Easter statuses. The best statuses for Easter, about spring and Christian statuses Wise sayings about Easter

Original statuses about Easter 2020

Get up early, eat an egg, drink red wine, break your fast for fun on Christ's Sunday! Soak the meat, and into the forest! Happy Easter to you! CHRIST IS RISEN!!!

The message was rushing, and Easter was clear!
And eggs, and Easter cakes are already mountains!
In general, only a little remained -
Do not overdo it with Cahors!


We think that God sees us from above - but he sees us from within.


People who truly believe in God
In view of the arguments we all understand
The number is small in Lent...
But by Easter it reaches one hundred percent!

The saddest day in the universe was only three days away from the happiest day.


I come to the conclusion that there is only one reliable fact in this world: Christ is risen. Everything else is propaganda.


Like Easter Like Easter
The eggs are all covered in paint.
The post is over, let's put on some weight.
Good afternoon! Christ is Risen!


It is necessary to live as if the coming of Christ is expected tonight.


Licorice Easter, Smoked sausage, Savory lard, Hard-boiled egg! Christ is risen!


The infection will not stick to us,
We will stand like a rock.
Let's kiss three times -
And Christ will save us all!


Jesus took twelve people from the lowest rungs of business and built them into an organization that conquered the world.


In the morning, after washing your face,
Take the cake, break the egg.
And taking a glass, say, like a toast:
Today Christ is risen again!


The smell of vodka, the ringing of eggs... The beauty of swollen faces... There is a fish on the fire in foil, and it's terribly bad in the mouth. The shell hangs on the hare - Easter is apparently in full swing!


Easter tells us that life should not be limited by things, but by ideas.


Christ is risen! And this is the main point.
April pushes May in the back
Happy Easter Orthodox!
It's good to fast, pour it up!!!


Like Shrovetide or Easter, we eat everything in a row, but like fasting, like this: "We are not religious ..."


On holiday with a freshly shaved face
Give me a triple kiss!
And rejoicing from bright happiness,
Let's hit the spetsnaz egg!


Lent is observed by only a few - Easter is celebrated by the majority.


Christ is risen! Truly risen!
We seal the joy with kisses.
And the Lord himself looks here from heaven,
What he has prepared for us, we do not know.


Easter is coming - the kidneys are straining!


At Easter, the veil separating time and eternity turns into a trembling web.


Easter is the most best time find out who has the stronger balls!!!


Time to give us an egg
Peel it and eat it.
The light of a smile suits everyone -
There is something of God in her!


This is not to say that chickens are very happy about Easter. But they are much less upset by her than Thanksgiving turkeys.


The glad tidings of His resurrection does not change modern world. We still have work, discipline, sacrifice ahead of us. However, it is Easter that gives us the spiritual strength to do the work, accept the lessons of discipline, and make sacrifices.


On sausage, like on a forbidden fruit
You stared for 40 long days wishing...
Forward, to breaking the fast, people!!!
After all, a piece of Paradise awaits us at the table!


Oh, egg on egg! Smiling face! This is not a fairy tale for you, because today is Easter!


Meat sizzles in a frying pan, two bottles of vodka sweat. The sausage has already been dedicated, so pour Easter today! Christ is risen!

Resurrection of Christ.

"R destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up... He spoke of the temple of his body" (John 2:19,21).

"I I give my life to receive it again. No one takes it from Me, but I myself give it. I have power to give it, and I have power to receive it again." (John 10:17-18).

"FROM The Son of Man must suffer much... and be killed, and rise again on the third day" (Mark 8:31).

"AT from what I spoke to you while I was still with you, that everything written about me in the law of Moses and in the prophets and psalms must be fulfilled. Then opened their minds to understand the Scriptures. And he said to them: Thus it is written, and thus it was necessary for Christ to suffer, and rise from the dead on the third day. (Luke 24:44-46).

"B God raised Him up, breaking the bands of death, because it was impossible for her to hold Him." (Acts 2:24).

"FROM God raised him up on the third day, and made Him appear ... to us, who ate and drank with Him, after His resurrection from the dead" (Acts 10:40-41).

"X Christos rose from the dead, the firstborn of the dead. For as death is through man, so is the resurrection of the dead through man. As in Adam everyone dies, so in Christ everyone will come to life, each in his own order: the firstborn is Christ, then those of Christ, at His coming. (1 Corinthians 15:20-23).

"X Christ, having risen from the dead, no longer dies: death no longer has power over Him. For that he died, he died once to sin; and what lives, lives for God. So also reckon yourselves dead to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Rom. 6:9-11).

"I I am the First and the Last, and the living; and was dead, and behold, alive forever and ever, amen" (Rev. 1:17-18).

B God "raised Him from the dead and gave Him glory, so that you may have faith and hope in God" (1 Pet. 1:21).

"E If Christ has not risen, then your faith is vain: you are still in your sins. (1 Corinthians 15:17).

"B God is now commanding all people everywhere to repent, for He has appointed a day on which He will judge the world in righteousness, through a Man whom He has ordained, giving proof to all by raising Him from the dead." (Acts 17:30-31).

"M We were buried with Him by baptism into death, so that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life. For if we are united to Him in the likeness of His death, we must also be united in the likeness of the resurrection." (Rom. 6:4-5).

"E But if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead lives in you, then he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit who lives in you.” (Rom. 8:11).

X Christ's Resurrection became life and healing from the passions for those who believe in Him, so that they live in God and bear fruits of righteousness. Rev. Abba Isaiah (34, 142).

AT this great day Christ is called from the dead, to whom he has become like. On this day, He repelled the sting of death, crushed the gloomy gates of hell, and gave freedom to souls. On this day, having risen from the tomb, He appeared to the people for whom He was born, died and was awakened from the dead, so that we, reborn and escaped death, would rise with Him, risen. On this radiant and great day, the angelic face was filled with joy, singing a song of victory. Saint Gregory the Theologian (14, 358).

R For the lost sheep, Thy generosity drew Thee into the abode of the dead, and Thou didst bring it out of the realm of death, which did not dare to rebuke Thee. Rev. Ephraim the Syrian (28, 143).

(G Lord), becoming the ransom of our death, by His Resurrection loosened the bonds of death and by His Ascension paved the way to heaven for all flesh. Saint Gregory of Nyssa (22, 18).

E the two righteous saw the light in hell, how they joyfully went to meet the Merciful Son. Everyone forgot their illnesses and sufferings that they endured when they saw the crucified Lord. By His generosity, He gave us life and joined us, mortals, to the Angels. We human beings were caught in a net by death, He came in His goodness and delivered us; Praise be to Thee, Lord of Angels, Thy appearance rejoiced those who were tormented in hell. Now the night has departed and vanished, and His light has shone for the creature. He came down from on high, delivered us, and ascended again, and behold, he sits at the right hand of the Father. All those who waited for Him and hoped in His name are looking forward to meeting Him at the Second Coming. He descended into hell, and there His light shone and dispersed the darkness among the dead in hell... He who resurrected the dead opened the tombs and thus showed us the image of the great future day (28, 294).

Christ mortifies death, overthrows Satan. He is the joy of those above, the hope of those below. Venerable Ephraim the Syrian (29, 284).

The Lord, by His coming, resurrected us, who died from sins, and revived us, destroying the double death: death from sins and death of the flesh (35, 739).

He was nailed to the cross, subjected to spitting and beating, He was beaten on the cheek and mocked at him ... And He endured all this for you, for the sake of caring for you, in order to destroy the tyranny of sin, to destroy the stronghold of the devil, to trample the bonds of death, to open us the gates of Heaven, to free you from the curse that weighed on you, to cancel the original condemnation, to teach patience and educate in it so that nothing upsets you in real life - no insults, no insults, no shame, no scourges, no reproaches of enemies, no adversity , no attacks, no slander, no evil suspicions and nothing else (37, 516).

The Day of the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ - the foundation of the world, the beginning of reconciliation, the cessation of enmity, the destruction of death, the defeat of the devil (37, 820).

He Himself rose again, breaking the bonds of death, and He raised us again, breaking the nets of our sins. (37, 824).

The death of the Lord has granted us immortality; descending into hell, He crushed his strength and destroyed his power (38, 502).

The Lord is crucified on a tree to solve the sin that happened through the tree (45, 912).

He was betrayed for us, who was inseparable from the bosom of the Father, the Word ascended to the cross and died according to human nature, but remained and remains immortal according to the Divinity that is in Him. Since from a dual nature He became one Christ, therefore He suffered death in a body that was united with the Godhead. The flesh that endured the torment was God and was the immortal Deity that clothed itself in flesh. The Divinity deified the flesh, it was uniformly and completely united with the Word, and that which died and was buried for us also rose according to the Divinity...

