Gods patrons by date of birth. Slavic patrons and amulets by date of birth

The Egyptian horoscope is one of the oldest calendars that have come down to us. It is based on the mythology of the gods ancient egypt and is based on the person's date of birth. Due to the fact that the ancient Egyptians carefully monitored its safety and did not dare to change anything, it was actually preserved in its original form. Their horoscope consists of 12 signs, each of which personifies its own deity, but unlike other horoscopes, each sign refers to several time intervals at once, separated by months of the year.

Egyptian Horoscope by Date of Birth

In the Egyptian horoscope, the entire annual cycle was divided into small periods of time. Each of them was controlled by a deity, which not only predetermined the life of a person, but also gave him the features of his character, endowed him with secret knowledge, and revealed the mysteries of controlling supernatural processes. The Egyptian Zodiac includes 12 signs: Nile, Amon-Ra, Mut, Geb, Osiris, Isis, Thoth, Horus, Anubis, Set, Bastet, Sekhmet. Each sign, except for the Nile, symbolizes egyptian god or a goddess.

The character of the deity, after whose name the sign was named, was also the character of man. The behavior of a person, his features and skills were reflected in the properties of the ruling god sign. To calculate your sign online according to the Egyptian horoscope, enter your date of birth and click on the button. You will receive a description of your zodiac sign and find out compatibility with other signs.

Egyptian zodiac sign

Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Month January February March April May June July August September October November December

The Nile represents the beginning of something. People of this sign have a very peaceful nature and do not like conflicts. Sometimes they can be under the power of passions, but even at such moments they act wisely. Their mood changes frequently. They can be calm and peaceful, and then suddenly become angry. People of this sign are excellent observers. They communicate well with other people. The people of the Nile are analysts who love to dream about the possibilities of wealth and how to live a peaceful and calm life. They love to surround themselves with sophisticated things. They are attentive to details and always try to follow a peaceful path. Before proceeding with any action, they prefer to make sure everything is safe. These are very practical people. People of the Nile sign are serious and choose activities that suit their practical, diligent, analytical mind.


Amon-Ra is the god of protection and is considered the king of the gods. Those born under the sign of the Egyptian god Amon-Ra are talented and optimistic. They become good leaders and inspire other people. In any situation, the people of Amon-Ra are always confident in themselves, and keep everything under control. Due to their optimism, they very often feel happy. They are able to trust their inner voice. They also use their inner voice to help others. They are very successful and lucky. They may pursue a career as a consultant, coach, or motivational leader, inspiring others to improve. People often come to them for advice. The people of Amon-Ra are excellent at making decisions. Representatives of this sign are smart and often become leaders. People of the Amon-Ra sign are full of wisdom and courage, have willpower and diligence.


Mut symbolizes woman and mother. AT Egyptian mythology Mut also symbolizes the divine mother, her name means "mother of the world." People born under the sign of Mut are educators and protectors. They tend to make good parents. They often hide their innermost feelings and thoughts, revealing only to the closest people. They can be very shy. Only by getting close to someone, they show their knowledge, wisdom and generosity. They clearly know what they want from life and are focused on making their dreams come true. They know how to attract others with their charm and patience. Mut people have logical, practical thinking. They think rationally, so it can be difficult to prove that they are wrong. They are sincere and yet mysterious. They are interested in spiritual growth, philosophy and mysticism.


In ancient Egyptian mythology, Geb was the god of the earth. He was the father of Osiris, Set, Isis and Nephthys. It was believed that earthquakes started from his laughter. People born under the sign of the Egyptian sign Geba have a good heart and good intuition. From time to time, they are overly emotional, but this charm and magnetism attracts other people. People born under the sign of Geb are very reliable friends. They can be very sensitive, but they always remain cool and tactful. They are diplomatic and always think before they act. They can be shy, but when needed, they are quite assertive. They have good memory and they never forget what other people have done for them. They are attracted to activities that are beneficial to the Earth and the environment. They are suitable for professions related to teaching, counseling or literature.


People born under the sign of Osiris have 2 sides of their personality. They can be very energetic and strong, but also indecisive. They are successful in new endeavors, optimistic and very generous. Thanks to their intelligence and charisma, people born under this sign can make a successful career in sales or education. They are natural born leaders and confidently use this skill to achieve their goals. They live for today and are always full of energy. First of all, they think about themselves. They are distinguished by their directness in communicating with other people, and always mean what they say. They are very fond of helping others. People of this sign are very independent and do not like to follow someone's orders. Therefore, it is difficult for them to work in submission. It is best for them to have their own business and work for themselves. People of Osiris are enterprising, self-confident and purposeful.


Isis symbolizes the mother and goddess of nature. She is the patroness of children, the poor and the dead. She is the daughter of Geb and Nut, and the sister of Osiris, Set, and Nephthys. She married her brother Osiris and gave birth to a son named Horus. People of this sign are very frank and straightforward. Some find them too blunt and open, while others appreciate their direct communication style. They seek romantic relationships with adventurous and carefree people. They are sociable people who like to give advice to others. Isis people have good feeling humor. People of this sign will not let any obstacles stand in their way. They are lucky, and they are able to use all resources. They may excel in the arts, marketing, or entertainment. They work well in a team and they are very self-sufficient. This makes them popular with friends and fans.


Thoth is the god of the moon, knowledge and wisdom. He is known as the creator of writing. People born under this sign of Egyptian astrology are excellent problem solvers. They love to share their knowledge with others. Naturally, they often become teachers and mentors. They communicate well with people and can become writers or journalists. People of this sign have a good memory, and they never forget someone's favor or kind gesture. They are always looking for ways to improve. In romantic relationships, they are honest and faithful. They are attracted to people with the same values. People born under the sign of Thoth love to gain knowledge, so they can be lifelong students. They are patient, so they are ready to learn if it helps to gain the necessary knowledge. They are very resourceful. They always have a lot of new and creative ideas, which will help to achieve success in business.


