What to say to bring damage to a person. How to do damage to someone who greatly offended

Knowing how to damage a person is important not only for punishing the offender, but also for understanding the essence of how it works if it was done on you. This is a complex process, and in order to send damage, you need to have a sufficient supply of energy, experience, and sometimes be able to make contact with spirits. And knowledge of rituals.

In the article:

How to bring damage to the offender with the help of the Dark Forces

Every person has an enemy or a person who brings trouble. There are a number of rituals that will help. It is difficult to send damage, but the result will be quick. The rites are strong black magic, the use of which is unsafe.

Corruption using volt

They sit on the floor, light 5 black candles around and say the text “ Our Father" vice versa:

Nima! Ogavakul to san ivabzi, He eineshuksi ov san idevveni; Mishan mokinzhlod meyalvatso ym and Ezhokya, ashan iglod man ivatso i; Send man jad yynshchusan shan belkh. Ilmez an and iseben an okya, Yaovt yalov tedub hell, Yeovt Eivtsrats Tediirp hell, Yeovt yami Yastityavs hell! Heseben an isse, Jerzy Shan Yechto.

They pick up a personal item of the victim (a ring, a chain - an item that a person always carries with him). Imagine that she (he) is standing nearby. Having concentrated hostility and resentment, they say 5 times:

Antichrist, almighty evil descend! Turn your guise upon me, your servant! I fight in suffering and malice! Take away the pain and exalt the hate! Let it serve you, for I offer a sacrifice! Help yourself and me to destroy the creature of God, which is called (the name of the enemy). Curse my enemy! May Satan bring eternal torment upon him. Let there be Hell on earth!

Attributes are buried at the house of an enemy or in the forest.

Ritual with the summoning of the Devil

A ritual of black magic that should not be performed by beginners and experienced, but not self-confident sorcerers. To perform the ritual, they go out to the roadblock at exactly 12 o'clock at night and take some salt with them in a small bag. Standing at the crossroads, open the bag and say loudly:

I call on the powers of Hell! Come help. Bring damage to the enemy. Devil and devil from the underworld, bring your strength, take the enemy to the grave. May (name) have neither health nor happiness! His fate is pain and bad weather! I’ll salt the threshold, I’ll poison happiness and life! I open the road from Hell to (name) threshold!

That night, prepared salt is poured under the threshold of the enemy. Damage will act quickly. Leaving even a little salt is prohibited. You can not store salt until the next time. If the caster leaves the product, everything that was prepared for the enemy will pass to him.

When deciding before the ritual, all the pros and cons are weighed. If there is even a shadow of doubt in the soul, it is better not to take the rite. Even worse, if the caster is interrupted in the middle of the rite: the awakened forces can unleash all the wrath on him.

In contact with

Difficult situations often arise when a person appears in life who poisons a normal existence. It can be an unpleasant boss, harassing with nit-picking and sarcastic grins. Or a rival who seeks to destroy a marriage with a loved one.

Intervention in the life of such a person sometimes becomes unbearable, leads to nervous shocks, stress, discord in the family. A frank conversation with such people does not always help and can lead to a worsening of the situation. Not everyone knows how to deal with "bloodsuckers", without reaching illegal methods. Therefore, many "victims", faced with such people, resort to magic and look for the answer to the only question: how to damage a person.

Corruption: what is it?

Corruption is a magical ritual, the impact of which is directed at a specific person. It carries a negative charge akin to a running virus that penetrates a person's energy field and changes his life program. Depending on the strength and depth, magic can harm health, psyche and even life.

Corruption will have a negative impact on the family structure of a person, destroying it, blocking positive energy flows, or leaving a person alone and in poverty for the rest of his life. Everything depends on the will and desire of the magician. The impact can be either short-term (valid for 3-5 years) or permanent (lifetime).

Ritual conditions at home

Before turning to magic, you need to weigh the pros and cons. There is a law of the Universe, according to which violent magical intervention in a person's life is punishable. Is it worth risking your health or the health of loved ones to deal a crushing blow to unpleasant person? If the thirst for revenge overpowers fear, you need to know about the rules for the ritual:

  • the ritual is performed in silence and solitude. There should not be an outsider in the room;
  • no one should know about it;
  • magic requires deep concentration and clarity of thought. You can not be in a state of alcoholic or drug intoxication, under the influence of strong emotions;
  • all items needed to induce damage must be prepared in advance.

How does the impact on a person begin?

The first signs that the damage has worked can be seen after some time. Perhaps a week or a month will pass for the “virus” to start and a person’s life begins to change inexorably.

