How they burn in hell. Hell is in the middle of the sun

I do not believe that the Lord will allow eternal torment of people in hell. He is the ideal of love and mercy, how can he allow eternal (!) hellish (!!) torments of people? You won't gain so much in a lifetime to end up being tortured forever.

Hieromonk Job (Gumerov) answers:

Dear Oleg! Because the afterworld is divided into heaven and hell, your letter inevitably implies a statement that you do not directly make: after the end of history, all people should be in heaven. In response to your letter, the question inevitably arises: where should Divine Justice place the people guilty of the brutal extermination of tens of millions of people (the leaders of the most odious totalitarian regimes of the 20th century). Where will Justice put people who, with sophisticated and vile cruelty, killed schoolchildren, pregnant women, helpless invalids? How do you imagine in paradise the life of those who left this world with unhealed ulcers of their criminal conscience, in spiteful enmity with God. Life in paradise will be built on the principles of perfect love. How is the harmony of a blissful life in the Heavenly Kingdom possible with the participation of those whose souls have become stagnant in a state of satanic malice?

Speaking of heaven and hell, it is unacceptable to be guided by a simplified legal view that has nothing to do with the laws of spiritual life and a correct understanding of the nature of good and evil. Heaven and hell begin already in the human soul. The saints, having cleansed themselves and sanctified themselves by deeds and deeds of love, were so united with God while still on earth that they experienced heavenly bliss inside. The Kingdom of Heaven for them is the absolute fullness of joy that began here. For others, sin and crime have become the meaning of life. They rejected Divine love, trampled on His commandments, and consciously chose darkness over light. Hell for them is just the logical conclusion of what they had during their lifetime. If they, having free will, chose darkness, then how can they be forcibly sent to paradise?

The two exclamation points after the word "hell" show that you object to hell on principle. But then the whole system of spiritual and moral life is destroyed to the ground. If a person, risking his life, saved others, and the criminal who made cruelty and killing people his profession receive the same reward (paradise), then good and evil are equalized. The fundamental difference between them disappears.

One in a letter Exclamation point stands after the word "eternal". Perplexity about the eternity of hell again reveals a narrow legal understanding of the issue. Hell is eternal not because Divine Justice so desires, but because the soul fused with sin remains so forever. And if she remains like this forever, then the gates of paradise are forever closed to her. If on earth, in spite of Divine calls to repentance and in spite of the edifying examples of the saints, sinners choose darkness with unwavering perseverance, how will they be transfigured and corrected in hell, being deprived of the guiding grace of God. If hell were to re-educate sinners, they would be saved without Jesus Christ, who is the only way to salvation.

The denial of hell testifies to the damage of human nature. This reveals a hidden or open reconciliation with sin and the incompleteness of our faith. The Son of God, having belittled Himself, united with our limited human flesh, took upon Himself all the sins of perishing humanity. To save us from eternal death, He drank the full cup of bitter suffering, sorrow, humiliation and went to a most painful death. Why are we not horrified by the cynicism with which humanity, which has become like prodigal son offends the majesty and holiness of his Heavenly Parent? The Holy Fathers, fully aware of the vile essence of sin, marveled at Divine long-suffering. Let us never think of this lawlessness, to call God unmerciful! Oh, how wonderful is the mercy of God! Oh, how marvelous is the grace of God and our Creator! What a power that dominates everything! What immeasurable goodness<Он>our nature in us, sinners, again raises to re-creation! Who has the strength to glorify Him? He raises up the one who transgressed His commandment and blasphemed Him, renews the foolish dust(St. Isaac the Syrian. Ascetic Words. Word 90).

The Savior of the world, by His death on the Cross, deprived the devil of power over the human race and destroyed the power of death. From the power of hell I will redeem them, from death I will deliver them. Death! where is your pity? hell! where is your victory?(Hos. 13:14). After the Resurrection of the Savior, people themselves drive themselves into hell, choosing darkness, not Light.

The teaching that dead sinners are tormented in the flames of eternal torment, that they will have to endure eternal suffering for their transgressions in their short earthly life, is preached everywhere and is included in many Christian doctrines. However, it is incompatible with love, mercy and understanding of justice. One enlightened doctor of theology said: “The spectacle of the martyrs of hell will increase the eternal happiness of the righteous. When they see their own kind there, whose condition is so terrible, while they themselves are so highly exalted, then their bliss will increase.

Where in the pages of Holy Scripture can such a teaching be found? Will the redeemed in Heaven be deprived of any sense of pity and compassion, and even a simple sense of humanity? Or will these feelings be replaced by the dispassionateness of the Stoics and the cruelty of the savages? No and no again; there's nothing like it in God's Book. Perhaps those who preach such ideas are educated and even all respected people but they are deceived by the wiles of Satan. He encourages them to misinterpret the harsh words of Scripture, forcing them to find in the Bible cruelty and threats that are peculiar to him, but not to our Savior. “As I live, says the Lord God, I do not want the death of the sinner, but that the sinner turn from his way and live. Turn, turn from your evil ways; Why should you die, O house of Israel?” (Ezekiel 33:11).

Even if we assume that the Lord is pleased with the suffering of sinners, the groans and cries of those whom He holds in hellfire, then what is the point in these torments? Is it possible that these terrible screams are the sweetest music in the ears of Infinite Love? It is argued that the endless suffering of the wicked testifies to God's hatred of sin, which destroys the rest and peace of the universe. Oh, what a terrible blasphemy! Then it turns out that God's hatred of sin will be the reason for its perpetuation. Many theologians assure that constant torment without hope of mercy further embitters these unfortunate ones, who, shuddering from curses and blasphemy, only increase their guilt. The constant increase of sin over endless ages cannot contribute to the glory of God.

It is impossible for a person to imagine the depth of evil that the heretical doctrine of eternal torment has brought with it. The creed of the Bible, full of love, kindness, overflowing with compassion, is darkened by prejudice and tinged with horror. And given the false light in which Satan portrays the Lord, is it any wonder that our merciful Creator is feared and even hated? Such terrifying ideas about God, which are spread throughout the world through church sermons, have given rise to thousands and even millions of skeptics and atheists.

