Images of Slavic gods

Images of Slavic gods

Dana - goddess of water

Dana, in the descriptions of ancient Slavic gods, represented by a fair-faced girl, she is like a river with a voice murmuring a cheerful song. She can give a tired traveler a drink, wash the wounds of a warrior, or, having risen into the sky, fall like a pouring rain on the ground. Dana was honored as a kind and bright goddess who gives life to all living things. By analogy, from her name comes the name of such rivers as the Dnieper (Danapris), Danube, Dvina, Dniester, Donets. The name Dana is compound, it comes from YES (water) and NA (nenya), that is, “Water is the Mother”. Dana originally had the name Dyva, that is, cosmic water, in Yavi - the world of people, it manifests itself in all earthly rivers and reservoirs and has a feminine principle. Dana comes to our world together with light and fire, she is a young Lada. She is the epitome of health and physical beauty. According to Slavic traditions, the Gods bequeathed to people to purify and illuminate the Body and Soul with water, since the water of the source, icy, in its cold has the heat of fire, just as the fire of a hearth contains the coolness and freshness of water. This is her, Dana, the Sun - Dazhdbog imprisoned for the winter in order to free her to Vodokres, because she is the mistress of spring thunderstorms. To wash the earth and make a rich harvest, you need the living water of the Goddess - Dana.

Dana is the wife of Dazhdbog and his opposite, they are both children of the Great Mother Lada. Water in Slavic mythology it is multi-manifested and arrives during the year in four states, as well as the state of the Sun - Dazhdbog. The whole Slavic world celebrates the wedding of Dana and Dazhdbog on the day of Ivan Kupala. The tree of Dana is the linden, and the day of worship is on January 6 and every Friday of the year. You need to glorify the goddess near healing springs, while decorating them with ribbons and wooden images of the goddess. The Slavs always placed vessels near springs and wells so that a tired traveler could get drunk. The waters of the goddess not only sanctify and cleanse the body, but also wash the evergreen tree of the Family.

Among the ancient Slavs, Dazhdbog, also called Dazhbog, Dazhbog, Dazhbog or Dabog, was the god of fertility and one of the main gods Slavic religion, he personified the power and strength of the sun, and was involved in the foundations of the universe. Dazhdbog, like the words give, rain, are single-rooted, having the meaning of bestowal and division of something, and in connection with this, he was expected to fulfill people's desires, well-being and health. The symbols of Dazhdbog are bright, flashy metals that sparkle in the sun, such as gold. Dazhdbog is also known under the names Generous God and Vyshen.

Although Dazhdbog in the current interpretation is associated exclusively with the word "rain", in the old days he personified not only rains, but also sunlight, feeding the earth with warmth and joy.

Dazhdbog Day - September 22 - is the autumn equinox, the holiday of Rozhanitsa, Mokosh and Dazhdbog itself.

Rusichi called themselves Dazhdbozh or solar grandchildren. The symbolism of the sun is also present in Slavic clothing, and on dishes and in decorating houses. These are all kinds of solar rosettes and solstice.
Dazhdbog was first mentioned in The Tale of Bygone Years, in the narrative of which in 980 Prince Vladimir I Svyatoslavovich, also known as Prince Red Sun, included Dazhdbog in the divine pantheon. He became the third most important god after Perun and Khors. Dazhdbog and Khors were always depicted side by side, because Khors is the god of the solar disk, and Dazhbog is the sun's light. Both gods symbolized the sky and stood in the pantheon in two adjacent niches to the right of the central statue of Perun.

But the most meaningful description of Dazhdbog is indicated in the translation of excerpts from the "Chronicle" of John Mapala, which are included in the Ipatiev Chronicle of 1144. It also indicates that Dazhdbog has family ties with the Sun and is the son of Svarog, which undoubtedly connects him with fire.

Yarilo (Yarila) - one of the attributive names of the God of the ancient Rus (from "bright", "hot", "furious"). In Slavic mythology, it was associated with the sun, spring, fertility and love. Every year, April among the Slavs began with the spring holidays of the revival of life. In the villages of the Slavs, a young red-haired rider on a white horse appeared. He was dressed in a white robe, with a wreath of spring flowers on his head, he held ears of rye in his left hand, urged his horse with his bare feet. This is Yarilo. His name, derived from the word "yar", has several meanings: piercing spring light and warmth; young, impetuous and uncontrollable force; passion and fertility. The people of the Hutsuls, the Carpathian highlanders, call the spring yar, and among the Kostroma people, yar is heat and dust.

Yar is also a stream of water rapidly rushing during the spring flood. Ardent means quick-tempered, enraged. Yaritsa - a field of wheat. In a word, everything at this time indulges in the violent joys of life, sometimes even excessive and unsafe. At the celebration, a bride was chosen for Yarila and named her Yarilikha. The girl was dressed in all white, her head was decorated with a wreath and, tied to a lonely standing tree, they danced around her, sang songs: The second time Yarila was honored closer to the middle of summer. The youth gathered outside the village, in a special place - "Yarylin's pleshka". Here, the festivities were noisy all day long, the people ate, sang, danced and honored the young man and girl in white clothes, decorated with bells and bright ribbons - Yarila and Yarilikha. With the onset of darkness, numerous "Yarilin fires" were lit. Sometimes the festivities ended with the "funeral" of Yarila and his bride - straw effigies with clay masks were taken out into the field and left there or thrown into the water. By this, people seemed to say: “Go wild and that’s enough, it’s time and honor to know.” Yes, and there was no time to have fun and dance anymore - every day more and more work was added in the field.

Slavic god - Kolyada

This Slavic god is known to everyone who is at least a little familiar with Slavic history. After all, it is with his name that the celebration of Christmas Eve is associated, when until the very Veles day, carolers went from house to house and sang songs called carols. But what the name of this god means and why the celebration of carols falls on the winter solstice, few people know. According to one version, Kolyada is the ancient Slavic god of festive feasts, and his name is derived from the Slavic root “kolo”, which meant a circle or that carols are directly related to witchcraft. Only now it was forgotten by people that his name in all teachings, annals and references was always placed next to Kryshen, the great teacher of life, who gave people fire, taught them how to use and brew surya - a sacred drink, and also saved humanity from extinction. So what did Kolyada do in this case?

He was born in the 7th millennium BC, which is about 8500 years ago, to save humanity from spiritual extinction. He gathered 60 priests of the highest level from different peoples of the earth and began to teach the forgotten knowledge of the Veda. His teaching became the third divine revelation to people.

The first of them was - the law of the life of the Family. Rod taught that life is omnipresent and
is infinite, life is the Almighty, he gradually descended to the Earth, which as a result arose earthly life. The Almighty descended to earth, first in the form of Rod - his son, and then in the form of Svarog. Then the world was divided into three parts Yav, Rule and Nav. A person lives in Reveal, and on his entire earthly path must strive for the Rule, that is, for Heaven, avoiding Navi, an evil and dark beginning.

The second life law was given by Veles, he spoke about the movement of mankind from Darkness to Light, along the path of the Sun across the sky.

Well, the third law was told by Kolyada. He told the priests about the Day and Night of Svarog and his Great Kolo, in addition, he was the founder of the first calendar, that is, in fact, Kolyada brought people out of a one-time existence, telling them about the movement of time, about the change of seasons and days with nights. This teaching is set forth in the Book of Kolyada.

Slavic god - Kupala

Kupala was considered the god of fun, the triumph of life, the conception of new lives and love comforts. On the night of June 23-24, or according to the new style on July 7, rites of washing were performed, cleansing the body, soul and spirit from all kinds of diseases and ailments. On this night, the fate of the world was decided - whether there would be Light or the world would be swallowed up by Darkness. Every year, the forces of Good, not without effort, win the battle. In the old days, to help these forces, people lit fires “eyes of Light”. The Slavs believed that in the period from June 24 to June 29, the sun is looking for a way home, and Perun thinks where to turn the Wheel of Time. Then the holy virgin Zarnitsa takes him by the hand and leads him along the right path, because everything should have its time - spring, summer, autumn, winter. Such a circle of times bequeathed to us by Rod. And during this time, you need to have time to jump over the fire, and bathe in the water, and collect medicinal herbs, which have special powers during this period. In addition, the peasants drove their cattle over the coals in order to rid them of all ailments, and the most courageous went into the thicket of the forest in search of a flowering fern. According to legend, whoever was able to get this flower can easily find the treasure. Kupala means bright white, because these flowers were called “kupavs”, and to give the legend a special whiteness, they added “boil”, so they said boiling white.
During the celebration, the prayer of the peasants for rain was clearly felt. Round dances, chants, dances in groves, sacrifices to springs and rivers - all this was for the sake of receiving the main heavenly gift - rain. The day of Ivan Kupala was preceded by a mermaid week. This is also not accidental, since the mermaids were the nymphs of water, and a lot depended on them in irrigating the earth with rains. On the days of these celebrations, the most beautiful girls, they were wrapped around with green, flowering branches and doused with water, as if imitating rain. The celebration of Kupala is the most solemn of the cycle of ancient Slavic holidays in the spring and summer.

Lada - The female hypostasis of the Family. Goddess of love, beauty, marriage, abundance. In the name of Lada, the ancient Slavs called not only the original goddess of love, but also the whole system of life - Lad, where everything should be harmonious and fine.

The wife called her beloved Lado, and he called her his Ladushka.

It is thanks to the ancient sacrifices to the goddess Lada, which were in the form of gifts from the heart brought with love Wreaths and bouquets of meadow flowers to the image (Image) of this Goddess, that to this day there is a good custom to give bouquets of flowers to beloved women incarnations of Lada.

More than 40,000 thousand years ago, God Perun visited Midgard-Earth for the third time from Uray-Earth in the Hall of the Eagle on the Svarog Circle. The Patron God of all wars and many Clans of the Great Race. God the Thunderer, who controls Lightning, the son of God Svarog and Lada the Mother of God. After the first three Heavenly Battles between Light and Darkness, when the Light Forces won, God Perun descended to Midgard-Earth to tell people about the events that had taken place and about what awaits the Earth in the future, about the onset of the Dark Ages. dark times- this is the period of people's lives when they stop honoring the Gods and living according to the Heavenly Laws, and begin to live according to the laws that the representatives of the Hellish World impose on them. They teach people to create their own laws and live according to them, and thereby aggravate their lives and lead to self-destruction.

There are Traditions that God Perun visited Midgard-Earth several times more in order to tell the Hidden Wisdom to the Priests and Elders of the Clans of the Holy Race; to tell how to prepare for the dark, hard times, when the arm of our Swastika Galaxy will pass through the spaces subject to the forces from the Dark Worlds of Hell. At this time, the Light Gods stop visiting their peoples, because they do not penetrate into other people's spaces, subject to the forces of the Dark Worlds of Hell. With the release of our Galaxy from the spaces of the Dark Worlds of Hell, the Light Gods will again begin to visit the Clans of the Great Race. Days of Light begin on Holy Summer 7521 AD, or 2012 AD.

God Perun gave the peoples of the Great Race and the descendants of the Heavenly Commandment and warned of upcoming events in the future for 40176 years. During his Third visit to Midgard-Earth, God Perun told the Sacred Wisdom to the people of the Clans of the Great Race. Our Ancestors of Belovodye wrote down Sacred Wisdom in x’ Aryan Runes in the Nine Circles of the “Santii of the Veda of Perun”, in the Nine Books of “The Wisdom of God Perun”.

ROD - Slavic God. The Supreme Almighty, the Almighty God is the beginning and cause of everything living and non-living in this world, he is in everyone, from here there are such Native and important words for every Slav as MOTHERLAND, NATURE, SPRING, etc. It identifies many Gods and Ancestors, it is one and many at the same time, when we remember all our ancestors: Fathers, Grandfathers, Great-grandfathers and Great-great-grandfathers, we say - this is our ROD. In Slavic mythology, God Rod is the creator of the world of the explicit and implicit. The genus is the most revered of the Slavic gods, and its image is the strongest amulet!

In Slavic mythology, the ancient deities of life and fertility, as well as the goddess of fate, were called women in labor; daughters of Rod. The faith of the ancient Slavs in women in childbirth was stable, ubiquitous and indestructible. Mentions of these deities can be found in many ancient Slavic manuscripts. Even the calendar date of festivities and feasts in honor of women in childbirth has come down to modern times - September 8 according to the old and September 21 according to the new calendar, the day of the Nativity of the Virgin. For the people to recognize church holidays; The Church has come to terms with the “demonic” meal in honor of Rod and women in childbirth. Unfortunately, the written monuments that have come down to us do not reveal the essence of the then ideas about the Family: the question of honoring the Family and women in labor is the darkest and most confusing.

The very first mention of Rod and women in childbirth is in the “Word of St. Gregory, invented in crowds about how the first Trash of the existing tongues bowed to an idol and laid trebs on them; even now they are doing it” (for brevity it is called the “Word about idols”).

In all Christian teachings against paganism, all Slavic deities are usually mentioned in a general list, but Rod and women in labor have always stood out in particular. The authors of the teachings return again and again to the meals in honor of these deities. These pagan feasts figured prominently. Rozhanichesky meals especially disturbed the churchmen as the most noticeable and indestructible manifestation of paganism.

The main holiday of the Family and women in childbirth was a public autumn harvest festival. For the second time, Rod and women in labor were honored on Christmas (after December 25). Both of these coincidences with Christian holidays are explained not only by quite understandable and very ancient ideas about the need to thank the gods for the harvest and about winter solstice as a turning point of winter, but also by the fact that in both cases in Christian mythology there are "childbirth women" - giving birth goddesses. In the first case, this is Anna, who gave birth to Mary, and in the second, Mary, who gave birth to Jesus.

The role of Svarog, according to the ideas of the ancient Slavs, is very high. He allowed the sun to make its way through the vault of heaven. Heaven-Imps is a space where there are no demons and demons now, but Heaven itself is the world of demigods, not gods. Thanks to Svarog, the chariot of the Sun rushes across the sky, and the day comes, driving away the night. After Svarog created the Earth-breadwinner, the Earth-mother. To do this, he took a handful of earth, crushed it in his palms, asking for help from the Sun and Moon (male and female) and from the winds. With their help, he blinded Makosh (earth). In it, Svarog established three underground kingdoms.

Mother Earth calmed down on a snake, with every movement of which the Earth tosses and turns (that is, moves in its orbit).

Svetovid is the god of fertility, prayers were sent to him for the abundance of earthly fruits.

