Wolf paw meaning. Lapa Veles meaning amulet of the Slavic god

The seal of Veles is a Slavic amulet that has powerful magical properties. It was created in honor of the deity of the same name. Veles among the Slavs is the god of fertility and prosperity, the brother of Svarog. All the elements and all animals are subject to him. He can easily control them, so the ancient Slavs were afraid of this god, but at the same time they revered and respected him.

There are two types of amulets that are dedicated to Veles - these are the Bear's paw and the Wolf's paw. The choice of such images is not accidental. The fact is that the favorite incarnations of God on earth are the bear and the wolf. That is why the amulets are depicted in the form of their paws. About them today and will be discussed in this article.

Amulet The Seal of Veles, as already mentioned, looks like a bear's paw. It is believed that the bear is the favorite form of the god Veles and in it he was shown to people most often. To meet the paw print of this animal in the forest is a sign from above. It will bring good luck in business and prosperity.

The meaning of the amulet The seal of Veles in the form of a bear's paw is to resist evil forces. Such a talisman helps to avoid failures, troubles and illnesses. In addition, this amulet helps to achieve one's goal, easily overcoming all the obstacles that stand in the way of a person. The owner of the amulet will be able to implement even the most daring plans, but only if they are good and do not belong to the realm of fantasy.

It is believed that any person who put on the talisman of Veles - the paw of the Bear, becomes a child of this god. As any child is protected by parents, so the owner of the amulet falls under the protection of this deity. The talisman protects from damage, the evil eye, evil fate and unkind rumors.

In addition, the amulet helps to reveal hidden talents in a person. Therefore, it is often worn on young children so that they can express themselves. In addition, he develops magical powers. Thanks to him, intuition is sharpened, which helps to make the right decisions and avoid dangerous situations.

Gives a talisman to a person also strength and wisdom. It helps to achieve success in work and climb the corporate ladder or start your own business.

The seal of Veles Bear's paw is the amulet that is recommended to be worn by people whose activities are related to trade. It will help you successfully sell products and develop your business. In addition, the talisman protects merchants from losses and ruin, provides reliable protection for traveling trade. It helps to bring the goods safe and sound to the place, sell it and return back with the proceeds safe and sound. Therefore, this talisman was highly valued by merchants in Ancient Russia.

This amulet can also be worn by representatives of law, authority and order. These include police officers, judges, etc. In this case, the amulet will preserve the health and life of the owner both during and after work. It will protect from attacks and persecution. He will not allow a person to commit rash acts and act contrary to the law.

The talisman can also be worn by people who practice magic. It will help increase strength and power. In addition, the amulet will help to establish a connection with Veles, which is necessary for the development of magical abilities.

Since Veles is the god of fertility, his amulet can be worn by people who are engaged in agriculture. He will give a rich harvest that will be kept intact all autumn and winter.

As for the one who should not wear such a talisman, then these include people with addictions. They are alcoholics and drug addicts. In addition, it cannot be used by people with evil and impure thoughts. Veles severely punished such people, not knowing mercy. The talisman of this deity will also not have mercy on them, it will attract misfortune and illness.

Initially, such a talisman was considered a purely male amulet. However, in our time, it can also be worn by the fair sex, but only if their character is too soft and it lacks masculine qualities. It can also be worn by women in leadership positions. It will help you climb even higher up the corporate ladder or organize your own business. At the same time, work will not rise above the family. Such an amulet is not recommended for women with masculine traits. The point is that he this case will destroy the feminine and the woman will forget that she is supposed to be a wife and mother.

Wolf paw amulet

As mentioned above, the wolf is one of the incarnations of Veles on earth. In it, he did not appear as often as in the "bear's skin", but still, sometimes God chose this form as well. Since the wolf leaves a footprint with four fingers, the amulet is also represented in the form of its paw with four fingers. This distinguishes it from the previous talisman. The bear's paw is depicted with five fingers. Since the wolf is one of the forms of Veles, it was also considered to meet his trail in the forest a good sign which brings good luck and wealth.

The meaning of this amulet is to protect the family from troubles and enemies. The wolf is an animal that knows no fear, always goes to its goal, protects the pack and loves freedom. Therefore, wearing this talisman is recommended for people with these character traits. Then he will give good luck and give protection. In addition, the amulet will help to become a leader and easily and quickly achieve the intended goal. The seal of Veles Wolf's paw has the same meanings and properties as the Bear's paw.

