Biblical signs. Christian symbols and signs

The first Christian symbolic images appear in the painting of the Roman catacombs and refer to the period of persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire. During this period, the symbols were in the nature of cryptography, allowing fellow believers to recognize each other, but the meaning of the symbols already reflects the emerging Christian theology. Protopresbyter Alexander Schmemann notes:

The early Church did not know the icon in its modern dogmatic meaning. The beginning of Christian art - the painting of the catacombs - is symbolic (...) It tends to depict not so much a deity as a function of a deity.

L. A. Uspensky connects the active use in the ancient Church of various symbols, rather than icon-painting images, with the fact that “in order to gradually prepare people for the truly incomprehensible mystery of the Incarnation, the Church first addressed them in a language more acceptable to them than direct image. Also, symbolic images, in his opinion, were used as a way of hiding from the Christian sacraments announced until the time of their baptism.

So Cyril of Jerusalem wrote: “Everyone is allowed to hear the gospel, but the glory of the gospel is given to only sincere Servants of Christ. To those who could not listen, the Lord spoke in parables, and to the disciples alone He explained the parables. The most ancient catacomb images include the scenes of the Adoration of the Magi (about 12 frescoes with this plot have been preserved), which date back to the 2nd century. The appearance in the catacombs of images of the acronym ΙΧΘΥΣ or the fish symbolizing it also dates back to the 2nd century.

Among other symbols of catacomb painting, the following stand out:

  • anchor - an image of hope (the anchor is the support of the ship in the sea, hope is the support of the soul in Christianity). This image is already present in the Epistle to the Hebrews of the Apostle Paul (Heb. 6:18-20);
  • the dove is a symbol of the Holy Spirit; phoenix - a symbol of resurrection;
  • the eagle is a symbol of youth (“your youth will be renewed like an eagle” (Ps. 103:5));
  • peacock - a symbol of immortality (according to the ancients, his body was not subjected to decomposition);
  • the rooster is a symbol of resurrection (the crow of a rooster awakens from sleep, and awakening, according to Christians, should remind believers of the Last Judgment and the general resurrection of the dead);
  • the lamb is a symbol of Jesus Christ;
  • the lion is a symbol of strength and power;
  • the olive branch is a symbol of eternal peace;
  • lily - a symbol of purity (common due to the influence of apocryphal stories about the presentation of a lily flower by the archangel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary during the Annunciation);
  • the vine and the basket of bread are symbols of the Eucharist.

Characteristics of the 35 main symbols and signs of Christianity

1. Hee Rho- one of the earliest cruciform symbols of Christians. It is formed by superimposing the first two letters of the Greek version of the word Christos: Chi=X and Rho=R. Although not technically a cross, Hi Rho is associated with the crucifixion of Christ and symbolizes his status as Lord. He is believed to have been the first to use Chi Rho at the beginning of the 4th century BC. AD Emperor Constantine, decorating with it the labarum, a military standard. As the fourth-century Christian apologist Lactantius notes, on the eve of the battle at the Milvian bridge in 312 AD. The Lord appeared to Constantine and ordered to put the image of Chi Rho on the shields of the soldiers. After Constantine's victory at the Battle of the Milvian Bridge, Hi Rho became the official emblem of the empire. Archaeologists have found evidence that Chi Rho was depicted on the helmet and shield of Constantine, as well as his soldiers. On coins and medallions, which were minted in the era of the reign of Constantine, Hi Rho was also carved. By 350 AD images began to appear on Christian sarcophagi and frescoes.

2. Lamb: a symbol of Christ as an Easter sacrificial lamb, as well as a symbol for Christians, reminding them that Christ is our shepherd, and Peter ordered to feed his sheep. The lamb also serves as a sign of St. Agnes (her day is celebrated on January 21), a martyr of early Christianity.

3.Baptismal cross: consists of a Greek cross with the Greek letter "X" - the initial letter of the word Christ, symbolizing rebirth, and therefore it is associated with the rite of Baptism.

4.Cross of Peter: when Peter was sentenced to martyrdom, he asked to be crucified upside down out of respect for Christ. So, the inverted Latin cross became its symbol. In addition, it serves as a symbol of the papacy. Unfortunately, this cross is also used by Satanists, whose goal is to "reverse" Christianity (see, for example, their "Black Mass"), including the Latin cross.

5.ichthus(ih-tus) or ichthys in Greek means "fish". Greek letters used to write the word: iota, chi, theta, upsilon and sigma. In English translation it is IXOYE. The five Greek letters mentioned are the first letters of the words Iesous Christos, Theou Uios, Soter, which means "Jesus Christ, son of God, Savior." This symbol was used mainly among early Christians in the 1st-2nd centuries. AD The symbol was brought from Alexandria (Egypt), which at that time was a crowded seaport. Goods went from this port all over Europe. That is why the ichthys symbol was first used by sailors to designate a god close to them.

6.Rose: Holy Virgin, Mother of God, a symbol of martyrdom, the secrets of confession. Five roses combined together represent the five wounds of Christ.

7. Jerusalem cross: also known as the Crusader Cross, it is made up of five Greek crosses which symbolize: a) the five wounds of Christ; b) 4 Gospel and 4 cardinal points (4 smaller crosses) and Christ himself (big cross). The cross was a common symbol during wars against Islamic aggressors.

8.latin cross, also known as the Protestant Cross and the Western Cross. The Latin cross (crux ordinaria) serves as a symbol of Christianity, despite the fact that it is long before the foundation christian church he was the symbol of the pagans. It was created in China and Africa. His images are found on the Scandinavian sculptures of the Bronze Age, embodying the image of the god of war and thunder Thor. The cross is considered magic symbol. It brings good luck and drives away evil. Some scholars interpret the rock carvings of the cross as a symbol of the sun or a symbol

Earth, the rays of which denote north, south, east and west. Others point to its resemblance to the human figure.

9.Pigeon: a symbol of the Holy Spirit, part of the cult of the Baptism of the Lord and Pentecost. It also symbolizes the release of the soul after death, and is used to summon Noah's dove, the harbinger of hope.

10. Anchor: Images of this symbol in the cemetery of St. Domitilla date back to the 1st century, they are also found in the catacombs in epitaphs of the 2nd and 3rd centuries, but there are especially many of them in the cemetery of St. Priscilla (only there are about 70 examples), St. Calixtus, Coemetarium majus. See the Epistle to the Hebrews 6:19.

11.Eight-pointed cross: the eight-pointed cross is also called the Orthodox cross or the cross of St. Lazarus. The smallest crossbar marks the title, where it was written “Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews”, the upper end of the cross is the path to the Kingdom of Heaven, which Christ showed. The seven-pointed cross is a variation of the Orthodox cross, where the title is attached not across the cross, but from above.

12. Ship: is an ancient Christian symbol that symbolized the church and each individual believer. Crosses with a crescent, which can be seen on many churches, just depict such a ship, where the cross is a sail.

13.Calvary cross: the cross-Golgotha ​​is monastic (or schema). It symbolizes the sacrifice of Christ. Widespread in ancient times, now the Golgotha ​​cross is embroidered only on paraman and analava.

14. Vine: is the gospel image of Christ. This symbol also has its meaning for the Church: its members are branches, and bunches of grapes are a symbol of Communion. In the New Testament, the vine is a symbol of Paradise.

15. IHS: another popular monogram of the name of Christ. These are three letters Greek name Jesus. But with the decline of Greece, other, Latin, monograms with the name of the Savior began to appear, often in combination with a cross.

16. Triangle is a symbol of the Holy Trinity. Each of the sides personifies the hypostasis of God - the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. All sides are equal, and together form a single whole.

17. Arrows, or a ray piercing the heart - an allusion to the saying of St. Augustine in Confessions. Three arrows piercing the heart symbolize the prophecy of Simeon.

18. Skull or Adam's head is equally both a symbol of death and a symbol of victory over it. According to Holy Tradition, the ashes of Adam were on Golgotha ​​when Christ was crucified. The blood of the savior, washing the skull of Adam, symbolically washed all mankind and gave him a chance for salvation.

19. Eagle is a symbol of ascension. It is a symbol of the soul that seeks God. Often - a symbol of new life, justice, courage and faith. The eagle also symbolizes the evangelist John.

20.All-seeing eye- a symbol of omniscience, omniscience and wisdom. Usually it is depicted as inscribed in a triangle - a symbol of the Trinity. It can also symbolize hope.

21. Seraphim- angels closest to God. They are six-winged and carry fiery swords, they can have from one to 16 faces. As a symbol, they mean the cleansing fire of the spirit, divine heat and love.

22.Bread- This is a reference to the biblical episode when five thousand people were satisfied with five loaves. Bread is depicted in the form of ears (sheaves symbolize the meeting of the apostles) or in the form of bread for communion.

23. Good Shepherd. The main source of this image is the gospel parable, in which Christ Himself calls Himself so (John 10:11-16). The very image of the Shepherd is rooted in Old Testament, where often the leaders of the people of Israel (Moses - Is 63:11, Joshua - Numbers 27:16-17, King David in Psalms 77, 71, 23) are called shepherds, it is said about the Lord Himself - "The Lord, my Shepherd" ( It is said to the Lord, "The Lord is my Shepherd" (Ps 23:1-2). Thus, Christ in the Gospel parable points to the fulfillment of prophecy and the finding of consolation by the people of God. In addition, the image of the shepherd had and has an understandable meaning for everyone, so that and still in Christianity it is customary to call priests pastors, and laity - flock.Christ the Shepherd is depicted as an ancient shepherd, dressed in a tunic, in shepherd's laced sandals, often with a staff and a vessel for milk; in his hands he can hold a reed flute. milk symbolizes Communion, the rod - power, the flute - the sweetness of His teaching ("No one ever spoke like this man" - John 7:46) and hope, hope.Such is the mosaic of the early 4th century basilica from Aquileia.

24. Burning bush is a thorn bush that burns but does not burn. In his image, God appeared to Moses, calling him to lead the people of Israel out of Egypt. The burning bush is also a symbol Mother of God touched by the Holy Spirit.

25.a lion- a symbol of vigilance and Resurrection, and one of the symbols of Christ. It is also a symbol of the Evangelist Mark, and is associated with the power and royal dignity of Christ.

26.Taurus(bull or ox) - a symbol of the Evangelist Luke. Taurus means the sacrificial ministry of the Savior, his Cross sacrifice. Also, the ox is considered a symbol of all martyrs.

27.Angel symbolizes the human nature of Christ, his earthly incarnation. It is also a symbol of the Evangelist Matthew.

28. Grail- this is the vessel into which Joseph of Arimathea allegedly collected blood from the wounds of Jesus Christ during the crucifixion. The history of this vessel, which acquired miraculous power, was described by the French writer of the early 12th century, Chrétien de Troy, and a century later, in more detail by Robert de Voron, based on the apocryphal Gospel of Nicodemus. According to legend, the Grail is kept in a mountain castle, it is filled with sacred hosts that serve for communion and give miraculous powers. The fanatical search for the relic by the crusader knights largely contributed to the creation of the legend of the Grail, processed and framed with the participation of many authors and culminating in the legends of Parsifal and Gilead.

29.Nimbus represents a brilliant circle, which ancient Greek and Roman artists, depicting gods and heroes, often placed above their heads, indicating that these are higher, unearthly, supernatural beings. In the iconography of Christianity, the nimbus from ancient times became an attribute of the images of the hypostases of the Holy Trinity, angels, the Mother of God and saints; often he also accompanied the Lamb of God and the figures of animals, which serve as symbols of the four evangelists. At the same time, haloes of a special kind were established for some icons. For example, the face of God the Father was placed under a halo, which at first had the shape

triangle, and then the shape of a six-pointed star formed by two equilateral triangles. The halo of the Virgin Mary is always round and often exquisitely decorated. Haloes of saints or other divine persons are usually round and unornamented.

30. Church in Christian symbolism, the church has several meanings. Its main meaning is the House of God. It can also be understood as the Body of Christ. Sometimes the church is associated with the ark, and in this sense it means salvation for all its parishioners. In painting, a church placed in the hands of a saint signifies that this saint was the founder or bishop of that church. However, the church is in the hands of St. Jerome and St. Gregory does not mean any particular building, but the Church in general, to which these saints gave great support and became its first fathers.

