Why does the person who caused the damage avoid meetings. Why cause damage and the evil eye? How damage is done

It is not so difficult to bring damage to another person. The Internet is full of conspiracies and descriptions of magical rituals. Thousands of sorcerers and witches are ready to do this dirty deed for money. There is nothing to say about the evil eye. One has only to look at a child or an adult, full of negative thoughts, as the baby is naughty, and everything falls out of your hands. How to find out who caused damage? Before answering this question, let's establish whether this is necessary to know.

A conspiracy that helps to find out who caused damage

Do I need to know the source of the negative

Does it really matter who caused the damage or the evil eye? Yes, it is very important.

Evil eye

Everyone has heard such a word as "evil eye". In this case, the victim did not necessarily annoy his offender, and he wanted to deal with her. This may be an unintended impact. Imagine that a girl is walking next to her husband, holding a child by the hand. To meet her - another who has no personal life and children. She is filled with malice. She has no complaints about this particular girl, she did not do anything wrong with her, but the second one has a negative attitude towards life, anger, envy, etc. There is an exchange of energy, and the first one receives a negative message. It is easy to remove it yourself, and it returns to the one from whom it came.

Is it good? What good can be in the negative, in such an aura that suddenly appears around a person. Therefore, you need to know from whom such energy comes. If you know that some person is walking down the street and punching everyone in the face, you will not wait for the next blow. Something similar happens in the spiritual life. You need to know who is constantly “beating” you energetically in order to protect yourself from negative influences.

There are ways that help to independently determine who has jinxed a family or an individual. It is easy to recognize this. But one point is important here. You can not condemn this person, be angry with him. Anger returns back, and you yourself join the ranks of those who can jinx it. Better take pity on this man. Deeply unhappy people get angry. Just wall yourself off from him, avoid, and do not take revenge and do not get angry.

There are ways that help to independently determine who has jinxed a family or an individual


Why know who did the damage? If severe damage was caused, then not only the victim herself suffers from it, but also her relatives up to the 7th knee, and the children and grandchildren of the victim, and the relatives of the customer himself, because damage returns to the one who brought it. Now these two are connected by magic, and only a white magician can break this connection, neutralize the effect of corruption.

What to do to save the family? This will only help white magic, which should eliminate the consequences of damage and establish protection. To do this, you need to know who did it. But this protection can only be targeted, i.e. block the actions of a particular person. Therefore, you need to know where this evil came from. You need to get rid of the damage, but it is already present, the negative cannot simply dissolve in the air, the magician must direct it to someone. It would be unfair to choose another victim for this purpose. Then you yourself turn into a customer and will be punished for this. Therefore, the magician directs it back to the one who himself caused the damage. Revenge is bad, but in this situation, the white magician has no choice, because. there are such damages that cannot be removed otherwise, it returns to the one who brought it.

How to find out who jinxed

What to do in case of an evil eye? If you want to recognize that you have jinxed your family, you need to make sure that the evil eye is present. Then a ceremony is held to remove it. And it is necessary to read the conspiracy itself, which will help to find out who jinxed it, on the very next night after the first rite. You can do this on your own, without turning to witches. At this time, someone else's energy is just coming out of you, and you can influence it so that it indicates who jinxed the family. She returns to the one from whom she came, so she can point to a specific person.

You can find out who jinxed yourself, without turning to witches

The ritual itself

To find out from whom the evil eye on you or your family comes from, stand in front of the mirror in the evening and read the Prayer to Cyprian 3 times. Look in the mirror, at the point that is on top of your head, and say the words of the conspiracy, also three times:

“Remember the Slave (name) for health, and his enemy for peace! Calm all his angry thoughts! Let it appear before me! So that we are not bound by the same fate! Amen!".

Then go to sleep.


After you read the plot, wait for it to work, it will be the next morning. If a friend jinxed you, he will come to visit you or call you. But sometimes we get the evil eye from random person. But in this case, you will encounter him in these 3-7 days. He will either ask you about something, or push you, i.e. there will be some contact. But an accidental evil eye is not so terrible, because. chances are high that you will never see this person again.

It is much worse if the glaring person is your relative or acquaintance. Then he will definitely let you know about himself, i.e. come or call. Sometimes the evil eye comes from the Internet. many publish in in social networks your photos. And there this person will prove himself, leave a comment or write a message, etc. In this case, you need to somehow protect your photos from prying eyes.

How to find out who sent the curse

If you suspect that you have been corrupted, first make sure that these are not your fantasies. There is damage to the disease, to the family, to the house, and to death, etc., each has its own symptoms. Read about it or go to a good magician who will tell you whether you have damage or not. Perform the ceremony yourself, read the plot. When you are sure that there is damage, act.

Try to understand who could damage you

Without magic

Before embarking on magical rites, sit down and think about who could plot evil against you. We are afraid of some people, and this happens at the level of intuition, because. they can be outwardly pleasant, and even curry favor with us. There are people who consider everyone hypocritical, live filled with hatred and anger. A wave of negativity emanates from them, therefore, both the person himself and his relatives suffer from depression, they begin to have nervous breakdowns. In the first place, we suspect these are the people, but they are not necessarily guilty. What to do if you or your family have been harmed?

Sit down and think first.

  1. Think back to the moment you got into trouble. If you find it difficult to do it right away, take a sheet of paper and write down individual events until you get to the starting point.
  2. You managed to remember when it all started. Now think about who you communicated with during this period, what you could do at that moment. Did someone come to visit you or invite you to his place, gave gifts?
  3. Make a list of your contacts. Don't cross anyone out, write them all down. If all the events have already been forgotten, ask for help loved one. When the list is ready, go through it with your eyes, trying to determine at the level of intuition who is guilty. How to do it? Name each person and introduce them. What do you feel? If these are warm feelings - cross out, if hostility - leave. You have no more than 10 people on your list.
  4. The list of suspects is ready, you will need to meet and talk with them. Catch the first emotion on a person's face when he sees you. You may see fear and rage, and your inner feelings may intensify. Watch the conversation, the person will try to ask you how you are doing. He is only interested in that part of life that is associated with damage. After that, he will try to leave, citing employment. The person does not look you in the face, clenches his fists or crosses his arms when talking, licks his lips, etc.
  5. Buy some trinket and try to give it to your potential abuser. What will he do if he is guilty? Will not take it under any circumstances, may panic and run away.

