The Aquarius woman is the most mysterious. Aquarius woman: what is she

Aquarius women are bright, sociable, sincere and completely unusual. Such girls practically break into the life of another person and make it completely different. And the natural attractiveness, extraordinary appearance and lack of complexes make them extremely popular with the opposite sex. And today, many are interested in what is an Aquarius woman in love? What properties does it have? How to make her happy?

Such ladies without a twinge of conscience can be called incredible bright personalities. This is facilitated by their unusual appearance, as well as a predilection for original outfits. For example, a woman can feel free to wear her great-grandmother's blouse and leather pants. This approach always gives them the opportunity to remain in the spotlight - this is exactly what they crave.

Such a lady is incredibly sociable - she always has many friends, and of both sexes. Often, it is she who becomes the soul of the company. The purpose of her life is the search for originality, the pursuit of something new and unusual. Routine and gray everyday life make her mortally bored right to the point of depression.

Aquarius in conversation

As already mentioned, representatives of this sign cannot imagine their life without constant communication and new acquaintances - they need it no less than air. They are erudite and well-read, so it is easy to talk with them.

Such a lady chooses friends regardless of gender, age, nationality, religious beliefs - the main thing is that it is fascinating to communicate with a person. Since she openly discusses intimate topics, many men can accept her as an object for bed comforts - Aquarius cannot stand this, as she longs to be evaluated first as a person.

What job is suitable for an Aquarius woman?

Such a lady is suitable for any profession that makes it possible to show and use her creative potential. Do not forget that Aquarius is always in search of something new. Any work the lady will be given completely.

Good gardeners, fashion designers, designers come out of such women - these activities provide a huge scope for constant experimentation. Often, Aquarius women choose the profession of a teacher or educator - here they are constantly trying to improve their teaching technique, teaching children a non-standard approach.

In fact, any more or less creative profession is suitable for such a lady. But for them it is extremely important that there is a prospect of growth: as soon as the highest limit is reached, the work becomes uninteresting.

Aquarius woman: love horoscope

Such a lady is changeable in love. She often starts short-term intrigues, but it is not always easy to persuade her to marry, since these obligations are perceived as a kind of cell.

Aquarius woman in love often behaves coldly, and from time to time a little detached. This does not make her an "ice queen" at all, it's just not easy to show her emotions, especially in public.

Do not worry if your companion does not ask about your life - it is entirely possible that she had time to study you perfectly even before the relationship began. Such people tend to remember even the little things, carefully analyzing them and making up a portrait of a partner.

Such a lady is not too emotional, she never finds fault with trifles, she is not jealous or offended, she always shows tolerance. Some men consider her an impeccable partner who never causes unnecessary problems. On the other hand, you should respect her personal space, love her friends and not demand too much - excessive affection and attempts to control everything will force the lady to leave.

Aquarius woman: sexual horoscope

It should immediately be said that ladies born under this sign are almost completely devoid of any complexes. They do not even try to hide their sexuality, and therefore often start short-term affairs.

Aquarius woman in love strives for complete dedication. Accordingly, in bed she will do everything necessary to satisfy her beloved man. Such partners get the same pleasure from what they give and receive affection. Any whim or fantasy of a partner is fulfilled almost instantly - the Aquarius woman does not have any persistent psychological prejudices.

By the way, this feature often forces a lady to associate her life with older, and sometimes even older partners who need care and comfort. An Aquarius woman can have an affair with a man who is insecure within herself, as with him she will be able to reach her full potential.

If we are talking about a long relationship or marriage, then sex for a lady becomes something routine, but mandatory - a kind of ritual before bedtime. Such a spouse will rarely refuse her husband, as she loves to pay attention.

What kind of man will suit the lady of this sign?

Surely, an Aquarius woman in love can become a real treasure. But she is special, therefore, for complete happiness, she needs an appropriate partner. She needs a person who will not only be able to accept all her "oddities" and some of her character traits, but also help to discover something new within herself. So what kind of man is suitable for an Aquarius woman?

This sign is folded a good relationship with Aries, who are ready to praise the lady's charms, instill in her confidence and self-love. But with Gemini, a woman born under the sign of Aquarius will be able to recognize herself from a completely different perspective - this couple will always be open to new proposals and ready for extreme, sometimes even incomprehensible tricks.

The union of Aquarius and Leo will be wonderful. Despite the fact that the lady at first will feel a little constrained by the possessive habits of Leo, she will be able to realize herself. Lions, in turn, can expand their worldview.

Aquarius women are suitable for Libra. These men are also a little "out of this world" and do not burden themselves with thoughts about the future or endless fidelity. Together they will be able to sincerely enjoy today, forgetting about future problems.

The union of Aquarius and Sagittarius can become harmonious. A man will be pleased to see a spectacular lady next to him, while his partner will like the easy attention of her beloved. Together they can indulge in dreams.

By the way, the Aquarius man is perfect for such a lady, who will understand her perfectly. But such couples rarely give birth to babies, because they are so absorbed in each other that a third (even a child) will always be superfluous.

Looking further love horoscope. An Aquarius woman is unlikely to get along with a man born under the signs of Taurus, Scorpio and Cancer. Naturally, such pairs are often formed, and at the initial stages, all differences in character and worldview seem even very tempting. But relationships usually end quickly.

What will be the lady in marriage?

Aquarius woman in love is just as extraordinary and unpredictable as in other areas of life. Quite often, such girls get married at an early age, and just as often the first marriage ends in divorce.

If you dream of tying such a lady to the kitchen and loading her with household chores, then you can leave such attempts. Your spouse will do first what she sees fit. And although Aquarius rarely go to conflict, if you need to defend your own principles or views on life, the lady will stand her ground to the last.

It should be noted some other features that an Aquarius woman possesses. The characteristic in love of such a girl should include another important character trait - she is not prone to suspicion. This is not the kind of spouse who will rummage through your things or look through your phone lists. After all, she has so many interests that there is no time left for surveillance. On the other hand, if you give her serious reasons to distrust, the lady will simply leave.

Most often, Aquarius spouses remain faithful. On the other hand, an affair on the side is not excluded, especially if the lady manages to meet the right man. But in this case, she will most likely simply end the relationship that has fallen into decay.

Aquarius woman as mother

In fact, it is often difficult for such a lady to adapt to the role of a mother. After all, there are so many colors in her life, so many things worthy of attention. And now the child becomes the center of her life - this can cause confusion.

But, it seems to be there, Aquarius adapts relatively quickly to the situation. Such ladies become good, diligent mothers, who from youth teach the child to sincerity and truthfulness.

Famous ladies born under this sign

In order to more accurately demonstrate the character traits of the ladies of this sign, it is worth mentioning some recognizable representatives of the fair sex.

Under this star, many extraordinary ladies were born, including the world-famous soothsayer Vanga, also the singer Anna German. Also Aquarians are Ira Slutskaya, Lyubov Orlova, Ira Muravyova, Jennifer Aniston, Vera Brezhneva, Yulia Savicheva and Paris Hilton. Any of them became famous specifically due to their outstanding appearance, natural charm and complex character.

The Aquarius girl resembles an unusual and exotic plant, which should be constantly monitored and cherished. Basically, they are quite mysterious, they do not show their emotions in public, so that this weakness cannot be exploited. Even in the most difficult situations, she does not panic and remains calm and impassive. However, her temperament is such that she most often hovers in the clouds, but this does not prevent her from working efficiently and productively. Such young ladies love everything unusual and exotic, they read psychological books, go in for sports.


She has a restrained and strict mindset, however, with close people and friends, she opens up and literally radiates with happiness, giving positive emotions to other people. She has a kind of inner core and does not give up in difficult situations. However, she does not go ahead, she will rather find a way out of the situation, which would not have occurred to others. She goes her own way, for which she is well prepared. If we talk about her character, then she will not agree to stand at the stove, like a normal housewife, and cook pies for her husband. Rather, it is he who will please her and take care of everyday life, while she is used to constantly working.

Negative Traits

  • secrecy;
  • impulsiveness;
  • restraint.

Her range of interests is quite wide. She is fond of dancing, goes in for sports, dresses beautifully, but she is not only interested in things. She loves high-quality and interesting communication in which she realizes herself. She has a lot of familiar men with whom only friendly relations. If we talk about love, then she has only one lover and she does not change him. She can be fond of magic, draw beautifully. In life, she values ​​\u200b\u200bfreedom very much and will not allow it to be somehow limited.

