The symbol of the snake in Catherine's divination. Fortune telling Catherine online

Man has always been attracted by the unknown. From time immemorial, to know what the future holds and where the problems of the past are hidden, was considered sacred for many peoples. Resorting to the help of shamans or interpreting fate by the stars, our ancestors did their best to lift the veil of secrecy and get a hint from the Universe. Persons of royal blood did not disdain various kinds of fortune-telling. Catherine's fortune-telling, which the Empress loved to indulge in, has come down to us.

Ways to know fate

Divination is a kind of guessing the future with the help of various auxiliary items. AT modern world The most common ways to predict the future are:

  • tarot cards;
  • runes;
  • Catherine solitaire.

Specialists in each of the listed fortune-telling can be found as in real life, as well as on the Internet. Despite the fact that skeptics are very suspicious of online fortune-telling, the latter are used by modern man especially popular, since you still need to look for a real specialist and allocate time to visit him.

And with the Internet, everything is simple: if the gadget is online, then there are plenty of sites that provide predictions for every taste and color. You need to select the necessary site, mentally ask a question, click on one or more cards (it depends on the chosen layout) and in a matter of seconds the fate of a person will be in front of him with interpretations and explanations.

Today, the most popular way to find out what awaits a person in the future is Tarot cards. More than 40 decks of these mystical pictures are known in the world. Every self-respecting magician or astrologer considers it his duty to compile and create his own unique Tarot deck.

Runic divination came to us from the Scandinavian countries. There, the ancient sorcerers and magicians from generation to generation passed on the secrets of the interpretation of rune symbols inscribed on stones or wood. In modern times, this method of predicting the future is also found online.

Legacy of the Great Empress

One of the simple virtual ways to look into the future without the help of specialists is Catherine's cards, fortune telling on which has been quite popular in our country for several centuries. Where the Great Empress Catherine II herself brought this way of interpreting the future is unknown., but various historical sources have preserved a lot of information that it was at her court that this method of entertainment and communication with otherworldly forces was popular.

It is known that blue-blooded people loved everything mystical and often kept their own soothsayers and magicians at the courts. In order to cope with the enemy or learn about his new plans, emperors and kings, before doing something, consulted precisely with these people who could look beyond the forbidden curtain of the future.

In order for Catherine's fortune-telling on 40 cards to tell about the future, you do not need to be a specialist. Each of the pictures depicts a certain object, which, together with the rest, will tell the fortuneteller the information of interest to him. Such cards exist both in printed form and in virtual form.

Divination rules

If there are no printed cards with pictures at hand, you can use online fortune-telling. Having chosen the necessary site, you need to concentrate on the question of interest. The easiest way is to ask the virtual deck about the future, past or present. In order for the pictures to react and understand the fortuneteller correctly, You can ask, for example, the following questions:

For everything to work out, you need to fully concentrate on the right issue and not be distracted by anything. After that, click on the pointer with the mouse so that the virtual cards decompose or mix. In the divination of the empress, it is necessary to pull out 3 cards, which will prompt the necessary information. For example, in Catherine's divination, three cards fell out:

  • chain;
  • quiver;
  • candles.

Next to these symbols is necessarily an interpretation. The chain means that strong bonds will soon appear in the life of a fortuneteller and, answering the question of what awaits him in the future, he says that marriage or a long relationship, both love and professional, awaits him.

The quiver in Catherine's fortune-telling for the future on 3 cards indicates to a person the choice or achievement of several goals at the same time. Paired with a chain, this symbol means that goals achieved provide stability for a long time, or the business that succeeds will become the main source of his income for a long time.

Candles that fell at the end symbolize reflection. In tandem with the previous cards, they indicate that the solution to the problem will not be easy, but it will be the right one. It is this that will lead to further prosperity and help to achieve the intended.

Experts recommend resorting to the help of Catherine's solitaire no more than 2 times a day. Otherwise, the cards may "get tired" and tell lies. Also, the Universe may think that the fortuneteller is just playing and does not take the alignment seriously.