To find out who caused damage, make a list of your contacts


If you are not sure that this is the same person, read the plot. There are many options simple rituals that you can do on your own.

  1. Sleep conspiracy

    It must be read the night before any Orthodox holiday. Before going to bed, you need to say the cherished words, after which it is forbidden to eat or drink, talk. This night you will see in a dream the culprit of the damage. If the sorcerer drowned or burned out, then the damage was not strong, and you have already got rid of it.

    “Saint Samson will appear and send me a prophetic dream,

    Who thought the black thought

    Who spoke an unkind word,

    Who did evil deeds

    He sent damage-damage,

    Let him come to me in a dream. Amen".

  2. Salt Conspiracy

    It is carried out on the growing moon, on a night when there are many stars in the sky, at exactly 12 o'clock. At this time, pour half a glass of salt into a hot pan and leave it on fire for about 20 minutes. At this time, stir it and constantly repeat:

    “I will feed and drink all seventy-seven. Show-tell who did evil to the Servant of God (name) and libel - it’s not a fish, not a bird, not a beast, but an evil person.

    The salt will turn dark and crackle. It's time to wrap it in a napkin and take it outside. Get under starry sky, on the right, count 21 stars and say:

    “Queens of the stars, return the evil that was brought to me neither by fish, nor by birds, nor by beasts, but by man - return to the one who did it, and God will forgive!”

    Take the salt to the crossroads and pour it out there.

    Three days after the ceremony, you should communicate with people as little as possible, do not take any gifts from them and do not give anything yourself, do not lend money, etc. In the morning, go to church and order a service for health in the name of the person you suspect, put 2 candles for his health. If he makes himself felt within 1-2 weeks, it was definitely the culprit of the damage.

If a person has been subjected to black damage, then he will know about it at the moment when the essence reaches the body and settles in the broken shell of the biofield. Sometimes a sick person does not want to accept the fact that his lifestyle was so destructive to the body that he led to a serious illness. Then he is looking for someone to appoint guilty in this situation. Some people have a suspicion that the grandmother is to blame, which caused damage to me. To distinguish signs of spoilage from somatic diseases, you need to monitor your health constantly and analyze the available signs, which not everyone can do.

Application black magic- a rather rare occurrence in our lives, and often random people who decide to take revenge on their offender are engaged in this business. Therefore, in order not to look for who brought damage to me, you need to behave correctly with the people around you. Sometimes damage is caused by people who have been professionally doing this for many years. They do this either for a fee in order to earn a living, or at the behest of their souls in order to assert themselves. Therefore, no one is immune from damage.

Why damage affects the body

Black damage is done at a distance. The sorcerer takes a photograph of the victim or her belongings, and performs a ritual with them. His task is to summon an entity suitable for work and send it to his enemy for a specific purpose. Moreover, for demons, distances do not matter, and the message will still find its addressee.

Many rituals are performed at night when a person is sleeping. At the moment of getting into his bio-fields of the essence, he can see a prophetic dream, foreshadowing the disease. It can be dirt that suddenly falls on the head, or a person gets stuck in it. Old worn shoes, dirty water also warn of danger. Some see how something misty penetrates their dwelling and takes root in the body. After this dream, symptoms of a strange illness soon develop, which doctors cannot cure.

Important: A disease that is difficult to diagnose is caused by spoilage.

It is wrong to think that damage done to death must necessarily kill. Any person came into this life to fulfill some personal high mission. His task is to understand what his soul is. She is black, or white, bringing evil or good. When the mission is completed, and the soul has reached its goal, it leaves the mortal body and goes to the world from which it came. God allows inflicting an energy blow on a person only in those cases when it is useful for the soul itself to understand its task.

Someone really, after the damage was inflicted, passes away because he has already done everything he could, and an aggressive energy strike allowed the soul to quickly free itself from a well-functioning body. Someone in the fight against evil strengthens faith in the Lord God, to whom this disease allows him to become stronger in spirit.

Thus, the evil sorcerer who brought damage to you has fulfilled his destiny, and there is no need to be afraid of him. If there is an interest in life, one must learn to resist evil, and then not a single magician will break through energy shell. Even if he does this, the body of a person with a strong spirit will quickly patch up the holes, and the planted entity will leave the body itself. You must always go your own way and not be afraid of the entities, and this only increases the energy strength.

What diseases develop with damage and the evil eye

It is difficult to go forward when a magical blow has just been dealt, because an open wound on the biofield releases a lot of energy, and this is reflected in the general well-being. Usually, a person with fresh spoilage begins to suffocate. He is short of breath and develops asthma symptoms. As a rule, analyzes in this case show conflicting results. The spirogram is normal, and the diaphragm, which directly depends on the energy flows, is tense, and this can be seen on the x-ray.

Another common disease in case of damage is nervous disorders that are caused by an entity sitting inside the biofield. This is explained by the fact that entities feed on energy, and an emotionally unbalanced person releases it in huge quantities. With love types of damage, problems begin with the organs located in the pelvic area. Endometriosis, which develops in women of reproductive age, is often caused by negative programs. You can get rid of them only when the work of the two lower chakras, which are blocked with such types of damage, improves.

They suffer from the evil eye much more often than from damage. Many diseases associated with disruption of the endocrine system begin only because someone communicated with someone, and the energy-eating entity managed to cling to the victim. Then there are violations in lactation, mastopathy, anemia, loss vitality, hypotension and many other pathological conditions that doctors do not treat, but observe.

How to deal with signs of spoilage

Since we are all children of God, it is best to turn to him in our prayers for help. People who have a good habit of thanking God for giving them health surprisingly rarely get sick. Removes negativity well.

  • Cleansing prayers help very well with all types of damage. With their help, within 3-5 days, you can raise to your feet any patient suffering from a disease that develops against the background of spoilage.
  • The water over which these prayers are read has magical qualities. It helps to cleanse the body of larvae and recover.
  • Cleansing breath is an excellent remedy for all diseases. With the help of it, a person restores the biofield pierced by an energy blow and cleanses the energy channels. Breathing exercises should be used by everyone who wants to have strong energy protection.
  • The power of imagination helps to imagine your body from the side and cleanse it of dirt. It is good to remove the old energy sheath like a stocking in case of illness and burn it on an imaginary fire and immediately restore and build up a new fresh layer of the aura with the help of breathing exercises.
  • Cleansing of the chakras must necessarily take place during the period of any illness, and in case of damage, such work brings a quick recovery in a matter of days.

