Tattoo with the zodiac sign Leo. Suitable tattoos for the zodiac sign Leo

The lion symbolizes power, courage, victory, nobility, honor and justice. Leo belongs to the fire sign of the zodiac, which means that those who have a tattoo in the form of the king of beasts are emotional, decisive and courageous people.

The image of this animal is chosen by individuals who feel a connection with their zodiac sign, who want to show strength and their independence.

Lion tattoos are usually applied to the shoulder, thigh, shoulder blade, chest, or the entire back. Mostly men wear such tattoos, but on women the image of a lion also looks exotic and attractive. The fair sex prefers the image of a lioness, symbolizing a combination of motherhood, pride and passion.

Whatever your preferences in choosing a tattoo, you need to choose an image that reflects exactly your personality and style. Below are various meanings lion tattoo.

  • The seated lion is a symbol of greatness, tranquility and self-awareness. He is well in control of himself and knows his own worth.
  • Attacking lion - symbolizes the ability to stand up for oneself or the desire to learn this. An image where a lion with an open mouth and noticeable fangs, paws with claws shows that the bearer of this tattoo is aggressive.
  • A lion paired with a weaker animal represents the desire for peace.
  • Two lions sit back to back - the Egyptian symbol of common harmony.

Details such as claws, fangs, a certain pose set the tone for the overall picture and influence its perception.

In ancient times, the lion was depicted on many family coats of arms, and this is no coincidence. In many countries, the image of a lion is a symbol of royalty.

The lion is not only the king of the jungle, which inspires fear, but also a noble ruler, which inspires respect.

For centuries, lions have been a symbol of strength, courage and pride. No wonder the lion tattoo is so popular all over the world. The lion is considered the king of animals. In the modern mind, a lion tattoo represents pride, potential, self-confidence, and masculinity. In some cultures, the lion is symbolized with aristocracy and law. Asians, making this tattoo, want to show their energy and strength. No wonder why this image is more popular with men than women. However, there are also girls who, with great pleasure, put the symbol of a lion on their body. Of course, women's design is different from men's. But in general, the idea remains the same.

  1. In addition to the above meanings of this tattoo, there are several more deeper meanings. The lion tattoo has been with man for many centuries. It was especially popular among the male population in Africa, Asia, India and the Middle East. Since the lion is recognized as the king of the jungle, his power was transferred to man through the image.
  2. Often, people born under the Leo zodiac sign make such a tattoo on their body. It symbolizes their inner and outer strength, power and authority.
  3. In the tribes, the lion has always been presented as a brave animal, so people sought to connect with him with the help of underwear.
  4. AT Ancient Egypt The lion tattoo symbolized strength and balance. As a rule, the Egyptians preferred to depict on their body two lions sitting with their backs to each other. It meant balance and balance.
  5. Women's tattoos lions are different from men's. With the exception of the fabulous Simba lion cub from the Disney cartoon, girls give their preference to lionesses. Who does not know about the life of this animal, here's a little lesson for you. Lions live in a pride, the head of which is the only male. The rest of the pride, which is about seven lionesses, do all the work during the day, while the lion rests in the shade. Lionesses take care of babies, find food for them, feed them, raise them, etc. That's why female tattoos with the image of a lioness personify motherhood, family wisdom, devotion to the family and the nurse.
  6. Also, girls can put the image of lion cubs on their body, showing that they will fight for their children in any situation.
Lion tattoo: head of a lion in a crown on his hand

Lion tattoo and its location

The location of this tattoo depends on the gender. Of course, there are no strict restrictions, but still a certain pattern can be traced.

Men put the image of a lion on their back, usually the tattoo is very large in size. The arm and ankle are also priority places for this tattoo.

Women “give” their shoulder blade, wrist, neck, collarbone, ribs, and leg to the lions. Preference is given to fabulous animals. If a girl is interested in a large tattoo, then, as a rule, she does it in the middle of her back. Looks very nice.