Horus, the son of Osiris and Isis, is also known as Hora. In ancient Egyptian mythology, it symbolizes the stars and the sky. He was born after the death of his father Osiris with the protector of the pharaohs, who united Upper and Lower Egypt. People born under the sign of Horus are very courageous and willing to take risks. These are very charismatic individuals. They are always optimistic and will succeed in any profession. These are leaders who are good at motivating and inspiring others. Horus people are strong willed and can be stubborn. They put their family's needs ahead of their own, acting selflessly for the benefit of those they love. People born under this sign are hardworking and get along well with others. They are very practical and intelligent and will protect those in need. They can become famous politicians, public figures and psychologists.


In Egyptian mythology, Anubis is the guardian of the underworld. People born under the sign of Anubis are very passionate and creative. They are very emotional and sensitive, usually prefer to work alone. Their emotions can be very unpredictable. Even though they are introverts, people of this sign exude confidence, which earns respect from other people. They freely express their opinion. People of the Anubis sign are very perceptive and conservative. They are very observant and often have advance knowledge of other people's thoughts and motives. They are interested in professions related to education and psychology. They never deviate from the goal, even if they could not achieve it in a few years. People of this sign can be excellent doctors or nurses. In relationships, people of this sign are affectionate and caring. They enjoy taking care of their families and homes.


In Egyptian mythology, Set is known as the god of chaos. People born under this Egyptian sign are always looking for change. They may seek adventure and thrills all their lives. They set themselves high goals and do not stop until they achieve them. These are the leaders who don't like to lose or be in second place. They always solve problems with determination and perseverance. The people of Set will not sacrifice their own progress for the sake of everyone else. People of this sign are very sociable and charismatic. They love to be the center of attention. They can make good ministers, motivational speakers, or salespeople. The people of Set prefer action to silence and solitude. They like to move forward all the time. They are always looking for additional information and knowledge. They tend to become leaders in areas that are not well known.


In Egyptian mythology, Bastet is known as the goddess of cats and the goddess of pleasure. She protects women and fertility, as well as love. People born under the sign of Bastet are always looking for balance and peace. They avoid confrontation and stressful situations. They have very strong intuition and can even be psychic. Intuition allows them to see the true motives of people. People of the Bastet sign are charming individuals who love to enjoy life. They surround themselves with nice things. They are inspired by music and art. In a romantic relationship, these are faithful and devoted partners. They are very emotional and sensitive, but also fiercely protective of those they love. They are affectionate and caring. People born under the sign of Bastet are mysterious, attracted by mysteries and the occult. Their activities may be related to the occult or metaphysics.


In Egyptian mythology, Sekhmet is known as the goddess of war. She is also considered a healer. People born under the Egyptian sign of Sekhmet have a dual personality. On the one hand, they are disciplined and strict. On the other hand, they are free and like to just go with the flow, without any restrictions. They are perfectionists with a sense of duty and justice. They can become good judges and leaders. People of the Sekhmet sign are very professional and able to maintain confidentiality. Many people respect them for their discipline and benevolence. Their main goal is to always keep their pride. For them, this is as important as achieving the goal itself. Sekhmet people are best realized in power, but they can also become volunteers. They are very optimistic and see something good in all obstacles.

Egyptian Zodiac Signs

Total - 12 gods for 28 periods of 7-21 days. It turns out that the Egyptian "god circle" is based on the lunar calendar, and the average length of the period for each deity is 13 days (2 weeks or half a lunar month). This is somewhat reminiscent of the Venusian calendar of the ancient Mayans, which had 20 months of 13 days - a total of 260 days. But even more it looks like the ancient Indian zodiac of 27 lunar stations-nakshatras of 13 days, from which, apparently, the Sumerian one originated, passed to the Babylonians (Chaldeans), and then to the Greeks. Which zodiac is more primary - ancient Indian or ancient Greek - is not yet clear. The idea of ​​the patronage of individual gods over people, depending on the day of their birth, may have passed into Christianity in the form of saints and name days, when a saint patronizes each person. It is now associated with a person's name, but was originally associated with a birthday in Orthodox calendar to which certain saints were attached.

You hardly met with such a horoscope! Assess the accuracy.

NIL (January 1-7, June 19-28, September 1-7, November 18-26)

The Nile is the source of life, fertility and wealth in Egypt. The ancient Egyptians worshiped and prayed to the God of the Nile in search of a source of life and prosperity.

Representatives of this sign are distinguished by impulsiveness and passion. They are not suitable for professions where you need to sit in one place and perform the same manipulations day after day, communicating with the same people. They easily manage to change activities, and they easily adapt to any situation. Their motto is - do it so that you don't regret later that you didn't do it. They treat their loved ones very well, they will never leave them in trouble. But the passionate desire to help everyone around you can lead to negative consequences - they can be used.

Superpower is the gift of healing people. Thanks to their active and large biofield, they can relieve pain with their hands. Next to them, people feel good and calm.

Characteristic features - cheerfulness, purposefulness, intransigence, impulsiveness.

AMON-RA (January 8-21, February 1-11)

Amon is the god of the sun, creation and reproduction. God is a protector, who is represented as a man with a head decorated with ram's horns, sometimes instead of a head - a solar disk.

In any area of ​​life and in any business, people born under this sign strive for leadership and, as a rule, they succeed. Often they choose such professions where they can show their talents to the fullest. For the sake of success, we are ready to move mountains. In the rays of glory and the sun of this person, everyone strives to be on a par with him, which is why people are drawn to him.

Superpower - the gift to foresee the future.

Characteristic features are courage, cheerfulness, wisdom, diplomacy, charisma, the ability to convince and reassure people.

MUT (January 22-31, September 8-22)

The mother goddess is the wife of the sun god. One of the most powerful goddesses in Egyptian mythology. She personified rigor and justice. She was depicted with two crowns on her head or as a lioness.

People born under the auspices of this goddess have outstanding health and physical strength. Often they choose extreme types of profession - they become testers, experimenters. Such people bring progress. Deprived of emotionality and sensitivity. Demandingly treat themselves and others. But they are not always self-confident and are prone to sudden mood swings.

A superpower is a gift to sense trouble ahead of time.

Characteristic features - cautiously let people in, secretive, prone to introspection.