All these works are connected with the knowledge of esoteric practices. All of them allow you to independently clean your biofield from negative connections and not be afraid of any witchcraft evil. If there are no such developments, you will have to seek help from specialists who know how to recognize damage and how to get rid of it.

How to find out who is to blame for the damage

When a person was damaged, 2 parties are to blame. If the damage is done undeservedly, the aggressive side will be punished by the Higher Forces. It is not necessary for the most spoiled person to look for special ways to find out who caused the damage. Between people at magical rituals bindings are often formed. And when one breaks the binding from his biofield, the second experiences spiritual discomfort and goes to his victim to find out how things are going with her.

The aggressor is easy to calculate by those people, after communicating with whom there are attacks of the disease. If the damage is old, after the retribution has come, the person who has done the dirty deed goes to the victim and tells her about the punishment that has come for the evil done. Therefore, if someone unfamiliar suddenly came up to you and began to talk about his troubles, this did not just happen in your life.

You can identify an ill-wisher when you come across an unfamiliar person who is being taken to the hospital, and you know for sure that it was he who was taken in the ambulance. Thus, the Higher Forces inform you that retribution has come true.

Important: Never attempt to use black magic to exact revenge on an enemy unless you have permission from the Lower Powers to do so. In this case, an uninitiated person gets into a vicious circle of kickbacks, which greatly reduces the years of life and makes it bleak.

Instead of endlessly thinking about how to get revenge, live and enjoy life, which greatly upsets the enemies. Joyful emotions make the biofield more resistant to negative bindings, and this prevents black damage from reaching its goal.

If attacks of black magic occur constantly, then finding out who is causing damage is vital. From this person you need to close, and this means the cessation of communication. Since damage is often caused by a person from a close circle of friends, then by calculating it, you can solve all health problems.

Methods and techniques for recognizing the aggressor

To find out who caused the damage, you can use wax, which is a frequent assistant in magic. This substance is used for divination, cleaning the upper chakra from the evil eye and for diagnostics. To recognize the magician who sent the corruption, you need a candle or just a piece of wax. It must be melted with fire. Then pour into a container with ice water holding a cup over his head. In this case, it is required to say either the Our Father prayer, or one of the conspiracies. This will fit:

Passions, passions come out, pour out from a servant of God (or from a baby) from a violent head, from thick curls, from clear eyes, from a zealous heart, from hands, from legs, from veins and lives, from a white body, from red blood, from a clean belly, I don't pour out passions, fear, but they pour out Mother Holy Mother of God with all Angels, Archangels, guardians and patrons.

They pour wax, as if crossing water in a cup. After everything is poured, the cup is placed on the table, and they are waiting for the casting to completely harden. After they begin to consider the resulting figure. The image is read from reverse side. There may be growths, ropes, faces, silhouettes, figures. If damage was induced, then it will be cast on wax, as it was done.

All magicians say that Tarot cards are never wrong, and they can also give out information regarding the one who caused the damage. Certain layouts will help point out the culprit. If the dropped cards indicate an inverted moon or tower, then the ritual was performed by a loved one. The sorcerer will testify that the curse was cast by a specialist full of physical strength. The high priestess will point to an older woman who performed the ceremony. The high priest will point out the old man, and the hermit will point out the fact that damage has been induced for a long time.

The pendulum is an easy way to find out the culprit. The technique of working with it is quite simple, but you need to believe in what the pendulum says. All answers are given by the subconscious, which contains much more information. The pendulum allows you to pull out everything that escaped attention, but disturbs the soul of a person.

You need to carry out the ritual alone, so that nothing interferes with concentration. You need to take a white paper sheet and draw a person on it. Then write “No” and “Yes” above his head on the right and left, and in the center dot 0. Then cross yourself and read “Our Father”.

Then they put the sheet on the table, having previously placed candles bought in the church in its corners. After that, you need to put the pendulum in the center of the picture, wait until it becomes motionless, and start asking him first simple questions with obvious answers, and then more complex ones that will help you, how to find out for sure who caused the damage, and the reasons why he did it .

How to see an aggressor in a dream

Dreams are often mediators of magicians, but often their help comes to those who have suffered from negativity. They can tell who performed the black rite. Moreover, according to popular beliefs, this can happen on the night of Thursday to Friday and from Saturday to Sunday. To have a prophetic dream, you need a prayer. There are several of them, and you need to choose the one that is more suitable for the existing state.

Prayer for sleep for two candles is used once a month on the full moon from Thursday to Friday. For the ritual, two church candles are needed, which are twisted into one and held so that one wick burns from above and the other from below. Candles are held with the left hand in the middle and the plot is read:

Mother of God, I pray you, yes Jesus Christ. Let my desire become clear. May the grace of the Lord come to me. Through my dream, but in my memory. Let the angel of dreams tell me about the future. For the morning, for tomorrow, for the day after tomorrow. (report about the time in which you want to predict the events). Key. Lock. Language. Amen.

After the end of the reading, the candles are immediately extinguished and placed at the head or on the cabinet. Then silently, without talking to anyone, they immediately go to bed. You need to fall asleep before midnight. Candle stubs should be taken to the church and left in the stub tray.

There is another spell for a prophetic dream on Saturday. Before going to bed, you need to take a piece of black bread and sprinkle it with salt. When you salt, you need to cast a spell:

Sunday with Monday, Tuesday with Wednesday, Thursday with Friday, and you, Saturday, no friends, here's bread and salt for you, and give me a clear dream. Let me dream of the one who brought damage to me.

Bread and salt are placed under the pillow and go to bed. In the morning, bread should be fed to the animals. If the person who made black damage does not appear in a dream, you can reveal him with the help of a conspiracy for evening water for a prophetic dream. To do this, in the evening at sunset they are gaining clean water in a natural source into a deep plate and read a plot over it:

By the dawn of the evening I invite the devil, I ask him for true and secret words. Not everyone knows those words, but whoever hears them, He will recognize prophetic dreams. When I fall asleep, I will find answers to my questions. Amen.

They wash their face, hands and feet three times with water, wipe themselves with a clean towel and go to bed.

