Metaphysical problems of diseases. Metaphysical meaning of diseases and ailments

Psychosomatics of diseases, according to the theory of Liz Burbo, is the relationship between the physiological manifestations of the disease and psychological trauma, which the author singles out into separate blocks. She also says that it is possible to determine the main trauma with which everything can begin, by analyzing the type of human figure. And the Liz Burbo disease table helps to trace the relationship between a physical illness and an important traumatic situation.

In fact, the author's views reflect and transform a fairly old opinion about the relationship of thoughts, feelings and the state of our body. In principle, even Socrates and Hippocrates mentioned it. However, Liz went a little further, adding to her approach the idea of ​​two inseparable human bodies - energy and physical.

Unconstructive "harmful" thoughts, according to her approach, lead to a breakthrough energy shell, and this, in turn, affects physical body. To be treated in the concept of Burbo is to influence the physical body. And to heal is to recover completely.

From this point of view, it is easy to explain the presence of people chronic diseases. After all, the treatment of physical, without the restoration of energy health, does not heal completely and leads to relapses of diseases.

The impact of psychological problems on somatic health

The starting point for the formation of the approach lies in the writings of Alexander, who first raised the question of the existence of psychosomatic diseases as such. True, at first, the dependence of the psyche and manifestations of the disease was revealed in the so-called "classic seven", which included an ulcer, heart attack, asthma, colitis, hypertension, hyperthyroidism and diabetes mellitus. Now every manifestation has received its explanation in the table of diseases of Burbo.

Read also about who Louise Hay is and how it differs from the ideas of Liz Burbo.

Psychosomatics is based on the following main postulates:

  • destructive thoughts lead to a change in the state of the body. Change your thinking, and you will get health: both physical and mental;
  • the patient is cured who himself discovered his problem and eliminates it;
  • each person has resources for self-healing, and only he himself can stop healing his body with unbelief, malnutrition, lack of proper physical activity and good sleep;
  • only the person himself can heal himself, not a single doctor will do it for him, because only he himself can change his thoughts and attitude to what is happening;
  • first it is worth healing the soul, and only then the body and mind;
  • forgiveness frees us from the fears, anger, despair hiding in the body;
  • love heals, even when we send love to our body parts, we heal them;
  • changes in oneself heal, because to live means to change and change everything around you;
  • you should always think about what you want, and not about what you are afraid of or trying to avoid.

Psychosomatics shows the connection between our thoughts, emotions, ideas and beliefs with the diseases that come to us. The task of this science is to teach people to find the true causes of diseases. Let's not forget that these physical problems are often covered with psychological masks. The developed relationship tables help us only narrow the scope of searches, but each person will have his own main reason.

The diseases that fall on us reflect only the degree of success in the interaction of the body, soul and mind. Any disease indicates a "split" of this unity. This is what prevents us from being whole, real. This discrepancy entails the same failure.

Psychosomatics claims that illness is a signal that something is wrong in life. And that it is necessary to make attempts to restore the lost balance. Diseases seem to tell people that it is necessary to change the destructive and limiting thoughts. And pain makes us understand what leads us to negative attitudes.

Illness makes us act more decisively, it helps us to fundamentally restructure our day, our the world. It allows you to reconsider relationships with the environment, teaches us not to suppress emotions.

The malaise can manifest itself in different ways: with acute attacks or aching pains, but it always tells what exactly and how it is worth changing a person.

And one more important point. It is the disease that helps us understand the true needs of our body and allows us to listen to our physiological needs. For example, exhausted at work, a person cannot always eat or sleep normally. Naturally, the body begins to signal him more and more. And it can turn into a disease. Everything will end with the fact that a person will be forced to “stop” and begin to restore himself.

Who is at risk of psychosomatic problems?

It is worth noting that a person tends to develop schemes, automatisms, patterns. This simplifies daily life. But, persistent behavioral patterns can lead to health problems.

This tends to be people who:

Of course, we remember that the body tries to heal itself and the prerequisites become a disease in the event of a long or strong impact.

We are looking for the causes of somatic diseases in psychology.

It is believed that four levels of the disease can be distinguished.

The first level is called "mental illness" and is expressed as the realization that there is some kind of defect. But there is no clear understanding of what exactly is wrong.

The second level is associated with "physical illness" and its more or less clear clinical picture.

The third level of "psychological illness" is expressed as a signal of a violation of the interaction between the mind and body and reflects the influence of thought on sensations in the body.

The fourth level - "psycho-spiritual disease" is expressed in a severe crisis experience, which manifests itself in a strong disharmony of the physical, mental and mental.

Description of the summary psychosomatic table of the main diseases

The Summary Psychosomatic Table of Major Diseases highlights not only Liz's approach, but also two like-minded authors, Louise Hay and Carol Rietberg. It gives approaches to many diseases or disease states.

For example, according to Liz Burbo, allergic reactions are a means to make a person think about something important. And it arises against the background of conflicting sensations, when one component of ourselves craves something, and the second rejects or is afraid of it. There can be several options for the prerequisites: disgust, poor adaptability, dependence on the opinion of someone, the desire to impress, a reaction to insult or attack, flawed attitudes of parents.

As we can see, the list of options is impressive. And only the person himself is able to isolate his own problem from it. As for Louise Hay, she considered it necessary to ask only one question: "whom do you not stand?". The answer to it will be the source of the allergy. This is a more narrow approach. So Burbo clearly offers a much larger range for personal ascertainment of reasons.

Thus, in general, all manifestations are understood. So it is important to look for your own explanations within the proposed framework. And, if you can’t do it right away, you should seek the advice of a psychologist.

How can you heal yourself?

Healing comes from the word "whole" and includes three key elements: a healthy self-image, healthy thoughts, and healthy relationships.

So the disease is just a signal to reconsider a number of our patterns and relationships, to think about our behavior, even if we are in the comfort zone. The most important task is to find harmony in everything.

In addition, you cannot restore harmony without taking care of your body every day. Liz also notes that sleep is a resource for self-healing. It also requires a normal mode and proper nutrition with adequate exercise.

Model of healing according to the theory of Liz Bourbo.

Conventionally, healing can be divided into several stages.

The first step involves evaluating the functioning of the whole self. A person can understand: what hurts him, where and in what he feels discomfort, compare with the period of occurrence of all symptoms. In addition, a person evaluates how he took care of his body and his development.

The second step is to learn from the disease. Why is it given to us, why does a person begin to feel, think and act like this. He rethinks his complexes and fears. But, it also means that he is ready to think and act in a new way.

The third step includes directly updated actions. A person begins to function with the thought of the future, and not with an eye to the past. He lets go of what he found at the previous stage: resentment, fear, his weakness.

The fourth stage leads to liberation. A person learns to live without pain and suffering. He is aware of the true needs and understands what he really is.

Daily work on yourself

The psychophysiological approach is complex. This is not a treatment in our understanding when we drink a course of medicines. Rather, it is a restructuring of our entire life and our entire consciousness. We are healed not only when a sudden pain overcomes us. We are healed moment by moment as we strive to maintain the balance of our Self.

When psychophysiology becomes a part of life, a person no longer thinks about what he is working on himself. It just develops, develops perception and intuition. Perhaps he will reconsider his attitude towards something, and perhaps he will reconsider some kind of relationship. It all depends on the internal state and feeling of the client himself.

Affirmations according to the method of Liz Bourbo

If you suffer from any disease, you need to find a possible psychological cause of the disease. Then say to yourself: "I want to end the stereotype that made me sick." Convince yourself that you are already on the path to healing.

It is important to mentally understand that you:

  • love every cell of your body,
  • love the food that is good for you,
  • looking for new ways to improve the body,
  • return the body to normal functioning,
  • free from pain
  • are in the healing phase
  • the author of a balanced life: work, rest and leisure,
  • happy
  • don't be afraid to ask for help,
  • trust the signals and your intuition,
  • sleep healthy, full and sound sleep,
  • love what keeps you healthy,
  • you have a Guardian Angel and the right to be healthy,
  • grateful for health
  • spend some of your time helping others
  • think positively
  • breathe deeply,
  • are in perfect harmony.