How to wear and charge the seal of Veles

You can wear an amulet (both a wolf's and a bear's paw) in the form of jewelry. It can be a ring, earrings or pendant. Such an amulet does not have to be hidden under clothing. It can be put on display and it will not affect it in any way. magical properties Oh.

It is best to choose a charm made of silver. The fact is that this metal will enhance the properties of the amulet.

Before putting on the amulet on yourself, it should be cleaned. To do this, draw water from a spring. If this is not possible, then tap water will do. Only it should be clean and cold. A little salt should be diluted in water. Next, you need to put an amulet in it for 24 hours. After that, it should be dried, and the water should be poured away from housing. The cleaning procedure will be completed.

However, in order for the amulet to start working, it needs to be charged. To do this, go to the coniferous forest at sunset along with the amulet. You have to sit there for a while. At the same time, you need to constantly talk with the amulet. You can tell him what you would like to change in life, what desires you have, etc.

You can read a special appeal to Veles. At the same time, God himself can be appeased by presenting him with good kvass or beer. When you feel the energy of the talisman, the charge is considered complete and you can use it for its intended purpose.

The Seal of Veles is one of the most powerful Slavic amulets. He can give protection, wealth and fame, but only to people with a clear conscience. The main thing is to believe that it works and can change life in better side.

Tattoo Veles in the last few years has been especially popular among young people. If you believe in legends, then Veles made the planet begin its movement, because until that moment the Earth was in a static state, which the supreme Slavic deity did not like very much.

Folk legends claim that this Slavic deity could turn into other creatures, and endowed mankind with wisdom and magical powers. The Veles tattoo is presented in the form of a reverse triangle, over which a wise symbol is drawn. It is presented in the form of a head with horns. Ancient people were convinced that the deity appeared before mankind in the form of a bear, and therefore they began to identify him with a bear's paw.

What is God Veles connected with

ancient Slavic peoples were convinced that the supreme Slavic deity helped humanity increase the harvest, helped raise livestock, and promote fertility.

They also confidently declared that the supreme God came to them in the guise of an ordinary person and helped in caring for the cattle. He helped humanity to grow garden crops and contributed to an increase in yield. Some of them were convinced that God came to the most capable inhabitants of the planet, and endowed them with wisdom and shared the secrets of the deities.

What is the meaning of the tattoo

Tattoo Veles has an amazing meaning. It all depends on how certain person understands an image. Options can be very different.

  1. The owner of the Veles tattoo is very much attached to the faith and has a very strong connection with the Gods.
  2. A tattoo in the form of Veles suggests that a person is quite fond of various magical deeds and tries to learn as much as possible about divine secrets.
  3. The sign of the deity is able to endow the owner with energy that will allow him to show intuition and reflect on the essentials. It will be easier for a person to understand the true purpose of nature.
  4. The Veles symbol indicates that its owner is very closely connected with natural beings and it is easy for him to understand it.
  5. Folk predictions convince that the value of the Veles tattoo is aimed at acquiring financial components. The owner of the sign will never need money.

What are the image options?

Image can be like feminine, and male, because it is not particularly aesthetically pleasing when a man wears a female symbol, and a woman wears a male one. This not only affects the aesthetic appearance, but also the value itself. If you do not want to fill yourself with the sign of a deity, then you can prick his appearance. The image of Veles greatly affects the energy of a person and his future abilities. You just need to remember that such a tattoo is quite extensive. In order for it to fit completely on the body, it must be drawn on the back. To improve the background, you can depict nature or trees.

Since the deity descended to earth in the form of a bear, you can draw a bear paw. She is a symbol of the progenitor of nature, since he traveled the planet for a long time in the form of this beast.

The image itself plays a significant role in the meaning of the Veles tattoo, because the smallest details can radically change all the predicted events. If you do not depict at least a little some small detail, then all the symbolism of this image loses its meaning. In the same way as the emphasis on any particular subject. The tattoo should be drawn according to all the rules and in the finest similarity with the sketch.

Who is best to stuff this sign

If you are interested in God Veles in the form of a tattoo, sketches will help you decide. Pay attention to them should be those people who can not sit still. It is best to turn your attention to a person who travels the world quite actively or leads an active way of living on the planet. Ideal for you if you work in the animal industry. For example, an animal trainer in a circus or an overseer in a zoo. The depicted symbol will help the animals to respect you and constantly listen.