The main characteristics are the restraint of feelings and the calmness that she maintains in the most difficult situations. She does not tend to throw out her emotions on others, she does this when she plays sports. She is rarely jealous and completely unsuspecting, trusting others who can use this quality of her character. She should be more careful in her relationships, communicate only with trusted people. She will not stoop to make a scandal and thus lose her reputation in the eyes of her lover.

Relationships with lovers and friends

She has developed self-esteem, she never behaves unreasonably, all her actions are thought out and logically justified. Despite the fact that she is quite freedom-loving, she remains faithful to her beloved spouse if it comes to marriage. She also loves animals very much, in her apartment there is a cat or a small dog, they help from loneliness at a time when she does not have a lover. She prefers not to hide her feelings when she is alone and often communicates with friends for a long time to compensate for the lack of love.

She has a lot of friends, she knows how to make friends and maintains positive relationships with others. She rarely quarrels with her friends, as she considers them an integral part of her life. It is almost never possible to deceive her, she always reveals the truth, no matter how unpleasant it may be. She can sometimes act harshly, but this is due to the fact that she is prone to bad mood. She knows a lot of ways to raise it.

If you are interested in additional information about Aquarius girls, we advise you to watch this video.

She is most attracted to people who are not like others, extraordinary and freedom-loving, like her. She does not want to lie and prefers to always tell the truth. Sometimes others don't like it, but she doesn't see the point in pretending. Aquarius is inquisitive and curious, she prefers to constantly discover something new in life. She greatly appreciates music and often knows how to play some kind of musical instrument herself. She has a lot of hobbies.

They have the following character traits:

  • openness;
  • sincerity;
  • love of freedom.

She has a sweet and unusual style in communication, always interested in others and their lives, but does not allow herself to get into their personal lives, considering it just private property. She does not like being asked about her personal life, although she is quite open in communication. But this quality is manifested in another way, she appreciates when she can tell a person some of her secrets. But he does not want to gossip at the same time. She never sets herself the goal of marrying a rich man who will provide for her, she is able to achieve everything on her own. For this purpose, she works hard, which does not prevent her from sometimes indulging in dreams.

Such girls can carry on a conversation on absolutely any topic, as they are quite educated and smart, they have a sharp intellect and the same humor. They appreciate cheerful young people who can cheer you up. They are always interesting and never boring. They are also able to support male interests, such as fishing together or just swimming. They can visit art galleries together where they can enjoy art. Such young ladies choose a chosen one for a very long time and painstakingly. In conclusion, it should be added that the girls of this sign are not only very hardworking, but also sincere, they will always be fine with them.

The Aquarius woman is a charming, extraordinary, witty, bright nature. Her originality is manifested in everything: the manner of dressing, appearance, judgments. Many astrologers call her a "guest from the future", as she lives for tomorrow.

The element of Aquarius is Air. Thanks to her “airiness”, the Aquarius woman feels like a fish in water where the wind of change blows. Sometimes she manages to anticipate an event and be in the right place before it happens. Air gives Aquarius a lively mind, curiosity, creative thinking, communication skills.

Ruling planets: Saturn, Uranus. The spheres of influence of Saturn in our world are duty, work, discipline. Thanks to the patronage of Saturn, the Aquarius woman gains access to the treasury of human wisdom. This ability allows her to easily penetrate the essence of things and read the souls of people like a book. Uranus is the planet of independence and extraordinary thinking. She gives her protégés the rare gift of seeing familiar things from an unusual angle. The influence of Uranus makes the Aquarius woman extravagant and freedom-loving, gives her the ability to be creative and occult sciences.

Aquarius color: purple, crimson, gray. Talisman stones: aquamarine, topaz, lapis lazuli, pearls, sapphire. Aquarius girls love blue stones. They are associated with the water element reflected in the name of the sign. And although these stones are different in appearance, they all embody the majestic calmness of water.


The Aquarius woman, first of all, attracts with amazing ease of communication. She will easily support any conversation: from glamorous news to politics and world problems. The representative of this sign is very inquisitive, therefore it is a walking encyclopedia. Talking to her is no less interesting than watching the Discovery Channel.

Due to her sociability, the Aquarius girl has been surrounded by many friends since her youth. If all her acquaintances are brought together, there will be little in common between them: a programmer, a businessman, an artist, an official, a priest ... How does she manage to maintain such a breadth of interests? The answer is simple: she spends almost all her free time on communication.


The Aquarius woman consists of almost the same virtues. In an incomprehensible way, she manages to make an advantage what others would regard as a disadvantage. And she does it so skillfully that she deserves sincere compliments.

The most extravagant girl in the company will probably be born under the sign of Aquarius. Only a vintage dress, handmade jewelry, frilly shoes, a transparent hat and makeup a la the 60s will go so incomparably to her. Only she will create a harmonious elegant image from things that other ladies will not dare to wear. There are many more attractive aspects in the character of Aquarius:

  • ingenuity
  • education,
  • benevolence
  • nobility
  • developed intuition
  • organization


The Aquarius woman is incredibly changeable and knows how to perfectly adapt to new conditions. Under adverse circumstances, her character may manifest such qualities as:
  • nervousness
  • prone to phobias
  • suspiciousness
  • distraction
  • avarice

Zodiac signs: the most vulnerable places or how not to destroy relationships

What qualities should be developed

Astrology advises the Aquarius woman to cultivate resistance to life's trials. Stress resistance is necessary for subtle and exalted representatives of this sign in order not to succumb to despondency in a difficult life situation. Young ladies would do well to take marriage more seriously. Horoscopes indicate that they have a high probability of being left alone.

What does an Aquarius woman like?

More than anything, representatives of this sign love adventure and new sensations. Connected with this is their great desire to change places. Breaking into a trip to distant lands is as natural for them as it is for others to go to the store.

They love picnics, outdoor activities, hiking and extreme tourism. They like to compensate for the need for discipline on weekdays with an emotional shake-up at the weekend. Only such a way of life brings them a sense of the joy of being.

Aquarius women are happy when they have an interesting hobby. They love to collect anything: from stamps and postcards to valuable antiques. Aquarians are natural contemplatives, many of them are happy in the moment "here and now", not demanding gifts from fate.

What does an Aquarius woman not like?

Such ladies are quite sensitive, therefore they dislike many things and phenomena:
  • Violence and coercion. From the manipulators of their own freedom and time, they run like fire.

  • Routine. Monotony is the mortal enemy of Aquarius. They wither from boredom, like indoor flowers without watering.

  • Aquarians do not like to borrow and lend money.

  • Conservatism and dogma do not live in their world. They are crazy about experimentation and innovation.

  • Criticism. The Aquarius girl is very tactful. She will never show that she was offended by your unflattering remarks, but she will harbor bitter resentment in her soul.

  • Dust and wool. Due to the tendency to allergic diseases, such women keep their homes in perfect cleanliness and rarely have pets. For the same reason, they do not like to visit dirty, untidy rooms.

How to Win an Aquarius Woman

Unlike representatives of other signs, such a girl is easy to like. Because of her incredible sociability, she easily meets men and loves to flirt. However, the first date with an Aquarius woman should not be regarded as a guarantee of a romantic relationship. Such girls are able to perceive men not only as future partners, but also as friends.

Do not try to lure a girl of this sign with promises of marriage, this can backfire. In their youth, they are not set up for a quick marriage, the routine of family life depresses them. First of all, a woman born under the sign of Aquarius wants to see in her partner a like-minded person who lives in her interests. Therefore, the best approach to such a woman is a joint hobby. If you are connected with her at work, consider that fate has given you a good bonus to start dating.

The Aquarius lady has an originality in price. Be original in compliments, conversations, gifts, and then success is guaranteed.

Instead of a banal trip to the cinema, offer to spend time outside the box, for example, go to a tea ceremony or a quest for two. She couldn't refuse such an offer!

Love and marriage

In love, the Aquarius woman is not guided by blind feelings. The "male" sign obliges her to listen to the voice of reason. She is capable of falling in love, but not of African passion. Physical attraction for such a girl is also based on the dictates of reason and is not the main thing in a relationship.

