What does the caduceus symbol mean? Caduceus: what does this symbol really mean?

- (Latin caduceus). A laurel or olive wand entwined with two snakes, a symbol of peace, was an attribute of heralds sent to the enemy camp and a guarantee of their immunity. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

caduceus- I, m. caducee m. , lat. caduceum 1. Rod (stick) with two snakes twined around its sides, serving as an emblem (sign) of peace and eloquence. Pavlenkov 1911. Two joined hands holding a stick (caduceum) entwined with snakes between two horns ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

Rod of Mercury (messenger of the gods). Wed In the empty, useless "Main House" they put the governor not to go to waste in the state place. The caduceus was removed from the doors and windows, perhaps because the governor is not supposed to trade. ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

- (Greek staff of the messenger), a staff with two snakes. According to myths, Hermes (see HERMES), the messenger of the gods, having received a winged staff with the power to reconcile opponents, decided to test it and placed it between two fighting snakes, which immediately ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

- (caduceus) a rod entwined with two snakes, an attribute of Hermes (Mercury). The emblem of messengers, heralds, parliamentarians ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Exist., Number of synonyms: 1 wand (11) ASIS Synonym Dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

Caduceus- in Dr. Greece and Rome, the rod of heralds in the form of a wooden rod crowned with wings, entwined with two snakes. Usually made from olive or laurel wood. K. was a necessary attribute of heralds sent to the enemy camp ... Encyclopedia of Law

CADUCEUS- a golden rod, braided with two snakes and crowned with two wings. acted as an attribute Greek god Hermes and by analogy with the Roman Mercury. According to one version, the caduceus originally had the shape of an olive branch or twig with ... ... Symbols, signs, emblems. Encyclopedia

The wings of the caduceus symbolize the ability to cross any borders, airiness; rod power; the double serpent is opposite sides in dualism that must eventually come together. Two snakes, healing and poisonous (illness and health), ... ... Symbol Dictionary

Rod of Mercury (messenger of the gods) Cf. In the empty Main House, which was not needed for anything, they put the governor not to go to waste in a public place. The caduceus was removed from the doors and windows, perhaps because the governor was not supposed to trade. Melnikov. On the… … Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary


  • , Juan Chirlo. 525 pp. Spanish art historian Juan Quirlo, theorist of the Barcelona School, will introduce you to mysterious visual symbols dating back to ancient times. Kirlo consistently ...
  • Dictionary of symbols. 1000 Articles on the Most Important Concepts of Religion, Literature, Architecture, History, Kirlo Juan. Spanish art historian Juan Quirlo, theorist of the "Barcelona School", will introduce you to mysterious visual symbols dating back to ancient times. Kirlo consistently and...

Have you ever thought about the saying “The less you know, the better you sleep”? Seemingly harmless hint - they say know exactly as much as you need for life and your nerves will be at rest. But if you think about its true intention and translate this saying the other way around, it turns out “You know more - you don’t sleep.” After all, knowledge is the power, thanks to which you just do not sleep, shifting the responsibility of decisions in the knowledge of the world to others (media, religion, system, etc.), but you realize it yourself in accordance with your intuition and free will. What is presented to us as blessings is often poison, and what is warned against is healing and goodness. So, of course, not in everything, but there are many such substitutions.


Not many of you will immediately understand what I'm talking about. And to be honest, I had no idea what it was until recently. Caduceus - the staff of the heralds of the Greeks and Romans. The name of the rod of Hermes (Mercury), which had the ability to reconcile. Similar symbols were common among other ancient peoples. Like the modern parliamentary flag, it was a necessary attribute of heralds sent to the enemy camp, and a guarantee of their immunity.

Other descriptions are also found:

- a symbol of the key that opens the limit between light and darkness, good and evil, life and death;

- a symbol of balance, which is achieved through the union of opposites;

- the emblem of dreams, as it had the ability to put people to sleep and wake them from sleep;

- a symbol of the unity of the solar and lunar gods;

— a diagram of human hyperfine structures (the central channel, left and right, as well as the symbol of the developed Mind, without which spiritual evolution is impossible);

- a symbol of further evolutionary movement towards the One Inexpressible Primordial and Eternal, above words, concepts and definitions.

- a schematic representation of human DNA.

Judging by the description, the symbol carries a positive message. But memories from my religious childhood of the snake as biblical symbol cunning and deceit, did not leave me alone and pushed me in search of other information.

After analyzing the information about it, I realized that I have not yet met a more non-specific symbol with such a variety of descriptions.

Caduceus decided to highlight the last of the list of descriptions, because I assume that this is the most appropriate definition. What is the truth, sometimes, we cannot prove on the physical plane (documents, witnesses, facts), but we can feel it. I intuitively chose the path to study and understand this symbol. I do not claim that this is the truth and I do not ask you to think the same, just think with me. Perhaps this information will be useful to you. Perhaps you will independently begin to study other aspects of our life and understand that not everything around us is exactly the way the system, religion, politics, etc. tells us. I want to note that my notes and articles are not aimed at inciting ethnic hatred, and also do not aim to offend the feelings of believers.

Reflections on the Caduceus led to the fact that most likely he is a symbol of DNA and is related to the Tribe of Dan and Baphomet. I also assume that it is depicted in the hands of those who were and are aware of the control of a person through genetics. Of course, this may sound very strange, and in principle, why delve into this - after all, everything has been studied and invented before us. But I already wrote earlier that the information provided to us all for understanding the world, sometimes, makes me doubt. And even though in someone's eyes I will look like a not quite healthy person, but I live in accordance with my free will, choice, and I am responsible for what I believe or do not believe. Further, I will explain in detail the chain of my thoughts.


What do we know about DNA? Deoxyribonucleic acid is a macromolecule that provides storage, transmission from generation to generation and implementation of the genetic program for the development and functioning of living organisms. The DNA molecule stores biological information in the form of a genetic code consisting of a sequence of nucleotides. Genes do exist and are specially marked sections of DNA or RNA - the molecule in which all genetic information is encoded.

Simply put, DNA is a molecule that contains genetic information, and a gene is a part of this molecule that describes the synthesis of a particular protein. If we draw an analogy with a computer, then DNA is a folder where there are many files, and a gene is one executable file.

Our DNA can be influenced from outside in the following ways:

- impact through nutrition;

- mental impact;

- vibration impact;

- impact due to sound waves, radio waves, etc.

For example, studying one of the works of the Doctor of Biological Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical and Technical Sciences (RAMTS) Petr Petrovich Garyaev, you can find out that our DNA molecules and proteins are antennas. Because they contain metal atoms, which are a kind of antennas facing space, from where some control space information is received. This is confirmed by numerous experiments, where all the conditions for the emergence of life from an egg are created, but the external electromagnetic radiation is reduced and distorted. As a result, under these conditions, the embryos turned into freaks. The external environment, connection with the cosmos at the origin of life is absolutely necessary.

The idea of ​​wave genetics is that the genetic apparatus builds the body with the help of acoustic and electromagnetic waves of different ranges. Moreover, they not only accept them from the outside, but also generate them themselves. Garyaev P.P. and his colleagues experimentally proved that DNA generates radio emission - laser beams, which build information holograms. The cells of the embryo, having received information from the waves, create a kind of drawing that indicates where and how to grow a leg, eye, nose, etc. Couldn't this be proof that our DNA can really be influenced from outside? Garyaev P.P. many works have been written on this subject. If I quote each one, you will get completely bored and will not read my material to the end.