In honor of Svetovid, magnificent holidays were held throughout the year.

During the winter turn of the sun, a holiday was celebrated dedicated to the upcoming triumph of Svarog-Svetovid over evil spirits. This time is called Christmas. Christmas time began from the Solstice and went up to Veles day.

Even in honor of Svetovid, a spring holiday was celebrated, which was dedicated to the awakening of nature, the appearance of lightning clouds and rain showers - it was called the holy, or bright, week.

But the most important celebration took place every year after the harvest. At that time, a great multitude of people usually flocked to the feast, who brought the first-born fruits of the harvested fruits to the idol. They brought cattle for sacrifice to God and for a festive feast.
The day before this holiday, the priest swept the temple without taking a breath, and every time he needed to take a breath, he left the temple so that the great deity would not be defiled by the breath of a mortal.

Usually the idol stood hidden from view by a red curtain, but on this day it showed all four faces to the people.

In the morning, when the first rays of the sun hit the face of God, the gates of the temple opened to the sound of a trumpet. The high priest, dressed in four thin chitons - crimson, green, yellow and white - entered the sanctuary, took a horn with wine from Svetovid's hand, according to which he wondered about the future harvest. If the horn was still filled with wine, then the priest predicted a good harvest and a prosperous harvest for the next year, otherwise (if the horn was empty), he announced that there would be a crop failure. At the end of this action, the priest poured out the old wine, filled the horn again and gave the idol a taste of the wine, after which he himself emptied the horn, poured it again and again put it into the hand of the idol.

Then the next ceremony began. A huge round cake made of gingerbread dough was brought into the courtyard of the temple, inside of which one of the priests was sitting. The priest asked the people: "Can you see me?" If he was noticeable, then he prayed to God that next year the harvest would be good, and there would be enough grain that the pie would hide it from human eyes.

By the way, a similar custom exists to this day on some rural holidays. Only instead of a pie, they put a mountain of pancakes and donuts on the dish, behind which the owner of the house, sitting at the table, hides.

Az (a). God who lives on earth is a creator. But there are other deep images: the beginning, the source, the one, the only, man. The images seem to be different, but their essence is the same. The image could change if another image, narrating, had a different structural meaning. And in order for these two images to interact, they had to be coordinated with each other. Therefore, there were images that spoke, and between them images that agreed. Now we just have vowels and consonants. But when vowels are spoken, modern man there is no question - what do they say? If the letters are consonants, then consonants with what? Agreements are different, so there are more consonants. And each of them also carries its own image. But as in runes, each subsequent image affects the previous one, so the runic word was read in one direction, and the image of its structural meaning was read in reverse order. So here, the images seem to be different, but the essence is the same. Origin, source - this also means movement, direction precisely to this image. The point from which the rays went, rays containing deep images. The beginning, the source, the one have, as it were, a homogeneous structure, a single form: "that which was first of all." Therefore, the numerical value of Az is 1.

Gods (b), which was later replaced by Buki. This initial letter does not have a numerical value, because there can be many Gods. The image of this initial letter: a multitude that transcends the form that prevails over something. There is a concept, and this prevails over it.
BA (remember the exclamation “Ba - all familiar faces!”) - “exceeding (b) the original (a), i.e. in excess of". Therefore, the expression "ba" sounds in a surprising form. The person is surprised: how is it?! There is something, and something else has appeared in addition to what existed at the beginning and on top of it something else.
BA-BA (we agree with the same form). Here A influences B, i.e. human (a) to something (b); they were surprised, but at the same time the divine (b) began to influence the human (a), and again the image changed, surprised by something. Namely, a Divine creation, which surprisingly showed a new plurality with the addition of a single one. Therefore, Baba: what she produced in addition to what we have, a new, the same Divine form of life. And in the opposite direction: abab is the divine source of human multiplication. They say that a woman will get mad, become a “woman” when she gives birth to a successor of the family, i.e. boy. If she gave birth to a girl, she was called a young woman. But these forms exist in other languages ​​as well.
BA-B - the divine (multiple) is collected through the divine, and a single source (a) is located between two matching systems. "A" in this case is a transition point, a gate. The Assyrians, the city where the gates of God were located, called Babel, Babylon.
Abbreviated form of writing: B. - "prevailing, more." Example: constellation Ursa Major. But since there is more, it means that there is something less. Such forms are embedded in our ancestral memory and any person, no matter where he lives, can understand them. Because all this comes from a single proto-language. Since the set cannot be concretized, the letter “B” has no numerical value.

Lead (c). A certain set (predominance), gathered into one; certainty; orientation; a link between two systems (between the past and the future, between light and dark, between radiation and absorption, etc.), i.e. it is a relationship. And she is always full of something. It's not just a point of contact, it's fullness. As an example, consider the following structure: past, present, and future. This filled volume, linking both extreme structures, is the present, i.e. something worthwhile, worthwhile, and this is right on it: real. Vedas connect these two structures. We are the point of transmission - the gate. One more structure: primordial darkness - multicolor (many light) - pure light. And here multicolor acts as a linking structure in the two systems.
Therefore, the Vedas are not only wisdom, knowledge. This is the whole spectrum of EVERYTHING: colors, smells, tastes, sensations. Numerical value 2 - correlates with the number of connected systems. The present is only a moment, as if it does not exist.

Verbs (g). Movement, flow, direction. When a person speaks, he directs his thought to someone or something, i.e. information is transmitted according to the following scheme: emitter (mouth) - sound information flow (speech, verbalization) - receiver (ears). And at the same time, the verb implied trinity: the transmission of a sound form, a figurative form and a hidden (secret) form, i.e. thoughts. Therefore, the numerical value is 3. If a person simply speaks, then he talks, but does not speak.
GA - (generalized): path, movement. But if you read according to the images, GA is “a stream coming from its origin (source); something that began somewhere, and it flows if there is no limit to it.” And the image of the approved source from above Tai. Taylet - the month of the end of Summer (year).
Tai + GA - is “the end of the road; the end of the beaten and established stream.
GA + T - “beaten, i.e. created path”, where TH is the firmness of the path, at the same time created”.
The Vedas are what is given by our ancestors, the Gods, that is, it goes beyond the scope of our understanding.
GA + B - the flow from the beginning went to the Vedas, that is, that which goes beyond the sphere of understanding of a given person or that which came out of the sphere of understanding, where B is “wisdom beyond understanding”. But when you say to the dog - bring slippers, she brings. That is, the dog is on a different level of perception, it is closer to nature. And man, when he was closer to nature, could talk to animals. Remember Russian fairy tales. By the way, when interpreting the image of the initial letter, you need to consider where it stands in the word.
AH is what is below our source, going beyond our perception. MAG - whose thoughts go beyond the limits of perception, but also go into the depths of the ancient primordial stream. He uses inaccessible, deep forms of past knowledge.
Or rune KA. When it stands at the beginning, it means unification, absorbing everything into itself. When at the end - one of the many. KARA - that which absorbed the radiance, light (RA). RAKA - the place where the deceased was laid. Even the light (spectrum) from the sun that reaches Venus is one, the light that reaches the Earth is another, and the light that reaches Jupiter is the third. So is the letter itself - the spectrum of its perception varies depending on its location.

Good (d). Acquisition; accumulation; multiplication; creation; above something; beyond what is; transcending (superlative form) something. At the same time, "Good" means the fullness and harmony of the created; developing form. "Good" also meant "elevation, elevation, prosperity." Compare: D is integrity (three sides and one more above something) and the full development (harmony) of a person: body - soul - spirit - conscience, i.e. both here and there a four-element structure. So the numerical value is 4.
YES! - when something prevails over the original (divine), it is always an affirmative (approved) form. And in this case we say: YES! (i.e. "Good" + "AZ"), prevailing over the original, since it (the predominance) has already appeared. Let's swap the images.
HELL - good no longer prevails over the original. Primordial (source) is under predominance. HELL, as an opposition, is before the Divine, the human. Its opposite structure. This is a Russian word, in Hebrew it is hades, in the Greeks - hades, in Latin - inferno, but there is also hel - that which does not belong to God, the underworld. AB and BA, AB and BA, GA and AG, YES and AD. These are what linguists call syllables. The Lamb, the one who has not yet been educated, is below our source.

There is (e). The form of existence of Genesis (to be); being in this reality; being in a manifested state; something that has volume and perception, visible and sensual. At the same time, it also means what is in development.
There is - this is everything that concerns the earthly life, and does not concern the universal structures. A little Torah. In the Torah HAVA (life), but they write HEVA, EVA (eve) - that which appeared in terrestrial (planetary) conditions, i.e. it is created life. ancient symbol human life, known to the peoples of the East, "a star in a circle", consisting of five elements: AD - AM - E - V - E. The symbol means - human life.
Earlier similar ancient symbol also consists of five elements: Water, Metal, Fire, Earth, Wood. And one more symbol "Kolovrat in a circle": a four-element structure of a person (body - soul - spirit - conscience) living in the Universe (Kolovrat and a circle). Those. and here we observe the same five elements of life - Being. So the numerical value is 5.

I am (yes). Diversity, multidimensionality, multidimensionality, multistructurality, discussion and reasoning, in relation to a certain point of discussion (ALL can be a point).
The use of different initial letters, seemingly the same sounding words, gives different images:
They ate - through IS (they ate, ate, ate, ate) - i.e. reception of diverse forms of energy.
Barely - through IS - an existential (preceding) form; what was previously started (they say: they barely started, barely got it), i.e. it is not a perfect form at the level of being.
Ate (ieli) - through YAT - "connecting heaven to earth", i.e. trees.
Diversity, versatility cannot be conveyed in numerical form. Therefore, I am a multitude. they have different meanings.
Hedgehog - through IS - diversity of life. IF so, and IF not so? It is understood that there will be many forms of life manifestations in this being or not.
But the hedgehog used to be written Hedgehog (through IS) - one of the life forms of our being.

Life (w). This image means not only life, but also the existence of various forms of life; set interconnection; transformation (preliminary education, initial creation) and transformation (change of something); birth and growth; reaching a certain limit, beyond which a new Path to a new limit appears (evolution, mutation). Life is multifaceted, diverse, and diversity cannot have a numerical form. But at the same time, note that there are different forms that, in a structured way, can, as it were, flow into the system.
ZHDA - waiting; WAITING - waiting for people; Thirst is a vital variety of sources that are necessary beyond what a person has, for example, a thirst for water, knowledge, blood, etc. Previously, the concept of thirst was prescribed in two forms. When the spiritual principle prevailed in the image of the word, they wrote like this: THIRST. With a more mundane image, the double “F” was absent: thirst.

Dzelo (dz). It means not only very, beyond, much, but also what is beyond our understanding; beyond our consciousness and imagination; what we do not yet know and what we have not yet known. In other words, everything that is outside the scope of perception. It is, as it were, interconnected, flows (exists), but in order to understand it, it is necessary to rise above today's self, i.e. develop. It, as such, is not closed to our understanding; it itself must also develop at a faster pace in order to surpass our tomorrow's level of knowledge. “There is” - our form of Being is numerically denoted by 5. And what is beyond five, which is “beyond that”, which at the moment even surpasses the current level by one - the numerical value is 6.
Slo in the Vedic understanding is not absolute, it is ignorance, ignorance. Spelled out in different capital letters, this word has a different meaning:
SLO - something unknown to people (structure, object).
SLW - a radiance (radiation) unknown to people, something transcendent, beyond the bounds of understanding (light - visual radiance, radiation, but radiance may not be visual - invisible).
SЪLO (dzielo) - through YAT - that which is being created (a matter), is still incomprehensible to others.

Earth (h). Universal structure, multidimensional form: what is included in a certain system as component; that with which life contacts, touches; planet.
Imagine three concentric circles. The central circle is the sphere of our Being (E = 5). The next circle is that which is beyond Being (S = 6). The outer circle is the Limit itself, like the universal System (Z = 7). This is the numerical designation of the letter "Earth". The concept of "Earth" is a multidimensional, multifaceted form of existence, and hence a form of life. Therefore, it was not in vain that this system was previously called “Mother Cheese Earth”, where “cheese”, that is, raw (not necessarily wet), but raw, original (from the beginning), different; "mother" - flesh (b) naya; "earth" - dense (solid) heavenly body(system) generating everything in itself.

Izhe (and). Connection, union, unity, harmony, balance. All paths converged at one point, and they are harmonious. Therefore, the numerical value is 8. Image of IZHE: balancing (harmonizing) life of being. This is the union form.
World, where РЪ - recisotvaryashe, i.e. decision; M - thought (wisdom), i.e. general image words: the wisdom of the decision. Wisdom and decision that are harmonious lead to balance. It was in this sense that the word WORLD was understood as a state without war, without conflicts, in equilibrium. Balance has always been considered the truth, therefore, in addition to the allied form, the image of the initial letter was also a manifestation of the true (certain) character. But this same initial letter also had another image: a small part, a gap, a flash, an awakening. Now it is Y (and short).
Lai - people (l), as it were, are given the initial (a) flash (s), - a short message: pay attention!.
Barking - several dogs report. Laika is the one that gives the message (ka is one of many). By the way, the word dog is not Russian. Among the Slavs, this animal was called PLS, and the female - PLSina. The prince and the princess, the princess is their daughter.

Izhei (and). The true life of being harmonizes with the Universe. The vertical line is the connection between the heavenly and the earthly; point is higher. Therefore, the image shows a connection with the highest, the highest (original) point, and this image of this initial letter was used to determine the universal scales (in the universal large and in the universal small). The universe is a harmonious order, which in the numerical display is 8, and by connecting heaven and earth in the outline of the initial letter "izhei" I, we get the numerical value - 10.
MIРЪ - a structure created by thought, i.e. it is the universe itself. WORLD + I (WORLDS) - Universes (connected worlds), because the image of "ERA" is a connection. Go to other WORLDS - go to other Universes.
I in Latin - a small universe, that is, a person. Therefore, until now in English, which is based on Latin, I - I. If you take the old canonical books, Jesus is written in them, then they rewrote Isus, the modern spelling Iesus. Te he was credited with a divine origin, although according to the same books he said that he was a son of man.