Out of compassion for the entire universe, God will eventually destroy forever those who reject His grace. “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 6:23). While life is the heritage of the righteous, death is the inheritance of the wicked. Those who, through repentance and faith, have not been forgiven must be punished for their iniquity. Since, according to His principles of justice and mercy, God cannot save a sinner in his sins, He deprives him of life, the right to which he himself has lost and proved by his deeds that he is not worthy of it. Covered in shame, they will irrevocably disappear into eternal oblivion. This will put an end to sin with all its grief and destruction.

From the book of E. White"The Great Controversy", ch. 33

Many years ago, sensational information was kept under the heading "Top Secret" at the National Aerospace Administration (NASA). On August 9, 1973, astronauts transmitted a message from the Skylab 2 spacecraft that stunned the US Space Research Laboratory. It said: "Hell is in the middle of the Sun. We see the dead burning. We see hell."

Communication was interrupted for a few seconds, and then the messengers of the Earth transmitted from outer space the usual data for flight, as if there had never been a sensational message before.

NASA specialists denied all rumors about this event for many years. But in 1985, the American journal World Science lifted the veil of secrecy. The unbelievable message from the Skylab 2 crew was published and horrified people.

It turned out that in August 1973, astronauts, while on board the spacecraft, studied solar flares using a spectroheliograph, which noted all changes on photographic film. During this observation, an explosion occurred in the heavenly body great strength. From the depths of the fireball, a column of helium rushed up 800 thousand kilometers (!) Up.

And suddenly, before the eyes of the dumbfounded observers, the liquid stream of gas froze. For a whole 70 seconds, the device recorded a nightmarish vision: hundreds of thousands of human faces appeared on this fiery pillar, exhausted by torture in the eternal flame. At first, the astronauts thought it was a hallucination, but the facial images were very clear. The astronauts have seen what atheists think doesn't exist - hell. According to the magazine, the data received by the Americans is currently being carefully studied.


Ten years after this sensational message, some American publications told readers about another fantastic event. Using specially designed equipment and a telescope for observations in infrared radiation, NASA researchers captured on film a strange phenomenon: the ghosts of dead people and animals hovered in outer space.

This event caused controversy between representatives of official science, parapsychologists and clergymen. But everyone was united in one thing: the photograph is genuine! One of the members of the official commission of experts said: “We have known about the existence of ghosts for a long time. Back in May 1993, we were able to see these creatures in space using the Hubble telescope ... However, the NASA leadership and the US government decided to classify this information as long as it would be possible to explain to people what are luminous formations that have the shape of a person.

Scientists received the first pictures of the unknown when they studied the influence of the Sun on the planet Neptune. The photographs clearly showed many luminous human bodies. Opinions of scientists on this issue were ambiguous.
Pedro Garcia, a Spanish theologian, believes: "This part of the universe is a purgatory - a place between heaven and hell. Here the souls of the dead await judgment for their earthly affairs."

The famous American physicist, who wished to remain anonymous, said: "These forms are the result of electrical impulses - the true essence of life, which has neither beginning nor end. When people die, the electricity of the body goes out into space. And that's it."

Despite many different opinions, one thing is obvious - a new one has been added to the existing secrets of mankind. On this occasion, a NASA spokesman said: "To resolve it, hard work is now being carried out, despite the huge costs."

Perhaps in the near future, the most incredible results of this work will become known to the inhabitants of our planet, but you should not flatter yourself: the military, as you know, know how to keep secrets.

Looking for paradise

NASA has left without comment one more amazing fact: the American astronaut Charles Ginson has been in space... 28 years!

Private individuals from NASA claim that such a case is inexplicable, and the official representative of this organization stated: “We lost contact with the commander of the spacecraft, Ch. Ginson, 3 hours and 58 minutes after launch. Since the mission was a secret, we could not report it publicly. In our documents, Charles Ginson appears as a person who disappeared without a trace. This was until March 26, 1991.

On that spring day, almost 28 years after the astronaut disappeared into space, an American naval unit received C. Ginson's radio message. Shortly thereafter, a Gemini capsule with an astronaut on board was found in the ocean.

The question arises, how could an astronaut exist in the abyss of space for 28 years with a supply of fuel, food and water for only half a year? Without the participation of some "extraterrestrial" forces, this is unthinkable!

In this mysterious case, there is no official NASA version. The spacecraft with the astronaut on board was launched by the military, so everything is shrouded in mystery.

Documents relating to this event disappeared along with the archive. There is not even evidence that Ginson was on the staff of NASA, although all the older employees remember him well.

Charles Ginson has been quarantined at Edwards Air Force Base in California. The astronaut and the Gemini were carefully studied. A specially created group of psychoanalysts tried to get information from Ginson about his fantastic adventure.

Physically, he feels fine, but is completely disoriented, a NASA official told reporters. -Does not remember his absence from the Earth for a long time, The astronaut's mental state leaves much to be desired, his words cannot be connected into one whole. When asked where he was, whether he communicated with the inhabitants of space or with any "supernatural" forces, Ginson invariably answered: "Never again! ... You must understand ... These are your enemies." Further questions caused hysteria and crying.

Famous Polish magician Krzysztof Bullyszko through the means mass media said then that soon the astronaut would speak, and what he would tell would shock society.

Time passed, however, and no new information about the 28-year space voyage appeared. Perhaps this is directly related to the discovery of hell and purgatory in space. It is likely that C. Ginson visited paradise, since he returned alive to Earth. But where, then, is this paradise? And is it so good if the astronaut exclaimed: "Never again!"?

By the way...

Men and women in hell are punished differently! Sex discrimination exists in hell too. It turns out that men and women are punished differently. According to a study by the theologians of the Vatican, published in the Vatican newspaper L "Osservatore Romano, different punishments await men and women because they are subject to different sins. Men more often sin with lust, while women with pride. For this reason, the souls of men in hell will be burned in sulfur, and women - on the wheel.


