Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross 27. Exaltation of the Holy Cross

This article will discuss one of the most significant Christian holidays - the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. What is the history of this holiday, what date is it celebrated, what signs and traditions are associated with this day - you will find answers to all these questions here.

What holiday is it

The Orthodox Church annually celebrates twelve main holidays. The Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord is one of them. This holiday is dedicated to the Cross of our Savior. As all Orthodox Christians know, Jesus was crucified on the Cross, and since then the Cross of the Lord has been the main Shrine Orthodox world. The holiday symbolizes the lifting of the Cross from the earth after it was found.

After Jesus Christ was crucified and resurrected, the pagans decided to erase the memory of this momentous event from human memory so that future generations would not know what happened. They covered the place where the execution was carried out, as well as the Holy Sepulcher, with earth. At this place they erected a pagan temple, where they continued to worship their deities.

Neither more nor less, but as many as 300 years passed, until the greatest religious Shrine was regained. It happened under the Emperor Constantine. Thus, despite all the tricks of the pagans, the Cross of the Lord returned to those who believe in Christ. And in all ages it serves as a protection and a talisman for all Christians of the Earth.

What date is the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord? The Orthodox Church celebrates the holiday on September 27th. It is on this day that Christians remember the great event that returned to them one of the most significant Shrines of Christianity.

From the history

The life-giving Cross on which Jesus was crucified was found by the mother of Emperor Constantine, Queen Helen, in a cave near Jerusalem. This happened in 326. Help in this matter was provided by an elderly Jew. He knew where the Cross was, and showed this place to the Queen Equal to the Apostles. When they dug a cave under the pagan temple, they found three crosses in it.

As is known from history, two thieves were executed along with Jesus. The tablet with the inscription "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews" lay separately from the crosses. Before the people who found the cave, the question arose of how to determine on which of them Jesus was crucified. For this, the following method was invented: all three crosses were brought to a seriously ill woman in turn, two of them had no effect on the woman, and the third Cross worked a miracle - the woman recovered.

There is also a belief that at this time the body of a deceased person was carried past the cave for burial. All three crosses in turn began to lay on the body. Two did not affect the deceased in any way, and the Life-Giving Cross again performed a miracle. Man is risen! Thus, it was established which Cross is life-giving and on which exactly Jesus was crucified. It was through him that the Lord performed a miracle and showed his power.

What does the Exaltation of the Holy Cross mean?

All the people present at the events described above, including Patriarch Macarius and Empress Elena, bowed to the Cross with great joy and began to kiss it. Other Christians also learned about this great event. Many people gathered at the place where the Cross of the Lord was found. Every Christian yearned to venerate this great shrine. However, there were so many people that it was physically impossible to do so. Then people began to ask at least to show them this miracle. Patriarch Macarius stood on a hill and raised (raised) the Cross several times so that everyone could see Him. That is why the holiday was called the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. During the raising of the shrine, all those present bowed and exclaimed: “Lord, have mercy!”

Helen brought a part of the Cross of the Lord to her son, and the other part was left in Jerusalem. Emperor Constantine commanded that the Church of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord be built in Jerusalem. Its construction lasted almost ten years. This is not the only temple that was erected in honor of this event. Temples were also erected in Fevron, on the Mount of Olives and in Bethlehem.

Return from captivity

In the 7th century, another important event took place - the return of the Tree of the Cross from Persian captivity. In 614, the Persian king conquered Jerusalem. The city was plundered, and along with other treasures, the king took to Persia the tree of the Life-Giving Cross. The shrine was held by foreigners for exactly fourteen years, until in 628 Emperor Heraclius defeated the Persians. He made peace with Persia and returned the Life-Giving Cross to his homeland in Jerusalem.

What happened next with the greatest Shrine of Christians is not known for certain. According to one version, the Cross was in the homeland until 1245, while other historians believe that it was divided into parts and carried around the world. One of the parts of the Life-Giving Cross is still kept in the ark in Jerusalem in the altar of the Church of the Resurrection.

Customs and traditions

The feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross began with the event to which it is dedicated. Since the great Shrine of Christians was found, all generations from year to year revere and celebrate this day.

Many traditions and customs are associated with the Exaltation of the Holy and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord. Just like on any other significant church holiday, the Exaltation is held All-night vigil and Liturgy. In all Christian churches, festive services are held on this day. During the service, the Cross is brought to the middle of the temple for worship. The day before the holiday itself, there is a forefeast. After the Day of the Exaltation, there are seven days of afterfeast. In addition, the Exaltation is preceded by Saturday and Sunday, which are called Saturday and the Week before the Feast of the Exaltation.

