Energy protection - the creation of a protective cocoon (shell). Occult Security - II

These are those who follow the Spiritual path and are the conductor of the energy of Light.

The Destroyers keep track of such "fireflies" and try their best to prevent their spiritual disclosure and transformation. Attacks from the Subtle Plane are not able to be traced by everyone, but only by an experienced warrior of the Spirit. Beginners get lost and after a blow they reject all kinds of spiritual pursuits. In this article I want to describe the main signs of an Astral attack and tell you how to protect yourself and your loved ones from blows.

So, firstly, the Astral attack manifests itself as symptoms of a disease, when a person does not seem to be sick, but pain and feeling unwell are present.

Dark forces bombard fireflies with poisonous harmful rays that negatively affect the nervous system and heart, less often other organs. They beat most often in the head (crown), neck, chest (heart, lungs). The body reacts to such shocks with an increase in blood pressure, heart pain, sudden bouts of coughing, headache, dizziness. During strokes, a person feels anxiety, fear, sometimes falls into an unreasonable panic. To protect against harmful rays, my Alchemist Masters use antidote and invisibility techniques.

When you feel that you are being beaten from the Subtle plane, freeze while sitting or lying down. stop internal dialogue mind.

A raging mind will not allow you to create protection. Be quiet, like you're hiding and don't want to be found. In this state, it is important to stop all movement of thoughts and feelings. Now imagine blue-violet energy, like aurora borealis, descending on you from space. Mentally wrap yourself in a blue veil, wrap your body in this thin matter, as if in a roll. The blue cosmic plasma is the primary element hydrogen. It is the antidote against all poisonous astral rays. After protecting yourself, throw a blue veil over your loved ones and your home. Hold this view until you feel the protection has worked. You will understand this when the symptoms subside or stop altogether and when there is a sense of security in the soul.

Secondly, the Astral attack can manifest itself through aggression directed towards you from the outside world. For example, in the form of a provocation from others. In this case, observe emotional restraint and in no case give in to panic. Here, first of all, you need to wrap the aggressor in a blue blanket, and then wrap yourself up. Sympathize with this person, because he became a conductor of the Dark Forces through his unconsciousness. Don't get angry and don't answer him. Shut up mentally, it will help you accept the right decision at the current moment. When aggression threatens life and health, use protection in the Name of the Teacher. Call on the Teacher loudly and clearly, this will scare the enemy and you will have time to save the situation. You can use the formula:

“In the name of the Creator! Stop!”

Thirdly, if you feel that someone from outside is imposing negative thoughts on you and what is happening in your head is someone else's, not yours, reject it all with the words: “Get out! Away! Away!" Do not believe in intimidation and induced fears. Immediately call on the Teacher who is closest to you in Spirit and wrap yourself in a protective blue veil. If the attacks continue, but in a weaker form, defend yourself additionally by repeating the formula found at the bottom of the page.

If you were unable to avoid the blow due to inattention, unconsciousness, or simply did not have enough time and strength to repel the attack, do not despair. You have gained experience, and if you do not fall into the state of the victim, your Spiritual Power will increase.

Fourthly, the Dark forces are always trying to divide like-minded people, preventing the peaceful communication of friends, throwing up all sorts of bad thoughts and compromising people in front of each other. The dark ones can win at the expense of human weaknesses and often cause people to doubt each other. This is the most cunning and most effective weapon against the "fireflies", so that they are separated and lose the opportunity to increase the Light Force on Earth.

Unfortunately, it is very difficult to use an antidote against this influence, since the consciousness of people, even the brightest and wisest, is half asleep due to the inertness of earthly matter. There is no trust, no fire of aspiration that unites people for lofty goals. All fires go out after a short burning, groups break up, people strive to take something from the Teachings only for themselves and their needs and give nothing in return. This is how the force of separation operates, the most powerful of all on Earth. This is the main weapon of the Dark Ones now. How not to disengage and not fall into doubt, how not to believe thoughts that discredit the reputation of friends - this is a difficult question. Everyone solves it to the extent of their awareness, morality and spiritual level.

Fifthly, even advanced seekers of the Spirit often doubt the opinion of their Teacher or the answers to requests through messengers. The reason for this is the sad experience of trial and error obtained earlier. The dark forces seek to separate the disciples and the Teachers from the Subtle spheres. The solution to the problem is in the soul of every person. If a student doubts the Teacher, then the spiritual connection between them is broken and the student ceases to be a student. This is the law and you can't get around it. Everything is experience, but it is better to find the strength in yourself to swallow your pride, strengthen your faith and move forward firmly.

Mistakes will be inevitable, but on the other hand, the Fire of Spiritual aspiration will always burn in the soul, which will lead the traveler onto the path of Salvation.

The ending.
Beginning in №21/2014

astral sex
In fact, there are many different types of astral sex, but we will focus on one of them - astral rape.
Here it is necessary to clearly distinguish the source of aggression. There are two main types. The first is a sorcerer who pursues his own interests. The second is low-vibration energy entities, in occultism called succubi - feminine and incubi - masculine.
Most often, violence occurs during the sleep of the victim, but there have also been cases of attempted rapes during astral operations, but only with those who begin to master this practice.
The lion's share of astral rapes falls on incubi and succubi. Anomaly researchers have collected reports over a vast period of time about the astral rape of thousands of women in different countries Oh. A common sign for them was the fact that women felt in reality (sometimes in a dream) the flesh of invisible males who performed sexual actions with them, sometimes bringing them to orgasm (if they did not resist very much).