31.Pelican, a beautiful legend is associated with this bird, which exists in dozens of slightly different variants, but is very similar in meaning to the ideas of the Gospel: self-sacrifice, deification through communion of the Body and Blood of Christ. Pelicans live in coastal reeds near the warm Mediterranean Sea and are often bitten by snakes. Adult birds feed on them and are immune to their poison, but the chicks are not yet. According to legend, if the pelican chicks are bitten by a poisonous snake, then he pecks at his own chest in order to commune them with blood with the necessary antibodies and thereby save their lives. Therefore, the pelican was often depicted on sacred vessels or in places of Christian worship.

32. chrism- This is a monogram made up of the first letters of the Greek word "Christ" - "Anointed". Some researchers mistakenly identify this Christian symbol with Zeus' double-edged ax - "Labarum". The Greek letters "a" and "ω" are sometimes placed along the edges of the monogram. Chrysm was depicted on the sarcophagi of the martyrs, in the mosaics of the baptistery (baptismal), on the shields of soldiers and even on Roman coins - after the era of persecution.

33. Lily- a symbol of Christian purity, purity and beauty. The first images of lilies, judging by the Song of Songs, served as decoration for the Temple of Solomon. According to legend, on the day of the Annunciation, the Archangel Gabriel came to the Virgin Mary with a white lily, which has since become a symbol of Her purity, innocence and devotion to God. With the same flower, Christians depicted saints glorified by the purity of their lives, martyrs and martyrs.

34. Phoenix represents the image of the Resurrection associated with ancient legend about the eternal bird. Phoenix lived for several centuries and, when it came time for him to die, flew to Egypt and burned there. From the bird there was only a pile of nutritious ash in which, after some time, a new life was born. Soon a new rejuvenated Phoenix rose from it and flew away in search of adventure.

35.Rooster- this is a symbol of the general resurrection that awaits everyone at the Second Coming of Christ. Just as the crowing of a rooster awakens people from sleep, the trumpets of angels will awaken people at the end of time to meet the Lord, doomsday and the inheritance of new life.

Color symbols of Christianity

The most significant difference between the "pagan" period of color symbolism and the "Christian" period lies, first of all, in the fact that light and color finally cease to be identified with God, mystical forces, but become their

attributes, qualities and signs. According to Christian canons, God created the world, including light (color), but he himself is not reduced to light. Medieval theologians (for example, Aurelius Augustine), while praising light and color as manifestations of the divine, nevertheless point out that they (colors) can also be deceptive (from Satan) and identifying them with God is a delusion and even sin.


Only white color remains an unshakable symbol of holiness and spirituality. Especially important was such a meaning of white as purity and purity, liberation from sins. Angels, saints, the risen Christ are depicted in white clothes. Newly converted Christians wore white clothes. Also, white is the color of baptism, communion, the holidays of the Nativity of Christ, Easter, Ascension. IN Orthodox Church white is used in all divine services from Easter to Trinity Day. The Holy Spirit is depicted as a white dove. The white lily symbolizes purity and accompanies images of the Virgin Mary. White has no negative meanings in Christianity. In early Christianity positive prevailed symbolic meaning yellow, as the color of the Holy Spirit, divine revelation, enlightenment, etc. But later, yellow takes on a negative connotation. In the Gothic era, they begin to consider it the color of treason, betrayal, deceit, jealousy. In church art, Cain and the traitor Judas Iscariot were often depicted with yellow beards.


Used in Christian painting as an expression of divine revelation. The golden radiance embodies the eternal divine light. Many perceive the golden color as starlight descending from heaven.


In Christianity, it symbolizes the blood of Christ shed for the salvation of people, and, consequently, his love for people. This is the color of the fire of faith, martyrdom and the passions of the Lord, as well as the royal triumph of justice and victory over evil. Red is the color of worship on the feast of the Holy Spirit, Palm Sunday, during Holy Week, in the days of memory of the martyrs who shed their blood for their faith. The red rose points to the shed blood and wounds of Christ, to the cup that receives "holy blood." Therefore, it symbolizes rebirth in this context. Red marked in the calendar joyful events dedicated to Christ, the Mother of God and the saints. From church calendar we have a tradition to highlight holidays in red. Easter in churches begins in white vestments as a sign of Divine light. But already the Paschal Liturgy (in some churches it is customary to change vestments, so that the priest appears each time in robes of a different color) and the whole week are served in red robes. Often red clothes are used before the Trinity.


This is the color of heaven, truth, humility, immortality, chastity, piety, baptism, harmony. It expressed the idea of ​​self-sacrifice and meekness. Blue color as it mediates the connection between the heavenly and the earthly, between God and the world. As the color of the air, blue expresses a person’s readiness to accept the presence and power of God for himself, blue has become the color of faith, the color of fidelity, the color of striving for something mysterious and wonderful. Blue is the color of the Virgin Mary, she is usually depicted in a blue cloak. Mary in this meaning is the Queen of Heaven, covering

with this cloak, protecting and saving the faithful (Intercession Cathedral). In the paintings of churches dedicated to the Mother of God, the color of heavenly blue prevails. Dark blue is typical for the image of the clothes of cherubs, who are constantly in reverent meditation.


This color was more "earthly", meant life, spring, flowering of nature, youth. This is the color of the Cross of Christ, the Grail (according to legend, carved from a whole emerald). Green is associated with great trinity. On this holiday, according to tradition, it is customary to decorate temples and apartments with bouquets of green twigs. At the same time, green also had negative meanings - deceit, temptation, devilish temptation (green eyes were attributed to Satan).


The attitude towards black was mostly negative, as the color of evil, sin, the devil and hell, as well as death. In the meanings of black, as well as among primitive peoples, the aspect of “ritual death”, death for the world, has been preserved and even developed. Therefore, black became the color of monasticism. The black raven among Christians meant trouble. But black has not only such a tragic meaning. In icon painting, in some subjects, it means a divine mystery. For example, on a black background, which meant the incomprehensible depth of the Universe, they depicted Cosmos - an old man in a crown in the icon of the Descent of the Holy Spirit.


It is formed by mixing red and blue (cyan). Thus, the violet color combines the beginning and end of the light spectrum. It symbolizes innermost knowledge, silence, spirituality. In early Christianity, purple symbolized sadness, affection. This color is adopted by the memories of the Cross and Lenten services, where the sufferings and the Crucifixion of the Lord Jesus Christ are remembered for the salvation of people. As a sign of higher spirituality, in combination with the idea of ​​the Savior's feat on the cross, this color is used for the episcopal mantle, so that the Orthodox bishop, as it were, is clothed entirely in the feat of the Cross of the Heavenly Hierarch, whose image and imitator the bishop is in the Church.

Brown and gray

Brown and gray were the colors of the commoners. Their symbolic meaning, especially in the early Middle Ages, was purely negative. They meant poverty, hopelessness, wretchedness, abomination, etc. Brown is the color of the earth, sadness. It symbolizes humility, the rejection of worldly life. Grey colour(mixture of white and black, good and evil) - the color of ash, emptiness. After ancient era during the Middle Ages in Europe, color again regained its position, first of all, as a symbol of mystical forces and phenomena, which is especially characteristic of early Christianity.


Answered by Vasily Yunak, 06/11/2007

485. Sergey Nikolaevich ( [email protected]??? writes: "I completely agree with you about the ambiguity of biblical symbolism and the possibilities of speculation on it, however, you must admit that without at least some ideas about it it is impossible to move beyond a literal understanding. For example, the concepts of food and clothing husband and wife are more or less understandable, and this alone greatly expands the understanding of Scripture.However, with each new answer, more and more questions appear and it is understandable that it is impossible to ask them all at once.Therefore, if you can help me with at least a few, I will be very grateful to you .
1st question - what is FISH? It is intuitively felt that this is close to righteousness, wisdom, grace, your opinion is interesting. In this regard - the value of the number 153 fish ()
2nd question - WATER in various shades (differences in the sea, rivers, waters)
3rd question - SALT
4th question - the meaning (not literal) of feeding FIVE THOUSAND men with FIVE (namely, barley, which John specifically specifies) loaves and TWO fish, after which the remnants were collected TWELVE FULL BOXES. And when FOUR thousand were saturated with SEVEN loaves and SEVERAL (without specifying the number!) Fishes, SEVEN BASKETS were collected. There is no doubt in my mind that EVERY word and number makes sense."

Speaking about the symbolism of the Bible, I would first of all like to say that many people make a serious mistake when they try to interpret the Bible in any arbitrary way. First, we must remember that the Bible never intended to present something in such a cipher that it would take the strength of pundits to decipher it. In the Bible we read: “But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise, and God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong; boasted before God "().

God has made His Word understandable to a child, an illiterate, an old man, and a scientist. That is why biblical symbolism only reveals great truths for common man presenting them in the vernacular.

And one more thing: opening the Bible, we approach it with a certain predisposition: the pagan religions seemed mysterious and hidden because they needed to keep people in obedience and enslavement. Bible teaching about a loving God is completely different. The God of the Bible desires to save every person from sin and death. God does this because He loves His creation, for the sake of which He did not spare His Son: "For God so loved the world that He gave His Only Begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life" ().

How then can this loving god who wants every person to find salvation, to try to hide his message of salvation from man under all sorts of codes and symbols, making it almost impossible to detect them? After all, if those who only with the help of computers and complex mathematical calculations determine the secret writings hidden in the Bible are right, then the Bible itself is not right, speaking about the love of God: “In that hour Jesus rejoiced in spirit and said: I praise You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that You hid this from the wise and prudent and revealed it to babies. Hey, Father! For such was Your good pleasure "().

But the Bible does have symbols. Only the Bible immediately interprets these symbols itself. For example, speaking about the symbols of prophecy, we find the obligatory interpretation of the symbols, if not in the same, then in the neighboring prophecy: "And ten horns mean that ten kings will rise from this kingdom" (Dan 7:24) or "the waters that you saw where the harlot sits are people and peoples and tribes and languages" (). Or the symbols of the parables of Jesus Christ: "And what is sown in thorns means the one who hears the word, but the care of this world and the deceit of wealth stifles the word" ().

Numbers in the Bible are not as important as people make them out to be. Yes, the numbers 7 and 12 express completeness to some extent, but this is not specifically stated anywhere. The only mention of the meaning of the number we find in Revelation is the number of the name of the beast "666" (; 15:2). And even then, it is presented not as important for understanding the truth, but only as an additional factor that can be used by some who have sufficient knowledge.

As for the fish, in a symbolic form, it was used as a symbol of trapping a person in a positive or negative sense. Christ compares his disciples to "fishers of men" ( ; also ). And the Old Testament prophecies spoke of this in a negative sense (and). As a man catches a fish, so Satan catches a man in a net or with a hook, and God gathers people in this way into His Kingdom. But we are nowhere given a hint that the fish can signify any quality of character.

Salt has certain properties that determine its significance. Salt is an antiseptic, salt is a preservative, salt is a flavoring agent. It is these qualities that Christ displays in his parables: "Salt is a good thing; but if the salt is not salty, how will you correct it? Have salt in yourself, and have peace among yourselves" (). Compare with the following statements: “Do they eat tasteless without salt” (), “at your birth, on the day you were born, your navel was not cut off, and you were not washed with water for purification, and you were not salted with salt, and you were not swaddled with swaddling clothes. povita" (), "May your word always be with grace, seasoned with salt, so that you know how to answer everyone" (). It is not surprising at the same time that Christ called His followers the salt of the earth ().

The question about the loaves: “Jesus said to them: look, beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees. But they thought within themselves and said: this means that we did not take the loaves. have you not taken? Do you not yet understand and remember about the five loaves of bread for five thousand people, and how many baskets you have taken in? nor of the seven loaves of bread for four thousand, and how many baskets have you taken? Do you not understand that it was not about bread that I told you: beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees? Then they understood that He was telling them not to beware of the leaven of grain, but of the teachings of the Pharisees and Sadducees "().

As you can see, the Bible interprets itself and does not need any special reference books. But most importantly, this is a different symbolism - the temple service in the Old Testament symbolized the ministry of Jesus Christ for our redemption. The epistle to the Hebrews testifies to this very clearly. At the same time, the main symbolism of the Bible is the sacrificial lamb, which represented Jesus Christ, "the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world" (). At the same time, in order to correctly understand all the symbolism of the Bible, it is necessary to understand the difference in the thinking of the Jews, who primarily wrote the Bible, from thinking modern society influenced by Greek thought. And in this I recommend that you read the book of my good friend and colleagues Alexander Bolotnikov "The Gospel in the Old Testament Sanctuary" (Zaoksky: ed. "Source of Life", 2001), the unedited version of which can be found at, and the printed version can be ordered through the site http:/ / or by writing to [email protected].