Saint John Chrysostom (46, 454).

(AT resurrected) destroyed countless lists of Hellenic gods, overthrew all idols, destroyed impious altars stained with human blood, led the devil to impotence, put demons to flight, tamed wild tribes. He subjected the Jews to great calamities, but he exalts those who believe in him above heaven (51,2).

(God the Father). He gave the only-begotten as a price of redemption, so that grace would have a foundation, because, having accepted a single sacrifice for all, exceeding the dignity of all victims, He destroyed enmity, abolished condemnation, adopted us and adorned us with countless blessings. Rev. Isidore Pelusiot (51, 462).

To Your growth, Lord Christ, is inexplicable, splendor is inexpressible, and glory exceeds the mind and word (59, 68).

The incarnate God accepted death for the sake of sin, and precisely so that by His grace those who by faith receive Christ as Lord, who was slain, died and rose from the tomb on the third day, could no longer sin, in order to deliver them from sin. Hence it is evident that those who sin have not yet received Him, although they think that they have received Him. For if they had received Him, He would have given them, as John the Theologian says, "the power to become children of God" (John 1:12), who cannot sin (60, 247).

You, Christ, are the Kingdom of Heaven, You are the land of the meek, You are a green paradise. You are the Divine Chamber, You are the inexpressible mystic, You are the (common) meal for all, You are the bread of life. You are a brand new drink. You are the cup of water, and the water of life, You are an inextinguishable lamp for each of the saints, You are the robe, and the crown, and the Distributor of crowns, You are joy and peace, You are consolation and glory, You are joy, You are joy (59, 121).

The glorious Resurrection of Christ is our own resurrection, which is mentally accomplished and manifested in us, mortified by sin, through the Resurrection of Christ, as the church hymn that we often sing also says: “Seeing the Resurrection of Christ (in ourselves), let us worship the Holy Lord Jesus, the only sinless." Christ never fell into sin and never changed in His glory. The most glorified and the highest of all beginning and power and strength, as he diminished and died for us, so he rose and was glorified for us, so that what came true in His face would then be reproduced in us and thereby save the past. How then, having gone out of Jerusalem, He Himself suffered, having ascended to the cross, and having nailed the sins of the whole world along with Himself, died, descended into the lower regions of hell, then rose again from hell, ascended into His most pure body and immediately rose from the dead , and then he ascended into heaven with glory and great power, and sat down at the right hand of God and the Father; so now, when we come into our hearts from this world and with the confession of the sufferings of the Lord we enter the tomb of repentance and humility, then Christ himself descends from heaven, enters us as into a tomb, unites with our souls and resurrects them, obviously in the death of those who are . The resurrection of the soul is its union with the life that is Christ. Just as a dead body, if it does not receive the soul into itself and does not merge with it in some way unmergedly, does not exist and is not called living and cannot live, so the soul cannot live by itself, unless it is united by an indescribable union and is not combined unmergedly with God, who truly is Eternal Life. And only then, when she is united with God and thus resurrected by the power of Christ, will she be worthy to behold mentally and mysteriously the economic Resurrection of Christ. Why do we sing: "God is the Lord, and appear to us, blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord."

Whoever has not yet perceived and seen the resurrection of his soul is still dead and cannot properly worship the Lord Jesus together with those who have seen the Resurrection of Christ, as the apostle says: "No one can call Jesus Lord, except by the Holy Spirit" (1 Corinthians 12:3)- and in another place it says: "God is a spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and in truth" (John 4:24)- that is, by the power of the Holy Spirit and the only begotten Son, who is truth. He is dead, for he does not have in his soul God, who gives life to all things, and was not honored with the grace of fulfillment of the promise spoken by the Lord over him: I and the Father by the Holy Spirit will come to him who loves Me and keeps My commandments, "and we will make an abode with him" (John 14:23). Christ comes and by His coming resurrects a dead soul, and gives it life, and bestows the grace to see how He Himself rises in her and resurrects her. Such is the law of the new life in Christ Jesus, that Christ the Lord, by the grace of the Holy Spirit, comes to us and resurrects our mortified souls, and gives us life, and gives us eyes to see Him Himself, immortal and incorruptible, living in us. Before the soul is united with God, before it sees, recognizes and feels that it is truly united with Him, it is completely dead, blind, insensible; but for all that she is dead, yet by nature she is immortal. She suffers this from lack of faith and unbelief. If she believed that there is judgment and eternal torment, she would not waste her life in vanity, but would give up everything and begin to create her own salvation, and having begun, she would reach her revival and resurrection. Reverend Simeon New Theologian (60, 255-257).

"P Askha, Easter of the Lord!" The Lord brought us from death to life by His Resurrection. And now this Resurrection "Angels sing in heaven", seeing the light of the deified human nature in the predestined glory, in the person of the Lord Redeemer, in whose image, by the power of His Resurrection, "All those who truly believe in Him and who have united with Him with all their souls will be transformed. Glory, Lord, to Your glorious Resurrection! The angels sing, rejoicing with us and foreseeing the completion of their host. But deign us, Lord, to glorify You, the Risen One, with a pure heart, seeing in Thy Resurrection, the cessation of our corruption, the seed of a new bright life and the dawn of future eternal glory, the Forerunner of which You entered, resurrecting for us.Not only human, but also angelic tongues are not able to express Your inexpressible mercy to us, glorious Risen Lord! Bishop Theophan the Recluse (107, 99-100).

H Is it necessary to found faith, to create hope, to inflame love, to enlighten wisdom, to give wings to prayer, to bring down grace, to destroy disaster, death, evil, to give vitality to life, to make bliss not a dream, but materiality, glory not a ghost, but eternal lightning eternal light, illuminating everything and striking no one - for all this there is enough power in two miraculous words: "Christ is risen!" (113, 358).

Before the Resurrection of Christ, many of the people knew only the land on which they are on short time and soon disappear, no one knows where. Others have heard something about hell, as about an abyss that threatens to swallow everyone and does not give anyone back. Few thought of Heaven as such a mountainous dwelling, to which someone only saw a ladder in a dream, and only such, along which the Angels of God ascended, but people were not visible (Genesis 28:12).

Now that Christ has risen and when He, as the God-man, has been given "all power in heaven and on earth" (Matt. 28:18), not only has heaven become accessible, but has even become united with the earth in such a way that it is difficult to find a limit between them and difference, for both on earth the Divinity appears, and in heaven humanity. The angels whom Jacob saw ascending and descending the ladder of heaven now walk the earth in hosts as messengers of the Son of Man who rules in Heaven. ( 113, 359).

The resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ is the proof of the divinity of Jesus Christ and the beginning of our resurrection. The affirmation of faith in the Resurrection of Christ is a matter of great importance for Christianity and for the Christian. Main strength Christianity consists in recognizing the Lord Jesus Christ as the Savior of the world, who has sinned against God and condemned by God to death. And in order to recognize this power in Him with full hope, you need a perfect certification that He is the Only Begotten Son of God and true god because it is well said, though by bad people: "Who can forgive sins but God alone?" (Luke 5:21). Only the mercy of God the Son can provide worthy satisfaction to the offended majesty and justice of God the Father, only God can restore life to those condemned to death by God.

But the strongest assurance of the divinity of Jesus Christ lies in His Resurrection. This thought was given by Himself. When the Jews, amazed at the extraordinary power which He showed in casting out the buyers and sellers from the temple, asked Him, "By what sign will You prove to us that You have authority to do this?" (John 2:18). That is, by what miracle can you prove that God has given You power over His temple? Then He, above His other miracles, pointed to the miracle of His Resurrection. And he said to them: "Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up" (John 2:19), that is, on the third day I will rise. In fact, the miracles that the Lord Jesus worked during His earthly life on others, even the most wonderful of them - the resurrection of the dead, were also performed by the prophets, although not with such authority as He. So Elijah prayed: "Lord my God! may the soul of this child return to him!" (1 Kings 17:21). But Jesus commanded, "Lazarus, get out" (John 11:43) from the tomb. However, this difference might not be noticed, and therefore they could accept Jesus as a prophet and messenger of God, not yet recognizing in Him the Only Begotten Son of God. But. It has never been and cannot be imagined that a person could resurrect himself: and therefore, by the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus, the most perfect assurance is given that He is the true God, ruling over life and death, and the Divine Savior has the power to resurrect all people mortified by sins. "Christ is risen from the dead, the firstborn of those who have fallen asleep" (1 Corinthians 15:20). This means that the Resurrection of Christ is the beginning of the resurrection of all the dead people - resurrection no longer into temporary life, as was the resurrection of Lazarus and others before him, but into eternal life. Before the resurrection of Christ, dark and unsteady opinions circulated among people about the immortality of the human soul. But about the resurrection of the soul with the body, even those who tried to think more than others thought least of all. The eyes of the chosen people were not enlightened on this score: when Christ the Savior, denouncing the Sadducees, called God the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and revealed the idea of ​​the resurrection of the dead, not only the Sadducees, but even their more correct thinkers, were struck by the novelty of this discovery: "And when the people heard, they marveled at his teaching" (Matt. 22:33). And the less they knew about future life, the less, of course, they had motives to prepare for it. Christ the Savior, by His teaching, put the firm truth of the Resurrection in place of shaky opinions about immortality and realized this truth with His Resurrection, He taught: “The time is coming when all who are in the tombs will hear the voice of the Son of God; who have done evil unto the resurrection of judgment" (John 5:28-29), and the apostle adds: "That each one may receive according to what he did while living in the body, whether good or bad" (2 Cor. 5:10). Philaret, Metropolitan of Moscow (113, 355).

