Biblical names are not just names.

The secret of the sign 666 So that you no longer suffer and look for how the number of the beast 666 is expressed, and how it looks in the symbol, I will tell you its secret. I became interested in studying the issue since 1983, when I took part in the IVGU, I wrote a work on the work, "The Tale of Igor's Campaign". I was attracted by the mystery of the attraction of the "Triune Sun", which is mentioned in it. Then I wrote about my discovery (and several others) to D.S. Likhachev, and then discussed this issue with great scientists, connoisseurs of ancient literature. I also read a lot of literature from other countries. In general, the number of the beast 666 is expressed in the following sign: a swastika in a circle. The swastika consists of six lines (two long and 4 small - this is the designation of the number 6), and the circle represents the trinity. A swastika in a circle is three times 6, united in unity - 666. In this form, this is a seal imposed on humanity, since the solar trinity included it. This is a sign of Satan's power over mankind. New humanity, accepted new sign- a triangle in a circle, which means the triune trinity, where 333 is the Triune God, the triune man (soul, body, spirit), the triune universe (God, man, nature). All other attempts to find the number of the beast in barcodes, in stars, etc. are only a way to distract from the real image. Therefore, I ask everyone to calm down, and do not look for anything else. Do not wear or accept swastikas and you will be fine!

The sign appeared long before John the Evangelist predicted that it would become a uniter against Christ, and, as we see, it is so. In different styles, the sign spreads and "reborns" in different guises in different peoples. The fact that its inscriptions before Christianity were somewhat different, that they had or did not have a circle, is of little importance now, since this is only the essence of the difference in knowledge and perception of "pagan" power among different peoples. The main thing is that it was revealed in its full and most malicious meaning by Hitlerism, and now all the "former" signs, no matter how the adherents interpret them, have the spirit and "secret" meaning of fascism and misanthropy. And most importantly, they have the meaning of anti-Christianity. If we now try to realize how many people on the planet, in one form or another, "accept" this sign, then we will get a colossal number of those who have already accepted the seal and are already serving evil. And no matter what they say, no matter how they bring historical facts, is all a lie, and a mask of evil, which, as we know, is capable of it. The Internet of all those who have adopted the swastika will unite all its admirers. And no matter how they redraw it, no matter how some agree that they are one with the others, he understands that they have one root and one essence. Therefore - do not flatter yourself, do not succumb to speeches about the past and history. We remember that in this "past" Satan ruled the world, but Christ came and saved us. Therefore, our sign is the Life-Giving Cross, and the "sign of the beast - 666" is the swastika, in all its stylized forms. And you yourself have to watch: have you accepted the mark of the beast, in one form or another, or are you still holding on to Christ. Any favorable attitude towards him and his pagan past is already a symptom of dependence, imposing it on oneself, and serving under this sign is a complete sign of serving the Antichrist.

One of the most mysterious verses in the book of Revelation is the 18th verse of the 13th chapter. At all times, he was the leader in the number of interpretations and interpretations; and today they are trying to apply it to modern realities.

Here are the lines:

Everyone rushed to substitute antichrists, deciphering their names by numbers and letters - and there were enough candidates. Antichrists were: Luther, Nikon, in general, all church reformers, Napoleon, Leo Tolstoy, Lenin, Hitler, Nero, Stalin and several popes.

Interesting Facts about the number of the beast

There are people with psychological illnesses, expressed in the fear of the number 666. The phobia of the number 666 is called Hexakosi-oidekahexaphobia - (hexakosioygeksekontahexaphobia).

There is a seat in the European Parliament at number 666 - it is always empty.

Have you ever wondered why roulette is sometimes called a ferris wheel? Because of the losses and the madness of people associated with gambling houses? Not at all, everything is simpler, if you add up all the numbers on the roulette wheel, we get the same notorious number 666. French magician and casino operator, François Blanc, reputedly sold his soul to the devil in exchange for the secrets of roulette.

Highway 666 in America was renamed not only and not so much because of superstition, but rather because of another part of humanity that adores the number we are discussing, road signs with the number of the track non-stop pulled away for gifts. At the same time, the track is also known for its incredibly high statistics of accidents and fatalities. Of course, the locals immediately blamed everything on the machinations of the Antichrist. But after the renaming of the route to 491, there were no fewer deaths.

Bus route 666, which ran from the Novye Cheryomushki metro station to the Prospekt Vernadsky metro station, was renamed under pressure from believers in ... 616! And after him, by the way, they renamed the route of the train that ran between Moscow and Ostashkov. Now he is not the 666th, but the 604th.

