Folk calendar of holidays, traditions and signs for October. Folk calendar of holidays, traditions and signs for October Signs of winter on October 28

28 of October Orthodox Church honors the memory of the Monk Euthymius of Thessalonica (824-898), who before his tonsure bore the name Nikita. Evfimy was born into a Christian family. His mother insisted that he marry early. When the guy turned 18, he left his wife and daughter and went to a monastery on Mount Olympus, where he took the tonsure. He was sent to the cenobitic monastery of Pisidion, where he stayed for about 16 years.

In 858 the saint accepted the great schema and went to Athos, where he began to live with the hermit Joseph. They began to compete with each other in the mortification of the flesh. When the rumor about his asceticism began to spread, Euthymius went to the island of St. Eustratius, located near Athos.

In 863, Euthymius arrived in Thessaloniki, where he accepted the feat of pilgrimage. When his friend Joseph died, he moved to Mount Peristera, located on the east side of the city of Thessaloniki. There he restored the dilapidated monastery of St. Andrew and organized a monastic community in it. Later, Evfimy founded convent, in which many of his relatives settled, who believed in Christ after the sermons of Euthymius. When life in the monasteries he founded improved, he returned to Mount Athos.

A few months before his death, Euthymius went to Palestine. From there, his relics were transported to Thessaloniki, where they are kept today in the Basilica of St. Demetrius.

October 28: rites and traditions of the day

It's getting colder every day. People said about this date: Yefimiy closes the roots of trees and grasses with the ground with cold, covers insects in the grass, evokes sleep».

At this time, our ancestors made kneading and scutching of flax. Crumpled flax was ruffled to remove the remnants of the bonfire. They worked very quickly so that the flax did not have time to fill with moisture. Otherwise, it had to be dried again.

Ruffled flax different ways- hitting a wall or a pole with a fiber, but more often they did it using a “rattle” - a plank of coniferous wood of a knife-like or spade shape. There were several such instruments in each house, some of them were inherited.

During operation, the direction and force of the impact were carefully measured. For beating, women gathered in a bathhouse, in an empty barn, in an uninhabited, but warm hut. Whipping is dirty and hard work. During the day of work, the walls and windows of the room were covered with gray linen dust. If the weather allowed, they worked outdoors. During the scuttle, various events were discussed, songs were sung, ditties were composed.

Worn flax was sorted by quality and color. The remaining waste was used for household needs - they twisted coarse ropes, made harnesses, bedded livestock, and caulked wooden buildings.

Flax was combed 2-4 times, while using different brushes: iron, wooden, hog bristles. Flax combed and prepared for yarn was called tow.

Healers on this day read a conspiracy to craving for female body. To do this, they took the bone left over from the dinner of a person indifferent to the female sex, and threw it to a stray dog. When the dog takes the bone, you need to say:

Like a dog throws itself at a bone,

So the servant of God (name) awakens a desire for a female body.

Now, forever, for all time!

October 28: signs and beliefs

  1. If snow falls on this day, next autumn there will be a rich harvest of bread.
  2. If the moon is in circles, but the sky is clear, frost will soon hit.
  3. Reddish and blurry circles near the moon - to the snow and wind.
  4. A cloud is visible above the rising sun - to bad weather.
  5. The cat drinks water more than usual - to bad weather.
  6. If the dog refuses to eat, then bad weather is coming.
  7. There are many mice on the threshing floor - there will be winter with thaws.
  8. If a rooster sings 12 times before taking off to a roost, then tomorrow the weather will change.
  9. Chickens scratching - to the rain.
  10. If mosquitoes appeared, then the winter will be warm.

Person born 28 October, has excellent organizational qualities. He is almost always full of strength and energy. His stone is amazonite.

Video: church calendar for October 28


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What is important to do today? Signs for every day of October will help you! This is important to know - they will help you avoid troubles and misfortunes in the future, as well as properly prepare for the winter.

The first month of autumn has come to an end, and Indian summer has ended with it. In October, as usual, we expect cold rains, falling leaves and the first reminders of the onset of winter. At this time, there is a sharp change in weather conditions, and many signs are a kind of forecast for the coming months. Signs for October will help you find out what changes await you in the near future and whether it is worth getting warm clothes out of the wardrobe, or autumn will still delight us with warmth.