Read more on the topic "The Bible. About the Book of Books":

All Orthodox symbolism is the personification of the life of Christ the Savior: his crucifixion, resurrection, ascension.

Initially, the symbols were used as a secret script that helped Christians recognize each other during periods of hostile persecution.

Later, the images took on a deep philosophical meaning. Each sign has its own history of origin, its own meaning.

Why fish is a symbol of Christianity

Ichthys (fish) - an abbreviation that appeared when translating the expression "Jesus Christ God's Son Savior" from the Greek language, by adding the first letters.

Near Jesus were many apostles - fishermen. He called them "catchers of men", and associated himself with Alpha and Omega (the beginning and end of all life). Depicting a fish, Christians preached their faith and recognized fellow believers.

According to some sources, the fish has become a symbol due to its easy availability.

What does the anchor represent

The sign appeared at the beginning of our era. In Greece, it was depicted on coins as a hope for a brighter future. In ancient Rome, it personified the return home after long journeys.

The amulet with the image of a dolphin and an anchor was very famous: the dolphin is a sign of speed, the anchor is restraint.

Saints sign

The attributes of the saints were clothes, animals, various objects depicted side by side.

The holy martyrs were painted with the instrument of their torture or execution, or with animals that appeared to them in a dream.

Some saints in different paintings were depicted in different ways. This is explained by the fact that many stories and legends could go about one saint.

Trinity Christian symbol

Many people confuse the concepts of "Trinity" and "Three-faced". How are they different?

God is one, but has 3 persons: Father, Son, Holy Spirit. And the Holy Trinity is a single merger, where one smoothly turns into three, and three becomes one.

Previously, the symbol was a circle, inside of which there was a triangle. The same sides of the figure meant the trinity and eternal life. Sometimes the image was in the form of three hares, whose ears were connected in a triangle. The modern sign of the Trinity is an ornament woven into a circle.

Dove in Christianity

There is a story about how a dove flew to Noah during the Flood, holding an olive branch in its paws. Having announced God's mercy, the bird has become a symbol of peace and goodness.

Another legend says that evil spirits can dress in anyone except a dove. Therefore, it symbolizes purity and hope, truth and integrity.


  • a bird with an olive branch - a new life that has known Jesus Christ;
  • a flock of doves - believers;
  • white dove - a saved soul that has gone through the stages of purification;
  • a pair of doves - love and a strong family.

Early Christian symbols

Their number is not as small as it seems: an olive branch, a peacock, a ship, ears of bread, etc. Consider the most famous.

Cross "Vine"

This is an eight-pointed cross with the image of thin branches of grapes. Sometimes the Savior may be depicted in the center.

Grapes are the personification of wisdom and immortality. The ministers of the church are branches, and the clusters are a sign of Communion. Leaves and berries symbolize Christ's sacrifice for the sake of people. Such a cross will always be a reminder of God's love for everyone who believes in it.

bible symbols

The most common:

  • antichrist is the devil;
  • white clothes - the righteousness of Christ;
  • stay awake - keep the faith;
  • throwing dust to the sky - indignation;
  • crown - reward;
  • wind - war;
  • the gate is the place of judgment;
  • clay is a person;
  • holey wallet - vain acquisitions;
  • the star is an angel;
  • the serpent is Satan;
  • lion - strength;
  • flesh and blood - human understanding.

Symbol of Jesus Christ

The main symbol of Jesus Christ is the "cross". To atone for the sins of all mankind, Jesus sacrificed himself. The cross is the personification of the sacrificial victory over evil deeds.

Unbelievers believe that the worship of the cross is the worship of the instrument of execution. But believers know - this is a symbol of life, the salvation of mankind.

Icon painters often draw the Mother of God and John the Theologian near the cross. The skull at the foot is a sign of death. The image is filled with grace-filled power, honoring it, a person praises God.

Symbols of the apostles

Each apostle is depicted with a certain attribute.

For example, the apostle Peter is depicted with keys in his hands.

They were given by Jesus, they open the gates of the Kingdom of God.

The Apostle Paul is depicted with the instrument of his execution. Bartholomew, a preacher of Christianity, was martyred in one of the cities of Armenia - they flayed his skin, then crucified him. Attributes - own skin and a knife.

James the Elder is a disciple of Christ who lost his life in Jerusalem. Coming to his grave, pilgrims took shells with them. This meant that they had reached their destination. So they began to depict him with a staff, in a hat and with a shell.

Thomas - drawn with a spear, which was pierced. Judas holds a bag of money in his hands. He helped the poor, but he was greedy. He is depicted with a red beard - this is the color of cowardice and betrayal.

Symbolism of the temple

Each fragment of the temple has a specific meaning.

Temple Shape:

  • cross - salvation from the devil, entrance to paradise;
  • the circle is the inviolability of the Church;
  • the eight-pointed star is the salvation of the human soul.

Dome Shape:

  • helmet-shaped - the struggle of the Church against evil;
  • in the form of an onion - a candle flame.

Dome color:

  • gold - dedicated to Christ;
  • blue with stars - the Most Holy Theotokos;
  • green - Trinity.

An Orthodox church is a collection of many sacraments, the meanings of which can only be understood by a true believer.

For our readers: biblical symbols and their meaning with detailed description from various sources.

25 main Orthodox symbols

Christianity can be understood by deciphering its symbols. From them one can trace both its history and the development of spiritual thought.

1. Eight-pointed cross

The eight-pointed cross is also called the Orthodox cross or the cross of St. Lazarus. The smallest crossbar marks the title, where it was written “Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews”, the upper end of the cross is the path to the Kingdom of Heaven, which Christ showed.
The seven-pointed cross is a variation of the Orthodox cross, where the title is attached not across the cross, but from above.

2. Ship

The ship is an ancient Christian symbol that symbolized the church and each individual believer.
Crosses with a crescent, which can be seen on many churches, just depict such a ship, where the cross is a sail.

3. Calvary cross

The cross-Golgotha ​​is monastic (or schema). It symbolizes the sacrifice of Christ.
Widespread in ancient times, now the Golgotha ​​cross is embroidered only on paraman and analava.

4. Vine

The vine is the gospel image of Christ. This symbol also has its meaning for the Church: its members are branches, and bunches of grapes are a symbol of Communion. In the New Testament, the vine is a symbol of Paradise.

Ichthys (from ancient Greek - fish) is an ancient monogram of the name of Christ, consisting of the first letters of the words "Jesus Christ God's Son the Savior." Often depicted allegorically - in the form of a fish. Ichthys was also a secret identifying mark among Christians.
The dove is a symbol of the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity. Also - a symbol of peace, truth and innocence. Often 12 doves symbolize the 12 apostles. The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit are also often depicted as doves. The dove that brought Noah an olive branch marked the end of the Flood.

The lamb is an Old Testament symbol of the sacrifice of Christ. Also, the Lamb is a symbol of the Savior himself, this refers believers to the mystery of the Sacrifice on the Cross.

Anchor is a hidden image of the Cross. It is also a symbol of hope for the future Resurrection. Therefore, the image of an anchor is often found in the burial places of ancient Christians.

Chrisma is the monogram of the name of Christ. The monogram consists of the initial letters X and R, often flanked by the letters α And ω . Chrism was widely spread in apostolic times and was depicted on the military standard of Emperor Constantine the Great.

10. Crown of Thorns

The crown of thorns is a symbol of the suffering of Christ, often depicted on crucifixes.
IHS is another popular monogram for the name of Christ. These are the three letters of the Greek name of Jesus. But with the decline of Greece, other, Latin, monograms with the name of the Savior began to appear, often in combination with a cross.

12. Triangle

The triangle is a symbol of the Holy Trinity. Each of the sides personifies the hypostasis of God - the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. All sides are equal, and together form a single whole.
Arrows or a beam piercing the heart - an allusion to the saying of St. Augustine in Confessions. Three arrows piercing the heart symbolize the prophecy of Simeon.
The skull or Adam's head is equally a symbol of death and a symbol of victory over it. According to Holy Tradition, the ashes of Adam were on Golgotha ​​when Christ was crucified. The blood of the savior, washing the skull of Adam, symbolically washed all mankind and gave him a chance for salvation.
The eagle is a symbol of ascension. It is a symbol of the soul that seeks God. Often - a symbol of new life, justice, courage and faith. The eagle also symbolizes the evangelist John.

16. All-seeing eye

The eye of the Lord is a symbol of omniscience, omniscience and wisdom. Usually it is depicted as inscribed in a triangle - a symbol of the Trinity. It can also symbolize hope.

17. Seraphim

Seraphim are angels closest to God. They are six-winged and carry fiery swords, they can have from one to 16 faces. As a symbol, they mean the cleansing fire of the spirit, divine heat and love.

18. Eight-pointed star

The eight-pointed or Bethlehem star is a symbol of the birth of Christ. In different centuries, the number of rays changed, until, finally, it reached eight. It is also called the Virgin Star.

19. Nine-pointed star

The symbol originated around the 5th century AD. The nine rays of the star symbolize the Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit.

Bread is a reference to the biblical episode when five thousand people were satisfied with five loaves. Bread is depicted in the form of ears (sheaves symbolize the meeting of the apostles) or in the form of bread for communion.

21. Good Shepherd

The Good Shepherd is a symbolic image of Jesus. The source of this image is the gospel parable, where Christ himself calls himself a shepherd. Christ is depicted as an ancient shepherd, sometimes carrying a lamb (lamb) on his shoulders.
This symbol has deeply penetrated and entrenched itself in Christianity, parishioners are often called flocks, and priests - shepherds.

22. Burning Bush

In the Pentateuch, the Burning Bush is a thorn bush that burns but does not burn out. In his image, God appeared to Moses, calling him to lead the people of Israel out of Egypt. The burning bush is also a symbol of the Mother of God, who was touched by the Holy Spirit.

The forest is a symbol of vigilance and Resurrection, and one of the symbols of Christ. It is also a symbol of the Evangelist Mark, and is associated with the power and royal dignity of Christ.
The calf (bull or ox) is the symbol of the Evangelist Luke. Taurus means the sacrificial ministry of the Savior, his Cross sacrifice. Also, the ox is considered a symbol of all martyrs.

The angel symbolizes the human nature of Christ, his earthly incarnation. It is also a symbol of the Evangelist Matthew.

The most complete dictionary of Biblical symbols (symbols) and their meanings. The symbols are listed in alphabetical order in the table. We recommend to study the school of dreams and visions, lesson 01, lesson 02, lesson 03.