In addition, Liz believes that an important step to healing is the need to love your body. It is the body that tells us what to do and how to do it. Without loving and respecting him, we will not be able to fully hear him.

As we can see, Liz Burbo's integrated approach involves not only getting rid of the disease and problems, it involves rethinking our entire life and our existence. It involves establishing a balance between physiology, psyche and mind.

A person starts a long process that will improve every day. Rather, it can be compared not with drug treatment, but with a general increase in the body's immunity, so that in the future the body itself can easily cope with problems and diseases. Only this raising of immunity does not occur with the help of something extraneous: decoctions or infusions. This happens with the power of thought, the importance of rethinking and re-evaluating emotions and relationships.

As you know, nothing happens just like that, everything is a cause and effect, especially diseases that hint to a person that it is time to change something. It has been proven that in stressful situations, incl. accumulated - resentment, anger, disappointment and other fears in our body accumulate and the stress hormone cortisol . It promotes weight gain, increases blood pressure and blood sugar, which increases the risk of developing diabetes, among other ailments. Of course, cortisol is not the only hormone and influence on the system in stressful situations, but orthodox medicine either does not yet know about other details (in particular, about the effect on subtle bodies and chakras), or is simply silent for the sake of and. In addition, it has been proven that our DNA and molecules can be influenced by and.

I often receive letters from readers with questions about the metaphysical causes of certain diseases. Because I am not yet a walking encyclopedia, the easiest way is to google " symptom / disease(insert what you want) metaphysical reasons". I bring to the reader's attention a couple of samples about the causes of the most common ailments.

Cancer once again emphasizes that the categorical division into one's own / someone else's and excessive emotional involvement lead to purely detrimental consequences, primarily for the source of negativity. That is why now there is such an outbreak of oncological diseases, because people have forgotten how to live without egregors and outbursts of feelings. From the healer's testimony:

Deep resentment towards someone or something, when a person cannot forgive. A characteristic property of this offense is that a person "fixes" on it, he looks at life through the prism of this feeling, cannot tear himself away from it. I have worked and continue to work with women who have undergone surgery for breast tumors.

I can highlight some personality traits characteristic of such patients. The way such women interact with the world is quite tough. They put everything on the shelves: "good-bad", "noble-mean", "fair-unfair". In everything, categorical assessments prevail. Halftones are practically absent. People who, from their point of view, act dishonorably, dishonorably or unfairly, are subject to global denial.

By the way, the division into friend / foe also leads to an increase in the level. For a complete understanding of the influence of emotions on the entropy of consciousness (and health), read.

One of the most comprehensive works in the field of determining the metaphysical causes of diseases and their self-healing through simple work on yourself was done by Liz Bourbeau in her book Your body says "Love yourself!" . I strongly advise you to read or at least compare your symptoms, especially to people of age (I often advise the book to parents of wards who live in the "old way")


Physical blocking

Cancer is both a change in the cell as such and a failure in the mechanism of reproduction of a certain group of cells. In order to more accurately determine what cancer signals, you should analyze the functions of the part of the body that it struck.

Emotional blocking

This disease occurs in a person who experienced a serious psychological trauma in childhood and carried all his negative emotions in himself all his life. Psychological traumas that can cause serious illness include: the trauma of the rejected, the trauma of the abandoned, humiliation, betrayal and injustice. Some people experienced not one, but several of these traumas in childhood.

As a rule, cancer suffers from a person who wants to live in love and harmony with his loved ones so much that he suppresses anger, resentment or hatred towards one of the parents for too long. Many are also angry with God for what they have experienced. At the same time, they forbid themselves to show these negative feelings; the latter, meanwhile, accumulate and intensify whenever an event reminds of an old psychological trauma. And the day comes when a person reaches his emotional limit - everything seems to explode in him, and then cancer begins. Cancer can occur both during a period of emotional stress and after conflict resolution.

mental blocking

If you are suffering from cancer, you need to realize that you suffered a lot in childhood and that now you must allow yourself to be an ordinary person, that is, give yourself the right to be angry with your parents. The main reason for your problems is that you experience your psychological trauma (suffering) alone. Perhaps you hope sooner or later to free yourself from this suffering. But the most important need of your soul and your heart is to gain true love. The ideal way to do this is to forgive those you hate.

Keep in mind that forgiveness is not just about getting rid of feelings of anger or resentment. The most difficult thing for a cancer patient is to forgive himself for having evil thoughts or for seeking revenge, even if not fully conscious. Forgive your inner child who silently suffers and has already experienced rage and resentment alone. Stop thinking that being angry at someone means being angry. Anger is a common human feeling. I suggest that you go through all the stages of forgiveness described at the end of this book.

Spiritual blockage and imprisonment

To understand the spiritual blockage that prevents you from meeting an important need of your true self, ask yourself the questions at the end of this book. The answers to these questions will allow you to more accurately determine the real cause of your physical problem.

Reading posts:


Physical blocking


Physical blocking

This description refers to those who are ill with PSYCHOTIC DEPRESSION. For those who suffer from temporary emotional depression caused by adverse life circumstances or some unpleasant event, it is better to refer to the articles AGORAPHOBIA, ANXIETY or ANXIETY.
The main symptoms of depression are: loss of interest in daily activities, feelings of despair or depression, accompanied by fatigue or loss of energy, inability to concentrate, indifference, isolation, constant thinking about the same thing. As a rule, a person suffering from depression does not want to be helped, and believes that everything is fine with him, but others should change. He does not sleep well, even if he takes sleeping pills. He doesn't talk much and tends to avoid people. He may even want to commit suicide. Depression is often confused with OCCUPATIONAL EXHAUSTMENT. To clarify the differences between these two disorders, see the article WASTE.

Emotional blocking

Depression is a defense against pressure pressing, especially emotional. A person resorts to this remedy when he feels that he is no longer able to withstand emotional stress. My long-term observations show that people who are in a bad relationship with a parent of the opposite sex are more susceptible to depression. This explains the fact that a person who is in a state of depression tends to blame the spouse for everything. This is one of the varieties of psychological transference. For example, a man suffering from depression treats his wife the way he would like to, but does not dare to treat his mother. By refusing to accept help, he continues to feed the anger or hatred he felt towards the parent of the opposite sex and sinks into his pain.

mental blocking

Since a person in a state of depression usually does not want to help himself and does not ask for help from others, only those who live next to him can bring him out of this state. If one of your friends or relatives suffers from depression, I advise you to deal with this person firmly and decisively. Tell him that no one can help him unless he helps himself.
The most important thing for him is to realize that depression is caused by mental suffering suffered in childhood or adolescence. He refuses to be who he is. The most common psychological block is the feeling of being rejected or the fear of being rejected. A person suffering from depression should think about the fact that even if he was rejected in childhood or adolescence, this does not mean at all that his parents did not love him. Most likely, the parent who rejected him also at one time was rejected by father or mother. The first step in getting rid of depression is to feel compassion for this parent and try to understand him.

If a depressed person has suicidal thoughts, something has most likely died in him to make room for something new, but he perceives this dead part of himself as his whole personality as a whole.

Spiritual blockage and imprisonment

In order to understand the spiritual blockage that prevents you from meeting an important need of your true I ask yourself the questions at the end of this book. The answers to these questions will allow you to more accurately determine the real cause of your physical problem.

I emphasize that many human diseases are also the result of energy blockages and entities, including demonic ones (uncontrollable depression, anger, aggression).

Examples from my practice:

What doctors often mistake for a cancerous growth on the skin, as several sessions have shown, is a consequence of the presence of a snake-like entity that has laid its eggs in this place. It is mainly found in the armpits, sometimes on the legs.

Headaches and migraines are often caused by implants and blocked upper chakras. Gray dust or slime is also common. Gray mist can also block energy flows in the head, causing pain.

The joints hurt as a result of the penetration of a substance into them, which is usually seen by the wards as dark dust or fog (in some cases this is a gray fog, but not in all)

The liver does not necessarily hurt as a result of alcohol, but may be soaked or encased in gray-green mucus. The same applies to all other internal organs.