Init(s). With two dots or with a line at the top, which indicates the limited space: our harmony is true, approved and created, i.e. already in order. The word is ours (and not mine, not hers), i.e. general, plural. That. Init conveyed the image of a single multi-sphere (communal) definition: General characteristics, forms, rules, foundations. The word (wisdom in making a single decision) in this case characterized precisely the communal forms of being of our ancestors, who from time immemorial lived in a community, in the world. And that this is so is confirmed by the still preserved word images:. Settled in historical science the term "primitive communal system" is not a primitive, herd existence of savages in dirty skins, but the original existence of the structure of the world, i.e. communities. The initial letter "init" does not have a numerical designation, because characterizes the communal (plural) form.
For the correct spelling of the initial letters of the "izhei" group in words, there is the following rule: if these initial letters are immediately followed by a vowel and there is no consonant, then the initial letter "izhei" was written - I, because. only the Universe, which is personified by "izhei", does not need intermediaries to coordinate with any world. For example, being, ary. As an exception, in the case of a communal word form, they were spelled through “init”. But flashes Y can only occur in the universe, so it was always written iy.

Gerve (gha). Unknown, but revealed. This initial letter was always prescribed in the so-called. amazing forms (now - exclamatory) and was used to express, designate something amazing, wonderful, but, at the same time, incomprehensible; something that was not defined by any hallmark, but this image could not be described. There used to be two forms - amazing! and interrogative? The manifestation comes either from Navi, Slavi or Rule, i.e. it was revealed from other Worlds, which was considered a divine sign, a miracle. And since the divine cannot be expressed in any particular form, then the initial letter “gerv” did not have a numerical value. But sometimes the amazing could not be described by a verb, then the initial letter took the form Derv. Good recommended from above. A ghar lad is not a good one, he is an unusual lad. Ghana is an unusual girl.
There is an expression: if you don't know, don't tell. Therefore, over time, many peoples have a taboo, a ban on the use of divine sounds. As a result, the initial letter was written but not pronounced. Hellada - Hellas. Gholland, who says Holland, who says Holland. Therefore, in order not to be confused, write the Netherlands. Sometimes pronounced like a soft X - Help. But this is all introduced, not ours.

Kako (k). The three-dimensional unification (k) in a person (a) unites him with one more light structure (k), i.e. defining as “it, he” (schematically, it looks like this: to the unity of the heavenly and the earthly (connection), expressed by the initial letter “izhei” I, two more Worlds (Glory and dark Nav) approach at a certain level. The result of this unity is the image initial letters - K). That. it turns out: here is a person (in its own way, this is the universe - a microcosm), and next to it there is another universal structure (macrocosm), the unity of which in a numerical value is expressed by the sum of two 10, i.e. it's 20.
When there is a connection, a merger of two or more systems, a certain volume is created in which the merged systems interact and harmonize. Space and time appear. Interesting analogies can be traced and .

People (l). The graphic image of this initial letter is composed of three components: the human sphere, which limits part of the space; the relationship between heavenly and earthly (human) and the world in which living beings live. Collectively, this is the letter L (people).
If “how” is volumetric, then here there is a contact of volumes, because each person, as we have already said, limits a certain part (volume) of space. Those. some independent parts are combined into something, a complete likeness of a single one, which we see in the example of creating figurative graphics of a drop cap. The connection, the manifestation of the three worlds, in volume gives a total result - 30.
It is written through INIT, i.e. community, therefore the initial letter is called: people. With this concept, our Ancestors denoted a community of people living not only an obvious life (tied to the earth), but also understanding, in addition to earthly life, also in other areas. Those. they had developed three levels of perception of the World: spiritual (mind); sensual and explicit (instinctive). Hence the image of the word "people": firstly, these are (communal) people. Those who tried to destroy were called non-humans, tk. all ancient foundations, commandments said that every life is sacred and requires protection. And only people with a conscience could and can do this, i.e. children of God. Creatures, deprived of channels of communication with the Higher Worlds, have a physical likeness of people, but, in fact, they are not such, because they do not know Love in its true, universal sense. Love, which embraces both Reality, and Nav, and Rule, - i.e. we again see three spheres. When these spheres are united in triple harmony, then such a state, transferred into being, was called PEOPLE. Secondly, the images of the initial letter L (peacefulness, etc.) are essentially: the dimension of existence, i.e. directional movement. Therefore, this initial letter was depicted as follows - L, i.e. everything that is done is directed upwards, there is direction, striving. There were also images that were not matching, they were matching, that is, there was L and there was L. Forest and foliage.
Forest - connects the earthly and heavenly. And climbed - rose above the forest, so you can only climb through the window, but you have to enter the door, the gate. Fox - cunning, lies and deceit. That is, the interpenetration of three volumes, their contact, unification into something like that, a complete likeness of a single one. Linden tree - gives not only life, but also warmth, the material is bast, linden honey, that is, a commonality. Again, a linden is a commonality of something masquerading as truth.

Think (m). A person (person) lives in the outer world, which is displayed by the number 30, but, at the same time, in his inner world (thinks), i.e. a new level is being seen. Therefore, the numerical value is 40 (30 +10). In the chart of the initial letter, as it were, two “orientations” were connected: L + L = M. And as a result of this relationship, the image of the initial letter THOUGHT: thought, think, think, apply (for support). But a thought is not just something in itself, something autonomous, but a certain sequence of movement, information processing, a sequence in some cases (remember: I think, therefore I exist). Therefore, the imagery of the letter M covers the manifestation of the All, because a person is able to think (think) about everything in the world, i.e. has a cosmic mindset. After all, it is not in vain that the word MIR begins with this initial letter, because. its image: thought, movement, a consistent form that is displayed and generates other forms of display. In other words, one gives rise to another, the next follows from one, and thus, passing from world to world through something or someone, a consistent manifestation, transfer of that original form is carried out. The mediator between the 4 Worlds (spheres) has always been the MOTHER - the source of transformation, the transfer form (m), through which the Gods (a) approved (t) and created (b). The concept of "mother" in its original sense is not just a woman who has given birth to a child, she is the GIVING Life (giving birth) to the KIND. Previously, the verbal form “mate (s)” was often used, because. b \u003d e cr.
There are concepts of motherhood and matter, which is a sequence of transformation of any forms (seed-tree-fruit; man-soul-spirit). These are all material transformations, the transformation of one into another, as well as thought.
After all, before doing any sequence of transformation of something, transition from one quality to another quality, you need to think (think) so that this process (thinking) does not lead to unpredictable results, which at first they did not think about and did not suspect (an old expression : oh, these thoughts will not bring you to good!). But there is always a starting point and the movement (process) itself, while, as already mentioned, the form will change. Think - it means transform, change, improve.
In this way, we complete the mental sequence, bringing it to the point of creation, which is the system of incarnation. And when we embody it, but not on the lower level, as it was before (IVI, i.e. M), but in a certain one (I \ I, i.e. H), then we will get the initial letter “ours”.

Our (n). A materialized thought is an embodied image that exists on its own.. That is. we, as it were, added one more incarnation (sphere) to the previous one. Therefore, the numerical value is 50 (40+10). If we embodied, then it is already held, existing, in a certain state of the embodied image. Ours: what exists with us; with us; inside us; not beyond our perception.
Based on this image, the word NOT is not a fully formed structure, located inside our own world, not going beyond its borders. This concept is a form of non-perception, isolation, which exists by itself (not ours). The thought is there, but we cannot feel it. She is beyond being, but inside us. Therefore, if you say NO to a child, he does not hear it, what he does not perceive inside you. Don't go - he perceives - go. That is, it is a form of non-perception that exists by itself.
Above we said that the number 5 is associated in some cases with the five elements of life (being). In our case, the number image of the initial letter is 50 (5 and 0), i.e. being (5) and another sphere (circle) of being (0). Therefore, the frequently used expression: a person is not of our circle, means that this subject of a different system of being, worldview. Compare: And - clear harmony. N - beyond our perception; relating to another state, i.e. implicit. NO - our being is not approved (is not). German - located behind our sphere of life, our understanding, consciousness and way of perception (he is not mine or mute). The English sound of KNOW in one case is NO - NO, in the other case KNOW - to know, to be able. I DON'T KNOW - I DO NOT.
Non-being is not our being; beyond the sphere of our being; does not exist (generally absent); someone else's existence outside our sphere (circle). Therefore, such a concept as the reality of impossible states means that which we cannot imagine; it may be, but for us it does not exist; it is, as it were, outside of time and space. Those. Non-existence is in relation to us in another time, in another space. An impossible state is something that we, being in our own world, cannot imagine.
But if in this place, at a given moment in time it is impossible, then somewhere, it is an ordinary event for a given type of being. Hot ice, burning snow, mist. In the sphere of our Explicit perception, this is, as it were, an impossible state. But somewhere it is quite possible.
Nav, where "AV" - AZ + I know + Created. But what is created? And what is currently beyond our perception (the world of Ancestors and the world of Spirits). Those. Nav is not our Yav; not (N) human (A) wisdom (B) created (b).
NEVOD - an alien form of being (not), located in one of the elements (waters) for creation-work (b). Seine, as we know, is not a natural part of the aquatic environment. He - Is not WATER and is thrown into an environment alien to him for catching fish.
Found, i.e. Az walked and saw this indefinite state (N), where N: referring to another state; does not belong to a specific structure.
Found - barely left, wanted to give, but could not catch up. Touched another world of perception and carried it with him, barely returned; I wanted to give, but they could not catch up with, perceive from another world.

It (about debt.). Someone, something, something that is in a special state, separated from the earthly, but already manifested for us. We separate the heavenly from the earthly, we separate the sacred from the earthly, and we separate the multidimensional from our world. But, at the same time, we define: this sphere (O) is something not of our world (N), created and manifested (b) - OH (it). Thus, IT is not a form of our inner world, but having some connection with us.
OM is indefinite wisdom until it is known.
- approved (from) the human concept (h) and determined by the highest manifestation (YAT), i.e. spiritual mentor.
FATHER - affirming (from) life (e) goal (c), i.e. guide for life.
TYATYA - the one who is approved from above by those who are even higher.
BATYA - determined by the higher Gods.
There is another sphere of life (50), but there is also a form defined by us in relation to ourselves, i.e. our inner world, which is like the universe (10). These two worlds do not touch and are separated by space, which is also the universe (10). Therefore, the numerical value is 70, i.e. it is an alien universe, the knowledge of which we touch, it exists, but is separated from us.
Orati - to plow, to carry out a division, a boundary, a harmonious distinction. Orochnaya - changed.
Orat - a clear delimitation of the concept, not giving the opportunity to refute. as a permanent result.
We see that only one initial letter has changed in the word, but the harmonious earthly cultivation (natural form) has turned into an informational distinction (verbal form). The image of the initial letter onb: to share something. Rat - gathered together, yelling - delimitation. The interference of one world into another world always causes a conflict situation. And like two scales, these worlds are trying to come to a balance. But if these bowls are propped up, we will no longer need the original balance system. We will get PEACE.

Chambers (n). The interference of one world into another world always causes a conflict situation. And like two scales, these worlds are trying to come to a balance. But if these bowls are propped up, we will no longer need the original balance system. We will get PEACE. The numerical value is 80. These props (p) for two interconnected worlds (eye) are brought into a state of stable equilibrium (u), i.e., when all movement and pressure cease.
Software - harmonious (n), consistent with the given sphere (o).
DEAD - one who is at rest, does not move. Dust - that which has gone from the beginning and has turned, is separated from it.
When a person knows (knows) and acts according to this knowledge, without departing from it even a step, this is - Behavior, i.e. following the leader. Another situation: you have undertaken for someone, as it were, a part of yourself - a guarantee, an assignment. There is power (strength), but someone lacks it, and we must transfer it to another area - Help.
Weakness is not our being (not our) power, someone else's power (for us - weakness).
The rooster does not call everyone to rest. This is not a Russian word. In Russia, there was always a kochet.
Rooster from the word sing. Singing - from peace (p) came being (e), harmony (and) being (e), a wave.
PI - a state of harmonic rest, balance.

Reci (p). Speak, utter, speak. But here, unlike the verb, there is a rigid (powerful), clear form of presenting verbal information. Speech-separate, distinguish between generally accepted antagonistic concepts (truth - falsehood; grain - tares, falsehood - lies), plant them on different sides. The numerical value is 100. And by the number we see how the division is going on, the definition of the original (1) between the two spheres (00). Speech - a certain memorized text. "Today is a holiday in our school, the pioneer rejoices, today Lavrenty Palych Beria came to visit us."
- there is a separating, clearly defining form that delimits concepts by homogeneity, structure, form.
SPEAKING - delimitation (r) of the wisdom of two spheres (ovo) verb (d).
- not our speech, but similar in origin to the heavenly (YAT), and it has already been (i) manifested somewhere. Belarusian, Ukrainian, Polish, etc. are dialects of the Old Russian language.
- literally says God (Az). What is the result of this saying? Strength - energy (p), coming from some source, beginning (a). This is a flow of energy-force (light, radiance, radiation, i.e. something consisting of rays). And these rays-rays (photons, quanta) -forms of energy-force , i.e. R in the figurative sense is strength (energy). We read in "two rows": the source of power, the original energy, God's power.

Word(s). When they speak, in the process of this, a sound (vibrational) structure is created, which contains a subcarrier form (information) and a carrier (carrier). This structure for the transmission of sound information, as we know, is called a WORD, where C is a connecting form; L - directing from one sphere to another, united by wisdom - OVO. We no longer have a system, but a dual structure of two spheres - 200, i.e. it is a vibration penetrating into various spheres of perception of the world. Therefore, we call the word a materialized thought (a thought embodied in vibration), which was given coexistence. Therefore, "you can't throw words out of a song." Take away the vibration and it won't be a song.

Firmly (t). The trinity of our world Reveal and two more spheres (the worlds of Slavi and Navi). The numerical value of the initial letter is 300. The very concept of “firmly” means: affirmation; definition; a certain structure, limited by a certain space of Reveal and Navi.
Graphics of the initial letter T: I - the basis (the relationship of the earthly and heavenly), covered by the heavenly (-), and delimited by faces (||), certain frames, certain areas in which all this has some kind of specific instruction. Therefore, if we consider any phenomenon, an event, reflected in the word where “firmly” stands, it determines the measure of the assertion.
TA - the statement of the Gods (ancient Ancestors). HERE - approved by a certain framework of space. TO - someone, something (indefinite form) is affirmed. Either this or that. YOU are created, connected and determined (what is close and understandable).
You are a form of address for something not fully explored, understood. You are not our created and combined wisdom. Alas - when we are next to this form, we are not fully disclosed.
TE (through IS) - a structured finding of the definition. Those - who lived before, were in beingness. Ti - a certain form of interaction, relationship. Ty is a defining form of assertion regarding one’s interaction with the outside world (“ty” is an abbreviated “you”, like “sya” is “yourself”; rotate - rotate yourself; rotate - rotate you).
DARKNESS - a certain form, creation wise gods(certain space). The Slavs correlated the concept of "darkness" with the number 10,000, because. The World of Darkness according to the Vedas is 10,000 worlds.