Of course, believing Christians must visit the temple on this day. They pray, listen to sermons about the history of finding the Life-Giving Cross. Orthodox Christians worship the Cross as the most sacred thing. According to tradition, a procession with prayers and icons is performed on this holiday.

In the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord, all Christians pray for the health of their loved ones, as well as for well-being, understanding and happiness in their family. We should also not forget about people who have a need for something. During this period, it is customary to give alms to the poor, donate your funds to the needs of the temple, and also perform other good and charitable deeds. You can visit an orphanage with gifts and please children deprived of parental love. Everything that is done with love and concern for others brings you closer to God.

What to do on this holiday

For everybody Orthodox Christian it is important that significant days go as well and correctly as possible in order to do everything as useful as possible for your family and soul. The Day of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross is also no exception to this rule. Therefore, many are interested in the question of what can and cannot be done on this day. Perhaps some traditions are superstitions that the church does not approve of. But it is still very interesting to know what is considered useful to do on this day.

First of all, a strict fast must be observed on this holiday. The church teaches this, and it is accepted according to church laws. Neither meat nor milk, as well as other products of animal origin, should not be consumed. This rule also applies to Sunday, if the holiday falls on it. Many housewives prepared a variety of cabbage dishes for food. This vegetable was present in abundance in every home. Various pies, casseroles, cabbage salads decorated the festive table. Cabbage was fried, stewed, and used in sauerkraut. Therefore, the day of the Exaltation was still secretly called "Cabbage".

On this day, it will also be useful to sprinkle your home with holy water. It is believed that this action will help protect the house from evil spirits, dashing people and other misfortunes. At the same time, it is advisable to read a prayer to the Life-Giving Cross, because it is he who - main character this holiday. In houses where cattle were kept, according to custom, on the Feast of the Exaltation, small crosses were made of wood and placed in mangers and animal bins. Some people made crosses from rowan branches. These symbols were supposed to protect livestock and property from evil forces, to keep everything safe and sound.

In ancient times, there was even such a custom: crosses were painted in houses with chalk, garlic, soot or animal blood. Therefore, the Feast of the Exaltation was also called Stavrov's Day. "Stavros" in Greek means "cross". There is also a belief that when you see birds that fly south on the Feast of the Exaltation, you need to think of your own cherished desire. It is believed that it will definitely come true.

What not to do on this holiday

In addition to what needs to be done on the day of the Exaltation, there are also things that are strongly discouraged from doing. Firstly, on this day, as already mentioned, you can not eat animal food. Secondly, you can not swear and swear. This is especially true for close people. It is believed that all the negative energy released at this moment will return as a threefold boomerang.

Thirdly, on this holiday it is not recommended to do hard work around the house, for example, make repairs, chop wood, etc. In principle, it is not advised to work hard on other great Christian holidays. It is better to spend this day in prayers, thoughts about God, in doing good deeds in relation to your neighbors. Of course, if the circumstances are such that something needs to be done to prevent damage to property or human health, this prohibition is lifted. But purposefully planning something grandiose, requiring labor-intensive costs, is not worth it. Especially if this action is not urgent and it can be postponed for another day without prejudice to all.

Fourthly, it is believed that new business cannot be started on this day. All of them are supposedly doomed to failure. Everyone decides for himself whether this is true or a superstition that does not need to be followed. In the old days, people also believed that it was impossible to leave the doors open on the Feast of the Exaltation. It was believed that on this day the snakes are looking for a place for wintering and for this they can choose any house. However, this is most likely more connected not with the holiday itself, but with the time of the year on which this holiday falls.

And quite already from ancient beliefs: it was believed that on this day you can’t go to the forest. Allegedly, the goblin goes around his possessions, counting the animals. At this time, it is better not to catch his eye, because you can stay forever in the forest. Of course, in our times, these superstitions seem ridiculous to us.


The signs of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross are primarily associated with the fact that colds are coming, the seasons are changing. The peasants perceived the holiday as the final offensive of autumn. There was even such a saying: “On the Exaltation, a fur coat stretches for a caftan,” that is, it’s time to get warm clothes. This is the period when the last birds fly south, the bears prepare for hibernation, and the snakes hide in their holes.

It is believed that the Exaltation marks the end of the "Indian summer", that is, after this holiday, it is no longer worth waiting for heat. The autumn season is also coming to an end - the last one rises from the field. According to signs, if frosts strike on the day of the Exaltation, then spring is expected to be early.

