Unfavorable days in June. In June, the dawn converges with the dawn

Helpful Hints

The first month of summer usually brings a lot of trouble, but also the joys of summer harvests: strawberries and cherries are ripening with might and main, vegetables and greens are ripening.

Since the sun bakes much harder, the soil dries out faster, so your plants (both in the ground and in the home flower garden) need more moisture. Now it is also important to monitor pests and weeds, harvest berries and vegetables, do homework, but it is still not too late to plant vegetables.

All plants in which we use "tops" are planted on the growing moon (this month - from 14 to 26 June), and if these are root crops, then to the waning moon ( June 1-12 and 28-30). Avoid landing on days when the moon changes phase or is affected by pests: June 2, 6, 13, 14, 20, 22, 27. The luckiest days for landings - 18, 19 June 2018 when the Moon is in the sign of Virgo.

Caring for indoor plants now will require more time and effort from you, because the plants at this time grow very quickly and well, some bloom profusely, they need top dressing and prevention against pests. Also, with the advent of summer, you need to water the flowers more often.


♑ 1 JUNE, Friday. 17th, 18th lunar day from 23:17.CAPRICORN

First days of June good to use to protect plants from pests. You can use covering material, which transmits light and moisture, but traps insects that feast on the leaves of vegetable crops. When watering, it is better to remove it, and then cover it again.

Today is also a good time for weed removal. It is worth starting to remove weeds today, and tomorrow you can continue this lesson if you did not manage to complete the weeding of the entire garden.

You can make fertilizer for root crops. For nightshade, nitrogen fertilizers should not be applied, as there may still be frost. Wait until the first ovaries appear on the plants.

Houseplants : soil loosening, pest and weed control (if network), prevention against diseases. You can replace the top layer of soil if it is too early to transplant plants.

♑ 2 JUNE, Saturday. 18th, 19th lunar day from 23:57.CAPRICORN

Moon off course from 06:37

Today it is good to continue any work begun yesterday. For example, the day is suitable for soil loosening, pest control and weed removal provided that this is a continuation of the work. It is better not to plant anything today, since this is the time of the Moon without a course.

Remove weeds before they produce seeds. In carrots and beets, it is especially important to remove weeds at the earliest stages so that the root crops develop normally. If vegetable crops have very small shoots, weed them with regular table fork so as not to damage.

omen : If the first two days of June are rainy, the rest of the month will be dry.

Houseplants : loosening the soil, replacing the upper layers of the soil.

♑♒ 3 JUNE, Sunday. 19th from 00:00.CAPRICORN , AQUARIUS from 01:07

Moon off course until 01:06

In some northern regions in early June there are frosts at night, so we advise you to stock up summer frost protection. Keep an eye on weather forecasts, prepare tree covers, smoke bombs, etc. Stop watering.

Houseplants : it is better not to water the plants on this day, especially if it is cloudy and rainy outside. You can apply dry fertilizer for flowers.

♒ 4 JUNE, Monday. 20th lunar day from 00:29.AQUARIUS

Moon off course from 08:10

Mow flowering shrubs after flowering has ended, for example, lilac after the inflorescences dry up. This will make it possible to receive again next year abundant flowering.

At hyacinths, tulips and daffodils, which at this time managed to fade, dry heads should be cut off, but the leaves should be left. If the end of the tulip stem has become soft, the bulb should be dug up, cleaned, washed, held 10 minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate and dry, then put into storage until autumn.

omen : on folk calendar Basilisk day. It was believed that nothing could be planted on this day. Except wormwood and cornflowers nothing will grow.

Houseplants : Delay watering. On days when the Moon is in a water sign, plants perceive watering worse, especially if they are plentiful. You can apply dry fertilizer.

♒♓ 5 JUNE, Tuesday. 20th, 21st lunar day from 00:56.AQUARIUS , FISH from 13:54

Moon off course until 13:53

It is better to water the plants on this day in the evening, when the Moon will already go through the sign of Pisces. Today it is impossible to harvest crops to make canned food from it. You can collect greens for quick consumption. Lawns can also be mowed in the afternoon for thicker grass.

omen : If the nights are warm in June, you can expect a good harvest of fruits.

Houseplants : watering is allowed in the evening. In the morning it is better not to water the plants. In the evening, along with watering, you can apply fertilizer for plants with large beautiful leaves.

Plant transplantation according to the lunar calendar 2018

OLD MOON from 21:32

JUNE 6, Wednesday. 21st, 22nd lunar day from 01:18.FISH

III quarter, the fourth phase of the moon from 21:32

This day is ideal for watering, but planting should be postponed, as the moon approaches a phase change! It is best to water the plants with settled water, you can collect rainwater in containers - it is very useful for your garden and vegetable garden.

If the weather at this time is rainy, then watering, of course, makes no sense. But during drought, poor watering at the beginning of the formation of fruit ovaries can have pernicious influence for future harvests! Especially it is impossible to leave currant bushes dry!

You can do hedge trimming, if the shoots have already grown, they should be shortened up to 10 cm. Coniferous hedges do not need to be cut. In summer, deciduous hedges are usually pruned. The second pruning should be done in August.

Houseplants : it is better to postpone work with plants, except for watering.

JUNE 7, Thursday. 22nd, 23rd lunar day from 01:37.FISH

Moon off course from 09:35

Still a good day to water the plants. Cannot be used for gardening ice water from wells and streams. It is better to defend and heat it in tanks on the street. Cold water can cause plant diseases such as late blight at potatoes. If it is already very hot outside, it is best to water in the evening. If your area is cool, do not water frequently.

Along with irrigation fertilize for cabbage and leafy vegetables. Cabbage is fed with nitrogen fertilizers at the beginning of growth to accelerate the growth of leaves, but in the middle of the growing season they will be better perceived phosphate and potash fertilizers.

Houseplants : check if the soil in the pots is dry and water the plants in time. Overwatering is also not worth it, but some moisture-loving plants will require very plentiful watering. Especially do not forget to water kalanchoe, sansevier, ivy, lemons, coffee, palm trees, monstera and others. The homeland of these plants is moist equatorial forests, therefore, on our windowsills, they love watering and spraying.

♓♈ JUNE 8, Friday. 23rd, 24th lunar day from 01:55.FISH , ARIES from 00:26

Moon off course until 00:26

You can apply fertilizer for vegetable crops, trees and shrubs. Trees should be fertilized after flowering so that they have enough strength to develop the fruits. It is good to fertilize with manure or bird droppings at the rate of 1 bucket of fertilizer for a young tree and 2-3 buckets for old trees. You can also enter nitrogen fertilizers.

It is good to collect the fruits of medicinal plants - wild strawberries, red hawthorn and bird cherry. You can also collect other berries, make twists out of them for the winter.

In June, the first summer mushrooms already ripen: champignons, porcini mushroom "spikelet", edible blushing fly agaric, russula, June boletus, chanterelles,

Houseplants : apply fertilizer for fruit bushes.

9 JUNE, Saturday, 24th, 25th lunar day from 02:13.ARIES

Moon without a course from 22:37

Today is a good day for fertilizing vegetables. For example, cucumbers require fertilizer 1 time in 2 weeks. But make sure that the moon is waning, then the plants perceive top dressing better.

Now is the time to harvest the first crops. radishes, onions, dill, rhubarb, parsley, spinach. It is best to schedule the collection early in the morning or in the evening. Also on this day it is good to collect garden strawberries, especially if you plan to make it canned food mu.

Can do pinching young shoots of vegetable crops.

Houseplants : a good day for harvesting plant cuttings for future propagation. You can also pinch the tops of overgrown plants to form a bush.

♈♉ 10 JUNE, Sunday, 25th, 26th lunar day from 02:32.ARIES , TAURUS from 07:04

Moon off course until 07:03

Good day for tree pest control. For example, at this time, the codling moth. You can use trap cans with fermented apple juice to fight it, scare away with chemical odors, smear caterpillar glue or install electric traps. If there are signs on currant or gooseberry bushes powdery mildew, it is necessary to spray the bushes with soapy water.

Houseplants : loosening the soil, replacing the top layers, pest control.