Symbol Place Meaning Bible 1. Lamb Ex. 12:3 Christ John. 1:29 2. Lamb of God Jn. 1:29 Christ John. 1:29 3. The Lamb slain from the foundation of the world Rev. 13:8 Christ 1 Pet. 1:18-20 4. Lamb as if slain Rev. 3:6 Christ 1 Pet. 1:18-20 5. Hagar Gen. 16:1 condemnation Gal. 4:24-31 6. Hell Deut. 32:22 the tomb of Ezek. 31:14 7. Alpha and Omega Rev. 1:8 Christ Rev. 1:8 8. Amen Rev. 3:14 Christ John. 14:6 9. The angel of the abyss Apollyon the destroyer Rev. 9:11 Satan Ezek. 28:14-17 10. Angel Lord's Zech. 3:1 Christ Mal. 3:1-2 11. An angel preparing the way Mal. 3:1; Mal. 4:5.6 John the Baptist Matt. 3:1-3 12. Angel of the Covenant Mal. 3:1 Christ Hagg. 1:10-11 13. My angel before Mal. 3:1 John the Baptist 11:7 14. Antichrist Jn. 2:22 devil Jn. 4:3 15. Crimson sky Matt. 16:3 bad weather Matt. 16:3 16. Scarlet Is. 1:18 blood, as a symbol of the murder of Isa. 1:15 17. Water bath Eph. 5:26 sanctification through the gospel Ps. 118:18 18. Leopard with bird wings Dan.7:6 Greece Dan. 7:4-6; Abb. 1:8 19. Barses Hab. 1:8 Chaldean horses (quickness) Hab. 1:8 20. Thigh Ps. 44:4 the belt is strength Isa. 11:5 21. Jacob's troubled time Jer. 30:7 testing of the last time Rev.16 22. Beginningless 1 Jn. 2:14 Christ John. 8:58 23. White garments Rev. 7:9 the righteousness of Christ Jer. 7:13-14 24. White horse and a rider with a bow Rev. 6:2 Christ Rev. 19:9-16 25. Demon prince Mk. 3:22 Satan Mk. 3:23 26. Beach Is. 28:15 judgments of God Isa. 10:5 27. Beater of Israel Isa. 8:13 God Is. 9:13 28. Incense incense Ezek. 20:41 sincere service to God Ezek. 20:41 29. Thanksgiving Matt. 15:36 prayer Jer. 30:18-19 30. Gracious Lk. 1:28 Mary, mother of Jesus Lk. 1:28 31. Blessing Gen. 12:2 good fruits of righteousness Deut. 28:1-14 32. Human blessing 2 Sam. 7:19 abundant life 1 Chr. 17:16-17 33. Blessed Mk. 14:61 God Gen. 14:20 34. Fornication, fornication Num. 15:39 spiritual betrayal, unfaithfulness Jer. 3:1 35. God of this age 2 Cor. 4:4 Satan Matt. 4:8-9 36. Mighty God Isa. 8:6 Christ John. 20:18 37. Blasphemy Matt. 9:3 not being God:
1) make yourself them;
2) forgive sins 1) Matt. 26:63-65;
2) Mk. 2:5-7 38. The hidden God Is. 45:15 Christ Jer. 33:3 39. Watch Mt.25:13 keep the faith IKop. 16:13 40. Watching Dan. 4:10 God Ps. 120:3-4 41. God's field 1 Cor. 3:9 people of God 1 Cor. 3:9 42. God's hand Judgment. 2:15 the punishing power of God 1 Sam. 5:6 43. Bok Ezek. 34:21 aggressiveness Ezek. 34:21 44. The great horn of the shaggy Goat Dan. 8:5 the first king of Greece Dan. 8:21,46 45. Great red dragon Rev. 12:3 Satan Rev. 12:9 46. Big crocodile Ezek. 29:3 Egyptian pharaoh Ezek. 29:3 47. Marriage Rev. 19:7,9 union of Christ and the church Rev. 19:7,9 48. Wedding garment Matt. 22:11 righteousness Rev. 19:8 49. Marriage feast Matt. 22:2 kingdom of heaven Matt. 22:2 50. Bremen Gal. 6:2 troubles, hardships Deut. 1:16 51. Razor Is. 7:20 King of Assyria Is. 7:20 52. Shave the beard 2 Sam. 10:4-5 1) disgrace;
2) sorrow 1) 2 Kings. 10:4-5;
2) Is. 15:5 53. Fermenting wine Hab. 2:5 haughty man Hab. 2:5 54. Armor Eph. 6:14 1) righteousness;
2) faith, love;
3) truth 1) Eph. 6:14;
2) 1 Thess. 5:8;
3) Is. 59:17 55. Throwing dust into the sky Job. 2:12 1) sorrow;
2) indignation 1) Job. 2:12;
2) Acts. 22:22-23 56. Overseer of souls 1 Pet. Christ 2:25 1 Pet. 2:21 58. Tower of Babel Gen. 11:1-9 the pride of apostate mankind Gen. 11:4 59. Widow Lamentations 1:1 devastated Jerusalem Lamentations 1:1, 7 60. Century Lk. 1:70 beginning, time of Ps. 54:20 61. Belial 2 Cor. 6:15 Satan Jn. 14:30 62. Grand Duke Michael Dan. 12:1 Christ Rev. 12:7 63. Great Priest Heb. 10:21 Christ Heb. 10:19 64. The crown of Ps. 131:18 reward Prov. 12:4 65. A crown of twelve stars Rev. 12:1 guarded by angels Matt. 2:2; OK. 2:13-14 66. Faithful and True Rev. 19:11 Christ John. 14:6 67. Scales Job. 6:2 judgment 1 Sam. 2:3 68. The branches of Job. 18:16 children of God Rom.11 69. Wind Rev. 7:1 war Jer. 3:11-16 70. Old clothes Matt. 9:16 the corrupt nature of man Isa. 50:6, 9 71. Old wineskins Matt. 9:17 past sins Ps. 118:83 72. Ancient of days Dan. 7:9 God Heb. 12:22 73. Evening and morning Gen. 1:5 Gen. 1:5 74. Evening wolves Hab. 1:8 1) the horses of the Chaldeans;
2) the wicked of Jerusalem 1) Hab. 1:8;
2) Soph. 3:3 75. Wine Matt. 26:27 Blood of Christ Matt. 26:26 76. Wine (fornication), see fornication Rev. 14:8 false doctrine Rev. 14:8 77. The vinedresser John. 15:1 God the Father Jn. 15:1 78. The vine Hos. 14:8 abundance Hos. 14:8 79. Vineyard Matt. 20:1 House of Israel Matt. 28:19-20 80. Linen pure and bright Rev. 19:8 righteousness of the saints Rev.19:8 81. Whirlwind Naum. 1:3 1) the glory of God;
2) judgments of God 1) Naum. 1:3;
2) Jer. 30:23 82. Prince in Israel Mic. 5:2 Christ Luke. 13:34 83. Lord of Lords Dan. Christ 8:25 1 Tim. 6:15 84. The ruler of all the earth Mic. 4:13 God Ps. 23:1 85. Water Gen. 7:11-12 1) flood;
2) gospel, eternal life;
3) Patriarch Reuben;
4) cowardice;
5) helplessness;
6) court;
7) past;
8) purification 1) Gen. 7:11-12;
2) In. 7:38;
3) Gen. 49:4;
4) Nav. 7:5;
5) 2 Kings. 14:14;
6) Am. 5:24;
7) Job. 11:16;
8) Ezek. 16:14 86. Broken cisterns Jer. 2513 pagan gods, idols Jer. 2:11 87. Desirable land Zech. 7:14 Palestine Zech. 7:7 88. Leader Matt. 2:6 Christ Matt. 2:4 89. Leader of the army of the Lord Jos. 5:13-14, 6:1 Christ Ex. 3:5 90. Leader of salvation Heb. 2:10 Christ Heb. 2:9 91. My Beloved Is. 5:1 Christ Mk. 1:11 92. Ascend to heaven 2 Kings. 2:1 to be taken to heaven without seeing death Heb. 11:5 93. Fighting 1 Tim. 1:18 to believe when tempted, to preach prophetic truth against error 2 Tim. 2:3 94. Host(s) of heaven Lk. 2:13-14 1) angels;
2) stars 1) Lk. 2:13-14;
2) Jer. 8:2 95. Wave (goat hair) Isa. 1:18 absolute purity, whiteness Dan. 7:9 96. Cry Gen. 18:20 1) blasphemy against God, the power of sin;
2) prayer to the Lord for oppression 1) Rev. 18:5;
2) Lamentation Jer. 2:18 97. Questioning teraphim Ezek. 21:21 guess Ezek. 21:21 98. Gate, Ruth Square 4:1 place of judgment and public meetings Am. 5:15 99. Resurrected Jesus 2 Cor. 4:14 God 1 Cor. 6:14 100. Enemy Matt. 13:25 devil Matt. 13:39 101. Gates of hell Matt. 16:18 death, the grave of Acts. 2:31 102. Time of visiting Jer. 51:18 judgments of God Ex. 32:34-35 103. Time is hard Dan. 12:1 the time of trouble before the coming of Christ Rev.16 104. Sackcloth Gen. 37:34 1) grief;
2) humility Gen. 37:34 105. The rider on the pale horse Rev. 6:8 death Rev. 6:8 106. Almighty Rev. 1:8 Christ Rev. 1:8 107. The second man 1 Cor. 15:47 Christ 1 Cor. 15:47 108. Entry, Exit Ps. 120:8 birth, death of Job. 1:21 109. Exalted and Exalted Isa. 57:15 God Heb. 1:2-4 110. The heights of the earth Is. 58:14 revelations of God 2 Cor. 12:2-4 111. Nail in a hard place Isa. 22:23 Isa. 22:24 112. Gehenna Matt. 5:22 fire, destruction 2 Thess. 1:8 113. Speaking Ezek. 2:2 God Eze. 1:3 114. The eyes of Eccl. 2:14 intellect Eph. 1:18 115. The voice of one crying in the wilderness Is. 40:3 John the Baptist Isa. 3:1-3 116. Clay Is. 64:8 1) creation;
2) a person;
3) dilapidation 1) Is. 64:8;
2) Jer. 18:6;
3) Open 2:27 117. Stupid dove Os. 7:11 tribe of Ephraim Hos. 7:11 118. Speaking Ezek. 2:2 God Eze. 1:3 119. Head of Is. 9:14 elder and noble Isa. 9:15 120. Brand of fire Am. 4:11 saved at the last minute Zech. 3:1-7 121. The famine of Am. 8:11 thirst for the word of God Am. 8:11 122. The voice of the Lord, the word of the Lord 1 Chr. 3:7 visions and dreams received by the prophets from God Ezek. 1:1,3 123. Dove Matt. 3:16 Holy Spirit Matt. 3:16 124. Bare teeth Am. 4:6 famine Am. 4:6 125. Mount Ps. 30:4 1) God;
2) the habitation of God;
3) Zion (heavenly abode);
4) the seat of God;
5) power 1) Ps. 30:4;
2) Ps. 120:1;
3) Ps. 47:3;
4) Is. 14:13;
5) Ps. 75:5 126. Mount Carmel Am. 1:2 fertility and prosperity Isa. 35:2 127. The bitterness of Am. 6:12 lawlessness Am. 6:12 128. Bitterness in the womb Rev. 10:9 despondency, disappointment Lamentation. 3:5 129. Above, above Job 21:22 spiritual Col. 3:1 130. The potter Jer. 18:4 God Jer. 18:6 131. The mountains of Israel Ezek. 6:3 Israelites Isa. 40:3-4 132. Mountains dripping wine Joel. 3:18 abundance Isa. 55:1 133. Bitter herbs Ex. 12:8 bitterness of sin Lamentations. 3:1-16 134. Bitter root Heb. 12:15 heresy Heb. 12:16 135. Hot Rev. 3:15-16 Zealous in the service of God Acts. 18:24-25 136. Burning Lamps Dan. 10:6 1) the eyes of God;
2) salvation 1) Dan. 10:6;
2) Is. 62:1 137. A burning lamp among the sheaves of Zech. 12:6 princes of Judah Zech. 12:6 138. Thunderous voice Rev. 6:1 voice of God Jn. 12:28-29 139. Coming in the name of the Lord Matt. 21:9 Christ Matt. 21:9 140. Barn His Matt. 3:12 people of God Matt. 13:38 141. Caterpillar, locust, worms, beetles Joel. 1:4 judgments of God Am. 4:9 142. David Ezek. 34:24 Christ Isa. 9:7 Jer. 33:7 143. Two rods of Zech. 11:7 favor and bonds Zech. 11:7 144. Two horns like a lamb Rev. 13:11 pseudo-Christian character of the power of Acts. 8:32 145. Two witnesses, two candlesticks, two prophets Rev. 11:3, 4, 10 Old and New Testaments Ps. 118:104 146. Door of faith Acts. 14:27 grace, salvation Rev. 3:20 147. Door to the sheep Jn. 10:7 Christ John 10:7 148. Virgin Rev. 14:3 spiritual purity Ezek. 23:1-5 149. Dennitsa, son of the dawn Is. 14:12 Satan Isa. 14:11-15 150. Day (in prophecy) Rev. 2:10 Ezek. 4:6 151. The day of His wrath, the day of the Lord Rev. 6:17; Joel 1:15 second coming of Christ Mal. 3:1-2 152. Tree of Is. 10:19 man Is. 56:3 153. A tree that does not bear good fruit Matt. 3:10 false Christian John. 15:8 154. Holding the seven stars Rev. 2:1 Christ Rev. 1:13 155. Ten virgins Mt. 25:1 Christians Matt. 25:1 156. Wild ass Hos. 8:9 Israel Hos. 8:8-9 157. Good seed Matt. 13:24 children of the kingdom Matt. 15:38 158. Good land Matt. 13:8 true Christians Matt. 13:23 159. Rain (early and late rain) Joel. 2:23 1) outpouring of the Holy Spirit;
2) the truth of God 1) Joel. 2:23,29 Acts. 2:4, 14-21;
2) Os. 10:12 160. Valley of Jehoshaphat Joel. 3:2 valley of judgment (Armageddon) Joel. 3:14, Rev. 16:16 161. House on the rock Matt. 7:24 true believer Matt. 7:24-25 162. House on the sand Matt. 7:16 outward godliness Matt. 7:26-27 163. House of an unclean spirit Matt. 12:44 man without God Matt. 12:43-45 164. Master of the household Matt. 13:27 God Acts. 4:24 165. Babylon's daughter Is. 47:1 apostate churches Rev. 17:5 166. Ancient serpent Rev. 12:9 Satan Rev. 12:9 167. Tree of life Pr. 3:18 wisdom, understanding of good and evil Prov. 3:13 168. Other servants Matt. 22:4 Gentiles Isa. 65:1 169. Another Comforter Jn. 14:16 Holy Spirit 14:26 170. Breath Job 7:7 Holy Spirit Jn. 20:22 171. The Spirit of Gen. 2:7 1) the breath of life given by God;
2) the spirit of someone: inclinations, habits, nature;
3) atmosphere, mood 1) Gen. 2:7, Eccl. 12:7;
2) Ezr. 1:1;