Lion tattoo: full back lion head with inscriptions

Female lion tattoo: lion head in heart on back

Lion tattoo for girls: lion head on ribs

Usually a lion is depicted in the following variations:

only the head;

Celebrity Tattoos: Lion's head on top model Cara Delevingne's finger

a lying lion leaning on one paw;

roaring lion;

Lion Tattoo: roaring lion

a lion preparing to attack;

lion with inscriptions;

Tattoo for girls on the arm: lion head with inscription

cartoon lion characters;

Fairy tattoos: fairy tale character Simba from The Lion King

lioness with cubs.

Women's tattoos: lioness with cubs on her back

Lion Tattoo Ideas

Zodiac sign and lion

If you were born in the year of Leo, you can choose the horoscope image of this animal. Leo is a sign of fire, so it is very common to see this sign in combination with flames. Also, the sign of the lion controls the sun, a combination of a horoscope with the sun's rays is not uncommon.

Tattoo sign of the zodiac: on the back of a lion

Tribal tattoo and lion

Tribal lion tattoos are very popular all over the world. As a rule, only the head of the beast is drawn in this style.

Lion tattoo: made in tribal style

lion head

The lion head is the most common tattoo. The body of the beast is missing, however, this does not prevent the transfer of all the energy of the king of beasts.

Tattoos for girls: lion on back

Chinese lion

Chinese tattoos very common in the West in European countries. They represent strength, prosperity and protection.

Chinese tattoos: Chinese lion on foot

Celtic lion

The rampant lion is depicted on many state flags. In Celtic culture, the lion symbolizes youthful agility and wisdom from past years. Such tattoos can often be seen in England, Scotland, Ireland.

Lion tattoo: celtic lion attacks on its back

Lion of Judah

This design originates from the Bible. The lion was the symbol of the most ancient Israelite tribe of Judah. After the death of Christ, the lion became his symbol. A lot of Christian organizations choose this animal as their emblem on the flag.

Lion tattoo: lion of judah

Lion in a crown

The crown on his head helps to emphasize the royalty of the lion. This design is very popular among girls. However, also on male body he looks just great.

Best Tattoos: the lion in the crown looks really very majestic

Lion is the king of the animals. Almost everyone knows about it. Therefore, in tattoos, the image of this majestic animal is quite common. Mostly men stuff a lion, but there are also women who want to acquire strength and lion power.

The meaning of the lion tattoo

In religion

They prick themselves with a lion, those who correspond to this zodiac sign. Then they can emphasize their courage and ferocity even if they belong to the female sex. After all, lionesses are no less charismatic than male predators.

  • In Buddhism, this feline animal is considered a kind of personification of an enlightened and strong person.
  • During the period of early Christianity, the lion was even a sign of the greatness of the son of God, Jesus Christ.
  • Followers of Islam consider this beast a fighter against unclean forces.
  • For Jews, the predator is not only a symbol of power, but also the cruelty of man and nature.
  • Ancient Roman tradition identified the lion with Apollo and Hercules.
  • Ancient Greek - with Artemis and Phoebe.
  • Among the Egyptians, the male predator acted as a guardian, and the female as the goddess Sekhmet.

Exactly at Egyptian mythology formed the image of the lioness goddess. She was considered the daughter of Ra himself and the personification of the destructive energy of the sun. She was the patroness of doctors, but at the same time she could send diseases. In all her image, the contradictory image of a lion is displayed. Because he can be brave and fair. Or cruel and aggressive without measure.

In the cultures of all African countries, this predator is a symbol of sovereign power. He is the protector of most kings and is considered an integral part of the life of many tribes. He is also perceived as both a bloodthirsty beast and a just patron.

In China, this representative of the cat family personifies male power and royalty. Even in alchemical traditions, the lion was mentioned as a symbol of the masculine.

In characters

The lion is a symbol of power, strength and justice. But each master depicts the lion in his own way, while introducing additional symbolic details. And they significantly affect the interpretation of the tattoo.