Lunar calendar of house plants

♉ 11 JUNE, Monday, 26th, 27th lunar day from 02:53.TAURUS

It's still good to keep garden pest control going. Spraying tincture of ash will help against aphids, and ordinary boiling water can be used against ants. Loosen the soil regularly garden strawberries and gladioli.

In general, the day is suitable for hilling plants, as well as for weeding and loosening beds. Especially hilling is required potato bushes. Also keep a close eye on colorado potato beetle and take action in time. If you do not have many bushes, you should not use pesticides. It is better to collect the beetles, their eggs and their larvae by hand and burn them immediately.

Houseplants : if the plants were transplanted in February-April, they can already be fed in June. But just transplanted plants (transplanted in May) are better left untouched. Today it is good to apply fertilizer for the development of the roots.

♉♊ 12 JUNE, Tuesday, 27th, 28th lunar day from 03:19.TAURUS , TWINS from 09:53

Moon without a course from 06:29 to 09:52

After 10:00 it is good to fertilize for flowers: daylilies, peonies, delphiniums, rudbeckia. These flowers are well fed with infusion of mullein, ash, urea, potassium salt and others. Can be used already ready mixes for dressings with exact proportions. Gladiolus during this period require at least 2 top dressing. It is best to add fertilizer on the days of the waning moon!

Still good to control pests or carry out preventive measures. For example, you can fight phytoflora by spraying with a solution garlic with potassium permanganate. To do this, the cloves, leaves and arrows of garlic need pass through a meat grinder and dilute half a glass of gruel in 10 liters of water. After keeping the solution for a day, it should be filtered and diluted in it with another 1.5 g of potassium permanganate. This safe solution will help protect plants from disease.

Houseplants : it is good to apply fertilizer for flowering plants (better after 10:00).

YOUNG MOON from 22:43

♊ 13 JUNE, Wednesday, 28th, 29th lunar day from 03:52; 1st lunar day from 22:43.TWINS

NEW MOON at 22:43

Moon off course from 22:43

Today is a bad day for planting and transplanting, as well as for watering, so it is better to postpone these works. Can be deleted weeds in the flower garden so that they do not interfere with flowers and do not spoil appearance flower beds. Finish those things that you didn’t have time to finish, but rather don’t overexert yourself. You can collect information of interest or ask questions to specialists.

Houseplants : it is better to postpone work with plants, you can not even water the plants.

♊♋ 14 JUNE, Thursday, 1st, 2nd lunar day from 04:36.TWINS , CRAYFISH from 10:20

Moon off course until 10:19

In the afternoon, it is good to do watering. garden strawberry needs abundant watering when flowering and when berries appear. If you use well water, we recommend preheat it. Strawberry bushes should be watered so that moisture seeps to a depth of at least 30 cm.

Houseplants : It is better to water the plants in the evening.

♋ 15 JUNE, Friday, 2nd, 3rd lunar day from 05:33.CRAYFISH

Moon without a course from 19:18

Good day for watering. How and how much to water the plants depends on their type and needs. For example, cabbage can be watered 1-2 times a week, but very plentiful - by 1 square meter You will need at least a bucket of water. cucumbers and other vegetable crops need watering after 2-3 days.

Today you can plant beans. The seeds are placed deep 2-3 centimeters concave edge down. This will help the seeds germinate faster.

You can collect the needles of medicinal plants - forest pine and Siberian fir.

Houseplants : watering day.

Lunar calendar of indoor plants 2018

♋♌ 16 JUNE, Saturday, 3rd, 4th lunar day from 06:43.CRAYFISH , A LION from 10:21

Moon off course until 10:20

In the morning, it is good to collect the leaves of medicinal plants, for example, birch leaves, cornflowers, large plantain, blueberries, coltsfoot, currants, May lily of the valley and others. You can also collect herbs, for example, wormwood, shepherd's purse, mountaineer, gray jaundice and others. On the fir kidneys may be present at this time, which can also be collected in the morning.

In the afternoon you can do plantings and crops vegetable crops. It is also good to thin out beets and carrots, otherwise the plants will grow very close together and interfere with growth.

Houseplants : It is better to water the plants in the morning. The sun is very hot right now, so protect the plants on the windowsills from burns.

♌ 17 JUNE, Sunday, 4th, 5th lunar day from 08:03.A LION

Today are allowed planting trees and bushes with a closed root system. Planting vegetables is also allowed, plant cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, eggplant, sweet peppers, cauliflower, broccoli and other vegetables.

Houseplants : a good day for planting fruit shrubs and bonsai dwarf trees.

♌♍ 18 JUNE, Monday, 5th, 6th lunar day from 09:26.A LION , VIRGO from 11:41

Moon without a course from 06:26 to 11:40

After 11:40 you can do any landings that you have not yet had time to do. Frost at this time is usually already behind, so you can plant seedlings petunias, marigolds, fragrant tobacco and other colors.

The moon in Virgo is good for planting vegetables, greens, trees and shrubs, and the waxing moon is especially good for these plants. Do not miss these days so that your plantings will please you. Can't be cut hedge today and make homemade preserves!

Houseplants : after 11:40 you can start sowing, planting and transplanting indoor plants, everything promises to rise well and take root.

♍ 19 JUNE, Tuesday, 6th, 7th lunar day from 10:49.VIRGO

Another good day for landings, except for landing root crops, which are best clamped during the waning moon. Today it is also good to deal with soils, cleaning the site, even though this is a growing moon. You can, for example, sort tools or buy new ones. The day is good for shopping for everything related to gardening and growing plants.

Houseplants : We are still planting and replanting plants. You can clean up your home flower garden.

ARRIVAL MOON from 13:51

♍♎ 20 JUNE, Wednesday, 7th, 8th lunar day from 12:09.VIRGO , SCALES from 15:30

Moon without a course from 13:51 to 15:29

I quarter, the second phase of the moon from 13:51

Not the best day for difficult work. But especially you should not engage in landings, as this is the time of the weak moon. In the morning you can dig up a garden, clean up, sort out unnecessary things. Watering plants in the afternoon is not recommended.

Houseplants : it is better to postpone work with plants, you can water only in the morning.

Best days to transplant houseplants

♎ 21 JUNE, Thursday, 8th, 9th lunar day from 13:27.SCALES

Seeds can be sown autumn colors for seedlings, for example, two-year-old daisies. After the second leaf appears, the crops should dive so that they do not interfere with each other. Transplanting plants into the ground should be done at the end of August.

You can plant heat-loving ornamental crops, including balsams, begonias, asters seedlings, coleus amaranths, sprouted cannes. You can also sow cold-resistant plants: calendula, cornflowers, mattiola, levkoy, cosmos and others that will open buds at the end of summer.

Houseplants : Stop watering.

22 JUNE, Friday, 9th, 10th lunar day from 14:43.SCALES , SCORPION from 22:11

Moon without a course from 04:34 to 22:11

The longest day this year will take place with the Moon without a course, so you should not plan important undertakings for this day! Today you can collect flowers and inflorescences medicinal plants. For example, can still bloom mountain ash, wild strawberry, black elderberry, May lily of the valley, chamomile, heart-shaped linden, coltsfoot, celandine, cornflowers and other flowers. Collect flowers in good weather during the day when they are well opened.

Houseplants : Stop watering.

23 JUNE, Saturday, 10th, 11th lunar day from 15:57.SCORPION

Watering day. If the weather is dry, do not forget about the most moisture-loving plants. In the flower garden it is necessary to water even those plants, which have already bloomed. Especially it is impossible to allow drying out of clematis, daylilies, tuberous begonias, forget-me-nots, pansies, nasturtium, lobelia and gladiolus.

Houseplants : watering allowed. If you have open balconies and terraces, you can put plants under pouring rain. Rainwater is very beneficial for all plants, not just those that grow in the ground. If it doesn't rain that day, you can have a shower in the bathroom. The water temperature must be at least 15 ºС.

24 JUNE, Sunday, 11th, 12th lunar day from 17:09.SCORPION

Moon without a course from 17:00

Before the Moon is in "idle", you can have time sow greenery into the ground. This is a good day to mow the lawn if the lawn grass has already grown enough. It will grow brighter and juicier again if you also follow the watering conditions.