3) 1Cop. 5:5 172. Spirit of grace Heb. 10:29 Holy Spirit Matt. 12:31-32 173. Spirit in the sons of Ephesus. 2:2 Satan 1 Pet. 5:8 174. opposition Spirit of the Lord Judgment. 14:6 Holy Spirit 1 Pet. 1:10-11 175. Spirit of truth Jn. 14:17 Holy Spirit 14:26 176. My Spirit Joel. 2:28 Holy Spirit Acts. 2:4; 16 177. Spirit of your Father Matt. 10:20 Holy Spirit 14:26 178. Spirit of wisdom Ephes. 1:17 Spirit Holy Spirit Jn. 14:26 179. Spirit of glory 1 Petr. 4:14 Saint 1 Peter. 4:14 180. Your Spirit Ps. 138:7 Holy Spirit Joel. 2:28-29 181. The Spirit of Christ 1 Pet. 1:10-11 Holy Spirit 2 Pet. 1:21 182. Soul Gen. 46:15 1) a person;
2) human nature;
3) life;
4) mind 1) Gen. 46:15;
2) Gen. 2:7;
3) Ezek. 17:17;
4) Lk. 1:46 183. Micah, the daughter of the hosts. 5:1 Church of God of Songs. Song of Songs 6:10 184. Daughter of Zion Lamentations Jer. 2:1 church Jer. 8:19 185. Smoke from the well Rev. 9:2 apostasy, false teaching Isa. 5:1-5 186. Leaky purse Hagg. 1:6 vain acquisitions Hagg. 1:6,9 187. Egyptian plagues Ex. 7:12 plagues on the wicked before the coming of Jesus Christ Rev. 16 188. Daily sacrifice Dan. 8:11 offering of the mouth - prayer Heb. 13:15 189. Anointing oil Ex. 29:7 leading by the Holy Spirit 2 Cor. 1:21,22 190. Immanuel Is. 7:14 Christ Matt. 1:21-23 191. Epha Zech. 5:6 the container of iniquity Zech. 5:8 192. Harvest Matt. 13:30 end of the age Matt. 13:39 193. Rod of Ps. 44:7 1) authority;
2) punishment;
3) care 1) Ps. 44:7;
2) Lamentation Jer. 3:1-5;
3) Jer. 10:16 194. Rod of the almond tree Jer. 1:11 the power of God's prophecy Jer. 1:12 195. Rod of His inheritance Jer. 10:16 Israel Jer. 10:16 196. Rod from Israel Num. 24:17 Christ Mk. 15:2 197. Rod of mouth Is. 11:4 justice for sin 2 Thess. 2:8 198. Desirable by all nations Hagg. 2:7 Christ Rom. 8:17-23 199. Iron legs Dan. 2:33 Roman Empire Dan. 2:40-41 200. Iron pillar Jer. 1:18 Prophet Jeremiah Jer. 1:18 201. Pearl, pearl Prov. 8:1-11 1) truth;
2) the Kingdom of Heaven 1) Prov. 8:1-11;
2) Matt. 13:46 202. A harlot woman Rev. 17:3 apostate church Jer. 3:1 203. The woman clothed with the sun Rev. 12:1 faithful church Rev. 19:7 204. Bridegroom Matt. 25:5 Christ Rev.19:7 205. A woman in the midst of an ephah Zech. 5:8 wickedness itself - backsliding church Rev. 17:1-5 206. Millstone thrown into the sea Rev. 17:21 the destruction of iniquity Matt. 18:6 207. Living forever Dan. 12:7 God 1 John 2:14 208. Living in the temple Matt. 23:21 God Hab. 2:20 209. My barn Matt. 13:30 Kingdom of God Matt. 13:43 210. Reapers of Matt. 13:30 angels of God Matt. 13:39 211. Funny singer Ezek. 33:32 unrecognized prophet Ezek. 33:32 212. Veil of the tabernacle Ex. 26:31 body of Christ Heb. 10:20 213. Leaven, leavened IKop. 5:7-8 1) sin;
2) the Kingdom of Heaven 1) 1Kop. 5:7-8;
2) Matt. 13:33 214. Leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees Matt. 16:6 legalistic heresy of the Pharisees and Sadducees Mt. 16:12 215. Law and revelation Is. 8:20 Word of God Ps. 118:105, 106 216. The Law and the Prophets Matt. 22:40 Old Testament Lk. 16:16 217. Legislator Jas. 4:12 God Is. 33:22 218. Law of freedom Jas. 2:12 Law of God Deut. 30:15-19 219. The royal law Jas. 2:8 Law of God Jas. 4:12 220. To cover one's head Esf.6:12 1) grief;
2) humiliation 1) Esf. 6:12;
2) Lk. 22:64 221. Covering the face of Esph. 7:8 1) humility;
2) death sentence 1) Is. 6:2;
2) Esph. 7:8-9 222. Drawn to four chariots Zech. 6:2,3 four spirits heavenly Zach. 6:5 223. Stained garments Zech. 3:3 human righteousness Isa. 64:6 224. Advocate Deut. 32:18 Christ Isa. 53:4-5 225. Star Job38:7 angel Rev. 1:20 226. Star from Jacob Num. 24:7 Christ Rev. 22:16 227. Beasts of the field Is. 53:9 Gentiles Dan. 4:17-19 228. Scarlet Beast Rev. 17:3 satanic power Rev. 17:5 229. Terrible and strong beast Dan. 7:7 Roman Empire Dan. 7:7, 23 230. Healthy and sick Matt. 9:12 righteous and sinners Matt. 9:13 231. The apple of His eye Zech. 3:1 Christ Mal. 3:1-2 232. Green cypress Hos. 14:9 God Hos. 14:9 233. Land Matt. 5:35 1) God's footstool;
2) deserted place 1) Matt. 5:35;
2) Open 13:11 234. Unclean land Am. 7:17 the territory of Ezra defiled by paganism. 9:11 235. Land of Shinar Zech. 5:11 Mesopotamia, Babylon Dan. 1:1-2 236. Earthly sanctuary Ex. 25:8 heavenly sanctuary Heb. 8:1-2, 9:24 237. Grains in a sieve Am. 9:9 spiritual sifting of the faithful remnant before the coming of Christ Am. 9:9-10 238. Mustard seed Matt. 13:31 1) Kingdom of heaven;
2) the measure of faith 1) Matt. 13:31;
2) Matt. 17:20 239. Evil race Matt. 12:45 Israel who did not accept Christ Lk. 13:34-5 240. Serpent Gen. 3:1 Satan Rev. 12:9 241. The sign of Matt. 24:30 the appearance of Matt. 24:30 242. A banner for the nations Is. 11:10 God Ex. 17:15 243. The golden head of Dan. 2:2 Babylon Dan. 2:37-38 244. Golden menorah Zech. 4:2-3 Holy Spirit Zech. 4:6 245. Gold, frankincense, myrrh Matt. 2:11 gifts to the king 1 Kings. 15:18-19; Is. 60:1-6; Ps. 44:1-9 246. Jealousy idol Ezek. 8:3 Jealousy of God for the Temple Ps. 68:10 247. Jehovah Gen. 22:14 Jehovah Exod. 3:14 248. Jezebel Kings. 17:29-30 spiritual apostasy Rev. 2:20 249. Redeemer Ps. 143:2 God Ps. 90:2-3 250. Abundance of the heart Matt. 12:34 desire to preach the gospel Matt. 12:40 251. Burning lime Am. 2:1 judgments of God Isa. 33:12 252. Burnt out Ezek. 22:18 ungodly sins of God's people Jer. 6:29-30; Ps. 118:119 253. Elijah 3 Kings. 18:17-18 John the Baptist Matt. 11:14 254. He who has the power of death Heb. 2:14 Satan Heb. 2:14 255. Peter who judges. 4:5 Christ Rom. 2:16 256. Jonah in the whale's belly Jonah. 2:1 Christ in the grave Matt. 12:46 257. Tempter Matt. 4:3 Satan Matt. 4:5 258. Hyssop (grass) Ex. 12:22 cleansing from sin Ps. 50:9 259. Truth Jer. 10:10 1) God the Father;
2) God the Son;
3) God the Holy Spirit;
4) the Law of God;
5) Word of God 1) Jer. 10:10;
2) In. 14:6;
3) 1 Jn. 5:6-7;
4) In. 17:17;
5) Ps. 118:142 260. True Rev. 3:7 Christ Rev. 1:13 261. Seeking and Judging Jn. 8:50 God Rev. 11:17-18 262. A stone with seven eyes Zech. 3:9 omniscience God's Zech. 4:10 263. Cedars of Lebanon Is. 1:13 pride, self-confidence Ezek. 31:10 264. The accuser of our brethren Rev. 12:10 Satan Rev. 12:9 265. Key of Is. 22:22 knowledge Lk. 11:52 266. Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven Matt. 16:19 knowledge of the truth Matt. 11:25 267. The prince of the power of the air Eph. 2:2 Satan Matt. 4:8-9 268. Shaggy goat Dan. 8:5 Greece Dan. 8:21 269. Scapegoat Lev. 16:10; 21 Satan Lev. 16:8; 21:21-22 270. Wheels of Ezek. 1:15, 16 the incomprehensible harmony of God's government to man Ezek. 1:15 271. Root of David (root of Jesse, root and offspring of David) Rev. 5:5; Is. 11:10; open 22:16 Christ Rev. 22:16; Rome. 15:9 272. Basket of ripe fruit Am. 8:1 the limit of the measure of iniquity Am. 8:2 273. Baskets of figs Jer. 24:1 Jewish settlers in Babylonian captivity Jer. 24:5 274. Cornerstone (head of the corner) Job38:6 Christ 1 Pet. 2:5-7 275. Foreskin of the heart Jer. 4:4 spiritual conversion Deut. 10:16 276. Fortress, protection Ps. 143:1 God Ps. 90:2 277. The blood of Gen. 9:4 Soul Lev. 17:10-14 278. Wings of Ps. 16:8 1) God's protection;
2) speed 1) Ps. 16:8;
2) Ps. 23:5 279. Hooks and hooks Am. 4:2 enslavement, captivity Ezek. 29:4 280. Smoking, incense Ps. 140:2 prayer Ps. 140:2 281. Leo Pr. 30:30 power Ps. 30:30 282. Lion with eagle wings Dan. 7:4 Babylon Jer. 4:19, 22 283. Lion among the beasts of the forest Mic. 5:8 remnant of Jacob Mic. 5:7 284. Lion of the tribe of Judah Rev. 5:5 Christ Rev. 10:3 285. Ladder from earth to heaven Gen. 28:12 Christ John. 14:6 286. Flying scroll Zech. 5:1,2 the curse of sin on the whole earth Zech. 5:3 287. Downpour on the grass Mic. 5:7 remnant of Jacob Mic. 5:7 288. The face of the Lord Deut. 32:20 blessing, mercy of God Num. 6:25 289. Vine John. 15:1 Christ John. 15:1 290. Evil Matt. 13:19 Satan 1 Jn. 3:12 291. Lovers Jer. 3:1 Idols, false gods Jer. 13:36 292. Oil for lamps Matt. 25:3-4 Holy Spirit Zech. 4:2,6 293. My mother and my brothers Matt. 12:48 people of God Matt. 12:48-50 294. Bear with three fangs Dan. 7:5 Medo-Persia Dan. 8:3 295. Bronze serpent Num. 21:1,9 symbol of Golgotha ​​Jn. 3:14-15 296. Bronze belly and breast of an image Dan. 2:32 Greece Dan. 2:39 297. The abomination of desolation Dan. 9:27 apostasy in the church Matt. 24:15 298. Brass rope 2 Kings. 21:13 measuring the measure of iniquity Isa. 34:11 299. Messiah Jn. 1:41 Christ John. 1:41 300. The sword of Eph. 6:12 1) Word of God;
2) war 1) Eph. 6:12;
2) Ref. 18:4 301. Merciful Jonah 2:9 God Jonah 2:8 302. Babies Matt. 11:25 spiritual purity Matt. 5:3 303. Many waters Rev. 17:1 nations Rev. 17:15 304. Milk and honey Job 20:17 abundance Isa. 55:1 305. Threshing Mic. 4:13 spiritual harvest Matt. 3:11-12 306. Sea and earth Rev. 10:2 universality Rev. 14:7 307. Man of sorrows Isa. 53:3 Christ Heb. 4:15 308. Publicans and harlots Matt. 21:31 rejected by the world 1 Cor. 1:26-9 309. Hope of Israel Acts. 28:20 God Ps. 61:6 310. Nazirite Num. 6:1-22 secession to a special ministry Judg. 13:3-5 311. Scale Ezek. 24:6 sinfulness Ezek. 24:12-13 312. Instructor (Beginning and end, Beginning of God's creation, Head of life) Mt. 23:10; open 1:8; open 3:14; Acts. 3:15 Christ Matt. 23:10; Rev. 1:8; open 1:13; Acts. 3:13 313. The mark of the beast, the name of the beast or the number of his name Rev. 13:17 six hundred sixty-six Rev. 13:18 314. The little horn of Dan. 7:8 apostate spiritual authority (papacy) Dan. 7:21-25; 8:10-12, 23-25 ​​315. Seine Matt. 13:47-48 preaching the gospel Matt. 13:47-56 316. Unfruitful fig tree Lk. 13:6-9 a Christian only by name Lk. 13:1-5 317. Foolish virgins Matt. 25:2 Christians only by name Hos. 4:6 318. Poor in spirit Matt. 5:3 trusting in God Prov. 3:5 319. The feet of the image Dan. 2:33 European states formed after the fall of the Roman Empire Dan. 2:41-42 320. Jephthah's vow Judg. 11:30-31 promises and plans without the blessing and approval of God Jn. 15:5 321. Smear with mud Ezek. 13:10 It is false to prophesy Ezek. 22:28 322. Circumcision Gen. 17:11 1) righteousness by faith;
2) trusting in God 1) Rom. 4:11;
2) Phil. 3:3 323. Ram with two horns Dan. 8:3 Medo-Persia Dan. 8:20 324. Sheep and goats Matt. 25:33 righteous and apostate Matt. 25:34-45 325. Tongues of fire Acts. 2:3 outpouring of the Holy Spirit Acts. 2:4 326. Fire Ex. 21:26-28 1) God;
2) Divine punishment;
3) War;
4) Symbol of purification;
5) Court;
6) Destruction of sinners by God;
7) Coming of Christ;
8) the Presence of God;
9) Prophetic word 1) Deut. 4:24;
2) Deut. 32:23-25;
3) Ref. 21:26-28;
4) Is. 4:4;
5) Heb. 10:27;
6) Open 20:9;
7) Is. 66:15;
8) Ref. 19:18;
