The wisdom of the ancestors is divination. Antique solitaire online divination - the wisdom of our ancestors

Created in the depths of Altai. At its very core.

They came to us from a true master of shamanic trance. In deep meditative peace, he created these drawings and called these cards "Wisdom of the Ancestors", because they contain simple worldly wisdom - after all, Life itself is very simple.

A person is complex, that is why it is so difficult for him to understand his Life.

The cards that we have placed on this page are intended for people who are extraordinary, seeking, knowing themselves and the world.

Every day you can start with an event forecast, asking a question to the cards and drawing one or more cards from the deck

And receiving instantly accurate and wise mini-predictions for the day, for the situation

Trinity layout will help you solve the problem based on three parts:

The mind is generally accepted judgments, “cold calculation”.

Emotions are your subconscious, your inner “feel”.

Consciousness is your Spirit or the help of the Ancestors, the help of the Gods.

For this you need clearly formulate the question, then draw the first card, which will show you an answer to a question that logic or reason can follow.

The next card will show you the answer to a question from the depths of your subconscious.

The third card is the help of the Ancestors, the Wisdom of the Gods.

By putting all three parts together, you can look at the situation more broadly and make a wise decision.

Four powerful trees with huge roots stand on the four cardinal points. Each tree represents its own world - past, present, future, eternity. Between the trees there is a couch made of branches, on which the body of a shaman rests, who left the world of Umai (the world of the present). Even after leaving the present world, the Big Shaman is ready to help all those in need, he is open to all people, to all Souls, to all Gods.


All your former life was a preparatory stage for a new, fuller life - the Higher Spirit. This card speaks of your high destiny and great prospects. The moment is approaching when you will have the opportunity to be reborn again, rising above habitual reactions, above old thinking and obsolete methods. People may come to you for help. Do not be afraid to "break away from the Earth" and appear outside the box to achieve the desired result.

VALUE OF THE CARD (for everyday affairs) - STRIVING, CHANCE.

All your environment and your whole way of life speaks of your originality. You prefer non-standard actions and the desire for leadership. Take advantage of the tips that will come to you in the near future. Selectivity and openness will help you "rise" above the usual manners of behavior and vision of the situation. You have a chance to gain a new life and a new experience.

This section contains free fortune-telling online from various systems that will help you open up your intuition, improve relationships, predict your future, get the necessary answers and make the right decisions.

The art of divination can be traced throughout the history of mankind and got its start even before the advent of writing. Any fortune-telling online is based on secret knowledge hidden from the uninitiated. It is no secret that many signs lie literally on the surface, but few see them. All we need to do during a divination session is to tune in and ask the right questions that the Universe will answer.

We are pleased to present you with various divination tools on the Internet. You are going on a magical journey, during which you should leave your worldly logic behind. Read the answer that is relevant to your problem and listen to your own intuition that will allow you to go beyond simple cause and effect.

Online divination options:

Traditional divination: dominoes, Book of Changes, divination simple maps online, divination by quotes, layouts of the soothsayer Lenormand, Tarot, online divination on a crystal ball, folk divination (on coffee, wax, etc.)

Ancient divination: Book of Fates, Catherine's divination, Oracle of Sibyl, Mirror of the World, Tibetan fortune-telling MO, fortune-telling of Pythagoras, Mahjong Oracle, Wheel of Fortune, Arabic fortune-telling.

Modern divination: Gold fish, fortune telling on hearts, fortune telling on a guy or a girl.

Ancient divination with the help of the Book of Fate. The most important questions in the life of every person, the answers to which on the Internet will help to lift the veil of your destiny.

An ancient divination based on 40 characters - a favorite pastime of the ladies-in-waiting at the court of Catherine I, is implemented as an online prediction.

Virtual divination uses a little-known translation of the ancient Chinese book of wisdom with additions from the philosopher Confucius.

Fortune telling on the ancients magic symbols online. There are many ways to divinate runes, each of them can correspond to the theme of your choice. We offer you 2 of the most famous of them: and.

Tarot cards are probably the most famous and most mysterious of all known prediction systems. These cards can provide answers to almost any question.

