Black magic is a conspiracy to love a woman. Independent spells for the love of a guy or girl

Independent conspiracies for the love of a girl will allow you to see reciprocity in the eyes of your beloved and realize all your dreams. How to win the reciprocity of your girlfriend? This question sooner or later visits most of the stronger sex. What to do when your love is strong, and her feelings are far from yours.

Here is the first free conspiracy to love a girl:

“On the sea, on the ocean, there is an island-Buyan, but on that island there is longing; Longing breaks, longing is killed, from the tree into the blue water, from the water into the red flame, the black devil ran out of the flame and shouted: “Pavushka Romanea, hurry up, inflate the slave (such and such) in red lips, in white teeth, in joints and her bones and flesh, into her young body, into her strong heart, into her black, so that a slave (such and such) would be tormented by longing every time, every minute, every noon, every midnight; I would eat and not eat up, I would drink and not get drunk, I would sleep and not get enough sleep, but I would still yearn for me, so that I would be better than other people's fellows, better than my own father and mother, better than all kind. I secure my plot with seventy-seven locks, I wrap it with seventy-seven chains, I throw the keys into the sea-ocean, under the white-flammable stone, the wise Alatyr. The wisest will be punished for me, whoever takes out all the sand from the whole sea-ocean, he will drive away melancholy ”

Here is another love plot to achieve the love of a girl:

“I will lie down, servant of God (name), pray, get up, cross myself, and I will go from door to door, from gate to gate, into an open field, under bright stars, under the moon of God. Before me lie three roads: I will not stand on the right, and I will not stand on the left; I will get up and go along the middle road, and that road runs through a dark forest. In that dark forest stands a longing tree; longing and grieving longing, sad, and I give that longing to the servant of God (name); longing will ascend into her white body and into a strong heart, and into red braids, into hot blood, so that she will yearn for the servant of God (name) and everything would be, but she would grieve about me and think; so that drinking does not quench her thirst, so that food does not drive away her hunger, so that sleep does not lull her to sleep, but she would always keep me, a servant of God (name), in her mind. As the sun and moon are eternal and reliable, so would my conspiracy be eternal and reliable. Amen, amen, amen."

There is an independent conspiracy for a beloved girl is also this:

“I will get up early, without praying, I will go quickly, without blessing, I will head into the open field, like a whirlwind. In that field stands a willow bush, and in that bush sits a fat woman, a servant of Satan, a human sinner. I will bow to this fat woman, I will depart from my parents, from my family. Come on, fat woman, kindle a hot flame in the red maiden (name) in my heart for me, good fellow (name).

Various magical rituals, especially love spells, are considered to be an occupation more suitable for girls and women than for young people. However, if desired, and men can achieve some success in this field, it is enough to make some efforts to make their dream come true. For example, to achieve the love of a chosen one who ignores signs of attention. There are a lot of male magicians in the world - and this is better proof that the representatives of the stronger sex can successfully use magical techniques to achieve specific goals. A beginner should not expect an instant effect from the ritual. Sometimes miracles really happen, but usually, before a noticeable result occurs, the girl’s love plot has to be read again, in general, at least three times.

Another condition for such conspiracies: since they all have a love spell, after their action is manifested, the performer's feelings cool down. This does not always happen, but only if, in those cases, if a man was forced to take up conspiracies by ambition and hurt pride, and not by love. The young man begins to regret what he has done and in every possible way to deny his guilt in what he has done. Meanwhile, the love of the charmed girl is getting stronger, and if the performer leaves her after changing her mind, she is able to decide on the most desperate act. In order not to stir up dramas and not take sins on the soul, the lover should, before starting to read the conspiracy, weigh all the pros and cons, make sure of the seriousness of his intentions.

