What should be done to forget a person. How to forget a loved one

Moving on after the end of a serious romantic relationship can be an ordeal that may take some time to recover from. That being said, knowing how to work through the pain of leaving a loved one can open up new possibilities and make it easier for you to heal.

Very few people find their perfect match without concentration and a certain amount of flexibility. After all, breaking up is an unfortunate reality of life until you find your mate.

Consider 3 simple steps on how to forget a loved one after parting with him.

Love is like war.
Easy to get started...
It's hard to finish...
Impossible to forget...

Step 1 - Deleting Reminders

1. Remove all ways to contact your loved one

These include phone numbers, text message histories, and emails.

This can be difficult to do, but if you leave yourself the opportunity to connect with your ex (or ex) in moments of emotional weakness, then this may be a sign of addictive behavior.

Perhaps it makes sense to block the phone number and mailing address of your former second half to prevent unwanted unexpected contact.

2. Get rid of physical reminders

Remove any special items that remind you of this person. Get rid of things that remind you of. Items that are particularly difficult to dispose of include clothing, jewelry, photographs, and gifts.

  • You don't have to throw everything away, but you do need time to keep these items out of your sight before you can move on with your life.

    Why not put in a box everything that reminds you of the second side of your former relationship, and put this box somewhere out of sight and out of your thoughts?

3. Make plans for shared "special" days

When your relationship anniversary or a vacation that reminds you of that person approaches, plan to spend that time with your friends to forget about the time you spent with your departed love.

Did you go to the cinema together on Mondays? Reach out to friends, and find something to do on Monday evenings while you tune in to single life.

  • Organize a party, picnic or dinner with friends to fill lonely evenings with laughter and good times.

4. Cut off your contact with your loved one in all social networks

Watching someone else flirt with your ex (ex) can cause heartache and make it harder for you to move on.

Even if you hope to maintain friendly relations with this person later on, understand that you need time before you can let her (him) back into your life.

5. Say goodbye in a way that works for you.

Some people find that a farewell letter, in which they can express their feelings and hopes for a relationship, can be a useful tool in helping the healing process.

You don't need to send such a letter, the mere act of writing your feelings down can create the relief you need.

  • Another method that may be helpful is to mentally acknowledge your feelings to this person.

    The simple act of releasing emotions can speed up the healing process.

Step 2 - Let the love go

1. Take time to understand that everything in life passes.

These words can be difficult to understand and even seem insensitive.

Breaking up a relationship is always difficult, even if you are the one who initiated the end. But it's important to recognize that life goes on and that the pain you feel is a natural part of human grief and the healing process.

  • Each person needs a different length of time to deal with strong emotions. Be respectful of the time it may take you to make this emotional change.
  • Although healing is very individual, some studies estimate that it can take up to 11 weeks for you to feel completely free from the powerful emotions associated with your romance.

2. Start a new project or hobby

Even if you don't have special talents, the distraction provided by a new activity will help you turn your thoughts away from your former relationship.

Now that you're not in a relationship, it's time to find what makes you happy again and do it.

  • Go in for sports and enjoy the associated mood lifts.
  • Use art as medicine, which can be especially helpful if you find it difficult to put your feelings into words.
  • Get a pet or plant. Having something alive that depends on you can ease depression.

3. Join an interest group

You can volunteer in your local community, join your local library's book club, or join a sports club.

Companionship in a new group can be a source of strength in a difficult breakup.

You can think of the following types of group activities:

  • Gardening groups in the local community.
  • Community trash pickup
  • Local sports teams
  • Board game groups.

4. Learn to distinguish the imaginary from the real

Sometimes, after a breakup, it can be easier for you to think about your ex-lover (or lover), imagining them as more perfect than in reality.

Try to understand where you allow yourself to believe in something unrealistic, such as when you tell yourself that you will never find love again.

  • Think of the other side of your former relationship in terms of the positive past feelings you had. Separating what was from what is can change your negative feelings for the better.

Regardless of what happened, try to honestly forgive that person. If possible, meet in person and explain that you were deeply offended, but forgave her (him) for everything bad, both apparent and real.

This will help you let go of your love, and make it easier to repeat the negative emotions that often accompany a breakup.

6. Use your logic

If the other side of your former relationship was not the best partner, then dealing with a breakup will be easier.

Even though you may be reluctant to blacken the good memories you hold, it can still help you focus on the healthier state you are in.

How can you get over the fact of a breakup? Only looking ahead is a long way to what will help you feel better.

  • If your ex love was really good man be glad you had the opportunity to meet each other. Remember that everything that happens in life has something to teach you.

It's easy to become embittered or drown in negative emotions, but you need to remember that this will not make you happier. Allowing yourself to give free rein to feelings does not mean at all that you should become their slave.

Rethink your personal philosophy. Are you a person who gives in to negative emotions? Will you allow the former partner in your relationship to continue to use this emotional control even after the breakup?