Houseplants : watering or showering is still allowed if you didn't have time to do it yesterday.

25 JUNE, Monday, 12th, 13th lunar day from 18:18.SCORPION , SAGITTARIUS from 07:29

Moon off course until 07:28

With the transition of the Moon into a fiery sign, the opportunity to plant vegetables and sow lawns again appears. Today is also good to plant legumes. Remember the neighborhood of different plants. For example, peas does not like to grow up next to bush beans.

Houseplants : it is good to plant any fruit bushes (lemons, oranges, pomegranates, coffee, avocados) on the windowsills.

Lunar calendar for planting plants by day

26 JUNE, Tuesday, 13th, 14th lunar day from 19:24.SAGITTARIUS

Moon off course from 15:53

Landings are better to do until 16:00. It is good to plant different vegetables and sow lawns. After seeding, lawns must be constantly moistened until the grass grows tall. about 6 centimeters. When choosing mixtures for a lawn, climate, site conditions, soil composition, lighting, the need to walk on grass, etc. are taken into account.

Houseplants : you can still plant fruit bushes, but it's better before 16:00, until the moon goes into "idle".

♑ 27 JUNE, Wednesday, 14th, 15th lunar day from 20:23.SAGITTARIUS , CAPRICORN from 18:53

Moon without course until 18:52

One of the most unlucky days of the month, it is better to postpone any difficult work that requires a lot of energy.

In the evening, after sunset, well dig up the roots of medicinal plants, including angelica officinalis, burdock, dandelion officinalis, comfrey, evading peony, horseradish and others.

Houseplants : it is better to postpone work with plants.

waning moon from 07:53

♑ 28 JUNE, Thursday, 15th, 16th lunar day from 21:15.CAPRICORN

FULL MOON at 07:53

It is still a good time to harvest the roots of medicinal plants. You can also engage in soil: loosening, soil replacement, mulching and hilling. Planting on this day costs nothing, but it will be successful pest and weed control. You can also clean up the area and get rid of everything unnecessary. You can lay garden paths and make an inventory of tools.


♑ 29 JUNE, Friday, 16th, 17th lunar day from 21:57.CAPRICORN

Moon off course from 11:58

good day for weed control. Some types of weeds (eg. woodlice) must be rooted out completely. This plant is very tenacious, so even if part of the root remains in the ground, the plant will appear again. Compost weeds or destroy them immediately. To reduce weeds, mulch your beds with straw, sawdust, cardboard, and other materials.

Houseplants : working with soils, replacing the top layers of the soil if necessary, fertilizing for the development of roots.

♑♒ 30 JUNE, Saturday, 17th, 18th lunar day from 22:32.CAPRICORN , AQUARIUS from 07:37

Moon off course until 07:36

Today you can apply fertilizer for flowering plants in your garden. You can also remove shoots from fruit trees so that it does not take strength from the main tree.

Good compost, which can be prepared quite quickly. To accelerate decay, the material must be well crushed and alternated with manure or bird droppings in layers (each layer is not thicker than 30 cm). Other compost accelerators are also available.

Houseplants : postpone watering: plants will not absorb moisture well. Also, don't water if it's raining outside.

Lunar calendar for planting plants for 2018 by months and days (June)

Watering: especially recommended days: 5-7, 14-16, 23, 24
Watering: non-recommended days: 3, 4, 12, 13, 20-22, 30
Buying houseplants: 1, 11, 19
Bookmark compost: 1-12, 28-30
Fertilizers for leaf system: 5-7
Fertilizers for flowers: 3, 4, 12, 30
Fertilizers for the development of the root system: 1, 2, 10, 11, 28, 29
Fertilizers for fruit development: 8, 9
Planting vegetables:16-19, 25, 26
Planting greens and leafy vegetables: 15, 18, 19, 23, 24
Planting root crops: 1, 10, 11, 29
Planting garden flowers: 18, 19, 21
Lawn planting:16, 17, 25, 26
Planting and transplanting indoor flowers: 18, 19
Preparations of cuttings of indoor flowers: 8, 9
Sea buckthorn breeding: 16, 17, 25, 26
Gooseberry propagation: 16, 17, 25, 26
Reproduction of fruit trees and shrubs: 16, 17, 25, 26
Digging bulbs: 3, 4
Lawn mowing: 5-7, 14, 15, 23, 24
Lilac pruning:3, 4
Hedge Trimming: 5-7
Pinching, pinching: 8, 9
Harvest for quick consumption: 5, 6, 14-18
Mushroom picking:8, 9
Harvesting for canning and storage: 8, 9
Home canning: 8, 9
Collection of medicinal herbs (flowers): 20, 21
Collection of medicinal herbs (leaves and stems): 14-16, 23, 24
Collection of medicinal herbs (fruits): 8, 9
Digging up the roots of medicinal herbs: 1, 2, 27-29
Collection of poisonous medicinal herbs: 23, 24
Weed and undergrowth removal: 28-30
Pest Control: 1, 2, 10-12, 28, 29
Loosening the soil, hilling, mulching: 1, 2, 10, 11, 18-20, 28, 29
Cleaning:1, 2, 18, 19, 28, 29
Prohibited days for harvesting and spinning: 5-7, 18-20
Prohibited landing days: 2, 6, 13, 14, 20, 22, 27

Helpful Hints

June 2018 is the month of Gemini, communication and movement. Holidays are already starting, but is it a good idea to go on vacation right now? Why can your business turn upside down this June, and new beginnings may face braking, slowing down, and even failure?

You can read more about how the planets will become in June in the article. General astrological forecast for June 2018 , where you will find answers to all questions, and in this issue lunar calendar you will find out which are the most successful and unsuccessful days for a particular business. Save yourself at the end of the article, which indicates the main things and the best days for themin June 2018.

ATTENTION! The weak moon of the month will be observed during the following periods:

Weakness of the Moon on the burnt path: June 13 08:40 to June 15 08:40 (but especially June 14 13:30 to 15:10).

There are so many days in June when the Moon will be out of course for almost the entire working day! This is not the best time to start new business, the result of which is important to you. Here are those days: June 2, 4, 7, 22 and 27. Follow the position of the moon and avoid periods of the moon without a course!

MAGICAL TIME OF THE MONTH: The magical 1st lunar day of the month is expected in the period: June 1322:43 to June 14 04:36.That is, it will last through the night from the 13th to the 14th. If you want to use this time, stay up later, make wishes and make plans!

Other useful articles under the heading Lunar calendar for June 2018:


♑ 1 JUNE, Friday. 17th, 18th lunar day from 23:17.CAPRICORN

Symbols of the day

This is not an ordinary day: there will be many positive aspects that promise to make this day pleasant and optimistic. Although the Moon and Venus will be in disharmony, more powerful aspects will block its negative influence. You may have today the determination and desire for new goals. Relationships can improve with partners. You should definitely spend this day with your loved ones and children, and if possible, take care of your appearance. This is a good day when plastic surgery and beauty injections are acceptable. You can lend money or apply for loans (until 17:30).

What not to do : to succumb to the influx of emotions.

Purchases : a good day to buy things that should last a long time. You can buy real estate and land, especially before 17:30. Also, this day is suitable for buying clothes and shoes of the basic wardrobe (which will be worn for a long time).

♑ 2 JUNE, Saturday. 18th, 19th lunar day from 23:57.CAPRICORN

Moon off course from 06:37

Symbols of the day : mirror (monkey, ice), net (spider).

Since the Moon is without a course all day, it is not worth starting new business. Venus and Neptune will be in a favorable aspect on this day, and this is a good time to do art, visit any cultural events: theaters, concerts, exhibitions. You can continue to search for the second half, especially in the morning. However, on this day there may be various unexpected events that break the usual rhythm of life.

What not to do : borrow / lend money, arrange loans; risk health; neglect safety precautions; risk money; test new technology; repair appliances and appliances.

Purchases : it is better to postpone - all day the moon without a course!

♑♒ 3 JUNE, Sunday. 19th from 00:00.CAPRICORN , AQUARIUS from 01:07

Moon off course until 01:06

Symbols of the day : web (spider).