One very important thing to note important point. This image is applied to the body not because of its beauty. If you treat it like a beautiful sign, then it will not bring you anything positive. It must be remembered that each symbol or sign has its own eigenvalue, change of which is fraught with negative consequences.

Each tattoo parlor has a Veles sign - examples of photos of finished tattoos. Of these, you can choose exactly those options that most caught your eye. If you come unprepared and don't know true value this symbol, you can ask a specialist for advice. As a rule, people who have been working in the field of tattoo for a long time have impressive knowledge regarding one or another version of the drawing. If none of the proposed options of a specialist suits you, then you can safely find on your own the drawing that will attract your attention. With it, you can go to the salon and ask to prick this particular pattern.

Tattoo Print of Veles.Tattoo Print of Veles

It is very difficult to believe that an ordinary image can affect fate. Unfortunately, such a position is incorrect and promises the owner of the tattoo negative events in life. If trouble has happened to you, it is better to immediately go to the salon and reduce the drawing. It is likely that the new tattoo does not suit you. In principle, maybe you yourself are to blame for what happened. But it's better to play it safe and get rid of the picture. The Slavic god has a negative attitude towards the fact that they feel a sense of disrespect towards him. Therefore, he is able to punish a disobedient person than to cause irreparable harm to him.

The amulet of Veles is dedicated to one of the most significant and influential gods of the ancient Slavs. It is believed that this symbol is endowed with miraculous properties, and its owner was under such protection as if he were guarded by Veles himself.

Description of the amulet, meaning

The Veles amulet has an unusual appearance. Some compare it to an arrow pointing down, while others think it looks like the letter "A" turned upside down.

There was a belief that Veles himself, if necessary, could turn into a huge bull. That is why outwardly the amulet resembles a simplified image of a horned head. Livestock breeders often painted this symbol on the gates of barns and pens. He served as a kind of shield that did not allow any kind of evil to penetrate inside.

Veles symbol looks like a bull's head

Veles was one of supreme gods. He is endowed with strength, power and wisdom. Therefore, warriors, and travelers, and merchants, and artisans who wore an amulet with his sign, could count on the guardianship and patronage of the powerful Veles. The amulet guaranteed protection not only from physical impact, but also from witchcraft forces.

According to an ancient Slavic belief, the goddess of beauty and love, Lada, caught a pike in the sacred Sour Cream Lake. The goddess cooked the fish and ate it, throwing the bones into the field. At that time, a heavenly cow named Zenun was grazing there. She noticed the magic pike bones and swallowed them. Shortly thereafter, the cow calved, and a strange creature was born that had the features of a man, a bear, and some say that a bull. The deity that appeared was named Veles.

Veles patronized all animals

Some experts note that the symbol of Veles looks like a bowl. The talisman endows the person who wears it with an endless supply of internal energy and spiritual wealth. The amulet can help reveal talents and previously unknown abilities.

Most often, the amulet of Veles is worn by merchants, warriors, cattle breeders, artisans and travelers.

Most Slavic amulets are round, and only this talisman stands out for its pointed part. The fact is that the wedge-shaped form well absorbs energy messages from space and focuses them inside. The one who carries the Veles amulet with him is fueled by energy from the Universe, gains inner strength and determination. The amulet helps to make important decisions and change fate for the better.

Veles amulet options

Veles amulet is considered universal, it is suitable for any person, regardless of his age or gender. Veles is one of the most powerful beings. To receive the patronage of this god is a real gift, because each of the spheres of life will obey his wisdom.

Print "Bear Paw"

The seal of Veles in the form of a bear's paw is considered the most powerful amulet, which has a huge energy potential. This talisman helps to overcome any difficulties in life. People believe that the owner of such a talisman will bypass all adversity.

Many people believe that printing brings good luck. True, in this case we are not talking about gambling enthusiasts. The paw of the owner of the forest will bring success rather in trade affairs, helping to conclude contracts and make important acquaintances.

Veles' bear paw helps to overcome any adversity

The seal of Veles is traditionally considered a male talisman. But in our time, it is often a fragile woman who has to take on the role of a protector and make important decisions. Therefore, to have such a talisman will be very useful for the representatives of the weaker sex. But a girl who decides to carry Veles's paw with her must understand that some masculine traits may suddenly appear in her character.

