Unicorn effect: The rainbow beauty trend has spread everywhere and even into the sex industry. Mythological Encyclopedia: Bestiary: Unicorn, Unicorn

0 4 May 2017, 15:20

There are a huge number of trends in the field of beauty, but not all trends stand the test of time. "Unicorn" does not apply to the latter - it has long been entrenched in the beauty industry and not only. Since the end of 2016, the world has become obsessed with this mythical creature with a horn in its forehead. At first, the "magic" of the unicorn spread to food, and now it can be seen everywhere, in particular in the field of beauty - makeup on the theme, exclusive collections of cosmetics, manicures ... Why, in stores you can even find toys for adults, made in the form of that the horn of the unicorn..

Drinks and food

A new wave of popularity for this colorful trend began after the release of unicorn frappuccino and lemonade in Starbucks coffee shops in America. In Russia, such bright drinks will appear only in a few months.

However, in the rainbow colors of the unicorn, food first appeared - toasts, pastries, cakes and more. To get bright pastries, confectioners add food coloring during the cooking process, creating not just a dessert, but a real work of art.

beauty industry

After that, bright colors could be found everywhere, it became especially popular to do makeup in this style. To achieve the goal of a unicorn-style make-up, shades of pink, blue and purple are mainly used. And, of course, do not forget about rhinestones and glitter.

Further - more, or, as they say, demand creates supply: cosmetic collections have appeared on the market that help achieve a "magic" result - shadows, lipsticks, makeup brushes and much more.

And the biggest unicorn trend, without a doubt, has become multi-colored hair. Girls from all over the world began to repaint, trying to evoke associations with a mythical creature among others.

What girls don’t go to to be in trend. In a similar style, fashionistas paint their nails, and some even make them in the shape of an animal horn.

sex toys

The unicorn trend has even reached the sex industry. Yes, yes, this is no joke: insanity has reached the point where any fan of the rainbow can buy himself (or as a gift) a dildo in the form of a horn.

Instagram photo


Our bright, multifaceted world is filled with interesting animals and magical creatures. One of them are unicorns, white mythical creatures symbolizing chastity.

In appearance, they resemble an ordinary white horse. But the distinctive feature in the form of a horn on the forehead will prevent you from confusing it with a horse.

White Unicorn - mystical creature. Its silvery luminous blood gives a person strength, success, heals the most severe wounds and prolongs life. However, a person who dares to try the blood of a unicorn will be damned.

"Killing a unicorn is considered a monstrous crime. Only one who has nothing to lose and who strives for complete victory is capable of committing such a crime. The blood of a unicorn saves life, even if a person is on the verge of death ... But a person will pay dearly for this. If he kills such a beautiful and defenseless creature for the sake of his own salvation, then from the moment the blood of a unicorn touches his lips, he will be cursed. (With)

But the Dark Lord is not afraid of curses, he killed a lot of unicorns in the Forbidden Forest, trying to save his life:

"A few meters away lay a unicorn, he was dead. Harry had never seen such a sad and such a beautiful picture. The unicorn had long, slender legs and a pearl-colored mane."(With)

According to legend, unicorns are more willing to let virgin girls near them than anyone else. However, young golden foals, according to Prof. Grabli-Dörg, are friendly to boys too.India is considered the birthplace of the unicorn, butit lives everywhere in the forests of northern Europe.

In the East, the Unicorn is a symbol of magic. He is depicted as white as snow, and thus he embodies the light magical powers. In the art of Feng Shui, the Unicorn is a pure, glorified creature, the personification of honor,goodness and nobility, everything bright and beautiful in the world.He is the embodiment of strength of character and body, wisdom, love and kindness. The unicorn will bring you closer to glory and honor. It symbolizes long life, festivity, splendor, joy, famous descendants and wisdom. (Therefore, we love and respect unicorns).

You can catch him only if the wizard does not use magic.

unicorn horn has the ability to neutralize poisons. In addition, daggers are made from the horns of unicorns. These daggers are very light, and at the same time the sharpest in the world. The wounds inflicted by these daggers heal almost instantly, so they were used quite often in magical rituals where blood was required. In order to get the horn, these beautiful creatures were killed, but you can take the horn of a unicorn without destroying it. They allowed a person with a pure heart and soul to take their horn voluntarily.The unicorn has a huge magical positive power. The hair of the unicorn is highly valued: it also produces magnificent cores for magic wands, and excellent wound dressings.

There are several types of unicorns:

1) British unicorn - larger than all their relatives. In short, this is a horse with a horn on its forehead. The body of the British unicorn is quite powerful, and it is decorated with a magnificent silvery mane and tail. British unicorns are usually pure white, with the exact same color, slightly silvery horn. The horn of British unicorns is quite small compared to the large body. It has the ability to neutralize any, even the most powerful poisons.