What is an energy strike?
Let's see what can still be called an energy strike? Studies have shown that living beings, interacting with each other, exchange energy impulses.
Modern science studies the nature of energy exchange in animals. It was found that when one animal attacks another, this action is accompanied by the release of electromagnetic pulses that cause damage to the enemy's energy system. The same is true in human relationships. Such impulses, getting into the energy structure of another person, disrupt its work and cause direct harm to mental and physical health.
This type of negative energy impact is perhaps one of the most dangerous, as it can lead to death (most often associated with disruption of the circulatory system and heart).
The effectiveness of an energy strike is achieved by suddenness, concentration and strength. The strength of the energy strike depends on the source of energy, which, in turn, can be external or internal, and the qualifications of the sorcerer.

Theory of protection from negative energy influences
Having considered the possibilities and mechanisms of the main types of negative energy impacts, we see that any sane person should devote at least a little of his time to his energy security, whether he believes in it or not. By the way, let's talk about "unbelief".
In various esoteric schools, it is believed that disbelief in "otherworldly forces" allows you to protect yourself from all negative energy influences. Allegedly, harmful thought forms are especially destroyed if a person, in addition to his disbelief, treats everything with mockery. That is, if a person does not believe in witchcraft, energy vampirism, then no matter how hard the sorcerers and vampires try to attack him, they will not be able to do anything. But, you must admit, modern world very few convinced materialists. Thus, if a person wants to master absolute protection, he must either be convinced that otherworldly forces do not exist (to achieve absolute disbelief), or be taught methods of self-defense from those influences in which he believes. Believe me, it is much easier to teach a person to defend himself than to change his worldview.
In addition, if a person is protected by absolute disbelief, then he interacts only with the energy flows of the physical world. Yes, he is protected from the invisible world, but at the same time he is deprived of the possibility of expanding his consciousness and spiritual growth.
Egregors and protection
Word and thought have a material meaning. All mental processes proceed at the level of energy-informational fields. Each thought that is born in the human mind goes into the energy-informational field of the Earth and is there in the form of energy waves. Identical thoughts come into contact with each other and enter into resonance, as if merging into a single body - egregor. Each person, living according to the laws of Eregor, feeds him with his own bioenergy. At the same time, the connection exists both direct and reverse, that is, the egregor, in turn, can energize a person loyal to him. There are huge egregors worked out by many generations of people; the largest egregors are created different religions and ideologies.
A number of main egregores can be distinguished:
1) family,
2) spontaneous group,
3) professional,
4) cultural group,
5) organizational,
6) state,
7) national,
8) class,
9) ideological,
10) anthropological,
11) cosmological,
12) ontological.
In each of these egregores, a person feels himself not just an isolated individual, but an element of some system of a higher order, performing tasks that go beyond his momentary individual needs.
How is it possible to protect yourself from negative energy influences with the help of egregor? For example, a person is sick, he has tried all the medicines and methods, nothing helps. They say to him: “Listen, are you baptized?” - "No" - "So you be baptized." He is baptized, and - lo and behold! - the disease goes somewhere. However, this happens only if the person was sincere in his act, if he sincerely imbued with the spirit of Christianity.
In other words, if you are an "egregor" person and if you are attacked, you simply "assign" this fact to your egregore and do not deal with it anymore. Whatever the symptoms after an attack, just watch for them. But you don't care about the aggressor. If you are an egregor person, you must perform your egregor function without being distracted by trifles - the egregor will make sure that you can perform it as perfectly as possible. When you make a personal effort to protect yourself, you are not doing your job. Moreover, this indicates that your involvement in egregor is weak. How else to explain the fact that you are not sure of your protection? Inclusion is weak - weak and protection.
It is sometimes said that the best defense against any attack is the complete forgiveness of the opponent. However, behind the happy façade of the concept of forgiveness lies one of the many theoretical paradoxes. The fact is that, according to the above theosophical concept, absolute forgiveness is at the same time an absolute involtation of the enemy, an absolute "returning blow below the belt", against which there is no defense.
This is akin to the fact that, turning to the Orthodox egregor for protection, a “kind” woman, knowing full well about the consequences, goes to church and, forgiving the offender from the heart, puts a candle and orders magpie for health. In my opinion, a person capable of forgiveness must ensure that forgiveness becomes mutual.

Astral attack and defense
First of all, it makes sense to talk about an astral attack only if you are in the astral. Accordingly, on the physical plane, an astral attack is not possible.
Astral attacks experienced by the practitioner may resemble physical plane attacks in form. However, since the astral plane has its own specifics, the methods of protection here are very different from the physical methods of protection.
Astral "forms" and "essences" cannot touch a person until he has forgotten where he is and has not become involved in the scenario imposed on him. Astral protection is based on a clear awareness of this characteristic feature of the astral plane.
In the practice of astral operations, one must always remember that almost all the "inhabitants" of the astral do not have a "permanent residence permit", and although the time there is very relative (one minute on the physical plane can be equal to days of astral time), they visit it only for a moment.
All beings and entities, as a rule, look according to the nature of their spirituality or place of existence. For example, a young sorceress from the city of Cherkassy in the astral plane looks like a three-meter, two-headed monster. Staying in the astral plane, you cannot trust anyone, since any image that causes you deep trust can turn out to be your enemy.
The practitioner of astral operations must perfectly master his energy defenses developed on the physical plane, since most of them perfectly perform their functions both in the astral and in the astral cliché.

Protection methods
As you have already understood from the material presented above, there is no universal protection. Universal energy protection for you will be the one in the work of which you will be one hundred percent sure. If you are not confident in your defense, they will definitely “break through” it. The reliability of protection will be directly proportional to your confidence in it. In addition, when choosing protection, I advise you to choose one of them, the one that is most understandable and acceptable to you.
In this section, you will be presented with many different methods of energy protection, which all, without exception, require development. Protections are built by the representation (mental image) of energy structures.