How to remove damage

And although experienced sorcerers know that returning the curse is more expensive for themselves, there are enough ways to do this. One of the techniques can be applied at home. To do this, you need a black candle, and on its bottom you need to scratch out the name of the person who caused the damage with a knife, and then blow on the candle three times, imagining that all the negative energy directed by this sorcerer is exhaled.

After that, you need to tie the base of the candle with a cotton thread, while leaving a knot free, which then needs to be wound around the candle from top to bottom counterclockwise. During this action, the person who was damaged should imagine that an invisible cocoon is forming around him, capable of protecting him from the curse. At the very top of the candle, you need to make a knot. Then you will need lamp oil, they need to lubricate the entire candle, and it is important not to leave dry places.

Put the candle in a box with a nominal icon for 40 days. After this time, she must be thrown into the fire, thanking the Higher Powers for liberation from corruption.

A rowan branch will help punish the enemy. This is one of the most simple ways take revenge on the one who caused the damage. A dried rowan branch is placed on the threshold or in the house of the black magician with a slander on the branch:

I return everything that belongs to others, I take my own. I give you damage back, I take my health and good luck. Key, lock, tongue, amen.

This method is fair, since only those who are really to blame will suffer from this ritual. If the mountain ash was thrown by mistake, then nothing bad will happen to him. It is very reasonable to use this method, since it is not always easy to find out exactly who caused the damage to an ordinary person, and you can blame the wrong one.

An ordinary person who finds himself in the power of black magic is afraid that he will not be able to get rid of it without an experienced sorcerer. You should always try to resist evil on your own, without the help of others. If the recommended methods do not help, you need to seek help from specialists. Use our contacts available on the site. We have extensive experience in the fight against corruption, and with our support and protection you will be able to defeat your enemy.

Today we will talk about how to be sure to find out who has damaged you, the evil eye or sent a curse. Consider proven rituals, rituals and conspiracies that help identify a person who has sent or caused damage and other negative energy. We will study the moments that allow us to find out who caused damage to illness, celibacy, failure, death, to protect ourselves from this ourselves and return to the ill-wisher all his witchcraft and negative energy strikes

But before starting defensive actions, it is worth finding out if magic is involved in any negative events. How to find out if damage is directed at a person?

1. Pay attention to the eyes. The appearance of white dots in the pupils indicates the presence magical influence.

2. Salt is calcined in a pan and read "Our Father". If it turns black, then damage is present.

3. They roll the whole body and head with a chicken egg, while reading "The Living in Help." After they break it and look at the contents. If there are blood blotches there or, even worse, the egg turns out to be rotten, then a strong negative has definitely pierced the energy field of the victim.

In people affected by magical effects, the following unpleasant symptoms are observed:

cockroaches, ants, rats appeared in the house, while the neighbors do not have them at all;

you have pigment spots on your skin;

you cannot get pregnant and the doctor cannot find the cause in your health;

delay, atypical pain during menstruation;

sudden weight loss, or, conversely, weight gain;

you cannot get married and create a long-term relationship with a man;

you get sick - you are treated, you get sick again - you are treated, but the diseases do not recede, but, on the contrary, are added;

Animals shy away from you

you have dreams with spirits, the dead;

If you are baptized, and you are used to wearing a cross on your body, when damaged, it is lost, dims, becomes heavy and you want to take it off.

Video of the ritual protecting from the evil eye, damage and curses:

YouTube video

The easiest way to identify the person who has spoiled you is to put salt or flour under the rug at the doorstep of your house. When this person comes to you and steps on this rug, then the salt or flour should turn black. Also, if you are in the same room with this person, then throw a burnt match into a glass of water. If the match drowned, then this person is involved in your troubles and illnesses. If this person was in a room where there was fresh water in a glass new milk, then after an hour it should turn sour and curl

With the help of this magical rite, you can find out at home who brought negative energy to you. To perform the ritual, you will need a container of clean, filtered water and natural wax..
You should not use paraffin, as in this case the magic will lose its power and either will not work at all, or will give incorrect information.

Melt a small amount of natural wax in a water bath and pour it in a thin stream into a container of chilled water, pronouncing the words:

“I pour wax into water, I pour out the name of my enemy.” When all the wax is in the water, carefully look at the resulting figures, it is in them that the answer to your question lies.

First of all, you need to determine the gender of the ill-wisher. A woman is symbolized by figures resembling a moon or a flower, and a man by a rhombus, a square, a raven and a bear. The more powerful the magical ritual used to harm you, the more accurate information you will receive about this person.

Video how to send damage to your offender yourself:

YouTube video

If damage was used for a severe illness or for death, then you can even get a fairly clear image of the person who harmed you. In other cases, the shape of the wax may indicate your enemy's occupation, habits, and so on. Be careful and you can easily recognize an evil person.

This simple rite builds the magician's energy connection with higher powers that will allow you to recognize your enemy. This magical ritual is performed during sunset, so you need to prepare all the necessary things in advance.

You will need: seven old keys and a pot of boiling water. As soon as the sun begins to hide behind the horizon, throw all the keys into the water and say the words of the conspiracy three times:

“Whoever wants to bring harm to the servant of God (name), bring the devil to his house. Will not evil person rest, the devil will drive him out of the chambers. Amen".

The next day you will definitely meet your enemy, perhaps he will be spinning near your door right in the morning and will be very worried about something.

But how do you know if there is damage? The first way is with church candle. In a healthy person energetically, it burns evenly, without sagging. In a person who has energy breaks, evil eye, damage, the candle smokes, flickers and blinks, and also has influxes. Fading away, it may hint at the proximity of death.

Bending it in the hands of the corrupted indicates the presence of the evil eye. Damage can also be seen by specialists: psychics, tarologists. But who causes damage, how to recognize this ill-wisher? In order to see the face, you can cast wax (with a slight evil eye, it helps and weakens the consequences of the induced dirty trick). Tarot cards can describe a person. Specialists can discern from your aura who is involved in the trouble. In general, many methods of divination can give an answer.