Also, many ailments are the cause of multiple medicines, vaccinations, and foodstuffs that the system* stuffs us with as part of multidimensional gain. For example bread:

The main thing - do not forget that all these things happen as lessons, and our thoughts form our reality, and the less negative we radiate, the less we get involved in various social brawls and allow ourselves rudeness, anger, envy, greed and pettiness, the less We attract both physical and psychological ailments. Non-involvement in the games of duality is one of the critical factors in maintaining one's own health, and healthy indifference has never bothered anyone)


Physical blocking

Abortion is the termination of pregnancy before the expiration of the sixth month, that is, until the moment from which the child can survive and develop independently. After six months, they no longer talk about abortion, but about premature birth. There are the following types of abortion:

  • Spontaneous abortion. Occurs suddenly and ends with the ejection of the fetus, often already dead, and the placenta. This type of abortion is commonly referred to as a miscarriage.
  • Artificial abortion. Since an induced abortion is performed in a hospital setting and no later than the second month of pregnancy, the likelihood of complications is much lower than with clandestine abortions.
  • Artificial therapeutic abortion carried out under the supervision of doctors if the state of health of the pregnant woman does not allow her to bear the fetus during the full term of pregnancy.

Emotional blocking

In most cases, spontaneous abortion, or miscarriage, is the result of an unconscious choice of the mother or the soul of the child she carries in her body. Either the soul of the child makes a different decision, or the mother does not feel ready for the birth of the child. During pregnancy, mother and child communicate with each other on a soul level. It is possible that this particular soul will return to this particular woman when she becomes pregnant again, then an abortion or miscarriage is nothing but a delay.

When a woman voluntarily decides to have an abortion, it means that she is very afraid. If complications arise during an abortion, this also increases the feeling of guilt. It is very important that she explain to the soul of the child that she is afraid and that she gives herself the right to this weakness. Otherwise, the guilt could cause additional complications if she ever gets pregnant again. She will constantly think about the child she refused to carry.

During a therapeutic abortion, a woman experiences the same thing as during a spontaneous abortion, with the only difference that she cannot make a decision on her own and prefers that doctors make it. Perhaps she would have felt much more guilty if she had made the decision to have an abortion on her own.

An abortion or miscarriage usually coincides with some kind of failed project or unfulfilled hopes. Thinking about the bad, a woman cannot or does not want to continue to carry a child.

mental blocking

I have repeatedly observed young women who, after an abortion, constantly suffered from various diseases of the genital organs. Feeling guilty about stopping human life they began to punish themselves. Some women after an abortion continue to carry the so-called "psychological child" - they have an enlarged belly, as if they were actually pregnant. Some develop fibroids in the uterus, a sign that they have not fully accepted their choice.

If you've had an abortion, you must tell yourself that having a baby is simply beyond your capacity at this time.

If you are just about to have an abortion, I strongly recommend that you seriously reconsider everything. In my opinion, if a woman becomes pregnant, then this is part of the experience that she should receive in real life and if she does not give in to her fears and entrusts herself to the Divine, all will be well. Most people have much more power - both mental and physical - than they think, so if you think that you have reached the limits of your capabilities, this is most likely far from the case.

It is also very important not to fall under someone else's influence. Try to establish contact with the soul of the little being in you and make a decision for yourself. If you decide to have an abortion, know that your act towards the child will necessarily entail some consequences, the nature of which will depend on the reason why you decided to have an abortion. If you have come to terms with yourself, it will be easier for you to accept the consequences of your decision.

Instead of seeing good or evil in some action, a wise person understands that all his actions and decisions have certain consequences. Therefore, you must - on a spiritual and emotional level - accept the inevitability that one day you too will receive a serious rejection or rejection. Also, tell yourself that you don't have to always be successful and deal with all the challenges. Recognize that your options are limited.

In order to understand the spiritual blockage that prevents you from meeting an important need of your true I, ask yourself the questions at the end of this book. The answers to these questions will allow you to more accurately determine the real cause of your physical problem.


Physical blocking

The vagina is the passage that connects the cervix and the vulva. The vagina is the female copulatory organ. In addition, during childbirth, the fetus and placenta pass through it. The most common problems are VAGINITIS, HERPES, TUMOR and CANCER.

Emotional blocking

Most problems with the vagina are related to the sexual sphere of a woman's life, as they prevent her from maintaining a normal sexual relationship. These problems indicate that a woman does not receive the desired satisfaction from sex, because she has a wrong attitude towards sexuality. She feels that she is being used and not appreciated enough. The anger she feels is due to her not giving herself the right to enjoy sex.

mental blocking

Your body is telling you that you need to change your relationship with sex because it doesn't do you any good anymore. Perhaps you are a powerful woman, and therefore you get the feeling that you are being used when not you, but your partner chooses the time for sex. Instead of feeling used, try to feel wanted. If it seems to you that you are being manipulated, think about the fact that you are also manipulating someone, even in other areas of your life, and in most cases your intentions, like those of your partner, are not at all evil.

If you are not enjoying sex because you were sexually abused or harassed as a child, your body is telling you that you no longer have to live with the fears of the past. Most effective method get rid of the past - forgiveness. (See the stages of forgiveness at the end of this book.)

For other vaginal problems, see explanation of the relevant disease.

Spiritual blockage and imprisonment

Same as for ABSCESS (see page 27).


Inflammation is most often a more or less extensive tissue destruction. AT Additional explanations At the beginning of this book it is indicated that inflammation indicates the desire of the body to recover, to remake itself after the resolution of some conflict. This does not mean that a person should not take anti-inflammatory drugs prescribed by a doctor. But recovery is greatly accelerated if a person thanks his body, and does not consider it sick.


Physical blocking

Herpes - very common viral disease. herpetic infection affects the genitals, vulva, penis, vagina, cervix (sometimes also the anus or buttocks) and manifests itself in the form of very painful pustules and inflammations that heal on average in two weeks.

Emotional blocking

This disease arises from feelings of guilt associated with the sexual sphere. The patient wants to punish himself for using his genitals badly or incorrectly. Such a person has sexual desires, but his sexual life is governed by his ideas of good and evil, often very dogmatic. As a rule, patients with genital herpes will rather try to blame someone else than realize their own desires.

mental blocking

The pain caused by genital herpes is a manifestation heartache, which causes you your attitude to sexual life. You must give yourself the right to have sexual desires and reconsider your attitude towards sex. The latter often prevents you from being yourself and makes you repress your sexual desires. Every time a quiet inner voice tells you “This is bad”, try to realize that this is not talking to you. I, and your attitude to sex, which was formed on the basis of the views and beliefs of other people. You must once and for all get rid of dogmatism in the sexual sphere. By holding back your sexuality, you are preventing your creativity from reaching its full potential. Don't forget that sexuality and creativity are very closely related.


Physical blocking

A symptom of oral herpes is a rash on the skin, usually around the mouth. This is a very common viral disease.

Emotional blocking

Oral herpes suggests that a person judges a person of the opposite sex too harshly and tends to extend this judgment to all representatives of this sex. Someone or something seems to him vile, disgusting. This disease is also a way of avoiding the need to kiss other people or with any one person who makes the patient angry because he humiliated him. The patient is already ready to say some angry words, but at the last minute restrains himself and anger hangs on his lips.

mental blocking

Herpes suggests that it's time for you to change your critical attitude towards the opposite sex to love, and the faster, the more often exacerbations occur. Your way of thinking prevents you from approaching the opposite sex, although you really want to. This detachment hurts you greatly, even if you think that you are punishing someone else in this way.


Physical blocking

Breasts are the parts of the body that contain the mammary glands. The most common breast related diseases are: PAIN, HARDNESS, MASTITIS, MASTOSIS, CYST, TUMOR, and CANCER.

Emotional blocking

The breast is directly related to the manifestations of maternal instinct in relation to children, family, partner or the whole world in general. Breast problems, both in women and in men, indicate that a person is trying his best to feed or protect those in relation to whom he shows maternal instinct. To be maternal means to take care of another person the way a mother takes care of her child. Breast problems can arise in someone who forces himself to take care of someone, to be a good mother or father. It is also possible that a person tries his best for the sake of those he loves and forgets about his own needs. At the same time, he unconsciously gets angry at the people he cares about, as he does not have time to take care of himself. As a rule, if such a person cares about someone, then he does it harshly and demandingly.