GEB (February 12-29, August 20-31)

Geb is the god of the earth, plants and minerals, a symbol of strong alliances. Depicted as a man with a red crown on his head.

Those born on these days are subtle and kind natures with increased sensitivity. They often make good psychologists, educators and public figures. Friends always go to them for advice and share all their problems. They choose a partner for life to match their sensitive and emotional.

Superpower - give life to any plant. The Earth shares its energy and strength with such people.

Characteristic features are kindness, sensitivity, gullibility, the desire to help and make the world a better place.

ISIS (March 11-31, October 18-29, December 19-31)

The personification of femininity, love and motherhood. Protects newborns and sailors. She is depicted as a woman with horns, between which the solar disk glows, her son is depicted on her knees. Wife of the god Osiris.

Her wards radiate warmth and love for all living things. They often make good teachers. They live, rejoicing in life and enjoying all its gifts. They are calm, generous and trusting. Especially lucky were women born under the auspices of the goddess Isis. They become excellent keepers of the family hearth. But if the partner does not deserve their love, they will not torture themselves and choose to live alone.

Superpower - bring good luck to everyone.

Characteristic features - cheerfulness, openness, optimism.

OSIRIS (March 1-10, November 27 - December 18)

God Osiris is a symbol of fertility. He was the greatest ruler, and was killed by his brother, he was revived by his wife Isis, after which he became the patron of the dead.

Those born under the auspices of Osiris become excellent speakers, good organizers and eloquent politicians. It is difficult to hide something from these people, they have an extraordinary mind. They take everything from life and are not afraid to take risks. They will always find a way out of the current situation.

Superpower - see people through.

Characteristic features are curiosity, self-confidence and self-confidence, energy.

TOT (April 1-19, November 8-17)

God is the protector of scientists and explorers. God of knowledge. He was the adviser of Osiris and the patron of his son Horus. Depicted as a man with the head of an ibis. He helped people master writing, arithmetic, the exact sciences, and medicine.

His wards are endowed with outstanding logical thinking, enterprising, curious. Always striving to get to the bottom of the truth. They often devote themselves scientific activity, pedagogy and philosophizing. They know how to hide their flaws. In love, they are given completely and unconditionally.

Superpower is the gift of persuasion. Such people often master the technique of hypnosis.

Characteristic features - charm, modesty, curiosity.

ANUBIS (May 8-27, June 29 - July 13)

A god who prepared people to enter the realm of the dead. He arranged a ceremony and mummified the dead. Meeting them at the underground gates, he performed judgment on them. He was depicted as a wild dog with an elongated muzzle and pointed ears.

His wards have sarcasm, skill in difficult life situations find a reason to laugh. Greater ability to work is noted at a later time of the day and at night. They love to sleep in the morning and afternoon. They prefer to work alone rather than in a team. They take the choice of a partner very seriously, because they choose once and for all life.

The superpower is the gift of discerning truth from lies.

Characteristic features - a heightened sense of justice, idealism, inflexibility.

CET (May 28 - June 18, September 28 - October 2)

Seth is the god of darkness, desert and freedom, storm and war. After killing his brother Osiris, he was banished to the desert and doomed to a life of solitude.

People born under his patronage are ambitious, confident in their rightness. They often occupy significant positions, and reach great heights. They constantly overcome obstacles that they themselves find. They like to delve into themselves and their past mistakes. Difficulties arise in love due to excessive jealousy.

Characteristic features - impulsive, jealous, selfish.

BASTET (July 14-28, September 23-27, October 3-17)

Bastet is the goddess of fertility and love. On the frescoes, she was depicted with the head of a cat.

Her wards have a subtle flair and intuition, are insightful, charming and attract people to them. Women born under the auspices of Bastet become excellent mothers and wives, mastering true female professions to perfection. A little fearful and cautious. Relatives and friends are treated with warmth, understanding and love. In a partner they are looking for a person who would appreciate their sensuality and tenderness.

Superpower - the gift of bringing calm and peace.

Characteristic features - charm, grace, generosity, diplomacy

GOR (May 1-7, April 20-30, August 12-19)

Horus is the god of the sky, the stars, the protector of the pharaohs, the son of Osiris and Isis. Depicted as a man with a falcon's head.

His wards are for the most part creative individuals, with rich imagination and great imagination. Thanks to their gift to get along with animals, they become excellent trainers and zoologists. They move swiftly towards their goal, they are not afraid of obstacles and difficulties. In addition, they like to manage everything on their own, because of this, a problem often arises in relationships with people who are annoyed by their power. They are prone to fleeting hobbies and love at first sight, which passes with age.

Superpower - the gift to understand the language of animals. Animals reach out to such people and gladly fulfill their commands.

Characteristic features - nobility, optimism, the ability to enjoy life, pragmatism, responsibility.

SEKMET (July 29 - August 11, October 30 - November 7)

Sekmet is the goddess of war. Her name in translation means power and strength. In her power were human troubles, she brought droughts and epidemics. But she could also cure people of diseases and save them from bad weather. Justice was her principle. Depicted as a woman with a lion's head.

Her wards are demanding of themselves and others. They will fit well into a profession where you need to communicate a lot with people and work in a team. They are able to make important decisions on their own, without waiting for anyone's approval. They always achieve success, because luck accompanies them in almost everything.

Superpower - luck, the ability to appear in the right place at the right time.

Characteristic features - passion, inflexibility, pride, honesty, caution.

Since ancient times, people have used a variety of talismans and amulets to protect themselves and their homes from all evil, as well as to attract happiness and good luck into their lives. Our ancestors used special amulets, called "halls". The Slavic amulet was selected according to the date of birth. There are sixteen of them in total. The ancient Slavs believed in magical power palaces, always carried them with them, carefully hiding them from prying eyes.

Features of Slavic amulets by date of birth

Even in pre-Christian times, the Slavs had a tradition of dividing people into halls - a kind of analogue of the horoscope according to the signs of the zodiac. Each person, depending on the birthday, was assigned a certain chamber, by which it was possible to find out the character, strengths and weaknesses of the personality. By date of birth, the patron god and the sacred tree were determined.

