Prayer to Saint Ambrose. Prayer of Ambrose to Optina

Chosen servant of God and miracle worker, the great elder Ambrose, the Optina praise and marvelous mentor of all Russia, glorifying your fair life in labors, we bring laudatory singing, but you, as if having boldness to the Lord, pray for all of us, your children, calling with tenderness:

Ikos 1

Imitating the life of an angel, you rejected all the red and transient of this perishable world and directed your feet to spiritual teacher and seer Elder Hilarion, may he guide you on the path of true living and bless you on the exploits of salvation. He, having foreseen your future charitable life, sent you to the Optina monastery, and there you found yourself a good refuge. But we, seeing such God's will for you, we say:

Rejoice, God's chosen branch of the piety of parents; Rejoice, thou who hast loved the Lord from the depths of thy years.

Rejoice, zeal for bookish wisdom from youth; Rejoice, having learned the spiritual teaching of the Holy Fathers.

Rejoice, rejection of the perishing blessings of this world; Rejoice, unrelenting desire for incorruptible treasures.

Rejoice, seeking the will of God for the salvation of your soul; Rejoice, blessing on the monastic path received.

Rejoice, Saint Ambrose, God-wise teacher of faith and piety.

Kondak 2

Seeing your heart’s good intention, Christ has foreshadowed the narrow and thorny path of your salvation, and when you were suddenly on your deathbed of illness, you gave the Lord a promise: if he heals you, commit yourself to the feat of monasticism. Having risen, by the grace of God, from the bed of illness, Abie glorified the all-merciful God, the Physician of souls and bodies, calling: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Having acquired the mind of the Divine Scriptures, in the fear of God you thought how the Lord would arrange the future path of your salvation and how to enter the path of the difficult and sorrowful monastic life. We, marveling at your good intentions, chant you:

Rejoice, placing all your hope on God the Provider; Rejoice, only seeking His favor.

Rejoice, ready to endure every trial for the salvation of the soul; Rejoice, follower of your conscience.

Rejoice, hateful worldly amusements; Rejoice, unloving earthly riches.

Rejoice, thou who didst work everything for oneself to the One God; Rejoice, to please the one who desires.

Rejoice, Saint Ambrose, God-wise teacher of faith and piety.

Kondak 3

By the power of love, being affirmed in faith, you were jealous of the Gospel life to acquire in the image reverend fathers Ancient church. When the Lord gave you the understanding of this pleasing, you sang with tenderness: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having a strong faith in the good providence of God for the salvation of man, you flowed to the honest image of the Most Holy Theotokos of Tambov, if you had a parental blessing, and humbly prayed to the Lady, may your path be guided. We, seeing your relentless hope in the mercy of the Queen of Heaven, sing to you:

Rejoice, faithful and beloved child of the Mother of God; rejoice, secret comprehension of her sacred cover of power.

Rejoice, blessings of the parent through Her image of the good-natured guardian; Rejoice, zealous intercessor to the reverent admirer.

Rejoice, many-time in the night of prayer to Her tearfully uplifting; Rejoice, heavenly help from Ney shamelessly perceived.

Rejoice, for you have found sweet consolation in your heart; Rejoice, for thou hast accepted tender tenderness.

Rejoice, Saint Ambrose, God-wise teacher of faith and piety.

Kondak 4

Moved by a storm of thoughts, thou hast come to the monastery of St. Sergius of Radonezh, and strengthen your heart to the exploits of the upcoming monastic field of all Russia, the miracle worker and teacher of monastic work, pouring currents of grace-filled help from the shrine of his honest relics. Touched by the same heart, you cried out with joy: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Hearing the great life and piety of the God-wise fathers and elders of Optina Hermitage, secretly left the world and everything in it, and came, without hesitation, to this abode in the humility of the soul, in order to be saved and please God. But we, seeing the greater jealousy of your soul, bring you a laudatory song:

Rejoice, perishable good of this world, who is not sane; Rejoice, knowing the sweetness of the church.

Rejoice, dwelling in the holy abode; Rejoice, giving everything to God.

Rejoice, thou who did not lazily fulfill the commandments of God; Rejoice, sweetly tasting the fruits of Christ's teachings.

Rejoice, zealot of the exploits of the holy fathers; Rejoice, vigilant guardian of spiritual purity.

Rejoice, Saint Ambrose, God-wise teacher of faith and piety.

Kondak 5

The God-created desert welcomed you, as if in the arms of a father, thou meekly settled in the nuns and there first carried the labors of obedience in the cell of the great old man, the God-enlightened Leo, whom you were instructed in spiritual work. Having taken away the sweetness of the renunciation of your will, you cried out: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Seeing your monastic prosperity, the fathers of the desert clothed you in the robes of the great schema, and vouchsafe you the podvigator Christ of the grace of the angelic rank to partake, for this sake we cry out to you:

Rejoice, loving God with all your heart; Rejoice, serving Him with all your soul.

Rejoice, faith through many labors immutably affirming; Rejoice, arming yourself with hope for help from above.

Rejoice, gospel love treasure; Rejoice, receptacle of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Rejoice, valiant feats of monastic warriors; Rejoice, angelic life of the mimic imitator.

Rejoice, Saint Ambrose, God-wise teacher of faith and piety.

Kondak 6

The preacher of the Orthodox faith and true living in Christ Jesus appeared to you, denying the teachings of the Gospel and the Church, and turned many from the path of error to Christ the Life-Giver, singing thanksgivingly: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

You have risen, like a bright candle, into the lands of Russia, enlightening every person who comes to you with the light of truth, people, burdened with sins and many sorrows, having found in you a God-wise mentor of piety and a good father to all the weak, suffering and humiliated, singing this:

Rejoice, lamp of the Orthodox countries of Russia; Rejoice, mirror of Divine love.

Rejoice, pillar of the apostolic faith; Rejoice, stone of the hope of eternal life.

Rejoice, instructor in all circumstances inspired by God; Rejoice, zealous preacher of repentance.

Rejoice, physician of bodily ailments; Rejoice, healer of mental illnesses.

Rejoice, Saint Ambrose, God-wise teacher of faith and piety.

Kondak 7

Although follow Christ Himself, you imitated Him wholeheartedly, take His yoke on yourself and, having learned from Him meekness and humility, you found peace of your soul, calling everlastingly: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

A new and marvelous star of holiness appeared in the church sky, when you ascended the spiritual ladder to angel-like perfection, spread the rays of your love over the face of all the Russian land and attracted you to yourself, noble and noble, wise of this age and unwise, crying out to you:

Rejoice, city, stand at the top of the mountain; Rejoice, luminary, chasing away the darkness of ignorance.

Rejoice, heal all the weak; Rejoice, delivering from the troubles and temptations of the enemy.

Rejoice, sad comforter; Rejoice, thirsty spiritual drinker.

Rejoice, accuser of the cunning wisdom of this age; Rejoice, corrector of many who have erred on the path of truth.

Rejoice, Saint Ambrose, God-wise teacher of faith and piety.

Kondak 8

You appeared as a wanderer and a stranger in the earthly world, seeking the city of heaven, and you suffered hardships and weaknesses of your neighbor who was looking for help from you, and so you fulfilled the law of Christ, singing with thanksgiving: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

Filled with all the fire of Divine love, you carried the cross of laborious bodily illnesses through all your monastic life, in patience acquiring your soul, according to the word of the Gospel of Christ, and you taught us all the uncomplaining cross-bearing, calling to you:

Rejoice, leader of those who seek salvation; rejoice, the image of true obedience.