How to recognize the lies of the zodiac signs

In marriage, Aquarius women rarely find happiness, as it deprives her of her main priority in life - freedom. If a man is interested in being married to such a girl, he needs to give her as much personal space as possible. Mendelssohn's march should not be the end of communication with friends, travel and new hobbies. Do not be afraid that such freedom will become fertile ground for treason. Despite her love of freedom, in marriage she is not inclined to start romances on the side.

The Aquarius woman is characterized by intelligence, fantasy and a philosophical outlook. She appreciates these same qualities in a partner. That is why such girls often choose people whose activities are related to art, science or politics as husbands.

Zodiac Signs Who Have a Hard Time Finding a Husband

Work and career

Aquarians prefer an irregular work schedule, a strict schedule causes them rejection. In their head, inspired by ideas, it doesn’t fit how you can create exclusively on weekdays from 9 am to 6 pm. Frequent change of job is a natural state for them. Lovers of change hope that in a new place their talents will be appreciated to a greater extent. For the same reason, Aquarius women rarely reach career heights. If this happens, then in adulthood, when the desire for stability outweighs inconstancy.

Suitable profession

The Aquarius woman is best suited for professions associated with frequent business trips. These are the best sales representatives, stewardesses, guides, brokers, conductors. Another priority area is working with people: a teacher, a doctor, a psychologist, a journalist. Aquarius are skilled craftswomen: they are excellent at sewing, knitting, weaving macrame and making charming things with their hands. Many astrologers advise them to turn their hobby into a profitable business.


In the body, under the influence of the Aquarius sign, there are ligaments, blood vessels, eyesight and legs. The most vulnerable places for the Aquarius woman are the heart and nervous system. Their immune system is very sensitive to emotional background, as well as the geophysical environment.

The greatest danger for them is nervous diseases, as well as allergies, paralysis of the lower extremities, poisoning and colds. Astrologers note that they have an increased likelihood of accidents related to electricity.

The main condition for maintaining health for Aquarius is to maintain a positive attitude, despite life's hardships.

If they avoid stress, they have a good chance of meeting old age in good health. Temperature drops have a particularly negative effect on the body of Aquarius, so hardening will bring them invaluable benefits.

How to raise an Aquarius child girl

Little Aquarius is distinguished by a rebellious spirit and does not tolerate an orderly tone, so parents and teachers cannot always find the “golden key” to his soul. If the Aquarius girl does not obey you, do not rush to order her in a commanding voice. Most likely, you will come across an irresistible stubbornness. There are two ways to raise these children.

The first is to ask them. Sensitive Aquarians are so kind that they cannot help close person. The second is to play on curiosity. The greatest concern to parents is the disorganization and absent-mindedness of the Aquarius girl. She can get so carried away with her fantasies that she forgets to do her homework. The sooner you start developing discipline and a love of order, the sooner you will be able to deal with this problem.

Compatibility horoscope: zodiac sign Aquarius girl characteristic - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

A woman who was born under the constellation Aquarius has a graceful appearance and a sharp mind, which she does not consider it necessary to hide. Her judgments often shock and amaze other people, she looks at everything in a completely different way. But this does not mean that her view of the world is wrong. It's just that only Aquarius can look at the problem from such an unexpected angle. She is creative, determined and loves to shock the audience. The Aquarius woman will not follow the beaten path, she will find her own. Her life does not flow in one direction, but is constantly changing - she finds new hobbies, new acquaintances, loves to travel and get vivid emotions. Her life is multifaceted, this woman is easy-going and at any time can break away in search of new adventures.

Characteristics of the Aquarius woman

Astrological characteristic Aquarius claims that a woman born under this sign has the following qualities: a sense of humor and sociability, a disregard for conventions and extravagant behavior, a love of freedom and a creative approach to any business.

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The Aquarius woman loves to make acquaintances simply out of curiosity and the desire to get to know people better. This zodiac sign can behave unpredictably and illogically. But, oddly enough, men find this trait very attractive.

The Aquarius woman is used to looking to the future. All her thoughts are directed forward, she perceives the past only as an experience. This sign of the Zodiac is not vindictive, therefore, it easily goes through life, quickly forgiving offenders. The astrological characteristic notes that her intuition is very developed. Some Aquarius have the gift of foresight, which helps in work and relationships.

Appearance and health

Aquarius woman loves to look bright and unusual. A slender figure, a proud posture and smooth movements, combined with a bold and extravagant manner of dressing, attract the interested glances of others to the female Aquarius. The characterization of the appearance of a representative of this zodiac sign is impossible without a description of a radiant smile and an open look of huge eyes. The Aquarius girl looks like a princess from Disney cartoons.

The Aquarius woman is a refined, secular, mannered person. She feels an innate aristocracy, a breed, she, like a queen, always looks stunning, graceful, behaves somewhat arrogantly with others. Her wardrobe meets all the canons of fashion, style, taste. Skillfully combines outfits and accessories, her image is an individuality, originality.

Despite the vigor and surprisingly strong energy, the health characteristics of this zodiac sign suggests that she often feels unwell. This is usually explained by the crazy rhythm of life on the verge of possibilities and the dependence of health on the psychological state. Vulnerabilities are the heart and blood vessels, eyesight, tendons and ligaments. Aquarians are highly likely to develop nervous disorders and neuralgic problems.

Work, career and professions

An Aquarius woman is suitable for a job where you can express yourself, use non-standard solutions and creative methods. Usually an unassembled sign becomes serious and responsible after receiving an important task. The employer may not worry about the work entrusted to the representative of this sign. She will work at night, mobilize all her strength, but she will do everything on time and in the best way.

Aquarius females have outstanding oratory skills. She knows how to be convincing and find the key to even the most difficult interlocutor. The professional characteristic suggests that the Aquarius girl can achieve significant success in trading or mediation. The sign has original creative thinking, thanks to which it often finds itself at the origins of creating completely new things or projects.

The Aquarius woman is an excellent boss for subordinates: wise and fair. But sometimes work can suffer from this, the sign does not like to give orders and control other people. A representative of this astrological period may not get along with the leadership if an atmosphere of psychological pressure or total surveillance is created at work. It is best to set a goal for Aquarius according to the sign of the Zodiac and provide complete freedom of action, then the result will exceed all expectations.

The Aquarius girl can become a talented teacher. She loves to share knowledge, feels other people keenly and does not press her authority. Children love and respect such teachers. Representatives of this zodiac sign are suitable for creative professions in which they can reveal their talents.

The Aquarius woman can be successful in business. This is facilitated by an intuitive understanding of what will bring profit, a careful calculation of all risks and playing ahead of the curve. Unfortunately, she won't be able to make a lot of money. The sign does not appreciate material wealth; for him, the process of creating something new is more important for him.

Relationships, love and marriage

A man often cannot understand his beloved, born under this zodiac sign: her attitude can change very quickly for no apparent reason. The Aquarius woman in love sometimes pushes her partner away, sometimes she herself reaches out to him. loving husband rank should leave her enough personal space and not worry about the fidelity of the chosen one. The sign will not go for treason as long as he has at least a drop of romantic feelings.

For Aquarius, it doesn't really matter. financial situation and social status of the chosen one. A man can be naked like a falcon at the beginning of a relationship, but if the sign sees potential in him, he can lead his beloved to career heights and good earnings.

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In sex, for an Aquarius woman, it is important not only intimate part but also spiritual closeness. A man must first interest the representative of the sign with personal qualities, and only after that he can count on a closer relationship. According to astrologers, the Aquarius girl is not too passionate and temperamental in bed.

Marriage is taken seriously. A woman born in this astrological period does not seek marriage. The sign fears that the man will restrict her freedom and forbid her to lead an active social life. The person she chooses to be her husband must pass more than one test, test and trick. The main requirement is that the man does not interfere with her development in the profession, to move freely without reports and attacks of jealousy. This man should allow her to lead a relaxed, comfortable lifestyle, without encroachment and strict obligations. A loving Aquarius woman will not betray, she will cherish relationships, family, reciprocate her companion.

The Aquarius woman is not designed to be a good housewife. Dust on the cupboards and a tasteless dinner are compensated by the cheerfulness and sincere cordiality with which she welcomes guests. A mother with this zodiac sign from the cradle raises a personality from a baby, becoming not a mentor, but a friend to her child.