You can also call this person to yourself with certain rituals. For example, if at the minute when the sun has gone below the horizon (this can be easily determined from the calendar on the network), throw seven keys into boiling water and say: "Whoever harms the Slave / Slave (N) brings the devil tomorrow. Amen. " There is another way: put an aspen branch under the threshold or near it and say to the branch: "It is not a blacksmith and not a reaper, but a mower, whoever wears a lining for me, mows that mower. Amen." There is also a way to the graveyard nail, but this is quite extreme.-
It should be understood that you have nothing to see this person for. It is generally better to forget about the one who causes damage, how to recognize him. You will not be able to avoid a person, but to take revenge means to return the problem to yourself in a triple equivalent. If you had damage and it was removed, then retribution will still overtake the contractor and customer. By the way, within a week after removing the evil eye, you should not give anything to anyone, especially if they ask. This makes it easier for the perpetrators to pay. After removing the damage, the guilty may call you, come, ask for something - in a word, show anxiety unusual for them. That's how you find out who did it. Such restlessness is a sign that they are getting retribution.

This method, which allows you to find out who caused damage to you, is quite simple to perform and does not require additional preparation from you. But you will have to work hard spiritually and mentally, since your mood and purity of thoughts are very important in this ritual. To conduct it late at night, just before going to bed, mentally prepare for the conspiracy. You should remove extraneous thoughts from your mind and completely surrender to the desire to know the offender who did damage to you. Once you feel ready, say this incantation phrase:

I walk in rows, I look with my eyes.
Among the rows there is a cunning Samson.
In his name, eternal and living,
I say the black word
Sly Samson, show me a prophetic dream.
May Samson show me my enemy,
Through a dream, a prophetic face will show it to me.
Living and dead water, help

This plot will help bring your enemy to your doorstep, and its effectiveness is quite high. But remember that you are speaking to higher magical powers, and use elements of black magic. If you are a beginner, or are completely unsure of your abilities, beware of choosing this particular method of determining the person who has brought damage to you. To effectively perform this rite, you will need a nail that you brought from the cemetery. Moreover, it is not necessary to take it from the lid of the coffin of the deceased, just found on the territory of the deceased will do. The main thing to remember is that you can’t take such an object with your bare hands, follow the safety precautions.
Arriving home, drive the brought nail into the threshold, while saying the words:

“Let my enemy come in three days,
and if he does not come, he will die in six months.
Cemetery, coffin, nail,
waiting for you, invited guest"

In just a couple of days, on the same threshold you will see a person who brought a curse on you. Finding out that it was him would not be difficult: all of his nervous and tired appearance will tell you about it. In addition, you can look into his face and you will definitely see a shifty look. As a rule, in most cases, the ill-wisher manifests himself some time after the start of the opposition, that is, after the ritual to remove the corruption, the negative leaves the victim, but it does not dissolve in space and does not melt in the air, but goes straight to the original link in this magical chain.

In this case, the customer has a hard time, because by the time of contact with him, the clot negative energy is gaining great strength and hits very painfully. Usually the legs themselves carry the enemy to their victim, as well as the criminal to the crime scene.

Here it is important not to give him recharge. It is worth stopping any attempts of interaction. The one who was spoiled will himself understand by the behavior of the other who exactly annoyed him.

There are cunning pests that put up a backlash shield, redirecting all negativity with certain conspiracies to an animal, tree or other person. These will have to be reached by special rituals.
The simplest is the ceremony with a candle in a glass. They take a thin church candle and put it in a faceted glass filled with water to the middle. They light the wick and begin to read the plot through the open door or window. It is advisable to do this at night at the witching hour - from 3 in the morning until the first cock crow. As soon as the candle begins to fade from the water, they immediately stop the ceremony and silently go to bed, having previously hidden all the attributes of the ritual in a place where no one will climb in and find them. Here are the words of the call:

Until the sinner repents

From my candle will toil.

Let it appear on the threshold

And repent of all his evil deeds.


You should be attentive during the week to anyone who behaves unusually during this period. It is not necessary that the enemy will come and ask for forgiveness. As a rule, in such situations, the customer of damage becomes overly intrusive towards the victim, makes ridiculous requests, such as borrow salt or bread, tries to contact the object of his sabotage at least verbally. Some show unprecedented perseverance in order to somehow make contact with a person who resists exposure.

If there was a meeting with the perpetrator of the atrocities, you can not enter into a dialogue with him, give him something and generally interact even verbally. He needs to cut off all the ways of approaching the victim, thereby not giving replenishment.

If the proposed method turned out to be rather weak and the enemy did not show himself, then there are other methods for calculating the villain, for example, a prophetic dream. With its help, it is easy to find out if you have caused damage, your secret spiteful critic. On the eve of any holy holiday, before going to bed, they read a special conspiracy that helps to see the culprit through a dream. Here are his words:

I go to bed and wish to know

Who caused damage, who is my pest,

Through sleep and great power

I will master everything secret and hidden.

Nothing will stand in my way.

Show me the face of the enemy.

Lips, teeth, key, lock. Amen.

The main thing is not to touch your head with your hands when you wake up. What they see is not told to anyone. Men order prophetic dreams on men's days- Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. Women are reserved for this Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. Sunday is better never to be defiled by magical rituals.

After the enemy has become known, they perform a rite of removal of damage and then put protection on themselves and their family.

Your natural reaction will be the desire to learn how to return the induced damage. For the final stage of working with damage, you will need the following:

the heart of a dead animal (maybe a chicken heart bought on the market);

hawthorn thorns - 9 pcs. (in winter they can be replaced with small nails);

large nail - 1 pc.;

a plate (which you can easily throw away later).

To begin, put the heart on a plate and stick in all 9 nails (thorns). At the same time, put all the hatred, anger, resentment, desire to return everything received to your enemy into your actions.

“I call the one (the one) who harmed me, who sent damage to me! Now I hurt you! Wherever you are, come to me immediately. Through all obstacles, seas and oceans, mountains and land!”

Drive in the last big nail.

Now make a fire (do not do it in public) and burn the heart with nails. The remains of the burned must be buried in the ground, in a "dead" place, reading the following words:

“Let all evil and all hatred return to the one who brought it on me.”

If you conduct research on your own, you must strictly follow all the described rules and sequence of actions.

Now you know how to recognize if there is damage on you, and who brought it on. Crack the egg carefully and pour it into a glass. There must be full concentration on this matter. Try not to move during this time. After 3 minutes, carefully remove the glass from your head and carefully inspect.1.

