Spiritual Security Service Sutormin VK. Patriarch Kirill filed an application to the church court

The main postulate put forward by Sutormin is the doctrine of the impossibility of breaking up a church marriage under any circumstances. He defends this postulate to its final logical conclusion. According to Sutormin, marriage is absolutely indissoluble in principle (hence the name of the movement “No Divorce”, that is, divorce does not exist in principle). And this means that even the adultery of a husband or wife does not dissolve the marriage. According to Sutormin, marriage remains indissoluble even if one of the spouses or both of them takes monastic vows.

Valery derives this interpretation of marriage from the words of the Savior: "What God has joined together, let no man separate"(Matthew 19:6). Valery and his followers see in these words not a commandment given to us, but a statement of an indisputable fact. They say that no one can ever destroy a church marriage, since God combined the spouses in the sacrament of the wedding. According to Sutormin, marriage cannot be destroyed under any circumstances, as if the union of the spouses happened tightly in some mechanical way. It should be noted that a very similar view of the indissolubility of marriage is preached catholic church.

In fact, the saying of the Savior "what God combined, that man don't separate » are precisely commandment of the indissolubility of Christian marriage, and not a statement of an indisputable fact. Christ establishes a view of marriage where divorce for any reason is a grave sin. except for the guilt of adultery. Adultery as the only reason for divorce is called because in this case there is an actual trampling and destruction of marriage. In other cases, a divorce cannot be valid, so a divorced spouse entering into a new marriage is condemned as an adulterer.

The Evangelist Matthew (19:1-12) reveals Christ's attitude to marriage in most detail when, in response to the tempting questions of the Pharisees, the Lord establishes the commandment of the inviolability of marriage, making only one reservation: “But I say to you, whoever divorces his wife, except for the guilt of fornication , he gives her a reason to commit adultery; and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery" . In his interpretation of the Gospel of St. John Chrysostom writes that Christ allowed a wife to be divorced "only for the reason of adultery." It is quite clear that the mortal sin of adultery dissolves the unity of husband and wife, destroying both the spiritual unity and the unity of the flesh. The adulterer destroys marriage bonds at the very root and, as it were, dies for marriage, as many holy fathers wrote about. So, for example, St. John Chrysostom considered destructive for marriage (unlike Valery Sutormin) not only the betrayal of his wife, but also the betrayal of her husband. He wrote that after adultery"and the husband is no longer a husband, and the wife is no longer a wife."

But Valery does not recognize that marriage can be destroyed by this sin. Other distorted concepts of marriage follow from this attitude of his, as well as a distorted interpretation of the canons of the Church. So, Valery, and with him his “Spiritual Security Service”, is trying to fit the 9th rule of St. Basil the Great, reinterpreting this rule in his own way. This rule starts like this : "God's saying that it is not permissible to be allowed from marriage, is the word adulterous, according to his mind, befits both husbands and wives." And further emphasized: « But that's not the usual...». Next, St. The father describes the custom of his time, according to which the husband is obliged to drive away the cheating wife, and the wife, on the contrary, is obliged to keep her husband, even if he commits adultery and fornication (and it is also said that she must endure beatings and loss of property from him). If the wife leaves her lawful husband, passing to another husband as an adulteress, then it is permissible for the abandoned husband to enter into an alliance with another woman, who is not condemned for this.

Everything described in this rule as a custom, which is difficult to find an explanation(according to the word of St. Basil himself, expressed by him in the 21st canon), Valery and his followers pass it off as a moral imperative, as a higher law that should guide marriage relations.

From his understanding of this rule, Valery deduces a new theory about "Orthodox concubine" , that is, about a woman who has entered into an illegal cohabitation with a husband left by his wife. Since marriage is absolutely indissoluble (according to Sutormin), this woman (“Orthodox concubine”) does not have the right to enter into legal marriage with her abandoned husband, but can simply cohabit with him, and such cohabitation is allegedly not condemned by the Church.

Valery Sutormin proves that a wife abandoned by an adulterous husband is obliged to make every effort to return him. If she does not apply them, resigned to the departure of her husband to another woman and, for example, declaring that she does not want the return of her adulterous husband, then the sin of her husband's adultery falls on her, and in this case, the husband is, as it were, freed from sin and can easily cohabitate with another. Valery also claims that the husband does not have the right to forgive his wife, even if her betrayal was a single one and she ardently repented of this.

The question arises: is there such a teaching in the Church, and which of the Holy Fathers taught this about marriage?

To get started, you need to familiarize yourself with church interpretations on the 9th canon of St. Basil the Great, which Valery and his SDB are silent about. The interpreters of Zonar, Aristin and Balsamon unanimously, after explaining this rule, emphasize: « But this is according to the custom that was in force in the time of this great father. And on the basis of the published after short stories of Emperor Justinian on the dissolution of marriages ... in addition to other reasons for which wives are given the right to terminate cohabitation (with their husbands), they are allowed to dissolve marriages due to jealousy if the husband in the same house or city cohabits with another woman and, despite the invitation from his wife, does not leave communication with her "(Aristin). But from the interpretation of Balsamon: “... And since almost everything contained in this rule was changed by the 117th Justinian novel... then read it ... and you will find out in what ways marriages are dissolved ... " The same thing is repeated in the Slavic Pilot: “... Today, neither husband nor wife can destroy cohabitation, otherwise there will be no such guilt: about them, Justinian, the new commandment commands».

As you know, St. Basil the Great lived in the 4th century, and Emperor Justinian in the 6th century. The legislation of the Byzantine emperor Justinian regarding marriage was closer to the Christian understanding of marriage than was the custom in the time of St. Basil. The 87th canon of the VI Ecumenical Council (680-681) no longer repeats the custom described in the 9th canon of Basil the Great, adopted in his time. Text of the 87th the rules are based entirely on the gospel commandment on the indissolubility of marriage "except for the guilt of adultery":

“A wife who has left her husband, if she goes for another, is an adulteress, according to the Sacred and Divine Basil, who quite decently brought this from the prophecy of Jeremiah: if the wife is to another husband, she will not return to her husband, but she will be defiled by defilement. And paki: hold the adulterer, insane and wicked. If it is foreseen, as if she left her husband without guilt, then he is worthy of indulgence, and she is worthy of penance. Indulgence will be shown to him in that let him be in communion with Church. But he who leaves a wife legally conjugated to himself, and takes another, according to the word of the Lord, guilty of adultery. It was decreed by the rules of our Father, such a year to be in the category of those who weep, two years among those listening to the reading of the Scriptures, three years in those who bow down, and on the seventh, stand with the faithful, and thus be vouchsafed communion, if they will repent with tears.

Note that this rule no longer says that a husband left by his wife has the right to enter into a new union. He is granted indulgence in that he remains in communion with the Church. Also in this rule there are no words about the duty of the wife to endure the betrayal of her husband. And although Basil the Great forbade in his rule the wife to demand divorce on the basis of her husband's adultery, over time the wife received such a right in cases where the husband tried to bring her to another man, if the husband accused her of adultery before the court and could not prove her guilt if the husband cohabited with an outside woman in the house where his wife also lives, and also if the husband unnecessarily lived apart from his wife for a long time.

The Holy Fathers directly expressed the idea that from the essence of Christian marriage follows an equal duty for both husband and wife to keep marital fidelity . Gregory the Theologian called the Roman law unfair and absurd, according to which a woman was sued for adultery as a criminal, and her husband was practically not punished for the same act. “How do you demand chastity,” he asked, “but you yourself do not observe? you demand what you didn't give? Why, being the flesh of the same dignity, do you give laws unequally? And you will be two, it is said, one flesh, and one flesh has the same honor ”(from word 37).

St. John Chrysostom also speaks passionately in the same spirit. In one of his discourses on the Epistle to the Thessalonians, he wrote: “Adultery occurs not only when a woman who is married to another commits adultery, but also when a married woman commits adultery ... Not only adultery when a married woman is corrupted, but there is also adultery when they themselves , being married, we commit fornication with a released and free ... But since you are married, then your act is adultery. Elsewhere, St. John Chrysostom says: “Do not speak to me about the current external laws, which drag wives of adulterers to the court and subject them to punishment, but leave husbands who have wives and debauch with maidservants without punishment; I will read to you the law of God, which reproaches both husband and wife alike and calls this case adultery.”

But Valery Sutormin and the SDB do not want to consider the husband’s betrayal as adultery (contrary to Canon 87 of the VI Ecumenical Council), preferring to call fornication if the husband has an affair with an unmarried woman, but they stubbornly repeat about the “Orthodox concubine”, the doctrine of which they themselves composed. We will not find such an invention in any of the Holy Fathers. Moreover, in the interpretation of the 9th rule of St. Basil the Great(from which they allegedly extracted the idea of ​​a concubine) it is not at all about the concubine, but about the wife and marriage("If any will marry her husband... "- from the interpretation of the Synopsis). Isn't such a sermon of the SRT a sermon? "adulterous heresy" in their language?

The Church has never recognized the cohabitation of a man and a woman outside of marriage. There are other names for such cohabitation - fornication or adultery. Valery actually agitates women to become such concubines describing all the advantages of such a position. Is this not madness?!

We see that the extremely implacable and proud position of Valery Sutormin eventually led not only to a misunderstanding of the canons, but also to flagrant immorality and anti-canonicity, to immorality and mortal sin. The use of the canons exclusively “according to the letter” (and even then distorted!) does not bring benefit, but harm, because, by analogy with the Sabbath, not a person was created for the canons, but the canons were written for a Christian person.

In the speeches of Valery Sutormin, there is an undisguised attitude towards a woman as a second-class person.(The departure of a wife from her husband for any reason, with great indignation, he calls “a spit in heaven”, meanness, betrayal, a great atrocity, but he does not say anything like that about leaving her husband by his wife, on the contrary, he constantly proves that the wife is obliged to forgive all her husband’s betrayals.) From a purely psychological point of view, this can be explained by his personal family drama. But how to explain the fact that he does not hesitate to constantly scourging his ex-wife in public space, exposing her sin to the public? Why does he provoke other people, participants in his programs, to talk in detail about his personal problems, even intimate ones? To some extent, such programs resemble secular programs in which participants do not hesitate to throw out “their dirty laundry”, but at the same time, most often blaming others, not themselves, for their troubles.