Six years ago, the small town of Reeves, Louisiana, finally got rid of the area code that had terrified its citizens since the 1960s - 666.
Christians in Reeves have been unhappy with the "Number of the Beast" code since its inception. When the telephone company finally relented by allowing the city to switch to code 749, Mayor Scott Walker called the decision "divine intervention."

The first Apple retailed for $666.66. Convenient number or inconvenient sign? It was Steve Wozniak who had to explain such an ambiguous combination of numbers during one of the interviews.

He referred to the fact that at that time he was not aware of what such a digital combination symbolizes from a religious point of view, and therefore chose the figure only because he planned to make a retail markup of 30% of the wholesale price. Either way, Steve Wozniak says he chose the number because it was easy to type with just one finger.

The Roman numeral for 666 (DCLXVI) has exactly one occurrence of each of the six characters that have a value less than 1000.
D=500, C=100, L=50, X=10, V=5, I=1.

Disputes over the number of the Beast have not stopped since the 2nd century. The version of the Bible referring to the number 616 was criticized by the Bishop of Lyon Irenaeus (130-200) as "erroneous and false". Friedrich Engels analyzed the Bible in his On Religion (1883). He also calculated the number of the Beast as 616, not 666. There is an opinion that perhaps in the first centuries a mistake was made when transcribing the Revelation of St. John, since in a number of early sources the number of the beast is indicated as 616.

In China and other Asian countries, unlike European countries, 6 is " lucky number”, This is evidenced by the fact that on June 6, 2006 (06.06.06.) in Singapore, there were three times more marriages than usual.

Barcode. The worldwide accepted barcode standard has three sixes as security symbols, which are indicated by two thin long lines at the beginning of the barcode, in its middle and at the end. Credit cards, TIN cards also use this type of encoding.

The letters WWW stand for..... 666 ! Since it's a Hebrew 6 it's a W

The dollar bill is 6.66 centimeters wide.

IN old testament the number "666" occurs three times

The number 666, being the "number of the beast", is especially often used to give a shade of satanism, in particular, 666 is often used by black metal musicians.

Visa cards. Some translate the name of this payment system as follows: VI is Roman 6; S is Greek and A is Babylonian. Total: 666.

When telephone numbers were changed in Mexico, the city of Tijuana received the code 666. After numerous protests from residents, the code was changed to 664. But this did not change Tijuana's reputation as a Mexican city of sins.

The most convincing version goes back to ancient times and points directly to Nero. Another such the world did not know the persecutor of Christians. And the point is not only that the name Nero in Latin transcription gives 666 (50 + 6 + 500 + 60 + 50): correctly, he was called Nero, which is 616 in total, and in ancient lists In the Apocalypse, the number of the Beast is sometimes exactly 616. And if the words "Caesar Nero" are written in Hebrew, then it will be exactly 666 - the coincidences are too numerous to be ignored.

Special opinion

With a very high probability, one can say about "The number of the beast is 666" a global illusion used to control the mass consciousness of people through fear. Having created fear about the “number of the beast”, they systematically materialize this theory, introducing the meaningless and practically unprofitable “666” everywhere as part of barcodes, electronic cards, symbolic system designations, identification numbers, etc.. With the help of this, they deliberately confirm with facts the fulfillment of the "ancient prophecy" of the Apocalypse about the coming of the "Antichrist" and the approach of something terrible, irreversible and fatal for mankind... What is this for? In fact, it is just an illusory FIXED IDEA, an occult trick and a diabolical trick designed to cause uncontrollable subconscious fear in the masses of people.

This is the meaning of the spread of symbolism 666 - to create in the minds of people the ILLUSION of inevitability subjection to totalitarian power control. Since the "number of the beast" is imposed by the GOVERNMENT's will for mandatory application, there is no way for people to evade, with "unofficial" information whispering to them that 666 is a very "bad and devilish" number. Thus, in the mass consciousness, a split, imbalance, internal conflict, struggle and hopelessness, as a result of which the will of people and their feeling freedoms are undermined from within- and that's exactly what the devil needs!

To be afraid of something is a pointless thing. It is worth learning from fears, learning from them and becoming stronger on it. And there is no need to be afraid of the number 666, it is not the number itself that is scary, but the consequences of human impenetrable ignorance, which is so easy to control by the powerful of this world. After all, we are all very suggestible, it is easy to manipulate on human fear.