Aquarius Woman with other Zodiac Signs

Woman with the zodiac sign Aquarius: horoscope and characteristics

A woman born under the Aquarius zodiac sign is active and charming. She becomes the soul of the company, where she does not go, thanks to her bright appearance and sharp mind.

The Aquarius woman loves to dress unusually and stylishly, even if she does not dress according to the latest fashion.

representative of this zodiac sign likes to do as he sees fit, despite public opinion. In general, by nature, this person is quite windy and freedom-loving. It is the variability of the character and the mystery of Aquarius that attracts representatives of the opposite sex.

The characteristic of a woman of the zodiac sign Aquarius is such that she can analyze any situation, thanks to her excellent intuition. It should be noted that many psychics and clairvoyants are born under this sign.

Aquarius woman: characteristic

The Aquarius woman is endowed with an excellent ability to conduct intelligent conversations and disputes. She respects the opinions and feelings of the interlocutor and does not try to make him think like her.

Despite the fact that outwardly she is modest and reserved, no one in the world can force her to any action.

The representative of this zodiac sign does not tie the knot with someone she knows little. Before that, she must fully explore all the possibilities, financial possibilities, social status and character of the future husband.

This lady approaches marriage with particular seriousness, as she is afraid of losing her freedom and devoting herself to one single person. She can have a successful marriage with someone who will not be ready to make jealous scenes and not try to limit her freedom.

Aquarius woman personality

An Aquarius woman is never alone, because she has so many friends and admirers. Despite this fact, if she is already in love, she will not cheat on her soul mate.

The Aquarius girl prefers not to share her secrets even with her closest people.

This lady is very patient, thanks to which she does not arrange scandals and scenes of jealousy. In addition, she does not rummage through her husband's personal correspondence and does not spy on him, but it should be remembered that she will not tolerate treason, since she herself is not capable of betrayal.

As a mother, this lady often does not advertise her feelings. In fact, she is very proud of her child and nurtures a personality in him from birth.

Aquarius: characteristics and description

Find out all the most interesting things about Aquarius. This information will help you succeed in relationships with a representative of this sign, avoid quarrels and find common interests.

Aquarius girl

The Aquarius girl resembles an unusual and exotic plant, which should be constantly monitored and cherished. Basically, they are quite mysterious, they do not show their emotions in public, so that this weakness cannot be exploited. Even in the most difficult situations, she does not panic and remains calm and impassive. However, her temperament is such that she most often hovers in the clouds, but this does not prevent her from working efficiently and productively. Such young ladies love everything unusual and exotic, they read psychological books, go in for sports.

She has a restrained and strict mindset, however, with close people and friends, she opens up and literally radiates with happiness, giving positive emotions to other people. She has a kind of inner core and does not give up in difficult situations. However, she does not go ahead, she will rather find a way out of the situation, which would not have occurred to others. She goes her own way, for which she is well prepared. If we talk about her character, then she will not agree to stand at the stove, like a normal housewife, and cook pies for her husband. Rather, it is he who will please her and take care of everyday life, while she is used to constantly working.

Her range of interests is quite wide. She is fond of dancing, goes in for sports, dresses beautifully, but she is not only interested in things. She loves high-quality and interesting communication in which she realizes herself. She has a lot of familiar men with whom only friendly relations. If we talk about love, then she has only one lover and she does not change him. She can be fond of magic, draw beautifully. In life, she values ​​\u200b\u200bfreedom very much and will not allow it to be somehow limited.

The main characteristics are the restraint of feelings and the calmness that she maintains in the most difficult situations. She does not tend to throw out her emotions on others, she does this when she plays sports. She is rarely jealous and completely unsuspecting, trusting others who can use this quality of her character. She should be more careful in her relationships, communicate only with trusted people. She will not stoop to make a scandal and thus lose her reputation in the eyes of her lover.

Relationships with lovers and friends

She has developed self-esteem, she never behaves unreasonably, all her actions are thought out and logically justified. Despite the fact that she is quite freedom-loving, she remains faithful to her beloved spouse if it comes to marriage. She also loves animals very much, in her apartment there is a cat or a small dog, they help from loneliness at a time when she does not have a lover. She prefers not to hide her feelings when she is alone and often communicates with friends for a long time to compensate for the lack of love.

She has a lot of friends, she knows how to make friends and maintains positive relationships with others. She rarely quarrels with her friends, as she considers them an integral part of her life. It is almost never possible to deceive her, she always reveals the truth, no matter how unpleasant it may be. She can sometimes act harshly, but this is due to the fact that she is prone to bad moods. She knows a lot of ways to raise it.

If you are interested in additional information about Aquarius girls, we advise you to watch this video.

She is most attracted to people who are not like others, extraordinary and freedom-loving, like her. She does not want to lie and prefers to always tell the truth. Sometimes others don't like it, but she doesn't see the point in pretending. Aquarius is inquisitive and curious, she prefers to constantly discover something new in life. She greatly appreciates music and often knows how to play some kind of musical instrument herself. She has a lot of hobbies.

They have the following character traits:

She has a sweet and unusual style in communication, always interested in others and their lives, but does not allow herself to get into their personal lives, considering it just private property. She does not like being asked about her personal life, although she is quite open in communication. But this quality is manifested in another way, she appreciates when she can tell a person some of her secrets. But he does not want to gossip at the same time. She never sets herself the goal of marrying a rich man who will provide for her, she is able to achieve everything on her own. For this purpose, she works hard, which does not prevent her from sometimes indulging in dreams.

Such girls can carry on a conversation on absolutely any topic, as they are quite educated and smart, they have a sharp intellect and the same humor. They appreciate cheerful young people who can cheer you up. They are always interesting and never boring. They are also able to support male interests, such as fishing together or just swimming. They can visit art galleries together where they can enjoy art. Such young ladies choose a chosen one for a very long time and painstakingly. In conclusion, it should be added that the girls of this sign are not only very hardworking, but also sincere, they will always be fine with them.

Aquarius woman - characteristics and horoscope

Aquarius woman is the most mysterious and unusual among all the signs of the zodiac. Like all signs related to the element of Air, she is endowed with high intelligence, sociability and artistry. The Aquarius man, in comparison with her, is more calm and does not have such a rebellious character, this is not surprising, because women are always more emotional than men.

Characteristics of the Aquarius woman

What does an Aquarius woman like?

Aquarius woman love

The sexual life of the Aquarius woman

The representative of this sign knows exactly what is the most important erogenous zone any man is his mind, therefore, in order to excite him, it is enough for her to whisper various obscenities into his ear and this will affect him more than her naked appearance. Having completely liberated herself, she will agree to everything that her partner will offer her, just to give him an unforgettable pleasure.

  • Aquarius girl - characteristic

    Since by nature it is a freedom-loving nature, she always does as she pleases. According to the characteristics, the Aquarius girl is most often the owner, if not the most beautiful, then the most impressive appearance in the company.

    Aquarius girl - her characteristic

    A lot of people have a special way of dressing unusually. The main thing for them is to be different from the rest. Thanks to this, communication with them is not annoying and boring.

    They are characterized by charm, modesty and timidity, which, when communicating, can easily turn into a fountain of passion that will confuse even those men who understand female psychology.

    It is believed that the gift of foresight also characterizes the zodiac sign Aquarius. A girl in the Middle Ages with such a gift would be a victim of the Inquisition. Not everyone can understand Aquarius thinking in any particular direction. To do this, you need to learn to live tomorrow.

    The character of the Aquarius girl

    The miscalculation of future plans does not at all prevent the Aquarius girl from flying in the clouds, while working efficiently and responsibly. They can do a lot with their own hands. The only thing that can stop them is strict discipline.

    Often such actions look like opposition to society. However, in their actions they are guided by common sense. They set some final goal, path and methods, achievements that are known only to them.

    Aquarius girl in a relationship

    Women - Aquarius have another feature - they skillfully conduct conversations on various topics and at different levels. Usually they respect the interlocutor, and will never impose their opinion.

    A pleasant impression is made due to restraint, modesty and grace of manners. But when you try to impose your opinion on them, limit their freedom, they close and become inaccessible for subsequent communication.

    An Aquarius girl will never marry spontaneously. She will find out all the details about the future groom, everything that is possible and impossible to find out. However, such a careful approach does not always make them happy in marriages.