Realize your own emotional responsibility in this matter; you shouldn't always blame your ex for the breakup.

Step 3 - Get on with your life

1. Learn from your previous relationships

Remember that there is always love to give and there is much you can do to enrich your life.

Discuss with yourself where you were before the relationship started and how you grew while you were together. The powerful connection between absorption, memory, and the mood benefits you get from new knowledge will help you deal with lost love.

Ask yourself:

  • What would I never have done before this relationship that I can now do thanks to them?
  • What was the strength of my former partner? Can I learn this or develop these abilities in myself?
  • What have we achieved together that I would never have achieved on my own?

2. Make a list of things you've always wanted to do

You may have had to postpone some of your goals for later, putting your past relationships first and your personal desires second.

By making such a list, you will not only see how much life has to offer you, but you will also set some goals for yourself that you can work towards in the near future.

  • Think about trips you could take alone instead of two. Now is the right time to travel!
  • Sign up for courses that you didn't have time or energy for during your relationship.
  • Challenge yourself, for example by entering a chili sauce making contest or a photo contest.

3. Don't stay at home

You don't need money to walk down the street, look at the sky, enjoy a book or the sunrise, and enjoy the other simple pleasures life has to offer.

In addition, a change of scenery has a strong effect on your mood, and the first step of your walk can be the first step towards improving your emotional state.

4. Meet friends, both old and new

Or go outside to make friends. Either way, the joy of a group of friends can affect your own mood.

A good way to find like-minded people is to join a club related to your interests.

Research shows that when you are with friends or with like-minded people, then:

  • You calm down.
  • Your sense of belonging increases.
  • The perception of self-importance increases.
  • You get help to overcome challenges.

5. Refrain from talking about your ex.

This can start to tire your friends, who may decide that you are lamenting too much, negatively affecting those around you.

Take the time to express your appreciation for supporting a group of friends so they don't burn out in helping you get through the loss. Try saying something like:

  • "I know this breakup has been especially hard on me and I'm not comfortable dumping it all on you all the time. You've been such good friends all this time. I'm truly grateful for your support."
  • "I'd like to thank you for getting me out of the house last night. I was a bit depressed, but a night out with friends was just what I needed."
  • "You have been so patient with me all this time. Thank you. Without you listening to me and giving me advice, this would have been much harder for me."

6. Surround yourself with positivity

You can be supported if you post positive quotes in visible places in your home.

Or maybe you plan a marathon of watching shows or movies that have always lifted your spirits.

7. Talk to someone you can trust in serious cases

Many people suffer from difficult breakups. This becomes a huge emotional shock and you may need the emotional support of a professional or someone with more extensive emotional experience to reach a point where you can heal.

A psychologist, older family member, friend, or school counselor can help you through this process. Discussion helps relieve stress, get advice, and restore your self-esteem.

Video: How to forget a loved one

Psychologist's advice, N. Tolstoy.

How to forget a guy? In the current age of Internet addiction, you can easily find thousands of links on the resources of the world wide web containing advice on the topic: “how can a girl forget a guy?”. Turning over a pile of girly youth magazines, you can also find some useful recommendations. However, in most cases, following the recommendations and following the advice will only help you get distracted, but is unlikely to contribute to forgetting your loved one. For the quick and painless elimination of his image from memory, more active actions on the part of the young ladies and a positively directed attitude will be required.

In addition, it will not be superfluous to draw up a step-by-step strategy for erasing a guy from thoughts and hearts. Also, it is worth trying to understand that there are no irreplaceable males, that there are millions of guys around, and the girl, who is tormented in search of answers to the burning question: “how to forget her beloved guy”, is alone at home. After all, if a loved one did not have enough time or opportunities to appreciate the former chosen one, then this should become exclusively his problem. And the representative of the female part of the population is recommended to stop being sad, put a smile on a pretty face, make eyes, powder your nose, tint your lips and go to decorate the world, dressed in an elegant modest dress and stilettos. And in the process of such a “decoration”, it will not be superfluous to “shoot” with eyes in search of a new gentleman, who, of course, will not replace ex boyfriend, but ideal for distracting from sad thoughts and raising your spirits.

How to forget the guy you love

It is difficult to forget a person who was not just a passerby in the life of a girl, but left a deep mark. It's hard not to remember the guy whom the young lady loved for a long time and very much, and remembering him, it's hard not to succumb to destructive emotions. The first months after a breakup, most girls think that their life is over and there will be no more joy in it. However, such thoughts are far from reality. And in a maximum of a year, the girl who previously did not know how to live on will meet every dawn with a happy smile if she finds the strength in herself to look at from a different position. Naturally, no one assures that it will be easy. You will have to endure all the pain, despair, sleepless nights, and in the mornings - eyes swollen from sobs.

“I want to forget my ex-boyfriend” - abandoned girls often ask these thoughts. Following the recommendations below, going through an unpleasant period will be easier, calmer, more joyful and less painful.