Before 13:30, try not to make quick impulsive decisions, otherwise you will regret them. At this time, we also do not recommend borrowing money or applying for loans. Although activity levels can be increased, try to think about every step. After 13:30 the voltage level will decrease. This time is suitable for advertising, you can borrow or lend money, write a will.

What not to do : start a new job; start long-term projects; neglect safety precautions, risk health; sign partnership documents; appeal to superiors and higher institutions.

Purchases : better after 13:30 - more chances to find what you need at a good price! Also in the afternoon, you can buy real estate: it will be easier to negotiate with the seller to reduce the price.

♒ 4 JUNE, Monday. 20th lunar day from 00:29.AQUARIUS

Moon off course from 08:10

Symbols of the day : eagle.

Again, the time of the weak moon without a course! Do not start new things on this day, the result of which is important to you. Keep doing things, meet friends and communicate more. Exchange of any information this day will be beneficial. You can continue advertising campaigns that you started earlier.

What not to do : start new business and projects; resolve legal issues.

Purchases : it is better to postpone - almost all day the Moon is without a course! At the beginning of the day - before 08:10, you should also not make purchases, especially in foreign online stores. If you buy an item or shoes, you may receive a larger size than what you ordered.

♒♓ 5 JUNE, Tuesday. 20th, 21st lunar day from 00:56.AQUARIUS , FISH from 13:54

Moon off course until 13:53

Symbols of the day : eagle, horse (herd of horses, chariot).

Good news and unexpected surprises on this day should bring joy. However, today it is not recommended to initiate any cases related to documents, the solution of monetary issues. Dating can bring unpleasant feelings so put them off until a better day. Partners can push, there can be quarrels, suspicions and jealousy. Bad day for building relationships with partners.

What not to do : borrow / lend money, arrange loans; establish relationships with partners; meet.

Purchases : avoid shopping under the moon without a course! In general, this day is not very successful for shopping: there is a risk of wasting money or even throwing it away! Money melts before our eyes, evaporates or flows through our fingers. You can only buy what you need. Be careful when buying food: there is a risk of buying something stale or of poor quality.

OLD MOON from 21:32

JUNE 6, Wednesday. 21st, 22nd lunar day from 01:18.FISH

III quarter, the fourth phase of the moon from 21:32

Symbols of the day : horse (herd of horses, chariot), elephant (book, golden key).

WEAK MOON. The moon phase is always a busy day, so today is the maximum rest and relaxation, and if this is not possible due to the middle of the week, still try not to load yourself with big volume of work. Go to the sauna, bath or pool. Someone may even have the opportunity to go to the spa, the rest can arrange a spa at home. Meals should be as light as possible. Better without dairy and meat. This will help you feel even better today!

Event of the day : Sun-Mercury conjunction (5:02). This conjunction of Mercury is called the upper one and is associated with the activation of all the functions of the planet. Now many new ideas can appear, mental activity is increasing. You can solve those problems that you could not solve before. However, the defeat of this compound by Neptune may bring some doubts. There are risks of activation of scammers. It's easy to take wishful thinking.

What not to do : do something important for you, start new business, projects, conclude important trade deals; make investments; apply to high authorities and superiors; register a marriage; give/borrow money; issue loans; trust strangers; work with chemicals, household chemicals; turn to psychics and fortune tellers.

Purchases : it is better to postpone, purchases before 17:00 may be especially unfavorable.

JUNE 7, Thursday. 22nd, 23rd lunar day from 01:37.FISH

Moon off course from 09:35

Symbols of the day : elephant (book, golden key), crocodile.

And again the day of the moon without a course. Best time of the day - from 09:00 to 09:35. At this time, you can do the signing of contracts, negotiations, advertising. But the best time today is for rest and relaxation. Any water procedures will benefit and bring pleasant emotions. You can go on vacation to the reservoirs or in the sanatorium.

What not to do : start any important business after 09:35; go to the mountains.

Purchases : The moon is off course almost all day - it's better to postpone shopping trips! If you have time, you can make a purchase before 09:35. It is allowed to buy clothes, shoes, cosmetics.

♓♈ JUNE 8, Friday. 23rd, 24th lunar day from 01:55.FISH , ARIES from 00:26

Moon off course until 00:26

Symbols of the day : crocodile, bear.

On this day, you may have a lot of energy in order to get down to business and start something important. But everything will not go perfectly: there may be obstacles and difficulties along the way. A better time is shaping up after 14:00, when the Moon leaves the negative aspect with Saturn. It is worth being as collected and serious as possible, do not make vain promises or plan several things. If you start something very quickly and on impulse, it may not be as successful, because additional circumstances will come up that you may not have considered. Think well before doing anything.

What not to do : start long-term business and projects; invest money, risk money; start a course of treatment.

Purchases : It is acceptable to buy various inexpensive items that may be useful to you in sports. After 14:00 car purchases are allowed.

9 JUNE, Saturday, 24th, 25th lunar day from 02:13.ARIES

Moon without a course from 22:37

Symbols of the day : bear, turtle (shell, urn with ashes, two vessels with living and dead water).

Today your activity can be on top. Walk, walk or bike more. It is good to go out of town and spend time in a pleasant company. People will reach out to communicate and exchange news. However, disagreements and disputes may arise. Emotionally, this day can be more than bright. If you do not use its energy correctly, there may appear relationship problems. Try not to go to places where there are large crowds of people today. You can contact the authorities.

What not to do : start long-term business and projects; invest money, risk money; start repairs; enter into open conflicts; to be in crowded places.

Purchases : You can make small and insignificant purchases. You can not buy clothes, shoes, cosmetics and other goods for women.

♈♉ 10 JUNE, Sunday, 25th, 26th lunar day from 02:32.ARIES , TAURUS from 07:04

Moon off course until 07:03

Symbols of the day : turtle (shell, urn with ashes, two vessels with living and dead water), toad (swamp).

Today is a rather tense and nervous day, despite the fact that the Moon will enter the calmer sign of Taurus. You should not raise any serious questions that relate to your relationship with the opposite sex: you it will be hard to understand each other. It is good to visit any cultural events. Good for any creative activity.

What not to do : risk health; neglect safety precautions; risk money, borrow / lend money; test new technology; repair appliances and electrical appliances; start a new job; start long-term projects; sign important documents; appeal to superiors and higher institutions.

Purchases : Purchasing durable goods is allowed, you can buy any goods for farming and growing plants at home.

♉ 11 JUNE, Monday, 26th, 27th lunar day from 02:53.TAURUS

Symbols of the day : toad (swamp), trident (rod, ship).

Holiday! If this Monday turned out to be free, spend it to good use. Although the day is suitable for serious matters related to financial matters, due to the holidays, you may not be able to do everything. If you still manage to solve your affairs, then you can conclude financial transactions, draw up documents associated with transfers or receipt of money. The day is suitable for wedding celebrations. Although this is the end of the lunar month, today you can schedule a wedding (no wedding; there are no weddings in June).

What not to do : make quick decisions, risk health.

Purchases : a good time for shopping, especially after 08:30. You can buy real estate, furniture, any things for repairs, as well as for work in the country. Today is also a good day for shopping for any beauty products (clothes, cosmetics, perfumes, etc.).

♉♊ 12 JUNE, Tuesday, 27th, 28th lunar day from 03:19.TAURUS , TWINS from 09:53

Moon without a course from 06:29 to 09:52

Symbols of the day : trident (rod, ship), lotus (karma).

Event of the day : Mercury enters Cancer (22:59).

Holiday! Another festive day will start with a moon without a course, so any new business until 10 am better not to plan. Today it is good to start things that need to be completed quickly and that will not require too long and serious reflection. Much will be decided quickly if you apply wit and a sense of humor to your actions. Mercury is about to move into Cancer, so the whole day will not be particularly conducive to Mercurial affairs. Finish all that you did not have time to complete, finish reading books, listen to lectures. The moon will soon begin a new month, so there is quite a bit of energy at this time.

What not to do : start long-term important projects; do things that require perseverance and concentration.

Purchases : not the best day for shopping, you can only make small purchases. It is better not to buy works of art.