2) Indian unicorn. They are found in countries with a warm climate, but the largest population is in India, which is why the breed got its name. Unlike the British, Indian unicorns are extremely graceful, small (more stocky are rarely found). The tail of these unicorns resembles a lion's - thin, with a tassel at the end. The horn of the Indian unicorn is longer and thinner than that of the British, and is no longer white, but completely silver. The wool of the Indian unicorn is not so thick, as it lives in a warm climate. The color of these proud animals is most often white with a faint grayish-blue tint. Less common are just white Indians.

3) Western or, as it is sometimes called, American Unicorn. This species is truly rare. They live in America. Spirits of the Wild West - Mustangs, wild horses - free and wayward. Western unicorns are like that too. Unlike all their fellows, they will never approach a person, and if they don’t like something, they can attack, attacking the enemy with a sharp horn. Americans are very hardy, able to travel long distances even in the heat. Interestingly, the horn of Western unicorns is fundamentally different from those that their relatives proudly wear - they do not have most of the abilities known among the British and Indians. However, nature has rewarded them with much more unusual properties. If you take the horn of an American unicorn and spin it on the ground, it will, like a compass (with only a slight difference), point to the West. The color of these unicorns is usually bay (dark brown with a black mane), less often gray or light beige. The horn is usually the color of "old bone" (sand beige).

4) Mirror unicorn.
It is also called Mirror Ang. The coat of these incredible creatures is so close to the body that it creates a continuous layer, and each mirror hair becomes an integral part of the entire cover. The silver horn also reflects light like a mirror. These unicorns are very clumsy creatures, although you can't call them clumsy. They are the size of a horse. They also live like Indian unicorns in places with a warm climate, but they like high humidity, trying to choose places near large reservoirs for existence. Especially common in Africa, along the banks of the Nile. In addition, magicians used to encounter them at Victoria Falls. The Horn of the Mirror Ang is different from the rest in that it allows wizards to travel to parallel worlds. During a magical rite with a horn on a mirrordrawa circle that becomes a "door" to another world.

5) Winged Unicorn. A mix between a British unicorn and a pegasus. In principle, it has the same properties as the Briton. The only difference is the ability to fly. The legs of this unicorn are shorter than those of their counterparts, but despite this, they are powerful. This kind of mutation occurred due to the fact that long ones interfere with flight, and power is needed for take-off and repulsion from the ground. Winged unicorns live in the mountains, next to streams and streams.

Winged unicorns are not as hardy as pegasi, they cannot fly for a long time. The feather from the wing of this unicorn can be used for writing, it gives inspiration (like a pegasus feather) and helps a person remember everything that he does not write. The color of Winged Unicorns is very different, depending on the country of residence, from white to black. The horn usually matches the coat color.

6) Black unicorn. The coat of this unicorn is usually black with a bluish sheen, the horn is golden. The eyes are bright yellow or orange, without a pupil. They were bred a long time ago, but later they began to breed in natural conditions, which is why they became the most common after the British and Indian relatives. More common in forests and near mountain meadows, but only at night. During the day, they can sometimes be seen in dark places, away from sunlight, as it is very unpleasant for them. The horn of the black unicorn is charged with great negative energy. As soon as a small particle of this horn gets into the blood of any living being, it ceases to control itself. The blood of this unicorn is used in black magic, for example, to prepare the strongest poisons.

Unicorns live apart, shunning people. But if they recognize a person, they will give their lives for him: they will protect him like their own foal. The bond between man and unicorn cannot be broken by time or distance.

But unicorns can also be raised in captivity. It is desirable, of course, that they have a fair amount of freedom. And they need to be looked after very well. Proper feeding of unicorns is the most important factor for their health and performance. The lack of essential nutrients in the feed slows down the growth and development of young animals and impairs the physique of adult unicorns.To raise these cute animals, you also need to know the diseases that they can be subjected to in captivity. Tetanus, Grass Disease (painful fatal disease that affect the unicorn's nervous system), lichen, fever, hoof infections, and more. Unicorns must be handled very gently and carefully, as they can no doubt be called very gentle and shy creatures (with rare exceptions).

Muggles consider unicorns a fiction, a myth. If they accidentally see a unicorn, they will definitely write off what they saw for poor eyesight.

But we all know that Unicorns exist. I myself managed to meet this wonderful creature. Sharing my impressions, I can say that unicorns have a very soft mane and wonderful eyes, in which the wisdom of generations is read...

I wish you all to see the Unicorn and enjoy wonderful communication without words.