Indian solitaire

It is noteworthy that the imperial way of interpreting the future is very similar to divination using Indian cards. In this case, pictures in the amount of 40 pieces are also used. To get answers to the questions, you need to assemble whole objects from parts located in adjacent pictures.

Usually Indian fortune-telling tells about a fortune-teller in 3 stages. The first talks about what happened in the past, pointing out the reasons for what is happening now. The second alignment shows a person what is happening in the present, and the third prepares him for the events of the future.

A characteristic feature of the alignment is that if they tell someone else, then this person must move several squares from the deck towards the fortuneteller with his own hand. If this is not done, then the veracity of the information received will be very doubtful.

Despite the simplicity of virtual fortune-telling, experts do not recommend using their help too often. Whatever the complexity of the alignment may be, it is still a way to look into the future. And, as you know, a person is not supposed to know.

Catherine's fortune-telling on 40 cards will help you lift the veil over the future. Guessing online for 40 characters is very simple - just shuffle the deck with one click on the "guess" button and get the result for the future with an interpretation. Before making a click with the mouse, mentally ask your question. The cards that have fallen will show you what to expect in the near future - changes in your personal life, a long-awaited career advancement, travel, or good news.

Ancient court traditions

The fortune-telling of Catherine II has long been known as the most truthful of the existing alignments. Try and play solitaire and find out your fate by 40 characters. Catherine's fortune-telling will not take much time, but it will give you real pleasure. And, surprisingly, much of what was predicted actually comes true!

Catherine's fortune-telling is a very common hobby among the ladies of the period of the reign of Catherine II. Its meaning was as follows - it was necessary to get three cards from a shuffled deck, and then interpret their meaning. Ekaterininsky solitaire 3 cards was very simple and quite often surprised by its veracity. That is why Catherine's divination has come down to our days.

Catherine's layout can be carried out on real cards with special images and symbols. But it is much easier and more convenient to use Catherine's divination online for free using our wonderful service. You do not need to spend money on buying a deck of cards, all you need to predict online is a PC or smartphone with Internet access.

When laying out virtual Catherine solitaire 3 cards for the future with interpretation, focus on the question being asked. To get an accurate result, it is recommended not to ask more than one question at a time. Catherine's fortune-telling by 40 symbols has firmly entered the life of modern people, because it is this simple layout that allows you to find out what will happen next week, that is, in the very near future.

The cards have one interesting feature- their interpretation varies, depending on their position in the series. When upside down, they mean exactly the opposite than when they are upright. Three cards from the online shuffle should be combined into a single prediction. Do not be afraid to turn on your imagination - the real meaning of the alignment will be revealed only to you!

On the site, you can tell fortunes for the future, for love, for events. In addition to Catherine's old divination online, we offer to use it for free to get wise advice from the almighty Book of Fate.

Catherine's divination is called in a different way divination "40 symbols". It was very popular at the court of Catherine II - both with the queen herself and with her ladies-in-waiting.

To predict the future, forty cards are taken, three of them are taken out. Based on the drawings depicted on them, a prediction of fate is made. You can find out what awaits you in the future, whether your relationship with your loved one will develop and much more.

How is Catherine's fortune telling

Choose from forty cards any three. If the same picture is repeated, then this indicates its enhanced meaning. Fortune telling Catherine advises you to pay close attention to this. Pictures reveal the future in the sequence in which they lay down. The first card tells about the event that will happen in your life first, the second - which event will happen second, and the third - which will happen third. Pictures are connected and interact with each other.

Divination interpretation

Bow - fun, joy, awakening feelings.

Libra - balance, slowness.

Money is wealth, life is abundant.

A girl, combined with good symbols, is a friend, and with bad ones, a rival.

Tree - upward movement, development, grace.

The castle is the wrong path; the decision will be final (you need to look at the situation).

The key is acquaintance, opportunities, new business.

Carriage - a long trip, a quick trip.

The book is a beautiful novel, sensual relationships.

Quiver - achieving several goals at once, an upcoming choice.

Bell - unexpected news, new relationships, some kind of warning (if combined with negative symbols).

Rings - serious relationships and intentions, marriage.

Bonfire - comfort in the house, measured

Crown - luck, success, prosperity.