In the ancient Slavic calendar, the year was divided into halls, which were united in the circle of Svarog. This calendar is different from the Gregorian calendar we are used to. In ancient times, the week consisted of nine days. Each day had sixteen hours. Among the ancient Slavs, the year consisted of nine months, each of which had about forty days.

A person, knowing to which chamber he belongs, can choose for himself a special amulet that neutralizes negative energy to help you improve your life and achieve what you want.

The hall is the house of God. It can be made of wood or metal in the shape of a circle. A polygon is depicted on the front side, and a special symbol is applied in its center. Even as an amulet, a figurine of an animal was made, the name of which corresponded to the hall.

The circle of Svarog is the heavenly path along which the Sun moves, passing 16 halls

How to determine your chamber according to the Slavic horoscope?

If the modern horoscope is focused on Western astrology, then our ancestors were sure that the birth directly depends on the impact heavenly powers. The Slavic annual cycle consisted of 16 periods. Each period was patronized by a certain deity. The gods served as mediators between the realm of nature and man. They helped people leading correct image life, and could punish those who went astray from the true path. The year was counted from the end of summer.

You can determine your chamber by date of birth.

The value of the amulet of the Virgin

Period from 28 August to 20 September. The patron is Jiva - the goddess of life and fertility, as well as a symbol of kindness and youth.

Virgos are distinguished by independence and perseverance. Under any circumstances, they strive to achieve their goals, not being afraid of difficulties and obstacles encountered on the way. The tree of this sign is an apple tree.

People who were born in the chamber of the Virgin strive for independence and independence.

Amulet Vepr

The period from September 20 to October 12. The patron of the sign is Ramhat - the god of law and order and the Heavenly Court. People of this sign are distinguished by a well-developed sense of justice, they always defend their point of view and cannot stand it when others try to put pressure on them to make them do something. The boar tree is a pear.

People born in the hall of the Boar are leaders by nature. They can't stand lies and sycophancy


Period from 12 October to 3 November. The patroness is the goddess Rozhana, who brings comfort and family prosperity. People born under this hall are able to negotiate and quickly find a way out of difficult situations. They easily adapt and find a common language with others. However, it is not always possible for them to make an important decision, because they are often overcome by doubts. Their tree is a plum.

A person born in the hall of Pike knows how to empathize and is always ready to help his neighbor


Period from November 3rd to November 24th. The patroness is Makosh - the goddess of fertility and fate, who helps to establish personal life. The person of this symbol loves calmness and measuredness, pays great attention to his appearance. Before taking a step, he will think over everything well and calculate. His tree is a pine.

People born in the chamber of the Swan are characterized by pride and irascibility. Often they try to assert themselves at the expense of others.

How to choose a charm for the Hall of the Serpent

The period from November 24 to December 17. The protector of this symbol was Semargl - the god of fire and fertility, the messenger between the earthly and heavenly worlds. "Snakes" have an incredible life force and energy. They are active and do not like to sit idly by. Loneliness and inactivity depresses them, and an inactive lifestyle leads to illness and depression. Sacred tree - linden.

The people of the Serpent's Hall boast a sharp mind, which allows them to solve almost any puzzle.

Raven Amulet

Period from December 17th to January 8th. The patroness is the goddess Varuna, who watches over the Gates of the Interworld and controls the movement of stars in the sky. People of this sign are active, cheerful and sociable natures, who always have many plans and ideas. The worst thing for them is loneliness. Sacred tree - larch.

Hall of the Raven - a symbol of the Sun, annually passing a certain area in the sky


The period from January 8 to February 1. The patron is Svarog. This supreme god rules life. It is in his power to choose its course. At this time, kind and peaceful people are born. However, they are characterized by some impulsiveness, so sometimes others do not know what to expect from them. Sacred plant - raspberry.

The man from the Bear's chamber is characterized by caring and kindness. He does not hesitate to lend a helping hand to friends and relatives, even to the detriment of himself.

Hall of the Stork or Busla

Period from 1 to 20 February. The patron is the first Slavic god Rod, who is the creator of the world. The people of this hall are distinguished by friendliness. They are sociable and easily converge with people, in many ways similar to people from the Bear's hall. The union of representatives of these two signs will be strong and durable. The tree that suits "beads" is willow.

"Busly" are zealous owners, and their house is a full bowl


The period from February 20 to March 22. Patron - Veles. This Slavic god of fertility and wealth bestowed fire on the inhabitants of Yavi. The sacred tree is a poplar, capable of taking away negativity and illness. At this time, true pedants are born, striving to put everything in order around. They are attentive and suspicious, so they quickly recognize bad people with whom they do not wish to communicate.

"Wolves" are able to masterfully avoid obstacles that have fallen in the way, always striving to get to the bottom of the truth


Period from March 22 to April 15. The patron is the mighty and formidable goddess Marena. People born in this period of time are distinguished by curiosity, assertiveness, cunning and ingenuity. To achieve what they want, they can lie and deceive. They know how to make a good impression on others. Sacred plant - currant.

"Foxes" are quite rational and balanced, but from time to time they can get involved in dubious activities in order to provide themselves and loved ones with everything they need

The period from April 15 to May 7. The patron is the god of light and warmth Kryshen, who is also called the Heavenly Shepherd. People of this sign are dependent on nature, feeling any of its changes. They become especially active in the spring season. Thanks to organization, perseverance and diligence, they always achieve their goals, and can teach worldly wisdom to others. The sacred tree is an aspen that protects from evil spirits and negative influences.

"Tours" are stubborn and hardworking. They try to complete any work, even if it is difficult and uninteresting.


Period from 7 to 30 May. The patroness is the goddess of spring and family relations Lada. People born under this hall are optimists by nature. They go through life easily, quickly make new friends, and are distinguished by their love of love. Moose are leaders by nature. They can become great leaders. Sacred tree - birch.

Moose are happy to take on any job and quickly adapt to circumstances.

Amulet for Finist

The period from May 30 to June 21. patron - god higher worlds Cherry. At this time, rational and optimistic people are born. They are incredibly hardworking, very active and active. They are not afraid of failure. They know how to retreat in time to gain strength and rush into battle again. Sacred tree - cherry.