  • When the lion is calm, lying or sleeping, then the owner of the tattoo is completely confident in himself and is not going to prove it to others;
  • If the lion is depicted in a fight or in a fighting stance, then the owner of the tattoo is always ready to fight for his interests and his loved ones. Nothing is scary next to such a man;
  • A lion with bared teeth carries a challenge to others, a desire to show his power and strength;
  • A lion with wings symbolizes the union of two elements (air and earth), which gives even more strength and power;
  • The image of lions turned away from each other personifies the border between the past and the present;
  • The red lion, a symbol of aggression and unrestrained masculinity;
  • A small lion cub carries information about the ability of the owner of the tattoo to self-development and self-improvement;
  • Depicting a lion with a crown, you can emphasize his greatness and power;

Choosing a Place for a Lion Tattoo

Of course, you can choose any place, but, nevertheless, referring to the interpretation of this tattoo, you should be more skeptical about choosing a place. For example, legs, not the best place for this tattoo. Because the legs from time immemorial were considered a dirty part of the body and "there is no truth in them." Intimate places should also not be considered, because this symbol does not need to be hidden and made forbidden. Most suitable places for a lion tattoo, chest, shoulder blade, back and left arm are considered. Why the left one? Because the closer to the heart, the more symbolic the tattoo, the stronger its influence on your life. If you choose small tattoo, then you can put it on your finger, then the lion will “ring” you and will keep you from evil and misfortune.

Lion tattoo for girls

lion tattoo on female body has a slightly different meaning. From the animal world, everyone knows that in the pride of one lion there are several lionesses who hunt and take care of their offspring. The lioness personifies the nurse, motherhood and devotion to family and children. And depicting lion cubs, the owner of the tattoo says that she is ready to fight for her offspring. In any image, a lion tattoo will carry only positive energy and help its owner through life.


Stars are an excellent decoration of a cloudless night sky. For many centuries, the starry sky has attracted the human eye with its extraordinary beauty, mystery and inaccessibility. Peering into star clusters, people began to notice that many stars resemble various animals, or the outlines of various objects. Looking at the starry sky, people eventually scored a number of constellations that exist to this day.

Constellation tattoo designs have been popular for many years. And with modern tattoo machines, the constellation tattoo looks very colorful and realistic. The cosmic constellation in a tattoo can carry the designation of the Universe, its boundless energy and strength. Many years ago, people learned to navigate in unfamiliar areas with the help of constellations. Many sailors and travelers who have gone astray have followed the stars and returned to the directed path again. Today, a constellation tattoo can be interpreted as the right path in a fate tangled by roads. The constellation will help the owner of the tattoo to overcome all the obstacles that life has prepared for him, as well as help not to go astray and always remember that there is hope for the best.


The constellation on the human body may indicate that the owner of the tattoo appreciates family, friends and loved ones. After all, a constellation, like a person, cannot consist of only one star. Often constellations appear in the form of paired tattoos. In this way people perpetuate their uninterrupted connection. But the most common image of the constellations is directly related to the zodiac sign of a person, which serve as a powerful amulet and talisman to the owner of the tattoo.

  • Aries constellation tattoo. This image displays the courage of the owner of the tattoo, his perseverance and strength. As a rule, people with such a tattoo are used to being a leader always and in everything.
  • Taurus constellation tattoo sketch. Such a tattoo serves as a talisman for a person, protecting him from financial difficulties and helps to achieve comfort in life. Also, a tattoo gives a person strength and incentive on the way to the goal.
  • Constellation Gemini. Helps a person born under this constellation to achieve concentration on things that are important in the first place.
  • Sketch of the constellation Cancer. People born under this constellation are sensitive and emotional. The tattoo helps them to come to harmony and perfection.
  • Constellation Leo. Born under the sign of the lion, people have good nature, generosity and vanity. A tattoo on the body serves as a talisman for them, preventing possible problems in a person’s life, based on his character traits.
  • Virgo constellation tattoo. Denotes the high mental abilities of a person, his strong spiritual side and purity of thoughts.
  • Scales. The tattoo of this constellation helps to find balance for the owner of the tattoo, and also gives a person decisiveness.
  • Scorpion. A tattoo in the form of the constellation Scorpio helps a person find inner harmony and comfort.
  • Constellation Sagittarius. Attracts material wealth to the owner of the tattoo, helps to find a way out of any life situation.
  • Capricorn sketch. Denotes the desire of the owner of the tattoo for leadership.
  • Constellation Aquarius. It serves as a talisman for the owner of the tattoo, protecting a person from life's adversities.
  • Fish. This constellation on the human body reveals the inner world of the tattoo owner, which is filled with dreams and unnecessary illusions. A tattoo helps a person to think more realistically, setting values ​​correctly.