Notes for every day

In October, every day is associated with certain signs. site experts have prepared for you the most important and useful of them.

October 1st. If on this day you see a flock of flying cranes, it means that the first snow will fall on Pokrov (October 14).

2 October. On this day the beehives were collected. The bee nine began - the period from October 2 to October 10, when it is customary to collect honey. Whoever eats a spoonful of honey on an empty stomach during these days will be happy all year. For girls, this day could be a harbinger of a wedding. If you look into the eyes of your lover on October 2, he will soon fall in love with you without memory.

October 3rd. If today the wind blows from the north, it means cold weather, from the south - to clear and warm weather, from the west - to rain, from the east - to dry weather.

The 4th of October. It was believed that if the weather is clear but cold on this day, it means that there will be severe frosts in winter.

October 6th. This day was considered the most suitable for divination for money. To do this, draw water into a glass from a river or lake and leave it on the windowsill with an open window. If something falls into a glass overnight, next year is waiting for you financial well-being if not, get ready for difficulties with money.

October 9th. If on this day snow falls on wet ground, it will lie for a long time, if on dry ground, it will melt quickly.

10 October. If at this time there are few cones on spruces and pines, there will be severe frosts in winter.
If the weather is warm on this day, it means that autumn will be warm and dry.

October 1st. Among the people - Kharitonov Day. It was believed that on October 11, evil spirits walk the streets, and many did not go out to avoid damage, evil eye or misfortune.

October 12- the day of Theophan the Merciful. It was believed that on this day Feofan closed the sun from frost. If the weather is warm that day, then it will not be cold.

October 14— Cover day, religious holiday dedicated to the appearance of the Virgin. It was believed that the first frosts begin on this day. People harvested and finally completed agricultural affairs. If snow fell that day, they were preparing for a cold and snowy winter, and clear weather foreshadowed a warm winter.

October 15th. The people believed that on this day the demons go for a walk. Therefore, people already in the morning went to church, prayed and asked to take troubles and misfortunes away from them. However, those who were born on this day were promised happiness and good luck for life.

16 October. On this day people were avoided evil eye: it was believed that if damage was done on October 16, then it would be very difficult to remove it later.

17 October. In Rus', a sharp cold snap was always expected on this day. If it was warm on October 17, then there will be no frosts in winter.

18 October. If you see a lot of crows or jackdaws on this day, a cold winter will soon come.

19 October. On this day, the quantity and quality of the harvested crop was assessed. If there is a lot of production during the summer, next year will pass safely. If the harvest is poor and rotten, financial difficulties are expected next year.

The 20th of October. If today the snow falls on the fallen leaves of the trees, it will soon melt. If the weather is clear, winter will have to wait a long time.

October 21. On this day, it is good to buy winter clothes. It was believed that the purchased warm clothes will last a long time.

22 of October- Jacob Day or the Day of the first porridge. It was on October 22 that people waited for the first snow and associated it with cereals. If it was snowing, they said that it was "Yakov sent grits." Whoever serves porridge on the table on this day will live in abundance for the next year.

October 23. If by this day there are still fruits on the mountain ash tree, there will soon be a lot of rain.

October 24th. If by this day the ice on the river has already strengthened, then you can walk on it, and the whole year will pass in abundance.

the 25th of October. The starry sky today portends a rich harvest for next year. The stars are bright - for the coming cold, dim - for warmth.

October 26th. If on this day you see a cat licking itself, it means that severe cold and snowfalls are coming.

27th October. The day was considered feminine. Young girls and women were forbidden to do household chores, and those who neglected this sign could attract misfortune to themselves and their home. If childbirth began on this day, they will pass quickly and painlessly.

28 of October. The most favorable day for cleaning. It was believed that today all troubles and misfortunes are swept out of the house along with the garbage.

29th of October. If on this day you are caught in the rain, the whole year of illness will bypass you.