At the recent "All-Pacific Council" Valery and his like-minded people (as a rule, also suffered on the basis of family life) decided to revise the life of the Georgian saint - Queen Tamara (maybe even decanonize her ?!), since St. Tamara kicked out her first husband, Yuri, because of his ugly behavior, and later married another prince, giving birth to an heir to the throne from him. According to Sutormin, Queen Tamara was in adultery. It is strange why Valery and like-minded people do not seek the decanonization of St. teacher Matrona (5th century), who ran away from her husband and hid from him in a monastery. According to Sutormin, a woman has no right to divorce her husband for any reason. He himself plans to accept monasticism and holy orders in the future, but at the same time he will still consider himself the head of his family and ex-wife(This is written on his page "VKontakte"). As proof that marriage remains valid even with the adoption of monasticism by both spouses, Valery cites as an example the life of St. Peter and Fevronia, who died on the same day and were buried in the same coffin, although they were in monastic vows. But does this example prove the fact of the preservation of marriage after the spouses have become monastics? This example shows the height of the Christian love of Peter and Fevronia, who ceased to be husband and wife, but remained in monasticism as brother and sister. Them life path led to such an increase in Christian love and to a blissful repose together as the result of their God-loving life.

As for Sutormin's statement about the impossibility of forgiveness for a sinning wife, we will cite an interesting text on this topic from an ancient book "Shepherd Ermas" relating to the creations of the apostolic men. This book has always enjoyed great respect among Christians, although it has not entered the canon sacred books. Herm asks questions to the Angel of repentance who appeared to him, and the Angel answers him in detail:

And he said: “Let her husband let her go, and he himself remains alone. If, having let go of his wife, he takes another, then he himself commits adultery.”

“Well then, sir,” I say, “if a woman who has been set free repents and desires to return to her husband, should she not be received by her husband?”

And he said to me: “ If her husband does not accept her, he sins and allows himself a great sin; should accept a sinner who repents, but not many times. For for the servants of God, repentance is one. Therefore, for the sake of repentance, a husband, having let go of his wife, should not take another for himself. This course of action applies equally to both the husband and the wife…”

Therefore, it is commanded to you that you remain single - both husband and wife, for in this case repentance can take place.. But I do not give a reason for this to be done [that is, a reason for adultery], but let him who has sinned not sin anymore.

According to The Shepherd of Hermas, both husband and wife should not remarry if the other half is unfaithful. At the same time, the husband also has the right (and even the obligation) to forgive his wife if she sincerely repents. A similar opinion can be found in many holy Fathers, as well as in the interpretation of church canons, which Valery Sutormin is silent about. By the way, in the interpretations of the 21st rule of Basil the Great (which again describes the custom that judges the betrayal of a husband and the betrayal of a wife unequally, adopted during the life of this holy Father), the possibility of forgiveness of the betrayal of a wife by a husband is allowed: “... and is not obliged accept her if she doesn't want to" (Zonara); “A husband should not be forced against his will to take her into his home” (Balsamon). That is, if he wants, he can forgive a repentant wife.

It is very sad that among Orthodox people there are those who enthusiastically join the ranks of the “Spiritual Security Service”, starting to perceive themselves as uncompromising fighters for piety and purity of marriage, but in fact agitating for debauchery, calling on girls and women to become “Orthodox concubines ".

All the activities of Valery Sutormin and the "Spiritual Security Service" he created (which in fact is itself spiritually dangerous) can be described as activities of a purely sectarian. As the priest N. Stelletsky wrote at the beginning of the 20th century in his book The Bulgarian Heresy of the Bogomils, “At the basis of any religious sectarianism lies a false desire to organize an independent religious life independently of the Church”. "It's an aspiration he wrote, it especially happens when a painfully excited religious thought tries to develop and actually develops its own religious teaching, which is then assimilated by a whole group of Christians who, under its banner, form their own sectarian society, separate from the rest of the Church..


1 SPIRITUAL SECURITY SERVICE, Moscow, PO Box 39, tel, SDB.RF, TO THE CHURCH COURT OF THE MOSCOW DIOCESE (city) We demand that the Bishop of Moscow, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill (Gundyaev Vladimir Mikhailovich) be brought to the Church Court for his consistent crimes against piety and truth leading to the split of the Russian Orthodox Church. Last year, in 2015, the Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church was presented by the Council Movement in Defense of the Shrine of Marriage “No Divorce” a document to the Church Court of Moscow and other dioceses on the inevitable obligation, according to the Canons of the Church, to condemn the criminal actions of the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew (Dimitrios Archondonis). The content of the appeal was as follows: “On behalf of many faithful children of the Russian Orthodox Church, we demand that the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew (Dimitrios Archondonis) and those involved in his atrocities be brought to the Church Court for many years of crimes against Ecumenical Orthodoxy. One of these atrocities would have been sufficient under Canon law for the removal of a bishop from holy orders and excommunication from the Church. On November 30, 2014, Patriarch Bartholomew prayed with Pope Francis for Divine Liturgy in the church of St. George on Phanar (Istanbul). May 25, 2014 Pope Francis and ecumenical patriarch Bartholomew jointly held an ecumenical "liturgy" in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. On October 28, 2009, Patriarch Bartholomew entered the Park East Synagogue in New York and greeted Rabbi Arthur Schneier with an "embrace of the world". And so on. According to the Canons of the Orthodox Church (Ap. 7, 45, 65, 70, 71; Trul. 11; Antioch. 1; Laod. 6, 29, 33, 37, 38), Patriarch Bartholomew must be deposed from the priesthood and excommunicated from church communion . According to the 71st canon of St. Basil the Great, the inaction of each Orthodox Christian, especially the archpastor and pastor, brings on indifferent clergy equal condemnation with criminals, with Patriarch Bartholomew and his accomplices. Then why are we all in the Church? The canonical atrocities of Patriarch Bartholomew today really threaten Ecumenical Orthodoxy and hinder fraternal and Eucharistic communion with him. The silence of the bishop, pastor and layman, the refusal to condemn the theomachism of Patriarch Bartholomew means a betrayal of Christ and his Church. Let it not! Why, then, was it necessary to accept Baptism, if the pagans would be less judged for their evil? The gates of hell will not overcome the Church anyway, only all the silent ones will become traitors Orthodox faith and God promised the confessors eternal life". This application was submitted in full accordance with the Rules of the Church on the accusation of a bishop, namely 28, 29 and 144 rules of the Council of Carthage, signed by a sufficient number of faithful children of the Orthodox Church who do not have a vice or spot of dishonor. Thus, the appeal had all the necessary canonical force, obliging each bishop to condemn the crime of the accused bishop. During the current year, the applicants did not receive a single response about the consideration of this case.

2 At the Bishops’ Council of the Russian Orthodox Church in 2016, the crimes of Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople also remained unanswered; on the contrary, it was decided to participate in all Orthodox Cathedral, convened by the bishop of Constantinople, which is under ecclesiastical court. According to eyewitnesses, when this decision the principle of the catholicity of the Church, concluded in the unanimity of all the bishops among themselves, was violated. Moreover, the right to participate in decision-making was removed from the bishops, except for the right to agree with a pre-prepared text. Thus, Metropolitan Vladimir of Moldova and Chisinau was deprived by Patriarch Kirill (Gundyaev) of the right to vote when he came out to speak about the inadmissibility of the participation of bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church in the Pan-Orthodox Council. Also, the voice of Metropolitan Onufry of Kyiv and All Ukraine was not heard. Violation of the order of conciliarity in decision-making deprives the resolutions of the Bishops' Council of 2016 of canonical force, which should be recognized as "as if they had not been." According to Canon 71 of the Second Canonical Epistle of our holy father Basil, Archbishop of Caesarea of ​​Cappadocia, to Amphilochius, Bishop of Iconium, “who touched any of the above sins, and did not confess, but was convicted, let him be under penance for as long as the doer of evil is subjected to penance” . Patriarch Kirill (Gundyaev Vladimir Mikhailovich) was obliged at the Council of Bishops to consider the crimes of Patriarch Bartholomew (Dimitrios Archondonis) and take the necessary measures to protect the Russian Orthodox Church from a split with avoidance of communion with a heretic, anathematization of his atrocities and the demands of the Church Court with the participation of the Primates of the Local Churches to excommunicate the Bishop of Constantinople from church communion. Instead, the bishop of Moscow ignored the ecclesiastical crimes of Patriarch Bartholomew, neglected the appeal to the church court of the faithful children of the Russian Orthodox Church, moreover, became the conductor of the atrocities of the bishop of Constantinople in accordance with his proposal to hold Pan-Orthodox Cathedral, dragging along the bishops with the deprivation of their right to vote at the Bishops' Council. Further, in 2015, the Council Movement in Defense of the Shrine of Marriage “NO DIVORCE” (razvoda.net/obrashenia.html#m2) filed an appeal to the church courts of the dioceses of the Russian Orthodox Church in 2015 about the need to condemn the criminal practice of issuing certificates to adulterers, allowing sacred rites over filthy rites of the Sacrament Marriage over adulterers. In particular, it was pointed out that modern documents on marriage do not correspond to piety and truth. Among them were the decisions of the Local Council of 1918, where “the reason for the termination of the marriage union, consecrated by the Church”, was called “the fact that the other spouse entered into a new marriage union IN THE EXISTENCE OF HIS MARRIAGE WITH THE SPOUSE ASKING FOR A DIVORCE.” (Collection of Definitions and Decrees of the Holy Council of the Orthodox Russian Church, T. 4. P. 48.). The response of the hierarchy to this appeal was the 2016 document “On Church Marriage”, proposed for consideration by the church fullness. In Chapter 3 of this document, an unprecedented hitherto definition of "TERMINATION OF MARRIAGE" is introduced, that is, the denial of the existence of the Sacrament of Marriage after everyday tests or registration in state bodies of relations of one of the spouses with another person. It must be noted with regret that such a rejection is blasphemy and blasphemy against the Holy Spirit of God, which the hierarchs of 1918, who were under the revolutionary upheaval of that time, did not even dare to dare. Like a flare they fired the statement that MARRIAGE EXISTS after registering adultery with godless government agencies, criminally calling them "new marriage". In addition, the specified concept of “termination of marriage”, in the presence of the teaching of the Orthodox Church on the indissolubility of the marriage union, is a criminal offense under Article 148 of the Criminal Code. Russian Federation about insulting the feelings of believers. Insulting believers with blasphemy against the Sacrament of Marriage was spread throughout all the dioceses of the Russian Orthodox Church with the permission of Patriarch Kirill, as indicated on the official website of the Inter-Council Presence msobor.ru. The church courts were presented with a case on the corruption of the marriage of Valery Sutormin by the clergy of the Moscow (city) diocese, among whom was Metropolitan Arseniy of Istra. Crimes against the marriage of Alexandra Panina were also cited. There was no response from the church courts. In Moscow, to this day, adulterers are issued certificates “on the loss of the canonical power of church marriage in connection with the loss of civil marriage” signed by the first vicar of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill. Representatives of the Canonical Cabinet of the city of Moscow, when issuing certificates to adulterers, refer to the scheme proposed by the patriarch. Victims of diocesan blasphemy apply to the Council Movement "NO DIVORCE". So the husband of Valeria Balakireva, after registering his adultery, applied to the diocese of the city of Moscow for permission to have a new cohabitation with another with a living wife who was faithful to him. At the same time, Andrey Balakirev, in an address to His Holiness Patriarch In writing, he indicated the reason for his separation from his wife “tired”. As a result, the adulterer received a certificate of the following content, signed by the Metropolitan Istrinsky Arseny: "In connection with the loss of civil marriage, church marriage has lost its canonical force." The husband of Ekaterina Bulgakova, who has been clean from her youth, committed adultery, received a certificate in the diocese after registering with another. As a result, not even a year passed before the adulterers were