    The fear of giving one's life to one person and limiting one's freedom blocks the path to happiness. It is difficult for a man to be near such a woman. Only on condition that he does not encroach on personal freedom, gives opportunities for experimentation and research, such a marriage will be crowned with success.

    Aquarius - the woman of the future

    The Aquarius woman has a difficult character, but easily converges with people. Aquarians will find a common language with any person, they will be able to please and charm, in general, you will not get bored with them. As a rule, these girls look unusual, bright, catchy and always have their own unique style.

    The nature of the Aquarius woman

    The Aquarius girl is changeable, it is interesting to communicate with her and spend time unusually. Of course, there are modest and even, to some extent, timid Aquarius girls. But, overnight, they can hit you with a real fountain of passions, so that any man will be frightened and confused by surprise.

    The girl of this zodiac sign loves to do only as her heart tells her. These ladies do not accept commitment in any form. Sometimes her actions shock the public. However, she does not set herself the goal of shocking others. Often, among the representatives of this zodiac sign, there are completely unpredictable, unbridled individuals whose behavior remains a mystery to the majority. Although their actions often look eccentric, they still use common sense when doing them. These women always have a clear goal, which they strive for in every possible way.

    The fate of Aquarius is often changeable, but they steadfastly accept blows and believe that a white streak will come soon. As you can see, the nature of Aquarius women is very difficult to understand, but it is worth doing if you want to always have a small holiday next to you.

    Aquarius Career

    Despite their outward disorganization, Aquarius workers are distinguished by a positive characteristic. Although these women are looking to the future, they do not hover in the clouds, but conscientiously do their job. Only one thing disgusts them - a strict routine: they are completely unaccustomed to discipline. It is better for Aquarius to opt for creative professions or to engage in science. The most optimal areas for Aquarius are:

    By choosing a profession from the above areas, they will be able to reach their full potential.

    Aquarius in love

    No matter how unusual the Aquarius woman may seem, sex plays a secondary role in her life. Personal relationships are more important to her, and feelings are valued much higher. With her beloved, she shows tenderness, sensuality, but if the chosen one does not live up to her expectations, then the passion quickly fades away.

    Aquarians get married early, because they are afraid to even think about a lonely life. With her husband they are often cold, sentimentality is not characteristic of them. Children for them are in the first place, then friends, well, and then only the husband. You should tie your family life with a beautiful representative of this sign, only if you are not afraid of such a characteristic.

    Aquarians value freedom very much, and not only their own, but also their spouse. Therefore, such a woman will never roll scandals, be jealous and ask where her chosen one was at 11.30. Changes extremely rarely, appreciates traditions, the institution of marriage. A loving husband will always appreciate the positive qualities of his chosen one and will be proud that he got an alien treasure!

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    The real characteristic of a woman of the zodiac sign Aquarius

    Aquarius zodiac woman is an air trine horoscope. Air is the element of movement, inconstancy and contradictions. The abode of this zodiac sign is the cosmic giant Saturn. This is the sign of the horoscope of the fixed triad, in which the element of Air reaches its maximum.

    Characteristics of a woman born under the zodiac sign Aquarius

    In life and love, the girl of the zodiac sign Aquarius is paradoxical. Loyalty means something to her, and she is really faithful, but she does not know how to beautifully open herself to her lover. This is a typical feature of the air trine. To keep this girl, you have to forget about the prohibitions. She can do anything, she needs peace, she needs impressions and friends. She perceives her marriage partner as her closest friend, and if he shows authoritarianism, he will cease to be such, and she will leave.

    The love of a girl of the zodiac sign Aquarius is tender and inspirational, it is a warm breeze, it is a wind that has flown from the coast of an unknown ocean - all this is in the spirit of Aquarius, and so it is combined with other features of the characteristics of a woman of this zodiac sign. But do not think that she lives only in dreams, she is a realist, perfectly oriented in reality.

    This girl is kind and gives the impression of a balanced and calm person, but, for the time being, until she has a new crazy idea that must be realized without fail!

    In general, representatives of the horoscope sign Aquarius have a reputation for being mad, but this does not bother them much. The characteristic of a woman of the zodiac sign Aquarius is complemented by her insight, she does not like deception, and cannot forgive a liar. And in the relationship of people most of all appreciates independence.

    The best stone for a girl of the zodiac sign Aquarius

    She loves everything unusual, unique, and in general, a tendency to extremes in choice is part of the characteristics of a woman of the zodiac sign Aquarius.

    She is perfect for such semi-precious stones as: agate, hyacinth and demantoid. For the representative of this sign of the horoscope, rose quartz, amethyst, lapis lazuli, garnet, sardonyx are significant. Fluorite, crystal and citrine stones can be a wonderful amulet that takes away " evil eye and giving energy.

    Rose quartz has a beneficial effect on the compatibility of the signs of the zodiac, helping the Aquarius girl to become feminine and attractive, and to find a faithful life partner. Lapis lazuli stone will help to strengthen friendship with a woman of the zodiac sign Aquarius, and amethyst will become a confession of sincere love feelings.

    Successful compatibility for love of a woman of the zodiac sign Aquarius

    Compatibility in love with an Aries man can be successful, despite the fact that this is a very rare union. The union with the Gemini man is generally good - fruitful and stable. The relationship of a woman of the zodiac sign Aquarius with a guy according to the horoscope Cancer is a union of lovers, even if there is a legal marriage - tender feelings do not weaken, and the union has existed for many years.

    Good love compatibility with a Leo man, one of the most successful unions with a Libra man. Prospective compatibility of the signs of the zodiac Aquarius and Sagittarius, because in an emotional aspect they are very similar. A family with a Capricorn man is similar to business cooperation, it is useful for Capricorn of a high social status.

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  • Aquarians are mysterious and contradictory natures. These are people who initially have an internal conflict. They often combine many opposing beliefs: the desire for comfort and financial security and external contempt for material values, the desire to appreciate their originality and not flaunting their personal qualities. These are people who are constantly looking for new knowledge and new sensations. What can be the characteristic of an Aquarius woman according to the zodiac sign? It is changeable, like the one who patronizes her air element, personality.

    Women of this sign always attract the attention of others. If nature does not endow them with a beautiful appearance, then they have more than enough charm. And combined with wit, good feeling humor and grace of movements, she invariably becomes the center of any company.

    Aquarius women are distinguished by their bright charisma

    The character of the Aquarius girl is not easy. She changes so quickly that it is difficult to identify her constant style and demeanor.

    Today it can be cold and distant, but tomorrow it is a real volcano of passions and emotions.

    Therefore, not everyone is able to stay with her for a long time. But what her fans and friends should not be afraid of is boredom.

    It was these women who were once burned at the stake. Indeed, many representatives of this sign are endowed with the gift of foresight and prediction. They usually have a well-developed intuition, which helps them a lot in life. The essence of these women is in constant change, the desire to find something new.

    Aquarians have strong intuition

    Compatibility of Aquarius women with other zodiac signs

    Love for Aquarius is very important. She rarely forgets her first real feeling. And when her love is mutual, it is given to her completely and with passion. Which of the 12 zodiac signs suits her best? With whom are the chances of building a long and happy relationship higher?