Curls - talk and gossip about nothing.

Cross - the right decision, fate.

Swan - a meeting with your soulmate.

A man is a lover or rival.

Month - wait, the event must be postponed for a while.

Knife - scandal, discord.

Bride - family ties, stability in relationships.

A letter is some kind of news, news.

The sailboat is the beginning of a completely new path and

Horseshoe - luck, happiness, success.

Glass - fun, feast, party.

Rainbow is a new good period in life.

Heart - big and mutual love.

Candles - meditation.

The sun is a good period, good luck in all endeavors.

Sultan - a generous patron will appear.

Arrow - the goal will be achieved.

Snail - relationships come to naught; stagnation, a break in a relationship.

Flower - a beautiful relationship, meeting, romance.

Church - happy outcome marriage may take place.

Chain - dependence (in the presence of bad cards); very strong bonds of marriage (combined with good cards).

The flag is a decisive act.

Skull - you are in trouble.

Hours - you need not rush, but wait until the situation clears up.

Devil - gossip; expect trouble from friends.

Anchor - stability awaits you in everything.

Catherine's divination should not be taken as something very serious. Know that you have the power to change absolutely everything. Connect your intuition and fantasy to understand what the symbols predict. Catherine's fortune-telling will help you open a window into your future. Good luck and have fun!

As in our days, during the time of Empress Catherine II, various fortune-telling for the near future, love and relationships were very popular. Solitaire divination of Catherine, online version which is available on our website, is very similar to the Indian Solitaire common in those years, although many of the symbols included in its composition have a completely different meaning. This fortune-telling is based on a unique deck of 40 symbols, on the basis of which two types of fortune-telling are available: solitaire (discussed in this article) and card (see this link).

"Ekaterina's Solitaire": you can guess online for free on our website

Principles and rules of divination

Thinking about how to decompose solitaire divination Catherine Solitaire on 40 cards (symbols)? Everything is very simple:

  1. The fortuneteller mentally formulates the question of interest to him;
  2. The oracle cards are shuffled before the start of divination and laid out in a 5x4 rectangle of cards.
  3. Next, you need to rotate the cards around its axis to match at least one (and preferably 3-4 images);
  4. Depending on what is shown on them, the values ​​of each symbol are obtained and the final prediction is made.

In this scenario, unlike others, an important point is the successful combination of matching characters. In addition, some cards have a direct and inverted position. The upright position is considered to be a positive moment, and the inverted position is considered a negative one.

In any case, you don’t need to take the predictions of this kind of solitaire to heart, the cards can also be wrong, or you didn’t formulate your question quite correctly and clearly!

Online version

So, formulate your question and start guessing! Good luck with your schedule!

Interpretation of the meaning of the cards

The interpretation of the meaning of the cards depends on the set of cards with which fortune-telling is carried out. For several hundred years since the appearance of Catherine's solitaire, various decks have appeared with different character sets on the cards, in this article you will find the most common and popular.

Bowl (Cup). It symbolizes the desire to achieve a certain, lofty and seemingly unattainable goal. Self-sacrifice, doing a noble deed in the name of someone or something. Self-giving for a common cause. The cup may mean for a fortuneteller a man - a symbol of a woman for whom he is not indifferent. Athletes will see in the bowl - getting a prize, a successful outcome of a sports competition, winning a duel. In combination with the “House” or “Coins” card, it means well-being in household chores, a comfortable existence, confidence in tomorrow. With "Fish" or "Ptom" - means a fun celebration, party.

The “cup” that fell upside down means a temporary loss, in which the situation will soon improve for the better.


Animal (Unknown animal)- a specific binding to some animal in this case no. It's just a symbol for any creature that you need or it needs you. With "House" means - a cat or a dog, with "Knife" or "Lightning" - warns that some kind of danger threatens a living being, this is a cry for help. With "Hook" - the upcoming fishing or gambling hunting, with "Boats" - the collapse of all hopes, unrealizable dreams.

When reversed, the card means getting into trouble from an animal, such as being bitten or injured.

