Slavic tattoos for good luck. Tattoo amulets and talismans, rune tattoos and their meaning

Slavs are our heritage, and Slavic tattoos are rooted in paganism. In this article, we tell what tattoos meant for the Slavs, what this style means now, we show sketches and works of the studio's masters.

History of Slavic tattoos

The ancient Slavs did not make tattoos “for beauty” - creating a drawing on the body was a magical rite and each had its own meaning. It was believed that the tattoo changes the energy of a person. Some symbols improve it, and incorrectly selected images can harm.

There were certain tattoos for men, women and even children. These signs were applied only by the Magi and only for a specific purpose - for example, to cure an illness or help a warrior in battle.

For men, women and even children, there were certain tattoos. Signs were applied only by the Magi and only for some purpose - to support the warrior in battle, heal from illness, protect from the evil eye.


Christianity, which came to Rus' in the 20th century, completely banned tattoos as a sign of paganism. Religion eradicated all rituals, religious events and holidays of the pagans, the priests protected the parishioners from mythical forces, spirits and other "heresy". Meaning slavic tattoo was gradually forgotten, the view of underwear drawings changed dramatically from positive to negative. Culture is irretrievably lost, and therefore ...

Stylized Slavic tattoos: sketches

It is difficult to restore the history of tattoos, so stylization now dominates. Character traits- pagan crosses, an abundance of flowers and high-quality elaboration, plots in black and white colors. Slavic tattoos sometimes include tattoos with Russian symbols, we will also show them.


The Slavic runic alphabet is a cultural layer of mythology, magic, divination and pagan religion. There is even such a belief: if you want to see a certain dream, draw certain runes on your hand in the evening. Leads to unexpected results :)




Slavic swastika

There is nothing wrong or forbidden in the swastika - initially it is a symbol of the sun. Now it is actively used by Buddhists and Hindus, and in the past the Slavs also loved it. It differs from the usual swastika with a negative connotation and has several meanings.





In the Slavic ornament, the cyclicity and squareness of symbols stand out. It resembles embroidery characteristic of the Slavs and most often combines red and white colors.




Slavic gods

Perun, Dazhbog, Stribog, Veles - we hear their names in school lessons when we get acquainted with the culture of Ancient Rus'. Tattoos with pagan gods look large and especially unusual.

Epics, fairy tales, heroes

There is nothing to say here - our culture, our own, dear. Brownies or goblin are not often stuffed, but famous heroes, beautiful girls and mysterious heroes occupy a worthy place in the culture of Slavic tattoos.

Now, most fans of tattoo culture choose sketches of tattoos based on purely aesthetic considerations. But it was not always so. In ancient times, tattoos were sacred meaning, served as identification marks, allowing you to learn about the social status, occupation of a person, talismans and amulets. In addition, in ancient times there was a certain division significant characters into male and female due to the fact that there were quite clear boundaries between female and male duties and roles in society, which is no longer relevant in our time. Today we will look at tattoos for men and their meaning.

Divine Protection

Images of the gods have always served as protection for people. Most of the deities that men considered their patrons were directly or indirectly related to the two most important components of the life of that time: war and harvest. Now, when, fortunately, we have to deal with war much less often, and that’s all. more people moves to megacities, breaking the connection with the earth, the meanings of the images of deities, as well as various ancient signs, should be understood symbolically. Each of us, one way or another, fights for his place under the sun, so the symbols of military courage and honor remain relevant today. A rich harvest should be understood as general well-being, engaging in a profitable business.

We will consider ideas for amulets tattoos, starting from the Slavic pantheon. If you are closer, for example, Scandinavian, Indian or Egyptian mythology, you will surely find gods with similar functions.

  • Perun is the god of thunder and lightning, the patron saint of warriors. He was especially revered among the upper class, therefore, even now Perun can become the patron of those in power. It was believed that his image is able to give strength, both physical and moral.

Symbols from different cultures

Images of the gods imply a fairly large-scale work. Those who like small tattoos should take a closer look at all sorts of symbols.