"Golden Pyramid"
This protection is a universal protection of cosmoenergetics, the main feature of which is the fundamental difference from other bioenergetic protections. The fact is that during attunement to the initial block of KE frequencies, the master or progressor of Cosmoenergetics activates an additional energy center in a fellow student, which subsequently functions as a source of the corresponding energy that feeds this protection (explained after attunement). In other words, unlike bioenergetic defenses, which work exactly as long as you keep their mental image, the “golden pyramid”, after it has been worked out, always works. Accordingly, it makes no sense to use CE protections without attunements.
The pyramid is mentally built in the form of a frame of gold-colored metal corners. The size of the corners depends on the height of the person. The higher the height, the larger the size of the corner. The square base of the pyramid is located just below the first chakra (just above the knees), the top is above the head. After operating time, within one month, the pyramid grows into energy body cosmoenergy and subsequently kept in it.

"Two Pyramid System"
This protection is for a cosmoenergetic warrior practicing in the astral or astral cliches. The warrior's defense consists of two nested pyramids, one of which is gold and the other is blue gold, with the latter turned upside down. These pyramids differ in size and construction methods from those in conventional defense. Both defenses are mutually exclusive. It should also be noted that when building a warrior's defense, the position of energy centers (chakras) changes relative to the physical body of a person, i.e. aura reshaping. Therefore, incorrect work in the process of building and using this technology can cause serious mental and physiological disorders in the practitioner.

It is necessary to imagine that you are inside an elongated, like a mussel, “shell”. The flaps are fastened at the back, open at the front. Size in length: top - flaps above the head 30-40 cm, bottom - below the knee. Shell flaps should not be narrow, in which case part of the body will be open. "Shell" is built in proportion to its build. In a small "shell" it will be crowded, a large "shell" is an extra weight. When building a shell, you need to train as follows: open, close several times, then open and slam the wings sharply. This can then be done with closed eyes. When clapping, there is a feeling that the shoulders are moving forward, although they are standing still. This is an indicator that the mental image is built correctly. "Shell" is always in the open state and closes only in case of protection. After 3-5 days of such exercises, the “shell” grows into the shoulder meridian and you don’t need to touch it. In the future, it is necessary to remember about it at least once a month, it is advisable to look at it once a day. Until the "shell" has grown into the energy body, you need to remember about it and train it. For example, if someone looked bad, close the "shell". In the future, it will work in automatic mode, and if necessary, it will close itself, however, it can be closed for no more than four hours. "Shell" passes through itself positive energy. With a lateral energy impact, it is not possible to destroy it, because the stronger the impact, the more the thickness of the walls increases, and when they are compacted, a feeling of heaviness is created.

Imagination wall
If you are dealing with a person, after communicating with whom every time you feel weakened and depressed, then imagine that you are separated from him by a transparent wall. This is a kind of program for your own subconscious. As soon as the subconscious gets involved in the work, carrying out this program, all negative energy impacts on you will be stopped. Let me remind you once again that it is desirable to form a wall in your imagination in an altered state of consciousness. In this state, the subconscious mind will more easily accept your commands.

Mirror Imagination
When talking to a person who makes you feel uncomfortable, imagine that there is a wall of mirrors between you. The mirror should be positioned so that the interlocutor sees his own reflection. Thus, the fiery clots that fly towards you are reflected from the mirror and return to the original source. Studies have shown that when a person defends himself by presenting a mirror, this image enters the subconscious of the aggressor, who receives back his negative energy. Thus, an imaginary mirror is able to repel an attack by an aggressor. By applying this method, you will notice that the aggressor either goes silent or switches to another target.

Whirlwind protection
This technique is recommended to be used only in special cases, since it partially uses elemental energies.
In a standing position, raise your hands up, imagine that downward flows of energy penetrate into the body through them (from space - from top to bottom). At the same time, imagine that ascending energy flows enter through the legs (from the ground - from the bottom up). These two streams meet in the body at the level of the navel and are wrapped in a vortex in a clockwise direction. The whirlwind spins stronger and stronger, becoming bigger and bigger. Soon it completely covers the whole body and you feel that a luminous cocoon is spinning around you, which throws away everything negative and negative.

"Mirror Wall"
Imagine that from all sides and from above you are surrounded by a wall of bricks in one row or more. Outside, this wall is covered with a continuous layer of mirrors polished to a shine, facing outward. And from whichever side the attacker tries to attack you, he will receive a reflected retaliation. When performing the “mirror wall” technique, try not to betray your intentions in any case.
The person who is trying to negatively influence you should not be aware that you are using special protection. Seeing your calmness and friendliness, each time he will increase the strength of his blows, respectively, receiving blows of even greater force in response. As a result, he, tired of this fruitless struggle, will surely give up continuing his attempts. This technique is popular and has proven to be effective. Unfortunately, it doesn't work on mages.

Try to feel that at the level of the intercostal space in front, behind and on the sides, at arm's length, four warm golden balls are crosswise. In other words, around you is a cross lying in a horizontal plane with an axis passing through the midline of your body. When this cross rotates, a hoop is formed, which is easy to turn into an “egg” that surrounds your body like a glass ball and protects it from any negative influences. The walls of the "egg" should be very dense and multi-layered. The imaginary shells with which you cover this ball over and over again can be one-color, two-color, three-color. preferred in this case are golden, blue, orange colors. It is very important to clearly feel your actions in space.

"Biofield Rotation"
You should feel that the entire space between your body and the conditional edge of the shell is filled with some kind of viscous medium, reminiscent of clouds of smoke. This medium rotates around the axis of the body in a clockwise direction. If the rotation technique is performed correctly, the sensation of one's own body disappears, giving way to the sensation of a homogeneous mass, which, when rotated, takes on the shape of a cocoon.

Protection "Cross"
Imagine that on all sides your body is surrounded by crosses (such as you can imagine), located in close proximity to your body. Slowly with effort, starting from the head, mentally move these crosses away from you at a distance of up to one meter. If the exercise is done correctly, you will feel that your physical condition has improved, and the crosses merge and form a whole single wall.