A collection of various fortune-telling: one-card layout, three-card layout, card fortune-telling by name, card fortune-telling for four kings, fortune-telling for desire, fortune-telling for the success of the enterprise.

Divination is based on a system zodiac constellations and their features. With the help of this divination, you can look at your question from the point of view of astrology.

Divination online for four cards, "Cross" layout, "Gypsy layout for 36 cards".

This fortune-telling will help you better understand how things will develop during the day that has begun. Divination is based on the effect that crystals have on a person and his Fate.

The numbers on the front side of the domino will predict this or that event. Just online guessing.

With the help of this love divination, you will learn everything about your loved one.

Find out which wish will come true the fastest?

With the help of this fortune-telling, you can immediately highlight the most important aspects of your life and get advice on how a particular case will be solved.

This numerological divination will help you find out how to act to resolve the issue.

The magical fortune-telling "Wheel of Fortune", created by a medieval occultist, will help you find out the future.

Ask your question to the soothsayer.

Ask your question to the Mirror and find out if your wish will come true.

A collection of traditional divination that you can do yourself, and a database of figure meanings that can be used in divination by tea and coffee, as well as divination by shadows, mirror and wax.

This divination gives the exact answer to the question posed. The basis of this divination is the Arab cabalist, who prophesies the future and predicts the fate of each person.

This is one of the modern fortune-telling, giving a forecast for the near future. You need to guess no more than once a month, or with a significant change in the situation that you were guessing at.

This divination is based on ancient game domino, originally from China. The wisdom of the Mahjong Foretellers will help you find a solution and learn more about your situation.

Be the sons of the Gods of the Family!

And Their Power will be with you to the end!


Astronomy, Star Reading and Jyotish.

Slavic-Aryan Vedic Astrology is called Star Reading and Star Science. Part of this science has been preserved Orthodox Old Believers. However, the grayings promulgated in the Asgardian lessons religious school on the topic "Stars and Earth", unfortunately, is not enough to compile natal charts and individual forecasting. So far, they are only enough to describe a generalized picture of the world, which is controlled by our Gods-Patrons and Gods-Rulers. Undoubtedly, the full knowledge of this will be made public, but only when we are spiritually mature, gain Sanity and the Ancestral Gods decide that we are worthy of it.

Vedic Astrology: lesson schedule of the Supreme Progenitor.

Fortune telling during the winter holidays

Unlike Christianity, in the Vedic tradition, divination is not a sinful act. On the contrary, everyone can find out what awaits him ahead, and be ready to respond correctly to certain events in the future. It is only important to know when and how to communicate with spirits without harming them or yourself.

In this video, the secrets of simple fortune-telling are quite well revealed for most of the curious. Nevertheless, it should be understood that fortune-telling is not a festive entertainment game and you should not pull the spirits by asking them the same question several times, hoping to get an answer that suits you.

You can learn about thunderous candles, mantras, phrases, appeals to the Gods-Rulers from the articles: Meeting, Protective Thunder Candles. and the Feast of the Presentation - Dodoli-Perunitsa.

How to cleanse and heal the Soul before the Christmas holidays.

The time before the start of the Christmas Holidays is very favorable in order to better understand your inner world, to put everything in order in your subconscious and in consciousness (in feelings, mind, mind, intellect and Soul).

This best time arrange a fun life for the "cockroaches", so that they would not spoil your life. “Cockroaches” are limiting ideas about yourself, false beliefs about yourself and others, and other inferiority complexes, for example: “Something is wrong with me”, “I am not worthy of respect, love, attention of other people”, “I will not succeed what I dream about”, “Everyone will laugh or mock me if I sincerely talk about my feelings”, etc. and so on.

The Earth is a Goddess, possesses Will and Co-Knowledge with the Supreme.

Rodobozhestvo is God-understanding.

Ladolya Bobrovskaya.

Gray in O lkom on the forest A the wind is roaring...

Month u at rushes from Heaven light O cue…

We keep the path Heavenly Force Sveta…

forest man And t in the arms of euphony,

Inviting with a song of birds…

The old man, so charmingly playing

maple O sweet-sounding harp.