    male zodiac sign Compatibility level
    Aries We can safely say that Aries and Aquarius have best compatibility. Yes, there will never be stability and monotony in their marriage. But after all, both are only happy with this turn of events. Even their first meeting is a firework of experiences and emotions. As well as their entire subsequent life together.
    Taurus The grounded Taurus and the impetuous Aquarius girl are too different to make up. harmonious couple. But if they really love each other and want to be together, they can keep the family together. Although much more often this marriage ends in divorce.
    Twins Thanks to the same element, this perfect man for Aquarius. It seems that they are meant for each other from birth. It is easy for them to understand a partner, both constantly gush with ideas and strive to translate them into reality.
    Crayfish Aquarius and Cancer have too different vectors. The gaze of a man is directed to the past, to maintaining traditions and love for stability, and air sign belongs more to the future. She is too open and unusual to build the kind of marriage that the calmer Cancer likes.
    a lion Leo and Aquarius have two options for the development of relations. Or they, as opposites, successfully complement each other, consciously and patiently building relationships. Or it will be a bright but short romance, after which they will go their separate ways.
    Virgo Virgo and Aquarius are not compatible on all fronts. She loves outings and originality, and he is a homebody by nature, afraid of eccentric women and not ready to take risks. Both in everyday life and in love, they have too many contradictions.
    Scales The Libra man and the Aquarius lady are able to make a harmonious and happy couple, although this may seem strange. Freedom-loving Aquarius and a Libra man who is used to being cautious can live together long life sharing hobbies and not wasting time on sorting things out.
    Scorpion In this union, there will definitely not be a calm and quiet harbor. These two signs are too different in nature. Air Aquarius is accustomed to freedom and is not ready to limit it, and the water sign is too possessive to allow any liberties of the spouse in a legal marriage.
    Sagittarius The level of compatibility in this alliance is very high. Both are bright and self-sufficient people, accustomed to independence and the manifestation of their will. They have similar habits and demeanor. But here, both will have to work on relationships.
    Capricorn This couple can find happiness only with deep mutual love. In any case, they will have to solve many contradictions and problems. Aquarius is too freedom-loving and bright for the pragmatic and accustomed to constancy Capricorn.
    Aquarius Although this variant of the couple is common, this does not mean that they are always happy. Two Aquarians are too similar - both are more focused on their desires, it is difficult for them to sacrifice their interests, and in such an alliance one will definitely have to go for it.
    Fish Despite the fact that both have much in common, they are too out of this world to build a strong and happy marriage. In addition, the man in this pair is too passive for a bright and active Aquarius woman.

    Aquarians are wonderful friends who will always come to the rescue.

    How an Aquarius woman behaves in bed

    Sex for representatives of this sign is not in the first place. But at the same time, they see no reason to deny themselves carnal pleasures. For men who do not like monotony and boredom in intimate life, such a woman is just a godsend.

    She loves variety and change of emotions, is open to experiments and always gives herself completely to the process.

    We can say that the Aquarius woman is an ideal lover. At the same time, if you manage to lure her into the bonds of marriage, she is quite capable of becoming faithful and loving wife. Unless, of course, her husband will not limit her freedom and self-expression too much.

    In order to be with her in a private setting, one or two dates are not enough. Aquarians can only trust those who have already been well studied. But then it will not be cutesy or notorious. The air sign will not tolerate being treated just like a sexual partner. She needs complete emotional immersion and involvement, sensitivity to her and attention to her desires. But she herself will be happy to take part in intimate games. She likes to feel that she occupies an important place in a man's life.

    Women of the air sign appreciate the responsiveness of a man in bed

    How to Win an Unpredictable Aquarius Girl

    How to conquer the freedom-loving and bright Aquarius girl? Despite her controversial nature, she is always surrounded by friends and comrades. She is appreciated for her responsiveness and desire to always come to the rescue. But that doesn't mean she's easy to like. Aquarians are very meticulous in choosing a partner. Because of their natural love of freedom, it is quite difficult for them to decide on a serious relationship. At the same time, a man must understand the difficult nature of his partner and respect her right to personal space. Only such a man will she trust.

    Seducing her is also not an easy task. She is not a hypocrite, but she will not go to bed with the first person she meets. It is important that she feel the response of a man, his desire not only to spend the night with her, but to protect and appreciate her, to be equal with her. In relationships, the air sign is not prone to excessive jealousy and suspicion. She will not follow every step of the chosen one and check his mail. But if she finds out about infidelity, you can safely put an end to further relationships.

    In order to fall in love with a representative of the sign, you will have to work hard and be patient. Do not fetter her freedom, including in communication.

    You should not immediately call her down the aisle and promise a calm harbor - routine and stagnant water are not for her

    Aquarius cannot be acquired through money. She needs a man, first of all, with remarkable intelligence, a good sense of humor, the ability to appreciate human qualities in others and not live by prejudice. She doesn't focus on looks. But she chooses as partners what she likes in every sense. You don't have to be Brad Pitt to be her number one. True, Aquarius is unlikely to associate himself with a man who does not look after himself at all.

    Once that woman is gone, it's almost impossible to get her back. She prefers not to step on the same rake twice. Therefore, it is better to immediately make an effort so as not to lose her trust and love.

    The freedom of the Aquarius woman cannot be limited

    How to understand that an Aquarius girl is in love

    What does an Aquarius girl in love look like? With representatives of air signs in this regard, it is difficult. They, like the wind itself, are elusive. She can be affectionate, and the next moment already cold and aloof. Her courtesy and politeness should not be taken as a sign of sympathy. Usually Aquarians eschew serious relationships. But they are capable of deep feelings, which for the most part grow out of friendship. Therefore, the girl herself will not immediately understand when her friendship turned into love.

    The love of an Aquarius girl often begins with friendship.

    What to choose a gift for an Aquarius woman

    On the eve of the holiday, you are thinking what to give the Aquarius lady? The main advice is to refrain from platitudes. Forget about standard kits from the nearest store. An original person should be presented with original gifts. If desired, you can even replace the flowers with an unusual bouquet - for example, from fruits or sweets.

    Approach the choice of a present with imagination. Listen carefully to what the Aquarius girl herself would like. She will appreciate your attention to her needs and desires. But don't ask her that question. Aquarians love surprises and surprises. Give something that will take her breath away, something that will make her eyes light up, something that will surprise her. And you won't go wrong.

    Aquarians value originality in gifts.

    How Aquarius Woman Loves – Aquarius Woman in Love

    To understand how Aquarius Woman loves, imagine her native air element. He is elusive, now here, and in a minute already somewhere far away. Now it is warm, affectionate, and after a while it is already cold or will disappear altogether, as if it never existed. Aquarius is unpredictable air. So the Aquarius woman in love is changeable, changeable, sometimes fickle, and sometimes completely unpredictable. It is difficult to guess what to expect from her next.

    Aquarius woman attracts a man with her sociability, openness, democratic views. She is so sweet and kindly able to communicate that sometimes one gets the impression of her sincere sympathy and interest. True, of course there is interest. She is interested in everything, new, unusual, she needs new information, food for thought.

    But as for sympathy, her courtesy does not yet express it one hundred percent. She just has good manners and knows how to listen to the interlocutor, sometimes answering him what he wanted to hear. But she can keep her opinion to herself.

    In addition, she loves to flirt, flirt, catch the enthusiastic glances of men and stand out with her unusual behavior, character and manners. Moreover, the opinion of those around her may be completely indifferent.

    In a relationship, she tries not to let anyone close to her. Her communication is more windy, and her interests often change very quickly. Moreover, she can promise, but there is no guarantee that the promised will be done. She may forget about it altogether.

    Sometimes it seems that she is on her own. On the one hand, she needs company, friends, communication, and on the other hand, she remains true to her ideals, wants to show independence and, as it were, on her own.

    Everything that concerns feelings and emotions is difficult for her to understand, since she relates to life rationally. And it is difficult to accept your feelings, because in this way you can lose independence and freedom, which is very important for her.

    She prefers open relationships, without obligations and responsibilities. Everything serous often repels her. But this happens until she has really serious feelings. Often they are born out of friendship.

    She likes to be friends with men. Often she herself does not notice when more serious feelings began. Her actions are unpredictable. It can easily change the decision, if at first she opposed a serious relationship, then she can quickly change her mind and decide on marriage.

    Positive Qualities of an Aquarius Woman in Love

    • Democracy
    • Humanity
    • good nature
    • Sociability
    • informative
    • erudition
    • Ingenuity
    • unusual
    • Originality
    • Ease

    Negative Qualities of an Aquarius Woman

    • Irresponsibility
    • unpredictability
    • frivolity
    • Detachment
    • Cold
    • unemotionality
    • inconstancy
    • Windiness

    See also Character of Aquarius Characteristics of people of the elements of Air

    Aquarius woman in bed

    The Aquarius woman in bed loves everything unusual, which can bring a lot of new impressions. Conventions, traditions, conservatism are alien to her. But most of all, she is attracted by the mind and thinking of a man, how sociable, interesting he is, as a person and personality.

    Sometimes she is drawn to unusual personalities. To intimate relationships easy attitude, sometimes friendship can be combined with sex. Likes communication on intimate topics, even in bed. Words, information, and not the silent fulfillment of marital duties are important to her. More excites the mind of a man, and not the caress and tenderness itself.