YOUNG MOON from 22:43

♊ 13 JUNE, Wednesday, 28th, 29th lunar day from 03:52; 1st lunar day from 22:43.TWINS

NEW MOON at 22:43

Moon off course from 22:43

Symbols of the day : lotus (karma), octopus (hydra, maya), lamp (lamp, third eye).

WEAK MOON. This day should not be devoted to important matters and undertakings. The middle of the week will turn out to be quite tense and tiring, if possible, take a day off, plan only simple things. It is especially unfavorable to start today long-term affairs and projects: there is little chance that you will be pleased with the result. You can collect and process information, engage in mental rather than physical labor.

As you can see, this month you will have to make wishes and make plans late in the evening and at night! But if you go to bed after 23:00, you can still have time to make a wish, as soon as the 1st lunar day comes into force. And although the Moon will be off course at this time, it should not interfere with making wishes and plans! For the best effect, try to fast on this day, eat only fresh fruits and vegetables.

On this day, there may be quarrels and disagreements with partners and people from your inner circle, but don't take them too personally and even more so to draw serious conclusions. Many grievances will quickly vanish at the beginning of the lunar month.

What not to do : start new business and projects; register a marriage; overstrain physically; make important decisions; accept offers; succumb to sad thoughts, depression, pessimism; give/borrow money; issue loans; trust strangers; work with chemicals, household chemicals; turn to psychics and fortune tellers.

Purchases : it is better to postpone.

♊♋ 14 JUNE, Thursday, 1st, 2nd lunar day from 04:36.TWINS , CRAYFISH from 10:20

Moon off course until 10:19

Symbols of the day : lamp (lamp, third eye), cornucopia (mouth).

Event of the day : the transition of Venus into the sign of Leo (00:54).

This day is not very good for matters that have to do with partnership, because Venus is coming to negative aspect to Uranus. In addition, defeats of the Moon can also add heat to passions. If you are a creative person, inspiration may suddenly come to you, but remember that it will be depleted very quickly, especially if you do not put it into practice. Partners can surprise you unpleasantly.

What not to do : borrow / lend money, arrange loans; start long-term business; start a course of treatment; to register marriage; establish relationships with partners.

Purchases : small purchases are allowed today, but make sure that the moon is not "idle" when you go shopping, otherwise there is little chance of finding what you need. After 10:20 you can shop for the house, buy food for storage.

♋ 15 JUNE, Friday, 2nd, 3rd lunar day from 05:33.CRAYFISH

Moon without a course from 19:18

Symbols of the day : cornucopia (mouth), leopard (leopard).

Negative aspects Mercury and Saturn can give a serious brake in those matters that relate to the areas of transport, documents, and communication between people. Bad mood and a pessimistic mood in the morning can prevent you from making important decisions or doing important things. But if something doesn’t work out, it’s worth stopping and not continuing. Obstacles may indicate that you should change tactics a little or start over. Postpone dating, business negotiations, important meetings for a better day.

What not to do : borrow / lend money, arrange loans; draw up important documents; engage in advertising; take exams; organize public performance; start learning a foreign language; move to a new job; move; to go on a trip; start repairs; enter into open conflicts; to be in crowded places.

Purchases : not the best day for shopping: there is a big risk of buying something completely unnecessary, or getting upset that you cannot afford something. Better put off shopping!

♋♌ 16 JUNE, Saturday, 3rd, 4th lunar day from 06:43.CRAYFISH , A LION from 10:21

Moon off course until 10:20

Symbols of the day : leopard (leopard), tree of knowledge.

In the morning there may be unexpected events. Any action you take can have twists and turns and unexpected results. The second half of the day is more successful. It is good to visit a hairdresser or beauty salon from 10:20 to 15:00. It is worth keeping outbursts of anger and aggression under control.

What not to do : risk health; neglect safety precautions; risk money; test new technology; repair appliances and electrical appliances; start a new job; start long-term projects; sign important documents; apply to superiors and higher institutions; Borrow/borrow money.

Purchases : a good day for shopping for clothes, shoes, gold jewelry, etc. But go shopping astrologer infonia magazine c .ru advises after 10:20, when the moon will come out of "idle". The best time for shopping is from 10:20 to 15:00.

♌ 17 JUNE, Sunday, 4th, 5th lunar day from 08:03.A LION

Symbols of the day : tree of knowledge, unicorn.

Today, you can solve a variety of issues if you approach them creatively and take the initiative. You should not wait for someone else to grab it, if it is you who are interested in the case. Can be contacted with request to superiors or start a new job or a new project. It's good to deal with some legal issues. It is also good to start construction work, start a new job and a new project, attend cultural events, and also get to know each other. But remember that it is better to start any business after 09:30!

What not to do : start any important business before 09:30, enter into financial transactions, draw up securities and wills.

Purchases : It is good to buy jewelry made of gold and other metals with precious or semi-precious stones. You can also buy clothes and shoes for some special occasions.

♌♍ 18 JUNE, Monday, 5th, 6th lunar day from 09:26.A LION , VIRGO from 11:41

Moon without a course from 06:26 to 11:40

Symbols of the day : unicorn, crane.

In general, the day is quite favorable, especially after 11:40, when the Moon is in the sign of Virgo. Good time to practice small and meticulous work, which requires focus on every detail. This is a good time to draw up various documents, to conduct commercial activities, to solve financial matters and to sign papers.

What not to do : to travel by water transport.

Purchases : small purchases, do not buy real estate and land. It is better not to go shopping under the moon without a course. It is good to make small purchases for the house or cottage.

♍ 19 JUNE, Tuesday, 6th, 7th lunar day from 10:49.VIRGO

Symbols of the day : crane, wand (wind rose, keys).

Event of the day : retrograde neptune from 02:26.

Not a bad time to do paperwork, any complicated bookkeeping, databases and lists, sorting out important things. Since Mercury and Jupiter will be in harmony on this day, this is a good time for any Mercury activity, for example, for trade(particularly lucky sellers), transportation and moving. You can take out insurance. But still, you should be more careful: the Moon will be amazed by Neptune, so there is a risk of errors and inaccuracies in everything you do. A good time for business and shopping trips, but it is best to avoid water transport.

What not to do : to trust unfamiliar people; work with chemicals, household chemicals; turn to psychics and fortune tellers; travel by water.

Purchases A: A good shopping time is before 11:30 and after 16:00. Although sellers are not too willing to reduce prices during the waxing moon, you can still buy something really worthwhile that you need. It is better to make small purchases. It is good to buy any items for sorting and storing things.

ARRIVAL MOON from 13:51

♍♎ 20 JUNE, Wednesday, 7th, 8th lunar day from 12:09.VIRGO , SCALES from 15:30

Moon without a course from 13:51 to 15:29

I quarter, the second phase of the moon from 13:51

Symbols of the day : wand (wind rose, keys), phoenix.

WEAK MOON. Phase change - crisis day. Today it is better not to plan anything important. This day is more suitable for rest and relaxation. In the morning you can do hair at home. It is also a good time to put things in order at the workplace, to sort things at home, in the office. After 15:30 you can go to theaters, restaurants, exhibitions, visit any cultural events. You can travel by rail.

What not to do : do something important for you, start new business, projects, conclude important deals; make investments; apply to high authorities, to the authorities; register a marriage; meet; establish relationships with partners; start a course of treatment.

Purchases A: it is better to postpone, especially large purchases.

♎ 21 JUNE, Thursday, 8th, 9th lunar day from 13:27.SCALES

Symbols of the day : phoenix, milky way (bat, mother's milk).

Event of the day : the transition of the Sun into the sign of Cancer (13:07).

Venus and Mars on this day they will be in disharmony, therefore, if possible, it is better to refuse trips on dates and any acquaintances. Your relationship on this day may run into problems, it will be difficult to find mutual understanding with the opposite sex. In the evening, you can attend cultural events or go to a restaurant with friends.

What not to do : borrow / lend money, arrange loans; start repairs; enter into open conflicts; to be in places of a large congestion of people; make new acquaintances, go on dates; register a marriage; sign important contracts and conduct important partnership negotiations; hold conferences and webinars.

Purchases : better to postpone: more likely to waste and waste time.