October 31. The last day of the month was considered the last day for leaf fall. If the leaves have not yet fallen by that day, the winter will be long and cold.

Our ancestors did not just attach great importance to signs. After all, thanks to them, they learned what awaited them in the future, and could prepare themselves for unforeseen circumstances. Many signs have come down to us. If you follow them, you can attract happiness and good luck and avoid troubles and misfortunes.

Day Reverend Pelageya and Taisiya.

Reverend Tryphon, Archimandrite of Vyatka, miracle worker.

Tryphon and Palagia. Palashki-Zyabushki (Pelageya, chilly, chills, chills, Taisia, repairs).

From that day on, it was customary in the villages to cut repairs (new arable land was laid in the forest). To do this, they determined a new place for the fire and began to cut down the forest. And having cut down the forest, they “started” to carry firewood and forests (whole tree trunks) for the construction of new houses in the village. It's getting colder from Tryphon and Pelageya. Pochinki was called this day also because for the first time they put on winter clothes: a fur coat, felt boots and mittens. From here came the sayings: “Tryfon mends a fur coat, Pelageya sews ram mittens”, “Prepare a fur coat - winter will wander”, “Cold and need - there are none worse.”

Pelageya - women's undertakings: women gather for gatherings.

Day of Righteous Abraham, forefather, and his nephew Lot (2000 BC). According to church traditions, Abraham is considered the forefather of the Jewish people. After the construction of the Tower of Babel and the confusion of languages, he is the only one who remained faithful to God. Together with his wife Sarah and nephew Lot, he retired to the Canaan desert (on the Mediterranean coast), where he died at the age of 175 years.

Jacob's Day (Jacob, Yakov icy, woodsaw, lumberjack). On October 22, everywhere they began to saw wood and prepare firewood for construction. It gets dark early at the end of October, so the peasants tried to finish the work before sunset - they were afraid to meet the boletus. Borovik was the spirit of the forest and the grove. He presented himself as a huge bear without a tail and was very aggressive. Of course, he mainly ate animals, but he could also attack a person. Borovik obeyed boletus mushrooms - little men who were considered the owners of mushrooms (mushrooms, mushrooms). They lived under mushroom caps and fed on them.

White snow on Jacob is a blessing. The first snow falls on Jacob - forty days before winter. Prepare warm clothes - winter wanders. From Yakov icy, the cold flaps its wings. Not the snow that sweeps, but the one that comes from above. Yakov spills white groats on the ground, cools the paths, reduces the day. Snow falls on the thawed earth - it will be difficult for people to live (the harvest will be poor next year), but it will be easier on the frozen ground. It flowed and froze, icicles hang from the roofs - autumn will last a long time. After the autumn sleet, wait for the rain. Until the needles from the larch fall off, there will be no snow, and if it falls, it will melt anyway. Until the leaf from the cherry trees has fallen, no matter how much snow falls, winter will not come, the thaw will drive it away. If there are a lot of clothes on the bulbs, it will be cold in winter. The first and last colds are dangerous. The first snow does not promise an early winter.

Day of the Martyrs Eulampius and Evlampia.

Lampei (the day of Evlampy, Evlampy, Evlampy-lamp).

The days are getting shorter, so they said among the people that Evlampy splits the torch, lights the lamp, illuminates the darkness. And fire in the popular imagination, along with water, earth and air, is one of the main elements, ruling the world. Fire helps in business, but if it gets angry, it can burn down the house. Therefore, the fire was always treated respectfully, trying to appease. At night, he was “put to bed”, extinguished, affectionately wishing good night. It was impossible to spit in the fire. Such an act was considered a great sin, for which the fire will surely punish. On this day, it is customary to remember all those who set an example for people with their holy life.

Pre-winter begins (from October 23 to November 27). If the horns of the month are at midnight (to the north) - be severe winter, snow will fall on dry land; if at noon (to the south) - do not wait for an early winter, there will be mud and slush until November 4th. The weather is predicted on Eulampius for a month: his horns will indicate where the winds come from. Early freeze-up is possible on large rivers. Last days cumulus clouds.