9) Jer. 5:14 327. Ogola and Ogoliba Ezek. 23:4 Samaria and Jerusalem Eze. 23:4 328. Determination of the Lord Jer. 8:7 prophecy, the will of God Job 38:8-11 329. The weapon of righteousness 2 Cor. 6:7 fruits of the Spirit 2 Cor. 6:11-18 330. Leave your house empty Matt. 23:38 depriving Jerusalem of God's presence (God's blessings) 1 Sam. 4:21 331. Sharp sickle Rev. 14:14 spiritual harvest Joel. 3:13-17 332. From the beginning Existing Jn. 8:25 Christ John. 8:25 333. Take away the favor of the King. 7:15 lose God's protection Ps. 76:9 334. Offspring, branch of Isa. 53:2; Zach. 3:8 Christ Heb. 3:6; Zach. 3:8 335. My lad Is. 42:1-4 Christ Isa. 12:15-21 336. Eyes in front and behind Rev. 4:6 constant watch Dan. 4:10 337. Feed the wind Hos. 12:1 trust in man (not in God) Hos. 12:1 338. Chief Shepherd, Shepherd, High Priest, First and Last 1 Pet. 5:4; Is. 40:11; Heb. 9:11; open 1:10 Christ Heb. 8:1-2; 9:11; In. 10:14; open 1:10 339. First love Rev. 2:4 special, sincere devotion to God Matt. 22:37 340. Ashes Esther 4:1 expression of grief Jer. 6:26 341. Sand Hab. 1:9 the multiplicity of Gen. 13:6 342. Seal P. Song. 8:6 1) Sealing;
2) Memory;
3) Pledge, proof;
4) Concealment 1) Open. 7:3;
2) P. Song. 8:6;
3) 1 Cor. 9:2;
4) Open 5:1 343. Footmen and horses Jer. 12:5 faith under ordinary conditions, and during trials Am. 2:15 344. Letter of Christ 2 Cor. 3:3 piety of believers 2 Cor. 3:2-3 345. Rachel's lamentation for her children Jer. 31:15 Massacre of the Innocents by Herod Mt. 2:16 346. Tares Matt. 13:25 sons of the evil one (Satan) Matt. 13:38 347. Baldness 2 Kings. 2:23 disgrace, shame Isa. 3:23 348. The fruit of Ps. 57:12 1) Traits of a renewed character;
2) Reward;
3) Child;
4) Result 1) Gal. 2:22;
2) Ps. 57:12;
3) Mich. 6:7;
4) Rome. 1:13 349. Flesh and blood Matt. 16:17 human understanding Jer. 17:5 350. Overcoming Rev. 2:7 a true believer, a person completely devoted to God 1 Jn. 5:4 351. Field Matt. 13:38 peace Matt. 13:38 352. Midnight Matt. 25:6 Lately 2 Peter. 1:19 353. Foundation laid 1 Cor. 3:11 Christ 1Kop. 3:11 354. Offspring of vipers Matt. 12:34 hypocrites Matt. 12:34 355. Messenger, Last Adam Rev. 3:1; 1 Cor. 15:45 Christ Rev. 3:1; 1 Cor. 15:47 356. Feast Day of Atonement Lev. 16 1) God's judgment in heaven;
2) The investigative judgment before the second coming of Christ - the removal of sins from the sanctuary Lev. 16:21,22; open 14:7 357. Feast of Tabernacles Lev. 23:34 1) Crossing the desert;
2) Kingdom of God 1) Lev. 23:43;
2) Zach. 14:6 358. Feast of Passover Ex. 12:11 1) Christ;
2) Communion 1) 1 Cor. 5:7;
2) Mk. 14:12-25 359. Feast of Purim Esph. 9:26 God's Deliverance His people Esf. 9:26 360. Ashes Gen 3:14 1) Punishment;
2) Man;
3) Humility 1) Gen. 3:14;
2) Gen. 3:19;
3) Gen. 18:27 361. Hand over to Satan 1 Cor. 5:5 excluded from the church 1 Cor. 5:13 362. Hell Ezek. 31:14 the tomb of Ezek. 31:14 363. Unleavened bread Ex. 12:8 symbol of Christ 1 Cor. 5:7-8 364. Cleave Gen. 2:24 enter into close proximity Gen. 2:24 365. The curse of Gen. 27:12 the consequences of sin Deut. 28:15-68 366. A prophet from Nazareth, a prophet from among your brothers Mt. 21:11; Deut. 18:18-19 Christ Matt. 21:11 367. Prophesy 1 Kings. 22:5-23 1) Proclaim the will of God;
2) Predict the future 3 Par. 22:5-23 368. Opponent of Tit. 2:8 Satan 1 Pet. 5:8 369. The way of the shadow of death Job. 3:5 man's way of life Ps. 22:5 370. Own wheat Matt. 3:12 people of God Matt. 13:38 371. Spot P. Song. 4:7 unfaithfulness, defilement by sin Eph. 5:27 372. My servant Is. 53:11 Christ Rom. 6:22 373. Workers in the vineyard Matt. 20:1 ministers in the church Matt. 28:19-20 374. Servants of God Dan. 9:10 prophets Am. 3:7 375. Servants of the householder Matt. 13:27 Angels of God Matt. 13:29 376. Rainbow Gen. 9:13 sign of the covenant between God and the earth Gen. 9:13 377. The torn clothes of 1 Sam. 4:12 1) mourning;
2) strong anger or protest 1) 1 Sam. 4:12;
2) Acts. 14:11-15 378. Wise virgins Matt. 25:2 true believers Job 28:28 379. Examine the liver Ezek. 21:21 guess Ezek. 21:21 380. Parting waters of the Red Sea Ex. 14 victory of the faith of the people of God Heb. 11:29 381. Man-made idols Ex. 20:4 attachments, favorite sins, which man puts above God 1) Isa. 44:10-19;
2) Heb. 10:26-2 382. Fish of every kind Matt. 13:47-48 true and false Christians who are in the visible church of God Mt. 13:48 383. Roaring lion 1 Pet. 5:8 Satan 1 Pet. 5:8 384. Locust Rev. 9:3 foreign invaders Rev. 9:3 385. Light, Witness, Witnessing, Holy of God, Holy of Israel, Seated on a horse, Seed of the wife of Jn. 1:7; Job 16:19; open 22:20; Mk. 1:24; Is. 60:9; open 19:21; Gen. 3:15 Christ John. 1:9; open 1:5; open 22:20; Mk. 1:24; Acts. 4:12; open 19:13; Gal. 3:16 386. Lamp of Zech. 4:2-6 1) Holy Spirit;
2) the Word of God;
3) Church 1) Zech. 4:2-6;
2) Ps. 118:105;
3) Open 1:20 387. Light of the world Matt. 5:14 godliness of the people of God Mt. 5:20 388. Light of the path Ps. 119:105 Word of God Ps. 118:105 389. Saints 1 Pet. 1:15, 16 1) True Christians;
2) Angels 1) 1 Petr. 1:15, 16;
2) Zach. 14:5 390. Northern kingdom Is. 14:13,14 Babylon Isa. 14:13, 14 391. Seat 1 Sam. 1:4 1) Sitting;
2) The symbol of royal power (throne) 1) 1 King. 1:4;
2) Matt. 23:2 392. Seven heads Rev. 17:9 seven mountains Rev. 17:9 393. Ax Matt. 3:10 the judgment of God (the tree is a symbol of man) Matt. 3:10 394. Seven stars, angels of the seven churches Rev. 1:16, 20 ministers of the church Heb. 1:13-14 395. Seven golden candlesticks Rev. 1:12 seven churches Rev. 1:20 396. Seed Lk. 8:5 Word of God Lk. 8:11 397. Seed of the serpent Gen. 3:15 God-opponents Jn. 8:42-44 398. Heart of stone Ezek. 11:19 disobedience to the work of the Holy Spirit Heb. 3:7-11 399. Silver arms and chest of an image Dan. 2:32 Medo-Persia Dan. 2:39 400. Sower of good seed, Seated on a horse, Word, Word of God, Word of life, Counsellor, Sun of righteousness, Creater in the beginning, Creater of heaven and earth, sea and springs of water, Judge of the living and the dead, Judge of Israel, Son of David, Son God, Son of the owner of the vineyard, Son of Man Matt. 13:24; open 19:21; In. 1:2; Rev. 19:13; 1-In. 1:1; Is. 9:6; Mal. 4:2; Matt. 18:4; open 14:7; Acts. 10:42; Mich. 5:1; Matt. 12:23; Matt. 13:33; Matt. 21:37; Matt. 10:23 Christ Matt. 13:37; open 19:13; In. 1:1-3; In. 1:14; In. 15:5; Matt. 11:14; In. 1:1-3; In. 1:1-3; Acts. 13:32; open 11:15-18; Matt. 12:23; Matt. 13:31-33; Matt. 11:27; Matt. 17:9 401. Sower Matt. 13:3 preaching the word of God Lk. 8:11; Rome. 10:14 402. Soph. 1:12 do not want to part with their sins (leaven is a symbol of sin) Ps. 74:9 403. The powers of heaven shall be shaken Matt. 24:29 strong earthquake Matt. 24:29 404. Tabernacle of God with people Rev. 21:3 heavenly Jerusalem Rev. 21:2 405. Scepter Gen. 49:10 power Isa. 14:5 406. Scorpions Ezek. 2:6 apostates Ezek. 2:3 407. The sweetness of the book of Rev. 10:9 knowledge of the truth Ezek. 2:3; 3:4 408. Word milk Jas. 2:2 knowledge of the first principles of Christ's doctrine Heb. 5:12; 6:12 409. To be tempted Matt. 13:21 depart from the truth Matt. 13:21 410. Straw Matt. 3:12 false Christians Ps. 82:1-14 411. Salt 2 Kings. 2:20 cleansing, staying in the truth 2 Kings. 2:20 412. Song In. 11:11 death Jn. 11:13 413. Vessels of wrath Rom. 9:22 disbelievers Ps. 16:4 414. Vessels of mercy Rom. 9:23 people of God Rom. 9:24 415. The pillar and ground of the truth 1 Tim. 3:15 true church of God 1 Tim. 3:15 416. Watchman, watchman Isa. 21:11 prophet of God Ezek. 33:7 417. Fear of God Gen. 20:11 hatred of evil Prov. 8:13 418. Arrows of the evil one Ephesus. 6:16 temptation Jer. 9:8 419. Judgment and righteousness Gen. 18:19 acts of love Eph. 2:10; Jacob. 4:17 420. Sons of the marriage chamber Matt. 9:15 disciples of Christ Matt. 9:14 421. The mystery of iniquity 2 Thess. 2:7 the spread of apostasy Rev. 17:5 422. The mystery of godliness 1 Tim. 3:16 the incarnation of God (Jesus Christ) into human flesh 1 Tim. 3:16 423. Talents Matt. 25:15 gifts of the Holy Spirit 1 Cor. 12:7-1 424. Solid food 1 Cor. 3:2 profound gospel teaching Heb. 5:12; 6:2 425. Stronghold, rock Ps. 143:1 God Ps. 61:3 426. Body of Christ 1 Cor. 12:27 true church 1 Cor. 12:27 427. Gentle wind 1 Kings. 19:22 the transforming work of the Holy Spirit Jn. 14:26 428. Weaving a web Is. 59:5 conspiracy, villainy Isa. 6:8 429. The winepress of wrath Rev. 14:19 destruction of sin Isa. 63:2 430. Lord's Meal Mal. 1:7 showbread (symbolizing the Word of God) Mal. 1:7 431. Three unclean spirits like frogs Rev. 16:13 demonic spirits (papacy, spiritualism, apostate Protestantism) Rev. 16:14 432. Three fangs (of a bear) Dan. 7:5 Babylon, Egypt, Lydia (subdued by Medo-Persia) Dan. 7:5 433. Trumpet Matt. 6:2 to make public Matt. 6:2 434. Trumpets, trumpet sound Num. 10:1-10 1) Danger signal;
2) Court signal 1) Am. 3:6;
2) Jer. 19:21 435. Shake the arrows of Ezek. 21:21 guess Ezek. 21:21 436. Darkness 1 Sam. 2:9 1) Death, grave;
2) Spiritual darkness, spiritual death;
3) Infinity (innumerable multitude);
4) Lack of light or form 1) 1 Sam. 2:9;
2) 1 Jn. 1:5;
3) Dan. 7:10;
4) Gen. 1:2 437. Refuge, refuge Ps. 143:1 God Ps. 60:4 438. A portion of all nations Ex. 14:5 remnant of the end times (faithful children of God) Rev. 12:17 439. Horror, pit and noose Jer. 48:43 judgments of God Jer. 48:40-43 440. Clean mouth Soph. 3:9 righteousness Isa. 6:5-7 441. Pharisee Lk. 18:11-12 Christian hypocrite Matt. 16:6 442. Tail of the dragon Rev. 12:4 Satan's deception of the third part of the angels (the star symbolizes the angel) Rev. 1:20 443. Bread Matt. 26:26 body of Christ Matt. 26:26 444. Intercessor for criminals, Intercessor for the New Testament, Owner of the harvest Isa. 53:12; open 12:24; Matt. 9:38 Christ 1 Jn. 2:1; open 12:24; Matt. 28:19 445. Hills flowing with milk Job 1:18 abundance Isa. 55:1 446. Temple of God 1 Cor. 5:16 human body 1 Cor. 6:19 447. Keep your clothes Rev. 16:15 keep yourself from sin Isa. 47:2-3 448. The fragrance of Christ 2 Cor. 2:15 piety of believers 2 Cor. 2:14-15 449. Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit Matt. 12:31-32 intentional permanent sin Heb. 10:26-29 450. Great King, Eternal King, King of the Jews, King of Saints, King of kings and Lord of lords Mal. 1:14; Jer. 8:10; Mk. 15:2; Rev. 15:3; 1 Tim. 6:15 Christ Jer. 10:10; 1 Jn. 2:14; Mk. 15:1; In. 12:14-15; Is. 9:16 451. Four workmen Zech. 1:20 the power through which God restores the true worship of Am. 9:11 452. The four winds of the earth Rev. 7:1 the whole planet Mk. 13:27 453. Pure in heart Matt. 5:8 piety of the people of God Ps. 72:1 454. Helmet Eph. 6:17 hope of salvation Thess. 5:8 455. Shield of Nahum 2:3 1) God;
2) the Law of God;
3) Faith;
4) Militancy 1) Gen. 15:1;
2) Ps. 90:4;
3) Eph. 6:16;
4) Jer. 46:9 456. South, the southern kingdom of Dan. 11:43 Egypt Ex. 5:2 457. Berries Mic. 7:1 the fruit of the Spirit is a reflection of the character of Christ in His followers Mic. 7:2 458. Poison, poison Am. 5:7; 6:12 lawlessness Am. 5:7 459. Gentiles Ps. 105:35 unbelievers, enemies of the people of God Mt. 18:17 460. Gentile and publican Matt. 18:17 excommunicated Matt. 18:15-17 461. Meals Heb. 13:9 various alien teachings Heb. 13:9 462. Language Job 12:11 1) speech;
2) people (linguistic community) 1) Gen. 11:1;
2) Open 14:6