    See also Aquarius in sex

    Who suits an Aquarius woman

    An Aquarius woman is suitable for a man with unusual views on life. Who can not live without communication and impressions. And he relates to relationships easily and does not dramatize life's troubles.

    Aquarius woman will be easy with a man

    • Sociable
    • erudite
    • original
    • Active
    • positive
    • Democratic
    • Compromise

    It will be difficult for an Aquarius woman with a man

    • Conservative
    • Strict
    • taciturn
    • pedantic
    • domineering
    • authoritarian
    • egocentric
    • Serious
    • Demanding
    • inert

    Aquarius woman in a relationship with a man


    How to Win an Aquarius Woman

    To win an Aquarius woman, you must first make friends with her. Often, her feelings arise unexpectedly, unpredictably, and after a short friendship. She easily converges with people, contact, sociable, inquisitive. The main thing is not to limit her freedom and independence.

    For her, the main thing is that a man be an interesting conversationalist, able to give her a lot of unforgettable impressions and interesting information, constantly surprise or shock with something. best sense this word.

    See also How to conquer an Aquarius woman How to conquer an Aquarius woman

    Aquarius woman in marriage

    Many Aquarius women believe that there is much more interesting in life than standing at the stove and doing household chores. Her interests are focused on the outside world, everything related to information, communication, helping other people. Sometimes she cares about others more than about her family.

    Often there is little time left for household chores and worries. Why their quality leaves much to be desired. But on the other hand, not all Aquarius women are practical and thrifty. There is no particular desire for order, cleanliness, rules. Any restrictions only strain, and the monotonous life repels.

    But there is a craving for everything new, unusual. Often, an Aquarius woman has a lot of new technology in the house, which allows her to do all the housework as quickly as possible, so that there is still time for communication. The media are also important to her in the house, the more the better. Her attitude to the arrangement of the family is democratic. In her opinion, everyone has the right to live the way they want, the main thing is not to prohibit, but to give complete freedom of action.

    See also the appearance of Aquarius

    How to get an Aquarius woman back

    A feature of the sign of Aquarius, as described above, is its unpredictability. And this means that the woman's behavior of the Aquarius woman to a greater or lesser extent will be somewhat unpredictable.

    For example, she not only easily and naturally converges with people and gets acquainted, but also can quickly part and disperse for her, it is not difficult for her, she can immediately end the relationship without regrets. In addition, she is not characterized by emotional addiction, nostalgic memories of pleasant moments of the past. She lives in the future and is interested in everything that is happening now, and she quickly forgets what has already passed.

    Therefore, returning the Aquarius woman is not always easy. Although there are cases that, having left, she can change her position and return herself or transfer relations into the category of friendly, friendly. Then there is more hope for her return.

    See also how to get an Aquarius woman back How to make peace with an Aquarius woman

    It is worth noting that this article contains only a description of the zodiac sign, that is, only the position of the sun in the zodiac sign is described. When there are many other planets and aspects involved in shaping the character, behavior, habits, of a person. If you need the help of an astrologer or want to find out more detailed information about yourself or a person you are interested in, use the astrological services on our website.

    Astrological Services developed by professional astrologers. And they will help you to find out more specific and interesting information, taking into account the position of all the planets, aspects based on your individual horoscope. Before ordering, you can see an example of a horoscope.

    Aquarius woman in love - what is she like? What kind of man does an Aquarius woman need?

    Aquarius women are bright, sociable, sincere and completely unusual. Such girls literally burst into the life of another person and make it completely different. And the natural attractiveness, extraordinary appearance and lack of complexes make them extremely popular with the opposite sex. And today, many are interested in what is an Aquarius woman in love? What qualities does it have? How to make her happy?

    Aquarius Woman: General Characteristics of the Sign

    Such women without a twinge of conscience can be called incredible bright personalities. This is facilitated by their unusual appearance, as well as addiction to original outfits. For example, a girl can wear her great-grandmother's blouse and leather pants without hesitation. This approach always gives them the opportunity to remain in the spotlight - that's what they crave.

    Such a woman is incredibly sociable - she always has many friends, and of both sexes. Often it is she who becomes the soul of the company. The purpose of her life is the search for originality, the pursuit of something new and unusual. Routine and gray everyday life make her mortally bored up to depression.

    Aquarius in communication

    As already mentioned, representatives of this sign cannot imagine their life without constant communication and new acquaintances - they need it no less than air. They are erudite and well-read, so it is easy to talk with them.

    Such a woman chooses friends regardless of gender, age, nationality, religious beliefs - the main thing is that it is interesting to communicate with a person. Since she openly discusses intimate topics, many men can perceive her as an object for bed comforts - Aquarius cannot stand this, as she wants to be evaluated primarily as a person.

    What job is suitable for an Aquarius woman?

    Such a lady is suitable for any profession that makes it possible to show and use her creative potential. Do not forget that Aquarius is always in search of something new. A woman will give herself completely to any work.

    Good gardeners, fashion designers, designers come out of such girls - these classes provide a huge scope for constant experimentation. Often, Aquarius women choose the profession of a teacher or educator for themselves - here they are constantly trying to improve their teaching technique, teaching children a non-standard approach.

    In fact, any more or less creative profession is suitable for such a woman. But for them it is extremely important that there is the prospect of growth: as soon as the highest limit is reached, the work becomes uninteresting.

    Aquarius woman: love horoscope

    Such a woman is changeable in love. She often starts short-term intrigues, but it is not always easy to persuade her to marry, since these obligations are perceived as a kind of cage.

    Aquarius woman in love often behaves coldly, and sometimes a little distant. This does not make her an “ice queen” at all, it’s just that it’s not easy to show your emotions, especially in public.

    Do not worry if your companion does not ask about your life - it is likely that she managed to study you well even before the relationship began. Such people tend to remember even the little things, carefully analyzing them and making up a portrait of a partner.

    Such a woman is not too emotional, she never finds fault with trifles, she is not jealous or offended, she always shows tolerance. Some men consider her an ideal partner who never causes unnecessary problems. On the other hand, you should respect her personal space, love her friends and don't demand too much - excessive affection and attempts to control everything will make a woman leave.

    Aquarius woman: sexual horoscope

    What kind of man is suitable for a woman of this sign?

    Of course, an Aquarius woman in love can be a real treasure. But she is special, therefore, for complete happiness, she needs an appropriate partner. She needs a person who will not only be able to accept all her "strangeness" and some of her character traits, but also help to discover something new in herself. So what kind of man is suitable for an Aquarius woman?

    This sign develops a good relationship with Aries, who are ready to praise the charms of a woman, instill in her confidence and self-love. But with Gemini, a girl born under the sign of Aquarius will be able to recognize herself from a completely different perspective - this couple will always be open to new proposals and ready for extreme, sometimes even reckless tricks.

    The union of Aquarius and Leo will be wonderful. Despite the fact that a woman at first will feel a little constrained by the possessive habits of Leo, she will be able to realize herself. Lions, in turn, can expand their worldview.

    Aquarius women are suitable for Libra. These men are also a little "out of this world" and do not burden themselves with thoughts about the future or eternal fidelity. Together they will be able to sincerely enjoy today, forgetting about future problems.

    The union of Aquarius and Sagittarius can become harmonious. A man will be pleased to see a spectacular woman next to him, while a partner will like the easy attention of her beloved. Together they can indulge in dreams.

    By the way, the Aquarius man is perfect for such a woman, who will understand her perfectly. But such couples rarely have children, because they are so absorbed in each other that a third (even a child) will always be superfluous.

    We look further at the love horoscope. An Aquarius woman is unlikely to get along with a man born under the signs of Taurus, Scorpio and Cancer. Naturally, such pairs are often formed, and at the initial stages, all differences in character and worldview seem even very tempting. But relationships usually end quickly.

    What will a woman be like in marriage?

    Aquarius woman in love is just as extraordinary and unpredictable as in other areas of life. Quite often, such girls get married at an early age, and just as often the first marriage ends in divorce.

    If you dream of tying such a woman to the kitchen and loading her with household chores, then you can leave such attempts. Your wife will do first of all what she sees fit. And although Aquarius rarely go to conflict, if you need to defend your own principles or outlook on life, a woman will stand her ground to the last.

    It should be noted some other features that an Aquarius woman possesses. The characteristic in love of such a girl should include another important character trait - she is not prone to suspicion. This is not the kind of wife who will rummage through your things or go through your phone lists. After all, she has so many interests that there is no time left for surveillance. On the other hand, if you give her serious reasons to distrust, the woman will simply walk away.

