Prayer to God for the return of a loved one. How to return love: rituals, conspiracies, prayers

When a loved one leaves us, we are ready to do anything to get him back. Of course, conversations are the first to go, but very often they do not help. Then we do some things, even go to the sorcerers, and again nothing changes. It is at this moment that we can only hope for prayers to return a loved one.

Everyone has a different attitude to such things, and someone does not believe at all. But the main thing here is faith not even in prayer, but in yourself. The main thing is to want strongly, and not just pray, but also act. Here are a few prayers to bring back a loved one. All of them can help you only when you can believe in them.

1) “The Lord is my God, you are my protection, I trust in you, Mother of God Holy Mother of God and Saints. I raise my prayer to you, I ask you for help in difficult times, in the return of my beloved servant of God (name of the beloved). Hear my sinful prayer, do not leave my bitter request unattended by the servant of God (your name). Lord, Mother of God and Saints, I ask you to return your beloved (Name of the beloved), return his heart to me. Amen (3 times).

2) “Oh, great miracle workers, saints, saints of God, Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia! I turn to you, I pray to you with bitter hope. Bring about me, a sinner, prayers to the Lord God himself. And ask His goodness: faith, yes to the right, hope, yes to the good, unfeigned love! Help my heart with my beloved, the servant of God (Name), be together. Amen! (3 times)."

3) “I ask the Great Lord to let my feelings and thoughts unite with the heavenly cloud so that it accepts my aspirations, and my heart will show him the way to a meeting with the one for whom I suffer. With my feelings and words, with my strength, I call on the Lord to rain from a cloud on my beloved (Name) so that this water touches him and gives him a desire and a road, a desire to meet me and the road leading to me. May the heavenly cloud find its way, guided by the power of the great Lord, to where (Name) is now, and drops of heavenly moisture will revive his heart, and his soul will hear the call of my soul. I know that the Lord heard my prayer and I thank Him for His help. Amen".

4) You need to light a candle, then take a glass of water in one hand, and the image of a loved one in the other. It is necessary to strongly wish a change in his attitude towards himself and say, holding the image above the water:

"Clean heavenly power I ask the water to give a miraculous effect, and I ask the Lord to fulfill my request, for it is not self-interest that leads me, but Love, for there is no rest for my heart without him, whose image is in my hand, without (Name) and the water will accept my request and melt the ice of the heart (Name) and the Light of the Lord will revive his soul, his perception and the call of my heart will ignite a return fire and he will find the joy of tenderness when water comes into contact with his body, for he will find pure love. Amen".

Try to get the person to drink this water, or sprinkle it.

Remember that in order for prayers to help you, you need to believe with all your heart what you are asking for, and wish with all your heart what you need so much. Accompany your requests with actions, and then the result will not keep you waiting. And you will be happy with your loved one very soon!

If prayer to return a loved one does not help, you should not be upset. Perhaps a little time has passed, or perhaps this is simply not your destiny. Then you should just let it go and free your heart, after that you can let new love in there.

Love magic for the return of a partner is a simple tool for changing your personal life. Simple but strong conspiracy to return the beloved husband will help in the shortest possible time. As a result, you will restore the family and start life together from scratch.

Rituals for the return will help return the beloved man

Magic in love affairs

Such conspiracies are read under certain conditions. Magic requires attributes that enhance the work of the spell and the right time: preparation for the ritual takes several hours or days. Love magic works the same way, and the desire to attract love or return a partner is more important than the sex or religion of the conspirator. magical effect must remain secret. How less people knows about him, the better the conspiracy will work, and the husband will come running back.

Additionally, prayers are used that are addressed to higher powers. So the holy Matrona helps unmarried women, and the saints, whose name men bear, guarantee a 100% result if you ask for their blessing in advance. help to use village magic with simple rituals and attributes. used for large Orthodox holidays: any grandmother will say that or love rituals work better.

Rules for conducting rituals

If you need to attract someone who does not have negative feelings for the conspirator, the ritual to strengthen relations with the help of magic will pass without complications. It is also worth considering that the ceremony is carried out:

  1. On a certain day. attract a man who is not sure of the strength of the relationship. spend a love spell on a former lover, with whom feelings have faded. The period is suitable for
  2. With a pure soul. It is not so important what is left after a man - debt or resentment, you need to get rid of negative feelings. Only a positive attitude will allow the magic to work and help build a love relationship.
  3. Using attributes. If new items are needed for the ritual, they are bought in advance. You can’t take the old ones, they will spoil the whole ritual. Use a green or red candle for the ceremony. If you need personal items, use slippers or

Preparing for the ritual is an important step that guarantees the correct operation of love magic. It is within the power of any woman to return the stolen fate, destroyed by enemies or homeowners - she needs faith in the forces that she turns to when she reads a plot to return her husband.

It is also important to mentally prepare for the rite - faith in oneself decides a lot in the effectiveness of the rite, the energy of power gives power to conspiracy words, enhancing their effect.