The best time for this love plot is Thursday or Monday on the growing moon, sunset hours. You need to prepare for the ceremony - focus on what you want, learn the text of the conspiracy in order to read it from memory, and clear the room in which the conspiracy to love the girl will be read. This refers not only to cleaning: during the ceremony, there should be no strangers in the room and not a single living soul in general - even pets and fresh flowers. After waiting for the sunset hour, you need to turn your face to the house of your beloved girl or woman (that is, look in the direction where it is located) and say the following words:

“The dawn-dawn goes through the dark gates, it leads me, the servant of God (name), to the bank of the river. The river is deep, the river is wide, and in the middle there is a blue-stone, on it the servant of God (the name of the girl) sits and drops tear after tear into the river. Sadness-longing and sadness-bad grief fettered her heart. I will stand in front of the blue-stone, I will stretch out my hands and raise the servant of God (name) from the stone. I will caress and console her, disperse sadness and melancholy, relieve sadness and grief. The servant of God (name) will begin to love-have mercy on me, hug-kiss. May it be so! Amen."

We speak water

This common type of conspiracy is very easy to perform if a man at least occasionally has the opportunity to meet the object of his passion. You can speak both water and other non-alcoholic drinks. In order for the conspiracy to work and awaken love in the heart, it is enough for a woman to take just a small sip. You need to read the words of the conspiracy three times in complete silence, in a loud whisper, pronouncing each word well:

“Voditsa-collarbone, make (name) the girl dream of me, yearn for me, she didn’t utter a word, didn’t look around, she burned in the fire, burned, she couldn’t live without me, neither be, nor eat, nor drink . Amen"

It is important that no one else drinks from the woman's glass, otherwise the conspiracy will be broken.

Conspiracy in the photo

A ceremony with a photograph is suitable for those who can visualize, imagine themselves together with their beloved girl or how to see in reality the streams of love energy penetrating into the heart of the chosen one. It is advisable to choose a photo in full growth, in extreme cases, to the waist. The girl should be alone in the photo, without strangers. The text of the conspiracy is read at dawn:

“The red sun will rise at dawn, rise and flare up. So in the heart of the servant of God (name of the girl), love is crushed and flares up. The earth is illuminated by the light of the sun, and so the love in the heart of the servant of God (name) grows stronger, grows and pours out with pure light, rejoices and has fun. As everyone reaches for the sun, so you would reach for me. My word is strong, Amen!”

After reading the plot, the photo is removed to a safe place - where no one will see it before the result.

The topic of this material is the strongest conspiracies for the love of a man. For clarity, I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will immediately make a reservation: in the practices of witchcraft, everything that operates directly on the personality of the magician is subjective. A strong spell on a beloved guy can be called one that will give an objective result, the power of one person over another. Turning to real magic, trusting her power, a practicing magician can get a lot.

Thus, the strongest love spells performed by one magician will not give the desired effect in the practice of another, and vice versa. Therefore, it makes sense to speak within the framework of certain witchcraft rituals. And today I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will offer you several white and black working conspiracies for love longing that you can read at home.

Traditions of black magic - effective love spells

You can successfully work at home, wanting to bewitch your loved one on your own. There are a large number of love conspiracies with a simple ritual part, and there are many that magic ritual they do not have at all, and their effectiveness is based on the energy of the magician of the performer and his ability to visualize, on the ability to concentrate his mental power and control it. Reading Slavic love plots, you can influence at a distance, make a guy bored, yearn for a meeting, you can arouse carnal attraction, which will manifest itself gently in the form of care and romantic affection.

Strong lust and violent passion in a lover are unlikely to be aroused by simple household conspiracies on personal strength; for this matter, turn to demons, this is within their competence. And if you want to evoke a strong, persistent longing for a guy for a girl, then I advise you to read a plot in a cemetery, because the specificity of influence is such that the magical binding is held together by longing for another person, and not by the desire to completely possess him.

Read love spells at home - the rules of candle magic

The core of a home way to bewitch a man's love is the magic of candles. Candles are called a bloodless sacrifice to the Forces. Candle flames enable the practicing magician to communicate with the subtle world. In order to independently change the situation in the right direction, you need to read the strongest conspiracies and spells for love on the flame of a candle. This should be done, of course, on the growing moon. One - a single reading, of course, is not enough. In this case, the issue is decided by quantity. It is best to do multi-day magical rites by reading love plots 3, 7 or 9 times. The number of readings can be determined independently, relying on your own instinct and practice.

Wax candles, which are used in the practice of love witchcraft, should not be used for other purposes. If Slavic boy love spell applies, the time of such witchcraft rites is evening or night. While work with the Forces of the Christian egregor is carried out, as a rule, at dawn.