I think that genetics is a priority and the highest tool for managing those who have DNA. The main thing in this management is knowledge of the structure of DNA and methods of influencing it. You can influence both positively and negatively. By the way, all cellular living organisms have DNA.

Coincidence? Don't think.

Analyzing information about the Caduceus, one can draw a single similarity in who used it - basically it is a symbol of power among religious figures and earlier among rulers. If my assumption is that the Caduceus is a symbol of human DNA, then it turns out that it is in the hands of those who were and are aware of managing people through genetics. When I saw the Caduceus in the hands of Christian clergy, I decided to find out where this symbol came from, main character which the serpent appeared in this creed. According to the Bible, Eve was tempted by a serpent. George the victorious defeated the evil embodied in the snake. In my opinion, it is quite logical that the serpent cannot in any way carry a positive message in this religion.

The search for an answer to my question led only to the phrase: "In Christianity, the Caduceus becomes an attribute of the Mother of God - Sophia, with him you can see her in Orthodox iconography." All. There are no details about the appearance of this symbol at the Mother of God. It is also very strange that everywhere I looked for information about the history of the icon, it was not indicated that it was the caduceus in her hands. The symbolism of each participant on the icon is painted in detail, but not the object in the hand of the Mother of God. I found the oldest image of this icon. I enlarged the object in her hands - not to say that it is a caduceus, rather Aaron's rod, but also a dubious resemblance.

Further, while collecting information about the Caduceus, I found an interesting statue that stands in a private Jesuit university in St. Louis. It's called "Caduceus".

Is the visual similarity a coincidence? Don't think. Pay attention to the wings, a round object under your feet (I assume that the planet Earth), the crown. For your information, the university on whose territory the statue is installed was founded in 1818 by the French Jesuit bishop, the Reverend Louis Guillaume Valentin Dibourg.

A little about the founder of the university. Louis-Guillaume-Valentin Dubourg was born on January 10, 1766 in Cap Francisco in the French colony of Santo Domingo (now Cape Haitian, Haiti) and died on December 12, 1833. He was a minister of the Society of Saint-Sulpice, apostolic administrator (1812), then bishop of Louisiana (1815-1825). After he returned to France as Bishop of Montauban (1826-1833), and then Archbishop of Besancon (02/03/1833-12/12/1833). I am sure that those who installed the Caduceus statue, whose name from Hebrew (kaddushim חניכה) means "initialization", was not installed without a special purpose and meaning. I think the Caduceus symbol is not just a symbol of good and evil, balance, etc., but it is something more. It is worth noting the definition of initialization to understand the depth of the symbol's meaning. Initialization is a rite that marks the transition of an individual to a new stage of development within a social group or mystical society. Among the rites of passage special place are occupied by the rituals of initiation, or initiation.

The last thing I would like to note in this chapter is that when searching for information about Caduceus, I found it on emblems associated with either profit or medicine, namely:

— Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation;

— Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation;

— Federal Fund for Mandatory health insurance RF;

— State Tax Service of Ukraine;

— US Army Medical Service.

Caduceus and Baphomet

The next thing I noticed was Baphomet's Caduceus symbol. For some reason, not one official source refers to the presence of Caduceus in this horned character. For those who do not know Baphomet, this is an astral deity, an idol. The image of Baphomet is a symbol of Satanism.

Let's take a closer look at this deity. We see the head of a goat, which represents the Goat of Mendes, the symbol of the Egyptian Neter Amun (Set). On the head we see a fiery crown. Pay attention to the dark and light months indicated by the hands of Baphomet. On the hands is written: Solve et Coagula - dissolve and thicken. Moreover, it is indicated to the light - dissolve, and to the darkness - thicken. A pentagram is drawn on the forehead.

If we read Baphomet backwards, we get Temohpab. Temohpab is a notarikon (an acronym used in the Jewish tradition for the abbreviation of names and titles.), which means Templi omnium hominum pacis abbas - the rector of the temple of the peace of all people. Interestingly, notarikon is an exclusively Jewish tradition. This prompted me, when studying the issue, to draw a parallel between Baphomet, Caduceus and the Jewish people.

Continuing the theme, it is no less interesting that the word "Baphomet" is written in Hebrew letters as בפומת, which is a set of letters שופיא encrypted by the atbash method, which can be read as the Greek word "Sophia" ("Wisdom"). Another interesting coincidence, because in the chapter above we considered the icon “The Wisdom of God Sophia” as an explanation of where Christians have the Caduceus from.

Also note that next to Baphomet are a man and a woman in chains. The semantic load of limiting the freedom of mankind is obvious. If we assume and take into account that the Caduceus is a symbol of DNA and Baphomet has it in the most prominent place, then combine this with the obvious enslavement of people - it turns out that humanity is genetically dependent, enslaved and Baphomet has the knowledge thanks to which we humans can be influenced with the help of genetics. According to the definition of Baphomet, he is the personification of evil, Satan, etc. Then his impact on us in this world becomes clear and obvious:

- through radio stations, where the sound frequency is changed from 432 Hz to 440 Hz (has a devastating effect on living cells.);

- through non-living food (GMOs, chemicals, antibiotics, etc.);

- through medicine (hypnotic effect on awareness with medicines).

- through the substitution of concepts and distortion of the true meaning of the image of words (the words that we use due to acoustic impact can also affect DNA);

- through the system of the eternal race of consumerism, etc.

By the way, remember I wrote above about the founder of the university on whose territory the Caduceus statue is installed? So here is the coat of arms of his last place of work, namely the archdiocese Roman Catholic Church centered in the city of Besançon, was very entertaining:

The more information I received while searching for the truth about the Caduceus symbol, the more questions I had. In searching for a connection between Baphomet, the Jewish people and Caduceus, I realized that most likely the Jewish god Yahweh and Baphomet are one character.

Yahweh = Adonai = Jehovah = Hosts = Baphomet

Having studied quite a few articles on the topic of the name of God among the Jews and the Old Testament, I assume that the characters of Yahweh-Adonai-Jehovah-Sabaoth-Baphomet are one and the same person. They are united by cruelty, vindictiveness, cunning and other "positive qualities". Friends, read the Old Testament somehow. It is something.

Yahweh is the unpronounceable name of God in Judaism.

Adonai - Heb. word, meaning "Lord Lord".

Jehovah - in Russian translations of the Old Testament "Lord".

Hosts - Heb. word, meaning "Lord of Hosts".

IN old testament it is said that Yahweh-Adonai-Jehovah-Sabaoth is the Angel of the Lord. And obviously a fallen angel. Because:

1) he separates his chosen people - the Israelites, that is, the fighters (Israel - (ישראל) - the fighter. The name is "Israel"), from all other peoples;

2) promises his God-fighting people land that does not belong to him;

3) teaches his people how to rob the Egyptians with fraud: “I will give this people favor in the eyes of the Egyptians; and when you go, you will not go empty-handed. Every woman (Israelite) will beg from her neighbor and from the one who lives in her house (i.e., from the Egyptians) things of silver and things of gold, and clothes; and you will dress your sons and your daughters with them, and wrap the Egyptians.”

I think so light angel much less God will not teach such things.

Yahweh-Adonai-Jehovah-Sabaoth also possesses extraordinary bloodthirstiness, vindictiveness, injustice and cruelty, which are imbued with the commands of his commands to his people. To the son of Abraham and Sarah, this god says: “... henceforth your name will not be Jacob, but Israel; for you have wrestled with God, and you will overcome men.”

There must be some reason why he behaves so “badly”?