How magic can help

The rite is used immediately after parting, if several days have passed since the parting. Perform magic at home. Before the ritual, the person is cleansed. He asks the Lord for help:

“Help me, Lord, give me strength, and give me patience too, to forgive and take back my beloved.”

What awaits a woman after a return plot:

  • a work ritual makes a man change his mind - he thinks about the conspirator;
  • he independently seeks a meeting with her, does not give her a passage,
  • if he is away from the conspirator, he feels bad, operating ritual can force him to move or change his lifestyle in order to see his former lover more often;
  • a man turns back from his mistress - against strong love magic, the other has no weapon;
  • until the man returns to the conspirator, he has no rest.

Whatever position a man takes after parting, magic can make him ask for forgiveness. He will leave his mistress, feeling strong guilt. If he has the strength of another woman, he can resist. In such cases, it must be "untied". There are also rituals for this. So that in the future a man forgives his wife's betrayal and returns, complex rites are used: they suppress willpower, weaken hatred. Such a man will not go to another even because of a feeling of resentment.

Conspiracy to return a beloved man

How to get your loved one back

A conspiracy to return a loved one is only part of the activities that will reunite the family. Before the ceremony, the woman cleans the house. It is important that there is no heavy energy of betrayal or resentment left in the joint dwelling. For this, general cleaning is carried out. with salt water. At the end of the cleaning, you need to get rid of garbage and broken things, and then go around the whole house with a candle, reading

The conspiracy words for the return of the husband are read with reference to his thing or photograph - this is an important condition. Without such a binding, the ritual will not help. They use the sense of smell and taste buds of a man: if there is such an opportunity, the food or perfumes of a loved one are spoken. Through such things, the binding with the conspirator will increase.

Conspiracies to return a loved one

The choice of a magical tool directly depends on the situation. If it is necessary for a man to return, biting his tongue, a universal rite is used. It helps to erase all the negativity that partners had in the past. The power of the bewitched lover will not disappear: he will remain successful and purposeful.

With the help of what rituals at home can you return a lover who has left:

  • conspiracies of Natalia Stepanova;
  • slander read at the crossroads;
  • church ceremony;

If a man has gone to his mistress, a lapel ritual is performed. For this, a thing of a homeowner will come in handy. If a loved one left due to constant disagreements, a rite with food or water is used, which allows

Universal Ritual

A conspiracy to return a lover from Natalia Stepanova is read on dough freshly prepared in the morning. The man does not have time to look back, as he begins to look for a meeting with the one he himself abandoned. He will rethink what is happening: a man will want to remember only the pleasant time spent together.

The rite begins to work gradually. The strongest slander is read no more than once a year during the growing moon. Repeat the ritual if necessary, if the relationship with the man again began to collapse. To avoid past mistakes, you need to understand what is the reason for constant changes in your loved one.

A candle brought from the church and a little will help to return the sweetheart. For this, the conspirator goes to church and stands morning service. A conspiracy to return a loved one is read on a joint photo.

Before the ritual, it is necessary to wash with holy water and read the prayer "Our Father". This will protect against any adversity and the consequences of the ritual. Next, the conspirator brew. You can not use ready-made dough or trust a responsible matter to another person. From beginning to end, the ritual is carried out in complete solitude.

While the woman is kneading the dough, she thinks of her lover. It is important that his image is in front of her eyes. She represents every feature of his face: visualization is very important for love magic. When the dough is kneaded and the image is fixed in the mind, the woman molds the base of the pie. Inside, instead of the filling, you need to put a photo of your loved one. In this form, the cake is baked in the oven. Take the cake out and remove the top crust. A slander is read on a hot photo of a loved one:

“Come to me in hot pursuit, along thin paths, over mountains, through forests. Let there be no obstacles for you, and there will be no peace without me either. Let it be good with me, but bad with others. Come to me and there is no turning back for you. Amen".

The slander is repeated three times, after which the photo of the beloved must be burned on a prepared church candle. On the second day, the first signs of the work of the ritual will be noticeable.

Conspiracy to return a lover

An effective photo ritual

This strong ritual for the return of a husband from his mistress is used only in cases where the woman managed to forgive the traitor. If anger and resentment remain at the husband, the ritual will harm the conspirator. You can not do without a photo of your husband, taken recently.

A good period for the ritual is the time before sunrise or the days of Epiphany. Great Orthodox holidays are suitable for the return of a loved one: the wife has no sin behind such actions.

The ritual has few negative effects. He will not kill the luck or success of the husband, and the union with his wife will help the man grow and develop. Strong rite on return will work in 2-3 weeks.

A photo of a loved one is the main attribute. Choose a picture in which a man is depicted in full growth. You can not take group shots, the man must be alone. If possible, the conspirator takes a picture of her beloved on her own.