For unmarried girls there was a special sign. It was believed that if the beauty read special prayer seven times - she will definitely like the guy she loves.

For those believers who strictly observe Lent on September 27, there is also a good sign. There is a belief that such people are forgiven all sins. Of course, observance of the Fast is not enough. If a person has evil thoughts and deeds, then it is unlikely that abstinence from animal food will help him. However, if a person tries to live according to the Commandments of God, then the observance of all the recommendations and instructions of the church will certainly benefit. The main thing is sincere faith and diligence to serve for the glory of God.

Exaltation of the Holy Cross. Icon

The meaning of icons in Christianity is very great. Through them, among other things, there is a creed. Even illiterate people, looking at the icons, can understand what events are depicted on it. Accordingly, comes awareness and understanding of the key moments of Christianity.

The icon of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord reflects the events of that great day when Christians finally found, after a long and exhausting search, the greatest Shrine - the Cross on which Jesus Christ was crucified. On the holy canvas you can see a large crowd of people against the backdrop of the temple. In the center is the Patriarch with the Cross. To the right is Empress Helen with her son, Tsar Constantine. There are many saints and believers in the picture. All reverently look at the tree of the Life-Giving Cross. Sometimes the icon also depicts a reminder of the great miracle that accompanied this event, namely the image of the resurrected dead, healed by touching the shrine.

The icon of the Exaltation of the Life-Giving Cross is famous for its miraculous abilities. Before her, it is customary to pray for healing from all sorts of ailments - migraines, infertility, toothache, diseases of the bones, joints, and so on. The holy canvas can heal from any disease, even the most neglected. There are cases when terminally ill people, coming to the icon to pray and ask for healing, recovered.


For an Orthodox Christian, prayer is both the way and the means for absolutely all achievements. This is the source of all prosperity. According to Pavel Florensky, prayer is the inhalation of God's grace. Therefore, prayer should be considered the most important activity during the day (after deeds in the name of mercy). Before any deed, a person must read a prayer. Then it begins with love and hope, which, together with faith, will surely lead him to success. Reading a prayer before any event in your life, you receive God's blessing.

The history of the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross is unique. For believers, this is undoubtedly one of the most significant events. True Orthodox Christians must go to church on this day and pray before the icon of the Life-Giving Cross. If it is not possible to attend church, then you can pray at home.

"Honest Cross, guardian of soul and body, wake up: casting down demons in your own way, driving away enemies, exercising passions and giving reverence to us, and life, and strength, with the assistance of the Holy Spirit and honest prayers of the Most Pure Theotokos. Amen."

In principle, there are no strict rules about how to pray. It does not matter where you will do it - at home or in the temple. The main thing is that it should be sincere with faith and with all my heart. The most important condition for praying is to get rid of worldly thoughts, stand reverently in front of the images and thoughtfully read every word with trepidation in the soul. The power of prayer is difficult to overestimate. If it is pronounced with sincere faith, it can work a miracle. Nothing is impossible for the Lord. What seems impossible for a person, everything is subject to God. The main thing is to believe and hope.


The postcard once again clearly demonstrates the events of that great day. Visualization will add positive emotions from the holiday, fill the heart with joy and happiness. You need to share your warm feelings, send them to those around you, and then love, kindness, faith and hope will only multiply for the glory of God.

This holiday has been around for over a thousand years. However, Christians of all denominations continue to honor him. This will be confirmed by the feast of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord in 2018. All Christian people will visit churches and bow to the Cross on which our Savior was crucified. The parishioners will again remember the suffering that Jesus went to for the sake of our redemption.

What date is the holiday

The Exaltation refers to one of the twelve most important holidays in the Christian faith. It is celebrated by all denominations without exception. True, different currents have a different date.

Our people are mostly Orthodox, so the holiday is celebrated on 09/27/18. It will be Thursday, a working day.

When and how did the holiday originate?

According to ancient legend, once the Roman emperor Constantine on the eve of an important battle was visited by Jesus Christ himself, in whose hand was a cross. He informed the commander that he would defeat the enemy only thanks to the cross. The emperor believed Jesus and even drew a cross on his banner. The result was a resounding victory. After that, Konstantin was finally convinced that he was right. Christian faith. He instructed Empress Elena to find the cross on which Christ was crucified. The emperor's mother made a lot of efforts to find the place of execution of the Savior. Well-known historians, cartographers and archaeologists were connected to this at that time.