Uk (y). A form that defines interaction with someone or something (simplifying form), because any interaction (an attempt to understand and accept a different point of view) inevitably leads to simplification. Imagine: there is some kind of structure, and “uk” indicates figurative interaction: where is this or that involved in this structuring. The numerical value is 400.

Freak - one who is under the protection of the clan ("freak" - the first-born, beautiful in Belarusian).
Decree - at the beginning (source) of something (letters are read according to the images: uk + az). Until about the 8th century, the initial letter "uk" did not have a pure (phonetic) pronunciation "y", but a diphthong - "uwe" (wisdom), if it was under stress. And, accordingly, "y", if it was unstressed. In English, this is W. "Uk", as we already know, determines the form of interaction, which is also reflected in its name: defining (y) what kind of co-worker - how it is (k). This feature of the initial letter is also present in its style - U (there is a main form, there is an adjoining one, showing (defining) being next to something).
Veche - a meeting, assembled, whole. Mutilation - to be near something whole; be separated from it (not a whole). Notify - bring to a certain knowledge, wisdom. To appease - to bring to a state of goodness. Learn - being close to knowledge. Us - at the word of the co-creator (i.e., the form located near the mouth - the mouth with which we speak words).
Based on the examples given, we see that "uk" is a form of approaching someone or something, i.e. structured concept. Therefore, if "firmly" - a certain order, a certain (legalized) structure, and another sphere of perception that is next to it, constitute a new structure - an approach from somewhere to something. This word HERE is a statement (m) of approximation (y) to a given definite form (m) co-creating (b). When a specific location was determined - Tutochki. Duck - being nearby, approaching (y) to a given specific form (t), but one of many (ka). It is necessary to clarify that a general interpretation of this concept is given, which has a single name, but different images (breed of birds; informational lie; medical pot). They say ducks fly, but mallards and drakes fly. It is now that everyone has become ducks, in almost every sense of the word.

Oak (ooh) If the image is “uk”, “being next to something”, then “ok”: a certain form with its foundations, structure, content (o), located next to something (uk). Has no numerical value.
Consider the difference in the meanings of these initial letters on the example of the interpretation of the image of the word "Rus".
RUSS - recommended (p) y (y) word (s) created (b). This interpretation does not convey the true image, tk. it lacks substance and content. The Latenians wrote Ruthenia (Russenia), which is why rutens appeared. But there were also Pomorskaya Ros, God's Ros, Red Rus, Silver Rus, White Rus, Malaya Ros. And Muscovy, she has always been Muscovy. A Muscovite is an official, and Muscovites are Muscovites. Under the Romanovs, Rusia was written - bringing it closer to a form with similar harmonious concepts. Under the Rurikovichs, Raseya was written - a divine form.
- the recommended (p) definite form (ouk) by the word (s) is created (b). Or vice versa: an existing (b) word (c) of a certain form (ouk) recommended (p). Those. here there is a definition of the presence of an integral structure with its foundations, concepts. Or, to put it simply, we are talking about a people (community) speaking the same language, in one word (speech). By the way, let's not forget that in different places our ancestors pronounced the diphthong "OU" differently: rus, ros, ros, but the spelling was the same -, i.e. through "ok".
What is the spelling of the word - such is the meaning of the image: as the OUK will be sent (what image you will send), so it will respond (you will get it:), they said in the old days. Subsequently, they began to akat and ukat.
Now there are many simplified interpretations that the word Rus came from the fact that fair-haired (blond) people lived in this area. But this word was written through "uk" - fair-haired (Rus heads), and the sovereign form through "ouk" -. Thus, "OUK", i.e. the definition of this, standing in front of what is in contact - OU, we have already called the previously defined sphere. The created structure (sphere) is definite (clear), in contrast to the approximate one - U, which we can recognize, know or, by touching, receive certain knowledge - to taste.

Firth (f tv.). The initial letter "fert" indicates the disclosure of the deep meaning of the meaning of the word, making it possible, as the poet said, "to reach the very essence." Image: the significance of the essence (what has a certain meaning, stand with a firth (hands on the sides)). The numerical value is 500.
When the definition of the drop cap was combined with the definition of the structure, then an interaction definition occurred:
Fu is a structural form that determines the specifics. "Ugh, it smells like a Russian spirit."
Phi is a structure that is nothing, beingness. "Phee, what a fifochka."
Fact - disclosed and understood in essence (f) what happened, a recorded event (act).
Fig - an empty path. They also said SHISH to you, a cross made of fingers, the road to nowhere.
A figure is a definition of the outline of some form, but not the form itself. Fig leaf - useless, meaningless. A figurant is a structure that represents something (asserts), but is not itself this structure
In Latin F, this is F - half-being (letter letter IS). And the initial letter FITA - Ph.

Hier (x). The intersection of defining values ​​(x), interconnecting heavenly and earthly structures (yat) for speech (p) in time span (b). The numerical value is 600.
Good - the gathering of heavenly and earthly forces in a harmonic form.
Praise - there is a shaft (fullness gathered into one) and this is all the intersection (x), going from earth to heaven (a).
Khlieb (through YAT) - binds, collects earthly and heavenly power(energy).
Hula - reflected (distorted, false, human) information.
Ha - connecting the earthly and heavenly, as well as the Gods who lived on earth (positive energy - creation). Tha - limited force (energy).
For those. who has not yet understood the essence of the image of the initial letter. Previously, there were UDY and BEAUTY, capable of childbearing.
"Oh, you're brave, oh, you're a girl's beauty." This is something else that has nothing to do with this initial letter.

From (from). In the graph of the initial letter “ot”, we see the union of two structures: “om” - W and “firmly” - T definite. And now let's imagine that there is some kind of initial structure, and everything that will depart from this structure means the concept (image) of "OT". The numerical value is 800.
(VETO) - a certain wise foundation. When we receive this foundation from the original structure, we always write (ANSWER). When the structure was outside the veto, it turned out given from the beginning. Therefore, the image "OT" meant a structure emanating from some limit.
- from a given point in space to move to another form. Image: expiration from this particular definition.
(return) - send somewhere from a specific structure. Image: the ultimate form of completion, from which again comes the direction.
- he did something right and sent it somewhere from himself.
But there is also a form of 2 initial letters OT - this is approved and further by whom or what.

Qi (c). The system of definition (ts), interconnecting the earthly and heavenly (yat), limited by the limit. The numerical value is 900: 9 is the highest (limiting) prime number and two spheres (00) of interaction. Image: goal, purposefulness (toward a specific goal), i.e. a given goal can be achieved in one area, and this achievement will be the starting point for striving for a goal in another area, etc.
Tsyts - striving for the limit; to something nearby.
Tsytski - what we strive for with the definition of specifics.
Chicken - the one who appeared from the films (eggs).

Chervl (h). A trait (cher) known (c) to people (l) who create (b). Image: delimitation of certain orders. Because 9 - the limit, but not in two areas, as the achievement of a goal (see above), but in a certain (one) area, which can be considered as the creation of a boundary, a boundary, a certain line. The numerical value is 90.
Chervlyony, devil, devilry, i.e. that which is beyond the limits of perception.
We do not perceive this, because our perception is limited to one sphere, which is itself the highest limit.
Worry - define. Chervl (worm) - a structured definite form.
Chur - frontier guard (h) of the inhabited territory (ur) of the co-creator (b), i.e. kummir Chura - guard of the Frontier. But when they said: chur, me, chur, me!, without inserting “er”, then this is an appeal to the protective power and the Ancestors of the Family for protection.
to shun (something) - to close protective force Kinda, and not at all a synonym for the concept of "be afraid", as they think now. Red (gold) - going beyond the standard spectrum of the yellow metal, i.e. red.
Cherevichki - protective, non-standard footwear. A chock is a blank (sawed) for making Chur's kummir.
Black - beyond the line, unknown, not reflective.
The devil - this living beyond the line of perception, exists t to approved. Karamzin corrected this spelling.
Bird cherry is a frontier for flies. Through (through) - create conditions for crossing a certain line, barrier. Extraordinary - going beyond.
A series (years) - a change in certain life boundaries. Queue - it alternates.
- thinking in time, created by heavenly and earthly forces.
- a wise person ("from the forehead").
A child is the beauty (h) of God (a) goodness (e) it (o), i.e. created by good Gods and manifested in a new form. Among the Slavs, natural harmony was called beauty, and created (blinded) by man - beauty.
Docha - a human (a) state (h), preparing to reproduce God's (o) goodness (e).

Sha(sh). Going beyond certain boundaries, beyond certain images of perception; a certain latitude (area), structure. Let us suppose that I assert that I have measured our space with myself. I took a step, another step, etc... But in order to determine the latitude (width), I had to repeatedly measure it with steps. A step is a moving space. Shawl - space (sha), created by people (l).
Prank is the way people go beyond certain limits of behavior. "Gallery SHA!"
Shaky - a state that does not fit into a certain space.
Shatun (bear) - dropped out of a certain framework of behavior.
A shaman is a person who controls space.
A cone is a modified structure in space (an encapsulated tree). A good definition for modern "bumps".
Masha is the mother of a certain space that goes beyond the generally accepted. Porridge is a certain space collected.
Ours is something that is unknown to us, but was known to the Gods (ancestors).
A ball is a certain limited space.

Shta (sh). A space bounded by some boundary, a limit; protective form.
Thicket - a certain measure (cha) limit (shcha).
Shield - a protective form; made for protection from dense material.
Sorrel - protective (medicinal) functions of a forest plant.
Kashchei is an association (ka) of protective (u) forms of being (e), connected (and) with something unknown, i.e. who unites around him a form of life unknown to us, being.
Blasphemers - finding near the saved knowledge (una).
Kashuny - closed (inaccessible) knowledge.
Koshchyuns are false information that they use to protect their interests.
Kashchyuns - altered (false) knowledge.
UNA - knowledge at our source (forms of life). Discouragement is the lack of certain knowledge.
Yuna - departed from our source - a lie. Young - not yet knowing.

Er (about kr.). Firmness in the concept of affirming some action that takes place under a certain control (performing the necessary action - co-creator).
POST - Complete Cleansing of the Creator's Own Bodies.
СЪНЪ (sleep) - the structure (s) of the action (b) in the unknown (n) of the co-creator (b). A short O sounds under stress, drops out in an unstressed one, but it is written - Sons (dreams). Forehead (forehead) - Foreheads (foreheads). But children sometimes instinctively say - "hit his forehead."
РЪТЪ (mouth) - cutting (p) action (b) approved (t) creating (b).
Also, the upcoming and subsequent drop caps affect the action in progress. In the old days there were words that performed a certain effective function and began with "er".
Ъkrik (shout) - a short, quickly performed action.

Era(s). Multiple, multiple action, multiple structure; created far from a specific place; compound.
Because the graphic image of the initial letter is the interaction of "er" and "izhei", then in the meaning of the initial letter there are both creative and interacting forms.
In modern Russian, there is the concept of others, which is interpreted (Ozhegov) as “not this, not given, next, not like this, different”, etc. We see that in such an interpretation the image of the word is completely lost, because ignored, word-forming this concept, the root "friend". In the old days, the concept of others (FRIEND Name Is) called those who were well known, i.e. relatives and friends.
Others are strangers, not relatives, from other genera. The word Ynye was interpreted as a set (s) of an unknown (n) set (s) manifested (e). In other words, a multitude, created by someone unknown, appeared, unfamiliar, alien.

Yat(s). Divine connection; interaction of heavenly and earthly structures.
- a certain (c) interaction of heavenly and earthly structures (yat) to distinguish (p) the original (a); Veda RA (abbreviation) - bright Wisdom. (north) - this is faith.

Yun (oh). Drop cap graphics: a sphere (circle) and something outside is in contact (connected) with it. Contact; the relationship is tangent; a touch that has something to do with something whole, or is outside a certain range of things (knowledge, foundations, traditions).
Yun (young) - similar, but not yet included in a certain circle (circle of adults).
Vyunsh (vyunoshi) - who is in the process of learning wisdom.
Vyun (vyun) - one who wraps around, but is not part of the whole.
Yurod - fallen out of the circle, having a connection, but living by its own structure (not living according to the laws of the family). Freak - one who is an integral part of the family and is endowed with its power. Remember the proverb: “the family has its black sheep”, i.e. in any family there is always the firstborn child (firstborn). Later, due to the phonetic consonance of words, an elementary substitution of concepts took place: beauty (the freak) turned into its antipode, and the outcast (holy fool) began to be revered as a saint.
South - located away from our lands, traditions, ways.
Ugra (Yugoria) - those who came from the south under our light (protection). Ugra - belonging to our structure.
Yula - something that rotated outside our environment, ours was a spinning top.
Play around - behave like strangers, not according to ours.
Nimble - going beyond certain rules (of combat).
Yura (female Yurina) - a radiance surrounding some kind of whole (these names were called children born 9 months after the death of their alleged fathers).

Ar (a kr., I). Homogeneous structure. The relationship of the heavenly (i) and the earthly (a), but the relationship is very subtle (contact), where each exists on its own, although these are concepts of the same kind.
(arshin) - a certain structure in which the width is created (enclosed) in a certain form. Proverb: everyone measures by his own arshin, i.e. everyone determines what kind of connection he has with his family, traditions, culture. The structure of this connection depends again on the person.
(kernels) - one structure unites (ia) good (e) light (ra). Previously, this word denoted concepts: hugs, insides, bosom, sinus.
- something earthly violated the integrity (relationship). Previously, an “ulcer” was called wounds, cuts, wounds, suffering, troubles, misfortunes, as well as a person who inflicted a mental wound on another.
- that which is in contact; something that you can feel (the organ of touch).
- what is eaten.
Pit, coachman. Yasak - filed from yasak people with whom we kind of come into contact.

Edo(s). Touching the whole, but at the same time we get only some part.
(yegda) - when the given structure has touched the whole.
(yedinosyuye) - what is touched; the relationship between those living on the earthly and heavenly levels.
ONE EXISTING - unity at the earthly level (human interconnection).