  • Kolovrat is a symbol of endless movement, the sun, life. Like all swastika signs, Kolovrat is considered strong amulet, giving a person the protection of the gods and spirits of their ancestors and denoting a connection with the roots, clan and native land.
  • The black sun is also a swastika symbol that helps to gain wisdom, release inner strength, and master mystical knowledge.
  • The square of Svarog is one of those symbols that were considered exclusively male (but outwardly it somewhat resembles the star of Lada - an exclusively female symbol). His image is especially suitable for those men who are engaged in physical labor.

  • Valkyrie is a sign directly related to martial art. They were decorated with shields, weapons and armor, believing that he would give the soldiers strength, courage and courage, help them win on the battlefield. It is believed that this image also eliminates excessive aggression.

  • Valknut - the key to all nine worlds in the Scandinavian tradition, also one of the symbols of the trinity, common throughout Europe. According to Scandinavian mythology, man was created from three components: the soul created by Odin, the life force received from Loki, and the mind bestowed by Heimdall. Thus, the Valknut is a symbol of a harmonious personality, divine patronage. It was also used as a talisman against troubles and enemies.

  • Thor's hammer was considered a male symbol, but was also used by women who wanted to conceive a child as soon as possible. This is probably due to the fact that, in addition to protection from natural disasters, military prowess, strength and abundance, Thor's hammer also symbolized fertility.

  • Runes - the writing of the ancient Germans. However, runic signs also had a deep sacred meaning, served as amulets and talismans. To choose a rune that best reflects the aspirations of a particular person, you should familiarize yourself with the meaning of each of them.
  • Scarab - incarnation immortal soul in Egypt. There is great wisdom in the image of the scarab, it is perfect for people who have experienced difficult times, it will help to understand themselves, bestow mental strength, promise rebirth and transformation of the individual.

  • Eye of Horus - an amulet that protects against alien negative impact. Such a talisman is designed to increase the vigilance of a person, protect him from other people's machinations, and prepare him for any vicissitudes of fate.
  • The Om sign is a symbol of calmness and prudence. The sound “om”, with which each mantra begins, according to Buddhist tradition, accompanied the creation of the universe. It is believed that, as a talisman, the Om sign will help find a way out of any situation, bring harmony and a deep understanding of everything that exists into life.

  • Mandala is a symbolic display of the structure of the Universe. Such an image means the integrity of the individual, allows its owner not to get bogged down in earthly fuss, grow spiritually and comprehend the secrets of the universe.

  • The dream catcher is an ancient Indian amulet that not only drove away bad dreams, but also protected from the influence of evil spirits.

Personal symbols

Also, amulets can serve as:

  • Image of the sign of the Zodiac. A tattoo with the sign of the Zodiac under which a person was born is designed to enhance the qualities of character that the stars endowed him with.
  • Signs Chinese horoscope. They have a similar purpose.
  • Totem animals. Images of animals are designed to give a person the qualities characteristic of a particular representative of the fauna.

Amulets for good luck

Symbols of good luck are also able to protect a person from all evil:

Having studied in more detail what tattoo amulets for men and their meaning can be, you can find out which one is closest to you and contact the master for an individual sketch. Pictures from the Internet are not the best option, do not look for easy ways. Keep in mind that the tattoo will stay with you for life, so don't make hasty decisions, think over the idea thoroughly, choose the artist whose work you like the most. At the same time, it’s better not to skimp, because you “buy” not just a drawing on the body, but a talisman that will protect you until the end of your days, remind you of your goals, help develop the necessary qualities in yourself and gain the desired knowledge.

The history of tattoos is rooted in the mists of time. Also in ancient egypt people put drawings on the body. They were embodied not for the purpose of decorations, but had a certain sacred meaning. Most often, symbols were depicted that served as amulets, protecting from black magic, witchcraft, dark forces. IN modern world Tattoos have become popular again. But when choosing a sketch, you should not be guided by the design, but you must definitely study the content.

Sacred signs were an important component of Slavic culture, they accompanied a person from birth to the end of days. At the time of paganism, each deity had its own symbol. Such images have found success in modern tattoo culture.

Veles - god, patron of fertility. Helps to gain wisdom in agriculture and knowledge in the medical field. Represents prosperity, well-being.

God Veles

Perun - god of thunder and lightning. Revered by warriors, gave courage and courage. Bestows physical strength and endurance. This tattoo is more often done by guys on the shoulder or chest.