To forget the guy you love very much, you need to start acting, instead of lying on your favorite couch, feeling sorry for yourself and scolding him for being so ungrateful. The faster we move to an active struggle against despair and pessimism, the faster harmony will reign in the soul. Therefore, you need to stop feeling sorry for yourself and move on to life from scratch.

Changing your habits can help you forget the guy you love. If a girl who has set foot on the road to “recovery” is used to sleeping until noon, then you need to learn how to get up at least a couple of hours earlier, you need to buy groceries in another supermarket, and in the room you need to change the situation or revive the interior. You can get to work or college by a different route, or even replace travel in a stuffy and uncomfortable transport by walking. You should also at least slightly change the way you dress or completely modify the style. In general, what is allowed is what corresponds to the slogan: “To do everything in a new way, in a completely different way than before!”

To forget the guy you love very much, you should decompose your life into two stages - before the end of the relationship and after the break. At the same time, the stage after should become brighter, more promising, joyful and full of interesting events.

Changing life beyond recognition will lead to the fact that all past memories will fade, become faded, not worth attention, and soon completely forgotten.

So, if life is started anew, then such a landmark decision needs to be celebrated by going to a disco or other place of entertainment where you can dance and have fun.

Disco is a great way to bring new bright emotions to own life, and often even new pleasant acquaintances with the opposite sex. Deafening music, movements to the beat, laughter, relaxed atmosphere, the interest of the stronger half - all of the above together easily nullifies Bad mood caused by depression. Therefore, psychologists often compare going to a disco club with long-acting anti-stress therapy.

It is possible that you won’t be able to immediately join the night life and feel all the joy of the party, you don’t have to despair and run away from the club in search of a quiet place where no one will interfere with feeling sorry for yourself. You need to hold out for the first three hours, after which the fun itself will find the sad one.

It is not recommended to neglect dates, even if little time has passed since the breakup of the relationship. After all, the main goal of the strategy called: "how to forget the ex-boyfriend you love" is a distraction from pressing sad thoughts and the reign of harmony in the soul. Of course, an unfamiliar boy is unlikely to cope with the reign of happiness and peace in the soul of a girl at the first meeting, but he can definitely distract from unhappy thoughts.

You should not compare the young man who called for a romantic rendezvous with his ex. It is better to try to overcome yourself in order to provide at least a tiny chance to a new man. Going on dates will help you understand that the romance that was in a past relationship can happen again. At the same time, new history the ending could be completely different. The main thing is not to be afraid and not to program in advance possible new relationships for a dramatic end. You should not be afraid of new meetings, acquaintances, because they bring diversity, pleasure and to existence. A woman without male admiration simply withers like flowers without watering. And men are usually generous with compliments when they want to make a favorable impression.

What to do if you can't forget a guy? Regular visits to the gym will not be superfluous in this case. After all, sport contributes to an increase in the level of endorphins in the bloodstream, which automatically leads to a complacent state, cheerfulness and a good mood. In addition, physical activity will relieve emotional stress, which ladies often experience after the end of a relationship. With the help of systematic balanced sports exercises, three problems can be solved at once. The first two are described above, and the third is to keep the body in good shape, improve health, tighten problem areas and drop extra pounds, if any. If financial condition and time resources allow, it is recommended to diversify strength training, muscle stretching exercises (stretching) and dancing.

How to forget the guy who dumped? You can try yourself in the role of a housewife. This method is suitable for those women who are not yet ready to leave their home, their fortress that protects from adversity. It is better to start with a general cleaning. While the cleaning of the place in the head will last, there will be no thoughts about the former. In addition, a house sparkling with cleanliness will please the eyes of all its inhabitants. It should be clear right away. General cleaning is not a banal washing of floors and erasing dust from surfaces, it is scraping old fat from the hood and stove, cleaning tiles in the kitchen, in the toilet and bathroom, scrubbing windows and countertops to a shine, washing curtains, washing blinds, etc. . The list of necessary household chores can be endless. If you clean with thorough care, then there will be no time to be sad for at least a week. And upon completion of the general cleaning, the girl will definitely be drawn to the disco to break away.

If the role of a housewife categorically does not fit into the lifestyle, then it will be perfectly replaced by the role of a shopaholic. In this case, you can either visit all the shops in the city, or surf the Internet resources, there is no difference. The main thing is to get maximum pleasure and joy from your own actions. You can attract a close friend to walks in shops or sites.

It is also recommended to remove memorabilia from sight, reminiscent of a past connection. Otherwise, every time your eyes stumble upon them, your heart will hurt from pain, which will prevent you from forgetting your former partner as soon as possible.

Most girls do not tolerate a breakup with a loved one quite well. A modern age IT technology, unfortunately, also exacerbates the process of experiencing a gap. After all, what does psychology say, answering the question: "how to forget the ex-boyfriend you love." And she says the following - removing the object of love from sight for a while, you can permanently get rid of attachment. Today, it is almost impossible to remove an ex-boyfriend from the field of view due to the large-scale distribution among all walks of life and the huge popularity of social networks, in which most of the youth are registered. Even if the former young man is not in in social networks, there are absolutely his friends or relatives who, willy-nilly, will constantly remind him of his beloved.