And the reason that prompted Yahweh-Adonai-Jehovah-Sabaoth to intervene in the spiritual development of people is clearly indicated by him in Genesis (3.22): “Behold, Man has become, like one of us, knowing good and evil. And now, lest he stretch out his hand and take also from the Tree of Life, and live forever!”

So Yahweh-Adonai-Jehovah-Sabaoth, having become jealous in his pride of people for the Almighty and Eternal Life, began to tempt them in his personal image - the image of a dragon-serpent, in order to deprive people of immortality, that is, to make them subject to themselves (due to changes in DNA, for due to the distance of Man from Spiritual development, replacing it with material development, etc.). In his aspirations, he went against the will of the Almighty and was overthrown from heaven to earth for this, thus becoming the god of death and the prince of this world.

Tribe of Dan and Caduceus

The tribes of Israel are the tribes of the descendants of the twelve sons of Jacob, who formed, according to Holy Scripture, Israeli people. Oddly enough, among the 12 tribes, there was one whose coat of arms was with a snake - the Tribe of Dan.

To understand why I'm suggesting that the Tribe of Dan is related to the Caduceus and Baphomet, one has to look at its history. Don't be lazy and read.

The first Jewish settlements on the territory of the future Khazaria appeared at a time when, after the death of King Solomon, due to the unsuccessful reign of his son Raboam, the Israeli state split into two parts - Judea with its capital in Jerusalem and Israel with its capital in Samaria. Both states were weakened before the onslaught of enemies, and the first in 722 BC. Israel fell. Cities were destroyed, and all ten tribes of Israel were taken into Assyrian captivity. The tribes of Judah and Benjamin remained in Judea. Almost from the very beginning of the Assyrian captivity, the Jews, knowing that there was no more land for them in Israel, began to leave for other lands.

It is known that one of the twelve tribes of Israel went to the North and disappeared. This was the tribe of Dan, the second largest after the Jews.

In the tribe of Dan there were two branches - northern and southern.

The northern sailed on ships and was engaged in trade. In the Book of Judges of Israel we find the following mention of Dan's tribe: “Gilead lives quietly beyond the Jordan, and what should Dan be afraid of with the ships? Asid sits on the shore of the sea, and at his harbours he dwells quietly” (5:17). The northern branch, fleeing the Assyrians, sailed across the Mediterranean to Ireland.

In historical chronicles found in Ireland, there is evidence that a strong settlement appeared on Irish territory, which was called "Tuatha de Danna", meaning "Tribe of Dan", which arrived on ships and expelled from their lands the settlements of local residents - the Irish. In Old English, "dan" meant "lord, master" (a parallel with "master" in Masonic lodges). But later, as British historians write, when a fierce war broke out in Ireland between the North and the South, the tribe of Dan was mostly exterminated.

The southern branch of the tribe of Dan settled in the lands of Khazaria. The southern branch was taken prisoner by the Assyrians and subsequently settled in the region of the Caspian Sea. Later they spread to the north and occupied more areas of the Black Sea. These are the lands occupied by Khazaria.

In the nineteenth century, a manuscript about Khazaria written by a Khazar Jew was found in the vault of the Cairo synagogue. From this manuscript, we can conclude that there were two waves of Jewish migration to the lands of the Khazars. And the first in chronology was the resettlement of the tribe of Dan. It also follows from the manuscript that natural Jews came to these lands and assimilated with the local population, departed from the faith, retaining only the rite of circumcision.

The tribe of Danovo, thus, stood at the origins of the creation of the kaganate (a medieval eastern state formation, headed by the khan of khans). That is, the leaders of the Khazars, even at the tribal communal stage, were Jews from this tribe, who had departed from the faith of their fathers.

It turns out that in Khazaria the Judaism of the “new” Jews merged with the Judaism of the “old” Jews from the tribe of Dan, who were leaders of nomadic tribes before the formation of the kaganate. The word "Khazar" is very similar in sound to the Hebrew word "Khozer", meaning a return to the faith of their ancestors. The fact that the first wave of resettlement was precisely the tribe of Dan is also confirmed by the fact that the Khazars worshiped the snake.

And the Bible says that: “Dan will be a serpent on the road, an asp on the way, piercing the leg of the horse, so that his rider will fall back. I hope for Your help, Lord! (Gen. 49:17-18)

According to the heraldry of the tribes of Israel, the snake and the horse are considered the symbols of the tribe of Dan.

It is known that the Khazars took with them on military campaigns, during their raids on Rus', images of a snake. This Khazar idol, of course, was known to those against whom they went to war. On the found amulets, it is easy to distinguish images of two snake heads.

From all of the above, I conclude that the Tribe of Dan as well as Baphomet is related to the symbol under study and also has an impact on humanity.

The relationship of the god Mercury and the Jewish people

There is a lot of information now on the topic that at the head of the largest transcorporations that control the world of our consumption, banks, etc. are people of Jewish nationality. Never really thought about it. But if this is really so, then it turns out my assumption about the Caduceus, as a symbol of mass influence on humanity, is the place to be. Because the genetic impact on people is due to what we buy, consume and use on a daily basis - food, clothing, hygiene products, medicines, etc. Who produces all this in the main - transcorporations. Trade, money this case= tools of influence.

We turn to the relationship of the god Mercury and the Jewish people. First, let's turn to the official definition of Caduceus. Caduceus is the name of the rod of Hermes (Mercury). We look further at the definition of Mercury (Hermes) - the god of trade, profit, rationality, dexterity, trickery, deceit, theft and eloquence, giving wealth and income in trade. Next, let's remember that the Jews from ancient times were engaged in usury, that is, they lent money. The Jews have a very developed genetic streak that is associated with making money. I don’t want to offend anyone, but there has always been and is an opinion among the people that the Jew is cunning, he will always deceive. About the ability of this people to speak beautifully and ornately, I think it’s worth mentioning, everyone already knows this.

You do not see the similarities in the description of the god Mercury and characteristic features Jewish people? Isn't that why they pushed the Caduceus into Mercury as a symbol of man's control?

Did you know that the English words merchant - "merchant", "merchant" - and mercenary - "selfish", "mercenary" - come, like the name of Mercury himself, from merx, "goods".


Personally, in my understanding, after everything found and studied, the Caduceus is a symbol of those who have goals:

— to drive the Man into the consumer circle of survival and race;

- influence it genetically;

- to eradicate spiritual development, replacing the material.

For me, the study of the Caduceus once again proved that everything in this reality should be studied by yourself. I hope that my reflections on this topic were of interest to you and will inspire you to independent knowledge of the World and the desire to bear responsibility for what you believe or do not believe. All the best and success.

The symbol of the power of heralds and the ancient Romans The Rod of Hermes (Mercury), or Caduceus from the Greek language, is a sign of reconciliation and an element of diplomacy. Among the ancient peoples, it was given to a messenger to go to an enemy camp in order to save his life. Over time, the meaning of the sign has undergone some changes, and subsequently it became a symbol of medicine.

Origin story

Based on the name, the symbol was dedicated to Hermes Trismegistus. According to the texts ancient Greek mythology, the son of Zeus accompanied the dead to the dark kingdom of Hades. He needed the wand to touch the foreheads of the sleeping ones for the awakening procedure. Later, Hermes became the god of trade and the patron of merchants. He received the symbol of power from the god Apollo for the musical instrument Lyra. Hermes immediately tested the power of the wand on two snakes that fought each other. They stopped competing and wrapped themselves around the pole. This is how the familiar image of the Caduceus appeared, along with its main meaning "reconciliation".