The fact is that after the Resurrection of Jesus, the pagans tried in every possible way to destroy people's memory this is an important event. They literally razed to the ground everything that reminded of the Savior and even buried the cross on which he was crucified. On site Christian churches pagan places of worship were built. So on the site of Solomon's temple, the Altar of Jupiter was built. The cave where Jesus was buried was filled up. On the main gate of the city of David, the pagans placed the image of a pig so that the Israelites would forever forget about their holy city. More than three hundred years have passed since then, but Elena still managed to find the place of Jesus' death and the cross on which he was crucified. For this, the ruins of the temple of Venus were cleared and the cave of the burial of Christ was excavated.

Actually, it was not easy at all. After all, not one cross was found, but three at once. As you know, two more thieves were crucified with Christ. Elena, together with Bishop Macarius of Jerusalem, turned to God to indicate which of the crosses is a sign of Salvation. At this time, a funeral procession was passing near this place. A deceased woman was brought to the artifacts, and the queen's servants placed all the crosses on her in turn. The first attempts did not give any result. But when she touched the third cross, the woman opened her eyes, got up and began to glorify the Lord. All those present immediately realized that before them was the instrument of execution of Jesus Christ. So one of the shrines was rediscovered Christendom.

Celebration of the Exaltation in Russia

After the introduction of Christianity in Russia, the people did not associate this holiday with any biblical events. Even in the pagan era, at this time they celebrated the harvest festival and farewell to summer.

Only after some time, ordinary people began to go to church and perceive this holiday as a worship of the Cross, which has great power and no forces can resist it. For the Orthodox, the Exaltation is considered the day of the struggle between good and evil, between light and darkness. In this struggle, in the end, God's cross wins.

Currently, a solemn divine service is being held in churches during the Exaltation, in which parishioners recall the events of two thousand years ago.

Regardless of the day of the week, the church calls for strict fasting on this day. It is no coincidence that the Exaltation is still popularly called cabbage. It is this product that is most often prepared for the holiday. Housewives manage to cook a lot of delicious dishes containing cabbage on a fast day, such as:

  • borsch;
  • pies;
  • vareniki;
  • pies;
  • all kinds of salads, etc.

In some places, the Exaltation is called Stavrov Day. This name comes from the ancient Greek word "stavros", which means cross.

Previously, in Russian villages, there was a tradition to burn or draw crosses on their homes in order to protect themselves from diseases and troubles. In the villages, all kinds of amulets in the form of a cross were also brought to the barn so that the cattle would not get sick. Do not forget about the bins with the harvest. On this day, they were illuminated so that the old stocks would be preserved until the new harvest.

In order for life to be prosperous, Russian villages held religious processions. People conveyed congratulations to each other and wished prosperity and health.

There was a belief that after the Exaltation, nature freezes:

  • migratory birds leave our lands;
  • forest creatures hide in holes;
  • everything is immersed in winter sleep.

The last warm days are coming to an end.

What not to do on this day

  • On the Exaltation, you can not eat food of animal origin. There is even a saying about this, which says that whoever fasts, seven sins will be forgiven.
  • On the holiday, you also can’t start new business and engage in hard physical work, as well as sewing and washing.
  • As with other Christian holidays, it is not recommended to do bad things against other people, swear, and even think badly about someone.
  • There is also an opinion that one should not go to the forest on Exaltation. There, on this day, the goblin counts all the animals.
  • It is also recommended to keep the house closed. On this day, snakes can crawl into your home, looking for a place to hibernate.
  • The old people say that on the Annunciation it is necessary to bypass the places where the murders were committed.
  • You should also not cross unknown tracks on the ground. They can be left by forest evil spirits. Otherwise, the person may get sick.

On Vozdvizheniye, it was customary to sprinkle your house with blessed water to protect the residents from evil spirits.


Very often on this day, birds fly to the southern regions. At the sight of them, you can make a wish, which, according to experts, will surely come true.

Installation of a cross on a dome and bells in a church: this procedure is performed exclusively on the Exaltation
The high flight of geese speaks of: big flood
Wind from the North towards: warm summer
Frosty morning on the Exaltation portends: early winter
Clear and warm day to: late winter
A cold snap means that there will be: early spring


Immediately after the holiday, the so-called girls' evenings begin. If a girl, going to them, reads a special plot seven times, then one of the guys will definitely pay attention to her.

Previously, starting from the Exaltation to the Intercession, the girls burned fires and performed all kinds of love spells.

Conspiracies were especially popular, which should have been pronounced in the evening at dawn right on the porch of the house. True, for this the house must have its own basement.