Psychologist's advice on how to quickly forget the guy you love is aimed at analyzing your own attitude towards your former chosen one. First you need to understand whether the girl really experienced love or these feelings - self-deception, easy love or banal affection.

Psychologists are sure that in the presence of true love, people do not suffer. Suffering causes self-doubt, attitude towards a partner as personal property, affected, fear of loneliness. To get rid of these negative emotions, you need to make every effort. The next step is to relive the romantic love story. For this purpose, you need to select two paper sheets. On one, describe a “love story”, list all the happy moments that happened to the couple during the relationship, and then list the suffering experienced by the girl when the relationship was coming to an end. At the bottom of the sheet, you should write a phrase of the following type: “all this is in the past!”. The sheet with the novel must be thrown away, having previously been torn into small pieces. After that, you should go to the second sheet. It is necessary to describe the feelings felt by the girl in the process of writing the novel. You also need to list the qualities that are not enough to feel more confident, strong and attractive. Here you should try to be as frank with yourself as possible, you must list all the shortcomings, weaknesses and positive features without hiding. In addition, experts in the field of psychology recommend that if a girl has a bad mood after waking up, if she is haunted by obsessive thoughts about a breakup, you need to take a cool shower to relieve negativity.

It also perfectly distracts from memories of past relationships by dipping into study or work with your head. In the state of experiencing a gap, there is a small plus - this state contributes to the achievement of many successes. In case of casual meetings with the former at the institute or at work, it is necessary to direct all efforts to give him a minimum of attention. You should also smile sincerely at him. Let the guy think that his ex without him is not hysterical, but happy and self-sufficient. Now it's his turn to think that he made a huge mistake by parting with his once beloved. As time passes, the girl will be surprised that she could have suffered because of this man who has a lot of flaws before.

The psychologist's advice "how to forget a guy" is aimed at understanding that parting with a man is not the end of life. No need to walk around with a sour face, causing compassionate looks from relatives and friends. After all, pity humiliates. A break with a young man should be perceived as an ideal reason for. Each lived day, an event in life brings experience, a bit of wisdom and a little bit of knowledge that accumulate and turn their owner into a balanced, intellectually developed person. That's why ex-man should also be taken as experience.

Operational advice on how a girl can forget a guy. Immediately after the breakup, girls are allowed to cry for exactly one day. After all, the daughters of Eve are refined and emotional beings who relieve tension and stressful conditions through tears. To facilitate the "breeding of dampness", you can re-read love correspondence, gentle SMS, listen to songs that evoke memories, review presentations or joint photos. Tears will cleanse the girl's heart of negativity.

The next day, it is necessary to send all the memories that yesterday provoked sobs into the trash (expensive gifts can not be thrown away, but limited to their temporary exile out of sight).

The third day must be dedicated to yourself. You can arrange an impromptu SPA salon at home by filling a bath with hot water and adding sea salt and seven drops of your favorite or mood-enhancing aromatic oils (for example, rosemary oil) to it. Having climbed into the bath, you can conduct a visualization session, imagining how all the negativity, all sorrows and hardships float down the pipes into the sewer and are disposed of, dissolved. After all, tomorrow will be a new day, and, consequently, a new life.

How to forget a loved one? Yes, very easy! Through new acquaintances and fresh impressions. This does not mean that you should forget your former friends, but for a while you should refuse to interact with people who cross paths with an ex-boyfriend.

Many young ladies have a hard time enduring a gap due to its incorrect perception. They believe that after parting with a young man, they become lonely. This is a fundamentally wrong belief. The end of a relationship is not loneliness, but freedom. Freedom that can be spent on self-development, on watching your favorite melodramas that you could not watch before, because your loved one considered them boring. Breaking the connection is a time to think about the future, change yourself, go to school or change jobs. This is the time for any personal accomplishments.

You don't have to be afraid of loneliness. After all, the problem is not in this terrifying word, but solely in relation to its meaning. In life, you need to learn to be happy always - being in a relationship with the most beloved person and parting with him.

What's in the article:

Today the site Koshechka.ru will come to the aid of those who have suffered from unhappy love. Sleepless nights, rage and despair, depression and chaos in thoughts, unwillingness to communicate with people - this is the spectrum of emotions that is guaranteed to a woman who has experienced a breakup with her loved one.

It is quite natural that you want to know how to painlessly overcome this life test? In this article, you will not only find the answer to the question: “How to forget the person you love,” but also learn some great tricks to help you deal with this problem.

How not to become a victim

A break with the person you love is a shock, which, if nothing is done, can become a serious life test and even cause irreparable trauma to your psyche.