Unicorn- this is a creation of light, carrying good, designed to resist dark forces, fight monsters and monsters. The appearance of this creature also corresponds to a high calling. A wonderful thoroughbred horse, of a snow-white suit, with a pearl-colored mane shimmering in the sun: he is the very embodiment of innocence and chastity. But the main distinguishing feature of this mythical creature is the only horn, rather long, twisted in a spiral and pointed at the end. It grows in the animal exactly in the middle of the forehead between the eyes.

It is this part of the body of the unicorn that is credited with many wonderful, magical properties. It is believed that thanks to the horn, it was possible to accurately determine whether a deadly poison was present in the liquid. If poison was present in a drink served in a bowl made of horn, it must certainly boil. And when approaching poisoned products or things, the surface of the magic horn fogged up. Not without reason, in the Renaissance, an image of a unicorn often flaunted over the entrance to the pharmacy. There was also an opinion that claimed that the horn, ground into powder, becomes the strongest aphrodisiac that can help attract representatives of the opposite sex without any problems.

From ancient Greek legends, there are several other descriptions of one-horned creatures. The physician Ctesias presented them as massive donkeys, similar in size to horses. The head of the creatures was red, and the eyes were blue, like the sky. The main difference was preserved - a horn in the middle of the forehead. Anyone who was lucky enough to drink wine or even plain water from this horn became invulnerable to any disease.

Such diverse magical qualities were the reason for the ruthless pursuit of these innocent creatures. The meat of the animal was not used for food, the hunters were interested in the nominal magic horn, which was very expensive. In order to stay alive, unicorns needed to have supernatural powers. These creatures are amazingly fast, agile, able to elude any pursuers. The unicorn had enough strength to lift even such a large animal as an elephant onto the horn. If this one-horned representative of the world had to fight the enemy for his life, then unicorns always had incomparable, compared to other creatures, chances of winning.

In some sources, immortality is attributed to these creatures. It is said that sometimes during the chase, the animal feels the approach of possible death. When there is no way out, the unicorn chooses the highest of the nearest rocks and rushes down from it. When he falls, he flips down with a magic horn, which saves him and allows him to stay alive, safe and sound.

Despite the all-round invulnerability of the unicorn, he, like any living creature, has weakness. It is believed that it is possible to catch a wonderful animal only with the help of a girl who is pure in soul and body. As soon as the virgin approached this creature with a wild, unbridled disposition, it became quiet and humble, lay down on the ground and peacefully fell asleep. It was then that the unicorn turned into an easy prey for bloodthirsty hunters.

The Jewish people have ancient legend. In ancient times, Yahweh instructed Adam to name all available animals by their proper names. The first, that is, the chosen one, was precisely the one-horned handsome horse. After the expulsion of negligent Adam and Eve from the boundaries of paradise, the unicorn was offered a choice: to accept the path of wandering with people or to continue an existence full of bliss in paradise. The devoted animal chose to accompany the person, albeit on a thorny path. For this, the unicorn was forever blessed to be compassionate towards humans.

. Unicorn, a mythical animal found in many mythological systems (in early traditions with the body of a bull, in later traditions with the body of a horse, sometimes a goat), referred to by most characteristic feature- the presence of one long straight horn on the forehead. Unicorn - Symbolizes chastity, and also serves as the emblem of the sword. Tradition usually represents him in the form of a white horse with one horn coming out of his forehead; however, according to esoteric beliefs, it has a white torso, a red head, and blue eyes. Legends say that he is insatiable when pursued, but dutifully lie down on the ground if a virgin approaches him. In general, it is impossible to catch a unicorn, but if you succeed, you can only keep it with a golden bridle.
The earliest images of the Unicorn (as a one-horned bull) are found in cultural monuments of the 3rd millennium BC. e., in particular on seals from the ancient cities of the Indus Valley - Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa, representing one of the most significant sacred images. The symbol of the Unicorn is reflected in the Atharvaveda (in the myth of the flood, during which Manu tied the ship to the horn of the Unicorn), and in the Mahabharata. With the influence of this later Indian tradition, researchers associate the appearance of the image of the Unicorn in Western Asian (Middle Eastern) and early European mythological systems. Greek (Ctesias, Aristotle) ​​and Roman (Pliny the Elder) traditions considered the Unicorn as a real-life beast and associated its origin with India (or Africa). In translations old testament the beast ram (Heb., "fierce beast") was identified with the Unicorn. The symbolism of the Unicorn plays a significant role in medieval Christian writings dating back to Greek text"Physiologist" (2-3 centuries AD); The unicorn is seen as a symbol of purity and virginity. According to the "Physiologist", the Unicorn can only be tamed by a pure maiden; hence the later Christian tradition linking the Unicorn with the Virgin Mary and with Jesus Christ.
Plots associated with the Unicorn are found in both Eastern (including Chinese and Muslim) and Western European (the German tale of the tailor and the seven flies) folklore. In Russian "alphabet books" of the 16th-17th centuries. The unicorn is described as a terrible and invincible beast, like a horse, all the strength of which lies in its horn. The author of the encyclopedia Anastasia Aleksandrovawebsite
The equatorial constellation (lat. Monoceros) is named after the Unicorn. The symbol of the Unicorn occupies a significant place in heraldry: it was depicted both on dynastic and state (for example, Scottish, and later British), and personal coats of arms, including in the 18th century. on the coats of arms of some Russian noble families, in particular Count P.I. the custom to call "inrogs" ("unicorns") artillery pieces (with the image of E.). Horn of the Unicorn, under the guise of which in medieval Europe the tusks of narwhal whales (also called unicorns) were distributed, healing properties were attributed to the treatment of various diseases, snake bites (according to folklore, the Unicorn purifies water poisoned by a snake with its horn), etc.
The Unicorn symbol, widely represented in the mystical writings and fine arts of the European Middle Ages (the scene of the taming of the Unicorn by a virgin was reflected in the plastic decoration of the Freiburg and Erfurt cathedrals, in book miniatures, on tapestries, in particular on the late 15th century tapestry "The Virgin and the Unicorn" from Cluny Museum in Paris) is resurrected by those writers of the 20th century who relied on this mythopoetic tradition.
Unicorns feed on flowers, they especially love rosehip flowers, and well-fed honey, and they drink morning dew. They also look for small lakes in the depths of the forest, in which they bathe and drink from there, and the water in these lakes usually becomes very clear and has the properties of living water. In Russian "alphabet books" of the 16th-17th centuries. the unicorn is described as a terrible and invincible beast, like a horse, all the strength of which lies in the horn. The horn of the unicorn was attributed healing properties(according to folklore, the unicorn purifies water poisoned by a snake with its horn). The unicorn is a creature of another world and most often portends happiness.