Apart from zodiac constellations, people put on their body images of cosmic planets and other clusters of stars, which primarily reveals their creative potential.

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Among fans and connoisseurs of tattoo art, there is an opinion that in each wearable drawing there is a certain energy that in one way or another affects the owner, and if you choose the right place for the image, give it eigenvalue and sincerely believe in it, then the picture on the skin can become a real, and most importantly, an effective talisman, a reliable companion on a thorny life path. So did the ancient people. Decorating yourself intricate patterns, symbols of animals, plants and elements, they protected themselves from evil spirits, diseases and adversities, demonstrated their outstanding skills, human qualities and privileges. Modern people continue this tradition, applying a wide variety of drawings to the body, and sometimes even real masterpieces of fine art. But faith in miraculous magic symbols has not disappeared anywhere, the proof of this is the popularity of zodiac symbols in tattoo culture. In this article we will talk about what is the meaning of a tattoo with the zodiac sign Leo, about interesting facts associated with the constellation.

Legends and traditions about the constellation Leo

No wonder the “heart of the Lion”, brightest star in this constellation, it bears the name Regulus, which means “king” in Latin, because Leo is called the “king of animals”, and people born under this zodiac sign are incredibly ambitious, self-confident, spend a lot of energy to maintain their leadership status always crave to be the center of attention. Since Leos are also patronized by the Sun, they are often very passionate, emotional, charismatic, energetic and just a little conceited people.

The ancient Sumerians believed that on the days when the constellation lit up brighter in the sky, the greatest kings were born on Earth.

The world religions did not ignore the lion. For example, in Hinduism, he manifested himself in the fourth incarnation supreme god Vishnu preaching the awakening and ascension of human consciousness. The avatar of Vishnu, the man-lion Narasimha, is the personification of divine wrath, a fearless, fierce protector of the universe and all life in it. He is always ready to come to the aid of the suffering, to console and free from evil thoughts.

Also in Hindu mythology there is a legend about how Vairochana knew deep meaning Dharma (a doctrine that is important to adhere to to maintain cosmic order and balance) and, turning into a beautiful lion, became one of the five Buddhas of Wisdom.

In Shinto Japan, the Lion is a symbol of goodness, good luck and prosperity. Every year on January 1, the Japanese hold the so-called "lion dances", during which people in bright festive attire form a human chain and pass through the streets of the city, carrying a huge mask depicting a powerful animal in front of them. It is believed that this rite banishes evil, protects people, gives them strength and health for the whole coming year.

In the 7th century, at the dawn of the development of Islam, the Shiites called their fourth Caliph " lion of Allah”for the fact that he was initiated into secrets and gained knowledge that the prophet Muhammad himself owned.

The ancient Egyptians instructed the “king of beasts” to observe the course of the Sun and protect it from the influence of evil forces. Two lions sitting with their backs to each other are the keepers of space, light and time. They, closing the horizon, follow the past, the future depends on their will.

In addition to legends, there is, of course, a legend about how the constellation lion appeared in the sky. We return to ancient Greek mythology to learn the story of the first labor of Hercules.

As the first feat, Zeus ordered the king of Argolis, Eurystheus, to ask Hercules to kill the Nemean lion. The son of the monstrous giant Typhon and the gigantic snake woman Echidna was incredibly huge, while having a skin harder than any metal. Not a single weapon in the world was capable of harming him, which allowed the huge lion to devastate and destroy the surroundings of Nemea with impunity.

Hercules went in search of the monster's lair and found it in the rocky mountains, in a dark and gloomy gorge, where a huge cave with two entrances disappeared from sight. Having blocked one of the entrances, the son of Zeus began to wait for dusk, with the onset of which his opponent was supposed to appear. And with the sunset, the Nemean Lion appeared from his hiding place, his eyes burned with a deadly fire of rage and hatred, and his roar, like a thunderclap, shook the mountain peaks for a long time.

Relying on his strength, Hercules fired two arrows at the animal, but they, like small chips, bounced off his hard skin, only angering the beast. Then the hero decided to defeat the lion with a blow from a huge club, but it broke into pieces and scattered in different directions, and the enraged monster rushed at the man with a vengeance in one leap. The demigod, having managed to dodge the deadly jump, grabbed the lion by the throat with his powerful hands and, concentrating all his strength, strangled him.

