Rite to stop drinking. Conspiracy so that the husband does not drink

If trouble has come to the family related to the husband’s drunkenness, one should not despair, because you can help your loved one with the help of magic and save the family. Conspiracies so that the husband does not drink belong to white magic, so it is impossible to harm them.

Rite methods

Of course, their strength is greatly increased if the drinker himself seeks to get rid of addiction to alcohol. But, you should know that there are strong magic conspiracies, which can be carried out without the participation of a sick person, and they are very effective if the person speaking the magic words is sincere in their desire to help a loved one cope with alcoholism.

Popular conspiracy

A conspiracy is very popular so that the husband does not drink using a new towel. It must be bought during the full moon in the store without change or not to take it. On the same day at night, standing near an open window or window, you must read very emotionally, looking at the disk of the moon, a magical conspiracy. It sounds like this:

“A new, clean and beautiful towel I speak with strong and effective words! As my beloved husband, the Servant of God (husband's name), wipes his hands with this magic towel, so in a new happy life will come in! Without cravings for alcohol and other bad addictions. He will enter a bright life with pure dreams and intentions! My words are kind and righteous, so they will come true! Amen!"

With a charmed towel, the husband should wipe his hands, but only once. After that, the towel must be tied into a strong knot. And I will fix it:

“It will only be as it is said and nothing else!”

Then the towel must be hidden in a secret place so that no one will ever find it.

If a husband has been suffering from alcoholism for a long time, then simple conspiracies so that the husband does not drink, performed at home, may be ineffective. In this case, you can conduct a strong cemetery plot. Despite the name, it does not belong to black magic and is not capable of harming a loved one. For the ritual, you need to take a bottle of an alcoholic drink that your husband prefers to drink, put it in a bag and go to the cemetery. There you need to stop at the gate, without entering the territory of the cemetery. You should wait until the first funeral procession passes by you. Then pronounce the conspiracy words:

“Just as a deceased, deceased, does not live among people on earth, so my beloved husband, the Servant of God (husband’s name) no longer drinks bad drunk. Amen".

After that, you immediately need to leave the cemetery gates, without looking back. On the way home, you can’t talk to anyone, and when you come home, you should put the charmed bottle of alcohol in the usual place. You can’t offer your husband to drink from it, he must pour himself. It is at this moment that the conspiracy begins to take effect and the husband will gradually develop an internal aversion to alcohol. It is not recommended to repeat the cemetery conspiracy even if it turned out to be ineffective. You should turn to another magical rite directed against drunkenness.

A strong conspiracy against drunkenness will help free one of the most destructive addictions of a husband, son or other loved one. After all, this disease makes suffering not only the patient himself, but also causes a lot of inconvenience to all the people around him.

"Hello! My story is that I just got married! While we met, everything was just wonderful romantically gave gifts of flowers. He treated my parents well, he was always polite with acquaintances. Sometimes he drank on holidays no more than to lose his adequacy. A year has passed since our wedding and he seemed to be replaced, my husband became rude constant scandals due to the fact that he comes late from work drunk and I don’t quite like it. He stopped giving time to me, he refers to being very tired at work. Some strange whip-like friends appeared with whom he often began to sit in the kitchen, sometimes staying up until late at night and then going to work almost drunk. He hasn’t brought home his salary for several months, he constantly lies and invents various excuses. Recently, at my mother's birthday party, I got so drunk that I made a scandal in front of the guests, it was not convenient, some left with a sediment. My friends advise me to leave him, arguing that he is an alcoholic and nothing can change, that either I will also get drunk myself or I will leave anyway but having lost time on him. We tried to encode it, nothing helped, I didn’t drink for a week, after which I went on a spree. Gradually, he began to take things out of the house, he drinks with his comrades in the porch in the garages. Maybe there is some kind of conspiracy or spell so that he stops drinking and returns to the family again. So I don’t want to bring the matter to a divorce, I don’t know what to do, I want practical advice.”

Not one drinking man does not consider himself as such. A glass in the evening a bottle of beer on weekends and a natural result of drunkenness. It is not so easy to talk about alcoholism, usually the conspiracy breaks down after a few weeks or does not work at all. There are many reasons why this happens, but the main one is an illiterate spell from drunkenness, built on the wrong principles. The conspiracy is always positive, even if something needs to be removed, this is always a positive action. Simply put, drunkenness needs to be moved or reduced to another place and not to try to remove it, otherwise you will go against the divine mind, therefore, in magic they don’t remove it, but move the habit or illness to another place without violating harmony, thereby not interfering with the divine the flow of the universe. So conspiracies from drunkenness should be drawn up in such a way that the key words made sense to replace or move this addiction to a tree or animal.