Symbolism - The white coloration of the unicorn has made it a natural symbol of purity, chastity and virginity. The horn of the unicorn was the weapon of the believer and of Christ.

The mythological unicorn was a symbol of chivalry with qualities befitting that status, proud and indomitable.

The legend of the hunter and the virgin bait became an allegory for the Incarnation of Christ and was later banned by the Council of Trent because they could not confirm the reality of unicorns in the existing world.
The author of the electronic mythological encyclopedia Alexandrova Anastasia

  • The unicorn is mentioned in old testament like a beast, reem is a biblical metaphor for strength. However, modern translations holy book most often they say directly - "Unicorn". Reem is not only strong, but also wild, beyond the control of man (Job, 39: 9; Psalter, 22: 21; 29: 6; 92: 10; numbers, 23: 22; 24: 8.

    The spiral horn of a unicorn was called an alicorn. It was mentioned by the Greek historian and physician Ctesias, who said that the rulers of India were so afraid of being poisoned that they used the alicorn to neutralize the supposed poisons in their food.

    Unicorns are immortal. They live in solitude, usually in a forest near a backwater with clear water, in which one can see a reflection, because they are a little vain and know that there are no creatures in the world so beautiful and magical. Unicorns rarely pair up, and there is no place more mysterious than where a unicorn was born.

    IN ancient world he was considered a native of India, where he was depicted with a red head, with a white or black horn. Then he appeared in Babylon, China, Tibet, Greece. In the West, the apogee of his fame falls on the Middle Ages. The unicorn personifies power, a force that opposes the forces of darkness, maintaining balance in the universe. It is a symbol of a sunbeam, purity, turning towards unity, towards the center. The spiral is a reminder of what remains unchanged in time. In addition, the unicorn is a symbol of transmutation, freedom and knowledge, it points the way to those who seek the truth.

    Many traditions speak of the unicorn as a mythical animal representing the supreme power of being. He is clothed with mystery and embodies the original unity, the beginning and the final goal. human being, the unity of opposites and the ability to overcome internal contradictions, universal love and compassion.

    In Babylon, he was represented as winged. On an amulet - a cylinder, dating from about 1800 BC. e., on its opposite surfaces two unicorns are depicted, symbolizing the two sides of the tree of life. In the Sumero-Semitic tradition, the unicorn is a lunar symbol, an attribute of virgin goddesses.

    In ancient China, the unicorn (qilin) ​​is interpreted as a combination of two concepts: "qi" represents the male aspect, yang, driving force, the energy of creation; "lin" - the female principle, yin. Thus, qilin represents the creative impulse and its endless expansion, as well as the unity of the opposites of male and female. The unicorn is shown to people, attention, only in exceptional cases.

    He is considered a messenger of happiness, his appearance symbolizes the coming to power of a good ruler or the birth of a true sage. The appearance of the qilin marked the birth and death of Confucius.