Having removed the hard skin from the defeated animal, Hercules brought it to Eurystheus as proof of the accomplished feat, and Zeus, in memory of this, placed the lion in the sky, making it a bright constellation.

Stylistic decisions in tattoos with the sign of Leo

As already mentioned, Leo is patronized by the Sun, he is the animal embodiment of the element of Fire. That is why tattoos with this sign are most often chosen for themselves by strong, independent, expressive, thirsty for recognition of the individual. By the way, famous singer and actor Robbie Williams wears it, British musician Rod Stewart, one of the 100 Greatest Singers, also adorned his body with the image of this mighty animal, and Christina Ricci boasts a picture of the king of beasts on the shoulder blade.


The most popular version of the tattoo with the sign of Leo is still its astrological symbol. It is equally well suited for both men and women, it is usually performed in a small size, as it is worn just as a talisman. More large-scale drawings are created in the Polynesian or other ethnic style, which also belong to the category of amulets tattoos.

Realism and watercolor

In realism, the qualifications of the master are always checked, because this style involves the most “live”, real and detailed image. A realistic lion will perfectly show the nature and character of its owner, demonstrating to others his strength, courage, courage and desire to win.

Watercolor drawings with this animal are very suitable for girls, first of all, because, emphasizing a strong character, they also note sensuality, charm, energy and inner unquenchable passion.

Graphics and dotwork

Exceptional monochrome, clear rigid contours, precise geometry of the picture - all these are the distinguishing features of graphics. A lion made in this style, supposedly descended from an old engraving, will be a reminder of wisdom, erudition and spiritual development its owner.

The dotwork is based on the dot technology of applying a picture, so such works almost always turn out to be incredibly detailed and large-scale. They are extremely rare in color, in such drawings the essence is conveyed through shades and halftones, which are achieved by adjusting the density of dots. This is what makes this work so special. A lion tattoo created in will clearly distinguish its owner from the crowd, giving him a restrained, rational, but at the same time extremely ambitious, self-confident and successful person.

Plots, compositions and combinations

The symbol of the zodiac Leo, as you might guess from its history, is best combined with images of the Sun and fire. For example, a lion with a fiery mane or surrounded by flames, an animal depicted watching the Sun or zodiac sign, enclosed in a solar disk - such compositions, as many believe, show and enhance all the outstanding qualities of people born under this sign.

Powerful personalities can combine the image of a zodiac sign or an animal with various attributes of power and superiority - a throne, a scepter, heraldic and dynastic symbols.
For girls, a plot in which a lion or lioness is depicted surrounded by flowers would be an excellent option. Suitable flowers for Leos that emphasize their essence are peonies, chrysanthemums, sunflowers and gladioli. If the tattoo is planned in, then it is important to choose the right color scheme. The colors associated with this zodiac sign are perfect - bright red, scarlet, purple, yellow and gold.

An interesting idea will also be a combination of the familiar to us astrological sign depicting the constellation itself in the night sky. Such a picture, quite possibly, will become a real helper for its owner, saturating him with energy and strengthening the character traits bestowed by the zodiac sign.

In pursuit of trends

With the development of technology and progress, more and more new trends, trends, trends come to the tattoo culture. Now no one can be surprised by a small astrological symbol on the neck or an ornamental lion on the shoulder. Yes, large-scale, bright, incredibly complex, detailed and realistic works are in fashion now, but this does not mean at all that everyone is ready to put such a masterpiece on their body. You need to feel the tattoo with your soul, love it, want to live the rest of your days with it.

It does not matter whether you liked the modest symbol of the zodiac Leo or you decided to adorn yourself with a huge landscape where the king of beasts lies among the prairies, watching his pride. A powerful lion will bring good luck, strength and success only if the image suits its owner and is combined with his inner world, therefore, when choosing a picture, it is better not to rely on trends, fashion and new trends, perhaps you should give preference to what you like exclusively for you, choose for yourself what you want to look at every day, what you want to be proud of. Miracles happen only if you believe in them, and it is easier to believe in what you love with all your heart.

Some photo

Psychology of feelings and emotions