So live calmly, not paying attention to the numbers, otherwise you may develop paranoia. Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid, do not be horrified, for the Lord is with you. But with Him there is nothing to be afraid of!

Number 666

Number 666 still arouses great interest and controversy. There is a reliable and plausible explanation for this mystery.

666 - more than just a riddle

“No one could buy or sell, except for the one who has the sign, the name of the beast or the number of his name. Wisdom is needed here: let him who has a mind calculate the number of the beast, for this is the number of a man; and his number is six hundred and sixty-six” (Revelation 13:17, 18).

Few things in the Bible generate as much interest as the prophecy of the mysterious sign or name of the "beast" - the number 666. There are endless speculations about this sign on television and on the Internet, as well as in films, books and magazines.

Some believe that 666 is the number of the biblical Antichrist.

Others say it's some form of forced identification, like a tattoo or an implanted microchip with a digital code that can identify the servants of the beast.

Still others claim that 666 is the sign of the Catholic papacy. If the letters in the official title of the Pope Vicarius Filii Dei (Vicar of the Son of God) are replaced by Roman numerals and some simple computational operations are performed with them, then 666 will be obtained.

It is also claimed that by calculation this number can be obtained from the name of the Roman emperor Diocletian, written in Latin, and from the Hebrew spelling of the name of Caesar Nero.

The Bible reveals that those with the mark of the beast will experience the wrath of God when He puts an end to the present system of things (Revelation 14:9-11; 19:20).

Understanding the mystery of the number 666 means much more than just solving a tricky riddle. Fortunately, Jehovah God, the very embodiment of love and the Source of spiritual light, does not leave his servants in the dark about this important issue.​—2 Timothy 3:16; 1 John 1:5; 4:8.

Unraveling the mystery of the beast and its sign

Do you like solving riddles? When you solve a riddle, you look for clues that will help you find the solution. In His inspired Word, God provides the necessary clues to the mystery of the number 666, that is, the name or sign of the beast spoken of in the 13th chapter of Revelation.

In this article, we will look at four main lines of reasoning that are important clues that can be used to decipher the meaning of the mark of the beast:

1) how biblical names are sometimes given;

2) what is the beast;

3) why the number 666 is called "the number of man";

4) what is the meaning of the number 6 and why is it repeated three times, i.e. 666 (Revelation 13:18).

Biblical names are not just names

In biblical names often concluded deep meaning especially if they are given by God. Here are examples of this.

Since Abram was to be the father of the nations, God changed the patriarch's name to Abraham, which means "Father of the multitude" (Genesis 17:5).

God commanded Joseph and Mary to name Mary's unborn child Jesus, a name that means "Jehovah is salvation" (Matthew 1:21; Luke 1:31).

In keeping with the meaning of the name, through the ministry of Jesus and his sacrificial death, Jehovah God made our salvation possible.—John 3:16.

Therefore, the number-name given by God 666 should symbolically represent the characteristic features of the beast, as God sees them. Naturally, in order to determine these features, we need to understand what the beast is and learn about its actions.

The beast is defined

The Bible book of Daniel sheds a bright light on the meaning of the symbolic beasts. The seventh chapter very vividly depicts "four great beasts": a lion, a bear, a leopard, and a terrible beast with large iron teeth (Daniel 7:2-7).

Daniel explains that these beasts represent "kings," or political governments, who rule over vast empires in turn (Daniel 7:17, 23).

Of the beast at Revelation 13:1, 2, one dictionary says that it “combines in itself the characteristic four beasts from Daniel's vision...

Therefore, this first beast [of Revelation] represents the combined forces of all the political governments of the world in opposition to God” (“The Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible”).

This conclusion is supported by the words of Revelation 13:7, which says of the beast: “Power was given to him over every nation, and people, and tongue, and nation.”

Why are animals used in the Bible as a symbol of human rule? There are at least two reasons for this.

First, over the centuries, governments have shed a lot of blood like beasts.

"Wars are an integral part of history," wrote historians Veal and Ariel Durant, "and neither civilization nor democracy has changed the situation."

How true is the statement that “man rules over man to his detriment”! (Ecclesiastes 8:9).

Second, “the dragon [Satan] gave the beast his power, and his throne, and great authority” (Revelation 12:9; 13:2).

Accordingly, human government is the fruit of the Devil and therefore reflects the disposition of the devil or dragon (John 8:44; Ephesians 6:12).