"To just as Jonah was in the belly of the whale for three days and three nights, so the Son of Man will be in the heart of the earth for three days and three nights" (Matt. 12:40). He himself was with Jonah and plunged into the depths and spewed from the depths), undoubtedly fulfilled this, having spent as much time in the tomb as Jonah in the whale. On Friday, the Lord betrayed the spirit - this is one day. He was in the tomb all Saturday, then Saturday night, when the day of the Lord dawned, he rose from the tomb, and this is the third day... Saint Isidore Pelusiot (115, 735-736).

M Many are in great perplexity about the timing of the resurrection of the Lord. For although the evangelists do not contradict each other, they seem to speak differently about it. According to the Evangelist Luke "very early" (Luke 24:1), according to the Evangelist Mark "very early" (Mark 16:2), according to the Evangelist Matthew - "after the Sabbath" (Matt. 28:1), according to the Evangelist John - "on the very first day of the week ... early, when it was still dark" (John 20:1), the wives came to the tomb. So, how do you reconcile this to prevent the evangelists from naming different times? First of all, you need to pay attention to what is written: “After the Sabbath, at the dawn of the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to see the tomb. And, behold, there was a great earthquake (Matt. 28:1-2). So the Lord did not rise on the Sabbath day, since the women "remained at rest on the Sabbath according to the commandment" (Luke 23:56) But "after the Sabbath had passed" - therefore, at night, for the women who came in the morning, although they came very early, already learned that the Lord had risen. So, the Resurrection took place on Sunday morning, the first after Sabbath, and not on Saturday, for otherwise how would three days have been fulfilled? This means that the Lord did not rise at evening, but after midnight. And indeed, in Greek text stands "late", an expression meaning both the hour at sunset ... and after midnight ...

Further, the bishops, "having gathered with the elders" (Matt. 28:12), confirm that the Resurrection happened at night, saying to the guards: "Say that His disciples, having come at night, stole Him away while we were sleeping" (Matt. 28:13 ). They thought to confirm their deception by indicating the time at which, according to the guards, this happened.

Finally, St. John says that Mary Magdalene came to him and Peter "early, when it was still dark" (John 20:1), but she did not yet know about the Resurrection that had taken place; if it happened in the evening, it should immediately become known. Saint Ambrose of Milan (116, 650).

M Many people ask why the Lord in the Resurrection did not immediately appear to all the Jews? The question is vain and vain. If by His appearance He could convert everyone to faith, He would not fail to appear to everyone. But He would not in any way incline the Jews to the faith if He had appeared to them after the Resurrection. He teaches us this by the example of Lazarus. For when Christ resurrected this four-day-old dead man with all the signs of corruption, when, according to His voice, this dead man, entwined in burial linens, stood in front of everyone, and this did not convert them to faith, but even more irritated them. Those who came there intended to kill Lazarus himself because the miracle of Christ had been performed on him (John 12:10). So if, seeing that the Lord had raised Lazarus from the dead, they did not believe in Him, then what fury would they flare up against Him if He showed them Himself, resurrected by His own power? Although they could not do anything to Him, yet they would rush towards wickedness with great fury. Therefore, desiring to deliver them from their needless frenzy, He hid from them. Moreover, they would have been subjected to a more severe punishment if He had appeared to them after His Sufferings.

Therefore, sparing them, although He Himself was hidden from their eyes, but at the same time (for their conversion) He was revealed in signs and wonders. Thus, to hear Peter say, "In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth arise and walk" (Acts 3:6), meant no less than to see Christ Risen. Miracles served as evidence of the Resurrection (of Christ) and disposed to faith, human hearts could rather be confirmed in faith by seeing miracles performed in His name than by the appearance of Himself after the Resurrection. This is clear from the fact that when Christ arose and appeared to His Disciples, there was even among them the unbelieving Thomas. He wanted to put his fingers into the wounds from the nails, to feel the ribs of Christ, in order to be convinced of the Resurrection. If this disciple, who lived for three years near Christ, participated in the Lord's meal, witnessed His greatest signs and wonders, listened to His conversations and already saw Him resurrected, for all that, he did not believe before he saw the wounds from the nails and the copy then how could the whole world believe in Him just because everyone would see Him resurrected? Who dares to say this?

But not only this one, and others, we will point out examples of the fact that miracles were much more convincing than the appearance of the resurrected. So, when the people heard Peter saying to the lame, “In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, arise and walk,” five thousand men immediately turned to faith in Christ (Acts 4:4); but the disciple, who saw the Risen One Himself, remained in unbelief. Do you see how this miracle awakened faith in the resurrection much more quickly? The appearance of the Risen Christ did not bring even His closest disciple out of unbelief, and the witnesses of the miracle performed by Peter became believers from the enemies of Christ...

But what do I say about Thomas? If you want to know, the other disciples, seeing the Lord after the Resurrection, did not immediately believe. Listen intelligently, but do not judge them, beloved. If Christ did not condemn them, then do not condemn them either; for the disciples saw the extraordinary and wonderful appearance of the First-born Himself risen from the dead. And such great miracles at first, as a rule, amaze with horror, until, after a while, peace is established in the hearts of believers. This is exactly what happened to the disciples. For after Christ, risen from the dead, greeted them with the words "peace be upon you," they, as it is said, "bewildered and frightened, thought that they saw a spirit. But He said to them, Why are you troubled?" Then he “showed them his hands and feet. When they still did not believe for joy and wondered, He said to them: Do you have any food here?” (Luke 24:36-41). This is the way He wanted to assure His disciples of the Resurrection! If, he says, My ribs pierced with a spear do not convince you, and other wounds do not convince you, let the meal convince ... Therefore, when He "manifested Himself alive ... for forty days being them" (Acts 1:3) and He ate with them, not because He Himself needed food, but because He wanted to confirm the disciples in the faith. And from this it is clear that the signs and wonders of the apostles themselves served as the most indisputable proof of Christ's Resurrection...

He could have erected a body at the very moment of death and appeared alive. But he prudently did not do this, because they would say that the body did not die at all, or that an imperfect death touched it. And if death and Resurrection followed in a short period of time, then perhaps the glory of incorruption would become implicit. To show death in the body, the Word resurrected him on the third day. But in order that, having risen from the dead after a long stay and complete destruction in the tomb, not to give rise to doubt that he no longer has this body, but another body, then for this reason he endures no more than three days. And the expectation of those who heard what He said about the resurrection does not last long, but while the word still sounded in their memory, while they still did not avert their eyes and were not torn off by thought, while they were still alive on earth and were in the same place and those who killed and testified of death body of the Lord, Himself God's Son showed that the body, in the course of three days former dead, immortal and imperishable. Saint Athanasius of Alexandria (113, 340).

FROM someone asks: “Why is it so established by the Fathers that, for example, on the day of the suffering of Christ, the Gospel of the sufferings and the Cross is read in the Church, while the book of the Acts of the Apostles is not read on those days and not at the time when these acts were committed? immediately after the Resurrection of Christ, the apostles began to work miracles, but Christ himself stayed with them on earth for forty days, and the apostles did not work any miracles until the descent of the Holy Spirit on them. Why not after Pentecost, but immediately after the Resurrection, we begin to read Acts of the Apostles? After remembering the sufferings of Christ, we celebrate His Resurrection. But the best proof of the truth of the Resurrection of Christ are the miracles performed by the apostles, and the book of Acts is nothing but a story about the miracles of the apostles. So, what most assures us of the truth of the Resurrection of Christ is what the Fathers commanded to read immediately after the days of suffering and the life-giving Resurrection. For this reason, beloved, immediately after the Cross and the Resurrection, we read the Acts of the Apostles in order to have firm and undoubted confidence in the truth of the Resurrection of Christ. Have you not seen with bodily eyes the Risen One from the dead? – but you contemplate Him with the eyes of faith. Have you not seen the Risen One with bodily eyes? But you will see Him in countless miracles. To this contemplation of the Risen One - by faith the story of miracles leads us, committed by the apostles. Saint John Chrysostom (114:26-27).