Father Alexander Men on the Exaltation

Save, O Lord, Thy people and bless Thy inheritance, granting victory against resistance and Thy keeping Thy cross.

If the Nativity of the Mother of God is the threshold of the mystery of the Incarnation, then the Cross announces to us the redemptive sacrifice of Christ. Therefore, it also stands at the beginning of the church year.

The sign of the cross from deep pre-Christian antiquity was a symbol of the Divine and eternal life in many religions. But after Golgotha, the abstract hieroglyph became a real sign of salvation.

With a speed incomprehensible to the pagans, the news of the “folly of the Cross” swept through the world; Jews demanded signs, Hellenes - proofs, but in response they heard: "We preach Christ Crucified ...".

“We worship Your Cross, Vladyka,” the Church sings; - and we glorify your holy Resurrection ... ".

Through suffering to joy, through death to victory, through sacrificial self-giving to the fulfillment of the will of the Father—such is the path of the Redeemer of the world, such is the path of all who follow Him. “Whoever wants to follow Me, let him take up his cross and follow Me.” It's not just hardship and suffering; by themselves they may not be a "cross". “Taking up your cross” means “rejecting yourself”, conquering selfishness, learning to live for others, learning courage, patience, and total devotion to Christ.

The hymns of the feast speak of the Cross, which rises above the world as "the beauty of the Church," as "the affirmation of the faithful." He is a sign of God's love for man, a herald of the coming transformation of nature. “Let the oak trees rejoice, having been sanctified to their nature, having been planted from Him from the beginning” (canon of the Exaltation).

Already in the II century, Christians began to overshadow themselves with the sign of the cross. Even earlier, the first images of the cross appeared in the Church. These depictions predate the Crucifixions, the earliest of which were made around the 6th century.

Of all the types of Crucifixes, perhaps the most majestic is that which arose in Byzantium. Christ is depicted as having "betrayed the spirit". Head bowed, eyes closed. But the most remarkable thing is the hands. They are not lifeless. They are open like an embrace. In all the guise of the Crucified, peace and forgiveness. Already, as it were, a victory over death is foreshadowed ...

Holiday kontakion:

Ascended to the cross by will, to your namesake new residence, grant Your bounty, Christ God, rejoice us with Your power, giving us victories for comparisons, help to those who have Yours, the weapon of the world, an invincible victory.

The origin of the holiday is associated with the triumph of Christianity under Constantine the Great (IV century), who erected the Church of the Resurrection on the site of Golgotha ​​and the Holy Sepulcher. This place attracted Christian pilgrims from the first years of the Church's existence, but at the beginning of the 2nd century, the emperor Hadrian, hostile to both Judaism and Christianity, decided to destroy all traces of both religions that were objectionable to him. He completely rebuilt Jerusalem, calling it Elia, dug down the Calvary hill, filled up the cave of St. Sepulcher and built a temple of Venus there.

When Emperor Constantine converted to Christianity, he ordered the temple to be demolished and excavations to begin on the holy site. “They removed layer after layer,” writes a contemporary of the events, Eusebius, “suddenly, in the depths of the earth, beyond all expectations, there was an empty space, and then an honest and all-holy sign of the saving Resurrection.” It was the cave of the Holy Sepulcher. The emperor provided the Bishop of Jerusalem Macarius with the means to build a temple over the cave.

After some time, Palestine was visited by the elderly mother of Constantine, Elena. Eusebius has no reports that she managed to find the authentic Cross of Christ. But in the second half of the 4th century, this relic was already honored in Jerusalem. St. Cyril testifies that parts of the Cross were sent throughout the empire. According to St. John Chrysostom, a sign by which they learned that it was the Cross of the Lord, was the inscription on it. At the beginning of the 5th century, Rufin already definitely associated the find with the name of St. Helena, and the historian Sozomen recorded a legend around 440 about how the queen was looking for the Cross and found it buried in the ground near Golgotha. To verify its authenticity, a dead man was placed on the shrine, and he came to life. After that, the patriarch "raised" the Cross over the praying crowd. The lack of information from Eusebius gave rise to historians to consider Sozomen's story a legend. But there is nothing incredible about the fact that the Cross was actually found. According to Jewish custom, the instruments of execution were placed in a mass grave along with the bodies of the crucified. Therefore, the Cross of Christ could be buried next to the robbers.

Be that as it may, the veneration of the Cross is of great general Christian significance. In honor of this shrine, the Feast of the Exaltation was established.