3 the ceremony of marriage, blaspheming God with the invocation of the Holy Spirit to descend into filth. According to the testimony of the staff of the canonical office, the flow of this blasphemy with the issuance of adulterous certificates in Moscow is a person a day. The responsibility for this corruption lies with the bishop of the city of Moscow, who, according to the Canons of the Church, must be deposed from the priesthood. Second Rule of the Sixth Ecumenical Council commands: “Let no one be allowed to change or cancel the above rules, or, in addition to the proposed rules, accept others, with false inscriptions compiled by some people who dared to feed on the truth. If someone is convicted, as if some rule from the above mentioned has attempted to change or stop: such a person will be guilty against that rule to suffer penance, which it determines, and through it he will heal from what he stumbled. Thus, Patriarch Kirill (Gundyaev) stumbled in the rule on adultery, when, with his consent and order, according to his “scheme”, they began to issue certificates to adulterers to continue corruption, followed by blasphemy over the Sacrament of Marriage. The penance of adultery for a priest means his defrocking from the priesthood according to the first canon of the holy local council of Neocaesarea: “Priest, if he marries, let him be deposed from his rank. But if he commits fornication or adultery, let him be completely expelled from the communion of the Church, and reduced to the ranks of the penitents. The subsequent blasphemy against the Holy Spirit with the raising of the Crowns of virginity over adulterous filth has no forgiveness according to the Scriptures: “Therefore I say to you: every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven men” (Mat. 12:31). Recently, the Russian Orthodox Church was shocked by the disgrace of Hieromonk Photius (Vitaly Mochalov) on the first Russian TV channel as part of the Voice contest. In violation of Christian and monastic vows, the priest of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Kaluga diocese went out to disgrace in front of a multi-million audience in Russia. This wickedness was sealed by the issuance of the first place to an unusual saint of the adulterous world, who dishonored the honor Orthodox priest following the cleric John Okhlobystin. The only difference was that hieromonk Photius not only was not deposed from the priesthood, but was escorted with honors back home to St. Pafnutiev Borovsky Monastery. According to Canons 24, 51 of the Holy Apostles, Canon 54 of the Seventh Ecumenical Council, under the threat of being defrocked, forbids clerics not only to be participants, but also to attend disgrace. Rules of the Holy Apostles. 24. None of those in the sacred rank, nor a monk, is allowed to go to horse races, or attend shameful games. And if anyone from the clergy is called to marriage, then when games appear that serve to seduce, let him get up and immediately leave: for so the teaching of our fathers commands us. But if anyone is convicted of this, either let him stop, or let him be cast out. 51. This holy ecumenical council completely forbids laughers and their spectacles, as well as animal spectacles and dancing on disgrace. But if anyone despises the present rule, and indulges in any of these forbidden amusements: then let the cleric be expelled from the clergy, and let the layman be excommunicated from church communion. 54 Rule of the Holy Ecumenical Council VII, Nicaea: “It is not fitting for the consecrated, or the clerks, to see disgraceful performances at marriages or feasts: but before the infamous persons enter, rise up and depart.” The “mentor” of Hieromonk Photius in disgrace, along with the rapper Basta, was the well-known pop figure Grigory Leps, who did not want the priest to “take an example from him.” Instead of the prescribed defrocking of the disgraceful hieromonk, who dropped the reputation and authority of the priesthood, and sowed temptation in the flock of Christ, Patriarch Kirill publicly congratulates on his facebook page with the following words: “Congratulating Father Photius, I would like to wish him to preserve the naturalness of behavior, modesty, which is inherent rank and according to which people, both ecclesiastical and non-church, determine the spiritual state of a clergyman. Keep in your heart what I wish you in a difficult time for you, coming after winning the competition. With these words, Patriarch Kirill broadcast the crime throughout the country, spread the temptation not only to the flock of Christ, but also to the community of still unenlightened Orthodox Christians. Later it became known that this shamelessness did not occur without the knowledge of the Bishop of Moscow. In accordance with Canon 2 of the Sixth Ecumenical Council, together with Hieromonk Photius, Patriarch Kirill (Gundyaev) must suffer an equal punishment with the disgraceful monk. Repeatedly, Patriarch Kirill performed joint prayers with heretics, pagans and apostates in violation of the Holy Rules of the Church. Canons of the Holy Apostles 45. A bishop, or presbyter, or deacon, who only prayed with heretics, may he be excommunicated. If, however, he allows them to act in any way, as ministers of the Church: let him be deposed. 46. ​​Bishops, or presbyters, who have accepted baptism or the sacrifice of heretics, we command to cast out. What is the agreement of Christ with Belial, or what part of the faithful with the unfaithful? 65. If anyone from the clergy, or a layman, enters a Jewish or heretical synagogue to pray: let him be expelled from the holy order, and excommunicated from the communion of the Church.

4 So in 1991 at the General Assembly of the World Council of Churches in Canberra future patriarch Kirill (Gundyaev) said the following: “I would not want the conclusion that the criticism that the Orthodox had regarding the World Council of Churches in Canberra was that it was a question of membership or non-membership in the World Council of Churches. The World Council of Churches is for us common home, and the fact that the Orthodox perceive it as their home and want this home to be the cradle of a single church, hence their special responsibility for the fate of the World Council of Churches and the desire to contribute to the development of the ecumenical movement. I am deeply convinced that what is happening at the assembly of the church should be taken with them and carried to themselves, conveyed to their people. If they do this, and if they do this, then this means the ecumenical movement is the movement of churches, and not of individual representatives, not of a separate theological elite that comes to Canberra and for which the consequences of the assembly are indifferent. "From these words of Bishop Kirill (Gundyaev ) follows not only participation in joint fraternal communion with heretics, but also his clear desire to carry out a godless destruction in the Church of Christ. the desire for the development of the ecumenical movement is clear.Canons of the Seventh Holy Ecumenical Council of Nicaea 32. It is not proper to accept blessings from heretics, which are more vainglory than blessings.33.It is not proper to pray with a heretic or a renegade. 37. You must not accept feast gifts sent from Jews or heretics below. celebrate with them. 38. You must not accept unleavened bread from the Jews, or partake of their ungodliness. Further, in violation of the above Holy Rules, Patriarch Kirill (Gundyaev) accepted a golden apple as a gift from Rabbi Arthur Schneier, which, among other things, caused a deep insult to many Orthodox Christians. In August 2012, Patriarch Kirill, during a solemn service in the Orthodox Cathedral of St. Mary Magdalene, prayed together with the Catholic bishops present, whom he greeted with a fraternal kiss (The appointment of Archbishop Hilarion (Alfeev) by Patriarch Kirill to the post of chairman of the DECR led to the continuation of apostasy. So on January 21 in Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Moscow Roman Catholic Church a joint prayer of Orthodox clergy with heretics "for the unity of Christians" took place. Representatives of various Christian denominations in Russia, including Catholics, Orthodox and Protestants, held a joint prayer as part of the World Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, which traditionally takes place from January 18 to 25. The Commanding Bishop of the Russian United Union of Evangelical Christians (Pentecostals) Sergey Ryakhovsky took part in the prayer. The creative teams of the Church of the KhVE "Church of God in Tsaritsyno", whose senior pastor is Sergey Vasilievich, also made their contribution to the holiday. In addition, it should be noted the regular prayerful presence of heretics at festive services in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. In addition to a personal crime, Patriarch Kirill introduces into sin the flock of Christ's sheep entrusted to him. Let it not! We, the faithful children of the Russian Orthodox Church, in fulfillment of piety and truth, according to the accusations presented, in order to save the soul of the bishop of the city of Moscow and the preservation of the Church, we ask and demand in a conciliar manner that Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia (Gundyaev Vladimir Mikhailovich) be deposed from the holy order. Appoint a Local Council to elect a worthy bishop to the patriarchal throne of All Russia, capable of fulfilling the oaths given during consecration before fear of death to observe the Seven Ecumenical and Nine Local Canonical Councils, thereby saving the Russian Orthodox Church from the heretical schism of the ecumenists. In conclusion, we must recall the canonical force of this document, filed in full accordance with the Canon of the Orthodox Church, by her faithful children, who do not have the spot of vice or dishonor. The accusations of the bishop of the city of Moscow are genuine and well known. Their proofs are given in the appendix with reference to sources. According to the 90th canon of the Holy Local Council of Carthage, from the day this application was submitted to the Moscow Patriarchate, from February 8, 2016 (the memory of St. Theodore the Studite), Patriarch Kirill (Gundyaev Vladimir Mikhailovich) becomes out of communion and within a year can take care of proving his innocence. This means that he is forbidden to serve as a bishop, to participate and conduct councils on behalf of the Church. Understanding that this canonical rule will be violated, we must recall that the consecrations performed by Patriarch Kirill (Gundyaev) after February 8, 2016 should be called invalid. After our appeal to the Church Court, the meeting with the “Pope of Rome” will take place not with the patriarch, but with the bishop of the city of Moscow, who is forbidden by the Rules from the priesthood.