Breast diseases can also indicate that a person makes too stringent demands on himself, or that his self-care borders on mania. In right-handed people, the right breast is associated with a spouse, family, or other close people, and the left breast is associated with a child (or inner child). Lefties are the opposite.

If a woman has a purely aesthetic problem with her breasts, it means that she is too worried about how she looks as a mother. She must give herself the right to be an imperfect mother, since we are all imperfect.

mental blocking

The problem associated with motherhood or maternal instinct suggests that you need to forgive your mother and yourself for your attitude towards her. If the problem is related to your maternal instinct, then it can be concluded from this that you somehow had to suffer from the manifestation of your mother's maternal instinct. Instead of forcing or feeling sorry for yourself, you need to understand that your mission on Earth is not just to protect and feed everyone you love.

If these people ask you for help and you are able to help them without going beyond your capabilities, that is, without losing respect for yourself, do it, but only with love and joy. If you can't or don't want to help, admit it without feeling guilty. Just tell yourself that at the moment you cannot help someone, but you will try to do it as soon as you have the opportunity. You have an overdeveloped sense of duty, you are too demanding of yourself. Stop worrying so much about the ones you love. Motherly love does not have to be shown in the form of vigilant care.


Physical blocking

A cyst is a pathological spherical cavity in an organ with dense walls, filled with liquid or mushy contents (less often solid). The cyst is usually closed, its walls are not connected by blood vessels to the contents. This neoplasm can be benign or malignant.

Emotional blocking

The cyst ball speaks of some kind of grief that has been accumulating for a very long time. This excess flesh has accumulated to soften the blows that ego the patient receives from the outside world. A person with one or more cysts cannot get rid of severe pain associated with some events in his past. If the cyst is malignant, see also the article CANCER. The purpose of the part of the body in which the cyst has formed indicates in which area of ​​​​life grief and pain have accumulated. So, a cyst in one of the breasts is associated with the material interests of this person.

mental blocking

The cyst is a warning that it is time for you to forgive yourself or another person, and not reopen the old wound again and again. What harms you is what you accumulate in yourself. Perhaps you think that some person has harmed or is harming you, but in fact it is your inner attitude that makes you suffer. The cyst, this ball of flesh, says that you no longer have to create protection in yourself from the blows of fate and that it is time for you to forgive others and yourself. (See the explanation of the stages of forgiveness at the end of this book.)


Physical blocking

Fibrosis is the hardening of connective tissue fibers due to some kind of pathology. Most often, this disease affects the LUNGS and PANCREAS (see relevant articles).

Emotional blocking

A person suffering from this disease has become hardened against himself, other people, and especially against life. He is pessimistic and does not believe in success. This disease often occurs in a person who plays the role of a victim, that is, uses his ailments to attract attention to himself and finally gain the desired dependence on others.

mental blocking

If you are suffering from this disease, it is time for you to realize that you have everything you need to build your own life and that you should not be led by others. This disease disrupts your life plan, as it can make you disabled and thus prevent you from functioning. Your soul is screaming "Help, I want to live!"


Physical blocking

The uterus is a hollow, muscular female genital organ. The uterus contains the fertilized egg during pregnancy and pushes the fetus out at the end of the term. The most common diseases of the uterus are FIBROMA, EVERSION, FUNCTIONAL DISORDER, INFECTION, TUMOR and CANCER, as well as some lesions of the cervix. Read the description below and the corresponding article in this book. For UTERINE Descent, which affects the functioning of the vagina, see the article VAGINA (PROBLEMS).

Emotional blocking

Since the uterus is the first home in this world for a child, any disturbances associated with it should be correlated with reception, hearth, housing and shelter. When a woman is unable to bear children due to uterine disease, her body tells her that deep down she wants to have a child, but fear overpowers this desire and creates a physical blockage in her body. A woman who is angry with herself for having badly accepted her child in this world can also suffer from problems with the uterus.

In addition, diseases of the uterus indicate that a woman puts forward or implements some new ideas, not allowing them to mature. Such diseases can also occur in a woman who blames herself for not being able to create a good family hearth for those she loves.

mental blocking

It's time for you to open up more to new ideas and move on to actively building your life without any guilt. So you will create a place in your life for a man and a man. Get rid of the fears that only hurt you.


Physical blocking

The uterine or fallopian tubes are a pair of ducts that carry eggs from the ovaries to the uterus. The tubes also allow the passage of spermatozoa to the site of fertilization of the egg. The most common problem is a blockage in one or both tubes. Inflammation of the fallopian tubes is called SALPINGITIS (see related article).

Emotional blocking

Because the fallopian tubes are the place where the sperm cells meet with the egg to form a new life, problems with them indicate that a woman is blocking the connection between the male and female principles in herself. She cannot build her life the way she wants, and also experiences difficulties in relationships with men.

mental blocking

The meaning of this disease is very important to you; you must understand that some of your beliefs are hurting you greatly at the moment. Excessive anger and possibly the guilt you feel for preventing yourself from enjoying life can kill you. Your body wants you to let yourself live full life. You came to this planet for a purpose, and if that purpose is not achieved, you cannot be truly happy. You, like all living things on this planet, have the right to live.


Physical blocking

Menopause is a normal process that occurs in a woman's body around the age of fifty. Menopause is the same for women difficult period physical and emotional instability, like puberty. The woman suffers from FLUSHES, fatigue, insomnia and restlessness. (In a man, these symptoms may appear around the age of sixty. This process is called ANDROPAUSE. See related article.)

Emotional blocking

Menopause is a natural transition for all women from one life stage to another. A woman who begins to show the symptoms described above experiences fear and grief, because she does not want to grow old. Menopause ends the childbearing age, and it is difficult for a woman to come to terms with the loss of one of her most important functions. She must move from the stage of giving birth and raising children to the stage of taking care of herself. In order to facilitate this transition, she must use the masculine principle inherent in her. The harder it is for a woman to discover this masculine principle in herself, the harder and longer her menopause period will last.

mental blocking

The more severe the symptoms of menopause, the louder your body tells you that you should not be afraid of old age. Just because you can't have children doesn't mean you can't live. You need to rethink your attitude towards old age. Getting old does not mean dying, becoming an invalid or helpless, useless, useless and lonely person, losing the ability to move forward. With age, a person usually becomes wiser, as he accumulates experience and knowledge.

From now on, you have the right to live for yourself. Before menopause, you lived for others, now it's time to pay attention to yourself. Create for yourself, using the masculine principle, that is, think without haste, make decisions in a calm environment and spend more time alone with yourself.


Physical blocking

Menorrhagia is an increase in menstrual bleeding and an increase in their duration. Menorrhagia often occurs in women using intrauterine contraceptives.

Emotional blocking

On a metaphysical level, a lot of blood loss means a loss of interest in life. If menorrhagia begins after the introduction of an intrauterine contraceptive, it indicates that it is difficult for a woman to accept the idea of ​​using contraceptives. She wants to have a baby, but something stops her - either her own fears or someone else's influence. If menorrhagia is not associated with the use of an intrauterine contraceptive, see the article MENSTRUCTION (PROBLEMS).

mental blocking

If you're having problems with your period, your body is telling you that your relationship with the feminine, which was formed during adolescence, needs to be revised. This attitude harms you and prevents you from being happy. Increased susceptibility and irritability destroy your peace of mind. You can do whatever you want, especially now that women are increasingly taking over traditionally male roles.

You no longer have to follow the generally accepted rules that define the difference between male and female roles. Instead of envying men, it's better to get them to envy you. This will allow you to achieve the harmony of masculine and feminine. Even if you sometimes decide to play a male role, give yourself the right to need a man, but in such a way that you do not become dependent on him. By getting rid of the desire to play all male births, you will make room in your life for the man you need.

Perhaps your problems are due to the influence of some popular beliefs in your family. Perhaps, as a teenager, you were taught that menstruation is something shameful, sinful, dirty or unnatural? Have you been convinced that menstrual problems are normal? If yes, you must reconsider your beliefs and accept the idea that menstruation is a non-painful, completely natural and necessary process for your body.