In addition, effective white magic love spells can be cast during the day and evening until sunset. In magical rituals, it is permissible to use 1, 3, 5, 7 candles. I want to offer you effective conspiracies on the love and longing of a guy for a girl, which should be read on a candle flame.

The most powerful conspiracies and spells for love with a candle from the funeral

They independently bewitch their beloved guy for longing like that. A candle is lit from the funeral service and allowed to burn completely.

At this time, while the candle is burning, you need to read a magic spell for love 40 times:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Like the one whose candle burns, who lies in the coffin, sleeps forever, how he does not get up, does not rise, does not pray, does not wash himself, how he does not eat, does not drink water, does not speak words, does not sing songs, so that the slave (name) without me, the slaves (name) didn’t eat, didn’t drink, didn’t go out of the house, didn’t look at the sky, didn’t cross the cross, didn’t fast, he would suffer, but get angry. Without me, everything would not be nice to him, unloving, disgusted: all the white light, all the earth and water, the wind in the night, the light of a candle, the fire in the furnace. When he sees me, the sun will turn towards him, happiness will smile at him. The road to him from the threshold, away from all anxiety. I am his mother, I am his sister, I am his dear wife. As this candle burns, so the heart of the servant of God (name) will burn for me. Forever (name) will not forget me. Key, lock, threshold. Amen".

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately correctly adjust it to yourself in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

White spells for love - the power of a candle and a witch word

White love magic is not limited to working only with a Christian egregor. Witchcraft rituals on, work with the elements, spirits of nature, rituals made on the personal power of the magician - performer - all these layers of love witchcraft can be attributed to white ways to bewitch a guy to a girl. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, believe that white magic has its own strong conspiracies to anguish a husband, to attract love into life, to imminent marriage, for the love of a girl you like, etc.

A good plot for the longing of a beloved man then becomes really strong when the performer gives the love spell concentrated mental power and the power of his intention. This is the work of the magician in fulfillment of the desired.

“Just as a dove cannot be without her dove, a starling without a starling, and a mother cannot be and live without her child, so the servant of God (name) could not be without me, servants of God (name). In the morning I would rush about, until the evening I would suffer, I would not sleep at night. Everything would keep me on my mind. He would wash himself with a combustible tear, he would throw himself at me. I would be nicer to him than friends, more beautiful than all girlfriends, more beloved than my mother. He would have looked at me, he would not have looked enough. As the priest prays to the icon, so the servant of God (name) admires me. Amen".

“Just as I, God’s servant (name), given by God, born by my mother, baptized in the temple, I cannot live without breathing, without water and food, so the servant of God (name) could not be without me a single day. His heart would boil, prick, hurt about me, suffer, God's servant (name), born mother, baptized in the holy church. Wherever my dear, the servant of God (name) walked, wherever he sewed his body, with whomever he spoke, everything would come back to me and come. Key, lock, threshold. Amen".

Self-conspiracy for love longing

“I, the servant of God (name), go from door to door, from gate to gate, under the eastern side, to the ocean-ocyyan. There is a stone on the sea-okiyane. There is a table on the stone. Mother sits at the table Holy Mother of God. I beg you, I beg you, help me, help me! So that the servant of God (name) does not forget me, the servant of God (name). I wouldn’t eat in food, I wouldn’t go on a spree in a spree, I wouldn’t fall asleep in a dream. To think and guess, interpret and decide about me, a servant of God (name). As smoke curls, so the servant of God (name) beats on the servant of God (name). Be my words strong and sculpting. Stronger than flint and damask sword. Amen".

Of course, you should remember to read strong conspiracy the longing of a beloved guy is needed on the growing moon, since love spells work exclusively for the positive. As a rule, real conspiracies for a guy's love for a woman do not give side effects and negative consequences. They work gently, without causing any noticeable damage to a loved one. To enhance the effect, an independent plot on the longing of the husband must be read many times over several days. You can the entire period of the growing moon.

Slavic conspiracies and love spells - effective ancient rites

Ancient Slavic conspiracies undoubtedly have power. These include white and black conspiracies for a guy's love longing for a girl, and the effect. Love conspiracies of the Slavs are specific to us, modern people, words and phrases. But, this only confirms their antiquity and strength.