- the father of all living things, manages earthly existence, protects nature. Powerful, able to bring harmony to the state of mind.

Dazhdbog - one of the most revered gods, was warmth, the Sun, fertility. He patronized the tillers, he was called upon for rich harvests. Dazhdbog - carries powerful positive energy.

- the son of Veles was personified by warmth and fertility. The Slavs considered him the patron of unbridled feelings. Such a tattoo-amulet is recommended for people who want to curb their recklessness, gives vitality for rebirth.

- the goddess patroness of the family hearth, motherhood. Represents the energy of the earth.

- militant deity, patron of the wind. Protects from evil.

Men's tattoo charms

- helps to gain courage in battle, promotes resourcefulness and ingenuity, bestows wisdom. Should not be worn by women.

- patron of blacksmiths and men's crafts. Helps to achieve excellence in craftsmanship.

- one of the oldest protective symbols. It personifies aggression, but for the sake of salvation. It was depicted on armor, helping soldiers to curb anger, in victories to preserve honor and dignity.

Solar (Celtic) pattern - was a companion of warriors, he was carved on shields. A powerful amulet against the sword and arrows of the enemy. Such a tattoo amulet gives courage, faith in a just cause.

Women's tattoo amulets

- a symbol named after the goddess Lada, the patroness of love, family happiness. The amulet was given to a girl at the age of three and he accompanied her until marriage, helping to become feminine.

- a symbol of motherhood, abundance. For many peoples, this insect is the embodiment of love. Most often, a tattoo amulet with such a pattern is stuffed on the body of a girl.

Bereginya - a symbol charged with powerful female energy. The personification of prosperity, abundance, fertility.

Sketch of the tattoo "Bereginya"

Skill Rune - Peace

- double sign of fire, true protection against ailments.

Skill Rune - Overcome Grass

Wind - will help to realize oneself as a creative person. Gusts of inspiration will be crowned with success.

Skill Rune - Wind

Lelya - the rune of love, to a greater extent not physical, but spiritual and emotional.

Rune "Lelya"

Rainbow - an assistant in choosing the right path, warns against making rash decisions.

Skill Rune - Rainbow

Scandinavian rune tattoo

Ken - a sign of health. Brings harmony to love relationships.

Skill Rune - Maine

Maine - contributes to the implementation of their capabilities, helps to live in harmony with the outside world.

Rune "MAN"

horn - protect from evil eye will bring good luck.

Skill Rune - Horn

Uruz - is considered a fusion of the feminine and masculine, contributes to pleasant changes in life.

Skill Rune - Uruz

Most of the images offered in tattoo parlors have their own history, belong to different nations, and carry a certain semantic load. A thoughtlessly applied image can do harm by counteracting energy field owner. Before applying a tattoo, carefully study the meaning of the sketch you like.

Slavic themes for tattoos are considered the most popular of the ethnic trends.

The history of tattoo art goes back thousands of years. Even in ancient myths and manuscripts of the peoples of the world there are references to the traditions of applying drawings, images of animals, deities, patterns, symbols to the body. Tattoos were considered a powerful amulet, especially in Slavic culture. Pagan gods, a unique ornament, Scythian patterns, mysterious symbols of the Old Believers - all these are Slavic tattoos.

Tattoo in ethno style

Ethnic tattoos do not lose their peak of popularity among those who want to decorate their body with a pattern.

Ethnic style includes several areas:

  • Slavic style in tattoo. A tattoo in the Slavic style is often done in color.
    The theme of the Slavic tattoo can be mythical characters, ancient symbols, legendary figures.
    According to the prevailing stereotype, the owner of Slavic tattoos must be well developed physically
  • Polynesian or Indian tattoos.
    This direction also implies the image of legendary creatures and various deities, but in a slightly different style.
    Polynesian ornament on the back
    Such a tattoo often covers a significant part of the body.

  • Celtic tattoos are often done by men
    Intricate Celtic patterns form the basis of original compositions
    Sometimes Celtic motifs are reflected in color
  • Japanese motives.
    Intense colors and traditional motifs - that's what distinguishes given style
    Japanese tattoo can cover almost the entire body
    Often mythical characters and warriors of ancient times are depicted.