Om (oh). Radiance; creation; continuation of movement and existence, regardless of whether we fully cognized this structure or not.
Ktw? What? - the process of development of events, which will continue after we receive answers to the questions asked.
Kwca - what (k) visually limited, but continuing (w) said (c) by the ancestors (a). Coastal spit. We don't see it in its entirety, but it also exists underwater.
Spit - what is it (certain, specific). Girl's hair.
Kasa (scythe) - a tool for mowing grass (lithuanian). mower, caesar, cooper. Previously, 85% of words were stressed on the first syllable.

Yong (e nose). He; a structure that defines an ascending (ascending) image.
(ezyk) - people, tribe (general concept).
(ezyche) - a representative of our people, tribe.
- an outcast from our kind (no language).
- a representative of the existing alien people.
- it is not known who created (no language).
In all these terms, a link to earthly (existential) life is given. And it is not explained whether this people is connected with divine wisdom or not. It is simply said that they live (exist) on earth.
God-respecting people will be. connection between heaven and earth has been added.

Ode (ey, yu). Divine, inherited (from mouth to mouth); correctness, correctness, closeness, agreement. Odessa is right.
The phonetic sound of the initial letter "od": e-short nasal. Earlier - with the sound eu (u). Therefore, the word mouth was pronounced phonetically as eusta (yusta).
- pronouncing some rules, certain events. And all this, as it were, is a divine ancestral foundation, i.e. rules that have been formed over many generations. Hence the justice.
(language) - narrow, poor.
- foolish, unreasonable.
(yutren) - internal.
The image of the initial letter shows: everything that we can perceive around us - this will be "ode".

- Yota (e kr.). Graphics: connection, interconnection of initial letters IZHEI and EN, i.e. the connection of the earthly and the heavenly was added to the structure that defines the image. If - the general definition of the concept of people, then - honoring traditions and Gods, related to us according to certain criteria (our people). We have known it. We may not know about other people, but we know everything about our own.
Therefore, the image of "yota": knowledge (indicating form).
(yodro) - fast, fast. Vigorous - fast acting.
(yodie) - follow the trail (follow the guide). But - it is not known who or what to follow.
(yoza) - illness, disease (ulcer).
(yoti) - take, grab, solder (catch).

Ota (oh kr.). Rejection of something unknown, but existing (unknown, interrogative form).
(dress) - where, from where?
(odiezhe) - where, where, in what way (tell me specifically: where to go?)?

Xi (ks). The spirit that has arrived (v) develops on earth, passing through all the stages (З), and goes further (~).
This initial letter was prescribed wherever there was a definition of the spiritual, a definition of the power of the spirit. He defined this structure, image. Spirit is the refuge of everything (life, light, purity, etc.). Everything connected with the spirit, spirituality, was determined by the initial letter "xi". This figurative meaning has survived to our time.
There is a Greek term: xenophobia - fear of spirits. Our ancestors of spirits were not afraid, as can be seen from the examples.
(wake up) - think about your spirit (don't dirty it).
(xenia) - a spirit living in being, which we know. Ksen is a spiritual shepherd in Poland.
(lay (k) this) - carrying the spirit of the leg.
(oleg (k) sa) - o (n) lay down - the spirit of God. And similar (a) to the spirit.
- the grandson of a leg, carrying a spiritual structure (xi), and the son of a druid.

Psi (ps). Graphics: I (connection) + V (adjacency of two structures) = (triune form: spirit-soul-conscience). The numerical value is 700, where 7 is a mental concept and 00 are two spheres of being. Image: the soul and everything related to the soul plan, order, forms. Psychology is the science of the soul. Kennel from the word ps (dog).
(pseudo) - not belonging to his soul.

Fita (f soft). Unity of spirit, fusion, nature.
This form was met when there was a union, contact, penetration of one into another.
The numerical value is 9, which is "harmony, unity."
In Latin Fita - Ph. And note, alkaline balance - Ph. Phantom, ephemeral was written through Fita.
Fine - beautiful at the level of the soul.

Izhitsa (th, y, y). Movement, fruit, harmonious distribution.
(hypostasis) - essence, nature, essence.
Vstina (ustina) - harmonious, natural beauty. Male name - Vstin. "Ustin Maksimych, where did you get so drunk?"
Earthly truth is truth, universal truth is truth.

Izha (th). Reflects the characteristics of the movement of time (measure of time).
(mir) - the smallest particle of time used by our ancestors. Phonetically, it sounds short, concise: “world”, because Izha was pronounced as "i-short" (th). And at the same time, it divides, measures, gives the concept of volume, mutual combination. In addition, this initial letter was used to show antipodal structures (white-black,time-space ). Note that even in the design of the initial letter, the principle of mirroring is reflected: d + e. Therefore, our world (being) is a measured structure, large (e) - "macroworld". And the other, on the contrary, is small (e) - "microworld". This structure. marked, as it were, both by time and by combination.
Sweetheart - sensual appeal to close person(spouse).
- short-term (without feelings) appeal to an outside woman. This form concerns a specific person only for a certain period of time. "Darling, let me pass", "Milok, pass on the ticket", "Milok, where are you going!". Previously, evil was not personified, that is, one and the same word could carry both positive and negative meanings.

The Slavs, according to the description of historians who depict them, were cheerful, strong, tireless.

Despising the bad weather characteristic of the northern climate, they endured hunger and every need; they ate the coarsest, raw food; surprised the Greeks with their speed; with extreme ease they ascended steepnesses, descended into clefts; boldly rushed into dangerous swamps and into deep rivers.

Thinking, no doubt, that the main beauty of a husband is a fortress in the body, strength in the hands and lightness in movements, the Slavs cared little about their appearance: in mud, in dust, without any neatness in clothes, they appeared in a large gathering of people. The Greeks, condemning this impurity, praise their harmony, tall stature and manly pleasantness of the face. Sunbathing from the hot rays of the sun, they seemed swarthy and all without exception were fair-haired, like other native Europeans. This depiction of the Slavs and Ants is based on the testimony of Procopius and Mauritius, who knew them in the 6th century.

The extraordinary bravery of the Slavs was so well known that the Khan of Avar always put them ahead of his large army, and these fearless people, sometimes seeing the betrayal of the cunning Avars, died in despair.

Byzantine Historians write that the Slavs, in addition to their ordinary courage, had a special art of fighting in gorges, hiding in the grass, astonishing enemies with an instant attack and capturing them. So, the famous Belisarius, during the siege of Auximus, chose a Slav in his army in order to seize and present to him one Gotf alive. They were able to lurk in the rivers for a long time and breathe freely with the help of through canes, exposing their end to the surface of the water.

Ancient weapon Slavic consisted of swords, darts,
arrows smeared with poison, and in large, very heavy shields.

Courage is always a famous property of the people, can semi-savage people be based on one love of glory, akin only to an educated person? Let us boldly say that she was villainy in the world before she turned into virtue, which affirms the prosperity of States: rapacity gave birth to her, greed nourished her.

The Slavs, encouraged by military successes, after some time should have discovered in themselves the pride of the people, the noble source of glorious deeds: Lavritas' answer to Ambassador Bayanov already proves this magnanimous pride; but what could first arm them against the Romans? Not a desire for glory, but a desire for booty, which was used by the Gotfs, Huns and other peoples; the Slavs sacrificed their lives to her, and were not inferior to any other barbarians in rapacity. The Roman settlers, hearing about the passage of their troops across the Danube, left their houses and fled to Constantinople with all their possessions; Priests also hurried there with precious church utensils.

Sometimes, driven by the strongest Legions of the Empire and having no hope of saving the prey, the Slavs threw it into the flames and left only heaps of ashes on their enemies' path. Many of them, unafraid of searching for the Romans, lived on midday
banks of the Danube in empty castles or caves, robbed villages, terrified farmers and travelers. - Chronicles of the 6th century depict the cruelty of the Slavs in the reasoning of the Greeks with the blackest colors; but this cruelty
characteristic, however, of an uneducated and warlike people, was also an act of revenge. The Greeks, embittered by their frequent attacks, relentlessly
they tormented the Slavs, who fell into their hands and who endured any torture with amazing firmness, without a cry or a groan; they died in agony and did not answer a word to the enemy's questions about the number and plans of their army.

Thus, the Slavs raged in the Empire and did not spare their own blood to acquire jewelry that they did not need: for they - instead of using them - usually buried them in the ground.

These people, cruel in the war, leaving in the Greek possessions a long-term memory of its horrors, returned home with only their natural good nature.

The modern Historian says that they knew neither guile nor wickedness; kept the ancient simplicity of morals, unknown to the Greeks of that time; treated the prisoners friendly and always appointed a period for their slavery, giving them
will either redeem himself and return to the fatherland, or live with them in freedom and brotherhood.

The annals equally unanimously praise the general hospitality of the Slavs, rare in other lands and still very common in all Slavic lands: thus traces of ancient customs are preserved for many centuries, and the most distant offspring inherit the customs of their ancestors. Every traveler was, as it were, sacred to them: they met him with kindness, treated him with joy, saw him off with a blessing, and handed him over to each other. The owner was responsible to the people for the safety of the stranger, and whoever did not know how to save the guest from misfortune or trouble, the neighbors took revenge for this insult as for their own.

The Slav, leaving the house, left the door open and food ready for the wanderer. Merchants, artisans willingly visited the Slavs, among whom there were neither thieves nor robbers for them; but to a poor man who had no
way to treat a foreigner well, it was allowed to steal everything necessary for that from a rich neighbor: the important duty of hospitality justified the crime itself. It is impossible to see this meek virtue without surprise - one can
say - adored by people as rude and predatory as the Danube Slavs were. But if the virtues and vices of the people always come from some special circumstances and cases, then is it not possible to conclude that the Slavs were once blessed by foreigners; that gratitude instilled in them a love of hospitality, and time turned it into a habit and a law

Ancient writers praise the chastity not only of wives, but also of Slavic husbands. Demanding brides to prove their virginal purity, they considered it their sacred duty to be faithful to their spouses. Slav women did not want to outlive their husbands and voluntarily burned at the stake with their corpses. A living widow dishonored the family.

They think that this barbaric custom, exterminated only by the beneficent teaching of the Christian Faith, was introduced by the Slavs (as well as in India) to ward off secret murders of muzhiks: terrible caution is no less
the very atrocity that it warned! They considered wives perfect slaves, in any case unrequited; they did not allow them to contradict themselves or complain; burdened them with labor, economic worries and
they imagined that the wife, dying with her husband, should serve him in the next world. This slavery of wives occurred, it seems, because husbands used to buy them: a custom still observed in Illyria. Removed from the affairs of the people, the Slavs sometimes went to war with their fathers and spouses, not being afraid of death: for example, during the siege of Constantinople in 626, the Greeks found many female corpses among the killed Slavs. Mother, raising children, prepared them to be
warriors and implacable enemies of those people who offended her neighbors: for the Slavs, like other pagan peoples, were ashamed to forget the offense. Fear of inexorable revenge sometimes averted atrocities: in the event of a murder, not only the criminal himself, but his whole family, constantly expected his death from the children of the murdered, who demanded blood for blood.

Speaking of the cruel customs of the pagan Slavs, let us also say that any mother had the right to kill her newborn daughter when the family was already too numerous, but she was obliged to keep the life of her son, born to serve
fatherland. This custom was not inferior in cruelty to another: the right of children to kill their parents, burdened with old age and illness, painful for the family and useless to fellow citizens. Thus, the most good-natured peoples, without the rules of an educated mind and the true Faith, with a calm conscience, can terrify nature with their deeds and surpass animals in ferocity! These children, following
to the general example, as to the ancient law, they did not consider themselves monsters: on the contrary, they were famous for their reverence for their parents and always cared about their well-being.

To the description of the general character of the Slavs, let us add that Nestor especially speaks of the mores of the Russian Slavs. The glades were more educated than others, meek and quiet by custom; modesty adorned their wives; marriage has long been considered a sacred duty between them; peace and chastity dominated families.

Drevlyans but they had wild customs, like wild beasts, with whom they lived in the middle of the dark forests, eating all kinds of uncleanness; in strife and quarrels they killed each other: they did not know marriages based on the mutual consent of parents and spouses, but girls were taken away or kidnapped.

Northerners, Radimichi and Vyatichi were likened to the manners of the Drevlyans; also knew neither chastity nor marriage unions; but young people of both sexes converged on games between villages: grooms chose brides and, without any rites, agreed to live with them; polygamy was their custom.

These three peoples, like the Drevlyans, lived in the depths of the forests, which were their protection from enemies and presented them with convenience for animal catching. The History of the VI century says the same about the Slavs of the Danube. They built their poor huts in wild, secluded places, among impenetrable swamps, so that a foreigner could not travel in their land without a leader. Incessantly
waiting for the enemy, the Slavs took another precaution: they made different exits in their dwellings, so that they could, in case of an attack, the sooner
flee, and hid in deep pits not only all the precious things, but also the bread itself.

Being in their northern homeland the neighbors of the Germanic, Scythian and Sarmatian peoples, rich in cattle breeding, the Veneds, or Slavs, had to know from ancient times
this is an important invention of human economy, almost everywhere warning the science of agriculture. - Using already one and the other, they had everything necessary for a person; feared neither famine nor the ferocity of winter:
fields and animals gave them food and clothing.

In the VI century, the Slavs ate millet, buckwheat and milk; and later they learned to cook various delicious dishes, sparing nothing for the cheerful treat of friends and, in this case, proving their hospitality with a plentiful meal: a custom still observed by Slavic offspring.

Honey was their favorite drink: it is likely that they first made it from the honey of the forest, wild bees; and finally they themselves bred them. - The Wends, according to Tacitov, did not differ in clothing from the Germanic peoples, that is, they covered their nakedness. The Slavs in the VI century fought without caftans, some even without shirts, in some ports. The skins of animals, forest and domestic, warmed them in cold weather. Women wore a long dress, adorned with beads and metals obtained in the war or bartered from foreign merchants.