When the first frost hits, the healers go to collect rue, a herb with great witchcraft power. Store it under the eaves (hang from the ceiling). This herb protects all the children living in the house.

Day of the Apostle Philip, one of the seven deacons.

Philip's day (Philip, Philip's rigmarole). Autumn for the peasants was at times the extinction, the dying of nature. It was believed that at this time God sealed the earth, which "fell asleep" or "died" until the next spring. Cattle were no longer driven out to pastures, but closed in a warm barn. Yes, and all field work (mowing, harvesting) ended by the beginning of October. The roads are lucky - you can’t get through, you can’t drive, the weather is such that a good owner will not drive the dog out into the yard. It was time for homework: spinning, weaving, sewing clothes and onuchi, weaving bast shoes. Merry street festivities ended, and the time of winter gatherings began. Therefore, the saying appeared: "Philip himself stuck to the stove." Gimp in Rus' was called a thin gold or silver thread for gold embroidery. Making the gimp for a long time: first you need to stretch, then flatten and twist. From here came the figurative meaning of the word "gimp" - to pull, linger.

The fog descends - to the thaw. The wind blew from the north side - to the big cold. The moon on Philip in a dim haze - to bad weather (snowfall). Dry leaves rustle on the trees - to the snowfall. Chickens perch early - you have to wait for frost; the higher they sit, the stronger the cold will be. Poultry hides its head under the wing - to the cold. A clear moon is a harbinger of frost. Late leaf fall - to a harsh and long winter. If snow falls on the damp ground on Philip and does not melt, then in the spring there will be good earnings. If ice has settled on the river, you need to walk on it: there will be a lot of money.

Martyrs Prov, Tarakh and Andronicus.

Prov, Andron, Andron the Stargazer. According to beliefs, Saint Andron sweeps the sky with a broom, cleans the stars and the moon. The people said: “Andron can reach the sky with a pole, draw stars with a scoop”, “Andron with an andron (pole) and with a broom goes out into the field at night.” To him addressed with a prayer so that the star of life does not set. Since ancient times, it was believed that the stars influence human destinies and earthly events. There was a belief that there were exactly as many stars in the sky as there were people on earth. A person is born - a star lights up (the Lord lights a candle), dies - goes out, falls to the ground. If a person's star is strong, bright, then he easily overcomes all adversity, becomes a darling of fate. If, on the contrary, it is weak and dull, then such a person is constantly tormented by adversity and illness. The symbol of a shooting star was closely associated in the popular mind with death, hence the fear of comets, which were considered messengers of future misfortunes. And a strong meteor shower, which sometimes happens in August, could be interpreted as a harbinger of the death of an entire state. Also, the fall of a star was interpreted as a sign of future epidemics, famine, war. By the stars, they guessed the fate of a person, determined the damage induced on him, the start time of field work, etc.

They look at the martyr Prov at the stars and wonder about the weather: many bright stars - frost is not far off, and dim stars - for long rains. Stars with a blue tint and twinkle strongly - towards the snow. If you poured Prov stars into the sky (clear sky and many stars on October 25) - collect peas in the summer. When distant objects appear close, which happens when the air is clear, it may rain or snow. The wind is weak or slightly gusty, does not change its direction - cloudy weather will persist for a long time. The south wind promises warmth, the north wind promises cold, which will come after low clouds.

On this day it is impossible to: Wash, bleach, beat out feather beds, put kvass, buy church candles for the house, quarrel with people, kick animals and guess on the cards. Whoever laughs out loud will get himself a terrible torment. Whoever was born on this day will sip a lot of grief. Do not offend anyone on Provo - there will be no happiness yourself. On this day, they don’t ask at the knock on the door: “Who is there?”, so that flour and trouble do not come into the house. They tie a rope on the gate (door handle) on Prov, saying at the same time: “As you, Prov, came, leave, and you, flour, don’t go into this fence toil. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen."

Day of the Martyr Carp, Bishop of Thyatria.

Great Martyr Chris (Gold).