You need to immediately pay attention to a raw egg in water and remember how it looks, whether there are black dots, blood clots on it. Well, if this has already happened, then you can easily and quickly get rid of the damage done to a person from a photograph. If there are streaks, silvery balls in the glass, most likely your aura is disturbed. Everything can end in death.

Such damage begins to work suddenly. The one who sent it goes to the bitter end and will calm down only after your death. In the event that strong professional damage is induced, if the witchcraft performed against a person has destructive power, a disgusting smell will come from a candle burning nearby.

If you want to know how to remove damage or send damage to your offenders yourself, then see other sections of this site using the direct links located on the panel on the right. .

I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will tell you how to remove it if damage is induced, and first I will give several ways by which you can identify the enemy, make him show himself.

Definitely, if they caused damage to a person, i.e. if it has already been diagnosed, and there is no doubt that the matter is dark, witchcraft, purges are needed. You can use home cleaning. But you can also apply those that are designed to remove a certain type of negativity, depending on which curse is diagnosed, for example, demonic damage or damage made by the power of the dead.

The question is, can loved ones cause damage? Of course they can. As a rule, it happens. Those who conjure are those who are nearby, in a close environment - acquaintances, colleagues, friends, relatives. Human relationships are incredibly complex, and someone else's soul is dark.

What to do if they caused damage - a conspiracy to find out who conjures

In magical rituals, there are, in general, good, working rituals aimed at ensuring that the enemy himself comes or confesses. To conduct them, if you really have a need for this, you need to start cleansing from the negative. After magical cleansing, it is pointless to do this. However, these rites have, and can work in different ways. It is not necessary that the person conjuring on you will come, or call, or somehow manifest himself in some other way, although he may be very close if, say, for example, your sister is causing damage. The person may suddenly become ill or have symptoms energy negativity. If you did the rite correctly, to to find out who brought a strong damage to you, know that, one way or another, your enemy will get it.

But, you can also get it when trying to recognize who brought black damage.

And here are the conditions under which this can happen. If, when performing such rituals, the enemy has good protection, and your own defense is rather weak, you yourself can roll back very, very well, and then you will have to clean yourself. This matter is serious.

I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will clarify so that there is no misunderstanding, such rituals do not remove the negative, these are not purges, they only reveal your enemies, help to find the one who caused the damage. Those. if you don’t know who is harming you, then after a special ceremony, maybe someone will show up. Although, self-cleansing for salt with a return also reveals the enemy, but at the same time it also cleans the negative.

How do you know if envious people or rivals want to spoil?

A desire is just a desire until it is realized. And a completely different matter is the realized intention. Before doing the cleansing get rid of the damage, it is possible, and in some cases, it is necessary to identify the conjuring enemy. What should be done in this case? An integrated approach is always good, as a rule, it justifies itself:

  • we need a good, effective diagnosis to identify where the negativity comes from, who is plotting, and what the induced damage is
  • spend strong rite s to identify enemies
  • when you find out who caused the damage, you need to do cleanings with a return, and there is already a shift, so that the enemy gets his
  • after all that has been done, removing the induced damage, you need to do to help yourself restore the lost

If, for example, damage caused ex-husband or someone from his environment, these people will show themselves. It doesn't always happen exactly on the physical level when the culprit is to repent and ask for forgiveness. Answers may come in a dream, there may be signs pointing to the enemy, which happens quite often when they cause damage. The first 3 days you need to be especially attentive to what is happening near and around you. The answers may come in the most unusual forms, but they are bound to come.

Here are examples of rituals that will help you not only understand that you have caused damage (you will receive information about this by conducting a session of magical diagnostics), but to figure out who exactly did it.

Find out who brings damage and a curse - rituals with keys and an aspen rod

With why they cause damage, it makes no sense to understand. Every caster has their own reasons. As is and their goals. Here's how you can find out who is conjuring against you, doing damage. They take 7 keys from different locks, throw them into boiling water and say:

“Whoever harms me, let the devil bring him tomorrow. Amen".

The keys are boiled for several minutes, then the cauldron is removed from the fire and the water is allowed to cool. Pour water over the threshold, and use the keys in the usual way. Within 3 days, a person will appear who harms you. Let's say if girlfriend messed up, she will certainly show herself, even against her will, . He may come to you personally, or otherwise identify himself. Pay attention to the guest's behavior and what he says. For the same, they put an aspen bar at their doorstep, previously spoken:

“There is not a blacksmith and not a reaper, but a scythe. Whoever wears a lining to me, the mower mows down. Amen".

This simple conspiracy will show you the enemy so that you can justly punish the one who caused the damage.

If you have been damaged, how do you know who did it?

You need to conduct the ceremony yourself at night. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, would choose the time from midnight to 3 in the morning. This ritual - a challenge in order to find the one who caused damage, can be done on personal strength, but it is easy to remake it in a warlock way, making it black. Hold a burning wax candle in your left hand. It is very good if you make a candle yourself specifically for this ceremony.

Walk around the apartment with a candle, starting from the bedroom, and moving towards front door. Right hand touch the corners and doors of rooms while reading conspiracy to find out who caused damage. Approaching the front door, leave the candle to burn out on the threshold. Go to bed immediately.

“Hello mother night, now I am your child. Reveal to me nine times the ninth star. And I will go out to her and go to call the soul of my enemy, beat, torment, tear nine times nine pieces. At night, do not let him sleep, do not eat up a piece of bread, do not drink water for him. Stab, torture, sprinkle with salt, water with vinegar. Get out, you, my enemy, get out, you, yellow bone, white bone, the one that did me a fierce damage. I will fry you with fire, soar your blood, beat your body, beat, until you enter the mind, you won’t come to my doorstep, you won’t want to come into my house, you won’t ask. I will bring fear and horror on you, my word, be my deed! My angel, send him home to me. Amen".

After a home ritual in order to recognize who brought black damage, the conjuring enemy must appear in any way within 3 days. As I know the magician Sergey Artgrom, after such a call, the enemy who cursed will appear on the threshold, asking for something.

Find out through the graveyard nail who caused severe damage

Find a nail in the cemetery. You need to take a nail with a ransom, according to the rules of cemetery witchcraft. Put a nail at your front door and read the text of the conspiracy to reveal the identity of the enemy in order to appropriately punish the one who caused the damage:

“Who harmed me, who spoiled me, I call with a nail. If you do not come in three days, then in six months you will die. Cemetery, coffin, coffin, nail, an invited guest is waiting for you. Amen".