5 The Charter of the Russian Orthodox Church cannot stand over the Ecumenical Councils in the same way as the Patriarch over the Head of the Church. From the moment of our appeal on February 8, 2016, our Lord Jesus Christ, the Head of the Russian Orthodox Church, in full accordance with the Holy Rules, forbids Patriarch Kirill (Gundyaev) to serve as a bishop of the Church. Further, the question of the conciliar deposition of the bishop of the city of Moscow (Gundyaev Vladimir Mikhailovich) should be resolved at the Bishops' and Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church. Annexes 1. Photo of Archbishop Kirill (Gundyaev) participating in a joint ritual ceremony together with pagans and heretics 2. Photo of Patriarch Kirill (Gundyaev) accepting a golden apple as a gift from Rabbi Arthur Schneier 3. Fraternal kissing of a heretic by Patriarch Kirill (Gundyaev) 4. Video recording interview of Archbishop Kirill (Gundyaev) at the General Assembly of the World Council of Churches in Canberra in 1991 about a single church (5. Video recording of the participation of the DECR group in an ecumenical gathering in Moscow. (C Christian love, faithful children of the Russian Orthodox Church Head of the Spiritual Security Service Valery Sutormin

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Cathedral movement in defense of the shrine of marriage "NO DIVORCE" 111558, Moscow, PO Box 39, tel. +74955041535, RAZVODA.NET, e-mail: [email protected] His Holiness His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia K I


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P/n Bible. Holy Bible book interpretation Interpretation of the Lord's Prayer in the words of the Holy Fathers. 1 62 Bishop Feofan. 2 Commentary on the gospel blessed Theophylact 363 3 Above the Gospel. Mikhail Gribanovsky.*

His Eminence The Most Reverend
Archbishop of Izyum and Kupyansky

From the Head
Spiritual Security Services
Sutormin Valery Valerievich
111558, Russia, Moscow, PO Box 39
phone: +74955041535,
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Your Eminence!

We demand that the Bishop of Moscow, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill (Vladimir Mikhailovich Gundyaev) be brought before the Church Court for his consistent crimes against piety and truth, leading to a split in the Russian Orthodox Church.

Last year, in 2015, the Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church was presented by the Council Movement in Defense of the Shrine of Marriage “No Divorce” a document to the Church Court of Moscow and other dioceses on the inevitable obligation, according to the Canons of the Church, to condemn the criminal actions of the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew (Dimitrios Archondonis). The content of the appeal was as follows:

“On behalf of many faithful children of the Russian Orthodox Church, we demand that the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew (Dimitrios Archondonis) and those involved in his atrocities be brought to the Church Court for many years of crimes against Ecumenical Orthodoxy. One of these atrocities would have been sufficient under Canon law for the removal of a bishop from holy orders and excommunication from the Church.

On November 30, 2014, Patriarch Bartholomew prayed with Pope Francis at the Divine Liturgy at the Church of St. George on Phanar (Istanbul).

On May 25, 2014, Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew jointly held an ecumenical "liturgy" in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher.

On October 28, 2009, Patriarch Bartholomew entered the Park East Synagogue in New York and greeted Rabbi Arthur Schneier with an "embrace of the world". And so on.

According to the Canons of the Orthodox Church (Ap. 7, 45, 65, 70, 71; Trul. 11; Antioch. 1; Laod. 6, 29, 33, 37, 38), Patriarch Bartholomew must be deposed from the priesthood and excommunicated from church communion .

According to the 71st canon of St. Basil the Great, the inaction of every Orthodox Christian, especially the archpastor and shepherd, brings on indifferent clerics equal condemnation with criminals, with Patriarch Bartholomew and his accomplices. Then why are we all in the Church?

The canonical atrocities of Patriarch Bartholomew today really threaten Ecumenical Orthodoxy and hinder fraternal and Eucharistic communion with him.

The silence of the bishop, pastor and layman, the refusal to condemn the theomachism of Patriarch Bartholomew means a betrayal of Christ and his Church. Let it not!

Why, then, was it necessary to accept Baptism, if the pagans would be less judged for their evil?

The gates of hell will not overcome the Church anyway, only all those who are silent will become traitors to the Orthodox faith, and God promised eternal life to confessors.

This application was submitted in full accordance with the Rules of the Church on the accusation of a bishop, namely 28, 29 and 144 rules of the Council of Carthage, signed by a sufficient number of faithful children of the Orthodox Church who do not have a vice or spot of dishonor. Thus, the appeal had all the necessary canonical force, obliging each bishop to condemn the crime of the accused bishop.

During the current year, the applicants did not receive a single response about the consideration of this case.

At the Bishops' Council of the Russian Orthodox Church in 2016, the crimes of Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople also remained unanswered, on the contrary, it was decided to participate in the Pan-Orthodox Council, convened by the Bishop of Constantinople, which is under ecclesiastical court.

According to eyewitnesses, in making this decision, the principle of the catholicity of the Church, concluded in the unanimity of all the bishops among themselves, was violated. Moreover, the right to participate in decision-making was removed from the bishops, except for the right to agree with a pre-prepared text.

Thus, Metropolitan Vladimir of Moldova and Chisinau was deprived by Patriarch Kirill (Gundyaev) of the right to vote when he came out to speak about the inadmissibility of the participation of bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church in the Pan-Orthodox Council. Also, the voice of Metropolitan Onufry of Kyiv and All Ukraine was not heard.
Violation of the order of conciliarity in decision-making deprives the resolutions of the Bishops' Council of 2016 of canonical force, which should be recognized as "as if they had not been."

According to Canon 71 of the Second Canonical Epistle of our holy father Basil, Archbishop of Caesarea of ​​Cappadocia, to Amphilochius, Bishop of Iconium, “who touched any of the above sins, and did not confess, but was convicted, let him be under penance for as long as the doer of evil is subjected to penance” .

Patriarch Kirill (Gundyaev Vladimir Mikhailovich) was obliged at the Council of Bishops to consider the crimes of Patriarch Bartholomew (Dimitrios Archondonis) and take the necessary measures to protect the Russian Orthodox Church from a split with avoidance of communion with a heretic, anathematization of his atrocities and the demands of the Church Court with the participation of the Primates of the Local Churches to excommunicate the Bishop of Constantinople from church communion.

Instead, the bishop of Moscow ignored the ecclesiastical crimes of Patriarch Bartholomew, neglected the appeal to the ecclesiastical court of the faithful children of the Russian Orthodox Church, moreover, became the conductor of the atrocities of the bishop of Constantinople in accordance with his proposal to hold a Pan-Orthodox Council, dragging along the bishops with the deprivation of their right to vote on Bishop's Cathedral.

Further, in 2015, the Council Movement in Defense of the Shrine of Marriage “NO DIVORCE” (razvoda.net/obrashenia.html#m2) filed an appeal to the church courts of the dioceses of the Russian Orthodox Church on the need to condemn the criminal practice of issuing certificates to adulterers, allowing the priesthood over filth - the commission of rites Sacraments of Marriage over Adulterers. In particular, it was pointed out that modern documents on marriage do not correspond to piety and truth.

Among them were the decisions of the Local Council of 1918, where "the reason for the termination of the marriage union, consecrated by the Church" was called "the fact that the other spouse entered into a new marriage union while his marriage existed with the spouse asking for a divorce." (Collection of Definitions and Decrees of the Holy Council of the Orthodox Russian Church in 1917-1918, vol. 4. p. 48.).

The response of the hierarchy to this appeal was the 2016 document “On Church Marriage”, proposed for consideration by the church fullness. Chapter 3 of this document introduces an unprecedented hitherto definition of “termination of marriage”, that is, the denial of the existence of the Sacrament of Marriage after everyday tests or registration in state bodies of relations of one of the spouses with another person.

It must be noted with regret that such a rejection is blasphemy - blasphemy against the Holy Spirit of God, which the bishops of 1918, who were under the revolutionary upheaval of that time, did not even dare to dare. Like a flare they fired the allegation of the existence of marriage after the registration of adultery with the godless government agencies, criminally calling them a "new marriage".

In addition, the specified concept of “termination of marriage”, in the presence of the teaching of the Orthodox Church on the indissolubility of the marriage union, is a criminal offense under Article 148 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation on insulting the feelings of believers. Insulting believers with blasphemy against the Sacrament of Marriage was spread throughout all the dioceses of the Russian Orthodox Church with the permission of Patriarch Kirill, as indicated on the official website of the Inter-Council Presence msobor.ru.

The church courts were presented with a case on the corruption of the marriage of Valery Sutormin by the clergy of the Moscow (city) diocese, among whom was Metropolitan Arseniy of Istra. Crimes against the marriage of Alexandra Panina were also cited. There was no response from the church courts. In Moscow, to this day, adulterers are issued certificates “on the loss of the canonical power of church marriage in connection with the loss of civil marriage” signed by the first vicar of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill. Representatives of the Canonical Cabinet of the city of Moscow, when issuing certificates to adulterers, refer to the scheme proposed by the patriarch.

Victims of diocesan blasphemy apply to the Council Movement "NO DIVORCE". So the husband of Valeria Balakireva, after registering his adultery, applied to the diocese of the city of Moscow for permission to have a new cohabitation with another with a living wife who was faithful to him. At the same time, Andrei Balakirev, in an appeal to His Holiness the Patriarch, indicated in writing the reason for his separation from his wife - “tired”. As a result, the adulterer received a certificate of the following content, signed by Metropolitan Arseny of Istra: "Due to the loss of civil marriage, church marriage has lost its canonical force."

The husband of Ekaterina Bulgakova, who has been clean from her youth, committed adultery, received a certificate in the diocese after registering with another. As a result, not even a year had passed before the rite of marriage was performed on the adulterers, blaspheming God with the invocation of the Holy Spirit to descend into filth. According to the testimony of the staff of the canonical office, the flow of this blasphemy with the issuance of adulterous certificates in Moscow is 10-15 people a day. The responsibility for this corruption lies with the bishop of the city of Moscow, who, according to the Canons of the Church, must be deposed from the priesthood.