Rejoice, you yourself endured grave illnesses to the end; Rejoice, teaching patience to those who come to you in sickness and sorrow.

Rejoice, generous counselor of your flock; Rejoice, nourisher of those who hunger for eternal life.

Rejoice, offended patron; Rejoice, disobedient to the will of God as an enlightener.

Rejoice, Saint Ambrose, God-wise teacher of faith and piety.

Kondak 9

You tested all human nature in sickness and bodily infirmities, having crucified the flesh with passions and lusts, and with tireless prayer you drove away the misfortunes and temptations of the evil spirits, and thus taught you all to resist the wiles of the devil, calling with faith: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

The oracles of the super-wise, who did not know the power of the Orthodox faith, were swept aside by the word of God and your pure life, and you truly shone forth, like a radiant pillar of piety and the guardian of the patristic tradition, diligently converting the ancient writings of the fathers into intelligible writings. We, marveling at your work, sing to the sitz:

Rejoice, adamante of the right faith; Rejoice, fortress of life by faith.

Rejoice, planter of the spirit of piety; Rejoice, sower of Christian virtues.

Rejoice, success in the deeds of the elders; Rejoice, spiritual enlightenment of many monks.

Rejoice, bringing those to salvation; Rejoice, turning many sinners to repentance.

Rejoice, Saint Ambrose, God-wise teacher of faith and piety.

Kondak 10

Helping those who seek the Kingdom of Heaven to be saved, the faithful guide appeared to you, ruling the worldly and spiritual; at the end of your years, you put a lot of work, arranging the Shamorda monastery for the poor, so that the sisters will find peace of mind and salvation, singing a song of praise: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

The wall and refuge were thou your child, guarding with prayers from demonic obsessions; Thou didst inspire them to an invisible battle with the spirits of malice, abolishing pride and love of glory with humility. At the same time, we joyfully call you:

Rejoice, quenching the arrows of the enemy; Rejoice, victorious demon regiments.

Rejoice, freeing the captives from the spirits of evil; Rejoice, having brought many souls out of the dungeon of passions.

Rejoice, turning back to God with love and prayers; Rejoice, good guardian of orphans and widows.

Rejoice, God-bearing builder of the guidance of the monks and nuns; Rejoice, good-hearted preacher of humility and meekness.

Rejoice, Saint Ambrose, God-wise teacher of faith and piety.

Kondak 11

We bring tender singing, first aid in the needs and sorrows of all those who flow to you with faith and love, until the end of your days, you were the loving father of the suffering and burdened, looking for the comfort of the soul. In the same way, God is not falsely glorified by you, marvelous in His saints, who call unceasingly: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

You saw all the ends of the lamp of virtues in you, our father Ambrose, as if in patience and humility you ended your earthly journey and fulfilled everything, even as Christ commanded us in the holy teaching, and you moved from earth to heaven, entering into the joy of your Lord, as a faithful servant of Christ. At the same time, we rejoice in singing to you like this:

Rejoice, zealous servant, having done the will of your Lord; Rejoice, warrior of Christ, leaving the vanity of life.

Rejoice, serving God alone; Rejoice, fulfilling all the commandments of God.

Rejoice, worthy of the heavenly abode; Rejoice, joining the mountain of glory.

Rejoice, heir of eternal life; Rejoice, praiseworthy servant of God.

Rejoice, Saint Ambrose, God-wise teacher of faith and piety.

Kondak 12

By the grace of God, thou hast inherited an inescapable treasure, and thou hast found a quiet, serene haven in heaven. By the action of the providence of God in the days of the triumphant millennium of the Baptism of Russia, you were glorified and numbered among the saints. Now, pleasing your holy memory, we all sing: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing your all-Russian glorification, we lift you up, like an incense fragrance, our humble prayers: do not forget your children, who honor your holy name and cry out to you in thanksgiving:

Rejoice, Ambrose, the namesake of divine immortality; Rejoice, honest praise of the Orthodox Church.

Rejoice, partaking of the faces of the saints; Rejoice, congregation of the venerable fathers of the secret.

Rejoice, before the Throne of the Most High God our firm representative; Rejoice, before the judgment of God, our warm intercessor.

Rejoice, us, wandering in the vale of deplorable, guide; Rejoice, vigilant prayer book of all the Russian land.

Rejoice, Saint Ambrose, God-wise teacher of faith and piety.

Kondak 13

Oh, marvelous servant of Christ and miracle worker, our reverend elder Ambrose, now accept the small prayer of your unworthy children, do not leave us in sorrows and illnesses, come and extend a helping hand, guide us on the path of repentance and salvation, in order to be delivered from eternal torment, yes by you we eternally glorify God, crying out: Alleluia.

This kontakion is read three times, then the 1st ikos "The Life of the Angels..." and the 1st kontakion "The Chosen One...".

Prayer 1st

Oh, great elder and servant of God, our reverend father Ambrose, Praise of Optina and all Russia, teacher of piety! We glorify your humble life in Christ, even as God exalted your name, still existing on earth, and most of all crowning you with heavenly honor after your departure to the chamber of eternal glory. Now accept the prayer of us, your unworthy children, who honor you and call on your holy name, deliver us by your intercession before the Throne of God from all mournful circumstances, spiritual and bodily ailments ov, evil misfortunes, pernicious and crafty temptations, send down to our Fatherland from the great-gifted God peace, silence and prosperity, be the immutable patron of this holy monastery, in it you yourself labored in prosperity and pleased you with all in the Trinity, our glorious God, He deserves all glory , honor and worship, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer 2

O reverend and God-bearing Father Ambrose! You, desiring to work for the Lord, have settled here and have not been lazy in labors, vigils, prayers and fasts, and have been a mentor to monastics, but a zealous teacher to all people. Now, after your departure from the earthly, standing before the Heavenly King, pray for His goodness, even if you have mercy on the place of your village, this holy abode, where you relentlessly abide in the spirit of your love, and with all your people, with faith to the race of your relics, in good petition fulfill them. Ask our merciful Lord, may He send down to us an abundance of earthly blessings, and even more so for the benefit of our souls, may He grant us, and end this temporary life in repentance, may He vouchsafe, on the day of judgment, the right of standing and enjoyment in His Kingdom, vouchsafe forever and ever . Amen.

Prayer 3rd

Oh, the all-honorable elder of the most glorious and wondrous Optina Desert, our reverend and God-bearing Father Ambrose! Our Church is a good decoration and a blessed lamp, illuminate everyone with heavenly light, the red and spiritual fruit of Russia and all sunflowers, richly delight and amuse the souls of the faithful! Now, with faith and trembling, we fall down before the wholesome cancer of your holy relics, which you graciously bestowed on consolation and help to those who are suffering, we humbly pray to you with our hearts and lips, Holy Father, as the All-Russian mentor and teacher of piety, shepherd and doctor of our spiritual and bodily ailments: look on your children who sin grossly in words and deeds, and visit us with your many and holy love, with which you gloriously succeeded even in the days of the earth, especially after your righteous death, instructing the holy and God-enlightened fathers in the rules, admonishing us in the commandments of Christ, in you were kindly jealous of them until the last hour of your arduous monastic life; ask us, who are weak in soul and who are in sorrow, for a favorable and saving time for repentance, true correction and renewal of our life, in which we, sinners, become vain in mind and heart, betray ourselves with obscene and fierce passion, vice and lawlessness, and there are no numbers; receive therefore, observe and cover us with the shelter of your many mercy, send us a blessing from the Lord, may we bear the good yoke of Christ in patience until the end of our days, looking forward to the future belly and Kingdom, where there is sorrow, no sighing, but life and joy are endless, abundant flowing from the One, All-Holy and Blessed Source of immortality in the Trinity of the worshiped God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

big role in spiritual development Our Motherland was played by the elders who lived in Optina Hermitage. St. Ambrose of Optina, a simple monk who did not have high church positions, enjoys special reverence. But he possessed an incorruptible treasure - humility, as well as other God's gifts.