"Finists" are creative individuals who strive to bring any business they start to the ideal


The period from June 21 to July 13. The patron is the summer god Kupalo. People of this sign are characterized by haste and impatience. They are in a hurry to live, easily infected with new ideas, but also quickly leave them. Responsible by nature, they always keep promises made to others. The sacred plant is the fern.

"Horses" are maximalists by nature, trying to do everything well and efficiently


Period from 13 July to 4 August. The patron is the god of thunder Perun. The people of this hall are distinguished by an inquisitive mind, goodwill and readiness to help others. However, sometimes they are overcome by laziness, which prevents them from developing and moving forward. In this case, it is good when there is a person next to them who can guide them on the true path. The tree that suits them is oak.

Hall of Ras - meaning

Period from 4 to 28 August. The patron is the god of fertility and sunlight Dazhdbog. Impulsiveness is inherent in people of this sign. They strive for knowledge, but often laziness and choosing the wrong path prevent them from improving. They tend to commit rash acts, but if they take on some work, they do it well. Their sacred trees are ash and ygg.

The ancient Slavs called the word "race" a leopard

The word "chamber" means a large and luxuriously decorated room. It can be a separate building or a chamber in a palace. Our ancestors called the halls of the house in which the constellations were located.

Ways to create an amulet by date of birth, and the rules for wearing it

You can create a Slavic talisman by date of birth from various materials. The most popular are metal, stone and wood. Today you can find on sale talismans made of gold, silver or bronze. Such an amulet can be worn by both a man and a woman.

The easiest way is to make an amulet out of wood. In this case, it is better to opt for the sacred tree of the chamber. For example, for "boars" an apple tree is suitable, for "wolves" - poplar, and for "swans" - pine. You can make a charm both for yourself and for loved one. Accept a talisman as a gift only from those people whose sincerity and good disposition you are sure of. The hall, made with love, will become truly strong amulet, able to protect a person from negativity, as well as helping to avoid many troubles.

It is worth making a talisman if you honor the culture of the ancient Slavs and respect the Slavic deities. Only in this case the hall will have magic power, and will not become a regular decoration.

The amulet gives a person self-confidence and helps to reveal his strengths.

If you bought a charm, then before you start wearing it, you need to clear it of someone else's energy. After all, before it came to you, it was in the hands of the master who made it, as well as sellers or couriers.

The rite of purification should be performed on the full moon. In the evening, take a glass of running water and add three pinches of salt there. Leave the chamber overnight in a glass of water. In the morning the amulet will be cleansed. Wear it around your neck during the day, and before going to bed, take it off and put it under your pillow.

A wooden amulet can be placed in a jar (but not a plastic one) and placed under running water (the meaning of the procedure is cleansing with the energy of Water).

Also, the thing to be cleaned can be put in a bag of sea salt, for example, for a day, and if necessary, for a longer time.

Attention: salt can oxidize some metals.

The hall, made of metal, can be burned in the fire before wearing, holding it over the flame for several seconds.

To strengthen the effect of the amulet, a claw or a fang of an animal, symbolizing the palace, attached to it, will help. If you accidentally dropped the amulet, then mentally ask for forgiveness from his patron. If you lose a talisman, you should not be upset. This means that he took trouble away from you. Found symbols should not be worn, because they belonged to another person, and their effect applies only to him.

The halls of the ancient Slavs do not lose their relevance today. A person born at the junction of two signs, when choosing a talisman, should listen to the inner voice, which will tell you which symbol suits him best.

The pagan calendar of the ancient Slavs is not too different from what is used in determining dates in other religions.

Like today, this ancient people believed that there are Slavic patron gods by date of birth.

This means that for a certain period of time in the year there is a time of domination of a religious cult.


People born between from January 21 to February 20, are very strong personalities, not accustomed to bending under the weight life problems and troubles. After all, Stribog is considered their patron - the god who controls the winds. The dark side of such people is greed, ambition and hypocrisy. They are very fond of power and use all possible methods to achieve it. People around you often feel it. Negative influence and treat such individuals with hostility.

People who happened to be born from February 21 to March 20 are under the auspices of one of the most revered gods of the Slavs - Rod, who was considered the creator of the universe, the fundamental principle of all things. The genus together with the one-man descendants serves as the personification of the unity of all living beings of our world.

Period from March 21 to April 20 is considered the prime time for spring to bloom. This is the most beautiful time of the year, rightfully given away Yarilu - the god of the Sun. People born during this period of time are considered unusually friendly and kind personalities. Making new acquaintances and friends is easy for them. But, like the sun, such people do not tolerate oppression, preferring constant freedom in their actions.

Lada patronized in Russia those born in the period
from April 21 to May 21. The goddess personified life and love, being the female incarnation of the Family. With her arrival, warmth and harmony reign on earth. During this period, the Slavs celebrated Ladodenie, dedicated to the spring awakening of nature. Birthdays under the protection of Lada are distinguished by good health. They know how to create a pleasant homely atmosphere and get along with others.

In the first month of summer, those are born whose protector becomes Letnitsa (or Lelya). She was considered the wife of Perun and was also called Gromovitsa or Perunica. This symbol is typical for the summer season from May 22 to June 2. Who has a birthday at this time, have a developed intellect and have a good sense of humor. They are always the soul of the company and strive to provide any possible support to those in need.

Only 10 days, from June 2 to June 12, at the beginning of summer are allotted for Kostroma - a symbol of fertility and spring. In honor of her seeing off, a celebration was held, similar to the preserved tradition of Malenitsa. Her hat and clothes were burned, as the ancient Slavs believed that the earth would become more fertile this way. People whose birth took place at this time are distinguished by their talents in the literary field.

Dodola ruled from 13 to 21 June. She patronized youth and beauty. It was believed that those born at this time retain the youth of the soul for life, but are somewhat lazy due to their tendency to contemplate the phenomena of nature and life.

Coming Veles (or Kolyada) was marked
from June 22 to July 6 and from July 8 to July 22. This cult had a central place in the culture of the Slavs. He determined the time of sunset and the course of the night. People whose birth took place at this time were characterized as practical, wise, they were characterized by an interest in the occult sciences.