Physical blocking

Menstruation is a cyclic discharge of blood from the uterus in girls and women associated with childbearing function. During pregnancy, there is no menstruation. The average length of the menstrual cycle is 28 days, but this is the ideal case. It is considered normal if the menstrual cycle lasts from 25 to 32 days. The following problems may be associated with menstruation: AMENORRHEA (absence of menstruation), MENSTRUAL PAIN, TUMORS, PAIN IN THE KIDNEYS, PAIN IN THE groin, MENORRHAGIA (heavy bleeding), METRORRHAGIA (bleeding from the uterus in the intermenstrual period).

Emotional blocking

Problems with menstruation indicate that it is difficult for a woman to accept her feminine side. Starting from adolescence, she reacts very sharply (to the point of irritation) to her mother, who was her first ideal woman. This does not mean that she is not feminine, just that she does not really like the role of a woman, since this role involves following too many rules. She wants, usually unconsciously, to be a man, and she may even get angry at men for having some opportunities that she does not and never will have. She often forces herself to play the role of a man, but this awakens in her a sense of guilt that she is not aware of.


Physical blocking

The following description refers to a person who does not achieve orgasm during intercourse.

Emotional blocking

Since orgasm is the opening of all the energy centers of the body (chakras), a person uses his absence to refuse what the other person offers him. He does not open up to what he give. Such a person hardly accepts everything that comes from the opposite sex. He prefers to restrain himself instead of opening up to the other person and enjoying his presence. He is generally very restrained, and not only in sexual relations. In addition, since orgasm is synonymous with pleasure, this person cannot enjoy even the small joys of life without feeling guilty about it.

mental blocking

If you think you are punishing the other person by blocking your orgasm, you are on the wrong track, as you are only punishing yourself. Orgasm is a wonderful way to merge with the opposite sex; besides, it helps you achieve the fusion of the masculine and feminine principles in yourself. In addition, sexual relations, if they are based on love and self-giving, are an inexhaustible source of energy. The physical orgasm reminds you of the great fusion of soul and spirit that we all yearn for.

Learn to love yourself and tell yourself that you deserve the pleasure in your life. Only you yourself can make your life pleasant and joyful, so it is unwise to rely on others for this. They can't give you what you can't give yourself spiritual law cause and effect). It seems to you that if you do not control yourself, others will immediately take care of it, but you are mistaken. You have to relax and stop clinging to things and ideas.


Physical blocking

Fibroma is a benign tumor that consists exclusively of fibrous connective tissue and most often develops in the uterus. It is not painful, but it can cause a feeling of heaviness in the groin or make it difficult to urinate. Fibroma can remain very small, but sometimes grows and reaches a weight of several kilograms. A woman may not even suspect that there is a fibroma in her body.

Emotional blocking

Fibroma is a collection of tissue that can be considered psychological child. Since any neoplasm that is not necessary for the body is directly related to a long-term experience of grief, fibroma indicates that a woman is experiencing, most of the time unconsciously, the loss of a child - as a result of an abortion, miscarriage, a decision to give the child to an orphanage, etc.

It is also possible that this woman does not give herself the right to be childless. Some women would like a child, but do not want to get involved with men and therefore create a psychological child for themselves.

mental blocking

Given all of the above, you must realize that your body is telling you to stop worrying about the child you no longer have. You continue to suffer because you are afraid to seem heartless to someone - but this is not so.

If you have not yet had children, you should not consider yourself inferior; You've made your choice, that's all. According to popular belief, a woman is considered real woman only if she has children. But we are entering the Age of Aquarius and must leave such delusions behind. Every woman must go through at least one life without having children in order to learn to love herself even without becoming a mother. If you want to have a child, but are afraid of men, first get rid of this fear. Paradoxically, the first step in this deliverance is to give yourself the right to experience this fear.


Physical blocking

Frigidity is the inability of a woman to enjoy sexual intercourse. frigidity should not be confused with anorgasmia in which a woman is unable to experience an orgasm, but can enjoy sexual pleasure.

Emotional blocking

A woman who, in her youth, forbade herself to experience pleasure, sexual or any kind at all, suffers from frigidity. As a rule, such a woman has a tough character, she tends to suppress her emotions. The idea of ​​showing her feelings causes her subconscious fear. At the same time, she needs a normal sex life in the same way as most women, and maybe much more. Rigidly controlling herself in everything connected with sex, she sometimes loses control over herself in some other area of ​​activity.

mental blocking

If you are frigid, then most likely you believe that the word pleasure is synonymous with sin, evil, wrong. And this belief must be very strong, since you control yourself so tightly. You must understand that the possibilities of any person are limited; When you violate your limits, you lose control of yourself. If this does not manifest itself in the sexual sphere, then it manifests itself in something else - in alcoholism, overeating, tears, nervous breakdowns, etc. Not enjoying sex, you punish yourself much more than your partner. Let yourself become passionate and sensual, because your heart wants it. Now you're like a ticking time bomb. Allow yourself to feel pleasure, and a completely new, wonderful stage will begin in your life.


Physical blocking

Endometriosis is a very common gynecological disease; observed in women who have not reached the age of menopause. With endometriosis, parts of the mucous membrane of the body of the uterus are found on the genitals and in other organs and tissues of the body. These elements of the mucous membrane reproduce the uterus in miniature.

Emotional blocking

The main emotional blockage of this disease is the inability of a woman to give birth to a child. Such a woman loves to lead and shows her ability give birth, create in other areas - in terms of ideas, projects, etc. She really wants to have a child, but she is afraid of the consequences of this step - for example, death or suffering during childbirth, especially if something like this happened to her mother. This fear is strong enough to block her desire to have a child. In my practice, there were even cases when the causes of such fear were found in a previous incarnation.

mental blocking

This disease tells you that your attitude to childbirth as something painful and dangerous creates a physical obstacle to conception. It is very interesting that in this disease similarities of the uterus are formed. This fact indicates how much you want to have a child: your body even creates an additional uterus.

My experience shows that most women suffering from endometriosis are afraid of the very process of childbearing, and not its consequences - that is, raising a child, etc. It's time for you to get rid of the delusions that cause fear, and finally satisfy your desire to have children. Also, give yourself permission to be imperfect and sometimes fail in your projects.


F physical blocking

The ovary, or ovaries, is a paired female sex gland (the sex gland in men is a testicle), in which female sex hormones are produced and eggs are formed. The following problems are associated with the ovary: PAIN, OVARIAN INFLAMMATION, CANCER, and OVARIAN REMOVAL.

Emotional blocking

The ovary is a gland that connects a woman's physical body with her sacred chakra (one of the seven main energy centers in the human body). This chakra is associated with the ability of a woman create, create. Problems with the ovaries affect both their functions - reproductive and hormonal, that is, respectively, the ability of a woman to have children and be feminine. Her body is telling her that she has poor contact with her ability to create, to create. She tells herself too often "I can't do it" and has great anxiety when she needs to create something on her own, especially if it has something to do with her feminine functions. She does not like to start any business, as the beginning is usually very difficult for her.

mental blocking

Your body is telling you that you should tell yourself as often as possible " I'm capable of it" and finally believe it. If you are a woman, this does not mean that you are somehow weaker or worse. A woman who thinks so may also have problems with menstruation. She often tries to prove to men that they are no worse than them, although deep down she does not believe in it.

In order to create a child, the combined efforts of a man and a woman are needed; it takes the combined efforts of your inner man and your inner woman to create your life. You already trust the creativity of your inner man, so try to gain trust in the creativity of your inner woman. Believe in yourself, in your ideas and intuition.


Human cannot recover without forgiving himself. This fundamental stage opens up the possibility of transforming not only our love for ourselves, but also the very heart and blood in our physical body.

This new blood, filled with the energy of newfound love, will wash the entire body like a miraculous balm and heal all cells in its path. Even if your common sense does not allow you to believe it - try it all the same, because you have nothing to lose.

Here are the stages of true forgiveness that have already been passed by thousands of people and rewarded with miraculous results:

1. Define your emotions (often there are several). Be aware of what you are accusing yourself or another person of, and determine what feelings this causes in you.

2. Take responsibility. To show responsibility means to realize that you always have a choice - to react with love or with fear. What are you afraid of? Now realize that you may be afraid of being accused of the same things you blame the other person for.

