, it is important to rely not on the opinion of society, not on the rules or recommendations of others, but first of all on your feelings and desires. Only then, day after day, contemplating the pattern on your skin, you can enjoy and rejoice at your choice.

Sketches of tattoos of the zodiac sign Taurus

Represented by the bull: calm, but at the same time deadly when provoked, which is very characteristic of people belonging to the elements of the Earth. In the article we will consider best tattoos Taurus for men and women, as well as the meaning of sketches and photos of finished works.

Taurus Tattoo Meaning

Taurus tattoo symbolic meaning, which is characteristic of the traits and personality of a person born under this solar sign zodiac.

People born in the period from May 14 to June 19 belong to the elements of the Earth and are distinguished by their purposefulness, strong-willed character and analytical mindset.

A Taurus tattoo can perfectly demonstrate these qualities, but depending on the form in which the image of the bull in the picture is presented.

An aggressive animal shows that you are impulsive and quick-tempered. But despite the fact that, on the one hand, these are not the most positive qualities, on the other hand, they indicate strength, perseverance and determination.

The color used for the Taurus zodiac sign tattoo also plays an important role in interpreting its meaning.

Red, for example, shows passion and love and can be used to show devoted love. In some cases, red is used to make the image of the animal more aggressive.

Black color is a symbol of secrecy and detachment from others, therefore, such wearable drawings are chosen mainly by people who want to protect themselves from the curiosity of others.

Tattoos can be depicted in a variety of designs and shades, but brown and black colors are predominant.

Men generally ink on their bodies the image of an animal associated with masculinity, while women prefer an elegant sign or tattoo with letters in a fancy font.

Best Male and Female Taurus Tattoos

Below are the top 14 tattoo designs for men and women. A selection of photos in the gallery will help facilitate the choice of a future drawing and choose the sketch you like.

Zodiac sign tattoo with inscription

You can add a few words to the Taurus tattoo to complete the image concisely. It can be a person's name, a significant date, but the most common is the word "Taurus", emphasizing the meaning of the image.

Taurus tattoo

The horns of a bull are the most powerful and attractive part of his body, and the glyph in this tattoo is designed to depict them most clearly. This is an alluring piece of art that will look great on the bodies of girls belonging to this solar sign.

Tribal tattoo zodiac sign Taurus

The tattoo is an artistic depiction of a bull's head outlined in bold black, with the icon prominently highlighted. It has the look of a tribal tattoo suitable for both men and women.

taurus tattoo with planet venus

According to astrological information, the Taurus sign is ruled by the planet Venus, so the main motif of the drawing can be supplemented with its image in an original way. This is one of the original tattoo designs for women.

constellation tattoo

Taurus constellation tattoo is a great alternative to large and catchy animal images. Most often, this motif is chosen by girls, wearing it on the arm, collarbone or neck.

Small tattoo of the zodiac sign Taurus

This is one of the simplest tattoos with the Taurus symbol: just a circle with a couple of curves depicting the horns of an animal with a head. This is an ideal solution for those who want to fill a small tattoo, because the meaning of the picture does not change depending on its size.

bull skull

Tattoos in the form, created using a skeleton and horns, are a symbol of death and destruction, therefore they are more often applied by men than women. Given the vast dimensions of the design, sketches are applied mainly to the back, thigh or chest.

Taurus head tattoo

Exist various options images of a bull's head: using shading, playing with the location or size of the image, and other nuances. Since the image of a bull is an image of determination and assertiveness, the vast majority of tattoos that you see in the photo have a high contrast.

ferocious bull

The bull is a cruel creature, fearless by nature, and his strength knows no bounds. All of these qualities show up in this tattoo, artistically done in shades of black and brown. This motif acts as a manifestation of masculinity and strength and is one of the best Taurus tattoo designs for men.

Attack animal

The bull, preparing to attack and inflict damage, is usually depicted with its head down, pointed horns, and tucked leg. This is one of the most popular tattoos for Taurus men. This drawing is the embodiment of strength and power, which shows masculinity in its fullest sense.

calm bull

Bull tattoos depicted in rage and aggression can also be depicted with a calm appearance. Since Taureans are known for their aggressive qualities, such as jealousy, possessiveness, and ruthlessness, they also have a soft side of character. They are warm, sincere and loyal people in friendly relations. This is a beautiful Taurus tattoo for a girl.

Celtic style

Bulls have been very important in Celtic culture for many years, being a symbol of strength and fertility. It is not surprising that Celtic Taurus tattoo designs are popular among people whose ancestors belonged to this culture. Drawings in this style look spectacular on both women and men.

3D design

A three-dimensional tattoo resembles a realistic photograph applied to the skin. In this style, the image of an animal applied in full growth looks great.

colorful tattoos

Despite the fact that Taurus tattoos are most often applied in a simpler form, there are also drawings that have a deeper color palette of shades. The colors used in bull's eyes may include red and yellow colors to better convey the meaning behind the tattoo.