These merchants, taking advantage of the perfect security in the Slavic lands, brought them goods and exchanged them for cattle, linen, leather, bread and various military booty. - In the VIII century, the Slavs themselves went to buy and sell in foreign lands. Charlemagne entrusted trade with them in the German cities to the special supervision of his officials. In the Middle Ages, some Slavic trading cities already bloomed:
Winneta, or Yulin, at the mouth of the Oder, Arkona on the island of Rügen, Demin, Volgast in Pomerania and others. The first is described by Helmold as follows:

“Where the Oder River flows into the Baltic Sea, Vinneta was once famous, the best harbor for the neighboring peoples. Many amazing things are told about this city; they assure that it surpassed all other European cities in grandeur ... The Saxons could live in it, but they had to conceal Christian Faith his own: for the citizens of Winneta diligently followed the rites of paganism; however, they were not inferior to any people in honesty, arrogance and affectionate hospitality. Enriched with goods from different lands, Vinneta abounded in everything pleasant and rare. They say that the King of Denmark,
who came with a strong fleet, destroyed it to the ground; but even now, that is, in the XII century, there are remains of this ancient city.

However, the trade of the Slavs before the introduction of Christianity in their lands consisted only in the exchange of things: they did not use money and took gold from strangers solely as a commodity.

Having been in the Empire and seeing with their own eyes the exquisite creations of Greek art, finally building cities and engaging in trade, the Slavs had some idea of ​​the arts, combined with the first successes of the mind.
civil. They carved images of a person, birds, animals on a tree and painted them. different colors, which did not change from the heat of the sun and were not washed away by rain. Many earthenware urns were found in the ancient tombs of the Vendians,
very well made, with the image of lions, bears, eagles and varnished; also spears, knives, swords, daggers, skillfully crafted, with a silver frame and notch. The Czechs, long before the time of Charlemagne, were already engaged in
mining and in the Duchy of Mecklenburg, on south side Lake Tollenz, in Prilwitz, copper idols of the Slavic gods were found in the 17th century, the work of their own artists, who, however, had no idea about the beauty of metal images, casting the head, camp and legs in different shapes and very rudely. So it was in Greece, where in the time of Homer the artists
were already famous for sculpting, but for a long time they did not know how to cast statues in one form. A monument to the stone-cutting art of the ancient Slavs remained large, smoothly-worked slabs, on which images of hands, heels, hooves, etc. were hollowed out.

Loving military activity and exposing their lives to incessant dangers, our ancestors had little time in architecture that required time, leisure, patience, and did not want to build durable houses for themselves: not only in the sixth century, but much later, they lived in huts that barely covered them. from bad weather and rain.

The most Slavic cities were nothing but a collection
huts surrounded by a fence or an earthen rampart. There were temples of idols, not such magnificent buildings as Egypt, Greece and Rome were proud of, but great wooden roofs. The Wends called them Gontins, from the word shingle, which until now means in Russian a special kind of gorges used for roofing houses.

Not knowing the benefits of luxury, which builds chambers and invents brilliant outdoor decorations, the ancient Slavs in their low huts knew how to enjoy the action of the so-called fine arts. The first need of people is food and shelter, the second is pleasure, and the wildest peoples seek it in the harmony of sounds that rejoice the soul through hearing. Northern Wends in the sixth century told the Greek Emperor that the main pleasure of their life is music and that they usually take with them not weapons, but citharas or harp, invented by them.

The bagpipe, horn and pipe were also known to our ancestors: for all the Slavic peoples still love them. Not only in peacetime and in the homeland, but also in their raids, in view of numerous enemies, the Slavs had fun, sang and
forgot the danger. So, Procopius, describing in 592 the night attack of the Greek Leader on their army, says that they lulled themselves with songs and did not take any precautions. Some Slavic folk songs
Lausice, in Lüneburg, in Dalmatia seem ancient: also the old refrains of the Russians, in which the names of the pagan gods and the Danube river, dear to our ancestors, are magnified, because on its banks they once tempted in military happiness.

It is likely that these songs, peaceful in the primitive homeland of the Veneds, who did not yet know glory and victory, turned into military ones when their people approached the Empire and entered Dacia; it is probable that they ignited hearts with fire
courage, presented the mind with vivid pictures of battles and bloodshed, preserved the memory of deeds of generosity and were in a sense ancient history Slavic. This is how poetry was born everywhere, depicting the main inclinations of the people; so the songs of the most modern Croats most of all glorify the courage and memory of great ancestors; but others, loved by the German Wends, excite
only to fun and to a happy oblivion of worldly sorrows; others do not make sense at all, like some Russians; they like one accord of sounds and soft words, acting only on the ear and presenting nothing to the mind.

The heartfelt pleasure produced by music makes people express it with various body movements: a dance is born, the favorite pastime of the most savage peoples. According to the current Russian, Bohemian, Dalmatian, we can judge
about the ancient dance of the Slavs, with which they celebrated the sacred rites of paganism and all sorts of pleasant occasions:
it consists in waving the arms in a strong tension of the muscles, spinning in one place, crouching, stamping the feet, and corresponds to the character of strong, active, tireless people. - Folk games and fun,
hitherto uniform in the lands of the Slavs: wrestling, fisticuffs, running around - have also remained a monument to their ancient amusements, representing to us the image of war and strength.

In addition to this information, we note that the Slavs, while not yet literate, had some information in Arithmetic, in Chronology. Home economics, war, trade taught them to multisyllabic reckoning; tma name signifying 10000,
there is an ancient Slavic. Observing the course of the year, they, like the Romans, divided it into 12 months, and each of them was given a name according to temporary phenomena or actions of nature: Genvar Prosinets (probably from
the blue of the sky), February Sechen, March Dry, April Berezozol (I think from birch ash), May Herbal, June Izok (as some kind of songbird was called among the Slavs), July Cherven (is it not from red fruits or berries?), August Zarev (from dawn or lightning), September Ryuen (or Howler, as they say: from the roar of animals), October Leaf fall, November Gruden (from piles of snow or frozen mud?), December Chilly.

A century was called a century, that is, a human life, as evidence of how long our ancestors usually lived, gifted with a strong build and healthy physical activity.

This people, like all others, at the beginning of their civil life did not know the benefits of a well-ordered government, did not tolerate either rulers or slaves in their land, and thought that wild, unlimited freedom is the main good of man. The owner dominated the house: the father over the children, the husband over the wife, the brother
over sisters; everyone built a special hut for himself, at some distance from the others, in order to live calmer and safer. The forest, the stream, the field constituted its area, into which the weak and unarmed were afraid to enter. Each family was a small, independent Republic; but common ancient customs served between them as a kind of civil connection. In cases of important tribal
came together to consult on the good of the people, respecting the sentence of the elders, these living books of experience and prudence for the wild peoples; together also, undertaking military campaigns, elected Leaders, although, loving self-will and
fearing any coercion, they greatly limited their power and often disobeyed them in the very battles. Having done a common deed and returning home, everyone again considered himself great and the head in his hut.

In the course of time this wild simplicity of manners was bound to change.

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The question of the image of a Slavic woman is increasingly of interest, along with other questions about the Slavic way of life, etc.

The question is very interesting, if only by the fact that when I thought about it, I myself could not answer - "What does it look like, did (or should) the Slavic Woman look like?".

What image corresponds to the image (appearance) of the Slavic Woman?

Decided to search the net for something about it. Enough information. And even here, in the UK, there is a photo album with photographs of Slavic girls (if not women), girls (I will not say that I doubt their involvement in the Slavic environment ...) but dressed (dressed up in beautiful Slavic clothes.

Frankly, I don’t know why, but in my mind, for some reason, the image (appearance) of the Slavic Woman always seemed to be such a fair-haired, with a long (“wheat”) braid, stately, with a beautiful graceful figure, blue-eyed woman (girl).

I don’t know why, and why I “chosen” such an image for myself, but as far as I remember myself, I never imagined another image, namely a Slavic woman.

Therefore, when I "hooked" on the expression "Slavic girl", I, in connection with this, had a question: "And what is she - Slavic woman, in fact?"
For example, A.S. Pushkin said this: “The Lord sent you down to me, my Madonna, the purest beauty, the purest example.”

These Pushkin lines are surprisingly capacious and accurately describe the original Slavic image of female beauty. From time immemorial, a woman among the Slavs was revered as the Mother of God, the guardian, the keeper of the hearth, illuminating the world with the light of spirituality, kindness and love, the highest spiritualized beginning of life itself. And in spite of all the troubles Slavic peoples, numerous wars, nomad raids, worldly disorder and persecution beautiful women as a sorcerer, and perhaps because of this, the genetic cocktail of the Slavs crystallized as an unusually powerful, unique and resilient code that gave rise to a beautiful, courageous and wise nation. Internationalism, due to historical circumstances, has been inherent in our people since ancient times, and became the basis of this unique genetic code.

"All World culture with numerous masterpieces, science with brilliant discoveries, morality, humanity, altruism, goodness - all this is generated by the light of the female soul, the soul-mother. The uniqueness of Slavic beauty lies precisely in this divine heart light, which fills even the most ordinary features with spiritualized, bewitching, pure, almost fabulous beauty ... "
Artur Timofeevich Malinovsky, Senior Lecturer, Department of World Literature, ONU. Mechnikov.

Slavic beauty is conciliar, it marks a certain unity not only of the external and internal, the unity of many parts of the space where a person lives - the space of the house and all of wide Russia.
The Slavic girl acts as a symbol of goodness, unity, is the Mother of God.
I want to quote a fragment from Levshin's novel, where he describes a certain state of women. The hero gets there and his dream comes true: “What a phenomenon: the doors instantly dissolved, thousands of beauties come out of them. The modesty of virtue, - the author highlights - virtue, - combined with the charms of innocence, shines on their faces - this suggests that we have not only external goodness, but also some kind of inner light that affects external goodness. “Each of them brings and sets two dishes on the table, accompanied by children.”

Further, the author says that each of these women is faithful to her family duties, in addition, she also manifests herself in the state field, so we are talking about synthesis, about the unity of many qualities that are manifested in a Russian woman.

If we turn to the 19th century, the works of Dostoevsky, who literally declared his understanding of beauty, then in The Brothers Karamazov he said: "beauty will save the world." That is, this is not only an aesthetic beauty, but also a spiritual principle, the ethical and spiritual plane of our community. And then the writer continues: “Beauty is a battlefield on which God and the devil are fighting. And the battlefield is the human heart. That is, on the one hand, the aesthetic concept of beauty, the external beauty of the world, on the other hand, it is a spiritual and aesthetic concept, and on the third, it is also a heartfelt understanding of beauty. This is the most capacious, synthetic image of beauty, which is precisely inherent in the Slavic image of the world.

Bogdan Ivanovich Sushinsky, writer:
“The Slavs did not define beauty by external tattoos, nose rings, etc., the beauty of a woman was determined by the ability to be, as we Ukrainians say, - a shoreline in the family, to be courageous, in some situations cold-blooded, to be loving. Genetically, from generation to generation, it developed in Ukraine in such a way that it was necessary to survive, which means that it was necessary to be able to sew, embroider, darn, cook, etc.”

Behind the scenes:
The image of a Slavic woman is incredibly multifaceted: she is a tireless worker, and a merciful sister, and a caring mother, and a tender wife, but most of all, a faithful friend, ready not only to support and inspire her beloved, but also to sacrificial fidelity to her ideals. Recall at least the selfless wives of the Decembrists, who left their careless secular life and went to the Siberian cold, poverty and infamy for their doomed husbands.

Nikolai Nekrasov in his poem "Russian Women" openly declares that such faithful, courageous, spiritualized women are the daughters of an exclusively Slavic world:
Captivating images! Hardly
In the history of any country
You have seen something more beautiful.
Their names must not be forgotten.
High and holy is their unforgettable feat!
Like guardian angels they
Were the backbone of the unchanging
Exiles in the days of suffering.

The beauty of Slavic women is harmony, the inseparable unity of a sensitive, noble soul and a good-looking appearance. After all, a face that glows with thought and feeling cannot be ugly. It was such an icon-painting face that was the image of Slavic beauty.
Today, this image has changed dramatically. The Slavic woman, under the influence of Western fashion for the struggle for gender supremacy, stepped down from the pedestal of the Mother of God. Having descended from heaven to earth and tasted the forbidden fruit of emancipation, the female goddess turned into a female slave. In the 21st century, there was no place for the virtues of modesty, tenderness and spiritual purity.

Turgenev girls, meek Madonnas, tender and sensual Natasha Rostovs, noble wives of the Decembrists, rosy-cheeked peasant women hardened by labor, fabulous Vestal girls, seem to have irrevocably gone into oblivion.
Each historical era puts forward its social values ​​and the female image directly depends on them - in Trypillia culture it is the keeper of the hearth, during the formation of Christianity in Russia - the image of meek, submissive virtue, in the 19th century - the image of a noble, educated noblewoman, in Soviet society - the image of a revolutionary , workers, comrades-in-arms. Today, in the absence of positive ideals, the image of a bitchy emancipated marginal has become popular.

Artur Timofeevich Malinovsky:
A Slavic girl, following the fashion, on the one hand, European, on the other hand, American, thereby loses her originality, individuality.
Modern Erofeev wrote the book "Russian Beauty". It is interesting that Russian is written in Latin, and beauty is written in Glagolitic. The fact that Russian is written in Latin letters means that it is Russian, but not quite. And then the author shows how all the vices are superimposed on the image of the beauty, up to prostitution.

Behind the scenes:
Through the efforts of foreign and homegrown spiritual corrupters, today the image of a Slavic woman is associated in the world with prostitution! Slavyanok turned into a running, profitable product, on which you can make good money.
The image of an inter-girl, little Vera, massively introduced into the consciousness of post-Soviet people, corrupted both women and men. Women have become easily accessible and marketable, and men have ceased to respect them. Propaganda of debauchery, pornography, glamor, consumerism, puppet dead forms, behind which an ominous intellectual and moral emptiness rings, have done their dirty deed. And today the gene pool of the nation is degenerating. According to UN forecasts, 30 million people will remain in Ukraine by 2050. In the conditions of ecological-technogenic and humanitarian-moral catastrophes that have abundantly showered us over the past 2 decades, the Slavs are rapidly losing the wealth of beauty and spirituality accumulated over the centuries.

Abroad, the words "Ukraine" and "prostitution" are now identical concepts. The search engine "Google", for example, on the request "Ukrainian prostitutes" produces 442,000 links.

Elena Aleksandrovna Krylova, psychotherapist:
“I would advise these ladies who sell their bodies to go look at the baby house - how many abandoned children are there: Koreans, blacks, anyone. Who needs these kids? She earned money, and these children go around the world, die from diseases, and first of all because there is no mother nearby, there is no one to hug. I will never be able to justify these women.
I can justify the women who sold their bodies somewhere during the war, but they fed their families, they even fed their crippled husbands, and they had to survive somehow. And now to say that my mother kicked me out of the house and I went to prostitutes ... Yes, I will never believe it! Not because we have such a world now (yes, it has always been a mess by and large), but there were some moral moments, there was purity.