22 JUNE, Friday, 9th, 10th lunar day from 14:43.SCALES , SCORPION from 22:11

Moon without a course from 04:34 to 22:11

Symbols of the day : milky way (bat, mother's milk), fountain (mushroom, water source, phallus).

Weak Moon all day: Moon without a course! This day can be empty and useless if you want to start something important. It is best to continue things: for example, work well in cooperation, engage in scientific activity, continue searching for the lost item. You may have doubts and hesitations, bad feelings. In general, intuition will work well, but the showdown will lead nowhere.

What not to do : borrow / lend money, arrange loans; risk health; neglect safety precautions; risk money; test new technology; repair appliances and electrical appliances; make important decisions; go to court; move, rent an apartment; start a trip register a marriage; sort things out.

Purchases : it is better to postpone, because the day is "idle moon". There is little chance of buying what you need, but a big risk of buying a useless thing!

23 JUNE, Saturday, 10th, 11th lunar day from 15:57.SCORPION

Symbols of the day : fountain (mushroom, water source, phallus), crown (ridge, fiery sword, labyrinth).

Suspicion and anxiety can accompany you during this period, no matter what you do. Emotionally this day may be very tense. Quarrels and conflicts can arise, which will develop into serious quarrels and disagreements. Clarifying the relationship can only exacerbate the situation. Various bad premonitions are not excluded, which with a high probability can be confirmed. Any lie told on this day can very quickly come up and harm the one who is lying, so it is better to remain silent at the right time or say everything as it is if you feel that it is vital for you.

What not to do : borrow / lend money, arrange loans; move; conclude important trade deals; risk money; apply to superiors or higher authorities; start trips; start a new job; start long-term projects; neglect safety precautions, risk health; sign important documents.

Purchases : it is better to postpone. There are great risks of spending money in vain. It is especially unfavorable to buy clothes, shoes and any products of the beauty industry.

24 JUNE, Sunday, 11th, 12th lunar day from 17:09.SCORPION

Moon without a course from 17:00

Symbols of the day : crown (ridge, fiery sword, labyrinth), cup (heart).

While the Moon has not had time to become "single", you can do a lot. Although Scorpio is not the most successful sign for the Moon, some important things will still be successful. Lost thing can be found faster, a scientific experiment will succeed with a bang, and tests of new technology will show results better than expected! Good to go to hunting or fishing. Those who are fond of esoteric and occult knowledge can put them into practice or collect the necessary information. It's good to train your intuition.

What not to do : borrow / lend money, arrange loans; hold big parties; wear again for the first time.

Purchases : today it is better to make small purchases, except for purchases related to beauty and fashion.

25 JUNE, Monday, 12th, 13th lunar day from 18:18.SCORPION , SAGITTARIUS from 07:29

Moon off course until 07:28

Symbols of the day : bowl (heart), wheel (spinning wheel).

Today it is dangerous to succumb to various temptations, for example, in nutrition: excess weight will not take long. Venus and Jupiter will be in disharmony, so any acquaintances can be disappointing, especially with foreigners. New knowledge will be perceived with difficulty, so today it is best to do creativity, relaxation, or any activity that will bring pleasure and relaxation, but will not be dangerous to health and shape. Go on a trip until 20:30- a bad idea.

What not to do : borrow / lend money, arrange loans; conclude contracts; overeat; sort things out, go on dates; do plastic surgery and beauty injections.

Purchases : a bad day for shopping, it is better to postpone until at least 20:30.

26 JUNE, Tuesday, 13th, 14th lunar day from 19:24.SAGITTARIUS

Moon off course from 15:53

Symbols of the day : wheel (spinning wheel), trumpet (call).

When the Moon is in Sagittarius, it is easier to set goals, make plans and dream. In addition, a favorable aspect will operate until 11:49 Moon and Venus, which is very good for commerce, solving some not too complicated legal issues, continuing to work with monetary documents. If you have a desire to meet a foreigner, you may well register on dating sites before 12:00.

What not to do : to trust unfamiliar people; work with chemicals, household chemicals; turn to psychics and fortune tellers; to start construction or engage in earthworks.

Purchases : it's good to buy clothes, shoes, cosmetics and any beauty items, but it's better before 12:00. This time is more suitable for small purchases.

♑ 27 JUNE, Wednesday, 14th, 15th lunar day from 20:23.SAGITTARIUS , CAPRICORN from 18:53

Moon without course until 18:52

Symbols of the day : trumpet (call), fiery serpent (jackal with wings).

Event of the day : Mars retrograde from 00:04. This day is not very suitable for important matters, but especially undertakings. Moreover, it can be simply disastrous for them! Mars goes into retromotion, which means that the energy for undertakings will be very lacking. The Sun in opposition to Saturn can also interfere with any undertakings, indicate obstacles in business.

WEAK MOON from 19:00 due to the approaching full moon also hints that new things better not to do. When several such serious factors come together at once, then pay special attention to what it is better not to do on this day.

From this day until the end of summer, until Mars comes out of retrograde, it is best to return to old and unfinished business. These things can be very successful!

What not to do : start new business and projects; start renovation or construction; repair cars; look for a new job; organize competitions; open a company; make planned operations; go on trips; start a course of treatment.

Purchases : it is better to postpone major purchases, especially cars, machine tools, and other vehicles.

waning moon from 07:53

♑ 28 JUNE, Thursday, 15th, 16th lunar day from 21:15.CAPRICORN

FULL MOON at 07:53

Symbols of the day : fiery serpent (jackal with wings), butterfly (dove).

WEAK MOON until 18:00. For most of the day, the Moon will be weakened by the full moon that will take place in the morning. That is why before 18:00 it is better not to start any important business. If you use evening time more for relaxation than for important events, and work during the day, then move things to another, more successful day. After 18:00 many may have inspiration and enthusiasm to work, besides, the Moon in Capricorn will help to complete complex tasks, and trine with Jupiter - tasks that will require energy, strength and determination. Whatever you do today, do it purposefully. The will to win and efforts will help in achieving the plan. It is good to continue the work begun in the past.

After 18:00it’s good to start repair work, clean the apartment, clean up the office.

What not to do : do something important for you, start new business, projects, conclude important deals; make investments; apply to high authorities, to the authorities; eat a lot at night.

Purchases : it is better to postpone.

♑ 29 JUNE, Friday, 16th, 17th lunar day from 21:57.CAPRICORN

Moon off course from 11:58

Symbols of the day : butterfly (dove), bunch of grapes (bells).

Event of the day : Mercury enters Leo (08:16).

The Moon in Capricorn advises to do serious things today. This time is good for hard work, which requires a serious expenditure of energy and intellectual abilities. Emotions will now be under control. Everything is best done according to a plan drawn up at the beginning of the day or the day before. You can make a list of important tasks and do them as they are important, then you will have time for a lot. If you are having trouble keeping up with everything, you should turn to time management, that is, learn how to manage time, and for this you need to draw up clear business plan and throw out everything superfluous from it.

What not to do : draw up wills and documents related to investing money in projects, especially short-term ones with the aim of getting rich quick; ask your boss for a raise, move, move to a new job (you can be assigned a lot of responsibilities that were not warned about), engage in an exchange or rental of housing.

Purchases : you can buy real estate and land for construction.

♑♒ 30 JUNE, Saturday, 17th, 18th lunar day from 22:32.CAPRICORN , AQUARIUS from 07:37

Moon off course until 07:36

Symbols of the day : bunch of grapes (bells), mirror (monkey, ice).

Today the Moon will be in the sign of Aquarius, which means that all the hard work will be left behind and there will be a desire to become freer. Usually, after a few rather stressful days of the Moon in Capricorn, many of us break free. As the Moon is approaching conjunction with Mars, be careful: there may be various minor injuries, as well as a clash with aggression. Because Mercury will be hit by Uranus, there may be breakdowns of equipment and cars, so it’s better to check everything in advance if you go on a trip. In general, the day is not very good for travel.

What not to do : risk health; neglect safety precautions; risk money; test new technology; repair appliances and appliances.

Purchases : not the best day for shopping: purchases may be an unpleasant surprise, or you will have to return them. This is especially true of any Internet purchases and purchases of appliances and household appliances.