Prepare 9 candles. The woman goes to 9 different temples and brings the attributes bought after the service. Each candle for the ceremony is bought elsewhere. Natural candles are the most suitable.

A woman lights candles. When all 9 are lit, take out the picture. A new tablecloth without a pattern is laid on the table before the ritual. If there is none, a white sheet will do. Looking at the picture of her lover, the conspirator reads the words of the conspiracy to return her beloved:

“As I see you, so I sit in your heart. I am yours, you are mine. We are a single whole, fused with wax, sewn with threads. We are connected forever and ever. Amen".

After the ceremony, a picture with cinders is hidden in a secluded place. Until the conspiracy works, you can’t get the picture. The next day, the wife goes to church and puts a candle for the health of her husband. She prays to the Mother of God and asks her for help. Leaving the church, a woman gives alms to the poor. Soon the love magic begins to work.

Ritual with underwear

An effective ritual for the clothes of a loved one is read at night. This type of magic is used when lovers have not completely broken off relations: they have common children or sexual relations. The restoration of the union will be faster if the spouses do not harbor evil against each other - it is easier for them to find a common language. If the spouses broke up with a scandal, the ritual for the thing will work, but not so effectively.

The plot to return the husband to the family must be learned by heart: you cannot change the word order or stray while reading the magical text. Boiling water is used for the ceremony with the addition of a few drops of holy water. In it, after cooling, the beloved’s underwear is washed by hand without the addition of chemicals. To enhance the work of slander, water is diluted with herbal decoctions.

After washing, the thing is dried on the street. No one should see the attribute. After the thing dries, the water used for washing is poured under any tree. The main attribute is ready for the ritual.

In the people, a ritual with a thing is called attracting its share. If it does not work on a guy, then the relationship will not benefit the girl, you should not cling to him. If you managed to return your love - the guy is "written" on fate. After washing underwear or underwear, the conspirator waits for the night. She locks herself in the bedroom and opens only one window. The girl puts a thing of her beloved on the bed and reads a slander on her:

“Clean water help me, bring back my beloved (man's name). Don't let his shore go, don't let him go to another, don't let him go away from me. Like dew on the skin, like water from a shirt, like a thing to the body - I am to my beloved. Nothing will keep us apart. Amen".

After that, she gives the charmed piece of clothing to her former lover and waits for the results. If the rite worked, the beloved will make itself felt. Relations will resume soon.

Ritual at the Crossroads

Effective conspiracies to return a guy are carried out in an open area - this is an important condition for their work. For a person, magical actions at the crossroads have a double symbolism:

  • the rite speaks of the need to make a choice - a person is at a crossroads and cannot decide to leave the old relationship;
  • at the crossroads, you need to leave all grievances - they prevent the personality from growing and developing, accepting the partner as he is.

Effective and safe rituals are suitable for a girl trying to rekindle an old relationship and for a devoted wife. Such magic does not work forever: without the reciprocal efforts of partners, the renewed relationship will fall apart again. If there is a lot of money between spouses, it will be more difficult to restore the family.

To return the old life will help the one spoken at the crossroads. It is brought to the guy's new home or to work. To make the ritual work quickly, choose a day when the moon is growing.

What you need for the ceremony at the crossroads:

  • Red thread;
  • a small item that will become a talisman;
  • Holy water;
  • Red thread;
  • church candle.

Immediately after the ritual, the conspirator quickly returns home. If outsiders see her, the slander will not work correctly - it is difficult to predict what consequences await a man or woman. On the way home, you can not talk to anyone or turn around.

A strong conspiracy to return a loved one is carried out after sunset. The conspirator collects attributes and goes to the crossroads, you can return home only before dawn. It is better to choose a sparsely populated place where there are rarely casual passers-by. Once at the crossroads, the girl wraps the candle with red thread. All thoughts should be only about the beloved. After that, the earth must be sprinkled with holy water, and the words of the conspiracy are read on the thing brought with you:

“As two roads crossed, so did our fates with the servant of God (the name of the beloved) crossed. We are right to live and not grieve. We trust each other and never know quarrels. Peaceful, quiet, calm. May it be so. Amen".

You need to read the slander three times. All this time, a candle burns in the left hand of the conspirator. At the end of the ceremony, in order to return the beloved to the family, the candle is buried at the crossroads and filled with the rest of the water, and the main attribute is taken home. At home, you need to read the words of the prayer “Our Father” over it during the week. After the ritual, the thing is presented to the former lover as a gift.

The intersection must be located in an open area

Ritual for food

Effectively read slander for food or water. For the ceremony, the spouse’s favorite food is used - a dish that he will definitely eat completely. The conspirator cannot try the treat. Don't give leftovers to anyone. Food slanders are used in cases where the family does not have a relationship:

  • partners moved away from each other;
  • scandals began in the family, long and causeless quarrels;
  • the man often began to disappear, he works a lot and returns home late from work;

If the family collapses, the food plot is the most effective method How to bring back the old ardor in a relationship. Hex is used to charge food for a week. Additionally, it is read on the water or wine that the spouse drinks.