Print "Wolf Paw"

The wolf, like the bear and the bull, is the totem animal of Veles. The talisman in the form of a wolf paw print has a specific meaning - the willingness to take risks for the sake of family members and home. In addition, this amulet will help people who are ready to sacrifice for certain purposes. own life. It is important to understand that such a talisman is able to reward a person with a real wolf love for will and independence.

The wolf seal of Veles will teach you how to achieve your goals

The seal of the wolf's paw is called by specialists as a universal symbol; it is suitable for both men and women. This amulet should be chosen by someone who wants to become a leader for others, and also wants to learn how to achieve their goals. The talisman is able to develop in a person the important qualities of a leader, and also bestow extraordinary courage and courage.

There is no unequivocal opinion about what the sign of Veles symbolizes. This god is considered the protector of animals and farmers, warriors and artisans, trade and art. He was the guardian of the world of the dead, accompanying the souls of the dead to Nav or Prav. And the connection of the deity with magic and sorcery made him the patron of the Magi and sorcerers.

The image of the sign of Veles is often found in burial places. This says that he connected the world of the living and the dead, and also reminded: everyone at the end of his path will definitely be at the fork between Naviu and Prav.

Video: Veles sign

The sign of Veles is a universal amulet that is suitable for everyone. The only exception is notorious criminals. For them, the talisman will turn into a real curse, and they themselves will be punished by Veles. For everyone else, the symbol will become an indispensable assistant, which will not only contribute to self-development, but will also open access to ancient knowledge and teach you to see what is hidden from prying eyes.

A properly charged amulet is able to provide a connection with the deceased ancestors, which will allow drawing the wisdom of generations.

Wheel (circle)

According to the legends, Veles launched the wheel of life, forcing the world created by other gods to rotate. Since then, the day has been replaced by night, and the seasons have alternated. That is why one of the signs of the deity is Kolovrat. This symbol is depicted as a wheel decorated with an ornament. The amulet can also be in the form of a circle, inside of which there are three-part swastikas.

The wheel of Veles means the continuity of movement, the sun and life. This amulet helps a person in any endeavors. It also promotes material wealth and fertility.

Veles wheel will help in any business


Each Slavic god had his own personal number. Veles' number is "6", therefore, when depicting his symbol in a circular version, a six-pointed star, a hexagram, is obtained. The deity was open to both the world of the dead, called Naviu, and the living - Rule. He seems to stand between light and darkness.

The amulet in the form of a star helps a person find peace and harmony, get rid of anxiety and fear. This symbol will support in knowing the depths of the soul and finding the true self.

The six-pointed star of the god Veles is depicted on the symbol of the wedding of Russian tsars with power - the cap of Monomakh. This slavic symbol means power over heaven, earth, water, birth and death.

Veles star relieves anxiety and fear


God Veles is also known as the creator of runes. The runic sign "Wind" is the ninth in a row and belongs to this deity. It is believed that it represents a continuation of the rune "Strength". Strength means the first phase, the beginning of the path of development and improvement of the Warrior of the Spirit. Wind - the second phase, which means the actual collision with the enemy and, oddly enough, defeat. The fact is that the wisdom of the Warrior Spirit is to win before the battle begins.

Rune of the Wind will help you find inspiration

To understand the Veles rune, it must be remembered that this god not only launched the wheel of life created by Svarog, but is also the keeper of sacred knowledge and the patron of magic. His runic sign communicates the need for a deep understanding of the world around us. And it should also be understood that the image of the wind is associated with spirituality, and not at all with the flow of air. The Veles rune will help you gain the will and inspiration necessary to accomplish important things.

A person who decides to carry a runic symbol with him must remember that each of these signs has its own meaning that can completely change fate. Misunderstanding or inexperience when using runes can lead to the most unexpected consequences, up to death.

Veles is a god who is able to protect a warrior, hunter or just a traveler, helping him overcome any adversity along the way and contributing to his safe return home. Velesovik is solar symbol and is used as a heavenly amulet for those who currently do not have a roof over their heads.

This protective talisman is considered exclusively male, and not only travelers and lovers of spending the night in the open, but also all those who comprehend something new and unknown, can resort to its help.

Velesovik helps on the way

Who needs the amulet of Veles

Veles is a very strong Slavic god. He is responsible for many aspects of life, and therefore his amulet can be considered universal. Anyone who turns to the deity with a sincere request coming from the depths of the soul will certainly receive the support of higher powers.