Protection "Combined"
First of all, perform the reception of protection with a cross, moving the crosses to a distance of 2 meters. Then perform a defense technique using the “egg” or “biofield rotation”.

"Energy Cocoon"
Sit in a comfortable position, put your right foot on your left, join your hands. Then mentally (you can help with circular movements of the head), starting from the soles, gradually rising up in a spiral, create rotating circular energy flows around you, narrow them above your head until the “cocoon” is completely closed. Energy flows must be dense. The movement of energy should be directed clockwise.

"Metal Cylinder"
Imagine that you are standing on a metal disk. Then mentally cover yourself with a large metal glass that fits snugly against the underside of the disk. You should develop confidence that this metal will reflect any harmful energy effects. A modification of this protection is a “cylinder without a bottom”, so that communication with the earth and space is not interrupted. We set the protection for up to one day.

Create mentally around yourself a ball similar to a "soap bubble", then fill it with bluish, silvery or golden energy, set yourself the setting that as long as you are within the "ball" no one will get you.

Imagine yourself inside a solar ball, warm, radiant. It is necessary to convince yourself that everything evil, when approaching you, burns in its rays. And all good things penetrate unhindered.

Imagine that your body is under a golden dome, there should be as many domes as you need to be sure of your security.

"Energy Fountain"
Mentally imagine that you have a streaming energy above your head that flows down your body to your very feet. Energy flows different colors like a rainbow fountain. They envelop you and carry positive and protective energy.

We live in a turbulent time when the forces of destruction are fighting for their very existence, desperately trying to harm human beings. wisdom in any way. People who have luminous auras are especially exposed to attacks from the Subtle Plane. These are those who follow the Spiritual path and are the conductor of the energy of Light. The Destroyers keep track of such "fireflies" and try with all their might to prevent their spiritual disclosure and transformation. Attacks from the Subtle Plane are not able to be traced by everyone, but only by an experienced warrior of the Spirit. Beginners get lost and after a blow they reject all kinds of spiritual pursuits. In this article I want to describe the main signs of an Astral attack and tell you how to protect yourself and your loved ones from blows.

So, firstly, the Astral attack manifests itself as symptoms of a disease, when a person does not seem to be sick, but pain and feeling unwell are present. Dark forces bombard fireflies with poisonous harmful rays that negatively affect the nervous system and heart, less often other organs. They beat most often in the head (crown), neck, chest (heart, lungs). The body reacts to such shocks with an increase in blood pressure, heart pain, sudden bouts of coughing, headache, dizziness. During the blows, a person feels anxiety, fear, sometimes falls into an unreasonable panic. To protect against harmful rays, my Alchemist Masters use antidote and invisibility techniques.

When you feel that you are being beaten from the Subtle plane, freeze while sitting or lying down. Stop the internal dialogue of the mind. A raging mind will not allow you to create protection. Be quiet, like you're hiding and don't want to be found. In this state, it is important to stop all movement of thoughts and feelings. Now imagine blue-violet energy, like aurora borealis, descending on you from space. Mentally wrap yourself in a blue veil, wrap your body in this thin matter, as if in a roll. The blue cosmic plasma is the primary element hydrogen. It is the antidote against all poisonous astral rays. After protecting yourself, throw a blue veil over your loved ones and your home. Hold this view until you feel the protection has worked. You will understand this when the symptoms subside or stop altogether and when there is a sense of security in the soul.

Secondly, the Astral attack can manifest itself through aggression directed towards you from the outside world. For example, in the form of a provocation from others. In this case, observe emotional restraint and in no case give in to panic. Here, first of all, you need to wrap the aggressor in a blue blanket, and then wrap yourself up. Sympathize with this person, because he became a conductor of the Dark Forces through his unconsciousness. Don't get angry and don't answer him. Calm down mentally, this will help you make the right decision in the current moment. When aggression threatens life and health, use protection in the Name of the Teacher. Call on the Teacher loudly and clearly, this will scare the enemy and you will have time to save the situation. You can use the formula:
“In the name of the Lord…..! Stop!"

Thirdly, if you feel that someone from outside is imposing negative thoughts on you and what is happening in your head is someone else's, not yours, reject it all with the words: “Get out! Away! Away!" Do not believe in intimidation and induced fears. Immediately call on the Teacher who is closest to you in Spirit and wrap yourself in a protective blue veil. If the attacks continue, but in a weaker form, defend yourself additionally by repeating the formula found at the bottom of the page.

If you were unable to avoid the blow due to inattention, unconsciousness, or simply did not have enough time and strength to repel the attack, do not despair. You have gained experience, and if you do not fall into the state of the victim, your Spiritual Power will increase.

Fourthly, the Dark Forces are always trying to divide like-minded people, preventing the peaceful communication of friends, throwing up all sorts of bad thoughts and compromising people in front of each other. The dark ones can win at the expense of human weaknesses and often cause people to doubt each other. This is the most cunning and most effective weapon against the "fireflies", so that they are separated and lose the opportunity to increase the Light Force on Earth. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to use an antidote against this influence, since the consciousness of people, even the brightest and wisest, is half asleep due to the inertness of earthly matter. There is no trust, no fire of aspiration that unites people for lofty goals. All fires go out after a short burning, groups break up, people strive to take something from the Teachings only for themselves and their needs and give nothing in return. This is how the force of separation operates, the most powerful of all on Earth. This is the main weapon of the Dark Ones now. How not to disengage and not fall into doubt, how not to believe thoughts that discredit the reputation of friends - this is a difficult question. Everyone solves it to the extent of their awareness, morality and spiritual level.