Life of Ambrose of Optina

Born into the world in the Tambov region, in a modest large family, which soon lost its breadwinner. His grandfather was a priest, his father was a sacristan (ringer). Perhaps that is why the boy from childhood had a craving for monastic life, but he did not immediately decide on it. Studied very well religious school graduated with honors. As a seminarian, Alexander became seriously ill. Then he promised God that he would go to the monastery if the Lord would heal him. However, several more years passed before the fulfillment of the promise.

According to the ascetic himself, it was hard for him to say goodbye to worldly life. The decisive moment was a trip to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. There he met a spiritual guide who blessed him to go to Optina. The young man decided to follow the advice without delay, as if he was afraid to change his mind again. Thus he began his ascent to holiness.

The life of Ambrose of Optina in the monastery cannot be called easy. Everyone starts there with hard physical labor. The same thing happened with Alexander. The young man was already very weak in health. In addition, he was very well educated, knew several foreign languages. However, he worked in the kitchen - he helped bake bread. Those who have been to monasteries know that obedience in the kitchen is one of the most difficult. You have to get up very early and leave the workplace late at night.

But the tests did not break the young man, and soon he became a monk with the name Ambrose, after 3 years he was already a hieromonk (priest). Throughout his life, the saint endured many severe physical ailments. He was even somehow prepared for death, because it seemed to the brothers that after another illness, Ambrose would not survive. But he lived to be 78 years old. I managed to do a lot for my spiritual children.

Prayer of Ambrose of Optina

Monks are special people who devote their whole lives to praying. It's not as easy as it seems. It takes concentration, diligence and will. The Holy Fathers also bequeath to the laity to resort more often to this grace-filled means. Ambrose of Optina compiled various prayer rules that any believer can do.

  • When attacked by enemies (or ill-wishers), during temptations - psalms 3, 53, 58 and 142. You can read not all, but those that you like best. Read every day.
  • If despondency attacks, grief burdens - psalm 101.

These prayers, compiled by King David, have great healing power.

Prayer to Ambrose of Optina helps many people in our time. Here are just a few testimonials:

  • The young man fell ill with an infectious lung disease. After the anointing consecrated oil from Optina and prayer to the monk the next morning he got up healthy.
  • He helped a girl who was unfairly fired to find a job, the offer was received on the same day after a prayer in the temple.
  • A man who was looking for his place in life, through prayers, found his wife and lives happily in marriage.

People turn to the most different situations. You can also pray to Ambrose of Optinsky for children - ask them for bodily health, success in their studies. The saint even composed a special prayer that mothers should read about their children.

O great elder and servant of God, our reverend father Ambrose, praise of Optina and all Russia to the teacher of piety! We glorify your humble life in Christ, even as God exalted your name, while you still exist on earth, and most of all, crowning you with heavenly honor after your departure to the chamber of eternal glory. Now accept the prayer of us unworthy of your children (names), who honor you and call on your holy name, deliver us by your intercession before the throne of God from all mournful circumstances, mental and bodily ailments, evil misfortunes, pernicious and crafty temptations, send down to our Fatherland from the great-gifted God peace, silence and prosperity, be the immutable patron of this holy monastery, in it you yourself labored and pleased you all in the Trinity to our glorious God, all glory, honor and worship befits Him, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and ever ages of ages.

Saint's instructions

Ambrose of Optina is known for his teachings. He could communicate with the most ordinary people, peasants, and with the best minds of their generation. For example, he was familiar with F. M. Dostoevsky, even became the prototype for one of his heroes. His teachings were very short, figurative, simple. The meaning of many of them boiled down to the fact that life should not be complicated - you should put all your worries in the hands of God, and pray yourself, show respect to your neighbors.

After Leo and Macarius, Ambrose of Optina became the most famous elder from this illustrious monastery. Outwardly, his life did not differ from many others, but the inner growth is known only to the Almighty, and he is much more important. Thanks to the deed of prayer, the elder achieved holiness.

Temples and icons

The reverend elder was canonized as a saint in 1988, but even during his lifetime he earned great trust and love among the people. Today in Russia there are several churches of Ambrose of Optinsky - in the Leningrad region, in the Kirov diocese, in the Tver diocese. But the relics of the monk are in the cathedral church of Optina Hermitage. There was prepared a place near St. Macarius, there is now a chapel over the grave.

The discovery was made jointly, in 1998 - then the tombs of eight saints were opened, who rested in the monastery cemetery. Icons of Ambrose of Optina depict him as a gray-haired old man, in monastic vestments. They have a fairly strong portrait resemblance to the lifetime portraits of the saint. The saint holds a rosary in his hands (because the monks pray for them), or a scroll.

The whole life of Ambrose of Optina was dedicated to the Lord and people. Having an excellent education, he was famous for his simplicity. He lived very humbly, meekly enduring bodily infirmities, he was a spiritual light for his students. Through the prayers of our venerable fathers, may the Lord have mercy on us!

Ambrose of Optina - prayer, life, temple, icon was last modified: June 8th, 2017 by Bogolub

A God-wise mentor, comforter and prayer book, the Monk Ambrose truly became the crown and adornment of the Optina eldership. Many people flocked to the doors of his wretched cell for advice and consolation. Elder Ambrose became famous for his clairvoyance, the gift of healing bodily ailments and healing spiritual wounds. He is prayed for help in various worldly needs, about healing in illnesses, about the firm standing of the Russian people in the faith of the fathers, about good disposition and Christian upbringing of children.


Troparion to St. Ambrose of Optina, tone 5

Like a healing spring, we flow to you, Ambrose, our father, for you faithfully instruct us on the path of salvation, protect us from troubles and misfortunes with prayers, console you in bodily and spiritual sorrows, and even teach humility, patience and love; pray to the philanthropist Christ and the zealous Intercessor / / save our souls.

Kontakion to the Monk Ambrose of Optina, tone 2

Having fulfilled the covenant of the Chief Shepherd, thou hast inherited the grace of the elders, having an aching heart for all who flow to you with faith. In the same way, we, your children, cry out to you with love: Holy Father Ambrose, pray to Christ God that our souls be saved.

First Prayer to St. Ambrose of Optina

O great elder and servant of God, our reverend father Ambrose, Praise of Optina and all Russia to the teacher of piety! We glorify your humble life in Christ, even as God exalted your name, still existing on earth, and most of all crowning you with heavenly honor after your departure to the chamber of eternal glory. Now accept the prayer of us, your unworthy children, who honor you and call on your holy name, deliver us by your intercession before the Throne of God from all mournful circumstances, mental and bodily ailments, evil misfortunes, pernicious and crafty temptations, send peace to our Fatherland from the great-gifted God, peace and prosperity, be the immutable patron of this holy monastery, in it you yourself labored in prosperity and pleased you with all in the Trinity, our glorious God, He deserves all glory, honor and worship, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and in ages of ages. Amen.