The consequences by which you can unmistakably determine that the damage, induced by yourself, has overtaken its goal, are as follows:

  • a person cannot restore energy: there are constant drowsiness and fatigue;
  • other people's voices appear in the head;
  • a sharp inexplicable craving for alcohol, even if the person has not drunk before;
  • those around begin to shun the victim of corruption, subconsciously feeling that “something is wrong” with her;
  • unreasonable attack of dogs on the street;
  • anger, depression, suicidal thoughts.

How to damage a photo on someone who offended a lot?

Photography is far from harmless. The snapshot contains all the energy information about the person. Therefore, photo damage is considered one of the most powerful and harmful. It is not for nothing that some representatives of the indigenous peoples of Africa and America still flatly refuse to be photographed, considering the photo a serious and formidable weapon.

Photo can be used in following rituals damage:

  • to madness;
  • to death;
  • for illness;
  • for impotence;
  • to loneliness.

Damage to loneliness is often done to. This is one of the most powerful and effective magical effects.

To carry out, you need a high-quality picture, where the face, especially the eyes, will be clearly visible. On Thursday, go to the cemetery and take a handful of earth from the grave of a person with the same name as the victim. You will also need:

  • clean dark tablecloth;
  • needle;
  • three black candles;
  • saucer;
  • small scarf.

The ritual, like, is held at midnight. In the room on the table you need to cover the tablecloth, light three candles, pour the earth into a saucer or bowl. When this is done, you need to take a photograph of a person, pierce his eyes with a needle and with the words: “As in the eyes (name) of the hole is black, so in life (name) the abyss is black” burn the photo with a candle. Then mix the ashes from the picture with the ground, wrap it in a scarf, leave the candles to burn out.

In the morning, go to the crossroads of four roads. With words:

“I remember you, I send loneliness to (person’s name)”

pour the earth out of the handkerchief at the crossroads and go home without looking back and without talking to anyone along the way. Throw away the handkerchief at another nearby intersection.

The first signs will follow after a few days. Friends will begin to turn away from a person, they will arise. No one can explain why this is happening.

Self ritual for death

If a person decides on this kind of magic, there must be good reasons. To conduct a ritual at home, you will need remarkable fortitude, self-confidence and concentration.

To carry out severe damage to death, you must prepare:

  • black tablecloth;
  • four black candles;
  • a photo of the enemy, where he is depicted in full growth alone;
  • a small mirror on a stand;
  • a little pig or chicken blood in a saucer.

A prerequisite: you can “spoil” yourself to death only at night, after midnight. There should be no other people or pets in the apartment.

The table is moved to the middle of the room, covered with a tablecloth. Arrange four candles in the corners, light. Put a picture of the enemy on a stand in the middle of the table. Near a saucer with blood. On the contrary, position the mirror in such a way that the image of a person is completely reflected in it upside down.

“Through the looking glass sees what will happen to you (name). Through the looking glass is waiting to meet you (name). Your blood will be shed! Let it be so, there is no way back!”

After everything is done, you need to put out the candles with your fingers, on which the blood remains. Collect all items and bury farther from home.

The consequences of damage to death for a person will be deplorable. Within a year, he will have an accident or a serious illness.

How to spoil the disease

Making the enemy sick is considered an easy option. magic ritual. So often they deal with a rival so that she develops female diseases. Men due to this guidance most often suffer from impotence.

To direct a magical blow, you will need a personal item of the victim (a piece of cloth from clothes, a button, a ring, etc.) and some of her hair. On the waning moon at night, you need to set fire to your hair. At the same time, pronounce these words:

“You (name) do not breathe, do not rejoice, do not sleep. Don't eat, don't drink, don't be healthy. As your hair disappears, so does your health. My word is strong, true. Key, door, lock. Amen".

Then wrap the remains of the hair and the person's personal item in a clean cloth. Tie with black thread three times. The lining should be discreetly placed in the home or on the victim's desk. The main thing is that it should not be discovered within 13 days after the ritual, otherwise the magician himself will suffer.

We cause damage at a distance

It happens that there is neither a high-quality picture, nor the personal belongings of the person who caused the harm. But you can quickly cause damage, even if the object of anger is far from the magician. Thus, they independently carry out damage:

  • on health;
  • to block the cash flow;
  • for bad luck.

For the ritual you will need:

  • blank sheet of paper (landscape);
  • black pencil;
  • black candle.

You need to direct a magical strike yourself within an hour, from midnight to one in the morning, for it to take effect.