At Easter, the veil separating time and eternity turns into a trembling web.

The fields are black and flat, again I am God's and nobody's! Tomorrow is Easter, the smell of wax, the smell of warm Easter cakes.

Easter says that you can bury the Truth in the grave, but it will not stay there.

Christ took a place on the cross to give me a place in Heaven.

Easter is also a holiday of true democracy and equality, because everyone is equal before the Law of God.

Christ disappeared from our sight, that by turning to our hearts we might find Him there. For He's gone, and behold, He's here.

Christ is risen! The bells are ringing. Truly risen! Rejoice, earth. The Son of God gave His life so that the human race would not suffer from torment...

Blessed Aphorisms about Easter

Christ is Risen! People - ! Hurry up to joyfully accept each other in a warm embrace! Forget quarrels, insults... Let nothing overshadow the bright holiday of Sunday.

Charming blessed aphorisms about Easter

So that light descends from the heavens of salvation into every house! Christ is risen!

And spring has come again, life has turned into a fairy tale again! With Christ's Resurrection of you, with the Great and Beautiful Easter! Christ is risen!

Only in Russia the number of believers on Easter increases exactly as much as it decreases before Great Lent.

Being the decisive victory of life over death, of the positive over the negative, the Resurrection of Christ is thus the triumph of reason in the world.

We celebrate the death of death.

At the temple of the holy people there is a river, a burning candle is held by a hand. Here, hundreds of candles burn like stars, and you will become brighter when they say: "There are no better miracles, no greater miracles - the Heavenly Savior Christ is risen!" Easter bells, raspberry chimes, and people believe in God's laws. There is such grace around that the heart sings - do not appease! And the bell also rings in the heights, and in every blow I hear: "There are no better miracles, no greater miracles - Christ is risen, Christ is risen!"

Easter is a time of wonderful discoveries of new life.

Christ is risen! Again with the dawn the shadow of the long night thins, again a new day is lit up over the earth for a new life. Thickets of boron are still blackening, still in its shade damp, like mirrors, lakes stand and breathe the freshness of the night. Fog is still floating in the blue valleys... but look: the rays of fiery dawn are already burning on the mountain ice floes! They are still shining in the sky. Unattainable, like a dream, where the voices of the earth are silent and beauty is immaculate. But, approaching every hour from behind the crimson peaks, they will shine, flaring up, and into the darkness of the forests, and into the depths of the valleys they will ascend in the beauty of the desired and announce from the heights of heaven that the promised day has come, that God has truly risen!

Cool Blessed Quotes About Easter

Easter day. Pure nature. And every moment is sweet today! The Orthodox people Great holiday has come.

Bell ringing. Souls - wide open! It breathes with the triumph of the coming Easter. The altar is open until the end of the week - The Heavenly King Himself shares joy with us. I will pray in the temple and go, comforted. The morning freshness will rush into my chest. The puddles were covered with young ice. At heart - light from the Easter service!

Around nature is washed by the sun, a new spring has come into its own! Let grievances be forgotten, life is illuminated with a wonderful light! We sincerely wish you a happy Easter, Christ is risen - these are the main words! May the Lord save you from troubles and reward you for good deeds!

There are no miracles more significant for us - Christ is truly risen! To bring the good news, angels descended from heaven!

Easter is a holiday for all Orthodox Christians. And on this great day, I want to wish you: health, peace, prosperity. May your home be filled with warmth and happiness throughout the year. Give each other love, attention and care. Happy Easter!

Death! Where is your pity?! Hell! Where is your victory?! Christ is risen, and you are cast out! Christ is risen, and the demons have fallen! Christ is risen, and the angels rejoice! Christ is risen, and life triumphs! Christ is risen, and no one is dead in the tomb!

Nightingales sing from morning to night on Easter with Orthodox people.

Authentic Blessed Aphorisms About Passover

It's nice to congratulate you on Easter! Christ is risen! He is with us again! Let everything go smoothly, okay, the Lord brings you light, love! Let there be virtue and God's mercy - grace! Your children will be healthy! I want to live and prosper!

Having risen once, Christ has risen forever, and thereby gave us hope for eternal dwelling in Heaven in the presence of the great Father.

Easter day is washed special light which the Lord Himself sent down to us. Let the whole planet celebrate the holiday, all Orthodox from different countries! You, people, pray for each other, and ask for happiness and kindness, and strive to forget all insults! I wish your souls warmth!

On the wonderful holiday of bright Easter, God's caress flows from heaven with the radiance of sunlight! Everywhere the smell of Easter cakes And the willow blossomed buds, And the hubbub of birds cannot be appeased under the blue spring sky. Nature is in a hurry to congratulate us on the rebirth and spring, and with a renewed soul, live and believe, God is with you! All earthly joy to you!

Christ is risen! Truly risen! - we again exclaim, the resurrection of the Holy Savior today we meet!

Christ is risen! Christ is risen! The sun is shining from heaven! The dark forest has turned green, Christ has truly risen! Spring has come - it's time for miracles, the spring murmurs - Christ is risen! There are no words brighter in the world - truly Christ is risen!

Today, in the rebirth of Christ, let the soul be filled with goodness. Today it is heard from all around Christ is Risen! Truly Risen!

Christ is risen! And heard bell ringing, our world is not without miracles, let good be reborn in it! And the angels look at us from heaven, and the forest seems to have quieted down today, and let happiness fill every house! Truly Risen! - sounds from all directions!

Unrivaled Blessed Aphorisms About Easter

Just as the sun rises every day, and yet we do not say that there are many suns, but one sun that rises every day, so Easter always takes place. Where love triumphs, there is a holiday.

Christ took a man limited by time and gave him a taste of eternity.

The glad tidings of Christ's resurrection does not change the modern world. We still have work, discipline, sacrifice ahead of us. However, it is Easter that gives us the spiritual strength to do the work, accept the lessons of discipline, and make sacrifices.

With a feeling of deep joy and with all my heart I congratulate you on the Bright Resurrection of Christ, Easter of the Lord! We wish you the fulfillment of all your hopes and good undertakings, peace, kindness and love. The Bright Resurrection of Christ is a holiday of philanthropy, when we forget about bitterness in our souls. So let us rejoice at the bright feelings that awaken in us. Let us this day be full of fun, hope and truly Christian love. Christ is Risen!

Our old story ends with a cross, and a new one begins on Sunday! Happy Easter!

On the bright Sunday of Christ - a blessing to every family!

Christmas snow reminds us of the resurrection of new life at Easter.

Holy Sunday has come - how calm and light in the soul! May life be generous with joy, full of warmth, hope and kindness!

Easter tells us that life should not be limited by the limits of things, but by the limits of .

FROM Christ Sunday you, with a great and beautiful Easter!

It is necessary to live as if the coming of Christ is expected tonight.

Remove the Christmas tree or something ... Otherwise, it’s dressed up, and Easter is coming soon ...

"Christ is risen!" "Truly risen!" - We again exclaim, the resurrection of the Holy Savior Today we meet.
Congratulations - Christ is risen! We wish you good, great miracles, so that you live brighter with God in your heart, he is with us again - Christ is risen!

Spring has scattered colors, The anthem of life rings to the heavens. Happy Easter - Christ is risen today.
That's what Easter means ... for the third day the whole school has been eating up buns, all sorts of rolls that mom baked

Happy Easter to all Orthodox and Catholics! Christ is risen!

Everywhere joy and hugs: "Brother, sister, Christ is risen! Hell is destroyed, there is no curse: He is truly risen!"

On Easter day, the messenger of heaven, I ask you to give you health, kindness, love, good luck, bread. To help you in your destiny!
On the bright Sunday of Christ there is hope for each of us. If you ask God for mercy, he will hear you at the same hour!

Yes, Jesus has risen - and this miracle is better than the return of spring. And the most incredible thing is that He promised such a resurrection to all who believe in Him!

If you woke up with broken eggs, it means Easter was yesterday...
On Easter I wish my sister Endless luck, Let sadness burn in the fire, And joy will be eternal.

It is necessary to live as if the coming of Christ is expected tonight.