The most ancient conspiracies are already millions of years old, in those days the issue of obtaining food was the most acute, which is why people prayed for rain, a good harvest, successful hunting or fishing. In times of epidemics, magic words were used to get rid of diseases. Today, most often they talk about health, love and from drunkenness.
Defeating alcoholism is a very difficult task, sometimes impossible. It is especially difficult to deal with such a problem when the drinker himself does not want to change anything in his life. He can drink for several years, quit his job and lead an immoral lifestyle, despite all the attempts of his relatives to excommunicate him from the bottle. And when neither pills nor compulsory treatment saves, even the most non-superstitious person will think about other, non-material methods. A loving mother or wife will never leave native person drunk alone, she will use all possible methods, including a conspiracy from drunkenness. This is a kind of prayer speech addressed to higher powers with a request to heal a loved one from an addiction that destroys his life. In order for the prayer to work, it is necessary for a person to believe in it, a conspiracy from alcoholism will be useless if uttered for the sake of a joke.

Rules for conducting an anti-alcohol conspiracy

The conspiracy against drunkenness is very powerful, because it not only saves one person from an immoral lifestyle, but also normalizes the life of the whole family. The success of the procedure depends entirely on the rules that should be taken into account by everyone who decides to ask for help from the Almighty:

The first and most important rule is faith, do not turn to magic if you do not believe in its power.
Only certain days of the week are suitable for the ritual. If a man drinks, then choose Monday, Tuesday or Thursday, and if a lady needs to get rid of the addiction, then Saturday, as well as Friday or Wednesday, will do.
It is best to read a conspiracy against drunkenness on a full moon or on those days when the month is waning.
You should not use many conspiracies and rituals at once, since each of them affects the energy field of both the patient and yourself. The conspiracy does not work instantly, give the drinking person time to correct, and only then, if necessary, try other magical rites.
If you perform the ceremony in secret from the one who drinks, you should not tell anyone about it, especially if the prayer works.
If you offered help to a loved one in the form of a conspiracy, but he refused, wait a bit and say it secretly from him, but you will have to believe in his action with a vengeance.
It is necessary to pronounce the text of the conspiracy in a whisper and alone.
For greater effect, it is recommended to have an "Inexhaustible Chalice" and ask the patient to pray in front of it.
If the drinker himself wants to get rid of the harmful, then let him take a few sips of holy water in the morning before breakfast.
For the maximum benefit of the rite, it is worth fasting in advance, at least three days.

Fulfilling at least some of these simple rules, you will increase the chances of a drinking person to get rid of the disease.

Conspiracy with a pumpkin from drunkenness

You need to wait for your husband’s next booze and take an unfinished bottle and hide it, it will come in handy for a conspiracy from drunkenness. To do this, on the first Tuesday after the full moon, buy a pumpkin in the market, carefully select the seeds from it, fill it with earth, and plant all the seeds that you pulled out in this pumpkin. If it is winter, put the pumpkin on the windowsill; if summer, leave it outside. Now you need to dilute that vodka or beer from the unfinished bottle that you took from your husband with water one to five. At the bottom of a part of vodka is five parts of water, and with this water water your seeds in a pumpkin until they sprout. While watering, read the secret words

I water the seeds with unfinished vodka from the slave (name), I remove alcoholism, I fill the pumpkin with seeds, I send them as the sprouts sprout, I won’t see longing anymore, my husband won’t be able to drink wine, vodka, not salads, not with herring. I pour unfinished vodka, give you alcohol notes, and you return my husband to me and take the alcohol away.

After a week, you will sprout many sprouts, you need to pick them, dry them and grind them into powder, then buy a loaf of white bread and mix your pumpkin sprouts with bread. Give it to pigeons or other birds, it will be reinsurance, first alcoholism will pass to pumpkin sprouts and then the birds will feast on it. Thus, there will be protection against a recurrence of a relapse with alcoholism. Usually after six months a person stops drinking and returns to the family.