    Qilin is connected with some historical moments of the Chinese tradition. So, one day, 5 thousand years ago, the emperor Fu - Xi was sitting on the shore near the mouth of the Yellow River. Suddenly a qilin appeared, and dirty waters the rivers brightened up and became crystal clear green color. The qilin stopped in front of the emperor, thrice hitting the rock with his hoof, and spoke to him with a voice ringing like a temple bell. When the qilin turned to leave, the emperor saw that his back was covered with magic signs, which he tried to copy. This is how the first written language of China appeared.

    In Tibet, the unicorn is called "se-ru", it is mainly a gazelle or doe that lives on mountain peaks. The unicorn is a bridge between heaven and earth, between the world of light principles and the world of dark and dense matter, manifested and unmanifested. The unicorn is a symbol of awakened consciousness, integrity and inner peace, it enlightens, shines in the dark and, like morning star, shows the way, inspiring people in search of wisdom. The pediments of the Himalayan monasteries invariably depict two unicorns turning the wheel of dharma.

    In India, the unicorn represents the power of spiritual wealth. He is both a destroyer and a creator. The symbol of the unicorn is found in the Atharva Veda and in the Mahabharata in the myth of the flood, during which Manu tied the ship to the horn of a giant unicorn fish.

    In Persia, the unicorn personifies the fertilizing principle, strength and the ability to purify. In a Persian manuscript of the fifteenth century it is said: "As for his horn, it seems to be golden, with his help any corruption and vileness will be destroyed and dispelled."

    In the Hebrew tradition, the legend says that when Yahweh asked Adam to give names to all animals, the unicorn was the first to receive it, and thus he was elevated to the highest rank. When Adam and Eve were expelled from paradise, the Lord gave the unicorn a choice: to stay in Eden or go with people. The unicorn chose the latter, and was forever blessed with compassion to people.

    In the Greco-Roman tradition, the unicorn is an attribute of all virgin, lunar goddesses, for example, Artemis (Diana.

    In Christianity, the horn of a unicorn is a symbol of divine unity, spiritual power and nobility, in connection with this, the unicorn becomes the image of Christ. The small stature of the unicorn is associated with the humiliation of Christ at his birth; its white color symbolizes purity, something that must be acquired by following the paths of the sons of God.

    In knightly symbolism, the unicorn is associated with purity of feelings. The unicorn, accompanied by a virgin, is the personification of chastity and purity. He often represents the devoted love of a knight for a lady. The unicorn also represents the abandonment of physical love for love that is purer and more powerful. This is something like a charm of purity, a miraculous cleansing of bodily life and sexual energy, giving the knight strength and courage.

    The alchemical unicorn represents the stage of purification, the white work. It means transmutation and spiritual evolution. His horn symbolizes the possibility of the spirit penetrating into matter.

    With the decline of faith, little by little disappears deep meaning unicorn symbol. But the mythical animal, which has found immortality in iconography and sacred texts, is present everywhere and is ready to reveal its message to those who are able to hear it.

    The symbol of chastity is the unicorn.

    Unicorn - symbolizes chastity, and also serves as the emblem of the sword. In early traditions, the unicorn was depicted with the body of a bull, in later traditions with the body of a goat, and only in later legends with the body of a horse. Legend claims that he is tireless when pursued, but will obediently lie down on the ground if a virgin approaches him. In general, it is impossible to catch a unicorn, but if you succeed, you can only keep it with a golden bridle.

    “His back was curved and his ruby ​​eyes shone, at the withers he reached 2 meters. A little higher than his eyes, almost parallel to the ground, his horn grew; straight and thin. eyelashes cast fluffy shadows on pink nostrils "(S. Drugal" basilisk "".

    They feed on flowers, they especially like rosehip flowers, and well-fed honey, and they drink morning dew.

    They also look for small lakes in the depths of the forest in which they bathe and drink from there, and the water in these lakes usually becomes very clear and has the properties of living water. In Russian "Azbukovniki" 16 - 17 centuries. The unicorn is described as a terrible and invincible beast, like a horse, all the strength of which lies in the horn. Healing properties were attributed to the horn of the unicorn (according to folklore, the unicorn purifies water poisoned by the snake with its horn. The unicorn is a creature of another world and most often portends happiness.

    They say a horse. Macedonian, Bucephalus - unicorn.

    There is also a legend that the legendary horse of Alexander the Great, Bucephalus, is a unicorn caught in Egypt on the orders of Queen Cleopatra as a gift to the great king. Usually unicorns do not live in captivity, and die, but Bucephalus obeyed Alexander.