There is an opinion that a woman who is abandoned by a beloved man is a victim. And, usually, this victim experiences a very strong heartache and suffering. To try on the image of a victim or “hang” in this state for a long time is like death. What to do, and what should be the first steps in order to forget the guy who left you as soon as possible?

Remember, a woman is a strong personality! Treat this life test as an opportunity to improve yourself and change your life in better side. Nobody argues that it is very difficult to forget a loved one forever. However, it is possible!

Here, a special scheme of behavior will come to your aid, developed by psychologists on the basis of the advice of women who managed to forget their loved one forever after parting and turn this situation to their advantage.

Three main steps

The process of returning to normal life After a breakup, it takes some time and effort on your part.

The very first step on the path to healing is realizing that the relationship is over! To do this, psychologists advise to stop all sorts of thoughts on the topic: “what would happen if I called him, offered to meet him or accidentally saw him on the street” ... It is strictly forbidden to sort out in your thoughts all kinds of variations in the development of your relationship. You broke up, and you alone can not change anything!

Sometimes the realization of an irrevocable and final separation can be accompanied by tantrums, tears and screams. It's okay if your girlfriend listens and supports you, but not your ex-boyfriend. Parting with him has already happened; all this should be forgotten as soon as possible!

After the storm subsides, move on to the second step: raising your self-esteem. Often, after the guy you love leaves, a woman's self-esteem plummets. Some women find it easier to accept that they are not beautiful, hysterical, or not such a good housewife than to realize the truth that the relationship ended due to the disappearance of romantic feelings.

How to raise self-esteem? There is nothing complicated here, you just need to take care of yourself .. advises: start playing sports, sign up for dancing or foreign language courses, learn to knit or bake delicious cakes. Choose your favorite activity and spend yours free time for yourself, for the development of yourself as a person.

The third step is the most important. To forget your loved one forever, you need to try to move away from him as much as possible.

Follow exactly the four "Don'ts" and you will easily overcome this step.

  1. Follow his life by spying on him in social networks;
  2. Call him, even if you just want to wish him a happy birthday;
  3. Learn about it from mutual friends;
  4. Set up "random" encounters with him.

Compliance with these points will help you painlessly and quickly survive parting with the person you still love.

If you are still thinking about how to forget a loved one, take these three simple steps into service and start acting immediately.

How to look at life in a new way

So, you are on the path to healing and are following all three steps exactly to forget your loved one forever. Soon you will feel much better emotionally, but thoughts about the ex-boyfriend will still come back to you for some time.

How to forget a loved one if thoughts about him haunt you? Psychologists say that it is easier to distract yourself from obsessive thoughts in the company of your friends. To remove sad thoughts about former relationship visit: exhibitions, theaters, corporate events, or just walk more in the fresh air. There is one rule here, all the places you will visit must be new and interesting for you. It is forbidden to go where you rested with a former loved one!

To forget the old love forever, focus on something else. Psychologists advise to start a "Diary of happy events." Every evening you will have to write down in this cherished notebook what good things happened to you during the day. It can be a meeting with a childhood friend, a bright flower in your backyard, or just the smile of a passerby. This psychological technique will help you tune in to find the positive in your life and switch from bad to good.

A great incentive to forget your ex-boyfriend forever can be a gift to yourself. Celebrate three days or a week without him and treat yourself to something tasty in honor of this. This method helps at the initial stage of getting rid of past love. Over time, you will stop counting the days without him and begin to enjoy life again.

Looking for a new love

Wondering how to forget a loved one forever, many girls do not find better way how to build new relationships. Of course, there is nothing wrong with this, however - you should not rush into the pool with your head. New relationships should be built on mutual feeling, and not on the fear of being alone.

In this case, everything is individual: if you easily meet new people, then light flirting will only benefit you, and if you are not comfortable in the company of strangers, it is easier to spend your free time on an activity that will help you get distracted.

Either way, you can't shut yourself up. Feel free to communicate with men, but at the same time just maintain an acceptable distance for you.

Secret techniques of psychologists

To forget your loved one as quickly as possible with minimal damage to yourself, use the secret advice of psychologists:

  1. Don't feel sorry for yourself! You lost a relationship in which there was no love!
  2. hate not best friend abandoned girl. Hatred only takes psychological strength, forcing you to remember the former loved one again and again. Your task is to forget him as quickly as possible.
  3. Do not try to understand the motive of his action. You still won't be able to read his thoughts and know the truth. Leave everything as it is.
  4. Stop having mental conversations with your ex. His phrases are only your thoughts, which have nothing to do with the present state of affairs.
  5. Cast off all illusions that your loved one will return. Even if this happens, you will build new relationships with him, but forget about the old ones.
  6. If after the breakup you suffered financially, consult a lawyer who will tell you a way out of the situation referring to the law.

If, after following all the recommendations given in the article, you cannot get rid of mental suffering and still think about how to forget the guy you love, if your condition only worsens and thoughts of suicide appear, you urgently need the help of specialists.