Water conspiracy so that the husband stops drinking

As you know, water is a good conductor of energy, both positive and negative. A conspiracy of water is considered effective in drunkenness, which the patient then drinks in one gulp. Before the procedure, a person should fast for several days, and on the very day when the conspiracy is read, you need to visit the bathhouse and put on clean, better new and snow-white clothes. The words of the conspiracy must be read very quietly in complete solitude:
“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Depart from me intoxicating spell, let all my desire for hops disappear. Carry you away, drunkenness, with a violent wind into a dark forest, where, apart from evil animals and black birds, there is not a single living soul. Take away, wind, my passion, my pernicious desire, and settle it beyond the seas, beyond the oceans, so that not a single good person can find it. And if my drunkenness is tied to someone else, let it be the most fierce beast in human form, who has done nothing good in his whole life. Get out of me forever wine, insidious potion. May my word be true. Amen".

The result of the ceremony also depends on what kind of water you choose, it is better to give preference to spring water, it is alive and has natural energy. Tap water is not suitable for these purposes, as it is dead.

Soap conspiracy from Vanga

Despite the fact that Vanga has long been dead, most of the conspiracies she wrote are still used today. We will present to you her most powerful conspiracy, which is able to get out of a long binge, and also forever discourage the desire for alcoholic beverages. It is worth buying soap, reading prayer words over it and giving it to the sick person to wash their hands with him. The words are:
“You should never drink again, the servant of God is the name, you should not walk drunk around the world, you should not roam the earth in a drunken stupor. I conjure you, I conjure! As you wash your hands of dirt, so you will heal your soul from drunkenness. Let your addiction disappear without a trace and never find a way back. So that you hate vodka more than your worst enemy, and as you remember it, you spit from the opposite. Amen!".
You need to repeat these words nine times in a row, the charmed soap is put in the usual place so that the alcoholic will wash his hands only with him. Moreover, Vanga herself said that this conspiracy might not work the first time, if necessary, buy another bar of soap and speak it again.

Charmed vodka

Often sorcerers and magicians are advised to speak alcoholic beverages themselves, vodka is best suited for these purposes. This conspiracy is considered very effective, it can quickly bring a person out of a protracted booze. Read these words right above the bottle:
“Together the priest and the abbot created such a prayer - Jesus Christ, the son of God, save and have mercy on the servant of God - the name, free him from a bad passion, an evil habit, from a drunken misfortune. Let him forget what it is to be drunk, teach him sobriety, hide the water of fire from him and never show it. Let him not want to drink this poison until the very grave. As a pig can never swim across the ocean alone, so let it remain sober forever. Amen - 3 times.

This vodka should be given to a drinking person, you need to drink at least three shots.

Hex on a photo of a drinker

Often a person who suffers from alcoholism does not recognize his problem and does not agree to treatment, especially non-traditional methods. In this case, you can make a conspiracy without the knowledge of the drinker, using his photograph. Sit down at the table, on which you light a few church candles in advance. Between yourself and the candles put a picture of a relative or husband. Dip your fingers in holy water and sprinkle the photo while saying these words:
“Help me, great Lord God! I ask you to free the servant of God from the strong dependence - the name that suffers from bitter water is immersed in hops. Wean him to drink, instruct him to be holy, true. Take back the alcohol from him so that the nasty bitter vodka does not go down his throat. May my word be strong. Amen".
Words should be said three times, and then hide the photo away.

Charmed towel

You can also say a prayer on a towel, which after the bath should be used by those suffering from alcoholism. The towel should be new and better made from natural fabrics. You need to read the plot only on the full moon:
“New and beautiful, I tell you, the towel is soft! As if the Servant of God wiped his hands on you, so let him step into a new life. In that new life, let there be no place for alcohol and harmful addictions. Let his thoughts be pure, like a body after a steam bath!
This towel should only be used by the person you want to heal, after the first use wrap it in a tight knot and put it away where no one will find it.
Finally, we note that magic is increasingly being used to treat alcoholism, especially when all traditional treatments fail. Most of the people who performed magical rites, including conspiracies, agree that they bring good results. However, as psychologists note, it is very difficult to cope with drunkenness only until the patient himself decides to get rid of it once and for all.

Alcohol addiction often leads to quarrels, conflicts and crimes that can end in crime. The problem of alcoholism creates a lot of trouble in families, the husband or wife suffers, and their children do not receive all the warmth and affection that parents should give.

A conspiracy from drunkenness helps develop an aversion to alcohol

If a man or woman drinks a lot, then in order to arouse an aversion to alcohol, it is recommended to try a conspiracy from drunkenness. The essence of the conspiracy lies in the fact that a person develops an aversion to drinking alcohol unexpectedly for himself, and the result is that he stops drinking harmful drinks altogether. Relatives are always worried about loved ones, their health and do not want to visit the cemetery and their graves, but spend a long and happy life with them.