Karp, Zlata, Zlata-onuchnitsa. In the old days, it was believed that on this day the saints would bring health and increase the fertility of the earth. Among the people, Zlata was revered as a skilled seamstress who helps to sew onuchi (leg wraps for boots or bast shoes, similar to footcloths). It was believed that it was to Zlata that one should turn with a prayer in order to properly cut out onuchi and then wear them for a long time. They asked Saint Carp for deliverance from various misfortunes, for consolation in troubles, for increasing the fertility of the earth. This day was also called the bathhouse routine - they put this very important building in order, changed the rotten boards and benches, cleaned the water tanks, the stove, etc. , cone, anchug. Bath day. On this day it was accepted take a steam bath, expel ailments from sick people, insist on healing herbs on milk and drink this decoction. On the shelf of the heated bath, infusions from medicinal herbs so that they can get there. On this day, epilepsy was driven out of the sick. Those born on this day should wear an emerald.

Avid hunters can't wait until the end of October to go hunting.

Guessing by the stars about the weather and harvest: bright stars- to frost, dull - to thaw. Strong twinkling of stars (mostly blue hues) - to the snow. A rooster crows without time in the evening - to a change in the weather. The roosters sang early in the morning - it will get warmer.

Day of the Martyrs of Nazarius, Gelvasia, Protasia, Kelsia.

Hieromartyr Silvanus, Bishop of Gaza.

Venerable Paraskeva of Serbia

Praskovya Gryaznikha Day(Paraskeva-Friday, dirty, dirty, dirty, powder, linen, spinner, Nazar, Protas)

On this day, the feast of flax, spinners and weavers was celebrated, because Saint Paraskeva was their patroness. Women October 27 put on their best linen dresses and went outside to show off their skills. And in the evenings they baked pies: with cabbage, fish, berries or honey. When the cake was taken out of the oven, it was smeared with cow's butter and covered with a towel. Then they took off this towel and guessed in a circle left from the oil on the fabric. A torn or thin circle line foreshadowed illness, misfortune and even death. Paraskeva Friday - Communion of the passions of Christ. Paraskeva-Friday - woman's intercessor, protector of peasant women. She was revered in Rus' and was first of all patroness of marriage and childbirth. The image of Paraskeva in the popular mind was closely associated with the pagan female deity Mokosh, who was also considered the patroness of women. Friday itself was represented as beautiful girl or a young woman, on whose body one could see injections from a spindle and knitting needles. These injections appeared on the body of the saint due to the fact that women violated the ban and wove on Friday. She was dressed in a wide caftan, belted with tow (combed and twisted linen or yarn). Paraskeva was also considered the patroness of Friday, so all the customs that the people observed on Friday were also followed on the day of St. Paraskeva. Friday has always been a day of fasting and abstaining from women's work: weaving, spinning, sewing, washing, cleaning, etc. Friday was considered a dangerous day. It was believed that a child who was bathed on Friday would definitely fall ill with dryness (painful thinness, which is a symptom of a number of dangerous diseases). On Friday, important things did not start, otherwise there will be no luck. It was forbidden to laugh and sing on Friday, otherwise this person would cry bitterly on Sunday. It was believed that Paraskeva severely punished those who violated the ban on work on Friday.

On this day, widows or old maidens (centuries) beg for a life partner.

If there is a lot of dirt on Gryaznikha, there are four weeks (four shifts, weeks) left before winter. It's never dry in a dirty place. From Gryaznikha, neither a wheel nor a runner can overcome the path. A "false" sun appeared in the sky - to calm weather. The west wind blew - to dampness.

Day of the Monk Martyr Lucian, Presbyter of Antioch. The pagans killed Saint Lucian and threw his body into the sea. But the dolphins carried the remains of the saint to land, where he was buried in a Christian way.

Venerable Euthymius the New, Thessalonica

Yefim Autumn Day(Efim, pious Efim, Autumn Efim, beekeeper, linen). Flax is dried, rumpled, ruffled, get a tow - all week long. They began to ruffle flax, so do not stand above it. Bees are being harvested on Yefim. After the feast of St. Paraskeva, they began to ruffle the linen, and the girls took up the yarn. According to legend, from the same day, a kikimora sneaks into houses at night and begins to spin the left yarn or weave, weaving his evil witchcraft into it. Kikimora can ruin the yarn, tear the tow (combed and twisted yarn), confuse wool. It was possible to get rid of it by overshadowing evil spirit the sign of the cross and turning with prayer to Saint Euthymius.