The covenant of blessed heaven sounds to us the song of Sunday, love, and happiness, and forgiveness - Christ is risen!

For the bright holiday of Easter! Health and happiness to all! Christ is risen!

Drops drip loudly Near our window. The birds sang merrily, Easter came to visit us.

Earth and sun, Fields and forest - All praise God: Christ is risen!

Jesus took twelve people from the lowest rungs of business and built them into an organization that conquered the world.

Jesus took a place on the cross to give me a place in heaven.

Like Shrovetide or Easter, so we eat everything, but like fasting, like this: "We are not religious ..."

As for Easter, as for Easter Eggs drove everyone into the paint! The post is over, let's put on some weight. Good afternoon! Christ is Risen!

Bells are ringing from heaven: “Christ is risen! Christ is risen!" Like a promise of miracles: “He is risen! He has truly risen!"

Chickens are not very happy about Easter. They can be understood.

My merit in the fact that Christ is risen is definitely not.

This great day has come! It is called a good Easter. And let the divine shadow touch you today.

Our old story ends with a cross, our new story starts from Sunday.

On the feast of Easter century after century, descending from heaven flies, from person to person - Christ is Risen! Christ is risen!

It is not by chance that we sing today, It is not in vain that we are here today, We are related by the grace of the Lord, Jesus our Savior is risen!

Feel free to talk openly about eggs - Easter is coming soon!

Not only will today's Messiahs not allow themselves to be crucified, but they themselves are ready to crucify others.

Spring has come again. Now life has again become a bright fairy tale: with the Resurrection of Christ to you, with the great and beautiful Easter!

Easter, I'll paint the eggs, even though I'm wearing trousers, and it's not visible ...

Do you hear the Easter bells? Christ's resurrection has arrived!

Easter is the best holiday Easter is the best holiday! Easter is better than name day! On this day, the holy Savior, Jesus, my patron, Strong warrior, inhabitant of heaven reconciled us all with God!

Easter is the best holiday ever! Easter is better than name day! On this day, the holy Savior, Jesus, my patron, a strong warrior, a resident of heaven reconciled us all with God!

Easter is such a long-awaited holiday that passes in one day.

Easter is a time of wonderful discoveries of new life.

Easter is a demonstration of God, whose life in its essence is spiritual and eternal.

Easter tells us that life should not be limited by things, but by ideas.

Easter is coming - the kidneys are straining!

Easter is just another excuse to get drunk. the post is over! although almost no one adhered to it.

Easter. Morning. Phone call. x: Christ is Risen. W: You didn't get there. He hung up.

Congratulations! Christ is Risen, I wish you well, great miracles, To live brighter with God in your heart. He is with us again - Christ is Risen!

Sing songs for Happy Easter! This day is the best day of all!

Bury the Truth and it will rise again. - Statuses about Easter

I woke up and I hear - Spring is knocking on the window! Drops rush from the roof, Everywhere is light and light! And it seems - not birds, but angels fly. The fact that Easter is coming soon, They will announce to us!

May the Almighty not leave you in his kindness! CHRIST IS RISEN!

May the soul freeze with hope in anticipation of the mercy of heaven, may the Almighty not leave you in his kindness! CHRIST IS RISEN!

Let the cakes burn with candles! In anticipation of miracles! We answer congratulations: “Christ is truly Risen!”

Christ was not the founder of religion, but religion.

May pleasant excitement come to you, the Easter divine shadow, let it touch this Sunday!

May the joy of the resurrection deliver us from loneliness, and weakness, and despair, filling us with strength, beauty, and happiness.

Let luck go ahead, give the world only bright colors, let nothing stand in the way of the bright holiday of divine Easter!

The glad tidings of His resurrection does not change the world today. We still have work, discipline, sacrifice ahead of us. However, it is Easter that gives us the spiritual strength to do the work, accept the lessons of discipline, and make sacrifices.

Christmas snow reminds us of the resurrection of new life at Easter.

Holy Christ's Resurrection. bell ringing flies from heaven, and to the glory of God chants, jubilation - "Christ is risen!"

The Bright Resurrection of Christ is a holiday of philanthropy, when we forget about bitterness in our souls. So let us rejoice at the bright feelings that awaken in us. Let us this day be full of fun, hope and truly Christian love. Christ is Risen!

Today is the only day when all HD are replaced by XB =)) Christ is Risen!

Today the great holiday has come, Easter cakes and eggs in multi-colored colors, everything is on the tables, fun is everywhere, shouts, "Christ is Risen." Happy Easter!

Today is such a great holiday .. and also a good day .. in general, I can say Easter was a success)) the weather is super .. the mood is super

Today the sun shines brighter, The wind beats stronger in the window, And the cry rushes to heaven: Christ is truly Risen!

White tablecloth, candle, aroma from Easter cake. It pours in a glass of Cahors - not much to drink - an agreement! Colors of eggs and smiles of bright faces. Happy holiday! Christ is risen! Kindness! Love! Miracles!

Easter statuses

Easter is coming soon and we'll be hitting eggs

Hail, majestic Easter! The Lord looks at us from heaven,

Hail, majestic Easter! The Lord looks from heaven, How the Orthodox rejoice: Christ is risen!

The sun is shining high. Summer is near. Happy holiday. Christ is risen. Warmth, love And joyful miracles.

Easter licorice, smoked sausage, savory lard, hard-boiled egg! Christ is risen!

We sincerely wish you a happy Easter, Christ is risen - these are the main words! May the Lord save you from troubles and reward you for good deeds!

I congratulate you on Easter, I wish you happiness, joy! To make it more fun Eat eggs, who is faster!

Happy Sunday of Christ to you, with a great and beautiful Easter!

Easter comes with spring, And joyfully: Risen! We shout not in vain, After all, happiness - to heaven!

The Ural men are so severe that for Easter they paint one egg red, dipping it in boiling water, and the second blue - hitting ...

Fi, how tired of these same-type jokes about painting eggs! Easter is a bright holiday. Have respect, don't joke about adding a status about eggs, implying something else!

Christ took a man limited by time and gave him a taste of eternity.

Christ is Risen! On the brightest and most holy day, I embrace you with love and wish with a grateful heart to always rejoice in the victory of Life over death! Truly, Christ is Risen!

Christ is risen and the angels rejoice. Christ is risen and the people are celebrating.

Christ is risen! Christ is risen! The sun is shining from heaven! The dark forest has turned green, Christ has truly risen!

Christ is risen! - only two words, But how much grace is in them! We are again illuminated by unearthly bliss in your hearts.

What happened? Nobody stole the body. And the Roman guards could not play a trick on them. And it is unlikely that they could imagine such a thing. The tomb was empty because Jesus had risen from the dead.

The meat sizzles in a frying pan, two bottles of vodka are sweating, the sausage has already been cut, so pour it - Today is Easter!

The meat is sizzling in a frying pan, two bottles of vodka are sweating. The sausage has already been consecrated, so pour Easter today! Christ is risen!

Oh, egg on egg! Smiling face! This is not a fairy tale for you, because today is Easter!

I'm on a diet, don't offer anything but sex until Easter.

Easter Day gives joy and love, so that it becomes better and brighter in the world.

Come out, Koschey, we will fight. - With swords? - On the eggs, fool, Easter!

So, are you ready for Easter? Did you paint the eggs? -Of course! -And how is it okay? -Yeah, just ticklish.

Come out, Koschey, we will fight. - Come out, Koschey, we will fight. - With swords? - On the eggs, fool, Easter!

Happy Sunday of Christ to you, with a great and beautiful Easter!

Also, for your Easter greetings, you can use wishes on different languages world:

  • Language collection
  • Language collection
  • Language collection
  • Language collection
  • Language collection
  • Language collection

1 Corinthians 5:7 Cleanse therefore
old sourdough to be
you with a new test, since you
unleavened, for our Easter,
Christ slain for us.

Easter! Happy Victory Day of Hope over Hopelessness!!!

Holy Sunday has arrived!
How peaceful and light!
May life be generous with joy!
Full of warmth, hope and kindness!


Spring scattered colors
The anthem of life rings to the heavens.
My friends, happy Easter -
Christ is risen today!!!

Happy Easter!
What is more wonderful than all miracles!
Every day will be great!
After all, Christ is truly Risen!

Christ is risen and hell is conquered by him.
Christ is risen and the world is redeemed by Him.
Christ is risen and the angels rejoice.
Christ is risen and the people are celebrating.
Christ is risen and heaven is open to us.
Christ is risen and the power of hell has fallen.
Christ is risen and the sting of death is erased.
Christ is risen and saved the world from torment.