After midnight, put a clean sheet of paper on the table. Lively imagine the image of a person - his ill-wisher. Draw it on paper. With all your might, begin to cross out the silhouette with a pencil, putting hatred and accumulated negative energy into this action. You don’t need to read the plot, but you should imagine what area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe enemy’s life you are striking. Crumple up paper, take a lighter and leave the house. Don't talk to anyone along the way. Move away from the house as far as possible and burn the paper with the image.

Damage to work at home

This kind magical influence- one of the most popular. Twitched employees who need to get rid of a harmful boss resort to it on their own. Also, businessmen seeking to eliminate competitors turn to damage to work.

It is necessary to depict a figure of a person on cardboard. Draw her eyes, nose, ears. Cut out the figure. Exactly at midnight, get a pin and pierce it 9 times in turn eyes, nose and ears on the figurine, saying:

“Your eyes (name) are blind, your ears (name) are deaf, you (name) cannot breathe the same air with me. Leave and don't look back. Key, door, lock. Amen".

Then pierce the figurine four times with a pin in the crown area and burn it. Throw the ashes down the toilet.

The consequences of the ritual for the one who did it

What will happen to the person who caused the damage? Any kind of malicious magic is a negative program that may one day return to the one who resorted to it. In magic, this state of affairs is called a rollback. Spoiling a person means putting your own health at great risk. Often, children and even grandchildren of the magician suffer because of what has been done. This can be expressed in the following symptoms:

  • diseases that cannot be treated;
  • alcoholism, drug addiction;
  • accidents;
  • madness;
  • murder.

Before resorting to extreme action - to cause damage, it is worth thinking about the health and well-being of loved ones. It is they who will have to be responsible for all the decisions and negative emotions of the one who made it.

Everyone had situations when they really wanted to take revenge on the offender, but there was no opportunity to do this. For example, the boss, on whom depends financial well-being the family of his subordinate, constantly harassing with stupid nit-picking and blackmailing him with dismissal. If a person is in a hopeless situation, and for some reason it is impossible to change jobs, nervous breakdowns are not the worst thing that awaits him in such a situation. Do quality work and live normal life impossible under such conditions.

Appearance young rival for every woman - a nightmare that has come true. Talking to her will lead to nothing, hoping for her decency is stupid. She will only laugh in the face and, without the slightest remorse, will take the man away from the family. And after that, how not to wish her all the torments of hell? This is where the idea of ​​spoiling comes in.

How to deal with the enemy

Thirst for revenge - not always banal desire make others feel bad. More often than not, it is a desire for justice. From childhood, we know from fairy tales that good always triumphs over evil. Only in real life Unfortunately, evil is stronger. That is why people want to take the process of retribution into their own hands. And do not wait for years when, finally, life will return this “boomerang” to the offender.

The thirst for justice is no doubt a noble feeling. But it is always useful to look at the situation soberly, because, as you know, it has 2 sides of the coin. Maybe the boss is not such a monster, but just a demanding leader who is also under pressure. And the husband left the family because his wife did not notice him, did not support him, constantly grumbled and scandalized, stopped taking care of herself.

If, after a thorough analysis of the situation, the conclusion suggests itself that those around are really vile and ungrateful, thoughts of revenge are quite acceptable. And in the event that it is physically impossible to get a person, a powerful but invisible weapon will come to the rescue - magic.

People who have never practiced witchcraft before may confuse spoilage with the evil eye. In fact, they are completely different things. Any grandmother-neighbor can jinx it, and not on purpose.

The evil eye is a negative, but almost always unconscious effect on the human biofield. Most of all, people with a weak character or biofield are subject to such an action. Although you can jinx almost anyone, if you envy him a lot. That is, it cannot be done on purpose, and there is no ritual.

Damage is a completely different matter. It's already deliberate influence aimed at certain person. To bring damage, just looking askance, will not work. This will require special spells, rituals, witchcraft paraphernalia and personal belongings of the chosen victim.

Types of damage

We can say that damage is a kind of virus, only an energy one, which begins to destroy a person's aura. It pumps out positive energy, replacing it with negative. A person cannot recover.

The mage can choose area of ​​life the person where he wants to harm the most:

  • property and money;
  • sexual sphere;
  • loneliness;
  • fear;
  • fornication;
  • infertility;
  • business;
  • marriage;
  • disease;
  • obesity;
  • death.

You need to understand that magic is not an ax and does not work immediately. It smoothly enters the life of the victim and gradually manifests its destructive actions. As long as the spell is in effect, a person will not get better.