Hell, Gehenna (Greek ??? - Hades, the kingdom of Hades, underworld; Heb., Gehenom, Sheol; glory. Hell) - originally ( ancient Greek mythology, Old Testament) posthumous state of mind, subsequently an underground place of punishment for sinners (a tradition of Buddhism, Christianity and Islam). Contrasted with paradise.

Hell in Christianity

According to Christian teaching, after the fall of the forefathers, the souls of all the dead, including the Old Testament righteous, fell into hell. Souls righteous Simeon The God-bearer and beheaded by King Herod, John the Baptist, was preached in hell for a speedy and universal deliverance. After his suffering and death on the cross, Christ human soul descended into the most remote depths of hell, destroyed hell and brought out of it the souls of all the righteous into the Kingdom of God (paradise), as well as those souls of sinners who accepted the sermon about the salvation that had come.

And now, the souls of the dead saints (pious Christians) go to heaven. But often living people repel God from themselves with their sins - they themselves create a living hell in their souls, and after death, the souls no longer have the opportunity to change their state, which will continue to progress in eternity. The posthumous and final fate of the souls of deceased non-Christians is unknown to those living today - it completely depends on the will of God, if He considers that the deceased lived according to his conscience, and that his soul is ready to glorify Christ, then it can be accepted into heavenly abodes.

The Savior emphasizes that the determining criterion for Him will be the presence (among the "lambs") of works of mercy (helping those in need, to which He counts Himself), or the absence of these works (among the "goats") (Matt. 25:31-46). God will make the final decision at the Last Judgment, after which not only the souls of sinners, but also their resurrected material bodies will be tormented in hell. Christ pointed out that the greatest torment in hell will befall those who knew His commandments, but did not fulfill them, and those who did not forgive offenses against their neighbors.

The most difficult torment in hell will be not physical, but moral, the voice of conscience, a kind of unnatural state when a sinful soul cannot bear the presence of God, but even without God it is completely unbearable. In hell, both demons and angels will also be tormented, who, after Doomsday even more connected.

Catholicism and Orthodoxy claim that in order for the soul to go not to hell after death, but to heaven, one must be baptized, adhere to the doctrine, partake of the Body and Blood of Christ, observe spiritual purity and do charitable deeds while living on earth. The right to determine whether a person's soul goes to hell or heaven in Christianity belongs to God.

Protestantism claims that in order for a person's soul to go to heaven and not to hell, one must be a born again Christian. In neo-Protestantism (Baptism, Methodism, Pentecostalism, etc.), baptism does not play leading role in salvation. In classical Protestantism (Lutheranism, Calvinism, Anglicanism, etc.), there is a thesis about the need for baptism of infants so that they go to heaven after death.

St. John Chrysostom writes: "Because He (God) prepared Gehenna (hell, as a place of residence for sinners), because He is good." Even the most unbearable and incomparable eternal torment of sinners in hell is still better than non-existence or the complete cessation of their existence. According to some Christian apologists, hell is evil, but God cannot do evil, however, during His creation (good), it leaves the possibility for the rational beings (angels and people) created by Him to "create" both good and evil.

Evil, according to their concept, is just either perverted good, or the absence of good, that is, non-existence, which can never be complete and final. Despite the fact that hell is called the kingdom of the devil and his angels, the omnipresent and omnipotent God is incomprehensibly present in hell and providentially governs it.

Hell in Islam

According to the teachings of Islam, on the Day of Judgment all people will be resurrected, and judgment will take place on them, and people will be divided into 2 groups - the inhabitants of hell and the inhabitants of paradise. Hell in Islam is the eternal refuge of the infidels (“kafirs” - those who did not follow the divine religion) and created shirk. The Almighty will not forgive anyone for only one sin - polytheism (“shirk” - Arabic), shirk refers to the worship of anyone other than the Almighty One God (“Allah” - Arabic), giving him partners, likening someone to Allah, etc. The Almighty will forgive all other sins or not according to His Wisdom and Mercy. Hell in Islam is called Jahannam (Arabic).

There is a tree in hell called “zakkum”: “which is rooted in hell. The fruits of its branches are like devil's heads. And from it they eat and fill their stomachs with it” (Quran, 37:64-66). The inhabitants of hell will eat this tree, drink boiling water: “And they will give them fetid boiling water to drink, they will sip it (sips), but they will hardly be able to swallow it” (Quran, 14:16-17), wear clothes made of fire: “And for the unbelievers, clothes will be covered from fire” (Quran, 22:19), everywhere in hell there will be fire: “Sheets of Fire will lie above and below them” (Quran, 39:16), “In the shadow of a suffocating smoke, neither refreshing nor good” (Quran, 56:43-44).

The Quran also describes that all the inhabitants of Hell will experience guilt, grief and sadness that they lived their lives without worshiping the Almighty. “For them there is a cry and a roar, and an eternal abode there, while the earth and the sky last, unless your Lord only wants to dispose of it differently, - for Your Lord, truly, is the Arbiter of everything that He wishes” (Quran, 11: 106-107).

“Indeed, We have delivered to them the Book, which We have set forth with the Lord’s knowledge of every essence, as mercy and guidance for those who have trusted in the Lord. Are they really waiting for something other than the fulfillment of (His) promises?

Will we find intercessors now who can intercede for us? Or will we be returned (to earth), then we would not do as we did before? (Quran, 7:52-53).

“And you will see the wicked, who, at the sight of punishment, say: “Is there no way to return (to earthly life)?” (Quran, 42:44).

The Qur'an harshly criticizes the mockery of pagans and atheists over the news of the Day of Judgment and Hell: "After all, they led a life full of sinful pleasures, persisting in a great sin, and so it happened, they said:" Really, when we die and become dust and bones, we will be resurrected again? (Quran, 56:45-47) “What benefit has the good that you have accumulated and that by which you have been exalted?” (Quran, 7:48)

Hell in Buddhism

In Buddhism, hell is a place of residence for beings who practice malice and hatred. There are eight hells (eight cold, eight hot), but there are also additional hells. Stay in hell is long, but not infinite, after the consequences of negative karma are exhausted, the being dies and is born again in higher worlds.

Hell in Mormonism

In the revelations of The Church of Jesus Christ of Saints last days the word hell is used in two senses.