The second canon of the Sixth Ecumenical Council commands: “Let no one be allowed to change or cancel the aforementioned rules, or, apart from the proposed rules, accept others, with false inscriptions compiled by some people who dared to feast on the truth. If someone is convicted, as if some rule from the above mentioned has attempted to change or stop: such a person will be guilty against that rule to suffer penance, which it determines, and through it he will heal from what he stumbled.

Thus, Patriarch Kirill (Gundyaev) stumbled in the rule on adultery, when, with his consent and order, according to his “scheme”, they began to issue certificates to adulterers to continue corruption, followed by blasphemy over the Sacrament of Marriage. The penance of adultery for a priest means his ouster from the priesthood according to the first canon of the holy local Council of Neocaesarea:

“Priest, if he marries, let him be deposed from his rank. But if he commits fornication or adultery, let him be completely expelled from the communion of the Church, and reduced to the ranks of the penitents. The subsequent blasphemy against the Holy Spirit with the raising of the Crowns of virginity over adulterous filth has no forgiveness according to the Scriptures: “Therefore I say to you: every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven men” (Mat. 12:31).

Recently, the Russian Orthodox Church was shocked by the disgrace of Hieromonk Photius (Vitaly Mochalov) on the first Russian TV channel as part of the Voice contest. In violation of Christian and monastic vows, the priest of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Kaluga diocese went out to disgrace in front of a multi-million audience in Russia. This wickedness was sealed by the issuance of the first place to an unusual saint of the adulterous world, who disgraced the honor of an Orthodox priest after the cleric John Okhlobystin. The only difference was that hieromonk Photius not only was not deposed from the priesthood, but was escorted home with honors - to St. Pafnutiev Borovsky Monastery.

According to Canons 24, 51 of the Holy Apostles, Canon 54 of the Seventh Ecumenical Council, under the threat of being defrocked, forbids clerics not only to be participants, but also to attend disgrace.

Rules of the Holy Apostles

24. None of those in the sacred rank, nor a monk, is allowed to go to horse races, or attend shameful games. And if anyone from the clergy is called to marriage, then when games appear that serve to seduce, let him get up and immediately leave: for so the teaching of our fathers commands us. But if anyone is convicted of this, either let him stop, or let him be cast out.

51. This holy ecumenical council completely forbids laughers and their spectacles, as well as animal spectacles and dancing on disgrace. But if anyone despises the present rule, and indulges in any of these forbidden amusements: then let the cleric be expelled from the clergy, and let the layman be excommunicated from church communion.

54 Rule of the Holy Ecumenical Council VII, Nicaea: “It is not fitting for the consecrated, or the clerks, to see disgraceful performances at marriages or feasts: but before the infamous persons enter, rise up and depart.”

The “mentor” of Hieromonk Photius in disgrace, along with the rapper Basta, was the well-known pop figure Grigory Leps, who did not want the priest to “take an example from him.”

Instead of the prescribed defrocking of the disgraceful hieromonk, who dropped the reputation and authority of the priesthood, and sowed temptation in the flock of Christ, Patriarch Kirill publicly congratulates on his facebook page with the following words: “Congratulating Father Photius, I would like to wish him to preserve the naturalness of behavior, modesty, which is inherent rank and according to which people - both ecclesiastical and non-ecclesiastical - determine the spiritual state of a clergyman. Keep in your heart what I wish you in a difficult time for you, coming after winning the competition.

With these words, Patriarch Kirill broadcast the crime throughout the country, spread the temptation not only to the flock of Christ, but also to the community of still unenlightened Orthodox Christians. Later it became known that this shamelessness did not occur without the knowledge of the Bishop of Moscow. In accordance with Canon 2 of the Sixth Ecumenical Council, together with Hieromonk Photius, Patriarch Kirill (Gundyaev) must suffer an equal punishment with the disgraceful monk.

Repeatedly, Patriarch Kirill performed joint prayers with heretics, pagans and apostates in violation of the Holy Rules of the Church.

Rules of the Holy Apostles

45. A bishop, or presbyter, or deacon, who only prayed with heretics, may he be excommunicated. If, however, he allows them to act in any way, as ministers of the Church: let him be deposed.

46. ​​Bishops, or presbyters, who have accepted baptism or the sacrifice of heretics, we command to cast out. What is the agreement of Christ with Belial, or what part of the faithful with the unfaithful?

65. If anyone from the clergy, or a layman, enters a Jewish or heretical synagogue to pray: let him be expelled from the holy order, and excommunicated from the communion of the Church.

So in 1991 at the General Assembly of the World Council of Churches in Canberra, the future Patriarch Kirill (Gundyaev) said the following: or not a member of the World Council of Churches.

The World Council of Churches is a common home for us, and the fact that the Orthodox perceive it as their home and want this home to be the cradle of a single church, hence their special responsibility for the fate of the World Council of Churches and their desire to contribute to the development of the ecumenical movement. I am deeply convinced that what is happening at the assembly of the church should be taken with them and carried to themselves, conveyed to their people.

If they do this, and if they do this, then this means the ecumenical movement is a movement of churches, and not of individual representatives, not of a separate theological elite that comes to Canberra and for which the consequences of the assembly are indifferent.

From these words of Bishop Kirill (Gundyaev) it follows not only participation in joint fraternal communion with heretics, but also his clear desire to carry out an atheistic devastation of the Church of Christ. Moreover, the said cleric further proclaims the existence of a certain “one church” with heretics, pagans, aborigines, that is, with Satan, expressing clearly the desire for the development of the ecumenical movement.

Rules of the Holy Ecumenical Seventh Council, Nicaea

32. It is not proper to accept blessings from heretics, which are more vainglory than blessings.
33. It is not proper to pray with a heretic or a renegade.
39. You must not celebrate with the pagans and partake of their godlessness.
37. You must not accept holiday gifts sent from Jews or heretics, but celebrate with them.
38. You must not accept unleavened bread from the Jews, or partake of their ungodliness.

Further, in violation of the above Holy Rules, Patriarch Kirill (Gundyaev) accepted a golden apple as a gift from Rabbi Arthur Schneier, which, among other things, caused a deep insult to many Orthodox Christians.

In August 2012, Patriarch Kirill, during a solemn service in the Orthodox Cathedral of St. Mary Magdalene, prayed together with the Catholic bishops present, whom he greeted with a fraternal kiss (http://www.svoboda.mobi/a/24679452.html) .

Patriarch Kirill's appointment of Archbishop Hilarion (Alfeyev) to the post of DECR chairman led to continued apostasy. So on January 21, at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Moscow, the Roman Catholic Church held a joint prayer of Orthodox clerics with heretics "for the unity of Christians."

Representatives of various Christian denominations in Russia, including Catholics, Orthodox and Protestants, held a joint prayer as part of the World Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, which traditionally takes place from January 18 to 25. The Commanding Bishop of the Russian United Union of Evangelical Christians (Pentecostals) Sergey Ryakhovsky took part in the prayer. The creative teams of the Church of the KhVE "Church of God in Tsaritsyno", whose senior pastor is Sergey Vasilievich, also made their contribution to the holiday.

In addition, it should be noted the regular prayerful presence of heretics at festive services in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. In addition to a personal crime, Patriarch Kirill introduces into sin the flock of Christ's sheep entrusted to him. Let it not!

We, the faithful children of the Russian Orthodox Church, in fulfillment of piety and truth, according to the accusations presented, in order to save the soul of the bishop of the city of Moscow and the preservation of the Church, we ask and demand in a conciliar manner that Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia (Gundyaev Vladimir Mikhailovich) be deposed from the holy order. Appoint a Local Council to elect a worthy bishop to the patriarchal throne of All Russia, capable of fulfilling the oaths taken during consecration - in the face of fear of death, to observe the Seven Ecumenical and Nine Local Canonical Councils, than to save the Russian Orthodox Church from the heretical schism of the ecumenists.

In conclusion, we must recall the canonical force of this document, filed in full accordance with the Canon of the Orthodox Church, by her faithful children, who do not have the spot of vice or dishonor. The accusations of the bishop of the city of Moscow are genuine and well known. Their proofs are given in the appendix with reference to sources.

According to the 90th canon of the Holy Local Council of Carthage, from the day this application was submitted to the Moscow Patriarchate, from February 8, 2016 (the memory of St. Theodore the Studite), Patriarch Kirill (Gundyaev Vladimir Mikhailovich) becomes out of communion and within a year can take care of proving his innocence. This means that he is forbidden to serve as a bishop, to participate and conduct councils on behalf of the Church.

Understanding that this canonical rule will be violated, we must recall that the consecrations performed by Patriarch Kirill (Gundyaev) after February 8, 2016 should be called invalid. After our appeal to the Church Court, the meeting with the “Pope of Rome” will take place not with the patriarch, but with the bishop of the city of Moscow, who is forbidden by the Rules from the priesthood.

The Charter of the Russian Orthodox Church cannot stand over the Ecumenical Councils in the same way as the Patriarch over the Head of the Church. From the moment of our appeal on February 8, 2016, our Lord Jesus Christ, the Head of the Russian Orthodox Church, in full accordance with the Holy Rules, forbids Patriarch Kirill (Gundyaev) to serve as a bishop of the Church. Further, the question of the conciliar deposition of the bishop of the city of Moscow (Gundyaev Vladimir Mikhailovich) should be decided at the Bishops' and Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church.

For an honest bishop who unfeignedly embarked on the path of Christian achievement, this document is intended to become a good basis for defending piety and truth within the fence of the Russian Orthodox Church before the invasion of the Antichrist.


Photograph of Archbishop Kirill (Gundyaev) participating in a joint ritual priesthood together with pagans and heretics

Photograph of Patriarch Kirill (Gundyaev) accepting a golden apple as a gift from Rabbi Arthur Schneier

Fraternal kisses of a heretic by Patriarch Kirill (Gundyaev)

Video recording of an interview with Archbishop Kirill (Gundyaev) at the General Assembly of the World Council of Churches in Canberra in 1991 about the one church ( )

Video recording of the participation of the DECR group in an ecumenical gathering in Moscow.