The dish is prepared by hand. On the day of the ceremony, you can not invite guests. On the same day, you can’t quarrel with your husband, even over trifles. A man should not suspect about the methods of strengthening relationships. The treat should be with spices and honey. The dough will also help to return the husband's feelings and affection: the man will again feel a surge of love and desire in relation to his wife.

The whole ritual should take one day, as only fresh food will do. While cooking, the wife introduces her lover. She remembers how a man looks, how he behaves, their closeness, feelings and all the situations that brought them together. To win back a man, not only food is used, but also good treatment. loving wife to your spouse - only sincere love forms the basis of an effective rite.

In the evening, when the dish is ready, while it is still hot, a conspiracy is read over it so that the beloved husband will return:

“As three girls sat under the window, thinking about their own, so they helped me, three sisters. The service was served. Longing lies on the coffin, and the coffin lies from afar. So all that longing goes to the servant of God (the name of the beloved). He can’t sleep without me, he doesn’t think, he doesn’t eat food. Let him not wash himself in the bath, let him not get drunk with water, do not eat without me. Amen".

That same evening, food is fed to the husband. At night, when the husband falls asleep, they read the prayer "Our Father."

You can talk food and wine

Ritual in the church

The most effective and powerful are the rituals in the church. They start working from the second day - the man remembers how good he was with his former lover. Such ceremonies operate at a distance, when lovers are separated not only by extinguished feelings, but also by kilometers. The full moon or the period of the growing moon is suitable for reading slander. The ritual in the church removes the negativity that led to the breakup and does not allow the spouses to admit their mistakes.

In order for a person to return back, they use candles from the temple, holy water and icons. On the eve of 3 days you need to fast: the conspirator excludes the intake of fatty foods and alcoholic beverages. Three Day Fast speaks of a woman's readiness to fight for her family happiness.

This is a universal rite: it can be used as a ritual with a conspiracy to return a beloved girl.

The rite requires not only physical fasting, but also. The woman is aware that the past is gone and will not return. One day should change everything that has already happened - the couple has only one day for absolution. My wife says to herself: “Today I am ready to start a new family.” After that, she goes to church. There the conspirator takes communion. By the end of the service, you can begin to conduct a secret ritual.

The woman approaches the icon of the saint whose name her lover bears. If there is no such icon in the church, choose an icon Mother of God. He puts a candle for the health of his spouse. The woman asks to higher power she was helped to regain her former family happiness. At the end of the service, she takes the cinder home with her, melts the wax and seals a joint photo with her beloved, saying:

“My Lord, protect me, forgive me, hear me. My prayer is an appeal to your kindness. Return me, Lord, my beloved, return all the saints of happiness that has gone with him. Lord, do not leave my prayers unanswered. I ask, I pray, return the servant of God (name of the beloved) to me. All saints please help. Reunite me with the one I love, reunite. Amen. Amen. Amen".

The next day she goes to church again. You need to have a photo with you, over which a strong conspiracy was read the day before to return your husband. After this photo is a talisman of family happiness. When the spouse returns, the photo is securely hidden.

Consequences of the ritual

Even white magic in cases where you need to restore relations, has its consequences. Partners must be aware of why they broke up. If irreconcilable contradictions became the reason for the breakup, you can’t hold on to such a relationship.

Parting with a loved one is one of the most dramatic events in life. The end of a relationship with a beloved boyfriend or girlfriend is always stressful for someone whose deepest feelings have been hurt or even betrayed.

Many people who have had to go through a divorce or parting with a significant other eventually accept the end of the relationship and strive to find new love. However, a person is not always ready to come to terms with the departure of a loved one or loved one, so he tries with all his might to return the lost relationship.

Since ancient times, powerful conspiracies and prayers have been used to restore former love, allowing you to renew relationships. There is an opinion that only women resort to love magic, but this is not so. Representatives of the stronger sex are also interested in magical rituals that allow you to return a loved one.

Before using conspiracies to return love, you need to carefully consider your decision. If a person ended the relationship voluntarily, because he does not have past feelings for his former lover or lover, then the use of love magic can only do harm.

For a person who does not feel love and passion for an abandoned partner, conspiracies can cause great harm. For example, a man or woman affected by love magic may suffer from health problems, bad habits, and other troubles.

Performing magical rites and reading prayers for the return of a loved one has its own characteristics:

  • all rites are performed for the growing month;
  • magical rituals must be combined with real work on building relationships;
  • visualization of the achieved result will make it possible to translate the plan into reality;
  • it is necessary to get rid of pessimistic thoughts, as this interferes with the realization of intentions.

If a woman or a man who conducts magical rituals for the return of a soulmate experiences negative emotions in relation to her beloved (beloved), then love magic will not only not be beneficial, but also harmful.