The rod of Hermes Mercury was adopted to designate medical institutions due to the achievements of the renaissance. At that time, artists, writers and scientists showed a special interest in ancient culture, and the ancient symbolism partially migrated to the sphere of activity of doctors and creative minds. Although the most reliable theory is the relationship of the symbol to the era of the development of alchemical knowledge. It was Hermes who was considered her patron, so many alchemists put the rod of mercury as a seal on their vessels.

Known for scientific achievements in the field of chemistry, the physician Paracelsus in the 16th century used the accumulated knowledge to prove his theory about the chemical processes by which the human body develops. This is how the system of using chemical elements in medicine appeared, which made pharmaceuticals the way they know it today. IN modern world the sign is interpreted as an emblem of medicine in a number of influential states, including the United States and France.

The Rod of Mercury Meaning and Features of Interpretation

In the visual sense, this is a pole with small wings on top, around which two snakes are intertwined, like creepers. In fact, they symbolize two opposites: light and darkness, good and evil. And what unites them is a sign of abundance and health, personifying immortality and a constant flow of life that can overcome any illness and adversity. It is a symbol of the dualism of nature.

Wings elevate the meaning of the universe to the heavens, they allow you to cross the invisible barriers of being and, according to primary sources, help to understand the origin of snakes. In alchemy, this interpretation acquired a new face: two snakes became elements of chemical compounds, male sulfur and female mercury. The staff itself is used as a symbol of protection and peace. This is an attribute of power over people and events. Therefore, the wand can be seen in the hands of the Egyptian deity Anubis, the Greek god Hermes, the Phoenician Baal - the lord of all things.

The entwining of the wand also has its own meaning: the right and left flows of psychic energy. It twists around the pole to restore the balance of the processes taking place in the body. From the point of view of metaphysics, this is a reality flowing into the illusory nature of a dream. After waking up, the object returns to the real world again. Basically, the rod of the god of trade Hermes is a symbol of wisdom, because Mercury, the god of trading activities in ancient Roman mythology, was an intermediary between the heavens and people, conveying latest wisdom gods.

Using the wand as a talisman

As an esoteric key for unlocking the mysteries of being, the caduceus has mystical powers. It not only endows its owner with health and the ability to get out of difficult situations with the help of diplomacy, but also serves as a guide to the world of the dead. The protective properties of the emblem with the image of the sign are difficult to overestimate. It is a symbol of peace, mediation, trade and power. It allows its owner to get closer to the power of natural forces and understand their divine beauty.

The one who wears the rod of the god Hermes is endowed with the ability to move between this world and the heavenly kingdom, where the process of creation plays a key role in maintaining the harmony of the fundamental entities: body and spirit, sky and moon, sun and earth. Amulets and charms with an engraved caduceus have a number of advantages:

The wearer is cured of any ailments of a physical and mental nature. Help to overcome obstacles on the way to wealth and prosperity. They protect the owner from evil fate and the consequences of an unkind look (evil eye). They give wisdom and balance in worldly affairs. They are an accomplice in trading and increase profits. Like the Chinese symbolism of Yin-Yang, the caduceus is considered a cosmological symbol of the influence of the universe on the nature of dualism. In the occult sciences and esoteric teachings, it is in great demand among magicians.

To use the power of a sign, it is enough to put its image on a base of yellow or white metal. It is this material that allows you to get the most positive effect from everyday wear. Of course, it will be very difficult to make it, so the rod of Hermes can be bought at sites where they sell talismans and amulets.

The main thing is the correct, symmetrical shape of the symbol and the geometric ratio of width and height. To understand how the sign should look, it is enough to turn to the ancient Greek images of the gods, on which you can find the god Hermes. Interesting fact: The rod of Mercury is used as heraldry for the Federal Tax Service and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, and was previously seen on the emblem of the Customs Service of Tsarist Russia.


Staff - a golden rod entwined with two snakes with or without wings, was an attribute of deities in India and Ancient Egypt, in Phoenicia and Sumer, in Greece, Rome and throughout the Mediterranean, in Iran and even in pre-Columbian America.

This symbol is so ancient that it is almost impossible to establish when it appeared.

And no matter what deity held it in their hands: Serapis, Asclepius or Hermes, Mercury or Aesculapius, the caduceus always reflected the same thing: the principle of universal movement.
He acted as an attribute of the Greek god Hermes and, by analogy, the Roman Mercury.
According to one version, the caduceus originally had the shape of an olive branch or a twig with several leaves. Then the rod was crowned with a tip in the form of a ball and a crescent, and finally took the form of snakes wrapping around it. According to another version, the snake, as a sign of healing, was originally integral part wand. According to Homer, Hermes received the caduceus from Apollo in exchange for the flute; another legend says that the caduceus was made especially for Hermes. According to legend, Hermes threw a caduceus at two snakes fighting each other, and as a result, they adhered to the rod. Hermes handed over the caduceus to his son Nerik, from whom the family of heralds descended.
By caduceus in Ancient Greece recognized Hermes as the messenger of the gods. The image of the messenger of the gods was also associated with ideas about the religions of the Middle East, sometimes it served as an attribute of a figure personifying the World. Caduceus had the ability to put people to sleep and wake them up from sleep, so he often acted as an emblem of dreams. In psychoanalysis, the caduceus is a phallic sign associated with the sublimation of sleep. In a broader interpretation, it is a symbol of magic. According to hermetic semiotics, the caduceus is the key to afterlife: Hermes opens the gates with it underworld and brings in the souls of the dead.

Since Hermes acted as the mentor of Eros, the caduceus also symbolized such teacher qualities as eloquence and prudence, or generally denoted pedagogy.
There is an opinion that a rod or rod is the axis of the world (an option is the world tree), up and down along which, between Heaven and Earth, the intermediary gods move. Therefore, the Caduceus was worn by all messengers as a sign of peace and protection, and it was their main attribute. In this case, two snakes with heads turned upwards symbolize evolution and at the same time two principles of the universe (like yang and ying in Taoism) or are interpreted as two mutually conditioned processes evolutionary development material forms and souls that control material forms.
The symmetrical arrangement of snakes and wings serves as evidence of the balance of opposing forces and the harmonious development of both the lower, bodily, and higher, spiritual levels.

Serpents are also associated with the cyclical rebirth of Nature and the restoration of the universal Order when it is broken. Quite often they are equated with a symbol of wisdom. In the Asia Minor tradition, two snakes were a common symbol of fertility, and in the Mesopotamian tradition, woven snakes were considered the incarnation of a healer god.