When deciding whether to curse a person, one must be aware that evil will definitely return. For witchcraft, the help of hellish forces is needed, and they will gladly fulfill the request, but in return they will definitely take something away. christian religion forbids practice magic, as well as hate your offenders. Is it worth, for example, the barrenness of a rival for her own soul to remain forever in hell? If the answer is yes, then you can start taking action.

If there is no way back, and the decision is final, the first thing to do is to determine the type of curse that will be placed on the enemy. Then you can acquire all the necessary magical paraphernalia and personal belongings of a hated person.

All rituals associated with casting spells should be performed only on a waning moon. At this time, dark forces are usually stronger. Required dates can be easily found on the Internet.

For practicing witchcraft, it is better to choose Monday, Wednesday or Friday. These days, on the waning moon, the protection of the guardian angel is weaker. If you curse a person on other days, you yourself can suffer from such actions. The guardian angel is able to repel the attack and the curse will return to the one who sent it.

To death

Black magic for the death of a person is the most terrible spell that can be cast. You can wish death to a person only if he really caused terrible suffering, pain or humiliation. Despite the understandable desire to get even with the offender, you need to think, first of all, about yourself. Such actions may result in the loss own soul because it is a very terrible sin. The offender has already caused suffering, so is it worth turning them into eternal torment in hell?

If common sense is silent, and there is only a desire to destroy the offender, you will have to find his photo that meets the following requirements:

  • the enemy in the photo must be shown alone, without other people and animals;
  • the photograph must be taken no more of the year back;
  • you can curse from a photograph if most of the enemy’s body is depicted. For example, from the crown to the chest. There should be no clipping or distortion.

If the photo is found, it's time to go to the cemetery. There you need to look for the grave of a man who died no more than a year ago. In addition, it is important that the name of the deceased matches the name of the person who wants to harm. The grave should be dug up a little, about 20 centimeters, put the prepared photograph in the dug hole, sprinkle it with earth and say: “Cemetery earth, grave dust, rotten boards, earth worms. Rot to you, unfortunate, servant of God (name). From this misfortune, never get rid of. Who did this to you, you will never know. You can't send that power back. Key! Coffin! Board! Scull!"

After the last words, turn around and leave the cemetery. You can't look at the grave. Don't talk to anyone along the way. The spell will take effect in a few days. The person will begin to get sick and, if he does not turn to the magician for help, will most likely die.

How to lime a person to death so that he does not have time to escape, and witchcraft overtook him as soon as possible? There is a way, you just have to apply more effort. The whole process is the same as described above, only a small hole in the grave is no longer enough. The earth will need to be dug up to the very coffin, and the photograph will be thrust between its boards.

For impotence

Many women met such men who cheated on them and betrayed them. Such relationships are exhausting and make a woman feel unwanted, ugly and inferior. And when the novel comes to an end, only emptiness and a thirst for revenge remain in the soul.

There is a very powerful ritual that can make a man impotent at a distance. This is a very sophisticated way of revenge, not only the former chosen one will suffer, but also the woman who is next to him.

The rite does not work instantly. The gradual extinction of sexual desire will begin, failures in bed will happen more often. Sooner or later, everything will end in complete impotence. This trouble will become the only constant companion of a man.

For a conspiracy you will need:

  • figurine made of wax or clay, made independently;
  • black tablecloth;
  • two red candles and one black;
  • three brand new needles;
  • a cup of salted water.

For the ritual, you will need to make a figure of a man out of wax yourself. It is not necessary to try to fashion a masterpiece, the main thing is that the figurine has a clearly defined male sexual organ. It is also important to think about the man who will be cursed all the time while sculpting.

After sunset on the waning moon, the table is covered with a black cloth, a wax figure is placed on it, 2 red candles are lit on the sides. The figurine is sprayed 6 times with salt water, each time calling the name of the offender. Now you need to take turns sticking 3 needles into the wax penis and repeating the words.

  1. For the first needle: “Plunging the needle, I take your (name) strength!”
  2. For the second needle: “Plunging this needle, I carnal desire I'm taking it!"
  3. For the third needle: “Let this organ hang like a whip for a century!”

Now you can light a black candle, and drip its wax onto the genital area of ​​​​the figure. You need to accompany the process with the following words: “My conspiracy will fly to you as soon as this candle burns out!”. Wait until all the candles burn out, and bury the figurine away from home.

For the destruction of a marriage

Sometimes evil does not come from one person, but from a married couple, and you want to put a curse on the whole family. In this case, spoilage for divorce will help. This ritual also applies to black magic. To carry it out you will need:

  • photograph of spouses;
  • jack of spades from a new deck of cards;
  • Holy water.