If you create a kind of TOP rating, then Slavic tattoos confidently hold the palm! This is, in a way, a tribute to the rich Slavic history. Pagan tattoos reveal the Slavic style as much as possible, they are distinguished by special symbolism, mystery and picturesqueness.

Pagan tattoos always carry a certain meaning.

Many tattoo fans believe that such underwear designs have magic power and are able to protect from the evil eye, envy and bring good luck. The specifics of a tattoo in the ethno direction, like any art, a tattoo has its own specifics. The specificity for ethno stylistics is especially relevant.

The distinctive features of ethnic tattoos are as follows:

  • The use of folk painting motifs (Gzhel, Palekh signs) as drawing elements.
    Elements of folk painting on the body look impressive and very original.
  • Application of images pagan gods, heroes of epics and myths.
  • National ornament (Belarusian pattern, elements of Ukrainian vyshyvanka, image of Slavic runes).
    Ornament can be as independent ...

... and be part of the composition

All tattoos in ethnic or folk styles are unusual, colorful and original, especially if a national ornament is used.

Tattoo meanings in ethnic style

All ethnic tattoos, including Slavic tattoos, are designed not only to decorate the body, but also to emphasize the main character traits of a person, masculinity in men, fragility and elegance in women. Not only the visual impression, but also the inner harmony completely depends on the correctly chosen pattern.

The correct Slavic tattoo is not just a decoration of the body

If ento-theme is a priority when choosing a particular tattoo, then before drawing a picture, you should know what it means.

  • Slavic runes. One of the most symbolic and magical tattoos. Runes are ancient writings, each of them carries its own historical meaning. They are not only elegant and filigree, but also perfectly emphasize the ethnic style of the tattoo. Each can symbolize good luck, health, love, wisdom, knowledge of truths and unity of souls.
  • Pagan gods. The beliefs of the Old Believers belonged to a whole pantheon of deities. Today, the image of pagan gods is most popular in male tattoos. Perun (or the Thunderer), symbolizes strength, masculinity and power. Veles - health and fertility, Yarilo - sunlight (sun), good luck and prosperity, Ladinets - family happiness, love and harmony. But the image of Chernobog - the keeper of misfortunes and worldly troubles, was categorically not applied to the body. It is believed that Slavic tattoos are designed to protect a person from the evil thoughts of envious people, filth and the evil eye, failures in business and love.
  • Sun variations. The image of the sun in every nation is of great importance. Both the Slavs and the Indians believed that such a sign symbolizes the eternal cycle of life and will bring light to life, give happiness, relieve poverty and give a generous harvest. And today the sign of the sun is especially popular with tattoo fans.
  • Symbols of fertility. The main occupations of the ancient peoples were hunting and farming. Therefore, it was applied to the body folk pattern or an ornament symbolizing fertility and a rich harvest.
  • Pictures of animals. The image of a wolf is especially popular in the art of ethnic tattoos. According to ancient beliefs, dire wolves were the forefathers of living people. That's why Slavic people called themselves lutiches. The wolf in ethnic style even today symbolizes victory and success, readiness to overcome all obstacles.

cultures different peoples- an inexhaustible source of motives for tattoo art. The popularity of the application lies in the diversity and great semantic meaning. In order for the tattoo to “work” as a talisman and protect from filth, poverty and failure, you should be reasonable in choosing a pattern.

Slavic tattoos

... The drawing breathes with the body.


The heritage of our Ancestors, their cultural and esoteric way of life is an endless treasury useful information, especially in today's vain times, when so little attention is focused on finding and following the truth. In ancient times, the Slavic-Aryans had knowledge of natural energy flows, were able to transform them in accordance with individual needs, taking into account the uniqueness of each energy structure. According to this, Slavic tattoos and their meaning fulfilled a characteristic mission.

Tattoos in the Slavic style are an outstanding artistic image on the body, but a specific semantic symbol that has the established property of directing energy flows that permeate the entire human body.

The right to apply ancient tattoos of the Slavic theme was possessed exclusively by the Magi, who deeply studied the esoteric and energy sphere of activity.