Harp- a person's penchant for high art, passion for painting, playing any musical instruments. Calm rest, measured course of life, harmony of existence. With "Man" or "Woman" - a person engaged in some kind of creativity, for example, a poet or sculptor. With the "Crown" - getting a nomination, applause, winning the competition, well-deserved recognition, with "Lightning" - a resounding success, incessant applause.

In an inverted state - the success of achieving the current task is very doubtful.


Fortress (City)- means an ambitious person striving to achieve a goal at any cost. Perhaps, wishing to get into a certain circle of self-sufficient people. Inaccessibility, difficulties in life. With the "Hand", "Flower" or "Water" - the search for a comfortable place for yourself, shelter.

In an inverted state - a warning that you have chosen the wrong path, most likely this road will lead you to the fact that you will be defenseless "one on one" with the whole world.

House- a warm hearth, comfort in the house, peace, small but pleasant worries, household chores. It is possible to move to a new apartment, receive an inheritance. In combination with "Pisces" means - a house on the shore of some reservoir, on the seashore, with "Flower" - cosiness, comfort, pleasant atmosphere.

In an inverted state, Catherine's solitaire hints at you - the collapse of hopes, the destruction of the hearth, failure, broken plans for the family, loneliness.

Temple- something expensive for the person who is guessing. Belief in bright ideals, beliefs, work on self-improvement, improving one’s spiritual development, caring for physical health, meditation.
When divining for love - a hint at the performance of spiritual rites: weddings, nikah, etc.

In an inverted state, it means submission to the circumstances that have arisen, pressure from outside, rejection of internal convictions, concession under the pressure of something or someone.


Loop (Serpent Ouroboros)- the repetition of life circumstances, obsession, stagnation in one place, no forward movement, limited freedom, inability to reveal one's own potential, a vicious circle.

In another interpretation: pay attention to the cyclical nature of the current situation (question)? Don't you think that everything repeats itself and this has already happened?

In an inverted state, it means that the situation is out of control.

Galley (Boat without a sail)- submission to the prevailing circumstances, passivity of actions, unwillingness to resist, a breakdown in character. With "Water", "Feet" or "Fish" - a sea voyage, a cruise, with "Wheel" - participation in a noisy carnival, a fun holiday.

In an inverted state, it means the appearance of some kind of obstacle on the way, a surprise that prevents progress.

Ship (Boat with a sail)- taking the initiative into one's own hands general rules, changing the situation in your favor, actively moving forward towards the goal. With the "Wheel" - help in arranging a holiday, carnival, concert.

In an inverted state, it means the appearance of unexpected, but annoying circumstances that will interfere with your current tasks.

Eye- a symbol of observation and control over the surrounding situation. With "Light" - insight, divine help, with "Hand (palm)" - a reliable guardian angel, spiritual protection from the evil eye.

In general, this symbol in itself does not mean anything, but strengthens and prompts you to pay attention to the situation described by other symbols.

Upside down: you are missing something. Look at other symbols, perhaps the clue lies in them!

Fish- profit, prosperity, physical and spiritual wealth. A person gives a lot, is ready to provide all kinds of help. Completion of any business, the final stop. Approaching a new stage life path. It also means receiving a well-deserved reward, a rich catch, good prey. Previously, "Fish" was a symbol of Christianity. For a fortune-telling woman, a symbol can mean pregnancy. With "Animal" means, for example, aquarium fish.

In an inverted state means - returning empty-handed, without prey, fatigue and apathy.

Snail- continuity of the process, development in a spiral, rise to a new level, systematic progress towards the goal. Perhaps inhibition due to the appearance of an unexpected obstacle, developmental delay. Slowness, waiting for the right moment, thoughtfulness.

Inverted means - not everything is as bad as it seems. The quieter you go, the further you'll get! In addition, you are advised, like a snail, to be ready to pull your head into the shell in case of any danger.

Heart- love and only love, happiness, romantic relationships, warmth, kindness. With the "Arrow" - anger, irritation with someone, with the "Torch" - strong emotions, passion, incontinence, with the "Cross and Sword" - a promise, an oath, etc.