The sky is clear in the evening, but large circles are visible near the moon - there will be frost, and if these circles are reddish and blurry, snowfall and wind are possible. If the sun rises and there is a cloud above it, do not expect good weather. Good weather will continue if the sky is clear, pure blue. If mosquitoes appeared in late autumn, the winter will be mild.

Day of the Martyr Longinus, centurion, like at the Cross of the Lord. Among the people, Saint Longinus was revered as a saint capable of healing eye diseases.

Longinus (Longinus centurion, Longinus gatekeeper). The image of the warrior Longinus, who stood guard at the Cross and the Holy Sepulcher, in the popular mind is associated with the image of a watchman guarding the house from evil spirits. According to beliefs, Saint Longin stands at the gate and does not let evil spirits into the yard. On October 29, it was customary to take winter things outside so that they absorbed the warmth of sunlight and warmed better during the winter.

If the stars on Longinus are bright, expect good weather, and if they are dim, expect rain and snow. If the leaf, although it has turned yellow, falls weakly, the frosts will not come soon. If the moon on Longinus is cloudy and pale, frost and snow are possible. The sun wanders in the clouds, as if in a fog - to bad weather. The wind blew from the north - there will be no rain, the sky will clear up.

Day of the Prophet Hosea (820 BC). The prophet became famous for predicting the death of the kingdom of Israel (in 586 BC, the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar II destroyed Jerusalem). The prophecies of Hosea are included in the number of books Holy Scripture. He died at a ripe old age.

Day of Hosea Kolesnik (day of Hosea, Hosea, Hosea). “Hosiy has come - take off the wheels from the axles” - on October 30, the peasants put the carts into the barn and took out the sled from the lead. The day is quickly melting - you can’t tie it to the wattle fence. By the last creak of the wheels of the cart, they wondered about the harvest. If the wheels drive quietly and do not creak, next year a lot of bread and vegetables will be born.

Day of the Apostle and Evangelist Luke, associate of the Apostle Paul. According to church tradition, the Evangelist Luke was the first to paint the icon of the Mother of God with the Child. Therefore, since ancient times in Rus', he was considered the patron saint of icon painters. They also turned to him with a prayer for help in writing icons. patron saint of hunting

Bow day(Luka, Luka is hungry)

“The earth will not feed - the water will feed. Luke shines fish - teaches to live. From that day on, the autumn season began (going out to sea for fishing). Therefore, among the people, the Apostle Luke was also considered patron of fishing: he was approached with a prayer for a good catch and a safe return home. In the old days, fish were caught not only with nets. There was a special way of fishing, called beaming (from the word "ray" - a bunch of torches, which lit a fire on the bow of the boat). This is a night fishing method, which is well suited for autumn fishing, as it gets dark early at this time. A goat (a tripod, a kind of brazier) was placed on the bow of the boat, and a light was bred in it. The fish, which descended to the depths with the onset of darkness, rose into the light; then they killed her with a harpoon. Our ancestors caught sterlet, roach, ide, chub, bream, asp, crucian carp, perch, catfish and even taimen. But especially often they caught a pike, which the people associated with evil spirits. There was a belief: if a pike splashes its tail in front of a fisherman, he will soon die. bad omens were associated with ruffs. It was said that if a ruff was caught first in the net, then there would be no good catch. Usually called ruffs evil people, and they said about the drowned: "He went to the Ershov settlement."

Traditional Russian cuisine has many fresh fish dishes. And it was also prepared for the winter: salted, frozen. But the children were not given fish dishes until they learned to speak. It was believed that otherwise the child would be as mute as a fish. Dreams about fish were interpreted by the people as harbingers of rain or tears. If a woman dreamed of a fish, then this could be interpreted as an omen of pregnancy. The fact is that in Rus' they believed - the souls of the dead often move into fish. IN traditional medicine fish, as a cold-blooded creature, was commonly used to treat fever. For this purpose, the patient was fumigated with fish bones from the Christmas table, or halves of a line cut alive were applied to his feet. But it was impossible to eat roach with a fever.