Firstly, this is the name of the spiritual prison - a place in the afterlife spiritual world prepared for those “who died in their sins, without knowing the truth, or in trespass, rejecting the prophets” (Doctrine and Covenants 138:32). This is a temporary state in which spirits will be given the opportunity to learn the gospel, repent, and receive the ordinances of salvation performed for them in temples (Doctrine and Covenants 138:30-35).

Secondly, the word hell refers to the outer darkness - the place where Satan, his angels and the sons of perdition will dwell (Doctrine and Covenants 29:36-38, 76:28-33).

Hell in Kabbalah

In Kabbalah, "hell" is the awareness of the difference between man and the Creator - Higher power of good. This is the extreme degree of awareness of our evil - a measure of how bad we feel, suddenly discovering that we are opposite to Him in properties. The feeling of shame, remoteness, own insignificance and meanness is so terrible that there is nothing worse than this. This feeling of absolute shame - this is the feeling of "hell", which simply incinerates.

Hell in Literature

The Concept of Hell in The Divine Comedy

In the Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri, hell is several circles, the lower the circle, the more serious the sins committed by a person during his lifetime.

In front of the entrance are pitiful souls who did neither good nor evil during their lifetime, including “bad flock of angels”, who were neither with the devil nor with God.

I circle (Limb) - unbaptized babies and virtuous non-Christians.
II circle - voluptuaries (fornicators and adulterers).
III circle - gluttons, gluttons and gourmets.
IV circle - Miserly and spendthrifts.
V circle (Stygian swamp) - Angry and lazy.
VI circle - heretics and false teachers.
7th round:
I belt - rapists over the neighbor and over his property (tyrants and robbers).
II belt - rapists over themselves (suicides) and over their property (gamblers and wasters).
III belt - rapists over a deity (blasphemers), against nature (sodomites) and art (extortion).
VIII circle. Deceived the disbelievers. It consists of ten ditches (Zlopazuhi, or Evil Slits).
I ditch. Procurers and seducers.
II ditch. Flatterers.
III ditch. Holy merchants, high-ranking clerics who traded in church positions.
IV ditch. Soothsayers, fortune-tellers, astrologers, sorceresses.
V ditch. Bribers, bribe-takers.
VI ditch. Hypocrites.
VII ditch. The thieves.
VIII ditch. Wicked advisers.
IX ditch. Discord instigators.
X ditch. Alchemists, false witnesses, counterfeiters.
IX circle - those who deceived those who trusted.
Belt of Cain. Family traitors.
Belt of Antenor. Traitors to the motherland and like-minded people.
Belt of Tolomei. Traitors of friends and companions.
Giudecca belt. Traitors of benefactors, majesty divine and human.

Satan himself.

Building a model of hell, Dante follows Aristotle, who refers the sins of intemperance to the 1st category, the sins of violence to the 2nd, and the sins of deceit to the 3rd. Dante has circles 2-5 for the intemperate, 7th for rapists, 8-9 for deceivers (8th is just for deceivers, 9th is for traitors). Thus, the more material the sin, the more forgivable it is.

"Rose of the World" by Daniil Andreev

In the cosmological picture of Daniil Andreev, set out in his book "Rose of the World", "hell" means Gashsharva - a two-dimensional world where demons live. There also live some people who wished to become carriers of dark missions. They don't suffer there. Therefore, Andreev's descriptions of the "worlds of retribution" are more consistent with traditional Christian ideas about hell. Also in the "Rose of the World" is mentioned the "lunar hell", restored by the lunar demoness Voglea.

hell with scientific point vision

Jack and Rexell van Imp, Michigan, USA have concluded that black holes fit the bill to be the location of hell. For this they were awarded the Ig Nobel Prize in 2001.

Where is hell?

This may seem strange to many, but the word "hell" in Holy Scripture does not mean the place where the fire burns. IN Old Testament the word "hell" or in Hebrew "sheol" occurs 65 times. This word means "realm of the dead". It is translated into Russian by the words “hell”, “grave”, “underworld”, “coffin” and has never been associated with the idea of ​​fire or punishment.

In the New Testament, the word "hell", in Greek "hades", occurs 11 times (see Matthew 11:23; 16:18; Luke 10:15; 16:23; Acts 2:27,31; 1 Corinthians 15:55; Revelation 1:18; 6:8; 20:13-14) and has the same meaning as "sheol » - i.e. the grave where the dead - both the righteous and the wicked - wait in an unconscious state for the resurrection.

Hell is a place where the body is subject to decay. Christ was also in "hell", i.e. in the grave, but did not undergo corruption, because God raised Him up. “For You will not leave My soul in hell, neither will You suffer Your Holy One to see corruption” (Psalm 15:10).

“Then the sea delivered up the dead that were in it, and death and hell delivered up the dead that were in them” (Revelation 20:13). These words of Scripture confirm that hell is a place where not the living but the dead dwell, and that there are not only evil, but also good.

But the ancient Greek word "gehenna", which is also translated by the word "hell" - denotes the place of punishment by fire of unrepentant sinners. It occurs 12 times in the New Testament - (see Matthew 5:22,29-30; 10:28; 18:9; 23:15,33; Mark 9:43,45-47; Luke 12:5; James 3:6).

"Gehenna" is the Greek name for one of the valleys near Jerusalem, the so-called "valley of the sons of Hinnom." In ancient times, the corpses of animals and executed criminals were taken to this place. There they were burned, and therefore the fire was constantly maintained. Jesus says of this place that “their worm does not die, and the fire is not quenched” (Mark 9:44). What the worms did not eat was destroyed by fire. The name of this valley, where the corpses of criminals were burned, began to be used to designate the place where all the wicked would suffer the final punishment and be finally destroyed in the fire.

History of the Guild "Burn in Hell"

No one knows exactly when the guild "Burn in Hell!" appeared. As, however, the history of its creation, and the identity of the creator (he is also the mysterious first head of the guild, whom no one has seen, but everyone is sure that he exists). The guild has always been there. Or, more precisely, few people remember when it was not. During its existence, guilds appeared and disappeared, great heroes and no less great villains were born, temples and arks were built. The guild experienced ups and downs, was among the first and last. According to unconfirmed reports, the composition of the guild changed completely several times.