The night from 6 to 7 July (dates are given in the new style) is a special night. At this time, every year it turns out what to be on earth - Light or Darkness. Good is traditionally the winner, but Evil does not give up just like that. It is no coincidence that the day of Ivan Kupala was especially singled out by the ancient Slavs from all 365 days of the year. The bonfires that were burned all over Europe that night were called “eyes of Light.” Those who were born under the sign of Kupala need to focus more on naturalness and simplicity, learn to do with little. People of this sign become unhappy when they begin to pay too much attention to the material side of their existence and hit hoarding. For Kupala people, traveling and wearing linen products will be useful. They are not recommended to overheat.

Dazhdbog ruled on Earth from July 23 to August 23. In Russia, this cult was represented in the form of a tall man moving across the sky in a chariot. He had an open look, and the concept of a lie was unknown to him. He became the symbol of the ruler of fates and the ruler of weddings. Babies swarming under the sign of Dazhdbog were prophesied leadership skills, achieving a high social status due to his flexible mind and purposefulness. They included the founders of dynasties and great empires.

To those who were born from August 24 to September 8, patronized goddess Maya. She was also called Seva and revered as a symbol of nature, the nurse, the goddess of gardens and their fruits, the patroness of fertile lands, rains, good weather, sunshine. Seva's children can get by with little and are fans of naturalness and purity in everything. People of this sign are excellent spouses, because they are fair and kind, they want to live in peace and harmony, and besides, they are unpretentious and economic. As a rule, Sev has few children; some representatives of this sign remain childless. This is all the more offensive, since these zealous people usually have a house full of bowls, and they themselves are very nice and attractive to others.

Period of the year from August 9 to September 11 belongs to Rozhanitsa. Her cult symbolizes fertility and the beginning of life, she is also the patroness of the family. People whose date of birth falls at this time are calm, appreciate a quiet and measured life. They often spend their lives alone, but if they find their soul mate, they are able to stay with her until death.

Period from September 12 to September 27 created for Goddess Mokosh (Makosh). Among the ancient Slavs, she was associated with the keeper of the hearth. People born under her leadership are very attached to their family, but do not like to reveal their soul and inner world to others.

People born from September 28 to October 15, are under the protection of the son of the god Svarog, whom the Slavs revered as one of the main deities. For our ancestors, Svarozhich symbolized the earthly fire, was the patron of the elements, warriors, occupations (professions) of a person. The children of Svarozhich are born in order to become driving force in culture and science. They strive for marriage, they are sure that their soulmate is wandering somewhere in the world, which can be found, the main thing is not to waste time. By the way, it is the name day of Svarozhich that opens the period of autumn weddings.

September 27 to October 24 one of the strongest goddesses of the Slavic pantheon, Morena, dominates on Earth. It symbolizes withering, the end of the path. It is not clear why, but people born during this period cannot understand themselves, decide which path to follow in life. Their only joy is work. Such individuals carry out assignments of any complexity in a short period of time and very quickly occupy high positions.

The peak of the power of the goddess Mary falls on a period of time from October 16 to November 1. She is considered the personification of the forces of winter. The people under her rule are distinguished by an extremely cruel character, they solve all their problems through the use of brute force. And they love it very much when there is not a single rival left on the way to their goal.

Semargl, in the beliefs of the ancient Slavs, with a fiery sword in his hands, guarded the house, the family hearth, acted as the guardian of fire sacrifices. People who were born in November, from November 2 to November 22, receive patronage from Semargl. In the thoughts and actions of people born this month, one can find knowledge of the reverse side of things and the experience of bygone generations.

Those who were born from November 22 to 30 live under the auspices of Winter. The ancient Slavs imagined Winter as a white-faced beauty in a snow-white shower jacket, who traveled around the property on a piebald horse and froze everything around with her icy breath. People of Winter tend to perceive the world black and white, without halftones, because they consider the eternal struggle of opposing forces to be the basis of the world order. They see their mission in the battle on the side of good and fulfill it all their lives, never relaxing. The well-known expression "The world is not without good people"refers to the wards of Winter in full. Representatives of this sign usually have the opportunity to boast of excellent health, especially if they keep fit by hardening.

Vyrgon - goddess of death, usually depicted as a woman with snakes instead of hair. Exactly the same mystical creature can be found in ancient Greek mythology in the guise of the Gorgon Medusa. She has time span from November 1 to December 10, and people born under her leadership are distinguished by strong independence. Such individuals cannot obey, they can only rule. Also, the children of Vyrgoni must constantly see that their work is evaluated by others at the proper level. This usually comes in the form of flattery and praise.

As shown by one of the options Slavic zodiac, people born from December 11 to 23 are under the auspices of Kitovras. This is a mythological centaur, one half of whose body is horse, and the other is human. This character is said to be wise and strong, but has a weakness for wine. As well as their patron Kitovras, people born during this period are quite capable of achieving significant success literally in all areas of life, but on the condition that their desire for all sorts of benefits and worldly pleasures does not go beyond the reasonable.

People born in these December days have another patron - Karachun, the underground god, the owner of frost. The Slavs believed that he had blizzard wolves and connecting rod bears in his servants, who had the ability to turn into snowstorms. Then Karachun began to be considered a deity responsible for the death of cattle. Karachun Day is December 23, one of the most frosty winter days. People who happened to be born under the sign of Karachun have far from brilliant health. This is explained by the fact that their birth fell on a period of natural energy decline, because the heavens are empty, the earth is lifeless, and the waters are captured by ice ...

Perun occupies a special place in paganism. It is believed that people born in the period from December 22 to January 20 have a special power. They are purposeful, courageous and unusually devoted to love.
But very often such strong personalities remain lonely until the end of their lives.

Today I came across a post How to choose a Slavic amulet according to the horoscope. This dial confused me - please note: along the contour there are symbols of the Chinese Feng Shui teachings used in Lopan compasses (I myself have been practicing them for a long time in building interiors according to Feng Shui).