And if we are talking about a Slavic woman, then she was pure, she always helped her husband, she was always not only a lover, but first of all a friend. What now? When you are rich and everything is fine with you - it's normal, but when you are a little sick - I don't need you? So, where is our Slavic woman? You left, and I'll go, find another, with a different purse - yours is empty, I'll find another. What kind of morality are we talking about, what kind of decency? ... Only mother, only family, only there you need to talk about spirituality, about morality. It's not like you made lips with Botox and immediately became beautiful. The most important thing is the soul, and you won’t give a Botox injection to the soul, but your heart, soul, if you don’t do anything, it will remain dirty, and you can’t wash your soul. Therefore, I believe that in order to avoid prostitution, so that there are no children in orphanages, it is necessary to educate morality in the home, in the family.”

We have been accustomed to the idea that all of Europe knows our women since the beginning of the 90s and somehow even reconciled. But the degradation continues, and now Ukraine is also ahead of the rest in child prostitution (the corresponding report in the UN thundered back in 2006, but it thundered everywhere except Ukraine itself). “The United Nations is concerned about the development of child prostitution in Ukraine...” This is stated in the report presented by the UN Special Rapporteur on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, Juan Miguel Petit, following his visit to Ukraine at the end of October 2006. ..
The report notes, in particular, that child prostitution is thriving in Ukraine, and child trafficking is "a huge problem and a harsh reality." Petit claims that 10 percent of victims of human trafficking are children between the ages of 13 and 18...

According to a survey conducted among female sex workers, 11 per cent were children between the ages of 12 and 15 and 20 per cent between the ages of 16 and 17.
The latest Ukrainian statistics date back to February 2003. Then Ukrainian sociologists announced that out of several tens of thousands of Ukrainian women involved in prostitution, almost half were between the ages of 10 and 20. 70 percent of them were driven to the streets by the need to earn a living for themselves and their families. Another terrible figure - almost a third of them regularly take drugs and do nothing to protect themselves from AIDS. Experts say that it is impossible to find out how many Ukrainian prostitutes are HIV-infected.

According to a survey by the Ukrainian Institute for Sociological Research (UISI), only 20% of 636 representatives of the oldest profession surveyed in 12 cities of Ukraine like working in the sex business. At the same time, 73% of them chose this job in order “not to work for a penny in some office”; 61% hope to earn money and leave this occupation; 27% reported that they were forced to work in the sex business.

The policy of selling South Russian girls wholesale and retail can be called official for today's Ukraine - even best friend and like-minded orange M. Saakashvili, during the hysterical Ukrainian-Georgian fraternization the year before last, publicly asked Yushchenko to arrange the supply of young beauties to permanently sexually horny Georgia: “One of the main sources of export for Ukraine should be young single women.” Yushchenko met these words with applause. It can be seen that indeed for him prostitution is already naturally perceived as part of state policy, national psychology and "a truly Ukrainian way of life."

Meanwhile, in Ukraine, indicators of female drug addiction and alcoholism, crime and homelessness, deadly diseases and infertility are growing.
Among the more or less prosperous Slavs, the movement of the so-called child-free is expanding and gaining strength - female consumers who refuse to give birth and raise children. The image of a business woman is popular, for whom the family has become an unbearable burden, and the main vital interest is career growth and the endless change of boyfriends.

In a society free from any framework of respectable behavior and culture, every woman became free to choose her image, and the trouble is that the devil's costume turned out to be more attractive than the angelic image of innocence and meekness. And the choice of this image directly depends on the inner world, spiritual holiness, ideals promoted by society. And new generations of swollen alcoholics and prostitutes, spiritually amorphous, uncultured girls, with empty, meaningless eyes, have become eloquent proof of the loss of original Slavic values ​​and the success of a special operation to spiritually corrupt our people. The Ukrainian anthem begins with words similar to an impatient question - “Ukraine has not died yet?” It seems that the rulers of independent Ukraine are doing everything to ensure that this question is answered in the affirmative as soon as possible.

One of the Russian men wrote on the Internet about the once unique beauty of Slavic women:
“Beautiful girls are still our gene pool, which recent times somehow messed up. You sit in the subway, look into those eyes opposite, and the cruel truth creeps into your head: “Lord, how unlucky the one you make happy!” A girl came in and stared with her swollen eyes at the communicator, obviously abusing beer and Parliament. She is in her early twenties, but the features of the future forty-year-old are already treacherously visible on her face. A little to the right sits an elegant and well-groomed madam about thirty years old, but this is not a woman, but a man. His face is stern, his fingers are thin and pale, he says with a look: "I'll kill you now."
But a youngster comes in the door, and her jeans are below the coccyx. I wonder if someone will ever publicly explain to the weaker sex that a butt falling out of his pants is not sexy at all. And further. Please note: in last years disappeared such a thing as "resonant girlish laughter"! Anything - neighing, cackling, howling, croaking. And all this is almost always flavored with a huge portion of profanity. Thinness, aristocratic pallor, hungry eyes - this is the meager set of modern beauties, so where is "the purest charm, the most delicate example"?

And the Soviet poet Boris Chichibabin, at the dawn of perestroika, having already noticed the pernicious influence of the permissiveness that was blown from the West, wrote lines that have become especially relevant today:
How scary to look into empty-eyed faces,
It's scary on our streets today,
How scary that the more they pay for us,
Those days our vanity and hopelessness.

Vasily Vladimirovich Moroz, head of the department of the psychiatric hospital:
“Ukrainian women, from time immemorial, even under the Cossacks, were literate, educated, competently ran the household, this was the perspective of a woman. Now there is no code of the builder of communism, there is no housing construction, we are driven into such limits so that our beautiful women can be sold, it is more profitable to sell.

Behind the scenes:
The fact that a woman was created for love is taken too literally in a primitive consumer society, using her only as an object of carnal pleasures.
The harsh laws of survival in a wild society of poverty and devastation, the lack of spirituality and the conditions for its development, the physical deficiency of men, vice and the fall as a way of life - all this cannot but imprint degradation and hopelessness on our souls.
Men, who did not provide women with a comfortable, decent life, forced women to become independent, self-sufficient, cruel, strong, masculine. Men under such pressure began to acquire more and more effeminate traits of softness of character, dependence and weak will.

As a result, the spiritual potential of the soul-mother, the soul of a gentle, caring, loving woman-friend, comrade-in-arms, wife remains unclaimed. Therefore, the female soul withers, degrades, becomes primitive, ceases to ennoble the world, to illuminate it with divine virtue, heavenly spiritualized beauty.

The Soviet poet Nikolai Zabolotsky in his poem “Ugly Girl” very vividly and at the same time philosophically and judiciously answered the question of female beauty:
And if so, then what is beauty,
And why do people deify her?
She is a vessel in which emptiness
Or fire flickering in a vessel?

Slavic beauty has always been distinguished by the life-giving fire of spirituality, intelligence, kindness, nobility, sacrifice - the beauty of the soul.
While our gene pool has not yet completely degenerated, it is time to revive this sacred fire of Slavic spirituality, to make it eternal. But the resurrection of true, time-tested, life-affirming values ​​is possible only in a society of equal, prosperous, socially protected people.
Nothing else is given...

Yong (e nose). He; a structure that defines an ascending (ascending) image.
(ezyk) - people, tribe (general concept).
(ezyche) - a representative of our people, tribe.
- an outcast from our kind (no language).
- a representative of the existing alien people.
- it is not known who created (no language).
In all these terms, a link to earthly (existential) life is given. And it is not explained whether this people is connected with divine wisdom or not. It is simply said that they live (exist) on earth.
God-respecting people will be. connection between heaven and earth has been added.

Previously, language was not used to transmit thought, for this there was telepathy. The language was used for vocabulary - to capture the power of a god with a certain sequence of words and use it. Therefore, representatives of other peoples who do not have this ability were called pagans.
- glorifying the ascending image of our kind, the harmony of embodied thought. Interpretation as "glorifying yang and yin", i.e. male and feminine energy, apparently a later addition. Firstly, “yang-yin” is a well-known concept of Eastern philosophy, the RAS calls it "ha and tha". Second, the letter I- a relatively recent invention of the inquisitive mind of the reformers of the Russian language. How else to explain the "feminine principle" in such words as: peasants-ying, boyars-ying, villagers-ying, etc. Our souls are particles of Light, from Slava we are, and therefore the Slavs. There is a rune Ash- meaning the sacred tree of the universe, the source of being, then we praise him or glorify (catch). There are many images, the essence is one.

- Ode (ey, u). Divine, inherited (from mouth to mouth); correctness, correctness, closeness, agreement. Odessa is right.
The phonetic sound of the initial letter "od": e-short nasal. Formerly by sound ey(Yu). Therefore, the word mouth was pronounced phonetically as eusta(yusta).
- pronouncing some rules, certain events. And all this, as it were, is a divine ancestral foundation, i.e. rules that have been formed over many generations. Hence and justice.
(language) - narrow, poor.
- foolish, unreasonable.
(yutren) - internal.
The image of the initial letter shows: everything that we can perceive around us - this will be "ode".

- Yota (e kr.). Graphics: connection, interconnection of initial letters IZHEI and EN, i.e. the connection of the earthly and the heavenly was added to the structure that defines the image. If - the general definition of the concept of people, then - honoring traditions and Gods, related to us according to certain criteria (our people). We have known it. We may not know about other people, but we know everything about our own.
Therefore, the image of "yota": cognition (pointing form).
(yodro) - fast, fast. Vigorous - fast acting.
(yodie) - follow the trail (follow the guide). But - it is not known who or what to follow.
(yoza) - illness, disease (ulcer).
(yoti) - take, grab, solder (catch).

- Ota (oh kr.). Rejection of something unknown, but existing (unknown, interrogative form).
(dress) - where, from where?
(odiezhe) - where, where, in what way (tell me specifically: where to go?)?

- Xi (ks). The spirit that has arrived (v) develops on earth, passing through all the stages (З), and goes further (~).
This initial letter was prescribed wherever there was a definition of the spiritual, a definition of the power of the spirit. He defined this structure, image. Spirit is the refuge of everything (life, light, purity, etc.). Everything connected with the spirit, spirituality, was determined by the initial letter "xi". This figurative meaning has survived to our time.
There is a Greek term: xenophobia- fear of spirits. Our ancestors of spirits were not afraid, as can be seen from the examples.
(wake up) - think about your spirit (don't dirty it).
(xenia) - a spirit living in being, which we know. Ksen is a spiritual shepherd in Poland.
(lay (k) this) - carrying the spirit of the leg.
(oleg (k) sa) - o (n) lay down - the spirit of God. And similar (a) to the spirit.
- the grandson of a leg, carrying a spiritual structure (xi), and the son of a druid.

- Psi (ps). Graphics: I (connection) + V (adjacency of two structures) = (triune form: spirit-soul-conscience). Numeric value - 700, where 7 is a mental concept and 00 are two spheres of being. Image: soul and everything related to the soul plan, order, forms. Psychology is the science of the soul. Kennel from the word ps (dog).
(pseudo) - not belonging to his soul.

- Fita (f soft). Unity of spirit, fusion, nature.
This form was met when there was a union, contact, penetration of one into another.
Numeric value - 9, which is "harmony, unity."
In Latin Fita - Ph. And note the alkaline balance - Ph. Phantom, ephemeral was written through Fita.
Fineno- beautiful at the level of the soul.

- Izhitsa (th, y, y). Movement, fruit, harmonious distribution.
(hypostasis) - essence, nature, essence.
Vstina(ustina) - harmonious, natural beauty. Male name - Vstin. "Ustin Maksimych, where did you get so drunk?"
earthly truth - true, universal truth - true.

- Izha (th). Reflects the characteristics of the movement of time (measure of time).
(mir) - the smallest particle of time used by our ancestors. Phonetically, it sounds short, concise: “world”, because Izha pronounced as "i-short" (th). And at the same time she shares, measures, gives the concept of volume, combinations. In addition, this initial letter was used to show antipodal structures (white-black, time-space). Note that even in the design of the initial letter, the principle of mirroring is reflected: d + e. Therefore, our world (being) is a measured structure, large (e) - "macroworld". And the other, on the contrary, is small (e) - "microworld". This structure. marked, as it were, both by time and by combination.
Cute- sensual appeal to a loved one (spouse).
- short-term (without feelings) appeal to an outside woman. This form concerns a specific person only for a certain period of time. "Darling, let me pass", "Milok, pass on the ticket", "Milok, where are you going!". Previously, evil was not personified, that is, one and the same word could carry both positive and negative meanings.


We know that each initial letter has its own image (and more than one). But there is another concept - combination of single images, generates a new single image. With the simplification of the language, the image began to be understood as the root of the word. And when the word is multi-rooted, i.e. diverse? Where is it from?

Ace of God Knows the Verb Good that there is Life (existence)

Abundant life on Earth, Harmonizes both with the Universe and with the Community, creating the Tree of the Universe (life on earth develops only when everything is in harmony: communal and individual)

How People Think: He Tells Us Peace

The Solid Word Comforts and soothes, conveying the basis of the path to the Natural Light from our Fathers.

As Very Wise Foundations Creating Generic in Time

The As Lives Like the Whole Word Descended and Established Everywhere

The gods Velma (many times) They told people: go and return to your origins (roots, foundations)

The Earth knows the Wisdom that comforts the whole width, leading to the growth of the Spirit

You say the Primordial Ours for the development of the Soul

The True Good Based on Above conveys to us the limit of holiness created together with Mother Nature

Being Communal Resting on the Paths Connecting All Nature (Nature)

How the enemies destroyed the ABC - Letter

Old Slavic Letter

All imagery comes from runes, from runic word display, in which there is neither a root nor an ending, but there is only an image of each rune, connected together with other runes.

But at the same time, do not forget about simple rules to be followed:

a) not all words need to be interpreted figuratively, tk. many concepts have now lost their figurative conceptual meaning, spelling is distorted, alien images have been introduced;
b) figurative interpretation provides for many options for the sequence of "assembly" of the image, there is no need to be particularly attached to specific words, concepts. All interaction takes place on images, and the resulting new image is not specific, but, quite often, a general interpretation (form) of the concept being analyzed;
c) the word is read from left to right, and figurative control goes from right to left (double row);
d) when interpreting the image of the initial letter, one must take into account where it stands in the word.

e) in a syllable, the second letter is the cause and effect of the first, while the first is the path to the second.