The guild grew, recruited new recruits and took places in the pantheons (and warmer places in hell). There was always someone before her, but there were many guilds after her. However, despite all the epic and legendary of its members, it still keeps at the level of an average guild. Many British scientists have studied this phenomenon. The main version says that this anomaly was formed due to the lack of centralized power. The alternative version is that it is from the thermophilicity of its members. It is because of this that the range of its inhabitants is not so extensive. And not everyone can withstand such temperatures. We need a lot of hardening with baths and frequent meetings with Thinking Boiling Water.

Thanks to the name, the most evil and insane heroes aspired to it. (As well as kind and fair. Of those who do good and do justice. It is thanks to this that she confidently keeps at the level of “humane”, and does not slide into the abyss of madness and malice).

Head and Founder

The founder of the guild, he is also the guildmaster - a figure almost legendary in the folklore of the guild "Burn in hell!". No one knows who he is, his level and even gender, but everyone is firmly convinced that he is somewhere nearby, watching his brainchild from the shadows and with a soft hand directs him to the right path. And these rumors have a real basis - the mysterious head periodically appears out of nowhere, handing out tasks and goodies with a generous hand, and then just as quickly disappears into the unknown. Some say he hides among the countless horde of guild doctors. There is also a widespread legend that the day will come when the Head will return, reward each gorivadun, and especially his deputies, according to their merits, will reign - and the Golden Age will begin until the last days of Godville.

Political history

2592 th days of e. the elective position of Acting Guildmaster (or, as most gorivadoons say, simply guildmaster) was introduced.

2606 th days of e. was elected Redhead Lady for a period of three months.

2703 th days of e. ascended the throne Ganelion May he reign ten thousand years! Will not be.

2844 th days of e. Numidium made a military coup and took power into his own hands. His first decree was the obligatory wearing of old-fashioned hats. Dark times await the Guild...

Despite the undoubted despotism of the Third Acting Head, he filled the rank-and-file gorivaduns more like a reformer head. First of all, he is famous for reforms in the field of guild management and, oddly enough, for limiting the former absolute power of the head ... His most significant reforms are considered: Decree "About the Appropriate Acting Head of Guild "Burn in Hell!" Motto", decree "On Proper Headgear" and decree "On the Appropriate Arrangement of the Guild and Family Coats of Arms".

2978 th days of e. as a result of democratic elections, an absolute (42%) majority was elected Ganelion . The new head promised to continue the policy of expansion to the suburbs, to prevent the Red Lady from managing the guild and to preserve the achievements of her predecessors. Later he was nicknamed the head patron for his patronage of the development of guild culture. It was during his reign that the anthem was chosen and work began on the coat of arms of the guild.

3113 th days of e. By decision of the Council of Ancients, Ganelion was removed from the post of Acting Head of the Guild. He was blamed for the unreasonable conduct of foreign and domestic policy, obvious protectionism in relation to individual gorivaduns and partiality in relation to others, neglect of his duties and inability to respond quickly in emergency situations. Ganelion was exiled to distant clouds.

The next Acting Head of the Guild was elected Redhead Lady . Its first action is a large-scale reshuffle in the highest ranks. In particular, Byakka became Master Nurturing and Nurturing Guild Totem, A Lord of the Bears - Honorary Hatter.

3154 th days of e. rises at the head of the guild Hephaestus Poloninskaya , thus breaking the endless cycle of choosing the gods of the Triumvirate of the Ancients. A young and ambitious gorivadunka, who at the time of her election had not even reached the rank of regent, from the first days she resolutely set about reforming and transforming the guild. Her first decrees were: the introduction of a mandatory form according to the Japanese model, the replacement of ambrosia with sake, and the obligatory study of fox zen.

Frightened by her experts herald another golden age.

3381 th days of e. won in an unexpectedly fair election Smif . Nicknamed among the people as a Professor, he wandered through oblivion for a long time and acquired considerable knowledge there. Without a doubt, he will bring a lot to the guild.

Without having time to properly correct, he again disappeared into nowhere, leaving behind only an increased influence in the cities and a good memory. Ordinary gorivadoons remembered him as the best head - he never touched what works.

3515 th days of e. he was replaced by a representative of the conservative party Ganelion , who proclaimed a course towards the return of "the good old days and the Moscow Region." His reign is remembered for a record place in the pantheon of Influence - 14.

3649 th days of e. won the election Lanmi . This was the first election that did not involve representatives of the old guard. Experts predict a complete change of course. With the very first decrees, the new head declared Friday a free day and set a course for further strengthening of positions in the Moscow region - even to the detriment of influence in other cities.

Unexpectedly, her reign backfired on promises: she ended her reign with wide influence in several cities - but with a complete loss of influence in Moscow Region.

3783 th days of e. head becomes Lunar Minago . The newly elected head declared the phrase "Make way for the young!" and firmly committed to a major transformation in the guild.

However, alas, society was still not ready: progressive undertakings new chapter every day they meet with more and more resistance from the reactionary circles of the guild old-timers, supported by a dark mass of unfortunate unenlightened ordinary Gorivaduns. By the end of her term, her decisions are almost unanimously sabotaged, with only a handful of like-minded people on her side.

In this context, the victory in the next elections is not surprising. 3917 th days of e. God Blah Blah Muddy , nominated, in his own words, only in defiance of the Shadow Watcher - a young and progressive-minded candidate. In his program, Bla Bla Mutny promises maximum preservation of the existing order of things and complete stability.

From the very beginning of his reign, Bla Bla Mutny fully showed his reactionary nature. In order to fight against the progressive and healthy elements in the guild, Bla Bla Muddy, nicknamed Bla Bla the Terrible at the very beginning of his reign, began to build a cruel totalitarian repressive structure, whose first and main institutions were Department of Repressions and Executions, whose first boss was Ganelion - once a young conservative politician, with age he became more and more ossified, callous and furious, until at the end of his days he became faithful dog totalitarian regime, a cruel agent of inert reactionary classes, and Department of Alcoholism, Hooliganism and Parasitism, whose boss was a young counter-revolutionary officer Konrad von Wolf , one of the main initiators of repression, more of a successful adventurer than a fanatical servant of totalitarianism. Also created Office of Kindness and Affection, an incentive body that exists to maintain the cadres of repressive bodies. Led it Cactus Eternal - perhaps the most liberal and softest of the members of the new Gorivadun elite.