How did drinking develop?

In Russia, people did not grow vineyards, but each person prepared alcoholic drinks on their own, such as fermented honey and beer. Initially, such drinks were consumed exclusively on holidays and feasts, which were arranged by the inhabitants before the start of important matters, during rituals and other games.

Alcohol in Russia was produced independently

Later, Christians began to celebrate pagan rites, and already closer to the 16th century, the first drunkenness appeared. Even a person on his last journey to the cemetery was escorted with alcohol. But it became a social problem only at the moment when alcohol became part of the income in the country.

Even Ivan the Terrible allowed to drink alcoholic beverages in a special house, which was called "tavern". And as soon as alcohol and income in the state became one, drunkenness developed more and more every day. All the alcohol campaigns that were held failed to overcome drunkenness, but only led to an increase in people who fell into alcohol addiction and ended their lives ahead of time in the cemetery.

The main rules of the conspiracy

Conspiracies from drunkenness have huge force because we are talking about the salvation of not one person, but the whole family. You can carry out such a conspiracy at home, so that a loved one stops drinking alcohol.

It is important to remember that alcoholics are the first to go to the cemetery. If you decide to turn to magic for help and try a conspiracy from drinking alcohol, then it is recommended to know the main rules:

Faith is the most important thing on which the success of the conspiracy depends

  1. Faith is the first thing to take care of before you turn to magic for help.
  2. The ritual should be performed only on specific days of the week. If a man drinks, then in order for him to stop drinking, you need to perform a ritual on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays. Sparing the lady alcohol addiction, select Friday, Saturday and Wednesday.
  3. You should read conspiracies from drunkenness on the full moon or on the waning moon, you do not need to go to the cemetery at midnight.
  4. Don't disturb the energy field. If you decide to read the plot and you want the person to really stop drinking, then you do not need to carry out several rituals at the same time. Give him time to work, and do not rush to try everything.
  5. When conducting a ritual in secret from a person who does not stop drinking, you cannot tell anyone, especially if it worked.
  6. When a person refused help, but you decided to secretly read a conspiracy from drinking alcohol, you need to make the most of your faith in order to have the desired result.
  7. You should read the conspiracy against drunkenness in a half whisper and alone, without helpers and witnesses.
  8. Buy an icon and ask the saints for help. You need to regularly read a prayer in front of the shrine.
  9. In the morning, you can take a couple of sips of holy water.
  10. Before the ceremony, experts recommend fasting (the minimum fasting period is three days).

A conspiracy from drunkenness to water is best done on a person so that he stops drinking, which is against encoding and other methods of treatment. Few people agree to treatment at home.

A water spell is a powerful method to get rid of alcohol cravings

To save a loved one against addiction, you can try a water conspiracy. He is strong, he can be carried out on himself. A person loses his attraction to alcohol, and such actions, unwillingness to drink, he will not be able to explain and understand.

This plot is required to be read three times in a glass of water. Choose a time so that the speaker is after a hangover and asks you for a glass of water to relieve thirst. You can prepare ahead and wait for the right moment. The text of the plot is as follows:

“Hop, prince, your little head is wild! Do not wave your hair down, but pour yourself down to the bottom. I don't know you, I haven't been to your house. Climb to the sovereign to the top of the damp tree, on beer and honey barrels! Let not fall on the person (name) dashing words and your evil deeds. Let him drink this cup and the hangover disappears from him. Hop, prince, sit in your own place, like a king sits on his kingdom, but don’t go to my house!

Another water plot can only be carried out on the 19th of each month. Take water and say the words to it:

“As the Lord God Jesus Christ did not know vodka, did not drink and did not endure; like a mother Holy Mother of God and all the saints did not know the drink, did not drink and did not endure, so you, the servant of God (name), will refuse to drink forever and ever, amen.

Having spoken water, it must be added to coffee

Add charmed water to tea, coffee, soups, compotes and other dishes. Acts immediately or gradually. Sometimes it may be necessary to speak several containers of water in order to have a result.

Photo conspiracies

You can effectively talk from drinking alcohol with the help of a photo. A photograph in itself stores the energy of a loved one and a little aura. It is important that the photo is fresh, so it must have a strong energy. Also prepare three candles purchased in the church and holy water.