First of all, Veles patronizes farmers and cattle breeders. The talisman will be useful to those who are associated with agriculture. His sign averted damage, the evil eye and various diseases from living creatures. Cattle began to give better offspring, and milk yields increased.

The symbol of Veles is able to ward off trouble from pets

The Veles symbol will become an excellent amulet for those who are connected with trade. At the same time, it does not matter what a person trades, whether he works for someone or runs his own business. The Slavic god will help the bearer of the sign to profitably sell the goods and find new buyers.

Veles does not leave those who travel far from home without his care. People who have taken care to take a talisman with them can count on the support of the deity along the way, help in overcoming difficulties and protection from ill-wishers.

Veles' amulet helps those who are away from home

Veles also serves as the guardian of the world of the dead - Navi. He is the mediator between the departed and the present generation. Turning to this god, a person can enlist the support of ancestors, get some wise advice from his kind.

Fragments of musical instruments are often found near ancient temples. This suggests that Veles sympathized with creative people. Wearing the Veles symbol contributed not only to the spiritual growth of a person, but also allowed him to open up, discovering new talents.

Among other things, the symbolism of the god Veles helps to improve material condition and achieve prosperity. The amulet will help develop intuition, and this will allow you to achieve some success in healing and clairvoyance. A person who has a talisman of a powerful deity will be reliably protected from evil people, envious and traitors.

How and from what to make an amulet

The ancient Slavs made Veles amulets from the following materials:

  • the bone of a dead animal, most often a bear;
  • wood;
  • silver;
  • gold.

Currently, metal amulets are the most popular.

Veles symbols in the form of pendants, rings or key rings can be purchased at specialized workshops. But real strength will have amulets made as a gift to a blood relative.

Slavic amulets cannot be made for yourself. It is better if it is a gift made from the heart by a brother, sister, parents or children. The spouses are not blood relatives, but if their union is harmonious and filled with happiness, then the amulet made for the husband or wife will also have great power. In the process of creating a talisman, you need to think about the person to whom it is intended, keep his image before your eyes.

The best material for making a Veles amulet is silver.

Anyone who decides to wear a Veles amulet should understand that bronze, brass and other base metals and their low-quality alloys are not suitable for a Slavic amulet. On the contrary, silver and gold can be used to make a talisman. These metals have good energy content. In this case, preference should still be given to silver, since it perfectly accumulates and stores energy.

If a person chooses a tree as a material for a talisman, he should know that such an amulet will have powerful energy. But it can't be done the right talisman using a piece of an old oak stool or a piece of plywood. For this purpose, you need to go into the forest and choose a tree yourself. Otherwise, the product will be just a stylish decoration that does not fulfill its functions.

When choosing wood for an amulet, it is better to give an advantage to such species:

  • ash;
  • pine;
  • cedar.

Veles loves these trees.

Video: making Kolovrat

When making a Veles amulet, important details must be taken into account:

  1. The finished product must have through holes.
  2. It is better to make the amulet mirrored, that is, one side of it should look exactly like the other. This is done so that the amulet not only receives energy, but also gives it away. Otherwise, the talisman will not be able to protect anyone.
  3. Another important condition for a “working” amulet is that each of its elements must be clear and smooth. No burrs or additional jumpers are allowed. Each bend or line of the product is a conductor, nothing should impede the movement of energy.

Cross stitch embroidery, scheme

Cross-stitch is the easiest way to create an amulet, but at the same time, the resulting product becomes a powerful protector.

For work, you need to choose threads from natural materials, natural colors:

  • wool;
  • cotton.

It is better if the embroidery is without knots, as they prevent the mascot from doing its job. As for the process itself, it is important to embroider an amulet with good and bright thoughts.

Velesovik and Veles symbol embroidery scheme

You need to embroider according to the lunar calendar:

  • if the object is intended for a child, then work begins on the first quarter of the moon;
  • if the talisman is intended for an adult - in the second or third quarter;
  • when an adult needs to get rid of something, for example, from a disease, then they embroider on the 20-21st lunar day;
  • a charm for acquiring money, strength, wisdom, health is made on the 4th, 7th, 10th or 14th lunar day.

It is important to make at least 10-20 crosses at the right time. The rest can be embroidered at any convenient time, regardless of the calendar.

The embroidered symbol of Veles is considered a very strong amulet.