“Like a red spring, with a clear sun, white snows flow down from the mountains from meadows, steep banks, so the longing and grief for a stray woman, for a girl who has come from the servant of God (name), would come down. So that he would not yearn and remember, he would not hold her in his thoughts, he would not think with his mind, he would not see her in a dream, he would not raise his eyes when he met her. So that he wouldn’t look out the window, didn’t look for meetings, didn’t say words, wouldn’t write to her with a pen, didn’t want her young with his body. Strengthen yourself, my words, with a strong fortress, holy prosphyra, someone else's grave, night star, salty tear, all the blood of human flesh. Amen".

“On the eastern side there is the Okyan Sea, on that Okyan Sea lies an oak deck, and on that oak deck Fear Rakh sits. I will submit to that Fear Rahu and pray. Give me, Fear Rakh, seventy-seven winds, seventy-seven whirlwinds, the noon wind, the midnight wind, the dry-hearted wind that crushed dark forests, dried green herbs, and fast rivers drank. And so it would have dried up, the child of God (name) was spinning about me. Now and ever and from circle to circle! Taco be, taco be, taco wake up.

Witchcraft for love through bindings - a home hair conspiracy

When magical help is needed to solve the problem of restoring relationships, you should choose a home ritual, focusing on the situation, then diagnose whether it suits you and what it will bring in the end. You can bewitch a man with hair at home. The hair is energetically efficient and gives the operator the desired result.

You can bewitch any person by choosing him as your object of desire. But, will this blow be sensitive for him? The success of magic spells on your beloved guy is provided by visualization. If you have skills that are so necessary for a practicing magician, such as concentration at work, connecting your imagination, the stronger your desire to realize your plans, the stronger your impact will be.

Let's see how you can independently bewitch a guy for hair and blood.

The magic rite is done on the new moon, or on the first lunar quarter, on Friday. For a witchcraft ritual you need to have:

  • a few of my hairs
  • a few hairs of someone you like
  • new needle
  • a piece of white natural fabric

Twist the hairs together.

there is no such possibility, you can bury it in a place where a lover will definitely step over it.

This will activate the spoken magic formula of the spell, which will allow you to bewitch the guy by hair. Periodically this home love spell on melancholy can be repeated and strengthened.

How else can you bewitch a guy on your hair - drying on a comb

Remove the hairs from your favorite guy's comb, and read the words very good conspiracy on distance:

“My dear hair (name), help me (name), bring him into my arms. It will be as I say. It will be the way I want. But it won’t be like that, trample my hair into the mud, trample it with my heel. He will be cute toil, he will repent all his life. Amen".

Wrap your hair in a piece of paper, tie it with threads and make a lining in your lover's house. This love plot on the hair can be applied to bring home a spree husband. In this case, the bundle must be hidden in the matrimonial bed.

If it is not possible to get the hair of a beloved man, try to do the following. Give your lover a comb.

But first, read on the comb a plot to love a man through his hair:

“Comb, scallop, staff, staff, call the dear (name), bring the dear (name) to me. Give him love. Let her miss me day after day, let her remember me night after night. Let him not be able to live without me, let his heart be consumed by longing. As I say, so it will come true. From now on and forever. Amen".

A very strong conspiracy on the husband's engagement ring

You can bewitch the love of your husband yourself on wedding ring, and this is how it is done. Put the ring of your spouse on your right palm, and cover it with your left palm, and read aloud 3 times the plot on the ring for the love and fidelity of your spouse:

“I, the witch (name), will go out into the open field, go along the road to the forge, bow to the blacksmith. You, daring blacksmith, help me, help me in love. Attach to me the husband of my young fellow (name) for all eternity. The blacksmith forged an engagement ring from gold-silver and said: as the slave (name) puts on the engagement ring, so it will flash in it after his wife (name). The flame of love will flare up in him. He will begin to think about her day and night, he will cherish and cherish her, hug her white body, whisper gentle words in her ear. As the fire burned the engagement ring, so love will burn the heart of the slave (name), as the ring closed on the finger, so the heart of the slave (name) closed on his wife. Amen".