Signs and symbols have existed on earth for a long time. They depict attitudes towards a particular culture, religion, country, family or thing. Christian symbols Orthodox culture emphasize belonging to God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, through faith in the Holy Trinity.

Orthodox Christians express their faith with Christian signs, but few, even those who are baptized, know their meaning.

Christian symbols in Orthodoxy

The history of the emergence of symbols

After the crucifixion and resurrection of the Savior, persecution began against Christians who believed in the coming of the Messiah. In order to communicate with each other, believers began to create cryptographic codes and signs to help avoid danger.

Cryptogram or cryptography originated in the catacombs, where the early Christians had to hide. Sometimes they used long ago famous signs from Jewish culture, giving them a new meaning.

The symbolism of the early Church is based on man's vision of the Divine world through the hidden depths of the invisible. The meaning of the emergence of Christian signs is to prepare the early Christians for the acceptance of the Incarnation of Jesus, who lived according to earthly laws.

The signs of cryptography at that time were more intelligible and acceptable among Christians than sermons or reading books.

Important! The basis of all signs and codes is the Savior, His Death and Ascension, the Eucharist - the Sacrament left by the Mission before His crucifixion. (Mark 14:22)


The cross symbolizes the crucifixion of Christ, its image can be seen on the domes of temples, in the form of pectoral crosses, in Christian books and many other things. In Orthodoxy there are several types of crosses, but the main one is the eight-pointed one, on such a cross the Savior was crucified.

Cross: main symbol Christianity

A small horizontal bar served as the inscription "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews". The arms of Christ are nailed to the large crossbar, and His legs are nailed to the lower one. The top of the cross is directed to heaven, and the kingdom is Eternal, and under the feet of the Savior is hell.

Fish - ichthys

Jesus called fishermen as disciples, whom he later made fishers of people for the Kingdom of Heaven.

One of the first signs of the early Church was the fish, later the words “Jesus Christ the Son of God the Savior” were inscribed in it.

Fish - Christian symbol

Bread and vine

Belonging to the Eucharist or the Sacrament of Communion is expressed through drawings of bread and grapes, and sometimes wine or grape barrels. These signs were applied to sacred vessels and were understandable to everyone who accepted faith in Christ.

Important! The vine is a type of Jesus. All Christians are its branches, and the juice is a prototype of the Blood that purifies us during the reception of the Eucharist.

In the Old Testament, the vine is a sign of the promised land, New Testament presents the vine as a symbol of paradise.

The vine as a symbol of paradise in the New Testament

A bird sitting on a vine symbolizes rebirth to a new life. Often bread is drawn in the form of ears of corn, which at the same time is a sign of the unity of the Apostles.

Fish and bread

The loaves depicted on the fish refer to one of the first miracles performed by Jesus on earth, when He fed more than five thousand people who came from afar to listen to the Mission's sermons with five loaves and two fish (Luke 9:13-14).

Jesus Christ - in symbols and codes

The Savior acts as the Good Shepherd for his sheep, the Christians. At the same time, He is the Lamb slain for our sins, He is the saving cross and anchor.

The Ecumenical Council of 692 banned all symbols relating to Jesus Christ in order to shift the focus not to the image, but to the Living Savior, however, they still exist.


A small lamb, obedient, defenseless, is a prototype of the sacrifice of Christ, which became the last victim, for God was not pleased with the sacrifices offered by the Jews in the form of slaughtering birds and animals. The Supreme Creator wants to be worshiped with pure hearts through faith in His Son, the Savior of mankind (John 3:16).

Symbol of the Lamb with a Banner

Only faith in the saving sacrifice of Jesus, who is the way, the truth and the life, opens the way to eternal life.

In the Old Testament, the lamb is a type of the blood of Abel and the sacrifice of Abraham, to whom God sent a lamb to sacrifice in place of his son Isaac.

The Revelation of John the Theologian (14:1) speaks of a lamb standing on a mountain. The mountain is universal church, four streams, - the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, which nourish the Christian faith.

Early Christians in cryptography depicted Jesus as the Good Shepherd with a sheep on his shoulders. Now priests are called shepherds, Christians - sheep or flock.

Monograms of the name of Christ

Translated from Greek, the monogram "crisma" means chrismation and is translated as a seal.

We are sealed by the blood of Jesus Christ to His love and salvation. Behind the letters X.P is hidden the image of the Crucifixion of Christ, the Incarnate God.

The letters "alpha" and "omega" denote the beginning and end, the symbols of God.

Monograms of the name of Jesus Christ

Little-known encoded images

ship and anchor

The image of Christ is often conveyed by signs in the form of a ship or an anchor. In Christianity, the ship symbolizes human life, the Church. Under the sign of the Savior, believers in a ship called the Church sail towards eternal life, having an anchor - a symbol of hope.


The Holy Spirit is often depicted as a dove. A dove landed on Jesus' shoulder at His baptism (Luke 3:22). It was the dove who brought the green leaf to Noah during the Flood. The Holy Spirit is One of the Trinity, Who was from the beginning of the creation of the world. The dove is a bird of peace and purity. He flies only to where there is peace and tranquility.

The symbol of the Holy Spirit is a dove

Eye and triangle

An eye inscribed in a triangle means all-seeing eye Almighty God in the unity of the Holy Trinity. The triangle emphasizes that God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit are equal in their purpose, they are one. It is almost impossible for a simple Christian to understand this. This fact must be accepted by faith.

Mother of God Star

At the birth of Jesus, the star of Bethlehem lit up in the sky, which in Christianity is depicted as eight-pointed. In the center of the star is the bright face of the Mother of God with the Child, so the name of the Mother of God appeared next to Bethlehem.

In its four corners, images in the form of a man, an eagle, a lion and a calf are visible, under which the four Gospels are encoded.

Mother of God eight-pointed star

The Evangelist Mark is represented by a lion praising the power and royal dignity of Jesus. The calf symbolizes the Evangelist Luke, who emphasized the sacrifice of Christ in his epistle, after which the calf became a type of martyrs.

Jesus in human form is described by the Evangelist Matthew, he is depicted in the upper left corner as an angel or a man.

The Evangelist John is symbolized by the eagle, which represents the Holy Spirit and the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Star of the gifts of the Holy Spirit

Among Christian signs, a nine-pointed star is also often found, each end of which means the gift of the Holy Spirit. (1 Cor. 12:8-11)

Nine-pointed star as a symbol of the Holy Spirit

Nine gifts were left by the Holy Spirit to people:

  • Word of wisdom;
  • Word of knowledge;
  • Faith;
  • The Gift of Healing;
  • miracle work;
  • Prophecy;
  • Distinguishing spirits;
  • Speaking in other tongues;
  • Interpretation of tongues.