Tattoo in the form of symbols of Veles

Much can be said about the owner of the tattoo depicting the symbolism of Veles. Such a person probably likes to spend a lot of time thinking alone. The sign of the werewolf god also speaks of a deep sense of respect for nature.

A person who inflicts such a tattoo on himself will have a heightened intuition, insight and perception. In addition, this symbol is able to bring financial well-being to its carrier.

Before applying the image of the ancient rune of Veles to your body, you need to carefully study its meaning and meaning. A rash spontaneous decision to get a beautiful picture on the skin can have the most unpredictable consequences.

Amulets in the form of tattoos - gallery

The image of the god Veles on his arm The bear footprint of Veles on his shoulder Tattoo in the form of a wolf print Veles Tattoo in the form of a wheel of Veles

How to activate the Slavic talisman

A charm just made or bought in a store is not able to fulfill its main protective function. It needs to be charged. Moreover, the product, most likely, managed to be in the wrong hands and absorb someone else's energy. Therefore, first of all, you need to clean the talisman. To do this, just place it for a day in a bowl of salt water. This solution absorbs unnecessary energy well and makes the object absolutely neutral. After cleaning, the used water should be taken out of the house as soon as possible and poured onto the ground.

It is better to charge the amulet in a secluded place in the forest

The activation of the talisman goes like this:

  1. You need to choose a day (preferably Wednesday) and go to the coniferous forest.
  2. Closer to the night, you need to choose a secluded quiet place and put the amulet on a stump or a fallen tree. After that, the person should try to feel as calm as possible.
  3. Next to the amulet you need to put a bowl of beer or kvass.
  4. To tune in to the right wave and relax, a person must breathe deeply, listening to the sounds around him.
  5. Taking a handful of earth in the palm of your hand, you need to mentally turn to Veles and ask him for help. You need to pronounce words sincerely, believing in the power of a mighty god.

After the ceremony, beer or kvass must be poured onto the ground, and one must mentally thank his patron. And do not forget that Veles is a pagan god, which means that he will be pleased if gifts are presented to him before the start of the ritual.

The pagan god Veles loves gifts

How to use the amulet correctly

Any amulet is intended for personal use by one person. The amulet must always be with its owner. The symbol of Veles can be worn on the body, put in a bag with you, carried in a car or hung in a house. A properly charged amulet will work wherever its wearer is present.

The symbol can be used as a home amulet. As an image of a bowl, a sign placed above the door will attract wealth and health for the whole family.

Veles sign placed above front door, will ward off uninvited guests from the house, as well as drive away evil spirits. At the same time, the talisman must be hung with the sharp end down, because only in this way will its protection work correctly.

Amulet of Veles in the house will help protect against uninvited guests

God Veles is also known as the patron of trade. To succeed in business, the talisman can be placed right in the workplace.

To protect children, parents put a charm in their school backpack. After that, they can not worry about the performance of their child. In addition, a child under the protection of Veles will avoid trouble on the way from school.

The talisman of the werewolf god can be used for any life difficulties. Turning to him, a person will definitely receive support and be able to make the right choice. Amulets of Veles help in achieving goals, they are able to take trouble away from home, protect livestock and provide support on the road.

A formidable but fair god who controls the four elements of nature - Veles (Great Ruler) is the most revered in the beliefs of the ancient Slavs. The Lord of the three worlds, who owns the forces of Light and Darkness, helps wise and hardworking people. Its symbol - a bear's paw - is endowed with powerful energy that protects against hardships of life and instilling confidence, willpower and courage in the character.

What the seal of Veles looks like: image and description

The god of nature appeared before the inhabitants of the earth in several images, but to visit the real world (Reveal) he often chose the appearance of a bear. Therefore, the sign associated with its strength in shape and pattern repeats the paw print of a fearless beast, representing a rounded base of intertwined lines, crowned with five “fingers” with sharp claws.

Reference! The trace of a bear seen in the forest was considered by the Slavs as a symbol of great good luck, indicating the presence of the "Ruler" favorable to them.

Those who choose the seal of Veles, the secrets of the Universe are revealed and a happy life path is provided.

Charm Bear paw: meaning and properties

The symbol of a powerful deity helps to overcome obstacles on the way to the goal and diverts energy flows created by black magic or negative thoughts. It protects its owner from deceit, theft and evil thoughts.