However, the above does not mean that Satan manipulates every single human ruler.

Human governments are, in a certain sense, "God's servant": they establish order in society, without which chaos would reign in the world.

Some leaders protect basic human rights, including the right to practice faith in true God which Satan clearly does not like (Romans 13:3, 4; Ezra 7:11-27; Acts 13:7).

And yet, because of Satan's influence, no individual or human organization has been able to bring lasting peace and security to mankind (John 12:31).

"The Number of Man"

Another key to understanding the meaning of the number 666 is found in the expression "the number of a man."

These words cannot apply to an individual, since it is not man but Satan who has power over the beast (Luke 4:5, 6; 1 John 5:19; Revelation 13:2, 18).

The expression "human number" rather indicates that the beast has human nature - it is not a spirit or a demon. Therefore, he has certain human traits.

What can be related to them? The Bible answers, “All [people] have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23).

Thus, the fact that the beast has the "number of a man" shows the following: governments reflect the fallen state of mankind - a sign of sin and imperfection.

History confirms this. “All civilizations that ever existed eventually fell,” said former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. “History is a description of efforts that did not reach their goal, aspirations that did not come true. […] The historian has to live with a sense of the inevitability of tragedy.”

Kissinger's honest historical assessment confirms an important biblical truth: "It is not in the will of a man that his way ... it is not in the power of the one who walks to give direction to his steps" (Jeremiah 10:23).

Now that we have determined what the beast is and how God looks at it, it is time to deal with the last part of the puzzle, namely: what is the meaning of the number 6 and why is it repeated three times, that is, 666.

Why is the number 6 repeated three times?

In Scripture, some numbers are symbolic meaning. The number 7, for example, is often used to represent completeness, or perfection, from God's point of view.

Thus, God's creative week includes seven "days," or long periods of time, during which God fully carries out his creative plans for the earth (Genesis 1:3-2:3).

God's words are like silver "refined seven times," that is, perfectly refined (Psalm 11:7; Proverbs 30:5, 6).

The leper Naaman was instructed to bathe seven times in the Jordan River, after which he made a full recovery (2 Kings 5:10, 14).

6 is less than 7 by one unit. Isn't that a proper label for imperfection, or incompleteness, from God's point of view? Of course it's suitable! (1 Chronicles 20:6, 7).

Moreover, the triple repetition of the number 6 emphasizes this imperfection. The correctness of this conclusion is confirmed by the fact that the number 666 is, as we have already considered, “a human number”.

Thus, the deeds of the beast, the expression “the number of a man,” and the number 666 itself all lead to the only correct conclusion: this is a suitable symbol of pronounced imperfection and failure in the eyes of Jehovah God.

The image of the imperfection of the beast evokes what was said about the king of ancient Babylon, Belshazzar.

Through the prophet Daniel, Jehovah God told this ruler: “You have been weighed in the balance and found very light.”

Belshazzar was slain that same night, and the mighty Babylonian empire fell.​—Daniel 5:27, 30.

Likewise, God's judgment on the political beast and those who bear his mark heralds the end of him and his minions.

However, this time God will destroy not just any one political system, but everything related to human rule (Daniel 2:44; Revelation 19:19, 20).

How important it is, then, to remain clean of this deadly mark of the beast!

Keys to understanding the meaning of the number 666

1. A biblical name often communicates something about the nature or lifestyle of its bearer. This was the case with Abraham, Jesus, and many others. Similarly, the number-name of the beast reflects its characteristic features.

2. In bible book Daniel, various beasts represent successive human kingdoms, or empires. The collective image of the beast from Revelation 13:1, 2 symbolizes the world political system, which is given power and controlled by Satan.

3. The expression "human number" shows that the beast has a human nature, not a demonic one. Therefore, it reflects human shortcomings that are the result of sin and imperfection.

4. From the point of view of God, the number 6 indicates imperfection, since it is less than the number 7, symbolizing completeness and perfection. The triple repetition of the number 6 emphasizes this imperfection.

Sign defined

In Revelation, following the story of the number 666, there are 144,000 followers of the Lamb, Jesus Christ, who have the name of Jesus and the name of his Father, Jehovah, written on their foreheads.

This signifies their belonging to Jehovah and his Son, of whom they worthily testify. Also, those who have the mark of the beast declare their submission to the beast.

Therefore, figuratively speaking, the sign on right hand or on the forehead is a symbolic sign by which those who support and worship the political systems of the world like beasts are recognized.