In an inverted state means - participation in a conspiracy, a secret group, hiding emotions from others.

Cross and sword

Cross and sword- serving something, for example, good, true calling, purity of thoughts, security, invulnerability, belonging to Christian faith. In combination with "Coins" means - service for a monetary reward.

Another interpretation is the struggle for a just cause, followed by victory (direct position) or loss (inverted position).

In an inverted state, it means - the inevitability of retribution, retribution for something, punishment.

coins- obtaining unexpected profits, temptation, bribery. With the "cross and sword" - a call to leave thoughts of gain and devote oneself to the care of the spirit.

In a broader sense: just a symbol of money - how, from where and where - other symbols of the current alignment will explain.

In an inverted state, Catherine's Solitaire hints at a possible ruin, bankruptcy. In order not to go around the world - be sure to take emergency measures!

Crown (crown)- obtaining a high position due to some kind of merit, an exceptional position in society, a new rank, gain or victory. With "Coins", "House" means - receiving a gift, housewarming, with "Ptom" - positive feedback, fame, recognition, with "Lightning", "Torch" - a situation arises in which you need to protect your good name position in society.

In an inverted state, it means - loss, demotion, demolition, loss of title, expulsion from society.

Wheel- a symbol of life, concern for one's health, fate, fertility, an increase in the family, a successful outcome.

With "Man" means - father, guardian, with "Bird", "Arrow", "Feet" - a long journey, travel abroad, road, departure from home.

Unlike other cards, the wheel does not have an inverted position!

stones- they talk about some forces opposing you, they mean resistance, unattainability or impossibility of fulfilling your plans, someone is trying to interfere with you, an adversary, an ill-wisher. With “Gate”, “Ladder”, “Bird” means that you will successfully overcome the obstacle that has stood in your way, with “Water” it means that you will feel solid support, gain ground under your feet, self-confidence.

In an inverted state means - overcoming any obstacle, your enemy will become your friend.

Flower- sense of beauty inner harmony, reconciliation with the existing reality, pleasant contemplation of something, enthusiasm.

In another interpretation, it means a small gift or a sign of attention from a lover. young man(though not necessarily flowers).

In an inverted state means - the need to restore internal balance, the search for harmony.

The male- the appearance in your life of a man, new plans, the creation of something, self-realization. The value depends on what characters will be next.

In addition, the symbol means the fortuneteller himself, if he is male, i.e. kind of significator.

In an inverted state, it means that events will unfold not in your favor.

Hook- being in an active search, performing an operation, a business started, hunting (fishing), spiritual throwing.

Another interpretation is a warning from higher powers: do not fall for the hook of ill-wishers, some kind of scam is being started around you.

In an inverted position means - an unsuccessful hunt or that the questioner himself is an object for search.

Boots- very soon new times will come for you, you will start a new path. Moving forward, a solid foundation, a strong foundation, a support in life.

Alternative interpretation: walking, walking, hiking, etc.

In an inverted state means - movement in the opposite direction, movement backwards, inability to move on, an obstacle.

Gates- a symbol of the onset of a new stage in the life path, coming to something, to some conclusions, uncertainty, doubt, reflection. With “Animal” it means confusion, bewilderment, with “Stones” - the obstacle will be overcome, with “Cross and Sword”, “Knife”, “Lightning” - danger awaits you, the onset of a protracted illness, disappointment. With symbols meaning travel - going abroad, a foreign land.

In an inverted state means - the onset of problems, the impossibility of traveling abroad, a spoiled trip.

Torch- a symbol of a natural disaster associated with fire, for example, a fire. Danger, strong emotions. With "Mouth" means - scandal, abuse.

Alternative interpretation: you have not learned enough about your question (situation), delve into all the subtleties of this case and much will become clear to you.

In an inverted position means - emotions cannot find their way out, nervousness, anxiety, excitement, anxious mood.

Wood- a symbol of good, good health, excellent state of affairs, personal growth and development, love of life, well-being, fullness of life, integrity, strong roots, reliable support.

In an inverted position means the exact opposite - health problems, in business, spiritual stagnation.