3. Understand the other person and relieve stress. In order to relieve tension and understand another person, put yourself in his place and feel his intentions. Think about the fact that he, perhaps, blames both himself and you - for the same thing that you blame him for. He is afraid, just like you.


Physical blocking

“What epithets best describe what I feel in my body at the moment?” The answer to this question will fully reflect your attitude towards a person or situations that caused the problem.

Emotional blocking

“What does this disease prevent me from doing?” The answer to this question will allow you to determine which desires are blocked.

“What does this disease force me to do?” Start each answer to this question with a negative particle "not", and you will find out which desires are blocked.

Spiritual Blocking

“If I allowed myself to realize these desires, how would my life change?”(This refers to the desires that you identified in answering the previous questions.) Answer on the this question defines a deep need in your being that is blocked by some false belief.

mental blocking

“If I allowed myself to be… (insert the answer to the previous question here) what terrible or unacceptable thing would happen in my life?” The answer to this question will allow you to identify the belief that blocks you, your desires and your need for self-realization, thus creating a physical problem.


Having figured out what belief or belief is preventing you from being who you want, you can now change or replace it. To do this, you must first give yourself the right to this belief or belief, that is, get in touch with your inner child, which formed him some time ago as a result of some kind of psychological trauma. Then ask yourself: Do you really still need this belief to feel happy?

If so, then that belief is still useful to you. Since you are free to manage your life, you can continue to keep it, but know that everything in your life will remain the same, including pain. Don't expect change.

If you still believe this belief to be true, but are not convinced that it makes you happy, compare it with what you had a few years ago. Perhaps today your belief has become much weaker. If so, then you are on your way to a cure.

If you are firmly convinced that you no longer want to keep this belief, the only way left for you is to do everything necessary in order to realize your desires and become WHO YOU WANT TO BE.


Give yourself the time you need to go through all the stages of forgiveness. You may need a day for one stage, a year for another, the most important thing is that your desire to go through these stages is sincere. The stronger the psychological trauma and resistance ego, the more time it takes.

If step 6 proves to be very difficult, know that it is your ego. If you think: "S why on earth should I ask for forgiveness from this person, if not I offended him, but he me? I had every reason to be angry with him!” It's your ego speaking, not your heart. The most important desire of your heart -. live in peace and compassion for others.

Don't worry if the person you're asking for forgiveness doesn't react the way you expected. Some things are almost impossible to predict. He may not say anything, change the topic of conversation, be surprised, refuse to talk about it, cry, ask for forgiveness from you, throw himself into your arms, etc. Try to treat with understanding the feelings of another person - as well as your own.

As I noted in the description of the sixth stage of forgiveness, you should not tell the person who offended you that you have forgiven him. There are three reasons for this:

1. It may turn out that the person you are angry with did not have the intention of offending you at all. Reality often differs from our perception. Maybe this person did not even suspect that you were offended.

2. You must understand that forgiveness is needed. you, for release myself. Forgiving another person means taking the necessary step towards forgiving yourself.

3. You must also realize that it is not in your power to truly forgive another person. Only he can forgive himself ,

4. Forgive yourself. This is the most important step in forgiveness. In order to forgive yourself, give yourself the right to be afraid, to show weakness, to be mistaken, to have shortcomings, to suffer, and to be angry. Accept yourself as you are in the present moment, knowing that this is a temporary state.

5. Feel the urge to ask for forgiveness. In preparation for the stage, imagine that you are asking for forgiveness from the person whom you condemned, criticized or accused of something. If this image gives you a feeling of joy and freedom, you are ready for the next step.

6. Meet the person you want to apologize to. Tell him about your experiences and ask for forgiveness for judging, criticizing or hating him. The fact that you yourself forgave him, mention only if he talks about it.

7. Make a connection or make a decision about the parent.

Remember a similar situation in the past with a person who represented power, authority for you - with your father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, teacher, etc. This person must be of the same gender as the one you just forgave. Repeat with him all the steps of forgiveness.

If the emotions you are experiencing are directed against yourself, go through steps 1,2,4 and 7.

If a person does not want to accept your request for forgiveness, this means that he cannot forgive himself. You can forgive him, but that's not enough. He must forgive himself. You are only responsible for yourself, but the fact that you have forgiven yourself can help the other person forgive themselves.

If you tell another person about your experiences, and he suddenly begins to make excuses, he may have thought that you were blaming him. If so, then you have not yet forgiven this person and you hope that he will change.

If you, going to meet this person, hope that he will understand the depth of your suffering and ask your forgiveness, you still have not forgiven him. In any case, you should not be angry with yourself; you just need a little more time to move on to steps 2 and 3. You may have already forgiven this person with your mind, but have not yet had time to forgive him with your heart. To forgive a person with the mind means to understand the motives of his actions, but this does not bring relief or inner liberation. This often happens. Intellectual forgiveness is a good start, as it at least indicates good will.

Remember: forgiving someone does not mean that you agree with his accusations. When you forgive someone, you seem to be saying that you look through the eyes of your heart and see something more important in the depths of this person’s soul than his accusations.

Thanks to this forgiveness, it will be easier for you to give yourself the right to be yourself and show your human feelings.

Now let's look at the three emotions that people experience the hardest: fear, anger, and sadness. A person usually suppresses, controls, hides these emotions - in a word, does everything not to experience them, as they stir up emotional wounds received in childhood and adolescence. These wounds are caused by five negative psychological factors: the trauma of the rejected, the trauma of the abandoned, the trauma of humiliation, betrayal and injustice.

Instead of giving themselves the right to be imperfect and suffer from emotional wounds, most people continue to blame others as the cause of their fear, anger, and sadness. That is why people experience so many negative emotions, and emotions, in turn, cause all kinds of diseases.

But these emotions can be used for good:

Fear helps you understand that you need protection and are looking for it. He also reminds us that real protection should be sought in oneself.

Anger is useful in that it helps you discover your need for self-assertion, articulate your demands, and listen more closely to your needs.

Sadness helps you understand that you are suffering from a sense of loss or fear of losing. Sadness teaches a person not to be attached.

LOVE YOURSELF - means to be responsible for your life and give yourself the right to exercise this responsibility. If you love yourself, you will have a healthy and energized body that will allow you to fulfill all your dreams.

Never forget that your inner GOD uses all possible means and through your body speaks, reminds you: "LOVE YOURSELF!"

Excess weight. Obesity is the excess deposition of fat in body tissues. Obesity is considered a problem when it poses an immediate threat to health.

Obesity can have various causes, but in any case, an obese person has experienced a lot of humiliation in childhood or adolescence and still has a fear of being in a shameful situation for him or to put another person in such a situation. Excess weight is for such a person a kind of protection from those who demand too much from him, taking advantage of the fact that he does not know how to say “no” and is inclined to shoulder everything.

It is also possible that this person often and for a very long time feels sandwiched between two other people. He tries his best to make these people happy. The stronger his desire to make others happy, the more difficult it is for him to realize his own needs.

Very often it turns out that a person gains weight because he does not want to seem attractive to the opposite sex, because he is afraid that he will then be rejected or that he himself will not be able to say no. Obesity also affects people who strive to take their place in life, but consider this desire unhealthy and indecent. They don't realize that they're already pretty good at it (I don't mean they take up a lot of space physically).

My observations show that it is difficult for an obese person to objectively evaluate himself due to his excessive sensitivity. Are you able to see well all parts of your body in the mirror? The ability to consider one's physical body is directly related to the ability to consider oneself at other levels, that is, with the ability to analyze one's internal state. If you do not have this ability, you will not be able to discover the true cause of your obesity. That is why this article may cause internal resistance in you. If this happens, try to read it at your own pace a few times and understand its meaning.

Having experienced some severe humiliation in childhood or adolescence, you decided to always be on your guard and never give anyone a reason to mock you. You decided at all costs to become very a good man and that's why you put so many worries on your shoulders. It's time for you to learn to accept without thinking that you are taking something from someone or borrowing it and sooner or later you will have to return or pay for it. I advise you at the end of each day to carefully analyze everything that happened that day, and note everything that can be associated with shame and humiliation. After that, you should ask yourself if what you have noted is actually shame related. Check it out with other people.