Wise Magus according to God's All And ryu

Will lead the untrodden paths.

Swar itself O r gate A to Iria Abode

Will open heavy oak ...

Rus' mermaid blue O kaya

Asleep, covered by the palm of the Most High,

Prigol at beat of a distant traveler,

Shelter And t under the shadow of a samob s tnoyu.

Slavic-Aryan understanding of Dharma.

Sergey Kuchin

Overheard the conversation by accident

Walking in the city park -

The grandson of his grandfather explained desperately,

That it's easy to live and "everything is in a bundle."

Grandfather answered him measuredly,

Burying his chin on the cane.

And I listened, a little confused,

After all, I was an uninvited guest ...

- “Look, grandfather, now everything is possible:

Freedom, choice, internet.

Take it and use it, it's not difficult!

Life should be easier! Is not it so"?

Aryan family.

The concept of the family for the Aryans is blissful both in the biological sense and in the mathematical one. In biological terms, the family is a continuation of the Family, and in mathematical terms, it is seven I, that is, seven personalities: I, my father, grandfather and great-grandfather, as well as my son, grandson and great-grandson.

Arias. Myth and truth.

Each word has its own true value. If someone loses the understanding of this meaning, the word does not suffer from this.

The word Arya (Arya) refers to those rare words, behind which atrocities were committed in the previous century, and now continue to be committed. Many people equate this word with violence. Violent people are trying to find evidence of this. Many people succumb to false evidence.

The word does not suffer from all this. Those who distort its meaning and those who perceive these distortions suffer from this, because distortions arise from ignorance.

"Vyazemsky Yargic calendar of the life of Baba-Rozhanitsa in swinging heavy swearing two-layer ponyov.". Part 3

"Vyazemsky Yargic calendar of the life of Baba-Rozhanitsa in swinging heavy swearing two-layer ponyov." Part 2.

As soon as the bride jumped into her clothes, they immediately tied a sad ponyova about 3 yargas with a gashnik on her hips. An old-timer of Vyazemka, G. Turbuev, known for his brief judgments, put it this way: “It was the law. Panev was put on for Posad. The girl became a woman.

"Vyazemsky Yargic calendar of the life of Baba-Rozhanitsa in swinging heavy swearing two-layer ponyovs". Part 1.

Slavic-Aryan Genealogy.

Wormwood does not grow without a root.

Russian proverb.

Svarog is the Father, and the other Gods are His sons.

And we must submit to Him, just as

how they obeyed the parent,

because He is the Father of our race.

Veles book.

RodAllGodsAndallunder heaven,

RodWhatwasAndThat, whatbeto be,

Whatwas bornAndThat, Whatwill be born.

Rigveda (Mandala IV).

Back to the roots. Part 2.

Vinitarh - comrade-in-arms of Rodobozhy .

Before reading part 2 of this article, I advise read first its 1st part.

Journey into the past of near-horizon observatories.

All measurements given here were made at the latitude of the modern capital of Egypt - Cairo at zero altitude. For more northern latitudes and areas located on hills, the corresponding measurements may differ from those given, however, the essence of what is stated here remains unchanged. The azimuth of the winter solstice was determined during the separation of the visible disk of the Sun from the horizon of zero height.

ABC truths

« H our Slavic language is the language of the primitive world, of immemorial antiquity".
(P.A. Lukashevich (1809-1887) - Russian ethnographer, traveler, collector of Russian folklore, self-taught linguist, who spoke several dozen (!) Languages ​​and dialects).
Many, if not all, Russian-speaking people know the phrase "ABC Truths". As a rule, it characterizes something extremely obvious, very simple to understand. In order to explain the original, true meaning of this phrase, you must first say a few words about the Russian language and the Russian alphabet.Let's start with the fact that today there is no alphabet in Russian!

Russian language from time immemorial

This publication will abound in citations, since many respected researchers of the last 200 years have been deeply engaged in the study of the antiquity of the Common Slavic and Old Russian languages ​​and have achieved a lot in their research. Unfortunately, almost all of these works were forgotten, ignored by international philological science, openly banned and persecuted by the Roman catholic church. These works are hushed up even today, or they are branded “pseudo-scientific”, although they are not openly “ridiculed”, since the authoritativeness of the authors and the weight of the evidence set forth in them do not allow this.