Under the influence of the amulet, a person easily achieves:

  • good luck in job;
  • material wealth;
  • implementation of any plans;
  • respect and high status in society.

Important! It should be remembered that the amulet protects only those whose thoughts are pure and whose deeds are conceived for the good.

The talisman also contributes to the development of talents and incredible intuition. Its energy gives confidence in difficult situations and helps to quickly make the right decisions.

For whom is the seal of Veles intended?

For support wise god fertility has always been calculated by merchants, wanderers and sorcerers. He brings good luck first. professional field, promotes the conclusion of profitable transactions, attracts buyers and protects against unforeseen failures. The second guards during the journey. The third opens magical knowledge: the ability to foresee the future and influence the energy of subtle matters.

In addition to sellers, travelers and magicians, the sign of a great god is suitable for law enforcement officers and those whose work is related to the restoration of peace and justice or the elements of nature, namely:

  • policemen;
  • military;
  • firemen;
  • foresters;
  • farmers;
  • hunters;
  • fishermen;
  • representatives of creative professions.

Women can use the amulet of the Slavic deity to gain strength of character and develop the leading qualities necessary for a career. It is especially useful for ladies who occupy a leadership position, but do not have sufficient firmness to manage personnel and make serious decisions.

Do not forget that the amulet has a powerful "male" energy, endowing the personality with determination and aggression. Women need to limit contact with him in order to keep the true beginning.

Important! The talisman should not be worn by people with addiction to alcohol or drugs. The Lord of the Three Worlds does not approve of such habits and can punish them for them.

For young children, the amulet with the power of Veles is not intended. Only boys from 12-13 years old and adults are allowed to wear it.

How to activate the power of the amulet

A purchased or self-made talisman will not open the properties without a certain ritual, which includes two stages: cleaning and activation. To perform the first action, a pinch of salt is dissolved in a glass of spring water. Then the amulet is dipped into the vessel three times and left there for a day. Upon completion of cleaning, it is taken out, and the water is poured away from the house.

The second stage - activation is performed in the evening in the forest or at the temple (sanctuary of ancient Slavic deities).

You must come to the chosen place alone and spend time in silence. After telling the amulet about your plans and desires. Find the location of the god of fertility, perhaps by reading prayers and offering "requisitions" from natural kvass or good beer.

The ritual is considered complete when the performer feels the presence of the majestic patron.

Wolf paw - the second type of Veles seal or a delusion?

The wolf is the second guise of the "Great Ruler". The sacred sign in the form of a paw of a freedom-loving beast with four fingers is recognized as its symbol, endowed with other properties. A seal in the form of a wolf's footprint is suitable for those who wish to gain independence, courage and determination. It enhances a person's feelings and gives energy to protect loved ones and achieve goals. The owners of such an amulet acquire the features of a "wolf":

  • family loyalty;
  • desire for freedom;
  • willingness to help;
  • wisdom in solving complex problems.

Two variants of amulets support those who honor the higher laws of Genesis. It is recommended to wear them around the neck, over or under clothing - hiding from strangers.

Veles seal. “One of the most powerful and revered ancient Slavic gods, responsible for fertility and wealth. Our ancestors believed that Veles received his incredible strength from the forces of Light and Darkness, and that is why our world is so dynamic. His power and wisdom were respected and feared at the same time, because he was able to tame all the elements and all the forest animals. It was also believed that he could take the form of a bear or a wolf, depending on the situation. Although the god’s appearance is rather formidable, one should not think that he has a negative attitude towards people, everything is exactly the opposite - the brother of Svarog, who has tremendous knowledge, taught the Slavs various arts and crafts. And only for the elect, he opened the veil to the world of Navi and their mysteries.

There was a belief among our ancestors that a person who put on the amulet the Seal of Veles automatically becomes his child, regardless of whether it was a man, a woman or a small child. This amulet protected the child and helped to overcome obstacles or life-threatening situations, and also contributed to the implementation of plans and desires.

The seal of Veles is considered one of the most powerful symbols in terms of energy in the culture of the ancient Slavs, and for good reason, because the god Veles occupied our ancestors special place among the major gods. It was believed that he comes to the aid of people whose profession is trade, magic, or people who observe laws and order.

Ancient ancestors believed that Veles patronizes sorcerers, priests and sorcerers. They always respected Veles and his symbol, which they often used in their practice, and in return, he endowed them with incredible power.