For this Christ both died, and rose again, and came to life, in order to have dominion both over the dead and over the living. Romans 14:9

He is risen and death is crushed
Powerfully lies put to shame,
The goal for all life is naked,
And love caresses the heart with its eyes.

He is risen, and wonderful love
In the sky shines with inspiration,
He rose again and showed everyone again
That He alone is the Ruler of the universe.

He is Risen, and He is the King of all kings,
That is why faith rejoices so much.
Sunday is the heart of life
The souls cry: "Hallelujah"!

Many teachers have become great, only One has risen.

Vladimir Ladyzhensky
Christ is risen! In the rays of love

Covenant of blessed Heaven

Christ is risen!

The good news is written in Blood.

Death has no power over Him! And we who believe in Him should not be afraid! Sin and death are overcome by the death and resurrection of Christ!

You will never be too dead for God to raise you from the dead.

Christ is risen! I believe, do you?

Knowing that Christ died is history.
To believe that He died for me is salvation.

30 Therefore, leaving the times of ignorance, God now commands people everywhere to repent,
31 for he has appointed a day in which he will judge the world in righteousness, by means of a man whom he has ordained, giving proof to all by raising him from the dead.
Acts 17

I'm not suggesting adding Christ to your life... I'm suggesting trading your life for Christ! ‘ Matt 10:39 John MacArthur

God's love is measured by the price He paid for me.
My love for God is measured by the price I pay...

I am risen so that you turn
And I could love others like I do.

I glorify my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, Crucified for my sins, Risen and Coming again!!!

14 Then it was the Friday before the Passover, and the sixth hour. And [Pilate] said to the Jews: Behold, your King!
15 But they cried out, Take, take, crucify him! Pilate says to them: Shall I crucify your king? The chief priests answered: We have no king but Caesar.
16 Then at last he handed him over to them to be crucified. And they took Jesus and led him away.
17 And bearing his cross, he went out to a place called the Skull, in Hebrew Golgotha;
18 There they crucified Him, and two others with Him, on either side, and Jesus in the middle.
19 And Pilate also wrote the inscription, and placed it on the cross. It was written: Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews.

(John 19:14-19)

‘For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life’
(John 3:16)

13 And Pilate, having called together the chief priests and the rulers and the people,
14 He said to them, You have brought this man to me as a corrupter of the people; and behold, I examined in your presence, and found this man not guilty of anything of which you accuse him;
(Luke 23:13-14)

... and he sold Christ for thirty dollars ...

Jesus said to him: Judas! do you betray the Son of Man with a kiss?
Luke 22:48

(Jesus:) Father! Oh, that You would deign to carry this cup past Me! however, not my will, but yours be done.
Luke 22:42

Our Passover is Christ, slain for us. (1 Corinthians 5:7)

Lydia Charskaya
Earth and sun
Fields and forest
All praise God
Christ is risen!

In the smile of blue
living skies
All the same joy
Christ is risen!

The enmity is gone
And the fear is gone.
No more malice
Christ is risen!

How wonderful the sounds
holy words,
in which you hear:
Christ is risen!

Earth and sun
Fields and forest
All praise God
Christ is risen!

There is only one beauty in the world -
Love, sorrow, renunciation
And voluntary torment
Christ crucified for us
Konstantin Balmont

Corruption of souls and emptiness,
What gnaws the mind and whines in the heart, -
Who will heal them, who will cover them?..
You, the pure robe of Christ...
F.I. Tyutchev

Do you know why Easter is celebrated all over the world?
So know that its meaning is deeper than Easter cakes and eggs!

Mark 16:9 Having risen early on the first day of the week, Jesus appeared first to Mary Magdalene, from whom he had cast out seven demons.

1 Corinthians 15:55 Death! where is your pity? hell! where is your victory?

Mt 28:6 He is not here - He is risen.

Cor 15:20 But Christ is risen from the dead, the firstborn of those who have died.

John 19:41,42 There was a garden in the place where He was crucified, and in the garden there was a new tomb in which no one had yet been laid. They put Jesus there...

Matthew 27:58,60 When he came to Pilate, he asked for the body of Jesus. Then Pilate ordered the body to be handed over... and placed it in his new coffin.

Luke 23:33 And when they came to the place called Skull, there they crucified Him and the malefactors, one on the right, and the other on the left.

Mark 15:14 Pilate said to them, What evil has he done? But they cried out even louder: Crucify Him.

Luke 22:48 And Jesus said to him, Judas! do you betray the Son of Man with a kiss?

Every now and then repeat
The words "Christ is risen!"
Everyone smiles at each other
"Truly risen!"

“And us, dead in trespasses, He made alive with Christ,
you have been saved by grace, and raised him up with him, and seated him in heavenly places in Christ Jesus.”

Look at my hands and at my feet; it is I myself; handle me and see... (Luke 24:39)


“The angel, turning his speech to the women, said: “Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus crucified; He is not here - He is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay, and go quickly, tell His disciples that He has risen from the dead!” (Matthew 28:5-7)


Easter should be celebrated in church, not drunk in nature!

In the realm of the dead roll call:
Socrates, are you here?
- Here! sounds the answer.
"Caesar, are you here?"
- Here!
"Napoleon, are you here?"
- Here!
— Jesus of Nazareth, are you here?
The only one, He has risen to give us hope and life.

Therefore, I will give him a share among the great, and he will share the booty with the strong, because he gave his soul to death, and was numbered among the wicked, while he bore the sin of many and became an intercessor for transgressors.
Isaiah 53:12

Spring has come - the time of miracles.
The spring murmurs - "Christ is Risen!"
There are no words brighter in the world -
"Truly, Christ is Risen!"

“For he made him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that in him we might become the righteousness of God.”
2 Corinthians 5:21.

“I do not want to leave you, brothers, in ignorance of the dead, so that you do not grieve like others who have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, then God will bring those who die in Jesus with Him.”
(1 Thess. 4:13-14)

John 15:13 There is no greater love than that a man lay down his life for his friends.

Jesus died on the cross for us and rose from the dead on EASTER SUNDAY to offer everyone a priceless and free gift eternal life and forgiveness of sins. This is the real MEANING of Easter - SALVATION FOR YOU! God loves you and all you have to do is accept the gift He has for you - LIFE!

People nailed to the cross endure terrible pain, as if their whole body is on fire. Their blood is baked, and the heart seems to be pierced by thousands of needles. The whole body seems to be torn apart. But the sufferings of the Lord were different, more terrible - invisible sufferings. That hellish fire that was prepared forever for all mankind for its sins, those terrible sufferings the Lord had to endure on the Cross. Hell itself broke into the pure soul of the Savior, and this terrible fire tormented Him. The sinner experiences abandonment by God. And this God-forsakenness, which is now completely incomprehensible to us, which sinners experience in hell, is the complete loss of God, it is worse than all other torments. And Christ tested it. So He exclaimed: My God! My God! Why did you leave me?.. (Mark 15:34)

"Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world."
(John 1:29)

23 But they continued with a great cry to demand that he be crucified; and overcame their cry and the chief priests.
24 And Pilate determined to be at their request,
(Luke 23:23-24)

My God is the God of the afflicted,
God, stained with blood, God is a Man and a Brother with a heavenly soul,
And before suffering and pure love
I bow with my fervent supplication
S. Nadson

Galatians 3:13a
Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law.

Christ is risen! Souls
my joy,
My Savior, Hope,
My life!
He conquered death
broke the bonds of hell
And he took prisoners
Heavenly ends!
That He is risen
always rejoice!
He clothed in His Life
all my life!
I live with Him and in Him
I'm just celebrating
I praise him, sing to him

Christ is risen! Resurrected!
Nor death's strength
Neither the power of darkness, nor everything
his enemies,
Nor strong cold
grave -
They did not hold back my God!
And let the slaves of sin
enmity and strife
They say there is no Christ
that he did not live
May the victims of darkness
disbelief and doubt
They say that the resurrection
just a dream -

Christ is risen! soul then
knows right
That He lives and I live
I will be with him!
Christ is risen! That news
does not stop!
He is alive! He is alive to
give life to yours!

Christ is risen! Oh believe
to this word!
Christ is risen! - Notes
did he rise with him?
Sin and death He tore
And entered heaven. Are you going
are you following him?
He brought the light! - but the light
shines in you?
He gives life! - You took
whether his life?

Christ is risen!
Crowns with immortality
His Christ! you accepted
his gift?
"Christ is risen!" - here
news is more precious than anything!
"Christ is risen!" - soul
mine insists.
"Christ is risen!" - and mind
keeps saying the same thing.
"Christ is risen!" - So
The word speaks!