Today, in most cases, people who want to make a drawing on their body do not think about whether the master has the appropriate knowledge and whether he is familiar with the corresponding sacred practice. This issue is given so much attention for a reason. Its meaning lies in the fact that the Slavic tattoo, when applied, should be projected not only on physical body. Exceptionally knowledgeable specialists can broadcast Slavic images on each of the seven human bodies. And it is for this reason that the ancient Slavic tattoos of our ancestors were endowed with a special mysterious power.

If you are interested in Slavic tattoos, you need to take into account one important point- no matter how cool the tattoo parlor is, it is unlikely that they will carry out this service there according to the true knowledge of the Magi. In addition, the program embedded in the symbolism of the Slavic tattoo can be transferred to the next incarnation. Now imagine that a completely different mission is defined in the new incarnation. Thus, the meanings of Slavic tattoos will overlap, and their influence, it is possible, will have the most negative effect. Therefore, you need to think very carefully - do you really need this magical pattern on the skin. And, if you do not want to give up this idea, do not forget that this symbol will affect constantly. Alternatively, you can put on, the meaning of which will correspond to your life situation.

tattoos Slavic images and patterns were applied, as a rule, on the eve of important and responsible events. It happened that the body's own resources were not enough, and then the men made Slavic tattoos for themselves, the meaning of which corresponded to the realization of a specific goal. Other Vedic sources tell how the priests were in the sanctuary and, through a slow methodical process, made sacred drawings on the skin, which strengthened the magical connection and more accurately tuned the sensations necessary in esoteric practices.

Slavic tattoos can be visible and secret. In the first case, the image is applied to the open part of the body - hands, face, neck. Thus, the desire to demonstrate to society belonging to the Slavic culture may be pursued. Hidden Slavic tattoos and their meaning have a hidden meaning and help to correct certain aspects of human activity, while remaining invisible. But there is no need to harbor illusions and assume that if the drawing is invisible to prying eyes, then it is not able to have an impact. The effect of the inflicted protective symbol independently and permanently.

Male Slavic tattoos give strength of mind and clarity of consciousness, protect from evil eyes and endow appearance militant traits. Preference is given to tattoos - Perun, Yarila, Svarog. The image of Perun, the patron saint of a good army, determines omnipotence and knows the fate of warriors. The artistic depiction of Yarila as the embodiment of valiant strength sets the most powerful youthful energy. Svarog is the forefather of everything created and endows the bearer of his appearance with purity of intention, clarity of thought, striving for true ideals. Wise Veles will help to comprehend hard work and striving for the right goals, which will certainly be the beginning of success in any business.

If you want as a tattoo slavic sign, you should choose a Vedic artistic motif for yourself. Gromovik is one of the popular sketches for the future drawing. The solar symbol protects from unclean enemy thoughts. Molvinets will make you impregnable for envy and witchcraft damage. Physical, mental and mental illnesses will not bother you thanks to the Slavic tattoo Odolen Grass, and the Fern Flower will certainly serve to reveal and strengthen the power of the Spirit.

It should be emphasized that runes and runic inscriptions are becoming more and more popular in the art of underwear and carry many meanings. For girls, for example, the Slavic tattoo of the Dazhdbog rune is a symbol of financial and family well-being. The warmth of the hearth will be supported by the rune Support. The magical content of whole runic ties, according to the knowledge of our ancestors, combined a harmoniously composed message that contributed to the fulfillment of desires.

Scandinavian tattoos give courage and courage to their owners. Anyone who chooses sketches of Scandinavian tattoos respects the history and traditional culture of Scandinavia. In particular, the symbol will suit both a titled athlete and anyone involved in hard physical work.

It is impossible not to mention the Celtic tattoo designs, which are among the most famous and sought after in the world, impressing with the beauty of mysterious lines. The Celtic artistic heritage is characterized by an alluring depth of meaning and inspires with graceful decorative elements.

If you nevertheless decided on the desire to apply to the skin, and now you are faced with the task of choosing the image of the necessary value, the Veles Slavic site offers a large collection of photographic sketches. But, in any case, be attentive to the choice and try to find a master in charge. Thus, you will show respect for the knowledge accumulated by the forefathers - greatest heritage ancestors.

Slavic tattoos for men and women - photo (sketches) of runes, gods and protective patterns

Psychology of deception