Fifthly, even advanced seekers of the Spirit often doubt the opinion of their Teacher or the answers to requests through messengers. The reason for this is the sad experience of trial and error obtained earlier. The dark forces seek to separate the disciples and the Teachers from the Subtle spheres. The solution to the problem is in the soul of every person. If a student doubts the Teacher, then the spiritual connection between them is broken and the student ceases to be a student. This is the law and you can't get around it.

Everything is experience, but it is better to find the strength in yourself to swallow your pride, strengthen your faith and move forward firmly. Mistakes will be inevitable, but on the other hand, the Fire of Spiritual aspiration will always burn in the soul, which will lead the traveler onto the path of Salvation.


Energy protection - this is not a myth or fiction, but real need for a lot of people. Analyze for yourself why some people are incredibly vulnerable to any negative influences, aggressive emotional attacks in their direction, while others are absolutely invulnerable, and how much you don’t kick them like peas against a wall. Some people get a little nervous, quarrel with someone and immediately start to get sick, while others are calm and strong, and all the negative energy from them is like water off a duck's back. Some constantly complain that they have once again been jinxed, damaged, etc., while others live for themselves and rejoice, and nothing negative sticks to them at all.

Why is this happening? What determines a person's protection from negativity? How can you, if you are still vulnerable, learn to protect yourself from negative energy influences? Let's talk about everything in order.

Of course, a lot depends on the person himself, on his strength of mind, goodwill, calmness, on such qualities as self-confidence, invulnerability, the ability to control one’s emotions and state, to be calm and invulnerable in any situation and others. But the training of personal qualities is a separate and very large topic, it is a process of purposeful development and many years of work on oneself. And not everyone is able to change themselves by forming new personal qualities, but you need to be able to defend yourself from negativity or protect your loved ones, for example, your own children, here and now. It is for this that there are techniques for setting up energy protection, which we will consider.

Energy protection is of several types

  1. Energy protection, which is part of the structure of a person’s energy, namely, is built into his astral subtle body or into a capsule protecting him ( patron of man).

In order for this protection to work, the subtle bodies of a person, and in particular the astral body (the Manipura chakra), must be trained and energetic, that is, elementarily, a person must have energy for protection (its disclosure and work).

  1. energy protection, which a person creates by his own will and thoughts, giving it a specific program of work. But, again, he must have energy for this, and he must master the skills of creating an energy shield, a shell (cocoon), etc. This protection is a person can bet not only on himself, but also on other people, for example, to protect their children or loved ones.
  2. Energy protection given Higher Powers , namely the Patrons of man. And, in fact, what Patrons a person deserves (Light and tall or weak and negative), such will give him protection. Accordingly, the Light Forces provide protection from dark influences from negative forces and people. And dark forces will protect a person either from light energy and influence, which most often happens (this is always to the detriment of the soul), or from others. dark forces who compete for their client.

The protection provided by the Subtle World can be very different., depending on what a person deserves, he is worthy, or he is a scoundrel, he is strong or weak. Everything affects what kind of help will be.

"Protected by God," that also applies here. One of the most powerful defenses is a person's faith., Faith in God, in His protection and Patronage, in His Love and Omnipotence. And the stronger a person's Faith, and the more righteously he lives, the more powerful his energy protection.

There is even an anecdote on this topic, when Dracula pursues a parishioner, overtakes him in a cemetery, bends over him, and he is trembling all over and puts a Christian cross in front of him with trembling hands. Dracula calmly takes the cross from the hands of the parishioner and says to him: " For it to work, you need to believe in it!". So any protection directly depends on the person's faith as well.

How to put energy protection from the negative influences of other people and forces?

Consider the technique of self-creation of arbitrary energy protection.

  1. Your original the state should be calm, strong and positive, that is, to create protection, there must be energy. Exhausted and tired to create good protection fail. Therefore, put yourself in order, calm down, fill yourself with a stream of pure white-golden energy from above, through the top of your head. Fill your whole body with energy, wave after wave, several times, like a hollow vessel.
  2. Protection is created mainly with the help of the energy of the Ajna, Atman and Manipura chakras., so you need to turn on these chakras, or at least imagine them shining and filled with a dense white-gold light. Ideally, when the chakras are activated, you feel a pleasant pressure in the forehead, warmth and light in the center of the chest and in the abdomen. This means that the chakras are turned on, and they have energy.
  3. Mentally determine for yourself what kind of protection you need what it is for you, and how it should work. This will completely determine the energy and programs of your protection, its effectiveness and functionality. Let me remind you that the motives must be pure if you want the Light Forces to help you in its creation.

Protection can be in the form of a fiery shield that does not let through negative energy, emotions and other flying influences. The energy shield can be made mirrored and even a program can be set so that all the negative is reflected and flies back to the author (so as not to be in the habit). When such protection works, one can observe the picture: what more people screams at you and throws out negativity, the worse it gets, and you feel calm, without destruction.

Or maybe in the form of a cocoon, something like a flask, inside which you yourself are. This flask must be open from above, so that a stream of light energy enters. The outer walls of this flask can also be made mirrored. And then, this is what program you will ask - either the negative is reflected and flies back to the owner, or it flows down the walls of the mirror into the ground (if you want to spare a person). You choose.

Both one and the second protection can be placed on other people if you are directly related to them (children, relatives).

  1. In order for the protection to be created, it is enough to imagine it, for example, to imagine a glass-mirror flask around itself, with a reflective surface outward. And also imagine how a stream of white light (ray) comes out of your Ajna (center of the forehead), and you carefully pass this stream along the walls of the protection being created, imagining how its walls become energetically filled. Further, by passing a beam from Ajna along the same walls of protection, you set a program, imagining how the protection should work (all the negative flying into you from the outside flows down the walls, flies off or flies back, nothing gets inside the protection). Protection has been created.
  2. But so that the energy protection is not destroyed First of all, you need to be in the most calm and benevolent state. If you start to get nervous or emotional, you yourself will destroy the protection from the inside with your own negative emotions and reduce all efforts to create protection to zero.