And the repressions were not long in coming: soon the Gorivadun Drevopol was twice relaxed - for "an attempt to cast a shadow on the leadership and in general," as was written in the order.

Naturally, a large opposition immediately arose against him. Against the "destructive and decadent actions" of Bla Bla Mutny, on the one hand, the old totalitarian and reactionary forces led by Numidium, dissatisfied with the overgrown bureaucracy and the "softening of morals" in the late period of the reign of Bla Bla the Terrible, and on the other hand, the freedom-loving and progressive gorivadoons, led by Lunar Minago, rebelled. Ganelion, who leads the moderate reactionaries, played the role of a pocket opposition, essentially supporting the regime and creating the illusion of freedom.

The confrontation turned into an open conflict 4055 th days of e.... As a result of a cruel and bloody confrontation, power took over Lunar Minago , which has an absolute advantage in manpower behind its back: behind the other sides there were a maximum of 2-5 percent of the Gorivaduns.

The new chapter promised "lead the guild forward to win something for the glory of the guild", "stability and road to hell" and took the phrase as her motto "Let's kindle the flame of perseverance together!". A weakened and bled guild has a new hope.

In the very first days, a broad opposition, led by Konrad von Wolf preparing a guild coup. 4067 th days of e. he announced the creation Guard Corps of the Gorivadun Revolution (KSGvar), designed to stop the "counter-revolutionary encroachments" of Minago. In addition to Konrad von Wolf, the Revolutionary Council included Ganelion And Blah Blah Muddy .

4187 th days of e. came to power as a result of internal party struggle Blah Blah Muddy . The term of the Muddy and subsequent events were called the Muddy Age by historians: as a result of his reign, the guild plunged into turmoil for an unknown amount of time; it is known that for almost a month the guild was headless: chaos was created in the intra-guild struggle, new factions arose and old ones disintegrated; Ganelion, former gray cardinal guild for many years, for the first time lost control of it.

The guild comes out of the Troubled Age unexpectedly strong and influential, in an amazing way the turmoil consolidated the Gorivaduns around a young charismatic leader Judische . It is difficult to say exactly when he took power into his own hands, but already in 4367 th day g.e. historians discover a phenomenal thing: the headquarters of the guild was moved from Podmoskva, conquered by blood and then to Godvillewood, while the guild itself has an unexpectedly wide representation in a number of cities of Godville: Bogorod, Academongorodok, Bugagota, Levelapol, Trizvezdinsk and many others.

4470 th days of e. Bla Bla Muddy makes attempts to return the guild to himself: at first, supported by Ganelion, he enters into a confrontation with Numidium; the latter, however, through bribery and behind-the-scenes intrigues, was able to destroy the coalition gathered around Mutnoy, and Numidium triumphantly takes power. His inaugural address ends with an appeal to all Gorivadoons: "Now, burn everything that gets in your way. This world should not be blooming and fragrant, let everything be consumed by the fire of hell. Burn with me, brothers and sisters!". Soon His Excellency will resume work Department of Alcoholism, Hooliganism and Parasitism: becomes the leader Konrad von Wolf , Ganelion received an honorary position Guild Official Chronicler and Loremaster, who soon launched an active falsification of history and the "historical" justification of the ruling regime. The other wing of the propaganda machine was Cactus Eternal , which became First Bard of the Nether, And Lunar Minago assigned Creator of the invisible.

Official anthem

3005 th days of e. during the reign of the enlightened Ganelion (may he be glorified throughout the ages!) the following hymn was adopted by popular vote under the authorship of Numidium:

Guild Anthem "Burn in Hell!"

Hot metal in the bowels of the earth,
Temple on coals Founder created,
Where good does not fight evil,
Heroes will rise under a common coat of arms.

Only lava flows along the riverbed,
Who is not one of ours - will die of thirst,
We tear off the skin from the enemies alive -
New rugs near the boilers.

In the hot boiler rooms of our guild,
Monsters are brewing with fading hope,
Even the god of monsters won't help them,
Only death will offer them peace.

Our guild is a big family,
This we can say is not melting.
From the world we take an immense bribe,
Guild our - "Burn in hell!".

Official coat of arms

3119 th days of e. The emblem of the guild was officially chosen under the authorship of Lunar Minago.

Some Rumors

They say that Pinocchio was once accepted into this guild, but for a very short time. Burned out at the meeting. There is also a legend that the founder of the guild so annoyed the Administrator of Godville with a request to found a guild that he, in a fit uncontrolled aggression, yelled "May you burn in Hell, bore." This is how the name came about.

poetic crypt

4484 th days of e. the solemn opening of the underground crypt to the glory of the brightly gloomy guild took place. Entrance is free, never closed, there are no escape routes. Each poor visitor is provided with the best conditions in the form of comfortable coffins equipped with blood-cooled air conditioners and fragrant stench, which makes the poems much easier to endure. Don't worry, the heat won't kill you here! Here you will be destroyed by something else. Tempting? Then welcome!

guild feast

At the Hell's Gates there is a cast-iron cauldron;
There is a boiler in steam thick.
In the darkness of the eternal Numi is gloomy
He seasons his soup with evil.
Goes to the right - treats.
To the left - he puts it alive in the soup.
And all who are in it, he encourages,
And promises: “He will heal!”.
Everyone there knows that one day
He will have to rage too.
Sometimes even twice...
Those spirits are fierce, they cannot be boiled!
There all the plates are always full,
And the waves do not rage in the belly.
There is a double portion.
Dozens of mouths are ready to splash,
Ready to tear, bite and champ,
Yes, brag about your fate.
It's dangerous to be there in passing,
You can't make eye contact there.
They will spin in a wild round dance, -
And with a cry a tear will break out ...
For them, you are just a sausage!
They will send you to the dungeon to ripen,
And the guards will be vigilant.
They are not saved by prayer,
There they are famous for their bad fame.
There Bla Bla Muddy smells delicious,
Licorice blooms - immediately withers ...
And there I was, and I drank soup;
And I saw a cast-iron coffin there;
And Numi gloomy rules everything there ...
He imprisoned me in a cauldron.