Ritual for the growing moon

Such magical ritual will be effective if the loved one has left relatively recently. You need to read the plot exactly at midnight, when a young month barely appeared in the sky. Looking at the moon, you need to read the following plot 9 times:

“Young month, the strongest month, help me,
Make sure that the servant of God (name) returns
To me, the servant of God (name). I can't live without him
I don’t live without him, I gather sadness and grief, my heart aches from misfortune.
Bring him back to me so that we live and do not grieve,
They did not know troubles, they did not know sorrows.
Help me, month, help!

Immediately after the ritual, you need to go to bed. The rite of love magic is carried out for 7 days in a row. Esotericists are confident that the result of a magical rite can be seen in a few weeks.

A conspiracy for two candles so that a loved one returns

You can hope for a return of love if you perform a ritual for two candles. For the ceremony you will need thin church candles. At midnight, you need to sit down at the table and light candles, and then put them next to each other. You need to read the plot without taking your eyes off the flame of candles.

At the same time, you need to imagine yourself with your loved one. The spell text looks like this:

“Like wax candles together and side by side.
So that the servants of God (your names) are together.
So that partings and sorrows do not know,
Only happiness and joy were their companions.
So that the servant of God (man's name) misses
And yearned for the servant of God (your name),
I did not know a quiet life, only I stood at its threshold.
My word is law, it cannot be removed.

After reading the text of the conspiracy, the candles are left to burn out. If the object of love does not show a desire to renew the relationship, after 2 weeks the ritual must be repeated.

Rite with the use of personal belongings

One of the most powerful magical rites is one that involves the use of personal belongings of the object of love. It is believed that underwear or clothes of a person are inextricably linked with the energy of their owners.

Exactly at midnight, a conspiracy is read over the thing of a loved one:

"Love is strong, love is eternal,
Conquer the servant of God (name), return him to me
Servant of God (name). So that with me he can swing small children,
Wait for grandchildren, but overcome all obstacles.
Let our feelings not go out, but only flare up.
So that in his heart I was alone, thoughts about me are all.
So that he thinks, misses, he never saw life without me,
He only thought and dreamed of me alone.
I will speak to him, I will make him drunk, I will please him.
My words are powerful
Do not remove them to anyone, neither a slave, nor a healer, nor a sorcerer.
It will be so forever and ever.

The conspiracy over the thing is read three times, after which the thing is returned to its owner. However, it is not always possible to return underwear or clothes to the owner, since former lovers may not intersect with each other and not communicate.

In this case, the conspiracy to return love is read 7 times. After the ritual, the thing is hidden in a place inaccessible to the eyes of strangers.

Conspiracy to return a husband with a birch

An effective love ritual can be performed in the spring. To do this, you need to find a young birch, near which there are no other trees. You need to approach the birch at dawn, hug the tree and say the following words:

“Birch, beauty. Lonely you.
Help me not to be lonely.
Help bring back the servant of God (name).
So that we can be together, happiness to see and joy to know.
Help, birch.

The plot is read 9 times, after which they leave. On the way home, you can not communicate with any of the people you meet. The effect of the ritual can be seen in a week.

Dry your lover

In ancient times, drying was a ritual that allowed you to bind a loved one to yourself and turn him away from other people. This ritual allows you to return even hopelessly lost love. However, it makes sense to perform such a ceremony if you manage to treat your loved one with food or drink.

Before pronouncing the conspiracy, you need to cross food or drink three times, and then read these words:

Three girls were sitting, they are all sisters. Serve me faithfully. There is a board, and under this board lies longing. You put this longing into the slave (name), so that he loves me, so that he follows me, in my footsteps, in my footsteps. So that he doesn’t get steamy in the bath, he doesn’t get stuck in food, and he doesn’t drink anything, but he loved me and followed me.

After that, food or drink should be treated to the object of passion. Such a ritual helps not only to return the departed lover, boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife, but also to fall in love with the chosen person.

Return the husband to the family

Divorce is a serious shock for every person, especially if he was abandoned. What should I do to get my husband or wife back?

  • A powerful magical rite will come to the rescue, for which you need a bed on which the former spouses had intimate relationship. However, only the husband and wife were supposed to sleep on this bed in the past.
  • If on the bed one of the spouses had sexual intercourse with strangers men or women, the rite should in no case be performed, since its consequences can be extremely negative.

Above the bed read these words:

“You are the bed, my bed, you are alone, and my husband and I are two, and there are only three of us with you. Three as God, the Son of God, and the Holy Spirit. As the Holy Trinity is inseparable, as they are one, so the three of us will be one and inseparable. You are our bed, you are smooth and soft, you bring peace to our life with my husband, return peace, and remove betrayal. I will not have anyone but my own husband (name), so he will not have anyone except his lawful wife ( given name). My word is strong, as I said, so be it.