There are still leaves on the cherry - it will snow, but it will soon melt

The moon is foggy and pale - to snowfall, frost or rain.

Of thoughts for every day collected by Leo Tolstoy

As the first rule of wisdom is to know oneself, although this is the most difficult thing, so the first rule of charity is to be content with oneself, although this is also difficult; and only such a contented and peaceful person will appear girded and strong to show mercy to others. (John Ruskin)

Popular name: Efim, pious Efim, Autumn Efim, beekeeper, linen.

Traditions for October 28

In the popular imagination, Yefimiy closes the roots of grasses and trees with the ground with cold, covers every insect in withered grass, brings a dream to nature. Winter is starting to pick up.

From that day on, the kikimora, expelled in the summer, returns to the house, begins to interfere with girls and women. This creature is invisible, she spins in a hut, sitting on a golbts - a small outbuilding near the Russian stove, the roof of which is often used as a stove bench, while inside there is a staircase leading to the underground.

Kikimora is usually represented as a creature of small stature - a tiny woman, girl or old woman. It is believed that she does not appear on the street for fear of being blown away by the wind.

These creatures became children who died or were abducted by evil spirits, newborns who died in a dream or babies who were accidentally crushed (sleep) in their mother's dream.

If you catch a kikimora and cut a cross on its head, then this creature can again become a man, but as a memory of being in the guise of a spirit, it will have an ugly appearance or dementia.

Before trouble, she weaves lace in the underground and makes herself known with a loud clatter of bobbins. Sometimes she can “stubbornly for the mistress”, but more often she confuses, procrastinates, tears and burns the yarn that was left without crossing, without blessing. To see her - unfortunately, to changes in the house. Kikimora spins most often for the holidays, and then the whistle is heard throughout the hut, it was believed that she was spinning the other way around, that is, she was twisting the thread not towards herself, but away from herself. Such threads were considered the strongest amulet. The bride, on the eve of the wedding, backhanded, away from herself, spun a harsh thread - a talisman against sorcerers. Such a thread, spun until light on Maundy Thursday, was a remedy for all diseases: they tied an arm, leg or head with it, and the pain subsided.

Signs for October 28

Flax is dried, wrinkled, ruffled, get a tow - all week long.

They began to ruffle flax, so do not stand above it.

Bees are being harvested on Yefim.

The sky is clear in the evening, but large circles are visible near the moon - there will be frost, and if these circles are reddish and blurry, snowfall and wind are possible.

If the sun rises and there is a cloud above it, do not expect good weather.

If mosquitoes appeared in late autumn, the winter will be mild.

Good weather will continue if the sky is clear, pure blue.

The name of the day is Athanasius. Characteristics of a person named Athanasius

This Greek name means "immortal". This man is a born explorer.

This manifests itself from early childhood: with an expression of sly simplicity, he, not yet able to walk, will turn out all the drawers, examine all the shelves and cabinets. In adulthood, he can be content with traveling and going to bars and cafes, retelling stories to friends from old newspapers and magazines.

He does well in the tourism business. Men with this name are non-conflict and kind, they can be compared with Vladimir. Outwardly, Athanasius is very pleasant, modest and often indecisive. He moves up the ranks slowly.

Athanasius, born in October, is sociable, he will take on part of the household chores without coercion, he loves animals. He is merciful and will always selflessly help people.

Many autumn signs that we inherited from our ancestors are important even now. Most of them will help you avoid troubles and misfortunes in the future, as well as properly prepare for the winter.

The first month of autumn has come to an end, and Indian summer has ended with it. In October, as usual, we expect cold rains, falling leaves and the first reminders of the onset of winter. At this time, there is a sharp change in weather conditions, and many signs are a kind of forecast for the coming months. Signs for October will help you find out what changes await you in the near future and whether it is worth getting warm clothes out of the wardrobe, or autumn will still delight us with warmth.

Notes for every day

In October, every day is associated with certain signs.