Also, with the help of its own energy, not only a cocoon is created, but also an energy shield, in other words, a wall, for example, between you and an enemy that attacks you energetically.

In fact, There are many ways to protect yourself, there would be a desire to dive into the topic and practically learn all this. But it is best to learn the practice of working with energy from a Mentor, or even better from spiritual teacher. Although you can start by doing practical advice given in this article.

Reiki sessions help quickly restore good health and mood. Energy healing is much more useful and pleasant than swallowing the usual pills that do not remove the cause of the disease, but only relieve pain for a while, and as a side effect, harm the body, poisoning it with chemicals.

In terms of depth of sensations, general Reiki sessions can be compared with therapeutic massage. In terms of impact, it multi-layered harmonization process in which the restoration of human life systems occurs at all levels. This process is also given a beautiful modern definition. "bioenergetic correction".

The energy of the creative forces of the universe, which in the Japanese tradition was called "Reiki", restores the energy balance in human bodies.

At the levels of the mental, emotional and physical planes, deep work is being carried out:

  1. Disappears emotional and muscle tension, pain in the body. The mind calms down. Reduces the intensity of stress. Depressive or aggressive states, feelings of guilt, anger, disgust, fears and attacks of "panic attacks", deep inferiority complexes, imposed foreign attitudes, programs, sexual and other blocks that cause various diseases go away.
  2. Improves the functioning of all internal organs. The level of mental and physical strength increases. There is clarity of thinking, the skill of self-control of the emotional state, a sense of self-confidence, security. The ability to focus and mental concentration is enhanced. Improves memory, body resistance in various stressful situations.
  3. There is a feeling of spiritual comfort, lightness, kindness, openness, love for yourself and the people around you. There is a desire for self-expression, as well as the ability to deeply relax, move away from restless thoughts, claims, and condemnations. The ability to quickly make the right strong-willed decisions is being developed. going on harmonization of masculine and feminine principles in the energy structure of bodies.
  4. The work of higher spiritual centers is activated, which allows you to become open to new ideas and methods for their implementation. The level of intuitive perception rises, natural talents are revealed.

Reiki sessions quickly restore vitality, relieve nervous tension, emotional overexcitation and pain in the body, the integrity of the aura is restored, energy bindings and negative channels, damage and evil eye are removed. And as a result, there is an improvement in many areas of life, in the field of finances, relationships, careers, spiritual growth ...

continuation of a series devoted to the rules of occult security. We draw the attention of readers to copyright.

Occult Security- II. astral attack

astral body

The astral body is connected, first of all, with the emotional sphere of human life. Such feelings as love and, conversely, hatred - reflect the degree of activity of the astral body. It can, apparently, be assumed that a person who is "nothing" in life, who does not cause an emotional response in other people and does not experience strong emotions (what is called a "rusk") - has an undeveloped astral body. Such people are usually not endowed with any developed imagination, they rarely dream, they are cold and imperturbable in communication. In a word, what psychologists call phlegmatic.

The reverse overlap is also possible, when the active astral body, as it were, itself is looking for ways to get vivid emotional sensations. People with an overly active astral body are quick-tempered, have a highly developed imagination, love to be in sight, causing a storm of emotions in those around them (no matter what sign they are). Such people are usually distinguished by inconstancy in affections, quarrelsomeness in the team. In a word, choleric - according to the type of temperament.

Terminology issues

The term itself "astral" and "astral" has been used for a long time, since the time of alchemists (II - VI centuries of antiquity and before Paracelsus - XV century). On the modern development this terminology was influenced by such famous occultists late XIX- the beginning of the 20th century, like Annie Besant, Charles Leadbeater, Aleister Crowley, Rudolf Steiner and others.

Beyond the term "astral plane" other names existed at different times. For example, the Rosicrucians called this metaphysical level Wish World.
Thus, the astral plane is another world that exists simultaneously and in parallel with the usual four-dimensional (coordinates and time) space. Moreover, our world and the astral world interpenetrate each other.

The astral plane is the metaphysical plane of being closest to man after the physical. In terms of characteristics, denser, i.e. more noticeable and obvious to an ordinary person than, say, the mental plane - the world of thought forms.

To better understand what is astral plane, imagine a glass jar half filled with thick cranberry jelly. Red cranberry jelly is our physical world that we are used to. Now imagine that we are very carefully pouring clean spring water into the same jar over the jelly. It turns out a transparent layer of water on top of the jelly. This is the astral world. It has a lower density compared to jelly, at the border it even mixes with it. But the layer of water in the jar as a whole exists separately from jelly, and this is the same reality as jelly is our world. At the same time, whole cranberries at the very bottom of the jar (conditionally - people), for obvious reasons, have a very approximate opinion about the characteristics of the water located on top. However, having floated to the surface of the jelly layer ... But more on that later.

Many readers, quite possibly, will perceive all these arguments as a fantasy. And in vain. Some high-ranking officers from different countries (including in Russia - Boris Ratnikov), who are directly related to the special services, have repeatedly admitted, including in interviews with journalists, that since the middle of the 20th century intelligence agencies conducted active research on the subtle planes of being for use in defense and attack.

There is no doubt that researchers have come a long way in this direction. Something periodically seeps into the press - including about maintaining astral wars at the interstate level.

The activity of the astral body

It is the astral body, as the concentration of emotions and the shaper of unconscious imaginary images, that is responsible for human activity during sleep. The astral body is capable of moving a considerable distance from the physical body of a person - the so-called astral travel. At the same time, the astral body does not lose its connection with the physical body due to the so-called “silver thread”.