We respect morality

Fist, blow, lantern, cripple.
The abode of torment and the kingdom of troubles.
The cart is full of monster bodies.
If you don't like fights, there is no mercy.

You will die in a fight - young man,
You are the master of your craft.
Another if death came, -
You pitiful goat, you worm.

Of course, that's all bullshit...
We don't have that tradition...
We honor morality (it is powerful!!!)
All Monday and Thursday.

Gorivaduns in faces

There is nothing surprising in the fact that in such a glorious and talented guild there were creative gods. Some of them devoted their work to the benefit of the guild, namely the creation of propaganda posters and portraits of gods and heroes.

  • Creativity Lunar Minago
  • Campaign poster

    Another promotional poster

Greetings to all readers of our site! Interest Ask from Ruslan: tell me, would it be divine to wish criminals, sinners, to burn in hell? After all, hell is, in theory, the kingdom of Satan, and when we wish a person to “burn in hell,” we, roughly speaking, send him straight into the womb of Satan, away from God!? On the other hand, in hell, sinners also learn something, they seem to suffer fairly for their sins. How to treat the wish "burn in hell"? Is this a negative wish or is it normal? I don't want to wish evil...

Great question and very important! According to my observations, other people wish to burn in hell either people who have had an emotional breakdown (a lot of pain inside), or who live in bitterness, resentment, hatred, despite the fact that outwardly they often try to live and look like the righteous. This has nothing to do with real Faith in God and spiritual life!

Let's take a look in detail: who wants other people, even if they are very bad, to burn in hell? what does the wish "burn in hell" mean? what did the true Saints wish for sinners and all people? what makes a person want another to burn in hell? What does God desire for a person, his Soul? and what is the best wish for any person, what to wish for it to be exactly Good?

What does the wish “Burn in hell!” mean?

This wish does not bring anything good, it is in its purest form the wish of Evil and it connects the wisher to.

The wish “burn in hell” is a wish for a person, his Soul, to fall to the very bottom, move down, and not up, into the lowest worlds of the Devil. This is a wish for another person to lose God and connection with Him! This is followed by the destruction in the Soul of a person of that bright, divine that certainly exists in it, even if the person himself has very much lost his way in life and broken firewood.

The essence of the wish "burn in hell ”- so that a person experiences hellish pain and torment, so that his soul falls to the very bottom and suffers forever. That's all, nothing bright and creative. This wish does not contain any positive program. If you want to wish a person atonement for sins, so that he would answer for sins in justice - wish him, his Soul, purification with Light, redemption through liberation from evil and development, wish awareness of your sins and deep repentance for what you have done, and that his Soul at the same time always becomes closer to God, rises up! It will be a bright wish and it will always be heard by God! And how exactly to lead a person through life, so that he is cleansed and repents of his sins, so that he becomes closer to the Light - this is already God will decide, He always knows better!

  • A good example on this topic is

Wishing that another person burns in hell is, in fact, a wish that the power over him, his Soul and his fate fall into the hands of the Devil, and not God. And this is always bad, because when this happens, the Soul of a person is tormented, destroyed in the dark world for hundreds and even thousands of years. At the same time, the soul forgets God, Goodness, forgets itself, its divine nature, and its recovery after such falls can last a thousand years! And this is a huge setback on the path of evolution of the Soul, on its path to God! And, of course, God does not need this at all, but the Devil and his dark forces really necessary, because immortal Soul for them, this is a free source of energy, food and labor that they can get for thousands of years!

Ask yourself, what would God want a sinner to do? Will God himself, who is Love and Good, wish a lost person to “burn in hell”? Of course it won't. Because God wants a completely different thing for any person!

What does God desire for man and his Soul?

Devil- wants as much as possible more people went to hell, burned in hell, ended up in his dark power, became his slaves. Therefore, those who wish other people to “burn in hell”, to go to hell, serve the Devil, fulfilling his dark will!

There is even such a category of dark people “suppliers of Souls to the Devil” - these are black magicians and dark teachers, dark healers and psychics, witches, founders of dark cults and sects. They believe that they have the right to punish other people and dump their souls into hells and dark worlds, while they convince themselves and deceive others that they are doing God's Will. Although in fact they are doing the will of the Devil!

What the Saints Wanted for Sinners

If we are to learn Faith and Kindness, then from true Saints, such as Reverend Sergius Radonezhsky, Seraphim of Sarov, others. I recommend reading a book about the life of the Saints, which describes their life.

When they saw a sinner in front of them, they did not wish him “burn in hell”, they prayed for the salvation of the Soul of a sinner, a criminal, a villain. They prayed to attract God's help for the salvation and education of a person, in order to save his Soul from falling into hells.

The Saint became the protector of the Soul of the sinner from the temptations and power of Satan, the protector from evil. A saint never took upon himself the right to judge another, the right to decide whether he is destined for hell or heaven. This right always belongs only to God. The Saint prays for any Soul, and even if a person is the last sinner on Earth, he wholeheartedly wishes his soul to go only upwards and only to God, and prays to God to help the lost, save his Soul, and does not issue arrogant sentences, such as “burn you in hell with hellish flames.”

Who and why wants people to burn in hell

This is desired by those who yearn for revenge, who have unconquered resentment and bitterness, contempt and who have taken upon themselves the right to judge others. To some extent, such people take on the role of a god, and this is a high degree of pride, which is always fraught with negative consequences.

As a rule, first of all, those who during their lifetime wished this on others go to hell! Whoever wishes harm to other people, wishes death, curses, is the first in line to lick burning pans in hell and burn in a fiery hyena.