The one who pronounces the magic words of conspiracies for the return of a woman not only with his voice, but also with his soul, will succeed in his business, gives him his strength. Many women read on an empty stomach. Sometimes it is recommended to three day post. Depending on the goal pursued by the performer, conspiracies are read on the threshold, in an open field, facing east, on the growing or waning moon, on the full moon, on the black moon, on easy days (Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday), or, conversely, on black days. There are also such witchcraft spells that are cast into the wind, over running water, at sunrise or sunset, over a bowl, etc. What actions to perform when pronouncing a conspiracy is indicated in the recipe. But one thing unites these actions: all white conspiracies are read in a whisper or to oneself. Never and under no circumstances should this secret be divulged in order to preserve the power of magic. I offer such free conspiracies for a woman's love to give magical effect on her.

A love spell on a woman's love

“I will rise, the servant of God (name), blessed, go out, cross myself, go through dense forests, stop in a clearing. I will stand with my face to the east, I will turn my back to the west, I will look at God's clear sky. A fiery arrow flies from the sky. I will submit to that heavenly arrow, I will beg to help me: “Oh, you, fiery arrow, fly where I command, do what I ask. There is a beautiful girl in Russia, she does not grieve, she sings and has fun. Fly, arrow, into her hot blood, arouse love for me in her heart, so that it aches and yearns, so that the girl cries, grieves, calls me, gave her consent to the wedding. She would love me as she would love herself, meet me everywhere, call me with an affectionate word. Be, my words, strong, and my deeds - modeling. From this day until forever. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Read a strong conspiracy for a woman's love for a man

This love plot on a woman invariably has a strong positive effect. You need to read three times a day for nine days in a row. The number 3 in magic denotes integrity, creative perfection, and the number 9 symbolizes accomplishment, completion of the case. Therefore, conspiracies are read three times, three days three times or nine days. "How suffering Mother of God according to her Son, so would the servant of God (name) suffer according to the servant of God (name). So that in separation from (the name of the man) she would get sick and suffer, she did not see the white light, day and night, and an hour and half an hour. She didn’t know peace, she didn’t get tired, but she kept crying and (man’s name) called. So that the servant of God (name) and the servant of God (name) could not live apart, spend the night and live forever. Key, lock, here is God on the threshold. Amen".

Here is another option for an easy conspiracy to return a woman. Starting from Saturday, for seven days, going to bed, say: “Michael, Gabriel, Rafael! Make (girl's name) love me as I love her. Amen. Amen. Amen".


Love magic with the help of a spell is able to subdue the will of a person and make a man fall in love with himself in a very short time. In magic, there are special conspiracies and love spells of the instant effect of a spell on love are much more effective and easier to perform.. After reading a special possessing huge force love spell you will be able to quickly fall in love with the man you like. You can conjure a loved one to kindle love and reciprocal feelings at any time, regardless of the moon and time of day. About what magic spell can quickly fall in love with a person you like, love spells will now tell everyone in detail.

A magic spell for love is a rite of white or black magic which in its action and effectiveness is similar to a love spell. The difference between this method of influencing a person is either direct contact with an object or an object on which it will be done. love spell and which subsequently needs to be transferred to a person. Women who conjured objects for love very quickly arranged their lives, falling in love with themselves right person. In the case of a love spell, you can bind a person to yourself with magical bonds of love while being at a distance from him, without contact and transferring to him the object on which the spell was cast, which is much more convenient.

How to make your own love spell.

Love spells, as mentioned earlier, are simple and effective. To make a person fall in love with you, take an object or thing on which a love spell will be done and which, after casting the spell, will be presented to your loved one. Now read on it love spell text which is given below:

As birds fly boldly and confidently,
So would the servants of God (names)
Things have always worked out.
How the sun warms the earth
So would the servants of God (names)
Always had love.
As the day comes

The misfortunes were rare.
Like the water in a river is endless
So it would be with the servants of God (names)
Happiness was long.
From now until forever.

Amen .

love spell will take effect after you pass the thing on which you cast the spell to your loved one.

© Copyright: Maginya


  • You can independently read this strong love spell for a guy’s love at home without his presence and if you have a photo of the bewitched. For a love spell, you only need the text of the spell and a strong and sincere desire to bewitch him to yourself. I must say right away that the love spell works differently for everyone, someone manages to bewitch a guy to himself in 1 day from the first time, someone has to re-read the text of the spell for several days, this is how it works white magic love - for each in his own way.