Second Prayer to St. Ambrose of Optina

O reverend and God-bearing Father Ambrose! You, desiring to work for the Lord, have settled here and have not been lazy in labors, vigils, prayers and fasts, and have been a mentor to monastics, but a zealous teacher to all people. Now, after your departure from the earthly, standing before the Heavenly King, pray for His goodness, even if you have mercy on the place of your village, this holy abode, where you relentlessly abide in the spirit of your love, and with all your people, with faith to the race of your relics, in good petition fulfill them. Ask our merciful Lord, may He send down to us an abundance of earthly blessings, and even more so for the benefit of our souls, may He grant us, and end this temporary life in repentance, may He vouchsafe, on the day of judgment, the right of standing and enjoyment in His Kingdom, vouchsafe forever and ever . Amen.

Third Prayer to St. Ambrose of Optina

O all-honorable elder of the most glorious and marvelous Optina Hermitage, our reverend and God-bearing Father Ambrose! Our Church is a good decoration and a blessed lamp, illuminate everyone with heavenly light, the red and spiritual fruit of Russia and all sunflowers, richly delight and amuse the souls of the faithful! Now, with faith and trembling, we fall down before the wholesome cancer of your holy relics, which you graciously bestowed on consolation and help to those who are suffering, we humbly pray to you with our hearts and lips, Holy Father, as the All-Russian mentor and teacher of piety, shepherd and doctor of our spiritual and bodily ailments: look on your children who sin grossly in words and deeds, and visit us with your many and holy love, with which you gloriously succeeded even in the days of the earth, especially after your righteous death, instructing the holy and God-enlightened fathers in the rules, admonishing us in the commandments of Christ, in you were kindly jealous of them until the last hour of your arduous monastic life; ask us, who are weak in soul and who are in sorrow, for a favorable and saving time for repentance, true correction and renewal of our life, in which we, sinners, become vain in mind and heart, betray ourselves with obscene and fierce passion, vice and lawlessness, and there are no numbers; receive therefore, observe and cover us with the shelter of your many mercy, send us a blessing from the Lord, may we bear the good yoke of Christ in patience until the end of our days, looking forward to the future belly and Kingdom, where there is sorrow, no sighing, but life and joy are endless, abundant flowing from the One, All-Holy and Blessed Source of immortality in the Trinity of the worshiped God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Saint Ambrose of Optina is a saint to whom prayers are read in different occasions, but most often he is approached with requests for healing from various ailments that medicine cannot cope with.

Optina Elder Ambrose

Ambrose is one of the most famous Optina elders. His cell was small, but despite this, quite a lot of people always gathered at its doors, who came to the elder for help. This saint was extraordinarily perspicacious, his main gift was the ability to heal any illness, heal mental illnesses. People knew about it and believed that he could help them return to normal life, which they had before this or that disease overtook them.

The name of the saint in translation means "divine". During his studies at the seminary, he was stricken with a rather severe illness, which made it impossible to continue his studies. In order to recover, he vowed to become a monk, and therefore went to Optina Pustyn, where he was tonsured a monk, after which the elder managed to get rid of the disease.

Today they pray to him:

  • about the healing of various diseases and ailments;
  • about children;
  • about the health and successful education of kids;
  • about consolation;
  • about help in any matter;
  • about building faith.

Acts of Ambrose

St. Ambrose accomplished quite a lot, not only during his lifetime, but also after his death. Cases are known when people prayer appeal to him, they were completely healed of ailments, received new opportunities in life, although hope had long since disappeared.

Several cases of such a miracle are known. So, one day a young man fell seriously ill. For a long time, the illness did not let him go, and the doctors did not manage to find out what kind of illness weakened him. As a result of many examinations, it turned out that it was bilateral pneumonia. The form of the disease was neglected, it was impossible to avoid serious consequences, but the guy did not want to put up with it, he believed that the appeal to higher powers will definitely help him. He carried out anointing with a special Optina oil, constantly sincerely read prayers to Elder Ambrose. Appealed to the saint and relatives young man wanting it speedy recovery. Soon a real miracle happened: one morning the guy woke up and it turned out that he no longer had any illness.

Another case is also known. The woman worked in an office where she had quite a few enemies who were jealous of her talent. She was slandered, and the head of the office, without starting to clarify the situation, simply fired her. The lady knew that she was fired completely unfairly, she could not come to terms with this and was very sad. She decided to ask the saints for help by visiting a church. The woman confessed and went through the rite of communion, after which she turned to Ambrose of Optinsky for help, asking him to help overcome this difficult situation and find a new job. On the same day, she was offered a prestigious job, which she could not even dream of.

One man dreamed of starting his own family, but could not find the woman who would become the mother of his children and loving wife. On his way there were many different women, but he did not experience the same feelings for any of them, he did not see any of them next to him. His personal life did not work out in any way, so he decided to turn to St. Ambrose with a prayer. He began to go to church and offer prayers to the elder, asking him to help in finding his soul mate. Very soon, his dream came true: he met the very woman who became his only lover, as a result of which their relationship was sealed by marriage. Some time later, they had twins.

Prayer for Healing

Many cases of people recovering from various ailments are known thanks to Ambrose of Optina. He helped people through prayers. Sometimes the elder himself came to them for healing, but at a distance. Unbeknownst to others, he also helped the members of the brethren in which he was. Often, the elder could feel what kind of illness a person came to him with.

If you have been unable to get rid of the disease for a long time, ask the saint for help.

Prayer to Ambrose of Optina for healing sounds like this:

“O great elder and servant of God, our reverend father Ambrose, Optina praise and all Russia to the teacher of piety! We glorify your humble life in Christ, even as God exalted your name, while you still exist on earth, and most of all, crowning you with heavenly honor after your departure to the chamber of eternal glory. Now accept the prayer of us unworthy of your children (names), who honor you and call on your holy name, deliver us by your intercession before the throne of God from all mournful circumstances, mental and bodily ailments, evil misfortunes, pernicious and crafty temptations, send down to our Fatherland from the great-gifted God peace, silence and prosperity, be the immutable patron of this holy monastery, in it you yourself labored and pleased you with all in the Trinity to our glorious God, all glory, honor and worship befits Him, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever centuries. Amen.”

Text for daily reading

You can turn to Ambrose of Optina for help and protection every day. The text of such a prayer is quite simple, but it will help not only strengthen faith in one's own strength, but also give confidence when faced with new worries, news that a new day will bring. You can choose any prayer time.

Such an appeal will help every day to feel more confident, to avoid many troubles.

“Lord, give me peace of mind to meet everything that the coming day brings me. Let me completely surrender to Your holy will. For every hour of this day, instruct and support me in everything. Whatever news I receive during the day, teach me to accept it with a calm soul and firm conviction that everything is Thy holy will. In all my words and deeds guide my thoughts and feelings. In all unforeseen cases, do not let me forget that everything is sent down by You. Teach me to act directly and reasonably with each member of my family, without embarrassing or upsetting anyone. Lord, give me the strength to endure the fatigue of the coming day and all the events during the day. Guide my will and teach me to pray, believe, hope, endure, forgive and love. Amen".