Asking for a defense
shrines of Orthodoxy,

Sutormin Valery Valerievich

On January 13, 2016, a seminar-conference "Spiritual security of Russia in the conditions of the ideological expansion of the West. Pan-Orthodox Council of 2016" was held in Moscow.

The participants of the seminar were given the text of the official address of the deputy Zinina S.I. to the Security Council of the Russian Federation.

This appeal says that the Memorandum, signed by representatives of the European Union, a number of European states and Christian churches on June 25-29, 2014, sets out a specific, scheduled plan for the complete reorganization of society and the Church based on a single electronic system of personal identification, the proclamation of a new planetary religion, a new morality, a new system of education and healthcare. “It is of particular concern that the Memorandum speaks of the abolition of national sovereignty and the creation of Federated States, which must be accepted by the Christian churches.<…>On the Russian side, this memorandum was signed by Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeev) of Volokolamsk, therefore “the citizens of Russia are asking for clarifications on what basis the representative of the ROC MP takes upon himself the solution of issues relating to everything Russian state, moreover, associated with plans for the abolition of national sovereignty.

The deputy's request contains a request to verify the authenticity of this Memorandum, the fact that it was signed by representatives of the ROC MP, and if this is confirmed, take measures to protect Russia's national security.

The compiler of this appeal, Zinina Svetlana Ivanovna, a deputy of the Moscow Regional Duma from the Communist Party faction, opened a seminar-meeting.

She said that the fight against globalization must be waged on all fronts. Deputies need to conduct it, including in the field of legislation, since draft laws for Russia are often prepared by Western consulting companies and are contrary to its interests.

And the Orthodox community, along with the absolutely necessary work of personal prayer and piety, must also participate in the salvation of the souls of their neighbors from the networks of globalism.

The next speaker Sivkov Konstantin Valentinovich, doctor of military sciences, chairman of the Union of Geopoliticians.

According to him, in our time a small layer of owners of transnational, financial structures has almost unlimited real power over an atomized society. To do this, anti-values ​​are planted in the spiritual realm, and the reformed education system destroys a holistic worldview, replacing it with clip thinking.

Orthodoxy remains perhaps the last stronghold, and to destroy it, they use the technique of "Overton windows", the technology of changing public consciousness, when something completely unacceptable for society in stages, for a long time, first becomes the subject of discussion, then becomes acceptable and, in eventually becomes the undeniable norm.

According to this method, Orthodox believers are accustomed to ecumenism.

The task of the forthcoming Pan-Orthodox Council is to set world orthodoxy under the full control of the Vatican and Western intelligence agencies.

As an ideological justification, the thesis of the need to overcome the differences between Orthodoxy and Catholicism in the face of threats from radical Islamism, created with the participation of the same Western intelligence services, is used.

It is necessary that the threats that we are going to talk about today are reflected in the media. At the dawn of capitalism, the cobblestone was the weapon of the proletariat. Today, the main weapon is information, and in the information war, intelligence wins, not money.

It is necessary to alert citizens and the healthy part of the political elite about threats in order to solve the problems facing society without revolutionary upheavals like the Orange Revolutions or the October Revolution of 1917.

According to many analysts, 2016 will be a year of upheavals and the enemies of our country will try to play on this.

Priest Vladimir Vasilievich Podprosvetov from the Moscow region said with alarm that in all spheres of life there was a seizure of power by hostile forces. Damage to the spiritual foundations will inevitably lead to damage to all other areas of life.

In his opinion, in the depths of the Orthodox faith there are answers to all questions, so we can come to self-sufficiency from external forces of ideologies alien to us.

This requires collegiality, which suffered from the beginning of the 18th century, which led to the revolution of 1917.

Metropolitan Hilarion Alfeev assures that the foundations of Orthodox tradition, such as the calendar, fasts, will not be changed at the Pan-Orthodox Council, all decisions will be made by universal consent. However, at the same time, he conducts a theological dialogue with Catholic heretics, the content of which we do not know.

From the official documents of the Synod, it becomes known that the theological commission of the Vatican "for the unity of the churches" is preparing some documents for consideration at the Pan-Orthodox Council. All this is happening behind the back of the church community.

Uniatism, an agreement with the spiritual authorities of the West will be the fall of Russia. Our ancestors understood this, and so do we.

According to Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeev), this cathedral took 50 years to prepare. Its purpose is to legitimize the heresy of ecumenism.

It must be understood that it will be the eighth council, or only part of it, regardless of where it will be held.

Such a council would be justified only if it condemned ecumenism, Catholicism, Uniatism, the ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, sodomites, and confirmed all Orthodox rules.

However, many lay people and priests are following the preparations for the Pan-Orthodox Council with concern and pray that it does not achieve its destructive goals.

At our conferences against globalism and ecumenism, well-known priests like Fr. Dmitry Smirnov does not come, and in their interviews they go away from the essence of the issue.

We see that the Pan-Orthodox Council is a prophesied banner that separates adherents of Orthodoxy from conformists and opportunists.

In history, often the cathedrals of bishops were non-Orthodox, for example, the cathedrals of the Arians, iconoclasts, the Union of Florence, the Union of Brest-Litovsk ...

And in these non-Orthodox councils, the hierarchy participated ...

If we do not delve into these issues ourselves, then not only Russia will fall, but also the nature of man ...

Faith will not stand without the people of God, without active, active Christians. And in our country they deliberately reduce everything to the “faith of grandmothers”, but they actively contact with heretics.

In his speech Chetverikova Olga Nikolaevna, associate professor at MGIMO and a member of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems, noted that the Pan-Orthodox Council is the main instrument for the decay of Orthodoxy and the destruction of the Church. This is not only an internal church issue, but also a geopolitical issue, a national security issue.

Unfortunately, in Russia they are trying to resist the West according to outdated patterns, while the main tool in the US intelligence community is considered to be measures to change the consciousness, stereotypes, values, behavioral and cultural norms of the enemy. At the same time, there is no difference between the state of war and peace; subversive work is always carried on.

In this activity, religious structures are used as political instruments.

A special role is assigned to the Vatican, its monastic orders and special services.

The Patriarchate of Constantinople, which is extremely dependent on the United States, Turkey, a member of NATO and the Vatican, is also used to corrupt Orthodoxy.

Tragic events took place in Ukraine before our eyes, a civil war began. This was prepared by a deep restructuring of the consciousness of the Little Russians with the active participation of the US intelligence services and structures of the Vatican.

It is no coincidence that the events in Ukraine coincided in time with the "Arab Spring".

Today the Vatican is calling for unification with Orthodoxy, using the threat of Islamic terrorism as a pretext.

Former Israeli President Shimon Peres during a meeting with Pope Francis, held in the Vatican on September 5, 2014, invited the pontiff to head the "UN of religions".

Speaking about the Orthodox-Catholic rapprochement, it should be noted that earlier the condition for the union of the Orthodox and Catholics was the acceptance of Catholic dogma, the primacy of the Pope. Today we are talking about a new, informal union with the Roman Catholic Church, when the issue of the heresy of Catholicism is not discussed, but for the Pope among Orthodox Patriarchs primacy is recognized. The Patriarch of Constantinople has actually already recognized this.

A hierarchy of inter-religious relations has been developed, in which Orthodox churches recognize the primacy of the Patriarch of Constantinople over themselves, who recognizes the primacy of the Pope over themselves. The pope recognizes the primacy of the Jewish rabbinate over himself.

This goal is achieved through the so-called "inter-religious dialogue".

Today, with the aggravation of the international situation and the intensification of subversive activities against our country, “inter-religious dialogue” is clearly destructive.”

Speaking about the Pan-Orthodox Council, it should be noted that already agreed upon decisions will be made at it, which have already been called “consensus”. The cathedral is being prepared secretly, behind closed doors, none of the believers and the ordinary priests have read the documents being prepared.

On the site Patriarchy of Constantinople the text of the Memorandum signed in Strasbourg on June 25-29, 2014 was exhibited. Soon this text was removed, but it had already been copied.

According to the Memorandum and the information that is known about the preparation of the Council, it follows that after the Council:

Christian churches recognize globalization and all its manifestations that the Orthodox community has struggled with: international government, total electronic control, changes in education and healthcare that are based on this, etc.;

The documents and decisions adopted during the 50 years of the ecumenical movement acquire the status of obligatory canonical norms for all Orthodox churches;

None of the Orthodox Churches can have its own special position on ecumenical issues or any other, this will be considered as a spiritual crime;

To achieve unity, a regulatory body is established: the International Synod;

Opponents of ecumenism will be regarded as schismatics and heretics.

We Orthodox citizens must not allow us to be excluded from the life of the Church.

If these plans come true, then the Russians Orthodox people will be under control spiritual center outside of Russia and hostile to Russia.

It is necessary to apply to state bodies with a request to prevent the holding of the Pan-Orthodox Council, which threatens to destabilize Russia.

Sokolov Konstantin Nikolaevich, an expert on geopolitics, recalled the words of Zbigniew Brzezinski that in order to destroy Russia, it is necessary to destroy the CPSU and the Russian Orthodox Church. After perestroika, only the Russian Orthodox Church remained. The largest intelligence agencies of the world have been working on these tasks for a long time.

KN Sokolov said that, in his opinion, many disorganizations in the Church arise not only because of differences of opinion, theological disputes, but are inspired by external forces from outside.

Faith is a way of life, a system of social relations. Who breaks the faith - breaks the society.

They want to destroy the Russian Church by combining incompatible, Orthodox fraternal residence and the cult of the "golden calf", to subordinate it to "world domination."

It is necessary to draw the attention of the state to this as one of the national threats.

Tsareva Galina Ivanovna, Candidate of Philosophy, member of the Union of Journalists, said that the Coordinating Committee against the introduction of the Universal Electronic Card has collected more than 7,300 signatures from all over Russia against the participation of the Russian Orthodox Church in the Pan-Orthodox Council and would like to be heard.

Can there be a rapprochement with the Roman Catholic Church at all, what is its current spiritual state?

On January 6, 2016, a video message from Pope Francis on interreligious dialogue was published on the Vatican's Youtube channel. It begins with the words of the pontiff: “Most of the inhabitants of the planet call themselves believers. And this should lead to a dialogue between religions. We must not stop praying about this and cooperating with those who think otherwise.”