The card is sprinkled with holy water. On one head of the jack make an inscription with husband's name, and on the second head with the name of his wife. Now the map is buried at the cemetery gates.

After the first part of the ritual is completed, you can start working with a photograph of the couple. The depicted people need to be cut out, and then glued together in the form of a jack and say: “Just as it’s not fate for a jack to lie together, so you can’t share a house and food. Don't be in one box. And this love spell cannot be canceled by anyone. Now this photo needs to be thrown to the spouses. The main condition that must be met for everything to work: the card must be picked up by at least one of the spouses.

For obesity

If a young beauty took her husband out of the family, you should not hate her quietly. She, too, can be made bad and made to suffer in a very sophisticated way. She can be spoiled for obesity and a slender beauty will turn into an overweight woman with three chins. All this is easy to do at home.

For the ritual you will need:

  • photograph of a woman;
  • a piece of lard, preferably with bristles;
  • black threads;
  • old needles;
  • black candle.

After 12 at night, put a photograph of your opponent on the table in front of you, and a piece of bacon on top of it. With the help of one of the needles and a black thread, the fat must be sewn to the photo. Stick the remaining few needles into the fat with the words: “May you (name) be like a pig! For men to avoid you! So that you (name) will be alone all your life and prayer will not help you! And she suffered, and toiled, and wiped bitter tears from her face! My word is the law!

When the plot is fully read, all magical attributes must be collected, taken to a wasteland and buried. The offender will begin to gain weight in a few days.

On a neighbor

There are also such neighbors that even the district policeman cannot calm them down. What is beyond the power of ordinary people, the power of magic. You can damage a harmful neighbor. For the ceremony, it is not necessary to attract demonic forces, so you should not be afraid that evil will require payment for help.

All that is required for the ritual is one wax candle, preferably a church one. It needs to be lit and focused on the fire. Imagine what it is angry neighbor or neighbor. After all the bad things associated with this person have been remembered, and anger has accumulated, the candle must be bitten several times. At the same time, from time to time it is necessary to repeat the following words: “I don’t bite a candle, it’s a servant of God (name), life bites!”

You need to bite the candle at least 13 times, you can do more. The main thing is not less than 13. Then, tilt what is left of the candle parallel to the floor and whisper: “As I turn this candle over, so I shorten the life of the servant (s) of God (name). What a tormented appearance my candle has, such may the fate of my offender be! And as this candle burns, so let the slave (a) (name) burn. Do as you are told!"

Now you can return the candle to its normal position and let it burn out. What remains of her, throw it under the threshold of a neighbor.

Attention, only TODAY!

Nothing in life should be unpunished. It happens that physical or moral pressure comes from a person who cannot be resisted for a number of reasons. It can be a traitor friend who is far away, a strict boss or a traitor husband. Their transgressions brought you great pain, and they did not even repent, but there is a way out. Photo damage is the easiest and fastest way to finally get even for the suffering caused.

spoilage efficiency

Everyone has noticed some unusual, magical phenomena in life more than once. And although this has not yet been scientifically proven, but magic was, is and will be. To believe or not to believe this is a personal matter for everyone. As for photography, it is the most powerful conductor of energy. In the world of psychics, this element is most often used in work, because photography is an energy copy of a person.

In order to dispel the myth about the futility of damage, scientists-mages decided to conduct a simple experiment. They photographed one newborn chick a few days after birth. Having made many copies of the picture, the psychics distributed them to 15 people. The essence of the experiment was that for a month people had to look at this photo when some kind of trouble happened to them.

We cannot explain this fact to science, but after 3 days the chicken, whose photo was distributed, began to look noticeably worse, and a week later he, in general, died. The second one grew quickly and painlessly. Therefore, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to damage the photo is obvious.

Even if people did not wish the chicken evil, sickness, it still could not develop normally, since all these 15 people fed on its positive energy, destroying normal life.

A photo of a newborn child under six months cannot be shown for the very reason. The baby has not yet established any protective barriers, so contact with a large number of people is harmful to his health.

Of course, severe photo damage for a person requires much more outside influence, but the process is no different from the chicken experiment.

Bringing damage to the photo will help annoy the enemy, but only if all the requirements are met in strict accordance. It is better that the whole process be carried out or at least controlled by a professional psychic, because he knows how to effectively damage a photograph.

Self-intervention in such cases, if at least one item from the damage is incorrectly performed, can cause a backlash.

How to damage through a photo correctly?

The corruption ritual itself, although simple, has many important nuances. Some magicians are inclined to the fact that the person who performed the ceremony cannot be punished for its incorrect performance, but, as they say, I don’t want to check.