Documentary evidence of the existence of pre-Cyrillic writing among the Slavs

T some words like "write", "read", "letter", "book" are common Slavic. That is, they arose at a time when Slavic peoples had one language. And there are no borrowed ones among them! In this article I will give excerpts from ancient documents, the authenticity of which is generally recognized by both official science and the Orthodox Church.

Kin - Tribe - People - State

Genus- this is family. Suppose there are 5 sons and 4 daughters in the Family, the sons created their families, as if new Clans, it turns out the children of brothers - these are already nephews and nieces, i.e. Tribe, they are all pedigree, of the same Kin-Tribe. When several Clans-Tribes unite, it turns out People– i.e. based on the Genera with common criteria: one Faith, language, culture, tradition. Cities and Vesey (spiritual-administrative regions) are formed, the peoples of the Race are united there; and now all Vesi Races were called by one word - Power.

What are tarot cards? Magic system, science or art? I want to open the veil of secrecy for you, so that each of those who wish can answer this question for himself. A deck of tarot cards has a very interesting and multifaceted structure, it contains deep knowledge of being, having learned which a person will know whether he is on the right path or if he should live differently, how to change the situation, bring the result of the desired closer, find his place in life. A deck of Tarot cards consists of 78 cards, each card has its own number, its own element, its own planet, its own zodiac sign, its own energy vibration.

Tarot is an integral system that clearly fits into the ancient esoteric teachings of Kabbalah, strictly fits into the astrological circle, where each process and phenomenon develops according to certain laws. These laws are immutable and exact. We cannot argue with you that day follows night, and that the sun shines during the day, and at night we can see the moon. This statement cannot be disputed by modern scientists.

Ancient philosophers understood these patterns and transferred their hermetic knowledge into encrypted pictures, which are called Tarot cards. The ancients understood that it was impossible to give the descendants of knowledge without a cipher, since the general availability of great knowledge could harm humanity. And when a person studies Tarot cards for a long time and finally comprehends the essence of destiny, he will never harm nature, himself, or people. Knowing the key to the cipher, the initiate tries to help people find a happy future. 78 Tarot cards include 22 Major Arcana, which describe the laws of the universe. These are energies that not only a person obeys, but everything that surrounds him. 40 digital cards describe in detail the wheel of life, the essence of events. 16 court cards are the characters (psychotypes) of people, and also describe the nature of the situation already manifested, or which will happen in the future.



A few words about choosing a deck

The fact is that today there are many different tarot decks. And it will be difficult for a beginner when choosing cards without the advice of a master. The variety and beauty is amazing, but NOT ALL DECKS ARE SUITABLE FOR THE WORK. My advice is to start with the classics. It may be the ancient Marseille tarot system, Aleister Crowley's system called "Tarot Thoth". I highlight a deck of Rider Waite cards extremely popular all over the world. In my opinion, it is she who is most understandable to novice tarologists. I do not advise jumping from one system to another, you need to thoroughly study one of the systems, otherwise confusion may arise.

Ancient solitaire online divination is a method that came to us from antiquity. Even our ancestors knew that it was this alignment that was able to reveal all the secrets of life to those who turned to it for help.

To date, Russian solitaire is one of the most interesting layouts that exist.

Experienced magicians can not only do this alignment online, but also at home. This is easy enough to learn and if you want, you can read in real life.

Almost everyone can guess. Even if you have not previously noticed that you have a predisposition to magic, you can try this ritual.

It is a reflection of all the wisdom of our ancestors, which has come down to our time, and it is impossible to give an exact date of its creation.

Ancient solitaire consists of many cards that are laid out in turn forming various patterns. Depending on which images matched in your scenario, this will be the result. The meaning of the drawings is the answer to your question.

This ritual can be used if you need to find the answer to any question or decide on a solution to a problem. You can ask each question only 1 time otherwise you can change your future. In order to find out all the answers, just click on the deck of cards and the veil of secrets will open.

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R - to dream