Start reading the plot, and so strong conspiracy worked, you can only pronounce words after sunset. Your actions: you must close alone in an empty room, put the candles in a row, and put a photo in front of them. Sprinkle the photograph with holy water and read:

“Lord Holy God, help me! I want to remove dependence from the servant of God (name), make a conspiracy from booze, wean him to drink, win him back from alcohol. So that nasty vodka does not go down his throat, So that he runs away from it like a demon, So that nothing but water-vodka goes to him! My word is strong and powerful, my word is the law for the servant of God (name). Amen!".

Repeat three times and hide the photo so no one can see it. After a month, repeat the ritual, if necessary, with the same photo.

Conspiracy for yourself

A conspiracy from drunkenness and its consequences are not terrible if a person believes in himself and recognizes the fact that he is sick and needs treatment. At home, you can conduct a strong ritual against alcohol addiction for yourself.

Most effective conspiracy- to myself

If you understand the whole essence of the problem and do not strive to get into the cemetery in your youth, then act immediately. It is difficult to force yourself to stop drinking, because you need a strong character and will. But, it’s easier to talk to yourself and not ask for help from an outsider.

First of all, fast for a few days. After that, you must definitely go to the bathhouse and completely change all the linen to clean and fresh. Draw not drinking, but clean water from the spring. Above the water in the container, read a strong addiction plot:

"In the name of the Holy Trinity. Amen. Hop and braga! To the tombstone, for all ages from me, a servant of God, leave! All cravings for wine and hops are gone! The wind is violent, take my dashing passion! Drinking in the forest, get away from me, to black birds, and fierce beasts to be torn to pieces. Let dashing people suffer from my misfortune, but I do not know grief. From my stomach for all time, step back dashingly dashing! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Amen!".

After drinking the charmed water to the bottom. Spend it to stop drinking on the waning moon. Quitting drinking, drinking alcohol is easy if there is support from magic and the faith of the person himself. None of you wants to get to the cemetery ahead of time, and excessive drinking will lead to it.

Consequences of the spell

All the rituals and conspiracies that you use to get rid of a bad habit are associated with white magic, and not with black magic. Do not trust anyone, what negative consequences can be here.

It is necessary to get rid of drunkenness with the help of white magic

The only thing that can be expected is the psychological and physiological limitations of the person you are relieving of the disease. This is a normal phenomenon that will accompany a person if a person refuses the habitual use of alcohol. Often such people need qualified medical help.

But remember, if you support it, then even getting rid of a bad habit at home will be successful and without consequences. A number of rituals can be performed at home, or in a cemetery.

To perform the ceremony, you need to go to the cemetery, stand near the fence and wait for the funeral ceremony to take place. You need to have an alcoholic drink with you, which the addicted person likes to drink. Arriving home, put the bottle in a prominent place, it is important that the lover sees it. If the alcoholic himself took the bottle and drank the contents, then the actions will give a positive result, and the conspiracy from alcoholism will help.

Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages is the cause of one of the most dangerous and widespread diseases of people - alcoholism. The disease causes physical and moral harm to the patient and people around him. Because of alcoholism, a person is not able to be a full-fledged member of society. He cannot be in healthy relationships with people, move up the career ladder, take care of family members.

An effective conspiracy from drunkenness is a lifeline in the fight against alcoholism. Relatives sometimes cannot bear the suffering of a loved one and turn to rituals and prayers. It is not always necessary to go to traditional healers; a conspiracy to drunkenness is also done at home.

Do you have a friend or close alcoholic? You need to act decisively! If you do not help through force, then no one will help him.

Rules for conducting rituals

Conspiracies from alcoholism are effective appeals and prayers to the Almighty, which help to rid a person of a bad habit.

It will be possible to achieve a result if, during the ritual, the words of the correct, accurate spell are pronounced. Performing rituals for fun is prohibited.

When the lapel from drunkenness is intended for a woman, conspiracies are read on the days of the feminine week (Wednesday, Saturday, Friday). A conspiracy against alcoholism for a man is pronounced on Thursday, Monday or Tuesday.

Folk remedies offer various options effective conspiracies. They often require improvised items. For example, they use water, a photograph of a drunken person, wax and other things. According to the rules of some rituals, they go to the cemetery, use church utensils, water collected on the night of Epiphany.

It is necessary to make a conspiracy so that the person who needs help does not know about it, otherwise it may not work out. It is allowed to say healing words over any food. But the best fit:

  • Rye bread;
  • wheat bread;
  • fresh vegetables;
  • fruit;
  • nuts;
  • legumes;
  • berries.