Within 3 days, the enemy may come to you in person. And maybe in a dream see who caused the damage. You need to be extremely attentive and sensitive to everything that happens in these decisive 3 days.

How to find out if there is damage on a person and how to remove it?

Many of us know firsthand what spoilage is. But it is also important not only to identify the symptoms of magical influence, but also to properly cleanse the soul and body from the evil eye. In this article, we will look at how to identify and protect yourself from damage.

Damage and its consequences: types, symptoms of damage

Since ancient times, people have been very much afraid of black magic. At present, the situation has not changed at all: fears of the unknown burn through human hearts when they encounter the first signs of black magic. What actually is damage? What are its types and what happens to a person after damage is removed from him?

Corruption- this is a powerful impact of strong energy, which is aimed at destroying the vital human energy. The person who sends damage can do it on their own or use the help of a professional sorcerer.

Corruption brings destructive force. Now there are many types of damage. As a rule, some of them begin to act gradually, and some very quickly. Not every magician undertakes to do such magic. After all, black forces act like a boomerang. The energy force that is directed at the victim necessarily returns, while it increases its own power.

Damage types:

There are various types of damage. Mostly black magicians use:

  • Damage to death
  • Damage to success
  • Damage to human health
  • Prisushkoy (love spell)
  • Strong evil eye

Damage symptoms:

Symptoms of damage can be both obvious signs and hidden ones. But hidden over time tend to appear. Only in such a situation it is already impossible to help a person. The main symptoms of spoilage are:

  • The state of health deteriorates sharply.
  • There is a loss of finance.
  • There is a quarrel in the family.
  • Infertility.
  • Failures come one after another.
  • Alcohol and drug addiction.
  • Unexpected events that lead to death.
  • Suicidal tendencies appear.

You will have to worry a lot and ask for help from professionals if you have:

  • For no particular reason, my head began to hurt.
  • You are constantly tired and feel overwhelmed.
  • You have regular nausea and diarrhea.
  • You sweat a lot.
  • You are constantly thirsty.
  • You are annoyed.
  • Your libido has decreased.

In such a situation, only a professional can help you. But you should know what will happen to you after removing the damage.

How does damage come out of a person: signs of removing damage

Yes, there are signs of the exit of damage from a person. They are very similar to the symptoms of spoilage, they also have many variations. And if you are an observant and thoughtful person, you can easily notice this. Do not worry, the worms will not crawl out of you, they will disturb you, perhaps only in dreams.

As a rule, damage is removed very easily. That is, you should not be afraid of various horrors. You better watch how your mood changes. So, what will happen to you when damage leaves you:

  • You may experience: anger, hysteria, desire to kill someone. This is considered the norm. And these manifestations pass very quickly.
  • After such negative outbursts, you will have a feeling of emptiness. If it was made on you severe damage You may even go into prostration sometimes. Of course, this state is not very pleasant, but it is necessary. That is what is considered the starting point.

If you do not feel anything like this, then the ritual was performed poorly.

You should also follow:

  • For dreams. If damage comes out of you, dreams will become clear and brighter. In addition, in your astral plane, the magician will be able to point out the person who is the culprit.
  • For an emotional state. After removing the spoilage, your mood will improve significantly.
  • For what people around you will feel. Believe me, when the damage goes away, it will be much easier for your acquaintances, relatives and friends to communicate with you.
  • And most importantly, you will look more attractive, your eyes will begin to shine, and you will also have a huge smile on your face, which will accompany you very often.

What happens after the removal of spoilage: the human condition

After the damage is removed from you, you will feel both physical and spiritual changes.

  • You will stop getting sick often. The chance of an accident will be reduced. But this does not mean that you will be constantly pursued by luck. Just you will find again healthy body and a healthy mind.
  • Anger and constant envy will leave your thoughts. You will learn to enjoy the world around you, forgive your enemies, and start making successful plans for your near future.

After cleansing from damage, you will immediately see positive changes.
  • After the damage leaves you, you will breathe more freely. The stone that previously crushed your heart will disappear. Prayers every day can help you maintain this state for a long time and will not let a new curse hit you.
  • Communicating with other people, you will not be annoyed.
  • You will no longer feel like someone is following you.
  • You will stop seeing people as enemies, and you will trust your friends even more.

How does a person feel after removing the damage?

You will not confuse the feeling that comes after removing the damage. Instead of depression and constant mistakes, you will have self-confidence. You will begin to feel that you are able to overcome all sorts of difficulties.

  • The sensations that arise after the removal of damage are very similar to the fact that a heavy burden has been lifted from the heart. Meditation will help you feel 100% of the freedom you have received.
  • Sometimes you may feel as if you are missing something: this damage is trying to return to its place and “stick” to your aura again. You can get rid of this feeling very easily if you regularly attend church and read prayers.

After the damage leaves you, you will immediately feel a strong surge of strength. You will easily notice it. Just think about your own actions and rethink life situations.

So that damage is not induced again - attend church

You should not be afraid of the upcoming changes, boldly go towards your destiny. Corruption will not stick to you again if you pray with all sincerity and do not harbor envy and anger in your soul.

After removing the spoilage: how long does it come out, immediately or gradually?

After removing the damage, you can get some recommendations from the sorcerer on how to behave in the early days. This period is considered the most difficult. The curse is still located in your energy field, regardless of whether you are a strong or weak person. Accordingly, the curse will go away earlier than in 3 days. Though there are exceptions.

  • If, after removing the damage, you feel dizzy and there is nausea, then the negative energy leaves your aura with difficulty. She's trying to hook up with you again. Pay close attention to your own emotional state for about 14 to 30 days.

  • With depression and any other negative impact, a platform appears on which damage in the aura is strengthened. There are situations when sorcerers perform the rite of removal of damage more than once.
  • If, after removing the damage, you constantly want to sleep, then things are much better. Here the risk is minimal. Damage leaves your aura after 3 days, a maximum of 7 days. During this period of time, you need to be a little careful. But don't worry too much. Not a strong damage was inflicted on you, so it will go away very quickly.

Frequent desire to sleep means that damage is successfully leaving your body.
  • If, after removing the damage, you will not feel anything at all, then it will leave you faster than you think. But this does not mean that you can already relax. Do not forget that you must follow the rules of 3 days. But then you can lead an ordinary life, forget about the problems.