GO- the verb (G) came out of it (O) and with the help of this stream we better perceive it (O). GO - the chamber where knowledge came from (M. Medveditsy, Zemun cows).

GA- a movement with a known source, the cause of which he became.

AG- a person as a consequence of the flow of knowledge, which he must learn; the result of a movement whose source we do not know. AHA- a secondary source is created from the primary source, similar to the primary one; the information flow (G) leads to the result (1A), which corresponds to the source (2A).

RA- light, radiance, enlightenment; differentiation and ordering of light from a source; the transition of information into knowledge.

AR- creativity leading to some result; inhabited territory as a basis for creativity. AR- a container of something, safety, responsibility as a result of creativity. Goalkeeper, chest, primer, king.

RE- repeat; one of the facets of something; ordering of the explicit world.
REALITY- one of the facets of reality.

UR- territory approaching the demarcation; inhabited area.

IR- purity of thoughts, intentions; purity through distinction.

OR- strength and power.

GOR- desire for something; strength in moving towards the goal.

РЪ- decision made by people.

Pb- decision made from above; natural order.

AL- completeness; a person through imitation of Azu learns.

LA- soul; the person who received life purpose and striving to return to the source. LAD- striving to the source through good, that is, with understanding.

AC- a descendant of the gods, able to embody their thoughts through the word.

AZ- a descendant of the gods, living on Earth.

SA- a word coming from the beginning; dullness (incompleteness). SAGA- the word of Ases about resettlement.
SARAH- dim light SARRA- flow amplification.

PER- informational state (edge, frontier). separating what is before and what is after.

BA surprise when touching something o big. BAB- gate, portal; link (A) between two systems.

BO- divine structure. FOR- conformity to God. BW- divine radiance

IT- action leading to balance.

AT- action in accordance with the source.

Bb- intuition; embedded wisdom. VIRA- enlightenment through intuition. FAITH- to say what intuition tells, but without justification.

Sublime knowledge; knowledge that is interconnected with the top and bottom. - other news. - not presenter; out of nowhere taken (not fulfilling the form anymore). - the eye of knowledge. - the leading path. - one who knows the way. - the first message (zend-avesta: earthly, changed, similar message).

BE- knowledge from the point of view of the explicit world. VERA- believe in words.

YES- goodness from the source, leading to the source - the fulfillment of life's purpose.

HELL- result of actions; can be as evasion from life's purpose.

db- completed action; fast action.

An act with an investment of the soul; creation; literally: multiplication of interconnection (form of reproduction; creation of good; good level), where (e) good, accumulation, multiplication, (yat) interconnection.
(doer) - one who does, works with a soul. - putting pure light into the well-being of his kind (cares for his kind). - continuing his lineage.

DE- mundane business.

UD- approximation (y) to the multiplication (e) of the co-creator (b), i.e. doing multiplication. - a certain form (ouk) of multiplication (e) of the created (b). LABOR- approved (t) differentiation (p) by multiplication created (ud). And a two-strand: doing (b) good (e) earthly (ur) firmly (t).
(literally: “daughter of ud”, similar to ud) - a certain form of multiplication of the created (ud) state (h) is one of many (ka).
SAGE- multiplying thoughts (mud) through the reci of the co-creator (r).

KA- union, unity in an integral system; form of concealment. If it is at the end of a word - as part of the whole.
KARA- a structure that absorbs light.

KO- direction of movement. ALCOHOL- everything for movement to the state of nakedness.

OS- base in the formation stage.

SO- together with divine structures.

AXIS- fixed base. CANE.

ON THE- surface for creation; superficial judgment. THE SCIENCE- superficial judgment about one of the directions.

BUT- partially perceived structure. OK- weakly manifested harmony.

NOT- beingness of the Explicit World; incomplete perception of the world.

UN- approaching our foundation.

YUN- falling out of our foundation; not reaching our foundation.

MA- the embodiment of the original through thought and its materialization; materialization process.

AM- preservation of the materialized; guardian

USA- initial space; ability to work with him; space filling.

SVA- heaven; the original wisdom that came through the word.

TEAK- traffic.

ТЪ- Approved by people.

TH- approved by the gods, ancestors; given.

HA- light positive flow; sincerity; harmonizing. balancing flow.

chi- transmission, dissemination of information (lunar energy); fawning flow to achieve their goals. CHIN- a lunar structure that transmits the light of the sun, transforming it.

LOOKING FOR- a gathering place for people; connection to the human.

GENUS- delimited ordered structure.

KAZ- the established original image of God in earthly perception; deep understanding of life's purpose.

One of the runes that carries the image of fullness is the rune AL- . Image: accommodating a multitude; everything there is. Those. she conveyed the density of the volume and absorbed all the information about the image. The material personification of this fullness, density, we can call an ordinary stone. It is very dense, it collects everything in itself AL. Stone - AL(remember - diamond). ALI- but, however.

The last month of summer among the Old Believers is still called tailet. Rune TAY- - peak, completion, limit, end. We connect two runic images and get a new image - AL+Tai(Altai), i.e. a stone limit and, at the same time, a high peak; everything final.

English all(ol) and German ale- translated like everyone else. All rate- everything is correct. alt- old, i.e. absorbed the wisdom of years. Scandinavian Parliament Althing(allting) - everything collected and approved by the Ynglings; circle of elders. U-RA-AL(later two identical letters in a row merged into one sound: Ural) - at the Light; at the foot of the Light is a stone lying (one of the names of the Ural mountains: Stone).

What was the fence made of before? - From poles. Rod in Slavic KIY, thin, i.e. of them were knitted. And, mind you, billiard players also have a thin pole, which they play with, they call cue. And the great hedge turns out Kiy-Tai, and then it merged into one "and", and the modern word turned out China, i.e. meant a great hedge, a great wall. Not the territory, as they call it now, but the great wall. Therefore, in Moscow China town so far, even the subway China town. Not because the Chinese live there, but because in ancient times this area was surrounded by a high fortress wall. But at first it was a wooden fence, and then a stone.

BISR- pearls. GOOD- good, property. GOOD- good, kind. RESPECT- observe, watch. BO- because, because. BOSTI- submit. BRANITY- protect, defend. BRASHNO- food.

RAT(rate) - dark radiance; the light that illuminates the army alien to us, i.e. something unknown to us. Therefore, they said: the Russian army, but - a foreign army. There is also another concept: army- a people's militia, not a meeting of warriors, i.e. it was an additional unit that was not part of the squad (foreign, alien, but not alien). The constable - the ordinary commander; cornet - holding a banner (banner) with the face of God; ensign - holding the ensign (banner); kopa - tribal foundation, right; kopna - gathered together; osprey - go together; army - osprey wars; reservation - God's protection; battlefield - a meeting place for troops and rati; advocate - get together and discuss. BUT OR it is a force, i.e. the power of the day is order- the power of light. As well as horde- the power is good, a certain measure is fastened. Therefore, a large army was called Horde, i.e. order. ORAC- cultivating with the power of thought. Those. OR this is power, BUT is a measure, H- person, person, thought. Those. not thoughtless cultivation and haphazardly, but ORACHER, he first thinks, and then cultivates.

We have already talked about the rune "Tai". Thailand(Tailan / Ruskolan) - the end of the earth; limit of inhabited area. Doe(land) - territory, province, inhabited and populated. hand- good surface. Taiga- the limit, the end of the path (there is no further path or road). Now it is an endless forest, untrodden, untrodden. But an array of trees is called forest, and the taiga is in the forest, the place where there is no longer any way for either horse or foot. Secret- at the top, and what is there is a mystery until you reach the top ( on the- direction on the surface; above above the surface). Taiwan- the end (of the territory) of the Vans.

initial letter OD- coming from heaven and filling the body, spirit and soul; wealth (primarily spiritual), inherited (by word of mouth). Yes, and graphically (see above) it resembles a bag tied up by someone. Collected by whom and for whom? Fathers and grandfathers for grandchildren and granddaughters. That is, when there was a figurative construction using a drop cap OD in the meaning: transmission to grandchildren or a grandson, containing all the wisdom of the Ancestors, then the name is obtained ONE, who was the god of wisdom among the Scandinavians (O is the tribal circle: grandfather, father, son). Slavs are patronized lay down(lie) - light 16-dimensional beings (in Christianity - aggel - angel). Leg's grandson will be named Oh-leg, and granddaughter - Olga. Sometimes add confirmation this(this) that this person is really a grandson Lga - OLG-sey. And what if whole generations of descendants of the grandson of Leg changed? Put a drop cap Az: ALGSey- similar to a leg (i.e. no longer a grandson), because AZ - a form of similarity, not negation, as among the Greeks and Latins ( asura- similar to sura avesta- similar to the news). But, if he is the grandson of a leg, and even the son of a priest of the forest (druid): Olgsandr- grandson of leg, son (san) of a druid.

The grandson of a leg carrying a spiritual structure (xi) and the son of a druid. And the spirit is not material, unknown to us, what many peoples denote by x ( X). Therefore, there is a form of writing alexandre or alexander.
SASHA- cold light, i.e. pure, light, but cold, without bestowal. They invest in it, but there is no return. The child was born sickly, pale - he was named Sasha. He, as it were, was born under a cold light, and you need to invest and invest your soul in him. SANYA- adopted son (I am a son). SHURA- born outside the native land (Ur, and at the beginning of the rune W- shield. We are guarding our borders. And the one born behind the security border is Shura.

Rune KA, means the allied form (absorbing everything), if it is at the beginning of the word. In Turkic Ka-ra- black. KA-RA- that which absorbed, absorbed (ka) radiance (ra). But if something absorbs all the light, then darkness will come, blackness.
KARA-KUM- absorbing the light of the sun (kara), something homogeneous, related (kum), i.e. sand, but not necessarily black. NORA- absence (but) of light (ra). But in the word EARLY- light (ra) a little, a small part (but). OK: fret a little, but it's not a quarrel.

Is there an ending or abbreviation STV- information state; word approved by the wise fathers. Double row: Father's wisdom determines meaning. Here both affirms and defines. The wisdom of the father approved the word, and the word is a certain quality. The word is like a materialized idea, a thought. Therefore, STV meant certain quality. Those. to make it clearer, we take a person and add a certain quality to him, we get a structure.

Here, the sovereign and the state, i.e. the state is already a certain quality, a certain system. They say about one person that he is impudent. Insolence. Here the image “b” is already there, STV is a certain quality. Hero. But this quality will definitely be heroism. Adding quality to a system gives us structure. Insolence, heroism, the state, sycophancy - sycophancy. Serf, but this kind of structure of behavior is servility. Ambassador is an embassy. Boyar - boyars, why IN, as it were, fell out, because the husband is a boyar. Marriage, married, but it's like a structural form, marriage. Transfers the new quality for the given structure. They, as it were, gave a definition to this quality with their wisdom. Therefore, in this form, this is what we have displayed. If we change fathers for gods living on earth (Az), and there are many gods, then we get multiple forms, well, father and gods. Heroes, servility, impudence, states. Those. You see, our image of the father has changed to Az. Well, if someone is an amateur, it turns out to be delusional.

But ISM, as if truth for this earthly world. But this ISM was created by the form that was prescribed ahead of us. Note, if the primary fire is original, but it is like the truth for this world that uses it, we have Ynglism. The wisdom of the Buddha for the world where he was, turned out to be Buddhism. Communism is social order. The communal form of life is also true for this world. Just as the power of capital created the system of capitalism. And even if in one place, an idiot and he tries to shove his thought into someone, then his truth, which is clear to him, but not clear to others, is called idiocy. Anarchism, i.e. anarchy. Anarchism is already a derivative form, i.e. anarchy. There is no here, the monarch as one-man management, the monarchy as autocracy, and anarchy as anarchy in general, as the opposite.

They say: “Veto has been imposed”, this can be translated as a ban. But when Veto, this is not only a ban, it is an established rule or tradition. And when you want to know something from the established rule, you ask what? - Question, but you get answer. And according to these rules, someone who agrees with this and wants to live according to these rules will ZaVet. But that's not all. hello, i.e. told what they know. And when someone wants to add more than that, i.e. add something of your own to certain foundations. This will NaVet. And if something is pulled out of there and hidden from others? - This will IzVet. There is NaVet, is there Izvet. They want to know, yes. News. Those. there they pulled, there they pulled and informed. Broadcast, i.e. speak with a clear mind and a clear memory. A person broadcasts, it was recorded, when he is not there, it will be read out. So what is he? - Bequeaths. The veto is like an established rule, it is not unshakable. And when the knowledge of Vet comes through the word, what will it be? - Think about it, initial letter-word or rune-word. This will Light. Knowledge and light, but following, so that a person follows the precepts, how will it be? - Council.

How loving person called your favorite? My Lada - Ladushka(ear - comforting). Kohanaya - kohat, i.e. love with all your heart and soul. Woman- gate. Obabilas- gave birth to a child (opened the gates to new world). Then it passed into other languages: Bab-El - the gates of God (Babylon - Babylon).

But these are also distracting images of naming. To find out the name of a thing, they said: look at the root. But since a person has not yet learned to control himself completely, therefore, our Ancestors hid some of the names. They, for example, did not call a tiger a tiger (although this is not true name of this member of the cat family). AM- guard. BA- the divine source of the Gods. AMBA- the guardian of the Gods, who walks along the border along the Amur. But also AMUR- the guardian of the inhabited territory.

The true name not only has no literal display, it has neither syllabic nor root, and some images and sound cannot be conveyed. Those. it is a diverse, different display.

There is a rune "River". We connect it with the rune "Shine", with the runes "Many paths", with the rune "Noise", with the rune "Height". There was a waterfall. The water is falling. And for it to fall, the water must flow from somewhere and somewhere. To have its own source to flow to the place where it falls from a height, creates a rainbow, makes noise and foam, then flows further. These are not letters connected, not runes! United images into a new image, transmitting a multi-color, multi-color picture - a waterfall.

We have come to understand that the word has its deep meaning, a deep image, which is identified only in this word. He is not equal to something, he is identical. Therefore, it will never be possible to translate Pushkin's lines from Russian into other languages ​​equivalently: “a dull time - the eyes are charmed!”, And even more so the ancient Slavic texts, because. when translating, in particular, into Western European languages, only the width, the superficiality of the meaning image is transmitted, and not its depth. BUT incomplete, superficial information, as we already know, is a FALSE.

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