Lunar cycles directly affect people, their emotions and well-being. During the growth of the moon, an energy rise is observed, which helps to complete the planned tasks and achieve new successes. At this time, you can perform rituals that bring prosperity to life.

June rituals for the growing moon

Effective conspiracies and rituals during the growing moon will be those associated with attracting money and love.

Attract material well-being can be done with a simple but effective conspiracy. To do this, in the evening you need to go outside, look at the growing moon and say:

“The moon is growing, strength is gaining. I’ll ask her for help, I’ll show you an empty wallet. As the Full Moon passes, so the wallet will be full.

Put the wallet on the windowsill, fill it with money and coins and put it on the windowsill overnight.

You can enlist the support of the moon during its growth and for good luck in love. To do this, go outside for three days when it gets dark and say the words of the conspiracy:

“Without the sweet, the light of day is not sweet, the nights are long. Moon, Mother, help, attract happiness into my life.

All three days remember everything that you dreamed about. Dreams at this time will be prophetic and in them you will be able to see your meeting with your betrothed.

Signs for the time of the growing moon

  • In June, the growth of the moon will be accompanied by a strong surge of energy, which astrologers predict. In the first summer month, there may be strong storms, tides and other phenomena that the night luminary provokes. In this regard, people should pay attention to the events taking place around them. Signs will warn you out of trouble.
  • If the flowers you planted bloomed in one day, you can safely conduct a ceremony to attract love. The energy of the Moon is strong and will definitely help you achieve what you want.
  • At sea or near a large body of water, the waves intensified their run by evening, which means that soon you will have good luck on the road. On such days, ritual magic is strong, which awakens the protection of the Family.
  • The moon, constantly hidden behind clouds, signals difficult times. Have the courage to overcome temporary difficulties.
  • An extremely bright moon that is pouring yellow, promises people good luck in money matters. This means that in June you can safely deal with issues of buying and selling, open your own business and invest in securities.
  • Before the full moon, the moon turned red - to change the weather for the worse. Eliminate long trips the next day so as not to be at the mercy of the raging elements.
  • In June, the growth of the moon will not occur smoothly, but in jolts. You can notice this by the uneven growth of the month. If it arrives too quickly, then you should hurry up with important things. Complete them before the Full Moon so that luck does not turn away from you.

The growth of the moon in June will not only attract money and love, but also get rid of problems. Climb vitality will provide an opportunity to break off relations with people who take advantage of your kindness and manipulate. Refuse to communicate with them in order to achieve success faster and enjoy each new day without fear and stress. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

13.06.2018 04:12

If luck suddenly left, things are not going well, personal life fails - it's time to change something. ...

Specialists, focusing on the night luminary, compile the Lunar calendar for each month. For June, it is compiled indicating the days of the full moon, new moon, quarters of the moon and even its location in the signs of the zodiac.

The lunar calendar allows you to properly plan your affairs so that everything goes easily with maximum benefit and without loss of time and effort. In addition, many are guided by the phase of the moon when going to the hairdresser, and more than once it has been proven that hair becomes thicker and grows better on favorable lunar days.

Phases of the moon in June 2018 by day: favorable days for undertakings

The lunar calendar for June 2018 has 29 days. The best period for all sorts of undertakings, analysis of old mistakes and forgiveness of old grievances is the period of the New Moon. It is also good to get rid of bad habits such as smoking on this day and a few days after it.

In the first month of summer, the new moon falls on the 13th lunar day. Experts point out that one of better days for quick success in all endeavors there will be 14 and 20 lunar days. Career successes will be especially noticeable and any agreements will be easy and successful.

Phases of the moon in June 2018 by day: waning moon

The waning moon in June will dominate from June 1 to 12, as well as June 29-30. On Friday and Saturday June 8-9, the Moon will be in Aries. A rather impulsive time, which threatens with hasty and sometimes reckless actions. These days you should not plan the conclusion of contracts, this is not a time of accuracy and thoughtfulness. It's very easy to miss the point.

10-11 Moon in Taurus is characterized by material stability on this day. Things that require diligence and perseverance will go well. In addition, real estate matters and any property issues will be resolved without problems.

June 12 Moon in Gemini. Financial transactions and everything connected with vigorous affairs will be excellent. Time of increased intellectual activity.

Phases of the moon in June 2018 by day: the growing moon

On June 14-15, the Moon in Cancer favors unhurried stable affairs. All cases related to jurisprudence and antiques will be beneficial and profitable. In addition, the litigation initiated during this period must end with the victory of the party that initiated it.

June 16-17 Moon in Leo. Time for action and decisive action. It is good to arrange events on these days aimed at team building, including parties. The period of not only work, but also communication with friends and entertainment, the sign introduces these days a tendency to adventures and impulsive decisions.

June 18-20 Moon in Virgo. During this period, painstaking work is going well, requiring concentration and thoughtfulness, attention to detail. Successful financial affairs and advancement in study and self-improvement. Fruitful days for business activity.

Table: Moon in the signs of the zodiac, phases of the moon and types of work with plants

In June, the dawn converges with the dawn.

In June, raspberries, viburnum, rose hips begin to bloom. Strawberries ripen in the second half of the month (photo). Near fruit trees and in the beds, the earth is carefully loosened, destroying weeds along the way. Vegetables and fruit trees are constantly watered, during irrigation, you can fertilize, and pinch tomatoes. After flowering, it is advisable to treat fruit trees against pests.
Potatoes are spudded in the middle of the month. Supports are placed under climbing plants. Entrances of carrots and cucumbers should be thinned out. Loosening cucumber beds is not recommended, as the roots of these vegetables are located close to the surface.
Flowers in June need to be watered, weeded and loosened, and the soil around them needs to be fed. It is better to water flower beds in the early morning, as during the day the leaves can deteriorate from watering in the sun.

Folk signs about the weather in June:
June will show how to be December, and December - June.
Sultry June - spit on mushrooms.
June - summer for the heat, and the sun for the winter.

Based on one interesting folk sign, we will try to compile together with you, one of the main tasks of which is to help plan the work of the 2019 garden season.

Thematic tables - selections from the main, universal gardener-gardener calendar:

ATTENTION! Our gardener's lunar calendar is maintained by Moscow time. (The calendar can be used throughout Russia, taking into account the difference with local time *)

Moon calendar

Garden work, plant care activities

from 01 June 2019 00:00 (Sat)
to 02 June 2019 14:48 (Sun)
Auspicious day for planting potatoes, sowing seeds of radish, parsley, celery, radish, daikon. Planting bulbous flowers.
Watering and applying organic fertilizers for root crops (carrots, beets, radishes, etc.) and potatoes. Ridges with root crops (including garlic and onions) are loosened and mulched with humus. Planting seedlings of kohlrabi summer terms of consumption. Thinning crops of carrots and beets. Pasynkovanie tomatoes. Possible planting seedlings of tomatoes, cucumbers (alternate days) .
The rooting of seedlings of trees and shrubs planted on this day is going well. Carrying out spraying of fruit trees and berry bushes from pests, diseases. auspicious time for laying compost heaps..
We still have a blog "", entry only from the lunar calendar
from 02 June 2019 14:48 (Sun)
to June 03, 2019 04:15 (Mon)
Unfavorable time for watering. Weeding, thinning seedlings in vegetable beds. Pasynkovanie tomatoes and peppers, the formation of lashes of cucumbers. Removal of yellowed leaves on cucumbers and zucchini, tomatoes. Spraying fruit crops from pests, diseases, as well as growth and fruit formation stimulants; foliar top dressing of fruit crops. Planting, dividing and feeding flowers. Plucking thickening shoots at fruit trees.

In June, pinching tomatoes is still a hot topic. For readers visiting our calendar for the first time, I am transferring the link to the video: from the May page of the calendar. How the formation of tomatoes is carried out and the VIDEO of their stepsoning can also be viewed by clicking on the picture (a new window will open).

June 3 (23.05 style) - Elena and Konstantin (Deer Day)
"Deer day - plant cucumbers. If there is bad weather on the Deer, then autumn will be rainy"

from June 03, 2019 04:15 (Mon)
to June 05, 2019 05:36 (Wed)


It is not recommended to plant anything, transplant. Any chores, work with soil, composting, spraying against pests and diseases of trees and shrubs are possible.