Caduceus- a "magic" wand with small wings, which is wrapped around two snakes. The writhing bodies of the snakes are intertwined in such a way that they form two circles around the rod, one circle for one snake. Thus, symbolizing the merging of two polarities: good - evil, right - left, light - darkness, etc., which corresponds to the nature of the created world.
Among the symbolic figures known since ancient times, the caduceus has a special meaning (the staff of the messenger - Greek). It is often called the rod of Hermes (Mercury), ancient god wisdom.
It is recognized that the serpent of wisdom is directly correlated with the seducer serpent. The snake, personifying wisdom, can become such only if it sheds its old skin - those times when it was the bearer of evil.
The wings of the caduceus symbolize the ability to cross any borders, airiness; core - power; double snake - opposite sides in dualism, which ultimately must connect. Two snakes, healing and poisonous (sickness and health), mean that "nature can overcome nature."
The caduceus also represents the unity of the two sexes. In alchemy, it is male sulfur and female mercury, the power of transformation, sleep and awakening, dissolution and coagulation of the "Great Experience".
Caduceus is worn by all messengers of peace and protection, and it is their main attribute. It is worn by the Egyptian Anubis; Greco-Roman Hermes, Phoenician Baal, and sometimes Isis and Ishtar. Caduceus is also found in India.
In occultism, it is considered a symbol of the key that opens the limit between darkness and light, good and evil, life and death (it is with this meaning that the use of

A symbol similar to the caduceus was found in ancient Indian monuments. In the esoteric directions of Buddhism, the caduceus rod symbolizes the axis of the world, and snakes - cosmic energy, the Serpent Fire or Kundalini, traditionally represented as twisted at the base of the spine (an analogue of the world axis on a microcosmic scale). Wrapping around the central axis, the snakes are connected at seven points, they are associated with the chakras. Kundalini sleeps in the base chakra, and when it wakes up as a result of evolution, it ascends along the spine along three paths: the central one, Shushumna, and two side ones, which form two intersecting spirals - Pingala (this is the right, male and active, spiral) and Ida (left , female and passive).
Whatever interpretation of the caduceus (both from those given above and from those not mentioned in the work) turned out to be correct, it, according to most researchers, was one of ancient symbols Creative Force. Therefore, it was believed that all the laws of knowledge that govern Nature were revealed to the owner of the caduceus.
Until now, the caduceus has been a symbol of trade and diplomacy.
It was often used as a heraldic sign: it was present, in particular, on the coat of arms of the Kharkov province.

Modern Emblems:

Source: Encyclopedia of mystical terms. M., 1998; Hall J. Dictionary of plots and symbols in art. M., 1999; Mythological dictionary. M., 1991.

Caduceus (lat.), or kerikion(ancient Greek κηρύκειον, κηρύκιον, ῥάβδος or σκῆπτρον) - the rod of the heralds of the Greeks and Romans; the name of the rod of Hermes (Mercury), which had the ability to reconcile. Similar symbols were common among other ancient peoples (see Urey Wajit). Like the modern parliamentary flag, it was a necessary attribute of heralds sent to the enemy camp, and a guarantee of their immunity.
In the occult, it is considered a symbol of the key that opens the limit between darkness and light, good and evil, life and death (it is with this meaning that the use of medicine as a symbol is probably associated).

The Rod of Caduceus or the Rod of Hermes in the occult sciences is a symbol of the key that opens the border between light and darkness, life and death, good and evil. This wand is a symbol of interacting and complementary forces of nature.

Two snakes wrapping around the shaft of this symbol mean two opposites that strive to unite. In medicine, two snakes, poisonous and healing, mean illness and healing. In Asia Minor cultures, two intertwined snakes symbolize fertility. And, for example, in alchemy, snakes on this wand symbolize the male and female principles (male sulfur and female mercury), a symbol of dissolution and penetration, a symbol of the interaction of two principles. Two snakes intertwining and striving to connect represent wisdom.

The wings on this wand mean the ability to cross any obstacles, a symbol of air.
The cane in this rod symbolizes the axis of the world, up and down along which, between Heaven and Earth, all the gods-messengers and intermediaries move, therefore this rod is considered a symbol of mediation, consent, trade.

In ancient times, the Rod of Hermes was also a symbol of messengers who carried the rod as a sign of peace and protection.
This wand is an attribute not only of Hermes, in whose hands it signifies health and youth; the Egyptian Anubis also wears it; Phoenician Baal and sometimes Isis and Ishtar. In the hands of the gods, this wand symbolizes the sky and the moon.
One of the main meanings in all cultures of the world, this symbol means proportionality: the evolutionary process of matter cannot overtake the evolutionary process of the spirit or lag behind it. Harmonious development of body and spirit.

Caduceus... This symbol is so ancient that it is almost impossible to establish when it appeared. But still we will try to lift the veil of its origin! Caduceus - a staff entwined with two snakes with or without wings, was an attribute of deities in India and Ancient Egypt, in Phoenicia and Sumer, in Greece, Rome and throughout the Mediterranean, in Iran and even in pre-Columbian America, that is, wherever there was fear reverence of ignorant people before incomprehensible phenomena or manifestations of extraordinary qualities and possibilities of creatures "divine" for the local population.
And no matter what deity held it in their hands: Serapis, Asclepius or Hermes, Mercury or Aesculapius, the caduceus always reflected the same thing: the principle of universal movement. Question: what and where?
Not so long ago for lovers to "move" to the side spiritual development By accelerated methods, I published an interesting article. It was about artificial stimulation of human vital potential and achievement of "nirvana" by the so-called raising of Kundalini energy along the spinal cord to Sahasrara. We are talking about the awakening of the activity of Serpent Fire, or Kundalini, when snakes wrap around the central axis, they connect at seven points that are associated with the main chakras. Yoga treatises explain that Kundalini, Serpent Fire, "sleeps" in the base chakra in the form of a coiled snake, and when it wakes up as a result of evolution, it ascends along the spine along three paths: the central one, Sushumna, and two side ones, which form two intersecting spirals. , - Pingale (this is the right, male and active, spiral) and Ide (left, female and passive).

As can be seen from the figure, this "effect Kundalini» is an exact copy CADUCE.

More precisely, the caduceus symbolizes the awakening of the Kundalini.

But has this symbol always denoted precisely this phenomenon?

Moreover, the direction of Ida and Pingala does not correspond to the location of these "snakes". Ida and Pingala in a man or a woman are directed in different directions due to the difference in their hormonal system, and the heads of snakes are both directed upwards, which manifests itself only in white tantra, that is, in a harmonious merger of equal partners, or as a result of endless training to balance the autonomic nervous system. systems: sympathetic and parasympathetic branches.

Caduceus can be found in the form of two snakes coiled around a rod, on Egyptian monuments built before the cult of Osiris. It is believed that the Greek poets and myth-makers borrowed this symbol from the Egyptians, and the Romans (Romeans) allegedly adopted the caduceus from the Greeks. The Greeks remade it, because at first it had a different appearance: the staff, first depicted as entwined with vines, then began to be depicted with two snakes. Again we find it in the hands of Aesculapius in a different form from the scepter of Mercury or Hermes. It is a cosmic, sidereal or astronomical, as well as spiritual and even physiological symbol; its meaning changes with application. And the Latin word caduceum comes from the priestly "messenger, harbinger" (messenger of Vesta, that is, conscience). This is a symbol of the Leading and Initiate, the Messenger, because it is not enough to know and know, it is just as important to be able to transfer knowledge. In ancient times, such heralds, direct representatives and messengers of the gods were the Magi, who healed the soul and body of a person - they were connected with the Creative Force, all the laws that govern Nature were revealed to them. Spiritual maturity allowed them to recognize the nature of the disease and select the best medicine. In those days, kings and kings were both priests and healers. It is curious that in Greek the word caduceus has a common root with the word rooster. Caduceus (Latin caduceus) or kerikion (Greek κηρύκειον) is the rod of the heralds of the Greeks and Romans. The rooster as a symbol is found already in the first centuries of our era. It was believed that his singing not only drives away evil spirits, but also brings relief to the sick after suffering, which is often aggravated at night, accompanied by melancholy, insomnia or sleepwalking. And the rooster, as you know, is the great harbinger of the morning and the Sun. In the occult, it is considered a symbol of the key that opens the limit between darkness and light, good and evil, life and death. Here is how one of the church fathers Ambrose of Milan (III century) wrote about this: “How pleasant is the song of a rooster at night. And not only pleasant, but also useful. This cry instills hope in everyone's heart; patients feel relieved, the pain in the wounds decreases: with the advent of light, the heat of the fever subsides.