But those who know a lot about magic, extrasensory perception, conspiracies, etc., etc. will tell you dear readers DO NOT WORK for a Slavic, Western person wearable amulets of the East! This is a completely different type of energy flow, you can say a different mentality. But how to apply correctly Slavic symbols as amulets? Let's figure it out. I am very interested in this topic in connection with embroideries and magical symbols in interiors.

Apparently, in order to sell their products, handicraftsmen are used to impressing gullible buyers with an explanation: “So it has long been customary among our Slavic ancestors” . In fact, manipulations with the selection of a Slavic amulet according to a horoscope and attempts to force you to buy pagan amulets by date of birth are gross speculation and cruel deception - the ancient SLAVES have completely DIFFERENT horoscopes !!! note - divisions 16 and not 12!

Why a Slavic horoscope by date of birth, a Slavic birthday are empty words and an explanation HOW TO CHOOSE A CHARM

The horoscope takes into account the eclictic and calculates the influence of the planets in certain place at a certain hour. People so want to put Slavic image thoughts into the usual framework imposed by pop culture! It is correct from the point of view of knowledge - to rely on familiar ideas, comprehending the new. But it is wrong precisely in the case of cultural differences - Slavic mythology and chronology has no analogies with Chinese and Japanese culture.

Naturally, you want to read your Slavic horoscope by date of birth. .. A horoscope is a field of knowledge of astrology about the sectors of the eclictic (the plane of rotation of the Earth around the Sun). So, I hasten to inform lovers of horoscopes on the last page of free newspapers: the practice of compiling horoscopes originated in Mesopotamia in the 5th century BC and is even now very is complicated, since only fragmentary information has been preserved. And most of the pseudo-horoscopes are essentially a hoax. Slavic horoscope by date of birth it is impossible to calculate in the way that astrologers do at present.

This deception is addressed to people who are just beginning to comprehend Slavic culture, otherwise there would not be these direct analogies with Eastern horoscopes. -

Ancient Slavic calendar. Slavic birthday.

Just try to understand the Slavic calendar and ask yourself - in what year, month and date according to the Slavic calendar was I born? Aha! Over many, many years, over countless centuries, so many variants of calendars have accumulated that, only with clarification, one can approximately decide.

Try typing in an Internet search engine: "When was Peter the Great born?".With amazing certainty, different sources name either June 9, 1672, or May 30, 1672, or 7180 according to the then accepted chronology, the Byzantine calendar, valid from 988 to 1453 (according to the Gregorian calendar). Do you still want to determine your Slavic birthday? In Russia, since the time of baptism, there has always been more than one calendar and chronology system at the same time.

You can read more about these calendars scientific explanations, but there are only rumors about the calendar before baptism. In particular, the Daarisky Krugolet Chislobog does not have a single confirmed source (I will be glad to be mistaken, of course, show me if anyone has ever seen this in ancient manuscripts). There are, of course, tricks for especially painstaking. Understand, before the day of the autumn equinox you were born, or after it, before eighteen hours, or after. In this difficult way, you will guess on which day according to the Daarian calendar you were born, Then five thousand five hundred and nine years must be added to the year of birth, then from this date we subtract seven thousand seven hundred seventy-six. We get something. But the joy is short-lived, because this knowledge turns out to be of no use to anyone. Choosing a Slavic amulet by date of birth will not help at all. ..

Therefore, if you want to live in the bright world of Slavic culture, forget about Slavic horoscope by date of birth. Such horoscopes have not been preserved, and those that were in ancient times were tied to calendars that are no longer used.

Slavic amulet.

All of the above in relation to the ancient Slavs does not in the least reduce the power of the ancient charm magic and the ability to pick up a working Slavic charm. Dukhovny. In this magical mystical world, mathematical calculations of the rotation of lifeless celestial bodies. Slavic amulet is a magical tool, thin thread between you and wildlife! Protective symbols and signs were applied to household items, housing, body and clothes in order to strengthen these ties, to get strength - nourishment through these thin, but powerful, ringing, like a stretched string, connections with the Divine world .And each God embodied some part of the Universe, its special part. The name of God and the sign of God is a symbol that collects, focuses energy and transfers it to a person. Which part of the power of this world you want to strengthen in yourself, choose such a talisman ! And he will act, protect and protect!

Studying the signs and their connection with the Slavic Gods, an attentive researcher himself can come to certain conclusions. This is quite easy - you will find a mention of a Slavic deity in the description, which means there is a reason to look at this sign. Understanding the qualities of God, this concentrate of certain properties, one can easily understand the power of a talisman with the sign of God.

The most powerful and ancient signs of the Gods are symmetrical. The first ancient sign- Rod's swastika. If you hesitate and doubt what kind of energy you would like to receive for yourself, choose the sign of the Family. Please note that female and male power have different directions, male “salting” (according to the Sun), female “anti-salting” (against the Sun), in according to gender and choose signs.

Slavic god and Amulet by date of birth. The first way is to look at the Sun.

Our Slavic ancestors always looked at the Sun. They believed that the Sun is the giver of life on Earth, and the Solar God Horse rides every day in his fiery chariot drawn by fire-maned horses to Heaven. And besides this, the Sun has an annual birth-growing-dying cycle. The Slavs have always celebrated on a grand scale astronomical events associated with the Sun - they caroled in December, called spring in March, lit bonfires in Kupala night in June and rejoiced in autumn in September. It is the dates of the spring and autumn equinoxes, summer and winter solstice matter when you want to choose a Slavic amulet by date of birth. Every period solar year was, according to the Slavs, under the control of the Solar God. It was he who looked after people born in their time and determined their life path.

The date of birth among the Slavs suggests which solar God looks down on your life and even guides your path of Rule beyond life. He is the Master of your Spirit.

God Kolyada (for those born between December 21-22 and March 20)

God Yarilo (for those born between March 20 and June 20 - 21)

God Kupalo (for those born between June 20-21 and September 22-23)

God Avsen-Svetovit (for those born between September 22-23 and December 21-22)

Events that happen to you in a short period of time, for example, in a week, are only a small part of this path. But, by and large, this is a small part of the great training of the Spirit. By choosing a charm with the sign of God the Teacher, you establish a subtle connection between the divine essence and yourself.

control time in the solar circle: Kolyada, the God of the young Sun, Yarilo, the God of the spring Sun, Kupalo, the God of the summer Sun, Avsen-Svetovit, the God of the autumn Sun.