He is also the Vodchim of all Paths, and in simple terms, he helps travelers not only find the right path, but also overcome the difficulties that arise along the way. In this case, Veles appears in the form of an old man in a long cloak with a magic staff in the form of a branch.

Seal of Veles Bear's Paw

The seal of Veles Bear's Paw is intended to destroy the evil thoughts and deeds of people. This Slavic amulet is perfect for people with various talents, but at the same time trying to hide it from people, as they are afraid not to like it or go beyond what is allowed. People suffering from various addictions should remember that the god Veles did not approve of such an expansion of consciousness. Ancient ancestors believed that the Bear Paw Seal of Veles amulet helps to remain steadfast in all situations, as well as emerge victorious from the most difficult and intricate situations.

Despite the fact that the Seal of Veles is considered a male amulet, women can also wear it, but only for certain purposes, for example, you need strength and ability to make decisions quickly, but wisely for career growth, or the woman’s character is too soft. And wear it for a long time Slavic amulets intended for men should not be, otherwise the consequences can be frightening for the life of the wearer, changing his character or fate.

For men, the god Veles is a real patron, he will help to achieve incredible success at work, bestow diligence and wealth, the main thing is to sincerely believe. Slavic amulet The Seal of Veles is recommended to be worn by people whose profession depends on nature: hunters, rescuers, firemen, fishermen, also merchants and many others.

It is also worth noting that this symbol requires activation, the most optimal time of day for this is the onset of twilight. It is best to charge the amulet with the energy of the forest and spend some time there. Our ancestors believed that you need to talk with the amulet, talk about your hopes and ask for help.

Seal of Veles Wolf's Paw

The meaning of such a talisman is unequivocal - a risk for the good of one's clan and family, it is always a struggle and movement in one direction. Our ancestors believed that the Wolf Seal of Veles could come to the aid of people who, for the sake of their goal or principle, were ready to balance on the edge of the worlds. And speaking in simple terms, they are ready, if necessary, to sacrifice themselves and their lives for the sake of another without demanding or expecting anything in return.

It should be remembered that this symbol will reward its bearer with a wolf desire for independence and freedom, as well as the unshakable aspirations of life according to the principles and laws of Being. Charm Seal of Veles Wolf's Paw is considered universal, that is, suitable for both men and women, the main aspect when choosing this amulet is the desire to achieve your goals and become an authority for the people around you.

This symbol is perfect for those who want to change their lives and character. His energy is able to influence and develop hidden leadership skills, and also reward courage. The ability to make decisions and be responsible is also inherent in this symbol, and speaking much more simply, the Wolf Paw will sharpen your feelings and aspirations.

Activating the Seal of Veles

Of course, a completely logical question arises, how to activate the Seal of Veles, because our ancestors believed that this amulet needed consecration and energy replenishment. The very process of activation of the amulet takes place in two stages: preliminary consecration and direct activation of the amulet.

For consecration, you will need spring water, a candle and, of course, a talisman. It is necessary to stay at home alone, light a candle, then dip the amulet three times in spring water (spring running water is an energetically strong entity) and read a prayer to Veles:

Velese God, it’s in the sky,
In the word it is secret, in the world it is glorious,
In hops ardent, set in the holy,
In buzz, in dance, in all beauty
In the stellar scales, in the wild place,
Volkhov now appear today.
Rise up gray-haired like before grandfathers,
Take away troubles, lead according to the Veda,
From the earth to the sky, from those to the light,
From these thresholds to the Native Gods,
Show me the way to their hall
Formerly reveal and navi rule in harmony,
Everything at the head of Veles is glorious!
Goy! Glory!

After the consecration process is completed, the talisman must be put on and not removed for a day, all this is necessary in order to strengthen the connection with Veles.

  1. Charging with earth - will allow you to save your owner from various external influences;
  2. Charging with water - will endow the amulet with the purest energy, clean and bright;
  3. Charging with fire - will give the power of the elements;
  4. Charging with air - will protect against all sorts of troubles.

Immediately after activation, the amulet can be worn and be sure that its power will always help in difficult times, protect against enemies and evil eye. The wearer will feel the protection and presence in his life of something very strong and invisible.

It is worth noting that there are several varieties: the Print of Veles Bear Paw and the Print of Veles Wolf Paw, and each has its own meaning and range of applications.

Psychosomatics (diseases from emotions)