At the end of the video, representatives of four religions hold out the symbols of their religions towards each other: a Buddhist woman - a statue of Buddha, a Jew - a menorah, a Muslim - a prayer rosary. The Christian, however, does not present the cross as his symbol, but for some reason a doll depicting a baby.

G.I. Tsareva also drew attention to the fact that the modern Roman Catholic Church officially recognizes the existence of aliens, several telescopes in observatories belonging to the RCC are constantly looking for them in the depths of space, many Catholic scientific conferences dedicated to aliens are held, theological monographs are published on the topic of alien baptism, etc.

Catholic theologians are of the opinion that the Virgin Mary was taken on a flying saucer, and after that the baby Christ was born.

Also, according to G.I. Tsareva, in recent times in the West, the exposure of the criminal syndicate involved in the abduction of children began. Some high-ranking representatives of the Roman Catholic Church and its institutions are involved in this.

The International Tribunal for the Crimes of Church and State was created at the initiative of Kevin Annette, former pastor of the United Church in Canada. While working as a clergyman, Kevin learned about what happened in boarding schools for Indian children who were forcibly taken from their parents and placed in special boarding schools.

Since 2008, 32 mass graves of children have been discovered at Catholic children's boarding schools across Canada. The remains of Mohawk children were found in a mass grave in Brenton, Ontario, and the bodies of 796 children were found in the sewers of St. Mary's Catholic Mother and Child Home in Tuam. But none of the 32 burials has been recognized by either the Catholic Church or the Canadian government.

Since 2011, more than 64 survivors have testified in court about ritual abuse, satanic child sacrifice by members of the world's elites during the "cult of the Ninth Circle".

European aristocrats, prominent government officials, Catholic popes and cardinals, members of the global elite took part in the murders of children. Among them are the former Pope Ratzinger, the Dutch Catholic Cardinal Afrink, Queen Elizabeth of Great Britain, Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands and the creator of the Bilderberg Club, Prince Bernard of the Netherlands, Prince Johann Friso, the second son of Queen Beatrix, his friends and relatives, the most famous people in the Netherlands: ministers, high-ranking officials. It was also attended by politicians and military from all over North and South America and from the countries of the United Kingdom, the first persons of the social hierarchy of Europe, Canada, Australia, the United States - members of royal families, ministers, heads of corporations, intelligence agencies, banking structures, "stars" of the show - business.

One of the documents that we managed to get in the Vatican stated that, starting from the 60s of the XX century, every new pope, before taking office, is obliged to undergo the ritual of killing an infant with the use of his blood during the "cult of the Ninth Circle" of satanic child sacrifices.

Some of the sixty eyewitnesses who testified before the international tribunal said that the rites of this cult were performed in the presence of the Popes, in particular, Pope Francis, the former Pope Ratzinger, General of the Catholic Order of the Jesuits Adolfo Pachon, Queen Elizabeth and some Catholic cardinals.

In February 2013, a tribunal's guilty verdict against 30 members of the world's elite, including Pope Ratzinger, came days after his unprecedented resignation. Pope Francis also recently announced that he may resign.

Petrunya Oleg Eduardovich, candidate of philosophical sciences, teacher, expressed his conviction that the Pan-Orthodox Council is being started in order to legitimize criminal tolerance, modernism in the Church. While preserving the outer shell of churchness, they want to change the spiritual essence, push the boundaries of what is permissible. The last dogmatic, canonical strongholds of Orthodoxy in the Russian Orthodox Church will be destroyed.

The speaker noted that in the Soviet era, the Congresses of the CPSU were held with greater openness than the forthcoming Pan-Orthodox Council. The grassroots party organizations discussed the drafts of a new Party Charter, and now Orthodox believers do not know anything about the documents being prepared for approval at the Pan-Orthodox Council.

Something needs to be changed, catholicity, living human communication is being lost in the Church right before our eyes.

It is already clear that after this council, the church authorities will declare dissenters to be outcasts, terrorists, they will smash one by one, so we need to coordinate our actions in advance in order to prevent this.

Priest Roman Zelensky from St. Petersburg, in his speech, he tried to comprehend the essence of that violation of the hierarchy established by God, which carries papism.

According to him, papism is admiration church hierarchy those powers that belong only to earthly rulers, ideally - to Orthodox monarchs.

AT Old Testament an example of this is Aaron's attempt to capture the authority of Moses, which led to the creation and worship of the golden calf.

In the New Testament - when the high priests Anna and Caiaphas crucified Christ.

Signs of papism Christian Church a sect is created, a caste of the elect, initiated, striving for earthly power and choosing the Pope as the protector of their interests. They create a state within a state, supranational power, structures fighting for world domination. It is well known from history how many wars and state upheavals were caused by the power ambitions of the papists.

Anticipating such a threat, the apostle Peter wrote, addressing the pastors of the Church: “Shepherd God’s flock, which is among you, overseeing it not under compulsion, but willingly and pleasing to God, not for vile self-interest, but out of zeal, and not dominating over the heritage [of God] but setting an example for the flock” (1 Peter 5:2-3).

Now it is becoming clear that at the so-called Pan-Orthodox Council they want to come to an informal union of Orthodoxy with the Roman Catholic Church. It will consist in refusing to discuss theological differences between Orthodoxy and Catholicism, as well as in including the pope in the memorials of all Orthodox churches along with the Orthodox patriarchs.

Gregory Palamas wrote back in the 14th century: “Even the angels cannot move the Latins from their delusions.” If the angels cannot, then how can the forthcoming Pan-Orthodox Council?

According to Father Roman, if a pious Orthodox tsar were at the head of Russia, and those mechanisms of patronage and protection of the Church on the part of state power which existed for the last three hundred years before the revolution, for example, the Most Holy Governing Synod, then such a plunge into the abyss of ecumenism, those papist moods that are now manifested by the hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church, would be impossible.

Myamlin Kirill Evgenievich, Director of the Institute of High Communitarianism (Geopolitics), noted that, unlike the world where elitism dominates, the power of the elect over the people, the Church, according to the Creed, must be united, holy and catholic. But in reality the principle of conciliarity is absent.

In the Church today there are two peoples - full-fledged hierarchs and completely disenfranchised people, not even parishioners, but congregants. But faith without works, without participation in the life of the Church is dead.

When Christ said: “I will build My Church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it” (Mat. 16:18), the Greek word “eklesia” was used there, which means “church community”. That's when the gates of hell won't prevail. Therefore, the restoration of the church community is the restoration of the Church.

Strashinsky Alexander Nikolaevich, chairman of the Chelyabinsk branch of Orthodox Russia, noted that if anti-Orthodox, anti-canonical decisions are made at the Pan-Orthodox Council, this will lead to an unprecedented split and weakening of the Russian state. There are many bishops in the Russian Orthodox Church who will never agree with the recognition of the Pope of Rome, to the resumption of Eucharistic communion with Catholics. Rule 15 of the Double Council reads: “those who separate themselves from communion with the primate, for the sake of some heresy, condemned by the holy councils or the fathers, when, that is, he preaches heresy publicly, and teaches it openly in the church, such as they will protect themselves from communion with the verbal bishop before conciliar consideration, not only are they not subject to the penance prescribed by the rules, but they are also worthy of the honor befitting the Orthodox. For they did not condemn bishops, but false bishops and false teachers, and did not cut short the unity of the church by schism, but strove to protect the church from schisms and divisions.

What will be the strength of this blow to the Church and the Russian state?

Isn't the whole idea with the Pan-Orthodox Council the work of the "fifth column", in the words of our President Vladimir Putin, and "traitors in cassocks", in the words of Patriarch Kirill?

A Pan-Orthodox Council in its current form will have catastrophic consequences for the Church and the state.

Those who accept it will become accomplices in the globalist project, the construction of the antichrist kingdom.

Kuryvlev Vladimir Mikhailovich, Doctor of Philosophy, drew attention to the fact that Byzantium fell after the Florentine Union with the Catholics.

We know from the Bible that if kings and commanders acted in accordance with the will of God, were led by God, then they won legendary victories, with a small number of fighters with small losses, they defeated huge enemy armies. We see the same in recent history Russia, on the example of the legendary victories of deeply religious Suvorov and Admiral Ushakov.

And those who did things that were not pleasing to God were in for a crushing defeat. So soon after the adoption of the Florentine Union, Byzantium finally fell.

There were already secret Catholics among the participants in the Council of Florence. Perhaps they are among the current hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church.

The Gospel says: “He who does not abide in Me will be cast out like a branch and wither; but such [branches] are gathered up and thrown into the fire, and they are burned up” (John 15:5).

The Catholics have already been rejected, and those who make alliances with them will do the same.

Sutormin Valery Valerievich, head of the Spiritual Security Service, said that this Service was created by the public to establish canon law in the life of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Thus, 20 Christians sent claims to the church courts of various dioceses of the Russian Orthodox Church for bringing the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew (Dmitros Archondonis) to the church court.

According to church rules, the accusations against the bishop must be supported by evidence, and in the event of a slander or impossibility to prove the accusation, the accusers must face the punishment that the accused should have been subjected to.

However, in the case of Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople, his canonical crimes are undeniable and known to the whole world.

The website of the Council Movement in Defense of the Shrine of Marriage “No Divorce” posted the text of an appeal to the Church Court: “Your Holiness, Eminence, Eminence!

On behalf of many faithful children of the Russian Orthodox Church, we demand that Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew (Dimitrios Archondonis) and those involved in his atrocities be brought to the Church Court for many years of crimes against Ecumenical Orthodoxy. One of these atrocities would have been sufficient under Canon law for the removal of a bishop from holy orders and excommunication from the Church.

On November 30, 2014, Patriarch Bartholomew prayed with Pope Francis at the Divine Liturgy at the Church of St. George on Phanar (Istanbul).

On May 25, 2014, Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew jointly held an ecumenical "liturgy" in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher.

On October 28, 2009, Patriarch Bartholomew entered the Park East Synagogue in New York and greeted Rabbi Arthur Schneier with an "embrace of the world". And so on.

According to the Canons of the Orthodox Church (Ap. 7, 45, 65, 70, 71; Trul. 11; Antioch. 1; Laod. 6, 29, 33, 37, 38), Patriarch Bartholomew must be deposed from the priesthood and excommunicated from church communion .