Such a ritual is allowed to be performed not only by married women, but also by girls who have had a serious relationship with a guy, while not being in a registered marriage.

Rite for the return of a spouse

If a woman feels that her husband treats her without much awe and attention, she can resort to the following effective ritual attracting love. To perform the ceremony, they buy a handkerchief, carry it to church and sanctify it.

Also in the temple you need to purchase 7 thick red candles and the Save and Save ring. After midnight, you need to light 7 candles and pass the scarf through the ring 7 times. In the meantime, they pronounce the following conspiracy:

I will go out, the servant of God (your name), I will go to the open field, Through the doors, through the gates, I will look for my happiness.

On the ring is a handkerchief, On the handkerchief is a ring, Help the ring, the servant of God (his name). Settle down, fall in love with me.

The word is lock. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Immediately after the ceremony, you need to go to bed. Before falling asleep, a woman reads the prayer “Our Father” 7 times. In the morning you need to get up on your right foot. A charmed handkerchief is placed in the husband's personal belongings, bag or pocket.

The woman puts the ring on the ring finger of the left hand and does not remove it for 7 weeks. After this time, the ceremony will bear fruit, and relations in the family will improve.

It is believed that such a love plot is harmless for both the woman and her husband.

Return the passion and love of her husband

It will help to return the passion of the husband and the charmed wine, which will need to drink the spouse. A glass is filled with a drink and wine is spoken in complete solitude using the following words:

“I, the Servant of God, (proper name), I speak intoxicated red wine, with a strong spell. My beloved husband, the Servant of God (the name of the spouse) will drink a sip of wine and want me, he will not be able to live without me anymore. His thoughts day and night will be only about me. My body will be like it, I will always awaken a strong passion in it. Amen".

This strong conspiracy is enough to pronounce once, but at the same time puts maximum feelings into it.

Morning dew

A magical ritual is performed at sunrise in a field or garden. Collect the dew with your palms and wash your face with it. After washing, you need to read the following conspiracy:

“Clean water, help me, return my beloved (name) to me. As the dew on my skin quickly dries up, so my beloved constantly remembers me. His love for me will flare up, his soul will turn to me. How stronger love he burns to me, the sooner he will come running to me. The forces of nature will help me bind you to me, kindle your love for me for life. May it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

It is advisable to carry out the ceremony far outside the city, where it is impossible to meet strangers.

Conspiracy for sadness

Every girl in love with a certain man would like the object of her adoration to constantly think about her.

  • Also, many ladies are flattered that their beloved man yearns for them.
  • Among the rites of love magic there is a ritual that allows you to cause sadness in your lover.

To perform a magical action, you need to look out the open window at night and pronounce the following conspiracy:

“Servant of God (name of the object), go to my porch, to my palace, to the hallway, to the threshold in my footsteps. I won't give you up to anyone. Word, castle, language. Amen".

Words are read 9 times.

After the ceremony, you need to immediately go to bed.

Conspiracies against a rival

The appearance of another lover in a beloved man is a real tragedy for many women. Most ladies are trying with all their might to ward off their mistress from a boyfriend or husband, and love magic allows you to effectively do this.

A powerful rite that helps to ward off a mistress is one that requires incense to perform. On the eve of the ritual, a woman must visit the church, stand the entire service and confess. Before you leave the temple, you need to buy incense and a candle.

The ritual is performed at night in complete solitude. The woman should light a candle and an amulet. Windows and doors must be opened and all artificial lighting turned off. After that, you should read the following text:

“Smoke - smoke, from a candle and incense, creep under my feet - spread out! Leave the room and go outside. Find my husband, the Servant of God (husband's name)! Look for it wherever you want, even in high mountains, even in quicksand, even in deep seas, even in dense forests, even in noisy cities. And if you find it, make sure that my husband stops walking and returns to his family. Let him ask for forgiveness from me for sleeping with the other, I will forgive him and we will live happily, not remembering the past. Amen".

When performing the rite, you need to drive all bad thoughts away. If a woman presents a picture of a happy future with her own husband, then her plans will definitely come true.

What to remember

  • The effectiveness of love conspiracies has been tested by time, and every girl can expect the desired result by deciding on such actions.
  • However, there is an opinion that the ceremony may be useless if outsiders know about it.
  • Conspiracies and prayers for love should always be read with sincere faith in the desired result.

If the rituals are carried out with the aim of destroying the relationship that a man has, or with the aim of teaching a lesson or punishing someone who did not reciprocate, then all this can lead to extremely negative consequences.

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A very strong conspiracy how to return a beloved man

A strong love spell that you can read yourself will help you quickly return your beloved man. This simple conspiracy that any woman can do will help bring her loved one back to her and resurrect his love feelings that have faded towards you. The return plot must be read in the rain. In rainy weather, go to the window, open it wide open and say the words of a conspiracy that can quickly return a man and his love for you and children:

So, as it rains from the sky, so the servant of God (name) will toil for me.