How to get rid of alcoholism on your own

Strong rituals and prayers work best when an alcohol addict recognizes his problem and seeks to get rid of it as soon as possible. At the same time, the treatment of alcoholism will take much less time, which will provoke a conspiracy to act more effectively. If a person is faced with an unpleasant problem, then he can speak himself on his own, without outside help.

Before the ritual, it is required to observe a strict fast for several days. Then they go to the sauna or bath and after the procedure they put on clean clothes.

For the ceremony, a person will need the purest water. It is better to collect it from a spring or stream. Over the water they read the plot 3 times and drink. In the process, you need to imagine in your thoughts that the addiction goes away and will never return.

Common among the people are conspiracies from drunkenness, which are committed on water. They are suitable for people who do not want to be coded and treated. If the subject, addicted to liquor, does not accept magical intervention in his life, it does not matter. A slander on water is read without the knowledge of the patient. In addition, a conspiracy to water is allowed to be done on oneself in the absence of a desire to therapeutically affect the body.

Over water poured into a glass, certain words are read three times. A conspiracy to stop drinking is done when the patient has a hangover and is thirsty. Cooked drink will help not only to quench your thirst, but also to cope with the disease. The text for the magic ritual can be sincere words, a petition from Higher powers about salvation, indicating the name of the person who needs help.

The next conspiracy against drunkenness and its consequences is highly likely if the ceremony is performed on the 19th of any month. A vessel with water is prepared for him, over which a prayer is read. This water is charged healing properties. It is poured into the first dish or drink that a person who has problems with alcohol will drink. The action occurs instantly or after a while. In advanced cases of drunkenness, in order to obtain the desired result, they give a person a few glasses of charmed water to drink.

A conspiracy to drunkenness is sentenced over water collected on the day of Epiphany. It will need to take 0.5 liters. If you need to heal from drug addiction, then the ceremony is performed several times, then the liquid needs 1 liter. They read the prayer words 3 times, bending over the filled container. The breath must be in contact with the surface. After reading the bank is sealed. Opening the lid is allowed only for the intended use of water. The liquid, without heating, is added to ready-made drinks or dishes of the victim.

If his mother is trying to cure a son, then the following method is an excellent option for getting rid of a negative habit without involving traditional medicine. AT Clean Thursday in a house or apartment, it is necessary to wash the windows, then pour the applied water onto the back of the son. At the same time, you need to ask the Lord to save you from trouble.

The use of alcoholic beverages in conspiracies from alcoholism

Conspiracies from drunkenness are performed for preventive purposes. The ceremony is performed with a feeling of strong dependence on alcohol. It will prevent the development of the disease. You should act at midnight or exactly at 3 o'clock in the morning. A cup is placed on the table, into which vodka is poured. You will also need:

  • 3 candles;
  • a mirror in which you can see your reflection;
  • cup.

Being in a calm, relaxed state, they say the prayer “Our Father” 3 times. Then they drink a drink in front of a mirror, put out the candles and go to bed.

There is also a ritual for drunkenness. It is performed in a certain sequence. First, an empty bottle is prepared, into which the remnants of drinks that the alcoholic has not finished drinking are poured. This should be done without him noticing. It is allowed to mix wine, beer, cognac and other spirits. The main thing to remember is that you can't drink it. The remains are sometimes used to spoil drunkenness, but with their help you can also get rid of alcoholism. A full bottle is carried to the cemetery. There you need to go into the fence and bury a container in any corner. At the same time, they ask the patient to stop drinking. Arriving home, they discreetly attach a pin to the clothes of the addict.

The next conspiracy for alcohol will require the use of hops in addition to alcoholic beverages. This plant has been added to intoxicating drinks since ancient times. It is considered the most powerful remedy for drunkenness. Hops are sold in any pharmacy.

For the ritual, not crushed, but whole leaves are taken. To eliminate drunkenness and its consequences, 1 tbsp. l. hops and unfinished vodka for the sick. In the drink, the plant is soaked and then dried. On the full moon, they take the prepared attribute and make a petition over it to save the husband or someone else from a bad habit. Then the hops are finely chopped. The plant is mixed into tea every day for 3 days. Tea is brewed as usual, after which magical grass is added to it and the prayer “Our Father” is pronounced 9 times.