There are 3 basic rules, the observance of which is mandatory for each magical ritual in the photo:

  • A beginner in esotericism cannot perform damage. deal with higher power, from which a person wants to ask for help is not so simple. It is important to choose the right words, and only an experienced sorcerer can do this.
  • Protecting yourself from the rollback of damage is the basis of magical influence. Any damage can be redirected in the opposite direction, if you understand that it exists. Therefore, after performing a ritual with a photograph, you need to protect yourself.
  • Damage through a photograph will be effective only if the image fully complies with the declared standards. First, it must be clear. Secondly, in the photo there should be only a person who wants to annoy. Other people, children, animals distract from the main thing, so the ritual may not work correctly. It would be nice if the photo was taken no more than 6 months ago in full growth.

Tip: rituals, the subtext of which includes an appeal to the forces of Darkness, must be formulated briefly and unambiguously. It is better to prepare the text in advance so that the interpretation of desires is clear.

As we see , spoiling an enemy in a photo is a rather complicated process that requires a lot of attention and a responsible attitude, therefore, before starting the ritual, you need to thoroughly study all the nuances of pointing damage from a photo.

The consequences of damage to the photo

Any intervention in the energy field of a person, one way or another, will affect his life. As mentioned above, a photo is an ideal conductor of energy, so you can influence fate and health impressively.

Depending on how the damage was done in the photo, what was used for the ceremony, how strong was the desire to annoy and the result of the ceremony depends.

The main consequences of damage in the photo:

  • health problems. Almost all damage affects this indicator. The enemy first feels a general malaise, stress, and only then its more serious consequences;
  • family problems. Some rituals are set up specifically for discord in relationships. If the mistress managed to take her husband away from the family, she can get even for a misconduct;
  • lack of purpose, desire to move on. A person who persistently moved up the career ladder, walking over their heads, can also be cut off their wings;
  • bad luck in some particular area (love, work, leisure) or in life in general;
  • suicidal thoughts, death. It is important to be careful about such rituals, since they have an irreversible result, which cannot be corrected.

Such harm can be caused by damage to a photograph, the consequences of which, as we see, are the most diverse. Carrying out some rituals requires special training, so it is better not to risk doing this without the control of an experienced magician or psychic.

5 effective ways to damage a photo

Today there are many options , how to make damage from a photo with minimal time and effort. But in this case, the result is much more important, so experienced psychics identify 5 effective ways of damage:

  1. Cooking photo in boiled water.
    This ritual is performed for the sickness of the enemy, general ailments and feelings of guilt. It is required to do it on a waning moon. To carry out, you will need several different photos (it is better if they are taken from different angles and at different times) and a pot of water. When the water boils, we gradually put the photo to it and sentence:

    “The body (name) is burning, blood is puffing, strength is coming out, and my desire is to be.”

    In order for the effect of damage to be more noticeable, you can repeat the process several times in the waning moon.

  2. Damage to the photo in the cemetery.
    It should be said right away that this is a strong ritual that will not only greatly affect the life of the enemy, but, possibly, even deprive him of his life (it all depends on the state of his energy field and desires). To carry out damage, you must come to the grave with the name of the enemy at 17-18 lunar day, having printed out his photograph in advance. Next, you need to bury the picture in the cemetery ground and quickly leave the cemetery. In no case should you look back and talk until the morning. At the first crossroads on the road from the cemetery, you need to throw 10 coins over your left shoulder and whisper: “I paid (paid)”. This is a rather difficult method to perform, which not everyone can do, but is considered one of the most effective.
  3. A rite that will affect fate.
    The uniqueness of this pori is that it absorbed several rituals at once for a more effective influence on the fate of the enemy. It can be done at any calendar time. To carry out, you will need a vat of boiling water, a photo, pepper, salt and needles. The ceremony begins with the fact that a pinch of pepper and salt are simultaneously thrown into boiling water. At this moment, you need to imagine the face of the enemy in front of you and then lower the photo saying:

    "Water boils, and your life will boil."

    Now the most important stage is the conscious and desire destroy the fate of the victim (illness, divorce, theft), with which needles are lowered into the vat. The contents of the vat must be poured under an old, dry tree with a male name (maple, oak). This is another effective and easy way to damage a person from a photo.