And remember, life doesn't end with the end of a relationship! The time will come and you will definitely meet a new love, and your current experiences will seem empty and meaningless to you.

He left. Even if you yourself wanted to finish your novel in the near future, and he only got ahead of you by some week, you feel that resentment scratches in your soul like a cat. You, at least, dreary, and even frankly bad. Still, living with the thought that you have been abandoned is unpleasant. To restore peace of mind, something urgently needs to be done.

The main thing is to get distracted and not think about what happened until you calm down. My girlfriends and acquaintances suggested, tested on personal experience, the most obvious simple and original ways to forget him as quickly as possible - within a day.

Well, well, if this representative of the stronger sex did not appreciate you, then this is only his problem. In the end, paraphrasing the words of a famous song, one can say: "How many beautiful young men, how many affectionate names." Therefore, it is urgent to start looking for a handsome man with affectionate name to fall in love again and lose peace and sleep. It's up to you to put yourself in order and go hunting in places where men gather, for example, in a gym, in a club, in a bar, or at a football match. My friend Tanya did just that. She got a new boyfriend two hours after she broke up with the previous one. out of spite young man, who left her, she went to a football match, where she met a fan of the city sports club. For two months they went to football together. Tanya is still sick at the sight of the logo of the local team. But the boyfriend, who preceded her passion for football, she forgot during the first day.
This decision never comes to mind first, but is carried out unconsciously by people much more often. Of course, hard work the day after breaking up with a young man is unlikely to instantly budge your career, but completing a weekly plan on a fast deadline can free you up a lot of time.
Olesya used the collapse of her relationship and hopes for marriage as an impetus in her career. From the preparation of her fiancé's favorite shanezhki, she switched to work and on the very first day she discovered an error in the calculations, which could lead to serious consequences in the future. With a quarterly bonus, she bought herself a fancy new cell phone.

If for some reason you can’t immediately go in search of a new prince, you should do an analysis. Write down on a piece of paper all the shortcomings of a former friend, everything that annoyed him, from snoring at night to a love of beer. Then, using the opposite method, make a list of the positive qualities of the man of your dreams. Think of his appearance, profession, and go in search. The main thing is to believe that the ideal exists somewhere.
At the same time, this method will allow you to determine what you really want from men. Agree that boyish heroism is poorly compatible with adult foresight, and amorousness with constancy.

4. [email protected]
Prepare a bunch of sandwiches, put the coffee maker closer to your computer and go swimming on the Internet. You can surf the sites, or, like Cheburashka, look for friends, or play online in DOOM and kill, virtually, of course, some alien. It is contraindicated to write emails to a former friend and read his blog.

5. NEW CHANGE (image)
Change your image. Dye your hair that crazy ruby ​​color that terrified your ex-boyfriend so much, get a stunning manicure, extravagant makeup, in general, look at yourself with new eyes and show the world your new look. Well, at worst, just wash your hair. It's easier right there. Checked!

6. Wake, they are the same bachelorette party
Call your friends and have a bottle of martini with them. Let them be honest about what they think of your former friend. Trust me, you will learn a lot. By the end of the party, you will believe that your breakup is set up by your guardian angel. He can't let you suffer for the rest of your life. Just make sure your friends are yours, not shared.
This method differs from “getting drunk and forgetting”, firstly, less harm to health, and secondly, getting support from friends and relatives will help you regain your former self-confidence. And even if you have not lost it, it will still be nice to talk to people who are dear to you.

- said the famous American science fiction writer Fritz Leiber. However, dogs, snakes, and even ficuses can also be people. For example, my friend Maria has a cat Oleg, a Rottweiler Alexey and a parrot Roman at home. The window sill in the kitchen was occupied by the geranium Alexander Sergeevich and the cacti Vanya and Kolya. Machine pets are named after former lovers. As soon as a girl breaks up with another young man, a new animal or plant appears in her house. The pet should be small, resemble something like the original and require around the clock care and attention. A day later, only the name of a new pet reminds of the old love.

I mean, extra calories, fat folds and cellulite in the fire of righteous anger. In general, immediately after the ex is out the door, go to the gym. The choice of sport in this case is not so important. The main thing is to leave your emotions in the hall along with sweat. And when tired, but happy, you return home and collapse on the bed, then you will not have time to cry that your loved one is not around, you will fall asleep.

Psychologist Olga has developed her own methodology. She allows herself to experience the loss of her boyfriend for exactly a day. The most important thing, she believes, is to throw out emotions, for example, to cry in plenty. In 24 hours, she manages, like the heroines of medieval Japanese literature, not only to wet her sleeves, robes, but also such good things as pillows, towels, sheets. Then she forbids herself to think and worry about what happened.