On the eve of it, during the all-night service (after the Great Doxology), the priest brings the image of the Cross to the middle of the temple. In the cathedral churches there is a custom to "raise" it to the four cardinal points while singing "Lord, have mercy."

On the day of the Exaltation, fasting was established.

One of the first twelfth holidays in the church year is September 27, the Exaltation of the Cross, commemorating the discovery of the Holy Cross on Golgotha ​​by Queen Elena in the 3rd century. church year It begins and ends with an indict - a new year, which is celebrated on September 14.

It is known that in the Orthodox Church the commemoration of a saint or a feast in honor of an important for the teaching of Christ is celebrated daily. historical event. Each church holiday has a special instructive, educational meaning. The feasts of the Church preserve the true purpose of the feasts - it is a renewal of life, a reminder of special events, and not just drunken fun, unbridled fun.

The Exaltation of the Cross among the Twelfth Feasts

In the annual church cycle there are twelve holidays, called "twelfth" (in Church Slavonic duodecimal). These are the days dedicated major events the earthly life of Christ and Holy Mother of God, as well as the most important historical events of the Church.

The traditions of their celebration have evolved over the centuries, and today they are celebrated all over the world, and, due to their prevalence, they even cover life religious people. This is a church sermon, the glory of the name of Christ, which goes beyond the church fence.

In every Orthodox country, these holidays reflect traditions, national mentality and historical culture. For example, in Russia and Greece in different holidays earthly fruits are brought for blessing. Elements of Slavic ritualism have been preserved, for example, in the traditions of caroling on the Christmas holiday in Ukraine, Russia and Belarus.

Thanks to the tolerance and love of the Orthodox Church, many ancient good traditions have come down to our days.

These days are like spiritual bright milestones of the year. Remembering this or that event, giving praise to the Lord and the Mother of God, we rejoice in God's love for people and again look at ourselves from the outside, trying to be worthy of this love. Believers try to confess and take communion on the Twelfth Feasts.
The twelfth holidays are divided according to their content:

  • Lord's (Lord's) - eight holidays,
  • Mother of God - four,
  • commemoration days of sacred events.

According to the solemnity of worship, determined by the Charter:

  • small,
  • medium,
  • great.

By time and date of celebration:

  • motionless;
  • mobile.

Note that this does not apply to the Twelfth Holidays. Happy Easter. It is "holidays a feast and a celebration of celebrations". According to comparisons of church writings, the twelve days are like stars, the Nativity of Christ from them can be compared with the moon, and Holy Easter is the Sun, without it (without the Resurrection of Christ) life is impossible, and the stars fade.

Easter needs a separate detailed story. On Easter night, solemn religious processions are held in all churches, people try to come to the service at least for a short time. However, the night service is often performed on Christmas Day, and in some parishes on other holidays.

History of the Exaltation of the Cross

It is known that in the first centuries after the birth of Christ - they are also called the early Christian times - many thousands of people gave their lives for Christ, refusing to renounce him, and became martyrs. The fact is that the emperors of Rome at that time professed paganism, and most importantly, the emperor himself was always in the host of pagan gods, prayers were offered to him (although how could he hear them?) and sacrifices were made. Moreover, the emperor was declared a god by the right of the throne: it does not matter what the level of his morality was, whether his life was righteous and whether he was fair. On the contrary, from history we know about murderous emperors, lechers, traitors. But the emperor could not be overthrown - only killed. So, the disciples of Christ refused to worship the gods, calling God One Christ, for this they, as disobedient to the emperor-god, were tortured and killed.

But one day, having heard the sermon of the disciples of Christ, the mother of Emperor Constantine the First, Empress Elena, was baptized. She raised her royal son to be an honest and righteous man. After Baptism, Elena wanted to find the Cross on which the Lord Jesus Christ was crucified and which was buried on Mount Golgotha. She understood that the Cross would unite Christians and become the first great shrine of Christianity. Over time, Constantine the Great adopted Christianity.

The Cross of Christ was found in 326 by Empress Helen, who was looking for it together with priests and bishops, among other crosses - instruments of execution - on Mount Golgotha, where the Lord was crucified. As soon as the Cross was raised from under the ground, the deceased was resurrected, who was carried past in a funeral procession: therefore, the Cross of Christ immediately began to be called Life-Giving. It is with such a large cross that Queen Elena is depicted on the icons.

Throughout her later life, she helped Emperor Constantine in spreading and preaching Christianity throughout the Roman Empire: she erected temples, helped those in need, talked about the teachings of Christ.