    Most often, Aquarius spouses remain faithful. On the other hand, an affair on the side is not excluded, especially if a woman manages to meet a suitable man. But in this case, she will most likely simply end the relationship that has fallen into decay.

    Aquarius woman as mother

    In fact, it is often difficult for such a woman to adapt to the role of a mother. After all, there are so many colors in her life, so many things worthy of attention. And now the child becomes the center of her life - this can cause confusion.

    But be that as it may, Aquarius adapts relatively quickly to the situation. Such women become good, caring mothers who from childhood teach the child to sincerity and truthfulness.

    Famous women born under this sign

    In order to more accurately demonstrate the character traits of a woman of this sign, it is worth mentioning some well-known representatives of the fair sex.

    Under this star, many extraordinary women were born, including the world-famous soothsayer Vanga, as well as the singer Anna German. Also Aquarians are Irina Slutskaya, Lyubov Orlova, Irina Muravyova, Jennifer Aniston, Vera Brezhneva, Yulia Savicheva and Paris Hilton. Each of them became famous precisely because of their outstanding appearance, natural charm and complex character.

    Woman - Aquarius: who is she and what kind of man does she need?

    Women who were born under the sign of Aquarius, nature endowed with wit, charm, grace, elegance. They have a bright, amazing appearance and often find themselves in the company, if not the most beautiful, then the most interesting. A lot of Aquarius women tend to dress unusually: with equal success, they can put on something dug out of their grandmother's chest, and corresponding to the latest fashion. The same extremes can appear in haircuts and hairstyles, and they will necessarily differ from the rest.

    The variability of women of this zodiac sign makes communication with them very interesting and boring. Charming, modest and even timid Aquarians can suddenly strike the interlocutor with a whole fountain of passions, forcing even men who consider themselves experts in female psychology to be confused. A woman of this sign leads and does as she pleases, regardless of any conventions. Obligations as such - both foreign and their own - are categorically unacceptable for her. Among Aquarius there are completely unpredictable, unbridled ladies, whose behavior remains a complete mystery to others.

    Women of this sign have the ability to adapt to any situation, to any conditions, including thanks to an excellently developed intuition. It is believed that Aquarians have the gift to accurately predict future events. Women with such abilities in the Middle Ages usually turned out to be victims of the Inquisition.

    Not everyone can understand why Aquarius acts or thinks one way or another. In order to get closer to understanding the inner world of this woman, a person must also live tomorrow.

    Striving for the future does not at all prevent Aquarius women from hovering in the clouds, not being lazy, but conscientiously working. Much, if not all, they are able to do with their own hands. The only thing that disgusts them is strict discipline. The brilliance, grace inherent in the representatives of this sign are manifested even in small, insignificant matters.

    Being by nature very freedom-loving natures, Aquarius women always do as they please, and from the outside it often looks like a challenge to society. However, they are guided by common sense. They have a certain clear end goal in front of them, to which they strive, choosing methods and means known only to themselves.

    Aquarius women have such a feature as the ability to masterfully conduct a conversation, and at different levels. Talking, arguing with them is a pleasure. Representatives of this sign respect the personality of the interlocutor and do not seek to impose their opinion, by all means to convince the opponent that they are right. Restraint, modesty, elegance of manners contribute to a pleasant impression. At the same time, they do not allow attempts to suppress their will, to impose an opinion, becoming inaccessible for further continuation of contact.

    Aquarians never marry the first person they meet. Before putting on the finger wedding ring, a woman of this sign will learn everything possible and impossible about the groom, about his potential. But even such a thoughtful approach does not make the representatives of this sign happy in marriage. They are afraid to devote their lives to one person, to completely dissolve in it, which is tantamount to giving up freedom, which is the main life value of Aquarius. It is quite difficult for men to go through life next to them. A successful marriage can only be if the spouse does not encroach on her freedom, leaves her opportunities for research, experimentation, and leisure activities in a friendly circle. Aquarius women do not see their main life purpose to belong exclusively to close ones, to family. They do not belong to anyone and at the same time belong to everyone.

    If in the heart of a woman of this sign settles real love, then she will undoubtedly be faithful to this person. And yet, even a passionately in love Aquarius woman needs freedom.

    There are always many friends near Aquarius, so loneliness for women of this sign does not threaten. A circle of friends can consist of completely different people, and the Aquarius woman will consider the interests of each of them to be her own. If relatives or even just acquaintances have any problems, she tries to carefully analyze them in order to provide assistance, moreover, with a real deed, and not just advice.

    Women protect their secrets from everyone, even close ones. They are honest, do not deceive - they are simply silent about something and do not support frank conversations.

    Aquarians are very tolerant, and jealousy in their eyes is a prejudice. For a representative of this sign, a man will be loved not for good material security or career success. Much more important for her is the ability to be her devoted, kind friend, friend of her friends. Aquarius women see the future of their chosen ones and help them realize the potential given by nature, put their feelings and intellectual abilities at the service of this.

    The representative will not spy on her husband, she is not tormented by suspicion, but she will not forgive the fact of betrayal. A married Aquarius woman will not allow herself novels, because, from her point of view, relations between spouses can only be honest.

    For the rest of her life, memories of her first love remain in her soul. With their former friends, lovers, Aquarius women often maintain good relations.

    The sociable and charming representatives of this sign always have a lot of guests in the house, everyone feels the need for their pleasant company.

    When an Aquarius woman has a child, due to natural restraint, she does not show violent enthusiasm about this and does not openly demonstrate how much she loves her baby. However, from a very early age, he will be a person for her; the Aquarius woman will not punish the child, but she will not patronize too much either.

    In their attitude to the love affairs of Aquarius, women often rush to extremes - between arrogant, aloof coldness and high, ideal feelings. Those born under this constellation are excellent partners for men who are naturally endowed with a weak temperament. Physical attraction and reason in the nature of Aquarius are connected with each other. The sexual sphere of life for women of this sign is not the main one, nevertheless, the love of a partner causes a passionate impulse in her soul and body.

    Aquarius woman in bed

    It should immediately be said that women born under this sign are almost completely devoid of any complexes. They do not even try to hide their sexuality, and therefore often start short-term affairs.

    Aquarius woman in love strives for complete dedication. Accordingly, in bed, she will do everything necessary to satisfy her beloved man. Such partners get the same pleasure from what they give and receive affection. Any whim or fantasy of a partner is fulfilled almost instantly - the Aquarius woman does not have any persistent psychological prejudices.

    By the way, this feature often makes a girl associate her life with older, and sometimes even older partners who need care and comfort. An Aquarius woman can have an affair with an insecure man, as with him she will be able to reach her full potential.

    If we are talking about long-term relationships or marriage, then sex for a woman becomes something routine, but mandatory - a kind of ritual before bedtime. Such a spouse will rarely refuse her husband, as she loves to pay attention.

    Who suits the Aquarius woman

    It is best to chant a partner with Aries. In their adoration, they allow Aquarius to open up and gain wings.

    Gemini act differently: with them, Aquarius women can not hide their recklessness. Such a couple is always ready to realize the most extreme dreams and plans.

    With Libra, Aquarius takes refuge from all earthly problems. Libra and themselves are not of this world, therefore, they will not require classic proofs of love and fidelity. They are great for each other, as their desire to enjoy life without putting any effort is mutual. But, unfortunately, for prosperity they go "to the left", each on his own.

    Who is not suitable for an Aquarius woman

    With the Leo man, she will feel a little constrained because of his jealousy and despotic habits. She won't be able to comprehend the depth of his emotions. Leo, in such an alliance, begins to look more broadly at life, to recognize its intrinsic value. Such partners can hold on to each other with a stranglehold, as they receive much more from the relationship than they put in.

    Not suitable for the Aquarius woman are the men of the earth signs of the zodiac. Relations with them can start and even seem attractive in their own way, but will end in a violent break and division of property. There is little that connects them.

    With Scorpions and Cancers, a similar situation is observed. Aquarius run away from Scorpios, because they can’t stand their anger and anger on the spirit. While Cancers themselves try not to make acquaintances with noisy, smart and overly sought-after "airy" ladies.

    However, trends can change with age.

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