As a droplet runs on glass, so let my dear one not forget about me.

Just as rain cannot be collected in a sieve, neither can I be separated from my beloved and separated.

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Repeat this plot three times, and then close the window and cross yourself.

Conspiracy to return a loved one to an apple

cut ripe apple in half and put in its center a note on which is written the name of a loved one who needs to be returned. After that, the halves are connected and the apple is placed on the windowsill, saying the words of a conspiracy to return the feelings of a loved one and return it to you. The text of the plot on the apple:

The apple dries and you (name) dry for me.
As the apple dries up or the loved one returns, bury the apple under any male tree.

© Copyright: Maginya

  • A conspiracy to return a loved one In love is like a war, all methods are good and the best weapon is a conspiracy to return a loved one, this method that a loved one cannot resist. A strong conspiracy to love in ancient times was called prisushki. Before resorting to the help of a magical rite, think ten times whether you really love a person so much and want to be with him until the end of your days, or you can still live without him. Prisushki have very great power and can so dry your beloved guy that if you suddenly fall in love with another, do not get rid of the bewitched one, maybe you should not resort to such a serious measure as a conspiracy to return your loved one.

  • Magic helps to return a husband from his mistress, namely a strong conspiracy to return a loved one to the family. You need to read the current conspiracy immediately to return the husband from his mistress without consequences for you in the afternoon at the cemetery. Do not be afraid of the consequences of a conspiracy to return a white husband and quickly helps to return your spouse without harm and punishment for both of you, but the conspiracy will punish your mistress and make her suffer because she took someone else's husband away. You can also read the plot to return ex-husband after divorce

  • How to return a husband from his mistress If your husband left the family for another, all the ways to return him to the family have been tried and you do not know how to return the husband from his mistress will help ancient magic love. With the help of an easy ritual love spell for the return of the guy - the husband to his home. But before doing a return ritual, think about it if your husband left you for his mistress, evaluate what kind of woman it is, the worst option is a long-term love affair between a man and the same woman. Permanent mistress

  • How to return the love of a husband How to return the love of a husband who left children and his wife, not many people know, but there is a TRUE WORKING WAY TO RETURN THE HUSBAND AND HIS LOVE FOR YOURSELF AND CHILDREN. A loved one with whom you lived together for several years suddenly became cold, what is happening? How to return the love of her husband and the happy days spent together? I think it is worth resorting to the white magic of love and return the love of her husband by conducting an ancient magical ritual love spell on love. With the help of this ritual love conspiracy for your husband, you will become his most beloved and dear person. This love spell is very strong and has the same effect on the husband, if he went to his mistress, the magic of love will help here too.

  • How to get your husband back Your beloved husband has left and it doesn’t matter whether it’s for his mistress or out of resentment, but you are sad and don’t know how to get your husband back. Is it possible to return the former happiness and love. It seems to us that the presence of a beloved man nearby is the only remedy for unbearable pain and longing. How to return a loved one? How to get your husband back? There are questions in my head. Let's try to help and return the "walker" to his own family and love magic will help us in this. Many women do not want to part with their beloved even for a minute.

The destruction of a family is a terrible tragedy, and usually both spouses are to blame. They were not patient enough, attentive, kind, condescending to each other.

The Internet is replete with various proposals to return a loved one, to tie a man or woman by force, to make the husband return to the family. Moreover, most of these ads truthfully and sincerely reveal their faces. They are called conspiracies, love spells, spells, incantations - a person who is waiting for God's help will not resort to these demonic methods.

But there is another way to return a loved one, which is extremely actively replicated on the Internet. This is the so-called prayer for the return of a loved one. Everyone knows that black magic is very dangerous. Some people even managed to convey information about the conventions of dividing magic into white and black.

“This is a prayer, a holy prayer, and a convenient one - for the return of a loved one!” - thinks an inexperienced, unchurched person, and happily reads texts that have nothing to do with God, performs all the prescribed rituals in order to return a loved one.

Prayer Rules

You can pray for any good undertaking - there is no fundamental importance which saint to turn to. With questions of love, it is usually customary to pray to Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom, who during their lifetime gained fame as a model Christian love and devotion. But this is not a mandatory rule, people received a lot of mercy in matters of the heart from Xenia of Petersburg, who became a holy fool for Christ's sake just after the tragic death of her beloved husband.

Prayer to Peter and Fevronia

“O saints of God, pious Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia, we resort to you and pray to you with strong hope: lift up for us sinners (names), your holy prayers to the Lord God and ask His goodness for all that is useful to our souls and bodies: faith, hope
good, love is not hypocritical, piety is unshakable, prosperity in good deeds. Intercede to us from the King of Heaven for a prosperous life and a good Christian death. Hey, miracle workers of the saints! Do not despise our prayers, but wake up for us to intercede with the Lord, and make us worthy of your help to receive eternal salvation and inherit the Kingdom of Heaven, may we glorify the inexpressible love of mankind of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, in the Trinity we worship God forever and ever.