Lying man

Lying man- a symbol of stagnation, lack of change in life, static, escape from reality, circumstances prevailed, changes are unlikely, the futility of new beginnings. Perhaps even a disease, health problems.

Alternative interpretation: the symbol indicates laziness and unwillingness of the querent to do anything

In an inverted position means that the alarm will be in vain.


Stairs- moving up, career growth, positive prospects, transition to a new social position, training, job change, new position, rank.

It does not have an inverted position, but be careful! After all, the stairs mono how to go up and down. Make sure you are moving in the right direction!

Skin- a symbol of material well-being, lack of material worries, a reliable foundation, property. With "Coins" or "Fish" - you need to give up material wealth, otherwise you can lose everything. With "Torch", "Water" - receiving material damage, ruin.

In an inverted position means - literally "the skin of an unkilled bear" uselessness, a fight from scratch, a futile argument.

Water- self-doubt, tomorrow, anxiety, excitement, doubt, feeling of loneliness. With "Light", "Sun", "Temple" - can mean renewal, rebirth, spiritual purification. Or simply means a person associated with the element of water, for example, a sailor, a scuba diver, a fisherman. With "Wheel", "Feet", "Boats" means - a sea voyage, a cruise, a trip to some reservoir, diving, diving, with the "Moon" - vain illusions.

In an inverted position means - problems associated with water, flooding, high water.

Sword- a symbol of a sharp mind, inquisitiveness. Pay attention to the important, cutting off the secondary. A symbol of masculinity, readiness to repel any attack, masculinity. It can mean a military man or a man in uniform.

For a woman, it can mean a close birth with the birth of a boy. In an inverted position means - attack, aggressiveness, war, hostility, attacks of enemies.

Moon- a symbol of good intuition, reincarnation from one stage to another, public recognition, information processing, thoughtfulness, reflection.

With "Torch", "Loop" in a direct position and inverted "Water" or "Light" means - bad habits, addiction to something, escape from reality, escape from reality. Need to think about spiritual development, cleansing.

Alternative interpretation: the growing moon - to growth in business, the aging moon - to a decline in business.

Arrows- In a straight position (points down) a symbol of great will, a jerk, a struggle, concentration on something, moving forward.

Catherine's fortune-telling is the old fashioned way divination, which got its name because it was a favorite method of divination among the queen's court ladies-in-waiting. Divination occurs by using forty cards with various symbols, from which three are drawn, and a prediction is made on their basis.

On the Internet, there are a number of modifications of divination on 40 symbols under different names - divination by CATHERINE, fortune telling by HIER, fortune telling by LENORMANT. Who owned the idea of ​​​​this fortune-telling is not known for certain, but the fact that it is based on very ancient tradition, no doubt.

Those who have read or will read Sterling Lanier's Journey of Hiero can take advantage of his character's technique, and at the same time become more familiar with his understanding of symbolic language. According to the plot, Hiero carried with him a bag with divinatory symbols. These are 40 figures carved from wood - a skin, a torch, a house, etc. He takes them out in an amount of 2 to 4 pieces from the bag and finds out what awaits him in the next situation - danger or good, friends or enemies. A very simple and understandable way of divination. In Russia, such fortune-telling was carried away during the time of Catherine II, and the camera-Fourier journals of her reign, where the daily life of the imperial court was recorded, are full of information about fortune-telling in the palace. Usually in the evenings, people close to her gathered in the apartments of the empress, and card entertainment began. As a result, in 1788, the book "Fun in Boredom or a New Entertaining Way of Fortune Telling" appeared in Moscow.

The meanings of the symbols given by us are neither categorical prescriptions nor the only possible interpretations. The task of the symbol is to evoke an association, to have an impact, to awaken intuition, to direct thought in a certain direction. Therefore, as the authors of fortune-telling books often recommend, you first need to carefully consider the symbols taken out, give free rein to your imagination, and then you can clarify something according to the proposed interpretations according to our interpretations. Symbols are laid out from left to right. So, if you got "Lightning" first, and then "Two hands", this may mean that your marriage will not take place. And if first "Two hands", and then "Lightning" - troubles will begin after the wedding.

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