« 3 On the day when the guards of the house tremble and the men of power bend; and the grinders will cease to grind, because there are few of them left; and those who look out the window will be darkened;
4 and the doors to the street will be locked; when the sound of the millstone ceases, and [a man] rises at the crow of a rooster, and the daughters of singing are silent;
5 and heights will be a fear to them, and terrors in the way; and the almonds will blossom, and the grasshopper will grow heavy, and the capers will crumble. For a man departs to his eternal home, and mourners are ready to surround him along the street; -
6 Until the silver chain is broken, and the golden band is broken, and the jar is broken at the fountain, and the wheel over the well is broken.
7 And the dust shall return to the earth, as it was; but the spirit returned to God who gave it…”
(Ecclesiastes, 12)

It is obvious that the "silver chain" is the same "silver thread" - here the whole thing, apparently, is the accuracy of the translation. And the “golden bandage” is apparently what keeps the Soul in the physical body.

So, at the moment of sleep, when physical body man rests, the astral body separates, passing into the metaphysical plane - astral. Recall our jar of jelly. A "sleeping cranberry", a person, floats to the surface of the jelly and finds himself on the border with water - the astral plane. This can be compared to the so-called half-sleep or sleepy state. The astral plane of being, as it were, approaches a person, becomes as real as the physical one. The invisible is a continuation of the visible, and vice versa.

Further analogy with a berry will turn out to be conditional. The “sleeping berry”, while it sleeps, will physically remain on the border of jelly-water, but the astral body of this berry, having separated, will pass into the water column - after all, the water for the floating berry becomes closer.
The more active the astral body of a person and the more developed, the “farther” from the body it can be transferred. An ordinary observer fixes such states as sleep. A person who has an idea about trance and meditation understands that the separation of the astral body can occur even without sleep, through a certain adjustment.

The state of alcoholic (and narcotic) intoxication also represents the separation of the astral body. In the latter case, the “command” to take the “drug” is given by certain parts of the brain responsible for pleasure and ecstatic experiences. At the same time, the same parts of the brain determine exactly where the astral body will go in order to get what the “drugs” are taken for - euphoria, ecstatic experiences. First, determine...

Transition to the astral and astral worlds

astral plane infinitely more dimensional the physical world familiar to us. At the same time, it lacks, for example, the direction of time, gravity and much more. The present and the future in the astral plane can exist simultaneously, and change in any direction. Almost every person has repeatedly experienced all this in a dream, being transported to different eras and their mixing, different places of our and other planets.

It is interesting to note that "astral plane" is actually not a very accurate name. It would be better to say astral planes or astral worlds, since this is precisely a multidimensional space, not like the physical world.

Moreover, different astral planes-worlds intersect with each other and are not at all "uninhabited". Each such world (and there are an infinite number of them) contains intelligent (and not so) entities, plants, planets, galaxies, etc. Everything that you can imagine, and what you can’t even imagine.

Here are the most obvious options for the separation of the astral body, and, accordingly, its transition to the astral planes (AP):

1. Dream– a natural variant of the transition to the AP
2. Trance state, meditation- voluntary option of transition to the AP
3. Hypnosis- voluntary-compulsory transition to the AP
4. Alcohol, drugs, hallucinogens– forced option of transition to AP

We see no point in writing in detail about the astral worlds. All those interested can easily find a lot of research and fiction on this topic.

So, we found out that an ordinary person, even very far from esotericism, nevertheless, regularly leaves his astral body for a short time - during sleep. If a person does not see dreams at all or sees them rarely, then there can be two main reasons: an undeveloped astral body or an inability to remember the information broadcast by the astral body during the journey. In some cases, the cause may be a subconscious increase in one's own defenses in order to prevent the separation of the astral body at all. However, it helps with nightmares, but not with a deliberate attack.

Return of the astral body to energy shells the body is provided by the very “silver thread” that we mentioned above. I had to meet the opinion that the "silver thread" is attached in the area of ​​​​the navel chakra - Manipura. Perhaps this is not so - the thread enters the body in the region of the third eye (Ajna chakra). The proof will be given below.

Having considered this issue in relation to the variants of separation of the astral body, we can come to the following conclusion: sleep and the state of hypnosis are not dangerous from the point of view of guarantees for the return of the astral body. In the first case, because such a state (separation-return) is natural for a person. In the second case, because in a state of hypnosis the consciousness of a person does not turn off completely.

Trance and meditative states from the point of view of maintaining a stable connection of a person with his own astral body are not completely safe. The fact is that the meaning of such states is precisely the complete shutdown of consciousness. The less the consciousness retains its efficiency, the deeper the trance and the “higher quality” meditation.

Those. a trained person can completely “turn off” consciousness, separating his astral body and directing it to the so-called “astral journey”, or to perform a particular task in the astral planes of being.

Such states, in fact, pose a certain danger even for specialists, not to mention beginners-experimenters. That is why any experiments with trance states should be carried out not alone, but under the supervision of an experienced and reliable mentor. Or at least in situations where a sleepless and sane comrade is watching the meditator. There is a lot of information on the Internet about the so-called "astral exit". More than 99% of all this Internet chatter is empty chatter. We have already mentioned that the astral planes are inhabited by entities, many of which will gladly bite off the head of any unlucky "astral traveler". There are protection techniques for targeted trips to the astral plane, but their discussion is beyond the scope of this article.

As for forced transfers to the astral plane (alcohol, drugs, hallucinogens), everything is clear here. People do see devils, entities, incubi and succubi. In a word, they get the emotional and ecstatic sensations they need. If we talk about alcohol, then the so-called " delirium tremens"is the impossibility of the astral body to return to the energy shells - "tangling the silver thread". A person ceases to be adequate, perceiving in real time through his own astral body everything that he sees There. If we talk about drug overdose, then this is - "break of the silver thread" which results in instant death.