Ask yourself as often as possible: “What do I really want?” before answering "yes" to other people's requests or offering your services. This will not make you less loved and respected. On the contrary, people will understand that you respect yourself, and they will respect you even more. In addition, give yourself the right to be an important person in the lives of those you love. Believe in your importance.

Back in 1997, readers were able to get acquainted with one of the most delightful books by Liz Bourbeau called: Your Body Says "Love Yourself." A well-known Canadian psychologist, who has been working with psychosomatics for many years, talks in this book about the metaphysical causes of diseases of the human body, and also gives advice on how to cure. According to Liz Burbo, a full understanding of the causes of the disease already triggers the recovery mechanism, and a special technique for obtaining forgiveness helps in this, it is also given at the end of the book. The metaphysics of diseases still remains an unexplored area of ​​science, and although many doctors and psychotherapists conduct their research in this area, Liz Burbo and Louise Hay made the greatest contribution to the development of this area of ​​parapsychological sciences, and E. Shmorgun and Yu. Zotov. There is even a summary table of all these authors on the Internet, where you can see the disease you are interested in in different interpretations. But still, the metaphysics of diseases is revealed to the fullest extent in Liz's book, which can be read both online and in the usual version.

How to work with a book on the metaphysics of diseases correctly

Liz Burbo herself in the preface gave clear explanations for working with this unique book. Here's what she advises:

  • We are looking for our disease in the general list (a table is attached in the electronic version), all diseases are arranged in alphabetical order;
  • We read an explanation of the hidden meaning of the disease, learn the features of its blocking;
  • Remember or write down the most important things;
  • Answering questions that will help remove blocks;
  • Your answers will determine the cause of your illness;
  • Read carefully what to do next;
  • We begin work on improving the physical and mental state. Before starting the search for the disease of interest, Liz recommended reading additional explanations.

Additional Explanations by Liz Bourbo for Understanding Diseases and Ailments

Metaphysics about congenital diseases.

All congenital diseases represent the unfinished conflict of the previous incarnation of your soul. You need to understand what a congenital disease prevents you from doing, and then its purpose will become clear.

hereditary diseases.

The hereditary disease demonstrates that this person specifically chose the way of thinking and life of his parent, the source of the disease. They both need to learn the same life lesson. A person must lovingly accept the hereditary disease given to him, otherwise it will be passed on to the next generation.

Why do almost all diseases develop at a certain age?

A person becomes ill when they reach their emotional, physical and intellectual limits. The less energy a person has, the sooner he will reach the limit of his capabilities.

Why do some people get serious illnesses and others only mild ones?

Severe (and even fatal) illnesses strike people who hide strong emotional trauma. Five main psychotraumas:

  1. betrayal;
  2. humiliation;
  3. abandonment;
  4. rejection;
  5. injustice.

Why do inflammatory diseases occur?

Inflammation is the solution to biological conflict. If this conflict is eliminated, the body recovers, but at that moment it may suddenly be struck by inflammation or an infectious disease.

Questions to Understand the Cause of Physical Illness

What do I feel in my body? - Shows our attitude towards the situation or person that caused problems. We ask ourselves to remove physical blocks.

What keeps me from doing the disease? - Determines which of our desires the block is based on. We ask ourselves to remove emotional blocks.

If I allow myself to fulfill this desire ... (answer to question #2), how will my life change? - Identifies the unconscious needs of a person, blocked by far-fetched beliefs. We ask ourselves to remove spiritual blocks.

If I allow myself to be ... (answers to question #3), what terrible or unacceptable things will happen in my life? - Allows you to show beliefs that block a person, his need for self-realization and desires. We ask ourselves to remove mental blocks.

Before moving on to the consideration of diseases, one must understand that the spiritual block of all diseases is removed in the same way: just ask yourself the above questions. Your answers to such questions reveal the real cause of your physical problem.

Metaphysics of diseases: the most common diseases among people

And now let's consider the diseases common among people (such diseases are contained in the summary table of the metaphysics of diseases by Louise Hay, Liz Burbo, and other authors).


Physical blocks - the main symptom of asthma is shortness of breath with wheezing in the chest.

Emotional Blocks - The body of an asthmatic indicates that he demands too much of everything. He seems stronger than he is. Asthmatics often underestimate their abilities.

Mental blocks - get rid of the desire to take as much as possible:

  • Recognize flaws and weaknesses.
  • Get rid of the belief that power can replace the love and respect of people.
  • Do not manipulate loved ones with the help of illness.


Physical blocks - myopia is a lack of vision, when a person sees objects nearby perfectly, but poorly - those that are far away.

Emotional blocks - fear of the future. Also, myopia indicates a very limited outlook.

Mental blocks - you need to get rid of the fear that arose as a reaction to the events of the past:

  • Open to fresh ideas;
  • Learn to look forward optimistically;
  • Listen respectfully to other people's opinions.


Physical blocks - bronchitis is called inflammation of the bronchial mucosa.

Emotional blocks - according to Liz, the bronchi represent our family. A person becomes ill with bronchitis if there are some serious problems in his family (for example, quarrels).

Mental blocks - you need to treat life joyfully and easily:

  • No need to worry too much about what is happening in the family;
  • Live as you think is right, do not be influenced by your family members;
  • Take your place in your family without feeling guilty.


Physical blocks - our head is directly related to individuality.

Emotional blocks - a person “hits” his personality with a low assessment and reproaches, and he is also afraid of criticism, has excessive demands on himself. Pain in the forehead is a sign of overexertion when trying to understand everything.

Mental Blocks - headache prevents people from fully using their five senses, being themselves. It is necessary to restore close contact with the inner "I":

  • Do not force yourself to fully justify the expectations of others;
  • Stop being stubborn about other people;
  • Do not try to understand everything in this world.


Physical blocks - dizziness has a bad effect on the ability to assess the situation, impairs the hearing and vision of a person.

Emotional blocks - dizziness occurs when a person wants to avoid something or someone, due to an old psychotrauma. Sometimes dizziness signals that a person is acting recklessly, disorganized, or distracted.

Mental blocks - dizziness causes a developed imagination and excessive demands:

  • Stop being afraid of the future;
  • Do not exaggerate the situation because of great suffering or fear experienced a long time ago;
  • Sincerely forgive other people and yourself.


Physical blockages - the flu is manifested by a feeling of fatigue and weakness, coughing spells, high fever, severe runny nose and pain in the head.

Emotional blocks - people who do not know how to express desires and formulate requirements get sick with the flu. The flu serves as an easy way out difficult situation in human relationships.

Mental blocks - rethink the things you should do and who you should be:

  • Find out what is on your mind, change your position and attitude towards people
  • Stop feeling like a victim.
  • Do your daily duties joyfully.

Pressure (high and low)

Pressure problems can be of two types:

  1. hypertension;


Physical blocks - high blood pressure (hypertension) can cause ruptures in the eye vessels, as well as the vessels of the brain, kidneys and heart.

Emotional blocks - a person's emotions put a lot of pressure on him. All situations are reminiscent of old psychotraumas. Such a person tends to overdramatize the situation, takes on excessive obligations.

Mental blocks - you need to learn to think about yourself:

  • Reconsider the idea of ​​the word "Responsibility";
  • Get rid of excess stress;
  • Live every day, enjoy life.


Physical blocks - hypotension is characterized by insufficient blood supply to the arms and legs, fatigue, dizziness and fainting.

Emotional blocks - according to Liz, low blood pressure occurs in people who quickly lose heart. Such people always feel defeated, quickly retreat from the given.

Mental blocks - you need to start creating your life yourself:

  • Stop listening to various doubts and bad thoughts;
  • Set realistic goals;
  • Don't be afraid to face difficulties.


Physical blocks - a far-sighted person sees very poorly at close distances.

Emotional blocks - far-sighted people are afraid to see what is happening in front of their noses.

Mental blocks - you need to learn to interact with situations and people:

  • Don't be afraid to lose control of the situation;
  • Work through unreasonable fears that prevent you from living a full life, enjoying new experiences;
  • Stop being an observer in life, start taking part in it.