After removing the damage, what happens to the suggestive one?

Always remember that you cannot completely isolate yourself from people. A stranger to you will not cause a special reaction to the aura. And the person who touches your emotions will definitely pass on a piece of his field. This principle will help you understand how the customer feels after the damage is removed from you.

The point is as follows - the evil of the customer was kept until a certain time, and also worked only in your energy field. After the curse was successfully removed from you, this black power returned back to its progenitor. Many sorcerers claim that they send a negative impact into the Cosmos or they annihilate. But a piece of the curse still penetrates the head of the customer himself.

Failures will fall on the corrupting one
  • After removing the damage, the customer will feel that she has returned to him. Remember, professional sorcerers always understand what happened. And ordinary people with evil intentions will feel it in their subconscious. They get anxious.
  • Your image may come to them in a dream. A variety of thoughts, even the most troubled, will begin to climb into their heads.
  • The customer may come to you without understanding why he is doing this.
  • Also, luck will turn away from him. What he was previously able to do without problems, now does not work.
  • The mood starts to deteriorate. For 3-7 days, the customer is attacked real corruption. However, she is extraordinary. It's called "self-guided". That is, the customer begins to "gnaw" his anger.
  • The life of the customer after the removal of damage will be completely different, for which only he is to blame.
  • This thought begins to crush the customer, torment him, make him make mistakes and make mistakes.
  • In addition, the client's nervous system will begin to suffer. Then he just gets sick.

How to return damage to the one who made it?

There are 2 return methods:

  • The first method is the return of damage to the customer you know.
  • The 2nd method is the return of damage to the customer whom you do not know.

1st method:

If you know exactly the person who caused damage to you, use the following return. To do this, take a chicken egg, run it over your own body, saying the following words:

Try so that the egg touches every part of the body. Then place the egg under the customer's threshold. Or make it so that your enemy must step over this egg. When he steps over it, the curse will surely return to him. After that, take the egg and destroy it (pour it into the toilet).

2nd method:

Perform this method on the 27th day of the moon. Until then, try to fast and cleanse yourself spiritually. Communicate as little as possible with other people, do not allow negative emotions.

You can pray and listen to good musical compositions. Watch positive movies, read books with a good ending. Spend some time in your own space.

When the 27th day of the Moon comes, take a small piece of meat (preferably raw) and say the following conspiracy to this meat:

Read this plot 3 times. Immediately go to the crossroads, there bury this piece in the ground. Also light a candle for the health of your enemy. Give the Temple a certain amount of money. Never tell anyone that you are going to return the curse. Such information must remain only in your head.

Useful advice: during the ceremony, it is better not to wish to return the negative energy to the customer, but simply think about removing the negative from yourself. Let High power she decides where to put the curse. The rite is the same, but at the same time you relieve yourself of responsibility. Of course, in this case, the return will not occur, the damage will simply leave you.

Recovery after removal of damage to death

You don't have to do anything special. Your aura has already begun to work positively after performing the rite of purification. You only have to help the aura. To do this, simply exclude negative emotions, preferably completely.

  • Feel free to refuse to communicate with people who ask a lot of questions, annoy you, complain and spread gossip. These individuals are considered to be vampires to a certain extent. This means that they will only interfere with the restoration of your energy.
  • You can pray that a communication channel with the Universe will quickly open.
  • You can sit for a while in complete silence, watch the lights of the candles. Such a process is considered quite useful, as it stops thoughts and puts them in order.
  • You need complete silence, do not worry and worry.

Damage to death is a serious blow to energy field human
  • Analyze current events, make a plan for the future.
  • Perhaps you have long dreamed of going to the sea. Do not deny yourself this.
  • Spend more free time with family and friends loving people. But avoid places where a huge number of people accumulate.
  • Do not turn on the TV for some time, as it is a source of negative information.
  • Just one random frame will return the curse to its original place, where it was previously located.
  • If you really want some impressions, then it is better to listen to pleasant music.

And most importantly, do not drink alcohol and give up intoxicating ingredients. They won't do any good. If you are an impressionable person, also give up coffee. Drink herbal teas. After about 7 days, return to the previous rhythm of life.

What can not be done after removing damage?

If you decide to remove damage in the temple, you should remember the various mistakes that people often make. So:

  • When you go to a church or other similar place, do not tell anyone about your intentions. Practice has shown that basically acquaintances and relatives, girlfriends or close friends can cause damage. If they find out what you are up to, they will definitely try to interfere with you, and, possibly, they will re-perform a stronger rite of passage for the curse. Accordingly, when going to the temple, do not tell anyone about it.
  • Also, during the removal of damage and after the ceremony, do not give your own things to anyone at all and do not borrow money. Perhaps the person who has done damage to you will want to borrow money from you.

Why, after removing the spoilage, you can not give anything?

Why is it not allowed to give something after the damage has been removed? The fact is that with these items you tear off a piece of your own aura. In ordinary life, this phenomenon is considered normal. After all, we constantly give someone what we could accumulate and receive certain things in return.

If you liked someone, one mutual field formed between you. If a person gave you a bad impression, something similar happens, that is, a negative interaction has appeared.

When you give away some things, even if it is your money, you share your own energy. The person who takes these things may send you their own emotional or mental message. Often we do not understand and do not feel this, but we regularly exchange our energy. A person who has not been cursed has protection triggered. She protects his aura from negativity.

Remember, the sorcerer who has done damage to you will definitely try to return the negative energy to its place. But you do not know what he will come up with for this. Accordingly, you should take care of yourself. When 3 days pass, your aura will become stronger, you will regain the ability to repel such attacks from yourself. Therefore, be patient a little.

How to put protection after removing damage?

It is easier to protect yourself and your own home before damage has been done. But if this has already happened to you, use simple methods:

  • Get a protective icon, for example, an icon that depicts the Blessed Virgin Mary. Put the image in the hall or living room under the ceiling itself.
  • Put protection with an ordinary pin. When you fasten it to your clothes, read the following words:

  • Perform the ceremony with the help of two rowan bushes. Find a couple of rowan bushes. Take one branch from each bush. And then do the following:

  • Buy a protective amulet, for example, the Scandinavian rune Algiz or a protective pouch.

Video: How to find out about damage, evil eye, curse?

Psychology of betrayal