    The unicorn has the ability to purify water with its horn. This property is described in the Greek version of "Physiologus": the water in the lake was poisoned by a snake and became poisonous. The unicorn drew a cross on the water with his horn, and after that the animals were able to drink it. There is also a comparison of the unicorn with Christ, who cleanses from sin (poison) caused by the devil (snake. The unicorn was also credited with the ability to recognize poison with a horn. The horn was covered with droplets of sweat when approaching the poison or the poisonous liquid boiled when the horn was lowered into it. That's why goblets and bowls made of horn or crushed horn were so popular. It was believed that the horn had miraculous powers. It seemed to cure epilepsy, fever, and other diseases, prolong youth and strengthen potency. It is not surprising that it was expensive.

    During the Renaissance, the horn trade was carried out on a large scale. Even a small piece of it was valued at a fortune, the whole horn was truly priceless. By 1600 there were at least 12 horns in Europe. The enemy of the unicorn has long been considered an elephant. They always got into a fight, and usually ended with the unicorn tearing the elephant's belly. The unicorn also had a difficult relationship with Leo. But the lion could lure the unicorn into a trap: fleeing the chase, he rushed to the tree and at the very last moment jumped to the side, while the unicorn stuck his horn into the tree, and the lion could easily deal with him. The lion is called the king of beasts, but the unicorn can also claim this title. It was said that the unicorn lived in Eden and was on Noah's ark. But some argued that the unicorn with his female refused to step on the ark, and according to another legend, the male and female unicorns were so uncontrollable that Noah himself drove them away. Some sources reported that the unicorn drowned during the flood, while others, on the contrary, believed that he was saved by swimming. The unicorn left a noticeable mark in the literature and art of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Mentions of him are found in books, he is depicted in illustrations, paintings, tapestries, on cult objects, caskets, medallions. The cult of the unicorn reached its peak in the 15th century. Since the second half of the 16th century, interest in it has been fading, but in the 20th century it is reborn again.

    Man will never again be able to enjoy the beauty of a unicorn.

    But a person will never again be able to enjoy the beauty of a unicorn, and also kill him, because unicorns have retired to their country, to a parallel world where no one can harm them.

    Modern unicorn.

    In the conservation center of Prato (Italy) lives a very real unicorn, discovered a few months ago in the forest. This is a male roe deer with a single horn in the middle of his forehead; in size it just more or less corresponds to medieval descriptions.

    The animal is alive, healthy and feels good, despite the keen interest of tourists. However, it is not so difficult for him to hide from them in a hectare-sized park area.

    Other similar cases are mentioned in history; if, until recently, many indiscriminately considered them a hoax, now there is clear evidence for skeptics: unicorns do exist.

    What is another name for a unicorn?

    The unicorn horn, also known as the alicorn, is an artifact from legends. Western Europe. For most of the Middle Ages and Modern times, the unicorn horn was considered a real object, the only horn on the forehead of the mythical animal unicorn.


    The unicorn symbol is often found in Everyday life- it can be seen in various works of art, it is used in the work of musicians, artists, writers. He can be seen on the coat of arms of Great Britain, in souvenir shops his image is present on various amulets, jewelry, figurines. It's rare that a fantasy film goes by without a white unicorn.

    The first mention of a fabulous animal appeared in ancient Indian legends, it was described as a very strong fabulous animal that has a sacred status on a par with the gods of the ancient Indian pantheon. Then myths about him spread to China, Egypt and other countries. IN Ancient Greece, and behind it and throughout Europe, at first it was believed that this was a real animal, even Aristotle described it as one of the species of artiodactyl animals.

    IN different countries the symbol of the unicorn had a different essence. In China, he personified the creative potential and the unity of two opposites - female and male. To meet him meant good news, the coming to power of a good emperor, or the birth of an outstanding sage.

    In Persia, India and Tibet, he was a symbol of purification and wisdom, spiritual wealth and awakened consciousness.

    In Europe, the heyday of the cult of the unicorn fell on the Middle Ages. The medieval image of the unicorn consists of three components - its representation in Christianity, knightly symbolism and its symbol in alchemy. Unicorn symbol meaning

    In alchemy, its symbol meant spiritual evolution, the horn is described as a symbol of the penetration of the spirit into matter, a symbol of the power of wizards and magicians.

    In Christianity, it was a symbol of spiritual power, divine unity and nobility, associated with Christ himself.

    Knightly symbolism represents the unicorn as an image of spiritual love, personifies the purity of feelings, romantic love for the lady of the heart by a knight, through which he becomes bold and invincible.

    In modern popular culture the symbol of the unicorn is interpreted closest to the European medieval. He also represents magic. white magic, purity and purity of deeds and feelings.

    What does the unicorn mean as a symbol?

    Legendary White horse or pony with one horn is a symbol of purity and innocence in European mythology. Only a virgin could catch and tame him. What is the meaning of the symbol?