Icons of the Holy Cross

The icon of the Exaltation of the Cross is an illustration of a great historical event, in honor of which the feast of the Exaltation of the Cross was also established. After the earthly life of Christ and His death on the Cross, the very instrument of His execution, but also the weapon of human deliverance from sins, the Holy Lord's Cross was lost.

This image was very common in Russian churches in the 15th century.

The icon depicts many people against the backdrop of the temple. In the center is the Patriarch in black and white robes with the Cross, which he holds raised above his head. On the right hand of him are the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine and Helena. The rest of the people are Orthodox Christians praying to God.

Church tradition says that the icon of the feast of the Exaltation of the Life-Giving Cross was painted by Byzantine icon painters as early as the 4th century, when one of the greatest miracles in history occurred: the emperor of Byzantium, Constantine, learned about Christianity and, unlike his royal predecessors, did not persecute the disciples of Christ but turned in his heart to the Lord Jesus. And before one of the terrible battles, after a sacred prayer, the emperor saw a shining Cross in the sky above the battlefield and heard God's voice: "By this, conquer!" - that is, "you will overcome with the help of this sign." So the Cross became the military banner of the whole Empire, and under the sign of the Cross, Byzantium flourished for many centuries. Constantine was called the Great and, after his death, was canonized as a saint. Equal-to-the-Apostles king For your deeds and for your faith.

The Holy Church on this day reminds the faithful not only of the finding of the Cross by the holy Empress Helena in Jerusalem, but also of the return of the Life-Giving Cross from captivity in the 7th century by Emperor Heraclius: the shrine was captured by the Persians, and then returned by the Christians.

On this day, we also remember the death of the Lord on the Cross and, as a sign of honoring the sufferings of Christ, believers keep a strict fast (without food of animal origin: meat, milk, eggs, fish). If you want to honor this holy day, but have never fasted, you should at least refrain from meat and delicious delicacies, sweets, and delicacies.

During the divine service on this day, a large Cross is brought to the middle of the temple, to which the faithful venerate.

Snake shift

Many church holidays became truly popular, signs were timed to them, they began to bring certain seasonal fruits for consecration, that is, the blessing of God in the church, to pray for certain things related to the holiday.

The beginning of preparations for winter, the first frosts are connected with the Exaltation of the Cross. At this time in Russia they usually harvested cabbage, they said that a good owner would have a pie with cabbage that day. You can time the family sauerkraut for the holiday.

A sign of the shift of snakes to the Exaltation of the Cross - popular belief that on this day one should not go into the forest, because snakes crawl out of their holes. Orthodox Christians do not believe in conspiracies, but it does not hurt to listen to beliefs, because signs are a storehouse of folk wisdom.

Prayer for the Exaltation of the Cross

Particles of the Life-Giving Cross are today found in many churches around the world. Perhaps in your city there is a particle of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, and you can venerate this great shrine. The cross is called Life-giving - creating and giving life, that is, having great power.
In the morning and evening prayers located in each Orthodox prayer book there are prayers that invoke the power of God, which proceeds from the Cross of the Lord. Orthodox Christians thus protect themselves for every day and every night with the power of the Cross of the Lord.

Pray to the Lord, protect yourself with the banner of the cross and sincere faith in God - and you will see how your life will change.

Protect me, Lord, with the power of Your Honorable and Life-Giving Cross and save me from evil.
Save, O Lord, Thy people and bless Thy Church, giving victory to Orthodox Christians against enemies and Thy keeping the believers with Thy Cross.

The faith given by the Lord, the knowledge of His help must be multiplied among people. Therefore, unlike the conspiracies that the ministers spread dark forces and which should be “recited secretly”, you can and should share your faith, talk about the miraculous help of God and his mercy. Good deeds that are done with the invocation of God's grace will always be accomplished successfully.

What not to eat on the Exaltation of the Cross

In the Orthodox Church, fasting and fast days is one of the most important traditions. Believers, as far as possible, in accordance with their health, observe the calendar of fasting days and follow it.

Full church charter perhaps only monks can adhere to fasting, however, due to your diligence, you can observe such a fast at least on the day of the Exaltation, and for long fasts you already need to take the blessing of the priest. You can not eat at the Exaltation of the Cross

  • Meat,
  • Dairy,
  • Eggs,
  • Fish.

During long fasts on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, fish, wine and oil are forbidden by the charter and it is allowed to eat food without vegetable oil (dry food) only after the evening service. On the rest of the days - Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday - it is allowed to eat food with vegetable oil.