So, most likely, the caduceus (kerikion) served as a reminder of a certain danger that awaits people who are unrestrained from drinking wine and other drugs, because this symbol was carried by heralds in countries where the cult of Dionysius (Bacchus) was developed ...
As a symbol of healing, the image of a rooster and a snake existed in ancient China. According to Chinese medical teachings, necessary condition health was the harmony of two principles in the human body: yin and yang. The personification of the masculine (yang) was the rooster, the feminine (yin) was the snake. I consider this assumption quite free, since it predetermines a certain “serpentine” nature of a woman and an “eagle” nature of a man. Yin and yang are just multidirectional flows of energy that interact, and the snake is a symbol of poison in a reasonable (rooster) amount, which creates the possibility of healing from excessive imbalance. The bird has always represented intelligence and divinity, while the snake has always represented adaptability and flexibility. This confirms the symbol of medicine in the Renaissance, which was often depicted as a woman crowned with laurels with a staff entwined with a snake and a rooster in her hand. In the XIII century. images of a staff with a snake and a singing rooster adorned the title pages of medical writings. Since 1696, the golden rooster appeared on the coat of arms of French doctors, although here the meaning was somewhat different, but we'll talk about this another time ...
However, it should not be forgotten that this same symbol was also an attribute of divinity in pre-Columbian America. This means that it also belongs to the cultural heritage of Atlantis, in this regard, the Gnostic sect of the “Ophites”, which means “serpents”, is of interest. There is an opinion that the Gnostic Christian sect of the “Ophites” are worshipers of the serpent race of the Atlanteans. The symbol of the Atlantean gods was the serpent. "setians". They were joined by "Cainites" and "Peratiki" (a very interesting name in view of the above). Several Ophite texts are believed to have been found in the Nag Hammadi library.
The fact is that the snake cult is characteristic of all peoples, one way or another connected with the Atlanteans. In particular, the Hellenes believed that their ancestors were Ophites, a snake people from the western sea, whose emblem was a snake with an egg in its mouth. And not only the Hellenes, but also the Celtic tribes and the American Indians declared the same thing.
The Ophites revered Christ as a snake incarnation, worshiped him as the “Good Serpent”, personifying wisdom and bestowing true knowledge on people, and believed in the plurality of his incarnations. “Nahash” and “Messiah” in Hebrew have the same numerical value. Along with this, the Ophites taught about other snakes that were hostile to the human race. Apparently, it was from these hostile snakes that Jesus produced the essence of the Jews, calling them "the offspring of the viper."
Ophite gnosis was especially common in Egypt, where, as is known from Slavic-Aryan Vedas, were moved " heavenly power» RIGHTEOUS people, saved Atlanteans.

And Niy and the Elements will destroy that land,
And she will hide in the depths of the Great Waters,
The same hid in ancient times
In the depths of the northern waters - Sacred Daaria ...
To the lands of people with SKIN THE COLOR OF DARK...

The Rod of Caduceus or the Rod of Hermes in the occult sciences is a symbol of the key that opens the border between light and darkness, life and death, good and evil. This wand is a symbol of interacting and complementary forces of nature.

Two snakes wrapping around the shaft of this symbol mean two opposites that strive to unite. In medicine, two snakes, poisonous and healing, mean illness and healing. In Asia Minor cultures, two intertwined snakes symbolize fertility. And, for example, in alchemy, snakes on this wand symbolize the male and female principles (male sulfur and female mercury), a symbol of dissolution and penetration, a symbol of the interaction of two principles. Two snakes intertwining and striving to connect represent wisdom.

The wings on this wand mean the ability to cross any obstacles, a symbol of air.

The cane in this rod symbolizes the axis of the world, up and down along which, between Heaven and Earth, all the gods-messengers and intermediaries move, therefore this rod is considered a symbol of mediation, consent, trade.

In ancient times, the Rod of Hermes was also a symbol of messengers who carried the rod as a sign of peace and protection.
This wand is an attribute not only of Hermes, in whose hands it signifies health and youth; the Egyptian Anubis also wears it; Phoenician Baal and sometimes Isis and Ishtar. In the hands of the gods, this wand symbolizes the sky and the moon.

One of the main meanings in all cultures of the world, this symbol means proportionality: the evolutionary process of matter cannot overtake the evolutionary process of the spirit or lag behind it. Harmonious development of body and spirit.

Caduceus... This symbol is so ancient that it is almost impossible to establish when it appeared. But still we will try to lift the veil of its origin! Caduceus - a staff entwined with two snakes with or without wings, was an attribute of deities in India and Ancient Egypt, in Phoenicia and Sumer, in Greece, Rome and throughout the Mediterranean, in Iran and even in pre-Columbian America, that is, wherever there was fear reverence of ignorant people before incomprehensible phenomena or manifestations of extraordinary qualities and possibilities of creatures "divine" for the local population.

And no matter what deity held it in their hands: Serapis, Asclepius or Hermes, Mercury or Aesculapius, the caduceus always reflected the same thing: the principle of universal movement. Question: what and where?

Not so long ago, for those who like to “move” towards spiritual development by accelerated methods, I published an interesting article. It was about artificial stimulation of human vital potential and achievement of "nirvana" by the so-called raising of Kundalini energy along the spinal cord to Sahasrara. We are talking about the awakening of the activity of Serpent Fire, or Kundalini, when snakes wrap around the central axis, they connect at seven points that are associated with the main chakras. Yoga treatises explain that Kundalini, Serpent Fire, "sleeps" in the base chakra in the form of a coiled snake, and when it wakes up as a result of evolution, it ascends along the spine along three paths: the central one, Sushumna, and two side ones, which form two intersecting spirals. , - Pingale (this is the right, male and active, spiral) and Ide (left, female and passive).

As can be seen from the figure, this "Kundalini effect" is an exact copy of the CADUCEUS. More precisely, the caduceus symbolizes the awakening of the Kundalini. But has this symbol always denoted precisely this phenomenon? Moreover, the direction of Ida and Pingala does not correspond to the location of these "snakes". Ida and Pingala in a man or a woman are directed in different directions due to the difference in their hormonal system, and the heads of snakes are both directed upwards, which manifests itself only in white tantra, that is, in a harmonious merger of equal partners, or as a result of endless training to balance the autonomic nervous system. systems: sympathetic and parasympathetic branches.

Caduceus can be found in the form of two snakes coiled around a rod, on Egyptian monuments built before the cult of Osiris. It is believed that the Greek poets and myth-makers borrowed this symbol from the Egyptians, and the Romans (Romeans) allegedly adopted the caduceus from the Greeks. The Greeks remade it, because at first it had a different appearance: the staff, first depicted as entwined with vines, then began to be depicted with two snakes. Again we find it in the hands of Aesculapius in a different form from the scepter of Mercury or Hermes. It is a cosmic, sidereal or astronomical, as well as spiritual and even physiological symbol; its meaning changes with application. And the Latin word caduceum comes from the priestly "messenger, harbinger" (messenger of Vesta, that is, conscience). This is a symbol of the Leading and Initiate, the Messenger, because it is not enough to know and know, it is just as important to be able to transfer knowledge. In ancient times, such heralds, direct representatives and messengers of the gods were the Magi, who healed the soul and body of a person - they were connected with the Creative Force, all the laws that govern Nature were revealed to them. Spiritual maturity allowed them to recognize the nature of the disease and select the best medicine. In those days, kings and kings were both priests and healers. It is curious that in Greek the word caduceus has a common root with the word cock. Caduceus (Latin caduceus) or kerikiyon (Greek κηρύκειον) - the rod of heralds among the Greeks and Romans. The rooster as a symbol is found already in the first centuries of our era. It was believed that his singing not only drives away evil spirits, but also brings relief to the sick after suffering, which is often aggravated at night, accompanied by melancholy, insomnia or sleepwalking. And the rooster, as you know, is the great harbinger of the morning and the Sun. In the occult, it is considered a symbol of the key that opens the limit between darkness and light, good and evil, life and death. Here is how one of the church fathers Ambrose of Milan (III century) wrote about this: “How pleasant is the song of a rooster at night. And not only pleasant, but also useful. This cry instills hope in everyone's heart; patients feel relieved, the pain in the wounds decreases: with the advent of light, the heat of the fever subsides.