By the way, the cause of death in a dream or euthanasia by administering a high dose of sleeping pills or a narcotic substance is also a broken thread. It is not known for certain why and how this happens in the case of death in a dream, and Who exactly breaks the thread ... There are also reasons to believe that clinical death is, in a sense, one of astral worlds with special properties.

Astral attacks and astral wars

Most people have experienced an astral attack to one degree or another. In the simplest case, this is nightmare. Two types of astral attack can be considered:

Attack of astral entities directly on the human astral body. This is just a typical nightmare. The reason for the attack is the rage of the entity due to the fact that it was disturbed, or the receipt of human energy by provoking an emotional outburst - horror, pleasure, etc.

A targeted attack on the person himself through a negative impact through his astral body. With such an attack, in a dream, as a rule, not scary beasts appear, but humanoid entities, usually “without a face” or in a hood hiding their faces. However, professional attackers can also attract astral entities to attack, disguising their impact as a nightmare, or "put on" someone else's mask-shell.

Is it possible to distinguish targeted astral attack from the usual displeasure of disturbed astral entities? Can.

1. Deliberate astral attacks usually occur at 3 and 5 o'clock in the morning. This is a fairly accurate indicator - a person to stop the attack is forced to wake up at 3 or 5 o'clock with slight deviations.

2. If there is an attack not just on the astral body, but through the astral body on a person, then there is a strong and sharp perspiration, especially in the head and neck. In 10-15 minutes of sleep, the attacked organism can release such an amount of sweat that the pillow and linen become not just wet, but pretty wet. The reason for sweating is the need for a sharp and effective decrease in body temperature and a special head (brain and epiphysis - pineal gland ).

3. The strongest and most vivid emotional experiences - horror, rage or aggression (as a willingness to resist), or vice versa - a breakdown and extreme weakness.

4. Acceleration of the heart rate - tachycardia and, accordingly, a sharp increase in blood pressure. This sign is not mandatory, but occurs quite often.

An ordinary nightmare can be dreamed of at any time and, apart from fear, is not accompanied by either tachycardia or noticeable sweating.

Astral attack can be observed in the waking state. One of the signs is a sharp asymptomatic increase in body temperature to 37.5 - 38 degrees. In this case, the temperature of the head is 0.5 - 1 degree higher than the general temperature of the body. With such exposure, redness of the face, a feeling of a pulse in the temple or ear, headache. We have already mentioned that the “silver thread” connecting the physical and astral bodies enters the body in the forehead (Ajna Chakra). That is why, when attacked through the astral body, the temperature of the head is somewhat higher than the general temperature of the body.

Detailed Description apparently, astral wars are not required in this article, since a person far from esotericism encounters this infrequently. We only note that among specialists, astral wars are a fairly common occurrence. Even if a specialist does not attack anyone and has no desire to participate in such adventures, he is often forced to do so by aggressive (and against him) astral entities and restless colleagues of various stripes. The reasons for the attacks from colleagues are envy, the struggle for the “occult clearing” (greed), painful ambitions and vanity, conceit. All this, of course, is utter nonsense and a waste of energy.

Astral attack resistance

First, let's say right away that it is almost impossible to avoid astral attacks completely. Sooner or later a person will fall asleep, and his astral body will separate from the body. Even if separation does not occur (blockage), the astral body is still there and can be attacked - both during sleep and in the waking state.
It remains to give techniques for protecting and minimizing the consequences of an attack.

1. You should pay attention to the room in which you sleep. Do not place mirrors in this room and generally minimize the number of reflective surfaces - for example, polished cabinets. At night, curtain the window (glass) with curtains. The mirror in the bedroom is an object that provokes the astral to constant contact, a kind of invitation to "come visit".

2. Regularly do wet cleaning in the room, and ventilate the room before going to bed - astral entities cannot stand cleanliness and fresh air, but they are very susceptible to dust, dirt and stale air. If the bedroom is constantly dry air, use a steam humidifier - the higher the humidity in the room, the calmer the sleep.

3. Use objects, materials and substances that repel the entities of the astral planes: oak furniture, a branch of mountain ash or juniper, iron and silver, fumigation sticks, aromatic oils of wormwood and juniper.

4. If an astral attack has occurred - do not stay in bed, trying in vain to fall asleep, take a cool shower. The main principle is to reduce body temperature, especially the head ( brain and epiphysis). In addition, water washes away residual negativity well. Then drink a few sips of spring, well or holy water, ventilate the room.

5. If you experience tachycardia or pain in the chest area, you need to calm down and switch - drink a cup of tea with honey, read a few pages of some non-esoteric book.


In accordance with the Vedic tradition, it is considered that a person has five subtle bodies. Some researchers (A. Sviyash) are also considering the so-called heavenly(astronomical) and keteric(higher atmic or coronal) bodies. There is reason to believe that in fact there are even more thin bodies, but this is already a topic for a very serious and separate study.

Paracelsus (lat. Paracelsus). Real name - Philip Aureol Theophrastus Bombust background Hohenheim (Hohenheim), born in 1493 in Einsiedeln, canton of Schwyz, died on September 24, 1541 in Salzburg - famous alchemist, physician and occultist.

The Order of the Cross and the Rose is a secret theological and mystical society founded in the late Middle Ages (mid-16th - early 17th century) in Germany by Christian Rosycross.

Boris Ratnikov. He worked at the KGB in Moscow and the Moscow region. Since 1991 - First Deputy Head of the Main Security Directorate of the Russian Federation. In 1994-1997, he was the chief consultant of the Security Service of the President of the Russian Federation, adviser to the head of the Federal Security Service (FSO). Major General.

The pineal gland is associated with the crown chakra (Sahasrara) and the forehead chakra (Ajna) and is responsible for intuition and imagination, i.e. is directly related to the astral body. The functional significance of the pineal gland for the human body as a whole has not yet been fully studied.