It is important to understand that fasting is not a goal, but a means for humbling one's flesh in order to be cleansed from sins through abstinence from food. It is abstinence, and not exhaustion of the body, therefore, everyone should measure the rules for observing fasts in relation to food with their own strength, with the degree of their preparation for fasting.

The duration and measure of fasting may vary depending on the internal state of a Christian, as well as the objective conditions of his life. Particularly for acute or chronic diseases requiring a special diet, fasting in relation to food can be reduced, facilitated or canceled. The same applies to Christians who, on a temporary or permanent basis, stay in a secular hostel, which involves common food (military units, hospitals, boarding schools, special schools, places of detention).

The Cross of Christ and the Sign of the Cross

Pectoral crosses of various shapes and materials are worn by all Christians.
It doesn't matter what the cross is made of, different traditions existed in different centuries, and today the cross can be made of metal or wood; from threads or beads; be enamel or glass; most often they choose the one that is comfortable to wear, durable - usually these are silver or gold crosses; you can choose blackened silver crosses - they do not carry any special signs.

The Church recommends choosing crosses with the Crucifixion - that is, the figure of Christ and the inscription "Save and Save", which usually comes with reverse side. They are sold in temples. Turning to the power of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord is a great defense for every person. It is known that the sign of the cross stops the demonic influence: the devil and his servants cannot endure the correct cross, therefore they often try to mock him (this is the origin satanic symbols inverted cross).

The correct sign of the cross is made right hand, clenched with thumb, forefinger and middle fingers (they symbolize the power and omnipotence of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit - the Indivisible Holy Trinity). First, fingers should be pressed to the forehead, then to the stomach (approximately at waist level), to the right and then to the left shoulder.

May the Lord keep you with the power of the Holy and Life-Giving Cross!

Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord - Orthodox holiday, which is celebrated on September 27, 2018. On this day, believers remember how in 326 they found the Cross on which Jesus Christ was crucified. We talk about the history and traditions of the holiday, is there a fast on this day and what can not be done on the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord-2018.

What is the meaning of the feast of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord?

Exaltation of the Holy and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord: this is the full name of the holiday on September 27th. On this day, the Orthodox Church recalls two events at once, according to the Foma magazine.

According to the Holy Scriptures, in 326, Emperor Constantine and his mother, Queen Helena, went on a campaign to the Holy Land to find the shrine. Not far from Golgotha ​​they found three crosses. According to legend, a sick person touched one of the crosses and recovered. So they found the very Cross on which Christ was crucified.

The holiday is called the Exaltation, because the Cross was raised and shown to people from the dais so that everyone could see it and pray.

In the 7th century, the feast of the Exaltation of the Cross was combined with the memory of another event: in 628, the Cross of the Lord was returned to Jerusalem from Persia.

Now part of the Cross is kept in the altar Greek temple Resurrection in Jerusalem. How the fate of the Christian shrine evolved is not exactly known.

Exaltation of the Cross-2018: church and folk traditions

On the day of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord, believers go to the festive service in the temple, try to confess and take communion.

Church and folk traditions feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross in Russia mixed up.

  • On the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross, the peasants painted crosses on the doors of their houses.
  • Wooden crosses were placed in the feeders for cows and horses.
  • September 27 was considered to be the last day of Indian summer;
  • The young people arranged "Kapustin's Evenings", and they lasted two weeks;
  • The need to fast was reflected in proverbs and sayings: “Though on a Sunday, come Exaltation, and everything on it is Friday-Wednesday, Lenten food!” or “Whoever fasts on Exaltation, seven sins will be forgiven.”

Is there a fast on the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross?

Yes, on the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross in Orthodox Church a strict post.

What can you eat on September 27, 2018?

On the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, fasting people should not eat meat and dairy products, fish and eggs. Food can be seasoned with vegetable oil.

Mikhail Vinokurtsev.

What can not be done on the feast of the Exaltation of the Cross-2018?

  • You can not get carried away with all sorts of beliefs. All the signs that are associated with the day of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, the church considers superstition. They have nothing to do with the Orthodox faith.
  • Do not think that on Orthodox holidays it is forbidden to work in the garden, sew or clean up. This is not true. It is recommended to dedicate the holiday to God and communication with loved ones. But if a person needs to work, it is not a sin.
  • On the feast of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord, one cannot swear, swear with others.
  • The church advises on the Exaltation of the Cross-2018 (as on other days) to refrain from conspiracies, occult and magical rites.
  • On September 27, 2018, alcohol should not be abused. On an Orthodox holiday, you need to go to the temple, pray, take part in church rites, and not arrange a violent holiday.
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