Prayer of Xenia of Petersburg

“O holy all-blessed mother Xenia! Under the roof of the Almighty, who lived, led and strengthened by the Mother of God, suffered hunger and thirst, cold and heat, reproach and persecution, you received the gift of clairvoyance and miracles from God and rest in the shadow of the Almighty. Now the Holy Church
fragrant color, glorifies you. Coming at the place of your burial, in front of your holy image, as if you live with us, we pray to you: accept our petitions and bring them to the Throne of the Merciful Heavenly Father, as if you have boldness towards Him. Ask those who flow to you for eternal salvation, for good deeds and undertakings, our generous blessing, deliverance from all troubles and sorrows. Stand with your holy prayers before our All-Merciful Savior for us, unworthy and sinners. Help, holy blessed mother Xenia, illuminate the babies with the light of holy baptism and seal the gift of the Holy Spirit, young men and women in faith, honesty, fear of God, bring up and success in teaching them; heal those who are sick and sick, family love and consent descended; honor those who are monastics with a good feat and protect them from reproaches, affirm the pastors in the fortress of the Holy Spirit, preserve our people and country in peace and serenity, beg for those deprived of communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ at the dying hour. You are our hope and hope, speedy hearing and deliverance, we send thanks to you and with you we glorify the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen."

There is a common misconception about the concept of " strong prayer". You need to understand for yourself: a prayer, like an ordinary text, cannot be strong or weak. Every person must understand that the prayer used in Orthodox tradition- not a guardian, prayer is a living communication with the Lord himself, who knows all the thoughts of a person's heart.

It is also a mistake to follow the instructions on the exact number, color, method of arranging candles during home prayer. Such guidelines are found in liturgical books for common prayer in the temple, but if you read about them on the Internet, and you are promised a guaranteed result from their observance: the person you love will return, beware.

In no case do not succumb to such provocations, do not make witchcraft out of prayer, remember that this is a terrible sin!

How to pray for the return of love?

You need to pray for yourself and your chosen one, ask God to enlighten you, teach you love, help in creating a strong union under His holy protection. There are special prayers for the multiplication of love, they can be found in the prayer book. It is useful to offer a fervent and sincere prayer in front of the icon "Softener of Evil Hearts" if you parted in a quarrel.

Prayer for the icon "Softener of Evil Hearts"

“O long-suffering Mother of God, who exalted all the daughters of the earth, in her purity and in the multitude of sufferings that you transferred to the lands, accept our painful sighs and save us under the shelter of your mercy. For a different refuge and warm intercession, don’t you know, but, like
having boldness to the one who was born of you, help and save us with your prayers, so that we unswervingly reach the Kingdom of Heaven, even with all the saints we will sing in the Trinity to the one God now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen."

You can never wish harm to your loved one, you can’t ask God for revenge, for it is said “Vengeance is mine and I will repay.” Leave revenge and punishment to the discretion of the Lord, who, if not Him, knows better how to deal with a bad person. It should not be known either the day or the hour when the offender will be punished, it is impossible to ask for an acceleration of retribution.

Moreover, it is impossible to conclude deals with God under the condition. Like, if he comes to his senses and returns, do not punish him, Lord, and if not, let him burn in hell.

Such prayers are a sin, and severe punishment will befall you for it, do not make such mistakes in any case.

To wish evil in prayer, even to oneself worst enemy, by no means. And even more so, you can’t wish evil to your loved ones. A word spoken in hearts can have huge force: curse inadvertently, and then you will regret what you said all your life.

After the prayer

How should a person who sincerely prayed and asked for help feel? Prayer has no criteria for effectiveness, the question “What will I feel?” should be asked to magicians or sorcerers, but not to God. If you sincerely asked the Lord for help, He will hear and will not leave you with His grace.

Some people talk about the specific feeling of "grace descended", and this, indeed, is exactly so. It is impossible to describe and explain this feeling, but it is also impossible to confuse it. You will understand if you feel it. But you should not be deceived and expect a quick result - prayer, as we have already said, did not protect or Magic wand, and pride from your own chosenness and grace will open an easy path for demons into your soul. Humbly pray to God for help and assistance, and focus less on the expected sensations - then the Lord will not leave you, will help you in any of your good undertakings!

It will not be possible to make a person return by force, no matter who you turn to - everything will be in vain, unless the person himself wants it.

You can suppress the will of a person, but the truth will protest in him with such force that you will regret more than once that you decided on witchcraft.

Love is a great work and a great reward, except to earn it, there are no other ways to receive love. Neither witchcraft, nor rituals, nor candles will help you if you use them. You need to pray to God sincerely, not to try to tie what has blossomed completely, if you are not ready to fight for happiness. Call on the help of saints - and work for your feelings.

The psychology of marriage