June 03, 2019 13:01 Moscow time - the beginning of the lunar month. Zodiac sign: - until June 04, 2019 19:17 Moon in the sign of Gemini, then in the sign of Cancer.

from 05 June 2019 05:36 (Wed)
to June 06, 2019 22:15 (Thu)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Cancer

bad days for pruning trees and shrubs, pinching, pinching vegetables. Favorable watering and top dressing of heat-loving crops and cabbage with an increase in the dose of potash fertilizers in rainy cold weather, fruit trees with a predominance of the dose of nitrogen fertilizers. Spraying vegetable crops with growth and development stimulants and preparations for fruit formation. Spraying fruit crops with growth and development stimulants; conducting vaccinations; foliar top dressing of fruit crops with liquid complex fertilizers with humates. Arrangement in the grooves of the shoots of currants and gooseberries for their rooting. Sowing green and spicy crops. Good time for pickling
from June 06, 2019 22:15 (Thu)
to June 09, 2019 00:45 (Sun)

Waxing Moon in Leo

Unfavorable time for watering, liquid root dressings and other work with vegetable plants. Spraying is useful against diseases and pests. A favorable period for sowing, planting and picking drought-resistant flowers, climbing flowers and ornamental crops. The collected medicinal herbs will have the most power, especially the herbs that cure heart disease. The harvested crop must be processed immediately.
(from 7 to 9 June - in Russian folk omens associated with the phase of the moon, the most auspicious days months for pickling cucumbers)
from 09 June 2019 00:45 (Sun)
to June 11, 2019 03:29 (Tue)

Waxing Moon in Virgo

Fertilizers cannot be applied. Planted green cuttings will take root well. During this period, it is good to lay mixborders, rabatka, flower beds, alpine slides. Favorable time for sowing biennial flowers, dividing and planting ornamental plants and perennials withered in spring. You can plant and transplant medicinal herbs, sow lawns, lawns. A good time for loosening, hilling, mulching, composting, weeding and watering. Strawberry processing. Transplantation of balcony and indoor flowers. The harvested crop must be processed immediately.
from June 11, 2019 03:29 (Tue)
to June 13, 2019 07:02 (Thursday)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Libra

Favorable time for re-sowing dill, lettuce, chervil, broccoli. Sowing of perennial onions, cereals, fodder and leguminous crops. Loosening, composting, mulching, weeding, watering. You can cut and dry green vegetables. Planting seedlings of annual flowers in open ground. Sowing of lawn grasses, formation of flower beds. Dividing and transplanting perennial and biennial flowers if they have faded. Planting and transplanting indoor flowers and medicinal herbs. Planting flowers, berry and ornamental shrubs, green cuttings of fruit and ornamental trees. Conducting vaccinations.
from June 13, 2019 07:02 (Thu)
to June 15, 2019 12:03 (Sat)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Scorpio

It is strictly forbidden to trim trees and shrubs, as well as pinching vegetables and other crops. Favorable watering and loosening the soil. Sowing perennial onions, dill, lettuce, chervil. Early harvest of lettuce, spinach, early cucumbers and cauliflower. The slope and garter of annual growths of the apple tree in the process of crown formation. Rooting strawberry rosettes. Preparation for rooting green cuttings and their planting. Carrying out loosening and mulching of the soil, working with compost. It is possible to feed fruit trees with complex fertilizers with mullein infusion. Foliar top dressing of tomatoes and cucumbers. You can sow the seeds of biennials or dive their seedlings.
from June 15, 2019 12:03 (Sat)
to June 16, 2019 20:10 (Sun)

Waxing Moon in Sagittarius

Loosening and mulching the soil, working with compost. Installation of supports under the branches of fruit trees, construction of fences around shrubs. Harvesting of early vegetables and herbs and their processing. Collection of remontant strawberries and honeysuckle for consumption. Sowing perennial onions. The introduction of inorganic dressings, hilling. Fight against diseases and pests. Vaccination
from June 16, 2019 20:10 (Sun)
to June 18, 2019 22:14 (Tue)


Prohibited days for working with plants. Unfavorable days for salting (do not salt, for example, cucumbers on a full moon). Collection of flowers, leaves and herbs of medicinal plants. Loosening and mulching of the soil is possible.
June 17, 2019 11:30 Moscow time - astronomical full moon (the middle of the lunar month, - until June 17, 2019 19:13 The moon is in Sagittarius, then in the sign of Capricorn
from June 18, 2019 22:14 (Tue)
to June 20, 2019 05:00 (Thursday)

Waning Moon in Capricorn

Weed control, loosening and mulching of the soil. Sowing radish for winter storage, the second sowing of turnips. Raking the soil from the onion bulbs, hilling the leek. Application of fertilizers for root crops and potatoes. Top dressing of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers, pumpkins, zucchini, squash, physalis, cabbage. Top dressing of fruit trees, berry bushes and raspberries.
from 20 June 2019 05:00 (Thu)
to June 22, 2019 17:01 (Sat)

Waning Moon in Aquarius

Unfavorable days for planting and sowing plants, as well as watering and fertilizing vegetable crops.
Spraying vegetable crops with growth stimulants; from diseases and pests of fruit trees, shrubs, heat-loving crops (tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers). Flower fertilization is possible. Carrying out a complex of measures for the care of the lawn. Weed control. Collection of herbs for drying. Pruning, pinching and pinching plants. Best time for felling old trees.

June 21 (08.06 old style) - Fedor Letny (Stratilat)
"If there is a lot of dew on Stratilat, the summer, even if it is dry, will give a good harvest"

from June 22, 2019 17:01 (Sat)
to June 25, 2019 05:37 (Tue)

Waning Moon in Pisces

Irrigation and fertilizing with organic fertilizers of vegetable crops, berry bushes and raspberries; top dressing of fruit trees with an increased dose of nitrogen fertilizers. Favorable time for repeated crops of green crops. Hilling potatoes. Thinning carrot crops
from June 25, 2019 05:37 (Tue)
to June 27, 2019 16:32 (Thursday)

Waning Moon in Aries

Spraying of all heat-loving crops with growth and fruit formation stimulants. Fertilizing tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers, pumpkins, zucchini, squash, physalis, cabbage, etc. Favorable time for loosening, mulching, weed and pest control, mowing grass for hay and harvesting firewood. Holding formative pruning of fruit trees by pinching and removing thickening shoots, normalizing the ovary. Removing whiskers from strawberries. Hilling early plantings of potatoes. Seedling thinning. Compost preparation.
from 27 June 2019 16:32 (Thu)
to June 30, 2019 00:09 (Sun)

Waning Moon in Taurus

Watering and applying organic fertilizers for root crops (carrots, beets, radishes, etc.) and potatoes. Ridges with root crops are loosened and mulched with humus. Planting seedlings of kohlrabi summer terms of consumption. It is possible to re-sow radish and turnip for winter storage. Thinning crops of carrots and beets. Pasynkovanie tomatoes. Favorable period for pest control. Favorable period for laying compost heaps. "On Tikhon the sun goes quieter" - Amazing Fact, forcing people to be amazed by observation - at this time the Earth is in the aphelion zone of its orbit and really slows down its movement around the Sun, one would think that this is a coincidence associated with rhyming, but the next day - "Manuel" and again the statement: "On Manuel the sun stagnates". In our time, the date of the passage of the Earth through the aphelion point is July 4, but 250-300 years ago the Earth passed the aphelion at the end of June!
from June 30, 2019 00:09 (Sun)
to June 30, 2019 23:59 (Sun)

Waning Moon in Gemini

Weeding, thinning seedlings in vegetable beds. Pasynkovanie tomatoes and peppers, the formation of cucumber plants, pinching lashes from pumpkins and melons. Removal of yellowed leaves on cucumbers and zucchini, tomatoes. Removing unwanted strawberry whiskers. Plucking thickening shoots at fruit trees. auspicious days for digging bulbs of tulips, hyacinths and small bulbs.

Table continuation:

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