According to the 71st canon of St. Basil the Great, the inaction of every Orthodox Christian, especially the archpastor and shepherd, brings on indifferent clerics equal condemnation with criminals, with Patriarch Bartholomew and his accomplices. Then why are we all in the Church?

The canonical atrocities of Patriarch Bartholomew today really threaten Ecumenical Orthodoxy and hinder fraternal and Eucharistic communion with him.

According to the canons of the Church, Patriarch Bartholomew can neither serve nor convene councils, since he did not justify himself from the accusations within a year.

So far, no response to this appeal has been received by any of the persons who submitted it.

According to V. Sutormin, if within a year after the receipt of the application to the church court there is no answer, then this means the bishops renounce the episcopal authority. This gives a canonical opportunity to hold a Council without bishops to denounce heresy and anathematize a heretic.

It is also necessary to apply to the church court against Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeev). Recently, in his temple "Joy of All Who Sorrow" on Bolshaya Ordynka, a Baptist choir sang, for this alone he should be defrocked.

There is no need to wait for the return of the tsar, to ask the Synod on one's knees, but to defend Orthodoxy ourselves in accordance with church canons.

Balashov Vasily Dmitrievich, publicist, human rights activist, noted that the enemies of Orthodoxy began to act not through direct persecution, but through the internal decomposition of the Church by agents of influence. For example, the well-known Metropolitan Nikodim Rotov was such an agent, and now his students are, who have become prominent hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church. A similar situation was in the 1920s, when the Soviet authorities supported the Renovationists to fight Orthodoxy.

So far, renovation initiatives have spread widely in practice in the Church and are supported by the highest hierarchs, but from the point of view of Orthodox rules remain illegal initiatives of individuals.

The Pan-Orthodox Council is held precisely for this purpose, in order to legitimize the apostasy of the Renovationist ecumenists, to erase the line between the Church and the world.

The following issues from the agenda of the Council are of the greatest concern.

"The establishment of a common calendar", that is, the legalization of the new style and the transition to it of those local churches that have not yet done this, including the Russian Orthodox Church.

“Unification of the sacrament of marriage”, that is, the recognition as a church norm of the modern civil practice of free dissolution of marriage, second marriage for the clergy, married episcopate, the actual abolition of monasticism.

"The question of fasting in modern world”, that is, the weakening of the fasts prescribed by the rules of the Church up to their complete abolition.

"Relations with other Christian denominations and the ecumenical movement". Possibly forbidden. Orthodox canons ecumenical practice will legalized as a mandatory norm for all local Orthodox churches. A full restoration of prayerful communion with the Roman Catholic Church is to be expected.

"The contribution of Orthodoxy to the affirmation of the Christian ideals of peace, brotherhood and freedom." The replacement of Christian teaching with the so-called "universal" liberal values.

In addition, from the Memorandum signed in June 2014 in Strasbourg by representatives of European political circles and Orthodox churches, one can learn more about some decisions of the Pan-Orthodox Council that are being prepared in advance. It is planned to prohibit clerics from wearing church clothes outside churches, to ban the beard and long hair of the clergy, vigil in churches, church service instead of Sunday, it will be on Saturday, and so on.

Mandatory introduction of electronic cards, prohibition of paper documents. Mandatory sexual education in schools, “lessons of tolerance”, etc.

The fact that such sentiments are already widespread among the highest hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church becomes clear from the interview of Metropolitan Sergius of Voronezh to the Soyuz TV channel, in which he urged not to be afraid and implant a chip.

For a very long time, the mood “if only there was no war” prevailed in our society. But we must not be afraid of war, but be afraid of angering God. " And just as you have kept the word of my patience, so I will also keep you from the hour of temptation, which will come to the whole world to test those who dwell on earth.» (Rev. 3:10).

If we do not oppose the Pan-Orthodox Council, then this will be a betrayal of the Church and the church people.

The last to speak was the elderly Christian from Chuvashia. Her lively and interesting speech reflected the anxiety experienced by ordinary parishioners of the Russian Orthodox Church who have the fear of God and the spiritual mind.

“In our Chuvashia, the people are very excited, we do not hear anything about what is being prepared. Those who do this saw the branch they are sitting on. God will punish us all for this. Orthodoxy is our air that we breathe, the bread that we eat, the light of the world. This is an invaluable gift to the Russian people from the Lord. Let us remember that Alexander Nevsky fought against the Catholics. The Eighth Council is not needed by either God or people and should not take place. The mercy of God is limitless, but you don’t need to experience it, not everything is Shrovetide for the cat, other times may come.

If the Orthodox remain silent, the stones will cry out. Why are they silent in the Patriarchy? Are there no living people after Nikodim Rotov?”

The last speaker was the organizer of this seminar-meeting Deputy S.I. Zinina, which proposed the adoption of a resolution, which, in particular, calls on the state bodies of Russia "to put an end to enemy attempts to use our Church in dirty international political games and to prevent the holding of a Pan-Orthodox Council, which could become a detonator for the collapse of the state."

She also suggested addressing the Bishops' Council of the Russian Orthodox Church scheduled for the near future with a warning about the danger of the participation of the Russian Church in the forthcoming Pan-Orthodox Council.


Your Eminences, Your Eminences!
On June 10, 2016, the Double Local Moscow Council of Spiritual Security was held in Moscow. The convening of the Council was caused by an emergency canonical situation in the fence of the Russian Orthodox Church, when all the bishops departed from the fullness of divine truth in carrying out apostasy and adulterous heresy. Thus the patriarch and all Bishops' Cathedral fell under the condemnation of the ecclesiastical court.
The head of the Russian Orthodox Church, our Lord Jesus Christ, through the office of the Moscow Patriarchate, received an appeal to the church court from His faithful children. According to the promise, God will keep the Church to the end and will judge church offenders.
In the Catholic Apostolic Church, God expressed His will and executed judgment through the Councils of pious Christians, including those in the bishopric.
In conditions when the Patriarch, the Holy Synod and the Council of Bishops are on trial, it is not possible for them to convene a Local Council. Jurisdictional persons cannot manifest the will of God, especially when they are in uncorrection, as the 5th rule of the Seventh Ecumenical Council says: “There is a sin unto death, when some sinning, they remain in uncorrection. Worse than this is when they stubbornly rebel against piety and truth, preferring wealth to obedience before God, and not keeping to His statutes and rules. In such there is no Lord God.” Consequently, the right to convene a Local Council was transferred to the pious Christians of the Russian Orthodox Church, according to the Savior's word: "Where there are two or three gatherings in My name, I am in their midst." (Mat. 18:20). The work of the Council is that Christ among the faithful should manifest his divine will.
31 The Apostolic canon reads: “If any presbyter, despising his own bishop, will create separate meetings, and set up another altar, without convicting the bishop of anything contrary to piety and righteousness: let him be deposed as a lustful one. For there is a thief of power. Let the rest of the clergy who were attached to him be cast out in the same way. Let the laity be excommunicated from the communion of the Church. And this will be according to the first, and second, and third exhortation from the bishop.
Four months have passed since the filing with the Church Court against Patriarch Kirill (Gundyaev) on February 8, 2016. On April 15, 2016, the Holy Synod added to the crimes of the primate by approving his activities after the disclosure of canonical crimes. Other bishops confirmed their complicity in the atrocities of Patriarch Kirill with their silence and inaction, therefore they accepted an equal condemnation with him according to the 71st rule of the divine Basil: “He who knows a certain sin and conceals it, he will also receive a ban.”
Repeatedly, all the bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church were sent invitations to the Council on June 10, 2016, both by e-mail and by Russian post. On June 3, 2016, Patriarch Kirill received an invitation to the Council on June 10, 2016. The necessary conditions convocation of the Local Council were observed.
On June 10, 2016 at 14:00, the Double Local Moscow Council of Spiritual Security began its work and adopted the following decisions. We present some of them.
1. The holy rules of the Seven Ecumenical and Nine Local Canonical Councils remain unchanged and are binding regardless of time and era.
2. There is no divorce in the Church. Church marriage is performed by God Himself, therefore it is indissoluble according to the Scriptures: “Let God join together, let no man separate” (Mat. 19:6)
3. The sacrament of marriage over adulterers is not performed.
4. The proclamation of the rite of marriage over adulterers is a blasphemy against the Holy Spirit of God and has no forgiveness: “Every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven by a man: but even against the Spirit, blasphemy will not be forgiven by a man” (Mat. 12:31)
5. Rejection of the existence of the Sacrament of marriage after worldly trials, including after the termination of the registration of marriage in state bodies, naming the registration of adultery a “new marriage” in 1918 at the Local Council, in 2000 at the Bishops’ Council, the definition of 2015 “termination of marriage” in document "On Church Marriage" were recognized as blasphemy and an insult to the Grace of God. The use of the word "divorce" in the New Testament should be understood in the sense of separation, the abandonment of one spouse by the other, and not the "termination" of the existence of marriage as such.
6. The Church is one.
7. Heretical communities are not the Church.
8. Heretics cannot be called Christians, for without the Church there is no Christianity.
9. Ecumenism is apostasy.
10. The participation of bishops in the "World Council of Churches" means their free denial of Christ, since they freely agreed with the statement about the absence of the fullness of divine truth in Orthodoxy.
11. The activities of the "World Council of Churches" become an obstacle to heretics on the path to Orthodoxy, therefore it poses a threat to the spiritual security of the world.
According to the Charter of the Church, in the case when the patriarch is under ecclesiastical court, a locum tenens must be elected patriarchal throne. Under the present conditions, the election of a locum tenens by the Holy Synod and the bishops of the Church is not possible, for the entire Council of Bishops came under the condemnation of the Holy Rules. Therefore, on June 10, 2016, the Local Council elects Bishop Ippolit (Aleksey Alekseevich Khilko) as locum tenens of the patriarchal throne, if he is not banned from serving, and awaits the sacred approval of his candidacy.
The Local Council on June 10, 2016 determined the need to appeal to the pious bishops of other Local Churches (Constantinople, Bulgarian, Georgian, Antioch, Serbian) in order to carry out the Church judgment on the patriarch and bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church.

With a call to repentance and correction,
participants of the Double Local
Moscow Cathedral of Spiritual Security
faithful children of the Russian Orthodox Church,
Head of the Spiritual Security Service
Valery Sutormin
and further down the list

C - to dream