When I come to visit Alla, I can immediately determine the state of affairs on her love front. A break with another boyfriend is accompanied by Alla's attack of love for Feng Shui. She begins the fight against longing with a global cleansing of her home from old and unnecessary things. Moreover, not only stale newspapers, magazines and photographs of a former lover are in the garbage chute, but also all the things that he did not have time to pick up, as well as presents. Once, in front of my eyes, an expensive ring donated by someone went there, another time - a new men's sheepskin coat. What her owner said about this, I still do not know. After that, like a true Feng Shuist, Alla rearranges twenty-seven pieces of furniture in the apartment and brings perfect cleanliness. Then she fumigates the house with incense and buys another Chinese talisman to attract love, success, money and other things, and begins to wait for fate to send her a new lover.

Maybe just a renovation. If the soul is really bad, you can start tearing off the wallpaper or removing the tiles in the bathroom. Then, for example, it is worth calling the masters and finally hanging the ceiling that you have been dreaming about for the past six months. After the first hours of a work watch or a showdown with workers, the troubles that preceded this nightmare will simply fly out of your head.

Natasha, when meeting people, likes to introduce herself as Tasya. Friends call her simply TASS. And indeed, Tasya always knows everything about everyone: who got married, who divorced, who quit or gave birth. It is useless to be offended by Tasya, who discusses without a twinge of conscience the details of someone else's life, since she also does not hide her achievements and failures. Once I caught her in a moment of despair: she broke up with a young man. Tasya took out a notebook and began calling friends and relatives on the list, starting with her mother. Somewhere in the middle of Tasin's list, the story turned from a long confused story into a short account, which explained in detail what, when and why happened. Report Tasya chattered into the receiver in an offended voice, not forgetting to sob in place of periods and commas. Then she reported in a similar way to our women's company at a table in a cafe. In general, during the day Tasya was so tired and received such an avalanche of sympathy and advice on what to do next that there was no strength left for further experiences.
True, people close to Tase constantly suffer from her emotional outpourings. Tasya talked and forgot, but, for example, her mother is long and hard going through her daughter's big and small troubles.

Dump all the savings you have, even those saved for a trip to Bali, and go shopping. Buy yourself something expensive and definitely stunning. The rest of the day you will figure out where to wear it, and in the following days you will think about how to live until the end of the month.
If you do not want to spend money, then you can leave it at home and just wander around a large shopping center or small shops for several hours, from time to time trying on some particularly original little thing. One of my acquaintances found a new, amazing style of dress in this way.

Or somewhere closer, where you can get there in half a day. For example, to a camp site, where there is an almost crazy entertainer who can stir up even the dead. A whole bunch of funny contests, jokes and quizzes will not let you get hung up on thoughts about the past. And there, you look, and method 1 will work!
Instead of a camp site, you can go to a ski resort, go rock climbing, or vice versa, speleology.

- said my 15-year-old neighbor when her dad forbade her to date a suspicious young man. Of course, if your loved one was the only consolation in the gloomy wilderness of your life, then you should probably poison yourself, drown yourself, or even hang yourself. And you can try all this together. Then you will definitely never worry about the end of your romance again. However, you don't have to be happy either. So dream 15 minutes of yourself lying in a white coffin, on silk pillows, in white lilies and a Versace shroud, and your ex-boyfriend sobs uncontrollably over you, and then use any of the other methods listed above.

That is a child. If he is yours and very small, then both of you can simply not notice the disappearance of the pope (unless, of course, he was the main earner of livelihood). An older child may well brighten up the first hours after the disaster. Go to the zoo together, to the puppet theater, to the cinema. From a child's point of view, all our problems are simply ridiculous. So remember your childhood. If you don’t have your child yet, take him for a couple of hours with a friend. It is worth remembering that even if the child is already large and "understands everything", you should not turn him into a "vest" in any case. Firstly, your sad experience will most likely not be useful to the child, and secondly, it is you who want to immerse yourself in the world of childhood, and not drag the baby into your problems.

Go to the site of the women's magazine "You are beautiful" and read until you get bored. Checked for myself. Works flawlessly! wink

It is not known who was lucky. And if the groom left, or just a boyfriend, then you are undoubtedly lucky. After all, now there is a lot of time for yourself, your beloved, interesting things, friends. And he will soon realize that you are not just the most beautiful, smart, caring and gentle, but the best in the world. That's when he calls, and in a timid voice says: "Hello! This is Vasya." And you, beautiful as never before, surrounded by real and virtual friends, absent-mindedly ask: "Which Vasya?"

How can a girl forget, stop loving forever the ex-boyfriend she likes? Councils of psychologists.

I can imagine how much you love him…. So it was necessary: ​​you broke up. So it was necessary to fate. She often makes decisions for us.

Fate is a woman, but sometimes her heart "turns off". And you will not turn it on, because yours is crying, sobbing "a sea of ​​​​tears of injustice." And the tears of your heart are the rain that can't be stopped.

How to forget a guy, a man you love? How to quickly forget a loved one?