    • Protection. The unicorn is the protector and patron of all virgins. His horn has magic power healing and was a popular ingredient in medieval medicines. It was a powerful antidote and protection from evil.
    • Virtue. The white unicorn is a symbol of dignity, chastity and purity.
    • Love and harmony. Unicorns are associated with the light of the moon, love, harmony and understanding. In medieval Europe, this gentle creature stood in opposition to the lion, which represented a more violent solar influence.
    • Another meaning of the symbol is associated with courage, strength, and sometimes cruelty.

    There are many unusual creatures in the Bible, the images of which are seen in myths and legends. different peoples. This is what happened to the unicorn. Some people wear T-shirts with his image, others go on real searches. Are there any references to unicorns in the Bible? What were they like? And why is it important to know?

    Martin Sanders, Deputy Executive Director of UK youth organization Youthscape and editor of Christian Today, shared his own story of how to evangelize.

    Recently I was on holiday, sitting in the garden of an old English country pub. The setting was idyllic: hills behind us that stretched all the way to the coast of Dorset; hot sun (by English standards at least) and a bunch of happy kids around me all eating ice cream and giving us some quiet. Everything was going the way I wanted, and suddenly I had an opportunity to evangelize. It's not related to the appearance of the unicorn, or at least not entirely.

    At a nearby table in the garden, a man spoke among his friends, speaking sarcastically about the virtues of religion. Of course, as a believer, this is not pleasant for me to hear, but I did not intend to challenge a public debate. However, I was offended when he began comparing belief in God with the idea that fictional, magical beings are also real. He talked about elves and trolls (it was an old English country pub, naturally) but then moved on to unicorns. And then he said something that I will never forget, because it was the biggest open door for evangelism that could ever be:

    "If anyone could show me a unicorn in the Bible, I would go to church every Sunday for the rest of my life."

    Exactly. Here is the unicorn we've been waiting for. Why is this a great opportunity for evangelism? Because while it is difficult to find any reference to winged one-horned beasts of any kind in the modern translation, there are many in the King James Version. Nine to be exact: 2 in Numbers, 2 in Job, 3 in Psalms, and one each in Deuteronomy and Isaiah. In general, the essence is similar to the line found in Psalm 21, where the author pleads: "save me from the mouth of a lion and from the horns of unicorns, when you hear, deliver me" (Ps.21:22). Or Numbers 23:22, which says, "God brought them out of Egypt; he has the swiftness of a unicorn" (Num. 23:22).

    I knew all this before I sat down at a table in that pub. So, you see, I had the answer ready for the great seeker question. I could show him nine unicorns and ensure his faithful lifelong church attendance thereafter. But it's not. I sat firmly in my chair, whispering awkwardly to my wife that "he's wrong, you know, there are unicorns in the Bible."

    So, I wrote this, in a vague and vague hope that somehow the person in question might see these words, and not only be convinced that the unicorn really is the most biblical of all mythical creatures but also in some incomprehensible way that the death and resurrection of Jesus are true and require his instantaneous conversion.

    And yes, I know that the unicorns in the Bible probably have nothing to do with the flying horned horses depicted on children's T-shirts, and that they actually looked more like some sort of large, now-extinct bull.

    On a note

    Relatively. The Hebrew text simply speaks of some dangerous beast. However, it is difficult to identify it. The Hebrew רְאֵם (reh-ame’) could mean buffalo or wild bull. But it was about his strength, not the number of horns.

    However, in the Septuagint, an interpretation arose that refers to the image of a magical creature. The translators used the Greek word "μονοκέρωτος" (Num. 23:22; Num. 24:8; Deut. 33:17; Ps. 21:22; Ps. 28:6; Ps. 91:11), which literally refers to " unicorn."

    In the Vulgate, the unicorn (unicornis) appears in four passages (Ps. 21:22; Ps. 28:6; Ps. 91:11; Is. 34:7). In other cases, the word "rhinoceros" is used, that is, a rhinoceros.

    The most consistent was the King James Bible. Here the word "unicorn" appears whenever the Hebrew text refers to the enigmatic artiodactyl.

    Synodal translation, on the contrary, allows for variability. Deuteronomy 33:17 uses the word "buffalo" and Job 39:9 uses "unicorn."

    IN modern translations The unicorn Bible suffered the same fate as the basilisk. He was "demythologized" into a wild bull.

    Rainbow Unicorns are not subject to almost any magic. But they are very afraid of "Emptiness" (neutral space "nowhere"). This is a trap set by the Black Mages to get magical potion ingredients without killing the Unicorn. A circle of five fragments (like a hedgehog in shape) of black quartz is laid out on the ground. As soon as the Unicorn, who has lost his vigilance, falls into the center of such a circle, the crystals begin to work. A connection is formed between us and a dark, impenetrable bath for the sun's rays is built around. He is from the space inside the bath, everything good and bright disappears, as well as part of the air, only depressed and unconscious from suffocation remains. After that, the magician enters a previously disabled trap and cuts the mane and hair from the tail of the Rainbow Unicorn. After the animal loses its “beauty”, it does not survive, for several days it walks restless through the meadows and river banks, and then, having entered the water, it dissolves in it, it should be noted that in this case it spreads over the water, like gasoline, iridescent colors.