Christ is risen! Hope
And fear of power
death forever disappeared!
Christ is risen! Life
a new one has arrived
For everyone in whose heart
Jesus has resurrected!

But God proves His love for us by the fact that Christ died for us while we were still sinners.

17 For the dogs surrounded me, the crowd of the wicked surrounded me, they pierced my hands and my feet.

18 All my bones could be counted; and they look and make a spectacle out of me;

19 They divide my garments among themselves, and they cast lots for my clothes.

Death couldn't handle it
and the grave could not hold him!

The Pharisees could not bear Him and were unable to stop Him.
Pilate couldn't find any fault in Him, Herod couldn't kill Him.

Pesach! - say the Jews, - the trouble has passed by.
Christ is risen! we say, salvation to the Gentiles!

Luke 24:39 Look at my hands and at my feet; it is I myself; touch me and see; for a spirit does not have flesh and bones, as you see with Me.

He, being the image of God, humbled Himself, being obedient even unto death, and the death of the cross. Therefore, God highly exalted Him and gave Him the name above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven, on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Baking Easter cakes is a pagan ritual that has nothing to do with Christ.
Easter cake is cooked with yeast, but there was no leaven in the body of Christ, because in His
there was no sin in life.

Jews demand miracles
Greeks seek wisdom;
and we preach Christ crucified
1 Corinthians 1:22-23

God raised the Lord
He will resurrect us with His power.
1 Corinthians 6:14

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
May these joyful sounds
Like the singing of angels from heaven
They will dispel anger, sorrow, torment!
Join all brotherly hands

Christ is risen! Again with the dawn
The shadow of the long night thins,
Again lit up above the ground
For a new life, a new day.

Thickets of boron are still blackening;
Still in the shade of his damp,
Like mirrors, lakes stand
And breathe the freshness of the night;

Still in the blue valleys
Fogs are floating ... But look:
Already burning on mountain ice floes
Rays of fiery dawn!

They are still shining in the sky.
Unattainable like a dream
Where the voices of the earth are silent
And immaculate beauty.

But, getting closer every hour
Because of the crimson peaks,
They will sparkle, flaring up,
And into the darkness of the forests, and into the depths of the valleys;

They will ascend in the beauty of the desired
And they will announce from the heights of heaven,
That the promised day has come
That God is truly risen!

I. A. Bunin 1896

The covenant of blessed heaven
Sounds to us the song of Sunday,
Love, and happiness, and forgiveness,

Sunday for us is:
foundation for our faith (1 Cor. 15:14);
hope for life (1 Peter 1:3);
the hope that we will be resurrected (1 Corinthians 15:20-23);
proclamation God's power working in us (Eph 1:19,20);
justification (Rom. 4:25);
salvation (Rom 10:9, 1 Pet 3:21);
victory over death and hell (1 Cor 15:55-57).

"Thus it was fitting for Christ to suffer and enter into His glory"
(Luke 24:26)

And it is recognized by all: great is the mystery of piety:
He who was manifest in the flesh,
justified in the Spirit,
seen by angels
was preached to the nations,
received by faith in the world,
was lifted up in glory.
1 Tim. 3:16,17 - translation of ep. Cassian.

That day no one will forget
the greatest day in history.
The fate of the world was decided at that moment.
Life won on Sunday on the Cross!

Easter is a holiday!
Everywhere signs of joy.
Happiness shines in the eyes.
The sun is shining in the sky.
The singing is heard loudly.
The sun's light and the laughter of a child.
And in my heart
Light hymns are ringing.
And from end to end
Happiness we know.
Easter! Easter! Heaven's guest!
Everyone shouts: "Christ is risen!"

God is love: Christ died for our sins, was buried, and rose again on the third day, according to the Scriptures. So God commands us to repent.

It is logical to conclude that the manipulations done with Easter cakes and eggs are done in order to please God. But what does God himself think of them?

“...Death is swallowed up by victory. Death! Where is your pity?
Hell! Where is your victory?… Thanks be to God,
who gave us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!” (1 Cor. 15:54-57).

Death stood at the foot of the cross,
I looked at the crucifix, I waited.
Here the Son of God touched with a sting,
Received into the arms of Jesus.

What a sacrifice! There was no such thing.
Death triumphed: “And You are with me!
I'll hide you under the tombstone
And I will deafen you with grave silence.

How sweet was the taste of victory for death!
In the valleys of darkness, among the dead - God!
End. Everything is said and everything is done.
Where are the miracles of Jesus? Where is Love?

Two days have passed. And death was calm
Worked beyond my strength like never before
And sting the worthy, the unworthy,
Didn't take a visit - forever.

Jesus was dead. The grave was strong.
And the bonds of death cannot be broken.
Death knew: there is no such force in the world,
To raise the dead from the grave.

And in the realm of the dead it echoed,
That God is dead. How terrible is the oppression of death!
But death was wrong. The morning came
The morning that will turn the whole world upside down.

Death worked that night until dawn,
She sat down to rest, tired of her work.
But what is it? Why so much light?
Who dares to move a stone from the grave?

Death choked with indignation -
No one has yet opened the graves:
"Not true! Not! This does not happen…”
She whispered, her hands lowered without strength.

It happens. Truth! Death hunched her shoulders
Seeing how he came out of captivity
Lord Jesus. He walked towards death.
Death understood: the Son of God - won.

And stepped aside like a miserable shadow...
Jesus has resurrected! And death, no, is not strong!
Life rejoiced! Sunday morning!
What joy the Lord has given!

And the sun came up. And the birds sang.
And delicate flowers bloomed ...
And again the hearts of the disciples burned. —
We remember this and you.

That morning came to our hearts one day.
"Christ is risen!" - today on the lips.
"Truly risen!" everyone will answer
Who accepted the Lord Christ in their hearts.

“What are you happy about? people ask. —
Jesus is crucified. How can you rejoice? —
We know. But then a miracle happened:
Christ is risen! And this is a blessing.

Oh, let God rise for you today,
And then the joy of Easter will come to you.
Easter solemn songs
And your heart will sing with us!
Lyubov Vasenina

When there seems to be no escape
And the treacherous demon takes over
Say to yourself in consolation:
"Christ is risen!"

Don't say it's all gone
And there are no miracles
The Lord took the sting out of death:
Christ is risen!

When the storm rages around
And the ray of hope is gone
Don't you dare sit with your head down -
Christ is risen!

Illuminates the whole soul with light,
And my heart goes to heaven
When an angel announces to us:
"Christ is risen!"

Which bestows grace.
I am glad that by faith on Sunday,

The coming holy feast.
And celebrate not once a year, but often,
His holy resurrection.

April 2011 Margarita Kolomiytseva

Archpriest Dimitry Smirnov said that the roots of the tradition - visiting the graves of loved ones on Easter is not a Christian custom and go to pre-revolutionary Russia, when the vast majority of our ancestors lived in villages and went to nearby villages on Easter, where, unlike villages, there was certainly a temple . In order not to return off-road and then, already in good weather, not to go back to the cemetery to clean up the graves, ordinary people after the service went to the resting places of their loved ones (people were then buried mainly at churches) and broke the fast at the cemetery with the Easter cake they brought with them .

The victory of love

Nobody knew that day
That this day decides everything.
That the whole earth is in this crucifixion
Salvation will find its own.

Nobody. Only I knew the continuation
I knew what would happen in an hour...
I knew my purpose.
I have looked at you through the ages.

I have become your door to salvation,
When I was thirty three
I saw your generation
And I heard a quiet: "I'm sorry."

I have become water and light for you,
But I knew that the cross was prepared
That day I knew that I would be betrayed
I knew there was no other way.

I knew the time was up
That I'm all alone
That death hung over the city,
That this hour is unbearable...

I heard screams: "He's a traitor!
Kill him! Let Him die!”
They did not know that the Creator
They are being punished.

And I was silent. Some more…
Here is my first nail...
Such a pain! How much blood...
It's done! Finally, it came true!

Dry lips. I'm chained.
I can't breathe. I am above the ground.
Sentenced. Beaten. spat on
A fierce crowd.

I saw you in that crowd
You were among them, shouting: "Crucify!"
And I prayed to the Father: "Forgive them!"
I was the messenger of love.

I knew you'd weigh your years
Which you lived in vain
So you don't know where you are? What are you?
What did you hate? What did you love?

Your roads were steep
Success, fall, vanity...
But it would take a minute
To invite me into your heart.

The day they crucified me
I've already seen your ending
Your sins tormented you
For them you expected death ...

I saw tears, shame, embarrassment,
I saw bitterness and guilt
I saw your end and decay
And I realized I love you!