You will have to forget your loved one. Memory is not chalk that can be erased without leaving any traces of it. Breaking up is one pain, forgetting is another. The third pain is thoughts that, shamelessly, do not leave either your head or your consciousness. The soul is filled only with emptiness. And this "empty void", slowly, drives you crazy.

How can a girl forget, stop loving forever an ex-boyfriend who you like, whom you love?

How to forget the guy you love more than life, for real? This is not easy to do. Not easy, but necessary, because you will ruin both yourself and your life. And other people's lives too. After all, friends, neighbors, acquaintances, relatives will worry about you and worry. Have you thought about them? I know that at such moments you can’t think about anyone other than yourself and him.

How to forget the guy you love? - Councils of psychologists.

So, advice from a psychologist that I and psychology give you. They will help you if you do not throw them somewhere, on the back burner:

  1. Spend more time with friends. Do not remain, for a long time, in the company of your own thoughts, because they are directed only to the person you love. And your task... Forget him. And if you, every moment, think and remember him, his image, more and more, will “take possession” of you and penetrate into your brain, into your body, into your soul. And you will have to forget it again “from scratch”. You "let" yourself in a circle, driving yourself into a corner, into a dead end, into hopelessness. Go, with friends, to a bar, to the cinema, to a cafeteria, to a pizzeria, to a restaurant, to a sauna, to a swimming pool…. Much more like it. It is important that you will not be alone.
  2. Make an appointment with a psychologist. Do not confuse a psychologist with a psychiatrist! No offense: I'm not mocking, I'm not hinting at your incompetence. Just a reminder not to be intimidated by the name. The psychologist will understand you, accept your situation, “live” it, let it through him, and tell you how to proceed further. Yes, that's right, act! For "inaction", they do not go to specialists in this direction. Main rule: be extremely frank with the "doctor of the soul." Do not deceive him, do not embellish events and facts, clearly formulate answers to his questions. Trust the psychologist if you want your cooperation with him to bear any fruit, and not be in vain.
  3. If you do not believe the recommendations of a psychologist, trust the literature. Hers is the seas and oceans, both in libraries and on the Internet. Perhaps, on the lines of one of the books, you will find the answer to exactly the question that does not allow you to sleep, eat, live, or breathe.
  4. What about psychological training? There are a lot of them too. And, by the way, they are no worse than books and psychological counseling. Try signing up for training. If you sign up, don't miss the "sessions". And not because you pay money for them. Take a step, take the next one. Be yourself! Be yourself. No one at the training will judge you, insult or humiliate you for this.
  5. Find in the person you love the maximum of shortcomings and your "mismatches" with him. Your goal: the beginning of disappointment in him. If you want, write down what comes to mind so as not to burden your memory. And don't say that your lover is so perfect that there are no "minuses" in him at all. Everyone has them, it’s just that your own, you didn’t aspire to them and didn’t want to notice them. Right now.
  6. Talk to a friend. Target: frankly and in detail "splash out" everything in your conversation, in verbal form. If a girlfriend is real, she will understand you, understand and listen. They will even treat you with a cup of tea or coffee, with cookies or with a cake, to make talking more pleasant and sweeter. And do not be afraid to somehow embarrass or “get it” with a long conversation. Friends are there to support in difficult times.
  7. Leave your experiences and thoughts in a diary or in poetic form. By the way, if you have never been able to write poetry, it is possible that in such difficult times, you will discover the talent of a first-class poetess. Why a diary? Many are helped by the "census" of their experiences. Many decorate diaries with stickers, beautiful colored inscriptions. This is a kind of calm.
  8. « Get off your head» to work or study. Focus on it to wait out the time when it will heal you. Time is a good healer. But it can also be evil if you start to hate it. It will stretch like chewing gum, it will “send” you insomnia and anxiety. Time must be trusted. Learn to enjoy the fact that you live right now. Give yourself a set: "I have so much work that I need to have time to do everything urgently, there is absolutely no time for anything else." Work will help you distract yourself, for a while, from the thoughts that have tormented you so much. With studies - the same: try to become an excellent student, for example. Suddenly, will it work?
  9. Love pill - new love. Try to switch to another man, fall in love with him mutually and recklessly. Of course, you don’t need to “rush” at the first person you meet. Wait, take a look. You will definitely meet someone who deserves your attention and location. But do not look specifically for a man who will be very similar to him in appearance, habits, name, or anything else.
  10. How to forget the guy you still love?- Don't try to forget! Let everything happen by itself. But you will have to wait longer. If you want to keep some memories of him, delete not all of your memories. Something, the most expensive, leave. Have you already thrown away all his gifts? Well, it's good if it makes you feel better. Only things are not to blame for the fact that they were donated "to the wrong person and not then." And nothing, in fact, will not change if the gifts fly into the garbage chute.

IN In general, psychology says that nothing is impossible in life. The man is very strong indeed. Even if that person is a woman. If you want to forget it, you will. But not as fast as you would like. This is not an invention. Check and make sure!

Dating Psychology