Prayer for children

Prayers for children are also read to the Optina elder. The saint is usually asked to help them in their studies, guide them on the right path, and improve their health.

Parents always wish their children all the best, they want to protect them from troubles and misfortunes, illnesses and problems. It is best to pray to the Optina elder for children in the church. The prayers of mothers are addressed to the reverend elder, but relatives can also read them. The text of the prayer is:

“Lord, You are One in all things, You can do everything and want to be saved by everyone and come to the understanding of Truth. Enlighten my children (names) with the knowledge of Thy truth and Thy Holy will and strengthen them to walk according to Thy commandments and have mercy on me, a sinner.

Prayer, if it is read from the bottom of the heart, will always reach St. Ambrose of Optina.

If you want to ask him for help in curing an illness, strengthening your faith, improving your life, or if you are praying for your children, their well-being, health and teaching, be sure to open your heart and believe in a miracle, then your desires will surely be fulfilled. Sincerity is the main rule to follow when reading any of the prayers.

Miraculous words: the prayer of Ambrose of Optina in full description from all the sources we found.

The elders, who dedicated their lives to Christ and live in Optina Hermitage, played a huge role in spiritual development our Motherland. Among them, Ambrose of Optina, a simple monk who never had high church ranks, received special veneration. All of it earthly life dedicated to serving God and people. Having a brilliant education, great humility and the gift of insight, he was famous for his simplicity, was the Divine Light for his many students.

What do they pray for St. Ambrose

Prayer to Ambrose of Optina grants pilgrims healing in illness, help in everyday needs, consolation in sorrows, invisible assistance in the Christian upbringing of children, strengthening in the Orthodox faith.

People turn to the saint in various life situations, you can pray to him:

  • about beloved children;
  • about giving them health and success in their studies.

The text of the prayer to the reverend

O great elder and servant of God, our reverend father Ambrose, praise of Optina and all Russia to the teacher of piety! We glorify your humble life in Christ, even as God exalted your name, while you still exist on earth, and most of all, crowning you with heavenly honor after your departure to the chamber of eternal glory. Now accept the prayer of us unworthy of your children (names), who honor you and call on your holy name, deliver us by your intercession before the throne of God from all mournful circumstances, mental and bodily ailments, evil misfortunes, pernicious and crafty temptations, send down to our Fatherland from the great-gifted God peace, silence and prosperity, be the immutable patron of this holy monastery, in it you yourself labored and pleased you all in the Trinity to our glorious God, all glory, honor and worship befits Him, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and ever forever and ever. Amen.

Lord, You are One in all weight, You can do everything and want to be saved by everyone and come to the mind of Truth. Enlighten my children (names) with the knowledge of Thy truth and Thy Holy will and strengthen them to walk according to Thy commandments and have mercy on me, a sinner. Amen.

O all-honorable elder of the most glorious and marvelous Optina Hermitage, our reverend and God-bearing Father Ambrose! Our Church is a good decoration and a blessed lamp, illuminate everyone with heavenly light, the red and spiritual fruit of Russia and all sunflowers, richly delight and amuse the souls of the faithful! Now, with faith and trembling, we fall down before the wholesome cancer of your holy relics, which you graciously bestowed on consolation and help to those who are suffering, we humbly pray to you with our hearts and lips, Holy Father, as the All-Russian mentor and teacher of piety, shepherd and doctor of our spiritual and bodily ailments: look on your children, sinning wickedly in words and deeds, and visit us with many and holy love of yours, with which you gloriously succeeded even in the days of the earth. And most of all, after your righteous death, instructing the holy and God-enlightened fathers in the rules, admonishing us in the commandments of Christ, you were kindly jealous of them until the last hour of your arduous monastic life; ask us, who are weak in soul and who are in sorrow, for a favorable and saving time for repentance, true correction and renewal of our life, in which we, sinners, become vain in mind and heart, betray ourselves with obscene and fierce passion, vice and lawlessness, and there are no numbers ; receive therefore, observe and cover us with your shelter of many mercy, send us a blessing from the Lord, may we bear the good yoke of Christ in longsuffering until the end of our days, looking forward to the future belly and Kingdom, where there is sorrow, no sighing, but life and joy are endless, abundant flowing from the one, all-holy and blessed source of immortality, worshiped in the Trinity by God the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Miracles through prayer

St. Ambrose showed many miracles during his earthly life, and he does not leave his intercession for us, sinners, before the Savior even in modern times.

  • The young man was sick for a long time, and the doctors could not identify the cause of his illness. After many examinations, the guy was diagnosed with bilateral pneumonia. The disease proceeded in a neglected form, which threatened with severe complications. But after anointing with sacred oil from Optina and fervent prayer of the patient himself and his relatives, a miracle happened to the venerable elder Ambrose - in the morning the patient woke up as an absolutely healthy person.
  • The girl worked in the office, but she had many envious people who slandered her. The boss, not understanding the circumstances, fired her. The girl was very sad about the unfair dismissal. Soon she went to church, confessed and took communion, after which she asked Ambrose of Optina for help in finding a new job. On the same day, the young woman received a job offer for a job that she was even afraid to dream about.
  • The man was looking for his soul mate for a long time, dreamed of a family, but he could not arrange his personal life. Through the prayers of the reverend elder, his old dream soon came true and he met his beloved and loving woman, and the crown of their relationship was the wedding. Soon beautiful twin girls were born in the family.

Prayer for Orthodox Christian very important. Prayer requests and gratitude can be offered both in the Temple of God and at home.

In the church, parishioners pray together, they participate in the Sacraments - they confess sins and take Communion - the Blood and Flesh of Christ. Private (home) prayer should be performed in front of the icon of the Savior, the Mother of God and the beloved saint. Their Faces indicate the invisible presence of Heavenly Helpers.

It is necessary to light a candle or lamp, overshadow yourself with the Sign of the Cross and tune in to a prayer conversation. When the need for prayer is felt, but it is very difficult to do it, this is a sign of the authenticity of the effectiveness of the offered prayer.

It is not necessary during prayer to list and talk about each of your problems: the Lord and His Holy Saints know about everything. The Heavenly Father Himself knows about the needs of the one who prays, and if there is His Will for that, He will give what is asked for. Ask for the forgiveness of sins and the gift of strength to fight them.

Look at Leakey with your eyes, this will help you focus on prayer.

Prayers to the saints

Prayers to St. Ambrose of Optina

Prayer one

O great elder and servant of God, our reverend father Ambrose, Praise of Optina and all Russia to the teacher of piety! We glorify your humble life in Christ, by which God exalted the name yours still living on the earth to you, most of all, crowning you with heavenly honor after your departure to the chamber of eternal glory. Now accept the prayer of us, your unworthy children, who honor you and call on your holy name, deliver us by your intercession before the throne of God from all mournful circumstances, mental and bodily ailments, evil misfortunes, pernicious and evil temptations, send peace to our Fatherland from the great-gifted God, peace and prosperity, be the immutable patron of this holy monastery, in it in prosperity you yourself labored and pleased you with all in the Trinity, our glorious God, all glory, honor and worship befits Him, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer two

O reverend and God-bearing Father Ambrose! You wished to work for the Lord, where you settled in and unsluggishly in labors, in vigils, in prayers and fasts, you labored, and you were a mentor to monastics, but a zealous teacher to all people. Now, after your departure from the earthly King of Heaven, pray for His goodness, even if you have mercy on the place of your village, this holy abode, where you relentlessly abide in the spirit of your love, and all your people, with faith to the race of your relics, fall into the good petition of their execute. Ask our merciful Lord, may He grant us an abundance of earthly blessings, and even more so for the benefit of our souls, may He grant us, and end this temporary life in repentance, may He vouchsafe, on the day of judgment, the right of standing and enjoying in His Kingdom, vouchsafe forever and ever . Amen.