So, most likely, the caduceus (kerikion) served as a reminder of a certain danger that awaits people who are unrestrained from drinking wine and other drugs, because this symbol was carried by heralds in countries where the cult of Dionysius (Bacchus) was developed ...

As a symbol of healing, the image of a rooster and a snake existed in ancient China. According to the teachings of Chinese doctors, a necessary condition for health was the harmony of two principles in the human body: yin and yang. The personification of the masculine principle (yang) was the rooster, the feminine (yin) was the snake. I consider this assumption quite free, since it predetermines a certain “serpentine” nature of a woman and an “eagle” nature of a man. Yin and yang are just multidirectional flows of energy that interact, and the snake is a symbol of poison in a reasonable (rooster) amount, which creates the possibility of healing from excessive imbalance. The bird has always represented intelligence and divinity, while the snake has always represented adaptability and flexibility. This confirms the symbol of medicine in the Renaissance, which was often depicted as a woman crowned with laurels with a staff entwined with a snake and a rooster in her hand. In the XIII century. images of a staff with a snake and a singing rooster adorned the title pages of medical writings. Since 1696, the golden rooster appeared on the coat of arms of French doctors, although here the meaning was somewhat different, but we'll talk about this another time ...

However, it should not be forgotten that this same symbol was also an attribute of divinity in pre-Columbian America. This means that it also belongs to the cultural heritage of Atlantis, in connection with this, the Gnostic sect of the “Ophites”, which means “serpents”, is of interest. There is an opinion that the Gnostic Christian sect of the “Ophites” are worshipers of the serpent race of the Atlanteans. The serpent was the symbol of the Atlantean gods. Information about the same Christian sect has come down to us under the name "Naassenes" (Heb. "nahash" - a snake). Their other name is "setians". They were joined by “Cainites” and “Peratiki” (a very interesting name in view of the above). Several Ophite texts are believed to have been found in the Nag Hammadi library.

The fact is that the snake cult is characteristic of all peoples, one way or another connected with the Atlanteans. In particular, the Hellenes believed that their ancestors were Ophites, a snake people from the western sea, whose emblem was a snake with an egg in its mouth. And not only the Hellenes, but also the Celtic tribes and the American Indians declared the same thing.

The Ophites revered Christ as a snake incarnation, worshiped him as the “Good Serpent”, personifying wisdom and bestowing true knowledge on people, and believed in the plurality of his incarnations. "Nahash" and "Messiah" in Hebrew have the same numerical value. Along with this, the Ophites taught about other snakes that were hostile to the human race. Apparently, it was from these hostile snakes that Jesus produced the essence of the Jews, calling them "the offspring of the viper."

The Ophite gnosis was especially widespread in Egypt, where, as is known from the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, righteous people, saved Atlanteans, were transferred by “heavenly power”.

6. (70). And Niy and the Elements will destroy that land,

And she will hide in the depths of the Great Waters,

The same hid in ancient times

In the depths of the northern waters - Sacred Daaria ...



To the lands of people with SKIN THE COLOR OF DARK...


Some scholars believe that gnosis was the original form of Christianity. So now we can talk about the possible Atlantean origins of Gnosticism.

In general, snake symbolism in Christianity is quite widespread. For example, among

episcopal liturgical attributes, a staff with two writhing snakes is used, an analogue of the caduceus - the rod of Egyptian priests, decorated with intertwining snakes, but its difference from the caduceus is that it depicts tamed snakes and the absence of the wings of the mind - a kind of earthiness.

Another symbol, the Ankh, is interesting in the same sense. This is a cross with an upper beam in the form of a loop - a symbol of eternal reincarnations on the physical plane, which is expressed in reincarnation on Earth. Ankh - the most significant character among the ancient Egyptians, also known as the "crux ansata". This cross combines two symbols - the cross, as a symbol of the endless development of life, and the circle, as a symbol of obsession, together they indicate a stop in the development in the vertical direction - development into a God-man. Also, this cross symbolizes the union of the female and male deities, Osiris and Isis, and, thus, the union of the earthly and the heavenly, which led to the emergence of a new imbalance in evolutionary development and the emergence of such a phenomenon as Judaism and fascism.

In hieroglyphic writing, this sign was placed with the meaning “life”, and it was part of the words “welfare” and “happiness”, which was intended only for the people chosen by Jehovah (God of the Jews). Moses also had a magic wand that turned into a snake and commanded the elements.

But, back to Atlantis, the ancestral home of the Maya and the source of all religions.

“... Nevertheless, it would be wrong to categorically state that there are no “arguments” in favor of the hypothesis of Atlantis as the ancestral home of the Maya. The monk Landa, also known to us, wrote that some old Indians told about their ancestors AS ABOUT THE PEOPLE WHO COME FROM THE EAST AND SAVE BY THE GODS, who paved twelve ways for him by sea. And here is what is written in one of the books of the Chilam-Balam series: “SUDDENLY A GIANT FLOOD HAPPENED, it began to rain, THIRTEEN GODS LOST THEIR WANDS, THE HEAVEN BREAKED AND FALLEN TO THE EARTH, FOUR GODS WERE DESTROYED…” (1)

So the legends of the Ancient Maya say that those whom they considered Gods were severely punished: ... THIRTEEN GODS LOST THEIR WANDS, AND FOUR GODS WERE DESTROYED! The legends of the ancestors of the Ancient Maya have preserved the memory of the punishment of the Gods! This shocked them so much that it stuck in their memory as clearly as evidence of a change in the tilt of the axis of Midgard-Earth !!! These two events shocked the ancestors of the Ancient Maya to their very core, and it remains to be seen which of these two events shocked them more! It is also interesting that the punishment to the Gods was different. Thirteen Gods were deprived of WANDS - symbols of their power, and four of them were destroyed! These lines reflect the degree of responsibility of those who were responsible for the planetary catastrophe. The main culprits of the planetary catastrophe were punished to the maximum - they were destroyed, which indicates that the HIGHER LEVEL HIERARCHIES who punished them CONSIDERED THAT THEY ARE INCORRECTABLE AND THEREFORE PRESENT A DANGER, and the rest were DEMOTATED! Degraded Gods, of course, such a thing could not but shock the people of the Red Race, whom these same degraded Gods turned into slaves! And these degraded Gods were the people of the White Race, the descendants of those who arrived on the lands of beardless people with the skin color of the flame of the Holy Fire, along with a leader named Ant!

It is necessary to clarify the situation with wands. Thirteen "Gods" have lost their WANDS! Those who read these lines may have an idea that it was thanks to these wands that these thirteen "Gods" were "Gods". Of course not! The wand is outward sign evolutionary power and served as an instrument for the manifestation of the power that wields it. The wand was also a power amplifier and a resonator. Something similar to a laser, but the laser is not of light waves, but psychic power its owner.