Important! There are many signs in Christian culture, however, for all Orthodox believers, prayer and the confession of the Holy Trinity remain the main symbol of faith.

Video about Orthodox prayer

We all know that if the main symbol of Islam is the crescent, then the sign of Christianity is the cross. But at the same time, any religion is full of dozens of signs. Some are well known to our generation, others are so old that only frescoes or mosaics on ancient cathedrals can recall the times when such signs were considered sacred. In this article, we will try to put them together, and at the same time talk about the meaning of each.

Early Christian creeds

Early Christians were often mercilessly executed, so they hid their faith. However, many wanted to somehow identify their brothers, so symbols were created that at first glance did not resemble the Son of God, but in fact somehow related to His life. These early Christian symbols are still found in the shelter caves that served these people as the first temples. However, they can also sometimes be found on ancient icons and in old churches.

Or "ikhfis" - this is how the word sounds in Greek. He was honored for a reason: the word was an acronym for the popular Christian phrase "Jesus Christ, God's Son, Savior" (it sounded like "Jesus Christ Feu Ios Sotir").

Also, do not forget about the miracles of the Savior, in which the fish appeared. For example, about the Sermon on the Mount, which gathered a lot of people, and when they wanted to eat, He multiplied 5 loaves and 2 fish for everyone (that's why in some places the fish was depicted along with the bread). Or about the meeting of the Savior with the apostle Peter, a fisherman - Jesus then said: "As you now fish, so you will catch people."

People wore this sign on themselves (on the neck, as we now have a cross), or depicted it on their houses in the form of a mosaic.

  • Anchor

This is a sign of firmness, reliability of the church (after all, the anchor could hold in place huge ship), as well as the hope of resurrection from the dead.

On the domes of some ancient temples, you can see a cross, more like an anchor. It is believed that this sign means "the cross conquers the crescent", that is, Islam. Although other historians of religion are sure: this is an anchor.

  • Pelican

According to legend, adult birds were not afraid of snake venom. But if the snake crawled into the nest and bit the pelican chicks, they could die - to prevent this from happening, the bird tore its own chest with its beak, giving the chicks its blood as a medicine.

That is why the pelican has become a symbol of self-sacrifice, bloody communion. This image was often used during worship.

  • Eagle soaring over the city

Means the height of faith.

Today it has been transformed into a bishop's eagle (an attribute of a solemn divine service).

  • Phoenix

In the old days, they believed that the phoenix lived for 2-3 centuries, after which it flew to Egypt and died there, burning. From this ashes a new, young bird rose.

Thanks to this legend, the creature became a sign of eternal life.

  • Rooster

The sign of the resurrection of all people. This bird sings loudly early in the morning, and all people wake up. The trumpets of the angels will also sound loudly in the last hour of the earth, and the dead will rise for the final judgment.

  • Peacock

A symbol of heavenly life that awaits the righteous on the other side of death.

  • chrism

This is a monogram of two Greek words "Anointed One" and "Christ". Often it is decorated with two more letters - "alpha" and "omega" (that is, "beginning" and "end", which means the Lord).

Where can you see this Christian sign? On baptismal, sarcophagi of martyrs. And also on military shields and ancient Roman coins (when the persecution of Christians ended and this faith became the state one).

  • Lily

Many people know that this is a royal heraldic sign, but first of all it is a symbol of purity and purity (which is why even on modern icons the Virgin Mary is depicted with such a flower in her hands). By the way, it can also be seen on the icons of martyrs, martyrs and saints, honored for a particularly righteous life. Although this sign was honored in the Old Testament times (for example, lilies adorned Solomon's temple).

When the Archangel Gabriel came to the Virgin Mary to announce that she would soon give birth to the Son of God, this particular flower was in his hand.

Sometimes the lily was depicted in thorns.

  • Vine

As we know, Jesus said, "I am the vine, and my father is the vinedresser." The theme of wine is often mentioned in Christianity, because it is this drink that is used during the sacrament.

The image of the vine was decorated with temples, as well as ritual utensils.

In addition to the signs described above, there were others used by ancient Christians:

  • dove (Holy Spirit),
  • a cup of wine and a basket of bread (satiety, faith and the Lord's blessings are enough for everyone),
  • olive branch,
  • spikelet, ears of corn, sheaves (apostles),
  • ship,
  • Sun,
  • house (or one wall made of bricks),
  • lion (power and strength of God, churches),
  • calf, ox, bull (martyrdom, service to the Savior).

Symbols known to modern believers

  • Thorn crown. With them, Jesus was jokingly “crowned” by Roman soldiers, leading him to execution. This is a sign of suffering voluntarily brought for someone (in this case for all mankind).
  • Lamb. Sign of the Savior's sacrifice for the sins of mankind. Just as young lambs or doves were laid on the altar as a sacrifice to God at that time, so the Son of God became a sacrifice for the sake of all people.
  • Shepherd. So they designate Christ, who worries for the souls of people faithful to him, like a good shepherd for his sheep. This image is also very old. The first Christians painted the image of the Good Shepherd in their sanctuaries, since there was no “sedition” in it - it was difficult to immediately guess that this was the image of the Son of God. By the way, for the first time the image of the Shepherd is mentioned in the Psalter, in the 22nd psalm of King David.
  • Pigeon. The Holy Spirit, the third hypostasis of the Trinity (the Lord, His Son and the Holy Spirit). This ancient sign (as well as the Easter images of the Lamb) is still honored by people.
  • Nimbus. Means holiness and approach to the Lord.

Orthodox signs

  • Eight-pointed cross. Also known as "Orthodox", "Byzantine", or "St. Lazarus Cross". The middle crossbar - the Son of God was crucified on it, the top one - this is the very plate on which they cynically wrote "Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews." The lower crossbar, according to church historians, was also nailed to the very cross on which Jesus offered his sacrifice.
  • Triangle. Someone mistakenly considers it a sign of Masons. In fact, it is a symbol of the Trinity of the Trinity. Important: all sides of such a triangle must be equal!
  • Arrows. On icons, they are often put into the hands of the Mother of God (remember, for example, the Seven-shot icon). This sign means the prophecy of Simeon the God-Receiver, who announced that Jesus is the Son of God almost immediately after His birth. In a prophecy, he said to the Mother of God: “Your weapons will go into your soul, and the thoughts of many people will be revealed to you.”
  • Scull. Adam's head. Simultaneously a sign of death and resurrection. One legend says: on Golgotha, where Jesus was crucified, there was the ashes of the first man Adam (therefore, this skull is placed at the base of the cross on the icons). When the blood of the Savior was shed on this ashes, it symbolically washed away the sins of all mankind.
  • All-seeing eye. This eye of the Lord is a sign of His wisdom and omniscience. Most often, this symbol is included in a triangle.
  • Eight-pointed (Bethlehem) star. Symbol of the birth of Jesus. She is also called the Mother of God. By the way, in ancient times the number of its rays was different (constantly changing). Say, in the 5th century there were nine rays, they meant the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.
  • Burning bush. More often - a burning thorn bush, through which the Lord spoke to Moses. Less often - a sign of the Virgin, into which the Holy Spirit entered.
  • Angel. Means the earthly incarnation of the Son of God.
  • Seraphim. The six-winged angel is one of the closest to the Lord. Carries a fire sword. It can have both one face and many (up to 16). This is a sign of the Lord's love and purifying heavenly fire.

And besides these symbols, there is also a cross. Or rather, crosses - there are a great many of them in the Christian (as well as pre-Christian) tradition, and each carries some kind of meaning. This video will help you understand the ten most popular, although in fact there are many more:

And of course, we could not help but talk about how the Orthodox cross differs from the Catholic one. And although it is believed that it doesn’t matter what kind of crucifix you wear, but faith is important, you still shouldn’t violate the tenets of your religion with a pectoral cross. Tips for choosing this not an ornament, but the strongest amulet and a sign of a conscious choice life path- Here.

verbal, objective and other signs reflecting the highest spiritual reality. Greek the word sЪmbolon, a symbol, comes from the verb sumbЈllw, I connect. This etymology points to the role of S. as a type of communication designed to encode and transmit human experience and thought. In essence, any speech or system of conventional signs (for example, in mathematics) is symbolic. But in the realm of religion. C. is not an abstract idea or even an allegory; he himself is involved in that spiritual reality, to-ruyu reflects. Religious S. turns out to be necessary where an abstract, purely logical system is unable to express reality. “In a symbol, everything reveals a spiritual reality, and in it everything is necessary for its manifestation, but not all spiritual reality appears and is embodied in a symbol. A symbol is always in part, “for we know in part and we prophesy in part” (1 Cor 13:9), - for the symbol, by its very essence, connects incommensurable realities, of which one remains in relation to the other - "absolutely different" "(Prot. A. Schmemann). * Antinomy of the Bible. S. lies in the fact that they express the inexpressible. Therefore, by their nature, they are close to *mythologeme and dogma. In S., the words and images of temporal existence convey the secrets of eternal existence.

Verbal S. First of all, these include *Names of God, as well as *anthropomorphisms, *sociomorphisms in the Bible, as well as *biblical naturalmorphic images, designed to proclaim the Living God in the language of earthly ideas. Deeply symbolic are also the mysteries of metahistory, embodied in the *Prologue of the Book of Genesis, in *the prophets and in Revelation. Symbolic the language is characteristic of *pre-apocalyptic and *apocalyptic literature. Often a saint the authors resort to the paradoxes of *conceptual symbolism. The "spatial" images of Scripture are also symbolic (God abiding "in heaven", Christ "descending" into our world). S. do not pretend to adequately depict the mystery. Their main feature is the ability to convey the experience of the Beyond.

* Symbolic actions. These include special forms of prophetic preaching, *sacrifices and rites *of the sacraments of the Church.

Subject S. include belongings of old-fashioned. cult, for example, the Ark and the Tabernacle, which signify the presence of God among the people. The entire device is old-fashioned. Temple (candlestick, "copper sea", etc.) symbolizes the Universe filled with the Glory of the Lord. Symbolic are the elements of the rite in Christ. sacraments.

Bible S. in the early Christ. art. The fine arts of the ancient Church devoted much space to the symbolic. images borrowed from Scripture (especially from the OT and gospel *parables). Noah's dove symbolized the message of salvation, the lamb - Christ, the fish - the water of baptism (the word fish, ic (bj is also an abbreviation of the Greek words "Jesus Christ, God's Son, Savior"), the vine - the unity of the Church of Christ, fish and bread - The Eucharistic Meal, the Good Shepherd - the love of Christ. Sometimes the ancient Christians also used pagan S. (for example, the image of Orpheus, interpreted as * a prototype of Christ, taming evil forces). Despite the Old Testament prohibition of images, the art of late * Judaism also had its own pictorial symbolism In particular, on the walls of ancient * synagogues, images of the menorah, the Ark and temple utensils are often found (see Art. Fine Arts and the Bible)

*A v e r i n c e in S.S., S., FES; *Bernfel'd S., Symbolism in Heb. literature, EE, v.14; Bishop * Gedeon Pokrovsky (Archaeology and symbolism of the Old Testament victims, Kaz., 1888; Golubinsky D.F., Analysis and refutation of the false opinion about the Kivot of the Testament, PTO, 1862, v.21; Debolsky G.S., Establishments of the Old Church and the Christian Church, for which the first served as models, St. Petersburg, 1898; Ivanov M., Language of the Bible, ZhMP, 1975, (8; e g e, Features of biblical terminology, ZhMP, 1975, (10; Losev in A.F., Sign, symbol, myth, M., 1982; F artusov V.D., Plans and facades of Noah's ark, the tabernacle of Moses, the first and second Jerusalem temples and Solomon's palace with drawings of their accessories, M., 1909; y P., Pillar and affirmation of the truth, M., 1908; e.g., From the theological heritage, BT, 1977, collection 17; Archpriest Schmeman A., Eucharist, Sacrament of the Kingdom, Paris , 1984; for foreign bibliography, see B o u r g u e t R. de, Early Christian Art, L., 1971; E l i a d e M., Images and Symbols, L., 1961; O n a s c h K., Liturgie und Kunst der Ostkirche, Halle, 1981; U l r i c h E., Lexikon christlicher Symbole, Innsbruck-W.-Munch., 1976; HTG, Bd.4, S.175; NCE, v.13, p.863.

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