The placement of the design can tell a lot about the person wearing the tattoo. For example, the head of Taurus, stuffed on the back or shoulder, symbolizes the same qualities as the animal itself: purposefulness, perseverance, aggression, etc.

Some people place tattoos on the lower part of the body, such as on the thigh or foot, so that they can be easily hidden from prying eyes if desired.

Popular designs for men's tattoos are realism, old school, and tribal styles. For women's drawings, the directions of minimalism, realism and geometry are in demand.

Taurus tattoos are one of the most controversial signs of the zodiac. People born under this symbol combine rationality and sensuality, perseverance and gentleness, the desire for power and responsibility. Taurus plays an important role in Greek mythology and has rightfully taken its place in the zodiac circle.


Taurus is the hero of the myth of Europe. Zeus, the supreme god, was so fascinated by the beauty of the earthly girl of Europe, the daughter of the king of Phoenicia, that he decided to kidnap her. He turned into a white bull and mingled with the royal herd, which grazed in the meadows. When Europe left her friends and went to pick flowers, a snow-white calf approached her, began to caress and lay down at her feet. The young princess sat on his back and he rushed her to the sea with incredible speed. Immersed in the water, the bull swam. And when Europe opened her eyes, she saw that the waves had subsided, and the sea god Poseidon was swimming next to the bull. It is from this legend that the tattoo sign of the calf originates. Having sailed to the island of Crete, the bull appeared before Europe in its real form. The girl fell in love with her kidnapper and married him. They subsequently had three sons. So the legend of the abduction of Europa became a plot not only for writers, but also for artists. And Taurus has become a constellation in the sky.

In addition, it is believed that the calf tattoo is also related to the god of winemaking, Dionysus. Son of Zeus with bull horns and vines on his head. It combines two hypostases - earthly, carnal and sublime, divine. Also, in people born under this sign, seemingly incompatible qualities and character traits are combined.

Taurus tattoo meaning

The tattoo sign of the zodiac Taurus is the personification of will, determination, the ability to win and achieve your goals. And also it is a symbol of harmony, the unity of the spiritual and physical principles in man.

Since the bull is primarily the personification of natural male power, it is not surprising that such people are most often made by representatives of the strong half of humanity.

The Taurus zodiac sign tattoo can change its meaning somewhat depending on the style of the tattoo.

A realistic image of a bull - energy, strength, difficult character. An angry bull, ready to attack, speaks of the ability to stand up for himself and his loved ones, natural aggressiveness and lack of fear of a strong opponent.

Taurus tattoo, made in ethnic motifs - tribal, runic script, Slavic ornament - is considered a talisman. Such an image symbolizes the desire for constant self-development and self-knowledge, and also speaks of a strong connection with the origins, of a person’s faith in the power of nature. The zodiac image of the sign of the calf, as if carved on a tree or stone, symbolizes a connection with the elements of the earth, indicates that a person is self-confident, principled and firmly on his feet.

Tattoo sign of the zodiac Taurus in the form of a snake - photo on the arm

Taurus - tattoo on the back

A calf tattoo in an oriental style is typical for multifaceted, deep personalities. It speaks of the integrity and steadfastness of its owner. Often accompanied by other oriental symbols - plants and animals.

But the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity prefer abstract images of the Taurus sign tattoo. Most often it is an astrological symbol - a circle with horns. Sometimes it is accompanied by inscriptions in the form of a date of birth and the word Taurus - calf, bull in Latin. In this case, dark colors are most often used - black, brown, burgundy.

Where to get a Taurus Tattoo

It is important that the zodiac tattoo looks harmonious on the body. small tattoos Taurus constellations look appropriate on the wrist and ankle, you can even arrange it in the form of a bracelet.

Medium-sized tattoos are appropriate on the shoulder or forearm, on the calves, shoulder blades, chest.

Large tattoos are usually made in the style of realism or oriental. These include tattoos on the back, chest, hips, sleeves.

In addition, the Taurus zodiac sign tattoo is perfect to hide skin imperfections. Scar tattoos are the most sought-after option, followed by stretch marks and burn marks.

Taurus zodiac tattoo for a man

The variety of options in which a bull can be depicted suggests that any defects can be masked with this symbol. The main thing is to choose or draw a sketch correctly.

And remember - the main task is to choose the right master. Especially if the image is not abstract, but detailed. Unsuccessful work will definitely require correction, and tattoo correction is a long and expensive process, often correcting someone else's work takes much longer than the initial application.

And remember, a calf tattoo may not always be associated with a date of birth. The image of a bull is also chosen by those people who want to emphasize the inherent features of this animal - strength, steadfastness and determination.

R - to dream