October 1st. If on this day you see a flock of flying cranes, it means that the first snow will fall on Pokrov (October 14).

2 October. On this day the beehives were collected. The bee nine began - the period from October 2 to October 10, when it is customary to collect honey. Whoever eats a spoonful of honey on an empty stomach during these days will be happy all year. For girls, this day could be a harbinger of a wedding. If you look into the eyes of your lover on October 2, he will soon fall in love with you without memory.

October 3rd. If today the wind blows from the north, it means cold weather, from the south - to clear and warm weather, from the west - to rain, from the east - to dry weather.

The 4th of October. It was believed that if the weather is clear but cold on this day, it means that there will be severe frosts in winter.

October 6th. This day was considered the most suitable for divination for money. To do this, draw water into a glass from a river or lake and leave it on the windowsill with an open window. If something falls into a glass overnight, financial well-being awaits you next year, if not, get ready for difficulties with money.

October 9th. If on this day snow falls on wet ground, it will lie for a long time, if on dry ground, it will melt quickly.

10 October. If at this time there are few cones on spruces and pines, there will be severe frosts in winter.
If the weather is warm on this day, it means that autumn will be warm and dry.

October 11. Among the people - Kharitonov Day. It was believed that on October 11, evil spirits walk the streets, and many did not go out to avoid damage, evil eye or misfortune.

October 12- the day of Theophan the Merciful. It was believed that on this day Feofan closed the sun from frost. If the weather is warm that day, then it will not be cold.

October 14- Intercession Day, a church holiday dedicated to the appearance of the Virgin. It was believed that the first frosts begin on this day. People harvested and finally completed agricultural affairs. If snow fell that day, they were preparing for a cold and snowy winter, and clear weather foreshadowed a warm winter.

October 15th. The people believed that on this day the demons go for a walk. Therefore, people already in the morning went to church, prayed and asked to take troubles and misfortunes away from them. However, those who were born on this day were promised happiness and good luck for life.

16 October. On this day, people with the evil eye were avoided: it was believed that if you damage it on October 16, then it will be very difficult to remove it later.

17 October. In Rus', a sharp cold snap was always expected on this day. If it was warm on October 17, then there will be no frosts in winter.

18 October. If you see a lot of crows or jackdaws on this day, a cold winter will soon come.

19 October. On this day, the quantity and quality of the harvested crop was assessed. If there is a lot of production during the summer, the next year will pass comfortably. If the harvest is poor and rotten, financial difficulties are expected next year.

The 20th of October. If today the snow falls on the fallen leaves of the trees, it will soon melt. If the weather is clear, winter will have to wait a long time.

October 21. On this day, it is good to buy winter clothes. It was believed that the purchased warm clothes will last a long time.

22 of October- Jacob Day or the Day of the first porridge. It was on October 22 that people waited for the first snow and associated it with cereals. If it was snowing, they said that it was "Yakov sent grits." Whoever serves porridge on the table on this day will live in abundance for the next year.

October 23. If by this day there are still fruits on the mountain ash tree, there will soon be a lot of rain.

October 24th. If by this day the ice on the river has already strengthened, then you can walk on it, and the whole year will pass in abundance.

the 25th of October. The starry sky today portends a rich harvest for next year. The stars are bright - for the coming cold, dim - for warmth.

October 26th. If on this day you see a cat licking itself, it means that severe cold and snowfalls are coming.

27th October. The day was considered feminine. Young girls and women were forbidden to do household chores, and those who neglected this sign could attract misfortune to themselves and their home. If childbirth began on this day, they will pass quickly and painlessly.

28 of October. The most favorable day for cleaning. It was believed that today all troubles and misfortunes are swept out of the house along with garbage.

29th of October. If on this day you are caught in the rain, the whole year of illness will bypass you.

October 31. The last day of the month was considered the last day for leaf fall. If the leaves have not yet fallen by that day, the winter will be long and cold.

Our ancestors did not just attach great importance to signs. After all, thanks to them, they learned what awaited them in the future, and could prepare themselves for unforeseen circumstances. Many signs have come down to us. If you follow them, you can attract happiness and good luck and

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