Prayer three

O all-honorable elder of the most glorious and marvelous Optina Hermitage, our reverend and God-bearing Father Ambrose! Our Church is a good decoration and a blessed lamp, illuminate everyone with heavenly light, the red and spiritual fruit of Russia and all sunflowers, richly delight and amuse the souls of the faithful! Now, with faith and trembling, we fall down before the wholesome cancer of your holy relics, which you graciously bestowed on consolation and help to those who are suffering, we humbly pray to you with our hearts and lips, Holy Father, as the All-Russian mentor and teacher of piety, shepherd and doctor of our spiritual and bodily ailments: look on your children, sinning wickedly in words and deeds, and visit us with many and holy love of yours, with which you gloriously succeeded even in the days of the earth. And most of all, after your righteous death, instructing the holy and God-enlightened fathers in the rules, admonishing us in the commandments of Christ, you were kindly jealous of them until the last hour of your arduous monastic life; ask us, who are weak in soul and who are in sorrow, for a favorable and saving time for repentance, true correction and renewal of our life, in which we, sinners, become vain in mind and heart, betray ourselves with indecent and fierce passion, vice and lawlessness, even have no number; receive therefore, observe and cover us with your shelter of many mercy, send us a blessing from the Lord, may we bear the good yoke of Christ in longsuffering until the end of our days, looking forward to the future belly and Kingdom, where there is sorrow, no sighing, but life and joy are endless, abundant flowing from the one, all-holy and blessed source of immortality, in the Trinity worshiping God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayers to the saints

Commemorated: October 10 / 23 (Cathedral of the Optina Elders), October 11 / October 24, June 27 / July 10 (uncovering of relics)

A God-wise mentor, comforter and prayer book, the Monk Ambrose truly became the crown and adornment of the Optina eldership. Many people flocked to the doors of his wretched cell for advice and consolation. Elder Ambrose became famous for his clairvoyance, the gift of healing bodily ailments and healing spiritual wounds. They pray to him for help in various everyday needs, for healing in illnesses, for the firm standing of the Russian people in the faith of the father, for good disposition and Christian upbringing of children.

Troparion to St. Ambrose of Optina, tone 5

Like a healing spring, we flow to you, Ambrose, our father, for you faithfully instruct us on the path of salvation, protect us from troubles and misfortunes with prayers, console you in bodily and spiritual sorrows, and even teach humility, patience and love; pray to the philanthropist Christ and the zealous Intercessor / / save our souls.

Kontakion to the Monk Ambrose of Optina, tone 2

Having fulfilled the covenant of the Chief Shepherd, thou hast inherited the grace of the elders, having an aching heart for all who flow to you with faith. In the same way, we, your children, cry out to you with love: Holy Father Ambrose, pray to Christ God that our souls be saved.

First Prayer to St. Ambrose of Optina

O great elder and servant of God, our reverend father Ambrose, Praise of Optina and all Russia to the teacher of piety! We glorify your humble life in Christ, even as God exalted your name, still existing on earth, and most of all crowning you with heavenly honor after your departure to the chamber of eternal glory. Now accept the prayer of us, your unworthy children, who honor you and call on your holy name, deliver us by your intercession before the Throne of God from all mournful circumstances, mental and bodily ailments, evil misfortunes, pernicious and crafty temptations, send peace to our Fatherland from the great-gifted God, peace and prosperity, be the immutable patron of this holy monastery, in it you yourself labored in prosperity and pleased you with all in the Trinity, our glorious God, He deserves all glory, honor and worship, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and in ages of ages. Amen.

Second Prayer to St. Ambrose of Optina

O reverend and God-bearing Father Ambrose! You, desiring to work for the Lord, have settled here and have not been lazy in labors, vigils, prayers and fasts, and have been a mentor to monastics, but a zealous teacher to all people. Now, after your departure from the earthly, standing before the Heavenly King, pray for His goodness, even if you have mercy on the place of your village, this holy abode, where you relentlessly abide in the spirit of your love, and with all your people, with faith to the race of your relics, in good petition fulfill them. Ask our merciful Lord, may He send down to us an abundance of earthly blessings, and even more so for the benefit of our souls, may He grant us, and end this temporary life in repentance, may He vouchsafe, on the day of judgment, the right of standing and enjoyment in His Kingdom, vouchsafe forever and ever . Amen.

Third Prayer to St. Ambrose of Optina

O all-honorable elder of the most glorious and marvelous Optina Hermitage, our reverend and God-bearing Father Ambrose! Our Church is a good decoration and a blessed lamp, illuminate everyone with heavenly light, the red and spiritual fruit of Russia and all sunflowers, richly delight and amuse the souls of the faithful! Now, with faith and trembling, we fall down before the wholesome cancer of your holy relics, which you graciously bestowed on consolation and help to those who are suffering, we humbly pray to you with our hearts and lips, Holy Father, as the All-Russian mentor and teacher of piety, shepherd and doctor of our spiritual and bodily ailments: look on your children who sin grossly in words and deeds, and visit us with your many and holy love, with which you gloriously succeeded even in the days of the earth, especially after your righteous death, instructing the holy and God-enlightened fathers in the rules, admonishing us in the commandments of Christ, in you were kindly jealous of them until the last hour of your arduous monastic life; ask us, who are weak in soul and who are in sorrow, for a favorable and saving time for repentance, true correction and renewal of our life, in which we, sinners, become vain in mind and heart, betray ourselves with obscene and fierce passion, vice and lawlessness, and there are no numbers; receive therefore, observe and cover us with the shelter of your many mercy, send us a blessing from the Lord, may we bear the good yoke of Christ in patience until the end of our days, looking forward to the future belly and Kingdom, where there is sorrow, no sighing, but life and joy are endless, abundant flowing from the One, All-Holy and Blessed Source of immortality in the Trinity of the worshiped God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Akathist to St. Ambrose of Optina:

Canon to St. Ambrose of Optina:

Hagiographic and scientific-historical literature about St. Ambrose of Optina:

  • Rev. Ambrose of Optina– Pravoslavie.Ru
  • Rev. Ambrose of Optina: Cheerful patient– Andrey Zaitsev
  • How to quit smoking: advice Saint Ambrose Optinsky- Orthodox woman
Read other prayers of the section "Orthodox prayer book"

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Prayer of Ambrose to Optina

Chosen servant of God and miracle worker, the great elder Ambrose, the Optina praise and marvelous mentor of all Russia, glorifying your fair life in labors, we bring laudatory singing, but you, as if having boldness to the Lord, pray for all of us, your children, calling with tenderness:

Imitating the angelic life, you rejected all the red and transient of this perishable world and directed your feet to the spiritual teacher and seer Elder Hilarion, may he guide you on the path of true residence and bless you on the exploits of salvation. He, having foreseen your future charitable life, sent you to the Optina monastery, and there you found yourself a good refuge. But we, seeing such God's will for you, we say:

Rejoice, God's chosen branch of the piety of parents; Rejoice, thou who hast loved the Lord from the depths of thy years.