Using this method, you are sailing in line with Slavic culture, because the Slavs have always been sun worshipers and connected the course of their lives with the daily and annual changes of the Luminary.

People born between August 27 and September 20 are in the hall of the Virgin. They are childishly spontaneous, young and beautiful. The amulet will help them preserve their beauty.

Hall of the Boar (September 20 - October 11) - a charm that will suit law-abiding individuals who value order in all areas of life. Their main feature is punctuality.

Those who were born under the hall of Pike, talented inventors. They love constancy and do not respond well to changes in life. These are people born duringfrom October 11 to November 3

Hall of the Swan (November 3-24) - a talisman for family people, but at the same time proud and wayward. The patron of the palace is the goddess Makosh.

People who were born between November 24 and December 16 are in the chamber of the Serpent. They will never betray, you can rely on them in moments of adversity. The amulet will help them become more protected.

Hall of the Raven (December 16 - January 7). Bright, positive people are born in it. The amulet of this symbol will help them become wiser. It is especially suitable for lawyers.

People born in the Bear's Hall (January 7-31) - leaders in everything. They are inflexible and prefer authoritarianism. The amulet will help them show their qualities in politics, the military environment and government.

The charm of the palace of Busla is suitable for people who were born in the period from January 31 to February 25. They are reasonable, like to analyze and think about their own actions. The hall of Busla gives them reliability and faith.

People born under the hall of the Wolf (February 25 - March 22), prefer the amulet of this hall as a stimulus to their creative abilities. Their patron is the god Veles

Hall of the Fox (March 22 - April 14). This amulet is for cunning, independent and proud people. He will help in the successful completion of the work begun.

Those born between April 14 and May 6 are in the hall of Tours. These are wise and reasonable individuals who do not like conflicts and strive for harmony. The amulet of this symbol will help them in overcoming obstacles.

Hall of the Elk (May 6-May 29). This amulet is intended for people who are soft and flexible. He will help them to find, preserve and strengthen the family.

Hall of Finist (May 29-June 20). Amulet of people involved in spiritual development. Protects from failure.

Those who were born in the hall of the Horse (June 20-July 13), with the help of the amulet, they will be able to become excellent parents for their children, and will also achieve material well-being

Hall of the Eagle (July 13 - August 4). A charm for those who love their loved ones so much that they will do anything for their well-being. Helps avoid danger.

And the last hall- the hall of the Race. People born in this hall (August 4-August 27) are good-natured and cheerful. They are loving and sociable. The amulet will help them become more permanent and self-confident.

The advantages of this method to choose a Slavic amulet: simplicity. The only thing is, if your birthday falls on border dates, you need to find out exactly what day in the year of your birth this astronomical date was.

Cons: The gods-rulers are more interested in your life path, your movement towards Rule. The guardian of the Native God by date of birth will help you if you ask yourself questions about whether you live the right life. Carry an item with the sign of God with you, and gradually you can feel a new understanding of your life path.

Do you want to know your correct life path if you live according to the Rule. prediction

The second way - Slavic god listen to yourself.

Sometimes life becomes so unpredictable that you want to stop a little and get advice, help, support from someone wise, close, understanding. In this case, the Slavs called on their help to the Patron God, the one with whom they felt an inexplicable kinship in spirit. You can do the same. Just think about what divine entity you would like to intermarry with. What Slavic God Do you dream of calling to Patrons?

Symbols of Mokosh, Perun and Lada

Wise Makosh, the Goddess of Fate and Sorcery, or the proud fast Perun - the Thunderer, the Patron of Warriors? Gentle Lada, Mother of the Gods, Patroness of family and marriage, or the strongest Svarog, the God of Justice, the fetter of human destinies? The Slavic pantheon is characterized by polytheism. And this is wonderful! You can find someone who will answer you with parental love, you should choose the right one for yourself Slavic sign-symbol associated with a specific Slavic deity. This is the answer to the question: what kind of Slavic amulet should you start wearing? Sign of the patron god!

signs of the solar Gods: Kolyada, Yarilo, Avsenya. Pay attention to the solar form of the signs.

The advantages of this method to choose a Slavic amulet : you get a subtle unity with the Patron God.

Makosh symbol - see post

Cons: you need to study mythology and understand the nature of the Gods. The amulet of the Native God, chosen according to the relationship of your characters, will help you when you want to live a life that is joyful and pleasant for you. Carry an item with the sign of God with you, and gradually you can feel protection and patronage.

Do you want to quickly and accurately know your Patron God? Pass the test developed by the Northern Tale. Free online test "Who is your patron god?"

The third way is to think about the situation.

There is a third way to get a working amulet. If you have any specific concern - you want to improve your health, make a career, arrange a happy family, or even develop magical abilities in yourself, then it is best to look for a special God who will help you with this. Each Slavic amulet associated with God , has features. So, the amulet of Svarog grants health, and the amulet of Mother Lada gives family happiness. There are peculiarities and differences that need to be studied and tested in practice.
The choice of such a talisman will require you to be very careful, or help from the comrades of the Northern Tale.

Who can become your God - Helper? A quick way to pick up a talisman.

Did you feel the awakening of interest in the Slavs? It's fine! Do you want powerful protection that attracts universal natural forces? There are such! Just choose your Slavic amulet, based on the knowledge and dictates of the soul.

Well, please forget about the hackneyed Eastern horoscopes, which even the restrained Japanese themselves laugh at.

source https://northernfable.ru/article/slavyanskij_goros...date_rozhdeniya/?clear_cache=Y

Alive-headin the form of a Star and the plants in her hands and on the skirt are more related to her energy - she gives life to all living things - plants in her hands, like streams of life-giving force and growth, nourishing all living things and filling with the light of the Family (head in the form of a star-Alatyr). Birds are like Share and Nedolya, that's why they look in different directions, we cannot erase the bad from life, life includes both white and black.

See how great this symbol looks in embroidered products:

Comprehend, study Native Gods and be happy! @Milendia

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