  • To call a person to you with the help of magic and make the person himself want to come to you for a conversation will help a strong call. Call it out the old fashioned way white magic with which you can make a sweet and beloved person return. This love conspiracy should be done if, with the help of magic, you need to return to yourself a person who has left after a quarrel or has fallen out of love with you and awakens a strong feeling of love in him again. A strong call to meet a loved one is a whole magical rite that is performed independently on a loved one (boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife). When they ask me "is it possible to return my husband if you make a strong call" - my answer is yes. This ancient rite helps to restore relationships after a strong quarrel or divorce, restoring relationships that were once lost, forcing a person to come and offer to reconcile on their own. A quick call to the threshold should be read for coarse salt.

  • So that the husband could not sleep with anyone other than his wife, you need to do an easy rite from a walking man and read the conspiracy on her husband's underpants. After this magical ritual, your hubby will stop looking at other women, and even more so going to the left. Take the hair from the gelding's mane and thread it into your husband's underpants along with an elastic band, at this moment reading the words of the conspiracy:

  • This is a 100% working and trouble-free way to make a married man living at a distance fall in love with you. With the help of magic, you can ignite a strong love connection between you and a man married to another will leave her and will love only you all his life. If a man who is married left you, this love spell will also help to fall in love with him again. In order to fall in love with a man married to a rival, no training is needed, you need your desire and with the help of a conspiracy and the power of your thought married man madly in love with only you. It doesn’t matter if a man is older or younger than you, his love for you will not be affected in any way, after applying this magical and sure way, the man himself will quickly come to love you once and for all.

  • Vanga gave a good white love spell for a man's love and read a white magic conspiracy for love that will definitely work at any distance from a man. The conspiracy will quickly bewitch the beloved husband to her forever so that he never walks and always returns home. A strong conspiracy so that a husband loves to read his wife needs salt, which, after reading a love spell, you need to salt the food and feed her beloved man. This love spell on a man needs to be read at home and be sure that the white magic conspiracy from Vanga will definitely work and bewitch her husband forever, and for the conspiracy to work, it is enough for a man to eat a spoonful of food spelled with salt. On the left palm put salt to salt the food a little and say a conspiracy to love a man from Vanga on it:

  • You need to read a conspiracy to love at home at a distance from the bewitched person, looking at the growing moon and in the photo. For home reading you will also need church candle and holy water is white magic without imposing one's will on a person. Also, this conspiracy for love is suitable for those who do not know how to return the lost love of their husband or are looking for a conspiracy to love and marry an already familiar guy or man (not married). At the same hour - immediately after reading, a strong conspiracy to love will begin to act and to attract love, very strong love feelings will enter the soul of the bewitched person who is at any distance from you. Love feelings every day stronger and stronger will kindle love for you. This is a strong conspiracy that cannot be removed on its own, despite the fact that it is a conspiracy of white magic. A love plot for a candle, holy water and in the photo should be read on the growing moon, and if you have everything ready, you can proceed to carry it out.

  • You can read conspiracies for the love of white magic at home, the conspiracy is strong and acts at a distance from the bewitched person. Attracting love with the help of white magic occurs at any distance from a loved one on whom the conspiracy was read. The fact that you need to read a love plot at home makes it more convenient than a ritual that requires more serious actions and preparation to attract love from your loved one.

  • White and black magic makes it possible to read strong love plots for the love of a man, woman, guy or girl that cannot be removed, they act quickly and forever. If you have a need to quickly bewitch a loved one to yourself so that he loves only you and never cheats, you need to read a strong love conspiracy that cannot be removed (imposed forever) and it is intended to attract the love of a man or husband, and in order to attract to his beloved woman or wife who has stopped loving. All you need is at the moment when you yourself read the text of a strong love conspiracy to replace the words slave with a slave.

  • You need to read the most powerful conspiracy for the love and longing of a woman that cannot be removed on her photo and the effect of such a conspiracy occurs in 1 day. The white magic of love will open a good Orthodox conspiracy for strong love women to a man who will have to read on their own. For a conspiracy, certain items are needed and a new moon must come. Put a photo of a woman on the windowsill and light a church candle, start reading a conspiracy to incite love in a woman you like:

Psychology of love and love