Rejoice, zeal for bookish wisdom from youth; Rejoice, having learned the spiritual teaching of the Holy Fathers.

Rejoice, rejection of the perishing blessings of this world; Rejoice, unrelenting desire for incorruptible treasures.

Rejoice, seeking the will of God for the salvation of your soul; Rejoice, blessing on the monastic path received.

Rejoice, Saint Ambrose, God-wise teacher of faith and piety.

Seeing your heart’s good intention, Christ has foreshadowed the narrow and thorny path of your salvation, and when you were suddenly on your deathbed of illness, you gave the Lord a promise: if he heals you, commit yourself to the feat of monasticism. Having risen, by the grace of God, from the bed of illness, Abie glorified the all-merciful God, the Physician of souls and bodies, calling: Alleluia.

Having acquired the mind of the Divine Scriptures, in the fear of God you thought how the Lord would arrange the future path of your salvation and how to enter the path of the difficult and sorrowful monastic life. We, marveling at your good intention, sing to you:

Rejoice, placing all your hope on God the Provider; Rejoice, only seeking His favor.

Rejoice, ready to endure every trial for the salvation of the soul; Rejoice, follower of your conscience.

Rejoice, hateful worldly amusements; Rejoice, unloving earthly riches.

Rejoice, thou who didst work everything for oneself to the One God; Rejoice, to please the one who desires.

Rejoice, Saint Ambrose, God-wise teacher of faith and piety.

By the power of love, affirming yourself in faith, you were jealous of the Gospel life to acquire in the image of the venerable fathers of the ancient Church. When the Lord gave you the understanding of this pleasing, you sang with tenderness: Alleluia.

Having a strong faith in the good providence of God for the salvation of man, you flowed to the honest image of the Most Holy Theotokos of Tambov, if you had a parental blessing, and humbly prayed to the Lady, may your path be guided. We, seeing your relentless hope in the mercy of the Queen of Heaven, sing to you:

Rejoice, faithful and beloved child of the Mother of God; rejoice, secret comprehension of her sacred cover of power.

Rejoice, blessings of the parent through Her image of the good-natured guardian; Rejoice, zealous intercessor to the reverent admirer.

Rejoice, many-time in the night of prayer to Her tearfully uplifting; Rejoice, heavenly help from Ney shamelessly perceived.

Rejoice, for you have found sweet consolation in your heart; Rejoice, for thou hast accepted tender tenderness.

Rejoice, Saint Ambrose, God-wise teacher of faith and piety.

Moved by a storm of thoughts, have you come to the monastery of St. Sergius of Radonezh, may your heart be strengthened for the exploits of the upcoming monastic field of all Russia, the miracle worker and teacher of monastic work, pouring currents of grace-filled help from the shrine of his honest relics. Touched by the same heart, you cried out with joy: Alleluia.

Hearing the great life and piety of the God-wise fathers and elders of Optina Hermitage, secretly left the world and everything in it, and came, without hesitation, to this abode in the humility of the soul, in order to be saved and please God. But we, seeing the greater jealousy of your soul, bring you a laudatory song:

Rejoice, perishable good of this world, who is not sane; Rejoice, knowing the sweetness of the church.

Rejoice, dwelling in the holy abode; Rejoice, giving everything to God.

Rejoice, thou who did not lazily fulfill the commandments of God; Rejoice, sweetly tasting the fruits of Christ's teachings.

Rejoice, zealot of the exploits of the holy fathers; Rejoice, vigilant guardian of spiritual purity.

Rejoice, Saint Ambrose, God-wise teacher of faith and piety.

The God-created desert welcomed you, as if in the arms of a father, thou meekly settled in the nuns and there first carried the labors of obedience in the cell of the great old man, the God-enlightened Leo, whom you were instructed in spiritual work. Having taken away the sweetness of the renunciation of your will, you cried out: Alleluia.

Seeing your monastic prosperity, the fathers of the desert clothed you in the robes of the great schema, and vouchsafe you the podvigator Christ of the grace of the angelic rank to partake, for this sake we cry out to you:

Rejoice, loving God with all your heart; Rejoice, serving Him with all your soul.

Rejoice, faith through many labors immutably affirming; Rejoice, arming yourself with hope for help from above.

Rejoice, gospel love treasure; Rejoice, receptacle of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Rejoice, valiant feats of monastic warriors; Rejoice, angelic life of the mimic imitator.

Rejoice, Saint Ambrose, God-wise teacher of faith and piety.

The preacher of the Orthodox faith and true living in Christ Jesus appeared to you, denying the teachings of the Gospel and the Church, and turned many from the path of error to Christ the Life-Giver, singing thanksgivingly: Alleluia.

You have risen, like a bright candle, into the lands of Russia, enlightening every person who comes to you with the light of truth, people, burdened with sins and many sorrows, having found in you a God-wise mentor of piety and a good father to all the weak, suffering and humiliated, singing this:

Rejoice, lamp of the Orthodox countries of Russia; Rejoice, mirror of Divine love.

Rejoice, pillar of the apostolic faith; Rejoice, stone of the hope of eternal life.

Rejoice, instructor in all circumstances inspired by God; Rejoice, zealous preacher of repentance.

Rejoice, physician of bodily ailments; Rejoice, healer of mental illnesses.

Rejoice, Saint Ambrose, God-wise teacher of faith and piety.

Although follow Christ Himself, you imitated Him wholeheartedly, take His yoke on yourself and, having learned from Him meekness and humility, you found peace of your soul, calling everlastingly: Alleluia.

A new and marvelous star of holiness appeared in the church sky, when you ascended the spiritual ladder to angel-like perfection, spread the rays of your love over the face of all the Russian land and attracted you to yourself, noble and noble, wise of this age and unwise, crying out to you:

Rejoice, city, stand at the top of the mountain; Rejoice, luminary, chasing away the darkness of ignorance.

Rejoice, heal all the weak; Rejoice, delivering from the troubles and temptations of the enemy.

Rejoice, sad comforter; Rejoice, thirsty spiritual drinker.

Rejoice, accuser of the cunning wisdom of this age; Rejoice, corrector of many who have erred on the path of truth.

Rejoice, Saint Ambrose, God-wise teacher of faith and piety.

You appeared as a wanderer and a stranger in the earthly world, seeking the city of heaven, and you suffered hardships and weaknesses of your neighbor who was looking for help from you, and so you fulfilled the law of Christ, singing with thanksgiving: Alleluia.

Filled with all the fire of Divine love, you carried the cross of laborious bodily illnesses through all your monastic life, in patience acquiring your soul, according to the word of the Gospel of Christ, and you taught us all the uncomplaining cross-bearing, calling to you:

Rejoice, leader of those who seek salvation; rejoice, the image of true obedience.

Rejoice, you yourself endured grave illnesses to the end; Rejoice, teaching patience to those who come to you in sickness and sorrow.

Rejoice, generous counselor of your flock; Rejoice, nourisher of those who hunger for eternal life.

Rejoice, offended patron; Rejoice, disobedient to the will of God as an enlightener.

Rejoice, Saint Ambrose, God-wise teacher of faith and piety.