Therefore, such a rod was at the same time a powerful weapon. The deprivation of the “God” of the wand meant not only that the wand was taken away from the personal owner, but also that the owner himself was deprived of his psychic power, which allowed him to work “miracles” from the point of view of those who did not understand the nature of what was happening. It should be noted that the rod was tuned to a specific "God", to his personality, with all its evolutionary features. In other words, each "God" was at a certain evolutionary level, with the corresponding properties and qualities, which corresponded to a certain evolutionary number.

The punishment of "God" was reduced to the fact that his evolutionary number decreased more or less, depending on the degree of his responsibility for certain deeds! This can also be called a partial evolutionary unwinding of the essence. With the full evolutionary unwinding of the essence, the degree of guilt of its (essence) carrier is so great that the punishment for an act or deeds led to the fact that the evolutionary number became equal to zero!

At the same time, not only the physical body of the punished perished, but his essence also ceased to exist. This is precisely what complete, real death is, since the death of only the physical body allowed the essence to incarnate again, retaining all its negative developments, and this made it possible already in a new physical body continue to do Dark Deeds. That is why in some cases, when there was no longer any hope and opportunity for the person who committed evolutionary crimes to correct himself, the punishment was the complete promotion of the essence.

And that is exactly what is said in the legends left by the ancestors of the Ancient Maya, when it is reported that FOUR GODS WERE DESTROYED! By the way, a little more about wands! The punished “God”, even if he had recently taken “his” rod into his hands, would not have received any result! The wand in the hands of the demoted "God" behaved exactly the same as in the hands of everyone else! In addition, I would like to draw attention to the fact that ONLY FOUR “GODS” OUT OF THE THIRTEEN WAS DESTROYED, although all thirteen were deprived of wands! And the question arises: what happened to the rest of the demoted "Gods" after they were deprived of power - wands! If they died in planetary catastrophe, then they would be on the list of destroyed "Gods", but NINE DEMOTATED "GODS" are not on the list!

And this can only mean one thing - the Highest God-hierarch Niy, who punishes them, and other God-hierarchs of the White Race gave them a chance to atone for their guilt. (2)

From here it becomes clear how the symbol of the lost divine opportunities came to the African continent. And what exactly does this wand mean? The wand is an external sign of evolutionary power and this wand served as an instrument for the manifestation of the power that wields it, but, being deprived of the source of manifestation of this power (evolutionary qualities), it turned into only a reminder of the former power of the Atlanteans. Epictetus said: “There is such a stick of Hermes, touch it whatever you want. Everything you touch, be it leather, wood or anything else, will turn into gold. Yes, this is true. Bring me the sick or the dying, disasters or hardships - all this I can transform with the stick of Hermes. Great is God who has given us this tool.”

The caduceus rod is symbolically associated with the tree of life, the axis of the world and the Golden Path of development, and the snakes - with the DNA double helix - the evolutionary potential of human genetics. Serpents indicate a hidden dynamic in what is outwardly stable, symbolize the connection of heaven and earth, man and his Essence, once divine, but due to the "poison" that caused an imbalance in development, lost (the wings on the caduceus also indicate the connection of heaven and earth, spiritual and material). Everything that is born on earth comes from the sky (the planetary levels of our planet or other planets) and, after going through the path of development or degradation, will gain a certain life experience, must either rise to the “sky” and other Earths or be stuck forever for reincarnations and passing new tests and lessons, and even perish due to their ignorance.

The measured path connected Ingard and Midgard

Worlds of Golden Suns in one sleeve.

To pass this WAY it is necessary to visit

on many Earths near bright stars.

Midgard called the soul a round dance of dreams,


which is kept by those who settled in that world (3)


At the base of the GOLDEN ROAD

The Human World is located, and

The ascent of man into a higher world

Or the Highest Reality is possible

Only as a result of Spiritual Development.

For this, GODS came to the Human World

And the Teachers of mankind come (4)

In alchemy, the caduceus is a symbol of the unity of Fire and Water, which do not destroy each other. Unfortunately, the fire contained in alcohol or other narcotic substances leads an imperfect organism and psyche to an imbalance, and a person loses his rationality, turning into an animal: "snakes" begin to capture human spirit. Caduceus and served as a reminder of

Caduceus recalls the power of the essence, which extends its power to the one who turns to it with a prayer or request, opening up to it. It was important to always remember that not every entity has good intentions and will act in the interests of the asker, and if in the interests of one asker, then at the expense of prejudice to the interests of another or others. Don't forget the law of conservation of energy...

So, in Christianity, the caduceus becomes an attribute of the Mother of God - Sophia, with him She can be seen in Orthodox iconography. Known, for example, is the icon of Sophia of Novgorod. On ancient icons She is in right hand He always holds his scepter (caduceus), that is, a long white shaft with a pointed end. Similar symbols were common among other ancient peoples (see Urey Wajit). Since the 19th century, the image has served in a number of countries (for example, in the USA, the USSR) as a symbol of medicine. Currently, it is one of the heraldic symbols of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Taxes and Duties, which is very allegorical, since these taxes go to no one knows where and to whom.

In the medieval semiosphere, the caduceus became a symbol of the "hermetic science" - alchemy. Subsequently, he acted as a universal emblem of the occult sciences and esotericism. Initially, it was the main symbol of medicine, until for some reason it was replaced by a bowl with a snake. Nevertheless, it continues to be a sign of non-traditional magical healing. The symbolism of two snakes could be interpreted as the ambivalent nature of medicine: the snake sting was used both in medical practice and as a poison, which activated defensive forces organism and led to recovery.

Since Hermes acted as the mentor of Eros, the caduceus also symbolized such teacher qualities as eloquence and prudence, or generally denoted pedagogy. Until now, the caduceus has been a symbol of trade and diplomacy. It was often used as a heraldic sign: it was present, in particular, on the coat of arms of the Kharkov province. (5)

In the history and religion of the Jews, the caduceus was known as the priestly rod of Aaron - this was the name of the attribute of the ancestor of the Jewish high priests. This wand, shaped like a caduceus, was used in the Jewish initiation ceremony. Since ancient times, it was believed that it contained the power of sacred fire. The Jews bought into the "whisper" of Yahweh and the symbol of divine power at the expense of others and at the cost of the death of their essence for quite mundane purposes - material wealth.

This symbol was found in India, carved on the stone tablets of nagakals (Nagas of Kali), exhibited at the entrance to the temple. Researchers also find Caduceus in Mesopotamia: the god Ninurta was depicted with a rod entwined with two snakes.

In India, as I pointed out above, two snakes are ida and pingala. The wand is sushumna. The awakening of the kundalini leads to a breakthrough. The two wings are the petals of ajna (there are also two of them). The knob at the very top of the wand is the opened sahasrara. However, despite such an "explanation" in the treatises on Kundalini, it is not reported that in order to achieve enlightenment, it is necessary to have the necessary evolutionary qualities that have been developed over millennia, deposited in the memory of the essence of a particular person. Knowing the world, developing diversified, a person discovers himself in a new quality - the quality of a God-man, which cannot be achieved mechanically, by meditating or sitting in asanas for days, if instead of working out and developing your essence, you connect to the channel of other entities and begin to feed them, squeezing your body and nervous system, experiencing euphoria, instead of holistically developing oneself ...

Encyclopedia of diseases