You will get a strong conspiracy from drunkenness if the conspiracy process is performed 3 times (3 nights will be spent on the full moon). But the result will justify the effort: the husband will become completely free from addiction, and the disease will not return.

Helping loved ones from alcoholism

So that the husband does not drink, a simple rite will help. A petition to the Lord is whispered over a husband who is fast asleep. This ritual, so that the husband refuses alcohol forever, is performed daily, even if the spouse sleeps during the day.

In order for the husband to give up his addiction forever, you need to buy a reliable lock on Friday. The remains of an alcoholic drink that the spouse drank are poured into the keyhole. Making this manipulation against the drunkenness of her husband, they say: “You are a drunkard and a libertine, like this castle, the doors of all taverns and bottles of vodka will be closed to you.” The key to the lock is thrown away, but rather drowned in the river. The rite for the castle is the strongest if done on a waning moon. The power of the heavenly body is leaving, which means that the ailments will also go away.

The ritual performed with fire will save the husband from drunkenness. On an odd day on the calendar, you need to collect dry branches of trees in the forest, light a fire. Around it, you need to draw a circle with a sharp object (preferably a branch). After that, they squat outside the circle and ask for help. In this case, you can not take your eyes off the fire. If there are tears in your eyes, then you do not need to wipe them, they should dry themselves.

A fishing trip will help heal a loved one from a serious illness. A conspiracy to drunkenness is read on a fish caught by oneself, and not purchased in a supermarket. The fish must remain alive until the house. Pour wine into a vessel and place it there. When preparing fish for frying, one should say: “As this fish will flounder in wine, so the soul of the servant of God (name) will rush about at the sight of wine. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen". Nothing should interfere with the whole process. Fish is required to treat a person with a craving for alcohol. In this way, it will be possible to permanently eliminate a bad habit.

Powerful rituals during Orthodox holidays.

On Christmas Eve, a petition to the Lord can be whispered over each of the Lenten dishes, then each of the 12 preparations is tried little by little. Especially magical properties has a kutya over which conspiracies are read. It is necessary to ensure that the alcoholic eats 3 tsp. during the Christmas meal after the first star lights up in the sky.

Strong conspiracies are filled with a powerful energy flow, so they are effective. Effective ceremonies that are held in any Orthodox holiday. In the living room you need to put a large table in the center. From above it is covered with a white tablecloth. In the middle is a mirror, in front of it 3 church candles.

Having covered their heads with a dark scarf and put on dark clothes, they stand near the table, take a bottle with an alcoholic drink in their hand and whisper the prayer “Our Father”. Next, you need to pour the drink into a glass, close the bottle and pray three times. After this action, alcohol is poured into the second glass. The same manipulation is done a third time. Pour 1 glass of holy water and an alcoholic drink from three glasses into a capacious container. The mixture is added in small portions to the patient's food. If, after taking such a drink, a person feels weakness and aversion to alcohol, the rite is done correctly.

Traditional healers are advised to conduct rituals with photographs. So the effect will be obtained quickly. Magic ritual is made over a photograph of a person defeated by an illness and wishing to recover. It is important to perform the manipulation on the night when the moon is waning. A prayer over a photo of an alcoholic is read 3 times.

Alcohol addiction is a serious problem. It must be eliminated quickly, without waiting for the situation to worsen. Folk remedies help get rid of the disease in question quickly enough, but if the alcoholic himself wants it, then the Universe will respond even earlier.

This vintage conspiracy Wangi to discourage alcohol and remove alcohol addiction will quickly help a person stop drinking alcohol while drinking, causing a strong disgust for alcohol. A strong conspiracy to get rid of alcoholism is read on the water that you need to give the drunkard to drink. As soon as a sick person with an addiction to alcohol drinks water conspired from drunkenness, the conspiracy will immediately begin to act and as a result of this the person will begin to experience a strong aversion to any alcohol, even the smell and taste of beer will seem disgusting to him.

Read a conspiracy from drunkenness you need to illuminated water on the 19th of any month by placing a jar of holy water next to the icon of the Savior on a photograph of the person from whom you need remove alcohol addiction and once and for all excommunicate from alcohol. Having put everything as it is said, lean over to a glass of water and barely audibly say into it (like into a well) conspiracy words against drunkenness :

If you urgently need to discourage a person from alcohol, read the old conspiracy for alcohol after drinking which the drunkard will stop drinking once and for all and every time he takes up alcohol he will be strongly "turned out". A strong conspiracy against drunkenness and alcohol addiction is read only once and strictly at midnight on the full moon. Effective conspiracies from drunkenness and alcoholism are read in cases where persuasion and threats do not work and in order to save the family, the wife or mother, in secret from the patient with alcoholism, independently read this strong conspiracy for any alcohol that is given to an alcoholic person.