Physical blocks - with impotence, the erection weakens so much that it is impossible to have sexual intercourse.

Emotional blocks - according to Liz, it is only necessary to clarify in which situation impotence occurs. If this happens to one woman, then in a man subconsciously this woman acts only as a mother, or his love for her is excessively exalted. Sometimes a man punishes his partner in this way (and does it unconsciously).

Mental blocks - in intellectual terms, impotence is caused by such reasons:

  • Sometimes impotence signals that a person feels powerless in another area of ​​life. Stop worrying about other people and let them deal with their own affairs.
  • If impotence is due to a bad sexual experience, this problem will disappear as soon as you stop believing in a repeat of the failure.
  • If impotence is used as a punishment for a partner, a man blocks the energy of creativity in himself.

heart attack

Physical blocks - a heart attack happens when a blood clot suddenly clogs an artery, and sometimes a person subconsciously creates a clot to get rid of the flow of negative emotions that block him from the joys of life.

Emotional blocks - all heart problems, incl. and a heart attack are signs of a condition where a person takes everything too close to his heart. The main message that a heart attack carries is “You have to love yourself!”

Mental blocks - you urgently need to change your attitude towards yourself:

  • Learn to receive love from yourself, and not depend on the love of others, which you have to deserve all the time;
  • Realize that you are unique, learn to respect yourself, tell yourself at least 10 compliments every day;
  • Keep doing everything you did before, but for your own pleasure, and not for getting someone else's love.


Physical blocks - coughing is a reflex, the desire to clear the airways of irritants.

Emotional blocks - An unreasonable cough occurs in an overly irritable person who should be more tolerant. Cough is always associated with experiences occurring inside a person.

Mental blocks - to analyze what is happening in your head right now:

  • Stop criticizing yourself;
  • Be patient with yourself;
  • Give others the attitude you would like for yourself.

Runny nose

Physical blocks - runny nose - inflammation (acute or chronic) of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx.

Emotional blocks - according to Liz, a runny nose overtakes a person who is confused in a confusing situation.

Mental blocks - you need to learn to relax and stop tormenting yourself in vain:

  • No need to suppress feelings;
  • Don't try to do many things at the same time;
  • Don't blame the situation or people for your problem.

Lack of orgasm

Physical blocks - if a person does not achieve orgasm during intercourse, then this indicates problems with the chakras (energy centers in the body).

Emotional blocks - the lack of an orgasm gives a person the opportunity to refuse everything that another person can offer him, to remain closed emotionally. He is restrained, cannot enjoy life, because he constantly feels guilty.

Mental blocks - by constantly blocking orgasm, you punish yourself. Learn to love yourself:

  • Make life joyful and pleasant yourself;
  • Stop controlling yourself in everything;
  • Relax, stop clinging to ideas and things.


Physical blocks - cancer is called a change in the cell, as well as failures in the mechanism of cell reproduction. To determine possible cause cancer, it is necessary to analyze the functions of the affected part of the body.

Emotional blocks - adults who have experienced a serious psychological trauma in childhood, and then carry negative emotions in themselves all their lives, get sick with cancer. People who have suppressed resentment, hatred and aggression towards their mother or father for a very long time also suffer from cancer.

Mental blocks - a person should not be afraid to admit that he suffered greatly in childhood:

  • Allow yourself to be angry with your parents;
  • Stop experiencing psychotrauma alone;
  • Forgive everyone you've ever hated. This is written in great detail in other books by Liz Burbo.


Physical blocks - scoliosis is called the lateral curvature of the shape of the spine, when it becomes like the letter S.

Emotional blocks - curvature of the spine indicates a feeling of insecurity, lack of support. Such a person is not at all confident in his abilities, he expects a lot from others.

  • Believe that you can really enjoy material things and everything else that adds confidence to a person;
  • Actively express wants and needs;
  • Do not strive to be an indispensable support for all mankind.

Vascular problems

Physical blocks - through the vessels the heart drives blood to all tissues and organs of our body.

Emotional blocks - vessels are pathways life force. If a person has problems with blood vessels, then he cannot allow himself to live a full life. He feels a lack of joy, social activity and movement.

Mental blocks - stop worrying about the little things and restrain yourself all the time:

  • Understand what gives you pleasure and give it to yourself;
  • Stop tossing between spiritual values ​​and needs;
  • Learn to feel joy all the time.


Physical blocks - joint diseases are usually accompanied by pain and significant loss of mobility.
Joint problems indicate uncertainty and indecision, fatigue and unwillingness to act actively.

Emotional blocks - diseases of the joints affect a person who is too strict with himself, unable to relax, unable to express desires and needs. This causes him deep hidden anger. By the place where the diseased joints are located, one can understand which sphere of life is the source of anger.

Mental blocks - learn to manifest needs and desires:

  • Allow yourself to say "No" if you don't want to do something;
  • Do each lesson with joy, do not criticize yourself;
  • Strive to receive recognition from the people around you, helping them, working with them.


Physical blocks - nausea is a painful sensation in the epigastric region, often accompanied by vomiting.

Emotional blocks - this feeling occurs when a person feels threatened by a person or event. What is happening is disgusting, because it is not consistent with the plans of man. Disgust can cause both people and objects. A pregnant woman experiences nausea if it is difficult to perceive future changes. They may have:

  • Aversion to changes in one's body;
  • Fear of losing freedom;
  • Fear of disapproval from the father, etc.

Mental blocks - you need to change your attitude to the events that are happening now in your life:

  • Stop humiliating and rejecting yourself;
  • Analyze what causes fear and disgust;
  • Try to love yourself.


Physical blocks - a bruise is a non-penetrating tissue injury resulting from impact or pressure. A bruise can occur at a moment of severe weakness or fatigue, when a person feels that life is “beating” him. bruises - physical manifestations mental wounds. In addition, it is necessary to analyze which part of the body suffered, how serious the bruises themselves are.

Emotional blocks - bruising is the way a person wants to stop feeling guilty. It seems to him that, having suffered, he will atone for his guilt, fictional or real. This decision is made by him at an unconscious level. Severe bruises, combined with other injuries, such as preventing work, indicate an unconscious attempt to stop and rest without feeling remorse.

Mental blocks - a person needs to reconsider the idea of ​​guilt:

  • Whenever you blame yourself for something, ask yourself if you did it on purpose. If not on purpose, then stop blaming yourself, because there is no reason for it;
  • If bruises or other unforeseen injuries were subconsciously provoked, in order to get a break, consider that there are other ways to consciously take the same time to rest without hurting your body;
  • If bruises give you tangible pain, this shows that you have suppressed in yourself (subconsciously or consciously) secret thoughts about causing violence to other people. Because you can't overtly show violence, but can no longer contain it, this desire can turn against you. You must first get rid of your negative thoughts, and then tell them to the person against whom they were directed. It is best to sincerely apologize to him at the same time.


Physical blocks - barley causes purulent painful inflammation of the sebaceous gland of the eyelids or the hair follicle of the edges of the eyelids. Barley occurs regularly in people with digestive disorders.

Emotional blocks - barley is a disease emotional people who find it difficult to digest what they observe around them. What they see is shocking. Such people want to see only what belongs to their sphere of influence. They strive to control everything that happens to them all the time. They feel anger and annoyance when other people dare to see things differently.

Mental blocks - you need to learn to be more tolerant of what you observe around you:

  • Recognize that in life you can not control everything, at most - you can control yourself;
  • Relax and learn to look at other people with your heart;
  • Accept that people may see things differently.

What does the metaphysics of disease teach? Lessons from Liz Burbo

You have found and read the description of the disease you are interested in. You even managed to understand the reason for its occurrence. What should be done next? Then work on yourself begins through special affirmations. Liz Burbo wrote a lot about this in her other books. If you try to generalize her ideas, you get the following:

The philosophy of the metaphysics of diseases is very simple: love yourself and your body, and then your body will respond to you with complete reciprocity. You deserve health and happiness, but the road to recovery is rarely straight and easy. However, for a person who has realized the subconscious causes of his misfortunes and illnesses, nothing is impossible. Feel free to move along the path trodden by Liz Burbo, and you will find harmony, health and happiness.