Those marked with this sign give "Caesar" what is rightfully God's (Luke 20:25; Revelation 13:4, 8; 14:1). How?

The fact that they treat political states, their symbols and military power with religious reverence, looking at them as a source of hope and salvation. They worship the true God only in words.

In contrast, the Bible advises: “Don't trust in princes, in the son of man, in whom there is no salvation. His spirit goes out, and he returns to his own land: in that day all his thoughts perish” (Psalm 146:3, 4).

Those who take it into account wise advice are not disappointed when governments do not keep their promises or when charismatic leaders fall out of favor with the masses (Proverbs 1:33).

This does not mean that true Christians are idle while humanity is in a sorry state. On the contrary, they actively talk about the kind of government that will solve the problems of mankind - about the Kingdom of God, of which they are representatives (Matthew 24:14).

God's Kingdom is Mankind's Only Hope

When Jesus lived on earth, the main theme of his preaching was God's Kingdom (Luke 4:43).

In his model prayer, also known as the Lord's Prayer, Jesus taught his followers to pray for this Kingdom to come and for God's will fulfilled here on earth (Matthew 6:9, 10).

A kingdom is a government that will rule over the whole earth, not from some earthly capital, but from heaven. That is why Jesus called it “the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 11:12).

Who can be a better King of the Kingdom than Jesus Christ, who gave his life for his future subjects? (Isaiah 9:6, 7; John 3:16).

Soon this perfect Ruler, a powerful spirit, will throw the beast, his kings and his troops into the "lake of fire, burning with sulfur", which symbolizes complete destruction.

The secret of the "number of the beast" - 666 is revealed
The secret of the sign 666 So that you no longer suffer and look for how the number of the beast 666 is expressed, and how it looks in the symbol, I will tell you its secret. I became interested in studying the issue since 1983, when I took part in the IVGU, I wrote a work on the work, "The Tale of Igor's Campaign". I was attracted by the mystery of the attraction of the "Triune Sun", which is mentioned in it. Then I wrote about my discovery (and several others) to D.S. Likhachev, and then discussed this issue with great scientists, connoisseurs of ancient literature. I also read a lot of literature from other countries. In general, the number of the beast 666 is expressed in the following sign: a swastika in a circle. The swastika consists of six lines (two long and 4 small - this is the designation of the number 6), and the circle represents the trinity. A swastika in a circle is three times 6, united in unity - 666. In this form, this is a seal imposed on humanity, since the solar trinity included it. This is a sign of Satan's power over mankind. The new humanity has adopted a new sign - a triangle in a circle, which means the triune trinity, where 333 is the Triune God, the triune man (soul, body, spirit), the triune universe (God, man, nature). All other attempts to find the number of the beast in barcodes, in stars, etc. are only a way to distract from the real image. Therefore, I ask everyone to calm down, and do not look for anything else. Do not wear or accept swastikas and you will be fine!

The sign appeared long before John the Evangelist predicted that it would become a uniter against Christ, and, as we see, it is so. In different styles, the sign spreads and "is reborn" in different guises among different peoples. The fact that its inscriptions before Christianity were somewhat different, that they had or did not have a circle, is of little importance now, since this is only the essence of the difference in knowledge and perception of "pagan" power among different peoples. The main thing is that it was revealed in its full and most malicious meaning by Hitlerism, and now all the "former" signs, no matter how the adherents interpret them, have the spirit and "secret" meaning of fascism and misanthropy. And most importantly, they have the meaning of anti-Christianity. If we now try to realize how many people on the planet, in one form or another, "accept" this sign, then we will get a colossal number of those who have already accepted the seal and are already serving evil. And no matter what they say, no matter how they cite historical facts, it is all a lie, and a mask of evil, which, as we know, is capable of this. The Internet of all those who have adopted the swastika will unite all its admirers. And no matter how they redraw it, no matter how some agree that they are one with the others, he understands that they have one root and one essence. Therefore - do not flatter yourself, do not succumb to speeches about the past and history. We remember that in this "past" Satan ruled the world, but Christ came and saved us. Therefore, our sign is the Life-Giving Cross, and the "sign of the beast - 666" is the swastika, in all its stylized forms. And you yourself have to watch: have you accepted the mark of the beast, in one form or another, or are you still holding on to Christ. Any favorable attitude towards him and his pagan past is already a symptom of dependence, imposing it on oneself, and serving under this sign is a complete sign of serving the Antichrist.