At midnight on a full moon, leave your home and walk to the nearest crossroads or paths. Place a bottle of alcohol in the center of the intersection and say three times conspiracy against drunkenness :

Conspiracies and prayers help to cure alcoholism in a person and bring him out of a long binge. The icon "Inexhaustible Chalice" proved to be especially good in the treatment of alcohol addiction and drunkenness.. Even the church recognizes a person's alcoholism as a demonic influence on his will. If there is no icon, print it from the Internet or buy it in the church, where you also need to purchase a church candle. Before reading a conspiracy from alcoholism, cook any jelly near the icon Mother of God"Inexhaustible Chalice" light a candle and put a glass of hot jelly. Before the conspiracy, you need to read the Our Father prayer three times, and after it yourself conspiracy healing from alcoholism and drunkenness :

This is a very old and effective rite of excommunication from alcohol. . After it is carried out, any person suffering from alcoholism and craving for alcohol will stop drinking hard liquor and quickly get out of hard drinking. Conspiracy from alcoholism they read while drinking, for this they quietly take a glass that has not been drunk from a person suffering from alcoholism and pour vodka into a village toilet with a cesspool while saying the words of the conspiracy:

Vanga taught how to wean her husband from alcohol without his consent by telling a conspiracy from alcoholism that you need to read every day in the photo drinking husband . After conducting this rite, you can once and for all wean your husband from drunkenness without his knowledge. Vanga's conspiracy against drunkenness is done on a photo of her husband, holy water and 3 yellow wax church candles. At home, where an alcoholic person lives at sunset, light all 3 candles by setting them on a saucer in the middle of the table. Put a photo of your husband on the table and sprinkle it with previously prepared holy water and put a glass on your husband’s photo, say plot text :

The strongest and most effective conspiracy against alcoholism as a powerful way to rid a person of alcohol addiction and relieve him of cravings for alcohol can be read at least every day, but in practice it takes a week to make a person completely disgusted with alcohol. A conspiracy from alcoholism to read over the sleeping should a sober person standing at the head of a drunken sleeping man or woman. It is best if you read a conspiracy from alcoholism with a wife for a husband or a husband for a wife, in this case the action of the conspiracy has a stronger effect and the consequences can discourage alcohol cravings in a few days and the person will stop drinking forever. When a person returns from drinking and goes to bed, stand at the head of the head after praying Our Father, three times read the conspiracy from drunkenness over the sleeping :

A strong conspiracy on ice will cool the craving for drunkenness and, as a result of turning away from alcoholism made on ice, a charmed person, taking a glass, will experience a strong aversion to alcohol. You can read a plot on ice for three months in a row on a waning moon. Put an ice floe or icicle in a cup on the windowsill so that it melts overnight and sees the moon. Getting up early in the morning at sunrise when the ice icicle melts on the resulting melt water, read three times within seven days (weeks) spell to get rid of drunkenness :

Magic will help to cure alcoholism on your own, namely, church magic will help you quickly stop drinking. The person who decided to ritual from drunkenness to stop drinking once and for all you need to serve a prayer service in the church to Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, the healer Panteleimon and the martyr Boniface with blessing of water. Store the resulting consecrated water in a closed jar and dilute the charmed water 1: 1 with holy water to drink a glass every morning on an empty stomach. On the full home treatment for alcohol addiction with the help of church magic you need to serve at least 3 prayers in the church to get rid of drunkenness, performing the next one as soon as the water that has been read from drunkenness ends. In addition to the ritual to quickly cure your drunkenness, you can read a prayer for the treatment of alcohol addiction for 40 days in a row before the icon of the Mother of God of the akathist "Inexhaustible Chalice": . During the ceremony, the mother or wife must on her monthly blood read the most powerful water and blood conspiracy that is used against drunkenness and is able to almost instantly save a person from cravings for alcohol.

How to make a slander on water and blood and what kind of conspiracy will help save a person from alcoholism and constant drunkenness . When you start your period, stain a rag with them. Next, you need to rinse it in a basin with plain water and read conspiracy for water pour it under any aspen, bury a rag in the same place. Conspiracy against drunkenness next.

Psychology of betrayal