Love you! May you not understand
Maybe he didn't want to understand
Why am I all earthly grief
I hasten to take with me to the cross.

Love you. And only this
Was the cause of that day.
Love you! Let it be unrequited.
But I decided to save you.

Love for you gave me
The determination not to back down
Endure! And rip out the sting of death!
So that you don't die!

I knew that there is victory in love.
The crowd was noisy, screaming everywhere,
And I loved, forgave, and this ...
Led the devil into a dead end.

That day I died. And it happened -
That day I went to hell for you,
And the sky opened up for people
For sin was crucified with me.

Since then, earth and sky have been close,
But there is an abyss, a step long,
That step is so simple - you just need to step,
To be with me in heaven.

Step of repentance - and you are accepted!
If you believed in me,
God's grace is extended to you!
I am your excuse!

I heard lies in your ears
Skillfully Satan has invested,
He is in a rage to destroy
All that I have revealed to you.

I saw all your struggles
I saw your inside
I saw pride and doubt...
But still ... I love you!

I'm waiting for you. Go without fear.
You are dear to me. After all, so many years
I walked towards you through piles of dust,
To bring you my light.

On that day I foresaw this day.
Then I thought about one thing
Let me die, but you live,
For reconciliation with the Creator.

I forgive you everything now
Believe me, I love you so!
What the enemy stole, I return
I give you a new chance.

I don't remember your mistakes
Start with a clean slate
What was before is washed away by the blood,
Live without sin from now on!

Live and remember: I am with you.
I'm alive! I was resurrected on the third day!
Breathe on with my love,
And give the past to the cross.

Live! Live! And my holiness
Soak in yourself and be like me!
And let your life be in joy
For everyone around and for you.

Live! We need each other so much!
Now we belong to each other!
Live! I extend my hand
Take the shove of love!

I was born for you to be born
I was crucified so you could live
I am risen so that you turn
And I could love others like I do.

Go. How many tears I see.
Go and show them the way!
Godless, proud generations
Tell me about my sacrifice!

Natalya Shevchenko

Let us delve into the meaning of the mystery of the cross... The whole world, that is, the human race, would be put to eternal death, eternal torment - according to the unchanging, strictest truth of God, if the Son of God did not become voluntary, according to infinite goodness, the Mediator and Redeemer of the criminal, defiled and mankind corrupted by sin. Christ was not guilty of any sin, but was the only perfect Man in hypostatic union with the Divine.
(John of Kronstadt)

The world is accustomed to bloody atrocities,
But that hasn't happened yet...
"Rejoice, King of the Jews!" —
The crowd howled wildly.

Crimson burns with fresh blood,
Evil boils like lava Vesuvius.
Do not read the compassion on the faces -
The people are mad, they are mad...

It is not enough to betray the body on a crucifix.
It is necessary to stain the humility with mud ...
The blood will fall on the descendants of the curse,
And not everyone will get enlightenment ...

Life burned in the lanes of centuries,
Waiting for holy judgment
But he came and framed under the whip
His purity King of the Jews.

Died unable to be holy
Generations under the rule of law
But I came to die crucified
Ruler of the heavenly throne.

God endured both spitting and beatings,
A shameful death, heavy torment ...
On the cross He shone with love,
Stretching out pierced hands...

In the hustle and bustle of life
This world is cursing for cruelty,
Remember the way that the King of the Jews
Passed for you and me...

The place of execution is now a crossroads
Human destinies and tracks.
The door is open. Logging in is easy...
But we can't do it for us...


It is impossible for a man to lead a pure life when he does not believe in the resurrection.
John Chrysostom

Easter is not in the spring mood for me,
Not in a magnificent celebration, not in Easter cakes.
Easter is for me - in bright broken bread,
In deep sorrow for their sins.

Easter is not for me in snow-blooming willow,
Not in the ringing of golden bells.
Easter for me is that I am saved by faith -
The Destroyer passed by seeing the Blood.

I have the joy of Easter - in the work of Redemption,
Which bestows grace.
I rejoice in the fact that by faith on Sunday
I can die on the cross

To live forever and firmly believe in Easter -
The coming holy feast
And celebrate not once a year, but often
His holy resurrection.

On Easter day, joyfully playing,
The lark flew high
And in the blue sky, disappearing,
He sang the song of resurrection.

And that song was loudly repeated
And the steppe, and the hill, and the dark forest.
"Wake up, earth," they said,
Wake up: Your King, your God is risen!

Wake up, mountains, valleys, rivers,
Praise the Lord from Heaven.
He conquered death forever -
Wake up and you, green forest.

Snowdrop, silver lily of the valley,
Violet - bloom again
And send up a fragrant hymn
To the one whose commandment is love.

Princess E. Gorchakova

Grand Duke
Konstantin Konstantinovich Romanov

Thank you, the Risen One!
The night has passed and a new dawn
Let the world be renewed
In the hearts of people love grief.

Praise the Lord from Heaven
And sing incessantly:
The world is filled with His miracles
And glory unspeakable.

Praise the Host of the Incorporeal Forces
And angelic faces:
From the darkness of mournful graves
The light shone great.

Praise the Lord from Heaven
Hills, cliffs, mountains!
Hosanna! The fear of death is gone
Our eyes light up.

Praise God, the sea is far
And the ocean is endless!
Let all sorrow be silenced
And hopeless murmur!

Praise the Lord from Heaven
And praise, people!
Risen Christ!
Christ is risen!
And trampled death forever!

V. Bazhanov

Christ is Risen! Brother people!
each other in a warm embrace
Hurry up to accept!
Forget quarrels, insults,
Yes, bright holiday of Sunday
Nothing will darken.

Christ is Risen! Hell trembles
And the sun of eternal truth shines
Over the renewed earth:
And the whole universe is warm
A ray of divine light.
Tastes joy and peace.

Christ is Risen! Holy day!
Thunder in all ends of the universe
Praise be to the Creator!
Gone are the sorrows and sorrows,
The shackles of sin fell from them,
The soul recoiled from evil.

V. Ladyzhensky

Christ is risen! The starlings sing
And, waking up, the steppes rejoice.
In the snow, murmuring, streams run
And with a ringing laugh they quickly tear
Chains shackled in winter.

Still thoughtful dark forest,
Not believing the happiness of awakening.
Wake up! Sing the Sunday song
Christ is risen!

Christ is risen! In the rays of love
Sorrow gloomy cold will disappear,
Let joy reign in the hearts
Both those who are old and those who are young!

Covenant of blessed Heaven
Sounds to us the song of Sunday,
Love, and happiness, and forgiveness -
Christ is risen!

Christ is risen! He is the King of the worlds
Mighty kings Lord,
He is all humility, all love,
For a sinful world holy blood
Shed like an angel - redeemer!
Christ is risen! He gave people
Testament of holy forgiveness,
He gave mercy to the fallen
And for holy convictions
He ordered to suffer as he himself suffered!
Christ is risen! He announced
That on earth all people are brothers,
He renewed the world with love,
He forgave his enemies on the cross,
And he opened his arms to us!
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
May these joyful sounds
Like the singing of angels from heaven
They will dispel anger, sorrow, torment!
Join all brotherly hands
Let's hug everyone! Christ is risen!

Pavel Potekhin

Christ is risen! - just two words
But how much grace is in them!
We are unearthly bliss again
Illuminated in your hearts.
Sorrow and suffering are forgotten
Forgotten grief and need
Silent groans and murmurs,
Envy and enmity are gone...

Pavel Potekhin

All faces shine with joy
Hearts free from passions...
So miraculous effect
Holy words on people!..
Christ is risen!..
Oh sacred moment!
O miracle, above all miracles,
What were in the universe! ..
Christ is risen!
Christ is risen!

Holy holiday

Protopresbyter Vasily Bazhanov

How easy is my soul!
The heart is full of tenderness!
All worries and doubts
Fly away!

The world fills my soul
Joy shines in the eyes
And as if in heaven
The sun is shining brighter...

People are brothers! Has come
Great day, day of salvation!
Bright holiday Sunday
God of truth, God of strength!…

Away from us enmity and malice!
Let's forget everything! We'll forgive everyone!
Let's honor reconciliation
Day of the Risen from the grave!

He did not rage, did not take revenge, -
But with fatherly love
By His all-honored blood
He washed the unworthy of us ...

He is risen! - the time will come
Sundays for us...
We do not know this time...
Why don't we throw off the burden of sins?

Why don't we think about
With what in the moment of rebirth
From nothingness and decay,
Will we stand before Christ?...

He is risen! abode of paradise
Reopened to the public...
But there is one way to get there:
Life is sinless, holy!