The wish to “burn in hell” in its negative impact approaches a curse if a strong emotional charge is embedded in this wish. Like any curse, such a wish works to dump the Soul into the lower worlds (the worlds of hells, the worlds of Satan), and not to help it in overcoming vices, sins, mistakes and lifting it up to God.

Who wants other people to “burn in hell”:

  • One category of people , blinded and overwhelmed with mental pain, throws such wishes in a fit of anger, emotionally. On offense, thirst for revenge and blood, this wish will always be “black”, destructive, attractive. From such wishes, you need to learn how to put up protection, and best protection- this is your Connection with God, your faith in the Power of Good in your Soul. On faith in the Power of Good, I recommend an article -.
  • Another category of people they do it very calmly, cunningly and quite consciously, often wrapping such wishes in a wrapper of “good”. These are black magicians, witches, leaders or followers of dark sects, incl. religious. In such sects, adepts are specially trained to desire the so-called. "apostates" and people professing a different faith of falling into hell. Even special dark rituals are held for this. Such rituals are aimed at pumping up an objectionable person dark energy, cut his connection with God, lead him to the abyss and push him down, in the end, so that his soul falls into the dark worlds of hell. And this is served under the sauce of “justice”, they say, “we know for sure that only our faith is from God, which means that all the rest who are not dreams are traitors and atheists, and they automatically deserve to burn in hell, and we, pushing them down, simply realize God's will ...”.

In his activity as Mentor and Healer I have repeatedly observed a picture when a person carries a small hell inside himself: at the energy level in the human mind there are egregors of hells, right in the chakras, with dark entities, and the energy of hellfire, burning tar, etc. is poured inside him. heartache, burning, when everything inside bakes and burns. In this case, damage and destruction of the nervous system occurs. Medicine can make different diagnoses for a person, but doctors cannot determine the reasons. And the reason, as a rule, is the wish of evil to other people, when a person in his past (often, in past incarnations) cursed others, was engaged in dark magic, purposefully did evil to other people, wished them death, worked to dump the souls of people into hells, send them to the Devil.

There is a direct connection between diseases of the central nervous system, with sins accumulated in the past associated with black magic and the purposeful infliction of violence and harm on others.

Warning! If you study in some theological school, or attend a church where they tell you that they say “everyone who is not with us or everyone who has left us - everyone will go to hell, everyone will burn in hellish flames ...” or “only we have God in our organization, and everyone who is outside is from the Devil, there is no God in them, God does not love them, does not protect them ...” - know that you are in a dark sect that serves Evil and works for the Devil, even if in the booklets of the school they write the correct words and depict Jesus Christ.

Who says to himself "Burn in hell"

So say people who cannot forgive themselves for something. This is in its purest form wishing oneself evil, in fact, cursing oneself is a crime against one's Soul and the divine! This is when a person (his pride) itself took on the role of God, condemned itself and throws the Soul down into hells. You cannot allow your Ego, which is used to judging everyone and everything, to take over your Soul, cut it off from God and throw it into hells, giving it into the hands of the Devil!

You need to reconsider your radical and categorical attitude towards yourself, towards your shortcomings and sins, you need to learn to forgive yourself and accept forgiveness from God. And for this, learn to sincerely repent for your mistakes, ask God for forgiveness, and learn to let go of your own sin yourself, and not hold it, pressing it to yourself with all your might. Replace yourself with development, and everything will be fine! Instead of suffering for years over your old sins, instead of mentally burying yourself day after day, wish yourself Good and cleanse your Soul, wish it to develop and move towards God always and in everything, no matter what happens in your life! Apply a simple formula - “no matter what happens, no matter how I mess up, on myself - only Light!”

What is the best universal wish for yourself and others. Practice

There were situations in my life when everything around me collapsed, when there was practically no support from the people around me, when everything could end very badly for me if I had not kept my connection with God at that moment. And every time such a situation happened, when it seemed that the guillotine was already almost at my neck - God always took the blow away from me and I, with inner humility before Him, simply and easily took one more step up, turning out to be the winner. One prayer helped me, which the Higher Powers gave me through my friend the Healer.

In such dangerous moments of my life, I prayed: “Heavenly Father, no matter what happens to me now, no matter what happens, I always go to You, only to the top and only to God. No matter what people do to me now, no matter what verdict they bring, I still go to you, Lord, I take a step up, I only go up ... ” in difficult moments, I constantly repeated to myself - “in any scenario - I go up to the Light, I go to God, I get closer to Him always and in everything, and I ask the Heavenly Father to help me in this, I ask you to lead me, I want only with You and to You, and I don’t want a moment without you ...”, “My Heavenly Father - you are Love and absolute Good, I take your hand, hold tight and never leave Your hand again, I ask You, lead me up, to You, so , as You yourself desire, as you consider it right to lead me, I open up and trust you completely, my Heavenly Father ... ”.

This prayer in an incredible way, from under any slabs and rubble, raised my Spirit up to God, it always strengthened my Faith and Connection with God at times, and gave strength to fight. At the same time, all situations that were ambiguous and dangerous for me ended very well, with my spiritual growth and a positive correction of fate, for which I am very grateful to the Lord and thankful that they teach and guide me.

These prayers and other spiritual work on oneself helped, among other things, to overcome and remove the multiple wishes of evil to me and my loved ones from dark people, to remove the curses and wishes of death, which were done ritually for a long time by dark esotericists, God be their judge.

One of the best positive wishes for another person“I wish your Soul that in any circumstances of life it always goes only upwards and only to God, I wish you purification by the Light and divine development according to the Will of God and the Light Forces, I wish that only the Light Forces lead and teach you, by bright ways and methods, so that the power over your Soul, fate, body, present, past and future, the power over your achievements and sins - always be in the hands of God alone and His Forces of Light, I wish your life to be built in the stream of love and development of God, and under His protection, I wish that your Soul be filled with divine Love and that it becomes more and more in you ... ”.

I hope the essence is clear, and then you can choose your own words. The main thing is that from the heart, at the same time, directing a stream of Light to a person and imposing your good wishes on the stream. This always works very strongly, because such wishes are picked up and strengthened by God!

Good luck! There will be questions -!

Psychocorrection of deviations in children