The triple six is ​​the unity of the three foundations of existence human society in its highest development - the world (global) economy, the world (global) government / new world order and world religion (new Age). Thus, the number 666 is nothing but the GLOBALIZATION of the three main pillars on which modern civilization rests. 666 = world system (beast with seven heads and ten horns). P.S. "Eye of Horus" - an ancient religious and political symbol of worship of the sun god; " All-seeing eye"- a modern religious and political symbol of worship of the god of this age - the devil ("angel of light" - Lucifer).

The daily audience of the portal is about 100 thousand visitors, who in total view more than half a million pages according to the traffic counter, which is located to the right of this text. Each column contains two numbers: the number of views and the number of visitors.

The study of the Scythian calendar made it possible to establish why since ancient times the "animal number" 666 has been considered mystical and fatal. I believe that this is due to the creation of the Scythian calendar. This number has been known for over 2000 years.


In ancient times, highly educated people were few. They were based on priests and astronomers, other sages and scientists. It is possible that it was the ancient astronomers who were instructed to create a good accurate calendar consisting of 12 months.

As we know, in a year there are 4 special solar periods associated with the location of the Sun in the sky. These are the spring and autumn equinoxes (March 21 and September 23), as well as the days of summer and winter solstice(21.22, June 23 and December 22), respectively. But, the Scythians already in those distant times knew that exactly 92 days pass from March 21 - the day of the vernal equinox to June 22 - the period of the summer solstice.

Almost the same amount of time between other special sunny days. An average year consisted of 4 such periods of time. Therefore, the Scythian sages made the structure of the calendar precisely on the basis of 92? 4 = 368. Then an original system of annual correction of the time count was invented, which is described separately in the description of the Scythian calendars, when they simply did not take into account the extra days (368-3=365).

In a leap year (every four years), 2 days were taken away from 368 and received 366! More details about this are set out in the explanations to the Scythian calendars, about which you can read separate articles.

A similar adjustment of the time account was made in Russia in 1918 during the transition from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar, which we now use. Then they simply removed the extra 13 days from the calendar and instead of February 1, February 14 immediately came, so we had a unique unofficial holiday - “old New Year”, which is not available in other countries of the world.

Perhaps fulfilling the will of the king, astronomers and priests tried to divide the period of 92 days by 3, followed by multiplying the result by 4 to make the year out of 12 months. Probably, this way of calculation seemed to them simpler and more convenient. And then it began.

As they did not divide 92 by 3, the remainder turned out to be 30 days and the number 666! So they reported that the task was impossible. It is impossible to divide 92 by 3 without a remainder, the "animal number" -666 interferes! (Apparently, they did not divide further or did not know how to divide). Today, with the help of a calculator, this is easy to do even for a schoolboy.

So 92:3=30.666.666.666.666.666.666.666.666.666.666!

Thirty sixes! This result is obtained on the calculator of my computer. Depending on the power, other calculators may give different values, i.e. the number of sixes can be different. (By the way, try it yourself!). But, in any case, at least 30.6 is obtained, and this, in addition to everything, is the diameter of the pectoral - 30.6 cm!

This is also practically the English foot (translated from English - LEG) - the average length of a person's foot. (It is the distance of 92 feet that is the length of the ancient entrance to the underground labyrinths near Melitopol, identified by me and Academician Pavlovets I.N. using a dowsing telescopic tensor and data obtained during the study of the unique golden royal pectoral of Great Scythia, which apparently indicates a connection with 92 days, during which the Sun travels from the period of the vernal equinox (March 21) to the period of the summer solstice (June 22, as mentioned above!?).

Now it is clear why the ancient sages cursed 666, calling it the “animal number”. Over time, the number 666 acquired and mystical meaning, it was even called the number of the "devil", forgetting the root cause of its detection. It is clear that this is a simple mathematical incident and the number does not contain any mysticism.

And, the Scythian sages, giving preference to accuracy, made the Scythian year not from 12, but from 16 months, because. 92 is well and without remainder divisible by 4 (92:4=23). Therefore, in the Scythian month there are 23 days, and the original system of correction of the time count, as mentioned above, made the year equal to 365 (366) days. Everything is simple!

At the same time, other interpretations of the meaning of the number 666 are also known. So, there is a version that the name of Julius Caesar is allegedly encrypted in it, but I believe that it is less plausible, especially considering the above. Read more about this in the book by S. M. Paukov “Secrets of the Golden Pectoral”.

Sergey Paukov independent researcher, writer

P - to dream