You tested all human nature in sickness and bodily infirmities, having crucified the flesh with passions and lusts, and with tireless prayer you drove away the misfortunes and temptations of the evil spirits, and thus taught you all to resist the wiles of the devil, calling with faith: Alleluia.

The oracles of the super-wise, who did not know the power of the Orthodox faith, were swept aside by the word of God and your pure life, and you truly shone forth, like a radiant pillar of piety and the guardian of the patristic tradition, diligently converting the ancient writings of the fathers into intelligible writings. We, marveling at your work, sing to the sitz:

Rejoice, adamante of the right faith; Rejoice, fortress of life by faith.

Rejoice, planter of the spirit of piety; Rejoice, sower of Christian virtues.

Rejoice, success in the deeds of the elders; Rejoice, spiritual enlightenment of many monks.

Rejoice, bringing those to salvation; Rejoice, turning many sinners to repentance.

Rejoice, Saint Ambrose, God-wise teacher of faith and piety.

Helping those who seek the Kingdom of Heaven to be saved, the faithful guide appeared to you, ruling the worldly and spiritual; at the end of your years, you put a lot of work, arranging the Shamorda monastery for the poor, so that the sisters will find peace of mind and salvation, singing a song of praise: Alleluia.

The wall and refuge were thou your child, guarding with prayers from demonic obsessions; Thou didst inspire them to an invisible battle with the spirits of malice, abolishing pride and love of glory with humility. At the same time, we joyfully call you:

Rejoice, quenching the arrows of the enemy; Rejoice, victorious demon regiments.

Rejoice, freeing the captives from the spirits of evil; Rejoice, having brought many souls out of the dungeon of passions.

Rejoice, turning back to God with love and prayers; Rejoice, good guardian of orphans and widows.

Rejoice, God-bearing builder of the guidance of the monks and nuns; Rejoice, good-hearted preacher of humility and meekness.

Rejoice, Saint Ambrose, God-wise teacher of faith and piety.

We bring tender singing to you, a quick helper in the needs and sorrows of all, flowing to you with faith and love, until the end of your days, you were a child-loving father of the suffering and burdened, looking for the consolation of the soul. In the same way, God is not falsely glorified by you, marvelous in His saints, who call unceasingly: Alleluia.

You saw all the ends of the lamp of virtues in you, our father Ambrose, as if in patience and humility you ended your earthly journey and fulfilled everything, even as Christ commanded us in the holy teaching, and you moved from earth to heaven, entering into the joy of your Lord, as a faithful servant of Christ. At the same time, we rejoice in singing to you like this:

Rejoice, zealous servant, having done the will of your Lord; Rejoice, warrior of Christ, leaving the vanity of life.

Rejoice, serving God alone; Rejoice, fulfilling all the commandments of God.

Rejoice, worthy of the heavenly abode; Rejoice, joining the mountain of glory.

Rejoice, heir of eternal life; Rejoice, praiseworthy servant of God.

Rejoice, Saint Ambrose, God-wise teacher of faith and piety.

By the grace of God, thou hast inherited an inescapable treasure, and thou hast found a quiet, serene haven in heaven. By the action of the providence of God in the days of the triumphant millennium of the Baptism of Russia, you were glorified and numbered among the saints. Now, pleasing your holy memory, we all sing: Alleluia.

Singing your all-Russian glorification, we lift you up, like an incense fragrance, our humble prayers: do not forget your children, who honor your holy name and cry out to you in thanksgiving:

Rejoice, Ambrose, the namesake of divine immortality; Rejoice, honest praise of the Orthodox Church.

Rejoice, partaking of the faces of the saints; Rejoice, congregation of the venerable fathers of the secret.

Rejoice, before the Throne of the Most High God our firm representative; Rejoice, before the judgment of God, our warm intercessor.

Rejoice, us, wandering in the vale of deplorable, guide; Rejoice, vigilant prayer book of all the Russian land.

Rejoice, Saint Ambrose, God-wise teacher of faith and piety.

Oh, marvelous servant of Christ and miracle worker, our reverend elder Ambrose, now accept the small prayer of your unworthy children, do not leave us in sorrows and illnesses, come and extend a helping hand, guide us on the path of repentance and salvation, in order to be delivered from eternal torment, yes by you we eternally glorify God, crying out: Alleluia.

This kontakion is read three times, then the 1st ikos "The Life of the Angels..." and the 1st kontakion "The Chosen One...".

Prayer one

Oh, great elder and servant of God, our reverend father Ambrose, Praise of Optina and all Russia, teacher of piety! We glorify your humble life in Christ, even as God exalted your name, still existing on earth, and most of all crowning you with heavenly honor after your departure to the chamber of eternal glory. Now accept the prayer of us, your unworthy children, who honor you and call on your holy name, deliver us by your intercession before the Throne of God from all mournful circumstances, mental and bodily ailments, evil misfortunes, pernicious and crafty temptations, send peace to our Fatherland from the great-gifted God, peace and prosperity, be the immutable patron of this holy monastery, in it you yourself labored in prosperity and pleased you with all in the Trinity, our glorious God, He deserves all glory, honor and worship, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and in ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer two

O reverend and God-bearing Father Ambrose! You, desiring to work for the Lord, have settled here and have not been lazy in labors, vigils, prayers and fasts, and have been a mentor to monastics, but a zealous teacher to all people. Now, after your departure from the earthly, standing before the Heavenly King, pray for His goodness, even if you have mercy on the place of your village, this holy abode, where you relentlessly abide in the spirit of your love, and with all your people, with faith to the race of your relics, in good petition fulfill them. Ask our merciful Lord, may He send down to us an abundance of earthly blessings, and even more so for the benefit of our souls, may He grant us, and end this temporary life in repentance, may He vouchsafe, on the day of judgment, the right of standing and enjoyment in His Kingdom, vouchsafe forever and ever . Amen.

Prayer three

Oh, the all-honorable elder of the most glorious and wondrous Optina Desert, our reverend and God-bearing Father Ambrose! Our Church is a good decoration and a blessed lamp, illuminate everyone with heavenly light, the red and spiritual fruit of Russia and all sunflowers, richly delight and amuse the souls of the faithful! Now, with faith and trembling, we fall down before the wholesome cancer of your holy relics, which you graciously bestowed on consolation and help to those who are suffering, we humbly pray to you with our hearts and lips, Holy Father, as the All-Russian mentor and teacher of piety, shepherd and doctor of our spiritual and bodily ailments: look on your children who sin grossly in words and deeds, and visit us with your many and holy love, with which you gloriously succeeded even in the days of the earth, especially after your righteous death, instructing the holy and God-enlightened fathers in the rules, admonishing us in the commandments of Christ, in you were kindly jealous of them until the last hour of your arduous monastic life; ask us, who are weak in soul and who are in sorrow, for a favorable and saving time for repentance, true correction and renewal of our life, in which we, sinners, become vain in mind and heart, betray ourselves with obscene and fierce passion, vice and lawlessness, and there are no numbers; receive therefore, observe and cover us with the shelter of your many mercy, send us a blessing from the Lord, may we bear the good yoke of Christ in patience until the end of our days, looking forward to the future belly and Kingdom, where there is sorrow, no sighing, but life and joy are endless, abundant flowing from the One, All-Holy and Blessed Source of immortality in the Trinity of the worshiped God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.