  4. Ritual, using a black, sharp knife (dagger).
    This rite cannot be performed by an ordinary person, since it has a very strong energy influence. Even a novice magician, knowing how to damage a photo using a knife, is unable to cope with the pressure of forces. The ritual is required to be performed on the night of Tuesday to Wednesday. To do this, at midnight, the witch puts the image of the enemy in front of her, lights 4 wax candles and takes 2 black threads of medium length (they must be tied together in advance to make 6 knots). Next, you need to bring each knot to your lips and say misfortune for your enemy. You need to burn the thread immediately after this. The next stage of damage is cutting out a cross from a photograph. This should be done with a black knife, putting all the hatred for the offender into the process.

    The last thing to do is to bury the ashes and the cross on the cemetery grave. The ritual is the most effective, therefore, it should be carefully applied to each stage of the damage.

  5. Rite of the Cross.
    This rite is considered one of the fastest, as the victim begins to wither literally immediately. To conduct it, you need to come to the cemetery at any grave at night, taking 3 nails and a photo of the enemy with you. On the front side of the cross, you need to nail a photo so that the image is not blown away by wind or rain. Next, you need to go around the grave 3 times counterclockwise and immediately leave the place .You need to leave the cemetery quickly, without looking back and without listening to extraneous sounds. It is impossible to talk to the person who performed the ceremony before sunrise, so that the ritual works correctly.

Is it possible to cause severe damage without a photo?

It is believed that photo damage is the most effective and efficient way of harming the offender. But there are many other options for inducing negativity. In many of them, cemetery land is used, since it is she who has a strong negative energy.

Even bringing water from the grave to the house of an objectionable person (a flower in a pot) can significantly affect his health. Damage without a photo in the world of gadgets and technologies is not very popular, but it exists and is used as an option.

How to protect yourself from the effects of damage?

Protection against damage is as necessary a measure as a scarf in rainy weather. It is especially necessary for those who have many ill-wishers or enemies. Therefore, if there is a need to protect a comfortable life for yourself and your family, you need to know and follow certain rules so that haters cannot influence you with the help of a higher power:

  • Amulets. You can purchase amulets related to the date of birth for the whole family. These can be images of animals carved from stone or stones that suit the temperament of a person.
  • Pin. This simple item repels negative energy. For protection, you just need to pin it on the wrong side of the thing that you wear daily. Important rule: the pin should not be visible, because in this form it loses its properties.
  • Mirror. This amulet will protect against the loss of external beauty. For the fair sex, this is an indispensable accessory, which, moreover, will become strong defense from the influence of magicians.
  • Red bag. Few people know, but it is the red color that is the personification of the light energy side. Putting in a bag a bag of red material, inside which there will be sea salt or any dried herb, you can protect yourself from evil intentions.
  • The power of thought. Sometimes pressure is intuitively felt at a moment when there are no auxiliary means nearby. The main thing in this case is not to panic. It is necessary to protect the aura from the inside, and for this, imagine how bright, silver and gold threads pierce the body from the inside. It is important to feel harmony with the body and soul so that the forces cannot penetrate inside. As soon as possible, you need to protect yourself with the above items.

Remember that it's not enough just to know how to deface a photo for an efficient and effective result. Most image rituals require experience.

You also need to remember the consequences of damage due to mistakes and inexperience, which often produce an irreversible effect.

on the enemy. If you are sure that you want to spoil someone, you should take into account all sorts of factors and consequences of this ritual. A strong level of exposure will provide a ritual with dead water and cemetery land.

There are mages damaging with products and personal belongings. This method is more difficult, because you have to get the things of a person who should become the object of inducing damage. You can direct damage to the enemy with your own efforts, saving yourself from annoying third parties.

How to determine that you have been damaged?

In the 21st century, the era of technological progress, guidance is still the same effective way problem solving, as in the old days, even though many people still stubbornly doubt it.

After inflicting damage on him, a person can get serious problems in many aspects of his life, even physical deformity, psychological trauma, or die. It all depends on your desire to get even.

Corruption is a very complex ritual. A stupid person cannot bring it on. Therefore, often a person does not suspect that a curse has been placed on him. The effect of damage is explained by banal failures and coincidences. People until the last do not believe in something supernatural. They try to find more familiar and logical explanations for the ongoing madness.

Damage signs:

Long illnesses that are extremely difficult. If you go to the hospital for help, the doctors will not be able to ascertain the correct diagnosis. They will rush between several similar ones. In the end, you will leave with nothing, and your body will continue to wither and fade away until you die.

Suicidal depression. You feel constant weakness. You don't want to do anything. You want to end your life. This is precisely the essence of corruption. To bring you to despair, so that you yourself choose your future fate.

Loss of appetite. Violent aggression towards friends and family.

Rapid weight loss.

Reluctance to attend church. It's as if the Devil is possessed in a person. He often faints, and may even fall into a coma during one of the fainting spells.