    In the literature of ancient China, the first mention of the Unicorn falls on 2697 BC. At least 6 types of unicorns are described: qi lin, jing, jue duan, pao, sezhi, tu zhong shu. In Feng Shui highest value has a Unicorn Qi Lin, he is depicted with a dragon's head, deer horns, a lion's tail, cow's hooves, covered with scales or shell.

    The unicorn contains the masculine and feminine principles, therefore one of its essences has a tenderness that is unable to disturb anyone's peace, so sensitive that it is even afraid to step on the grass so that it would not be broken, and the other is capable of punishing bad deeds or sins. The unicorn is one of the 9 sons of the dragon. The lifespan of a Unicorn is at least 2000 years. Due to their qualities and abilities, images of a unicorn are often used in Imperial paraphernalia. It's funny that the Chinese navigators, for the first time entering the shores of Africa, recognized Qi Lin in the Unicorn giraffe.

    Photo from en.wikipedia.org

    Taoist sages used the Unicorn as a riding animal. Sometimes they ascended to heaven to bring wise children into the country, gifted with a strong character and amazing abilities. The birth and death of Confucius in literature are also marked by the appearance of the Unicorn.

    In China, the more familiar name for the mascot is Qi Lin, this talisman is called a unicorn in European countries, due to the similarity in magical power with the Unicorn Horse.

    As a talisman in the home, Qi Lin is used to protect against negative energy and to attract wealth. Therefore, the best place for a unicorn will be the center of the house, or as close to it as possible. Qi Lin's horns should be directed towards front door. With his horns, he seems to repel the negative of your home.

    But this arrangement is not strict. The unicorn can be placed wherever you feel the influence of negative energy. You can place it on the windowsill, facing out the window, near the door, if you see that the sharp roof of the neighbors, or the fence, is looking into it. Qi Lin figurines can be used in every room, and direct his gaze to sharp corners and sources of negativity.

    In China, unicorns are often placed in front of the entrance to the house, but for this it is necessary to have a pair of mascots, male and female, although outwardly they may not even differ. The male is placed to the right of the house, the female is to the left (you are looking at the entrance from the street). Since the Unicorn reflects a lot of negative energy, it is necessary to clean it. You decide when you need to clean your talisman. If there is a lot of negative energy, then cleaning is carried out almost every week. On average, the frequency of cleaning is about six months. Just hold Qi Lin under running cold water for a few minutes and he is clean and ready to ward off negativity again. Qi Lin figurines placed on the street can be watered from a hose and cleaned from dust as it gets dirty. In ancient China, it was believed that Qi Lin loves to be poured with water and clean his torso.

    Qi Lin brought the baby

    Girls in China believe that having Qi Lin as a talisman will definitely help to give birth to a strong and healthy boy. Therefore, young mothers planning to conceive a boy are recommended to acquire this talisman.

    As you probably already understood, Qi Lin is a strong talisman, so it does not need to be activated. But you can attract even more favor to yourself by playing cheerful Chinese folk music or fairy tales in the house. The gentle essence of the talisman, in this case, will be kinder to the owner of the house.

    Nowadays, you can find many variants of Qi Lin figurines. One of the strong variations is the image (statue) of the Unicorn sitting on Chinese coins or gold bars. In modern China, the power of the animal is connected to attracting wealth and good luck to the house. Even if your home does not feel negative energy, then Qi Lin can be used as a link between the earth and the sky. You can safely ask Qi Lin for the fulfillment of your desires, he will try to bring them to heaven and help them come true.

    What does the unicorn on the coat of arms mean?

    On heraldic armorial shields, the beast is depicted with a goat's beard, thick legs and a bull's tail. Denotes knightly power. White unicorn from the Scottish coat of arms of King James VI, becoming English king James I, left in the coat of arms of the United Kingdom.

    What does a unicorn tattoo mean?

    In Greek mythology, the unicorn was an attribute of the goddess Artemis. As a symbol, the unicorn has many meanings. A tattoo with a unicorn in the context of Chinese culture can mean happiness, peacefulness, moderation. And also longevity, because according to local legends this mythical creature lived for a thousand years.

    What does pink unicorn mean?

    Invisible Pink Unicorn (HPE, English Invisible Pink Unicorn, IPU) - the deity of one of the parodic religions aimed at ridiculing theism; has the appearance of a pink unicorn, but is invisible, which is the paradox.

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