Impossibility of pregnancy. If a woman cannot get pregnant, most likely she was spoiled, and the strongest of all available.

Types of magical influence

There are several types:

Damage to health. When applying this corruption, the victim receives physical diseases.

Damage to death. The worst kind of curse. When carrying out the ritual, it should be remembered that the person on whom you make this damage will die.

Damage to the financial condition. This damage destroys a person's business or relationship with superiors. Most often, this ritual is used to remove competitors from the road.

Damage to relationships with people. The victim will have no friends, no soul mate. This spell is used by offended women of all ages, abandoned by husbands and women who dream of a married man.

Damage to money. The victim of such damage inevitably loses his job or becomes the object of the theft of jewelry - all that will entail the speedy ruin.

Damage at home

The dark forces that live among us, but carefully hide their insides, help to cause damage. If the ceremony is performed incorrectly, then you will lose not only an effective result, but you can also bring trouble on yourself.

The chosen ritual in this case does not matter, since each of them is a long process, consisting of special prayers that can bring together negative energy and point to the object. Prayers should be said over the object chosen for the ritual.

Inflicting damage with the help of an item of black magic.

Take the bones of birds or animals, feathers, hair of the victim. Put them in a place where the victim spends a lot of time. On the table or under the bed. The victim should not find these items. Thus, a ritual is carried out for discord in the family. cast spells in this case no need. The constant presence of such items near your enemy is already an impetus for the appearance dark forces.

The next method requires dead water or earth from a cemetery. Dead water is the liquid used to wash a dead body in a church. Since ancient times, for the strong, they tried to use objects that are somehow connected with death. This type of conspiracy is most suitable just for directing damage to death. This water can be added to your enemy's food, poured under the threshold of the house or washed with the handle of his door.

In doing so, you must say the following:

“Dead water, you have already taken one, go to a living slave (the name of your enemy). Sprinkle the face of the slave, his keen eyes, his arms, his legs, and sprinkle his whole body, you take his life, and free me. From now on and forever and ever. So be it!”

Using homemade voodoo dolls to induce damage. Puppets are made to look like the victims. Damage is caused by sticking needles into the doll. To make such a doll, you need to get a small piece of the clothes of the future victim. The doll should be made from rags, tied with a mourning ribbon, and a flap belonging to the victim should be attached over the resulting structure. You should take the made doll and bury it in the cemetery between the graves. This procedure should be done at night.

In doing so, you need to pronounce:

“Cemetery spirit, spirit of dark forces, you are very powerful, you are omnipotent. Take my enemy to visit you, lock my enemy in his deathbed.

Then leave the cemetery, return home and arrange a wake for your enemy.

Ritual with a photograph and a needle

The photo damage method is the most effective and simple. You don't have to go to a church or a cemetery, you just need to get a photo. Make it in modern world very simple. It is enough to download a photo from the page social network and print on a regular printer or in a photo salon.

You need to use a new photo. The older the photo, the weaker the plot. All energy disappears from old pictures, while it has just appeared on new ones. Working with photography is very simple, because the image of a person is a direct reflection of his energy aura.

Using a photo, a person who understands the intricacies can easily make rivals sob, literally commanding them. It all depends on what troubles you wish your enemies.

To spoil an enemy, take his latest photo, go outside at night and pierce it with a needle as many times as you see fit. You can use multiple needles. Scorch the edges of the photo with fire, but don't burn it completely. Attach the picture as close as possible to the permanent location of the victim. Into the cupboard. Under the bed. If there is no way to get so close, then to the house.

During the ritual it is necessary to pronounce:

“Dig your own grave, damned one, soon trouble will come to you, trouble will come, but not one. Your health will not be enough, grief will capture your soul! A needle in your heart, a needle in your leg, needles will show you the right path. The photo burns, burns - your happiness destroys!

Dangerous Consequences

Ritual is a pretty dangerous thing. Do not start the ritual if you are not sure that you are absolutely right.

Corruption is a cruel punishment. A particularly deadly conspiracy that can no longer be undone. So think twice before you act. It may be too late. If the person who casts the spell does not know the magical actions and the algorithm of the ritual well, then he is more likely to harm not the enemy, but himself.

You can give an example of damage to a magic item: if after a spell the item does not get to your enemy within a day, then everything that you wished for him will pour out on you.

Remember: the rituals of black at home must be done very carefully, but it is better not to do it at all. You can bring trouble on yourself. Corruption can return like a boomerang after several generations. The likelihood of such consequences is often ignored when a person's heart is filled with the brightest hatred for his enemy.

Psychology of deception